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Collective Bargaining And The Bargaining Process
Collective bargaining is the process by which conditions of employment are negotiated between
management, and the labor organization representing employees in the bargaining unit. However,
"collective bargaining refers to a situation in which union members and officials meet with an intent
to resolve any issues or conflicts, in an attempt to maintain relationships" (Holley, Jennings, &
Wolters, 2012, p. 243). The collective bargaining process relies on four aspects: recognition of the
meeting, meeting with appropriate parties, bargaining in good faith, and incorporating the reached
agreement (Adam, 1997). Nevertheless, collective bargaining activities are governed by the National
Labor Relations Act (NLRA). The NLRA requires bargaining ... Show more content on ...
Voluntary or permissive bargaining subjects are those for which an employer or labor organization
may choose to bargain, but are not required to do so. Moreover, a refusal to address a voluntary or
permissive bargaining subject is not a violation of the NLRA. Some examples include the following:
internal union business, inclusion of supervisors in contract, designation of negotiators, marketing
strategies, price of employer's product, use of union labels, and taping or making transcripts of
negotiations (Delaney, Sockell, & Brockner, 1988). Yet, illegal subjects of bargaining are unlawful
under the NLRA. Some examples include the following: closed–shop clauses, union–shop clauses in
right–to–work states, "hot cargo" clauses and provisions that violate the NLRA or federal or state
employment laws (Delaney, Sockell, & Brockner, 1988). In this case, as a bargaining unit member,
Allen Eagle performed his regular work duties of cleaning the bathroom on the second floor in the
administrative building when he glanced and noticed a surveillance camera located in the vent
directly above him (Holley, Jennings, & Wolters, 2012, p. 285). Essentially, Engle reported his
encounter to three other bargaining unit members, and the union steward Luther Hall, who went to
the bathroom on the second floor, and confirmed that the hidden camera was there (Holley,
Jennings, & Wolters, 2012,
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The Collective Bargaining Process
LBS 290 Applied Collective Bargaining Course Work Question: Summarize three (3) topics covered
during the semester and discuss the issues. To complete this paper the topics chosen are: The
Collective Bargaining Process: Preparation, Strategies and Tactics The Collective Bargaining
Process: Preparation, Strategies and Tactics Introduction Collective bargaining can be defined as a
process where workers' representative and management's representative meet and treat at the
bargaining table to determine the arrangement of the working relationship between an employer and
employees in the workplace (Salamon, 2000; Leap, 1995). This involves setting the terms and
condition of employment, putting systems in place to settled any ... Show more content on ...
They are responsible for making proposals and counter proposals supported by convincing
arguments to the opposing team, and can determine what a settlement agreement should be subject
to the approval of their principal. The interest of constituents must not be compromised. The
negotiating team and a chief negotiator must be selected in this stage. The team must have key
specialist persons who have a working knowledge of labour–management relations, a clear
understanding of the existing contract, and some knowledge of economic and industry conditions
that could affect the negotiations. The team members must be specialist in various fields in order to
be effective. Some of these include: an accountant, labour economist, para–legal or lawyer, note
taker, manager, researchers and a presenter/chief negotiator. A team leader must be selected who will
direct and coordinate the activities of the negotiating team. The best person must be selected for
each position. Selection should not be based on scope of influence within the management
hierarchical structure or nepotism. Selection must be based on competency and merit. The chief
negotiator should be an excellent presenter with the required mix of skill, training and experience,
who can command the respect of other team members and those of the opposing team. Selection
must be done in an equitable manner. After the team has been selected the other three (3)
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Bargaining Vs Collective Bargaining
The role of the NLRA, which is also known as the Wagner Act, was established to recognize
employee's rights to organize and negotiate collectively with representatives of their own preference
(Murray, 2017). Furthermore, Section 7 of the NLRA states: "Employees shall have the right to self–
organization, to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through
representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in concerted activities for the purpose of
collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection" (Meza, 2013, p. 335). Collective bargaining
is the process by which conditions of employment are negotiated between management, and the
labor organization representing employees in the bargaining unit. However, "collective bargaining
refers to a situation in which union members and officials meet with an intent to resolve any issues
or conflicts, in an attempt to maintain relationships" (Holley, Jennings, & Wolters, 2012, p. 243).
Needless to say, when an employer states that they do not have to bargain over an issue with the
union, the employee should still verify this information with their union representative. According to
the text, collective bargaining is the process of negotiation that occurs between an employer and a
group of employees (Holley, Jennings, & Wolters, 2012). Essentially, good faith bargaining is when
both parties genuinely collaborate to reach a labor agreement, which is reasonable in their
bargaining positions,
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Negotiating On Integrative Bargaining Overall Strategy
Introduction The aim of this negotiation plan is to negotiate on integrative bargaining overall
strategy. The purpose is to resolve the issues and reach an agreement on the 5 remaining issues, as it
has been ongoing for on numbers of meetings. In this essay, integrative bargaining will be the
overall strategy for the management. The negotiation issues strategy for the issue of increase of
wage and roster will be creative compromise, following with issues of training and contract duration
are concede and finally work place committee is contend. The purpose of using this strategy is that,
hopefully to reach an outcome of win–win situation where both parties walk out as winners. This
creates value for employees and management making both parties happy and work in harmony.
Body The most critical issue for this negotiation is to agree on the roster because this is the highly
complex issue and sensitive issue where it is hard to create an integrative bargain (Tracy 2013).
Furthermore, the goal is to reduce or eliminate the overtime hours which can be difficult because of
workers having to change roster causing financial disadvantage to employees, also the need for
management is flexibility to cope with summer and winter overtime. Goal helps negotiation to be on
track (Calhoun & Smith 1999). In addition, the strategy chosen is creative compromise.
Management would choose the 1976 hours a year, however the employees will obviously be
choosing the 76 hours over 2 weeks. The
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Stages and Strategies of Collective Bargaining
The ILO Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining Convention (No. 98), 1949 describes
collective bargaining as: "Voluntary negotiation between employers or employers' organizations and
workers organizations, with a view to the regulation of terms and conditions of employment by
collective agreements." Collective bargaining could also be defined as negotiations relating to terms
of employment and conditions of work between an employer, a group of employers or an employers'
organization on the one hand, and representative workers' organizations on the other, with a view to
reaching agreement. There are several essential features of collective bargaining, all of which cannot
be reflected in a single definition or description of ... Show more content on ...
The subsequent arguments and counter arguments can become heated and even acrimonious.
Negotiations can break down and resume and the matter remains inconclusive without any progress
for many days. Stage 3: Signaling This collective bargaining model rests on the worker's
representatives submitting proposals that they consider ideal, but willing to settle for less, and the
management willing to concede more than they publicly acknowledge. Sending signals across to the
other party, through subtle messages, change of tone, body language, and other cues reveal to the
other side that the proposal under discussion will meet with little resistance, can be accepted with
modifications, or have a low chance of acceptance. Signaling thereby reveals the resistance point to
the other party without making it explicit. Failure to send signals leads to both sides sticking to their
positions, causing impasse and a breakdown of negotiation and the dispute escalating to the next
level of industrial action. Stage 4: Proposal One of the important stages of collective bargaining
negotiations is one side making a proposal in a bid to end the argument and reach a settlement. Such
proposals are reconciliation of arguments made by either side, based on the signals received. Stage
5: Packaging Good negotiators package proposals. Packaging involves making concessions, but
placing items that remain too tempting to resist along with some
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The Bargaining Council: The Functions Of The Bargaining...
Collective Bargaining. Collective bargaining structures. Bargaining councils. Bargaining councils
are the statutory successors to the industrial councils that existed under the 1956 LRA, restyled and
revamped to cater for new potential membership and function. The primary function of bargaining
councils, like their predecessors, is to regulate relations between management and labour in the
sectors of employment over which they have jurisdiction by concluding collective agreements, and
to settle disputes between parties falling within their registered scope. Bargaining councils conclude
the collective agreement. A bargaining council thus has a peace–keeping function. Parties to the
council may, of course negotiate all matters mutual interest .They are accordingly not confined to
negotiate wage increases and other conditions of employment, but can negotiate a number of other
issues, such as dispute resolution procedures and the threshold of representativeness in respect of
certain organisational rights. Should parties conclude a collective agreement in ... Show more
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Collective Agreements are concluded to give effect to these matters. Such agreements may also be
extended to non–parties and the provision for the extension of agreement concluded in a bargaining
council are mutatis mutandis applicable. Collective bargaining is not expressed in the act as a
function of the statutory councils. However, provision is made in section 43 for the constitution of a
statutory council to be adapted so that it includes any of the functions of a bargaining council,
including the conclusion of collective agreements in general. The provisions relating to collective
agreements are then applicable to such
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Collective Bargaining Pros And Cons
S. 2042 § 12 ("In any case where a majority of the valid votes cast in a unit appropriate for purposes
of collective bargaining have not been cast in favor of representation by the labor organization and
the Board determines that the election should be set aside because the employer has committed a
violation of this Act, or otherwise interfered with a fair election, and has not demonstrated that the
violation or other interference is unlikely to have affected the outcome of the election, the Board
shall, without ordering a new or rerun election, issue an order requiring the employer to bargain with
the labor organization in accordance with section 8(d) if, at any time during the period beginning 1
year preceding the date of the commencement ... Show more content on ...
Indeed, even with Syrian immigrants, many states including so–called blue states such as
Massachusetts are refusing to accept Syrian refugees. Ashley Fantz & Ben Brumfield, "More Than
Half of the Nation's Governors say Syrian Refugees Not Welcome," CNN (Nov. 18, 2015)–attacks–syrian–refugees–backlash/; Jose A. DelReal,
"Donald Trump Calls for "Deportation Force" to Remove Undocumented Immigrants," Wash. Post
(Nov. 11, 2015)–politics/wp/2015/11/11/donald–trump–
calls–for–deportation–force–to–remove–undocumented–immigrants/; Jonathan Swan, "Santorum
Calls Mass Deportation a 'Gift'," The Hill, (Jan. 14, 2016)
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Unions And Collective Bargaining Rights
Union and collective bargaining rights are important for improvement as well as maintaining labor
conditions and employment relations and are most certainly essential in international labor. Unions
and collective bargaining rights are designed to promote and ensure our human rights are protected.
This certainly doesn't mean there aren't flaws in the system, however, the intention of unions and
collective bargaining is to safeguard workers, employers as well as the government to make it
Since the National Labor Relations Act was passed in 1935, unions have been in existence. The
main role is to safeguard workers' rights, ensure safe work conditions and negotiate for the
employees through collective bargaining. Collective bargaining ... Show more content on ...
The two sides don't have to reach an agreement, but they always have to bargain in good faith.
Although, neither side is required to make a particular concession, a party that refuses to bend on a
single issue or to put any offer on the table might be acting in good faith. The National Labor
Relations Act forbids employers from interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the
exercise of rights relating to organizing, forming, joining or assisting a labor organization for
collective bargaining purposes, or from working together to improve terms and conditions of
employment, or refraining from any such activity. Similarly, labor organizations may not restrain or
coerce employees in the exercise of these rights. Primary examples of employer conduct that
violates the law are, but not limited to; threatening employees with loss of jobs or benefits if they
join or vote for a union or engage in protected concerted activity, threatening to close the plant if
employees select a union to represent them, questioning employees about their union sympathies or
activities in circumstances that tend to interfere with, restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of
their rights under the Act. Promising benefits to employees to discourage their union support.
Transferring, laying off, terminating, assigning employees more difficult work tasks, or otherwise
punishing employees because they engaged in union or protected concerted activity or have filed
unfair labor practice charges or participated in an investigation conducted by
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Collective Bargaining In Public Schools
In this time of increased expectations and decreased funding, schools are under fire more than ever
to produce results. In an effort to produce these results, schools are being asked to examine all of
their practices and to revamp the system. Certainly, as part of this exploration process, teachers'
unions and the system for collective bargaining has undergone intense scrutiny. What use to be
considered the standard for teachers, joining the union, has now become more of a choice and in
some districts an unavailable option. In contradiction, some other districts have move to a non–
right–to–work policy where teachers are required to join the union, although most allow for teachers
to opt out of the union's political agenda. In ... Show more content on ...
2). Overall, the Collective Bargaining Agreement for Arapahoe County– Littleton Schools for the
years of August 2015 to July 2018 is comprehensive and effective. The publications readability,
clarity and usability are effective. The order in which it is laid out makes sense, and the sections
pertinent to a given situation are easy to locate and access. While some of the language is written in
legalese, a detailed description is also included in each article which allows for clarity. There are
also public documents that further explain each area available to the public on the Littleton Public
Schools (LPS) website. As in most agreements, both parties have to compromise on some points. As
to who benefits the most, it depends on the article, interpretation, and situation. An outlined chart
below has been provided for each section to indicate the favored party based on my mentor's and my
opinion. I have also included the thought on the language form the management's perspective as
they are the ones have to legally abide by this
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Industrial Bargaining : Effective And Decentralized...
