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Spring Sports Research Papers
The winter season can be a time for some athletes at Perry to focus on preparation for the spring sports season. The springtime for athletics at Perry is
shining time of the year filled with memorable performances and a few Far East Championships. With the weather dropping into the 30's players are
forced to enter the weight room for their training regiments. The work that is put in during the offseason when nobody is watching will play dividends
on the field in February. With the tasks of training on your own, one must have a clear vision of where they are at currently and the improvements they
wish to accomplish before they start their respective spring sports. Among the athletes at Perry that chose to focus on their spring aspirations are
juniors, Kai Lange more content...
All these hard working athletes are dedicated to contributing to the success of the Samurai Soccer Teams. For baseball, Seniors Chad Schuch, Eli
Perez and Garrett Macias opted out of playing basketball to prepare to defend their title in the spring. When looking to improve your skills for the
upcoming season, there needs to be a specific timeline of training. This timeline should include a set weight routine for at least 3 times a week, as
well as some type of skill development on the weekend. "For preparation for the season I train by myself as well as with the JMSDF men's soccer
team." said Lange. The winter time is to improve strength not necessarily skill development. The time to start getting game ready comes a month or so
before the start of the season. The time that is spent with resistance and weight training will give you the advantage over your competition. It is
important to work out smart and stop if you notice signs of fatigue or unusual pain. Muscle fatigue is good, however
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Importance Of Spring Festival Essay
Spring Festival Festivals and traditions are important part of human cultural. Many countries has their special festivals and traditions: People in
Thailand celebrate Water–Sprinkling Festival at April every year. They splash water to each other and believe they can start a new year with beauty
and purity; Indian splash colorful powder to each other at March to express their best wishes; Spanish celebrate Carnival to show their love for
freedom and peace. China, which is a strong country with five–thousand–year history, has their own festivals as well and Spring Festival is them. There
are many unique traditions in this festival like lucky money and couplets. I believe these traditions should be maintained because it is cultural and more content...
This festival includes knowledge and belief of Chinese for the last four thousand years. Through celebrating this festival, people can more
comprehensively understand Chinese culture, especially for children. They can learn some knowledge about history and culture and be proud of
their country. As the same time, it offers people a chance to reunite with their family. Many parents have to leave their children because they have
to work in other places. Spring Festival is almost the only chance that they can get along with their children face by face and enjoy the company
with their families. They can create many happy memories with their children by playing firecrackers and telling the story behind this festival to
them. Children will understand the love and hard working from parents. It is also an important period for people to refresh their mind and release
their soul so that they have energy and passion to face new challenges next year. Moreover, it creates a big market and promotes consumption. Before
the festival, people purchase food for reunion dinner and new clothes for their family. Firecrackers, couplets and other festival mementos are not only
essential for people to express good wishes to the new year, but also a big market to sell
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†Spring’ from “the Four Seasons” by Vivaldi
'Spring' from "The Four Seasons" by Vivaldi Antonio Vivaldi: Antonio Vivaldi (4 March 1678– 28 July 1741), nicknamed Il Prete Rosso ("The Red
Priest") because of his red hair, was an Italian Baroque composer, priest, and virtuoso violinist, born in Venice. Vivaldi is recognized as one of the
greatest Baroque composers, and his influence during his lifetime was widespread over Europe. Vivaldi is known mainly for composing
instrumental concertos, especially for the violin, as well as sacred choral works and over 40 operas. His best known work is a series of violin
concertos known as The Four Seasons. Antonio Vivaldi's music was innovative. He brightened the formal and rhythmic structure of the concerto, in
which he looked more content...
Extract J – Till it cracks and splits with a crunchy sound... Vivaldi Spring movement 3 Allegro: the ice splitting is represented by the jagged melody,
followed by three demisiquers describes the cracks in the ice. The time Baroque orchestra size is 6–8 violins, 2 celli, and a contrabass. Plus the winds
/brass and always a continuo instrument which was chosen from the harpsichord, lute, or small organ; sometimes employing two or more of these
instruments for a performance, e.g. harpsichord for choruses, and organ for recatatives and arias. But this practice maybe one created for today's
performances. The Four seasons is Vivaldi's bust–know, and is among the most popular pieces of Baroque music. The texture of each concerto is
varied, each resembling its respective season. Vivaldi's four seasons was published in 1725, in a set of twelve concertos. Each concerto is in the
distinct form of form of fast to slow to fast movements. Vivaldi's 'Four Seasons' especially appealed to the French. The text of Zadok the priest is
derived from the biblical account of the anoting of Solomon by Zadok and Nathan and the People's rejoicing at this event. It is traditionally performed
during the Sovereing's anointing and its text is after 1kings (1:38–40). The middle section "And all the people rejoic'd and said" is an imitator dance in
Вѕ time I am using A.Vivaldi, G.F.
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Spring Is Like A Perhaps Hand Diction
E. E. Cummings's poem called "Spring is like a perhaps hand" explains the gradual season change from winter to spring. All through this poem, the
structure and diction of this poem helps emphasize the gradual increments in which change occurs between the seasons and in people's lives. This also
explains the theme that change is always occurring. In the third stanza, the speaker describes the movement of a "...fraction of flower here placing / an
inch of air there..." (17–18). The gradual movement of everything like flowers and even air taking place over time is described here. The diction that
the speaker uses, like the words "fraction" or "inch", emphasizes the minuscule scale and subtlety of change in life that can easily be unnoticed by
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Theme Of Spring In The Great Gatsby
I noticed while reading that the weather and seasons matched the mood, feeling, and the events that were happening or going to happen. Furthermore,
in literature, autumn tends to symbolize dying, winter is dead, spring represents renewal and growing, and summer is growth and liveliness. In the
beginning of the classic, Nick discusses his life and describes his environment, "And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the
trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with summer" (4). Throughout most of the
book, nothing completely traumatic happens until the death of Myrtle Wilson. During the summer time, Nick meets new people and Gatsby and Daisy
reconnect; summer is the period of growing relationships.
Before Gatsby reconnects with Daisy after several years, it is pouring rain outside. The rain builds up suspense and Gatsby becomes nervous and
eager. Then, it starts to decrease and he finally talks to Daisy. After they talk for a while and become comfortable with each other again, it stops
raining and it's bright outside. The stopping of the rain definitely has more content...
