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•   Name
•   Two Adjectives
•   Favorite Film
•   Comfort Food
•   Preferred Musical Genre
•   Favorite Washington Landmark
 1.   I desperately want to learn more         9.    Grad school is tuition free.
      about Communication.                     10.   I’m seeking international
 2.   I will increase my earning power by            recognition and academic research
      going to graduate school.                      will get me there.
 3.   I hated my old job and wanted a real     11.   I want to become a very skilled
      change.                                        writer and scholar.
 4.   I’m seeking greater recognition, fame,   12.   I had no idea what to do and grad
      and fortune in my chosen field.                school seemed like a good option.
 5.   I’ve always wanted to teach, and         13.   An M.A. is the new B.A.
      graduate school pays me to do that.
                                               14.   I like to meet new people and the
 6.   I don’t want to be stuck behind a desk         folks at UM seemed nice.
      and I like flexibility and freedom.
                                               15.   Everyone in my family has an
 7.   I want to contribute to the body of            advanced degree—it’s an
      knowledge in my chosen field.                  expectation.
 8.   I want to work with a particular
                                               16.   I really like school and see myself as
      faculty member and help with their             a life-long student.

Apprentice Model    Preprofessional
…a professor should have to
  restrain students from
  speaking out passionately
  about the subjects under
  discussion….as a graduate
  student, you have chosen to
  enter an elite profession, the
  implication being that you
  have something valuable to
  contribute to it. It is
  incumbent upon
  you, therefore, to show your
  actual ability to contribute
  something, however difficult
  it may be for you at the
  beginning of your career.‖
 What is research? What does it mean to engage in research?
 What is Communication research? How does it differ from
  other kinds of research? How it is similar?
 What kinds of research have you engaged in thus far?
 What knowledge did that research generate? What
  questions did you answer?
 What questions won’t you be able to answer after 5+ years
  of graduate school?
 Professionalization:
 Learning the systems, the processes, the dynamics of a professional
 Putting into practice the knowledge of a profession and the dictates of
          professional systems.
 Acquiring the skills and background to adjust, adapt, and achieve.
 Research:
 A critical aspect of professionalization in higher education.
 The conduct of inquiry with the goal of generating knowledge, provoking
          arguments, and offering illuminating insights.
 Often bound by disciplines, methods, domains of inquiry, subjects, and
How do you select an
What factors are
 important in this
Who do you listen to?
What should the
 relationship look
 Advice & mentoring
 Professional advancement
 Reputation and professional
 Research trajectory
 Friendship, support

 Agreement about            Different
  communication               advising models
 Agreement about              Replication model
  advising model               Apprenticeship
                               Co-creation model

 Expectations for a
 Maintaining the
 Behaving professionally
 Framing issues
 Backing up the advisor
 Appreciating the
   Does the professor have the time to take you on as a doctoral student?
   Does the professor have the interest to take you on as a doctoral student?
   Is the demeanor/personality appealing and comfortable for your academic style and needs?
   Have former graduate students of the professor had good experiences and completed their
    programs in a timely fashion?
   Does the professor anticipate being at the university during the entire period of your planned
   Does the professor exhibit the ability to communicate openly, clearly, and effectively from your
   Does the professor have personal research papers, articles, books, etc. that you might review to
    gain additional insight into his/her research area?
   Does the professor have a history of giving proper attention to proteges who work under his/her
   Among the faculty, university, and broader communities, is this professor known and respected for
    his/her research, writing, and publications?

      Adapted from H.G. Adams (1992), Mentoring: An Essential Factor in the Doctoral Process for Minority
       Students, National Center for Graduate Education for Minorities.

 Tenure &
 Assistant
 Associate
 Professor
 The High Priests & Priestesses
 Deadwood
 The Black Sheep
 The Careerists
 Service Slaves
 The Curmudgeons
 The Young Turks
 The Hall-Talkers
 Theory Boy/Girl
 Life-Long Learners
What is Communication?
 Communication is part of the behavioral sciences
 Communication is interdisciplinary
 Communication borrows method and content from other
 Communication’s primary responsibility is the study of
  specific types of behavior
 Communication’s behavior is the situation when a source
  transmits a message to a receiver(s) with conscious
  intent to affect the latter’s behaviors.
 Communication lays out the explicit or implicit preoccupation
  with the tactics of power, persuasion, and manipulation.
 Communication is not about producing desired
 Communication is not only about producing effects or changes.
 Communication IS social interaction through symbols and
  message systems. The production and perception of message
  systems cultivating stable structures of generalized images is
  at the heart of the communications transaction.
Category I Definition: stimulus-response situations in which one
   deliberately transmits stimuli to evoke response.
Category II Definition: stimulus-response situations in which there need not
   be any intention of evoking response in the transmission of the stimuli.
•   Ph.D., Mass Media &
    Cultural Studies,
    University of
    Manchester, UK, 2000.
•   At UM since 2007.
•   Co-author of Islam dot
    com: Contemporary
    Islamic Discourses in
    Cyberspace (Palgrave-
    Macmillan, 2009).
•   Ph.D., Purdue
    University, 2006.
•   At UM since 2005.
•   Recipient of numerous
    awards, including the
    Outstanding Scholarly
    Article Award from ICA’s
             The coursework you pursue and the plan of study
                you design should accomplish several
             1. It should challenge you and provoke your
                interest and enthusiasm. Take courses that ask a
                lot of you, that require research, that are outside
                of your comfort zone.
             2. It should allow you to begin to formulate and
                develop your dissertation.
             3. It should make clear to you all that you don’t
             4. It should enhance your preprofessionalization
             5. It should fulfill the requirements necessary to
                complete the degree.

