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Compare and Contrast
The Compare/ Contrast Essay First, let's explain compare and contrast: When we compare, we show our readers a subject's similarities. When we
contrast, we show our readers a subject's differences. Compare and Contrast essays are learning–process essays. You learn about your subject as you
gather and organize information. This type of essay takes a bit of organization, and it's this organizational process, this gathering of facts, that helps
you learn as you go. You will create lists of qualities or traits that each of your subjects has, and as you do this, you will discover insights to your
subject that, at first glance, you may not have realized were there. It's like buying a new shirt. The moment you spread it out on your bed, more
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Outline Form for Compare Contrast Essays Thesis Statement
____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Quality #1
for paragraph #2 Specific support_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Comparative
/Contrasting Qualities for paragraph #2 Specific
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Compare And Contrast Game And Console
A gaming computer and console are not the same. A personal computer is also known as a pc. Gaming computers can be used for many things, but
specifically I will talk about the gaming aspect of the gaming computer. There are different companies who develop gaming consoles, but the popular
consoles are the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. In this essay, I will be discussing the similarities and differences of a gamingcomputer and a gaming
console. As for me I am in favor of consoles because that is where I play with my friends.
The major difference between a gaming computer and a gaming console is that people will spend over a thousand dollars on their machines, including
peripherals. Some people who personalize their machine usually has expensive hardware, which is why they say it is better. These lavish computers
usually have 16GB (gigabyte) of RAM, gaming CPUs (central processing unit), gaming motherboards, solid–state drives, and one to two graphics cards.
RAM is an abbreviation of random access memory. In basic terms this means that it stores a copy of the program in the memory sticks. More RAM
usually means that more programs can be opened at one more content...
Both gaming computers and gaming consoles can play the same games when it releases. Some games for gaming computers and gaming consoles
come out at the same time. About a month ago, Microsoft wanted people to play together across platforms. The first game was Rocket League that
would let people on a gaming computer play with PlayStation 4 users. Later Xbox wanted to be a part of it so Microsoft enabled some servers and
modified them to let Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and gaming computer users play together. Microsoft wants to continue to make more games so
individuals can play with other consoles users. With everyone playing together, their friends can play with them even though they are not on the same
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Urban Life Vs. Rural Life
Urban Life vs Rural Life! People always wonder about the similarities and differences between living in the city and living in the countryside. The
majority of people in the world now, prefer to live in cities rather than countrysides. It has been known for a long time that life in the country is
different from life in the city.They both have their own advantages and disadvantages, regarding the way a person chooses to live in either of those
There are many reasons for living in the city, but the main reasons are entertainment, transportation, opportunities, and being able to experience ethnic
diversity. The city provides huge shopping malls, beautiful resorts and amazing views. Time Square is another popular attraction, surrounded by huge
buildings, glowing billboards and the amazing talented street performers making the city come to life. A very unique feeling that would probably be
found only in a city.
For those who do not go to the city for fun, are usually looking for a job. Cities are number one in employment, finding a job wouldn't be too hard
because of the many people living there and of all the services needed. There has been many successful doctors, publishers, entrepreneurs, lawyers and
architects. In a bustling sometimes, overpopulated city everything would need to be bunched up and close together. A city is always a way to receive
a better opportunity. Colleges and schools are almost always successful and give bright, well–educated students amazing opportunities. A majority of
the U.S. population lives in incorporated places or cities, although these areas only make up a small fraction of the U.S. land area, according to a new
report released today by the U.S. Census Bureau. The percentage of the population living in cities in 2013 was highest in the Midwest and West at 71.2
percent and 76.4 percent, respectively. (The United States Census Bureau, Us Census Bureau)
Nevertheless, through advantages arise disadvantages. For example, cities also attract thieves, picket potters, gangs, and hackers. Thieves and picket
potters have many targets. Gangs would easily blend in and avoid cops. Hackers are finding easier ways to hack individuals by one simple word.
Cities don't even have that
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Compare And Contrast Essay On Social Media
Today, social media is greatly utilized. In this essay I'll explain the similarities and differences between Andrea Shea and Josh Rose of how each
feel about social media. Social media is impacting and changing people's everyday lives. Social media now a day is used in everyday lifestyle, and
is easy to connect with others no matter how far they are. In Andrea Shea, Shea expresses how Facebook isn't real. Andrea talks about how people
take so much time to make to take a picture perfect images that its almost fake. People of Facebook try and pretend that their lives are so perfect,
and doing that bringing others down because they want to be just like the person. How people try to make it seem like their having so much fun so
they could have more friends and likes. Andrea expresses the negative and positive about Facebook now a day pretty well. She explains how the good
in Facebook could be bad for some. Like having access to other people's photos being able to trigger emotional pain more content...
They both explain the research and personally from other people about the title. I believe that these two articles are different because of how many
differences and negatives about social media that Andrea had. While Josh Rose explain many more positives about social media then Andrea did.
These two articles also have many similarities though, such as both articles believe that social media is very time consuming. Overall I feel like
the two authors had a strong and support details to their arguments about social media. Social media every day is changing and more and more
people are starting to get connect due to all the positives it has. In our era I believe that people would always want Facebook because of the face of
how many people you meet a how much closer you feel to someone no matter the distance they are. Facebook and social media will continue to
upgrade and become a reliably site for all
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Compare and Contrast Essay
Compare and Contrast
"Young Goodman Brown" and "The Lottery"
By: Melissa A. Reeves
Professor Andrew Smith
ENGL 102–B46 LUO
Thesis Statement
The stories "The Lottery" and "Young Goodman Brown" both appear to show that human behavior and judgment can be flawed, even if the person's
intentions appear good to them. There is a level of fear and underlying evil in Puritan settings in both stories.
I. Introduction/Statement of Thesis
II. Themes and Author's Purpose A. The Lottery i. Just because something has always been done, does not make it right or just; following the crowd
can be dangerously wrong and evil. ii. The author shows through symbolism and storytelling that people can be easily more content...
The theme of the story "The Lottery" is blind acceptance of something just because it is considered tradition. In Jackson's "The Lottery", symbols are
utilized to help show the theme. The name of the story, "The Lottery", itself is a symbol. The term lottery can be viewed, by most, as a good thing, a
hope in winning, but winning the lottery takes on a very different, very dark meaning in Jackson's story. Also, the names of the characters are
symbols as well. For example, Graves is a name that would portray death and Summers is a bright and cheerful name. Also, the name Old Man
Warner would show tradition. Next, is the use of the black box and the black dot on the paper. The color black is showing darkness, evil, and
death. The tradition of the black box is a symbol, in the fact that it is worn and faded, but still used by the villagers. Shirley Jackson conveys the
theme very clearly through the use of symbols. In the end, the villagers are shown to be evil and murderous just because of tradition. The villagers do
not seem to have a problem with murdering others within the lottery because it is what they have always done and no one is going to declare that
what they are doing is wrong. This shows the reader that following blindly can have dangerous consequences. The theme of "Young BrownGoodman"
is that the main character is basing his beliefs and faith on what others in his life believe or have faith in. The theme of "Young Goodman
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Comparison and Contrast Essay
Comparison and Contrast Essay
Definition: In this kind of essay, the aim is to show the similarities and differences of two items, two people, two countries, or how something or
someone has changed. When comparing two things, we focus more on the similarities though we may mention the differences shortly. When
contrasting two things, we point out the differences between them. The most important point to consider while planning a comparison and contrast
essay is choosing comparable items. e.g. Middle East TechnicalUniversity and Bogazici University. We have to make sure that these two items have
enough points to be compared. After writing the comparable points as a list, location, size, reputation, more content...
