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Closing The Gap Essay
Closing the Gap Our VA is a great place to work overall. I feel most people work there because they love working with and caring for Veterans. It is our
duty to promote well–being and happiness so we can recruit and retain the brightest and most talented people. The VA has a good retirement program
and benefits package and it is what initially entices non–physician applicants at first. The application process is a bit complicated and our HR does not
do well in the communication part of the process. Once employees are hired on, which can take several months, they are usually pretty happy.
Physicians and nurses are boarded, there is a very detailed algorithm used to determine their grade and step, which ultimately calculates their
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I will lead by example, work hard, be a team player, have an open door policy and be as fair as I could be within the constraints of the VA policy. I
will listen to our employees complaints, maybe even put in a suggestion box and try to find a reasonable and acceptable solutions for important
issues. As part of annual evaluations, I will continue to use a set criteria to look at organizational citizen behavior (OCB), to assess where the
employee excels and goes above and beyond. It has been shown OCB increases as a response to rewards in the form of monetary rewards,
promotions, and awards (Alkahtni, 2015). I will encourage each employee to excel at their job and work to promote individuals as it becomes
possible. These behaviors will reflect positively on our employees and encourage them to be similar hard working, dedicated employees who go
above and beyond for our Veterans. These behaviors and feelings of fulfillment and fairness will improve job satisfaction and overall productivity
(Lee, Kim, & Kim, 2013). Many of the issues I have noticed have revolved around disappointment in not being able to modify work schedules. The
government has Tours of Duty, which means designated shifts where employees are expected to be present or they are considered AWOL (absent
without leave). Other institutions have begun to allow flexible schedules. Millennials would likely appreciate this the most as they have very active
and social lives,
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Reflective Essay: The Closing Of Grace University
I was and raised in a Christian home with my personal foundation being built on Christ. My parents are pastors and have been involved with youth
and children ministry as long as I can remember. Which has given me opportunity to discover and use my gifts and talents for Him within the
church. In last year there has been a few trials in my life where Christ has shown that He will be there for me. One major trial that I am going
through right now, is the closing of Grace University. This has proven to be a struggle for me personally. I don't enjoy when a lot of change happens
and trying to stay positive knowing that I am going to have to deal with some stressful decisions. Mainly not knowing what school I will be going to
be at next year. I
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Real Estate Closings
Buying your dream house or a vacation home is a major decision. Real estate is one the biggest investments most individuals will make in their life
time. As the potential home owner, you want to protect your investment. The laws surrounding real estate closings can be complex. As a new property
owner want to be certain no surprises or issues arise at the last minute; creating delay of sale or costing you more money. A real estate lawyer can help
protect you and your investment.
Benefits of a Lawyer
An attorney for real estate closings can actually help you through the entire buying process. The purchase agreement is one of the most important
documents to be signed between the seller and buyer. Having an expert lawyer will protect your best interest as you proceed by answering any
important questions or concerns regarding the property you will be purchasing. more content...
Mortgage loan documents may seem overwhelming to a home buyer. An attorney will be able to inspect the documents to determine if everything is
filled in properly. You do not want a delay in receiving your property due to incomplete or inaccurate paperwork.
Land surveys should always be conducted prior to home purchase. The survey will help in determining property lines. You do not want any surprises
from your neighbors as you move into your dream home.
Before any real estate closings, a title search should be conducted by an attorney to determine if the property is lawfully allowed to be sold. If the title
has lien, judgements, loans, or taxes due, the final sale may not be approved.
An expert attorney will be able to determine if the title insurance has significant coverage for any financial losses over the property.
The final step is obtaining the deed which transfer final
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What Is Atticus's Closing Argument
In To Kill a Mockingbird and 12 Angry Men, both men, Atticus and Mr. Davis, persuade the jury by logos to prove that the defendant is innocent. In
Atticus's closing argument, Atticus used logos in his evidence and facts that he provided during the trial to persuade the jury that Tom Robinson was
innocent. Atticus started off his closing statement by stating the obvious, Tom Robinson has no use of his left hand and he could not have punch
Mayella on her right side of her face. Tom Robinson has been accused of raping Mayella Ewell even though "the state has not produced one iota of
medical evidence that the crime Tom Robinson is charged with ever took place. It has relied instead upon the testimony of two witnesses whose
evidence has not more content...
Davis persuade the jury by ethos to show the defendant is innocent. Throughout Atticus's closing argument, he tried to persuade the jury in different
ways. He tried convincing the jury about his credibility of a citizen in Maycomb and lawyer. Towards the end of his argument, Atticus mentions how
everyone is equal in court, that no one is higher than another. "I am confident that you gentlemen will review without passion the evidence you have
heard, come to a decision, and restore this defendant to his family. In the name of God, do your duty. In the name of God, believe him" (Lee 274–275).