Industrial bargaining is a concrete of understanding between an employee and an employer to design
a proper agreement with the working rights, wages and benefits. To some extent, union
representatives care for the employers if their needs are not properly fulfilled. It is a type of written
and verbal agreement, which depends upon the mutual understanding between two parties. Their are
two types of bargaining, which are centralized bargaining and decentralized bargaining. According
to fair work 2009 Australian government emphasis's more on decentralized methods to some extent
which become beneficial for the employees to bargain according to their skills and abilities.
Collective centralized bargaining is the process which is usually done ... Show more content on ...
The term"decentralization" is a accumulation of concepts that should be exactly compound in any
specific nation before deciding whether or not tasks or comes got to facilitate revamping of
financial, managerial, or administration conveyance frameworks. Decentralization the exchange of
power and obligation relating to open capacities from the focal government to subordinate or semi
autonomous government associations and/or the personal section may be advanced multifarious
plan. Numerous styles of decentralization got to be recognized on the grounds that they need
distinctive qualities, arrangement suggestions, and conditions for achievement. Decentralized
techniques are usually followed at my work place, where we have a direct contact with the main
authority. Australian collective bargaining system is noteworthy for its heavy reliance on industrial
tribunals and the compulsory arbitration system that operates at the federal level (Dabscheck and
Niland 1981:305–7) In this system wage minima (and sometimes wage increases) were set in the
national and the industrial awards issued by the industrial tribunals. Industry and in some cases firm
level bargaining traditionally provided supplements to these awards, devised the specific terms by
which these awards, devised the specific terms by which these wages are implemented and
negotiated other employment conditions. The Australian industrial relation systems also has been
note worthy for a relatively
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Labor And The Collective Bargaining Process
1.1 The actors who are generally involved in the collective bargaining process are Management but
more specifically, the owners and shareholders, executives and managers and the industrial and
human resource people. In the collective bargaining process in labor it is the individual employees
and the labor unions which represent them. In local, state, and federal government agencies and the
public. It is the government agencies that act as representatives of the public interest and are
responsible for making policies. 2.1 Some basic assumptions about labor and conflict are society has
an impact on labor activities, that conflict is gong to happen between labor and management. This
conflict is not always unhealthy though. Another assumption is that conflict comes from labor and
management having different social and economic interests. There are multiple perspectives from
labor and management. 3.2 Some of the legal reaction toward unionization before the NLRA were
that unions were viewed as criminal conspiracies up until 1842. Unions were viewed as violating a
worker 's right to bargain with their employer as they wish and was not until Commonwealth vs
Hunt that unions were not considered as criminal conspiracies. By 1935 Injunctions became used
widely and unions were no longer considered criminal conspiracies. If union activities were found
illegal, Judges began putting injunctions against these activities and was the judge 's determination if
a union 's action
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Contract Bargaining
For the selected article, it investigates the first contract arbitration's ability to foster bargaining
relationships and discourages any misconduct by analyzing the effect on decertifications (Weinberg,
2015). It has been suggested how the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) sought to amend the
National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) by introducing various changes which are a card–check
system for union certification, first contract arbitration (FCA), and more severe consequences for
violations of the Act (Weinberg, 2015). It has been suggested that by allowing access to arbitration
selection first contract situations, in which both parties are unable to reach a settlement, this
amendment was created to address the difficulties that newly ... Show more content on ...
It is only after the union receives the first contract that its members will actually be able to judge the
value of collective bargaining. To summarize the article that was chosen, it is essentially explaining
that the longer employers can frustrate the unions' attempt to secure a contract, the greater the
likelihood that workers decertify their unions (Weinberg, 2015). As a result of a delay, the
employees may begin to believe that there is no value in collective bargaining, as well as influencing
the terms and conditions of what they sought to change. However, if an FCA is present, the
employees may still be able to secure a contact. With an FCA, it provides an avenue for employees
to apply for arbitration of the first agreement under a variety of circumstances. It has also been
stated that once an application for arbitration is accepted, "all forms of work stoppages such as
strikes or lock–outs have to end an arbitrator can impose the terms and conditions of the collective
agreement that the parties are unable to settle" (Weinberg, 2015, p. 455). In one's opinion, this
article relates to my current position at AT&T because I am in a union. As a result, I now have a
clearer understanding as to how my union and employer negotiate and bargain in regards to creating
a fair contract. Most recently, the union that represents
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Bargaining Cameras
The Human Resource Management Department of an organization, participates in creating and
implementing various work agreements made between employer and the employees. The
agreements created are meant to guide the professional relationship between the two parties.
However, when the agreement regarding their relationship cannot be agreed upon entirely, then the
labor unions may come into play to help with negotiations. The labor unions assist with negotiations
of various subjects of bargaining between the employee and employer of an organization.
Mandatory subjects of bargaining in any organization refer to issues such as employee wages, work
hours, merit increases, bonuses, pensions, health and welfare plans, discharges, drug testing, ...
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Claiming that since the union had knowledge of the existing cameras and therefore their grievance
should be acknowledged, but not does not give them a right or reason to require the company to
bargain the company's "legitimate investigatory technique" (Holly, et al., 2011, p. 286) In this case
study, the company had a collective bargaining obligation with the labor union. Therefore it "may
not unilaterally change a term and condition of employment without bargaining the Union unless the
Union has expressly waived its right to bargain about the particular subject (Trumpeter, 2008, para.
1). The NLRB has held that video surveillance cameras in a company is a mandatory subject of
bargaining and if the cameras are installed prior or without an agreement with the Union then the
employer violates it duty to bargain (Trumpeter, 2008). From this case, I believe the union did, in
fact, waive its rights to bargaining. The company had cameras set up for years without objections.
However, I believe the location of the cameras were an invasion of privacy which is against
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Collective Bargaining
The National Collegiate Athletic Association or the NCAA was originally founded in 1906. Their
motto was "To protect you people from the dangerous and exploitive athletics practices of the time."
Currently, the NCAA has seemed to stop focusing on protecting the athletes themselves and rather
protecting their own profits. The NCCA is currently is a multi–billion dollar institution that will rake
in more than $702 million dollars in pure TV revenue this year. Yet with that profit they cannot find
a reason for athletes to be compensated for their actions. Currently students are struggling to pay
bills, have meals after practice, and maintain a good GPA yet the NCAA will not budge. The
questions that must be asked is can NCAA schools afford to ... Show more content on ...
Walter Byers recently wrote a novel talking about the insides and outside of the NCAA. He was an
executive director for the NCAA from 1951 to 1987 an it was his job to generate money will also
keeping the sport itself safe. during the move "Byers believes that modern–day college sports are no
longer a student activity: they are a high–dollar commercial enterprise, and college athletes should
have the same access to the free market as their coaches and colleges." If such a high profile NCAA
director is coming out and saying that the NCAA is unfair towards their athletes, he must have a
point. He is saying that the NCAA has more than fifty television contracts and millions of money
from different sponsors yet the somehow can not find a way to fund their students. When the NCAA
was first starting out the world of college sports was very different and not as high profile. That is
not the case anymore as recently the University of Michigan said that they are "Ranked as the
fourth–largest 'city in the state on football Saturdays." That is how big college sports have become
they have created an aura around themselves. The fact that athletes are still not being paid while the
sport is growing so rapidly is almost sticking. Its is pure greed that the NCAA has been able to
capitalize on for over a hundred
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Collective Bargaining Case Summary
Collective bargaining is the process of negotiating contract terms between the employer and
employee. In 2015, a group of California teachers decided to petition the court and ultimately
collectively bargain against the union's collective bargain. "The plaintiffs claim California's 'agency
shop' law is unconstitutional and violates teachers' First Amendment rights by forcing them to pay
union dues regardless of whether they support or are a member of the union," (Bidwell, 2015). The
lead plaintiff in this case, Rebecca Friedrichs, has been a teacher for over 25 years. Friedrichs was a
member of the union, but felt like her efforts were pointless, as the others did not listen to her. Now
that she, and others, are not members and do not support
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Bargaining Agreements : A Collective Bargaining Agreement
The culmination of a collective bargaining process is a collective bargaining agreement (CBA)
between employers and members of a labor union. In some instances, where firms hire contractors
who are under a different supervision regime from the bonafide employees of an organization, it
brings about complications in the formulation of collective bargaining agreements for the contractor
and organizational staff under an umbrella labor union covering both staff. Since a collective
bargaining agreement is a contractual agreement between employers and unionizable employees
covering a wide range of areas pertinent to the employer–employee relationship, it is subject to laws
that govern the labor practises at both state and federal government level and can therefore not
contravene the law by allowing what is expressly forbidden under state or federal law (Carrell, &
Heavrin, 2004). Question 2cA In October of the year 1995, the National Labor Relations Board
established the ground rules to govern the unionizable activities of a single employer with multiple
locations in relation to the labor union activities of the employees of the employer. In determining if
a requested worksite qualifies under the new rules, a single location had to be at least a mile from
the other work sites or locations, have minimal interchange with the other sites, have at least 15 unit
workers or employees, and have a statutory supervisor on site. If a work site of an employer who has
multiple locations
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The Pros And Cons Of Collective Bargaining
One of the first laws President Roosevelt enacted was National Relations Act. This law was signed
into law in 1935. The key provisions of this law is to ensure workers are protected within the
industry. The most popular aspect of this is collective bargaining. This law also "curtail certain
private sector labor and management practices, which can harm the general welfare of workers
businesses, and the U.S. economy"(National Labor Relations Act). Collective bargaining establishes
negotiation between the workers and the employees. This is an attempt that certain things are
compromised between the managers and the owners. This pertains to salaries, work hours,
healthcare, and among others. This bill Is considered one of the important and profound piece of
legislation ever passed because it began a wave of the federal government being supportive of
unions. Unions increased dramatically for many years after that. Another key provision of this act is
essentially, the worker have power to unionize, the owners do not have a right to interfere.
Collective bargaining is the hallmark of benefits of the workers or employees within the
organization. As stated prior, there were very little regards for workers in the entity. Workers were
working for longer hours, unsafe working conditions, and were paid a meager salary. The nature of
collective bargaining have evolved over the years and took a drastic turn. An Article, written by
Chris Langford, talks about why are collective bargaining
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Collective Bargaining Essay
1. Does the presence of unions increase the likelihood that management will be fairer and more
consistent with employers? Management is on the side of the employers, since many of those
positions are unable to in the union (Huston, 2010, p. 294). If the manager holds a full–time
supervisor position, then they aren't eligible to join the union, which in turn may upset them when
the union renegotiates their terms, and the nurses get better benefits. An example of this is that a
floor supervisor can actually make less money than that of the floor nurse, and they don't get any
overtime pay (S. Smothers, personal communication, Fall, 2009). There are two types of relations
that unions can have with management; acceptance, and ... Show more content on ...
3. Can the need for unionization be eliminated simply by management being more attentive to
worker needs and being willing to provide employees reasonable working conditions and a voice in
decision making?
I believe that when management is threatened by a union coming, they are desperate at that moment
and would try anything to avoid it from happening. Therefore they are willing to try to negotiate
with nurses to help make them feel as though they are empowered (Huston, 2010, p. 293). However,
this may only be a momentarily gain for the nurse, because if they don't unionize management will
go back to their old practices. An article called "The impact of collective bargaining" published by
the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) states "decision–
making authority with staff nurses without a union is exceedingly rare" (2011).
Unions help to increase wages, fringe benefits, better pension plans, safety, help keep RNs and
displace other staff during layoff (if at all possible), restrict unsafe floating, and ban mandatory
overtime and shift rotation (Huston, 2010, p. 291 & 292, and (National Nurses United, 2010).
Without a union many of these issues would still be in play today. Plus a union will go to bat for
them when needed, which was the case in a Virginia Mason Hospital when they tried to mandate
that all nursing staff had to get immunized (Rosenbaum, 2008).
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A Discussion On Positional Bargaining
Gershenfeld & Kochan, 2004, Friedman, 1993, Post, 2009). However, this also can lead to each
party viewing the other as dishonest, affecting what is already frequently viewed as an adversarial
relationship. During negotiations, each party must determine what the position is that is farthest
away from their original starting point, while still being favorable to their side (Colosi, 1983,
Friedman, 1993, Post, 2009). Not only is each party responsible for presenting proposals reflecting
their own position, but they are also responsible for presenting counterproposals based on both their
position, and what the other party brings to the table. Through this exchange, it allows negotiators to
get a better understanding of what each party is ... Show more content on ...