It was a hot summer day, "The next day was broiling, almost the last, certainly the warmest, of the summer" (114). When the weather is hot, it's
uncomfortable and tense, which is exactly how everyone felt when they were together. Autumn was soon approaching, which meant that the leaves
would begin falling and so would the fate of people's lives. Nick and Daisy leave in his luxurious car after a tense and uncomfortable conversation
with Tom. Then, Nick's luxurious car kills Myrtle, which is ironic because the one thing she dreamed and hoped for, wealth, in life killed her. She was
obsessed with materialism, which was why she had an affair with Tom, always wishing for something bigger and
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Descriptive Essay About Spring
Spring, the time of the year where everything is a little more beautiful and lively with color. There are so many things I love about the spring
season: pastel colors, flowers, and of course, Spring Break. However, there is one thing I don't enjoy about spring; the infamous 'Spring Cleaning'.
Every year my mom goes on a cleaning frenzy and has me help her clean the entire house. Everything gets thoroughly cleaned and organized:
drawers, closets, bags, boxes. However, this year was different, I did not find the cleaning so painful. "Emily, come look at what I found in my
closet," my mom calls from the other room. When I walked into the room she had stacks of pictures laid out on the floor in front of her. There
were years and years of memories right there on my mother's bedroom floor that I wouldn't remember if it weren't for those photos. I sit and look
through the photos and could not help but feel nostalgic looking at some of them in particular. The first photo that stood out was of a beautiful
newborn baby boy whose face was red as a tomato with a baby blue shirt, a diaper and a white little beany on his head. It was my first–born nephew,
Gavin, nine years ago on the day he was born. I remember that day perfectly, sitting in the hospital for hours while waiting for the arrival of my
sister's first child. Everyone was so excited and anxious for Gavin to finally enter the world and meet all the people who already love him so much. I
couldn't wait to have a new baby in the
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Persuasive Essay On Spring Season
Here in Monument Valley that we should be able to have more than one adding sport, that it should be good for us students being involved in more for
extra moving. Besides that, Principle and the staff members have to be able to agree with the term and are concerned about school's precautions.
Might this sport be Baseball/Softball for this school, because this is better than most sports out of youth league and bring back competitive spirit in our
school. Students have probably more than this opinon of having more additional sports, but should be able to be in spring season to last throughout the
ending for players' games on nice hot days of ending semesters.
The first reason to having this is that it should be for all the students' choice and the school members make the decisions and go through most steps to
be prepared for the upcoming seasons and make more content...
Above 100 out of 330 or 500 stay active throughout their school years and towards graduation.Young adolescence have less positive effect on them
on staying well fit. Gym or other activities should be implied to all the students and be able to help them stay in balance. But none of these help them
and no courage for them to try and this is the right kind of sport for people to stay close to target, and this helps their skill to sharpen up for good use.
Another reason, is sport of baseball can be both genders, male and female; the boys take the baseball and girls take the softball. This can be good so
there is no harsh arguments for girls not being allowed to play something that throws a downside for them, and also boys don't either too.
Girls had some tough impacts throughout a change of women's being allowed to play what men took pride in, that this inspired girls to try in and be
that one person in doing something
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What Does Spring Mean?
Spring Spring is recognizing the barren, but seeking to defy all expectations through perseverance and self–confidence. Spring is not letting the burdens
of life immobilize you from achieving your potential. It's continuing on in the face of uncertainty. Spring is the glorious in the mundane.
"Your mistakes do not define your character. It's what you do after you've made themistake that makes all the difference." ~Dave Willis I used to
believe that every person's life was a reflection on the choices they made. I believed that the lack of positive outcome in a person's life was a result of
their negligence, poor planning, or irresponsibility. I was under the misconception that when people choose the wrong path in the life–altering fork in more content...
Craving nothing more than to provide safety for his family, is ripped apart by fear and anxiety. The soldier that even with the lack of sleep, consistently
attends therapy, setting the goal above the setbacks. Despite their fear of judgement and anxiety, they realize that progress is made through actions.
Spring is even though people gave up on them, discredited them, and isolated them, it is seeing them come through stronger than they were
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Spring : A Season So Beautiful Essay
Adesanya Ifeoluwani
Professor Joan Bruckwicki
ENGL 1301
December 22, 2016. Spring: A Season So Beautiful.
Season, weather or climates are important natural occurrences that happening on the earth. While these natural endowments vary from country to
country based on geographical location and earth revolution, it is not inappropriate to say that seasons are natural occurrences that human cannot avoid
at their own time, including their good side and their bad side. In America, the season is a crucial determinant for migration, business, and commerce,
health, jobs availability, farming activities etc. one of such season is spring. According to Nola Taylor, an author and a science contributor on Live
Science, Spring is described as "The season of new beginnings where fresh buds bloom, animals awaken, the earth comes to life again and the season
in which farmers and gardeners plant their seeds with temperatures rising slowly. Also, "Spring and "springtime" refer to the season, and to ideas of
rebirth, rejuvenation, renewal, resurrection, and regrowth. It suffices to conclude that the spring season is a season of restoration, a season that
resuscitates all that other seasons have caused to die. A season that brings about a brand new climatic condition favorable to both plant and animals as
well as human beings. According to the website, Spring is one of the four seasons and
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Spring In The Great Gatsby
I noticed while reading that the weather and seasons matched with the mood, feeling, and the events that were happening or going to happen.
Furthermore, in literature, autumn tends to symbolize dying, winter is dead, spring represents renewal and growing, and summer is growth and
liveliness. In the beginning of the classic, Nick discusses his life and describes his environment, "And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of
leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with summer" (4).
Throughout most of the book, nothing completely traumatic happens until the death of Myrtle Wilson. During the summer time, Nick meets new
people and Gatsby and Daisy reconnect; summer is the period of growing relationships.
Before Gatsby reconnects with Daisy after several years, it is pouring rain outside. The rain builds up suspense and Gatsby becomes nervous and
eager. Then, it starts to decrease and he finally talks to Daisy. After they talk for a while and become comfortable with each other again, it stops raining
and it's bright outside. The stopping of the rain more content...
