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Useful 'Cloud' Tools and Websites

              Paul Webster (Twitter : @watfordgap)

                                    14th May 2012
Good Morning and House
“Social Media. They get all excited about gleaming technology
and clever gizmos. They talk in acronyms and begin sentences
with: “Did you know you can..” The rest of us just want to get on
with campaigning, fundraising or service delivery. We want to talk
about the people we work with, the communities we’re in and
the issues we’re passionate about. We want to find and talk to
people who can help us get change, deliver services or make a
 Well, Social Media is about all that, telling stories and having
conversations, having a space to do that … it just happens that the
space is on a computer.
(From ‘How to use New Media’ - Media Trust).
What we are going to do today
• Introductions
• Find out about social media and
  'the cloud' and why they are
• Planning social media use
• Survey Monkey
• Mail Chimp
• Eventbrite
• Some other useful webtools
• Any Questions
• Have fun !

What sort of technology 'grumbles' does
your organisation have?

Time for manual tasks
Access to files
Cost of mailings

Social Media is ...
. . media rich, interactive, content served based on preferences,
open for comments, conversations WITH visitors encouraged.

Web 2.0
=Social Media
=New Media
=Social Networking
Are you on Social Media?

  No?                          Probably – Yes!

              Have you checked?!
Are you using Social Media?

  Does your organisation have a website … that is interactive?
  Have you got a blog?
  Do you use YouTube or Flickr?
  Are you on Facebook?
  Do you Tweet?
  Do you use web tools to improve organisational efficiency?
So, What is Social Media?
Social Networking – the numbers
• Of all the websites visited in UK, 2 are Social
  Networks - Google (9.5%), Facebook (6.6%),
  YouTube (3.5%), ebay (1.9%), WinMail (1.4%).
  Google = 91% of search traffic. (HitWise – Feb 2012)

• 96% of aged 18-35 on one or more network

• Of the 48.6 million adult population (ONS),
  77% have a Facebook profile, 66% are
  YouTube users, 32% are on Twitter and 16%
  have a presence on LinkedIn. (Umph Sept 2011 –
   sample of 2,400 adults)

• 50% of Facebook users view their page daily
  and (February 2012)

• YouTube 2nd most popular way to search for
  content. 48hrs is uploaded every minute

• One to watch? Pinterest visits up from 50k to
  over 300k in 1 month. (Nov 2011 Comscore)
Social Networking – the numbers
 • Average social network user is aged 37

 • LinkedIn it's 44, Twitter 39, Facebook 38 &
   Bebo 28 (typical user younger)

 • 52% of Facebook users are 18 to 34 yrs

 • However of active social networking users,
   55% of those over 65 are on Facebook & 19%
   of all users are over 45

 • 55% aged 18-34 check their social networks
   at least once a day (June 2011)

 • 30% check their status as soon as they wake
   up, 81% never turn their phone off (Aug 2011)

 So, its not a passing phase, but it is
   important that organisations direct effort
   to the right network(s)
 (From – Ofcom, &
Use of social networks is 23% of time spent on internet in
  UK, 159% increase in last 3 years.

  76% of iPad users also have a desktop PC, but 9% bought
  one to replace their desktop / laptop

  Mobile web access will eclipse wired by 2015, 17% of UK
  households already use phone as primary web access
                             Facebook mobile increased by 100% in last year

                             Android OS use grown from 5% to 47% (Dec 2009 to Dec
                             2011). Apple is 30%, Symbian <5%. (ComScrore Aug 2011)

       Over 25 million              Increase from 31% (2010) to 45% (2011) of people who
smartphones in use in UK connect to Internet from phone/tablet (ONS – Aug 2011)
 51.3% of phone market
 (Ofcom Aug2011 / ComScore Dec2011) 59% access social network, 49% to buy, 12% to check-in

                             43% of users have downloaded an 'app'

