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Clean Code Development
Peter Gfader
Delivering Awesome Web Applications
C# and .NET
(Java not anymore)
Automated tests
Agile, Scrum
Scrum Developer Trainer
Technology aficionado
Windows Forms
Peter Gfader
• Why code matters
• Good and Bad Code
• The Broken Window Theory
• The Grand Redesign in the Sky
• The Boy Scout Rule
• OOP Patterns and Principles
• SOLID Principles
• How to measure clean code?
Wright brothers flew 59 seconds
Why code matters?
We landed on the moon
Why code matters?
We fly around the world in 32 hours
Tourists in space
Why code matters?
1903 - 0 computers
Why code matters?
40 years later - a handful of computers
Why code matters?
Today > 500 billion programmable devices
Why code matters?
Today > 500 billion programmable devices
(more than humans on earth)
Why code matters?
Programmable devices everywhere
Under skin, in brain, in blood… like dust…
Why code matters?
Who programs those?
Why code matters?
Why code matters?
What tools do we use?
Why code matters?
Can we trust our code?
What is good code?
It's gotta ship?
It's gotta pass the tester?
It's gotta implement requirements?
It's gotta be reasonably performant?
(aka Maintainability)
What is good code?
What is bad code?
What is bad code?
What is bad code?
while ((!found) && (pos < (fileContent.Length - 6)))
byteData = new byte[6];
Array.Copy(fileContent, pos, byteData, 0, 6);
pos = pos + 6;
str_byteData = enc.GetString(byteData);
if (str_byteData.Contains("s"))
posE_byteData = str_byteData.IndexOf("s");
pos = pos + (posE_byteData - 6);
Array.Copy(fileContent, pos, byteData, 0, 6);
pos = pos + 6;
if (byteData[0] == 0x73) // 's'
if (byteData[1] == 0x74) // 't'
if (byteData[2] == 0x72) // 'r'
if (byteData[3] == 0x65) // 'e'
if (byteData[4] == 0x61) // 'a'
if (byteData[5] == 0x6D) // 'm'
found = true;
if (byteData[5] == 0x73)
pos = pos - 1;
What is bad code?
public int x() {
int q = 0;
int z = 0;
for (int kk = 0; kk < 10; kk++) {
if (l[z] == 10) {
q += 10 + (l[z + 1] + l[z + 2]);
z += 1;
else if (l[z] + l[z + 1] == 10) {
q += 10 + l[z + 2];
z += 2;
} else {
q += l[z] + l[z + 1];
z += 2;
return q;
What is bad code?
What is bad code?
• Hard to understand at first sight
• Unmaintained
• Messy
• No one cares
What is bad code?
• Hard to understand at first sight
• Unmaintained
• Messy
• No one cares
"Wartung"? (aka Maintainabilty)
What is bad code?
Bad Code
Why are we writing bad code?
Broken Window Theory
Broken Window Theory
The rewrite
rewrote Netscape 4.0 and released it
after three years as Netscape 6.0
rewrote dBase and Quattro Pro
Rewrote Vista
What can we do?
Sushi chef rule
Clean up as you do
Hotel room rule
Let someone clean up every day
The Boy Scout Rule
Leave the campground cleaner than you found it
How can we improve?
"Everything I have to change,
in order to make the product owner happy!"
• Config files .config, .svc
• XAML .xaml, .CSS, ..
• Code .cs, .vb, .js, ..
• Deployment scripts .ps
• Batch files .bat
What is code?
OOP Principles
Solid PrinciplesS.o.l.i.d. Principles
Single Responsibility Principle
Only one reason to change
Every entity should have a single responsibility
public class PrintServer
public string CreateJob(PrintJob data) { //...
public int GetStatus(string jobId) { //...
public void Print(string jobId, int startPage, int endPage) { //...
public List<Printer> GetPrinterList() { //...
public bool AddPrinter(Printer printer) { //...
public event EventHandler<JobEvent> PrintPreviewPageComputed;
public event EventHandler PrintPreviewReady;
// ...
public class PrintServer {
public string CreateJob(PrintJob data) { //...
public int GetStatus(string jobId) { //...
public void Print(string jobId, int startPage, int endPage) { //...
public class PrinterList {
public List<Printer> GetPrinterList() { //...
public bool AddPrinter(Printer printer) { //...