Atticus used his credibility to persuade the members of the jury to believe Tom. Atticus also used his personal experience in court to convince the
jury that Tom Robinson was not guilty, but innocent and should not be treated differently because of his race. Mr. Davis also used ethos to
persuade the members of the jury while they were in the jury room. Most of the jurors were claiming that the boy was guilty because of the
evidence that was provided. One piece of evidence was that one of the neighbors heard the boy say "I'm going to kill you" to his father moments
before a body hit the floor. Mr. Davis was disagreeing with all of them, saying that he was not actually going to do it. Then a fight broke out
between a juror and Mr. Davis. The juror said that he was going to kill him. Mr. Davis replied back saying that he does not mean that (12 Angry
Men). Mr. Davis used his personal experience with hate to show that everyone says things that they will never do, just like the juror threating to kill
Mr. Davis. Both men, Atticus and Mr. Davis, used ethos to persuade the
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Closing Reflection Report
Closing Reflection Closure, this word means finish, ending, and conclusion, to just name a few. I don't consider this the end, but a beginning. The
specialist program at ASU has provided many valuable resources through the lectures, assignments, and professional expertise provided by the
instructors throughout this process. My leadership abilities have been enhanced through the rigorous set of assignments and activities I have completed
over the past two to three years. I felt somewhat stagnant in my position before I began this program, but now I feel that I am capable to lead my staff
and students competently and knowledgeably through my leadership abilities, thereby creating a successful learning environment that promotes student
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Closing Of Behaviorism Research Paper
In closing, Behaviorism focuses on observable actions rather than the internal aspects of individuals. Behaviorists believe that it is the environment
rather than thoughts and emotion that affect an individual's behavior. Together both John B. Watson and B.F. Skinner shaped both the school of
Behaviorism and the world of Psychology in general.
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The Great Gatsby Closing Line Essay
"Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that's no matter–tomorrow we will run
faster, stretch our arms further . . . And one fine morning– So we beat on, boats against the current, borne ceaselessly into the past" (Fitzgerald, 189.)
Many know this to be one of the greatest endings to any novel due to its rich meaning. It relates to all aspects of one's life from our personal life to a
country's culture; we will move forward but occasionally go backwards in life because of past events. This classic closing–line by F. Scott Fitzgerald
relates to the entire plot of The Great Gatsby, along with many features of real life. This closing–line can be interpreted in many ways and this is one of
the reasons why it is so memorable. The most popular interpretation for this line is that we will push forward in life and make progress but can be
taken backwards due to moments in our past. This explanation is generally the first way to think of the line but many could provide different
interpretations that one might more content...
After a decade of thriving markets and unlimited opportunity for American individuals in the 1920s, the US economy crashed in a devastating
manner due to the abuse of a new invention called credit. This happened because people began to use money that they did not have and would never
be able to get. The banks ran out of money and no one was able to withdraw their money that they had placed in these banks. "On average, more than
600 banks failed each year between 1921 and 1929".(EconProph) This relates in many ways to the closing–line of The Great Gatsby because we were
pushed forward with our creation of credit, unlimited access, and false sense of wealth and eventually paid the price with enormous amounts of debt,
leading to
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Atticus's Closing Argument Essay
My opinion on the versions of Atticus's closing argument is that the movie version is more convincing because he shows emotion by making noises
for example when he was defending his client he said "God" because the people didn't believe that his client was innocent, even though all the evidence
which proved his innocence, was right in front of them, but in the book To Kill a Mockingbird he doesn't say that at all during his client's trial.
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The Day Of The Emergency Closing Essay
worked on the day of the emergency closing; excluding exempt staff and management. If there is a delayed opening, all employees who report to work
that day by the delayed opening time, including part–time, casual and per diem, will be paid for the total number of hours they were scheduled to work
that day. To the extent permitted by law, any employee who arrives at work later than the designated delayed opening time will be paid only from
the time of arrival. If the decision is made to close the office early, the Supervisor/Practice Manager will notify employees to immediately begin the
trip home. Those designated as critical employees must remain at work even after an early emergency closing and will be paid at time and a half
for all hours worked that day after the early closing. If the decision is made to remain open, employees should make a reasonable attempt to safely
report to work or notify the office, or its telephone service, as early in the morning as possible, that they will not be reporting to work. A PTO or
vacation day must be used by full–time employees for that day. SUMMARY This Handbook highlights your opportunities and responsibilities as an
employee of AARA and PEMCO. It is intended to give you a general overview of the Companies employment policies and procedures and benefits.
Because we operate in a dynamic industry, some policies and benefit programs currently in effect may be revised, suspended, or eliminated by AARA
or PEMCO in response
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Closin Closing Case Study
Knowing when its time to terminate When you are closing a session you have to take into consideration how long the session was and the type of
material that was covered in a typical 50min session you should allow at least 3–5 min for a proper closing. It is hard sometimes to keep an eye on the
clock because your busy focusing on the client that watching the clock is often an after thought, and you don't want to over watch the clock
because you do not want to appear to be bored with your client. So allowing your self about 5 min to begin wrapping up the session is a good idea
because you can have the clients recap the session. Closing a session is not always a good thing because if your client is on to a break through you
can disrupt the flow by ending the session, and getting the is still very distraught over the situation and you can tell they have so much more to say, but
you just don't have the time to give them. This can make the clients feel rushed or as if they are not as important as the next client the idea is "what's
five more minutes really"
Techniques for more content...