                             Bite-sized learning & volunteering whilst commuting

                             70% would give up alcohol for a week rather than phone
What social media will do
•   Increases speed of communication – no faster way to
    (Action)  spread your message and communicate your project
              updates than through social networking. Less of a
              financial cost but ‘expense’ may be the time
•   Widens          message to people/groups that would normally
    (Awareness)     be missed using more traditional methods – ‘viral’
                    campaigns hugely powerful creating awareness
                    extremely efficiently
•   Deepens         to build new and different networks –
    (Fundraising)   communities of interest to bounce ideas off and
                    share experiences, increase commitment and
                    fundraising for campaigning activity. Start some
What social media will do
•   Generate on-line conversations and awareness about the
    (Change) organisation or campaign, a consensus of
             opinion or shared learning about ideas. Use RSS and
             Google Alerts to stay ahead of developments in your
             area of interest - build a ‘Listening Dashboard’, take a
             survey of member views and opinions
•   Joins      together communities who are interested in the
    (Action)   similar things, have the same likes or are
               striving for the same objectives. Facilitate and
               manage events, tell your supporters and networks
               about your work in a new way
• Commoncraft Video explaining Social Media
What is 'The Cloud'
Rather than installing software on your computer, a
'host' runs the software and services are accessed via
a browser over fast reliable internet connections.

Could be as simple as web-based email (like Hotmail or gMail), internet
banking, Google Docs or sites like Facebook, Doodle or Eventbrite.

Advantages                               Considerations
Sharing over dispersed network               Speed & availability of
Reduced capital & server costs           Security & Data Protection
Remote & flexible working                Migration costs
Host manages latest upgrades             A new way to work
Data regularly & securely backed up ICT systems can't 'be seen'
Someone else 'can worry about ICT'
Software and File Storage is rented
Types of services in the cloud
There are many services that can be accessed 'in the cloud' - which is
often used as just a marketing term. (See Off-site, Remote, As A Service)

    Data backup tools              Rackspace
    Mail & News reader feeds       Google Mail & Google Reader
    File storage & sharing sites   Dropbox
    Office suites                  Google Docs, Microsoft 365,
    Productivity services/tools    Doodle, Scribd, Slideshare
    Learning in the cloud          My Learning Pool, KnowHow NonProfit
    Web hosting                    123.reg
    Telephones                     Virtual call centres & telephone systems
    Video & Audio conference       Skype, ooVoo, GoTo Meeting
It's 'Relational' not 'Transactional'              So, Social Networking
“The Conversational Web”, not a Broadcast.
                                                      is 'the leveller'.
Listen more than you talk – and interact
Link and Share, and Share again – this keeps       Increases INCLUSION
the conversations flowing. Share other peoples           and gives
news more than your own (maybe 10 to 1)
                                                   Communities a voice
We're all “content creators”. Our message is as
valid as anyone's – whatever size organisation.
Our campaigning voice can be just as loud
Increased Reach - traditional reporting barriers
broken down and communities empowered
Comment and Feedback – agree or disagree, as
this builds a community around a topic
Immediacy - what took days, takes hours, what
took minutes takes seconds!
                                                   Common Craft
Be Helpful – Be Generous - Say Thank You -         What is Social Media Video
Share and you’ll be amazed what you get back!
Inclusion – Voluntary Sector audience
•   Social networking shouldn't replace face to face communication
•   Although 77% of households are connected and 30.1million
    people access the internet every day (ONS 2011 / 2010), 8.4
    million people have never been online
•   Of this, 31% in low income households and 45% have
    no post 16 qualifications
•   75% in BME communities don’t use internet regularly
•   43% put off using social media due to jargon
•   Away from populated areas broadband and even 3G
    access can be difficult (33% < 2mbps in Penrith & Borders)
•   1200+ partners pledged to help people get online,
    find what they want online & then stay online.
    Resources to help become a Digital Champion
Supporting Groups                            OASIS was developed by @JohnSheridan

• Know your objectives and what you want to say
      • How can we support your work better

• Research where your audience are – do you know?
      • Survey and find out, work in spaces where your target audience are

• Plan how to use the tools – have a strategy
      • Run an event?, e-bulletin update? Do ‘as well as’ what you do

• Choose tool to match audience and implement
      • Look at what other organisations have done, what works elsewhere?