• Three types of      • The 3 COMM
  stories:              stories:
•   the people        •   Speech story
•   the ideas         •   Journalism story
•   the process       •   Communication

Communication research in America:
      Largely concerned with the study of mass
      Role of public communication media in
 social/political life
      Communication research is shaped by the rise
 of the social sciences
Delia brings to the fore the question of method in
the (hi)story of Communication research.
Public relations research/scholarship is a biographical story
         Scott Cutlip
         James Grunig
Defining characteristics:
        Public relations and relationships
        Interdependence
        Management function of public relations
        Roles and models of public relations
Mass Communication (Media Studies) has progressed through different

Mass Communication Research
New Leftist Media Studies
Cultural Criticism

•   Rhetorical = practical art of   •   Feminist Studies
•   Semiotic = intersubjective      •   Health Communication
    mediation by signs
•   Phenomenological = experience   •   Intercultural
    of otherness                        Communication
•   Cybernetic = information
    processing                      •   Media Studies
•   Sociopsychological = viewed     •   Persuasion & Social
    expression, interaction, and
    influence                           Influence
•   Sociocultural = production of   •   Public Relations
    social order
•   Critical = discursive           •   Rhetoric & Political Culture
•   Ph.D., University of
    North Carolina, 2006.
•   At UM since 2009.
•   Lead investigator on
    project with DHS
    National Consortium
    for the Study of
    Terrorism and
    Responses to
    Terrorism ($1.3
•   Ph.D., University of
    Wisconsin, 1975.
•   At UM since 1981.
•   Chair of the
    Department, 1997-
    2007; Co-author of
    The Measurement of
    Processes: Galileo
    Theory and Method
    Press, 1980)
•   Ph.D., University
    Wisconsin, 1973.
•   At UM since 1986.
•   Co-author of
    Making Sense of
    Political Ideology:
    The Power of
    Language in
    (Rowman &
    Littlefield, 2006)
• Ph.D., Purdue
  University, 1968.
• At UM since
• Author/Editor of
  books, including
  Listening and
•   Name and          •   Publications
    Affiliation       •   Conference
•   Educational           Presentations
    Background        •   Award &
•   Dissertation/Re       Honors
    search            •   Service
                      •   Memberships
•   Work
    Experience        •   Language/Skills
                      •   References

 Error-Free
 Consistency
 Informative
 Appropriate/Relevant
 Adaptable
 Readable
• Ph.D., University
  of Illinois, 1975.
• At UM since
• Author of
  Reasons Face to
  Face (L.
  Erlbaum, 2005).
 The systematic investigation into the study of
  materials, sources, etc. in order to establish
  facts and reach new conclusions.
 An endeavor to discover new or collate old
  facts etc. by the scientific study of a subject or
  by a course of critical investigation.
 A procedure by which we attempt to find
  systematically, and with the support of
  demonstrable fact, the answer to a question or
  the resolution of a problem.
 The systematic, controlled, empirical, and
  critical investigation of hypothetical
  propositions about presumed relations among
  natural phenomena.
 A simple gathering of facts or information
 Moving facts from one situation to another
 An esoteric activity, removed from practical life
 A word to get your product noticed

 Intellectual identity
 The social scientist
 The theorist
 The historian
 The critic

 Disciplinary Identity
 Theory competency
 Knowledge of scholarship
 Methodological skill/expertise
1. Name your topic:
       I am studying _____.
2. Imply your question:
       because I want to find out who/how/why _____.
3. State the rationale for the question and the project:
       in order to understand how/why what _____.
I am studying the life and times of Judson Welliver because I
    want to find out how the practice/institutionalization of
    presidential speechwriting began in order to understand why
    presidential speechwriting is a specialized craft in
    contemporary political practice.

I am studying the popular culture expression of President Bill
    Clinton because I want to find out how this president
    continues to circulate as a cultural figure of some uncertain,
    cipherous meaning in order to better understand how the
    presidency and particular presidents are ideologically
    defined in the contemporary U.S.

I am studying the political image in U.S. political because I want
    to find out how such rhetorics operate as the source and
    basis of political judgment in order to understand how
    Americans in the 21st century engage in political
I am a rhetorical historian who studies U.S. higher education discourse. Using
the techniques of textual analysis and social/cultural historiography, I investigate
the construction and influence of philosophical, curricular, and pedagogical ideas
in higher education. Examples of such ideas include general education, critical
thinking, and academic freedom. In my current work, I am studying influential
discourses on liberal education in an effort to identify the rhetorical strategies by
which “timeless truths” in education are created. Through this and other research,
I seek to clarify the role of higher education in a democratic society, which
promises to enhance decision-making processes regarding this vital and powerful
U.S. institution.
I am a social scientist who studies family communication patterns. I employ both
quantitative methods such as statistics and experiments as well as the qualitative
method of ethnography. I am studying family communication patterns because
I want to find out which communication variables contribute to family closeness
and cohesion and which lead to the dissolution of the family unit. My research
is aimed at the general public with the intention of teaching communication
strategies to families in order to help improve and/or save their familial
In 2007, the flagship humor publication, The Onion, launched the Onion
    News Network (ONN), a comic news organization producing online
    sketch videos. This article argues that ONN is a distinctive form of
    hyperreal social critique that uses ironic iconicity, rather than slapstick
    or the usual tomfoolery of much comedy programming, to invite
    rhetorical insights about contemporary media events and political
    practices. ONN's videos draw attention toward communicative
    dynamics, creating spaces for alternative civic understandings through
    a televisual technique that imitates but also reconfigures the
    structure, delivery, or content of mainstream news broadcasts like CNN
    and Fox News. Although not without limitations, this ironic iconicity
    crafts a multimodal online rhetoric and demonstrates the
    contingency, recursivity, and judgment of news communication norms
    and practices.

