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Table of Contents
LO1. Analyse how an organisation’s culture, politics and power influence individual and
team behaviour and performance.....................................................................................................4
P1 Analyse how an organisation’s culture, politics and power influence individual and team
behaviour and performance..........................................................................................................4
LO2 Evaluate how to motivate individuals and teams to achieve a goal....................................8
P2 Evaluate how content and process theories of motivation and motivational techniques
enable effective achievement of goals in an organisational context........................................8
LO3 Demonstrate an understanding of how to cooperate effectively with others....................11
P3 Explain what makes an effective team as opposed to an ineffective team?...................11
LO4 Apply concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour to a given business
P4 Apply concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour within an organisational
context and a given business situation......................................................................................14
Organisational Behaviour is majorly concerned with the perception which includes
the study about how the groups, culture, structure and behaviour of an individual
influences the organisation. Many a times it has been observed that these
behaviours of the individuals help to bring improvement in the processes of the
organisation. The behaviour of the employees is uncertain and it varies from person
to person which needs to be managed effectively. The key focus of the assignment is
to understand how the organisational culture, politics and power influence on both
team and individual performance of A David & Co Limited. The employees need to
be motivated in the right manner which can help the organisation to achieve its goals
effectively. It is the entire team which ensures that the goals of the organisation are
achieved hence it becomes essential to align the team goals with the organisational
goals by applying various theories and concepts to give the right direction to the
employees. The employees attitude toward the work is should be positive which can
ensure that the objectives of A David & Co. limited get accomplish as required.
LO1. Analyse how an organisation’s culture, politics and power influence
individual and team behaviour and performance
Introduction: The politics, organisational culture and power influences the individual
and team behaviour at large as it contributes toward the development of attitude if
the employees toward the organisation which might be positive or negative.
P1 Analyse how an organisation’s culture, politics and power influence
individual and team behaviour and performance.
The organisational culture can be defined as the underlying beliefs, values,
perception and the ways through which a person can interact with other which can
contribute toward the development of the specific social and psychological
environment for the organisation. The culture depends upon the beliefs, customs,
and attitudes of an individual which is developed over the period of time. The culture
also includes the values, vision, symbols, language, beliefs and habit of the person
which can contribute for the development of the social environment. Since A David &
Co Ltd is involved into production and distribution of the fresh fruits and vegetables
to various organisation on daily basis, the people working in the organisation comes
in contact with different people from every industry. It is essential for A David & Co.
ltd to have the right type of organisational culture which can motivate the Staff to
perform effectively in the right manner. One of the theories relating to organisational
culture which was developed by Geert Hofstede studies about the various essential
aspects of culture and provides them a rating which is based upon the comparison
There are six cultural dimensions which involved the values of diverse cultures.
These values does not only impact on the people which has comes from different
background and how they behave but also how potentially they behaved when they
are placed at work. The various dimensions which we can be also seen in A David &
Co. ltd are as follows:
1. Power Distance: This dimension shows that how the members who have less
power in the society can go till what extent and shows that the distribution of
power is also unequal. It shows that the societies which has more power often
implements autocratic style of leadership, centralised mechanism for authority
and usually have number of hierarchical level and the supervisor. It is majorly
seen in the large organisation whereas the small organisation like A David &
Co. Ltd have small power which offers participative style of management. The
employees are also allowed to take part in the process of decision making
and the authority is also decentralised.
2. Uncertainty avoidance: Under this culture it is seen that up to what extent the
members that belong to the organisation are able to manage with the future
and uncertainty without increase in the stress. The people that are weak
uncertainty tend to undertake the risk and are flexible and usually have the
tolerance capacity to deal with the situation whereas the strong uncertainty
people avoids the risk and have standard procedures and rules which need to
be followed.
3. Individualism vs. Collectivism: The person which follows individualism is more
focused about self than the others. They emphasis more on the personal
enjoyment whereas the collectivism focuses upon the group and the society at
large which is majorly seen in the small organisation as there are less number
of people which are involved closely with each other which creates a positive
4. Masculinity vs. Femininity: Many organisations differentiate among the male
and female employees which creates a negative environment at workplace.
Both the gender should be considered equally which can help them to work
5. Long run vs. Short run orientation: The people which do not think for long run
with the organisation often tend to create negative atmosphere at workplace
whereas the people who thinks about long term sustainability with the
organisation are often futuristic and have positive attitude toward the work.
6. Indulgence vs. Restraint: The people who are indulgent are open to try new
things and enjoy their work whereas the people which are restraint hold back
to accept the new changes (Anastasia, 2015).