• Sustain the conversation and say thank you
      • Encourage people to return, keep it new, links from websites
The best website for the job
• Choose the way to convey message.
   – Audio → Images → Video
   – See Audioboo, Flickr, Pinterest, Bambuser, Youtube
• Choose the context to engage with audience.
   – Blog → Facebook → Twitter
• Choose a useful (FREE) tool/s to help streamline work
   – Finding out → Letting people know → Running events
   – See Survey Monkey, MailChimp, Eventbrite

Can be a simple choice - Sharing a policy document between trustees
Can be a strategic choice - Moving all docs to cloud and eliminating file
Any Questions, so far?!

Finding Out
Survey Monkey

                       What it is
                       - online survey website
                       - drag and drop questions
                       - simple tick-box or grids
                       - multi-users
Finding Out
                             Survey Monkey

What it does
- generate graphs
- download spreadsheets
- event feedback forms
- logic based on responses
Finding Out
                                              Survey Monkey

Free Version
- Unlimited surveys
- 10 questions per survey on 15 question types
- 20 survey templates with Progress bar & Page numbering
- 100 responses per survey
- Collect via weblink, email, Facebook or embed

Paid for Version - £24 per month
- No limit to surveys, questions, limit to 1000 responses
- Download survey responses
- Cross-tabulate responses from multiple questions

Other ones to look at
- Snap Surveys, Zoomerang, Lime Survey
Finding Out
                                    Survey Monkey

Feedback on how it has been of benefit to organisations

- finding out more about what members needs are

- as a post-event feedback system

- useful graphs for presentations & funding bids

- timesaving vs annual paper based survey

- also see
Letting People Know

What it is
- mailing list management
- e-bulletin design
- engagement stats
- segmented subscribers
Letting People Know

What it does
- emails sent smoothly avoid spam
- handles bounces automatically
- use templates or build own
- easy import from Excel
- integration with social networks
Letting People Know

Free Version
- 2000 subscribers and 12000 emails per month
- Templates and Template Images including Merge Tags
- Unlimited Groups and Segments
- Offline and phone tools for stats and to collect new subscribers

Paid for Version - £9.22 (1000), £18.45 (2500) per month (and larger)
- Delivery Doctor and Inbox Inspector
- No limit to emails (price bands for subscribers)
- Enhanced targeting through subscribers social networks
- Personalised Auto-responder when new people join list

Other ones to look at
- TinyLetter, ConstantContact, DotMailer, Mailblaster
Letting People Know

Feedback on how it has been of benefit to organisations

- build & import lists of supporters & group / segment

- sign-up forms to embed on website

- template based design of campaigns & for re-use

- track e-bulletins sent, bounced, opened and clicked

- social media integration and reach measurement
Running Events

What it is
- online event management
- step by step process
- free if event is free
- booking, maps, tickets incl
Running Events

What it does
- embed on website
- attendee books online
- send email reminders
- link with Mailchimp
- badges & check in lists
Running Events

Free Version
- Unlimited events, Unlimited attendees
- Invite and manage attendee bookings
- Download attendee details and print reports
- Print badges and sign-in sheets
- Offline and phone tools for stats and to sign-in attendees

Paid for Version – No monthly fee
- 2.0% of price + £0.65 per ticket
- All versions have all features

Other ones to look at
- Meetup, Brown Paper Tickets, Amiando
Running Events

Feedback on how it has been of benefit to organisations

- manual process of handling booking eliminated

- attendance emails and reminders are automatic

- badges and sign-in sheets printed

- link into Mailchimp to contact groups of contacts

- also use with Doodle to select a date
Other Cloud based tools and websites

• Communication
  – Skype, Oovoo, ipadio, Screenr, Twitcasting
• Organising
  Tools,, CoverItLive,
  – Doodle,
            for Productivity/Support
• Collaboration
  – Google Drive, Dropbox, Huddle, Tom’s Planner
• All-round useful
  – Jing, PDFCreator,, Scribd, Slideshare
New way to interact – a Quick Response from visitors – QR Codes
            Letting people know how to get involved in volunteering ...