Its always best to use closing time to get feedback from the client on how they felt the session went. Feedback is what will help make you a better
cousnleor because you learn what works and what doesn't for that client but what also may be a problem with another client so if you notice a pattern
then you can adjust what you are doing to better serve your
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Project Case : Closure Of A Project
Project Case Study Closure John Huddle 09 August 2015 Project Case Study Introduction A project may close for various reasons like the
achievement of its primary objective. From the beginning, the business should know its criteria for closure, the existing difference between the
uncompleted and completed project as well as stopping a project from always dragging. The closure of a project consist of verification of the
criteria for closing a project, project evaluation report verification as well as close out transition checklist of the project. This enables the managers to
check out whether these documents have been compiled and archived into the files of the project well so as to retain the information needed for use
in future undertakings. During the closure of a project, all the activities of the project are formally completed, and all the deliverables and the result
are turned to the final consumer. The closure of the project begins soon after the clients accept the majority of the deliverables of the project. However,
at times the project might be premature or unsuccessful. In all the above cases, the managers of the project and the team should obtain a closure before
they move to the next assignment. Also, the stakeholders, clients, and the team will be concerned with the closure of the project as well as their
immediate future. In such a case, the following situations are mostly common. Members of the team are always concerned about their next
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Conclusion For Universal Health Care
Premise 1: A universal health care system would reduce health care costs.
Premise 2: Universal health care improves overall public health.
Premise 3: Universal health care would encourage patients to practice preventive medicine.
Premise 4: Healthcare would be affordable to all citizens if made universal.
Conclusion: Therefore, implementing a universal health care system in our society would greatly benefit everyone.
Reducing Health Costs
With a universal health care system, the government would have control and run the system, therefore, the cost of healthcare would be regulated. "A
universal health care system would be regulated by the government, so costs overall would be reduced with a more monitored system to reduce
inflated costs for tests, hospital stays and procedures." (Ireland, 2017) When you regulate medical costs, the cost of medical coverage, supplies, and
prescriptions are more affordable for everyone.
Improved Overall Public Health
With universal healthcare being more affordable, everyone gets equal access to medical health care. This can lead to a reduction in the number of
medical issues suffered by our society. According to Howard K. Koh, M.D., "we can 'absolutely' expect for overall public health to improve if we
provide quality, affordable health care coverage for all Americans." (Cohen, 2009) This means people would miss less work and/or school. This also
means that more people could be seen for some of the most basic ailments such as colds,
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Mortgage Closing Process Essay
The big day is at long last here. You are one stage far from owing your home! This last stride is known as the Mortgage closing procedure and this is
one which each property holder ought to be completely mindful of. There are few planning agenda indicates that can take after guarantee that all runs
well with your mortgage application.
Understanding mortgage shutting and its components can spare you a minute ago bothers. Contract shutting additionally gives you the chance to roll
out any last improvements to the exchange and in addition permitting examination of the property before you sign the spotted line. We should
investigate a couple of things that should be done amid a mortgage settlement process.
Mortgage closing process – Important documents:
1.Paying the costs of closing: Once your mortgage has been endorsed, you are required to pay the upfront instalment and some a player more
Mortgage note: The mortgage note is a lien against the property being referred to. It goes about as protection for the moneylender ought to the borrower
default on the credit. The mortgage note likewise portrays the borrower's rights and commitments relating to the mortgage.
6.Occupancy certificate: The occupancy certificate is a legal archive that qualifies you for move into another developed house.
7.TILA statement: Typically mortgageloan borrowers get a rendition of this announcement after the mortgage has been connected for. The last form
contains the advance cost, the loaning rate, changes in the rate of interest and whatever other alterations. It is vital to audit this record painstakingly to
check whether everything is all together.
8.Deed in trust: For this situation, the borrower can exchange the title of the deed to a trustee until the whole obtained sum is completely paid. This is
utilized as a part of lieu of the mortgage document. This empowers the trustee to offer the property without lawful repercussions on the off chance that
the borrower defaults on the
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The Problem Of School Closures Essay
School closures also have a negative on the community in which the schools were closed. In Chicago for example after schools were closed in a
specific neighborhood we see there was a spark in youth violence and there was a three hundred percent increase in homicide rates (Lipman &
Gutierrez, 2013). These school closures are also affecting neighborhoods with citizens of low socioeconomic status and minority groups (CCSR, 2015).
This is unfortunate that we are seeing a repeat in history on how minority groups and poor students are not provided with the same quality education as
students in affluent neighborhoods. These school closing also bring other negative factors including Education Deserts which will lead parents to have
to travel longer distances to take their children to school (CCSR, 2015). After analyzing many articles and information about Educational Deserts one
realizes how unfair this situation has affected our students. Educational Deserts are on the rise in areas where school closures are occurring. There is
no longer enough educational resources for the community in that specific area which puts that group of people in a disadvantage compared to other
neighborhoods. The community a part of the Educational Desert are now at a major disadvantage to other community which has many negative
implications for present and future times. These students who do not have these educational resources are being set up to fall in more problems and
have a much harder path to
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Closing Day Research Paper
Finding your dream home is exciting, but closing–day nightmares can sometimes put a damper on the celebration. Checkmate Moving and Storage, the
premier moving and storage company in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, is committed to helping customers have a positive moving experience.
Whether you're moving down the street or across the city, the professional movers at Checkmate Moving and Storage do everything from packing
entire households to loading and unloading storage units to providing cleaning services. But before moving day comes closing day. Here are four tips
to avoid headaches, such as long delays or a canceled sale, when closing on your new home. Ask Questions: Start setting expectations before closing
day. About a week before closing, more content...
You should be able to get the HUD–1 form from your attorney. You don't want to sign anything without reading it first. Bring a Check: Don't forget
the one thing you need to purchase a home: money. Although a wire transfer is an option, it might delay closing. Instead, bring a check, a photo
ID, and copies of your homeowner's insurance policy to the closing. Take the Day Off: Some closings take as little as 30 minutes, but you never
know how long you might need. To avoid stress, don't try to complete the deal during your lunch break. Instead, if you're able, take the day off work.