In today’s globalised world where technology has become very advanced and people
are now more involved into digitalisation has also affected the organisational culture
at large. The people from different culture, background, caste, religion comes
together to work which is not restricted to the domestic level only but at international
level as well. Now the organisation requires focusing upon bringing all the different
people on a single common platform to achieve the desired outcome.
Influence of the Politics: The employees which do not believe in working hard in the
organisation and is majorly involved into nasty politics to ensure that their position is
secure in the organisation. Majorly, the employees are indulged into politics in the
company in order to gain the undue attention or come in to the limelight of the
management so that they the management does not look into their performance.
Politics refer to the irrational behaviour of the people at workplace in order to gain
the advantage. The various impacts of politics at workplace results into the following:
 Reduction in the productivity: The employees output gets affected due to
politics at workplace. The people who are involved into politics plays less
attention toward their work.
 Divert the focus: the people lose concentration at their work and now involved
more in spoiling the other people image in the organisation.
 Negative workplace environment: The employees which are involved in
politics create negative environment at workplace which also results in
spoiling the relationship at workplace.
 Change in the employee’s attitude: The employee is not able to give their full
potential toward their work and losses interest toward the work.
 Creates frustration: The employees feel frustrated as their performances are
unnoticed by their managers.
 Increase in De-motivation and stress: Due to negative work environment the
employees feel stress which results into de-motivation (Juneja, 2018).
Influence of Power: there are six types of power in the organisation which can
influence the individual behaviour and performance of the team which are as follows:
1. Coercive power: It is related with forcing someone to carry out some activities
which are against their will.
2. Reward Power: It is the power under which an individual has been asked to
perform particular activities in return of something in cash or kind.
3. Legitimate Power: It is the power of position or role. Based on the position the
person can assign the work to the staff.
4. Referent Power: It is the power which an individual gain due to the respect.
The leadership style which is used by the manager can help them to achieve
the referent power
5. Informational Power: when people have specific and important knowledge
about how the things can be done it can be termed under informational power.
6. Expert Power: An individual which has expertise to do the task usually have
expert power like Doctor, engineers, etc (Prescott, 2015).
The people can ensure that their workplace is safe for them and the small scale
organisation like A David & Co. ltd, it is essential to use various strategies which can
guide the people in the right direction which can help them to perform better. The
people who are good in networking and spend time into networking are able to deal
with these situations easily. Various other ideas which can help them are to improve
their communication skills, connecting with people which are outside the work group
(Wroblewski, 2018).
Conclusion: The people who are working in the organisation will definitely get
influence with the culture, power and politics in the organisation and it is essential for
them to use various tactics which can help them to overcome these situations.
LO2 Evaluate how to motivate individuals and teams to achieve a goal
Introduction: Motivation can be used as a tool for strategy development which can
encourage the staff to perform best of their abilities which can help the firm to gain
the competitive position in the market.
P2 Evaluate how content and process theories of motivation and motivational
techniques enable effective achievement of goals in an organisational context
Motivation in an organisation is of great importance as it increases the organisational
productivity as well as efficiency. Motivation may be referred to as the process
through which staff members can be influenced in order to achieve organisational
objectives and increased productivity through the increased employee efforts
(Prachi, 2016). The motivational theories can usually be classified as Content
theories and process theories. The content theories of motivation mainly focus on
what while process theories have their primary focus on how.
Motivation at David & Co.:
It has been observed that the management at David & co. practises autocratic
control which results in stress and dissatisfaction among the employees as they lack
in motivation. The working conditions at the organisation are not so healthy which
results in low morale among the employees. The employees are not cared about and
are only being used to fulfil their organisational commitments. However, as per the
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, every employee or individual has certain needs that
needs to be fulfilled which influences their behaviour at workplace (Cherry (I), 2018).
These needs include self-esteem needs, self-actualisation needs as well as physical
needs which are not fulfilled at David and Co. This results in the lack of creativity and
loyalty of employees at David and Co. and ultimately the productivity of the
organisation gets hampered. The employees at David and Co. suffer from
dissatisfaction and negative working atmosphere which affects their performance.
The self-esteem of the employees is generally low and this results in stress and
hence they are unable to live up-to the expectations of the organisation as well as
the customers. However, as per the Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory, both motivational
factors as well as hygiene factors play significant roles in influencing the behaviour of
the employees. Thus, David and Co. needs to provide employees with rewards as
well as recognition in order to motivate them and encourage them to perform better.
In addition to this, hygiene factors also needs to be provided to employees so that
the motivational factors can have an impact on their increased performance. The
hygiene factors include providing employees with safe and positive working
environment and eliminating negative and poor working procedures and activities
(Cherry, 2018). This will help to motivate the employees as per Herzberg’s Two
Factor Theory.