Create with - : Read with - (app)
 Works well for ...                     Bear in mind …
 - Direct to difficult web address      - No major benefit on a web page
 - Print media & flyers                 - Check location has connection
 - FREE to create and use               - Needs smart phone
 - Current 'buzz'                       - Check link hasn't changed
My Learning Pool
                          Cost effective e-learning for

•   Suite of 28 on-line e-learning training courses
•   Aimed at people running small groups & organisations
•   Suitable for individual charity workers & volunteers
•   Costs just £25 per person per year
•   Reduce time out of office and ensures consistent delivery
•   Interactive and engaging learning experience
•   Quiz and printable certificate on completion
•   Learn at own pace - progress tracked, revisit modules
•   Building block as part of blended learning
Social Media Surgery


People who want to see change +
People who use social media =
Organisations inspired in new ways
of using technology

Informal (Tea & Cake too!)

No Lectures, No Selling, Locally led

Derby, Nottingham, Your area next?
Measuring Success
- Check how many times links are clicked if using
- Listen what's said about your organisation using Topsy
- Monitor. Google Analytics, Facebook Insights &
Wordpress page visits
- Measure. Tweetreach, Twitalyzer, SocialBro,
- Visualize. Infographics on Visual.y, My Social Strand
BUT …. real success is not just about the numbers
- Tell stories of real people and real changes
- Find out how people heard about you
- Build relationships & success by joining in conversations
- Social media presence an reflection of your organisation
- Engage press, funders, authorities with pictures and video
- Say Thank You!
What's next in the Cloud?
Bite-sized    Consumption of learning & information

Mobile        Tablets & Phones is only growing

Visual        Image & Video based content dominate

Virtual       Google Glass – Virtual & Immersive

Smart NFC     Near Field Communication payments

But we should always ask, How is this relevant to the
sector and how will it help work with communities
Reflection on Social Media tools
• What ideas do you have for your use from this workshop?

• How could your organisation use or make more of these websites?

• How will you work more effectively using them?

• What gaps are there in supporting groups?

• Have you any UnAnswered Questions?!

• How can we keep the conversation going?
Useful links and websites
• ITEM3            
• DAIN Project     
• My Learning Pool 
• Social Media Surgeries
• Charity Comms    
• KnowHow Non-Profit
• Jargonbuster     
• ICT Knowledgebase
• The Very Tiger Blog
• Watfordgap Services
• Workshop Resources
• Charity Technology Trust

             Paul Webster (Twitter : @watfordgap)

                                       Thank You

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Cloud Tools & Social Media Workshop