Negotiators develop positions based on their party's self–interest in resolving workplace disputes in
a way that provides the greatest benefit to those they represent (Post, 2009). As each party brings
their positions to the table, an adversarial relationship between them is bound to form, especially
when it is difficult to find an agreement that benefits both parties. This is particularly true of
economic issues, such as wages and hours. For example, if negotiating employee wages, labor will
almost always propose an increase in their wages, while management typically propose either a
smaller increase, or no increase at all. By engaging in a style of negation that pits labor and
management in direct competition with each other, and by emphasizing the opposing views that
each side has on the issues being negotiated, labor–management relations suffer. In order for the
collective bargaining relationship to work and have both sides willing to
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Collective Bargaining Fair
Last year, after the election, the Republican party in our state house decided to eliminate public
employees right to collective bargaining. This was a historic event because Republicans in the
House felt as if public employees had too much control in what happened at their work site, at
taxpayers expense. As a result, unions were striped of their right to collective bargaining. However,
not all unions were equally striped of their bargaining rights. Public workers such as fire fighters,
park rangers and police officers were not impacted by the changes to the bill as other public
employees. Republicans believe that this is fair because these jobs involve people putting their lives
on the line. Another right taken away from public employees
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Collective Bargaining Executive Summary
Chapter 13 details the mechanisms by which the NLRB determines whether a union will represent a
company's employees for the purposes of collective bargaining. Represented employees within a
collective bargaining unit elect representatives of the specific bargaining unit to serve as the
exclusive representatives of said employees within the respective bargaining unit. While elections
are common, the NLRA does not require that a collective bargaining unit hold an election.
Representatives can be chosen through voluntary recognition as long as the representative has
majority support of the collective bargaining unit. Beyond that, the position of the union as the
exclusive bargaining agent supersedes any individual contracts of employment made ... Show more
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Section 9(b) of the NLRA provides that the definition of an appropriate bargaining unit is a matter
left to the Board's discretion. Section 9(b) also contains the following five provisions: The options
open to the board in determining a bargaining unit includes an employer wide unit, a craft unit, a
single–plant unit, or a subdivision thereof. The unit cannot contain both professional employees and
non–professional employees, unless a majority of the professional employees have voted to be
included in the unit. A craft unit cannot be found to be inappropriate simply on the ground that a
different unit was established by a previous Board determination, unless a majority of the employees
in the proposed craft unit vote against representation in such a separate craft unit. A unit including
non–guard or non–security employees cannot include plant guards or security personnel; conversely,
a union representing plant guards cannot be certified if it also includes workers other than guards as
members or if it is directly or indirectly affiliated with a union representing persons other than
... Get more on ...
Collective Bargaining In The United States
Collective bargaining is when employers and employees negotiate the terms of their work.
Republicans in Iowa now want to get rid of this section of the Iowa Code. Many states have done
away with collective bargaining for public workers. States how get rid of collective bargaining
affects all public union employees, including police officers, firefighters, teachers, sanitation
workers, water works staffers, snow plowers, corrections workers, transportation workers, and some
public hospital employees. According to the Iowa Starting Line, "the American Federation of State,
County and Municipal Employees or AFSCME bargains contracts every two years for around
18,000 state employees, police negotiate separate contracts with the state, the county courthouse
bargains contracts with their county and teachers and school staff negotiate with their school
district." (Prynard 2017) Public workers are the ones in trouble to losing their say in their contracts,
others who are employed by private companies do not need to worry about collective bargaining
being changed or eliminated. ... Show more content on ...
In Iowa the collective bargaining is called Chapter 20 and an important part of Chapter 20 is section
20.9 which includes some specifics that workers are able to negotiate and they include: wages,
hours, vacation time, health insurance, health and safety rules, seniority and overtime
... Get more on ...
Collective Bargaining Vs Collective Bargaining
When employees are unhappy with their employer, they join together to form a union. The union's
goal is to ensure that workers are properly compensated for the work that they provide to their
employers and it represents safety concerns and other issues of employees to employer (Brachmann.
n.d). This is done through collective bargaining. Collective bargaining is when a union and
management officials meet in order to resolve conflicts (e.g. pay, benefits and working terms and
conditions) by way of exchanging commitments (Walsh. 2013. P243). Bargaining successfully
strengthens the relationship between labor and management, reinforcing trust and honesty amongst
the parties even though they may not agree one hundred percent on every issue. For example, a
complaint was filed in 2010 against the Westin Providence Hotel, asserting discrimination against
union supporting employees, failure to bargain with the Union, and establishing new terms and
conditions of employment without bargaining with the Union ( 2011.). However, before
going to trail, the firm and union collectively bargained and resolved all issues by way of contract
agreement. The Labor Management Relations Act (LMRA) requires union and management groups
to bargain in good faith– each party exhibiting an honest attempt to reach an agreement or
settlement, and being reasonable in their positions and tactics, on issues the law require and the
parties voluntarily decides to negotiate (Szczepanski. 2003). It is
... Get more on ...
Fair Negotiations In Collective Bargaining
I believe if fair representation was negotiated in the collective bargaining agreement, it would be fair
for the court to rules that the union has a duty to present these former employees. The sixteen
employees were still members of the union; the union still had an obligation to represent them on
this issue. Even though the employees were laid off, the union had a responsibility to fairly represent
those employees because they were still paying their dues. One of the benefits that the union
negotiated with the employer and employee was that if the company experience laid off the
employees will be offered future employment opportunities if job opens again. The company laid off
hundred employees in 1981 and in 1992 the company started to performance
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Disadvantages Of Collective Bargaining
Collective Bargaining and Dispute Settlement System The expression "collective bargaining", was
coined by Sydney and Beatrice. This was widely accepted and used in the United States of America
for settling industrial disputes. International Labour Organisation (ILO) through various
conventions, recommendation and other instruments recognizes the right of collective bargaining as
a fundamental right throughout the private and public sectors . Further one principle adopted by ILO
is that collective bargaining is a right of employer and their organisations, on one hand and
organisations of workers, on other hand (first–level trade unions, federations and confederations);
only in the absence of these latter organisations, may representatives of the workers concerned
conclude collective agreements. The meaning of the expression 'collective bargaining' has been a
subject matter of controversy and it is defined in variety of ways. However the term 'Collective
bargaining' has been defined by the Supreme Court of India in the case Karnal Leather Karmachari
Sangathan v. Liberty Footwear Co. : "The technique by which dispute as to conditions of
employment is resolved amicably by agreement rather than coercion". The conflict here is between
the management and the employee and is inherent in an industrial society as ... Show more content
on ...
Some of those limitations are there under section 10(3), 10A, 22 and 23 of Industrial Disputes Act,
1947. Further right to strike is not available to government servants in India as their function is
providing public utility services. e) If strike is not successful then the option of conciliation or
adjudication under proper authority like Industrial Tribunal/National Tribunal/Labour Court can be
availed by the parties to
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Collective Bargaining In Nursing
Collective Bargaining From the historical background, after the World War II, Budd, Warino, and
Patton (2004) informed that collective bargaining (CB) occurred as a result of extreme nursing
shortages, causing the poor economic and working condition for nurses. Initially not promoting the
CB since nursing was considered a calling more than an occupation, Budd et al. (2004) narrated that
after realizing the need to preserve the nursing profession and the nurses' welfare, the American
Nurses Association [ANA] established the State Nurses Association to represent nurses in the
bargaining duties. Thus, collective bargaining existed to empower nurses in gaining autonomy over
their practice, control over essential resources, and protest against policies affecting patients' safety.
What follows will be discussion of personal experiences and opinions on CB, contract negotiations,
roles of the facility administrator in CB, and manager's responsibilities in CB. ... Show more content
on ...
Eventually, the organization process ended due to inadequate number of signatures from nurses. In
agreement to the purpose of CB, I believe CB is an effective tool to recognize nurses' value, despite
every possible measure, to the unyielding administration. Hence, from my brief employment in a
union hospital, I can list the benefits of CB: higher wages, guaranteed pay increase, job security, and
better benefits. On the other hand, disadvantages of labor unions are costly monthly dues, obligation
to participate in strikes, not always effective, and preserving bad employees. Supposed a negotiation
is needed in my current job, my demands would be in these priority orders: eliminating mandatory
overtime (on–call and mandatory up staffing), reducing holiday requirements ( hallmark, pre and
post holidays), increased salary (10%), and certification hourly
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Collective Bargaining
Unions are no doubt about power in numbers, by workers speaking together as a unionised body to
defend their rights they are much more likely to achieve their goals and fairer working conditions.
Collective bargaining can be divided into two types, adversarial and co–operative. Adversarial
collective bargaining is where employees express different opinions, pervasive conflict of interests
and short–term low trust perspectives. This method can cause debate, when one individual sees an
idea proposed as not such a good idea. Co–operative collective bargaining is the opposite consisting
of a group of workers with common interests, freely expressing opinions with one another, seeking
others views and wanting to find a conclusion that everyone is happy with. There are various forms
of collective bargaining that exist inside the EU. Cross–border collective bargaining formed as a
result of the European Monetary Union. It was set up to evade a race to the bottom in relation to
wage costs of various national trade unions in an effort to raise international competitiveness.
Single–employer bargaining between trade unions and individual companies and multi–employer
bargaining between union federations and employer associations are two examples of forms of
collective bargaining that exist within the EU. Implying that ... Show more content on ...
France has one of the lowest collective bargaining density in the world at 8% , while Ireland lies
better than most at 34%. Collective bargaining density is a measurement of the number of people in
a country that are part of a Trade Union. Employers rarely differentiate between union and non–
union members, giving the individual employee little incentive to join a union. Collective
bargaining coverage statistics show France at 98% and Ireland at 44%. This is an indicator of the
extent to which the collective bargainer influences the terms of workers employment, in other words
it is the coverage
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Pros Of Collective Bargaining
On Tuesday, March 29, a tie vote in the U.S. Supreme Court delivered a victory for unions and
collective bargaining. The Supreme Court reached a 4–4 vote in Friedrichs v. California Teachers
Association, a major labor case on union funding. This tie vote upholds the legality of fair share fees
and allows unions to maintain the system they use to collect funds that support collective bargaining
and obtaining benefits for workers.
Collective bargaining
Collective bargaining is the negotiation between union leaders and the company's management that
sets out the terms of employment such as working conditions, base pay, overtime, work hours, and
benefits. By law, collective bargaining benefits all workers whether they are in the union or not and
... Show more content on ...
California Teachers Association, a group of public school employees who are unaffiliated with
unions sued the California Teachers Organization, other similar organizations, and California school
districts on the grounds that the agency shop arrangement and opt–out requirements of the public
school unions violate the First Amendment. In California, unions can establish agency shop clauses
in which the school district can require employees to either join the union or pay dues in the form of
a "fair share service fee". Because the First Amendment prevents unions from requiring non–
members to support activities that are not related to union representation, unions must notify all
non–members of the breakdown of the chargeable and non–chargeable portions of the fee. The non–
members must then opt out each year to avoid paying the portion of the fee that goes toward
activities that they are not required to
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Mandatory Bargaining Agreements
The NLRA requires management and the union to bargain over certain issues if they are introduced
in negotiations. The issues are referred to as mandatory bargaining items and include anything that
falls into the category of wages, hours, and working conditions such as health insurance, safety
standards, and flexible work hours. To begin, labor law affects what is discussed at the bargaining
table, specifically the NLRA requires good faith bargaining over wages, hours, and other terms and
conditions of employment. The NLRA also allows the parties to negotiate over certain issues if they
are mutually amenable to doing so. For example, if the parties involved choose to negotiate over the
treatment of retirees or job applicants, they have the ... Show more content on ...
In addition, the parties are prohibited from bargaining anything that would violate the law, such as
paying employees below minimum wage or substandard family medical leave. Next, the National
Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is empowered by the U.S. Supreme Court to classify bargaining
issues into three categories of bargaining items, also known as the Borg–Warner doctrine, which is
named after the Court's decision. Mandatory bargaining items as discussed earlier, are certain items
that employers and unions have an obligation to bargain over. There is also illegal bargaining item
that violates the law, such as policies that involve racial discrimination, closed shop provisions, or
paying minimum wages below the legal minimum regulation. Consequently, employers and unions
are prohibited from bargaining over such items. Finally, the middle category that involves
everything not covered in mandatory and illegal bargaining items is called a permissive bargaining
item. This category allows for bargaining by employers and unions over permissive items if they
choose, but because they are outside the boundaries of the NLRA, the NLRB cannot order
bargaining on these issues, and employees are not protected if they go on strike over these
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The Collective Bargaining And Negotiation Process
Almost everyone employed by a school district may participate in a collective bargaining unit or an
organized group of job positions represented by an association. The association then participates in a
joint decision–making process, involving direct negotiations to determine wages, hours of work or
other terms and conditions of employment for all employees in that unit. The collective bargaining
process between a board of education and any association of united teachers, service personnel or
administrators can have a wide–range of effects for everyone involved in that district and
community, especially the students. The regional school district being utilized for this review is that
of a large regional school district, serving about 7,000 students in grades 9 through 12, in the largest
county in the state. It is an affluent community of parents and community members from eight
municipalities who recognize the value of education and actively support the schools. Historically,
teachers, parents and administrators within the district have enjoyed a good, working relationship.