OpenClose Principle
Open for extension
Close for modification
Every entity should be open for extension, but closed for modification
public void SaveToolbarStateSwitch()
long version = Core.GetVisualStudioVersion();
Configuration.VSToolbarHeight = AddinCommandBar.Height.ToString();
Configuration.VS2010ToolbarWidth = AddinCommandBar.Width.ToString();
Configuration.VS2010ToolbarHeight = AddinCommandBar.Height.ToString();
switch (version)
case 2003:
case 2004:
case 2005:
Configuration.VSToolbarVisible = AddinCommandBar.Visible ? "True" : "False";
Configuration.VSToolbarPosition = ((int)AddinCommandBar.Position).ToString();
Configuration.VS2010ToolbarRowIndex = AddinCommandBar.RowIndex.ToString();
Configuration.VS2010ToolbarWidth = AddinCommandBar.Width.ToString();
Configuration.VS2010ToolbarHeight = AddinCommandBar.Height.ToString();
case 2008:
Configuration.VSToolbarVisible = AddinCommandBar.Visible ? "True" : "False";
Configuration.VSToolbarPosition = ((int)AddinCommandBar.Position).ToString();
case 2010:
Configuration.VSToolbarRowIndex = AddinCommandBar.RowIndex.ToString();
Configuration.VSToolbarLeft = AddinCommandBar.Left.ToString();
Configuration.VSToolbarTop = AddinCommandBar.Top.ToString();
Configuration.VSToolbarWidth = AddinCommandBar.Width.ToString();
Configuration.VS2010ToolbarVisible = AddinCommandBar.Visible ? "True" : "False";
Configuration.VS2010ToolbarPosition = AddinCommandBar.Position.ToString();
public class ToolbarManager
public void SaveToolbarState()
var version = Core.GetVisualStudioVersion();
Configuration.VSToolbarHeight = AddinCommandBar.Height.ToString();
if (version <= 2003)
Configuration.VS2010ToolbarVisible = AddinCommandBar.Visible ? "True" : "False";
Configuration.VS2010ToolbarPosition = AddinCommandBar.Position.ToString();
else if (version >= 2005 && version <= 2008)
Configuration.VSToolbarVisible = AddinCommandBar.Visible ? "True" : "False";
Configuration.VSToolbarPosition = ((int)AddinCommandBar.Position).ToString();
else if (version == 2010)
Configuration.VSToolbarRowIndex = AddinCommandBar.RowIndex.ToString();
Configuration.VSToolbarLeft = AddinCommandBar.Left.ToString();
Configuration.VSToolbarTop = AddinCommandBar.Top.ToString();
Configuration.VSToolbarWidth = AddinCommandBar.Width.ToString();
Configuration.VSToolbarVisible = AddinCommandBar.Visible ? "True" : "False";
Configuration.VSToolbarPosition = ((int)AddinCommandBar.Position).ToString();
Configuration.VS2010ToolbarRowIndex = AddinCommandBar.RowIndex.ToString();
Configuration.VS2010ToolbarWidth = AddinCommandBar.Width.ToString();
Configuration.VS2010ToolbarHeight = AddinCommandBar.Height.ToString();
private void SaveForVs2003()
Configuration.VSToolbarVisible = "False";
Configuration.VSToolbarPosition = ((int)AddinCommandBar.Position).ToString();
Configuration.VS2010ToolbarRowIndex = AddinCommandBar.RowIndex.ToString();
Configuration.VS2010ToolbarWidth = AddinCommandBar.Width.ToString();
Configuration.VS2010ToolbarHeight = AddinCommandBar.Height.ToString();
private void SaveForVs2005()
Configuration.VSToolbarVisible = "True";
Configuration.VSToolbarPosition = ((int)AddinCommandBar.Position).ToString();
Configuration.VS2010ToolbarRowIndex = AddinCommandBar.RowIndex.ToString();
Configuration.VS2010ToolbarWidth = AddinCommandBar.Width.ToString();
Configuration.VS2010ToolbarHeight = AddinCommandBar.Height.ToString();
Configuration.VS2010ToolbarVisible = AddinCommandBar.Visible ? "True" : "False";
private void SaveForVs2008()
Configuration.VSToolbarPosition = "False";
Configuration.VS2010ToolbarRowIndex = AddinCommandBar.RowIndex.ToString();
Configuration.VS2010ToolbarVisible = "False";
Configuration.VS2010ToolbarWidth = AddinCommandBar.Width.ToString();
Configuration.VS2010ToolbarHeight = AddinCommandBar.Height.ToString();
private void SaveForVs2010()
Configuration.VSToolbarVisible = AddinCommandBar.Visible ? "True" : "False";
Configuration.VSToolbarPosition = "False";
Configuration.VS2010ToolbarRowIndex = AddinCommandBar.RowIndex.ToString();
Configuration.VS2010ToolbarWidth = AddinCommandBar.Width.ToString();
Configuration.VS2010ToolbarHeight = AddinCommandBar.Height.ToString();
public class ToolbarManager
private readonly Dictionary<long, Action> _versionAction;
public ToolbarManager()
_versionAction = new Dictionary<long, Action>();
_versionAction.Add(2003, SaveForVs2003);
_versionAction.Add(2005, SaveForVs2005);
_versionAction.Add(2008, SaveForVs2008);
_versionAction.Add(2010, SaveForVs2010);
public void SaveToolbarStateBetter()
var version = Core.GetVisualStudioVersion();
if (_versionAction.ContainsKey(version))
public class ToolbarManager
private readonly Dictionary<long, Action> _versionAction;
public ToolbarManager()
_versionAction = new Dictionary<long, Action>();
_versionAction.Add(2003, SaveForVs2003);
_versionAction.Add(2005, SaveForVs2005);
_versionAction.Add(2008, SaveForVs2008);
_versionAction.Add(2010, SaveForVs2010);
_versionAction.Add(2012, SaveForVs2012);
private void SaveForVs2012()
Configuration.EnableSpeechRecognition = "True";
Configuration.HandGestureRecognition = AddinCommandBar.Top;
Liskov Substitution Principle
If for each object o1 of type S there is an object o2 of type T
such that for all programs P defined in terms of T,
the behavior of P is unchanged
when o1 is substituted for o2 then S is a subtype of T
Liskov Substitution Principle
Subtypes must be substitutable for their base types
Inheritance and polymorphism
public class Rectangle
public int Width { get; set; }
public int Height { get; set; }
public int GetArea()
return Width*Height;
public class RectangleTests
public void CheckArea_PassingTest()
Rectangle r = new Rectangle();
private void CheckAreaOfRectangle(Rectangle r)
r.Width = 5;
r.Height = 2;
Assert.AreEqual(10, r.GetArea());
We need a Square!