  • 1. Useful 'Cloud' Tools and Websites Paul Webster (Twitter : @watfordgap) 14th May 2012
  • 2. Good Morning and House Keeping
  • 3. “Social Media. They get all excited about gleaming technology and clever gizmos. They talk in acronyms and begin sentences with: “Did you know you can..” The rest of us just want to get on with campaigning, fundraising or service delivery. We want to talk about the people we work with, the communities we’re in and the issues we’re passionate about. We want to find and talk to people who can help us get change, deliver services or make a difference”. Well, Social Media is about all that, telling stories and having conversations, having a space to do that … it just happens that the space is on a computer. (From ‘How to use New Media’ - Media Trust).
  • 4. What we are going to do today • Introductions • Find out about social media and 'the cloud' and why they are important • Planning social media use • Survey Monkey • Mail Chimp • Eventbrite • Some other useful webtools • Any Questions • Have fun !
  • 5. What sort of technology 'grumbles' does your organisation have? Time for manual tasks Access to files Cost of mailings Others?
  • 6. Social Media is ... . . media rich, interactive, content served based on preferences, open for comments, conversations WITH visitors encouraged. Web 2.0 =Social Media =New Media =Social Networking
  • 7. Are you on Social Media? No? Probably – Yes! Have you checked?! Are you using Social Media? Does your organisation have a website … that is interactive? Have you got a blog? Do you use YouTube or Flickr? Are you on Facebook? Do you Tweet? Do you use web tools to improve organisational efficiency? So, What is Social Media?
  • 8. Social Networking – the numbers • Of all the websites visited in UK, 2 are Social Networks - Google (9.5%), Facebook (6.6%), YouTube (3.5%), ebay (1.9%), WinMail (1.4%). Google = 91% of search traffic. (HitWise – Feb 2012) • 96% of aged 18-35 on one or more network • Of the 48.6 million adult population (ONS), 77% have a Facebook profile, 66% are YouTube users, 32% are on Twitter and 16% have a presence on LinkedIn. (Umph Sept 2011 – sample of 2,400 adults) • 50% of Facebook users view their page daily and (February 2012) • YouTube 2nd most popular way to search for content. 48hrs is uploaded every minute • One to watch? Pinterest visits up from 50k to over 300k in 1 month. (Nov 2011 Comscore)
  • 9. Social Networking – the numbers • Average social network user is aged 37 • LinkedIn it's 44, Twitter 39, Facebook 38 & Bebo 28 (typical user younger) • 52% of Facebook users are 18 to 34 yrs • However of active social networking users, 55% of those over 65 are on Facebook & 19% of all users are over 45 • 55% aged 18-34 check their social networks at least once a day (June 2011) • 30% check their status as soon as they wake up, 81% never turn their phone off (Aug 2011) So, its not a passing phase, but it is important that organisations direct effort to the right network(s) (From – Ofcom, &
  • 10. Use of social networks is 23% of time spent on internet in UK, 159% increase in last 3 years. 76% of iPad users also have a desktop PC, but 9% bought one to replace their desktop / laptop Mobile web access will eclipse wired by 2015, 17% of UK households already use phone as primary web access Facebook mobile increased by 100% in last year Android OS use grown from 5% to 47% (Dec 2009 to Dec 2011). Apple is 30%, Symbian <5%. (ComScrore Aug 2011) Over 25 million Increase from 31% (2010) to 45% (2011) of people who smartphones in use in UK connect to Internet from phone/tablet (ONS – Aug 2011) 51.3% of phone market (Ofcom Aug2011 / ComScore Dec2011) 59% access social network, 49% to buy, 12% to check-in 43% of users have downloaded an 'app' Bite-sized learning & volunteering whilst commuting 70% would give up alcohol for a week rather than phone
  • 11. What social media will do • Increases speed of communication – no faster way to (Action) spread your message and communicate your project updates than through social networking. Less of a financial cost but ‘expense’ may be the time • Widens message to people/groups that would normally (Awareness) be missed using more traditional methods – ‘viral’ campaigns hugely powerful creating awareness extremely efficiently • Deepens to build new and different networks – (Fundraising) communities of interest to bounce ideas off and share experiences, increase commitment and fundraising for campaigning activity. Start some conversations!
  • 12. What social media will do • Generate on-line conversations and awareness about the (Change) organisation or campaign, a consensus of opinion or shared learning about ideas. Use RSS and Google Alerts to stay ahead of developments in your area of interest - build a ‘Listening Dashboard’, take a survey of member views and opinions • Joins together communities who are interested in the (Action) similar things, have the same likes or are striving for the same objectives. Facilitate and manage events, tell your supporters and networks about your work in a new way • Commoncraft Video explaining Social Media
