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Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Personal History
 N
 A = gigantism versus acromegaly
 S = male (macroadenoma) versus female (microadenoma)
 O
 M = married or divorced
 R
 H
 H
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Chief complaint
 Pain
 Swelling
 Disturbance of function
+ duration
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Endocrine Symptomatology
 Alteration in height, e.g. increase or decrease
 Weight gain or loss
 Polyuria and polydipsia
 Menstrual irregularity
 Thyroid swelling with or without signs of thyrotoxicosis
 Hypothyroidism or its features
 Gynaecomastia
 Hirsutism
 Myopathy or muscle weakness.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Example of Chief complaint in acromegaly
 Progressive enlargement of the body for … months
 Weakness and weight gain for … months
 Change in voice for … months
 Headache for … months
 Joint pain for … months
 Excessive sweating for … months.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Present history
 Analysis of complain: Chronological order of symptoms, mode of
onset, their progression and course
 Analysis of symptoms of the same system
 Ask for associated symptoms
 Investigations done (related to symptoms)
 Treatment taken: e.g. replacement therapy or oral contraceptives.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Present history
 General = sweating + heat or cold intolerance + appetite
 CVS = symptoms of HF, HTN….
 Chest =
 NS = central or peripheral +/- psychiatric
 GIT = polypi
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Example of Present history in acromegaly
 According to the statement of the patient, he was reasonably well
… years back. Since then, he has been experiencing progressive
enlargement of body, mainly his head, hands and feet. His face is
also enlarged, including the jaw, leading to difficulty in chewing. He
also complains of severe weakness despite significant weight gain.
His voice has recently changed and become hoarse.
 The patient also complains of frequent headache involving the
whole head, more marked in the morning, which is not associated
with nausea or vomiting.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Present history (cont.)
 For the last … months, he is also complaining of joint pain involving
both the knees, ankles and elbows. The pain is aggravated by
activity and relieved by taking rest. It is not associated with morning
stiffness. Recently he noticed excessive sweating even at rest.
There is no history of any visual disturbance, cold intolerance,
sleepiness. His bowel and bladder habits are normal.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Past History
 Drugs
 Operation: previous surgery or radiation
 Disease
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Family history
 DM or any other endocrinal or autoimmune disease.
 Similar condition in the family = familial acromegaly
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Sexual History
 Erectile dysfunction
 Loss of libido
 Dry ejaculation
 Galactorrhea
 Amenorrhea
 Irregular menses
 Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
 Details of pregnancies or PPH
in females
Menstrual & Obestetric
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
General examination
Vital signs General overview
 Pulse
 BP
 Temperature
 Respiratory rate
 Appearance
 Built
 Color
 Decubitus
 Exposure: back & genitalia
 Facial expression
 Gait
 Mental
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
General examination
Regional examination Systemic examination
 Head & Neck
 Upper limbs
 Lower limbs
 Chest
 Abdomen
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
General Examination
 Appearance, built, height, weight BMI and body proportions
 Face, e.g. periorbital oedema, moon-facies, prognathism, etc.
 Eyes, e.g. exophthalmos, proptosis, signs of Grave’s ophthalmopathy,
visual acuity
 Ear, e.g. deafness, size
 Mouth, e.g. large protruding tongue, thick lips, etc.
 Neck, e.g. goitre, carotid, pulsations/bruit, JVP.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
 Look at the face for
coarsening of features, thick,
greasy skin, prominent
supraorbital ridges,
enlargement of the nose,
prognathism (protrusion of the
mandible) and separation of
the lower teeth.
 Ask patient to open his mouth
and show his teeth
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Upper & lower limbs
 Shake hands!!
 Examine the hands and feet
for soft-tissue enlargement
and tight-fitting rings or shoes,
carpal tunnel syndrome and
 Large feet
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Visual field
 Bitemporal hemianopia
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Genitalia & breasts
 Look genitalia for hyper or hypogonadism
 Virilisation
 Breast development, atrophy and galactorrhoea.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Systemic examination
 Look for higher function,
cranial nerve, speech
 Look for abnormal movements
 Motor system examination for
brisk or delayed jerks or
 Sensory system examination
for neuropathy including
carpal tunnel syndrome
 Look for cardiomegaly
 Auscultate for change in heart
rate, rhythm, murmur or any
other abnormal sound
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Systemic examination
Muscloskeletal GIT
 Look for osteoporosis, crush
fractures or arthropathy
 Tongue
 Organomegaly
 Stria
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Example of General examination in
 The patient looks obese with large coarse face, large jaw with
widely apart teeth prominent supraorbital ridge, increased wrinkling
of the forehead and baggy eyelids. Nose, lips and ears are large
 Scalp is large (bulldog scalp)
 Hands are large, warm and sweaty with doughy feeling, fingers are
spade like
 Feet are large
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
General examination (cont.)
 Skin is thick, greasy, and sweaty (hyperhydrosis)
 Coarse body hair
 Voice is husky, cavernous
 Gynecomastia: Present
 Clubbing: Present (involving all fingers and toes)
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
General examination (cont.)
 Thyromegaly (diffusely enlarged)
 There is no anemia, jaundice, cyanosis, koilonychia, leukonychia,
 There may be kyphosis, scoliosis, axillary skin tag, acanthosis
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Example of Systemic examination in acromegaly
GIT Nervous system
 Tongue, lips and jaw are
enlarged. Lower jaw is
protruded with malocclusion of
teeth (prognathism).
 Abdomen—hepatomegaly
(may be).
 Voice is hoarse, husky and
 Visual field defect—bitemporal
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Systemic examination (cont.)
CVS Skeletal
 Cardiomegaly (evidenced by
shifting of the apex beat,
which is heaving).
 Both the knee and ankle
joints, elbow joints, also joints
of hands are tender, but no
restricted movement.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
My diagnosis is
Associated (complicated) with
diabete or HTN or whatever…
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
What are the changes in the eyes in
 Visual field defect, usually bitemporal hemianopia (due to pressure
on optic chiasma).
 Others—optic atrophy, papilledema, angioid streaks in retina.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
What are the causes of prominent supraorbital
 Rickets
 Paget's disease
 Achrondroplasia
 Hydrocephalus
 Hereditary hemolytic anemia.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
What are the causes of macroglossia?
 Acromegaly
 Hypothyroidism
 Amyloidosis
 Down's syndrome.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
You are in the examination theatre
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Many a times, examiner used to ask:
 ‘Look at the face. What is your diagnosis? What else do you want
to examine?’
 ‘Examine the neck of this patient.’
 ‘Perform the general examination’.
 ‘Examine the hands of this patient’.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Underlying diagnoses by looking at the face may
 Graves’ disease (hyperthyroid, euthyroid or hypothyroid) or
thyrotoxicosis (due to any cause).
 Hypothyroidism (myxoedema).
 Cushing’s syndrome.
 Acromegaly.
 Pigmentation (in Addison’s disease).
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Subsequent physical examination depends on
your diagnosis
 If your diagnosis is thyroid disease: further clinical examination will
be related to thyroid problems, e.g., signs of thyrotoxicosis, signs of
hypothyroidism, examination of the eye, thyroid gland etc.
 If your diagnosis is Cushing’s syndrome: examine other findings in
relation to this (central obesity, striae, proximal myopathy, blood
 If acromegaly is suspected: then examine the face, hand, visual
field, voice.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Personal history
 N
 A
 S
 O
 M
 R
 H
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Chief complaint
 Weakness and weight loss for … months.
 Loss of appetite, nausea, dizziness and vertigo for … months.
 Pigmentation in different parts of the body for … months.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Chief complaint (cont.)
 Orthostasis, syncopal attack + salt craving
 Chronic diarrhea + weight loss
 Non specific symptoms + lack of sensation of well being
 Toxic manifestation of TB?
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Present history
 According to the statement of the patient, she was reasonably well
…months back. Since then, she has been suffering from severe
weakness with gradual loss of about 10 kg of bodyweight. The
patient also complains of loss of appetite, nausea, dizziness and
vertigo for the last … months.