Language: The two patterns differ in terms of language as well. While pattern 2 is quite straightforward, pattern 1 requires more transitions but the end
product is more understandable for the reader. Some transitions that can be used for showing similarity: similar to, similarly like both ... and ... in
addition moreover
Copyright @ 2006 Bogazici University SFL
2 of 4
COMPARISON AND CONTRAST ESSAY besides likewise in the same way Some transitions indicating difference: different from in contrast to
compared with unlike but, however on the other hand conversely in contrast Do not forget that using transitions enables the piece of writing to be
coherent; it is easier for the reader to follow our ideas when transitions are used to link them together. However, overuse of transitions causes a traffic
jam and should be avoided. We should be using transitions sparingly (only when necessary). Sample comparison contrast essay: METU and Bogazici
University Almost all high school students who would like to further their academic lives in the university search for information about the various
universities of Turkey. Among many universities in Turkey, two of them are the most popular: Middle East Technical University and Bogazici
University. They are considered the best. However, since both cannot be THE BEST, their specialties, facilities and locations need to be examined in
detail to be able to choose the most suitable
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Ps4 vs Xbox One Essay
Matthew Cobb A00467087
PS4 vs xbox one
Matthew Cobb A00467087
PS4 vs xbox one
If you've never touched a video game controller in your life, but do have avid players in your household, you may be in for a bewildering month.
That's because we're on the verge of what the gaming industry excitedly calls 'a new console generation'. In short, the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, once
the most powerful games machines on the planet are being replaced – the former by the Xbox One, the latter by the PlayStation 4 (PS4).
All you really need to know is that both the PS4 and the Xbox One represent a significant leap over their predecessors. Some people in the industry are
suggesting that the Xbox One and PlayStation more content...
Both offer advanced online functionality. The use of cloud computing, which connects your console to remote servers on the internet, may mean we
see a new era of games which have huge online worlds that players can explore together, and that seamlessly grow and evolve over time. We may see
game processing tasks like physics and artificial intelligence being 'outsourced' to the cloud, meaning we see much more advanced simulations and
life–like computer–controlled enemies. It's a truly exciting time.
Right now, it looks like PS4 is the most powerful console, but developers may well learn to exploit the Xbox One in new ways. It's unlikely you'll be
making your buying decision on hardware specifications alone.
Xbox One and PS4 are promising lots of entertainment options that will let you watch movies and listen to music on your console, as well as playing
games. They both have deals with video–on–demand providers like LoveFilm and Netflix, and there will be "free" TV services like YouTube, iPlayer
and 4oD.
Right now, Microsoft seems more ambitious in this area. It has been showing off how you'll be able to connect your cable or satellite set–top box to
Xbox One, letting you control your live TV viewing pleasure through your console and also adding new social and interactive features to the
experience. However, right now, a lot of those options are only
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Comparison And Contrast Essay Topics
Chapter 16, Comparison and Contrast, explains the purpose and functions of comparison and/or contrast essays as well as how to use them in students'
essays. Comparison and contrast means finding similarities, differences, or both. Comparison and contrast essays commonly have three purposes.
First, they are important in expressing ideas. For example, I want to talk about my ideas about hip–hop and rap music so I compare and contrast them.
The second purpose is to inform people. I may want to tell the audience that there are many similarities in two different religions. Third, I can persuade
people through comparing and contrasting two things. For instance, I will argue that reading e–books is better than printed books by comparing and
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Differences: Similarities Between Tris And Four
Same: Tris and Four are very similar in the way they act, talk, and their background in the book. In the book they both switched out of Abnegation to
join the faction of Dauntless. This is a very rare occasion for someone to switch out of abnegation, which is why t is a very important aspect that is
similar. Dauntless are trained to be the attackers, not afraid of anything, Abnegation is supposed to me kind and generous, and because Tris has not
been through dauntless initiation and four has been they are not the same at this moment. Although if you compared Tris to four when four was going
through initiation, they would be at about the same level. During initiation the two of them also got tattoos, which was very hard for both of them,
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Essay on Compare and Contrast
Regina Brown
Mrs. Joarder
Eng. 100
April 5, 2013
Cleaning with Barry and Britt
The act of being habitually and carefully neat and clean can make for an interesting topic in a comparison and contrast essay. Dave Barry compares the
differences of how women and men clean in his compare and contrast essay, Batting Clean– Up and Striking out. In Suzanne Britt's compare and
contrast essay, Neat People vs. Sloppy People she compares the differences of personalities between Sloppy people and neat people. Both essays
compare cleanliness in one way or another however they both have differences regarding their use of humor, examples, and points made in their thesis.
Batting Clean–Up and Striking out and Neat People vs. Sloppy People both more content...
The way Barry and Britt support their points in their compare and contrast essays differ. In Batting Clean–Up and Striking Out, Barry uses lots of
personal stories and factual happenings to explain his opinions. For example, to explain how men are worse at cleaning Barry specifically refers to a
volcano eruption that happened in Pompei because the men, who were in control of the cleaning, did not notice ashes piling up around and in their
houses. In addition, when describing how men are better with sports than woman he refers to a personal story; specifically a story about a dinner
party that he attended where the men were glued to the World Series and the women were still chatting amongst themselves. These forms of examples
are personal stories that offer validity. On the other hand, in Britt's Neat people vs. Sloppy people she uses more dreamt up incidences to explain her
opinions. For example when explaining how neat people are "viscous with their mail" she explains, " All ads, catalogs, pleas for charitable
contributions, church bulletins, and money–saving coupons go straight into the trash can without being opened...No sentimental salvaging of birthday
cards or the last letter a dying relative ever wrote. Into the trash it goes" (256). As seen in this example, Britt uses lots of lists and possible incidents
that could exist to support her points, but do these incidences
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Trade School Vs. College Essay
Trade School vs. College
People are told from a young age that the only way to lead a successful life is to go to college. Although there is no denying of the economic
advantage post secondary learning can provide for a student, college isn't necessarily the only available option. Options like trade school or vocational
training are other reasonable choices. However, trade school is not seen as legitimate as a traditional four year college, and a trade school student is
not seen as having a secure future. The majority of people fail to realize there are hundreds of well paying employment opportunities that do not require
the time, money, and effort needed to get a college degree. Not only does the negative perception of trade school hurt the futures of students, it
ultimately hurts the nation's economy. In order to eliminate the stigma surrounding non traditional schools, students and parents should be exposed to
trade schools and the benefits of pursuing a vocational career.