Don Waisanen, “Crafting Hyperreal Spaces for Comic Insights: The Onion
 News Network’s Ironic Iconicity,” Communication Quarterly 59 (2011): 508-528.
This article examines the evolving dynamic between
   citizens, journalists, and politicians—what we call agenda control—
   using the CNN/YouTube presidential primary debates as a case. A
   systematic content analysis of questions asked and candidates’
   answers as compared with standard journalist-as-questioner debates
   hosted by MSNBC reveals that the dynamic between
   politicians, journalists, and citizens suggests that journalists do a better
   job of getting candidates to answer questions than do citizens in the
   YouTube video format, not by virtue of being journalists, but by virtue of
   asking the right form of question. Results also indicate that the
   CNN/YouTube debate questions from citizens failed to reflect the broad
   set of issues of interest to those who submitted questions, and instead
   included a disproportionate number of culture–war issues and
   campaign strategy questions. Findings suggest that journalists
   maintain the upper hand in agenda control.

Jennifer Stromer-Galley & Lauren Bryant, “Agenda Control in the 2008
 CNN/YouTube Debates,” Communication Quarterly 59 (2011): 529-546.
This essay highlights and explores a point of tension between theoretical
    writings on style and moral frames. Past political communication
    scholarship points to the importance of the feminine style in today's
    televisual era of politics. In this same political era, the conservative strict
    parent moral frame has dominated most policy debates. Surprisingly, this
    highly successful moral frame appears squarely at odds with the feminine
    style so closely connected with political success. This essay attempts to
    unravel this tension between styles and frames by examining discourse
    drawn from the 2007 debate over comprehensive immigration reform. To
    account for the success of conservative messages within this debate, this
    essay both (a) calls into question the nature of the relationship between the
    television medium and the feminine style and (b) expands our understanding
    of the discursive operation of deep moral frames by drawing a distinction
    between intra-familial and extra-familial policy discourse.

 David Levasseur, J. Kanan Sawyer, & Maria A. Kopacz, “The Intersection between
  Deep Moral Frames and Rhetorical Style in the Struggle over U.S. Immigration
  Reform,” Communication Quarterly 59 (2011): 547-568.
This study explores the lived experiences of people who act as allies in the
   interest of social justice. Interviews were conducted to investigate the
   meaning of the ally identity and the tactics allies use to interrupt
   stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination against others. Findings
   suggest that people who speak out on behalf of social justice from
   positions of relative power do so (a) out of identity concerns that
   emphasize moral obligations, (b) largely through authoritative and
   dialogic strategies that draw on their symbolic capital, and (c) in ways
   that reflect ideologies of culturally dominant groups. The study also
   describes tensions arising out of the contradictory nature of deploying
   social power against the system that confers it. Conventional
   definitions of ―allies‖ that rely on static notions of power, finally, are
   challenged as too simplistic.

Sara DeTurk, “Allies in Action: The Communicative Experiences of People Who
 Challenge Social Injustice on Behalf of Others,” Communication Quarterly 59
 (2011): 569-590.
In an attempt to enrich Sloop and Ono's (1997) theory of outlaw discourse,
    this article draws from the more extensive literature on the trickster to
    demonstrate how the two concepts have a shared heritage. First, the
    nature of outlaw discourse is reviewed, and then the myth of the
    trickster is discussed. Following these overviews, the similarities and
    differences between the two are explained by providing three brief
    examples of trickster-influenced outlaw discourse that demonstrate the
    potential for a trickster perspective to enrich the study of certain kinds
    of outlaw discourse.

Sarah Hagedorn VanSlette & Josh Boyd, “Lawbreaking Jokers: Tricksters Using
 Outlaw Discourse,” Communication Quarterly 59 (2011): 591-602.
This article offers a theoretical examination of civility within the modern
   U.S. Senate (USS), grounding the contemporary literature—which
   conceives of civility as a set of standards for public argument—in the
   notion of civil society as espoused by Adam Ferguson. Ferguson's
   theory of civil society suggests that civility within deliberative bodies
   should be weighed against other factors, including the antagonistic
   nature of debate and the morality (in a utilitarian sense) of its
   participants and outcomes. The essay concludes with examples of how
   critics might apply this perspective to USS debate to reveal the
   rhetorical functions of (in)civility.

Christopher Darr, “Adam Ferguson’s Civil Society and the Rhetorical Functions
 of (In)Civility in United States Senate Debate,” Communication Quarterly 59
 (2011): 603-624.
This article updates and clarifies what is known about where political
    information is gathered online. Some studies have found that the online sites
    of traditional media companies dominate online interest and marginalize
    non-traditional sites that present independent views, which damages the
    Internet's ability to provide diverse viewpoints. Other research shows a trend
    toward more non-traditional site use. This study uses survey data from
    political information gatherers during the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign to
    measure how much traditional and non-traditional media sites dominated
    their attention and whether factors such as demographics, political interest,
    social ties, and use of offline media limited or contributed to that domination.
    The survey found that non-traditional sites controlled respondents' online
    attention as much as traditional media sites in terms of political information,
    and several factors contributed to accessing traditional and non-traditional
    media online.

 John Parmelee, John Davies, & Carolyn A. McMahan, “The Rise of Non-Traditional
  Site Use for Online Political Information,” Communication Quarterly 59 (2011): 625-
•   Historical     Social networks
•   Comparative      experienced by
•   Descriptive      media
                     organizations in
•   Correlation      developing
•   Experimental     countries.
•   Evaluative
•   Action
                   What data would
•   Ethnogenic      you collect for
•   Feminist        each of the
•   Cultural        argument
                    categories at
•   Ph.D., University of
    Georgia, 2005.
•   At UM since 2008.
•   Author of ―President
    Clinton and the White
    House Prayer
    Breakfast,‖ in The
    Political Pulpit
    Revisited (Purdue
    Press, 2004).