 Her dizziness and vertigo are more marked when sitting from lying
position and on standing.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Present history (cont.)
 There is no history of fever, cough, bowel or bladder abnormality,
excessive sweating, palpitation or heat intolerance.
 For the last … months, she also noticed some pigmentation
involving different parts of the body. There is no history of injury or
recent scar.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Past history
 Nothing significant
 We need to exclude drug history: steroids
 She gives no history of tuberculosis, abdominal trauma or surgery.
 Ask for blood donation?
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Menstrual history
 Amenorrhea for the last 4 months, but it was regular previously.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Family history
 Irrelevant
 Ask for TB
 Ask for autoimmune diseases
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
General appearance
 A= appearance
 B= built
 C= colors
 D= decubitus
 E= expression
 F= mental
 G= gait
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
General appearance (cont.)
 Vitals
 BP= low + orthostasis
 P
 Temp= night fever
 RR
 O2
 RBS= hypos
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
General appearance (cont.)
 Upper limbs
 Lower limbs
 Trunk
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
General appearance (cont.)
 Chest= look for evidence of TB
 Heart
 Abdomen
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
General appearance
 The patient is ill looking and emaciated
 There is generalized pigmentation, more marked on the face, neck,
mucous membrane of the mouth, palmar crease, knuckles, knees
and elbows
 One vitiligo is present over the right thigh
•See the whole body (may be generalized
•Face and neck (exposed parts).
•Mucous membrane of mouth (opposite the
molar), lips and conjunctiva.
•Skin crease (palmar crease), knuckles and
•Pressure points (elbow and knee).
•Recent scar
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
General appearance (cont.)
 Sparse (or less) axillary and pubic hair
 No anemia, jaundice, cyanosis, clubbing, koilonychia, leukonychia,
 Pulse—96/min
 BP—lying 100/60 mm Hg and standing 70/40 mm Hg.
SBP decrease by > 20 and DBP by > 10
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Systemic examination
 Abdomen
 Look for loss of pubic & axillary hair loss in 2ry AI
 Scar of previous operation
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Systemic examination (cont.)
 Chest
 TB: apical crackles, bronchial breathing, cavity
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Salient features
 Female
 Middle age
 Weight loss
 Postural hypotension
 Generalized pigmentation
 Amenorrhea for 4 months
 No TB
 No Steroids withdrawl
 Physical findings in examination
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Presentation (cont.)
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
What are the diagnostic criteria in Addison’s
 Weakness or emaciation (100% cases)
 Pigmentation (90% cases)
 Hypotension (88%)
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Q. What are the sites of pigmentation in Addison’s
 May be generalized
 Exposed parts (face, neck)
 Skin crease (palmar crease) and knuckles
 Pressure points (elbow, knee)
 Recent scar.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Why pigmentation?
 Due to increased ACTH (? POMC)
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Why vitiligo?
 Autoimmune
 Vitiligo is present in 10 to 20% cases.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
What are other causes of pigmentation?
 A. Physiological: familial, racial, pregnancy, prolonged exposure
to sun.
 B. Pathological:
Endocrine causes:
• Addison’s disease (brown or dark brown).
• Cushing’s syndrome.
• Acromegaly.
• Nelson’s syndrome (after bilateral adrenalectomy).
• Thyrotoxicosis.
• Ectopic ACTH syndrome.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
What are other causes of pigmentation?
Infections: kala-azar.
Chronic liver disease:
• Haemochromatosis (greenish or bronze, less involvement of
mucous membrane).
• Cirrhosis of liver (common in PBC).
GIT: Malabsorption syndrome (Whipple’s disease, Peutz–Jeghers
Chronic debilitating illness:
• Internal malignancy (commonly ectopic ACTH syndrome),
CKD, any chronic illness.
Drugs: cytotoxic drugs, amiodarone
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Why postural hypotension occurs in Addison’s
 It is due to hypovolemia and sodium loss.
 Mineralocorticoid deficiency is responsible for hypotension.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
What are the common features absolutely found
in female?
 Loss of axillary and pubic hair (which is androgen dependent), as
androgens are produced only by adrenal cortex in female.
 This feature is not common in male, because androgen is secreted
from testes.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Mention one test to diagnose adrenal
 Short synachten test.
 8 AM cortisol + ACTH
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
What do you expect in Addison?
 Low serum cortisol & high ACTH
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
What are the diseases associated with Addison’s
 It is an autoimmune disease, may be associated with other
autoimmune diseases, such as Graves’ disease, Hashimoto’s
thyroiditis, pernicious anaemia, primary ovarian failure, myasthenia
gravis, type-1 DM.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
How to differentiate between primary and secondary
adrenocortical insufficiency?
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Final look
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Cushing Syndrome
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
• Age group
• Sex
• Marital status
• Habits = alchohol = pseudocushing
= smoking = lung cancer = ectopic CS
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Excessive weight gain for … months
Weakness for … months
Backache and generalized body ache for
Skin changes, pigmentation, bleeding
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Psychiatric abnormalities e.g.
Pathologic fracture (not related to
Sexual dysfunctions: ED,
menstrual irregularities,
decreased libido
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
• According to the statement of the patient,
she was reasonably well months back. Since
then, she is gaining weight which is
progressively increasing inspite of normal
food intake. She also feels extremely weak
and lethargic. The patient also complains of
backache and generalized bodyache for the
last … months. The pain is more marked with
activity and the patient feels comfortable by
taking rest.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
• Sometimes, she feels difficulty in standing
from sitting position. For the last … months,
she noticed multiple bleeding spots on the
skin, involving mostly the forearms and legs.
There is no history of headache, visual
problem, cough or chest pain.
• Her bowel and bladder habits are normal.
• There is no history of intolerance to cold, or
increased sleepiness.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Past history
Nothing significant
We need to exclude drug
Diseases treated with GC?
Alcohol = ? Pseudo-Cushing
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Menstrual history
• She gives history of oligomenorrhea (or amenorrhea) for … months,
previously it was regular.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Family history
Ask for similar conditions
Ask for obesity, hirsuitism
Ask for autoimmune diseases
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
General appearance
General overview:
Built: overbuilt… or stunted growth in children
Exposure (Back, breast, genitalia)
Facial expression: moon facies, plethoric…
Gait: waddling in myopathy…
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
General appearance (cont.)
• P
• Temp: fever = 2ry infection
• RR
• O2
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Upper limbs: thin
Lower limbs: thin, bruises, thin skin
Trunk: stria
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Systemic examination
• CNS:
Examine higher psychiatric
function e.g. psychosis
Examine motor system:
Examine sensory system:
diabetic PN
HTN complications
• Chest
As a cause e.g. BA on GC, lung
As a sequel e.g. TB (cavity,
bronchial breath)
• Abdomen
Skin changes
Protruded abdomen
Abdominal mass
Examine genitalia
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Systemic examination
• Joint
Tender spine or bone = osteoporosis
Stunted growth
AVN of femur neck
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
• The patient is obese. There is more truncal
obesity with relatively lean and thin limbs
(lemon on a matchstick appearance)
• Face is moonlike, puffy and plethoric with
acne, hirsutism and frontal baldness
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
• There is buffalo hump at the root of the neck
and increased fat above both the
supraclavicular fossa
• There are multiple pink striae on abdomen,
back and axilla
• Skin is thin, with multiple purpura and bruise
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
General appearance (cont.)
Pulse—90/min, regular
BP—155/90 mm Hg
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Systemic examination
• Abdomen
 The abdomen looks distended and
flanks are full
 There are multiple pink striae of variable
size and shape
 No organomegaly
 Ascites—absent (as evidenced by absent
fluid thrill and shifting dullness)
 Pulse—90/min
 BP—155/90 mm Hg
 Precordium—normal (look for
complication of HTN e.g. LVE, LVF)
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Systemic examination (cont.)
• Chest
 TB: apical crackles, bronchial breathing
 Bronchogenic carcinoma: non resolving
• Nervous system
 Higher psychic functions—normal
 Cranial nerves—intact
 Motor system—proximal muscular
weakness of both upper and lower limbs.