public class Rectangle
protected int _width;
public virtual int Width
get { return _width; }
set { _width = value; }
protected int _height;
public virtual int Height
get { return _height; }
set { _height = value; }
public int GetArea()
return Width*Height;
public class Square : Rectangle
public override int Width
get { return _width; }
_width = value;
_height = value;
public override int Height
get { return _height; }
_height = value;
_width = value;
public class RectangleTests
public void CheckArea_PassingTest()
Rectangle r = new Rectangle();
private void CheckAreaOfRectangle(Rectangle r)
r.Width = 5;
r.Height = 2;
Assert.AreEqual(10, r.GetArea());
public void CheckArea_FAILINGTest()
Rectangle r = new Square();
public class Rectangle
public int Width { get; set; }
public int Height { get; set; }
public int GetArea()
return Width * Height;
public class Square
public int Side { get; set; }
public int GetArea()
return Side * Side;
Interface Segregation Principle
Don’t be force to implement unused methods
Avoid “Fat Interfaces”
Clients should not be forced to depend on methods they do not use
public override bool ValidateUser(string usercode, string password)
var returnValue = false;
MoneyService moneyServices = new MoneyService();
if (moneyServices.IsValid(usercode, password))
returnValue = true;
return returnValue;
-- snip snip snip ----
public class MoneyMembershipProvider : MembershipProvider
namespace System.Web.Security
public abstract class MembershipProvider : ProviderBase
public abstract bool EnablePasswordRetrieval { get; }
public abstract bool EnablePasswordReset { get; }
public abstract bool RequiresQuestionAndAnswer { get; }
public abstract string ApplicationName { get; set; }
public abstract int MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts { get; }
public abstract int PasswordAttemptWindow { get; }
public abstract bool RequiresUniqueEmail { get; }
public abstract MembershipPasswordFormat PasswordFormat { get; }
public abstract int MinRequiredPasswordLength { get; }
public abstract int MinRequiredNonAlphanumericCharacters { get; }
public abstract string PasswordStrengthRegularExpression { get; }
public abstract MembershipUser CreateUser(string username, string password, string email,
string passwordQuestion, string passwordAnswer, bool isApproved,
object providerUserKey, out MembershipCreateStatus status);
public abstract bool ChangePasswordQuestionAndAnswer(string username, string password,
string newPasswordQuestion, string newPasswordAnswer);
public abstract string GetPassword(string username, string answer);
public abstract bool ChangePassword(string username, string oldPassword, string newPassword);
public abstract string ResetPassword(string username, string answer);
public abstract void UpdateUser(MembershipUser user);
public abstract bool ValidateUser(string username, string password);
public abstract bool UnlockUser(string userName);
public abstract MembershipUser GetUser(object providerUserKey, bool userIsOnline);
public abstract MembershipUser GetUser(string username, bool userIsOnline);
public abstract string GetUserNameByEmail(string email);
public abstract bool DeleteUser(string username, bool deleteAllRelatedData);
public abstract MembershipUserCollection GetAllUsers(int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords);
public abstract int GetNumberOfUsersOnline();
public abstract MembershipUserCollection FindUsersByName(string usernameToMatch, int pageIndex, int pageSize,
out int totalRecords);
public abstract MembershipUserCollection FindUsersByEmail(string emailToMatch, int pageIndex, int pageSize,
out int totalRecords);
protected virtual byte[] EncryptPassword(byte[] password);
public class AuctionsPlusMembershipProvider : MembershipProvider
-- snip snip snip ----
public override bool ChangePassword(string username, string oldPassword, string newPassword)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override bool ChangePasswordQuestionAndAnswer(string username, string password, string newPasswordQuestion, string newPa
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override MembershipUser CreateUser(string username, string password, string email, string passwordQuestion, string passw
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override bool DeleteUser(string username, bool deleteAllRelatedData)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override MembershipUserCollection FindUsersByEmail(string emailToMatch, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecord
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override MembershipUserCollection FindUsersByName(string usernameToMatch, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalReco
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override MembershipUserCollection GetAllUsers(int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public interface IEnableUservalidation
bool ValidateUser(string username, string password);
public interface IAllowUserRetrieval
MembershipUserCollection FindUsersByName(string usernameToMatch, int pageIndex, int pageSize,
out int totalRecords);
MembershipUserCollection FindUsersByEmail(string emailToMatch, int pageIndex, int pageSize,
out int totalRecords);
MembershipUser GetUser(object providerUserKey, bool userIsOnline);
MembershipUser GetUser(string username, bool userIsOnline);
string GetUserNameByEmail(string email);
MembershipUserCollection GetAllUsers(int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords);
int GetNumberOfUsersOnline();
public interface IProvidePassword
bool ChangePasswordQuestionAndAnswer(string username,
string password,
string newPasswordQuestion,