Then, you can go out to celebrate after everything goes through! There is nothing the professional movers at Checkmate Moving and Storage hate to
see more than a family schedule moving day and then have to cancel because of a closing day nightmare. Make sure you communicate early and
often to avoid closing delays. After a successful closing, call Checkmate Moving and Storage for a successful move. For more information about the
best moving and storage company in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, visit the Checkmate Moving and Storage website or call (303)
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Real Estate S Closing Research Paper
Real Estate`s Closing Research Paper
25 March 2017
Austin Charles
BUSN120 D001
Dr. Conradson
Real Estate`s Closing Research Paper
The home buying process can be a very confusing time. First finding a home and finding one within your price range, Then finding one to your liking,
and finally settling the agreement and terms to buy the house. There are many terms used within the time frame whether you 're buying a house and or
just looking. In this paper you will learn that most of every term and a short and brief description of all of them.
Number one is the HUD–1 settlement. The HUD–1 settlement statement is a standard government real estate form that was once used by the settlement
agent or known as the closing agent, more content...
This is important to all parties of the home buying process. Mostly though this applies to the buyer and seller. Only because this is a time period
awaiting transfer of the deed and other land contracts throughout the home buying process. This represents that last leap into buying your very own
home (Farkas UNK).
Closing a real estate sale is closely related and connected to closing the escrow: it's when the deal is completed and both parties get what they worked
for; money for the seller and a home for the buyer.
Even though you may not move in right away, The sales contract should state when the seller is to move out and the buyer is to take possession of the
property. In most cases, the buyer takes possession at closing, but both buyer and seller can also work out other options, such as the seller
remaining in the home for a period of time, until he or she can close on another home purchase or complete the construction of a new home this. The
term Escrow closing is important because it is the last and final step to owning the home. It 's a very detailed and entailed process that takes more
time just because everything needs to be pristine and that their are no speed bumps in the process (FARKAS UNK). This term applies to all parties
connected because it will justify when the seller gets their payment and when the buyer gets the deed to the house.
The property deed is what you use to transfer the ownership of real
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Closing School Research Paper
Hannah, I enjoyed reading your discussion post. It made me think about considering other states of the possibility closing school instead of my
home state. I like your idea of keeping the school open but closing early. What time would you close the school? Even with snow some people do not
drive safely and could potentially be hazardous to operate.Because some people have bad wrecks in the rain, so I would want the school closed.
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Speech : Closing Of Lesson
VIII. Closing of Lesson: She closed the lesson with giving them time to practice the interpersonal section for their test She was able to walk around
the class and give them ideas for making questions which will be the hardest part for them. I like that she gave her students time to practice the
speaking section because that is the section they struggle with. As soon after observing the lesson as possible, add additional questions and comments
next to your notes. This will help direct discussion in your small groups. After your observations, answer these prompts: Briefly summarize what you
think the teacher was trying to accomplish in the lesson (see II above). How did the teacher communicate this to the students? more content...
They watching a short clip on a soccer game and took notes. Afterwards, they talked to their partners asking questions and responding. This is
exactly what they will be doing for the test, so it is perfect review for the exam. Find and review the school or district unit guide (aka curriculum
map) for the subject and grade level of the class you just observed. This might be on the school/district website or you can ask your cooperating
teacher for a copy. (Note: schools are at all different stages in terms of aligning their instruction to national standards so you might not find a
curriculum map that matches your class). What national standards (such as Common Core, or Next Generation Science standards) was the teacher
using to help guide the lesson? My cooperating teacher used American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). What learning
targets (often referred to as "I [student] can" statements), if any, does the curriculum guide identify were used in the lesson you observed. I can talk
about sports. I can describe a sports uniform. I can identify colors. I can conjugate present tense e–ie verbs. I can conjugate present tense u–ue verbs. I
can use the verbs aburrir, interesar and gustar. How does the lesson you observed relate to the curriculum map? That is, could you see a connection
between the map and the instruction? Explain. At the end of each unit the
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Closing A Show Analysis
There are few things in which I find greater satisfaction than closing a show. To some, the end of a show is a sad affair for they will never be on
that stage in that costume reciting those lines to that audience. To others, it is a reminder of all the work that is needed on the next one and they look
ahead to exciting new characters and plotlines. But to me, the end of a show is a time to reflect back on the show, the process, and the people.
