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Cloud Marketing
     Original Thinking by Norm Johnston

      01. neW old Media
      02. tHird liFe
      03. Meta Men
      04. MrC
      05. transForMers
T  here has been much talk over the past year about the
                                     Cloud. For those of you not familiar with the idea, the
                                  Cloud is a term coined to describe a future Internet that acts
                                  as a repository for all data, content and applications and is     Meta Men: If you think you have a lot of data now you haven’t
                                  accessible from anywhere and from anything, including the         seen anything yet. Marketers will need people, processes,
                                  proverbial kitchen sink.                                          tools, and plans for this coming tsunami of digital data.

                                  Most of the chatter on the Cloud has been around computing;       Managing Real-time Customers: In dynamic environments

                                  witness the recent Microsoft Cloud Computing advertising          such as Facebook and Twitter, marketers will need to manage
                                  campaign.                                                         customers in real-time in order to build greater advocacy and
                                                                                                    sales in an increasingly socially-networked and influenced
                                  In contrast, this booklet provides you with some insight into     world.
Five key Cloud Marketing trends   what we think will be the key implications for marketers.
                                  We’ve identified five key Cloud Marketing trends, which are       Transformers: Marketers will have an unprecedented
                                  all explained and exampled in the following pages.                opportunity to transform their advertising by mashing-up
                                                                                                    and creating new forms of Cloud content and applications
                                  New Old Media: in an IP-enabled world marketers will need to      that provide real value to customers.
                                  rethink how they approach today’s old media. TV in particular
                                  will go through a major change as it begins to function and       The Cloud can sometimes feel very Star Trek, but remember
                                  feel more like today’s PC Internet experience.                    it is real and happening now. Dave Evans, Chief Futurist at
                                                                                                    Cisco recently stated that there are already thirty-five billion
                                  Third Life: mobile, “the third screen”, will increasingly be      devices that are connected to the Internet. He estimates
                                  used to layer the Internet’s virtual world into our real world.   that there could be a trillion in the future. So tap into your
                                  Marketers will need to think about their presence in and use      inner nerd and enjoy this tour through the Cloud and the
                                  of this new augmented and interconnected environment all          exciting opportunities for you and other marketers today and
                                  around us.                                                        tomorrow.

I love TV. There, I said it.

                 It actually feels rather good, particularly after

neW old Media
                 fifteen-years persuading clients not to focus on
                 TV. I can already hear the cries of “Judas” amongst
                 my fellow digital folk. However, before throwing
                 me into the IAB dungeon, let me explain: in the
TV Re-invented   next few years TV will be one of the most dynamic
                 and exciting areas of the digital business.
                 Bear with me.
First, the demise of TV has been greatly exaggerated.
               According to a recent Forrester research, European teenagers
               (of all people) watch more TV than any other media channel

tV PrograMs
               – 10.3 hours a week. UK BARB data indicates that we are
               watching one more hour of TV every week than 10 years
               before. What happened? Fragmentation has helped via more
               and better programming options. Even the dreaded PVR

are tHe
               seems to increase TV viewing consumption: 18% according
               to Sky.

               Perhaps more importantly, media consumption is no longer                                                                   Go

               a zero-sum situation. A few years ago you had to make a

no.1 toPiC
               physical choice between watching TV and surfing the
               Internet; your clunky-old PC was often in another room.
               The ubiquity of wireless broadband and mobile now enables       Which brings me to the second reason I love TV; the old
               punters to watch TV and surf the Internet at the same time.     enemy is embracing the Internet itself. TV broadcasters,

disCussed on
               Thus a new love affair has been formed between old and new      manufacturers, and a gazillion other players are scrambling
               media: TV programs are the number one discussed topic on        to bring all of the advantages of today’s Internet to the TV of
               Facebook.                                                       tomorrow in the hopes of reversing the shift of ad spend back
                                                                               to TV. In the UK, Sky and Canvas are building momentum

               So TV viewing is alive and well, but what about TV              behind their respective systems. In the US, several cable
               advertising? Well, that’s another story. While PVR’s increase   companies have banded together under Project Canoe
               TV program consumption, it also leads 91% of US moms            to roll-out an addressable digital TV platform. Best Buy is
               with the technology to skip the ads. TV also has some stiff     pimping LG Internet-enabled TV’s and generating new
               competition from that pervasive new kid on the block, the       revenue streams by directing customers to video on-demand
               Internet. So the TV industry has wisely embraced an old         sites. WPP, Microsoft, Apple, and Google are all investing in
               proverb: if you can’t beat them, join them.                     various hardware, software, and partnership models.

                                                                                                                              New Old Media
Will tHis                                                                            tV Will Be intelligent.
                                                                                     Your TV experience will be personalized and customized with

Future tV
                                                                                     programs, applications, branded content, and old fashioned
                                                                                     advertising all based on your personal preferences. Think
                                                                                     Sky+ mashed with MyYahoo powered by Amazon’s
                                                                                     recommendation capability.

internet Be                                                                          tV Will Be on-deMand.
                                                                                     All audio-visual content (TV, film, etc) will be available for
                                                                                     your instant-viewing pleasure. You’ll just need to search

tHe saMe as
                    XBOX Kinect
                                                                                     for it, just like on YouTube. Linear viewing will still exist,
                                                                                     particularly for live events, but will no longer dominate as
                                                                           d   em    it does today. Some on-demand content will be exclusively
                                                  Kraft TV Kitchen Sy                sponsored by brands, or even developed by brands who are

todays PC
                                                                                     no longer constrained by old linear program formats and
              Will this future TV Internet experience be the same as                 models.
              today’s PC Internet? Yes and no.
                                                                                     tV Will Be addressaBle.

              tV Will Be Hands Free.                                                 Brands will precision target specific households based
              TV will no longer be burdened with remote controls.                    on demographics and behaviour across digital devices;
              Nintendo’s Wii is radically adapting how a generation                  consumers will see a new TV ad based on what they’ve
              of kids interact with the TV screen. Don’t believe me?                 searched for on their PC or an application they used on their

yes & no.
              Just spend a few minutes with Microsoft’s Xbox Kinect                  mobile phone. Like online banners, the much-maligned
              to see how motion sensors and voice recognition will                   30-second “TV spot” will survive, albeit more targeted and
              fundamentally change the TV experience.                                less fundamental to the creative experience.

                                                                                                                                    New Old Media
Will it Be    tV Will Be e-CoMMerCe
              Your household data and credit card will be stored in your

              set-top box, thus enabling you to simply buy, sample or
              act on whatever product ad you see during your TV viewing                                                                                  de
              experience. Content will be tagged so via your TV you can                                                                        en
              immediately add all of the recipe ingredients from the latest                                                         TV K

              Jamie Oliver show to your weekly Tesco shopping basket.
                                                                                Will it be smooth sailing? Not really.
              tV Will Be soCial.
                                                                                Malthusian industry cynics will say it will never happen.

not really.
              Programs will be shared and recommended amongst friends
              while conversations about politics and sport, previously          Kool-Aid fuelled digital shysters will lead clients into
              confined to the PC or the pub, will be accessible, right there    doomed, widely-optimistic excursions. Walled-garden
              on the screen.                                                    strategies will fail. Start-ups will earn headlines one day,
                                                                                and go bankrupt the next. Clients will test, retreat, and test
                                                                                again. Agencies will struggle to manage more real-time
              tV May Be Free.                                                   digital data. Creative egos will be bruised by social networks
              Imagine a credit card company paying a premium member’s           filtering out their precious ads. Just like the old-new media
              annual cable bill in return for exclusive advertising rights to   of the PC Internet, the new-old media of the TV Internet will
              that household.                                                   surely surprise, frustrate, and delight us in many ways.

                                                                                                                               New Old Media
Case study

Shanghai aTP TenniS TournamenT
iPTV VirTual channel
Mindshare shanghai

Our Mindshare Shanghai office recently worked with
Heineken to help them launch one of China’s most
successful IPTV projects to-date. Mindshare worked
extensively with SARFT and SMG, Shanghai’s leading IPTV
network and China’s second largest media conglomerate, to
develop a sophisticated interactive platform that enabled
customers to fully experience Heineken’s sponsorship
of this major tennis tournament. From their normal TV        Photos from the Heineken ATP Tennis Tournament in Shanghai

viewing experience, consumers could access a Heineken
sponsored virtual channel, which included on-demand video
content of tournament highlights, an interactive game, the
latest scores, as well as special Heineken promotions and
merchandise. Heineken’s virtual channel was supported by
TVC’s targeted in playback and video-on-demand as well
as interactive promotional banners on the EPG. On average
consumers spent 10 minutes engaging with the bespoke
Heineken IPTV channel playing games and watching video
footage, significantly and cost-effectively increasing the
brand’s reach, engagement, and results from what a normal
TV campaign would have delivered.