Trade schools, vocational schools, and technical schools are all educational institutions that teach skills related to a specific job (Hamm). Some
schools provide education as that provided at other colleges and universities. Many schools specialize in particular lines of work that range from
broadcasting to beauty. The skills acquired in trade schools are sometimes referred to as middle skills and are seeked out by employers and jobs that
require more education than a high school diploma, but less
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Athens V.Sparta Compare/Contrast Essay
Athens vs. Sparta
Ancient Greece was comprised of small city–states, of which Sparta and Athens were two. Athens was renowned as a center of wisdom and learning.
The people of Athens were interested in arts, music, and intellectual pursuits. Sparta, on the other hand, was recognized for its military strength. A
Spartan's life was centered on the state, because he lived and died to serve the state. Although the competing city–states of Sparta and Athens were
individually different as well as governmentally diverse, they both managed to become dominating powers in Ancient Greece. Athens became a
democracy under the rule of Solon in 594 B.C. In addition to eliminating serfdom, Solon altered the stringent laws of a previous ruler, more
He did not retire until age sixty.
On the contrary, in the Athenian military, a soldier's rank was decided by his social or economic status before he entered the army. Instituted by Solon
in the sixth century B.C., four classes made up the Athenian social ladder. Defined by income, each class had a certain measure of political
responsibility. The wealthiest class supplied the army with leaders. Called the hippeis or "horsemen," the second class made up the Athenian cavalry.
The third class, called the zeugitai, made up the foot soldier, or hoplite section of the army. Finally, the poorest class, called the thetes, served either as
oarsmen for the Athenian fleet, or as archers on land. In addition, while Spartan soldiers trained for thirteen years, Athenian soldiers only trained for
two years. Thus, while Spartan military rank was determined by a person's performance after entering the army, the soldier's social class predetermined
Athenian military status.
Unlike their husbands, Athenian women were forced to stay indoors at all times. They were controlled by their fathers through childhood and by their
husbands after marriage. Mostly uneducated, except for learning how to read, they spent their time managing the household and slaves. They were only
allowed to leave the house to attend certain religious festivals.
In contrast with Athenian women, Spartan women led a free life and
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Compare And Contrast Anxiety And Depression
There are many similarities between mental disorders like anxiety and depression. Often times, many symptoms of one disorder stem off of having the
other. For example, symptoms of anxiety can be brought on by depressive thoughts, such as thoughts about suicide, and visa versa. The differences,
however, are far more prominent than the ways they are the same. Anxiety is a disorder characterized by fear, doubt, and a sense of vulnerability.
People with anxiety tend to have less noticeable symptoms than people with depression, as symptoms of anxiety are things such as physical
sensations of strong emotions of fear. Depression symptoms are more physical and noticeable from the outside, such as lack of eating or sleep, or lack
of interest in doing things. People with depression may more content...
Anxiety can also run in families, or be caused by outside conditions such as excessive stress, drastic changes in living conditions, or abuse.
Depression on the other hand, is caused by changes in brain chemistry. However, like anxiety, depression can be caused by genetics and medical
conditions that create an imbalance of the brain's chemicals. Depressive episodes often last for days, leaving a person mopey and sluggish, or, on
the other side of the spectrum, frighteningly up, or manic. This is when a person seems to have boundless energy and doesn't sleep for days.
Episodes of anxiety last much shorter periods of time, flaring up and disappearing within the same day. Symptoms of an episode can include
increased heart rate, sweating, and trembling. These can be combatted with controlled breathing, while generally, depressive episodes have to run their
course. Anxiety and depression are two very different, though just as harmful disorders. When you have one, you generally have the other It's a
vicious cycle, but luckily, there are proven ways to break it. Help is an
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Art Work Compare And Contrast
Art Work Compare And Contrast In this assignment task, compare and contrast between two Artist and Painter with different painting style, thesis
statement, analysis, conversation, communicate way on this topic. As the second of a two section program, this presentation highlights around thirty
one works by artists from Iran, the Arab Great world, Turkey, Mountain Country Azerbaijan, and the Northwest Africa, including; Newsha Tavakolian,
Maimouna Guerresi, and Mr. Sherin Guirguis and among others. Newsha Tavakolian, self–trained photographer painting taker, Newsha Tavakolian
started filling in as an expert photographic artist with the Great Iranian press at age 16. Starting at the ladies' every day daily paper, all which have
following more content...
Los Angeles American County Museum of Art is unquestionably a go–to spot for any workmanship fan. In any case, there are some intriguing displays
there that are somewhat out of the way, similar to the one right now at the top floor of the Ahmanson building, which is generally saved for LACMA's
accumulation of authentic Islamic craftsmanship. A few displays there showcase contemporary works by specialists with roots in the Middle East.
This is a second portion of a two–section show, Islamic Art Now, and comprises of around 30 works by craftsmen artist from Iran, the Arab world,
Turkey, Azerbaijan, and North Africa, among
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The Dark Game Vs Code Book Essay
The Code Book by Simon Singh and The Dark Game, a book filled with true spy stories told by Paul B. Janeczko both present similar ideas about
code breaking; however, both differentiate in language and tone. In addition, The Code Book was set during the Civil War and The Dark Game was set
during the Cold War. Both involve historical eras that prevent potential world changing events.
Cryptanalysis is the study of analyzing information systems in an attempt to learn the secluded aspects of the systems. It is used to break cryptographic
security systems and gain access to the contents of encrypted messages. In The Code Book, it analyzes how people can invade your internet privacy
even if you code your information. Viruses on the internet can decipher subsequent messages and programs such as the Trojan Horse can appear as a
genuine encryption product, but which actually more content...
However, The Dark Game uses examples from the Civil War while The Code Book uses examples from the Cold War. "On February 24, when
Hall sensed that the Zimmermann telegram would tip the balance in favor of the U.S. joining the Allied forces, the British home secretary
presented the telegram to President Wilson. One week later, news of the Zimmermann telegram was splashed across the front page of American
newspapers. On April 6, 1917, the Congress of the United States declared war on Germany and its allies", as stated in The Dark Game.
Furthermore, The Code Book is more scientific because it is in written in technical terms. In the text, it reads, "Tension between the two sides
escalated until June 1948, when the Soviets blocked all western access to the capital. In this first real crisis of the Cold War, the West was not going
to be denied by the Soviets. Since such tension was typical in the divided city, it should come as no surprise that Berlin in the early 1950s was a city
of intrigue, espionage, and
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Everyday Use Thesis Statement
General statement:
Mama understands the past and the significance of a family heritage. Her heritage including her memories of her mother and grandma making quilts
together by hands.
