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20   Civic Master Plan | Sector 1

CHAPTER 1   Executive Summary   23
CHAPTER 2   Sector Conditions   29
CHAPTER 3   Master Plan         35

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22   Civic Master Plan | Sector 1

Chapter 1

     INTRODUCTION                                                                  daily needs within walking or biking distance
                                                                                 • Positions the community for an era beyond
     The Sector 1 study area represents the heart of                               our current pattern of dependence on the personal
     Beaufort, SC. It includes many of its major cultural                          automobile
     institutions and significant civic assets, as well as its                   • Provides attractive parks and greenways on a local
     historic neighborhoods and its greatest concentration                         and regional scale
     of commercial activity. As such, Sector 1 was an ideal                      • Envisions regional connections that will strengthen
     point of departure to begin an extensive master planning                      and invigorate Beaufort’s economy and cultural
     process that resulted in the development of the Civic                         institutions
     Master Plan for the City of Beaufort.                                       • Engages a wide variety of people and lifestyles
                                                                                   across a broad socio-economic spectrum
     The civic master planning process, led by Beaufort’s                        • Preserves Beaufort’s historical legacy without
     Office of Civic Investment, was an intensely                                  compromising opportunities for new development
     collaborative effort between elected officials, city staff,
     local residents, and community stakeholders. Marked
     by a weeklong planning and design charrette, the Sector                   PLANNNING & DESIGN CHARRETTE
     1 planning process led to specific interventions and
     recommendations for the entirety of the sector at a level                 The Planning and Design Charrette for Sector 1 was held
     of detail that engages each individual parcel. The pages                  from March 22 to March 28, 2011. During these seven
     that follow contain the results of this effort for Sector                 days, over 20 urban designers, planners, architects, and
     1 and amount to a collective vision that will carry the                   engineers gathered in a Bay Street storefront to develop
     heart of Beaufort into the next 50 years of its growth and                land use plans, renderings, street sections, and specific
     development.                                                              recommendations for nearly every block and parcel in
                                                                               the Sector 1 planning area.
     In general the plans and recommendations on these
     pages describe a future for Sector 1 that:                                Public meetings and open design sessions were held
        • Celebrates the waterfront and the natural context                    throughout the week to allow members of the public
          which the city occupies                                              to interact with the designers, identify concerns, share
        • Is mixed use and walkable in character                               ideas for specific projects, and vet the work of the design
        • Enables people to live locally and accomplish their                  team. This comprehensive input allowed the charrette

         MAR 23                        MAR 24               M F R 2 5 R U M AR Y2 6
                                                              A E B       A R                        MAR 27              MAR 28
         USCB Meeting                Developer Meeting      Redevelopment       Mid-Charrette        Design Studio      Final Presentation
                                                          Commission Meeting     Presentation
         Neighborhood                Retail & Merchants
      Associations Meeting                 Meeting        Boards & Commis-
                                                            sions Meeting


24    Civic Master Plan | Sector 1

process to work in short feedback loops where ideas              topics to be addressed in this first charrette. The five
are continually refined and presented to the public.             public workshops, each with a unique discussion topic,
This inclusive process enriched the final plans and              were very successful and provided invaluable comments
recommendations. Specific input was sought from the              and feedback, detailed in the following section. The
University of South Carolina at Beaufort (USCB), the             workshops included the following:
various neighborhood associations that represent Sector
1 residents, local developers and property owners,                 • Neighborhood Associations Workshop
local retailers and merchants, the Redevelopment                     February 17       Approximately 60 participants
Commission, and Beaufort’s various other municipal                 • Development Community Workshop
boards and commissions. These multiple layers of input               February 24       Approximately 50 participants
helped to create plans and recommendations that are                • Neighborhood Walking Tour
vibrant, real, nuanced, and appropriate for all members              February 26       Approximately 40 participants
of the community.                                                  • Redevelopment Commission Workshop
                                                                     March 3           Approximately 30 participants
                                                                   • Retail & Merchandising Workshop
SLOW CHARRETTE PROCESS                                               March 8           Approximately 50 participants

In order to maximize the design efforts during the               These workshops, combined with the vision for the
charrette week, the Office of Civic Investment took the          community described in the Comprehensive Plan and
“slow charrette” approach. Rather than trying to squeeze         the data collected through the Sector 1 Synoptic Survey,
all the public workshops into one week, they were spread         gave the charrette design team an incredible wealth
out over a month-and-a-half to maximize participation.           of information to help guide their efforts during the
The OCI team has hosted a series of public workshops to          weeklong charrette process from March 22nd to March
engage the community and solicit feedback on the many            28th, 2011.

      JAN 1                                         FEB 17                 FEB 26               MAR 8
  Office of Civic                                Neighborhood           Neighborhood           Retail &
Investment begins                                 Associations            Walking            Merchandising
  planning work                                    Workshop                 Tour              Workshop

            J A N U A R Y                        F E B R U A R Y                                      M A R C H

                               JAN 24 - FEB 4                  FEB 24                  MAR 3                       MAR 22 - MAR 28
                               Synoptic survey               Development            Redevelopment                     Sector 1
                                 conducted                   Community               Commission                       Planning
                                                              Workshop                Workshop                       Charrette


                                                                                              Civic Master Plan
                                                                 City of Beaufort, SC |
Chapter 1 | Executive Summary

     (See Appendix A for larger map)

26     Civic Master Plan | Sector 1


Relating specific projects (identified on the “Project
Map”) to the regional systems and connections described
on the previous page help to support their individual
and collective success and contribute to a richer built
environment on a local and regional scale. The projects
identified for closer examination during the Sector 1
Planning and Design Charrette were selected by the
Office of Civic Investment, in concert with the Beaufort
Redevelopment Commission and local citizens, in order
to create a coherent vision for the future of the Sector 1
planning area and to best utilize potential catalyst sites
and city-owned properties.

Some major projects include:
  • Old City Hall Redevelopment
  • Eastern Boundary Street Road Diet
  • Bladen Street Streetscape Improvements
  • Duke Street Streetscape Improvements
  • Basil Green Park
  • USCB Expansion & Student Housing
  • Bellamy Curve Infrastructure Improvements
  • Ribaut Road Streetscape Improvements
  • Post Office Block Redevelopment
  • Former Jail Site Redevelopment
  • Extension of Waterfront Park
  • Washington Square Park
  • Marina Redevelopment & Parking Garage
  • Piggly Wiggly Redevelopment
  • Whitehall Plantation Property Redevelopment

                                                                                          Civic Master Plan
                                                             City of Beaufort, SC |
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28   Civic Master Plan | Sector 1

Chapter 2

     ANALYSIS of EXISTING CONDITIONS                                Northwest Quadrant and Higginsonville
     Prior to the Sector 1 Planning and Design Charrette,         • Some of Beaufort’s historic residential
     data from the Synoptic Survey was combined with                neighborhoods, particularly the Northwest Quadrant,
     geographic data from the City and County to create a           are hampered by inadequate property maintenance
     series of maps that amount to an analysis of the existing      and are in need of reinvestment/redevelopment.
     conditions in the Sector 1 planning area. In general, the    • Neighborhood commercial uses are generally
     analysis established the following conclusions:                lacking. The Bay Street commercial district serves a
                                                                    very limited, tourist-driven, retail niche that does not
        • There are plenty of infill opportunities on vacant        provide for the day-to-day necessities of its
          land in the Sector 1 planning area, especially in the     residents.


     (See Appendix A for larger map)

30     Civic Master Plan | Sector 1

   • Beaufort’s existing regulatory structure does not
     adequately promote the development of mixed-use
     walkable neighborhoods throughout the Sector 1
     planning area.

The analysis and corresponding maps were discussed
and distributed to all the of charrette participants at the
outset of the Sector 1 Planning and Design Charrette in
order to familiarize all charrette participants with the
issues presented by the Sector 1 planning area.

(See Appendix A for larger map)

                                                                                           Civic Master Plan
                                                              City of Beaufort, SC |
Chapter 2 | Sector Conditions

     O W N E R v s . R E N TA L / S E A S O N A L   BUILDING HEIGHT


32    Civic Master Plan | Sector 1

CONDITION OF GROUNDS and                                                           EXISTING ZONING

                                                                                                                                             SOURCE: Google Earth, March 2011

Note: Please see the Appendix A for larger versions of the maps shown on this and the facing pages.

                                                                                                                 Civic Master Plan
                                                                                    City of Beaufort, SC |
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34   Civic Master Plan | Sector 1
            CHAPTER 3
                             MASTER PLAN

SECTION 1   Sector 1 Vision & Overview        36
SECTION 2   Transportation & Streets          46
SECTION 3   Natural Infrastructure & Parks    58
SECTION 4   Plan for Downtown                 66
SECTION 5   Corridor Plans                    76
SECTION 6   Neighborhoods                     94
SECTION 7   Specific Interventions           104
SECTION 8   Implementation Elements          112
SECTION 9   Code Recommendations             114

Chapter 3 | Section 1

     S E C TO R 1 V I S I O N & O V E RV I EW
     VISIONARY PLANNING AND GREAT                                 to something you would have seen in continental Europe
     COMMUNITIES                                                  at the time: grand park systems and iconic civic building
                                                                  architecture. This is a time when much of Chicago’s
     The point we have arrived at today is the culmination        industry was on Lake Michigan and along the Illinois
     of planning and analysis that began on January 2nd,          River – rail yards, slag heaps, factories. It was not a
     2011 collecting information through meetings with            pretty place. Commerce was the law of the land, so
     individuals, groups, and organizations, and by collecting    imagine the disbelief when he proposed to reclaim the
     data, physically through on-the-ground surveys of every      entire Lake Michigan waterfront for a park. People
     lot, as well as digitally through all the various plans,     looked at him as if he were crazy. This is the man for
     reports, and studies completed in the past. The results      whom the now famous quote has been attributed, “make
     from this three-month effort culminate in this Civic         no little plans; they have no magic to stir men’s blood.”
     Master Plan. Like many plans for great communities           One hundred years later, Chicago has one of the most
     this plan is expected to generate discussion points,         amazing park systems in the world and is also one of a
     establish budget priorities, and create implementation       handful of communities in the rust belt of the Midwest
     objectives for the City of Beaufort over, at least, the      that is truly growing and prospering. And, it’s a result
     next twenty years. In a sense we believe that this plan      of a process similar to what we’re embarking on here in
     coherently and properly lays the groundwork for the          Beaufort.
     city’s next three hundred years.
                                                                  Another example is Boston’s “Emerald Necklace”
     What Beaufort and its leaders have had the foresight to      designed by another visionary planner and contemporary
     do follows in the tradition of some really great places.     of Burnham, Frederick Law Olmsted. Olmsted, known
     The great communities of today are great because they        today as the nation’s first landscape architect, is also
     spent the bad times thinking about what they wanted to       credited with the design of Central Park, among many
     be when times got good again. In the United States,          other wonderful places. He envisioned a future Boston
     the era of grand planning during the late 1910’s, 1920’s     ringed by parks. For those who have visited Boston it is
     and the Great Depression, occurred in many of the            easy to see how the City and its residents have benefitted
     places that are admired in the country today for their       from his vision. Boston has some of the most loved civic
     resilient economies and excellent quality of life. The       spaces and urban structures in the United States and
     one thing these places have in common is that they had       easily ranks amongst the greatest cities in the world.
     the vision to think outside the box and a desire to take
     control of their destinies. Some of the greatest plans       We can also look to The Presidio in San Francisco
     and architecture that the United States has today - places   where Daniel Burnham again inspired its citizens to
     and buildings that are admired around the world - can be     aspire to greatness. At that time in the late 1910’s, The
     dated to this period. Most of the grand civic buildings,     Presidio was on the outskirts of town. It was a hilltop
     schools and town halls; almost all the impressive            upon which he designed a park connected to the rest
     museums; and many of the beautiful park systems that         of the city with grand civic monuments. Today it’s a
     are today the treasures of their respective communities      magnificent urban park surrounded by some of the most
     had their initial plans prepared during this time period.    valuable real estate in the United States. So compelling
                                                                  was the plan and the illustrations that accompanied
     One such example is in the City of Chicago. Chicago          it that a few of the monuments were actually built as
     hired Daniel Burnham, one of our century’s most              drawn.
     visionary planners, to prepare its master plan. He laid
     out a vision that is extraordinary today for its beauty
     and, in his day, for its boldness. It was a vision similar