string newPasswordAnswer);
bool ChangePassword(string username, string oldPassword, string newPassword);
string ResetPassword(string username, string answer);
string GetPassword(string username, string answer);
Dependency Inversion Principle
Depend on Abstractions
Interfaces, not concrete types
Inject Dependencies into Classes
Inversion of Control
Hollywood Principle: "Don't call us, We call you"
I tell an object its partners,
and not the object chooses its partners
public class WCFSalaryService
private IDBHelper dbHelper = new SQLHelper();
private ILoggerHelper loggerHelper = new FileLogWriter();
private IAuthenticationHelper authenticationHelper = new WebServiceAuth();
private IUserUtility userHelper;
private IConnections connectionHelper = new HTTPConnectionHelper();
public WCFSalaryService()
userHelper = new UserHelper(connectionHelper);
userHelper.Logger = loggerHelper;
dbHelper.Logger = loggerHelper;
// ----- snip snip snip ----
// ----- snip snip snip ----
private IDBHelper _dbHelper;
private ILoggerHelper _loggerHelper;
private IAuthenticationHelper _authenticationHelper;
private IUserUtility _userHelper;
private IConnections _connectionHelper;
public WCFSalaryService(
IDBHelper dbHelper,
ILoggerHelper loggerHelper,
IAuthenticationHelper authenticationHelper,
IUserUtility userHelper,
IConnections connectionHelper)
_dbHelper = dbHelper;
_loggerHelper = loggerHelper;
_authenticationHelper = authenticationHelper;
_userHelper = userHelper;
_connectionHelper = connectionHelper;
private IDBHelper _dbHelper;
private ILoggerHelper _loggerHelper = new FileLogWriter();
private IAuthenticationHelper _authenticationHelper = new WebserviceAuth();
private IUserUtility _userHelper;
private IConnections _connectionHelper;
public WCFSalaryService(
IDBHelper dbHelper,
ILoggerHelper loggerHelper,
IAuthenticationHelper authenticationHelper,
IUserUtility userHelper,
IConnections connectionHelper)
_userHelper = new UserHelper(connectionHelper);
_userHelper.Logger = loggerHelper;
if (authenticationHelper != null)
_authenticationHelper = authenticationHelper;
if (dbHelper != null)
_connectionHelper.DbHelper = dbHelper;
_authenticationHelper.DbHelper = dbHelper;
_connectionHelper.DbHelper = DBHelper.Instance;
_authenticationHelper.DbHelper = DBHelper.Instance;
if (loggerHelper != null)
this._loggerHelper = loggerHelper;
_userHelper.LoggerHelper = this._loggerHelper;
_authenticationHelper.LoggerHelper = this._loggerHelper;
_connectionHelper.LoggerHelper = this._loggerHelper;
// ----- snip snip snip ----
public class SalaryScenario : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication
protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
IKernel kernel = new StandardKernel (new SalaryScenario());
var logger = kernel.Get<ILoggerHelper>();
logger.LogIt("App started up");
Solid PrinciplesS.o.l.i.d. Principles
"What you cant measure you cant improve!"
Measure clean code
• Dependency Diagrams (VS2010)
• StyleCop
• Code Analysis (VS2010)
• Code Metrics (VS2010)
• Nitriq
• Code Auditor
• ReSharper / CodeRush / Refactor Pro
• Atomiq
• SourceMonitor
• NDepend
And more...
More Tools!
No tool
can replace a
code review
"Writing code a computer can understand is
Writing code other programmers can
understand is an art."
Jason Gorman
Its not easy
From now on...
Readable Code
Avoid Duplication
• Readable
• Tests in place
• No duplication
What is clean code?
• Why code matters
• Good and Bad Code
• The Broken Window Theory
• The Grand Redesign in the Sky
• The Boy Scout Rule
• OOP Patterns and Principles
• SOLID Principles
• How to measure clean code?
Further Reading
Further Reading
Further Reading
Further Reading
VS2010 Code Metrics
JB Rainsberger The Four Elements of Simple Design
How to hire a programmer? Have people fix up some smelly code
C# Coding Practices
Object Oriented Principles
Further Reading
All links and slides on
Further Doing
Nitriq & Atomiq
Tools References
Better Software
An introduction to good code
Giordano Scalzo, 06/05/2009
Thanks to
Be a boy scout
Leave the campground cleaner than you found it
Be a boy scout
Leave code cleaner than you found it
All links and slides on
Thank you!!!

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Clean Code Development

  • 1. Clean Code Development Peter Gfader #netug Delivering Awesome Web Applications
  • 2. C# and .NET (Java not anymore) Testing Automated tests Agile, Scrum Scrum Developer Trainer Technology aficionado Silverlight ASP.NET Windows Forms LINQ, ... Peter Gfader #netug
  • 3. • Why code matters • Good and Bad Code • The Broken Window Theory • The Grand Redesign in the Sky • The Boy Scout Rule • OOP Patterns and Principles • SOLID Principles • How to measure clean code? •Tools Agenda
  • 4. 1903 Wright brothers flew 59 seconds Why code matters?
  • 5. 1969 We landed on the moon Why code matters?
  • 6. Today We fly around the world in 32 hours Tourists in space Why code matters?
  • 7. 1903 - 0 computers Why code matters?
  • 8. 40 years later - a handful of computers Why code matters?
  • 9. Today > 500 billion programmable devices Why code matters?
  • 10. Today > 500 billion programmable devices (more than humans on earth) Why code matters?
  • 11. 2100 Programmable devices everywhere Under skin, in brain, in blood… like dust… Why code matters?
  • 12. Who programs those? Why code matters?
  • 13. Why code matters? What tools do we use?
  • 14. Why code matters? Can we trust our code? Important?
  • 15. What is good code?
  • 16. It's gotta ship? It's gotta pass the tester? It's gotta implement requirements? It's gotta be reasonably performant? "Wartung"? (aka Maintainability) What is good code?