As a result of this ongoing positive relationship, the collective bargaining and negotiation processes
between the four associations in the district are relatively downplayed and quiet. Several
associations negotiate collective bargaining agreements with the regional the local teacher's
education association, public school employee association, district administrators association, and
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collective bargaining
PeCOP Journal of Social and Management Sciences Collective Bargaining Dr Isaac Chaneta
University of Zimbabwe – Harare, Zimbabwe Dr Isaac Chaneta Collective Bargaining Dr Isaac
Chaneta Unionism: Good or Bad for Productitivity Dr Isaac Chaneta Employee Welfare 1 PeCOP
Journal of Social and Management Sciences Collective Bargaining Dr Isaac Chaneta University of
Zimbabwe – Harare, Zimbabwe Abstract Collective bargaining is concerned with the relations
between employers acting through their management representatives and organized labour. It is
concerned not only with the negotiation of a formal labour agreement but also with the day– to– day
dealings between management and the union. Because the management ... Show more content on ...
Collective agreements may also address the rules for future bargaining, where this is not covered by
obligations under the legislation governing collective bargaining. 2. The outcomes of collective
bargaining are not always clear, or predictable: negotiation is a contradictory process involving
adversarial role and compromises and accommodation will depend upon a number of factors such as
external environmental factors including the state of the economy, the nature of the good or service
market, the state of the labour market or the prior history of relationships between the parties. In
addition, the success of negotiating tactics will depend upon the skills of individuals , the
perceptions of party principals about the strengths of the other party and the employment of other,
industrial action outside the negotiations. 3. Collective bargaining systems rely upon the parties
bargaining in good faith. This is usually guaranteed by collective legislation. 4. Third party
intervention occurs only after the parties reach an impasse in negotiations. Conciliation and
arbitration either may be determined by the parties in earlier agreements or be provided by
established state institutions. The later has been the case in Australia where the Industrial Relations
Commission's principal conciliation or arbitration is possible under most collective bargaining law
in western market
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Collective Bargaining Agreements
Employees have the right to start a union if they are dissatisfied with certain situations within their
organization. Joining together to defend their mutual interest will improve their working
environment. A union is an organization form by working people to improve their working
conditions through higher wages, more benefits greater job security. Sometimes union members
have trouble getting their first contract, but there are steps that must be implemented in order to get
that first contract just decide what kind of contract you want. Of the 8.7 million workers currently
under major collective bargaining agreements, about 3.4 million will see their agreements expire or
be reopened and bargaining activity will be lighter than previous years in state and local
governments, but will be relatively heavy in private industry; where negotiations will be carried out
in an environment marked by comparative industrial peace and by concern over an uncertain
economy. In order to get a contract you must go through a collective bargaining process and there
must be representation on both sides of the table. Many collective bargaining contracts have union
shop clause; which mean labor union ... Show more content on ...
If they have specific complains about their department explain to them by organizing a union could
modify and improve their situations. There are various ways to get a coworker to join the union such
as attending regular meetings and discussing issues that happens within the workplace. The more
support you have from employees the more powerful your campaign will obviously be. Create a
support panel I don't think it would be wise to let any employer know that his/her employees is
starting a union. Most employers do not like any type of unionization, but there are laws that's put in
place by the National Labor Relations Act NLRA which protects and allow employees the right to
form a union a
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Mandatory Bargaining Definition
According to Labor Relations (1958) mandatory subject of bargaining is noted by the Supreme
Court that the area of mandatory collective bargaining includes subjects relating to wages, hours,
and other terms and conditions of employment. Other subjects such as overtime pay, shift
differentials, holiday pay, pensions, profit sharing plans, rental of company houses, grievance
procedures, sick leave, work–rules, seniority and promotion, compulsory retirement age, health care
benefits, and management rights clauses are examples of mandatory subjects of bargaining. The
parties can insist on the adoption of their position on a subject within the mandatory bargaining area
as a condition to acceptance of a union contract. Certain terms and conditions ... Show more content
on ...
The duty is to bargain, not necessarily to reach agreement. However, an employer cannot make
changes in mandatory subjects for bargaining without first providing the union with an opportunity
to bargain.Issues that have become mandatory subjects for bargaining have been evolving since the
NLRA was passed. The US Supreme Court has identified two criteria for determining whether or
not an issue represents a mandatory subject for bargaining: 1. Whether it is "plainly germane to the
'working environment'": and 2. "Not among those 'managerial decisions which lie at the core of
entrepreneurial control." The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) as well as the federal courts
have substantial discretion in determining whether or not a particular issue constitutes a mandatory
subject for bargaining (Petersen & Boller,
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Distributive Versus Interest-Based Bargaining
When it came to creating a collective bargaining agreement section for employee safety, the main
challenge was the initial confusion on where negotiations were to take place for both the Union and
Company sides. From here the friction that existed had to do with what costs should be allotted for
boots and gear and whether or not these items should be simply provided by the company or a
certain amount allotted for employees to purchase the necessary items themselves. Having been part
of the Union side, when it came to the Company side, it appeared as though they were able to create
a good draft of what they would like the collective bargaining agreement should look like for this
section. They tried to appeal to the Union, while still being able to maintain company interests. This
enabled them to come to a group decision in a timely ... Show more content on ...
Interest–based bargaining is a method in which it enables negotiators to realize that common
interests exist and enables joint–problem solving to exist under a more traditional negotiation
(Federal Mediation & Conciliation Services, n.d.). Whereas, distributive bargaining is when a fixed
amount of resource exists, and because both parties want the same resources they must be divided
and distributed among the two. This method is used when both parties do not foresee the need for a
relationship to exist and the interaction is a one–time occurrence (Marzec, n.d.). When it came to the
negotiations between the Union and the Company in this situation, an interest–based bargaining
method was utilized. A relationship needed to be established between the two parties, because the
potential for future negotiations to exist remains due to the nature of the two parties. Being able to
realize that each side had common interests, it could enable an agreement to come together without
either side having to give something
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Collective Bargaining In The Workplace
With the passing of the National Labor Relations Act by Congress in 1935 private sector employees
were given the right to unionize and bargain collectively. Essentially this was a format for
employees to improve their wages and working conditions. This ended up allowing the States to
then decide if public sector employees were going to receive the same rights as private employees
and be able to unionize and bargain collectively for their working conditions. To simply define
public employees they represent workers at every government level. Basically teachers, firefighters,
police officers, postal workers and any other employee of the government at any level that you can
think of that provides services such as healthcare, education, and sanitation. ... Show more content
on ...
The contract negotiations for these public workers are dependent not on private corporations, but on
the size of government budgets.This is the one segment of labor that can actually contribute directly
to the people because these jobs are considered a public service. It tends to be the reason why you
may see or hear about so much protesting from teachers attempting to improve their work conditions
and wages because they must unionize and get union leaders to fight and make their bargains be
heard. Believe it or not most states required schools to engage in collective bargaining and other
states allowed collective bargaining. For a job position that is considered a public service and
receives benefits from a government budget, it would make sense for public employees to bargain
for their benefits and concern. It's just not fair when the government budget comes from the taxes of
people and the money is not being distributed for the right reasons. I think it's the politics of things
because these workers are negotiating with the government through union labor leaders and
politicians but is there bargaining and unionization actually leading to something beneficial to the
people who publically serve us every day. Of course it makes sense for them to unionize and fight
for their lives and the lives of
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Collective Bargaining Case Study
As a matter of public policy an employer should never be required to reinstate a unlawfully
terminated employee, even when that person is an illegal alien. This is primarily due to the fact that
this seems to be a situation where the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine would apply, due to the
fact that there was a violation of the Immigration and Reform Control Act of 1986, as well as a
violation of the Legal Arizona Workers Act. This would make the (fruit), or illegal alien employees
the result of the (poisonous tree), the breaking of state and federal laws, and thereby make it illegal
to reinstate them into their positions of employment. This situation essentially boils down to a
matter of respecting federal and state law. This is due to ... Show more content on ...
§ 158[d]). Indeed, even after the aggregate haggling understanding terminates, the business must
keep up the norm and may not singularly change obligatory subjects of bartering, until the
gatherings have come to an impasse (Louisiana Dock Co. v. NLRB, 909 F.2d 281 [7th Cir. 1990]).
This ban against one–sided changes proceeds with regardless of the possibility that the business
debate that the union is the selective delegate (Livingston Pipe & Tube v. NLRB, 987 F.2d 422 [7th
Cir. 1993]; NLRB v. Folks & Friends of the Specialized Living Centre, 879 F.2d 1442 [7th Cir.
1989]). When great confidence transactions between the gatherings "deplete the possibility of
finishing up understanding," the gatherings have come to an impasse, and executing one–sided
changes in working conditions not constitute an uncalled for work rehearse (NLRB v. Plainville
Ready Mix Concrete Co., 44 F.3d 1320 [6th Cir. 1995]; United Paper workers International Union v.
NLRB, 981 F.2d 861 [6th Cir. 1992]; Southwest Forest Industry v. NLRB, 841 F.2d 270 [9th Cir.
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Advantages Of Collective Bargaining
Discussion of collective bargaining must begin with recognizing the fundamental differences
between public and private employment. The terms and conditions of employment in the private
sector are determined by private decisions made by private parties shaped by market forces. In the
public sector, the terms and conditions of employment are public decisions made through
governmental officials and shaped by political processes as well as by market forces. In a
democratic society, this means that decisions are confined by constitutional limitations and must
ultimately reflect the will of the electorate (Summers, 2003). Organizing efforts are a constant and
much more difficult in the private sector due to the rise and fall of businesses. Once a union
organizes in the public sector, they will usually remain intact as there is no worry about the
government going out of business. Therefore, maintaining membership levels in the public sector is
not a problem. Public employees have other major advantages over their private–sector counterparts
in that they are constitutionally protected, which prohibits termination or other adverse action
without good cause. In other words, they are not at will. Many of the terms and conditions of
employment such as benefits and pensions are not subject to individual or collective bargaining, but
are prescribed by statute. They also exert more power or influence over their employers by using the
political process to their advantage through the
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The Problem Of Distributive Bargaining
Opposing interests, exchange of goods or service, and terms of agreements, are but a few reasons
conflict can arise between parties. These controversies can stem from business or personal
relationships, and be held in formal or informal settings, but all require some form of resolution in
order to satisfy or assuage the parties involved. Negotiation, or bargaining, is a common method
used to obtain resolution. A variety of strategies can be employed in this process, some with more
favorable outcomes for both parties than others. A negotiation, often referred to as an art, involves
both skill and science, and the use of both determines the process taken for the bargaining, as well as
the outcome (Stoshikj, 2014). "Good use of reference, supports the discussion
Distributive Bargaining Robbins and Judge (2009) define distributive bargaining as "negotiation that
seeks to divide up a fixed amount of resources; a win/lose situation" (p. 497). Explained by these
authors, is the zero–sum aspect of distributive bargaining, in which one party's gain is the other
party's expense. A simple example of this type of bargaining is a buy–sell arrangement where one
party wants to obtain the maximum price for a product or service while the other party wants to pay
the minimum amount acceptable. Stoshikj (2014) describes this "negotiations dance" when the
buyer's offers increase, the seller's offers decrease, and the acceptable amount for both parties comes
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Bargaining With The Devil
ROBERT MNOOKIN is professor of law at Harvard Law School, the director of the Harvard
Negotiation Research project and chair of the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School. Dr.
Mnookin has taught several workshops on negotiation skills for corporations, government agencies
and law firms. He is the author of nine books including Beyond Winning, Negotiating on Behalf of
Others and Barriers to Conflict Resolution as well as numerous articles. Dr. Mnookin has been
involved in resolving numerous landmark commercial disputes including that between IBM and
Fujitsu over operating system software and between Boston Scientific and Medinol over intellectual
... Show more content on ...