In addition to this, David and Co. also face employee turnover which is due to its
negative working conditions. The organisation practice autocratic leadership in which
employees are not involved and hence they feel dissatisfied and alone. According to
Vroom’s expectancy theory, the employee performs their best if they are motivated to
do so through rewards and recognition and through appraisals. Vroom’s expectancy
theory is based on the belief that motivation increases efforts which results in
improved performance. For example if David and Co. provides their employees with
regular awards both monetary and non-monetary then the performance level of
employee increases and they chose the work that motivates them the most as
motivation plays a great role in increased performance. Thus, David and Co. can
encourage their employees to fully utilise their capabilities and perform their best by
providing them proper rewards and recognition based on their performance. This will
help in decreasing the employee turnover and increasing employee satisfaction
(Hussain, et. al., 2015).
Thus, David and Co. can enhance the level of their productivity as well as employee
loyalty by carefully applying various theories of motivation as explained above. By
applying both content as well as process theories of motivation, the organisation can
encourage its employees to achieve their individual as well as organisational goals.
The various theories of motivation will help in meeting the various motivational needs
of its employees. Thus, David and Co. can make use of various theories of
motivation in order to increase the effectiveness of their employees and to make
them perform better so as to achieve their individual as well as organisational goals
in a better and effective manner (Hussain, et. al., 2015).
Conclusion: The employees need to be motivated in the right manner which can
direct them to perform in the most desirable manner. In today’s competitive business
environment right kind of motivation help the organisation to achieve long term
sustainability through employee loyalty and retention.
LO3 Demonstrate an understanding of how to cooperate effectively with others
Introduction: An individual cannot work alone in the organisation and they have to
work as a team based upon which their performance can be measured effectively. In
this task we will be discussing about the importance of the team development in the
P3 Explain what makes an effective team as opposed to an ineffective team?
A team can be define as the group of persons which has full set of unique skills that
are essential to complete the job, work or the project (Business Dictionary, 2019).
Whereas the group can be called as a collection of the individuals which are having
interactions on daily basis, mutual influence, which has the similar feeling to work
together and achieve the common objectives.
In simple words it can be said that the group is a collection of people which
coordinate with each other for their individual efforts whereas a team is a group of
people which shares a similar purpose for the team and ensures that the goals which
are challenging in nature are achieved in the most significant manner (Sisson, 2012).
The team in the organisation ensures that the tasks which are given by the
organisation get achieved in the most desirable manner which can make them an
effective team. There are 5 types of team which are usually found in the organisation
which are as follows:
1. Project team: It is team or group of employees which comes together to work
collectively and they have the same goals and strategies. This type of team
work in systematic manner on the specific task which can be measured
properly and the roles and responsibilities of the team members are clearly
defined. There are four different types of project team which are as below:
 Functional team: It is permanent team which includes member from the
same department but has different responsibilities. Manager is
responsible to manage everything and everyone reports to him.
 Cross functional team: It comprises of the people from different
departments. This type of team tackles with specific tasks which
require several types of expertise and inputs.
 Matrix Team: The member of the team has two different bosses which
help the top managers to retain the control over the project without
getting involved in the process of decision making
 Contract Team: It is usually outsources when the members are tied
down in a contract. After end of the contract the member of the team
joins other contracts.
2. Self-managed Team: There are no manager in the team and all the members
are from the same organisation and the people of the team only sets the
rules, expectations and solve various issues and assign responsibility to each
other based upon the knowledge and skills everyone has.
3. Virtual team: It is the team which involve employees that are working in
different locations and they are dependent upon the communication power
and collaboration of the tools to achieve the task. It offer better work life
balance and allows the businessman to recruit the experts.
4. Operational team: It is the team which is developed to ensure that all the
Team are working smoothly and all the office processes are working well.
They also have their projects of their own and functions as they also have pre-
defined roles and responsibilities.
5. Problem Solving Team: It is basically developed for temporary basis which
focus upon resolving of the specific obstacles or problems. It aims to solve
various major problems that are uncertain like recession (Kukhnavets, 2018).
A David & Co. ltd mostly have the team which are based upon the functional team as
the production and distribution of the food and beverages are on the continuous
basis for which they require team which can work non-stop and in the most desirable
There are various stages based upon which the team can be formed. One of the
models is designed by Bruce Tuckman in the year 1965 which involves the following
stages for team/ group development. These stages start from the time the group
meet at the first time and goes on till the time the project reach to the end.