  • 17. What is bad code?
  • 18. What is bad code?
  • 19. What is bad code?
  • 20. while ((!found) && (pos < (fileContent.Length - 6))) { byteData = new byte[6]; Array.Copy(fileContent, pos, byteData, 0, 6); pos = pos + 6; str_byteData = enc.GetString(byteData); if (str_byteData.Contains("s")) { posE_byteData = str_byteData.IndexOf("s"); pos = pos + (posE_byteData - 6); Array.Copy(fileContent, pos, byteData, 0, 6); pos = pos + 6; if (byteData[0] == 0x73) // 's' { if (byteData[1] == 0x74) // 't' { if (byteData[2] == 0x72) // 'r' { if (byteData[3] == 0x65) // 'e' { if (byteData[4] == 0x61) // 'a' { if (byteData[5] == 0x6D) // 'm' { found = true; break; } else { if (byteData[5] == 0x73) { pos = pos - 1; } } } What is bad code?
  • 21. public int x() { int q = 0; int z = 0; for (int kk = 0; kk < 10; kk++) { if (l[z] == 10) { q += 10 + (l[z + 1] + l[z + 2]); z += 1; } else if (l[z] + l[z + 1] == 10) { q += 10 + l[z + 2]; z += 2; } else { q += l[z] + l[z + 1]; z += 2; } } return q; } What is bad code?
  • 22. What is bad code?
  • 23. • Hard to understand at first sight • Unmaintained • Messy • No one cares What is bad code?
  • 24. • Hard to understand at first sight • Unmaintained • Messy • No one cares "Wartung"? (aka Maintainabilty) What is bad code?
  • 26. Why are we writing bad code?
  • 27.
  • 31. Netscape rewrote Netscape 4.0 and released it after three years as Netscape 6.0
  • 34. What can we do?
  • 35. Sushi chef rule Clean up as you do
  • 36. Hotel room rule Let someone clean up every day
  • 37. The Boy Scout Rule Leave the campground cleaner than you found it
  • 38. How can we improve?
  • 39. "Everything I have to change, in order to make the product owner happy!" • Config files .config, .svc • XAML .xaml, .CSS, .. • Code .cs, .vb, .js, .. • Deployment scripts .ps • Batch files .bat What is code?
  • 42. Single Responsibility Principle Only one reason to change Robustness Focus Every entity should have a single responsibility
  • 43. public class PrintServer { public string CreateJob(PrintJob data) { //... } public int GetStatus(string jobId) { //... } public void Print(string jobId, int startPage, int endPage) { //... } public List<Printer> GetPrinterList() { //... } public bool AddPrinter(Printer printer) { //... } public event EventHandler<JobEvent> PrintPreviewPageComputed; public event EventHandler PrintPreviewReady; // ... }
  • 44. public class PrintServer { public string CreateJob(PrintJob data) { //... } public int GetStatus(string jobId) { //... } public void Print(string jobId, int startPage, int endPage) { //... } } public class PrinterList { public List<Printer> GetPrinterList() { //... } public bool AddPrinter(Printer printer) { //... } }
  • 45. OpenClose Principle Open for extension Close for modification Every entity should be open for extension, but closed for modification
  • 46. public void SaveToolbarStateSwitch() { long version = Core.GetVisualStudioVersion(); Configuration.VSToolbarHeight = AddinCommandBar.Height.ToString(); Configuration.VS2010ToolbarWidth = AddinCommandBar.Width.ToString(); Configuration.VS2010ToolbarHeight = AddinCommandBar.Height.ToString(); switch (version) { case 2003: case 2004: case 2005: Configuration.VSToolbarVisible = AddinCommandBar.Visible ? "True" : "False"; Configuration.VSToolbarPosition = ((int)AddinCommandBar.Position).ToString(); Configuration.VS2010ToolbarRowIndex = AddinCommandBar.RowIndex.ToString(); Configuration.VS2010ToolbarWidth = AddinCommandBar.Width.ToString(); Configuration.VS2010ToolbarHeight = AddinCommandBar.Height.ToString(); break; case 2008: Configuration.VSToolbarVisible = AddinCommandBar.Visible ? "True" : "False"; Configuration.VSToolbarPosition = ((int)AddinCommandBar.Position).ToString(); break; case 2010: Configuration.VSToolbarRowIndex = AddinCommandBar.RowIndex.ToString(); Configuration.VSToolbarLeft = AddinCommandBar.Left.ToString(); Configuration.VSToolbarTop = AddinCommandBar.Top.ToString(); Configuration.VSToolbarWidth = AddinCommandBar.Width.ToString(); break; default: Configuration.VS2010ToolbarVisible = AddinCommandBar.Visible ? "True" : "False"; Configuration.VS2010ToolbarPosition = AddinCommandBar.Position.ToString(); break; }