36    Civic Master Plan | Sector 1

THE SECRET OF SUCCESS                                         have no money.” This is a false excuse – a straw man
                                                              argument. No place that has ever accomplished long-
With all great plans, like the Burnham and Olmsted            term greatness has had money at the start. In fact, it’s
plans, they aim to improve the fortunes of a place            almost a prerequisite that a place be poor in order to be
and they foster change. Just as people questioned             able to achieve greatness. All great work starts off with
the drawings Burnham prepared showing parks and               an idea. Wealth follows ideas. You make people excited
buildings on private land, we are sure that people will       about what it is you’re doing, and clever people rally
examine the drawings in this master plan and have             around the vision, and the money follows.
many concerns: “I see you’ve knocked down my
building to construct a park,” or “you have removed my        Locally, the Open Land Trust (OLT) is generating the
neighborhood park to construct a building,” or “you’ve        excitement and getting the money, and as a result,
put a road through my yard.” Keep in mind the most            they have become the de facto regional planners for
powerful tool planning possesses: time. Planning is an        the entire County. Through donations and successful
effort that lasts generations, but you’ve got to start at     tax referendums, they have made saving the natural
some point, or you will never achieve anything. It is         habitat and scenic views of the local area exciting and
almost always the case that what is needed to be done         important. Much time and effort by the citizens of this
is impossible to do today. If you were told to learn a        community goes into the work of the Open Land Trust
second language and you said I can’t do that today,           including the preservation of places here in Beaufort like
does that mean you can never do it? Just because you          the Bluff and Bellamy Curve. These purchases have
can’t master Spanish or French by the weekend, do you         shaped the image of Beaufort as well as its developable
throw in the towel? Of course not. It took hundreds of        footprint. To properly leverage this fine work, it is
years to arrive where Beaufort is today. Nearly all of        critical to ensure that as much effort and care are paid to
that time passed without access to an endless pot of gold     the Human Habitat, (the neighborhoods and communities
at its disposal. Very little is possible today yet nearly     we live in) through excellent planning and urban design.
everything is possible in the long term.                      The natural habitat has the OLT. The Human Habitat
                                                              now has the Office of Civic Investment (OCI). We have
Another important ingredient is “the champion.” You           an opportunity to weave the communities we live in with
can have a collection of plans and ideas, but unless they     the natural setting they exist in. To succeed, the visions
find a champion that makes it his or her business to will     we have and the plans developed to execute them need
them into reality on a daily basis, they never materialize.   to be as compelling as the nature that is saved.
The final need is for compelling visions, such as
what Burnham provided the residents of Chicago. It
galvanized the thoughts of the citizens and business          THE PURPOSE OF THE CIVIC MASTER PLAN
community to nominate champions, who, over the years
shaped policy that allowed the vision to be realized.         This plan is intended to complete the work of the 2009
                                                              Comprehensive Plan. That plan did two important
Beside the beauty and technical expertise of the planning     things. First it established that the primary means by
and urban design achieved by these masters, there is one      which the city could achieve truly sustainable and
additional take away from these examples. They were           resilient growth was not through annexation and sprawl
envisioned and executed in a time when these places           but rather through infill and redevelopment. And second,
were not wealthy. We accomplished the best community          and perhaps most importantly, it tore through decade’s
design and building in this country when it was poor          worth of unfulfilled planning efforts to prioritize and
in relation to today. Imagine that. All you hear about        consolidate plans that were both unrealistic and lacked
today, if you try to get anything done, from placing          champions. The number one priority recommendation
a cross walk on a street to paving a sidewalk, is, “we        was for the city to stop focusing on large scale policy

                                                                                           Civic Master Plan
                                                              City of Beaufort, SC |
Chapter 3 | Section 1 | Sector 1 Vision & Overview

     planning and instead turn its sights on the needs of its       some pretty amazing things. It allows us to quickly see
     neighborhoods and corridor, the living tissue of the           patterns through the creation of thematic maps. This
     city, with a block by block physical plan to encourage         information allows us to study the City’s DNA - how it
     investment and redevelopment. In essence, it was a             works on the ground. This is an important step because
     roadmap for reversing the slow downward spiral of              it allows you to understand how to help it grow while
     decline that had become the norm in the city.                  retaining the charm and character that made it special.
                                                                    This “urban DNA” was combined with information
     The Comprehensive Plan therefore serves as the                 gathered from several dozen meetings over the previous
     framework and undergirding for the Civic Master Plan in        months with nearly every key stakeholder in the area
     the grand tradition of cities like Chicago, San Francisco      who wanted to participate, and even some who didn’t.
     and Boston. This is no small feat for a community the
     size of Beaufort. But, as we all know Beaufort may be
     small in terms of its resident population but it lives large   THE SOLUTION TO THE DILEMMA OF
     in the historical and cultural memory of the Lowcountry        GROWTH
     and of this county.
                                                                    In addition to understanding thoroughly what exists
     In order to achieve the necessary level of detailed            now, we also took a careful look at what existed before.
     planning, we divided the city up into four sectors.            In many communities around the country, growth has
     We’ve started with Sector 1, the downtown area. When           meant the destruction of history, historic buildings, and
     we first started this process, someone asked, “you’re          places. Beaufort hasn’t suffered that as much. Everyone
     going to do a master plan for downtown, so what are you        wants growth and prosperity, but with it, post-World
     going to do with Bay Street?” Our response was, “well,         War II, that growth and prosperity has come with a lot of
     Bay Street is not all of downtown: There’s Boundary            really bland and uninspiring things that some might label
     Street, there’s Bladen Street, there’s Carteret Street and     as simply “ugly.”
     Pigeon Point Road, the Old Point, and Higginsonville,
     and on and on. There’s also the Bluff and the Northwest        It’s quite a dilemma for most communities: If we grow,
     Quadrant.” Downtown is in fact a series – a collection         we lose what we are through the haphazard consumption
     of neighborhoods – the core of the larger area that is         of a community’s past. However, if we don’t grow,
     Beaufort, so you have to study it comprehensively, not         we stagnate and lose what we are by neglect. The
     just Bay Street. We believe that downtown is not simply        reason for the dilemma is because we stopped building
     Bay Street and the Waterfront Park. Rather downtown            real communities after World War II. This is not to
     is a complex web of interdependent neighborhoods and           say we stopped building. In fact, we have built more
     corridors that geographically is bordered to the west by       things in the sixty-five plus years since World War
     Ribaut Road and by the Beaufort River on its other three       II – houses, shopping centers, offices, factories – than
     sides. The three blocks that constitute the historic “Main     nearly all of human history prior to that period. But
     Street” cannot be the vessel in which every aspiration,        rather than building authentic and lovable places like
     idea, and need for Beaufort is forced. It is simply too        neighborhoods, villages, towns and cities, we simply
     small.                                                         aggregated real estate product. We have built only a
                                                                    handful of new “places” since World War II yet we’ve
     We started on several fronts simultaneously. For               built endless miles of suburban product.
     four weeks, students walk every foot of every street
     in downtown and collected an extensive amount of               Suburban development became an industry unto itself,
     information about every house, curb, and sidewalk. The         and as you may have heard, it was one of the major
     result is a robust database comprised of more than thirty      reasons for the financial collapse and the subsequent
     unique attributes, the analysis of which allows us to do

38    Civic Master Plan | Sector 1

Great Recession. When you introduce car-oriented              TIME TO OUT-MAIN STREET THE MALL
suburban development into traditional urban fabric,
like downtown Beaufort, that development destroys             What is available once you arrive downtown cannot
the surrounding traditional development. It might             be just “one thing.” A common mistake is to think
not do it initially, but the accumulation of this type        of a community as needing only one amenity – be it
of development ends up eradicating what is the most           a convention center, a ball park, or a museum. That’s
special part about place-based traditional communities,       a suburban mentality. Real places are complex. The
which is their mixed-use, walkable quality of life.           fabric of real places must be complex and varied to
                                                              meet the needs of a broad range of people and, just
It is important to keep in mind that the suburban             as important, the broad range of moods each of these
development model is the default setting for all zoning,      people experience over the course of a day, a week, and
financing, and health and safety matters in the United        a lifetime. Sometimes you want to sit alone in a park,
States today. Whether you plan or not, whether you have       sometimes you want to be in the center of all the action.
zoning or not, the suburban model is so entrenched in         Sometimes you want to view a scenic vista, sometimes
every aspect of American development and marketing            you want to be walking the crowded sidewalks shopping
that it is what growth delivers. Ironically, not much         and socializing. If you are a cyclist, sometimes you
growth has happened post-World War II in Beaufort. The        might want to ride fast through the countryside, whereas
side benefit of this lack of growth is that not as much has   at other times you might want to be on the street riding
been lost.                                                    through town. Every pastime, every facility, and every
                                                              motivation takes a different tone depending on mood.
One piece of the community that was lost was the              This gets to the point about the need to develop some
buildings along the waterfront. They were unique and          of our waterfront. Sometimes you might want to sit on
interesting in a scruffy yet unassuming way. However, it      a swing or in the grass and watch people or the water
was largely replaced by something worthy – Waterfront         and sometimes you might want to sit on a dock or at a
Park. In city building this is called a fair trade. This is   restaurant on the water and eat, dance, work, live, or
an important concept, a litmus test for anyone passionate     buy things. The Water Festival need not be limited to the
about community. Development decisions should                 highly programmed week of activities each July. It can
always be evaluated with this simple question – “Was it       last all year long.
a fair trade?” If you lose a piece of marsh land and gain a
village, or a meadow and gain a proper neighborhood the       Unfortunately, Americans have been trained to
trade is fair. When either of these is lost to a shopping     experience places as a consumer… live and shop
center that spends most of life in decline or subdivision     as if we’re in a mall. The American retail industry
that condemns it occupants to the use of the automobile       has created shopping snobs out of us and we’re very
for every daily interaction, it is not. Yet, even with        easily bored, very quick to lose our patience if things
the achievement of the Waterfront Park, Beaufort’s            aren’t perfect, and particularly fickle with our attention
waterfront redevelopment has not always been a fair           and money. The mall environment and the shopping
trade. Case in point is the present Marina parking lot        center environment in the United States is perfection at
with the single largest parcel along the waterfront           every level designed by mall planners who subtly and
dedicated exclusively to the suburban pattern of parking      not so subtly influence – almost brainwash – you to do
cars to the exclusion of great urbanism. In many ways, it     everything that they want you to do when you enter their
is these negative impacts of the suburban development         realm. In a sense we are a bunch of snobby zombies.
model are what we are trying to remedy through this
master plan.                                                  When you’re someplace where things don’t happen to
                                                              click just right – a store might be closed too early, or the

                                                                                           Civic Master Plan
                                                              City of Beaufort, SC |
Chapter 3 | Section 1 | Sector 1 Vision & Overview