 Disciplines
 Sub-disciplines
 Fields
 Specialties
 Areas
   Communication and Technology       Interpersonal and group communication (including communication in
                                       family, developmental, and relational settings);

   Critical/cultural Studies of      Organizational communication
    Communication/Media               Intercultural and international communication

   Health Communication              Health communication

                                      Political communication
   Intercultural/International
                                      Communication and technology
                                      Rhetorical studies (including theory, history, and criticism)
   Interpersonal/Small Group         Discourse studies (including language pragmatics, discourse analysis, and
    Communication                      similar studies)

                                      Critical, cultural, interpretive studies of communication and media
   Mass Communication Research
                                      Feminist communication studies
   Organizational Communication      Mass communication research (including institutions, effects, media and
   Political Communication
                                      Communication law and policy
   Rhetorical Studies                Advertising and public relations

 Types of                Types of
  books                    Publishers
   Textbooks               University Presses
   Academic/scholarly      Commercial
    monographs               Publishers
   Edited volumes          Self-publishers
   Handbooks/encyclop
    e-dias, etc.
•   Ph.D., University of
    Georgia, 2007.
•   At UM since 2007.
•   Author of The
    Faithful Citizen:
    Popular Christian
    Media and Gendered
    Civic Identities
    (Baylor University
    Press, 2010).
           1. Coursework in a broad                                         6. Required comprehensive
               range of theoretical                                               exams or project
               perspectives                                                 7. The breadth of course
           2. Quantitative methods                                                offerings outside the
               coursework                                                         PhD-granting
           3. Methods courses taught                                              department or school
               within the PhD-granting                                      8. Required preliminary or
               department or school                                               qualifying exams
           4. The quality of course                                         9. Critical-cultural studies
               offerings outside the                                              coursework
               PhD-granting                                                 10. Coursework on the
               department or school                                               economics and law of
           5. Qualitative methods                                                 communication
               coursework                                                         industries
                                                                            11. Rhetoric coursework
Source: K.A. Neuendorf, et al., “The View from the Ivory Tower: Evaluating Doctoral Programs in Communication,” Communication Reports 20
(2007): 24-41.
Basic premises about scientific inquiry
   1.    realism: science is an attempt to find out about one real world.
   2.    demarcation: clear distinction between scientific theories and other
   3.    science is cumulative.
   4.    observation-theory distinction.
   5.    foundations—observations and experimentation.
   6.    deductivism.
   7.    concepts are precise; meanings are fixed.
   8.    the unity of science.
Non-scientific (interpretivist) approaches to COMM:
   1.    meaning is individualized, interpretive, and socially evolved.
   2.    knowledge is often subjective, individualized, and inductively derived.
   3.    methods: interpretation of subjective meanings; arguments and critical
   4.    research is governed by phenomenology, ethnomethodology, and symbolic
         Phenomenology: the study of structures of consciousness as experienced
   from the          first-person point of view.
         Ethnomethodology: the study of the everyday methods people use for the
                     production of social order; goal is to document the methods and
   practices         through which society’s members make sense of their world.
         Symbolic interactionism: people act toward things based on the meaning
   those things      have for them; and these meanings are derived from social
   interaction and modified through interpretation; human beings are best
   understood in relation to their        environment.
   Critical/Humanistic Methods:
              1.        Historical
             2.        Ideological
                  3.     Literary
          4.       Biographical
        5.        Critical/Cultural
             6.        Journalistic
 Provide citation information—author(s), title, journal, date
 Discuss the questions/arguments raised in the article.
  What is their basis? What is their theoretical foundation?
 Discuss the methods that are employed in the article.
 Discuss the conclusions/findings of the article. Offer an
  evaluation of those conclusions and/or findings.
 Discuss any questions/concerns/issues that you discover
  about the research.

 Why do we do research? What is our
 Where will our research have the most
 How does research
  influence, effect, enrich other people?
 Where are the spheres of influence for
  our research?

 Public            Publication
  presentation      Outlet
   Audience        Process
   Convention      Product
   Community
   Process

Select Convention
                   Select Interest Group
Different types of
conventions                           Select Format
National/Int’l     Caucuses           Competitive
Regional                              Paper
                   Specialty Groups
Specialty                             Panel Proposal

• Select journal
                           Resubmit   • Reject—new
• Meet requirements                     journal
                      • Reject        • Accept
  • Page length
                      • R&R           • Copyright
  • Style
                      • Acceptance    • Proofs

       Submit                             Publication

Teaching            Community
                     Social
                     Community
                     Media
                     Volunteer
Issues                Issues
 Ownership, aut       Participants
   horship, plagiar    Research
   ism (self and         Design
                       Informed
 Citation and           Consent
   nt                  IRB
 Writing
 Parsimony
•   Ph.D., Indiana
    University, 1992.
•   At UM since 1998.
•   Author of The
    Rhetorical Presidency,
    Propaganda, and the
    Cold War, 1945-1955
    (Praeger, 2002); Co-
    editor of The Handbook
    of Rhetoric and Public
    Address (Wiley-
    Blackwell, 2010)
•   Ph.D., University of
    Minnesota, 2005.
•   At UM since 2008.
•   Author of many
    publications, includin
    g recent articles in
    Communication, Vac
    cine, and Human
Issues                Issues
 Ownership,           Participants
   authorship,         Research
   plagiarism (self      Design
   and other)
                       Informed
 Citation and           Consent
   nt                  IRB
 Writing
 Parsimony
•   Ph.D., Purdue
    University, 1975.
•   At UM since 2004.
•   Among many
    publications, co-
    author of Women
    in Public
    Relations: How
    Gender Influences
    Practice (Guilford,
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Comm 700 2011 slides 2