  • 13. What is 'The Cloud' Rather than installing software on your computer, a 'host' runs the software and services are accessed via a browser over fast reliable internet connections. Could be as simple as web-based email (like Hotmail or gMail), internet banking, Google Docs or sites like Facebook, Doodle or Eventbrite. Advantages Considerations Sharing over dispersed network Speed & availability of connection Reduced capital & server costs Security & Data Protection Remote & flexible working Migration costs Host manages latest upgrades A new way to work Data regularly & securely backed up ICT systems can't 'be seen' Someone else 'can worry about ICT' Software and File Storage is rented
  • 14. Types of services in the cloud There are many services that can be accessed 'in the cloud' - which is often used as just a marketing term. (See Off-site, Remote, As A Service) Data backup tools Rackspace Mail & News reader feeds Google Mail & Google Reader File storage & sharing sites Dropbox Office suites Google Docs, Microsoft 365, Productivity services/tools Doodle, Scribd, Slideshare Learning in the cloud My Learning Pool, KnowHow NonProfit Web hosting 123.reg Telephones Virtual call centres & telephone systems Video & Audio conference Skype, ooVoo, GoTo Meeting
  • 15. It's 'Relational' not 'Transactional' So, Social Networking “The Conversational Web”, not a Broadcast. is 'the leveller'. Listen more than you talk – and interact Link and Share, and Share again – this keeps Increases INCLUSION the conversations flowing. Share other peoples and gives news more than your own (maybe 10 to 1) Communities a voice We're all “content creators”. Our message is as valid as anyone's – whatever size organisation. Our campaigning voice can be just as loud Increased Reach - traditional reporting barriers broken down and communities empowered Comment and Feedback – agree or disagree, as this builds a community around a topic Immediacy - what took days, takes hours, what took minutes takes seconds! Common Craft Be Helpful – Be Generous - Say Thank You - What is Social Media Video Share and you’ll be amazed what you get back!
  • 16. Inclusion – Voluntary Sector audience • Social networking shouldn't replace face to face communication • Although 77% of households are connected and 30.1million people access the internet every day (ONS 2011 / 2010), 8.4 million people have never been online • Of this, 31% in low income households and 45% have no post 16 qualifications • 75% in BME communities don’t use internet regularly • 43% put off using social media due to jargon • Away from populated areas broadband and even 3G access can be difficult (33% < 2mbps in Penrith & Borders) • 1200+ partners pledged to help people get online, find what they want online & then stay online. Resources to help become a Digital Champion
  • 17. Supporting Groups OASIS was developed by @JohnSheridan • Know your objectives and what you want to say • How can we support your work better • Research where your audience are – do you know? • Survey and find out, work in spaces where your target audience are • Plan how to use the tools – have a strategy • Run an event?, e-bulletin update? Do ‘as well as’ what you do • Choose tool to match audience and implement • Look at what other organisations have done, what works elsewhere? • Sustain the conversation and say thank you • Encourage people to return, keep it new, links from websites
  • 18. The best website for the job • Choose the way to convey message. – Audio → Images → Video – See Audioboo, Flickr, Pinterest, Bambuser, Youtube • Choose the context to engage with audience. – Blog → Facebook → Twitter • Choose a useful (FREE) tool/s to help streamline work – Finding out → Letting people know → Running events – See Survey Monkey, MailChimp, Eventbrite Can be a simple choice - Sharing a policy document between trustees Can be a strategic choice - Moving all docs to cloud and eliminating file server
  • 19. Any Questions, so far?! Refreshment Break
  • 20. Finding Out Survey Monkey What it is - online survey website - drag and drop questions - simple tick-box or grids - multi-users
  • 21. Finding Out Survey Monkey What it does - generate graphs - download spreadsheets - event feedback forms - logic based on responses
  • 22. Finding Out Survey Monkey Free Version - Unlimited surveys - 10 questions per survey on 15 question types - 20 survey templates with Progress bar & Page numbering - 100 responses per survey - Collect via weblink, email, Facebook or embed Paid for Version - £24 per month - No limit to surveys, questions, limit to 1000 responses - Download survey responses - Cross-tabulate responses from multiple questions Other ones to look at - Snap Surveys, Zoomerang, Lime Survey
  • 23. Finding Out Survey Monkey Feedback on how it has been of benefit to organisations - finding out more about what members needs are - as a post-event feedback system - useful graphs for presentations & funding bids - timesaving vs annual paper based survey - also see
  • 24. Letting People Know MailChimp What it is - mailing list management - e-bulletin design - engagement stats - segmented subscribers