 Reflexes are normal
 Sensory system– normal may be affected
in DM.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Systemic examination (cont.)
• Musculoskeletal System
Proximal myopathy is present more marked in the lower limb than
upper limb
There is slight kyphosis (osteoporosis)
Spine is tender at lumbar region (due to osteoporosis)
Stunted growth in children & adolescence
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Salient features
Middle age
Weight gain
Proximal weakness
Menstrual irregularity
Physical findings in examination
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Different faces of Cushing
Obesity mostly
Cushing mostly
Obesity + DM +
HTN mostly Cushing
mostly treatment
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
What are the causes of puffy face?
• Cushing’s syndrome (plethoric moon
face, with hirsutism, acne)
• Myxedema (puffy with baggy eyelids,
fall of lateral eyebrows, malar flush)
• Nephrotic syndrome and acute
glomerulonephritis (puffy with
periorbital oedema)
• SVC obstruction (engorged and non
pulsatile veins, plethoric face with
subconjunctival effusion)
• Angioedema (localized, swollen lip or
• Chronic alcoholism (plethoric, puffy
• Simple obesity
• Surgical emphysema (history of
trauma, also swelling is extended upto
the neck and chest. There are multiple
crepitations on palpation).
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
What are the causes of periorbital edema
Nephrotic syndrome
Acute glomerulonephritis
Orbital cellulitis
Malignant exophthalmos
Primary amyloidosis
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
What is the difference between Cushing’s
disease and Cushing’s syndrome?
CD= pituitary
CS= syndrome of
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Other causes of stria?
• Striae gravidarum = stria nigra
• Cushing’s syndrome = stria rubra (wide lines, pink or purple or red,
mostly horizontal or oblique. Pink or red color is due to increased
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
How to differentiate clinically different types
of Cushing’s syndrome?
1. In Cushing’s syndrome due to adrenal cause:
 In adrenal adenoma—clinical features of glucocorticoid excess are
present but androgenic effect like hirsutism and virilisation are
absent and no pigmentation.
 In adrenal carcinoma—clinical features of glucocorticoid excess
are present and androgenic effect like hirsutism and virilisation are
rapidly progressive.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
How to differentiate clinically different types
of Cushing’s syndrome? (cont.)
2. In ectopic ACTH syndrome—usually there is short history, excess
pigmentation due to high ACTH level, weight loss (rather than
obesity) and severe hypokalemic alkalosis. Hypertension and edema
are more common. Classical features of Cushing’s syndrome are
usually absent. Features of the primary lesion are present.
Marked hypoklemia suggests ectopic ACTH syndrome.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
How to differentiate clinically different types
of Cushing’s syndrome? (cont.)
3. In Cushing’s disease—classic features of Cushing’s syndrome are
present. If there is pituitary macroadenoma, visual disturbance and
features of hypopituitarism may be present. There may be features
of raised intracranial pressure like headache.
4. History of alcoholism and depression or simple obesity suggests
pseudo-Cushing’s syndrome.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Final Look
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
N = Name
A = Age; to expect type of diabetes, but…
S = sex; determine sex specific complications
O = hazardous occupations e.g. risk of hypos
M = marital status; age of offspring
R = residence
H = habits of medical importance
H = handedness
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Chief complaint
+ Duration
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Weight loss and weakness for
… months.
Excessive thirst and frequent
passage of urine for … months.
Burning sensation of the hands
and feet for … weeks.
Dimness of vision for …
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Analysis of complain: Chronological order of symptoms,
mode of onset, their progression and course
Analysis of symptoms of the same system
Ask for associated symptoms
Investigations done (related to symptoms)
Treatment taken: e.g. replacement therapy or oral
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
• According to the statement of the patient, he
was alright … months back. Since then, he has
been suffering from gradual loss of weight,
about 12 kg, despite good appetite. It is
associated with extreme weakness and
excessive thirst for which he used to take plenty
of water every day. He also complains of
frequency of micturition, passage of large
volume of urine and waking up from sleep to
• For the last … weeks, he has been experiencing
burning sensation, heaviness, tingling and
numbness of both hands and feet. His vision is
progressively deteriorating over the last …
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
There is no history of loss of consciousness
(diabetic ketoacidosis, hypoglycemia),
generalized swelling of body or legs
(nephropathy), chest pain (IHD), dizziness
or giddiness (postural hypotension) or any
skin abnormality (dermopathy, infection).
He denies any history of heat intolerance,
tremor (thyrotoxicosis), bowel abnormality
(malabsorption), cough, hemoptysis or
evening rise of temperature (TB).
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Past history
• Drugs e.g. steroids
• Operations e.g. pancreatectomy
• Diseases e.g. thyrotoxicosis, or
inflammatory disease treated with
• Also ask for drugs he take for diabetes
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
• His father is diabetic for the last 25
years and his mother is
• He has two brothers and one sister.
All of them are in good health.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Sexual History
Erectile dysfunction
Loss of libido
Dry ejaculation
Irregular menses
Uterine bleeding
Pregnancy history e.g. GDM
Menstrual History
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
General examination
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Vital signs
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
General look
• A = appearance
• B = built
• C = colors
• D = decubitus
• E = facial expression
• F = mental status
• E = expose back and genitalia
• G = gait
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Healthy versus ill
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
• Upper and Lower limbs examination
• Systems examination
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
• Ill looking and emaciated. (look for height, weight and BMI)
• There is no anemia, jaundice, clubbing, koilonychia, leukonychia or edema
• No thyromegaly or lymphadenopathy
• There is no ulceration or skin abnormality
• Pulse—96/min (look for peripheral pulses, may be feeble)
• BP—130/80 mm Hg lying and 125/80 mm Hg standing
• Temperature—98ºF
• Respiratory rate—14/min.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Nervous system
1. Higher psychic functions: Intact.
2. Cranial nerves: Intact.
3. Motor system:
 Muscle tone diminished in the lower limbs
 Muscle power is diminished, grade 3/ 5 in the lower limbs
 There is wasting of all the groups of muscle in the feet, legs and thighs.
 Reflexes
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Superficial reflexes (abdominal reflex)—
Co-ordination—impaired in the lower
Romberg’s sign—positive
Involuntary movement—absent.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Nervous system (cont.)
4. Sensory System
 Superficial sensation (pain, touch, temperature)—diminished in the foot up to mid
leg and hands (glove and stocking distribution)
 Deep sensation (vibration, position sense)—absent in both the lower limbs.
5. Cerebellar test: normal
6. Autonomic function: normal pulse, no postural dysfunctions
7. Fundoscopy: not done
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
• Examination of other systems reveals no
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
What is your
• My diagnosis is diabetes mellitus with
peripheral neuropathy with diabetic
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Related Questions &
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
What are the
criteria for
the diagnosis
of DM?
• Fasting plasma venous blood sugar level >
126 mg/dL (or 2 hour postprandial blood
sugar level 200 mg/dL).
• Random blood sugar > 200 mg/dL.
• During OGTT, > 200 mg/dL 2 hour after 75 g
• Hb A1c > 6.5%
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Remember the following points
• Random means without regard to time since the last meal
• Fasting means no calorie intake for 8 hours at least (not more than 16 hours)
• FBG (fasting blood glucose) < 100 mg/dL is normal
• In symptomatic patient, one abnormal finding is diagnostic of diabetes mellitus
• In asymptomatic patients, 2 values are required
• For OGTT, only fasting glucose and 2 hours after 75 glucose is sufficient for
• OGTT should be done only in borderline cases (fasting glucose 100 to 126 mg/dL
or random glucose 140 to 199 mg/dL) and also for the diagnosis of GDM.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Applied Anatomy
Parts of thyroid:
 2 lobes.
 Isthmus.
 ± Pyramidal lobe (in the
upper border of the
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Applied Anatomy (cont.)
Each lobe measures:
 4 x 2.5 x 2 cm
 In the lower part of the neck
opposite C5,6,7 vertebrae.
 Muscular triangle.
 Apex paralel to oblique line of
thyroid cartilage.
 Base at level of 6th tracheal
 Isthmus lies opposite the 2nd,
3rd and 4th tracheal ring.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Applied Anatomy (cont.)