It was a hot summer day, "The next day was broiling, almost the last, certainly the warmest, of the summer" (114). When the weather is hot, it's
uncomfortable and tense, which is exactly how everyone felt when they were together. Autumn was soon approaching, which meant that the leaves
would begin falling and so would the fate of people's lives. Nick and Daisy leave in his luxurious car after a tense and uncomfortable conversation
with Tom. Then, Nick's luxurious car kills Myrtle, which is ironic because the one thing she dreamed and hoped for, wealth, in life killed her. She was
obsessed with materialism, which was why she had an affair with Tom, always wishing for something bigger and
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Spring and Fall
I first came across "Spring and Fall"–as I did a similar poem, Frost's "Nothing Gold Can Say"–through two teen movies of the 1980's. The Frost poem
was featured in Copola's adaptation of the popular S.E. Hinton young adult novel, The Outsiders, and Hopkins' in Vision Quest, a forgettable movie
about a young man searching to find himself by taking on the unbeatable state champion in a wrestling match. (Our hero beats him!) In both films, the
themes of the pains and triumphs of growing up are presented in familiar formulas, and the poems lend a sense of gravity to that theme. In any case,
lots of my friends in high school, who never would have read poetry otherwise, knew these poems and could recognize them, having heard them in a more content...
If we stress the "It," the line still moves quickly with four trochees, leading to what we expect will be the end of the thought, an end–stopped rhyme,
"colder." Here Hopkins' enjambs "colder" with "by and by," thus making us move along to the next line, not stopping for a breath after "colder." But
he's not finished there; the use of internal rhyme in line 7, "By and by" with "sigh," creates another sound effect that invites our eyes and ears to
continue on. When the pace slows down a bit, through switching back to the iambic feet of "nor spare a sigh," this serves to set up the punch of
the central line of the poem, "Though worlds of wanwood leafmeal lie." I could not find "leafmeal" in the O.E.D., and later read that it was
Hopkins' own coinage . Placed as the exact middle word of the poem, "leafmeal" takes on a significant importance for both its sound quality and
for its multiple meanings. Breaking it down, the words "leaf" and "leave" are valuable in this poem. These words have a number of different
senses, and I wonder if Hopkins isn't exploiting them all, getting all the meaning he can in such a short work. "Leaf" can refer to the leaves of a
tree, but also to the leafing of precious metals, such as gold leafing, or the leaf from a book. Also, "meal" can be ground up grain, such as oatmeal or
cornmeal, which is close to the sense we see here. In addition, it's possible to look
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Theme Of Spring In The Great Gatsby
Although clocks are shown through Gatsby's obsession with Daisy, time references are also shown in a different light, through the seasons. Spring
is a time of renewal, where everything comes to life, summer is where everything is in full bloom and love is in the air. Lastly, fall is when things
start to die out. The novel started off in the late spring/ early summer. Nick (last name) was moving to the city to start his career. Things were new
(insert quote or something) and fresh as he met Jordan and Gatsby. As the seasons progressed, summer was full of parties and hot romance. Jordan and
Nick were flirting, there were trips into the city for fun (quote of party in new York apartment), and cheating between both Gatsby and Daisy, and, Tom
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Personal Statement: Spring Clean
Its that time of the year again! Time to spring clean all of those items in my room that I don't need anymore. I could spring clean, my room by
getting rid of any old clothes I have that I won't wear anymore, or that don't fit me. By doing this I'll have a fresh start on starting spring. Another
way I can spring clean, my room is by organizing certain things in it. For example, cleaning out my desk junk drawer. If I do this I can get rid of all the
unnecessary things I have in that drawer and It will be easier for me to look for things. I also think that for my spring cleaning I can get rid of any
of my shoes that no longer fit me, or shoes that people don't usually wear in the spring such as Uggs, winter boots, etc. If I do this it will also
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There are four different seasons in each year. These four seasons include Summer, Winter, Fall, and Spring. Each season affects various aspects of our
everyday lives in their own way. For Example, winter and summer changes almost everything that we do during both of the times that each season
occurs. Some differences of summer and winter is temperature changes and precipitation changes. One similarity is that the Olympics are taken place in
both seasons. Many people view winter and summer as antonyms; however, the two seasons share some similarities.
One of the differences of winter and summer is the temperatures. The summer is most likely everyone`s favorite season. Because of the variation of
temperatures between the two seasons, more content...
Another one of the differences between the two seasons is the average precipitation. During the winter, rainfall is more present than rainfall in the
summer. Nobody likes a rainy day. People are more likely to feel happy during a day with lots of sunshine. There are many fun and entertaining
games to do on a rainy day, but many people still prefer to go outside on a sunny day and enjoy different kinds of activities. Also, because of the
precipitation in the winter, more car wrecks are likely to happen. During the summer car wrecks are not as bad as they are in the winter because of the
dry ground and seldom rainfall. The average winter precipitation in the state of Alabama is 5.37 inches(136 millimeters). The average summer
precipitation for the state of Alabama is 4.62 inches(117 millimeters).Also the average winter precipitation for the state of Arizona is 1.23 inches(31
millimeters). The average summer precipitation for the state of Arizona is 1.38 inches(35 millimeters).
On the other hand, winter and summer have some similarities, such as the Olympics, season extremes, and the different holidays that take place in each
season. There are two different types of Olympics, the Winter Olympics and the Summer Olympics. During the Summer Olympics events like tennis,
hockey, and golf are taken place. During the winter Olympics events like snowboarding, ice hockey, and figure
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Descriptive Essay About Spring
Spring is such a wonderful and joyful season. The air begins to warm, and the temperature rises slowly. Not only that, but the days seem to be getting
longer as well. As the snow begins to melt in northern America, the lovely flowers begin to bud and the flies begin to come out. The tree buds starts
greening and preparing itself to grow. The air smells different as opposed towinter, it smells fresh and alive. Spring wraps up winter, and leads on to
the hot and humid season called summer. Spring is the season that prepares itself for the next season, as forestry is starting to grow and thrive. The
animal kingdom also uses spring to mate. The bears that were hibernating no longer have to hibernate. The smell of freshly cut grass also goes through
the warm spring air.