                                                                                                New Old Media
Last weekend I took my three young boys to the
                                             Tate Modern Gallery for a quick tour of some the

tHird liFe
                                             world’s best modern art. My plan to disperse some
                                             cultural wisdom was quickly quelled by their
                                             surprising knowledge of various obscure pieces
                                             of art. It was only later that I realized that they
The merging of the real and virtual worlds   had “borrowed” my Google Nexus One phone and
                                             had cleverly deployed Google Goggles to dazzling
Google Goggles is remarkable for more than just its ability

                                                                              to do visual searches; Goggles is yet one more example of
                                                                              how the Internet is going through a massive transformation.
                                                                              At the Tate my kids didn’t “log-on”, type a single word, or
                                                                              even follow a Web link. For them the Internet was simply

                                                                              there: all around us, in the air, up in the clouds, and easily
                                                                              accessible via dad’s Nexus phone. Google Goggles is one
                                                                              small example of how the Internet has been freed from its
                                                                              previous constraints of keyboards, the World Wide Web, and

tHe real

                                                                               tHe internet Has Been Freed
                                                                              FroM its PreVious Constraints

World WitH         Google Goggles in action
                                                                              oF keyBoards, tHe World Wide
                                                                                       WeB, and PC’s.

tHe online
             Google Goggles is a clever little application that enables you   In fact it is becoming increasingly hard to determine what
             to simply take a photo of anything from a landmark building      is offline and online anymore. Google and many others are
             to a painting. Google then matches your photo to a vast          in the process of seamlessly combining the real world with
             image database and voila you get a detailed explanation          the online world into something entirely different. Soon

             of exactly what you are viewing. It may sound of passing         the Internet will be embedded into and weaved throughout
             interest to most brands until they realize Goggles can also      everything and into everyone; an indistinguishable mashing
             be used on bar codes, logos, and products; and instead of        of your real physical first life and the Internet’s second
             Frida Kahlo, the user could get product reviews, pricing         virtual world into a “Third Life”, a new space brought to you
             comparisons, and any “likes” from your social graph.             by that third screen, the mobile phone.

                                                                                                                                  Third Life

                                                                                                                         oc l
                                                                                                                                t io


                                                                               Microsoft are not satisfied with only three dimensions;

are not
                                                                               they are experimenting with time. Microsoft’s Bing Maps
                                                                               enables you to time travel by viewing superimposed
                                                                               historical images on to modern views. Leave it to Google to
                                                                               respond with Historypins, a tool that allows you to “pin” old

                                            Google Maps History Pin            photos on to modern day surroundings. Imagine taking an
                                                                               historical Victorian era walking tour around London wearing
                                                                               your physical Google Goggle glasses, which will seamlessly

                                ist                                            integrate ancient photos of horse and buggies into the real
                        Ma                                                     physical surroundings before your eyes.

WitH only

                                                                               However, it is not just objects being integrated into Third
              Layar, an innovative Dutch company, has created an               Life. The recent wave of geo-location tools like Gawker
              augmented reality application that lets you get useful           Stalker, Foursquare, Loopt, Facebook Places, and Google

              information on your physical surroundings via your mobile        Latitude let you virtually track your friends’ physical
              phone. Simply look through your mobile and you’ll get            locations; essentially tagging, indexing, and mapping your
              virtual signs, images, and data layered on top of your real      social graph on to Third Life’s grid. If you’re having trouble
              surroundings. This virtual Layar will help guide you to local    recognizing someone you can also try new face recognition

              restaurants, stores, and banks. Both General Motors and Ford     technology. Think Goggles for people. Apple recently
              are integrating similar augmented reality technology into        acquired Polar Rose, a company that will enable you to take
              their windshields so your GPS directions will be layered on      a photo of someone and pull up their Facebook or Linkedin
              to the road in front of you, as well as pointers to your local   page. The Astonishing Tribe from Sweden are developing a
              Burger King or HSBC branch.                                      similar Android application called Recognizer.

                                                                                                                                               Third Life
                                                                                       battle particularly amongst Microsoft, Google, and Apple.
                                                                                       Brands need to begin to understand this new world now or

                                                                                       risk getting caught on the back foot just like the early days

                                                                                       of the World Wide Web.


                                                                                       What can they do now?
                                                        p erf
                                                                                       First, they need to experience and comprehend Third Life

are not eVen
                Another blurring between the real and virtual worlds took              and the implications of these technologies. Simplistically,
                place in Turkey where Mindshare worked with Kimberly-                  what do you want to appear when someone Google Goggles
                Clark’s Kotex to develop an innovative campaign featuring              your brand, icon, or products? What data, messages, and
                a virtual rock star called Kita. Teen girls could interact with        promotions can you add to Layar to ensure your brand is

aWare tHis
                Kita everywhere from Facebook to Twitter. However, in the              best positioned in this blended real and virtual environment?
                ultimate Third Life experience, the virtual Kita made an               How can you better activate your own offline brand assets
                appearance at a real world concert. The very unreal Kita was           – posters, print, stores – to build positive advocacy and
                beamed on to a very real physical stage where she performed            incremental reach in Third Life? For example, in Belgium,
                a live duet with Kerecem, a well-known Turkish rock star. Kita         Mindshare worked with Nike to enable consumers to use

Blended real
                is not alone. Groups like Gorillaz are also holding virtual, real      their mobile phone to “Like” its products via QR codes and
                world concerts.                                                        “Like” icons on their outdoor advertising. In Israel, Coca-Cola
                                                                                       used RFID chips embedded into bracelets to let participants
                Brand marketers may be scratching their heads at this                  “Like” various attractions at a marketing event.

and Virtual
                stage. Most are probably not even aware that this blended
                real and virtual world even exists. It is indeed early days,           So the next time your children start gawking through their
                and Third Life manifestations such as augmented reality are            mobile phone just keep in mind that they may be seeing
                very young and nascent. However, the next few years will see           something quite extraordinarily different from you. While

World exists.
                a rapid maturity in and adoption rate of these technologies;           Third Life may be invisible to most of us, it is most definitely
                in particular as smartphone penetration rates go up, which             a very real, virtual growing world full of opportunities for as
                will be fuelled by the on-going mobile operating system                well as threats to brands.

                                                                                                                                             Third Life
Case study

WriTe The FuTure augmenTed realiTy
Mindshare MuMbai

Indians are absolutely fanatical about cricket, which has
rapidly become the country’s favorite sport. In 2010 Nike        ConsuMers
needed to devise a creative way to break through this cricket    Wore tHe Jersey oF tHeir
                                                                 FaVourite FootBall Player
clutter to get Indian teens focused on football and their
international sponsorship of players like Wayne Rooney
and Ronaldo, particularly given the upcoming World Cup in
South Africa. Supported by insights into young male teens
and their use of mobile phones, our Mindshare Mumbai
team developed an innovative mobile marketing program
that enabled sports obsessed fans to virtually try on their
favorite player’s jersey via augmented reality at Write the
Future zones across shopping malls in cities like Mumbai
and Delhi. Over 60,000 consumers “wore” the jersey of
their favorite football player, and more importantly most
shared it with their friends on social networks like Orkut and
Facebook, thus multiplying the program’s reach by over four
amongst a difficult to audience to engage.                                Augmented Reality Mock-up

                                                                                      Third Life
For the first time Mindshare’s digital talent
                                    has surpassed our traditional talent, if even a

Meta Men
                                    distinction exists anymore. In short, we have far
                                    more geeks than ever before. Fun geeks but alas
                                    folks who tweet endlessly, debate the merits of
                                    Flash versus HTML5, and bond over meta-tagging
                                    strategies. Within a few short years we have gone
Preparing for a 35 zetabyte world   from Mad Men to Revenge of the Nerds. Welcome
                                    to the age of Meta Men and Women.
“tHe aVerage indiVidual
                                                     Currently Passes 3,254

MindsHare                                         PieCes oF inForMation into a
                                                      dataBase eVery Week ”

Has Far                                         Of course this is only the beginning. Over the next few
                                                years there will a huge demand for these skills as the world
                                                becomes ever more connected to the Internet. In effect,

More geeks
                                                everything and everyone will become part of “the Cloud”,
                                                the name often given to this ubiquitous Internet of the
                                                future. Devices such as TV’s, mobile phones, and eReaders
                                                will mean great chunks of previously analogue content will
                                                now be available online. Everyday products such as milk

tHan eVer
             Kraft RFID Tag                     cartons and Pokemon cards will get connected via RFID
                                                tags; the German government predicts the number of RFID
                                                tags in their country will go from today’s 86 million to 23
                                                billion by 2020.

BeFore.                     “eVerytHing and
                         eVeryone Will BeCoMe
                                                People will also continue to expand their digital profiles
                                                leaving more useful and inane data on their every
                                                movement, Facebook “like”, purchase, and behaviour. The
                                                average individual currently passes 3,254 pieces of personal
                                                information into a database every week, a figure that will
                          Part oF tHe Cloud”    surely increase as the Facebook generation grows older.