 True: from the CT of the
 False: from the pretracheal
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Applied Anatomy (cont.)
Lymphatic drainage:
 Peripheral part: Upper and
lower deep cervical LN.
 Medial parts of Lobes and
 1- Prelaryngeal and
pretracheal LN.
 2- Superior mediastinal LN.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
 The first endocrine gland to develop in the body at around 24 days
of gestation.
 It originates as proliferation of endodermal epithelium on the floor of
the developing pharynx.
 The foetal thyroid gland is connected to the tongue by the
thyroglossal duct, which subsequently solidifies and becomes
completely obliterated by 8–10 weeks of gestation.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Personal History
Personal: NAS OMRHH
 Age group.
 Sex.
 Occupation and Travel History.
 Marital status, menstrual, obstetric and sexual history.
 Residence: endemic areas away from sea???
 Smoking & GO
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Complaint + duration
 Pain: analysis as usual
 Swelling: analysis as usual
 Disturbance of function
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
History (cont.)
Disturbance of function
1- Symptoms of thyrotoxicosis:
- Unintentional weight loss.
- Hot intolerance.
- Excess sweating.
- CVS: palpitation.
- Resp: S.O.B.
- GIT: hyperdefecation.
- CNS: tremors, nervousness, insomnia.
- Bony ache.
- Genital: menstrual irregularitis, ED in males.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
History (cont.)
Disturbance of function (cont.)
2- Symptoms of hypothyroidism:
- Weight gain: fail to loose weight.
- Bloated.
- Tiredness, loss of interest, poor memory.
- CVS: palpitation.
- Resp: S.O.B. (pleural effusion?)
- GIT: constipation, diarrhea?!.
- Bony ache.
- Genital: menstrual irregularitis, ED in males.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
History (cont.)
Disturbance of function (cont.)
3- Symptoms of malignancy:
- Rapid increase in goitre size
- Night fever, loss of weight and appetite.
- Local invasion symptoms.
- Remote mets symptoms.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
History (cont.)
Disturbance of function (cont.)
4- Pressure symptoms
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Past History
 Drugs: cause thyroid disturbance or interfere with other.
 Operations: thyroid, neck.
 Irradiation: H & N irradiation.
 Other related illness: vitiligo, DM, pernicious anemia.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Family Hisotry
 Similarities.
 Autoimmune disorders.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Menstrual history
 Menorrhagia in toxicosis
 Amenorrhea in hypothyroidism
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Obstetric history
 Possibility of postpartum thyroiditis
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Examination (General)
Vital signs:
 Pulse (+ sleep pulse) (New onset AF).
 Temperature = increased with toxicosis
 Blood pressure= wide pulse in toxicosis, diastolic HTN in
 Respiratory rate.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Examination (General)
General overview:
 Appearance= looks…
 Built: under built…
 Color
 Decubitus: HF?
 Exposure (Back, breast, genitalia)
 Facial expression: starring look…
 Gait: waddling in myopathy…
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Examination (General)
Head to toe examination:
 HEENT (Neck and thyroid)
 Upper limb
 Lower limbs
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Examination (General)
Other systems screening:
 CVS: sinus tachy, Lerman scratch, flow murmur.
 Chest: metastasis to chest wall, mediastinal syndrome
 Neurologic: neuropathy, myopathy
 Abdomen: organomegaly.
 Back
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Examination (General)
Eye examination:
 Naffziger test.
 Russel Frazer test.
 Ruler test.
 Hertel’s exophthalmometer.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Nafziger test
 Eyeball is protruded
beyond plane of
supraciliary ridge
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Russel Frazer test
 From side
 Eye lightly closed
 Determine the depth of
the groove between
orbital margin and
covered globe
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
When the distance from the lateral orbital margin to the front of the cornea
exceeds18mm,exophthalmos is present
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Hertel’s exophthalmometer
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Examination (General)
Special eye signs:
 Stellwag sign: infrequent blinking, serpentine look
 Dalrymple sign: upper eye lid retraction
 Mobius sign: impairment of ocular convergence
 Joffroy sign: lack of forehead wrinkles
 von Graefe’s sign: lid lag of upper eyelid
 Griffith sign: lid lag of lower eyelid
 Rosenbach sign: eyelid tremor on fine closure
 Topolanski sign: congestion of pericorneal region
 Jellinek sign: upper eyelid folds are hyperpigmented
 Tellas sign: brownish pigmentation of lower eye lid
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Thyroid examination
General rules
 Don’t strangle your patient.
 Don’t press so much (if you press, you miss).
 Swallow is the magic word.
 Normally the thyroid gland is neither visible nor palpable.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Thyroid examination (cont.)
A- Inspection: from front and sides.
 Swallow.
 Assess scar asymmetry or masses.
B- Palpation.
 Assess lobes and isthmus (search pyramidal lobe)
 Don’t forget LN++ - Perry’s sign of absent carotid.
C- Percussion.
 For retrosternal goitre or superior mediastinal LN.
D- Auscultation.
 For bruit, stridor?
E- Special test.
 Pemperton test. - Kocher test of tracheomalacia
 Deglutition test. - Tongue protrusion test.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Thyroid examination (cont.)
A- Inspection: from front and sides.
 Proper exposure & position
 If a goitre, ask the patient to swallow a mouthful of water. The
thyroid moves up with swallowing.
 Assess for scars, asymmetry, or masses.
 Watch for the appearance of any nodule (not visible before
swallowing) beware that, in an elderly patient with kyphosis, the
thyroid may be partially retrosternal.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Characters of thyromegaly
 Thyroid enlargement causes swelling in the neck which encroaches
the suprasternal notch and tries to obliterate it.
 The swelling moves with deglutition.
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Inspection (cont.)
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Inspection (cont.)
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Palpation (cont
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Palpation (cont.)
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Palpation (cont.)
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Palpation (cont.)
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Palpation (cont.)
 Note the size, shape, temperature, tenderness, consistency,
nodularity and fixation of the thyroid swelling
 Goitre is soft in Grave’s disease, firm in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and
hard in thyroid malignancy and Riedel’s thyroiditis.
 Thyroid tenderness is seen in thyroiditis.
 Thyroid temperature is raised in Grave’s disease, multinodular
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
 Tell patient to hold breath
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Don’t forget trachea
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Special tests
1- Pemperton sign
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Special tests (cont.)
2- Kocher test
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Special tests (cont.)