The grouchy people of winter also start to become happy again. Most people dislike winter as it cold and the driving condition are not great.
However in spring, everything is having life, or coming back to life; as well as their spirits. Spring is finally the time where people can finally eat
outside, open up the window to let fresh air in. Nothing is better than seeing the neon green trees and grass shining through the low amounts of snow
that might still be left behind by Mother Nature. The farming trade also begins in spring; the farmers begin to plant their vegetables so they can
harvest them when the time is right. Spring also has a very nice holiday, Easter. Families gather at each other's houses and
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Weather and the Changing of the Seasons
A) Academic Content Standard: Grade Level: Kindergarten Earth Science Standard 3b: Students know changes in the weather occur from day to day
and across seasons, affecting earth and its inhabitants.
B) Educational Objective:
Describe in detail the difference between the four seasons
Discuss the role that the Sun plays in weather between days and seasons
State the relatable effects that occur with the changing of weather
State the effects that the changing of seasons has not only on humans, but also animals and plant life.
C) Skill Development: Students will be able to:
Name and spell all four seasons
Identify each of the four seasons and list their characteristics
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Almost all energy that determines the weather and seasons is solar energy. The amount of solar energy that reaches theEarth varies due to the path of
the Sun in the local sky and the length of daylight. Since the Earth is in a constant elliptical rotation around the sun, the Earth is never stagnant. In fact,
there are two rotations that the Earth is in at all times. The first is a once a day rotation on its axis and the second is a once per year revolution around
the Sun. With the Earth always changing location, the weather is constantly changing due to the varying of its exposure to the Sun. According to the
American Meteorological Society, other factors that contribute to the change of weather include nearness to bodies of water, topographical features,
and migrations of weather systems. Also, the interaction of radiation with the Earth's atmosphere is another factor. Energy can be reflected and
absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere, varying the actual amount of solar energy that reaches the Earth's surface. Due to these variables, it is not
uncommon for weather to fluctuate despite the location of Earth on its rotation. The solar energy that reaches Earth also affects the water cycle. This
cycle in turn affects the weather by producing rain, snow, cyclones, and other weather events. The biggest factor in not only the changing of weather
but also the seasons, is the Earth's axis. The reason for different seasons is attributed to the Earth's axis.
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"Whistling of Birds" by David Herbert Lawrence is a depiction of the vividness of his writings and his own artistic vision and thought. In this essay he
has elucidated the change of seasons– change from winter to spring– in an impressive way by the use of images, similes and metaphors..
Winter, as he narrates, brings woe and causes wreck. The intense frost that sustained for several weeks caused the death of birds. The remnants of the
beautiful bevy of birds – lapwings, starlets, thrushes, lied scattered in the fields. The "invisible beasts of prey" had wolfed the birds. The winter had
massacred the song birds and their blood–soaked skins were spread all around. The beings that could not shield themselves against its rigours shivered more content...
P. Cranch, ASpring Growl
Winter had receded. It was the dawn of a new world, a world that was entirely different from the previous drab one. The advent of spring brought
forward colour and vivacity. Balmy breeze was a clear sign of spring. But it was "premature" as the snow had not melted and the wings were thrown
all over the place. Yet the birds were announcing the drastic change because they had no choice. The warble of the birds could be heard far and wide.
The tiny, beautiful, vulnerable and brave birds are a symbol of everything Lawrence championed: the courage to affirm, the refusal to be cowed by the
winter frosts of tragedy and death.
For lo! The winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of the birds is come, and the voice of
turtle is heard in our land." –Song of Solomon
The writer is astounded at the sudden change and renewal of the surroundings. He wants to know whence the sound is coming. He was surprised at the
restoration of harmony and the acceptance of change from the birds. The song emerges from deep inside their throats. The songs arouse like a spring
from the fountains in their throats. Nature has endowed them with the quality to make the best of everything. They had to comply with the change.
Life emanated from their souls as songs of joy.
During the winter, when the snow had obscured the earth, the birds were muted. They anticipated for the
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Spring By Matt Robinson Summary
Every day people experience unpredictable tragedies. Tragedies impact emotions and perspectives on many subjects, whether it's due to the death of
a friend or a diagnosis of a loved one. In the poems "Spring" by Matt Robinson and "After His Diagnosis" by Margaret Hasse, tragedies are learnt to
be accepted. The dark reality of life lives unnoticed until finally encountered. "Spring" and "After His Diagnosis" share similar depressive tones,
including grimness and gloominess. Both poems start off with describing their surroundings, eventually transitioning into their thoughts and
observations. Robinson mentions how "harder" and "more violent" the cold is for a "second–day–of–spring." Upon spring's arrival, we expect the
weather to change, contributing to blossoms, sunshine, and warmth–all associated with happiness. However, the poet is describing winter, winter the
most depressing season of all, defining the tone of the poem. Similarly, Hasse illustrates the change of winter into spring, although spring still a
"deathly cold." She expresses the sorrowful tone by mentioning the detachment she felt when she "saw his body / in the CAT scan / from a foggy
distance," the fog also bringing the gloomy and dark effect of the poem. more content...
For some, like myself, it is hard to accept. Growing up, I witnessed the hospitalization of my father on several different occasions, mainly due to
kidney failure and heart problems. The occurrences happened unexpectedly, affecting me dearly. The last time he was hospitalized, I felt the need to
accept that eventually, sooner or later, he will no longer be present, such as how Robinson explains, "people die weather / or not; whether or / not it's
rain, sun, or / snow. they go. they go." The thought is heart–wrenching; for people having to accept death is heart–wrenching, especially when they are
so young. Like famine and war, death is, unfortunately, a part of
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Spring Season
Language Overview for – 'Out in the Garden'
|Objectives – |
|Listening to stories and rhymes on 'Out in the Garden' |
|Sight Words – has, can |
|Revisit sight word – I, |
|CVC words – an family more content...