                                                                                                  Meta Men
All of this means data and more data. Vast amounts of data.      In total our bespoke targeting technology has over 900
                 EMC estimates that the digital universe of data will increase    consumer data variables that can be used to optimize,
                 to 35 zetabytes, or 35 trillion gigabytes. At the moment we      frequency cap, de-duplicate, and analyze all advertising

at tHe
                 are only generating a measly 1.2 zetabytes, just enough          activity in real-time based on advanced attribution
                 data to fill a stack of DVD’s from the moon and back or the      modelling and ROI analysis. Importantly we only use non-
                 equivalent to the amount of data that would be generated         personally identifiable information. In others words, the
                 by everyone in the world posting messages on Twitter             consumer remains anonymous throughout the process.
                 continuously for a century. So what can you do with only 1.2

MoMent We
                 zetabytes? The answer is a lot.
                                                                                    “35% oF CoMPanies reJeCted
                 For a start marketers can now target specific audiences better
                 than ever before. Mindshare now has bespoke technology             aPPliCants BeCause oF WHat

are only
                 that enables us to aggregate a user’s behavioural data across       tHey Found on FaCeBook”
                 the Internet thus pinpointing very specific audiences and
                 their purchase states. So rather than just buying specific
                 media sites our team “buy” a target audience across all          That last part is worth noting. For with all of this data comes

                 media networks and then use the behavioural data to map          a great responsibility to make sure we don’t succumb to
                 specific advertising messages to that individual’s stage         the dark side of the Internet. As of December 1, 2010, there
                 in the purchase funnel. For example, a young woman who           were over 600 million users on Facebook, whose founder
                 searches on “small automobile” in Google and visits fashion      Mark Zuckberg recently stated “having two identities for

1.2 ZetaBytes.
                 Web sites will receive a Ford Fiesta online ad across relevant   yourself is an example of a lack of integrity.” In a recent poll
                 media sites. With geo-targeting we can also encourage            of US employers, 35% of companies had rejected applicants
                 our target consumer to take a test drive at her local Ford       because of information they found on Facebook. Insurance
                 dealership. Our specialists can go a step further by refining    companies are increasingly using technology to analyze
                 our audiences’ profiles and driving up ROI by comparing our      an applicant’s Facebook history to assess potential health
                 online database to real shopping behaviour from offline and      issues. The Internet is full of examples of companies who
                 online loyalty and retail databases.                             flout privacy concerns and flog personal data.

                                                                                                                                       Meta Men
sMart                                             “MindsHare and WPP are

                                                 Working WitH organiZations
                                                       like tHe iaB to
                                                   launCH initiatiVes like

Will           WPP                         n
                                                      PriVaCy Matters”

                     Privacy Matters Ico

                                               Marketers need to be more aware than ever that they risk
                                               a significant consumer backlash if they fail to proactively
                                               take responsibility for following industry best-practice when
                                               it comes to data protection and privacy. For precisely that

tHe CoMing
                                               reason Mindshare and WPP are working with organizations
                                               like the IAB to launch initiatives like Privacy Matters, which
                                               supports education, easy opt-out, and self-regulation when
                                               it comes to issues like using cookie data for targeting.

data tsunaMi                                   What will keep our Meta Men and Women busy in the
                                               future? “Lifetracking” is a growing online trend where
                                               companies keep an opt-in online record on everything from

                                               how much coffee you drink to your sleep patterns (myzeo.
                                               com). Imagine the insights our analysts could glean from
                                               correlating sleeping patterns to product preference?

                                                                                                  Meta Men
oVer 5M                                                                         and take things one
                                                                                         step beyond. Both sites enable you to maintain your social

dead PeoPle
                                                                                         profile after death, thus continuing to send messages to
                                                                                         your social graph from beyond the grave. Arguably a growing
                                                                                         target audience given that there are currently over 5 million
                                                                                         dead people still “alive” on Facebook. With a lifetime of

are still
                                                                                         data stored online consumers may even give their favourite
                                                                                         brands permission to keep recommending products to
                                                                                         their loved ones after they pass away, thus requiring a very
              1000m                                                                      dramatic redefinition of a customer’s lifetime value.

‘aliVe’ on
                             .c o m
                                                         efi                             While preparing for your eternal life on Facebook what should
                                                                                         marketers do now? What’s becoming increasingly clear is
                                                                                         that marketers without a plan run the risk of simply being

                                                                                         drowned in a sea of data. Smart marketers will recognize the


                                                                                         coming data tsunami now and build a scalable platform that

                                                                                         will enable their companies to capture and rapidly respond

                                                                                         to real-time information. To do so requires an honest
                                                                                         assessment of their current data strategy, technology,
                                                                                         processes, and of course people, including whether they
                                                                                         have replaced some of today’s Mad Men with the Meta Men
                                                                                         and Women of tomorrow.

                                                                                                                                            Meta Men
Case study

                                        accounT acquiSiTion Program
                                        Mindshare LOndOn

                                        Mindshare Worldwide has worked with HSBC over the past few
                                        years to develop a sophisticated online acquisition engine
                                        that leverages the latest digital technology to continuously
                                        improve ROI and meet their ambitious growth targets. In
                                        particular, HSBC used our proprietary ZAP technology to

                                        target very specific but anonymous customer segments
                                        based on their online behaviour. Relevant HSBC advertising
                                        units are served to consumers who have triggered particular
                                        creative messages based on their keyword searches, Web
                                        site visits, and other online activity. The ZAP system can
                                        identify consumer interest in a particular HSBC product,
                                        their stage in the purchase funnel, and the most impactful
                                                                                                       in Cost Per lead                inCrease in leads
                                        creative assets and messages based on demographic
                                        information, location, previous responses and preferences,
                                                                                                       Mindshare has also developed a bespoke version of its Live
                                        and other variables.
                                                                                                       OS digital dashboard, which provides HSBC with real-time
                                                                                                       results across all forms of digital paid, owned, and earned
                                                                                                       media; our turn-key API’s collect data on everything from
                                                                                                       display, paid search, natural search positioning, Web site
Mindshare’s Live OS Digital Dashboard
                                                                                                       conversion data, and online consumer buzz and sentiment.
                                                                                                       Connecting the Live OS data with ZAP has enabled our
                                                                                                       “Meta-Men” to greatly improve HSBC’s results.
                                        HSBC Leaderboards

                                                                                                                                                        Meta Men
It’s official. I’m old. Conclusive proof has come to
                               light. First, I still ring a door bell with my index
                               finger. Apparently today’s Nintendo DS trained
                               youth use their thumbs. Second, I still mainly

                               communicate via email, which is something
                               “old people do” according to research from Jeff
                               Cole and the USC’s Center for the Digital Future.
                               Today’s youth prefer to use social networks like
                               Facebook to communicate with others. That’s not
Managing real-time customers   to say that email is completely dead. Microsoft’s
                               latest Context Matters II research points out that
                               email is still the top activity online.
However, that same research clearly indicates that when              Of course this is just the beginning. By the time I finish this
                and how people are using email is evolving; online users             article there will be a few thousand more Facebook users,

                increasingly have a burst of email in the morning, and spend         not just in the US or Europe but in places like Indonesia,
                the rest of the day communicating via alternative tools like         who with their 37 million users is now the second largest
                IM, Twitter, or Facebook.                                            Facebook market in the world.

                Who cares? Well, probably all of those companies who have
                spent the last decade migrating their Customer Relationship                “asynCHronous Brand
                Management programs from snail mail to very elaborate
                email-based platforms. What was a brilliant idea in 2003 –
                                                                                           ConVersation is Being
                sending out regular cheap, customizable email newsletters                rePlaCed By synCHronous

                – now looks increasingly antiquated in a world of 600 million
                Facebook users poking, posting, and liking. What’s more                       Brand dialogue”
                alarming is that a lot of this activity is directed at brands. Air
                Asia now has over 74,000 “fans” regularly engaged with the

                brand on its official Facebook page. Why bother with email           As more and more of these Facebook users opt-out,
                when you can get instant information and a rapid response            disregard, and migrate away from email, marketers will
                from your favourite brand or fellow fan in real-time?                have to reinvent their approach to CRM to meet a new
                                                                                     breed of always-on consumers. These young users expect

WitH Brands
                                                                                     dialogue with brands in real-time, not when someone in the
                                                                                     CRM team pushes the monthly email newsletter button.
                                                                                     All of which puts those email based CRM platforms under
                                                                                     the spotlight. In short, asynchronous brand conversation

in real-tiMe.
                                                                                     is being replaced by synchronous brand dialogue. Just like
                                                                                     the great migration from snail mail to email, once again the
                                                                                     CRM model is being turned upside down, or literally inverted;
                                                                                     in the age of Facebook, brands must now embrace the new
                                                                                     reality of Managing Real-time Customers.

Of course some brands have already embraced this new ethos.                The Diaries is a combination of pushed and pulled marketing
              For example, Unilever’s Impulse brand has transitioned its                 content, as well as real-time contributions and dialogue

62,000 Fans
              CRM program to Facebook, where its audience of young                       between brand and fan. Impulse campaigns, sponsorships,
              teenage girls already spend significant time. The Impulse                  events, and news are all published and most importantly
              Diaries program acts as an on-going MRC platform fully                     shared on the site. Impulse’s TV advertising even promotes
              integrated and sustained within Facebook.                                  the Facebook destination rather than the brand’s traditional

                                                                                         Web site. The result: over 62,000 active fans regularly
                                                                                         engaged with the Impulse brand.

                                                                                         The Diaries program is a cost-effective, insightful move by
                                                                                         the Impulse team, which is further supported by Syncapse

engage WitH
                                                                 /t h
                                                                                         research that demonstrates the power of embedding your
                                                                                         brand into the social graph. For example, on average fans

                                                                                         spend an additional $71.84 on products for which they are

                                                                                         fans compared to those who are not fans. Furthermore, 38%

tHe iMPulse

                                                                                         of respondents reported that they would likely become a fan
                                                                                         of a brand if they saw a family member or close friend do
                                                                                         so; a statistic not lost on the Facebook team as they roll-out
                                                                                         social plug-ins and programs like Sponsored Stories.