It's the conflict between principle and pragmatism. There aren't any immutable commandments
which will always apply. Instead, four general guidelines you should try and keep in mind are: 1 Be
systematic in evaluating the expected costs and benefits of negotiation 2 Never do an analysis alone
– get advice from others in evaluating alternatives 3 Have a bias in favor of negotiation – but make
it rebuttable 4 Don't allow your own moral beliefs to color a pragmatic assessment of benefits Four
guidelines Negotiating With the Devil – Page 2 1. The three challenges When trying to resolve a
conflict, there are generally three challenges which affect your ability to make a good decision on
whether to negotiate or not: 1 2 You have to analyze the cost and benefits of negotiating versus all
other viable alternatives 3 The three challenges You have to avoid all the emotional traps which can
lead to an unwise knee–jerk reaction You have to address all the moral and ethical issues involved in
deciding whether to negotiate with an enemy "After helping to resolve many business and family
disputes over the years, I have come to believe that for most of us, confronting an enemy poses
exceptional negotiation challenges. When I say 'enemy,' I do not mean just an
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Collective Bargaining And The Bargaining Process

  • 1. Collective Bargaining And The Bargaining Process Collective bargaining is the process by which conditions of employment are negotiated between management, and the labor organization representing employees in the bargaining unit. However, "collective bargaining refers to a situation in which union members and officials meet with an intent to resolve any issues or conflicts, in an attempt to maintain relationships" (Holley, Jennings, & Wolters, 2012, p. 243). The collective bargaining process relies on four aspects: recognition of the meeting, meeting with appropriate parties, bargaining in good faith, and incorporating the reached agreement (Adam, 1997). Nevertheless, collective bargaining activities are governed by the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). The NLRA requires bargaining ... Show more content on ... Voluntary or permissive bargaining subjects are those for which an employer or labor organization may choose to bargain, but are not required to do so. Moreover, a refusal to address a voluntary or permissive bargaining subject is not a violation of the NLRA. Some examples include the following: internal union business, inclusion of supervisors in contract, designation of negotiators, marketing strategies, price of employer's product, use of union labels, and taping or making transcripts of negotiations (Delaney, Sockell, & Brockner, 1988). Yet, illegal subjects of bargaining are unlawful under the NLRA. Some examples include the following: closed–shop clauses, union–shop clauses in right–to–work states, "hot cargo" clauses and provisions that violate the NLRA or federal or state employment laws (Delaney, Sockell, & Brockner, 1988). In this case, as a bargaining unit member, Allen Eagle performed his regular work duties of cleaning the bathroom on the second floor in the administrative building when he glanced and noticed a surveillance camera located in the vent directly above him (Holley, Jennings, & Wolters, 2012, p. 285). Essentially, Engle reported his encounter to three other bargaining unit members, and the union steward Luther Hall, who went to the bathroom on the second floor, and confirmed that the hidden camera was there (Holley, Jennings, & Wolters, 2012, ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. The Collective Bargaining Process LBS 290 Applied Collective Bargaining Course Work Question: Summarize three (3) topics covered during the semester and discuss the issues. To complete this paper the topics chosen are: The Collective Bargaining Process: Preparation, Strategies and Tactics The Collective Bargaining Process: Preparation, Strategies and Tactics Introduction Collective bargaining can be defined as a process where workers' representative and management's representative meet and treat at the bargaining table to determine the arrangement of the working relationship between an employer and employees in the workplace (Salamon, 2000; Leap, 1995). This involves setting the terms and condition of employment, putting systems in place to settled any ... Show more content on ... They are responsible for making proposals and counter proposals supported by convincing arguments to the opposing team, and can determine what a settlement agreement should be subject to the approval of their principal. The interest of constituents must not be compromised. The negotiating team and a chief negotiator must be selected in this stage. The team must have key specialist persons who have a working knowledge of labour–management relations, a clear understanding of the existing contract, and some knowledge of economic and industry conditions that could affect the negotiations. The team members must be specialist in various fields in order to be effective. Some of these include: an accountant, labour economist, para–legal or lawyer, note taker, manager, researchers and a presenter/chief negotiator. A team leader must be selected who will direct and coordinate the activities of the negotiating team. The best person must be selected for each position. Selection should not be based on scope of influence within the management hierarchical structure or nepotism. Selection must be based on competency and merit. The chief negotiator should be an excellent presenter with the required mix of skill, training and experience, who can command the respect of other team members and those of the opposing team. Selection must be done in an equitable manner. After the team has been selected the other three (3) ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Bargaining Vs Collective Bargaining The role of the NLRA, which is also known as the Wagner Act, was established to recognize employee's rights to organize and negotiate collectively with representatives of their own preference (Murray, 2017). Furthermore, Section 7 of the NLRA states: "Employees shall have the right to self– organization, to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection" (Meza, 2013, p. 335). Collective bargaining is the process by which conditions of employment are negotiated between management, and the labor organization representing employees in the bargaining unit. However, "collective bargaining refers to a situation in which union members and officials meet with an intent to resolve any issues or conflicts, in an attempt to maintain relationships" (Holley, Jennings, & Wolters, 2012, p. 243). Needless to say, when an employer states that they do not have to bargain over an issue with the union, the employee should still verify this information with their union representative. According to the text, collective bargaining is the process of negotiation that occurs between an employer and a group of employees (Holley, Jennings, & Wolters, 2012). Essentially, good faith bargaining is when both parties genuinely collaborate to reach a labor agreement, which is reasonable in their bargaining positions, ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Negotiating On Integrative Bargaining Overall Strategy Introduction The aim of this negotiation plan is to negotiate on integrative bargaining overall strategy. The purpose is to resolve the issues and reach an agreement on the 5 remaining issues, as it has been ongoing for on numbers of meetings. In this essay, integrative bargaining will be the overall strategy for the management. The negotiation issues strategy for the issue of increase of wage and roster will be creative compromise, following with issues of training and contract duration are concede and finally work place committee is contend. The purpose of using this strategy is that, hopefully to reach an outcome of win–win situation where both parties walk out as winners. This creates value for employees and management making both parties happy and work in harmony. Body The most critical issue for this negotiation is to agree on the roster because this is the highly complex issue and sensitive issue where it is hard to create an integrative bargain (Tracy 2013). Furthermore, the goal is to reduce or eliminate the overtime hours which can be difficult because of workers having to change roster causing financial disadvantage to employees, also the need for management is flexibility to cope with summer and winter overtime. Goal helps negotiation to be on track (Calhoun & Smith 1999). In addition, the strategy chosen is creative compromise. Management would choose the 1976 hours a year, however the employees will obviously be choosing the 76 hours over 2 weeks. The ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Stages and Strategies of Collective Bargaining The ILO Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining Convention (No. 98), 1949 describes collective bargaining as: "Voluntary negotiation between employers or employers' organizations and workers organizations, with a view to the regulation of terms and conditions of employment by collective agreements." Collective bargaining could also be defined as negotiations relating to terms of employment and conditions of work between an employer, a group of employers or an employers' organization on the one hand, and representative workers' organizations on the other, with a view to reaching agreement. There are several essential features of collective bargaining, all of which cannot be reflected in a single definition or description of ... Show more content on ... The subsequent arguments and counter arguments can become heated and even acrimonious. Negotiations can break down and resume and the matter remains inconclusive without any progress for many days. Stage 3: Signaling This collective bargaining model rests on the worker's representatives submitting proposals that they consider ideal, but willing to settle for less, and the management willing to concede more than they publicly acknowledge. Sending signals across to the other party, through subtle messages, change of tone, body language, and other cues reveal to the other side that the proposal under discussion will meet with little resistance, can be accepted with modifications, or have a low chance of acceptance. Signaling thereby reveals the resistance point to the other party without making it explicit. Failure to send signals leads to both sides sticking to their positions, causing impasse and a breakdown of negotiation and the dispute escalating to the next level of industrial action. Stage 4: Proposal One of the important stages of collective bargaining negotiations is one side making a proposal in a bid to end the argument and reach a settlement. Such proposals are reconciliation of arguments made by either side, based on the signals received. Stage 5: Packaging Good negotiators package proposals. Packaging involves making concessions, but placing items that remain too tempting to resist along with some ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Bargaining Council: The Functions Of The Bargaining... Collective Bargaining. Collective bargaining structures. Bargaining councils. Bargaining councils are the statutory successors to the industrial councils that existed under the 1956 LRA, restyled and revamped to cater for new potential membership and function. The primary function of bargaining councils, like their predecessors, is to regulate relations between management and labour in the sectors of employment over which they have jurisdiction by concluding collective agreements, and to settle disputes between parties falling within their registered scope. Bargaining councils conclude the collective agreement. A bargaining council thus has a peace–keeping function. Parties to the council may, of course negotiate all matters mutual interest .They are accordingly not confined to negotiate wage increases and other conditions of employment, but can negotiate a number of other issues, such as dispute resolution procedures and the threshold of representativeness in respect of certain organisational rights. Should parties conclude a collective agreement in ... Show more content on ... Collective Agreements are concluded to give effect to these matters. Such agreements may also be extended to non–parties and the provision for the extension of agreement concluded in a bargaining council are mutatis mutandis applicable. Collective bargaining is not expressed in the act as a function of the statutory councils. However, provision is made in section 43 for the constitution of a statutory council to be adapted so that it includes any of the functions of a bargaining council, including the conclusion of collective agreements in general. The provisions relating to collective agreements are then applicable to such ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Collective Bargaining Pros And Cons S. 2042 § 12 ("In any case where a majority of the valid votes cast in a unit appropriate for purposes of collective bargaining have not been cast in favor of representation by the labor organization and the Board determines that the election should be set aside because the employer has committed a violation of this Act, or otherwise interfered with a fair election, and has not demonstrated that the violation or other interference is unlikely to have affected the outcome of the election, the Board shall, without ordering a new or rerun election, issue an order requiring the employer to bargain with the labor organization in accordance with section 8(d) if, at any time during the period beginning 1 year preceding the date of the commencement ... Show more content on ... Indeed, even with Syrian immigrants, many states including so–called blue states such as Massachusetts are refusing to accept Syrian refugees. Ashley Fantz & Ben Brumfield, "More Than Half of the Nation's Governors say Syrian Refugees Not Welcome," CNN (Nov. 18, 2015)–attacks–syrian–refugees–backlash/; Jose A. DelReal, "Donald Trump Calls for "Deportation Force" to Remove Undocumented Immigrants," Wash. Post (Nov. 11, 2015)–politics/wp/2015/11/11/donald–trump– calls–for–deportation–force–to–remove–undocumented–immigrants/; Jonathan Swan, "Santorum Calls Mass Deportation a 'Gift'," The Hill, (Jan. 14, 2016) ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Unions And Collective Bargaining Rights Union and collective bargaining rights are important for improvement as well as maintaining labor conditions and employment relations and are most certainly essential in international labor. Unions and collective bargaining rights are designed to promote and ensure our human rights are protected. This certainly doesn't mean there aren't flaws in the system, however, the intention of unions and collective bargaining is to safeguard workers, employers as well as the government to make it harmonious. Since the National Labor Relations Act was passed in 1935, unions have been in existence. The main role is to safeguard workers' rights, ensure safe work conditions and negotiate for the employees through collective bargaining. Collective bargaining ... Show more content on ... The two sides don't have to reach an agreement, but they always have to bargain in good faith. Although, neither side is required to make a particular concession, a party that refuses to bend on a single issue or to put any offer on the table might be acting in good faith. The National Labor Relations Act forbids employers from interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of rights relating to organizing, forming, joining or assisting a labor organization for collective bargaining purposes, or from working together to improve terms and conditions of employment, or refraining from any such activity. Similarly, labor organizations may not restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of these rights. Primary examples of employer conduct that violates the law are, but not limited to; threatening employees with loss of jobs or benefits if they join or vote for a union or engage in protected concerted activity, threatening to close the plant if employees select a union to represent them, questioning employees about their union sympathies or activities in circumstances that tend to interfere with, restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of their rights under the Act. Promising benefits to employees to discourage their union support. Transferring, laying off, terminating, assigning employees more difficult work tasks, or otherwise punishing employees because they engaged in union or protected concerted activity or have filed unfair labor practice charges or participated in an investigation conducted by ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Collective Bargaining In Public Schools In this time of increased expectations and decreased funding, schools are under fire more than ever to produce results. In an effort to produce these results, schools are being asked to examine all of their practices and to revamp the system. Certainly, as part of this exploration process, teachers' unions and the system for collective bargaining has undergone intense scrutiny. What use to be considered the standard for teachers, joining the union, has now become more of a choice and in some districts an unavailable option. In contradiction, some other districts have move to a non– right–to–work policy where teachers are required to join the union, although most allow for teachers to opt out of the union's political agenda. In ... Show more content on ... 