|Read aloud – Story board on display. |
|Journal for pre writing & illustrations. |
|Rhyme & songs –Spring |
|Vocabulary |
|While previewing the book, reinforce the vocabulary words that children have been introduced to for e.g.: I spy games– Picture & names of |
|the words, |
|Theme related word – Spring, rainbow, flower, grass |
|Describing word – green |
|Rhyming words – rose – nose, book – look, hand – sand |
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Spring Sports Research Papers

  • 1. Spring Sports Research Papers The winter season can be a time for some athletes at Perry to focus on preparation for the spring sports season. The springtime for athletics at Perry is shining time of the year filled with memorable performances and a few Far East Championships. With the weather dropping into the 30's players are forced to enter the weight room for their training regiments. The work that is put in during the offseason when nobody is watching will play dividends on the field in February. With the tasks of training on your own, one must have a clear vision of where they are at currently and the improvements they wish to accomplish before they start their respective spring sports. Among the athletes at Perry that chose to focus on their spring aspirations are juniors, Kai Lange more content... All these hard working athletes are dedicated to contributing to the success of the Samurai Soccer Teams. For baseball, Seniors Chad Schuch, Eli Perez and Garrett Macias opted out of playing basketball to prepare to defend their title in the spring. When looking to improve your skills for the upcoming season, there needs to be a specific timeline of training. This timeline should include a set weight routine for at least 3 times a week, as well as some type of skill development on the weekend. "For preparation for the season I train by myself as well as with the JMSDF men's soccer team." said Lange. The winter time is to improve strength not necessarily skill development. The time to start getting game ready comes a month or so before the start of the season. The time that is spent with resistance and weight training will give you the advantage over your competition. It is important to work out smart and stop if you notice signs of fatigue or unusual pain. Muscle fatigue is good, however Get more content on
  • 2. Importance Of Spring Festival Essay Spring Festival Festivals and traditions are important part of human cultural. Many countries has their special festivals and traditions: People in Thailand celebrate Water–Sprinkling Festival at April every year. They splash water to each other and believe they can start a new year with beauty and purity; Indian splash colorful powder to each other at March to express their best wishes; Spanish celebrate Carnival to show their love for freedom and peace. China, which is a strong country with five–thousand–year history, has their own festivals as well and Spring Festival is them. There are many unique traditions in this festival like lucky money and couplets. I believe these traditions should be maintained because it is cultural and more content... This festival includes knowledge and belief of Chinese for the last four thousand years. Through celebrating this festival, people can more comprehensively understand Chinese culture, especially for children. They can learn some knowledge about history and culture and be proud of their country. As the same time, it offers people a chance to reunite with their family. Many parents have to leave their children because they have to work in other places. Spring Festival is almost the only chance that they can get along with their children face by face and enjoy the company with their families. They can create many happy memories with their children by playing firecrackers and telling the story behind this festival to them. Children will understand the love and hard working from parents. It is also an important period for people to refresh their mind and release their soul so that they have energy and passion to face new challenges next year. Moreover, it creates a big market and promotes consumption. Before the festival, people purchase food for reunion dinner and new clothes for their family. Firecrackers, couplets and other festival mementos are not only essential for people to express good wishes to the new year, but also a big market to sell Get more content on
  • 3. †Spring’ from “the Four Seasons” by Vivaldi 'Spring' from "The Four Seasons" by Vivaldi Antonio Vivaldi: Antonio Vivaldi (4 March 1678– 28 July 1741), nicknamed Il Prete Rosso ("The Red Priest") because of his red hair, was an Italian Baroque composer, priest, and virtuoso violinist, born in Venice. Vivaldi is recognized as one of the greatest Baroque composers, and his influence during his lifetime was widespread over Europe. Vivaldi is known mainly for composing instrumental concertos, especially for the violin, as well as sacred choral works and over 40 operas. His best known work is a series of violin concertos known as The Four Seasons. Antonio Vivaldi's music was innovative. He brightened the formal and rhythmic structure of the concerto, in which he looked more content... Extract J – Till it cracks and splits with a crunchy sound... Vivaldi Spring movement 3 Allegro: the ice splitting is represented by the jagged melody, followed by three demisiquers describes the cracks in the ice. The time Baroque orchestra size is 6–8 violins, 2 celli, and a contrabass. Plus the winds /brass and always a continuo instrument which was chosen from the harpsichord, lute, or small organ; sometimes employing two or more of these instruments for a performance, e.g. harpsichord for choruses, and organ for recatatives and arias. But this practice maybe one created for today's performances. The Four seasons is Vivaldi's bust–know, and is among the most popular pieces of Baroque music. The texture of each concerto is varied, each resembling its respective season. Vivaldi's four seasons was published in 1725, in a set of twelve concertos. Each concerto is in the distinct form of form of fast to slow to fast movements. Vivaldi's 'Four Seasons' especially appealed to the French. The text of Zadok the priest is derived from the biblical account of the anoting of Solomon by Zadok and Nathan and the People's rejoicing at this event. It is traditionally performed during the Sovereing's anointing and its text is after 1kings (1:38–40). The middle section "And all the people rejoic'd and said" is an imitator dance in Вѕ time I am using A.Vivaldi, G.F. Get more content on
  • 4. Spring Is Like A Perhaps Hand Diction E. E. Cummings's poem called "Spring is like a perhaps hand" explains the gradual season change from winter to spring. All through this poem, the structure and diction of this poem helps emphasize the gradual increments in which change occurs between the seasons and in people's lives. This also explains the theme that change is always occurring. In the third stanza, the speaker describes the movement of a "...fraction of flower here placing / an inch of air there..." (17–18). The gradual movement of everything like flowers and even air taking place over time is described here. The diction that the speaker uses, like the words "fraction" or "inch", emphasizes the minuscule scale and subtlety of change in life that can easily be unnoticed by Get more content on