  • 1.
  • 3. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? • Name • Two Adjectives • Favorite Film • Comfort Food • Preferred Musical Genre • Favorite Washington Landmark
  • 4. REASONS FOR GOING TO GRAD SCHOOL 1. I desperately want to learn more 9. Grad school is tuition free. about Communication. 10. I’m seeking international 2. I will increase my earning power by recognition and academic research going to graduate school. will get me there. 3. I hated my old job and wanted a real 11. I want to become a very skilled change. writer and scholar. 4. I’m seeking greater recognition, fame, 12. I had no idea what to do and grad and fortune in my chosen field. school seemed like a good option. 5. I’ve always wanted to teach, and 13. An M.A. is the new B.A. graduate school pays me to do that. 14. I like to meet new people and the 6. I don’t want to be stuck behind a desk folks at UM seemed nice. and I like flexibility and freedom. 15. Everyone in my family has an 7. I want to contribute to the body of advanced degree—it’s an knowledge in my chosen field. expectation. 8. I want to work with a particular 16. I really like school and see myself as faculty member and help with their a life-long student. research.
  • 5. MODELS OF GRADUATE EDUCATION Apprentice Model Preprofessional Model
  • 7. …a professor should have to restrain students from speaking out passionately about the subjects under discussion….as a graduate student, you have chosen to enter an elite profession, the implication being that you have something valuable to contribute to it. It is incumbent upon you, therefore, to show your actual ability to contribute something, however difficult it may be for you at the beginning of your career.‖
  • 8. COMMUNICATION RESEARCH?  What is research? What does it mean to engage in research?  What is Communication research? How does it differ from other kinds of research? How it is similar?  What kinds of research have you engaged in thus far?  What knowledge did that research generate? What questions did you answer?  What questions won’t you be able to answer after 5+ years of graduate school?
  • 9.
  • 10. PROFESSIONALIZATION & RESEARCH  Professionalization:  Learning the systems, the processes, the dynamics of a professional institution.  Putting into practice the knowledge of a profession and the dictates of professional systems.  Acquiring the skills and background to adjust, adapt, and achieve.  Research:  A critical aspect of professionalization in higher education.  The conduct of inquiry with the goal of generating knowledge, provoking arguments, and offering illuminating insights.  Often bound by disciplines, methods, domains of inquiry, subjects, and audiences.
  • 11. How do you select an advisor? What factors are important in this process? Who do you listen to? What should the advising relationship look
  • 12. THE ADVISING RELATIONSHIP  Advice & mentoring  Professional advancement  Reputation and professional standing  Research trajectory  Friendship, support
  • 13. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ADVISING RELATIONSHIP  Agreement about  Different communication advising models  Agreement about  Replication model advising model  Apprenticeship model  Co-creation model
  • 14. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ADVISING RELATIONSHIP  Expectations for a dissertation  Maintaining the relationship: Behaving professionally Framing issues collaboratively Backing up the advisor Appreciating the advisor
  • 15. QUESTIONS TO ASK  Does the professor have the time to take you on as a doctoral student?  Does the professor have the interest to take you on as a doctoral student?  Is the demeanor/personality appealing and comfortable for your academic style and needs?  Have former graduate students of the professor had good experiences and completed their programs in a timely fashion?  Does the professor anticipate being at the university during the entire period of your planned program?  Does the professor exhibit the ability to communicate openly, clearly, and effectively from your perspective?  Does the professor have personal research papers, articles, books, etc. that you might review to gain additional insight into his/her research area?  Does the professor have a history of giving proper attention to proteges who work under his/her guidance?  Among the faculty, university, and broader communities, is this professor known and respected for his/her research, writing, and publications?  Adapted from H.G. Adams (1992), Mentoring: An Essential Factor in the Doctoral Process for Minority Students, National Center for Graduate Education for Minorities.
  • 16. ACADEMIC TITLES  Tenure & Tenure-track  Assistant Professor  Associate Professor  Professor
  • 17. ACADEMIC TYPES  The High Priests & Priestesses  Deadwood  The Black Sheep  The Careerists  Service Slaves  The Curmudgeons  The Young Turks  The Hall-Talkers  Theory Boy/Girl  Life-Long Learners
  • 18. RESEARCH & DEFINITIONS What is Communication?
  • 19. MILLER ON COMMUNICATION  Communication is part of the behavioral sciences  Communication is interdisciplinary  Communication borrows method and content from other domains  Communication’s primary responsibility is the study of specific types of behavior  Communication’s behavior is the situation when a source transmits a message to a receiver(s) with conscious intent to affect the latter’s behaviors.
  • 20. GERBNER ON COMMUNICATION  Communication lays out the explicit or implicit preoccupation with the tactics of power, persuasion, and manipulation.  Communication is not about producing desired results/outcomes.  Communication is not only about producing effects or changes.  Communication IS social interaction through symbols and message systems. The production and perception of message systems cultivating stable structures of generalized images is at the heart of the communications transaction.
  • 21. NILSEN ON COMMUNICATION Category I Definition: stimulus-response situations in which one deliberately transmits stimuli to evoke response. Category II Definition: stimulus-response situations in which there need not be any intention of evoking response in the transmission of the stimuli.
  • 22.
  • 23. Ph.D., Mass Media & Cultural Studies, University of Manchester, UK, 2000. • At UM since 2007. • Co-author of Islam dot com: Contemporary Islamic Discourses in Cyberspace (Palgrave- Macmillan, 2009).
  • 24. Ph.D., Purdue University, 2006. • At UM since 2005. • Recipient of numerous research awards, including the Outstanding Scholarly Article Award from ICA’s Intercultural Communication Division.
  • 26.
  • 27. COURSEWORK, KNOWLEDGE, & SKILLS The coursework you pursue and the plan of study you design should accomplish several objectives: 1. It should challenge you and provoke your interest and enthusiasm. Take courses that ask a lot of you, that require research, that are outside of your comfort zone. 2. It should allow you to begin to formulate and develop your dissertation. 3. It should make clear to you all that you don’t know. 4. It should enhance your preprofessionalization process. 5. It should fulfill the requirements necessary to complete the degree.