3- Tongue protrusion test
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
Mobile: 00201000035863
Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif

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Charaka Samhita Sutra Sthana 9 Chapter khuddakachatuspadadhyayaCharaka Samhita Sutra Sthana 9 Chapter khuddakachatuspadadhyaya
Charaka Samhita Sutra Sthana 9 Chapter khuddakachatuspadadhyaya

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Clinical Endocrinology Round

  • 1. Email:, SlideShare: Mobile: 00201000035863
  • 3. Personal History  N  A = gigantism versus acromegaly  S = male (macroadenoma) versus female (microadenoma)  O  M = married or divorced  R  H  H Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 4. Chief complaint  Pain  Swelling  Disturbance of function + duration Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 5. Endocrine Symptomatology  Alteration in height, e.g. increase or decrease  Weight gain or loss  Polyuria and polydipsia  Menstrual irregularity  Thyroid swelling with or without signs of thyrotoxicosis  Hypothyroidism or its features  Gynaecomastia  Hirsutism  Myopathy or muscle weakness. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 6. Example of Chief complaint in acromegaly  Progressive enlargement of the body for … months  Weakness and weight gain for … months  Change in voice for … months  Headache for … months  Joint pain for … months  Excessive sweating for … months. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 7. Present history  Analysis of complain: Chronological order of symptoms, mode of onset, their progression and course  Analysis of symptoms of the same system  Ask for associated symptoms  Investigations done (related to symptoms)  Treatment taken: e.g. replacement therapy or oral contraceptives. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 8. Present history  General = sweating + heat or cold intolerance + appetite  CVS = symptoms of HF, HTN….  Chest =  NS = central or peripheral +/- psychiatric  GIT = polypi Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 9. Example of Present history in acromegaly  According to the statement of the patient, he was reasonably well … years back. Since then, he has been experiencing progressive enlargement of body, mainly his head, hands and feet. His face is also enlarged, including the jaw, leading to difficulty in chewing. He also complains of severe weakness despite significant weight gain. His voice has recently changed and become hoarse.  The patient also complains of frequent headache involving the whole head, more marked in the morning, which is not associated with nausea or vomiting. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 10. Present history (cont.)  For the last … months, he is also complaining of joint pain involving both the knees, ankles and elbows. The pain is aggravated by activity and relieved by taking rest. It is not associated with morning stiffness. Recently he noticed excessive sweating even at rest. There is no history of any visual disturbance, cold intolerance, sleepiness. His bowel and bladder habits are normal. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 11. Past History  Drugs  Operation: previous surgery or radiation  Disease Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 12. Family history  DM or any other endocrinal or autoimmune disease.  Similar condition in the family = familial acromegaly Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 13. Sexual History  Erectile dysfunction  Loss of libido  Dry ejaculation  Galactorrhea  Amenorrhea  Irregular menses  Dysfunctional uterine bleeding  Details of pregnancies or PPH in females Menstrual & Obestetric History Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 14. General examination Vital signs General overview  Pulse  BP  Temperature  Respiratory rate  Appearance  Built  Color  Decubitus  Exposure: back & genitalia  Facial expression  Gait  Mental Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 15. General examination Regional examination Systemic examination  Head & Neck  Upper limbs  Lower limbs  CVS  Chest  Abdomen  CNS Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 16. General Examination  Appearance, built, height, weight BMI and body proportions  Face, e.g. periorbital oedema, moon-facies, prognathism, etc.  Eyes, e.g. exophthalmos, proptosis, signs of Grave’s ophthalmopathy, visual acuity  Ear, e.g. deafness, size  Mouth, e.g. large protruding tongue, thick lips, etc.  Neck, e.g. goitre, carotid, pulsations/bruit, JVP. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 17. Face  Look at the face for coarsening of features, thick, greasy skin, prominent supraorbital ridges, enlargement of the nose, prognathism (protrusion of the mandible) and separation of the lower teeth.  Ask patient to open his mouth and show his teeth Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 18. Upper & lower limbs  Shake hands!!  Examine the hands and feet for soft-tissue enlargement and tight-fitting rings or shoes, carpal tunnel syndrome and arthropathy  Large feet Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 19. Visual field  Bitemporal hemianopia Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 20. Genitalia & breasts  Look genitalia for hyper or hypogonadism  Virilisation  Breast development, atrophy and galactorrhoea. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 21. Systemic examination CNS CVS  Look for higher function, cranial nerve, speech  Look for abnormal movements  Motor system examination for brisk or delayed jerks or myopathy  Sensory system examination for neuropathy including carpal tunnel syndrome  Look for cardiomegaly  Auscultate for change in heart rate, rhythm, murmur or any other abnormal sound Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 22. Systemic examination Muscloskeletal GIT  Look for osteoporosis, crush fractures or arthropathy  Tongue  Organomegaly  Stria Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 23. Example of General examination in acromegaly  The patient looks obese with large coarse face, large jaw with widely apart teeth prominent supraorbital ridge, increased wrinkling of the forehead and baggy eyelids. Nose, lips and ears are large  Scalp is large (bulldog scalp)  Hands are large, warm and sweaty with doughy feeling, fingers are spade like  Feet are large Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 24. General examination (cont.)  Skin is thick, greasy, and sweaty (hyperhydrosis)  Coarse body hair  Voice is husky, cavernous  Gynecomastia: Present  Clubbing: Present (involving all fingers and toes) Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 25. General examination (cont.)  Thyromegaly (diffusely enlarged)  There is no anemia, jaundice, cyanosis, koilonychia, leukonychia, edema  There may be kyphosis, scoliosis, axillary skin tag, acanthosis nigricans. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 26. Example of Systemic examination in acromegaly GIT Nervous system  Tongue, lips and jaw are enlarged. Lower jaw is protruded with malocclusion of teeth (prognathism).  Abdomen—hepatomegaly (may be).  Voice is hoarse, husky and cavernous.  Visual field defect—bitemporal hemianopia. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 27. Systemic examination (cont.) CVS Skeletal  Cardiomegaly (evidenced by shifting of the apex beat, which is heaving).  Both the knee and ankle joints, elbow joints, also joints of hands are tender, but no restricted movement. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 28. My diagnosis is Acromegaly Associated (complicated) with diabete or HTN or whatever… Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 29. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 30. What are the changes in the eyes in acromegaly?  Visual field defect, usually bitemporal hemianopia (due to pressure on optic chiasma).  Others—optic atrophy, papilledema, angioid streaks in retina. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 31. What are the causes of prominent supraorbital ridge?  Rickets  Paget's disease  Achrondroplasia  Hydrocephalus  Hereditary hemolytic anemia. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 32. What are the causes of macroglossia?  Acromegaly  Hypothyroidism  Amyloidosis  Down's syndrome. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 33. You are in the examination theatre Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 34. Many a times, examiner used to ask:  ‘Look at the face. What is your diagnosis? What else do you want to examine?’  ‘Examine the neck of this patient.’  ‘Perform the general examination’.  ‘Examine the hands of this patient’. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 35. Underlying diagnoses by looking at the face may be:  Graves’ disease (hyperthyroid, euthyroid or hypothyroid) or thyrotoxicosis (due to any cause).  Hypothyroidism (myxoedema).  Cushing’s syndrome.  Acromegaly.  Pigmentation (in Addison’s disease). Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 36. Subsequent physical examination depends on your diagnosis  If your diagnosis is thyroid disease: further clinical examination will be related to thyroid problems, e.g., signs of thyrotoxicosis, signs of hypothyroidism, examination of the eye, thyroid gland etc.  If your diagnosis is Cushing’s syndrome: examine other findings in relation to this (central obesity, striae, proximal myopathy, blood pressure).  If acromegaly is suspected: then examine the face, hand, visual field, voice. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 38. Personal history  N  A  S  O  M  R  H Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 39. Chief complaint  Weakness and weight loss for … months.  Loss of appetite, nausea, dizziness and vertigo for … months.  Pigmentation in different parts of the body for … months. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 40. Chief complaint (cont.)  Orthostasis, syncopal attack + salt craving  Chronic diarrhea + weight loss  Non specific symptoms + lack of sensation of well being  Toxic manifestation of TB? Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 41. Present history  According to the statement of the patient, she was reasonably well …months back. Since then, she has been suffering from severe weakness with gradual loss of about 10 kg of bodyweight. The patient also complains of loss of appetite, nausea, dizziness and vertigo for the last … months.  Her dizziness and vertigo are more marked when sitting from lying position and on standing. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 42. Present history (cont.)  There is no history of fever, cough, bowel or bladder abnormality, excessive sweating, palpitation or heat intolerance.  For the last … months, she also noticed some pigmentation involving different parts of the body. There is no history of injury or recent scar. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 43. Past history  Nothing significant  We need to exclude drug history: steroids  She gives no history of tuberculosis, abdominal trauma or surgery.  Ask for blood donation? Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 44. Menstrual history  Amenorrhea for the last 4 months, but it was regular previously. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 45. Family history  Irrelevant  Ask for TB  Ask for autoimmune diseases Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 46. General appearance  A= appearance  B= built  C= colors  D= decubitus  E= expression  F= mental  G= gait Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 47. General appearance (cont.)  Vitals  BP= low + orthostasis  P  Temp= night fever  RR  O2  RBS= hypos  UOP Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 48. General appearance (cont.)  Upper limbs  Lower limbs  HEENT  Trunk Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 49. General appearance (cont.)  CNS  CVS  Chest= look for evidence of TB  Heart  Abdomen Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 50. General appearance  The patient is ill looking and emaciated  There is generalized pigmentation, more marked on the face, neck, mucous membrane of the mouth, palmar crease, knuckles, knees and elbows  One vitiligo is present over the right thigh •See the whole body (may be generalized pigmentation). •Face and neck (exposed parts). •Mucous membrane of mouth (opposite the molar), lips and conjunctiva. •Skin crease (palmar crease), knuckles and nipples. •Pressure points (elbow and knee). •Recent scar Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 51. General appearance (cont.)  Sparse (or less) axillary and pubic hair  No anemia, jaundice, cyanosis, clubbing, koilonychia, leukonychia, edema  Pulse—96/min  BP—lying 100/60 mm Hg and standing 70/40 mm Hg. SBP decrease by > 20 and DBP by > 10 Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 52. Systemic examination  Abdomen  Look for loss of pubic & axillary hair loss in 2ry AI  Scar of previous operation Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 53. Systemic examination (cont.)  Chest  TB: apical crackles, bronchial breathing, cavity Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 54. Salient features  Female  Middle age  Weight loss  Postural hypotension  Generalized pigmentation  Amenorrhea for 4 months  No TB  No Steroids withdrawl  Physical findings in examination Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 55. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 56. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 57. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 58. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 59. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 61. What are the diagnostic criteria in Addison’s disease?  Weakness or emaciation (100% cases)  Pigmentation (90% cases)  Hypotension (88%) Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 62. Q. What are the sites of pigmentation in Addison’s disease?  May be generalized  Exposed parts (face, neck)  Skin crease (palmar crease) and knuckles  Pressure points (elbow, knee)  Recent scar. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 63. Why pigmentation?  Due to increased ACTH (? POMC) Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 64. Why vitiligo?  Autoimmune  Vitiligo is present in 10 to 20% cases. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 65. What are other causes of pigmentation?  A. Physiological: familial, racial, pregnancy, prolonged exposure to sun.  B. Pathological: Endocrine causes: • Addison’s disease (brown or dark brown). • Cushing’s syndrome. • Acromegaly. • Nelson’s syndrome (after bilateral adrenalectomy). • Thyrotoxicosis. • Ectopic ACTH syndrome. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 66. What are other causes of pigmentation? Infections: kala-azar. Chronic liver disease: • Haemochromatosis (greenish or bronze, less involvement of mucous membrane). • Cirrhosis of liver (common in PBC). GIT: Malabsorption syndrome (Whipple’s disease, Peutz–Jeghers syndrome) Chronic debilitating illness: • Internal malignancy (commonly ectopic ACTH syndrome), CKD, any chronic illness. Drugs: cytotoxic drugs, amiodarone Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 67. Why postural hypotension occurs in Addison’s disease?  It is due to hypovolemia and sodium loss.  Mineralocorticoid deficiency is responsible for hypotension. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 68. What are the common features absolutely found in female?  Loss of axillary and pubic hair (which is androgen dependent), as androgens are produced only by adrenal cortex in female.  This feature is not common in male, because androgen is secreted from testes. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 69. Mention one test to diagnose adrenal hypofunction?  Short synachten test. OR  8 AM cortisol + ACTH Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 70. What do you expect in Addison?  Low serum cortisol & high ACTH Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 71. What are the diseases associated with Addison’s disease?  It is an autoimmune disease, may be associated with other autoimmune diseases, such as Graves’ disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, pernicious anaemia, primary ovarian failure, myasthenia gravis, type-1 DM. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 72. How to differentiate between primary and secondary adrenocortical insufficiency? Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 73. Final look Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 74. Cushing Syndrome Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 75. Personal History NAS OMRHH • Age group • Sex • Marital status • Habits = alchohol = pseudocushing = smoking = lung cancer = ectopic CS Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 76. Chief complaints Excessive weight gain for … months Weakness for … months Backache and generalized body ache for months Skin changes, pigmentation, bleeding spots Hypertension Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 77. Chief complaints (cont.) Psychiatric abnormalities e.g. depression Pathologic fracture (not related to trauma) Sexual dysfunctions: ED, menstrual irregularities, decreased libido Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 78. Present history • According to the statement of the patient, she was reasonably well months back. Since then, she is gaining weight which is progressively increasing inspite of normal food intake. She also feels extremely weak and lethargic. The patient also complains of backache and generalized bodyache for the last … months. The pain is more marked with activity and the patient feels comfortable by taking rest. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 79. Present history (cont.) • Sometimes, she feels difficulty in standing from sitting position. For the last … months, she noticed multiple bleeding spots on the skin, involving mostly the forearms and legs. There is no history of headache, visual problem, cough or chest pain. • Her bowel and bladder habits are normal. • There is no history of intolerance to cold, or increased sleepiness. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 80. Past history Nothing significant We need to exclude drug history Diseases treated with GC? Alcohol = ? Pseudo-Cushing Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 81. Menstrual history • She gives history of oligomenorrhea (or amenorrhea) for … months, previously it was regular. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 82. Family history Irrelevant Ask for similar conditions Ask for obesity, hirsuitism Ask for autoimmune diseases Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 83. General appearance General overview: Appearance Built: overbuilt… or stunted growth in children Color Decubitus: Exposure (Back, breast, genitalia) Facial expression: moon facies, plethoric… Gait: waddling in myopathy… Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 84. General appearance (cont.) Vitals • BP: HTN • P • Temp: fever = 2ry infection • RR • O2 • RBS • UOP Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 85. General appearance (cont.) Upper limbs: thin Lower limbs: thin, bruises, thin skin HEENT Trunk: stria Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 86. Systemic examination • CNS: Examine higher psychiatric function e.g. psychosis Examine motor system: myopathy Examine sensory system: diabetic PN • CVS HTN complications = LVE + LVF • Chest As a cause e.g. BA on GC, lung cancer As a sequel e.g. TB (cavity, bronchial breath) • Abdomen Skin changes Protruded abdomen Abdominal mass Examine genitalia Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 87. Systemic examination • Joint Tender spine or bone = osteoporosis Stunted growth Deformity Osteoarthritis AVN of femur neck Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 88. General appearance (cont.) • The patient is obese. There is more truncal obesity with relatively lean and thin limbs (lemon on a matchstick appearance) • Face is moonlike, puffy and plethoric with acne, hirsutism and frontal baldness Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 89. General appearance (cont.) • There is buffalo hump at the root of the neck and increased fat above both the supraclavicular fossa • There are multiple pink striae on abdomen, back and axilla • Skin is thin, with multiple purpura and bruise Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 90. General appearance (cont.) Pulse—90/min, regular BP—155/90 mm Hg Temperature—37.2ºc Respiration—16/min. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 91. Systemic examination • Abdomen  The abdomen looks distended and flanks are full  There are multiple pink striae of variable size and shape  No organomegaly  Ascites—absent (as evidenced by absent fluid thrill and shifting dullness) • CVS  Pulse—90/min  BP—155/90 mm Hg  Precordium—normal (look for complication of HTN e.g. LVE, LVF) Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 92. Systemic examination (cont.) • Chest  TB: apical crackles, bronchial breathing  Bronchogenic carcinoma: non resolving pneumonia • Nervous system  Higher psychic functions—normal  Cranial nerves—intact  Motor system—proximal muscular weakness of both upper and lower limbs.  Reflexes are normal  Sensory system– normal may be affected in DM. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 93. Systemic examination (cont.) • Musculoskeletal System Proximal myopathy is present more marked in the lower limb than upper limb There is slight kyphosis (osteoporosis) Spine is tender at lumbar region (due to osteoporosis) Stunted growth in children & adolescence Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 94. Salient features Female Middle age Weight gain Fatigue Proximal weakness Menstrual irregularity Physical findings in examination Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 95. Different faces of Cushing Obesity mostly Cushing mostly pituitary Obesity + DM + HTN mostly Cushing mostly treatment complications Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 96. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 97. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 98. What are the causes of puffy face? • Cushing’s syndrome (plethoric moon face, with hirsutism, acne) • Myxedema (puffy with baggy eyelids, fall of lateral eyebrows, malar flush) • Nephrotic syndrome and acute glomerulonephritis (puffy with periorbital oedema) • SVC obstruction (engorged and non pulsatile veins, plethoric face with subconjunctival effusion) • Angioedema (localized, swollen lip or face) • Chronic alcoholism (plethoric, puffy face) • Simple obesity • Surgical emphysema (history of trauma, also swelling is extended upto the neck and chest. There are multiple crepitations on palpation). Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 99. What are the causes of periorbital edema Nephrotic syndrome Acute glomerulonephritis Myxedema Angioedema Dermatomyositis Orbital cellulitis Malignant exophthalmos Primary amyloidosis Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 100. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 101. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 103. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 104. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 105. What is the difference between Cushing’s disease and Cushing’s syndrome? CD= pituitary ACTH-dependent CS= syndrome of hypercortisolemia Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 106. Other causes of stria? • Striae gravidarum = stria nigra • Cushing’s syndrome = stria rubra (wide lines, pink or purple or red, mostly horizontal or oblique. Pink or red color is due to increased vascularity). Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 107. How to differentiate clinically different types of Cushing’s syndrome? 1. In Cushing’s syndrome due to adrenal cause:  In adrenal adenoma—clinical features of glucocorticoid excess are present but androgenic effect like hirsutism and virilisation are absent and no pigmentation.  In adrenal carcinoma—clinical features of glucocorticoid excess are present and androgenic effect like hirsutism and virilisation are rapidly progressive. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 108. How to differentiate clinically different types of Cushing’s syndrome? (cont.) 2. In ectopic ACTH syndrome—usually there is short history, excess pigmentation due to high ACTH level, weight loss (rather than obesity) and severe hypokalemic alkalosis. Hypertension and edema are more common. Classical features of Cushing’s syndrome are usually absent. Features of the primary lesion are present. Marked hypoklemia suggests ectopic ACTH syndrome. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 109. How to differentiate clinically different types of Cushing’s syndrome? (cont.) 3. In Cushing’s disease—classic features of Cushing’s syndrome are present. If there is pituitary macroadenoma, visual disturbance and features of hypopituitarism may be present. There may be features of raised intracranial pressure like headache. 4. History of alcoholism and depression or simple obesity suggests pseudo-Cushing’s syndrome. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 110. Final Look Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 111. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 113. Personal History N = Name A = Age; to expect type of diabetes, but… S = sex; determine sex specific complications O = hazardous occupations e.g. risk of hypos M = marital status; age of offspring R = residence H = habits of medical importance H = handedness Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 114. Chief complaint PAIN SWELLING DISTURBANCE OF FUNCTION + Duration Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 115. Chief complaints Weight loss and weakness for … months. Excessive thirst and frequent passage of urine for … months. Burning sensation of the hands and feet for … weeks. Dimness of vision for … months. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 116. Present history Analysis of complain: Chronological order of symptoms, mode of onset, their progression and course Analysis of symptoms of the same system Ask for associated symptoms Investigations done (related to symptoms) Treatment taken: e.g. replacement therapy or oral contraceptives. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 117. Present History • According to the statement of the patient, he was alright … months back. Since then, he has been suffering from gradual loss of weight, about 12 kg, despite good appetite. It is associated with extreme weakness and excessive thirst for which he used to take plenty of water every day. He also complains of frequency of micturition, passage of large volume of urine and waking up from sleep to void. • For the last … weeks, he has been experiencing burning sensation, heaviness, tingling and numbness of both hands and feet. His vision is progressively deteriorating over the last … months. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 118. Present history (cont.) There is no history of loss of consciousness (diabetic ketoacidosis, hypoglycemia), generalized swelling of body or legs (nephropathy), chest pain (IHD), dizziness or giddiness (postural hypotension) or any skin abnormality (dermopathy, infection). He denies any history of heat intolerance, tremor (thyrotoxicosis), bowel abnormality (malabsorption), cough, hemoptysis or evening rise of temperature (TB). Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 119. Past history • Drugs e.g. steroids • Operations e.g. pancreatectomy • Diseases e.g. thyrotoxicosis, or inflammatory disease treated with steroids. • Also ask for drugs he take for diabetes control Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 120. Family History • His father is diabetic for the last 25 years and his mother is hypertensive. • He has two brothers and one sister. All of them are in good health. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 121. Sexual History Erectile dysfunction Loss of libido Dry ejaculation Galactorrhea Amenorrhea Irregular menses Uterine bleeding Pregnancy history e.g. GDM Menstrual History Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 124. General look • A = appearance • B = built • C = colors • D = decubitus • E = facial expression • F = mental status • E = expose back and genitalia • G = gait Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 125. Healthy versus ill Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 126. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 127. General examination (cont.) • HEENT • Upper and Lower limbs examination • Systems examination Chest Heart Abdomen Neurological MSK Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 128. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 129. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 130. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 131. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 132. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 133. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 134. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 135. • Ill looking and emaciated. (look for height, weight and BMI) • There is no anemia, jaundice, clubbing, koilonychia, leukonychia or edema • No thyromegaly or lymphadenopathy • There is no ulceration or skin abnormality • Pulse—96/min (look for peripheral pulses, may be feeble) • BP—130/80 mm Hg lying and 125/80 mm Hg standing • Temperature—98ºF • Respiratory rate—14/min. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 137. Nervous system 1. Higher psychic functions: Intact. 2. Cranial nerves: Intact. 3. Motor system:  Muscle tone diminished in the lower limbs  Muscle power is diminished, grade 3/ 5 in the lower limbs  There is wasting of all the groups of muscle in the feet, legs and thighs.  Reflexes Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 138. Nervous system (cont.) Superficial reflexes (abdominal reflex)— absent Co-ordination—impaired in the lower limbs Romberg’s sign—positive Gait—normal Involuntary movement—absent. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 139. Nervous system (cont.) 4. Sensory System  Superficial sensation (pain, touch, temperature)—diminished in the foot up to mid leg and hands (glove and stocking distribution)  Deep sensation (vibration, position sense)—absent in both the lower limbs. 5. Cerebellar test: normal 6. Autonomic function: normal pulse, no postural dysfunctions 7. Fundoscopy: not done Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 140. Other systems • Examination of other systems reveals no abnormalities. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 141. What is your diagnosis? • My diagnosis is diabetes mellitus with peripheral neuropathy with diabetic retinopathy. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 142. Related Questions & Answers Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 143. What are the criteria for the diagnosis of DM? • Fasting plasma venous blood sugar level > 126 mg/dL (or 2 hour postprandial blood sugar level 200 mg/dL). • Random blood sugar > 200 mg/dL. • During OGTT, > 200 mg/dL 2 hour after 75 g glucose. • Hb A1c > 6.5% Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 144. Remember the following points • Random means without regard to time since the last meal • Fasting means no calorie intake for 8 hours at least (not more than 16 hours) • FBG (fasting blood glucose) < 100 mg/dL is normal • In symptomatic patient, one abnormal finding is diagnostic of diabetes mellitus • In asymptomatic patients, 2 values are required • For OGTT, only fasting glucose and 2 hours after 75 glucose is sufficient for diagnosis • OGTT should be done only in borderline cases (fasting glucose 100 to 126 mg/dL or random glucose 140 to 199 mg/dL) and also for the diagnosis of GDM. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 146. Applied Anatomy Parts of thyroid:  2 lobes.  Isthmus.  ± Pyramidal lobe (in the upper border of the isthmus). Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 147. Applied Anatomy (cont.) Each lobe measures:  4 x 2.5 x 2 cm Position:  In the lower part of the neck opposite C5,6,7 vertebrae.  Muscular triangle.  Apex paralel to oblique line of thyroid cartilage.  Base at level of 6th tracheal ring.  