Topic sentence:
Alice Walker's "Everyday Use" introduces a clash between generations. Now and then, Maggie and Dee.
Thesis Statement:
Alice Walker carefully portrays the three characters: The mother, Dee. And Maggie
Body A, Mama:
The character of Mama in the short story "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker endures through intense times and takes advantage of what she has. She is a
lady that tells things how they are, only plain truth. She can be entertaining now and again and intense at others. She is self–portrayed as "a large, huge
boned, women with rough, man– more content...
The way the burning house, her stuck–up sister, and society influenced Maggie make her unique in relation to others. Maggie was so damaged from
her home burning down that she turned into a meek and undervalued young lady. Maggie is so unsure that her mother says she walks like a dog run
over by a car: "chin on chest eyes on ground, feet in shuffle, ever since the fire that burned the other house on the ground." This demonstrates that
Maggie absence of self–confidence make her frightened to look. She imagines that on the off chance that she can't see the individuals around her,
then they can't see her. What's more, Maggie's discernible scars have impacted on the way she conducts herself. As indicated by Mama, when she
was pulling Maggie out of the fire, her arms were adhering, "her hair was smoking, and her dress was tumbling off her in minimal dark papery
pieces." This is huge light of the fact that indicates how much the flame really physically scarred her. This additionally clarifies why she is so
apprehensive about individuals seeing her. Maggie's apparent compressed version of confirmation in herself is created basically by the fire. The
barbaric way Maggie's sister, Dee, presents herself awful impact on Maggie's certainly. At this point when Dee inquired as to whether she can have
some unique quilts and Mama says no on the grounds that she
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Compare And Contrast Abu Dhabi And Dubai
Abu Dhabi and Dubai are both cities that play a huge role in the UAE. Both of them considered as a main economical and tourism city, which attract
people from all over the world. I am going to compare and contrast the conditions of living in both cities. Both provide a variety of choices of job
opportunities. There are a number of companies and governmental offices that offer a well paid salary. Each city holds a huge malls and, entertainment
facilities to who are living with it. For that the person who lives can experiment many different things. Both cities got a traffic issue where people are
complaining from stacking in street for hours. The temperatures of both the cities is almost the same, and they are only two hours away from each other. more content...
The pulse of the city rarely misses a beat; it is switched on, always on full charge, and the traffic is more crowded than in Abu Dhabi. If you have a
good community, anywhere can be good but Dubai wins against Abu Dhabi by many things to do, social clubs, activities, sports groups, and the night
life. Dubai has its own mix of old and new. In Asia, it has the largest aquarium and then there is Dubai Mall, Burj Khalifa,Burj Al Arab, The Palm,
Atlantis which are the most visited places. Shopping experiences in these places are dream–like for shopping addicts; all the brands are there. Sky Dive
is an opportunity no one wants to miss. Dubai is the business core of international and national companies. For entertainment, Dubai wins the game for
those who love the nightlife, bars, clubs, golf, tennis, and hors racing. Dubai has so many private beaches and it mostly hotels that are built in the
coastline, while other beaches are reserved for private apartments and villas like Palm
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Compare and Contrast
The Compare/ Contrast Essay
First, let's explain compare and contrast:
When we compare, we show our readers a subject's similarities.
When we contrast, we show our readers a subject's differences.
Compare and Contrast essays are learning–process essays. You learn about your subject as you gather and organize information.
This type of essay takes a bit of organization, and it's this organizational process, this gathering of facts, that helps you learn as you go.
You will create lists of qualities or traits that each of your subjects has, and as you do this, you will discover insights to your subject that, at first
glance, you may not have realized were there.
It's like buying a new shirt. The moment you spread it out more content...
And you will either compare or contrast, not both. Be careful, sometimes going point by point can make your writing sound tedious and repetitive.
Watch your language and transition words. Use several points at a time.
Ending: As in the argumentative essay, bring it all together. Allow your ending to go back to your thesis. Use the transitional words on the next page to
help your paper's coherence. Transitions and other connecting words and connecting sentences should be used throughout.
Remember: There are no hard and fast rules as to how many comparisons or contrasts you should offer. For a thorough look into your subject, you must
offer enough comparisons or contrasts or both to make a valid statement.
Transitional Words (Conjunctival Adverbs)
Use these words to help you connect your thoughts, your sentences, and your paragraphs:
(Lest you wish to sound pedantic, tiptoe with caution through words such as "indeed," and "of course.")
addition again, also, and, and then, besides, equally important, finally, first, further, furthermore, in addition, in the first place, last, moreover, next,
second, still, too
comparison also, in the same way, likewise, similarly
concession granted, naturally, of course
contrast although, and yet, at the same time, but at the same time, despite that, even so, even though, for all that, however, in contrast, in spite of,
instead, nevertheless, notwithstanding, on the contrary, on the
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Comparative Essay: Iphone vs. Samsung Phone
Comparative essay: IPhone vs. Samsung phone
Technique: Point by Point
In the 21st century, the smart phone has already become an indispensable instrument in human life. Human beings rely on smart phones in recording
everything in their daily life. There are different smart phone manufactures all around the world such as Samsung, Apple, Nokia,Motorola and so on.
Among the smart phone manufacture, the Apple and Samsung smart phone manufacturer are the leader in the smart phone world. Thus, the products
from these two manufacturers are famous among the users, such as the Apple iPhone 5 and the Samsung Galaxy Note 2. Therefore, when we decide to
buy a smart phone on either Apple iPhone 5 or the Samsung Galaxy Note 2, we should more content...
By comparing the camera of iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy Note II, the iPhone 5 mostly takes care of everything on its own. The iPhone 5 has a
fast HDR mode and a new option for panoramic photos, which up to 28 megapixels. The picture quality of iPhone 5 has high levels of details and
good colour representation, without excessive noise. The iPhone 5 can manage scenes with high dynamic range better, and it also sports more
constrast in its pictures, making them more visually appealing. The 1080 videos of iPhone 5 and the Note II exhibit the same great amount of
detail and crisp focus as the still scenes, with 30fps inside and outdoors. The iPhone 5 footage comes with higher contrast, and looks less washed
out under bright sunlight. For the Note II, it offers most major options like face/smile recognition, Panorama, HDR, low light mode and many
others. It also has an abundance of scene and focus modes, as well as number of colour effects. The picture and video gallery on Note II split the
screen with folders on the left for faster navigation and has richer editing capabilities built into it. The music players on both devices also offer tune
categorizations and minimalistic interface. Note II offers more functions via sound modes and equalizer. Note II also has an FM radio. Both handsets
also have excellent quality of loudspeakers, but the iPhone 5 unit sounds a tad fuller and clearer.