     merchandising in the window isn’t quite up to snuff, or       predominately purchase whatever high-end wares are
     you didn’t get asked if you needed help right away, or        sold downtown. The tourists – well, you’ve seen them
     it doesn’t smell as you think it should – this is the bar     – they buy what’s left and don’t spend much time at the
     that’s been set by the retail industry in this country, and   park either. Why is this important? Because if we are
     most of the older retailers on traditional main streets are   only a trinket tourist-stop and our local population is not
     the ones who can’t compete. I like to tell people that        sufficient enough to support other pastimes that include
     it wasn’t Wal-Mart that killed Main Street America, it        cultural offerings now unavailable, then our residents are
     was the Mall. It replicated the idealized Main Street         left with jobs that are not sufficient to build a resilient
     experience, air conditioned it, and then did everything       community. Places like that are exporters of talent, and
     better – Cleaner walkways, consistent hours, superior         that is what Beaufort is now.
     merchandising, and even pleasant landscaping (inside no
     less). Wal-Mart, and what it represents, is only a factor     What if the offerings were much more varied and robust
     when you have two goals in mind: cheap prices and free        – offerings that embed you in the place and its history?
     parking. If that’s your town’s goal, you’re probably          Imagine getting off the boat and browsing local arts
     already standing in the ruins of your Main Street.            and crafts markets, visiting a museum or two, staying
                                                                   at a spa/hotel or inn grounded in wellness and health
                                                                   and dining at fabulous restaurants that offer indigenous
     LET’S BEGIN AT THE BEGINNING -- IT’S ALL                      local cuisines that only places like the Louisiana gulf
     ABOUT THE WATER                                               coast can boast. There’s a lot of history in the area - all
                                                                   of it scattered about. If properly coordinated it could
     The Master Plan for the downtown is not so much               be centered here in Beaufort as the hub for those also
     about what can be achieved tomorrow or next year              looking to do day trips out into the historically rich
     by a few individuals. Rather, it is about a collective        countryside especially if it is supported by a local
     investment by the community through a coordinate              university that provides quality environmental and fine
     series of incremental yet strategic investments by many       arts programming. Because Beaufort is also less busy
     hands. This is a plan whose vision was constructed for        and hectic than our neighbors to the north and south
     the different yet equally important experiences by the        we can take the lead in the environmental, wellness,
     resident and the tourist in twenty-five years and it all      and tourist industry if we so desired. To distinguish
     begins at the water’s edge.                                   ourselves, Beaufort needs to provide a compelling reason
                                                                   for more than a simple afternoon stop on a bus tour of
     Wouldn’t it be fabulous if there were a reliable system       the region. We must provide a palette of amenities that
     of water taxis and ferries that allowed you to travel         will make us a multiday or weeklong attraction or most
     up and down the Intracoastal Waterway between from            importantly a hometown in which to raise a family and
     Savannah, Charleston, Hilton Head, and Beaufort? In           retire.
     such a world, what do we need to do here in Beaufort
     to make ourselves a destination that would require a          So, if you were to come by boat, what you would come
     day, or maybe two, to fully appreciate? After all, if you     to, in our vision of this future, would be a new marina-
     really look at the region correctly, Beaufort is the belt     side development, basically an extension of Bay Street.
     buckle of the lowcountry, the mid-way point between           Right now, it’s a parking lot. While that’s an important
     Georgetown, SC and New Brunswick, GA. What would              asset to have at the moment because it provides people
     be compelling enough to entice someone who landed             with convenient parking, it does happen to be located
     here, at a new day dock for example, to walk into town        on some genuinely prime real estate – real estate that
     and do something besides turn to the right and buy a          would be much better used by people, rather than cars.
     t-shirt, eat a hamburger or have a drink and then stroll      We believe that it’s time to trade up. You can always
     the park? Keep in mind that it is in fact the locals who      put the cars someplace else, like a parking garage. They

40    Civic Master Plan | Sector 1

normally don’t care about the view as much, don’t like         day, and it’s got Bull and Abercorn Streets, which offer
sitting in the sun, and they don’t shop.                       neighborhood scaled boutique shops and cafes. These
                                                               represent three distinct markets, all of which a single
In order to reclaim our waterfront parking lot for human       person who wants to spend a day or two in Savannah can
habitation we must relocate the cars to a deck on Port         experience as their mood strikes them. The important
Republic Street. They must be in a location that requires      fact is that these distinct attractions and shopping
that they experience the full breadth of the Bay Street        experiences do not happen on the same street. In spite
area on their short walk from their car to the Waterfront      of how long Broughton, Abercorn, and Bull Streets are,
Park to create a more robust and diverse shopping and          no one complains and gripes about walking the distances
dining district. Mind you, this distance is shorter and        required to reach them or walking along them. They’re
far more interesting than the trip from the edge of the        compelling, inviting, and people are drawn to explore
parking lot at the Wal-Mart to it front door (much less        them, just like a person is drawn by a mall layout to
from the front door to the electronics section in the back     walk from one end to the other and back – the distance
of the store). This same walk through the often hostile        of one-half a mile or more. Beaufort doesn’t have the
Wal-Mart parking lot is equivalent to the distance along       population or the tourist draw that Savannah does, but
Bay Street from its intersection with Charles Street to the    we can do a smaller version of that very easily.
west and Carteret Street to the east, yet with an infinitely
more engaging and satisfying journey.                          In terms of the commercial improvement downtown, the
                                                               four streets that are Carteret, Boundary, Bay and Bladen
And once this impediment is removed, we can continue           are the commercial corridors. Three of these corridors
our journey along the waterfront to the west. Connecting       allow Beaufort to be able to expand its retail and
the visitor to the beauty of Beaufort beyond Bay Street        commercial menu, without destroying the existing fabric
is an important objective. The vision here is to tie the       or character of Bay Street. Because, as we said from the
Waterfront Park, the formal front door of the community,       beginning, Bay Street is just three blocks. It can’t be the
and its new active dock and marina development, to             active main street for all the citizens of Beaufort, while
the more passive open space of the marsh front along           also being the historic Main Street for all the tourists.
the Beaufort River. At Waterfront Park the walking             It can’t be the place where you go to get whatever you
experience is along an esplanade, which continues as           need from a Walgreens or a FedEx/Kinko’s and still
a plaza and pier condition at the Marina. As the walk          be the place that has unique furniture shops and art
continues to the Bluff, a boardwalk would be built along       galleries. The residents and the city have decided that
the waterline at the foot of the Bluff following the curve     the historic structures along Bay Street are important
of the river all the way to Ribaut. There was once a low       enough to keep and this plan clearly support that priority.
road in addition to the existing high road (Bay Street).       In order to keep it like it is, you have to provide other
The low road is what was used to carry the freight from        places for certain things to go that don’t fit into the
the port down to the depot. Within the next 20 years,          buildings there. That is the role of Boundary Street. It
this boardwalk could stretch all the way to the Hospital.      is the location where residents of the neighborhoods can
That requires some giving. Kind of harkens back to             shop for daily conveniences from a broader mix of local,
Chicago’s once industrial lake front, and Burnham’s            regional, and national shops and business that require
vision of turning it over to the public.                       larger lots and more convenient accessibility.

Bay Street has its place and Carteret/Boundary Street          The transition then occurs at Bellamy’s Curve where
does to Savannah has its waterfront, where all the             the long view of the Beaufort River beyond has for
tourists shop and dine at the touristy establishments. It      most of its history greeted travelers and begun their
has Broughton Street, which is the shopping street where       decompression from the region at large to the intimacy
you can get just about everything one would need day to        of the historic waterfront. It is anchored around the bend

                                                                                            Civic Master Plan
                                                               City of Beaufort, SC |
Chapter 3 | Section 1 | Sector 1 Vision & Overview

     by the campus of USC-Beaufort which serves as an              would argue that those against it were short-sighted
     important institution embedded directly into the fabric of    and selfish because a neighborhood, a proper human
     the historic neighborhoods. The University provides an        habitat, is a fair trade. Of the few places capable
     influx of students and the vitality that age group brings     of handling development at high density within the
     to the businesses and the shops that they frequent. The       sensitive ecosystem in which Beaufort sits, this is one.
     integration of higher education into a community is a         The volume of water that flows along the Beaufort River
     key element for all vibrant places.                           at this point provides for the greatest amount of natural
                                                                   flushing. It’s at the foot of the bridge that connects to
     The master plan envisions the redevelopment of                downtown Beaufort a quarter mile away and it has
     the current campus as a more traditional southern             been developed on in the past. Instead of sprawling
     quadrangle with some current non-historic, under-             on Lady’s Island in the form of shopping centers and
     utilizes structures giving way to more formally designed      car-dependent commercial uses, a town center located at
     campus buildings more appropriate to the setting. Also,       Whitehall would serve the community more efficiently
     the provision of full-time student housing both on            and provide more opportunities for residents seeking
     campus as well as around the corner on Boundary Street        lifestyle opportunities not dependent on car use and long
     provides an important symbiotic relationship that can fill    commutes.
     in certain gaps in the urban fabric with students, giving
     both life and character to the corridor simultaneously.       Our plan saves a tremendous amount of trees and still
                                                                   provides a marketable and successful building program
     We would be remiss to discuss encouraging pedestrian          that leaves about 25 percent of the property open. The
     activity and business vitality along Boundary Street          main street of Whitehall and the buildings that front
     if we did not also address the current geometrics of          Sea Island Parkway will have riverfront and park
     the four-lane thoroughfare. Very simply, the current          views. Through proper design, the new village center
     configuration encourages speeding, is hostile to              would allow the waterfront walk to continue forming an
     pedestrians and cyclists alike, and does not provide any      important anchor for pedestrians and cyclists enjoying
     convenient, shared on-street parking forcing each site to     the now extensive and unique waterfront experience
     create their own parking lot. It’s time to put this section   we have begun to envision, stretching from maybe the
     of Boundary Street on a road diet – shrinking it from         Hospital all the way to Whitehall. Imagine landing
     four lanes to three with on-street parking – and this can     in a boat at the marina and being able to walk three
     be done by restriping, not rebuilding, with cans of paint     miles, a little over a mile and a half in either direction,
     and thermoplastic stencils to be specific.                    through plazas with cafes and shops, into parks, along
                                                                   boardwalks that lead to points where you can access the
                                                                   water by Marina or boat launch, by kayak and boat, and
     WHITEHALL AS A COMPLIMENT TO BAY                              cross the river by foot on the bridge.

     There are those that would scream that the Whitehall          AND FINALLY, A STRONG DOWNTOW
     property be left undeveloped – and we would join              IS SURROUNDED BY STRONG
     them, tied to a tree – if a shopping center or a big box      NEIGHBORHOODS
     store, or a series of gas stations and fast food outparcels
     were being proposed. That would not be a fair trade,          For too long, the neighborhoods surrounding the
     would it? You can’t remove nature and replace it              downtown have either been in a state of stasis or
     with development that not only degrades the natural           deterioration. With the exception of The Point and
     environment, but also negatively impacts the human            perhaps parts of the Old Commons, investment and
     environment. But if you propose a neighborhood, we            population have been in decline. This slow decline

42    Civic Master Plan | Sector 1

has left entire blocks in nearly every neighborhood           a once dying part of town into some of the highest
vacant, blighted, or otherwise destabilized. For the          housing values in the area. Streets in the Point will
entire downtown area to succeed, it must be bolstered         benefit from a systematic burying and relocation of the
by continual investment and re-investment in the              aerial utility lines that obscure the beautiful mansions
neighborhoods. The pedestrian traffic of the resident         and cottages than sit cheek to jowel. Lastly, new housing
population is the constant to the ebbs and flows of           has sprung forth from the largely abandoned Post Office
the tourist market. To increase the population is to          and around the old Jail. These entire blocks along
improve the market conditions for every business and          with the hundreds of vacant sites scattered around the
restaurant in the downtown area. Once we move from            downtown will provide a living framework on which
the waterfront area, the Beaufort of 2051 must consist of     new homes will rise.
a series of closely connected, highly walkable, diverse,
neighborhoods and mixed-use corridors that maintain
the charm and character of their historic roots amidst        A CHARGE TO OUR FUTURE
new construction that has sensitively infilled all of the
missing gaps.                                                 As you will see by this Master Plan, we have created a
                                                              vision for a community that is walkable and mixed use;
We have identified opportunities for more than 2500           that reinforces its urban character, but also celebrates the
people to move in tomorrow without a new street, sewer        natural context in which it sits. We leverage nature to
line, or using any more gas to collect garbage. We will       raise awareness of its importance in order to celebrate
simply build on our existing network of well-connected        the history and aspirations of the people of Beaufort and
streets and do so at a density that would be generally        Beaufort County.
unnoticed by the average citizen.
                                                              All in all, we hope that present and future generations
Along Bladen Street in the Northwest Quadrant, new            share our vision. Most importantly, for this plan to
mixed-development along an improved streetscape               succeed, it will need leadership and determination of
will usher in a wave of housing in the form of                few champions and it will need to be powerful and
cottages, duplexes, bungalows, and perhaps even some          compelling enough to make visitors think that Beaufort
townhomes and apartments. Up in Higgonsonville,               has its act together – and would be a good place to move
many individuals, many of them artists, will reclaim a        to and invest in.
number of the homes in the area lost to neglect to create
a thriving community. In Pigeon Point, the former base        For this plan, the fabric of each new building in the
housing from Parris Island that were moved to scattered       downtown was intentionally set to the same scale as
lots throughout the neighborhood will be expanded,            such historic precedents as the Elliott House as well as
renovated, and redeveloped with homes that are more           buildings that are now only remembered in photographs.
suitable for the gracious lots that exist there. And in       Gone are the days of the mega-project on the superblock.
the Old Commons, particularly along the periphery by          If progress is to be made, it will be slow, calculated and
Boundary Street and Carteret Street, large old homes in       in small increments. The work will be done by many
decrepit conditions and new homes on empty lots will          hands and over a long period of time. But, if we have
be reclaimed by the University and others to provide          done our jobs like Burnham did in Chicago, we will have
much-needed housing for faculty, staff, and student for       created a legacy that will ably secure our rights as a great
a thriving University that is a regional leader in the arts   American city for centuries to come.
and environmental studies.                                                       - The Office for Civic Investment, 2010

The Point will continue to be a beacon of the success of
the national preservation movement that has resurrected

                                                                                           Civic Master Plan
                                                              City of Beaufort, SC |
Chapter 3 | Section 1 | Sector 1 Vision & Overview

     SECTOR 1 STUDY AREA                                                                             EXISTING
     The study area covered in the Sector 1 Planning and
     Design Charrette includes the Beaufort peninsula to
     the east of Ribaut Road. Sector 1 also includes the
     Whitehall Plantation property on Lady’s Island (just
     across the Beaufort River) as a logical extension of
     downtown Beaufort.