Isthmus lies opposite the 2nd, 3rd and 4th tracheal ring. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 148. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 149. Applied Anatomy (cont.) Capsule:  True: from the CT of the gland.  False: from the pretracheal fascia. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 150. Applied Anatomy (cont.) Lymphatic drainage:  Peripheral part: Upper and lower deep cervical LN.  Medial parts of Lobes and isthmus:  1- Prelaryngeal and pretracheal LN.  2- Superior mediastinal LN. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 151. Development  The first endocrine gland to develop in the body at around 24 days of gestation.  It originates as proliferation of endodermal epithelium on the floor of the developing pharynx.  The foetal thyroid gland is connected to the tongue by the thyroglossal duct, which subsequently solidifies and becomes completely obliterated by 8–10 weeks of gestation. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 152. Personal History Personal: NAS OMRHH  Age group.  Sex.  Occupation and Travel History.  Marital status, menstrual, obstetric and sexual history.  Residence: endemic areas away from sea???  Smoking & GO Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 153. Complaint Complaint + duration  Pain: analysis as usual  Swelling: analysis as usual  Disturbance of function Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 154. History (cont.) Disturbance of function 1- Symptoms of thyrotoxicosis: - Unintentional weight loss. - Hot intolerance. - Excess sweating. - CVS: palpitation. - Resp: S.O.B. - GIT: hyperdefecation. - CNS: tremors, nervousness, insomnia. - Bony ache. - Genital: menstrual irregularitis, ED in males. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 155. History (cont.) Disturbance of function (cont.) 2- Symptoms of hypothyroidism: - Weight gain: fail to loose weight. - Bloated. - Tiredness, loss of interest, poor memory. - CVS: palpitation. - Resp: S.O.B. (pleural effusion?) - GIT: constipation, diarrhea?!. - Bony ache. - Genital: menstrual irregularitis, ED in males. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 156. History (cont.) Disturbance of function (cont.) 3- Symptoms of malignancy: - Rapid increase in goitre size - Night fever, loss of weight and appetite. - Local invasion symptoms. - Remote mets symptoms. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 157. History (cont.) Disturbance of function (cont.) 4- Pressure symptoms Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 159. Past History  Drugs: cause thyroid disturbance or interfere with other.  Operations: thyroid, neck.  Irradiation: H & N irradiation.  Other related illness: vitiligo, DM, pernicious anemia. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 160. Family Hisotry  Similarities.  Autoimmune disorders. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 161. Menstrual history  Menorrhagia in toxicosis  Amenorrhea in hypothyroidism Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 162. Obstetric history  Possibility of postpartum thyroiditis Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 163. Examination (General) Vital signs:  Pulse (+ sleep pulse) (New onset AF).  Temperature = increased with toxicosis  Blood pressure= wide pulse in toxicosis, diastolic HTN in myxedema  Respiratory rate. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 164. Examination (General) General overview:  Appearance= looks…  Built: under built…  Color  Decubitus: HF?  Exposure (Back, breast, genitalia)  Facial expression: starring look…  Gait: waddling in myopathy… Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 165. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 166. Examination (General) Head to toe examination:  HEENT (Neck and thyroid)  Upper limb  Lower limbs Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
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  • 169. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 170. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 171. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 172. Examination (General) Other systems screening:  CVS: sinus tachy, Lerman scratch, flow murmur.  Chest: metastasis to chest wall, mediastinal syndrome  Neurologic: neuropathy, myopathy  Abdomen: organomegaly.  Back Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 173. Examination (General) Eye examination:  Naffziger test.  Russel Frazer test.  Ruler test.  Hertel’s exophthalmometer. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 174. Nafziger test  Eyeball is protruded beyond plane of supraciliary ridge Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 175. Russel Frazer test  From side  Eye lightly closed  Determine the depth of the groove between orbital margin and covered globe Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 176. When the distance from the lateral orbital margin to the front of the cornea exceeds18mm,exophthalmos is present Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 178. Examination (General) Special eye signs:  Stellwag sign: infrequent blinking, serpentine look  Dalrymple sign: upper eye lid retraction  Mobius sign: impairment of ocular convergence  Joffroy sign: lack of forehead wrinkles  von Graefe’s sign: lid lag of upper eyelid  Griffith sign: lid lag of lower eyelid  Rosenbach sign: eyelid tremor on fine closure  Topolanski sign: congestion of pericorneal region  Jellinek sign: upper eyelid folds are hyperpigmented  Tellas sign: brownish pigmentation of lower eye lid Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 179. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 180. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 181. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 182. Thyroid examination General rules  Don’t strangle your patient.  Don’t press so much (if you press, you miss).  Swallow is the magic word.  Normally the thyroid gland is neither visible nor palpable. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 183. Thyroid examination (cont.) A- Inspection: from front and sides.  Swallow.  Assess scar asymmetry or masses. B- Palpation.  Assess lobes and isthmus (search pyramidal lobe)  Don’t forget LN++ - Perry’s sign of absent carotid. C- Percussion.  For retrosternal goitre or superior mediastinal LN. D- Auscultation.  For bruit, stridor? E- Special test.  Pemperton test. - Kocher test of tracheomalacia  Deglutition test. - Tongue protrusion test. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 184. Thyroid examination (cont.) A- Inspection: from front and sides.  Proper exposure & position  If a goitre, ask the patient to swallow a mouthful of water. The thyroid moves up with swallowing.  Assess for scars, asymmetry, or masses.  Watch for the appearance of any nodule (not visible before swallowing) beware that, in an elderly patient with kyphosis, the thyroid may be partially retrosternal. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 185. Characters of thyromegaly  Thyroid enlargement causes swelling in the neck which encroaches the suprasternal notch and tries to obliterate it.  The swelling moves with deglutition. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 190. Palpation (cont Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 191. Palpation (cont.) Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 192. Palpation (cont.) Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 193. Palpation (cont.) Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 194. Palpation (cont.)  Note the size, shape, temperature, tenderness, consistency, nodularity and fixation of the thyroid swelling  Goitre is soft in Grave’s disease, firm in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and hard in thyroid malignancy and Riedel’s thyroiditis.  Thyroid tenderness is seen in thyroiditis.  Thyroid temperature is raised in Grave’s disease, multinodular goitre. Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 196. Ausculatation  Tell patient to hold breath Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 197. Don’t forget trachea Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 198. Special tests 1- Pemperton sign Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 199. Special tests (cont.) 2- Kocher test Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif
  • 200. Special tests (cont.) 3- Tongue protrusion test Dr. Usama Ragab Youssif

Editor's Notes

  1. The striae in CS are red-purple in color and usually greater than 1 cm in width , (in contrast to silver, healed post-partum striae)
  2. Fundoscopy may revel few dot and blot hemorrhages in the 6 o’clock position, 2 disc diameter away from the optic disc in the right eye. Few dot hemorrhages in 10 o’clock position, 1 disc diameter away from the optic disc.
  3. Attachment of pretracheal fascia Above: oblique line of thyroid cartilage & hyoid bone Below: superior mediastinum On each side: carotid sheath
  4. Abnormalities of development Remnants of the thyroglossal duct may be found in any position along the course of the tract of its descent: In the tongue, it is referred to as ‘lingual thyroid’. Thyroglossal cysts may be visible as midline swellings in the neck. Thyroglossal fistula develops as an opening in the middle of the neck. As thyroglossal nodules or The ‘pyramidal lobe’, a structure contiguous with the thyroid isthmus which extends upwards. The gland can descend too far down to reach the anterior mediastinum.
  5. Pain= OCD, ↑, ↓, associated symptoms, chch, site, radiation, relation to meals, exertion, position Swelling= OCD, site, number, associated other swelling as LNs mets
  6. Trachea: dyspnea Esophagus: dysphagia Sympathetic chain: Horner’s syndrome RLN: hoarsness of voice Carotid artery: fainting attacks IJV: edema of the eyelid
  7. Remember TRH & prolactin
  8. BMI <18 kg/m2
  9. Plummer nail= distal separation of nail plate from nail bed Thyroid acropachy
  10. The Means-Lerman scratch is a mid-systolic murmur heard in the setting of a hyperthyroid state at the left upper sternal border and end-expiration. This is thought to occur from rubbing of the pericardium against the the pleura in the high output, hyperdynamic states of hyperthyroidism and may sound similar to a pericardial friction rub as seen in pericarditis.
  11. When the distance from the lateral orbital margin to the front of the cornea exceeds18mm,exophthalmos is present
  12. When the distance from the lateral orbital margin to the front of the cornea exceeds 18mm, exophthalmos is present
  13. FIGURES 20.5A and B Inspection of thyroid: (A) Note the huge enlargement of thyroid with the obliteration of supraclavicular fossa. There is exophthalmos with visible sclera both above and below the cornea; (B) Pizzalo’s method of demonstration of mild enlargement of thyroid