  • 47. public class ToolbarManager { public void SaveToolbarState() { var version = Core.GetVisualStudioVersion(); Configuration.VSToolbarHeight = AddinCommandBar.Height.ToString(); if (version <= 2003) { Configuration.VS2010ToolbarVisible = AddinCommandBar.Visible ? "True" : "False"; Configuration.VS2010ToolbarPosition = AddinCommandBar.Position.ToString(); } else if (version >= 2005 && version <= 2008) { Configuration.VSToolbarVisible = AddinCommandBar.Visible ? "True" : "False"; Configuration.VSToolbarPosition = ((int)AddinCommandBar.Position).ToString(); } else if (version == 2010) { Configuration.VSToolbarRowIndex = AddinCommandBar.RowIndex.ToString(); Configuration.VSToolbarLeft = AddinCommandBar.Left.ToString(); Configuration.VSToolbarTop = AddinCommandBar.Top.ToString(); Configuration.VSToolbarWidth = AddinCommandBar.Width.ToString(); } else { Configuration.VSToolbarVisible = AddinCommandBar.Visible ? "True" : "False"; Configuration.VSToolbarPosition = ((int)AddinCommandBar.Position).ToString(); Configuration.VS2010ToolbarRowIndex = AddinCommandBar.RowIndex.ToString(); Configuration.VS2010ToolbarWidth = AddinCommandBar.Width.ToString(); Configuration.VS2010ToolbarHeight = AddinCommandBar.Height.ToString(); } }
  • 48. private void SaveForVs2003() { Configuration.VSToolbarVisible = "False"; Configuration.VSToolbarPosition = ((int)AddinCommandBar.Position).ToString(); Configuration.VS2010ToolbarRowIndex = AddinCommandBar.RowIndex.ToString(); Configuration.VS2010ToolbarWidth = AddinCommandBar.Width.ToString(); Configuration.VS2010ToolbarHeight = AddinCommandBar.Height.ToString(); } private void SaveForVs2005() { Configuration.VSToolbarVisible = "True"; Configuration.VSToolbarPosition = ((int)AddinCommandBar.Position).ToString(); Configuration.VS2010ToolbarRowIndex = AddinCommandBar.RowIndex.ToString(); Configuration.VS2010ToolbarWidth = AddinCommandBar.Width.ToString(); Configuration.VS2010ToolbarHeight = AddinCommandBar.Height.ToString(); Configuration.VS2010ToolbarVisible = AddinCommandBar.Visible ? "True" : "False"; } private void SaveForVs2008() { Configuration.VSToolbarPosition = "False"; Configuration.VS2010ToolbarRowIndex = AddinCommandBar.RowIndex.ToString(); Configuration.VS2010ToolbarVisible = "False"; Configuration.VS2010ToolbarWidth = AddinCommandBar.Width.ToString(); Configuration.VS2010ToolbarHeight = AddinCommandBar.Height.ToString(); } private void SaveForVs2010() { Configuration.VSToolbarVisible = AddinCommandBar.Visible ? "True" : "False"; Configuration.VSToolbarPosition = "False"; Configuration.VS2010ToolbarRowIndex = AddinCommandBar.RowIndex.ToString(); Configuration.VS2010ToolbarWidth = AddinCommandBar.Width.ToString(); Configuration.VS2010ToolbarHeight = AddinCommandBar.Height.ToString(); }
  • 49. public class ToolbarManager { private readonly Dictionary<long, Action> _versionAction; public ToolbarManager() { _versionAction = new Dictionary<long, Action>(); _versionAction.Add(2003, SaveForVs2003); _versionAction.Add(2005, SaveForVs2005); _versionAction.Add(2008, SaveForVs2008); _versionAction.Add(2010, SaveForVs2010); } public void SaveToolbarStateBetter() { var version = Core.GetVisualStudioVersion(); if (_versionAction.ContainsKey(version)) { _versionAction[version].Invoke(); } }
  • 50. public class ToolbarManager { private readonly Dictionary<long, Action> _versionAction; public ToolbarManager() { _versionAction = new Dictionary<long, Action>(); _versionAction.Add(2003, SaveForVs2003); _versionAction.Add(2005, SaveForVs2005); _versionAction.Add(2008, SaveForVs2008); _versionAction.Add(2010, SaveForVs2010); _versionAction.Add(2012, SaveForVs2012); } private void SaveForVs2012() { Configuration.EnableSpeechRecognition = "True"; Configuration.HandGestureRecognition = AddinCommandBar.Top; }
  • 51. Liskov Substitution Principle If for each object o1 of type S there is an object o2 of type T such that for all programs P defined in terms of T, the behavior of P is unchanged when o1 is substituted for o2 then S is a subtype of T
  • 52. Liskov Substitution Principle Subtypes must be substitutable for their base types Inheritance and polymorphism
  • 53. public class Rectangle { public int Width { get; set; } public int Height { get; set; } public int GetArea() { return Width*Height; } }
  • 54. [TestFixture] public class RectangleTests { [Test] public void CheckArea_PassingTest() { Rectangle r = new Rectangle(); CheckAreaOfRectangle(r); } private void CheckAreaOfRectangle(Rectangle r) { r.Width = 5; r.Height = 2; Assert.AreEqual(10, r.GetArea()); } }
  • 55. We need a Square!