The closing of the Choate Fringe Festival of my junior year took place on an otherwise inconsequential, cold winter day. We had decided not to strike
immediately after the final show, but to wait until the next day so that the chaos of performance would subside. Everyone –– actors, directors, stage
managers –– packed up the props, folded away the costumes, and deconstructed the sets. I remember quite vividly I was collecting all the props for my
play when I was hit with this feeling of immense pride. I was so proud of my show, that I was able to put a concrete vision on a stage. I was so proud
of my actors and their glorious ability to take my direction and make it their own. But above all, I was proud to have been a part of more
I know I want to make a career in theatre, particularly in directing, but I also recognize the difficulty of that. It seems to me that to be successful in a
theatrical career one needs to be open to all facets from acting to directing to writing to run crew to designing. I think that Emerson can provide for
me a strong base in all of these areas and in the liberal arts, providing depth and breadth of study which will allow me to pursue any theatrical career
that I wish. I believe that making any definite decisions about what I will want in four years is silly. I recognize that I will change, my interests will
change, and my artistic wants will change. But I believe Emerson can help me change, can mold me into better person and
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Closing The Gap Essay

  • 1. Closing The Gap Essay Closing the Gap Our VA is a great place to work overall. I feel most people work there because they love working with and caring for Veterans. It is our duty to promote well–being and happiness so we can recruit and retain the brightest and most talented people. The VA has a good retirement program and benefits package and it is what initially entices non–physician applicants at first. The application process is a bit complicated and our HR does not do well in the communication part of the process. Once employees are hired on, which can take several months, they are usually pretty happy. Physicians and nurses are boarded, there is a very detailed algorithm used to determine their grade and step, which ultimately calculates their more content... I will lead by example, work hard, be a team player, have an open door policy and be as fair as I could be within the constraints of the VA policy. I will listen to our employees complaints, maybe even put in a suggestion box and try to find a reasonable and acceptable solutions for important issues. As part of annual evaluations, I will continue to use a set criteria to look at organizational citizen behavior (OCB), to assess where the employee excels and goes above and beyond. It has been shown OCB increases as a response to rewards in the form of monetary rewards, promotions, and awards (Alkahtni, 2015). I will encourage each employee to excel at their job and work to promote individuals as it becomes possible. These behaviors will reflect positively on our employees and encourage them to be similar hard working, dedicated employees who go above and beyond for our Veterans. These behaviors and feelings of fulfillment and fairness will improve job satisfaction and overall productivity (Lee, Kim, & Kim, 2013). Many of the issues I have noticed have revolved around disappointment in not being able to modify work schedules. The government has Tours of Duty, which means designated shifts where employees are expected to be present or they are considered AWOL (absent without leave). Other institutions have begun to allow flexible schedules. Millennials would likely appreciate this the most as they have very active and social lives, Get more content on
  • 2. Reflective Essay: The Closing Of Grace University I was and raised in a Christian home with my personal foundation being built on Christ. My parents are pastors and have been involved with youth and children ministry as long as I can remember. Which has given me opportunity to discover and use my gifts and talents for Him within the church. In last year there has been a few trials in my life where Christ has shown that He will be there for me. One major trial that I am going through right now, is the closing of Grace University. This has proven to be a struggle for me personally. I don't enjoy when a lot of change happens and trying to stay positive knowing that I am going to have to deal with some stressful decisions. Mainly not knowing what school I will be going to be at next year. I Get more content on
  • 3. Real Estate Closings Buying your dream house or a vacation home is a major decision. Real estate is one the biggest investments most individuals will make in their life time. As the potential home owner, you want to protect your investment. The laws surrounding real estate closings can be complex. As a new property owner want to be certain no surprises or issues arise at the last minute; creating delay of sale or costing you more money. A real estate lawyer can help protect you and your investment. Benefits of a Lawyer An attorney for real estate closings can actually help you through the entire buying process. The purchase agreement is one of the most important documents to be signed between the seller and buyer. Having an expert lawyer will protect your best interest as you proceed by answering any important questions or concerns regarding the property you will be purchasing. more content... Mortgage loan documents may seem overwhelming to a home buyer. An attorney will be able to inspect the documents to determine if everything is filled in properly. You do not want a delay in receiving your property due to incomplete or inaccurate paperwork. Land surveys should always be conducted prior to home purchase. The survey will help in determining property lines. You do not want any surprises from your neighbors as you move into your dream home. Before any real estate closings, a title search should be conducted by an attorney to determine if the property is lawfully allowed to be sold. If the title has lien, judgements, loans, or taxes due, the final sale may not be approved. An expert attorney will be able to determine if the title insurance has significant coverage for any financial losses over the property. The final step is obtaining the deed which transfer final Get more content on
  • 4. What Is Atticus's Closing Argument In To Kill a Mockingbird and 12 Angry Men, both men, Atticus and Mr. Davis, persuade the jury by logos to prove that the defendant is innocent. In Atticus's closing argument, Atticus used logos in his evidence and facts that he provided during the trial to persuade the jury that Tom Robinson was innocent. Atticus started off his closing statement by stating the obvious, Tom Robinson has no use of his left hand and he could not have punch Mayella on her right side of her face. Tom Robinson has been accused of raping Mayella Ewell even though "the state has not produced one iota of medical evidence that the crime Tom Robinson is charged with ever took place. It has relied instead upon the testimony of two witnesses whose evidence has not more content... Davis persuade the jury by ethos to show the defendant is innocent. Throughout Atticus's closing argument, he tried to persuade the jury in different ways. He tried convincing the jury about his credibility of a citizen in Maycomb and lawyer. Towards the end of his argument, Atticus mentions how everyone is equal in court, that no one is higher than another. "I am confident that you gentlemen will review without passion the evidence you have heard, come to a decision, and restore this defendant to his family. In the name of God, do your duty. In the name of God, believe him" (Lee 274–275). Atticus used his credibility to persuade the members of the jury to believe Tom. Atticus also used his personal experience in court to convince the jury that Tom Robinson was not guilty, but innocent and should not be treated differently because of his race. Mr. Davis also used ethos to persuade the members of the jury while they were in the jury room. Most of the jurors were claiming that the boy was guilty because of the evidence that was provided. One piece of evidence was that one of the neighbors heard the boy say "I'm going to kill you" to his father moments before a body hit the floor. Mr. Davis was disagreeing with all of them, saying that he was not actually going to do it. Then a fight broke out between a juror and Mr. Davis. The juror said that he was going to kill him. Mr. Davis replied back saying that he does not mean that (12 Angry Men). Mr. Davis used his personal experience with hate to show that everyone says things that they will never do, just like the juror threating to kill Mr. Davis. Both men, Atticus and Mr. Davis, used ethos to persuade the Get more content on