1. Forming Stage: in this stage people meet with each in the team for the first
time under which they discuss about their skills, interest, goals, timeline etc
and they try to get familiarize with each other and based upon which the roles
and responsibilities will begin to form. The team members will be able to build
effective relationship with each other
2. Storming Stage: Under this, the team now start to build the relationship. In this
stage, the reality and the manner in which the task need to be completed will
be clear to each individual. It might result into clashes and disagreement
among each other but since they are experienced they are able to manage it
with an ease by avoiding these conflicts.
3. Norming Stage: under this stage, the people start noticing and appreciating
their team member strengths. Everyone will start contribute their part of work
which is essential for the completion of the project. There might be fewer
conflicts and disagreements but it will be easier to handle.
4. Performing Stage: In this stage, the people are confident, highly encouraged
and aware with the project and the team will be able to coordinate effectively
without much supervision and will work toward the achievement of one
common goal.
5. Adjourning Stage: Under this stage, the project is on completion mode and
the members have developed a strong relationship which will be coming to an
end and the experience come to an end.
Every team or group has to go to these stages to ensure that they work effectively
and perform best of their abilities. Even for a David & Co. ltd. the employees work as
team to achieve the organisational goal in most significant manner (Toggl, 2019).
Conclusion: The team performance is always better than individual performance
when all the individuals are dedicated toward their work and accomplishment of the
task in most desirable manner.
LO4 Apply concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour to a given
business situation
Introduction: there are several theories and concepts which are designed by the
theorists that can help the firm to bring the people together in a common platform as
a team and give them proper direction.
P4 Apply concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour within an
organisational context and a given business situation
The various philosophies as well as concepts of organisational behaviour if applied
properly within David and Co. can help the organisation improve its various
organisational issues such as maintenance of the teamwork and increasing its
efficiency by improving the relationship between the team members and the
management as for the success of the organisation it is important to keep the
relationship between the employees and the management intact (Anastasia, 2015).
Therefore, David and co. make proper use of the path goal theory so as to improve
the team performance in the organisation in order to achieve enhanced
organisational growth and success. The base for the path goal theory is provided by
the workplace environment and the behaviour of the employees of the organisation
at workplace. Thus, Path goal theory serves as an important organisational
behaviour theory in empowering the employees of the organisation and thus helping
them in the effective achievement of the organisational goals and success.
The primary focus of the path goal theory remains on the leadership style practised
in the organisation so as to ensure the enhanced performance. The path goal theory
makes use of the following styles of leadership:
Directive: Under this approach, the leaders provide directions as well as instructions
to the fellow workers.
Achievement Oriented: The leaders using this approach believes in providing
rewards as per the performance of the employees.
Participative: As the name suggests, this approach values the opinions of the
employees and encourage them to participate in decision making process
(Anastasia, 2015).
Supportive: The leaders using supportive leadership approach believes in providing
full support to their employees so as to make them perform their best.
All the above mentioned styles of leadership are used by the leaders at David and
Co. and this helps them in understanding the organisational issues and hence taking
measures to improve them and achieve organisational goals.
The various philosophies as well as theories and concepts of organisational
behaviour also impacts the behaviour of the team members (Nwlink, 2015). They
helps in increasing the efficiency as well as productivity of the team members by
encouraging positive working environment.
It also makes the employees more loyal and trustworthy. By implementing these
concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour, the leaders at David and Co.
gets the better understanding of the various issues and problems that are persisting
in the organisation such as difficulty in overcoming the after effects of Brexit and
dealing with the changing laws in the country regarding the rules and regulations of
foods and hence in properly overcoming those hurdles by using different leadership
styles defined by path goal theory. This helps the leaders in the effective
accomplishment of the organisational goals. By making use of the situational
leadership approach, the leaders at David and Co. makes the effective use of the
capabilities of the various employees as per the situations of the organisation. The
leaders adopt the leadership style that suits the situation and this helps them in the
effective achievement of the organisational goals and in enhancing organisational
efficiency as well as productivity (Nwlink, 2015)..
Thus, it can be concluded that the leaders of the organisations such as David and
Co. needs to be smart enough so as to adopt the leadership style as per the needs
of the situations prevailing in the organisation and this will make them achieve
organisational goals more successfully.
Organization behaviour is one of the major fields of study that is required in the
organization to analyse different behaviour of the individual which gives an
understanding to companies like A David & co. LTD as how they can direct their
employees in the right direction so that they can work effectively. It is the
responsibility of the management to overcome from various organizational politics
and guide the people toward achieving their goals. When a team collaborates with
each other to perform the task then they are able to meet the objectives in the most
specified manner which can be done through implementing various theories that can
help to join them together with each other so that the organisation can also survive in
the competitive market with an ease.