The interface and functionality of these two phones run different
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Compare And Contrast

  • 1. Compare and Contrast The Compare/ Contrast Essay First, let's explain compare and contrast: When we compare, we show our readers a subject's similarities. When we contrast, we show our readers a subject's differences. Compare and Contrast essays are learning–process essays. You learn about your subject as you gather and organize information. This type of essay takes a bit of organization, and it's this organizational process, this gathering of facts, that helps you learn as you go. You will create lists of qualities or traits that each of your subjects has, and as you do this, you will discover insights to your subject that, at first glance, you may not have realized were there. It's like buying a new shirt. The moment you spread it out on your bed, more content... | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Outline Form for Compare Contrast Essays Thesis Statement ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Quality #1 for paragraph #2 Specific support_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Comparative /Contrasting Qualities for paragraph #2 Specific Get more content on
  • 2. Compare And Contrast Game And Console Gaming A gaming computer and console are not the same. A personal computer is also known as a pc. Gaming computers can be used for many things, but specifically I will talk about the gaming aspect of the gaming computer. There are different companies who develop gaming consoles, but the popular consoles are the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. In this essay, I will be discussing the similarities and differences of a gamingcomputer and a gaming console. As for me I am in favor of consoles because that is where I play with my friends. The major difference between a gaming computer and a gaming console is that people will spend over a thousand dollars on their machines, including peripherals. Some people who personalize their machine usually has expensive hardware, which is why they say it is better. These lavish computers usually have 16GB (gigabyte) of RAM, gaming CPUs (central processing unit), gaming motherboards, solid–state drives, and one to two graphics cards. RAM is an abbreviation of random access memory. In basic terms this means that it stores a copy of the program in the memory sticks. More RAM usually means that more programs can be opened at one more content... Both gaming computers and gaming consoles can play the same games when it releases. Some games for gaming computers and gaming consoles come out at the same time. About a month ago, Microsoft wanted people to play together across platforms. The first game was Rocket League that would let people on a gaming computer play with PlayStation 4 users. Later Xbox wanted to be a part of it so Microsoft enabled some servers and modified them to let Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and gaming computer users play together. Microsoft wants to continue to make more games so individuals can play with other consoles users. With everyone playing together, their friends can play with them even though they are not on the same Get more content on
  • 3. Urban Life Vs. Rural Life Urban Life vs Rural Life! People always wonder about the similarities and differences between living in the city and living in the countryside. The majority of people in the world now, prefer to live in cities rather than countrysides. It has been known for a long time that life in the country is different from life in the city.They both have their own advantages and disadvantages, regarding the way a person chooses to live in either of those places. There are many reasons for living in the city, but the main reasons are entertainment, transportation, opportunities, and being able to experience ethnic diversity. The city provides huge shopping malls, beautiful resorts and amazing views. Time Square is another popular attraction, surrounded by huge buildings, glowing billboards and the amazing talented street performers making the city come to life. A very unique feeling that would probably be found only in a city. For those who do not go to the city for fun, are usually looking for a job. Cities are number one in employment, finding a job wouldn't be too hard because of the many people living there and of all the services needed. There has been many successful doctors, publishers, entrepreneurs, lawyers and architects. In a bustling sometimes, overpopulated city everything would need to be bunched up and close together. A city is always a way to receive a better opportunity. Colleges and schools are almost always successful and give bright, well–educated students amazing opportunities. A majority of the U.S. population lives in incorporated places or cities, although these areas only make up a small fraction of the U.S. land area, according to a new report released today by the U.S. Census Bureau. The percentage of the population living in cities in 2013 was highest in the Midwest and West at 71.2 percent and 76.4 percent, respectively. (The United States Census Bureau, Us Census Bureau) Nevertheless, through advantages arise disadvantages. For example, cities also attract thieves, picket potters, gangs, and hackers. Thieves and picket potters have many targets. Gangs would easily blend in and avoid cops. Hackers are finding easier ways to hack individuals by one simple word. Cities don't even have that Get more content on
  • 4. Compare And Contrast Essay On Social Media Today, social media is greatly utilized. In this essay I'll explain the similarities and differences between Andrea Shea and Josh Rose of how each feel about social media. Social media is impacting and changing people's everyday lives. Social media now a day is used in everyday lifestyle, and is easy to connect with others no matter how far they are. In Andrea Shea, Shea expresses how Facebook isn't real. Andrea talks about how people take so much time to make to take a picture perfect images that its almost fake. People of Facebook try and pretend that their lives are so perfect, and doing that bringing others down because they want to be just like the person. How people try to make it seem like their having so much fun so they could have more friends and likes. Andrea expresses the negative and positive about Facebook now a day pretty well. She explains how the good in Facebook could be bad for some. Like having access to other people's photos being able to trigger emotional pain more content... They both explain the research and personally from other people about the title. I believe that these two articles are different because of how many differences and negatives about social media that Andrea had. While Josh Rose explain many more positives about social media then Andrea did. These two articles also have many similarities though, such as both articles believe that social media is very time consuming. Overall I feel like the two authors had a strong and support details to their arguments about social media. Social media every day is changing and more and more people are starting to get connect due to all the positives it has. In our era I believe that people would always want Facebook because of the face of how many people you meet a how much closer you feel to someone no matter the distance they are. Facebook and social media will continue to upgrade and become a reliably site for all Get more content on
  • 5. Compare and Contrast Essay Compare and Contrast "Young Goodman Brown" and "The Lottery" By: Melissa A. Reeves Professor Andrew Smith ENGL 102–B46 LUO Thesis Statement The stories "The Lottery" and "Young Goodman Brown" both appear to show that human behavior and judgment can be flawed, even if the person's intentions appear good to them. There is a level of fear and underlying evil in Puritan settings in both stories. I. Introduction/Statement of Thesis II. Themes and Author's Purpose A. The Lottery i. Just because something has always been done, does not make it right or just; following the crowd can be dangerously wrong and evil. ii. The author shows through symbolism and storytelling that people can be easily more content... The theme of the story "The Lottery" is blind acceptance of something just because it is considered tradition. In Jackson's "The Lottery", symbols are utilized to help show the theme. The name of the story, "The Lottery", itself is a symbol. The term lottery can be viewed, by most, as a good thing, a hope in winning, but winning the lottery takes on a very different, very dark meaning in Jackson's story. Also, the names of the characters are symbols as well. For example, Graves is a name that would portray death and Summers is a bright and cheerful name. Also, the name Old Man Warner would show tradition. Next, is the use of the black box and the black dot on the paper. The color black is showing darkness, evil, and death. The tradition of the black box is a symbol, in the fact that it is worn and faded, but still used by the villagers. Shirley Jackson conveys the theme very clearly through the use of symbols. In the end, the villagers are shown to be evil and murderous just because of tradition. The villagers do not seem to have a problem with murdering others within the lottery because it is what they have always done and no one is going to declare that what they are doing is wrong. This shows the reader that following blindly can have dangerous consequences. The theme of "Young BrownGoodman" is that the main character is basing his beliefs and faith on what others in his life believe or have faith in. The theme of "Young Goodman Get more content on