  • 5. Theme Of Spring In The Great Gatsby I noticed while reading that the weather and seasons matched the mood, feeling, and the events that were happening or going to happen. Furthermore, in literature, autumn tends to symbolize dying, winter is dead, spring represents renewal and growing, and summer is growth and liveliness. In the beginning of the classic, Nick discusses his life and describes his environment, "And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with summer" (4). Throughout most of the book, nothing completely traumatic happens until the death of Myrtle Wilson. During the summer time, Nick meets new people and Gatsby and Daisy reconnect; summer is the period of growing relationships. Before Gatsby reconnects with Daisy after several years, it is pouring rain outside. The rain builds up suspense and Gatsby becomes nervous and eager. Then, it starts to decrease and he finally talks to Daisy. After they talk for a while and become comfortable with each other again, it stops raining and it's bright outside. The stopping of the rain definitely has more content... It was a hot summer day, "The next day was broiling, almost the last, certainly the warmest, of the summer" (114). When the weather is hot, it's uncomfortable and tense, which is exactly how everyone felt when they were together. Autumn was soon approaching, which meant that the leaves would begin falling and so would the fate of people's lives. Nick and Daisy leave in his luxurious car after a tense and uncomfortable conversation with Tom. Then, Nick's luxurious car kills Myrtle, which is ironic because the one thing she dreamed and hoped for, wealth, in life killed her. She was obsessed with materialism, which was why she had an affair with Tom, always wishing for something bigger and Get more content on
  • 6. Descriptive Essay About Spring Spring, the time of the year where everything is a little more beautiful and lively with color. There are so many things I love about the spring season: pastel colors, flowers, and of course, Spring Break. However, there is one thing I don't enjoy about spring; the infamous 'Spring Cleaning'. Every year my mom goes on a cleaning frenzy and has me help her clean the entire house. Everything gets thoroughly cleaned and organized: drawers, closets, bags, boxes. However, this year was different, I did not find the cleaning so painful. "Emily, come look at what I found in my closet," my mom calls from the other room. When I walked into the room she had stacks of pictures laid out on the floor in front of her. There were years and years of memories right there on my mother's bedroom floor that I wouldn't remember if it weren't for those photos. I sit and look through the photos and could not help but feel nostalgic looking at some of them in particular. The first photo that stood out was of a beautiful newborn baby boy whose face was red as a tomato with a baby blue shirt, a diaper and a white little beany on his head. It was my first–born nephew, Gavin, nine years ago on the day he was born. I remember that day perfectly, sitting in the hospital for hours while waiting for the arrival of my sister's first child. Everyone was so excited and anxious for Gavin to finally enter the world and meet all the people who already love him so much. I couldn't wait to have a new baby in the Get more content on
  • 7. Persuasive Essay On Spring Season Here in Monument Valley that we should be able to have more than one adding sport, that it should be good for us students being involved in more for extra moving. Besides that, Principle and the staff members have to be able to agree with the term and are concerned about school's precautions. Might this sport be Baseball/Softball for this school, because this is better than most sports out of youth league and bring back competitive spirit in our school. Students have probably more than this opinon of having more additional sports, but should be able to be in spring season to last throughout the ending for players' games on nice hot days of ending semesters. The first reason to having this is that it should be for all the students' choice and the school members make the decisions and go through most steps to be prepared for the upcoming seasons and make more content... Above 100 out of 330 or 500 stay active throughout their school years and towards graduation.Young adolescence have less positive effect on them on staying well fit. Gym or other activities should be implied to all the students and be able to help them stay in balance. But none of these help them and no courage for them to try and this is the right kind of sport for people to stay close to target, and this helps their skill to sharpen up for good use. Another reason, is sport of baseball can be both genders, male and female; the boys take the baseball and girls take the softball. This can be good so there is no harsh arguments for girls not being allowed to play something that throws a downside for them, and also boys don't either too. Girls had some tough impacts throughout a change of women's being allowed to play what men took pride in, that this inspired girls to try in and be that one person in doing something Get more content on
  • 8. What Does Spring Mean? Spring Spring is recognizing the barren, but seeking to defy all expectations through perseverance and self–confidence. Spring is not letting the burdens of life immobilize you from achieving your potential. It's continuing on in the face of uncertainty. Spring is the glorious in the mundane. "Your mistakes do not define your character. It's what you do after you've made themistake that makes all the difference." ~Dave Willis I used to believe that every person's life was a reflection on the choices they made. I believed that the lack of positive outcome in a person's life was a result of their negligence, poor planning, or irresponsibility. I was under the misconception that when people choose the wrong path in the life–altering fork in more content... Craving nothing more than to provide safety for his family, is ripped apart by fear and anxiety. The soldier that even with the lack of sleep, consistently attends therapy, setting the goal above the setbacks. Despite their fear of judgement and anxiety, they realize that progress is made through actions. Spring is even though people gave up on them, discredited them, and isolated them, it is seeing them come through stronger than they were Get more content on
  • 9. Spring : A Season So Beautiful Essay Adesanya Ifeoluwani Professor Joan Bruckwicki ENGL 1301 December 22, 2016. Spring: A Season So Beautiful. Season, weather or climates are important natural occurrences that happening on the earth. While these natural endowments vary from country to country based on geographical location and earth revolution, it is not inappropriate to say that seasons are natural occurrences that human cannot avoid at their own time, including their good side and their bad side. In America, the season is a crucial determinant for migration, business, and commerce, health, jobs availability, farming activities etc. one of such season is spring. According to Nola Taylor, an author and a science contributor on Live Science, Spring is described as "The season of new beginnings where fresh buds bloom, animals awaken, the earth comes to life again and the season in which farmers and gardeners plant their seeds with temperatures rising slowly. Also, "Spring and "springtime" refer to the season, and to ideas of rebirth, rejuvenation, renewal, resurrection, and regrowth. It suffices to conclude that the spring season is a season of restoration, a season that resuscitates all that other seasons have caused to die. A season that brings about a brand new climatic condition favorable to both plant and animals as well as human beings. According to the website, Spring is one of the four seasons and Get more content on