  • 56. public class Rectangle { protected int _width; public virtual int Width { get { return _width; } set { _width = value; } } protected int _height; public virtual int Height { get { return _height; } set { _height = value; } } public int GetArea() { return Width*Height; } } public class Square : Rectangle { public override int Width { get { return _width; } set { _width = value; _height = value; } } public override int Height { get { return _height; } set { _height = value; _width = value; } } }
  • 57. [TestFixture] public class RectangleTests { [Test] public void CheckArea_PassingTest() { Rectangle r = new Rectangle(); CheckAreaOfRectangle(r); } private void CheckAreaOfRectangle(Rectangle r) { r.Width = 5; r.Height = 2; Assert.AreEqual(10, r.GetArea()); } [Test] public void CheckArea_FAILINGTest() { Rectangle r = new Square(); CheckAreaOfRectangle(r); } }
  • 58. public class Rectangle { public int Width { get; set; } public int Height { get; set; } public int GetArea() { return Width * Height; } } public class Square { public int Side { get; set; } public int GetArea() { return Side * Side; } }
  • 59. Interface Segregation Principle Don’t be force to implement unused methods Avoid “Fat Interfaces” Clients should not be forced to depend on methods they do not use
  • 60. public override bool ValidateUser(string usercode, string password) { var returnValue = false; MoneyService moneyServices = new MoneyService(); if (moneyServices.IsValid(usercode, password)) { returnValue = true; } return returnValue; } -- snip snip snip ---- public class MoneyMembershipProvider : MembershipProvider {
  • 61. namespace System.Web.Security { public abstract class MembershipProvider : ProviderBase { public abstract bool EnablePasswordRetrieval { get; } public abstract bool EnablePasswordReset { get; } public abstract bool RequiresQuestionAndAnswer { get; } public abstract string ApplicationName { get; set; } public abstract int MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts { get; } public abstract int PasswordAttemptWindow { get; } public abstract bool RequiresUniqueEmail { get; } public abstract MembershipPasswordFormat PasswordFormat { get; } public abstract int MinRequiredPasswordLength { get; } public abstract int MinRequiredNonAlphanumericCharacters { get; } public abstract string PasswordStrengthRegularExpression { get; } public abstract MembershipUser CreateUser(string username, string password, string email, string passwordQuestion, string passwordAnswer, bool isApproved, object providerUserKey, out MembershipCreateStatus status); public abstract bool ChangePasswordQuestionAndAnswer(string username, string password, string newPasswordQuestion, string newPasswordAnswer); public abstract string GetPassword(string username, string answer); public abstract bool ChangePassword(string username, string oldPassword, string newPassword); public abstract string ResetPassword(string username, string answer); public abstract void UpdateUser(MembershipUser user); public abstract bool ValidateUser(string username, string password); public abstract bool UnlockUser(string userName); public abstract MembershipUser GetUser(object providerUserKey, bool userIsOnline); public abstract MembershipUser GetUser(string username, bool userIsOnline); public abstract string GetUserNameByEmail(string email); public abstract bool DeleteUser(string username, bool deleteAllRelatedData); public abstract MembershipUserCollection GetAllUsers(int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords); public abstract int GetNumberOfUsersOnline(); public abstract MembershipUserCollection FindUsersByName(string usernameToMatch, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords); public abstract MembershipUserCollection FindUsersByEmail(string emailToMatch, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords); protected virtual byte[] EncryptPassword(byte[] password);
  • 62. public class AuctionsPlusMembershipProvider : MembershipProvider { -- snip snip snip ---- public override bool ChangePassword(string username, string oldPassword, string newPassword) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override bool ChangePasswordQuestionAndAnswer(string username, string password, string newPasswordQuestion, string newPa { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override MembershipUser CreateUser(string username, string password, string email, string passwordQuestion, string passw { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override bool DeleteUser(string username, bool deleteAllRelatedData) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override MembershipUserCollection FindUsersByEmail(string emailToMatch, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecord { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override MembershipUserCollection FindUsersByName(string usernameToMatch, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalReco { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override MembershipUserCollection GetAllUsers(int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
  • 63. public interface IEnableUservalidation { bool ValidateUser(string username, string password); } public interface IAllowUserRetrieval { MembershipUserCollection FindUsersByName(string usernameToMatch, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords); MembershipUserCollection FindUsersByEmail(string emailToMatch, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords); MembershipUser GetUser(object providerUserKey, bool userIsOnline); MembershipUser GetUser(string username, bool userIsOnline); string GetUserNameByEmail(string email); MembershipUserCollection GetAllUsers(int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords); int GetNumberOfUsersOnline(); } public interface IProvidePassword { bool ChangePasswordQuestionAndAnswer(string username, string password, string newPasswordQuestion, string newPasswordAnswer); bool ChangePassword(string username, string oldPassword, string newPassword); string ResetPassword(string username, string answer); string GetPassword(string username, string answer); }
  • 64. Dependency Inversion Principle Depend on Abstractions Interfaces, not concrete types Inject Dependencies into Classes Inversion of Control Hollywood Principle: "Don't call us, We call you" I tell an object its partners, and not the object chooses its partners
  • 65. public class WCFSalaryService { private IDBHelper dbHelper = new SQLHelper(); private ILoggerHelper loggerHelper = new FileLogWriter(); private IAuthenticationHelper authenticationHelper = new WebServiceAuth(); private IUserUtility userHelper; private IConnections connectionHelper = new HTTPConnectionHelper(); public WCFSalaryService() { userHelper = new UserHelper(connectionHelper); userHelper.Logger = loggerHelper; dbHelper.Logger = loggerHelper; // ----- snip snip snip ---- } // ----- snip snip snip ---- }
  • 66. private IDBHelper _dbHelper; private ILoggerHelper _loggerHelper; private IAuthenticationHelper _authenticationHelper; private IUserUtility _userHelper; private IConnections _connectionHelper; public WCFSalaryService( IDBHelper dbHelper, ILoggerHelper loggerHelper, IAuthenticationHelper authenticationHelper, IUserUtility userHelper, IConnections connectionHelper) { _dbHelper = dbHelper; _loggerHelper = loggerHelper; _authenticationHelper = authenticationHelper; _userHelper = userHelper; _connectionHelper = connectionHelper;
  • 67. private IDBHelper _dbHelper; private ILoggerHelper _loggerHelper = new FileLogWriter(); private IAuthenticationHelper _authenticationHelper = new WebserviceAuth(); private IUserUtility _userHelper; private IConnections _connectionHelper; public WCFSalaryService( IDBHelper dbHelper, ILoggerHelper loggerHelper, IAuthenticationHelper authenticationHelper, IUserUtility userHelper, IConnections connectionHelper) { _userHelper = new UserHelper(connectionHelper); _userHelper.Logger = loggerHelper; if (authenticationHelper != null) { _authenticationHelper = authenticationHelper; } if (dbHelper != null) { _connectionHelper.DbHelper = dbHelper; _authenticationHelper.DbHelper = dbHelper; } else { _connectionHelper.DbHelper = DBHelper.Instance; _authenticationHelper.DbHelper = DBHelper.Instance; } if (loggerHelper != null) { this._loggerHelper = loggerHelper; } _userHelper.LoggerHelper = this._loggerHelper; _authenticationHelper.LoggerHelper = this._loggerHelper; _connectionHelper.LoggerHelper = this._loggerHelper; // ----- snip snip snip ---- }
  • 68.