Brand on                                                                                      “38% oF resPondents
                                                                                            rePorted tHat tHey Would

                                                                                         likely BeCoMe a Fan oF a Brand
                                                                                         iF tHey saW a FaMily MeMBer or
                                                                                               Close Friend do so”

                                                                  The Impulse team isn’t the only example of a brand

                                                                  embracing MRC. Dell uses Twitter to promote their latest

dell uses
                                                                  offers and promotions in real-time; to-date they have

                                                                  generating well over $7 million in sales. Best Buy has

                                                                  launched their Facebook “Twelpforce” to crowd-source
                                                                  solutions to common consumer electronics problems.

tWitter to
                                                                  Starbuck’s 20 million fans get rewarded with discounts for
                                                                  checking-in using the Places feature, not to mention the
                                                                  ability to share their new product ideas and innovations
                                                                  with the My Starbucks team. Albion Bakery in London has
                                                                  launched BakerTweet on Twitter to lets their customers

                                                                  know in real-time what baked goods have just emerged from
                                                                  the oven.

                                                                  Once consumers get used to a local bakery tweeting about

oFFers &
                                                                  baked goods in real-time you can imagine what their
                                                                  expectations will be for some of the world’s best-known

in real-tiMe.
the needs and behaviour of your “Audience”. Different
                                                                               audiences use different social networks for very different
                                                                               purposes. Third, carefully develop your “Approach”. In our
                                                                               experience, this is where most brands fail. They often rush
                                                                               into places like Facebook only to disappear for extended
                                                                               lengths; provide slow, corporate responses to very personal,

1. aiMs
                                                                               real-time needs; and in worse case scenarios break best-
                                                                               practice community management rules like publically
                                                                               escalating arguments with angry customers.

                                                                               Before launching ensure you assemble the right skills, rules,

2. audienCe
                                                                               processes, and technology. We would highly recommend
                                                                               embracing one of the new MRC technology platforms, such
                                                                               as Buddy Media. Buddy Media enables you to cost-effectively

                                                                        5 3
                                                                               manage your entire Facebook footprint across the globe in

3. aPProaCH

                                                                               every market. Similar to the early days of the Internet, brands

                                                                               are now confronted with a myriad of unmeasurable and

                                                                               inconsistent Facebook brands sites. Buddy Media addresses
                                                                               user navigation issues, enforces brand consistency and

4. analyZe
                                                                               integrity, and allows for re-publishing of Facebook content
                                                                               across your social footprint, not to mention helping with the
              Where to start? Before jumping into MRC we advise clients        final “A”; quickly and easily “Analyzing” your performance
              to go through a four step process, conveniently all starting     via bespoke reporting and optimization tools.
              with the letter “A”. First, define your “Aims” so everyone has
              clarity on what you are trying to achieve. From the examples     So take a lesson from Albion Bakery in London. If a local
              illustrated above it’s clear that social networks can deliver    bakery can make a Managing Real-time Customer model
              on everything from sales to branding to customer service to      work, you can too, even if you still use your index finger to
              research to all of the above. Second, ensure you understand      ring a doorbell.

Case study

holiday heroeS
Mindshare ChiCagO
As one of United States’ leading and best-known electronics
retailers RadioShack has a long-history of deep discounts
and very knowledgeable sales staff at its 6,000+ stores         on Foursquare
across the country. At the end of 2010 RadioShack had               for iphone

an ambitious seasonal goal to get buyers into their stores
where their experts could help them find the best electronics
gifts for the holidays. Mindshare Chicago helped devise and
launch a highly ambitious and innovative mobile marketing
program that turned consumers into Holiday Heroes. At the
heart of the program was a Foursquare-sponsored utility that
rewarded RadioShack followers with exclusive discounts and
offers as they checked into various Holiday Hero Hotspots,
including destinations such as gyms and coffee shops. Every
unlocked Holiday Hero badge was rewarded with another
exclusive deal. The program was promoted across both
paid and earned channels, including Twitter and Facebook.
Thousands of consumers participated in the program and
purchased even more RadioShack products. The total spend
of the Holiday Heroes was nearly four times the average
RadioShack customer. A simple but impactful idea around
a mobile utility that helped consumers get more from their
holidays both at RadioShack and elsewhere.                                  RadioShack on Foursquare

Is it possible that sneakers are at the forefront

                                      of Internet marketing? Judging by Nike’s recent
                                      online success trainers may be to the Internet
                                      what soap and laundry detergent were to the early
                                      days of TV. For Nike has boldly embraced the full
More than just advertising as usual   spectrum of opportunities enabled by the ever-
                                      growing Cloud, that ubiquitous, always-on digital
                                      repository of content and applications.
Brands like Nike are transforming their advertising by
                mashing-up content and code in new innovative ways

FroM PassiVe,
                previously not feasible or practical in an analogue, short-
                tail world. In fact, this transformed advertising is often
                so helpful or so entertaining it doesn’t even feel like
                advertising, which makes consumers want to search, share,

                and spend more time with it. In short, Nike and other brands

                are transforming their advertising from passive, intrusive

                                                                                      to m
                messages to interactive, rewarding experiences.

Messages to
                Take Nike ID, which enables consumers to snap a photo of                                ei

                any colour and pattern and have a pair of bespoke sneakers                                             re   .ni
                delivered to them. My kids had a field day capturing images                                                       com

                with their mobile phone and creating their own personalized
                Nike trainers. My boys spent quality time engaged with the

                brand and never once considered it intrusive, interruptive, or    nike is also sMart enougH to
                indeed advertising.
                                                                                 Partner WitH otHer Brands to
                Nike is also smart enough to partner with other brands
                                                                                         sourCe Content

                to source content and functionality outside of their core
                competency in order to create these new mashed-up                Yes, Nike still runs 30” TV spots and good old display banners.
                experiences. For example, Nike has combined forces with          However, these branded signposts are increasingly leading
                Apple to create Nike+, an online experience that enables         consumers to online Nike hubs where consumers can find

                consumers to sync their trainers with their iPod to monitor      useful online utilities and brand experiences rather than
                their exercise performance and share their progress with         another dreaded micro-site. Furthermore, these branded
                a wider Nike+ community. To date thousands of runners            experiences and applications are often integrated into and
                have signed up to and regularly use Nike+ to compete with,       distributed as Nike advertising, thus bringing the brand and
                compare, and coach themselves and their friends.                 some real utility immediately to the consumer.

                                                                                     these useful health utilities throughout the Internet via paid
                                                                                     and earned media, while still using the Good Morning Heart


                                                                                     site as central brand hub for all of the featured assets.

                                                                                     Quaker Oats has gone from passive 30” TV spots simply
                                                                                     promoting the product to useful online applications

Potatoes in
                                                                                     beneficially featuring the product. Couch potatoes in India
                                                                                     now have a rich source of fitness and healthy eating help
                                                                                     while Quaker Oats sells more of its products, which are
                    m o rn i
                                                                weaved throughout every diet and recipe. Quaker Oats even
                                                                                     has a mobile application bringing all of this utility right to

india noW
              Nike is not the only transformer in the industry. Pepsi                your phone.
              has had remarkable success with their Quaker Oats Heart
              Healthy initiative in India. Similar to Nike, Quaker Oats               leVerage tHe Cloud to Blend
              found a key consumer need and leveraged the Cloud to

HaVe a riCH
              blend professional and consumer-generated content and                   ProFessional and ConsuMer
              applications into a highly compelling online destination,
              which now has over 300,000 consumers actively checking
              on and improving their health not to mention over 25,000               In fact, mobile in particular brings enormous opportunities

sourCe oF
              Facebook fans. Mindshare worked with Quaker Oats to                    for brands to create useful applications. For example,
              develop and promote, a one-stop                   Benjamin Moore’s iPhone application enables you to simply
              destination for health diagnostics, healthy cooking recipes,           snap a photo of any colour to get the matching paint colour
              nutritionists’ advice, calorie counters, and fitness tips              code for you to purchase. Toilet paper is even getting into the

              brought to you in variety of ways including online video,              act. Charmin sponsored Sit or Squat, a mobile application
              crowd-sourced content, and sophisticated applications.                 that enables you to find local toilets based on your location.
              Similar to Nike, Quaker Oats also partnered in this case               Via this mobile utility, Charmin gives you directions to the
              with Apollo Hospitals to leverage professional and credible            toilet, a photo, as well as consumer reviews and ratings to
              content for the program. We also helped Quaker Oats deploy             guide your choice.

VieWaBle to

                                 In the
                                 motherhood MSN Partnersh
                                                              Transformers are also expanding beyond just utilities and
                                                              applications into entertainment, which has previously been
                                                              constrained by limited distribution channels and fixed

                                                              viewing schedules. Companies like Unilever are developing

                                                              branded content and plugging it into the Cloud where it is
                                                              viewable to everyone, playable anytime, and accessible on
                                                              any IP-enabled device.

                                                              Unilever’s In the Motherhood remains one of the industry’s

anytiMe &
                                                              best known examples. Mindshare worked with the Suave
                                                              brand team to produce short, online episodes featuring
                                                              humorous stories of moms and their kids. The key to the
                                                              program’s success was that these filmed stories were real-

aCCessaBle on

                                                              life tales submitted by real moms, voted on by a community,

                                                              and later professionally filmed in Hollywood. The Cloud

                                                              enabled Unilever to mash-up consumer-generated content
                                                              with community management technology into a ground-

any iP deViCe.
                                                              breaking online video series. In the not so distant future
                                                              IP-enabled TV will enable consumers to not only choose
                                                              between today’s prime time programs but also new branded
                                                              content like In the Motherhood from the likes of Unilever
                                                              and other transformers.