  • 6. Comparison and Contrast Essay COMPARISON AND CONTRAST ESSAY Comparison and Contrast Essay Definition: In this kind of essay, the aim is to show the similarities and differences of two items, two people, two countries, or how something or someone has changed. When comparing two things, we focus more on the similarities though we may mention the differences shortly. When contrasting two things, we point out the differences between them. The most important point to consider while planning a comparison and contrast essay is choosing comparable items. e.g. Middle East TechnicalUniversity and Bogazici University. We have to make sure that these two items have enough points to be compared. After writing the comparable points as a list, location, size, reputation, more content... Language: The two patterns differ in terms of language as well. While pattern 2 is quite straightforward, pattern 1 requires more transitions but the end product is more understandable for the reader. Some transitions that can be used for showing similarity: similar to, similarly like both ... and ... in addition moreover Copyright @ 2006 Bogazici University SFL 2 of 4 COMPARISON AND CONTRAST ESSAY besides likewise in the same way Some transitions indicating difference: different from in contrast to compared with unlike but, however on the other hand conversely in contrast Do not forget that using transitions enables the piece of writing to be coherent; it is easier for the reader to follow our ideas when transitions are used to link them together. However, overuse of transitions causes a traffic jam and should be avoided. We should be using transitions sparingly (only when necessary). Sample comparison contrast essay: METU and Bogazici University Almost all high school students who would like to further their academic lives in the university search for information about the various universities of Turkey. Among many universities in Turkey, two of them are the most popular: Middle East Technical University and Bogazici University. They are considered the best. However, since both cannot be THE BEST, their specialties, facilities and locations need to be examined in detail to be able to choose the most suitable
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  • 8. Ps4 vs Xbox One Essay Matthew Cobb A00467087 11/6/13 PS4 vs xbox one Matthew Cobb A00467087 11/6/13 PS4 vs xbox one If you've never touched a video game controller in your life, but do have avid players in your household, you may be in for a bewildering month. That's because we're on the verge of what the gaming industry excitedly calls 'a new console generation'. In short, the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, once the most powerful games machines on the planet are being replaced – the former by the Xbox One, the latter by the PlayStation 4 (PS4). All you really need to know is that both the PS4 and the Xbox One represent a significant leap over their predecessors. Some people in the industry are suggesting that the Xbox One and PlayStation more content... Both offer advanced online functionality. The use of cloud computing, which connects your console to remote servers on the internet, may mean we see a new era of games which have huge online worlds that players can explore together, and that seamlessly grow and evolve over time. We may see game processing tasks like physics and artificial intelligence being 'outsourced' to the cloud, meaning we see much more advanced simulations and life–like computer–controlled enemies. It's a truly exciting time. Right now, it looks like PS4 is the most powerful console, but developers may well learn to exploit the Xbox One in new ways. It's unlikely you'll be making your buying decision on hardware specifications alone. Xbox One and PS4 are promising lots of entertainment options that will let you watch movies and listen to music on your console, as well as playing games. They both have deals with video–on–demand providers like LoveFilm and Netflix, and there will be "free" TV services like YouTube, iPlayer and 4oD. Right now, Microsoft seems more ambitious in this area. It has been showing off how you'll be able to connect your cable or satellite set–top box to Xbox One, letting you control your live TV viewing pleasure through your console and also adding new social and interactive features to the experience. However, right now, a lot of those options are only
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  • 10. Comparison And Contrast Essay Topics Chapter 16, Comparison and Contrast, explains the purpose and functions of comparison and/or contrast essays as well as how to use them in students' essays. Comparison and contrast means finding similarities, differences, or both. Comparison and contrast essays commonly have three purposes. First, they are important in expressing ideas. For example, I want to talk about my ideas about hip–hop and rap music so I compare and contrast them. The second purpose is to inform people. I may want to tell the audience that there are many similarities in two different religions. Third, I can persuade people through comparing and contrasting two things. For instance, I will argue that reading e–books is better than printed books by comparing and contrasting Get more content on
  • 11. Differences: Similarities Between Tris And Four Same: Tris and Four are very similar in the way they act, talk, and their background in the book. In the book they both switched out of Abnegation to join the faction of Dauntless. This is a very rare occasion for someone to switch out of abnegation, which is why t is a very important aspect that is similar. Dauntless are trained to be the attackers, not afraid of anything, Abnegation is supposed to me kind and generous, and because Tris has not been through dauntless initiation and four has been they are not the same at this moment. Although if you compared Tris to four when four was going through initiation, they would be at about the same level. During initiation the two of them also got tattoos, which was very hard for both of them, Get more content on
  • 12. Essay on Compare and Contrast Regina Brown Mrs. Joarder Eng. 100 April 5, 2013 Cleaning with Barry and Britt The act of being habitually and carefully neat and clean can make for an interesting topic in a comparison and contrast essay. Dave Barry compares the differences of how women and men clean in his compare and contrast essay, Batting Clean– Up and Striking out. In Suzanne Britt's compare and contrast essay, Neat People vs. Sloppy People she compares the differences of personalities between Sloppy people and neat people. Both essays compare cleanliness in one way or another however they both have differences regarding their use of humor, examples, and points made in their thesis. Batting Clean–Up and Striking out and Neat People vs. Sloppy People both more content... The way Barry and Britt support their points in their compare and contrast essays differ. In Batting Clean–Up and Striking Out, Barry uses lots of personal stories and factual happenings to explain his opinions. For example, to explain how men are worse at cleaning Barry specifically refers to a volcano eruption that happened in Pompei because the men, who were in control of the cleaning, did not notice ashes piling up around and in their houses. In addition, when describing how men are better with sports than woman he refers to a personal story; specifically a story about a dinner party that he attended where the men were glued to the World Series and the women were still chatting amongst themselves. These forms of examples are personal stories that offer validity. On the other hand, in Britt's Neat people vs. Sloppy people she uses more dreamt up incidences to explain her opinions. For example when explaining how neat people are "viscous with their mail" she explains, " All ads, catalogs, pleas for charitable contributions, church bulletins, and money–saving coupons go straight into the trash can without being opened...No sentimental salvaging of birthday cards or the last letter a dying relative ever wrote. Into the trash it goes" (256). As seen in this example, Britt uses lots of lists and possible incidents that could exist to support her points, but do these incidences Get more content on