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  • 2. Table of Contents Introduction..........................................................................................................................................3 LO1. Analyse how an organisation’s culture, politics and power influence individual and team behaviour and performance.....................................................................................................4 P1 Analyse how an organisation’s culture, politics and power influence individual and team behaviour and performance..........................................................................................................4 LO2 Evaluate how to motivate individuals and teams to achieve a goal....................................8 P2 Evaluate how content and process theories of motivation and motivational techniques enable effective achievement of goals in an organisational context........................................8 LO3 Demonstrate an understanding of how to cooperate effectively with others....................11 P3 Explain what makes an effective team as opposed to an ineffective team?...................11 LO4 Apply concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour to a given business situation..............................................................................................................................................14 P4 Apply concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour within an organisational context and a given business situation......................................................................................14 Conclusion.........................................................................................................................................17 References........................................................................................................................................18 2
  • 3. Introduction Organisational Behaviour is majorly concerned with the perception which includes the study about how the groups, culture, structure and behaviour of an individual influences the organisation. Many a times it has been observed that these behaviours of the individuals help to bring improvement in the processes of the organisation. The behaviour of the employees is uncertain and it varies from person to person which needs to be managed effectively. The key focus of the assignment is to understand how the organisational culture, politics and power influence on both team and individual performance of A David & Co Limited. The employees need to be motivated in the right manner which can help the organisation to achieve its goals effectively. It is the entire team which ensures that the goals of the organisation are achieved hence it becomes essential to align the team goals with the organisational goals by applying various theories and concepts to give the right direction to the employees. The employees attitude toward the work is should be positive which can ensure that the objectives of A David & Co. limited get accomplish as required. 3
  • 4. LO1. Analyse how an organisation’s culture, politics and power influence individual and team behaviour and performance Introduction: The politics, organisational culture and power influences the individual and team behaviour at large as it contributes toward the development of attitude if the employees toward the organisation which might be positive or negative. P1 Analyse how an organisation’s culture, politics and power influence individual and team behaviour and performance. The organisational culture can be defined as the underlying beliefs, values, perception and the ways through which a person can interact with other which can contribute toward the development of the specific social and psychological environment for the organisation. The culture depends upon the beliefs, customs, and attitudes of an individual which is developed over the period of time. The culture also includes the values, vision, symbols, language, beliefs and habit of the person which can contribute for the development of the social environment. Since A David & Co Ltd is involved into production and distribution of the fresh fruits and vegetables to various organisation on daily basis, the people working in the organisation comes in contact with different people from every industry. It is essential for A David & Co. ltd to have the right type of organisational culture which can motivate the Staff to perform effectively in the right manner. One of the theories relating to organisational culture which was developed by Geert Hofstede studies about the various essential aspects of culture and provides them a rating which is based upon the comparison scale. 4
  • 5. (Source: dimensions/) There are six cultural dimensions which involved the values of diverse cultures. These values does not only impact on the people which has comes from different background and how they behave but also how potentially they behaved when they are placed at work. The various dimensions which we can be also seen in A David & Co. ltd are as follows: 1. Power Distance: This dimension shows that how the members who have less power in the society can go till what extent and shows that the distribution of power is also unequal. It shows that the societies which has more power often implements autocratic style of leadership, centralised mechanism for authority and usually have number of hierarchical level and the supervisor. It is majorly seen in the large organisation whereas the small organisation like A David & Co. Ltd have small power which offers participative style of management. The employees are also allowed to take part in the process of decision making and the authority is also decentralised. 2. Uncertainty avoidance: Under this culture it is seen that up to what extent the members that belong to the organisation are able to manage with the future and uncertainty without increase in the stress. The people that are weak uncertainty tend to undertake the risk and are flexible and usually have the tolerance capacity to deal with the situation whereas the strong uncertainty people avoids the risk and have standard procedures and rules which need to be followed. 3. Individualism vs. Collectivism: The person which follows individualism is more focused about self than the others. They emphasis more on the personal enjoyment whereas the collectivism focuses upon the group and the society at large which is majorly seen in the small organisation as there are less number of people which are involved closely with each other which creates a positive atmosphere. 4. Masculinity vs. Femininity: Many organisations differentiate among the male and female employees which creates a negative environment at workplace. Both the gender should be considered equally which can help them to work smoothly. 5