     In addition to Beaufort’s entire 304-acre National
     Historic Landmark district, the following neighborhoods
     are included in Sector 1:
        • Downtown/Bay Street
        • Northwest Quadrant
        • The Point
        • Old Commons                                                                                PROPOSED
        • The Bluff                                                                                  PHASE 1
        • Dixon Village
        • Pigeon Point
        • Uptown Beaufort
        • Higginsonville
        • Whitehall
     Each of these neighborhoods has a unique character,
     form, and personality that were recognized during the
     charrette process.

     For the Sector 1 Planning and Design Charrette the
     Sector 1 study area was split among five design teams
     each with a specific focus area for design. The sequence
     of images at right illustrates the summation of that work,
     across the entirety of Sector 1, in phases. The existing                                        PROPOSED
     building footprints are shown at the top. Below that is                                         PHASE 2
     the proposed Phase 1, which illustrates development
     potential within 10 to 20 years. Finally, Phase 2 is shown
     as a long-term build-out of the Sector 1 planning area.

     The image on the facing page (Sector 1 Proposed
     Development Plan) is the aggregate of all the proposed
     interventions for Sector 1, including short- and long-
     term development strategies and key open space
     improvements. In total, the plan accommodates about
     2,500 new people living in Sector 1, as well as about
     180,000 square feet of new commercial (non-residential)
     space and 126,000 square feet of new civic space.
                                                                  PHASES OF PROPOSED
                                                                  (See Appendix A for larger maps)

44    Civic Master Plan | Sector 1

(See Appendix A for larger map)

                                                                  Civic Master Plan
                                     City of Beaufort, SC |
Chapter 3 | Section 2

     T R A N S P O R TAT I O N
     WALKABILITY                                                           key corridors such as Boundary Street, Bladen Street,
                                                                           Ribaut Road, and Carteret Street will foster walkability
     The average distance that a typical pedestrian is willing             throughout the Sector 1 study area over the long term.
     to walk is one-fourth to one-half miles, which equates
     to a five to ten minute journey. This distance is often               Currently, the historic district, and Bay Street in
     referred to as the “pedestrian shed.” The downtown                    particular, is the most walkable area in town. It includes
     Beaufort peninsula is about 1.5 miles across at its                   the greatest variety of uses at a potentially walkable
     widest point (from Waterfront Park up to Pinckney                     scale. Part of the intent behind the Open Space Plan
     Park). Because this distance is greater than a typical                is to create attractive walkable corridors throughout
     pedestrian shed, it is important to provide employment                Sector 1. While the establishment of mixed-use nodes
     opportunities, services, neighborhood retail, and spaces              along key corridors occurs in the long term, streetscape
     for recreation throughout the downtown Beaufort                       improvements and the development of an open space
     peninsula. Encouraging an appropriate mix of uses along               network help to extend the walkability of the Bay Street
                                                                           area in the short term.


                                                            WALK (1/



                                                                                        A L K (1/ 2 M I L E


     WA L K A B I L I T Y
     (See Appendix A for larger map)

46     Civic Master Plan | Sector 1

ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORTATION MAP                               dedicated bike lanes that connect to the regional parks
                                                             and greenways system. Finally, the existing marina
Sidewalk improvements throughout Sector 1 are another        serves as a terminal for regional water taxis and boat
method of extending the walkability of downtown              tourism.
Beaufort. The Alternative Transportation Map below
illustrates blocks where sidewalks are recommended to        These improvements all support a more sustainable
be installed, if they are not so already. The introduction   built environment for Beaufort residents and strengthen/
of a downtown circulator bus that shares stops with          broaden the tourism industry by allowing people to reach
regional routes also improves local and regional             downtown Beaufort in new ways, move around more
mobility.                                                    easily once they are there, and explore parts of town
                                                             that were not previously within a reasonable walking
Bike infrastructure improvements range from “can-of-         distance.
paint” solutions that create shared bike travel lanes, to

(See Appendix A for larger map)

                                                                                          Civic Master Plan
                                                             City of Beaufort, SC |
Chapter 3 | Section 2 | Transportation

     STREET HIERARCHY                                              Combined with a future development strategy that
                                                                   promotes a greater variety and mix of uses in Sector 1,
     The predominant gridiron pattern of the Sector 1 study        Beaufort’s gridded street hierarchy will enable people
     area is a tremendous asset for developing a more              to live locally and accomplish their daily needs in a
     walkable urban environment in downtown Beaufort.              short walking, biking, or driving distance. The pages
     While the grid network increases the overall efficiency       that follow illustrate some transportation strategies
     and capacity of the system to convey traffic to and from      that will support these street classifications, as well as
     destinations within the Sector 1 study area, there are        development concepts that will make the most effective
     only 3 routes that allow access beyond the downtown           use of the street hierarchy as illustrated.
     peninsula: Boundary Street to the west, Ribaut Road
     to the South toward Port Royal, and Carteret Street to
     the South across the US 21 bridge. Because of these
     geographic constraints, establishing a coherent street
     hierarchy within the downtown environment will be
     a key consideration for enabling local mobility in the

     The map on the facing page illustrates how mobility
     in the Sector 1 Study Area will be enhanced by the
     improvement of Beaufort’s existing street network.
        • Primary thoroughfares like Ribaut Road, Carteret
          Street, and Boundary Street will continue to serve
          a regional purpose and convey the highest volume
          of traffic to destinations within the downtown
          peninsula and beyond. These streets will also
          be enhanced to more effectively accommodate
          non-motorized (pedestrian and bicycle) modes of
        • Bay Street, Bladen Street, and Newcastle Street will
          serve as local thoroughfares and support
          neighborhood commercial development in close
          proximity to downtown neighborhoods.
        • Port Republic Street is noted as a festival street and
          retail counterpart to Bay Street (see page 67).
        • South of Boundary Street, the remaining streets
          are local roads and alleys that follow a regular grid
          and efficiently serve individual lots.
        • North of Boundary Street, the local grid is a little
          slightly less regular and frequent. As a result, each
          neighborhood street plays a slightly more prominent
          role in conveying traffic to the major thoroughfare
          of Boundary Street.

48    Civic Master Plan | Sector 1

           Boundary Street        Bay Street
           Ribaut Road            Port Republic Street
           Carteret Street        G-5 Street
           Charles Street         G-3 Street
           Bladen Street          Rear Lanes

(See Appendix A for larger map)

                                                                                 Civic Master Plan
                                                    City of Beaufort, SC |
Chapter 3 | Section 2 | Transportation


     This plan for Boundary Street utilizes the existing
     44’-0” of pavement, curb to curb, and reconfigures the
     lane striping. It reduces the number of travel lanes
     from four to two, adds parallel parking on both sides,
     as well as a turning lane in the center. In the future,
     when rear access is incorporated into the lots fronting
     Boundary Street, the turn lane can be converted into a
     planted median. This “road diet”, or reconfiguration of
     the street, will slow traffic making the Boundary Street
     Corridor more pedestrian-friendly.

     SCALE: 1”= 300’

50    Civic Master Plan | Sector 1

                                           A - Public Frontage
                                           B - Parallel Parking
                                           C - Travel Lane
                                           D - Turning Lane

                                           SCALE: 1” = 30’


                             Civic Master Plan
City of Beaufort, SC |
Chapter 3 | Section 2 | Transportation

     C O N C E P T U A L I L L U S T R AT I O N o f B E L L A M Y C U R V E
     (Looking west along Boundary Street)


     Bellamy Curve is a unique gateway to the USCB campus
     and downtown Beaufort, and can be an inspiring public
     space on the banks of the Beaufort River. The Bellamy
     Curve proposal transforms the corner into a pie-shaped
     public plaza that transitions from a hardscape treatment
     to a natural environment as it fans out to the river. The
     inside of the curve is a hardscape plaza with public
     art, seating, and planters. In the roadway, the visual
     cue and texture change of a plaza paving treatment
     slows drivers down and creates a broad crosswalk for
     pedestrians. Finally, a terraced lawn on the outside of
     the curve creates a connection to the river and to the
     USCB campus. The plaza and terraced lawn are heavily
     used by USCB students as it marks the transition from
     the student housing on Boundary Street to the academic
     quads on Carteret Street.

     The portion of the plan north of Boundary Street is a
     long-term plan for the area. The plan depicts a large
     structure that could house a conference center or large
     hotel fronting the marsh. The waterfront park is extended
     from Bellamy Curve north into Pigeon Point. In addition,
     smaller, more dense infill development such as town
     houses is possible to the north of the hotel/conference

                                                                 B E L L A M Y C U RV E C O N C E P T UA L P L A N
                                                                 SCALE: 1”=200’

52    Civic Master Plan | Sector 1

                                                             BO                                                        NEW
                                                                  UN                                                   CITY
                                                                       DA                                              HALL
The Ribaut Road Corridor begins at the new City Hall                        RY
building to the north and connects to the Town of Port                                RE
Royal in the south. It is one of the most heavily traveled
corridors in Beaufort and supports major institutions like
Beaufort Memorial Hospital and the Technical College
of the Lowcountry. For most of its length, the corridor
contains four travel lanes, two in each direction, and
a center turn lane. Reconfiguring Ribaut Road north
of Duke Street allows on-street parking to support
denser town center development as well as continued
redevelopment of the County Government Campus.

                                                                                                     R I BAU T ROA D
South of Duke Street, residential-scaled infill will
incrementally add home offices, neighborhood services,
and a greater density of dwelling units.

The corner of Ribaut and Bay Street will be redeveloped
as a major gateway into downtown Beaufort, marked                                  COUNTY
by planted medians, crosswalks in an alternative paving                           COMPLEX
treatment, wayfinding signage, and a banner stand that
will advertise community events (see plan on following

                                                             R I BAU T ROA D C O R R I D O R C O N C E P T UA L
                                                             NOT TO SCALE

                                                                                                Civic Master Plan
                                                             City of Beaufort, SC |
Chapter 3 | Section 2 | Transportation

                                        R I BAU T ROA D S T R E ET S E C T I O N S

54    Civic Master Plan | Sector 1

Marsh Road Improvements
                                                                    B OU
A road diet along Ribaut Road north of Duke                                NDA
Street is needed to encourage pedestrian activity                                  RY S
                                                                                       T   REE
to support the planned town center development                                                T
and continuted redevelopment of the County

Government Campus. This road diet would
include closing two travel lanes of Ribaut Road
in order to provide parking. In order to close the

                                                      MAR SH
travel lanes, alternative access must be provided
between Duke Street and Boundary Street. To
provide this access, Marsh Road will be improved
and extended to connect to Ribaut Road at Prince
Street. This will allow adequate access and traffic
flow from Ribaut Road to Boundary Street.

                                                                                                        RIBAU T ROAD

                                                                                                         DUKE ST.

                                                                                                          PRINCE ST.

                                                                                     Civic Master Plan
                                                        City of Beaufort, SC |
Chapter 3 | Section 2 | Transportation


56    Civic Master Plan | Sector 1


                                                                  Civic Master Plan
                                     City of Beaufort, SC |
Chapter 3 | Section 3

     N AT U R A L I N F R A S T R U C T U R E & PA R K S
     GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE                                        these streetscape improvements will also provide
                                                                 stormwater filtration on site and more effectively direct
     The City of Beaufort is rich with natural beauty.           the overflow water into the downtown system.
     Places including Waterfront Park and the many pocket
     parks connect residents and visitors to nature as they      Improvements to Existing Open Space
     experience the downtown and Bay Street. It is common        The Civic Master Plan also upgrades several areas of
     to see visitors strolling along Bay Street, enjoying        existing open space. Basil Green Park north of Boundary
     the view of the marsh and the enormous live oak             Street and Washington Street Square Park south of
     trees. These natural features are just one component        Boundary Street include enhancements that will benefit
     of a critical linked network of open space and natural      the surrounding neighborhoods, while also connecting
     infrastructure in Downtown Beaufort. Through the            into the greater system of open space and infrastructure.
     Civic Master Plan the City of Beaufort will build on        Both parks are ideal locations for new intermediary
     the existing natural infrastructure by enhancing and        stormwater runoff measures including rain gardens, bio-
     connecting the open space to not only aesthetically         retention swales and retention hollows.
     improve the area, but to also improve drainage and
     stormwater management in downtown.                          Natural Infrastructure System
     Creating opportunities for open space and natural           The Civic Master Plan connects the existing natural
     infrastructure is a multi-pronged approach with a           infrastructure in downtown Beaufort through streetscape
     variety of techniques. Each technique used in the natural   improvements, stormwater management enhancements,
     infrastructure plan is outlined below and highlighted on    and new investment in existing open space. Each part
     the plan at right.                                          of the plan represents an integral stage in improving the
                                                                 quality of the built and natural environment.