  • 13. Trade School Vs. College Essay Trade School vs. College People are told from a young age that the only way to lead a successful life is to go to college. Although there is no denying of the economic advantage post secondary learning can provide for a student, college isn't necessarily the only available option. Options like trade school or vocational training are other reasonable choices. However, trade school is not seen as legitimate as a traditional four year college, and a trade school student is not seen as having a secure future. The majority of people fail to realize there are hundreds of well paying employment opportunities that do not require the time, money, and effort needed to get a college degree. Not only does the negative perception of trade school hurt the futures of students, it ultimately hurts the nation's economy. In order to eliminate the stigma surrounding non traditional schools, students and parents should be exposed to trade schools and the benefits of pursuing a vocational career. Trade schools, vocational schools, and technical schools are all educational institutions that teach skills related to a specific job (Hamm). Some schools provide education as that provided at other colleges and universities. Many schools specialize in particular lines of work that range from broadcasting to beauty. The skills acquired in trade schools are sometimes referred to as middle skills and are seeked out by employers and jobs that require more education than a high school diploma, but less Get more content on
  • 14. Athens V.Sparta Compare/Contrast Essay Athens vs. Sparta Ancient Greece was comprised of small city–states, of which Sparta and Athens were two. Athens was renowned as a center of wisdom and learning. The people of Athens were interested in arts, music, and intellectual pursuits. Sparta, on the other hand, was recognized for its military strength. A Spartan's life was centered on the state, because he lived and died to serve the state. Although the competing city–states of Sparta and Athens were individually different as well as governmentally diverse, they both managed to become dominating powers in Ancient Greece. Athens became a democracy under the rule of Solon in 594 B.C. In addition to eliminating serfdom, Solon altered the stringent laws of a previous ruler, more content... He did not retire until age sixty. On the contrary, in the Athenian military, a soldier's rank was decided by his social or economic status before he entered the army. Instituted by Solon in the sixth century B.C., four classes made up the Athenian social ladder. Defined by income, each class had a certain measure of political responsibility. The wealthiest class supplied the army with leaders. Called the hippeis or "horsemen," the second class made up the Athenian cavalry. The third class, called the zeugitai, made up the foot soldier, or hoplite section of the army. Finally, the poorest class, called the thetes, served either as oarsmen for the Athenian fleet, or as archers on land. In addition, while Spartan soldiers trained for thirteen years, Athenian soldiers only trained for two years. Thus, while Spartan military rank was determined by a person's performance after entering the army, the soldier's social class predetermined Athenian military status. Unlike their husbands, Athenian women were forced to stay indoors at all times. They were controlled by their fathers through childhood and by their husbands after marriage. Mostly uneducated, except for learning how to read, they spent their time managing the household and slaves. They were only allowed to leave the house to attend certain religious festivals. In contrast with Athenian women, Spartan women led a free life and Get more content on
  • 15. Compare And Contrast Anxiety And Depression There are many similarities between mental disorders like anxiety and depression. Often times, many symptoms of one disorder stem off of having the other. For example, symptoms of anxiety can be brought on by depressive thoughts, such as thoughts about suicide, and visa versa. The differences, however, are far more prominent than the ways they are the same. Anxiety is a disorder characterized by fear, doubt, and a sense of vulnerability. People with anxiety tend to have less noticeable symptoms than people with depression, as symptoms of anxiety are things such as physical sensations of strong emotions of fear. Depression symptoms are more physical and noticeable from the outside, such as lack of eating or sleep, or lack of interest in doing things. People with depression may more content... Anxiety can also run in families, or be caused by outside conditions such as excessive stress, drastic changes in living conditions, or abuse. Depression on the other hand, is caused by changes in brain chemistry. However, like anxiety, depression can be caused by genetics and medical conditions that create an imbalance of the brain's chemicals. Depressive episodes often last for days, leaving a person mopey and sluggish, or, on the other side of the spectrum, frighteningly up, or manic. This is when a person seems to have boundless energy and doesn't sleep for days. Episodes of anxiety last much shorter periods of time, flaring up and disappearing within the same day. Symptoms of an episode can include increased heart rate, sweating, and trembling. These can be combatted with controlled breathing, while generally, depressive episodes have to run their course. Anxiety and depression are two very different, though just as harmful disorders. When you have one, you generally have the other It's a vicious cycle, but luckily, there are proven ways to break it. Help is an Get more content on
  • 16. Art Work Compare And Contrast Art Work Compare And Contrast In this assignment task, compare and contrast between two Artist and Painter with different painting style, thesis statement, analysis, conversation, communicate way on this topic. As the second of a two section program, this presentation highlights around thirty one works by artists from Iran, the Arab Great world, Turkey, Mountain Country Azerbaijan, and the Northwest Africa, including; Newsha Tavakolian, Maimouna Guerresi, and Mr. Sherin Guirguis and among others. Newsha Tavakolian, self–trained photographer painting taker, Newsha Tavakolian started filling in as an expert photographic artist with the Great Iranian press at age 16. Starting at the ladies' every day daily paper, all which have following more content... Los Angeles American County Museum of Art is unquestionably a go–to spot for any workmanship fan. In any case, there are some intriguing displays there that are somewhat out of the way, similar to the one right now at the top floor of the Ahmanson building, which is generally saved for LACMA's accumulation of authentic Islamic craftsmanship. A few displays there showcase contemporary works by specialists with roots in the Middle East. This is a second portion of a two–section show, Islamic Art Now, and comprises of around 30 works by craftsmen artist from Iran, the Arab world, Turkey, Azerbaijan, and North Africa, among Get more content on
  • 17. The Dark Game Vs Code Book Essay The Code Book by Simon Singh and The Dark Game, a book filled with true spy stories told by Paul B. Janeczko both present similar ideas about code breaking; however, both differentiate in language and tone. In addition, The Code Book was set during the Civil War and The Dark Game was set during the Cold War. Both involve historical eras that prevent potential world changing events. Cryptanalysis is the study of analyzing information systems in an attempt to learn the secluded aspects of the systems. It is used to break cryptographic security systems and gain access to the contents of encrypted messages. In The Code Book, it analyzes how people can invade your internet privacy even if you code your information. Viruses on the internet can decipher subsequent messages and programs such as the Trojan Horse can appear as a genuine encryption product, but which actually more content... However, The Dark Game uses examples from the Civil War while The Code Book uses examples from the Cold War. "On February 24, when Hall sensed that the Zimmermann telegram would tip the balance in favor of the U.S. joining the Allied forces, the British home secretary presented the telegram to President Wilson. One week later, news of the Zimmermann telegram was splashed across the front page of American newspapers. On April 6, 1917, the Congress of the United States declared war on Germany and its allies", as stated in The Dark Game. Furthermore, The Code Book is more scientific because it is in written in technical terms. In the text, it reads, "Tension between the two sides escalated until June 1948, when the Soviets blocked all western access to the capital. In this first real crisis of the Cold War, the West was not going to be denied by the Soviets. Since such tension was typical in the divided city, it should come as no surprise that Berlin in the early 1950s was a city of intrigue, espionage, and Get more content on