  • 6. 5. Long run vs. Short run orientation: The people which do not think for long run with the organisation often tend to create negative atmosphere at workplace whereas the people who thinks about long term sustainability with the organisation are often futuristic and have positive attitude toward the work. 6. Indulgence vs. Restraint: The people who are indulgent are open to try new things and enjoy their work whereas the people which are restraint hold back to accept the new changes (Anastasia, 2015). In today’s globalised world where technology has become very advanced and people are now more involved into digitalisation has also affected the organisational culture at large. The people from different culture, background, caste, religion comes together to work which is not restricted to the domestic level only but at international level as well. Now the organisation requires focusing upon bringing all the different people on a single common platform to achieve the desired outcome. Influence of the Politics: The employees which do not believe in working hard in the organisation and is majorly involved into nasty politics to ensure that their position is secure in the organisation. Majorly, the employees are indulged into politics in the company in order to gain the undue attention or come in to the limelight of the management so that they the management does not look into their performance. Politics refer to the irrational behaviour of the people at workplace in order to gain the advantage. The various impacts of politics at workplace results into the following:  Reduction in the productivity: The employees output gets affected due to politics at workplace. The people who are involved into politics plays less attention toward their work.  Divert the focus: the people lose concentration at their work and now involved more in spoiling the other people image in the organisation.  Negative workplace environment: The employees which are involved in politics create negative environment at workplace which also results in spoiling the relationship at workplace.  Change in the employee’s attitude: The employee is not able to give their full potential toward their work and losses interest toward the work.  Creates frustration: The employees feel frustrated as their performances are unnoticed by their managers. 6
  • 7.  Increase in De-motivation and stress: Due to negative work environment the employees feel stress which results into de-motivation (Juneja, 2018). Influence of Power: there are six types of power in the organisation which can influence the individual behaviour and performance of the team which are as follows: 1. Coercive power: It is related with forcing someone to carry out some activities which are against their will. 2. Reward Power: It is the power under which an individual has been asked to perform particular activities in return of something in cash or kind. 3. Legitimate Power: It is the power of position or role. Based on the position the person can assign the work to the staff. 4. Referent Power: It is the power which an individual gain due to the respect. The leadership style which is used by the manager can help them to achieve the referent power 5. Informational Power: when people have specific and important knowledge about how the things can be done it can be termed under informational power. 6. Expert Power: An individual which has expertise to do the task usually have expert power like Doctor, engineers, etc (Prescott, 2015). The people can ensure that their workplace is safe for them and the small scale organisation like A David & Co. ltd, it is essential to use various strategies which can guide the people in the right direction which can help them to perform better. The people who are good in networking and spend time into networking are able to deal with these situations easily. Various other ideas which can help them are to improve their communication skills, connecting with people which are outside the work group (Wroblewski, 2018). Conclusion: The people who are working in the organisation will definitely get influence with the culture, power and politics in the organisation and it is essential for them to use various tactics which can help them to overcome these situations. 7
  • 8. LO2 Evaluate how to motivate individuals and teams to achieve a goal Introduction: Motivation can be used as a tool for strategy development which can encourage the staff to perform best of their abilities which can help the firm to gain the competitive position in the market. P2 Evaluate how content and process theories of motivation and motivational techniques enable effective achievement of goals in an organisational context Motivation in an organisation is of great importance as it increases the organisational productivity as well as efficiency. Motivation may be referred to as the process through which staff members can be influenced in order to achieve organisational objectives and increased productivity through the increased employee efforts (Prachi, 2016). The motivational theories can usually be classified as Content theories and process theories. The content theories of motivation mainly focus on what while process theories have their primary focus on how. Motivation at David & Co.: It has been observed that the management at David & co. practises autocratic control which results in stress and dissatisfaction among the employees as they lack in motivation. The working conditions at the organisation are not so healthy which results in low morale among the employees. The employees are not cared about and are only being used to fulfil their organisational commitments. However, as per the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, every employee or individual has certain needs that needs to be fulfilled which influences their behaviour at workplace (Cherry (I), 2018). These needs include self-esteem needs, self-actualisation needs as well as physical needs which are not fulfilled at David and Co. This results in the lack of creativity and loyalty of employees at David and Co. and ultimately the productivity of the organisation gets hampered. The employees at David and Co. suffer from dissatisfaction and negative working atmosphere which affects their performance. The self-esteem of the employees is generally low and this results in stress and hence they are unable to live up-to the expectations of the organisation as well as the customers. However, as per the Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory, both motivational factors as well as hygiene factors play significant roles in influencing the behaviour of the employees. Thus, David and Co. needs to provide employees with rewards as well as recognition in order to motivate them and encourage them to perform better. 8