Now some financially-challenged clients may be
                                                             intimidated by the scale, ambition, and possible budgets

tHe Cloud
                                                             of some of these initiatives. Marketers should be reassured
                                                             that not every transformer idea needs to be big and
                                                             expensive. We worked with Unilever’s Axe brand in Japan to

                                          Axe wake up call
                                                             help them launch and promote their rather erotic Axe Wake-

                                                             up service mobile application. Axe’s challenge was to get
                                                             young guys to use the product on an everyday basis rather
                                                             than just as a “special occasion” cologne. Meanwhile, Axe’s

                                                             research found that over 80% of young Japanese guys used

neW ForMs
                                                             their mobile phone as an alarm clock. The Axe Wake-up
                                                             service is a simple, small, and brilliant means to provide the
                                                             target audience with a useful utility – an alarm clock – that
                                                             also provided tremendous entertainment. And of course
                                                             it reminded each individual to use the Axe product on a

oF Content
                                                             daily basis. The results were outstanding with thousands of
                                                             participants downloading and using the mobile application

                                                                We liVe in a tiMe oF exCiting
                                                                     neW PossiBilities
                                                             The Cloud enables today’s marketers to experiment with new

                                                             forms of content unimaginable in the constrained channels
                                                             and formats of yesteryear. Music, video, functionality,
                                                             applications, and even brands are being mashed-up to
                                                             create valuable and innovative experiences for consumers.
                  le v e r
                                                             It’s definitely more than just advertising as usual.
                             Axe wake up call

Case study

nestle Purina
dog CHoW
maKe The incrediBle haPPen
Mindshare bOgOta

In Columbia’s capital of Bogota, there are over 88,700 stray
or abandoned dogs roaming the streets in search of food,
shelter, and love. Mindshare Bogota worked with Nestlé
Purina’s Dow Chow team to develop an ambitious program
that helped solved this problem by enabling dog lovers to
help feed stray dogs. The “Make the Incredible Happen”
program enabled pet owners to feed and support stray dogs
by simply registering their own dog on the Dog Chow Web
site’s online community. In just two months over 100,000
dogs were registered on the Web site. Furthermore, this
“Transformers” idea was extensively covered by Columbia’s
press across TV, newspaper, radio and magazines generating
significant and free earned media. In the end, Purina not
only created a thriving online community of pet lovers
regularly engaged with the brand, they also used the Cloud
to help solve one of Bogota’s major social issues.             Online ads on and

Discover more Original Thinking from Mindshare:!/mindshareinvent
Cloud Marketing
    Original Thinking
    by Norm Johnston

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Cloud marketing book electronic version