  • 69. public class SalaryScenario : NinjectModule { public override void Load() { Bind<ILoggerHelper>().To<FileLogWriter>(); Bind<IDBHelper>().To<SQLHelper>(); Bind<IAuthenticationHelper>().To<WebServiceAuth>(); Bind<IUserUtility>().To<UserUtility>(); Bind<IConnections>().To<HTTPConnectionHelper>(); } } public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication { protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) { IKernel kernel = new StandardKernel (new SalaryScenario()); var logger = kernel.Get<ILoggerHelper>(); logger.LogIt("App started up"); }
  • 71. Adam: "What you cant measure you cant improve!" Measure clean code
  • 72.
  • 73. • Dependency Diagrams (VS2010) • StyleCop • Code Analysis (VS2010) • Code Metrics (VS2010) • Nitriq Tools!
  • 74. • Code Auditor • ReSharper / CodeRush / Refactor Pro • Atomiq • SourceMonitor • NDepend And more... More Tools!
  • 75. No tool can replace a code review
  • 76. "Writing code a computer can understand is science. Writing code other programmers can understand is an art." Jason Gorman Its not easy
  • 79. Tests
  • 81. • Readable • Tests in place • No duplication "Wartung" What is clean code?
  • 82. • Why code matters • Good and Bad Code • The Broken Window Theory • The Grand Redesign in the Sky • The Boy Scout Rule • OOP Patterns and Principles • SOLID Principles • How to measure clean code? •Tools Summary
  • 88. VS2010 Code Metrics JB Rainsberger The Four Elements of Simple Design How to hire a programmer? Have people fix up some smelly code _2D00_-Part-2-_2D00_-Improve-this-code.aspx C# Coding Practices Object Oriented Principles Further Reading
  • 89. All links and slides on Further Doing
  • 91. Better Software An introduction to good code Giordano Scalzo, 06/05/2009 Thanks to Giordano!
  • 93. Be a boy scout Leave the campground cleaner than you found it
  • 94. Be a boy scout Leave code cleaner than you found it All links and slides on Thank you!!!

Editor's Notes

  2. Click to add notes...Peter Gfader
  3. Z1 1936ENIAC 1943, ..
  4. Z1 1936ENIAC 1943, ..
  5. Z1 1936ENIAC 1943, ..
  6. Z1 1936ENIAC 1943, ..
  7. Adams theory on this is: “We will have an exponential growth as soon as code is writing code”
  8. Open Word and get suggestions!CorrectnessUsabilityEfficiencyReliabilityIntegrityAdaptabilityAccuracyRobustness Maintainability FlexibilityPortabilityReusabilityReadabilityTestabilityUnderstandabilityNot too many WTFsEasy to readEasy to maintainConsistent convention (naming, layout, design patterns)Follows SSW rulesCode Auditor 0No bugsDoes what it should do (Client’s needs)Easy to changeWritten in a language, that you can find dev&apos;s forPerformance
  9. Who is a dev? Testers? BA&apos;s? PM&apos;s?
  10. This is a VB programmer, so he probably needs that
  11. HTML spew, I don’t say more… beginner devs underneath covers
  12. Less code = less code to read?Shorter code = faster?Shorter code = less memory?
  13. To get things done?Speed?Meeting Deadlines?Taking Shortcuts..But after too many shortcuts there is no progress...
  14. DBASE was terrible!Look up wikipedia
  15. Sushi Chef rule - Clean up as you doThe Sushi Chef has done this certain routine of hand movements already 100 times before.He is just following this routine.He cleans up as he does his jobs.#1 Software devs do something slightly different every day#2 Devs want to get something done. The brain is in &quot;Get done mode&quot;. Clean up later
  16. What is code?Stuff that a machine reads
  17. High cohesion - better understandability, robustnessLow coupling - better maintainability, high resistance to changes
  18. Naming: Better?IAuthenticationProviderIMembershipProviderIPasswordProvider
  19. StyleCop: Great for your team! Agree on your team style and stick to itCode Analysis
  20. StyleCop: Great for your team! Agree on your team style and stick to itCode Analysis