  • 10. Spring In The Great Gatsby I noticed while reading that the weather and seasons matched with the mood, feeling, and the events that were happening or going to happen. Furthermore, in literature, autumn tends to symbolize dying, winter is dead, spring represents renewal and growing, and summer is growth and liveliness. In the beginning of the classic, Nick discusses his life and describes his environment, "And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with summer" (4). Throughout most of the book, nothing completely traumatic happens until the death of Myrtle Wilson. During the summer time, Nick meets new people and Gatsby and Daisy reconnect; summer is the period of growing relationships. Before Gatsby reconnects with Daisy after several years, it is pouring rain outside. The rain builds up suspense and Gatsby becomes nervous and eager. Then, it starts to decrease and he finally talks to Daisy. After they talk for a while and become comfortable with each other again, it stops raining and it's bright outside. The stopping of the rain more content... It was a hot summer day, "The next day was broiling, almost the last, certainly the warmest, of the summer" (114). When the weather is hot, it's uncomfortable and tense, which is exactly how everyone felt when they were together. Autumn was soon approaching, which meant that the leaves would begin falling and so would the fate of people's lives. Nick and Daisy leave in his luxurious car after a tense and uncomfortable conversation with Tom. Then, Nick's luxurious car kills Myrtle, which is ironic because the one thing she dreamed and hoped for, wealth, in life killed her. She was obsessed with materialism, which was why she had an affair with Tom, always wishing for something bigger and Get more content on
  • 11. Spring and Fall I first came across "Spring and Fall"–as I did a similar poem, Frost's "Nothing Gold Can Say"–through two teen movies of the 1980's. The Frost poem was featured in Copola's adaptation of the popular S.E. Hinton young adult novel, The Outsiders, and Hopkins' in Vision Quest, a forgettable movie about a young man searching to find himself by taking on the unbeatable state champion in a wrestling match. (Our hero beats him!) In both films, the themes of the pains and triumphs of growing up are presented in familiar formulas, and the poems lend a sense of gravity to that theme. In any case, lots of my friends in high school, who never would have read poetry otherwise, knew these poems and could recognize them, having heard them in a more content... If we stress the "It," the line still moves quickly with four trochees, leading to what we expect will be the end of the thought, an end–stopped rhyme, "colder." Here Hopkins' enjambs "colder" with "by and by," thus making us move along to the next line, not stopping for a breath after "colder." But he's not finished there; the use of internal rhyme in line 7, "By and by" with "sigh," creates another sound effect that invites our eyes and ears to continue on. When the pace slows down a bit, through switching back to the iambic feet of "nor spare a sigh," this serves to set up the punch of the central line of the poem, "Though worlds of wanwood leafmeal lie." I could not find "leafmeal" in the O.E.D., and later read that it was Hopkins' own coinage . Placed as the exact middle word of the poem, "leafmeal" takes on a significant importance for both its sound quality and for its multiple meanings. Breaking it down, the words "leaf" and "leave" are valuable in this poem. These words have a number of different senses, and I wonder if Hopkins isn't exploiting them all, getting all the meaning he can in such a short work. "Leaf" can refer to the leaves of a tree, but also to the leafing of precious metals, such as gold leafing, or the leaf from a book. Also, "meal" can be ground up grain, such as oatmeal or cornmeal, which is close to the sense we see here. In addition, it's possible to look Get more content on
  • 12. Theme Of Spring In The Great Gatsby Although clocks are shown through Gatsby's obsession with Daisy, time references are also shown in a different light, through the seasons. Spring is a time of renewal, where everything comes to life, summer is where everything is in full bloom and love is in the air. Lastly, fall is when things start to die out. The novel started off in the late spring/ early summer. Nick (last name) was moving to the city to start his career. Things were new (insert quote or something) and fresh as he met Jordan and Gatsby. As the seasons progressed, summer was full of parties and hot romance. Jordan and Nick were flirting, there were trips into the city for fun (quote of party in new York apartment), and cheating between both Gatsby and Daisy, and, Tom Get more content on
  • 13. Personal Statement: Spring Clean Its that time of the year again! Time to spring clean all of those items in my room that I don't need anymore. I could spring clean, my room by getting rid of any old clothes I have that I won't wear anymore, or that don't fit me. By doing this I'll have a fresh start on starting spring. Another way I can spring clean, my room is by organizing certain things in it. For example, cleaning out my desk junk drawer. If I do this I can get rid of all the unnecessary things I have in that drawer and It will be easier for me to look for things. I also think that for my spring cleaning I can get rid of any of my shoes that no longer fit me, or shoes that people don't usually wear in the spring such as Uggs, winter boots, etc. If I do this it will also Get more content on
  • 14. There are four different seasons in each year. These four seasons include Summer, Winter, Fall, and Spring. Each season affects various aspects of our everyday lives in their own way. For Example, winter and summer changes almost everything that we do during both of the times that each season occurs. Some differences of summer and winter is temperature changes and precipitation changes. One similarity is that the Olympics are taken place in both seasons. Many people view winter and summer as antonyms; however, the two seasons share some similarities. One of the differences of winter and summer is the temperatures. The summer is most likely everyone`s favorite season. Because of the variation of temperatures between the two seasons, more content... Another one of the differences between the two seasons is the average precipitation. During the winter, rainfall is more present than rainfall in the summer. Nobody likes a rainy day. People are more likely to feel happy during a day with lots of sunshine. There are many fun and entertaining games to do on a rainy day, but many people still prefer to go outside on a sunny day and enjoy different kinds of activities. Also, because of the precipitation in the winter, more car wrecks are likely to happen. During the summer car wrecks are not as bad as they are in the winter because of the dry ground and seldom rainfall. The average winter precipitation in the state of Alabama is 5.37 inches(136 millimeters). The average summer precipitation for the state of Alabama is 4.62 inches(117 millimeters).Also the average winter precipitation for the state of Arizona is 1.23 inches(31 millimeters). The average summer precipitation for the state of Arizona is 1.38 inches(35 millimeters). On the other hand, winter and summer have some similarities, such as the Olympics, season extremes, and the different holidays that take place in each season. There are two different types of Olympics, the Winter Olympics and the Summer Olympics. During the Summer Olympics events like tennis, hockey, and golf are taken place. During the winter Olympics events like snowboarding, ice hockey, and figure Get more content on