  • 18. Everyday Use Thesis Statement General statement: Mama understands the past and the significance of a family heritage. Her heritage including her memories of her mother and grandma making quilts together by hands. Topic sentence: Alice Walker's "Everyday Use" introduces a clash between generations. Now and then, Maggie and Dee. Thesis Statement: Alice Walker carefully portrays the three characters: The mother, Dee. And Maggie Body A, Mama: The character of Mama in the short story "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker endures through intense times and takes advantage of what she has. She is a lady that tells things how they are, only plain truth. She can be entertaining now and again and intense at others. She is self–portrayed as "a large, huge boned, women with rough, man– more content... The way the burning house, her stuck–up sister, and society influenced Maggie make her unique in relation to others. Maggie was so damaged from her home burning down that she turned into a meek and undervalued young lady. Maggie is so unsure that her mother says she walks like a dog run over by a car: "chin on chest eyes on ground, feet in shuffle, ever since the fire that burned the other house on the ground." This demonstrates that Maggie absence of self–confidence make her frightened to look. She imagines that on the off chance that she can't see the individuals around her, then they can't see her. What's more, Maggie's discernible scars have impacted on the way she conducts herself. As indicated by Mama, when she was pulling Maggie out of the fire, her arms were adhering, "her hair was smoking, and her dress was tumbling off her in minimal dark papery pieces." This is huge light of the fact that indicates how much the flame really physically scarred her. This additionally clarifies why she is so apprehensive about individuals seeing her. Maggie's apparent compressed version of confirmation in herself is created basically by the fire. The barbaric way Maggie's sister, Dee, presents herself awful impact on Maggie's certainly. At this point when Dee inquired as to whether she can have some unique quilts and Mama says no on the grounds that she
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  • 20. Compare And Contrast Abu Dhabi And Dubai Abu Dhabi and Dubai are both cities that play a huge role in the UAE. Both of them considered as a main economical and tourism city, which attract people from all over the world. I am going to compare and contrast the conditions of living in both cities. Both provide a variety of choices of job opportunities. There are a number of companies and governmental offices that offer a well paid salary. Each city holds a huge malls and, entertainment facilities to who are living with it. For that the person who lives can experiment many different things. Both cities got a traffic issue where people are complaining from stacking in street for hours. The temperatures of both the cities is almost the same, and they are only two hours away from each other. more content... The pulse of the city rarely misses a beat; it is switched on, always on full charge, and the traffic is more crowded than in Abu Dhabi. If you have a good community, anywhere can be good but Dubai wins against Abu Dhabi by many things to do, social clubs, activities, sports groups, and the night life. Dubai has its own mix of old and new. In Asia, it has the largest aquarium and then there is Dubai Mall, Burj Khalifa,Burj Al Arab, The Palm, Atlantis which are the most visited places. Shopping experiences in these places are dream–like for shopping addicts; all the brands are there. Sky Dive is an opportunity no one wants to miss. Dubai is the business core of international and national companies. For entertainment, Dubai wins the game for those who love the nightlife, bars, clubs, golf, tennis, and hors racing. Dubai has so many private beaches and it mostly hotels that are built in the coastline, while other beaches are reserved for private apartments and villas like Palm Get more content on
  • 21. Compare and Contrast The Compare/ Contrast Essay First, let's explain compare and contrast: When we compare, we show our readers a subject's similarities. When we contrast, we show our readers a subject's differences. Compare and Contrast essays are learning–process essays. You learn about your subject as you gather and organize information. This type of essay takes a bit of organization, and it's this organizational process, this gathering of facts, that helps you learn as you go. You will create lists of qualities or traits that each of your subjects has, and as you do this, you will discover insights to your subject that, at first glance, you may not have realized were there. It's like buying a new shirt. The moment you spread it out more content... And you will either compare or contrast, not both. Be careful, sometimes going point by point can make your writing sound tedious and repetitive. Watch your language and transition words. Use several points at a time. Ending: As in the argumentative essay, bring it all together. Allow your ending to go back to your thesis. Use the transitional words on the next page to help your paper's coherence. Transitions and other connecting words and connecting sentences should be used throughout. Remember: There are no hard and fast rules as to how many comparisons or contrasts you should offer. For a thorough look into your subject, you must offer enough comparisons or contrasts or both to make a valid statement. Transitional Words (Conjunctival Adverbs)
  • 22. Use these words to help you connect your thoughts, your sentences, and your paragraphs: (Lest you wish to sound pedantic, tiptoe with caution through words such as "indeed," and "of course.") addition again, also, and, and then, besides, equally important, finally, first, further, furthermore, in addition, in the first place, last, moreover, next, second, still, too comparison also, in the same way, likewise, similarly concession granted, naturally, of course contrast although, and yet, at the same time, but at the same time, despite that, even so, even though, for all that, however, in contrast, in spite of, instead, nevertheless, notwithstanding, on the contrary, on the Get more content on
  • 23. Comparative Essay: Iphone vs. Samsung Phone Comparative essay: IPhone vs. Samsung phone Technique: Point by Point In the 21st century, the smart phone has already become an indispensable instrument in human life. Human beings rely on smart phones in recording everything in their daily life. There are different smart phone manufactures all around the world such as Samsung, Apple, Nokia,Motorola and so on. Among the smart phone manufacture, the Apple and Samsung smart phone manufacturer are the leader in the smart phone world. Thus, the products from these two manufacturers are famous among the users, such as the Apple iPhone 5 and the Samsung Galaxy Note 2. Therefore, when we decide to buy a smart phone on either Apple iPhone 5 or the Samsung Galaxy Note 2, we should more content... By comparing the camera of iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy Note II, the iPhone 5 mostly takes care of everything on its own. The iPhone 5 has a fast HDR mode and a new option for panoramic photos, which up to 28 megapixels. The picture quality of iPhone 5 has high levels of details and good colour representation, without excessive noise. The iPhone 5 can manage scenes with high dynamic range better, and it also sports more constrast in its pictures, making them more visually appealing. The 1080 videos of iPhone 5 and the Note II exhibit the same great amount of detail and crisp focus as the still scenes, with 30fps inside and outdoors. The iPhone 5 footage comes with higher contrast, and looks less washed out under bright sunlight. For the Note II, it offers most major options like face/smile recognition, Panorama, HDR, low light mode and many others. It also has an abundance of scene and focus modes, as well as number of colour effects. The picture and video gallery on Note II split the screen with folders on the left for faster navigation and has richer editing capabilities built into it. The music players on both devices also offer tune categorizations and minimalistic interface. Note II offers more functions via sound modes and equalizer. Note II also has an FM radio. Both handsets also have excellent quality of loudspeakers, but the iPhone 5 unit sounds a tad fuller and clearer. The interface and functionality of these two phones run different Get more content on