     Streetscape Improvements
     Ribaut Road, Bladen Street and Charles Street are
     the north-south connections south of Boundary Street
     to the river. Each of these streets will have enhanced
     streetscapes with street trees, sidewalks, and on-street
     parking. The improvements help to mitigate runoff
     issues by incorporating tree planting wells that collect,
     filter and drain water to the greater stormwater system.
     East-west connections north of Boundary Street on Park
     Avenue also integrate streetscape enhancements with
     stormwater management improvements in Pigeon Point.
     For example, a planting strip and pervious parking areas
     will filter water before it enters the piping system and
     then efficiently channel overflow water into the greater
     stormwater management system.

     Other street improvements north of Boundary Street on
     Pigeon Point Road, Sycamore Street, Lafayette Street,
     and Rodgers Street include the addition of street trees,
     pervious opportunistic parking and a sidewalk on one
     side of the street. To improve stormwater management

58    Civic Master Plan | Sector 1


                                                              Civic Master Plan
                                 City of Beaufort, SC |
Chapter 3 | Section 3 | Natural Infrastructure & Parks

     EXTENSION of WATERFRONT PARK                                  Waterfront Park provides a pedestrian amenity that
                                                                   recognizes and celebrates the significance of the
     Waterfront Park is a spectacular public amenity that          Beaufort River to the city, in an appropriately low-
     draws locals and tourists alike to downtown Beaufort.         impact fashion. This boardwalk preserves the natural
     However, to the west along the Bluff is an underutilized      setting of the Bluff and is also is a key component in the
     asset that has the unrealized potential to be a truly great   development of a regional parks and greenway system.
     public space.

     Beaufort’s waterfront is a tangible part of the city’s
     history and identity. With a waterfront park extension,
     there will is a logical connection from the existing
     Waterfront Park to The Bluff. A simple boardwalk                                                          EXISTING
     extending along the river’s edge to the west of

     C O N C E P T U A L I L L U S T R AT I O N o f B O A R D WA L K a l o n g t h e M A R S H
     (Looking east toward downtown)

60    Civic Master Plan | Sector 1

                                                                                          N O RT H S T R E ET

                                                                                                                                               C A RT E R ET S T R E ET
                                                                                                                            CHARLES STREET
                                                                        Y S
       T ROA
     R I BAU

E X T E N S I O N o f WAT E R F R O N T P A R K C O N C E P T U A L P L A N

Courthouse        Sidewalk   Travel   Travel   Parallel
                             Lane     Lane     Parking


                                                                                                  Low Impact
                                                                                                  Gravel Trail
                                                                                                 with Retaining


                                                                                                                     Civic Master Plan
                                                                                      City of Beaufort, SC |
Chapter 3 | Section 3 | Natural Infrastructure & Parks

                                                                    All Baseball Fields at
                                                                    Standard Pony Sizes

                                                                    New Soccer Field

                                                                    New Pavilions

                                                                    New Park Entrance &


                                                                    Godfrey Street

                                                                    Existing Stormwater
                                                                    Retention Parcel

                                                                  Pervious Parking
                                                                  Layfayette St. (34 spots)
                                                                      14 parallel
                                                                      20 head-in
                                                                  Rodgers Ave. (48 spots)
                                                                      22 parallel
                                                                      26 angled
                                                                  Nairne St. (62 spots)
                                                                      All head-in
                                                                  Godfrey St. (79 spots
                                                              N       All head-in
                                                                  Entrance (108 spots)
                                                                      All angled

                                                                  TOTAL: 331 spots

     B A S I L G R E E N PA R K C O N C E P T UA L P L A N

62    Civic Master Plan | Sector 1

BASIL GREEN PARK                                            COMMUNITY GARDENS

Basil Green Park, located in the Pigeon Point               At the scale of the block, the natural infrastructure
neighborhood, is one of the most popular and frequently     plan includes incremental agriculture opportunities.
used parks in Beaufort. Many sports teams play in the       These community gardens provide open space for the
park on the weekends and several nights a week during       neighborhood, as well as opportunities for residents to
spring, summer, and fall. In recent years, parking has      grow their own food. The gardens can also be integrated
become a problem. The proposed plan (see previous           into the stormwater management system to fill cisterns
page) shows how the parking can be reorganized to           for watering the growing plants.
handle large crowds. It is also recommended that the
fields be reoriented to create new pavilions and an entry
drop-off point.

P O T E N T I A L L O C AT I O N S f o r C O M M U N I T Y G A R D E N S

                                                                                         Civic Master Plan
                                                            City of Beaufort, SC |
Chapter 3 | Section 3 | Natural Infrastructure & Parks

     WASHINGTON SQUARE PARK                                             support both active and passive recreational uses with
                                                                        a basketball court, a tennis court, an amphitheater, and
     Washington Square Park is an important neighborhood                an open lawn for common activities. The basketball and
     gathering place for local residents in the Northwest               tennis courts will be located so as not to disrupt adjacent
     Quadrant. The park’s facilities are dated and in need              homes. The plan described and shown here carefully
     of improvement. New picnic shelters and restrooms                  considers the requests made by neighborhood residents.
     mark the corners of the park. Play equipment is located
     near the structures for easy child supervision. Some of
     the play equipment is preserved as it dates back to the
     original construction of the park and holds historical
     significance to local community members. The park will

                                              GREENE STREET

                                                                                                                    New Equipment

                                                                                                                    New Basketball
                      NEWCA ST LE ST REET

                                                                                                CHARLES STREET      Court

                                                                                                                    Mixed-use Infill

                                                                                                                    New Volleyball Area

                                                                                                                    New Amphitheater

                                                                                                                    New Pavilion

                                                                                                                    Historic Swing Set

                                                                                                                    New Restroom

                                            WA S H I N G T O N S T R E E T


     WA S H I N G T O N S Q U A R E P A R K C O N C E P T U A L R E D E V E L O P M E N T P L A N

64    Civic Master Plan | Sector 1

                                                        RIBAU T ROAD
                                    Planted Median

                                                                                                                              Open Air
                                                                                                                       Grass Swales

                                                                                                                 Rain Garden
     Fitness Loop
      Underneath                                                                                      Community Banners
     Mature Trees

                                                           s            wa
                                                  nce                         ET
                                                ha                        E
                                             En               S        TR

C O N C E P T U A L L A N D S C A P E P L A N f o r C O R N E R O F R I B A U T R O A D a n d B AY S T R E E T

BANNER AREA                                                                     ture trees will be preserved and a pervious fitness loop
                                                                                will provide recreation opportunities to residents. Both
The intersection of Ribaut Road and Bay Street is                               corners employ strategic stormwater management tools
the gateway to downtown Beaufort for the majority                               such as grass swales and rain gardens to treat and filter
of residents and tourists. The northeast corner of the                          the runoff from Ribaut Road and the areas north of Bay
intersection owned by the Beaufort Open Land Trust is                           Street.
currently the location used to hang banners announcing
upcoming festivals and events in the town. The gateway                          The improved gateway and banner location to Beaufort
is now only marked with these informal banners, miss-                           is further complimented by the streetscape improve-
ing an opportunity to welcome visitors and residents to                         ments on Ribaut Road that include traffic calming the
the historic waterfront in Beaufort. The Civic Master                           street from four lanes to two lanes, adding a bike lane
Plan will reinstate this corner as a prominent entrance                         in each direction, enhanced crosswalks, and new street
to downtown Beaufort. The plan includes a designated                            trees. The result of these upgrades is a sense of arrival to
location for community banners and a pocket park on                             downtown Beaufort and a unique opportunity for both
the northeast corner. On the northwest corner the ma-                           active and passive users.

                                                                                                             Civic Master Plan
                                                                                City of Beaufort, SC |
Chapter 3 | Section 4

     B A Y S T R E E T a n d t h e WAT E R F R O N T

     The Bay Street and Waterfront Park are the city’s
     most recognizable assets. The unique identity and
     public amenities combine to create a special sense of
     place that permeates the entire city. Unfortunately, the
     activity in this area is currently limited in terms of both
     geography and diversity. With the changes proposed in
     this plan, downtown can be transformed into an even
     more memorable and appealing district with resourceful
     planning and implementation.

     In terms of geography, what most people consider to
     be downtown Beaufort is limited to the three blocks of
     Bay Street from Charles to Carteret Streets. To become
     a unified district, the perception of downtown Beaufort
     needs to expand beyond its Bay Street core and develop
     a vibrancy of activity that connects to other parts of the
                                                                                  B AY S T R E E T S T U D Y A R E A

                                                                           C R AV E N S T R E E T
                                                                                        WEST STREET

                                                   CHARLES STREET


                                                                                                                              C A RT E R ET S T R E ET
                                                                           P O RT R E P U B L I C S T R E ET
                                                                                                               SCOTT STREET

                                                                    B AY



66    Civic Master Plan | Sector 1



In terms of diversity, Downtown Beaufort is an almost                                           Y
exclusively tourist-driven market, with little commercial                                           ST
provision for the everyday needs of residents. To become                                                     EE
an authentic place, Downtown Beaufort needs to foster
and develop an identity and diversity of function beyond
tourist shops and carriage tours.

Four major projects are identified in Downtown Beaufort
to help the area overcome its narrow geography and lack
of diversity: the Marina redevelopment, a Port Republic
Street parking garage and commercial infill strategy, an
extension of Waterfront Park along the Bluff, and the
Whitehall Plantation property development.

Marina Redevelopment

The most underutilized space in downtown is the Marina
parking lot. This approximately three-acre asphalt lot
is an unfitting use of a prime location in the middle of
                                                            C O N C E P T UA L P L A N f or tha M A R I NA
                                                            SCALE: 1”= 200’

                                                                                         Civic Master Plan
                                                            City of Beaufort, SC |
Civic masterplan sector1-volume1
Civic masterplan sector1-volume1
Civic masterplan sector1-volume1
Civic masterplan sector1-volume1
Civic masterplan sector1-volume1
Civic masterplan sector1-volume1
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Civic masterplan sector1-volume1
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Civic masterplan sector1-volume1