  • 9. In addition to this, hygiene factors also needs to be provided to employees so that the motivational factors can have an impact on their increased performance. The hygiene factors include providing employees with safe and positive working environment and eliminating negative and poor working procedures and activities (Cherry, 2018). This will help to motivate the employees as per Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory. In addition to this, David and Co. also face employee turnover which is due to its negative working conditions. The organisation practice autocratic leadership in which employees are not involved and hence they feel dissatisfied and alone. According to Vroom’s expectancy theory, the employee performs their best if they are motivated to do so through rewards and recognition and through appraisals. Vroom’s expectancy theory is based on the belief that motivation increases efforts which results in improved performance. For example if David and Co. provides their employees with regular awards both monetary and non-monetary then the performance level of employee increases and they chose the work that motivates them the most as motivation plays a great role in increased performance. Thus, David and Co. can encourage their employees to fully utilise their capabilities and perform their best by providing them proper rewards and recognition based on their performance. This will help in decreasing the employee turnover and increasing employee satisfaction (Hussain, et. al., 2015). Thus, David and Co. can enhance the level of their productivity as well as employee loyalty by carefully applying various theories of motivation as explained above. By applying both content as well as process theories of motivation, the organisation can encourage its employees to achieve their individual as well as organisational goals. The various theories of motivation will help in meeting the various motivational needs of its employees. Thus, David and Co. can make use of various theories of motivation in order to increase the effectiveness of their employees and to make them perform better so as to achieve their individual as well as organisational goals in a better and effective manner (Hussain, et. al., 2015). Conclusion: The employees need to be motivated in the right manner which can direct them to perform in the most desirable manner. In today’s competitive business 9
  • 10. environment right kind of motivation help the organisation to achieve long term sustainability through employee loyalty and retention. LO3 Demonstrate an understanding of how to cooperate effectively with others Introduction: An individual cannot work alone in the organisation and they have to work as a team based upon which their performance can be measured effectively. In this task we will be discussing about the importance of the team development in the organisation. 10
  • 11. P3 Explain what makes an effective team as opposed to an ineffective team? A team can be define as the group of persons which has full set of unique skills that are essential to complete the job, work or the project (Business Dictionary, 2019). Whereas the group can be called as a collection of the individuals which are having interactions on daily basis, mutual influence, which has the similar feeling to work together and achieve the common objectives. In simple words it can be said that the group is a collection of people which coordinate with each other for their individual efforts whereas a team is a group of people which shares a similar purpose for the team and ensures that the goals which are challenging in nature are achieved in the most significant manner (Sisson, 2012). The team in the organisation ensures that the tasks which are given by the organisation get achieved in the most desirable manner which can make them an effective team. There are 5 types of team which are usually found in the organisation which are as follows: 1. Project team: It is team or group of employees which comes together to work collectively and they have the same goals and strategies. This type of team work in systematic manner on the specific task which can be measured properly and the roles and responsibilities of the team members are clearly defined. There are four different types of project team which are as below:  Functional team: It is permanent team which includes member from the same department but has different responsibilities. Manager is responsible to manage everything and everyone reports to him.  Cross functional team: It comprises of the people from different departments. This type of team tackles with specific tasks which require several types of expertise and inputs.  Matrix Team: The member of the team has two different bosses which help the top managers to retain the control over the project without getting involved in the process of decision making  Contract Team: It is usually outsources when the members are tied down in a contract. After end of the contract the member of the team joins other contracts. 11
  • 12. 2. Self-managed Team: There are no manager in the team and all the members are from the same organisation and the people of the team only sets the rules, expectations and solve various issues and assign responsibility to each other based upon the knowledge and skills everyone has. 3. Virtual team: It is the team which involve employees that are working in different locations and they are dependent upon the communication power and collaboration of the tools to achieve the task. It offer better work life balance and allows the businessman to recruit the experts. 4. Operational team: It is the team which is developed to ensure that all the Team are working smoothly and all the office processes are working well. They also have their projects of their own and functions as they also have pre- defined roles and responsibilities. 5. Problem Solving Team: It is basically developed for temporary basis which focus upon resolving of the specific obstacles or problems. It aims to solve various major problems that are uncertain like recession (Kukhnavets, 2018). A David & Co. ltd mostly have the team which are based upon the functional team as the production and distribution of the food and beverages are on the continuous basis for which they require team which can work non-stop and in the most desirable manner. There are various stages based upon which the team can be formed. One of the models is designed by Bruce Tuckman in the year 1965 which involves the following stages for team/ group development. These stages start from the time the group meet at the first time and goes on till the time the project reach to the end. 1. Forming Stage: in this stage people meet with each in the team for the first time under which they discuss about their skills, interest, goals, timeline etc and they try to get familiarize with each other and based upon which the roles and responsibilities will begin to form. The team members will be able to build effective relationship with each other 2. Storming Stage: Under this, the team now start to build the relationship. In this stage, the reality and the manner in which the task need to be completed will be clear to each individual. It might result into clashes and disagreement 12