  • 1. Cloud Marketing Original Thinking by Norm Johnston
  • 2. Contents 01. neW old Media 02. tHird liFe 03. Meta Men 04. MrC 05. transForMers
  • 3. T here has been much talk over the past year about the Cloud. For those of you not familiar with the idea, the Cloud is a term coined to describe a future Internet that acts as a repository for all data, content and applications and is Meta Men: If you think you have a lot of data now you haven’t accessible from anywhere and from anything, including the seen anything yet. Marketers will need people, processes, proverbial kitchen sink. tools, and plans for this coming tsunami of digital data. Most of the chatter on the Cloud has been around computing; Managing Real-time Customers: In dynamic environments introduCtion witness the recent Microsoft Cloud Computing advertising such as Facebook and Twitter, marketers will need to manage campaign. customers in real-time in order to build greater advocacy and sales in an increasingly socially-networked and influenced In contrast, this booklet provides you with some insight into world. Five key Cloud Marketing trends what we think will be the key implications for marketers. We’ve identified five key Cloud Marketing trends, which are Transformers: Marketers will have an unprecedented all explained and exampled in the following pages. opportunity to transform their advertising by mashing-up and creating new forms of Cloud content and applications New Old Media: in an IP-enabled world marketers will need to that provide real value to customers. rethink how they approach today’s old media. TV in particular will go through a major change as it begins to function and The Cloud can sometimes feel very Star Trek, but remember feel more like today’s PC Internet experience. it is real and happening now. Dave Evans, Chief Futurist at Cisco recently stated that there are already thirty-five billion Third Life: mobile, “the third screen”, will increasingly be devices that are connected to the Internet. He estimates used to layer the Internet’s virtual world into our real world. that there could be a trillion in the future. So tap into your Marketers will need to think about their presence in and use inner nerd and enjoy this tour through the Cloud and the of this new augmented and interconnected environment all exciting opportunities for you and other marketers today and around us. tomorrow. Introduction
  • 4. I love TV. There, I said it. It actually feels rather good, particularly after neW old Media fifteen-years persuading clients not to focus on TV. I can already hear the cries of “Judas” amongst my fellow digital folk. However, before throwing me into the IAB dungeon, let me explain: in the TV Re-invented next few years TV will be one of the most dynamic and exciting areas of the digital business. Bear with me.
  • 5. First, the demise of TV has been greatly exaggerated. According to a recent Forrester research, European teenagers (of all people) watch more TV than any other media channel tV PrograMs – 10.3 hours a week. UK BARB data indicates that we are watching one more hour of TV every week than 10 years before. What happened? Fragmentation has helped via more and better programming options. Even the dreaded PVR are tHe seems to increase TV viewing consumption: 18% according to Sky. V eT l Perhaps more importantly, media consumption is no longer Go og a zero-sum situation. A few years ago you had to make a no.1 toPiC physical choice between watching TV and surfing the Internet; your clunky-old PC was often in another room. The ubiquity of wireless broadband and mobile now enables Which brings me to the second reason I love TV; the old punters to watch TV and surf the Internet at the same time. enemy is embracing the Internet itself. TV broadcasters, disCussed on Thus a new love affair has been formed between old and new manufacturers, and a gazillion other players are scrambling media: TV programs are the number one discussed topic on to bring all of the advantages of today’s Internet to the TV of Facebook. tomorrow in the hopes of reversing the shift of ad spend back to TV. In the UK, Sky and Canvas are building momentum FaCeBook. So TV viewing is alive and well, but what about TV behind their respective systems. In the US, several cable advertising? Well, that’s another story. While PVR’s increase companies have banded together under Project Canoe TV program consumption, it also leads 91% of US moms to roll-out an addressable digital TV platform. Best Buy is with the technology to skip the ads. TV also has some stiff pimping LG Internet-enabled TV’s and generating new competition from that pervasive new kid on the block, the revenue streams by directing customers to video on-demand Internet. So the TV industry has wisely embraced an old sites. WPP, Microsoft, Apple, and Google are all investing in proverb: if you can’t beat them, join them. various hardware, software, and partnership models. New Old Media
  • 6. Will tHis tV Will Be intelligent. Your TV experience will be personalized and customized with Future tV programs, applications, branded content, and old fashioned advertising all based on your personal preferences. Think Sky+ mashed with MyYahoo powered by Amazon’s recommendation capability. internet Be tV Will Be on-deMand. All audio-visual content (TV, film, etc) will be available for your instant-viewing pleasure. You’ll just need to search tHe saMe as XBOX Kinect for it, just like on YouTube. Linear viewing will still exist, particularly for live events, but will no longer dominate as o d em it does today. Some on-demand content will be exclusively nc Kraft TV Kitchen Sy sponsored by brands, or even developed by brands who are todays PC no longer constrained by old linear program formats and Will this future TV Internet experience be the same as models. today’s PC Internet? Yes and no. tV Will Be addressaBle. internet? tV Will Be Hands Free. Brands will precision target specific households based TV will no longer be burdened with remote controls. on demographics and behaviour across digital devices; Nintendo’s Wii is radically adapting how a generation consumers will see a new TV ad based on what they’ve of kids interact with the TV screen. Don’t believe me? searched for on their PC or an application they used on their yes & no. Just spend a few minutes with Microsoft’s Xbox Kinect mobile phone. Like online banners, the much-maligned to see how motion sensors and voice recognition will 30-second “TV spot” will survive, albeit more targeted and fundamentally change the TV experience. less fundamental to the creative experience. New Old Media
  • 7. Will it Be tV Will Be e-CoMMerCe enaBled. Your household data and credit card will be stored in your sMootH set-top box, thus enabling you to simply buy, sample or o act on whatever product ad you see during your TV viewing de m nc experience. Content will be tagged so via your TV you can en Sy itch immediately add all of the recipe ingredients from the latest TV K sailing? Kraft Jamie Oliver show to your weekly Tesco shopping basket. Will it be smooth sailing? Not really. tV Will Be soCial. Malthusian industry cynics will say it will never happen. not really. Programs will be shared and recommended amongst friends while conversations about politics and sport, previously Kool-Aid fuelled digital shysters will lead clients into confined to the PC or the pub, will be accessible, right there doomed, widely-optimistic excursions. Walled-garden on the screen. strategies will fail. Start-ups will earn headlines one day, and go bankrupt the next. Clients will test, retreat, and test again. Agencies will struggle to manage more real-time tV May Be Free. digital data. Creative egos will be bruised by social networks Imagine a credit card company paying a premium member’s filtering out their precious ads. Just like the old-new media annual cable bill in return for exclusive advertising rights to of the PC Internet, the new-old media of the TV Internet will that household. surely surprise, frustrate, and delight us in many ways. New Old Media
  • 8. Case study Heineken Shanghai aTP TenniS TournamenT iPTV VirTual channel Mindshare shanghai Our Mindshare Shanghai office recently worked with Heineken to help them launch one of China’s most successful IPTV projects to-date. Mindshare worked extensively with SARFT and SMG, Shanghai’s leading IPTV network and China’s second largest media conglomerate, to develop a sophisticated interactive platform that enabled customers to fully experience Heineken’s sponsorship of this major tennis tournament. From their normal TV Photos from the Heineken ATP Tennis Tournament in Shanghai viewing experience, consumers could access a Heineken sponsored virtual channel, which included on-demand video content of tournament highlights, an interactive game, the latest scores, as well as special Heineken promotions and merchandise. Heineken’s virtual channel was supported by TVC’s targeted in playback and video-on-demand as well as interactive promotional banners on the EPG. On average consumers spent 10 minutes engaging with the bespoke Heineken IPTV channel playing games and watching video footage, significantly and cost-effectively increasing the brand’s reach, engagement, and results from what a normal TV campaign would have delivered. ATP1000 New Old Media
  • 9. Last weekend I took my three young boys to the Tate Modern Gallery for a quick tour of some the tHird liFe world’s best modern art. My plan to disperse some cultural wisdom was quickly quelled by their surprising knowledge of various obscure pieces of art. It was only later that I realized that they The merging of the real and virtual worlds had “borrowed” my Google Nexus One phone and had cleverly deployed Google Goggles to dazzling effect.
  • 10. Google Goggles is remarkable for more than just its ability seaMlessly to do visual searches; Goggles is yet one more example of how the Internet is going through a massive transformation. At the Tate my kids didn’t “log-on”, type a single word, or even follow a Web link. For them the Internet was simply CoMBining there: all around us, in the air, up in the clouds, and easily accessible via dad’s Nexus phone. Google Goggles is one small example of how the Internet has been freed from its previous constraints of keyboards, the World Wide Web, and tHe real PC’s. tHe internet Has Been Freed FroM its PreVious Constraints World WitH Google Goggles in action oF keyBoards, tHe World Wide WeB, and PC’s. tHe online Google Goggles is a clever little application that enables you In fact it is becoming increasingly hard to determine what to simply take a photo of anything from a landmark building is offline and online anymore. Google and many others are to a painting. Google then matches your photo to a vast in the process of seamlessly combining the real world with image database and voila you get a detailed explanation the online world into something entirely different. Soon World. of exactly what you are viewing. It may sound of passing the Internet will be embedded into and weaved throughout interest to most brands until they realize Goggles can also everything and into everyone; an indistinguishable mashing be used on bar codes, logos, and products; and instead of of your real physical first life and the Internet’s second Frida Kahlo, the user could get product reviews, pricing virtual world into a “Third Life”, a new space brought to you comparisons, and any “likes” from your social graph. by that third screen, the mobile phone. Third Life
  • 11. Loo pt MiCrosoFt ge o- oc l t io a nt oo l Microsoft are not satisfied with only three dimensions; are not they are experimenting with time. Microsoft’s Bing Maps enables you to time travel by viewing superimposed historical images on to modern views. Leave it to Google to respond with Historypins, a tool that allows you to “pin” old satisFied Google Maps History Pin photos on to modern day surroundings. Imagine taking an historical Victorian era walking tour around London wearing your physical Google Goggle glasses, which will seamlessly n Pi y or sH ist integrate ancient photos of horse and buggies into the real p Ma physical surroundings before your eyes. WitH only gle Goo However, it is not just objects being integrated into Third Layar, an innovative Dutch company, has created an Life. The recent wave of geo-location tools like Gawker augmented reality application that lets you get useful Stalker, Foursquare, Loopt, Facebook Places, and Google tHree information on your physical surroundings via your mobile Latitude let you virtually track your friends’ physical phone. Simply look through your mobile and you’ll get locations; essentially tagging, indexing, and mapping your virtual signs, images, and data layered on top of your real social graph on to Third Life’s grid. If you’re having trouble surroundings. This virtual Layar will help guide you to local recognizing someone you can also try new face recognition diMensions. restaurants, stores, and banks. Both General Motors and Ford technology. Think Goggles for people. Apple recently are integrating similar augmented reality technology into acquired Polar Rose, a company that will enable you to take their windshields so your GPS directions will be layered on a photo of someone and pull up their Facebook or Linkedin to the road in front of you, as well as pointers to your local page. The Astonishing Tribe from Sweden are developing a Burger King or HSBC branch. similar Android application called Recognizer. Third Life