  • 1. This page intentionally left blank. 20 Civic Master Plan | Sector 1
  • 2. SECTOR 1 CHAPTER 1 Executive Summary 23 CHAPTER 2 Sector Conditions 29 CHAPTER 3 Master Plan 35 21
  • 3. This page intentionally left blank. 22 Civic Master Plan | Sector 1
  • 5. Chapter 1 E XECU T I VE SUMM ARY INTRODUCTION daily needs within walking or biking distance • Positions the community for an era beyond The Sector 1 study area represents the heart of our current pattern of dependence on the personal Beaufort, SC. It includes many of its major cultural automobile institutions and significant civic assets, as well as its • Provides attractive parks and greenways on a local historic neighborhoods and its greatest concentration and regional scale of commercial activity. As such, Sector 1 was an ideal • Envisions regional connections that will strengthen point of departure to begin an extensive master planning and invigorate Beaufort’s economy and cultural process that resulted in the development of the Civic institutions Master Plan for the City of Beaufort. • Engages a wide variety of people and lifestyles across a broad socio-economic spectrum The civic master planning process, led by Beaufort’s • Preserves Beaufort’s historical legacy without Office of Civic Investment, was an intensely compromising opportunities for new development collaborative effort between elected officials, city staff, local residents, and community stakeholders. Marked by a weeklong planning and design charrette, the Sector PLANNNING & DESIGN CHARRETTE 1 planning process led to specific interventions and recommendations for the entirety of the sector at a level The Planning and Design Charrette for Sector 1 was held of detail that engages each individual parcel. The pages from March 22 to March 28, 2011. During these seven that follow contain the results of this effort for Sector days, over 20 urban designers, planners, architects, and 1 and amount to a collective vision that will carry the engineers gathered in a Bay Street storefront to develop heart of Beaufort into the next 50 years of its growth and land use plans, renderings, street sections, and specific development. recommendations for nearly every block and parcel in the Sector 1 planning area. In general the plans and recommendations on these pages describe a future for Sector 1 that: Public meetings and open design sessions were held • Celebrates the waterfront and the natural context throughout the week to allow members of the public which the city occupies to interact with the designers, identify concerns, share • Is mixed use and walkable in character ideas for specific projects, and vet the work of the design • Enables people to live locally and accomplish their team. This comprehensive input allowed the charrette MAR 23 MAR 24 M F R 2 5 R U M AR Y2 6 A E B A R MAR 27 MAR 28 USCB Meeting Developer Meeting Redevelopment Mid-Charrette Design Studio Final Presentation Commission Meeting Presentation Neighborhood Retail & Merchants Associations Meeting Meeting Boards & Commis- sions Meeting TIMELINE of CHARRETTE EVENTS 24 Civic Master Plan | Sector 1
  • 6. 25 process to work in short feedback loops where ideas topics to be addressed in this first charrette. The five are continually refined and presented to the public. public workshops, each with a unique discussion topic, This inclusive process enriched the final plans and were very successful and provided invaluable comments recommendations. Specific input was sought from the and feedback, detailed in the following section. The University of South Carolina at Beaufort (USCB), the workshops included the following: various neighborhood associations that represent Sector 1 residents, local developers and property owners, • Neighborhood Associations Workshop local retailers and merchants, the Redevelopment February 17 Approximately 60 participants Commission, and Beaufort’s various other municipal • Development Community Workshop boards and commissions. These multiple layers of input February 24 Approximately 50 participants helped to create plans and recommendations that are • Neighborhood Walking Tour vibrant, real, nuanced, and appropriate for all members February 26 Approximately 40 participants of the community. • Redevelopment Commission Workshop March 3 Approximately 30 participants • Retail & Merchandising Workshop SLOW CHARRETTE PROCESS March 8 Approximately 50 participants In order to maximize the design efforts during the These workshops, combined with the vision for the charrette week, the Office of Civic Investment took the community described in the Comprehensive Plan and “slow charrette” approach. Rather than trying to squeeze the data collected through the Sector 1 Synoptic Survey, all the public workshops into one week, they were spread gave the charrette design team an incredible wealth out over a month-and-a-half to maximize participation. of information to help guide their efforts during the The OCI team has hosted a series of public workshops to weeklong charrette process from March 22nd to March engage the community and solicit feedback on the many 28th, 2011. JAN 1 FEB 17 FEB 26 MAR 8 Office of Civic Neighborhood Neighborhood Retail & Investment begins Associations Walking Merchandising planning work Workshop Tour Workshop J A N U A R Y F E B R U A R Y M A R C H JAN 24 - FEB 4 FEB 24 MAR 3 MAR 22 - MAR 28 Synoptic survey Development Redevelopment Sector 1 conducted Community Commission Planning Workshop Workshop Charrette TIMELINE of EVENTS Civic Master Plan City of Beaufort, SC |
  • 7. Chapter 1 | Executive Summary PRE-CHARRETTE PROJECT MAP (See Appendix A for larger map) 26 Civic Master Plan | Sector 1
  • 8. 27 IDENTIFIED PROJECTS Relating specific projects (identified on the “Project Map”) to the regional systems and connections described on the previous page help to support their individual and collective success and contribute to a richer built environment on a local and regional scale. The projects identified for closer examination during the Sector 1 Planning and Design Charrette were selected by the Office of Civic Investment, in concert with the Beaufort Redevelopment Commission and local citizens, in order to create a coherent vision for the future of the Sector 1 planning area and to best utilize potential catalyst sites and city-owned properties. Some major projects include: • Old City Hall Redevelopment • Eastern Boundary Street Road Diet • Bladen Street Streetscape Improvements • Duke Street Streetscape Improvements • Basil Green Park • USCB Expansion & Student Housing • Bellamy Curve Infrastructure Improvements • Ribaut Road Streetscape Improvements • Post Office Block Redevelopment • Former Jail Site Redevelopment • Extension of Waterfront Park • Washington Square Park • Marina Redevelopment & Parking Garage • Piggly Wiggly Redevelopment • Whitehall Plantation Property Redevelopment Civic Master Plan City of Beaufort, SC |
  • 9. This page intentionally left blank. 28 Civic Master Plan | Sector 1
  • 11. Chapter 2 SECTOR CONDITIONS ANALYSIS of EXISTING CONDITIONS Northwest Quadrant and Higginsonville neighborhoods. Prior to the Sector 1 Planning and Design Charrette, • Some of Beaufort’s historic residential data from the Synoptic Survey was combined with neighborhoods, particularly the Northwest Quadrant, geographic data from the City and County to create a are hampered by inadequate property maintenance series of maps that amount to an analysis of the existing and are in need of reinvestment/redevelopment. conditions in the Sector 1 planning area. In general, the • Neighborhood commercial uses are generally analysis established the following conclusions: lacking. The Bay Street commercial district serves a very limited, tourist-driven, retail niche that does not • There are plenty of infill opportunities on vacant provide for the day-to-day necessities of its land in the Sector 1 planning area, especially in the residents. WHITEHALL E XISTING BUILDING FOOTPRINTS (See Appendix A for larger map) 30 Civic Master Plan | Sector 1
  • 12. 31 • Beaufort’s existing regulatory structure does not adequately promote the development of mixed-use walkable neighborhoods throughout the Sector 1 planning area. The analysis and corresponding maps were discussed and distributed to all the of charrette participants at the outset of the Sector 1 Planning and Design Charrette in order to familiarize all charrette participants with the issues presented by the Sector 1 planning area. EXISTING LAND USE (See Appendix A for larger map) Civic Master Plan City of Beaufort, SC |
  • 13. Chapter 2 | Sector Conditions O W N E R v s . R E N TA L / S E A S O N A L BUILDING HEIGHT EXISTING DEVELOPMENT CLASSIFIED VA C A N C T o r A B A N D O N E D P R O P E R T I E S by TRANSECT ZONES 32 Civic Master Plan | Sector 1
  • 14. 33 CONDITION OF GROUNDS and EXISTING ZONING STRUCTURE SOURCE: Google Earth, March 2011 E X I S T I N G D OWN TOWN B E AU F O RT Note: Please see the Appendix A for larger versions of the maps shown on this and the facing pages. Civic Master Plan City of Beaufort, SC |
  • 15. This page intentionally left blank. 34 Civic Master Plan | Sector 1
  • 16. SECTOR 1 CHAPTER 3 MASTER PLAN SECTION 1 Sector 1 Vision & Overview 36 SECTION 2 Transportation & Streets 46 SECTION 3 Natural Infrastructure & Parks 58 SECTION 4 Plan for Downtown 66 SECTION 5 Corridor Plans 76 SECTION 6 Neighborhoods 94 SECTION 7 Specific Interventions 104 SECTION 8 Implementation Elements 112 SECTION 9 Code Recommendations 114 35
  • 17. Chapter 3 | Section 1 S E C TO R 1 V I S I O N & O V E RV I EW VISIONARY PLANNING AND GREAT to something you would have seen in continental Europe COMMUNITIES at the time: grand park systems and iconic civic building architecture. This is a time when much of Chicago’s The point we have arrived at today is the culmination industry was on Lake Michigan and along the Illinois of planning and analysis that began on January 2nd, River – rail yards, slag heaps, factories. It was not a 2011 collecting information through meetings with pretty place. Commerce was the law of the land, so individuals, groups, and organizations, and by collecting imagine the disbelief when he proposed to reclaim the data, physically through on-the-ground surveys of every entire Lake Michigan waterfront for a park. People lot, as well as digitally through all the various plans, looked at him as if he were crazy. This is the man for reports, and studies completed in the past. The results whom the now famous quote has been attributed, “make from this three-month effort culminate in this Civic no little plans; they have no magic to stir men’s blood.” Master Plan. Like many plans for great communities One hundred years later, Chicago has one of the most this plan is expected to generate discussion points, amazing park systems in the world and is also one of a establish budget priorities, and create implementation handful of communities in the rust belt of the Midwest objectives for the City of Beaufort over, at least, the that is truly growing and prospering. And, it’s a result next twenty years. In a sense we believe that this plan of a process similar to what we’re embarking on here in coherently and properly lays the groundwork for the Beaufort. city’s next three hundred years. Another example is Boston’s “Emerald Necklace” What Beaufort and its leaders have had the foresight to designed by another visionary planner and contemporary do follows in the tradition of some really great places. of Burnham, Frederick Law Olmsted. Olmsted, known The great communities of today are great because they today as the nation’s first landscape architect, is also spent the bad times thinking about what they wanted to credited with the design of Central Park, among many be when times got good again. In the United States, other wonderful places. He envisioned a future Boston the era of grand planning during the late 1910’s, 1920’s ringed by parks. For those who have visited Boston it is and the Great Depression, occurred in many of the easy to see how the City and its residents have benefitted places that are admired in the country today for their from his vision. Boston has some of the most loved civic resilient economies and excellent quality of life. The spaces and urban structures in the United States and one thing these places have in common is that they had easily ranks amongst the greatest cities in the world. the vision to think outside the box and a desire to take control of their destinies. Some of the greatest plans We can also look to The Presidio in San Francisco and architecture that the United States has today - places where Daniel Burnham again inspired its citizens to and buildings that are admired around the world - can be aspire to greatness. At that time in the late 1910’s, The dated to this period. Most of the grand civic buildings, Presidio was on the outskirts of town. It was a hilltop schools and town halls; almost all the impressive upon which he designed a park connected to the rest museums; and many of the beautiful park systems that of the city with grand civic monuments. Today it’s a are today the treasures of their respective communities magnificent urban park surrounded by some of the most had their initial plans prepared during this time period. valuable real estate in the United States. So compelling was the plan and the illustrations that accompanied One such example is in the City of Chicago. Chicago it that a few of the monuments were actually built as hired Daniel Burnham, one of our century’s most drawn. visionary planners, to prepare its master plan. He laid out a vision that is extraordinary today for its beauty and, in his day, for its boldness. It was a vision similar 36 Civic Master Plan | Sector 1
  • 18. 37 THE SECRET OF SUCCESS have no money.” This is a false excuse – a straw man argument. No place that has ever accomplished long- With all great plans, like the Burnham and Olmsted term greatness has had money at the start. In fact, it’s plans, they aim to improve the fortunes of a place almost a prerequisite that a place be poor in order to be and they foster change. Just as people questioned able to achieve greatness. All great work starts off with the drawings Burnham prepared showing parks and an idea. Wealth follows ideas. You make people excited buildings on private land, we are sure that people will about what it is you’re doing, and clever people rally examine the drawings in this master plan and have around the vision, and the money follows. many concerns: “I see you’ve knocked down my building to construct a park,” or “you have removed my Locally, the Open Land Trust (OLT) is generating the neighborhood park to construct a building,” or “you’ve excitement and getting the money, and as a result, put a road through my yard.” Keep in mind the most they have become the de facto regional planners for powerful tool planning possesses: time. Planning is an the entire County. Through donations and successful effort that lasts generations, but you’ve got to start at tax referendums, they have made saving the natural some point, or you will never achieve anything. It is habitat and scenic views of the local area exciting and almost always the case that what is needed to be done important. Much time and effort by the citizens of this is impossible to do today. If you were told to learn a community goes into the work of the Open Land Trust second language and you said I can’t do that today, including the preservation of places here in Beaufort like does that mean you can never do it? Just because you the Bluff and Bellamy Curve. These purchases have can’t master Spanish or French by the weekend, do you shaped the image of Beaufort as well as its developable throw in the towel? Of course not. It took hundreds of footprint. To properly leverage this fine work, it is years to arrive where Beaufort is today. Nearly all of critical to ensure that as much effort and care are paid to that time passed without access to an endless pot of gold the Human Habitat, (the neighborhoods and communities at its disposal. Very little is possible today yet nearly we live in) through excellent planning and urban design. everything is possible in the long term. The natural habitat has the OLT. The Human Habitat now has the Office of Civic Investment (OCI). We have Another important ingredient is “the champion.” You an opportunity to weave the communities we live in with can have a collection of plans and ideas, but unless they the natural setting they exist in. To succeed, the visions find a champion that makes it his or her business to will we have and the plans developed to execute them need them into reality on a daily basis, they never materialize. to be as compelling as the nature that is saved. The final need is for compelling visions, such as what Burnham provided the residents of Chicago. It galvanized the thoughts of the citizens and business THE PURPOSE OF THE CIVIC MASTER PLAN community to nominate champions, who, over the years shaped policy that allowed the vision to be realized. This plan is intended to complete the work of the 2009 Comprehensive Plan. That plan did two important Beside the beauty and technical expertise of the planning things. First it established that the primary means by and urban design achieved by these masters, there is one which the city could achieve truly sustainable and additional take away from these examples. They were resilient growth was not through annexation and sprawl envisioned and executed in a time when these places but rather through infill and redevelopment. And second, were not wealthy. We accomplished the best community and perhaps most importantly, it tore through decade’s design and building in this country when it was poor worth of unfulfilled planning efforts to prioritize and in relation to today. Imagine that. All you hear about consolidate plans that were both unrealistic and lacked today, if you try to get anything done, from placing champions. The number one priority recommendation a cross walk on a street to paving a sidewalk, is, “we was for the city to stop focusing on large scale policy Civic Master Plan City of Beaufort, SC |