  • 5. Closing Reflection Report Closing Reflection Closure, this word means finish, ending, and conclusion, to just name a few. I don't consider this the end, but a beginning. The specialist program at ASU has provided many valuable resources through the lectures, assignments, and professional expertise provided by the instructors throughout this process. My leadership abilities have been enhanced through the rigorous set of assignments and activities I have completed over the past two to three years. I felt somewhat stagnant in my position before I began this program, but now I feel that I am capable to lead my staff and students competently and knowledgeably through my leadership abilities, thereby creating a successful learning environment that promotes student Get more content on
  • 6. Closing Of Behaviorism Research Paper In closing, Behaviorism focuses on observable actions rather than the internal aspects of individuals. Behaviorists believe that it is the environment rather than thoughts and emotion that affect an individual's behavior. Together both John B. Watson and B.F. Skinner shaped both the school of Behaviorism and the world of Psychology in general. Get more content on
  • 7. The Great Gatsby Closing Line Essay "Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that's no matter–tomorrow we will run faster, stretch our arms further . . . And one fine morning– So we beat on, boats against the current, borne ceaselessly into the past" (Fitzgerald, 189.) Many know this to be one of the greatest endings to any novel due to its rich meaning. It relates to all aspects of one's life from our personal life to a country's culture; we will move forward but occasionally go backwards in life because of past events. This classic closing–line by F. Scott Fitzgerald relates to the entire plot of The Great Gatsby, along with many features of real life. This closing–line can be interpreted in many ways and this is one of the reasons why it is so memorable. The most popular interpretation for this line is that we will push forward in life and make progress but can be taken backwards due to moments in our past. This explanation is generally the first way to think of the line but many could provide different interpretations that one might more content... After a decade of thriving markets and unlimited opportunity for American individuals in the 1920s, the US economy crashed in a devastating manner due to the abuse of a new invention called credit. This happened because people began to use money that they did not have and would never be able to get. The banks ran out of money and no one was able to withdraw their money that they had placed in these banks. "On average, more than 600 banks failed each year between 1921 and 1929".(EconProph) This relates in many ways to the closing–line of The Great Gatsby because we were pushed forward with our creation of credit, unlimited access, and false sense of wealth and eventually paid the price with enormous amounts of debt, leading to Get more content on
  • 8. Atticus's Closing Argument Essay My opinion on the versions of Atticus's closing argument is that the movie version is more convincing because he shows emotion by making noises for example when he was defending his client he said "God" because the people didn't believe that his client was innocent, even though all the evidence which proved his innocence, was right in front of them, but in the book To Kill a Mockingbird he doesn't say that at all during his client's trial. Get more content on
  • 9. The Day Of The Emergency Closing Essay worked on the day of the emergency closing; excluding exempt staff and management. If there is a delayed opening, all employees who report to work that day by the delayed opening time, including part–time, casual and per diem, will be paid for the total number of hours they were scheduled to work that day. To the extent permitted by law, any employee who arrives at work later than the designated delayed opening time will be paid only from the time of arrival. If the decision is made to close the office early, the Supervisor/Practice Manager will notify employees to immediately begin the trip home. Those designated as critical employees must remain at work even after an early emergency closing and will be paid at time and a half for all hours worked that day after the early closing. If the decision is made to remain open, employees should make a reasonable attempt to safely report to work or notify the office, or its telephone service, as early in the morning as possible, that they will not be reporting to work. A PTO or vacation day must be used by full–time employees for that day. SUMMARY This Handbook highlights your opportunities and responsibilities as an employee of AARA and PEMCO. It is intended to give you a general overview of the Companies employment policies and procedures and benefits. Because we operate in a dynamic industry, some policies and benefit programs currently in effect may be revised, suspended, or eliminated by AARA or PEMCO in response Get more content on
  • 10. Closin Closing Case Study Knowing when its time to terminate When you are closing a session you have to take into consideration how long the session was and the type of material that was covered in a typical 50min session you should allow at least 3–5 min for a proper closing. It is hard sometimes to keep an eye on the clock because your busy focusing on the client that watching the clock is often an after thought, and you don't want to over watch the clock because you do not want to appear to be bored with your client. So allowing your self about 5 min to begin wrapping up the session is a good idea because you can have the clients recap the session. Closing a session is not always a good thing because if your client is on to a break through you can disrupt the flow by ending the session, and getting the is still very distraught over the situation and you can tell they have so much more to say, but you just don't have the time to give them. This can make the clients feel rushed or as if they are not as important as the next client the idea is "what's five more minutes really" Techniques for more content... Its always best to use closing time to get feedback from the client on how they felt the session went. Feedback is what will help make you a better cousnleor because you learn what works and what doesn't for that client but what also may be a problem with another client so if you notice a pattern then you can adjust what you are doing to better serve your Get more content on