  • 12. Most battle particularly amongst Microsoft, Google, and Apple. Brands need to begin to understand this new world now or cem risk getting caught on the back foot just like the early days e Ker of the World Wide Web. ith Marketers w ge sta on m in g What can they do now? or p erf a Kit First, they need to experience and comprehend Third Life are not eVen Another blurring between the real and virtual worlds took and the implications of these technologies. Simplistically, place in Turkey where Mindshare worked with Kimberly- what do you want to appear when someone Google Goggles Clark’s Kotex to develop an innovative campaign featuring your brand, icon, or products? What data, messages, and a virtual rock star called Kita. Teen girls could interact with promotions can you add to Layar to ensure your brand is aWare tHis Kita everywhere from Facebook to Twitter. However, in the best positioned in this blended real and virtual environment? ultimate Third Life experience, the virtual Kita made an How can you better activate your own offline brand assets appearance at a real world concert. The very unreal Kita was – posters, print, stores – to build positive advocacy and beamed on to a very real physical stage where she performed incremental reach in Third Life? For example, in Belgium, a live duet with Kerecem, a well-known Turkish rock star. Kita Mindshare worked with Nike to enable consumers to use Blended real is not alone. Groups like Gorillaz are also holding virtual, real their mobile phone to “Like” its products via QR codes and world concerts. “Like” icons on their outdoor advertising. In Israel, Coca-Cola used RFID chips embedded into bracelets to let participants Brand marketers may be scratching their heads at this “Like” various attractions at a marketing event. and Virtual stage. Most are probably not even aware that this blended real and virtual world even exists. It is indeed early days, So the next time your children start gawking through their and Third Life manifestations such as augmented reality are mobile phone just keep in mind that they may be seeing very young and nascent. However, the next few years will see something quite extraordinarily different from you. While World exists. a rapid maturity in and adoption rate of these technologies; Third Life may be invisible to most of us, it is most definitely in particular as smartphone penetration rates go up, which a very real, virtual growing world full of opportunities for as will be fuelled by the on-going mobile operating system well as threats to brands. Third Life
  • 13. Case study nike WriTe The FuTure augmenTed realiTy Mindshare MuMbai Indians are absolutely fanatical about cricket, which has 60,000 rapidly become the country’s favorite sport. In 2010 Nike ConsuMers needed to devise a creative way to break through this cricket Wore tHe Jersey oF tHeir FaVourite FootBall Player clutter to get Indian teens focused on football and their international sponsorship of players like Wayne Rooney and Ronaldo, particularly given the upcoming World Cup in South Africa. Supported by insights into young male teens and their use of mobile phones, our Mindshare Mumbai team developed an innovative mobile marketing program that enabled sports obsessed fans to virtually try on their favorite player’s jersey via augmented reality at Write the Future zones across shopping malls in cities like Mumbai and Delhi. Over 60,000 consumers “wore” the jersey of their favorite football player, and more importantly most shared it with their friends on social networks like Orkut and Facebook, thus multiplying the program’s reach by over four amongst a difficult to audience to engage. Augmented Reality Mock-up Third Life
  • 14. For the first time Mindshare’s digital talent has surpassed our traditional talent, if even a Meta Men distinction exists anymore. In short, we have far more geeks than ever before. Fun geeks but alas folks who tweet endlessly, debate the merits of Flash versus HTML5, and bond over meta-tagging strategies. Within a few short years we have gone Preparing for a 35 zetabyte world from Mad Men to Revenge of the Nerds. Welcome to the age of Meta Men and Women.
  • 15. “tHe aVerage indiVidual Currently Passes 3,254 MindsHare PieCes oF inForMation into a dataBase eVery Week ” Has Far Of course this is only the beginning. Over the next few years there will a huge demand for these skills as the world becomes ever more connected to the Internet. In effect, More geeks everything and everyone will become part of “the Cloud”, the name often given to this ubiquitous Internet of the future. Devices such as TV’s, mobile phones, and eReaders will mean great chunks of previously analogue content will now be available online. Everyday products such as milk tHan eVer Kraft RFID Tag cartons and Pokemon cards will get connected via RFID tags; the German government predicts the number of RFID tags in their country will go from today’s 86 million to 23 billion by 2020. BeFore. “eVerytHing and eVeryone Will BeCoMe People will also continue to expand their digital profiles leaving more useful and inane data on their every movement, Facebook “like”, purchase, and behaviour. The average individual currently passes 3,254 pieces of personal information into a database every week, a figure that will Part oF tHe Cloud” surely increase as the Facebook generation grows older. Meta Men
  • 16. All of this means data and more data. Vast amounts of data. In total our bespoke targeting technology has over 900 EMC estimates that the digital universe of data will increase consumer data variables that can be used to optimize, to 35 zetabytes, or 35 trillion gigabytes. At the moment we frequency cap, de-duplicate, and analyze all advertising at tHe are only generating a measly 1.2 zetabytes, just enough activity in real-time based on advanced attribution data to fill a stack of DVD’s from the moon and back or the modelling and ROI analysis. Importantly we only use non- equivalent to the amount of data that would be generated personally identifiable information. In others words, the by everyone in the world posting messages on Twitter consumer remains anonymous throughout the process. continuously for a century. So what can you do with only 1.2 MoMent We zetabytes? The answer is a lot. “35% oF CoMPanies reJeCted For a start marketers can now target specific audiences better than ever before. Mindshare now has bespoke technology aPPliCants BeCause oF WHat are only that enables us to aggregate a user’s behavioural data across tHey Found on FaCeBook” the Internet thus pinpointing very specific audiences and their purchase states. So rather than just buying specific media sites our team “buy” a target audience across all That last part is worth noting. For with all of this data comes generating media networks and then use the behavioural data to map a great responsibility to make sure we don’t succumb to specific advertising messages to that individual’s stage the dark side of the Internet. As of December 1, 2010, there in the purchase funnel. For example, a young woman who were over 600 million users on Facebook, whose founder searches on “small automobile” in Google and visits fashion Mark Zuckberg recently stated “having two identities for 1.2 ZetaBytes. Web sites will receive a Ford Fiesta online ad across relevant yourself is an example of a lack of integrity.” In a recent poll media sites. With geo-targeting we can also encourage of US employers, 35% of companies had rejected applicants our target consumer to take a test drive at her local Ford because of information they found on Facebook. Insurance dealership. Our specialists can go a step further by refining companies are increasingly using technology to analyze our audiences’ profiles and driving up ROI by comparing our an applicant’s Facebook history to assess potential health online database to real shopping behaviour from offline and issues. The Internet is full of examples of companies who online loyalty and retail databases. flout privacy concerns and flog personal data. Meta Men
  • 17. sMart “MindsHare and WPP are Marketers Working WitH organiZations like tHe iaB to launCH initiatiVes like Will WPP n PriVaCy Matters” reCogniZe Privacy Matters Ico Marketers need to be more aware than ever that they risk a significant consumer backlash if they fail to proactively take responsibility for following industry best-practice when it comes to data protection and privacy. For precisely that tHe CoMing reason Mindshare and WPP are working with organizations like the IAB to launch initiatives like Privacy Matters, which supports education, easy opt-out, and self-regulation when it comes to issues like using cookie data for targeting. data tsunaMi What will keep our Meta Men and Women busy in the future? “Lifetracking” is a growing online trend where companies keep an opt-in online record on everything from noW. how much coffee you drink to your sleep patterns (myzeo. com). Imagine the insights our analysts could glean from correlating sleeping patterns to product preference? Meta Men
  • 18. oVer 5M and take things one step beyond. Both sites enable you to maintain your social dead PeoPle profile after death, thus continuing to send messages to your social graph from beyond the grave. Arguably a growing target audience given that there are currently over 5 million dead people still “alive” on Facebook. With a lifetime of are still data stored online consumers may even give their favourite brands permission to keep recommending products to their loved ones after they pass away, thus requiring a very 1000m dramatic redefinition of a customer’s lifetime value. emo ries ‘aliVe’ on .c o m |R ed efi While preparing for your eternal life on Facebook what should nin gC us marketers do now? What’s becoming increasingly clear is that marketers without a plan run the risk of simply being to m drowned in a sea of data. Smart marketers will recognize the er FaCeBook. Lif e coming data tsunami now and build a scalable platform that tim eV will enable their companies to capture and rapidly respond alu e to real-time information. To do so requires an honest assessment of their current data strategy, technology, processes, and of course people, including whether they have replaced some of today’s Mad Men with the Meta Men and Women of tomorrow. Meta Men
  • 19. Case study HsBC accounT acquiSiTion Program Mindshare LOndOn Mindshare Worldwide has worked with HSBC over the past few years to develop a sophisticated online acquisition engine that leverages the latest digital technology to continuously improve ROI and meet their ambitious growth targets. In particular, HSBC used our proprietary ZAP technology to 20% target very specific but anonymous customer segments based on their online behaviour. Relevant HSBC advertising units are served to consumers who have triggered particular creative messages based on their keyword searches, Web site visits, and other online activity. The ZAP system can identify consumer interest in a particular HSBC product, their stage in the purchase funnel, and the most impactful deCrease in Cost Per lead inCrease in leads creative assets and messages based on demographic information, location, previous responses and preferences, Mindshare has also developed a bespoke version of its Live and other variables. OS digital dashboard, which provides HSBC with real-time results across all forms of digital paid, owned, and earned media; our turn-key API’s collect data on everything from display, paid search, natural search positioning, Web site Mindshare’s Live OS Digital Dashboard conversion data, and online consumer buzz and sentiment. Connecting the Live OS data with ZAP has enabled our “Meta-Men” to greatly improve HSBC’s results. HSBC Leaderboards Meta Men
  • 20. It’s official. I’m old. Conclusive proof has come to light. First, I still ring a door bell with my index finger. Apparently today’s Nintendo DS trained youth use their thumbs. Second, I still mainly MrC communicate via email, which is something “old people do” according to research from Jeff Cole and the USC’s Center for the Digital Future. Today’s youth prefer to use social networks like Facebook to communicate with others. That’s not Managing real-time customers to say that email is completely dead. Microsoft’s latest Context Matters II research points out that email is still the top activity online.
  • 21. However, that same research clearly indicates that when Of course this is just the beginning. By the time I finish this and how people are using email is evolving; online users article there will be a few thousand more Facebook users, soCial increasingly have a burst of email in the morning, and spend not just in the US or Europe but in places like Indonesia, the rest of the day communicating via alternative tools like who with their 37 million users is now the second largest IM, Twitter, or Facebook. Facebook market in the world. netWorkers Who cares? Well, probably all of those companies who have spent the last decade migrating their Customer Relationship “asynCHronous Brand Management programs from snail mail to very elaborate email-based platforms. What was a brilliant idea in 2003 – ConVersation is Being sending out regular cheap, customizable email newsletters rePlaCed By synCHronous exPeCt – now looks increasingly antiquated in a world of 600 million Facebook users poking, posting, and liking. What’s more Brand dialogue” alarming is that a lot of this activity is directed at brands. Air Asia now has over 74,000 “fans” regularly engaged with the dialogue brand on its official Facebook page. Why bother with email As more and more of these Facebook users opt-out, when you can get instant information and a rapid response disregard, and migrate away from email, marketers will from your favourite brand or fellow fan in real-time? have to reinvent their approach to CRM to meet a new breed of always-on consumers. These young users expect WitH Brands dialogue with brands in real-time, not when someone in the CRM team pushes the monthly email newsletter button. All of which puts those email based CRM platforms under the spotlight. In short, asynchronous brand conversation in real-tiMe. is being replaced by synchronous brand dialogue. Just like the great migration from snail mail to email, once again the CRM model is being turned upside down, or literally inverted; in the age of Facebook, brands must now embrace the new reality of Managing Real-time Customers. MRC