  • 19. Chapter 3 | Section 1 | Sector 1 Vision & Overview planning and instead turn its sights on the needs of its some pretty amazing things. It allows us to quickly see neighborhoods and corridor, the living tissue of the patterns through the creation of thematic maps. This city, with a block by block physical plan to encourage information allows us to study the City’s DNA - how it investment and redevelopment. In essence, it was a works on the ground. This is an important step because roadmap for reversing the slow downward spiral of it allows you to understand how to help it grow while decline that had become the norm in the city. retaining the charm and character that made it special. This “urban DNA” was combined with information The Comprehensive Plan therefore serves as the gathered from several dozen meetings over the previous framework and undergirding for the Civic Master Plan in months with nearly every key stakeholder in the area the grand tradition of cities like Chicago, San Francisco who wanted to participate, and even some who didn’t. and Boston. This is no small feat for a community the size of Beaufort. But, as we all know Beaufort may be small in terms of its resident population but it lives large THE SOLUTION TO THE DILEMMA OF in the historical and cultural memory of the Lowcountry GROWTH and of this county. In addition to understanding thoroughly what exists In order to achieve the necessary level of detailed now, we also took a careful look at what existed before. planning, we divided the city up into four sectors. In many communities around the country, growth has We’ve started with Sector 1, the downtown area. When meant the destruction of history, historic buildings, and we first started this process, someone asked, “you’re places. Beaufort hasn’t suffered that as much. Everyone going to do a master plan for downtown, so what are you wants growth and prosperity, but with it, post-World going to do with Bay Street?” Our response was, “well, War II, that growth and prosperity has come with a lot of Bay Street is not all of downtown: There’s Boundary really bland and uninspiring things that some might label Street, there’s Bladen Street, there’s Carteret Street and as simply “ugly.” Pigeon Point Road, the Old Point, and Higginsonville, and on and on. There’s also the Bluff and the Northwest It’s quite a dilemma for most communities: If we grow, Quadrant.” Downtown is in fact a series – a collection we lose what we are through the haphazard consumption of neighborhoods – the core of the larger area that is of a community’s past. However, if we don’t grow, Beaufort, so you have to study it comprehensively, not we stagnate and lose what we are by neglect. The just Bay Street. We believe that downtown is not simply reason for the dilemma is because we stopped building Bay Street and the Waterfront Park. Rather downtown real communities after World War II. This is not to is a complex web of interdependent neighborhoods and say we stopped building. In fact, we have built more corridors that geographically is bordered to the west by things in the sixty-five plus years since World War Ribaut Road and by the Beaufort River on its other three II – houses, shopping centers, offices, factories – than sides. The three blocks that constitute the historic “Main nearly all of human history prior to that period. But Street” cannot be the vessel in which every aspiration, rather than building authentic and lovable places like idea, and need for Beaufort is forced. It is simply too neighborhoods, villages, towns and cities, we simply small. aggregated real estate product. We have built only a handful of new “places” since World War II yet we’ve We started on several fronts simultaneously. For built endless miles of suburban product. four weeks, students walk every foot of every street in downtown and collected an extensive amount of Suburban development became an industry unto itself, information about every house, curb, and sidewalk. The and as you may have heard, it was one of the major result is a robust database comprised of more than thirty reasons for the financial collapse and the subsequent unique attributes, the analysis of which allows us to do 38 Civic Master Plan | Sector 1
  • 20. 39 Great Recession. When you introduce car-oriented TIME TO OUT-MAIN STREET THE MALL suburban development into traditional urban fabric, like downtown Beaufort, that development destroys What is available once you arrive downtown cannot the surrounding traditional development. It might be just “one thing.” A common mistake is to think not do it initially, but the accumulation of this type of a community as needing only one amenity – be it of development ends up eradicating what is the most a convention center, a ball park, or a museum. That’s special part about place-based traditional communities, a suburban mentality. Real places are complex. The which is their mixed-use, walkable quality of life. fabric of real places must be complex and varied to meet the needs of a broad range of people and, just It is important to keep in mind that the suburban as important, the broad range of moods each of these development model is the default setting for all zoning, people experience over the course of a day, a week, and financing, and health and safety matters in the United a lifetime. Sometimes you want to sit alone in a park, States today. Whether you plan or not, whether you have sometimes you want to be in the center of all the action. zoning or not, the suburban model is so entrenched in Sometimes you want to view a scenic vista, sometimes every aspect of American development and marketing you want to be walking the crowded sidewalks shopping that it is what growth delivers. Ironically, not much and socializing. If you are a cyclist, sometimes you growth has happened post-World War II in Beaufort. The might want to ride fast through the countryside, whereas side benefit of this lack of growth is that not as much has at other times you might want to be on the street riding been lost. through town. Every pastime, every facility, and every motivation takes a different tone depending on mood. One piece of the community that was lost was the This gets to the point about the need to develop some buildings along the waterfront. They were unique and of our waterfront. Sometimes you might want to sit on interesting in a scruffy yet unassuming way. However, it a swing or in the grass and watch people or the water was largely replaced by something worthy – Waterfront and sometimes you might want to sit on a dock or at a Park. In city building this is called a fair trade. This is restaurant on the water and eat, dance, work, live, or an important concept, a litmus test for anyone passionate buy things. The Water Festival need not be limited to the about community. Development decisions should highly programmed week of activities each July. It can always be evaluated with this simple question – “Was it last all year long. a fair trade?” If you lose a piece of marsh land and gain a village, or a meadow and gain a proper neighborhood the Unfortunately, Americans have been trained to trade is fair. When either of these is lost to a shopping experience places as a consumer… live and shop center that spends most of life in decline or subdivision as if we’re in a mall. The American retail industry that condemns it occupants to the use of the automobile has created shopping snobs out of us and we’re very for every daily interaction, it is not. Yet, even with easily bored, very quick to lose our patience if things the achievement of the Waterfront Park, Beaufort’s aren’t perfect, and particularly fickle with our attention waterfront redevelopment has not always been a fair and money. The mall environment and the shopping trade. Case in point is the present Marina parking lot center environment in the United States is perfection at with the single largest parcel along the waterfront every level designed by mall planners who subtly and dedicated exclusively to the suburban pattern of parking not so subtly influence – almost brainwash – you to do cars to the exclusion of great urbanism. In many ways, it everything that they want you to do when you enter their is these negative impacts of the suburban development realm. In a sense we are a bunch of snobby zombies. model are what we are trying to remedy through this master plan. When you’re someplace where things don’t happen to click just right – a store might be closed too early, or the Civic Master Plan City of Beaufort, SC |
  • 21. Chapter 3 | Section 1 | Sector 1 Vision & Overview merchandising in the window isn’t quite up to snuff, or predominately purchase whatever high-end wares are you didn’t get asked if you needed help right away, or sold downtown. The tourists – well, you’ve seen them it doesn’t smell as you think it should – this is the bar – they buy what’s left and don’t spend much time at the that’s been set by the retail industry in this country, and park either. Why is this important? Because if we are most of the older retailers on traditional main streets are only a trinket tourist-stop and our local population is not the ones who can’t compete. I like to tell people that sufficient enough to support other pastimes that include it wasn’t Wal-Mart that killed Main Street America, it cultural offerings now unavailable, then our residents are was the Mall. It replicated the idealized Main Street left with jobs that are not sufficient to build a resilient experience, air conditioned it, and then did everything community. Places like that are exporters of talent, and better – Cleaner walkways, consistent hours, superior that is what Beaufort is now. merchandising, and even pleasant landscaping (inside no less). Wal-Mart, and what it represents, is only a factor What if the offerings were much more varied and robust when you have two goals in mind: cheap prices and free – offerings that embed you in the place and its history? parking. If that’s your town’s goal, you’re probably Imagine getting off the boat and browsing local arts already standing in the ruins of your Main Street. and crafts markets, visiting a museum or two, staying at a spa/hotel or inn grounded in wellness and health and dining at fabulous restaurants that offer indigenous LET’S BEGIN AT THE BEGINNING -- IT’S ALL local cuisines that only places like the Louisiana gulf ABOUT THE WATER coast can boast. There’s a lot of history in the area - all of it scattered about. If properly coordinated it could The Master Plan for the downtown is not so much be centered here in Beaufort as the hub for those also about what can be achieved tomorrow or next year looking to do day trips out into the historically rich by a few individuals. Rather, it is about a collective countryside especially if it is supported by a local investment by the community through a coordinate university that provides quality environmental and fine series of incremental yet strategic investments by many arts programming. Because Beaufort is also less busy hands. This is a plan whose vision was constructed for and hectic than our neighbors to the north and south the different yet equally important experiences by the we can take the lead in the environmental, wellness, resident and the tourist in twenty-five years and it all and tourist industry if we so desired. To distinguish begins at the water’s edge. ourselves, Beaufort needs to provide a compelling reason for more than a simple afternoon stop on a bus tour of Wouldn’t it be fabulous if there were a reliable system the region. We must provide a palette of amenities that of water taxis and ferries that allowed you to travel will make us a multiday or weeklong attraction or most up and down the Intracoastal Waterway between from importantly a hometown in which to raise a family and Savannah, Charleston, Hilton Head, and Beaufort? In retire. such a world, what do we need to do here in Beaufort to make ourselves a destination that would require a So, if you were to come by boat, what you would come day, or maybe two, to fully appreciate? After all, if you to, in our vision of this future, would be a new marina- really look at the region correctly, Beaufort is the belt side development, basically an extension of Bay Street. buckle of the lowcountry, the mid-way point between Right now, it’s a parking lot. While that’s an important Georgetown, SC and New Brunswick, GA. What would asset to have at the moment because it provides people be compelling enough to entice someone who landed with convenient parking, it does happen to be located here, at a new day dock for example, to walk into town on some genuinely prime real estate – real estate that and do something besides turn to the right and buy a would be much better used by people, rather than cars. t-shirt, eat a hamburger or have a drink and then stroll We believe that it’s time to trade up. You can always the park? Keep in mind that it is in fact the locals who put the cars someplace else, like a parking garage. They 40 Civic Master Plan | Sector 1