  • 28. THE (HI)STORIES WE TELL • Three types of • The 3 COMM stories: stories: • the people • Speech story • the ideas • Journalism story • the process • Communication story
  • 29.
  • 31. DELIA’S STORY Communication research in America:  Largely concerned with the study of mass communication/media  Role of public communication media in social/political life  Communication research is shaped by the rise of the social sciences Delia brings to the fore the question of method in the (hi)story of Communication research.
  • 32. GRUNIG’S STORY Public relations research/scholarship is a biographical story  Scott Cutlip  James Grunig Defining characteristics:  Public relations and relationships  Interdependence  Management function of public relations  Roles and models of public relations
  • 33. PIETILÄ’S STORY Mass Communication (Media Studies) has progressed through different phases: Mass Communication Research New Leftist Media Studies Cultural Criticism
  • 34. TYPES/SCHOOLS OF COMMUNICATION RESEARCH G E N E R A L C AT E G O R I E S UM RESEARCH AREAS • Rhetorical = practical art of • Feminist Studies discourse • Semiotic = intersubjective • Health Communication mediation by signs • Phenomenological = experience • Intercultural of otherness Communication • Cybernetic = information processing • Media Studies • Sociopsychological = viewed • Persuasion & Social expression, interaction, and influence Influence • Sociocultural = production of • Public Relations social order • Critical = discursive • Rhetoric & Political Culture reflection/power
  • 35. Ph.D., University of North Carolina, 2006. • At UM since 2009. • Lead investigator on ―Terrorist Countermeasures‖ project with DHS National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism ($1.3 million).
  • 36.
  • 37. Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1975. • At UM since 1981. • Chair of the Department, 1997- 2007; Co-author of The Measurement of Communication Processes: Galileo Theory and Method (Academic Press, 1980)
  • 38. Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1973. • At UM since 1986. • Co-author of Making Sense of Political Ideology: The Power of Language in Democracy (Rowman & Littlefield, 2006)
  • 39.
  • 40. • Ph.D., Purdue University, 1968. • At UM since 1968. • Author/Editor of nine books, including Listening and Listenable Briefings.
  • 42. BASIC COMPONENTS OF A CV • Name and • Publications Affiliation • Conference • Educational Presentations Background • Award & • Dissertation/Re Honors search • Service Information • Memberships • Work Experience • Language/Skills • References
  • 43. BASIC RULES/GUIDELINES FOR CV  Error-Free  Consistency  Informative  Appropriate/Relevant  Adaptable  Readable
  • 44.
  • 45. • Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1975. • At UM since 2007. • Author of Arguing: Exchanging Reasons Face to Face (L. Erlbaum, 2005).
  • 49. WHAT IS RESEARCH?  The systematic investigation into the study of materials, sources, etc. in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.  An endeavor to discover new or collate old facts etc. by the scientific study of a subject or by a course of critical investigation.  A procedure by which we attempt to find systematically, and with the support of demonstrable fact, the answer to a question or the resolution of a problem.  The systematic, controlled, empirical, and critical investigation of hypothetical propositions about presumed relations among natural phenomena.
  • 50. WHAT RESEARCH IS NOT?  A simple gathering of facts or information  Moving facts from one situation to another  An esoteric activity, removed from practical life  A word to get your product noticed
  • 51. YOUR RESEARCH IDENTITY  Intellectual identity The social scientist The theorist The historian The critic
  • 52. YOUR RESEARCH IDENTITY  Disciplinary Identity Theory competency History/context Knowledge of scholarship Methodological skill/expertise
  • 53. YOUR RESEARCH IDENTITY 1. Name your topic: I am studying _____. 2. Imply your question: because I want to find out who/how/why _____. 3. State the rationale for the question and the project: in order to understand how/why what _____.
  • 54. TPG RESEARCH IDENTITIES I am studying the life and times of Judson Welliver because I want to find out how the practice/institutionalization of presidential speechwriting began in order to understand why presidential speechwriting is a specialized craft in contemporary political practice. I am studying the popular culture expression of President Bill Clinton because I want to find out how this president continues to circulate as a cultural figure of some uncertain, cipherous meaning in order to better understand how the presidency and particular presidents are ideologically defined in the contemporary U.S. I am studying the political image in U.S. political because I want to find out how such rhetorics operate as the source and basis of political judgment in order to understand how Americans in the 21st century engage in political communication.
  • 55. RESEARCH IDENTITY STATEMENTS I am a rhetorical historian who studies U.S. higher education discourse. Using the techniques of textual analysis and social/cultural historiography, I investigate the construction and influence of philosophical, curricular, and pedagogical ideas in higher education. Examples of such ideas include general education, critical thinking, and academic freedom. In my current work, I am studying influential discourses on liberal education in an effort to identify the rhetorical strategies by which “timeless truths” in education are created. Through this and other research, I seek to clarify the role of higher education in a democratic society, which promises to enhance decision-making processes regarding this vital and powerful U.S. institution.
  • 56. RESEARCH IDENTITY STATEMENTS I am a social scientist who studies family communication patterns. I employ both quantitative methods such as statistics and experiments as well as the qualitative method of ethnography. I am studying family communication patterns because I want to find out which communication variables contribute to family closeness and cohesion and which lead to the dissolution of the family unit. My research is aimed at the general public with the intention of teaching communication strategies to families in order to help improve and/or save their familial relationships.