2). Overall, the Collective Bargaining Agreement for Arapahoe County– Littleton Schools for the years of August 2015 to July 2018 is comprehensive and effective. The publications readability, clarity and usability are effective. The order in which it is laid out makes sense, and the sections pertinent to a given situation are easy to locate and access. While some of the language is written in legalese, a detailed description is also included in each article which allows for clarity. There are also public documents that further explain each area available to the public on the Littleton Public Schools (LPS) website. As in most agreements, both parties have to compromise on some points. As to who benefits the most, it depends on the article, interpretation, and situation. An outlined chart below has been provided for each section to indicate the favored party based on my mentor's and my opinion. I have also included the thought on the language form the management's perspective as they are the ones have to legally abide by this ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Industrial Bargaining : Effective And Decentralized... Industrial bargaining is a concrete of understanding between an employee and an employer to design a proper agreement with the working rights, wages and benefits. To some extent, union representatives care for the employers if their needs are not properly fulfilled. It is a type of written and verbal agreement, which depends upon the mutual understanding between two parties. Their are two types of bargaining, which are centralized bargaining and decentralized bargaining. According to fair work 2009 Australian government emphasis's more on decentralized methods to some extent which become beneficial for the employees to bargain according to their skills and abilities. Collective centralized bargaining is the process which is usually done ... Show more content on ... The term"decentralization" is a accumulation of concepts that should be exactly compound in any specific nation before deciding whether or not tasks or comes got to facilitate revamping of financial, managerial, or administration conveyance frameworks. Decentralization the exchange of power and obligation relating to open capacities from the focal government to subordinate or semi autonomous government associations and/or the personal section may be advanced multifarious plan. Numerous styles of decentralization got to be recognized on the grounds that they need distinctive qualities, arrangement suggestions, and conditions for achievement. Decentralized techniques are usually followed at my work place, where we have a direct contact with the main authority. Australian collective bargaining system is noteworthy for its heavy reliance on industrial tribunals and the compulsory arbitration system that operates at the federal level (Dabscheck and Niland 1981:305–7) In this system wage minima (and sometimes wage increases) were set in the national and the industrial awards issued by the industrial tribunals. Industry and in some cases firm level bargaining traditionally provided supplements to these awards, devised the specific terms by which these awards, devised the specific terms by which these wages are implemented and negotiated other employment conditions. The Australian industrial relation systems also has been note worthy for a relatively ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Labor And The Collective Bargaining Process 1.1 The actors who are generally involved in the collective bargaining process are Management but more specifically, the owners and shareholders, executives and managers and the industrial and human resource people. In the collective bargaining process in labor it is the individual employees and the labor unions which represent them. In local, state, and federal government agencies and the public. It is the government agencies that act as representatives of the public interest and are responsible for making policies. 2.1 Some basic assumptions about labor and conflict are society has an impact on labor activities, that conflict is gong to happen between labor and management. This conflict is not always unhealthy though. Another assumption is that conflict comes from labor and management having different social and economic interests. There are multiple perspectives from labor and management. 3.2 Some of the legal reaction toward unionization before the NLRA were that unions were viewed as criminal conspiracies up until 1842. Unions were viewed as violating a worker 's right to bargain with their employer as they wish and was not until Commonwealth vs Hunt that unions were not considered as criminal conspiracies. By 1935 Injunctions became used widely and unions were no longer considered criminal conspiracies. If union activities were found illegal, Judges began putting injunctions against these activities and was the judge 's determination if a union 's action ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Contract Bargaining For the selected article, it investigates the first contract arbitration's ability to foster bargaining relationships and discourages any misconduct by analyzing the effect on decertifications (Weinberg, 2015). It has been suggested how the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) sought to amend the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) by introducing various changes which are a card–check system for union certification, first contract arbitration (FCA), and more severe consequences for violations of the Act (Weinberg, 2015). It has been suggested that by allowing access to arbitration selection first contract situations, in which both parties are unable to reach a settlement, this amendment was created to address the difficulties that newly ... Show more content on ... It is only after the union receives the first contract that its members will actually be able to judge the value of collective bargaining. To summarize the article that was chosen, it is essentially explaining that the longer employers can frustrate the unions' attempt to secure a contract, the greater the likelihood that workers decertify their unions (Weinberg, 2015). As a result of a delay, the employees may begin to believe that there is no value in collective bargaining, as well as influencing the terms and conditions of what they sought to change. However, if an FCA is present, the employees may still be able to secure a contact. With an FCA, it provides an avenue for employees to apply for arbitration of the first agreement under a variety of circumstances. It has also been stated that once an application for arbitration is accepted, "all forms of work stoppages such as strikes or lock–outs have to end an arbitrator can impose the terms and conditions of the collective agreement that the parties are unable to settle" (Weinberg, 2015, p. 455). In one's opinion, this article relates to my current position at AT&T because I am in a union. As a result, I now have a clearer understanding as to how my union and employer negotiate and bargain in regards to creating a fair contract. Most recently, the union that represents ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Bargaining Cameras The Human Resource Management Department of an organization, participates in creating and implementing various work agreements made between employer and the employees. The agreements created are meant to guide the professional relationship between the two parties. However, when the agreement regarding their relationship cannot be agreed upon entirely, then the labor unions may come into play to help with negotiations. The labor unions assist with negotiations of various subjects of bargaining between the employee and employer of an organization. Mandatory subjects of bargaining in any organization refer to issues such as employee wages, work hours, merit increases, bonuses, pensions, health and welfare plans, discharges, drug testing, ... Show more content on ... Claiming that since the union had knowledge of the existing cameras and therefore their grievance should be acknowledged, but not does not give them a right or reason to require the company to bargain the company's "legitimate investigatory technique" (Holly, et al., 2011, p. 286) In this case study, the company had a collective bargaining obligation with the labor union. Therefore it "may not unilaterally change a term and condition of employment without bargaining the Union unless the Union has expressly waived its right to bargain about the particular subject (Trumpeter, 2008, para. 1). The NLRB has held that video surveillance cameras in a company is a mandatory subject of bargaining and if the cameras are installed prior or without an agreement with the Union then the employer violates it duty to bargain (Trumpeter, 2008). From this case, I believe the union did, in fact, waive its rights to bargaining. The company had cameras set up for years without objections. However, I believe the location of the cameras were an invasion of privacy which is against ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Collective Bargaining The National Collegiate Athletic Association or the NCAA was originally founded in 1906. Their motto was "To protect you people from the dangerous and exploitive athletics practices of the time." Currently, the NCAA has seemed to stop focusing on protecting the athletes themselves and rather protecting their own profits. The NCCA is currently is a multi–billion dollar institution that will rake in more than $702 million dollars in pure TV revenue this year. Yet with that profit they cannot find a reason for athletes to be compensated for their actions. Currently students are struggling to pay bills, have meals after practice, and maintain a good GPA yet the NCAA will not budge. The questions that must be asked is can NCAA schools afford to ... Show more content on ... Walter Byers recently wrote a novel talking about the insides and outside of the NCAA. He was an executive director for the NCAA from 1951 to 1987 an it was his job to generate money will also keeping the sport itself safe. during the move "Byers believes that modern–day college sports are no longer a student activity: they are a high–dollar commercial enterprise, and college athletes should have the same access to the free market as their coaches and colleges." If such a high profile NCAA director is coming out and saying that the NCAA is unfair towards their athletes, he must have a point. He is saying that the NCAA has more than fifty television contracts and millions of money from different sponsors yet the somehow can not find a way to fund their students. When the NCAA was first starting out the world of college sports was very different and not as high profile. That is not the case anymore as recently the University of Michigan said that they are "Ranked as the fourth–largest 'city in the state on football Saturdays." That is how big college sports have become they have created an aura around themselves. The fact that athletes are still not being paid while the sport is growing so rapidly is almost sticking. Its is pure greed that the NCAA has been able to capitalize on for over a hundred ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Collective Bargaining Case Summary Collective bargaining is the process of negotiating contract terms between the employer and employee. In 2015, a group of California teachers decided to petition the court and ultimately collectively bargain against the union's collective bargain. "The plaintiffs claim California's 'agency shop' law is unconstitutional and violates teachers' First Amendment rights by forcing them to pay union dues regardless of whether they support or are a member of the union," (Bidwell, 2015). The lead plaintiff in this case, Rebecca Friedrichs, has been a teacher for over 25 years. Friedrichs was a member of the union, but felt like her efforts were pointless, as the others did not listen to her. Now that she, and others, are not members and do not support ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Bargaining Agreements : A Collective Bargaining Agreement The culmination of a collective bargaining process is a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between employers and members of a labor union. In some instances, where firms hire contractors who are under a different supervision regime from the bonafide employees of an organization, it brings about complications in the formulation of collective bargaining agreements for the contractor and organizational staff under an umbrella labor union covering both staff. Since a collective bargaining agreement is a contractual agreement between employers and unionizable employees covering a wide range of areas pertinent to the employer–employee relationship, it is subject to laws that govern the labor practises at both state and federal government level and can therefore not contravene the law by allowing what is expressly forbidden under state or federal law (Carrell, & Heavrin, 2004). Question 2cA In October of the year 1995, the National Labor Relations Board established the ground rules to govern the unionizable activities of a single employer with multiple locations in relation to the labor union activities of the employees of the employer. In determining if a requested worksite qualifies under the new rules, a single location had to be at least a mile from the other work sites or locations, have minimal interchange with the other sites, have at least 15 unit workers or employees, and have a statutory supervisor on site. If a work site of an employer who has multiple locations ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Pros And Cons Of Collective Bargaining One of the first laws President Roosevelt enacted was National Relations Act. This law was signed into law in 1935. The key provisions of this law is to ensure workers are protected within the industry. The most popular aspect of this is collective bargaining. This law also "curtail certain private sector labor and management practices, which can harm the general welfare of workers businesses, and the U.S. economy"(National Labor Relations Act). Collective bargaining establishes negotiation between the workers and the employees. This is an attempt that certain things are compromised between the managers and the owners. This pertains to salaries, work hours, healthcare, and among others. This bill Is considered one of the important and profound piece of legislation ever passed because it began a wave of the federal government being supportive of unions. Unions increased dramatically for many years after that. Another key provision of this act is essentially, the worker have power to unionize, the owners do not have a right to interfere. Collective bargaining is the hallmark of benefits of the workers or employees within the organization. As stated prior, there were very little regards for workers in the entity. Workers were working for longer hours, unsafe working conditions, and were paid a meager salary. The nature of collective bargaining have evolved over the years and took a drastic turn. An Article, written by Chris Langford, talks about why are collective bargaining ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Collective Bargaining Essay 1. Does the presence of unions increase the likelihood that management will be fairer and more consistent with employers? Management is on the side of the employers, since many of those positions are unable to in the union (Huston, 2010, p. 294). If the manager holds a full–time supervisor position, then they aren't eligible to join the union, which in turn may upset them when the union renegotiates their terms, and the nurses get better benefits. An example of this is that a floor supervisor can actually make less money than that of the floor nurse, and they don't get any overtime pay (S. Smothers, personal communication, Fall, 2009). There are two types of relations that unions can have with management; acceptance, and ... Show more content on ... 3. Can the need for unionization be eliminated simply by management being more attentive to worker needs and being willing to provide employees reasonable working conditions and a voice in decision making? I believe that when management is threatened by a union coming, they are desperate at that moment and would try anything to avoid it from happening. Therefore they are willing to try to negotiate with nurses to help make them feel as though they are empowered (Huston, 2010, p. 293). However, this may only be a momentarily gain for the nurse, because if they don't unionize management will go back to their old practices. An article called "The impact of collective bargaining" published by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) states "decision– making authority with staff nurses without a union is exceedingly rare" (2011). Unions help to increase wages, fringe benefits, better pension plans, safety, help keep RNs and displace other staff during layoff (if at all possible), restrict unsafe floating, and ban mandatory overtime and shift rotation (Huston, 2010, p. 291 & 292, and (National Nurses United, 2010). Without a union many of these issues would still be in play today. Plus a union will go to bat for them when needed, which was the case in a Virginia Mason Hospital when they tried to mandate that all nursing staff had to get immunized (Rosenbaum, 2008). ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. A Discussion On Positional Bargaining Gershenfeld & Kochan, 2004, Friedman, 1993, Post, 2009). However, this also can lead to each party viewing the other as dishonest, affecting what is already frequently viewed as an adversarial relationship. During negotiations, each party must determine what the position is that is farthest away from their original starting point, while still being favorable to their side (Colosi, 1983, Friedman, 1993, Post, 2009). Not only is each party responsible for presenting proposals reflecting their own position, but they are also responsible for presenting counterproposals based on both their position, and what the other party brings to the table. Through this exchange, it allows negotiators to get a better understanding of what each party is ... Show more content on ... Negotiators develop positions based on their party's self–interest in resolving workplace disputes in a way that provides the greatest benefit to those they represent (Post, 2009). As each party brings their positions to the table, an adversarial relationship between them is bound to form, especially when it is difficult to find an agreement that benefits both parties. This is particularly true of economic issues, such as wages and hours. For example, if negotiating employee wages, labor will almost always propose an increase in their wages, while management typically propose either a smaller increase, or no increase at all. By engaging in a style of negation that pits labor and management in direct competition with each other, and by emphasizing the opposing views that each side has on the issues being negotiated, labor–management relations suffer. In order for the collective bargaining relationship to work and have both sides willing to ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Collective Bargaining Fair Last year, after the election, the Republican party in our state house decided to eliminate public employees right to collective bargaining. This was a historic event because Republicans in the House felt as if public employees had too much control in what happened at their work site, at taxpayers expense. As a result, unions were striped of their right to collective bargaining. However, not all unions were equally striped of their bargaining rights. Public workers such as fire fighters, park rangers and police officers were not impacted by the changes to the bill as other public employees. Republicans believe that this is fair because these jobs involve people putting their lives on the line. Another right taken away from public employees ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Collective Bargaining Executive Summary Chapter 13 details the mechanisms by which the NLRB determines whether a union will represent a company's employees for the purposes of collective bargaining. Represented employees within a collective bargaining unit elect representatives of the specific bargaining unit to serve as the exclusive representatives of said employees within the respective bargaining unit. While elections are common, the NLRA does not require that a collective bargaining unit hold an election. Representatives can be chosen through voluntary recognition as long as the representative has majority support of the collective bargaining unit. Beyond that, the position of the union as the exclusive bargaining agent supersedes any individual contracts of employment made ... Show more content on ... Section 9(b) of the NLRA provides that the definition of an appropriate bargaining unit is a matter left to the Board's discretion. Section 9(b) also contains the following five provisions: The options open to the board in determining a bargaining unit includes an employer wide unit, a craft unit, a single–plant unit, or a subdivision thereof. The unit cannot contain both professional employees and non–professional employees, unless a majority of the professional employees have voted to be included in the unit. A craft unit cannot be found to be inappropriate simply on the ground that a different unit was established by a previous Board determination, unless a majority of the employees in the proposed craft unit vote against representation in such a separate craft unit. A unit including non–guard or non–security employees cannot include plant guards or security personnel; conversely, a union representing plant guards cannot be certified if it also includes workers other than guards as members or if it is directly or indirectly affiliated with a union representing persons other than ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Collective Bargaining In The United States Collective bargaining is when employers and employees negotiate the terms of their work. Republicans in Iowa now want to get rid of this section of the Iowa Code. Many states have done away with collective bargaining for public workers. States how get rid of collective bargaining affects all public union employees, including police officers, firefighters, teachers, sanitation workers, water works staffers, snow plowers, corrections workers, transportation workers, and some public hospital employees. According to the Iowa Starting Line, "the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees or AFSCME bargains contracts every two years for around 18,000 state employees, police negotiate separate contracts with the state, the county courthouse bargains contracts with their county and teachers and school staff negotiate with their school district." (Prynard 2017) Public workers are the ones in trouble to losing their say in their contracts, others who are employed by private companies do not need to worry about collective bargaining being changed or eliminated. ... Show more content on ... In Iowa the collective bargaining is called Chapter 20 and an important part of Chapter 20 is section 20.9 which includes some specifics that workers are able to negotiate and they include: wages, hours, vacation time, health insurance, health and safety rules, seniority and overtime ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Collective Bargaining Vs Collective Bargaining When employees are unhappy with their employer, they join together to form a union. The union's goal is to ensure that workers are properly compensated for the work that they provide to their employers and it represents safety concerns and other issues of employees to employer (Brachmann. n.d). This is done through collective bargaining. Collective bargaining is when a union and management officials meet in order to resolve conflicts (e.g. pay, benefits and working terms and conditions) by way of exchanging commitments (Walsh. 2013. P243). Bargaining successfully strengthens the relationship between labor and management, reinforcing trust and honesty amongst the parties even though they may not agree one hundred percent on every issue. For example, a complaint was filed in 2010 against the Westin Providence Hotel, asserting discrimination against union supporting employees, failure to bargain with the Union, and establishing new terms and conditions of employment without bargaining with the Union ( 2011.). However, before going to trail, the firm and union collectively bargained and resolved all issues by way of contract agreement. The Labor Management Relations Act (LMRA) requires union and management groups to bargain in good faith– each party exhibiting an honest attempt to reach an agreement or settlement, and being reasonable in their positions and tactics, on issues the law require and the parties voluntarily decides to negotiate (Szczepanski. 2003). It is ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Fair Negotiations In Collective Bargaining I believe if fair representation was negotiated in the collective bargaining agreement, it would be fair for the court to rules that the union has a duty to present these former employees. The sixteen employees were still members of the union; the union still had an obligation to represent them on this issue. Even though the employees were laid off, the union had a responsibility to fairly represent those employees because they were still paying their dues. One of the benefits that the union negotiated with the employer and employee was that if the company experience laid off the employees will be offered future employment opportunities if job opens again. The company laid off hundred employees in 1981 and in 1992 the company started to performance ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Disadvantages Of Collective Bargaining Collective Bargaining and Dispute Settlement System The expression "collective bargaining", was coined by Sydney and Beatrice. This was widely accepted and used in the United States of America for settling industrial disputes. International Labour Organisation (ILO) through various conventions, recommendation and other instruments recognizes the right of collective bargaining as a fundamental right throughout the private and public sectors . Further one principle adopted by ILO is that collective bargaining is a right of employer and their organisations, on one hand and organisations of workers, on other hand (first–level trade unions, federations and confederations); only in the absence of these latter organisations, may representatives of the workers concerned conclude collective agreements. The meaning of the expression 'collective bargaining' has been a subject matter of controversy and it is defined in variety of ways. However the term 'Collective bargaining' has been defined by the Supreme Court of India in the case Karnal Leather Karmachari Sangathan v. Liberty Footwear Co. : "The technique by which dispute as to conditions of employment is resolved amicably by agreement rather than coercion". The conflict here is between the management and the employee and is inherent in an industrial society as ... Show more content on ... Some of those limitations are there under section 10(3), 10A, 22 and 23 of Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. Further right to strike is not available to government servants in India as their function is providing public utility services. e) If strike is not successful then the option of conciliation or adjudication under proper authority like Industrial Tribunal/National Tribunal/Labour Court can be availed by the parties to ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Collective Bargaining In Nursing Collective Bargaining From the historical background, after the World War II, Budd, Warino, and Patton (2004) informed that collective bargaining (CB) occurred as a result of extreme nursing shortages, causing the poor economic and working condition for nurses. Initially not promoting the CB since nursing was considered a calling more than an occupation, Budd et al. (2004) narrated that after realizing the need to preserve the nursing profession and the nurses' welfare, the American Nurses Association [ANA] established the State Nurses Association to represent nurses in the bargaining duties. Thus, collective bargaining existed to empower nurses in gaining autonomy over their practice, control over essential resources, and protest against policies affecting patients' safety. What follows will be discussion of personal experiences and opinions on CB, contract negotiations, roles of the facility administrator in CB, and manager's responsibilities in CB. ... Show more content on ... Eventually, the organization process ended due to inadequate number of signatures from nurses. In agreement to the purpose of CB, I believe CB is an effective tool to recognize nurses' value, despite every possible measure, to the unyielding administration. Hence, from my brief employment in a union hospital, I can list the benefits of CB: higher wages, guaranteed pay increase, job security, and better benefits. On the other hand, disadvantages of labor unions are costly monthly dues, obligation to participate in strikes, not always effective, and preserving bad employees. Supposed a negotiation is needed in my current job, my demands would be in these priority orders: eliminating mandatory overtime (on–call and mandatory up staffing), reducing holiday requirements ( hallmark, pre and post holidays), increased salary (10%), and certification hourly ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Collective Bargaining Unions are no doubt about power in numbers, by workers speaking together as a unionised body to defend their rights they are much more likely to achieve their goals and fairer working conditions. Collective bargaining can be divided into two types, adversarial and co–operative. Adversarial collective bargaining is where employees express different opinions, pervasive conflict of interests and short–term low trust perspectives. This method can cause debate, when one individual sees an idea proposed as not such a good idea. Co–operative collective bargaining is the opposite consisting of a group of workers with common interests, freely expressing opinions with one another, seeking others views and wanting to find a conclusion that everyone is happy with. There are various forms of collective bargaining that exist inside the EU. Cross–border collective bargaining formed as a result of the European Monetary Union. It was set up to evade a race to the bottom in relation to wage costs of various national trade unions in an effort to raise international competitiveness. Single–employer bargaining between trade unions and individual companies and multi–employer bargaining between union federations and employer associations are two examples of forms of collective bargaining that exist within the EU. Implying that ... Show more content on ... France has one of the lowest collective bargaining density in the world at 8% , while Ireland lies better than most at 34%. Collective bargaining density is a measurement of the number of people in a country that are part of a Trade Union. Employers rarely differentiate between union and non– union members, giving the individual employee little incentive to join a union. Collective bargaining coverage statistics show France at 98% and Ireland at 44%. This is an indicator of the extent to which the collective bargainer influences the terms of workers employment, in other words it is the coverage ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Pros Of Collective Bargaining On Tuesday, March 29, a tie vote in the U.S. Supreme Court delivered a victory for unions and collective bargaining. The Supreme Court reached a 4–4 vote in Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, a major labor case on union funding. This tie vote upholds the legality of fair share fees and allows unions to maintain the system they use to collect funds that support collective bargaining and obtaining benefits for workers. Collective bargaining Collective bargaining is the negotiation between union leaders and the company's management that sets out the terms of employment such as working conditions, base pay, overtime, work hours, and benefits. By law, collective bargaining benefits all workers whether they are in the union or not and ... Show more content on ... California Teachers Association, a group of public school employees who are unaffiliated with unions sued the California Teachers Organization, other similar organizations, and California school districts on the grounds that the agency shop arrangement and opt–out requirements of the public school unions violate the First Amendment. In California, unions can establish agency shop clauses in which the school district can require employees to either join the union or pay dues in the form of a "fair share service fee". Because the First Amendment prevents unions from requiring non– members to support activities that are not related to union representation, unions must notify all non–members of the breakdown of the chargeable and non–chargeable portions of the fee. The non– members must then opt out each year to avoid paying the portion of the fee that goes toward activities that they are not required to ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Mandatory Bargaining Agreements The NLRA requires management and the union to bargain over certain issues if they are introduced in negotiations. The issues are referred to as mandatory bargaining items and include anything that falls into the category of wages, hours, and working conditions such as health insurance, safety standards, and flexible work hours. To begin, labor law affects what is discussed at the bargaining table, specifically the NLRA requires good faith bargaining over wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment. The NLRA also allows the parties to negotiate over certain issues if they are mutually amenable to doing so. For example, if the parties involved choose to negotiate over the treatment of retirees or job applicants, they have the ... Show more content on ... In addition, the parties are prohibited from bargaining anything that would violate the law, such as paying employees below minimum wage or substandard family medical leave. Next, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is empowered by the U.S. Supreme Court to classify bargaining issues into three categories of bargaining items, also known as the Borg–Warner doctrine, which is named after the Court's decision. Mandatory bargaining items as discussed earlier, are certain items that employers and unions have an obligation to bargain over. There is also illegal bargaining item that violates the law, such as policies that involve racial discrimination, closed shop provisions, or paying minimum wages below the legal minimum regulation. Consequently, employers and unions are prohibited from bargaining over such items. Finally, the middle category that involves everything not covered in mandatory and illegal bargaining items is called a permissive bargaining item. This category allows for bargaining by employers and unions over permissive items if they choose, but because they are outside the boundaries of the NLRA, the NLRB cannot order bargaining on these issues, and employees are not protected if they go on strike over these ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. The Collective Bargaining And Negotiation Process Almost everyone employed by a school district may participate in a collective bargaining unit or an organized group of job positions represented by an association. The association then participates in a joint decision–making process, involving direct negotiations to determine wages, hours of work or other terms and conditions of employment for all employees in that unit. The collective bargaining process between a board of education and any association of united teachers, service personnel or administrators can have a wide–range of effects for everyone involved in that district and community, especially the students. The regional school district being utilized for this review is that of a large regional school district, serving about 7,000 students in grades 9 through 12, in the largest county in the state. It is an affluent community of parents and community members from eight municipalities who recognize the value of education and actively support the schools. Historically, teachers, parents and administrators within the district have enjoyed a good, working relationship. As a result of this ongoing positive relationship, the collective bargaining and negotiation processes between the four associations in the district are relatively downplayed and quiet. Several associations negotiate collective bargaining agreements with the regional the local teacher's education association, public school employee association, district administrators association, and the ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. collective bargaining PeCOP Journal of Social and Management Sciences Collective Bargaining Dr Isaac Chaneta University of Zimbabwe – Harare, Zimbabwe Dr Isaac Chaneta Collective Bargaining Dr Isaac Chaneta Unionism: Good or Bad for Productitivity Dr Isaac Chaneta Employee Welfare 1 PeCOP Journal of Social and Management Sciences Collective Bargaining Dr Isaac Chaneta University of Zimbabwe – Harare, Zimbabwe Abstract Collective bargaining is concerned with the relations between employers acting through their management representatives and organized labour. It is concerned not only with the negotiation of a formal labour agreement but also with the day– to– day dealings between management and the union. Because the management ... Show more content on ... Collective agreements may also address the rules for future bargaining, where this is not covered by obligations under the legislation governing collective bargaining. 