  • 15. Descriptive Essay About Spring Spring is such a wonderful and joyful season. The air begins to warm, and the temperature rises slowly. Not only that, but the days seem to be getting longer as well. As the snow begins to melt in northern America, the lovely flowers begin to bud and the flies begin to come out. The tree buds starts greening and preparing itself to grow. The air smells different as opposed towinter, it smells fresh and alive. Spring wraps up winter, and leads on to the hot and humid season called summer. Spring is the season that prepares itself for the next season, as forestry is starting to grow and thrive. The animal kingdom also uses spring to mate. The bears that were hibernating no longer have to hibernate. The smell of freshly cut grass also goes through the warm spring air. The grouchy people of winter also start to become happy again. Most people dislike winter as it cold and the driving condition are not great. However in spring, everything is having life, or coming back to life; as well as their spirits. Spring is finally the time where people can finally eat outside, open up the window to let fresh air in. Nothing is better than seeing the neon green trees and grass shining through the low amounts of snow that might still be left behind by Mother Nature. The farming trade also begins in spring; the farmers begin to plant their vegetables so they can harvest them when the time is right. Spring also has a very nice holiday, Easter. Families gather at each other's houses and Get more content on
  • 16. Weather and the Changing of the Seasons A) Academic Content Standard: Grade Level: Kindergarten Earth Science Standard 3b: Students know changes in the weather occur from day to day and across seasons, affecting earth and its inhabitants. B) Educational Objective: Describe in detail the difference between the four seasons Discuss the role that the Sun plays in weather between days and seasons State the relatable effects that occur with the changing of weather State the effects that the changing of seasons has not only on humans, but also animals and plant life. C) Skill Development: Students will be able to: Name and spell all four seasons Identify each of the four seasons and list their characteristics Illustrate more content... Almost all energy that determines the weather and seasons is solar energy. The amount of solar energy that reaches theEarth varies due to the path of the Sun in the local sky and the length of daylight. Since the Earth is in a constant elliptical rotation around the sun, the Earth is never stagnant. In fact, there are two rotations that the Earth is in at all times. The first is a once a day rotation on its axis and the second is a once per year revolution around the Sun. With the Earth always changing location, the weather is constantly changing due to the varying of its exposure to the Sun. According to the American Meteorological Society, other factors that contribute to the change of weather include nearness to bodies of water, topographical features, and migrations of weather systems. Also, the interaction of radiation with the Earth's atmosphere is another factor. Energy can be reflected and absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere, varying the actual amount of solar energy that reaches the Earth's surface. Due to these variables, it is not uncommon for weather to fluctuate despite the location of Earth on its rotation. The solar energy that reaches Earth also affects the water cycle. This cycle in turn affects the weather by producing rain, snow, cyclones, and other weather events. The biggest factor in not only the changing of weather but also the seasons, is the Earth's axis. The reason for different seasons is attributed to the Earth's axis. Get more content on
  • 17. "Whistling of Birds" by David Herbert Lawrence is a depiction of the vividness of his writings and his own artistic vision and thought. In this essay he has elucidated the change of seasons– change from winter to spring– in an impressive way by the use of images, similes and metaphors.. Winter, as he narrates, brings woe and causes wreck. The intense frost that sustained for several weeks caused the death of birds. The remnants of the beautiful bevy of birds – lapwings, starlets, thrushes, lied scattered in the fields. The "invisible beasts of prey" had wolfed the birds. The winter had massacred the song birds and their blood–soaked skins were spread all around. The beings that could not shield themselves against its rigours shivered more content... P. Cranch, ASpring Growl Winter had receded. It was the dawn of a new world, a world that was entirely different from the previous drab one. The advent of spring brought forward colour and vivacity. Balmy breeze was a clear sign of spring. But it was "premature" as the snow had not melted and the wings were thrown all over the place. Yet the birds were announcing the drastic change because they had no choice. The warble of the birds could be heard far and wide. The tiny, beautiful, vulnerable and brave birds are a symbol of everything Lawrence championed: the courage to affirm, the refusal to be cowed by the winter frosts of tragedy and death. For lo! The winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of the birds is come, and the voice of turtle is heard in our land." –Song of Solomon The writer is astounded at the sudden change and renewal of the surroundings. He wants to know whence the sound is coming. He was surprised at the restoration of harmony and the acceptance of change from the birds. The song emerges from deep inside their throats. The songs arouse like a spring from the fountains in their throats. Nature has endowed them with the quality to make the best of everything. They had to comply with the change. Life emanated from their souls as songs of joy. During the winter, when the snow had obscured the earth, the birds were muted. They anticipated for the Get more content on
  • 18. Spring By Matt Robinson Summary Every day people experience unpredictable tragedies. Tragedies impact emotions and perspectives on many subjects, whether it's due to the death of a friend or a diagnosis of a loved one. In the poems "Spring" by Matt Robinson and "After His Diagnosis" by Margaret Hasse, tragedies are learnt to be accepted. The dark reality of life lives unnoticed until finally encountered. "Spring" and "After His Diagnosis" share similar depressive tones, including grimness and gloominess. Both poems start off with describing their surroundings, eventually transitioning into their thoughts and observations. Robinson mentions how "harder" and "more violent" the cold is for a "second–day–of–spring." Upon spring's arrival, we expect the weather to change, contributing to blossoms, sunshine, and warmth–all associated with happiness. However, the poet is describing winter, winter the most depressing season of all, defining the tone of the poem. Similarly, Hasse illustrates the change of winter into spring, although spring still a "deathly cold." She expresses the sorrowful tone by mentioning the detachment she felt when she "saw his body / in the CAT scan / from a foggy distance," the fog also bringing the gloomy and dark effect of the poem. more content... For some, like myself, it is hard to accept. Growing up, I witnessed the hospitalization of my father on several different occasions, mainly due to kidney failure and heart problems. The occurrences happened unexpectedly, affecting me dearly. The last time he was hospitalized, I felt the need to accept that eventually, sooner or later, he will no longer be present, such as how Robinson explains, "people die weather / or not; whether or / not it's rain, sun, or / snow. they go. they go." The thought is heart–wrenching; for people having to accept death is heart–wrenching, especially when they are so young. Like famine and war, death is, unfortunately, a part of Get more content on
  • 19. Spring Season Language Overview for – 'Out in the Garden' |Objectives – | |Listening to stories and rhymes on 'Out in the Garden' | |Sight Words – has, can | |Revisit sight word – I, | |CVC words – an family more content... | |Read aloud – Story board on display. | |Journal for pre writing & illustrations. | |Rhyme & songs –Spring | |Vocabulary | |While previewing the book, reinforce the vocabulary words that children have been introduced to for e.g.: I spy games– Picture & names of | |the words, | |Theme related word – Spring, rainbow, flower, grass | |Describing word – green | |Rhyming words – rose – nose, book – look, hand – sand | Get more content on