  • 59. COMMUNICATION DATA & ARGUMENTS In 2007, the flagship humor publication, The Onion, launched the Onion News Network (ONN), a comic news organization producing online sketch videos. This article argues that ONN is a distinctive form of hyperreal social critique that uses ironic iconicity, rather than slapstick or the usual tomfoolery of much comedy programming, to invite rhetorical insights about contemporary media events and political practices. ONN's videos draw attention toward communicative dynamics, creating spaces for alternative civic understandings through a televisual technique that imitates but also reconfigures the structure, delivery, or content of mainstream news broadcasts like CNN and Fox News. Although not without limitations, this ironic iconicity crafts a multimodal online rhetoric and demonstrates the contingency, recursivity, and judgment of news communication norms and practices. Don Waisanen, “Crafting Hyperreal Spaces for Comic Insights: The Onion News Network’s Ironic Iconicity,” Communication Quarterly 59 (2011): 508-528.
  • 60. COMMUNICATION DATA & ARGUMENTS This article examines the evolving dynamic between citizens, journalists, and politicians—what we call agenda control— using the CNN/YouTube presidential primary debates as a case. A systematic content analysis of questions asked and candidates’ answers as compared with standard journalist-as-questioner debates hosted by MSNBC reveals that the dynamic between politicians, journalists, and citizens suggests that journalists do a better job of getting candidates to answer questions than do citizens in the YouTube video format, not by virtue of being journalists, but by virtue of asking the right form of question. Results also indicate that the CNN/YouTube debate questions from citizens failed to reflect the broad set of issues of interest to those who submitted questions, and instead included a disproportionate number of culture–war issues and campaign strategy questions. Findings suggest that journalists maintain the upper hand in agenda control. Jennifer Stromer-Galley & Lauren Bryant, “Agenda Control in the 2008 CNN/YouTube Debates,” Communication Quarterly 59 (2011): 529-546.
  • 61. COMMUNICATION DATA & ARGUMENTS This essay highlights and explores a point of tension between theoretical writings on style and moral frames. Past political communication scholarship points to the importance of the feminine style in today's televisual era of politics. In this same political era, the conservative strict parent moral frame has dominated most policy debates. Surprisingly, this highly successful moral frame appears squarely at odds with the feminine style so closely connected with political success. This essay attempts to unravel this tension between styles and frames by examining discourse drawn from the 2007 debate over comprehensive immigration reform. To account for the success of conservative messages within this debate, this essay both (a) calls into question the nature of the relationship between the television medium and the feminine style and (b) expands our understanding of the discursive operation of deep moral frames by drawing a distinction between intra-familial and extra-familial policy discourse.  David Levasseur, J. Kanan Sawyer, & Maria A. Kopacz, “The Intersection between Deep Moral Frames and Rhetorical Style in the Struggle over U.S. Immigration Reform,” Communication Quarterly 59 (2011): 547-568.
  • 62. COMMUNICATION DATA & ARGUMENTS This study explores the lived experiences of people who act as allies in the interest of social justice. Interviews were conducted to investigate the meaning of the ally identity and the tactics allies use to interrupt stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination against others. Findings suggest that people who speak out on behalf of social justice from positions of relative power do so (a) out of identity concerns that emphasize moral obligations, (b) largely through authoritative and dialogic strategies that draw on their symbolic capital, and (c) in ways that reflect ideologies of culturally dominant groups. The study also describes tensions arising out of the contradictory nature of deploying social power against the system that confers it. Conventional definitions of ―allies‖ that rely on static notions of power, finally, are challenged as too simplistic. Sara DeTurk, “Allies in Action: The Communicative Experiences of People Who Challenge Social Injustice on Behalf of Others,” Communication Quarterly 59 (2011): 569-590.
  • 63. COMMUNICATION DATA & ARGUMENTS In an attempt to enrich Sloop and Ono's (1997) theory of outlaw discourse, this article draws from the more extensive literature on the trickster to demonstrate how the two concepts have a shared heritage. First, the nature of outlaw discourse is reviewed, and then the myth of the trickster is discussed. Following these overviews, the similarities and differences between the two are explained by providing three brief examples of trickster-influenced outlaw discourse that demonstrate the potential for a trickster perspective to enrich the study of certain kinds of outlaw discourse. Sarah Hagedorn VanSlette & Josh Boyd, “Lawbreaking Jokers: Tricksters Using Outlaw Discourse,” Communication Quarterly 59 (2011): 591-602.
  • 64. COMMUNICATION DATA & ARGUMENTS This article offers a theoretical examination of civility within the modern U.S. Senate (USS), grounding the contemporary literature—which conceives of civility as a set of standards for public argument—in the notion of civil society as espoused by Adam Ferguson. Ferguson's theory of civil society suggests that civility within deliberative bodies should be weighed against other factors, including the antagonistic nature of debate and the morality (in a utilitarian sense) of its participants and outcomes. The essay concludes with examples of how critics might apply this perspective to USS debate to reveal the rhetorical functions of (in)civility. Christopher Darr, “Adam Ferguson’s Civil Society and the Rhetorical Functions of (In)Civility in United States Senate Debate,” Communication Quarterly 59 (2011): 603-624.
  • 65. COMMUNICATION DATA & ARGUMENTS This article updates and clarifies what is known about where political information is gathered online. Some studies have found that the online sites of traditional media companies dominate online interest and marginalize non-traditional sites that present independent views, which damages the Internet's ability to provide diverse viewpoints. Other research shows a trend toward more non-traditional site use. This study uses survey data from political information gatherers during the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign to measure how much traditional and non-traditional media sites dominated their attention and whether factors such as demographics, political interest, social ties, and use of offline media limited or contributed to that domination. The survey found that non-traditional sites controlled respondents' online attention as much as traditional media sites in terms of political information, and several factors contributed to accessing traditional and non-traditional media online.  John Parmelee, John Davies, & Carolyn A. McMahan, “The Rise of Non-Traditional Site Use for Online Political Information,” Communication Quarterly 59 (2011): 625- 640.