2. The outcomes of collective bargaining are not always clear, or predictable: negotiation is a contradictory process involving adversarial role and compromises and accommodation will depend upon a number of factors such as external environmental factors including the state of the economy, the nature of the good or service market, the state of the labour market or the prior history of relationships between the parties. In addition, the success of negotiating tactics will depend upon the skills of individuals , the perceptions of party principals about the strengths of the other party and the employment of other, industrial action outside the negotiations. 3. Collective bargaining systems rely upon the parties bargaining in good faith. This is usually guaranteed by collective legislation. 4. Third party intervention occurs only after the parties reach an impasse in negotiations. Conciliation and arbitration either may be determined by the parties in earlier agreements or be provided by established state institutions. The later has been the case in Australia where the Industrial Relations Commission's principal conciliation or arbitration is possible under most collective bargaining law in western market ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Collective Bargaining Agreements Employees have the right to start a union if they are dissatisfied with certain situations within their organization. Joining together to defend their mutual interest will improve their working environment. A union is an organization form by working people to improve their working conditions through higher wages, more benefits greater job security. Sometimes union members have trouble getting their first contract, but there are steps that must be implemented in order to get that first contract just decide what kind of contract you want. Of the 8.7 million workers currently under major collective bargaining agreements, about 3.4 million will see their agreements expire or be reopened and bargaining activity will be lighter than previous years in state and local governments, but will be relatively heavy in private industry; where negotiations will be carried out in an environment marked by comparative industrial peace and by concern over an uncertain economy. In order to get a contract you must go through a collective bargaining process and there must be representation on both sides of the table. Many collective bargaining contracts have union shop clause; which mean labor union ... Show more content on ... If they have specific complains about their department explain to them by organizing a union could modify and improve their situations. There are various ways to get a coworker to join the union such as attending regular meetings and discussing issues that happens within the workplace. The more support you have from employees the more powerful your campaign will obviously be. Create a support panel I don't think it would be wise to let any employer know that his/her employees is starting a union. Most employers do not like any type of unionization, but there are laws that's put in place by the National Labor Relations Act NLRA which protects and allow employees the right to form a union a ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Mandatory Bargaining Definition According to Labor Relations (1958) mandatory subject of bargaining is noted by the Supreme Court that the area of mandatory collective bargaining includes subjects relating to wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment. Other subjects such as overtime pay, shift differentials, holiday pay, pensions, profit sharing plans, rental of company houses, grievance procedures, sick leave, work–rules, seniority and promotion, compulsory retirement age, health care benefits, and management rights clauses are examples of mandatory subjects of bargaining. The parties can insist on the adoption of their position on a subject within the mandatory bargaining area as a condition to acceptance of a union contract. Certain terms and conditions ... Show more content on ... The duty is to bargain, not necessarily to reach agreement. However, an employer cannot make changes in mandatory subjects for bargaining without first providing the union with an opportunity to bargain.Issues that have become mandatory subjects for bargaining have been evolving since the NLRA was passed. The US Supreme Court has identified two criteria for determining whether or not an issue represents a mandatory subject for bargaining: 1. Whether it is "plainly germane to the 'working environment'": and 2. "Not among those 'managerial decisions which lie at the core of entrepreneurial control." The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) as well as the federal courts have substantial discretion in determining whether or not a particular issue constitutes a mandatory subject for bargaining (Petersen & Boller, ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Distributive Versus Interest-Based Bargaining When it came to creating a collective bargaining agreement section for employee safety, the main challenge was the initial confusion on where negotiations were to take place for both the Union and Company sides. From here the friction that existed had to do with what costs should be allotted for boots and gear and whether or not these items should be simply provided by the company or a certain amount allotted for employees to purchase the necessary items themselves. Having been part of the Union side, when it came to the Company side, it appeared as though they were able to create a good draft of what they would like the collective bargaining agreement should look like for this section. They tried to appeal to the Union, while still being able to maintain company interests. This enabled them to come to a group decision in a timely ... Show more content on ... Interest–based bargaining is a method in which it enables negotiators to realize that common interests exist and enables joint–problem solving to exist under a more traditional negotiation (Federal Mediation & Conciliation Services, n.d.). Whereas, distributive bargaining is when a fixed amount of resource exists, and because both parties want the same resources they must be divided and distributed among the two. This method is used when both parties do not foresee the need for a relationship to exist and the interaction is a one–time occurrence (Marzec, n.d.). When it came to the negotiations between the Union and the Company in this situation, an interest–based bargaining method was utilized. A relationship needed to be established between the two parties, because the potential for future negotiations to exist remains due to the nature of the two parties. Being able to realize that each side had common interests, it could enable an agreement to come together without either side having to give something ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Collective Bargaining In The Workplace With the passing of the National Labor Relations Act by Congress in 1935 private sector employees were given the right to unionize and bargain collectively. Essentially this was a format for employees to improve their wages and working conditions. This ended up allowing the States to then decide if public sector employees were going to receive the same rights as private employees and be able to unionize and bargain collectively for their working conditions. To simply define public employees they represent workers at every government level. Basically teachers, firefighters, police officers, postal workers and any other employee of the government at any level that you can think of that provides services such as healthcare, education, and sanitation. ... Show more content on ... The contract negotiations for these public workers are dependent not on private corporations, but on the size of government budgets.This is the one segment of labor that can actually contribute directly to the people because these jobs are considered a public service. It tends to be the reason why you may see or hear about so much protesting from teachers attempting to improve their work conditions and wages because they must unionize and get union leaders to fight and make their bargains be heard. Believe it or not most states required schools to engage in collective bargaining and other states allowed collective bargaining. For a job position that is considered a public service and receives benefits from a government budget, it would make sense for public employees to bargain for their benefits and concern. It's just not fair when the government budget comes from the taxes of people and the money is not being distributed for the right reasons. I think it's the politics of things because these workers are negotiating with the government through union labor leaders and politicians but is there bargaining and unionization actually leading to something beneficial to the people who publically serve us every day. Of course it makes sense for them to unionize and fight for their lives and the lives of ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Collective Bargaining Case Study As a matter of public policy an employer should never be required to reinstate a unlawfully terminated employee, even when that person is an illegal alien. This is primarily due to the fact that this seems to be a situation where the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine would apply, due to the fact that there was a violation of the Immigration and Reform Control Act of 1986, as well as a violation of the Legal Arizona Workers Act. This would make the (fruit), or illegal alien employees the result of the (poisonous tree), the breaking of state and federal laws, and thereby make it illegal to reinstate them into their positions of employment. This situation essentially boils down to a matter of respecting federal and state law. This is due to ... Show more content on ... § 158[d]). Indeed, even after the aggregate haggling understanding terminates, the business must keep up the norm and may not singularly change obligatory subjects of bartering, until the gatherings have come to an impasse (Louisiana Dock Co. v. NLRB, 909 F.2d 281 [7th Cir. 1990]). This ban against one–sided changes proceeds with regardless of the possibility that the business debate that the union is the selective delegate (Livingston Pipe & Tube v. NLRB, 987 F.2d 422 [7th Cir. 1993]; NLRB v. Folks & Friends of the Specialized Living Centre, 879 F.2d 1442 [7th Cir. 1989]). When great confidence transactions between the gatherings "deplete the possibility of finishing up understanding," the gatherings have come to an impasse, and executing one–sided changes in working conditions not constitute an uncalled for work rehearse (NLRB v. Plainville Ready Mix Concrete Co., 44 F.3d 1320 [6th Cir. 1995]; United Paper workers International Union v. NLRB, 981 F.2d 861 [6th Cir. 1992]; Southwest Forest Industry v. NLRB, 841 F.2d 270 [9th Cir. ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Advantages Of Collective Bargaining Discussion of collective bargaining must begin with recognizing the fundamental differences between public and private employment. The terms and conditions of employment in the private sector are determined by private decisions made by private parties shaped by market forces. In the public sector, the terms and conditions of employment are public decisions made through governmental officials and shaped by political processes as well as by market forces. In a democratic society, this means that decisions are confined by constitutional limitations and must ultimately reflect the will of the electorate (Summers, 2003). Organizing efforts are a constant and much more difficult in the private sector due to the rise and fall of businesses. Once a union organizes in the public sector, they will usually remain intact as there is no worry about the government going out of business. Therefore, maintaining membership levels in the public sector is not a problem. Public employees have other major advantages over their private–sector counterparts in that they are constitutionally protected, which prohibits termination or other adverse action without good cause. In other words, they are not at will. Many of the terms and conditions of employment such as benefits and pensions are not subject to individual or collective bargaining, but are prescribed by statute. They also exert more power or influence over their employers by using the political process to their advantage through the ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. The Problem Of Distributive Bargaining Opposing interests, exchange of goods or service, and terms of agreements, are but a few reasons conflict can arise between parties. These controversies can stem from business or personal relationships, and be held in formal or informal settings, but all require some form of resolution in order to satisfy or assuage the parties involved. Negotiation, or bargaining, is a common method used to obtain resolution. A variety of strategies can be employed in this process, some with more favorable outcomes for both parties than others. A negotiation, often referred to as an art, involves both skill and science, and the use of both determines the process taken for the bargaining, as well as the outcome (Stoshikj, 2014). "Good use of reference, supports the discussion Distributive Bargaining Robbins and Judge (2009) define distributive bargaining as "negotiation that seeks to divide up a fixed amount of resources; a win/lose situation" (p. 497). Explained by these authors, is the zero–sum aspect of distributive bargaining, in which one party's gain is the other party's expense. A simple example of this type of bargaining is a buy–sell arrangement where one party wants to obtain the maximum price for a product or service while the other party wants to pay the minimum amount acceptable. Stoshikj (2014) describes this "negotiations dance" when the buyer's offers increase, the seller's offers decrease, and the acceptable amount for both parties comes ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Bargaining With The Devil BARGAINING WITH THE DEVIL When to Negotiate, When to Fight ROBERT MNOOKIN ROBERT MNOOKIN is professor of law at Harvard Law School, the director of the Harvard Negotiation Research project and chair of the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School. Dr. Mnookin has taught several workshops on negotiation skills for corporations, government agencies and law firms. He is the author of nine books including Beyond Winning, Negotiating on Behalf of Others and Barriers to Conflict Resolution as well as numerous articles. Dr. Mnookin has been involved in resolving numerous landmark commercial disputes including that between IBM and Fujitsu over operating system software and between Boston Scientific and Medinol over intellectual ... Show more content on ... It's the conflict between principle and pragmatism. There aren't any immutable commandments which will always apply. Instead, four general guidelines you should try and keep in mind are: 1 Be systematic in evaluating the expected costs and benefits of negotiation 2 Never do an analysis alone – get advice from others in evaluating alternatives 3 Have a bias in favor of negotiation – but make it rebuttable 4 Don't allow your own moral beliefs to color a pragmatic assessment of benefits Four guidelines Negotiating With the Devil – Page 2 1. The three challenges When trying to resolve a conflict, there are generally three challenges which affect your ability to make a good decision on whether to negotiate or not: 1 2 You have to analyze the cost and benefits of negotiating versus all other viable alternatives 3 The three challenges You have to avoid all the emotional traps which can lead to an unwise knee–jerk reaction You have to address all the moral and ethical issues involved in deciding whether to negotiate with an enemy "After helping to resolve many business and family disputes over the years, I have come to believe that for most of us, confronting an enemy poses exceptional negotiation challenges. When I say 'enemy,' I do not mean just an ... Get more on ...