  • 13. among each other but since they are experienced they are able to manage it with an ease by avoiding these conflicts. 3. Norming Stage: under this stage, the people start noticing and appreciating their team member strengths. Everyone will start contribute their part of work which is essential for the completion of the project. There might be fewer conflicts and disagreements but it will be easier to handle. 4. Performing Stage: In this stage, the people are confident, highly encouraged and aware with the project and the team will be able to coordinate effectively without much supervision and will work toward the achievement of one common goal. 5. Adjourning Stage: Under this stage, the project is on completion mode and the members have developed a strong relationship which will be coming to an end and the experience come to an end. Every team or group has to go to these stages to ensure that they work effectively and perform best of their abilities. Even for a David & Co. ltd. the employees work as team to achieve the organisational goal in most significant manner (Toggl, 2019). Conclusion: The team performance is always better than individual performance when all the individuals are dedicated toward their work and accomplishment of the task in most desirable manner. 13
  • 14. LO4 Apply concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour to a given business situation Introduction: there are several theories and concepts which are designed by the theorists that can help the firm to bring the people together in a common platform as a team and give them proper direction. P4 Apply concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour within an organisational context and a given business situation The various philosophies as well as concepts of organisational behaviour if applied properly within David and Co. can help the organisation improve its various organisational issues such as maintenance of the teamwork and increasing its efficiency by improving the relationship between the team members and the management as for the success of the organisation it is important to keep the relationship between the employees and the management intact (Anastasia, 2015). Therefore, David and co. make proper use of the path goal theory so as to improve the team performance in the organisation in order to achieve enhanced organisational growth and success. The base for the path goal theory is provided by the workplace environment and the behaviour of the employees of the organisation at workplace. Thus, Path goal theory serves as an important organisational behaviour theory in empowering the employees of the organisation and thus helping them in the effective achievement of the organisational goals and success. The primary focus of the path goal theory remains on the leadership style practised in the organisation so as to ensure the enhanced performance. The path goal theory makes use of the following styles of leadership: Directive: Under this approach, the leaders provide directions as well as instructions to the fellow workers. Achievement Oriented: The leaders using this approach believes in providing rewards as per the performance of the employees. Participative: As the name suggests, this approach values the opinions of the employees and encourage them to participate in decision making process (Anastasia, 2015). 14
  • 15. Supportive: The leaders using supportive leadership approach believes in providing full support to their employees so as to make them perform their best. All the above mentioned styles of leadership are used by the leaders at David and Co. and this helps them in understanding the organisational issues and hence taking measures to improve them and achieve organisational goals. The various philosophies as well as theories and concepts of organisational behaviour also impacts the behaviour of the team members (Nwlink, 2015). They helps in increasing the efficiency as well as productivity of the team members by encouraging positive working environment. It also makes the employees more loyal and trustworthy. By implementing these concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour, the leaders at David and Co. gets the better understanding of the various issues and problems that are persisting in the organisation such as difficulty in overcoming the after effects of Brexit and dealing with the changing laws in the country regarding the rules and regulations of foods and hence in properly overcoming those hurdles by using different leadership styles defined by path goal theory. This helps the leaders in the effective accomplishment of the organisational goals. By making use of the situational leadership approach, the leaders at David and Co. makes the effective use of the capabilities of the various employees as per the situations of the organisation. The leaders adopt the leadership style that suits the situation and this helps them in the effective achievement of the organisational goals and in enhancing organisational efficiency as well as productivity (Nwlink, 2015).. 15
  • 16. (Source: Conclusion: Thus, it can be concluded that the leaders of the organisations such as David and Co. needs to be smart enough so as to adopt the leadership style as per the needs of the situations prevailing in the organisation and this will make them achieve organisational goals more successfully. 16
  • 17. Conclusion Organization behaviour is one of the major fields of study that is required in the organization to analyse different behaviour of the individual which gives an understanding to companies like A David & co. LTD as how they can direct their employees in the right direction so that they can work effectively. It is the responsibility of the management to overcome from various organizational politics and guide the people toward achieving their goals. When a team collaborates with each other to perform the task then they are able to meet the objectives in the most specified manner which can be done through implementing various theories that can help to join them together with each other so that the organisation can also survive in the competitive market with an ease. 17
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