  • 66. ARGUMENTS FOR COMMUNICATION RESEARCH • Historical Social networks • Comparative experienced by • Descriptive media organizations in • Correlation developing • Experimental countries. • Evaluative • Action What data would • Ethnogenic you collect for • Feminist each of the • Cultural argument categories at left?
  • 67. Ph.D., University of Georgia, 2005. • At UM since 2008. • Author of ―President Clinton and the White House Prayer Breakfast,‖ in The Political Pulpit Revisited (Purdue University Press, 2004).
  • 68.
  • 69. AREAS OF RESEARCH  Disciplines  Sub-disciplines  Fields  Specialties  Areas
  • 70. COMMUNICATION   Communication and Technology Interpersonal and group communication (including communication in family, developmental, and relational settings);  Critical/cultural Studies of  Organizational communication Communication/Media  Intercultural and international communication  Health Communication  Health communication  Political communication  Intercultural/International  Communication and technology Communication  Rhetorical studies (including theory, history, and criticism)  Interpersonal/Small Group  Discourse studies (including language pragmatics, discourse analysis, and Communication similar studies)  Critical, cultural, interpretive studies of communication and media  Mass Communication Research  Feminist communication studies  Organizational Communication  Mass communication research (including institutions, effects, media and society)  Political Communication  Communication law and policy  Rhetorical Studies  Advertising and public relations
  • 85. BOOKS IN COMMUNICATION RESEARCH  Types of  Types of books Publishers  Textbooks  University Presses  Academic/scholarly  Commercial monographs Publishers  Edited volumes  Self-publishers  Handbooks/encyclop e-dias, etc.
  • 89.
  • 90. Ph.D., University of Georgia, 2007. • At UM since 2007. • Author of The Faithful Citizen: Popular Christian Media and Gendered Civic Identities (Baylor University Press, 2010).
  • 91. IMPORTANCE TO PH.D. CURRICULUM 1. Coursework in a broad 6. Required comprehensive range of theoretical exams or project perspectives 7. The breadth of course 2. Quantitative methods offerings outside the coursework PhD-granting 3. Methods courses taught department or school within the PhD-granting 8. Required preliminary or department or school qualifying exams 4. The quality of course 9. Critical-cultural studies offerings outside the coursework PhD-granting 10. Coursework on the department or school economics and law of 5. Qualitative methods communication coursework industries 11. Rhetoric coursework Source: K.A. Neuendorf, et al., “The View from the Ivory Tower: Evaluating Doctoral Programs in Communication,” Communication Reports 20 (2007): 24-41.
  • 92. RESEARCH METHODS IN COMMUNICATION Basic premises about scientific inquiry 1. realism: science is an attempt to find out about one real world. 2. demarcation: clear distinction between scientific theories and other beliefs. 3. science is cumulative. 4. observation-theory distinction. 5. foundations—observations and experimentation. 6. deductivism. 7. concepts are precise; meanings are fixed. 8. the unity of science.
  • 93. RESEARCH METHODS IN COMMUNICATION Non-scientific (interpretivist) approaches to COMM: 1. meaning is individualized, interpretive, and socially evolved. 2. knowledge is often subjective, individualized, and inductively derived. 3. methods: interpretation of subjective meanings; arguments and critical theory. 4. research is governed by phenomenology, ethnomethodology, and symbolic interactionism. Phenomenology: the study of structures of consciousness as experienced from the first-person point of view. Ethnomethodology: the study of the everyday methods people use for the production of social order; goal is to document the methods and practices through which society’s members make sense of their world. Symbolic interactionism: people act toward things based on the meaning those things have for them; and these meanings are derived from social interaction and modified through interpretation; human beings are best understood in relation to their environment.
  • 94. RESEARCH METHODS IN COMMUNICATION Critical/Humanistic Methods: 1. Historical 2. Ideological 3. Literary 4. Biographical 5. Critical/Cultural 6. Journalistic
  • 95.
  • 96. RESEARCH REPORTS  Provide citation information—author(s), title, journal, date  Discuss the questions/arguments raised in the article. What is their basis? What is their theoretical foundation?  Discuss the methods that are employed in the article.  Discuss the conclusions/findings of the article. Offer an evaluation of those conclusions and/or findings.  Discuss any questions/concerns/issues that you discover about the research.
  • 97. THE ENDS OF RESEARCH  Why do we do research? What is our purpose?  Where will our research have the most impact?  How does research influence, effect, enrich other people?  Where are the spheres of influence for our research?
  • 98. GOAL #1—DISSEMINATING RESEARCH  Public  Publication presentation  Outlet  Audience  Process  Convention  Product  Community  Process
  • 99. DISSEMINATING RESEARCH—ACADEMIC CONVENTIONS Select Convention Select Interest Group Different types of conventions Select Format Divisions National/Int’l Caucuses Competitive Regional Paper Specialty Groups Specialty Panel Proposal Poster
  • 100. DISSEMINATING RESEARCH--PUBLISHING • Select journal Resubmit • Reject—new • Meet requirements journal • Reject • Accept • Page length • R&R • Copyright • Style • Acceptance • Proofs Submit Publication
  • 101. OTHERS AREAS OF IMPACT Teaching Community  Social services  Community improvement  Media outreach  Volunteer
  • 103. HONESTY, ETHICS, & RESEARCH Issues Issues  Ownership, aut  Participants horship, plagiar  Research ism (self and Design other)  Informed  Citation and Consent acknowledgme nt  IRB  Writing  Parsimony
  • 104. Ph.D., Indiana University, 1992. • At UM since 1998. • Author of The Rhetorical Presidency, Propaganda, and the Cold War, 1945-1955 (Praeger, 2002); Co- editor of The Handbook of Rhetoric and Public Address (Wiley- Blackwell, 2010)
  • 105.
  • 106. Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 2005. • At UM since 2008. • Author of many publications, includin g recent articles in Health Communication, Vac cine, and Human Communication Research.
  • 107. HONESTY, ETHICS, & RESEARCH Issues Issues  Ownership,  Participants authorship,  Research plagiarism (self Design and other)  Informed  Citation and Consent acknowledgme nt  IRB  Writing  Parsimony
  • 108.
  • 109. Ph.D., Purdue University, 1975. • At UM since 2004. • Among many publications, co- author of Women in Public Relations: How Gender Influences Practice (Guilford, 2001).