  • 11. Project Case : Closure Of A Project Project Case Study Closure John Huddle 09 August 2015 Project Case Study Introduction A project may close for various reasons like the achievement of its primary objective. From the beginning, the business should know its criteria for closure, the existing difference between the uncompleted and completed project as well as stopping a project from always dragging. The closure of a project consist of verification of the criteria for closing a project, project evaluation report verification as well as close out transition checklist of the project. This enables the managers to check out whether these documents have been compiled and archived into the files of the project well so as to retain the information needed for use in future undertakings. During the closure of a project, all the activities of the project are formally completed, and all the deliverables and the result are turned to the final consumer. The closure of the project begins soon after the clients accept the majority of the deliverables of the project. However, at times the project might be premature or unsuccessful. In all the above cases, the managers of the project and the team should obtain a closure before they move to the next assignment. Also, the stakeholders, clients, and the team will be concerned with the closure of the project as well as their immediate future. In such a case, the following situations are mostly common. Members of the team are always concerned about their next Get more content on
  • 12. Conclusion For Universal Health Care Premise 1: A universal health care system would reduce health care costs. Premise 2: Universal health care improves overall public health. Premise 3: Universal health care would encourage patients to practice preventive medicine. Premise 4: Healthcare would be affordable to all citizens if made universal. Conclusion: Therefore, implementing a universal health care system in our society would greatly benefit everyone. Reducing Health Costs With a universal health care system, the government would have control and run the system, therefore, the cost of healthcare would be regulated. "A universal health care system would be regulated by the government, so costs overall would be reduced with a more monitored system to reduce inflated costs for tests, hospital stays and procedures." (Ireland, 2017) When you regulate medical costs, the cost of medical coverage, supplies, and prescriptions are more affordable for everyone. Improved Overall Public Health With universal healthcare being more affordable, everyone gets equal access to medical health care. This can lead to a reduction in the number of medical issues suffered by our society. According to Howard K. Koh, M.D., "we can 'absolutely' expect for overall public health to improve if we provide quality, affordable health care coverage for all Americans." (Cohen, 2009) This means people would miss less work and/or school. This also means that more people could be seen for some of the most basic ailments such as colds, Get more content on
  • 13. Mortgage Closing Process Essay The big day is at long last here. You are one stage far from owing your home! This last stride is known as the Mortgage closing procedure and this is one which each property holder ought to be completely mindful of. There are few planning agenda indicates that can take after guarantee that all runs well with your mortgage application. Understanding mortgage shutting and its components can spare you a minute ago bothers. Contract shutting additionally gives you the chance to roll out any last improvements to the exchange and in addition permitting examination of the property before you sign the spotted line. We should investigate a couple of things that should be done amid a mortgage settlement process. Mortgage closing process – Important documents: 1.Paying the costs of closing: Once your mortgage has been endorsed, you are required to pay the upfront instalment and some a player more content... Mortgage note: The mortgage note is a lien against the property being referred to. It goes about as protection for the moneylender ought to the borrower default on the credit. The mortgage note likewise portrays the borrower's rights and commitments relating to the mortgage. 6.Occupancy certificate: The occupancy certificate is a legal archive that qualifies you for move into another developed house. 7.TILA statement: Typically mortgageloan borrowers get a rendition of this announcement after the mortgage has been connected for. The last form contains the advance cost, the loaning rate, changes in the rate of interest and whatever other alterations. It is vital to audit this record painstakingly to check whether everything is all together. 8.Deed in trust: For this situation, the borrower can exchange the title of the deed to a trustee until the whole obtained sum is completely paid. This is utilized as a part of lieu of the mortgage document. This empowers the trustee to offer the property without lawful repercussions on the off chance that the borrower defaults on the Get more content on
  • 14. The Problem Of School Closures Essay School closures also have a negative on the community in which the schools were closed. In Chicago for example after schools were closed in a specific neighborhood we see there was a spark in youth violence and there was a three hundred percent increase in homicide rates (Lipman & Gutierrez, 2013). These school closures are also affecting neighborhoods with citizens of low socioeconomic status and minority groups (CCSR, 2015). This is unfortunate that we are seeing a repeat in history on how minority groups and poor students are not provided with the same quality education as students in affluent neighborhoods. These school closing also bring other negative factors including Education Deserts which will lead parents to have to travel longer distances to take their children to school (CCSR, 2015). After analyzing many articles and information about Educational Deserts one realizes how unfair this situation has affected our students. Educational Deserts are on the rise in areas where school closures are occurring. There is no longer enough educational resources for the community in that specific area which puts that group of people in a disadvantage compared to other neighborhoods. The community a part of the Educational Desert are now at a major disadvantage to other community which has many negative implications for present and future times. These students who do not have these educational resources are being set up to fall in more problems and have a much harder path to Get more content on
  • 15. Closing Day Research Paper Finding your dream home is exciting, but closing–day nightmares can sometimes put a damper on the celebration. Checkmate Moving and Storage, the premier moving and storage company in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, is committed to helping customers have a positive moving experience. Whether you're moving down the street or across the city, the professional movers at Checkmate Moving and Storage do everything from packing entire households to loading and unloading storage units to providing cleaning services. But before moving day comes closing day. Here are four tips to avoid headaches, such as long delays or a canceled sale, when closing on your new home. Ask Questions: Start setting expectations before closing day. About a week before closing, more content... You should be able to get the HUD–1 form from your attorney. You don't want to sign anything without reading it first. Bring a Check: Don't forget the one thing you need to purchase a home: money. Although a wire transfer is an option, it might delay closing. Instead, bring a check, a photo ID, and copies of your homeowner's insurance policy to the closing. Take the Day Off: Some closings take as little as 30 minutes, but you never know how long you might need. To avoid stress, don't try to complete the deal during your lunch break. Instead, if you're able, take the day off work. Then, you can go out to celebrate after everything goes through! There is nothing the professional movers at Checkmate Moving and Storage hate to see more than a family schedule moving day and then have to cancel because of a closing day nightmare. Make sure you communicate early and often to avoid closing delays. After a successful closing, call Checkmate Moving and Storage for a successful move. For more information about the best moving and storage company in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, visit the Checkmate Moving and Storage website or call (303) Get more content on