  • 25. Letting People Know MailChimp What it does - emails sent smoothly avoid spam - handles bounces automatically - use templates or build own - easy import from Excel - integration with social networks
  • 26. Letting People Know MailChimp Free Version - 2000 subscribers and 12000 emails per month - Templates and Template Images including Merge Tags - Unlimited Groups and Segments - Offline and phone tools for stats and to collect new subscribers Paid for Version - £9.22 (1000), £18.45 (2500) per month (and larger) - Delivery Doctor and Inbox Inspector - No limit to emails (price bands for subscribers) - Enhanced targeting through subscribers social networks - Personalised Auto-responder when new people join list Other ones to look at - TinyLetter, ConstantContact, DotMailer, Mailblaster
  • 27. Letting People Know MailChimp Feedback on how it has been of benefit to organisations - build & import lists of supporters & group / segment - sign-up forms to embed on website - template based design of campaigns & for re-use - track e-bulletins sent, bounced, opened and clicked - social media integration and reach measurement
  • 28. Running Events Eventbrite What it is - online event management - step by step process - free if event is free - booking, maps, tickets incl
  • 29. Running Events Eventbrite What it does - embed on website - attendee books online - send email reminders - link with Mailchimp - badges & check in lists
  • 30. Running Events Eventbrite Free Version - Unlimited events, Unlimited attendees - Invite and manage attendee bookings - Download attendee details and print reports - Print badges and sign-in sheets - Offline and phone tools for stats and to sign-in attendees Paid for Version – No monthly fee - 2.0% of price + £0.65 per ticket - All versions have all features Other ones to look at - Meetup, Brown Paper Tickets, Amiando
  • 31. Running Events Eventbrite Feedback on how it has been of benefit to organisations - manual process of handling booking eliminated - attendance emails and reminders are automatic - badges and sign-in sheets printed - link into Mailchimp to contact groups of contacts - also use with Doodle to select a date
  • 32. Other Cloud based tools and websites • Communication – Skype, Oovoo, ipadio, Screenr, Twitcasting • Organising Tools,, CoverItLive, – Doodle, for Productivity/Support • Collaboration – Google Drive, Dropbox, Huddle, Tom’s Planner • All-round useful – Jing, PDFCreator,, Scribd, Slideshare
  • 33. New way to interact – a Quick Response from visitors – QR Codes Letting people know how to get involved in volunteering ... Create with - : Read with - (app) Works well for ... Bear in mind … - Direct to difficult web address - No major benefit on a web page - Print media & flyers - Check location has connection - FREE to create and use - Needs smart phone - Current 'buzz' - Check link hasn't changed
  • 34. My Learning Pool Cost effective e-learning for communities • Suite of 28 on-line e-learning training courses • Aimed at people running small groups & organisations • Suitable for individual charity workers & volunteers • Costs just £25 per person per year • Reduce time out of office and ensures consistent delivery • Interactive and engaging learning experience • Quiz and printable certificate on completion • Learn at own pace - progress tracked, revisit modules • Building block as part of blended learning
  • 35. Social Media Surgery People who want to see change + People who use social media = Organisations inspired in new ways of using technology Informal (Tea & Cake too!) No Lectures, No Selling, Locally led Derby, Nottingham, Your area next?
  • 36. Measuring Success - Check how many times links are clicked if using - Listen what's said about your organisation using Topsy - Monitor. Google Analytics, Facebook Insights & Wordpress page visits - Measure. Tweetreach, Twitalyzer, SocialBro, - Visualize. Infographics on Visual.y, My Social Strand BUT …. real success is not just about the numbers - Tell stories of real people and real changes - Find out how people heard about you - Build relationships & success by joining in conversations - Social media presence an reflection of your organisation - Engage press, funders, authorities with pictures and video - Say Thank You!
  • 37. What's next in the Cloud? Bite-sized Consumption of learning & information Mobile Tablets & Phones is only growing Visual Image & Video based content dominate Virtual Google Glass – Virtual & Immersive Smart NFC Near Field Communication payments But we should always ask, How is this relevant to the sector and how will it help work with communities
  • 38. Reflection on Social Media tools • What ideas do you have for your use from this workshop? • How could your organisation use or make more of these websites? • How will you work more effectively using them? • What gaps are there in supporting groups? • Have you any UnAnswered Questions?! • How can we keep the conversation going?
  • 39. Useful links and websites • ITEM3 • DAIN Project • My Learning Pool • Social Media Surgeries • Charity Comms • KnowHow Non-Profit • Jargonbuster • ICT Knowledgebase • The Very Tiger Blog • Watfordgap Services • Workshop Resources • Charity Technology Trust
  • 40. Paul Webster (Twitter : @watfordgap) Thank You