  • 22. Of course some brands have already embraced this new ethos. The Diaries is a combination of pushed and pulled marketing For example, Unilever’s Impulse brand has transitioned its content, as well as real-time contributions and dialogue 62,000 Fans CRM program to Facebook, where its audience of young between brand and fan. Impulse campaigns, sponsorships, teenage girls already spend significant time. The Impulse events, and news are all published and most importantly Diaries program acts as an on-going MRC platform fully shared on the site. Impulse’s TV advertising even promotes integrated and sustained within Facebook. the Facebook destination rather than the brand’s traditional regularly Web site. The result: over 62,000 active fans regularly engaged with the Impulse brand. The Diaries program is a cost-effective, insightful move by fac the Impulse team, which is further supported by Syncapse engage WitH eb oo k.c om /t h research that demonstrates the power of embedding your e brand into the social graph. For example, on average fans im spend an additional $71.84 on products for which they are pu lse di fans compared to those who are not fans. Furthermore, 38% ar tHe iMPulse ies of respondents reported that they would likely become a fan of a brand if they saw a family member or close friend do so; a statistic not lost on the Facebook team as they roll-out social plug-ins and programs like Sponsored Stories. Brand on “38% oF resPondents rePorted tHat tHey Would FaCeBook. likely BeCoMe a Fan oF a Brand iF tHey saW a FaMily MeMBer or Close Friend do so” MRC
  • 23. tw The Impulse team isn’t the only example of a brand it ter .co embracing MRC. Dell uses Twitter to promote their latest m/D dell uses offers and promotions in real-time; to-date they have ellO generating well over $7 million in sales. Best Buy has utlet launched their Facebook “Twelpforce” to crowd-source solutions to common consumer electronics problems. tWitter to Starbuck’s 20 million fans get rewarded with discounts for checking-in using the Places feature, not to mention the ability to share their new product ideas and innovations with the My Starbucks team. Albion Bakery in London has launched BakerTweet on Twitter to lets their customers ProMote twitt er.c om /TW know in real-time what baked goods have just emerged from ELP FO RC the oven. E Once consumers get used to a local bakery tweeting about oFFers & baked goods in real-time you can imagine what their expectations will be for some of the world’s best-known brands. ProMotions in real-tiMe. MRC
  • 24. the needs and behaviour of your “Audience”. Different audiences use different social networks for very different purposes. Third, carefully develop your “Approach”. In our experience, this is where most brands fail. They often rush into places like Facebook only to disappear for extended lengths; provide slow, corporate responses to very personal, 1. aiMs real-time needs; and in worse case scenarios break best- practice community management rules like publically escalating arguments with angry customers. Before launching ensure you assemble the right skills, rules, 2. audienCe processes, and technology. We would highly recommend embracing one of the new MRC technology platforms, such as Buddy Media. Buddy Media enables you to cost-effectively 5 3 manage your entire Facebook footprint across the globe in /12 3. aPProaCH /m every market. Similar to the early days of the Internet, brands m .co et are now confronted with a myriad of unmeasurable and we rt ke ba inconsistent Facebook brands sites. Buddy Media addresses user navigation issues, enforces brand consistency and 4. analyZe integrity, and allows for re-publishing of Facebook content across your social footprint, not to mention helping with the Where to start? Before jumping into MRC we advise clients final “A”; quickly and easily “Analyzing” your performance to go through a four step process, conveniently all starting via bespoke reporting and optimization tools. with the letter “A”. First, define your “Aims” so everyone has clarity on what you are trying to achieve. From the examples So take a lesson from Albion Bakery in London. If a local illustrated above it’s clear that social networks can deliver bakery can make a Managing Real-time Customer model on everything from sales to branding to customer service to work, you can too, even if you still use your index finger to research to all of the above. Second, ensure you understand ring a doorbell. MRC
  • 25. Case study radiosHaCk holiday heroeS Mindshare ChiCagO As one of United States’ leading and best-known electronics retailers RadioShack has a long-history of deep discounts RadioShack and very knowledgeable sales staff at its 6,000+ stores on Foursquare across the country. At the end of 2010 RadioShack had for iphone an ambitious seasonal goal to get buyers into their stores where their experts could help them find the best electronics gifts for the holidays. Mindshare Chicago helped devise and launch a highly ambitious and innovative mobile marketing program that turned consumers into Holiday Heroes. At the heart of the program was a Foursquare-sponsored utility that rewarded RadioShack followers with exclusive discounts and offers as they checked into various Holiday Hero Hotspots, including destinations such as gyms and coffee shops. Every unlocked Holiday Hero badge was rewarded with another exclusive deal. The program was promoted across both paid and earned channels, including Twitter and Facebook. Thousands of consumers participated in the program and purchased even more RadioShack products. The total spend of the Holiday Heroes was nearly four times the average RadioShack customer. A simple but impactful idea around a mobile utility that helped consumers get more from their holidays both at RadioShack and elsewhere. RadioShack on Foursquare MRC
  • 26. Is it possible that sneakers are at the forefront transForMers of Internet marketing? Judging by Nike’s recent online success trainers may be to the Internet what soap and laundry detergent were to the early days of TV. For Nike has boldly embraced the full More than just advertising as usual spectrum of opportunities enabled by the ever- growing Cloud, that ubiquitous, always-on digital repository of content and applications.
  • 27. Brands like Nike are transforming their advertising by mashing-up content and code in new innovative ways FroM PassiVe, previously not feasible or practical in an analogue, short- tail world. In fact, this transformed advertising is often so helpful or so entertaining it doesn’t even feel like advertising, which makes consumers want to search, share, intrusiVe and spend more time with it. In short, Nike and other brands Cus are transforming their advertising from passive, intrusive to m ize messages to interactive, rewarding experiences. yo ur own Messages to ik Take Nike ID, which enables consumers to snap a photo of ei N D at sto any colour and pattern and have a pair of bespoke sneakers re .ni ke. delivered to them. My kids had a field day capturing images com with their mobile phone and creating their own personalized Nike trainers. My boys spent quality time engaged with the interaCtiVe brand and never once considered it intrusive, interruptive, or nike is also sMart enougH to indeed advertising. Partner WitH otHer Brands to Nike is also smart enough to partner with other brands sourCe Content reWarding to source content and functionality outside of their core competency in order to create these new mashed-up Yes, Nike still runs 30” TV spots and good old display banners. experiences. For example, Nike has combined forces with However, these branded signposts are increasingly leading Apple to create Nike+, an online experience that enables consumers to online Nike hubs where consumers can find exPerienCes. consumers to sync their trainers with their iPod to monitor useful online utilities and brand experiences rather than their exercise performance and share their progress with another dreaded micro-site. Furthermore, these branded a wider Nike+ community. To date thousands of runners experiences and applications are often integrated into and have signed up to and regularly use Nike+ to compete with, distributed as Nike advertising, thus bringing the brand and compare, and coach themselves and their friends. some real utility immediately to the consumer. Transformers
  • 28. sito rsq u these useful health utilities throughout the Internet via paid at .co and earned media, while still using the Good Morning Heart CouCH m site as central brand hub for all of the featured assets. Quaker Oats has gone from passive 30” TV spots simply promoting the product to useful online applications Potatoes in beneficially featuring the product. Couch potatoes in India now have a rich source of fitness and healthy eating help while Quaker Oats sells more of its products, which are good m o rn i weaved throughout every diet and recipe. Quaker Oats even has a mobile application bringing all of this utility right to india noW Nike is not the only transformer in the industry. Pepsi your phone. has had remarkable success with their Quaker Oats Heart Healthy initiative in India. Similar to Nike, Quaker Oats leVerage tHe Cloud to Blend found a key consumer need and leveraged the Cloud to HaVe a riCH blend professional and consumer-generated content and ProFessional and ConsuMer applications into a highly compelling online destination, which now has over 300,000 consumers actively checking Content on and improving their health not to mention over 25,000 In fact, mobile in particular brings enormous opportunities sourCe oF Facebook fans. Mindshare worked with Quaker Oats to for brands to create useful applications. For example, develop and promote, a one-stop Benjamin Moore’s iPhone application enables you to simply destination for health diagnostics, healthy cooking recipes, snap a photo of any colour to get the matching paint colour nutritionists’ advice, calorie counters, and fitness tips code for you to purchase. Toilet paper is even getting into the Fitness. brought to you in variety of ways including online video, act. Charmin sponsored Sit or Squat, a mobile application crowd-sourced content, and sophisticated applications. that enables you to find local toilets based on your location. Similar to Nike, Quaker Oats also partnered in this case Via this mobile utility, Charmin gives you directions to the with Apollo Hospitals to leverage professional and credible toilet, a photo, as well as consumer reviews and ratings to content for the program. We also helped Quaker Oats deploy guide your choice. Transformers
  • 29. VieWaBle to In the motherhood MSN Partnersh eVeryone Transformers are also expanding beyond just utilities and applications into entertainment, which has previously been constrained by limited distribution channels and fixed ip viewing schedules. Companies like Unilever are developing PlayaBle branded content and plugging it into the Cloud where it is viewable to everyone, playable anytime, and accessible on any IP-enabled device. Unilever’s In the Motherhood remains one of the industry’s anytiMe & best known examples. Mindshare worked with the Suave brand team to produce short, online episodes featuring humorous stories of moms and their kids. The key to the program’s success was that these filmed stories were real- aCCessaBle on In The life tales submitted by real moms, voted on by a community, M and later professionally filmed in Hollywood. The Cloud othe rhood enabled Unilever to mash-up consumer-generated content with community management technology into a ground- any iP deViCe. breaking online video series. In the not so distant future IP-enabled TV will enable consumers to not only choose between today’s prime time programs but also new branded content like In the Motherhood from the likes of Unilever and other transformers. Transformers
  • 30. Now some financially-challenged clients may be intimidated by the scale, ambition, and possible budgets tHe Cloud of some of these initiatives. Marketers should be reassured that not every transformer idea needs to be big and expensive. We worked with Unilever’s Axe brand in Japan to Axe wake up call help them launch and promote their rather erotic Axe Wake- enaBles up service mobile application. Axe’s challenge was to get young guys to use the product on an everyday basis rather than just as a “special occasion” cologne. Meanwhile, Axe’s Unilever research found that over 80% of young Japanese guys used neW ForMs their mobile phone as an alarm clock. The Axe Wake-up service is a simple, small, and brilliant means to provide the target audience with a useful utility – an alarm clock – that also provided tremendous entertainment. And of course it reminded each individual to use the Axe product on a oF Content daily basis. The results were outstanding with thousands of participants downloading and using the mobile application to-date. uniMaginaBle We liVe in a tiMe oF exCiting neW PossiBilities The Cloud enables today’s marketers to experiment with new BeFore. forms of content unimaginable in the constrained channels and formats of yesteryear. Music, video, functionality, applications, and even brands are being mashed-up to create valuable and innovative experiences for consumers. Uni le v e r It’s definitely more than just advertising as usual. Axe wake up call Transformers
  • 31. Case study nestle Purina dog CHoW maKe The incrediBle haPPen Mindshare bOgOta In Columbia’s capital of Bogota, there are over 88,700 stray or abandoned dogs roaming the streets in search of food, shelter, and love. Mindshare Bogota worked with Nestlé Purina’s Dow Chow team to develop an ambitious program that helped solved this problem by enabling dog lovers to help feed stray dogs. The “Make the Incredible Happen” program enabled pet owners to feed and support stray dogs by simply registering their own dog on the Dog Chow Web site’s online community. In just two months over 100,000 dogs were registered on the Web site. Furthermore, this “Transformers” idea was extensively covered by Columbia’s press across TV, newspaper, radio and magazines generating significant and free earned media. In the end, Purina not only created a thriving online community of pet lovers regularly engaged with the brand, they also used the Cloud to help solve one of Bogota’s major social issues. Online ads on and Transformers
  • 32. Discover more Original Thinking from Mindshare:!/mindshareinvent
  • 33. Cloud Marketing Original Thinking by Norm Johnston