  • 16. Real Estate S Closing Research Paper Real Estate`s Closing Research Paper 25 March 2017 в”Ђ Austin Charles BUSN120 D001 Dr. Conradson Real Estate`s Closing Research Paper The home buying process can be a very confusing time. First finding a home and finding one within your price range, Then finding one to your liking, and finally settling the agreement and terms to buy the house. There are many terms used within the time frame whether you 're buying a house and or just looking. In this paper you will learn that most of every term and a short and brief description of all of them. HUD–1 Number one is the HUD–1 settlement. The HUD–1 settlement statement is a standard government real estate form that was once used by the settlement agent or known as the closing agent, more content... This is important to all parties of the home buying process. Mostly though this applies to the buyer and seller. Only because this is a time period awaiting transfer of the deed and other land contracts throughout the home buying process. This represents that last leap into buying your very own home (Farkas UNK). Closing a real estate sale is closely related and connected to closing the escrow: it's when the deal is completed and both parties get what they worked for; money for the seller and a home for the buyer. Even though you may not move in right away, The sales contract should state when the seller is to move out and the buyer is to take possession of the property. In most cases, the buyer takes possession at closing, but both buyer and seller can also work out other options, such as the seller remaining in the home for a period of time, until he or she can close on another home purchase or complete the construction of a new home this. The term Escrow closing is important because it is the last and final step to owning the home. It 's a very detailed and entailed process that takes more time just because everything needs to be pristine and that their are no speed bumps in the process (FARKAS UNK). This term applies to all parties connected because it will justify when the seller gets their payment and when the buyer gets the deed to the house.
  • 17. PROPERTY DEED The property deed is what you use to transfer the ownership of real Get more content on
  • 18. Closing School Research Paper Hannah, I enjoyed reading your discussion post. It made me think about considering other states of the possibility closing school instead of my home state. I like your idea of keeping the school open but closing early. What time would you close the school? Even with snow some people do not drive safely and could potentially be hazardous to operate.Because some people have bad wrecks in the rain, so I would want the school closed. Get more content on
  • 19. Speech : Closing Of Lesson VIII. Closing of Lesson: She closed the lesson with giving them time to practice the interpersonal section for their test She was able to walk around the class and give them ideas for making questions which will be the hardest part for them. I like that she gave her students time to practice the speaking section because that is the section they struggle with. As soon after observing the lesson as possible, add additional questions and comments next to your notes. This will help direct discussion in your small groups. After your observations, answer these prompts: Briefly summarize what you think the teacher was trying to accomplish in the lesson (see II above). How did the teacher communicate this to the students? more content... They watching a short clip on a soccer game and took notes. Afterwards, they talked to their partners asking questions and responding. This is exactly what they will be doing for the test, so it is perfect review for the exam. Find and review the school or district unit guide (aka curriculum map) for the subject and grade level of the class you just observed. This might be on the school/district website or you can ask your cooperating teacher for a copy. (Note: schools are at all different stages in terms of aligning their instruction to national standards so you might not find a curriculum map that matches your class). What national standards (such as Common Core, or Next Generation Science standards) was the teacher using to help guide the lesson? My cooperating teacher used American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). What learning targets (often referred to as "I [student] can" statements), if any, does the curriculum guide identify were used in the lesson you observed. I can talk about sports. I can describe a sports uniform. I can identify colors. I can conjugate present tense e–ie verbs. I can conjugate present tense u–ue verbs. I can use the verbs aburrir, interesar and gustar. How does the lesson you observed relate to the curriculum map? That is, could you see a connection between the map and the instruction? Explain. At the end of each unit the Get more content on
  • 20. Closing A Show Analysis There are few things in which I find greater satisfaction than closing a show. To some, the end of a show is a sad affair for they will never be on that stage in that costume reciting those lines to that audience. To others, it is a reminder of all the work that is needed on the next one and they look ahead to exciting new characters and plotlines. But to me, the end of a show is a time to reflect back on the show, the process, and the people. The closing of the Choate Fringe Festival of my junior year took place on an otherwise inconsequential, cold winter day. We had decided not to strike immediately after the final show, but to wait until the next day so that the chaos of performance would subside. Everyone –– actors, directors, stage managers –– packed up the props, folded away the costumes, and deconstructed the sets. I remember quite vividly I was collecting all the props for my play when I was hit with this feeling of immense pride. I was so proud of my show, that I was able to put a concrete vision on a stage. I was so proud of my actors and their glorious ability to take my direction and make it their own. But above all, I was proud to have been a part of more content... I know I want to make a career in theatre, particularly in directing, but I also recognize the difficulty of that. It seems to me that to be successful in a theatrical career one needs to be open to all facets from acting to directing to writing to run crew to designing. I think that Emerson can provide for me a strong base in all of these areas and in the liberal arts, providing depth and breadth of study which will allow me to pursue any theatrical career that I wish. I believe that making any definite decisions about what I will want in four years is silly. I recognize that I will change, my interests will change, and my artistic wants will change. But I believe Emerson can help me change, can mold me into better person and Get more content on