  • 22. 41 normally don’t care about the view as much, don’t like day, and it’s got Bull and Abercorn Streets, which offer sitting in the sun, and they don’t shop. neighborhood scaled boutique shops and cafes. These represent three distinct markets, all of which a single In order to reclaim our waterfront parking lot for human person who wants to spend a day or two in Savannah can habitation we must relocate the cars to a deck on Port experience as their mood strikes them. The important Republic Street. They must be in a location that requires fact is that these distinct attractions and shopping that they experience the full breadth of the Bay Street experiences do not happen on the same street. In spite area on their short walk from their car to the Waterfront of how long Broughton, Abercorn, and Bull Streets are, Park to create a more robust and diverse shopping and no one complains and gripes about walking the distances dining district. Mind you, this distance is shorter and required to reach them or walking along them. They’re far more interesting than the trip from the edge of the compelling, inviting, and people are drawn to explore parking lot at the Wal-Mart to it front door (much less them, just like a person is drawn by a mall layout to from the front door to the electronics section in the back walk from one end to the other and back – the distance of the store). This same walk through the often hostile of one-half a mile or more. Beaufort doesn’t have the Wal-Mart parking lot is equivalent to the distance along population or the tourist draw that Savannah does, but Bay Street from its intersection with Charles Street to the we can do a smaller version of that very easily. west and Carteret Street to the east, yet with an infinitely more engaging and satisfying journey. In terms of the commercial improvement downtown, the four streets that are Carteret, Boundary, Bay and Bladen And once this impediment is removed, we can continue are the commercial corridors. Three of these corridors our journey along the waterfront to the west. Connecting allow Beaufort to be able to expand its retail and the visitor to the beauty of Beaufort beyond Bay Street commercial menu, without destroying the existing fabric is an important objective. The vision here is to tie the or character of Bay Street. Because, as we said from the Waterfront Park, the formal front door of the community, beginning, Bay Street is just three blocks. It can’t be the and its new active dock and marina development, to active main street for all the citizens of Beaufort, while the more passive open space of the marsh front along also being the historic Main Street for all the tourists. the Beaufort River. At Waterfront Park the walking It can’t be the place where you go to get whatever you experience is along an esplanade, which continues as need from a Walgreens or a FedEx/Kinko’s and still a plaza and pier condition at the Marina. As the walk be the place that has unique furniture shops and art continues to the Bluff, a boardwalk would be built along galleries. The residents and the city have decided that the waterline at the foot of the Bluff following the curve the historic structures along Bay Street are important of the river all the way to Ribaut. There was once a low enough to keep and this plan clearly support that priority. road in addition to the existing high road (Bay Street). In order to keep it like it is, you have to provide other The low road is what was used to carry the freight from places for certain things to go that don’t fit into the the port down to the depot. Within the next 20 years, buildings there. That is the role of Boundary Street. It this boardwalk could stretch all the way to the Hospital. is the location where residents of the neighborhoods can That requires some giving. Kind of harkens back to shop for daily conveniences from a broader mix of local, Chicago’s once industrial lake front, and Burnham’s regional, and national shops and business that require vision of turning it over to the public. larger lots and more convenient accessibility. Bay Street has its place and Carteret/Boundary Street The transition then occurs at Bellamy’s Curve where does to Savannah has its waterfront, where all the the long view of the Beaufort River beyond has for tourists shop and dine at the touristy establishments. It most of its history greeted travelers and begun their has Broughton Street, which is the shopping street where decompression from the region at large to the intimacy you can get just about everything one would need day to of the historic waterfront. It is anchored around the bend Civic Master Plan City of Beaufort, SC |
  • 23. Chapter 3 | Section 1 | Sector 1 Vision & Overview by the campus of USC-Beaufort which serves as an would argue that those against it were short-sighted important institution embedded directly into the fabric of and selfish because a neighborhood, a proper human the historic neighborhoods. The University provides an habitat, is a fair trade. Of the few places capable influx of students and the vitality that age group brings of handling development at high density within the to the businesses and the shops that they frequent. The sensitive ecosystem in which Beaufort sits, this is one. integration of higher education into a community is a The volume of water that flows along the Beaufort River key element for all vibrant places. at this point provides for the greatest amount of natural flushing. It’s at the foot of the bridge that connects to The master plan envisions the redevelopment of downtown Beaufort a quarter mile away and it has the current campus as a more traditional southern been developed on in the past. Instead of sprawling quadrangle with some current non-historic, under- on Lady’s Island in the form of shopping centers and utilizes structures giving way to more formally designed car-dependent commercial uses, a town center located at campus buildings more appropriate to the setting. Also, Whitehall would serve the community more efficiently the provision of full-time student housing both on and provide more opportunities for residents seeking campus as well as around the corner on Boundary Street lifestyle opportunities not dependent on car use and long provides an important symbiotic relationship that can fill commutes. in certain gaps in the urban fabric with students, giving both life and character to the corridor simultaneously. Our plan saves a tremendous amount of trees and still provides a marketable and successful building program We would be remiss to discuss encouraging pedestrian that leaves about 25 percent of the property open. The activity and business vitality along Boundary Street main street of Whitehall and the buildings that front if we did not also address the current geometrics of Sea Island Parkway will have riverfront and park the four-lane thoroughfare. Very simply, the current views. Through proper design, the new village center configuration encourages speeding, is hostile to would allow the waterfront walk to continue forming an pedestrians and cyclists alike, and does not provide any important anchor for pedestrians and cyclists enjoying convenient, shared on-street parking forcing each site to the now extensive and unique waterfront experience create their own parking lot. It’s time to put this section we have begun to envision, stretching from maybe the of Boundary Street on a road diet – shrinking it from Hospital all the way to Whitehall. Imagine landing four lanes to three with on-street parking – and this can in a boat at the marina and being able to walk three be done by restriping, not rebuilding, with cans of paint miles, a little over a mile and a half in either direction, and thermoplastic stencils to be specific. through plazas with cafes and shops, into parks, along boardwalks that lead to points where you can access the water by Marina or boat launch, by kayak and boat, and WHITEHALL AS A COMPLIMENT TO BAY cross the river by foot on the bridge. STREET There are those that would scream that the Whitehall AND FINALLY, A STRONG DOWNTOW property be left undeveloped – and we would join IS SURROUNDED BY STRONG them, tied to a tree – if a shopping center or a big box NEIGHBORHOODS store, or a series of gas stations and fast food outparcels were being proposed. That would not be a fair trade, For too long, the neighborhoods surrounding the would it? You can’t remove nature and replace it downtown have either been in a state of stasis or with development that not only degrades the natural deterioration. With the exception of The Point and environment, but also negatively impacts the human perhaps parts of the Old Commons, investment and environment. But if you propose a neighborhood, we population have been in decline. This slow decline 42 Civic Master Plan | Sector 1
  • 24. 43 has left entire blocks in nearly every neighborhood a once dying part of town into some of the highest vacant, blighted, or otherwise destabilized. For the housing values in the area. Streets in the Point will entire downtown area to succeed, it must be bolstered benefit from a systematic burying and relocation of the by continual investment and re-investment in the aerial utility lines that obscure the beautiful mansions neighborhoods. The pedestrian traffic of the resident and cottages than sit cheek to jowel. Lastly, new housing population is the constant to the ebbs and flows of has sprung forth from the largely abandoned Post Office the tourist market. To increase the population is to and around the old Jail. These entire blocks along improve the market conditions for every business and with the hundreds of vacant sites scattered around the restaurant in the downtown area. Once we move from downtown will provide a living framework on which the waterfront area, the Beaufort of 2051 must consist of new homes will rise. a series of closely connected, highly walkable, diverse, neighborhoods and mixed-use corridors that maintain the charm and character of their historic roots amidst A CHARGE TO OUR FUTURE new construction that has sensitively infilled all of the missing gaps. As you will see by this Master Plan, we have created a vision for a community that is walkable and mixed use; We have identified opportunities for more than 2500 that reinforces its urban character, but also celebrates the people to move in tomorrow without a new street, sewer natural context in which it sits. We leverage nature to line, or using any more gas to collect garbage. We will raise awareness of its importance in order to celebrate simply build on our existing network of well-connected the history and aspirations of the people of Beaufort and streets and do so at a density that would be generally Beaufort County. unnoticed by the average citizen. All in all, we hope that present and future generations Along Bladen Street in the Northwest Quadrant, new share our vision. Most importantly, for this plan to mixed-development along an improved streetscape succeed, it will need leadership and determination of will usher in a wave of housing in the form of few champions and it will need to be powerful and cottages, duplexes, bungalows, and perhaps even some compelling enough to make visitors think that Beaufort townhomes and apartments. Up in Higgonsonville, has its act together – and would be a good place to move many individuals, many of them artists, will reclaim a to and invest in. number of the homes in the area lost to neglect to create a thriving community. In Pigeon Point, the former base For this plan, the fabric of each new building in the housing from Parris Island that were moved to scattered downtown was intentionally set to the same scale as lots throughout the neighborhood will be expanded, such historic precedents as the Elliott House as well as renovated, and redeveloped with homes that are more buildings that are now only remembered in photographs. suitable for the gracious lots that exist there. And in Gone are the days of the mega-project on the superblock. the Old Commons, particularly along the periphery by If progress is to be made, it will be slow, calculated and Boundary Street and Carteret Street, large old homes in in small increments. The work will be done by many decrepit conditions and new homes on empty lots will hands and over a long period of time. But, if we have be reclaimed by the University and others to provide done our jobs like Burnham did in Chicago, we will have much-needed housing for faculty, staff, and student for created a legacy that will ably secure our rights as a great a thriving University that is a regional leader in the arts American city for centuries to come. and environmental studies. - The Office for Civic Investment, 2010 The Point will continue to be a beacon of the success of the national preservation movement that has resurrected Civic Master Plan City of Beaufort, SC |
  • 25. Chapter 3 | Section 1 | Sector 1 Vision & Overview SECTOR 1 STUDY AREA EXISTING BUILDINGS The study area covered in the Sector 1 Planning and Design Charrette includes the Beaufort peninsula to the east of Ribaut Road. Sector 1 also includes the Whitehall Plantation property on Lady’s Island (just across the Beaufort River) as a logical extension of downtown Beaufort. In addition to Beaufort’s entire 304-acre National Historic Landmark district, the following neighborhoods are included in Sector 1: • Downtown/Bay Street • Northwest Quadrant • The Point • Old Commons PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT • The Bluff PHASE 1 • Dixon Village • Pigeon Point • Uptown Beaufort • Higginsonville • Whitehall Each of these neighborhoods has a unique character, form, and personality that were recognized during the charrette process. For the Sector 1 Planning and Design Charrette the Sector 1 study area was split among five design teams each with a specific focus area for design. The sequence of images at right illustrates the summation of that work, across the entirety of Sector 1, in phases. The existing PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT building footprints are shown at the top. Below that is PHASE 2 the proposed Phase 1, which illustrates development potential within 10 to 20 years. Finally, Phase 2 is shown as a long-term build-out of the Sector 1 planning area. The image on the facing page (Sector 1 Proposed Development Plan) is the aggregate of all the proposed interventions for Sector 1, including short- and long- term development strategies and key open space improvements. In total, the plan accommodates about 2,500 new people living in Sector 1, as well as about 180,000 square feet of new commercial (non-residential) space and 126,000 square feet of new civic space. PHASES OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (See Appendix A for larger maps) 44 Civic Master Plan | Sector 1
  • 26. 45 SECTOR 1 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PLAN (See Appendix A for larger map) Civic Master Plan City of Beaufort, SC |
  • 27. Chapter 3 | Section 2 T R A N S P O R TAT I O N WALKABILITY key corridors such as Boundary Street, Bladen Street, Ribaut Road, and Carteret Street will foster walkability The average distance that a typical pedestrian is willing throughout the Sector 1 study area over the long term. to walk is one-fourth to one-half miles, which equates to a five to ten minute journey. This distance is often Currently, the historic district, and Bay Street in referred to as the “pedestrian shed.” The downtown particular, is the most walkable area in town. It includes Beaufort peninsula is about 1.5 miles across at its the greatest variety of uses at a potentially walkable widest point (from Waterfront Park up to Pinckney scale. Part of the intent behind the Open Space Plan Park). Because this distance is greater than a typical is to create attractive walkable corridors throughout pedestrian shed, it is important to provide employment Sector 1. While the establishment of mixed-use nodes opportunities, services, neighborhood retail, and spaces along key corridors occurs in the long term, streetscape for recreation throughout the downtown Beaufort improvements and the development of an open space peninsula. Encouraging an appropriate mix of uses along network help to extend the walkability of the Bay Street area in the short term. 10 M IN WALK (1/ TE UT 4 NU EW M I IL 5M A L K (1/ 2 M I L E E) ) WA L K A B I L I T Y (See Appendix A for larger map) 46 Civic Master Plan | Sector 1
  • 28. 47 ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORTATION MAP dedicated bike lanes that connect to the regional parks and greenways system. Finally, the existing marina Sidewalk improvements throughout Sector 1 are another serves as a terminal for regional water taxis and boat method of extending the walkability of downtown tourism. Beaufort. The Alternative Transportation Map below illustrates blocks where sidewalks are recommended to These improvements all support a more sustainable be installed, if they are not so already. The introduction built environment for Beaufort residents and strengthen/ of a downtown circulator bus that shares stops with broaden the tourism industry by allowing people to reach regional routes also improves local and regional downtown Beaufort in new ways, move around more mobility. easily once they are there, and explore parts of town that were not previously within a reasonable walking Bike infrastructure improvements range from “can-of- distance. paint” solutions that create shared bike travel lanes, to A L T E R N AT I V E T R A N S P O R TAT I O N M A P (See Appendix A for larger map) Civic Master Plan City of Beaufort, SC |
  • 29. Chapter 3 | Section 2 | Transportation STREET HIERARCHY Combined with a future development strategy that promotes a greater variety and mix of uses in Sector 1, The predominant gridiron pattern of the Sector 1 study Beaufort’s gridded street hierarchy will enable people area is a tremendous asset for developing a more to live locally and accomplish their daily needs in a walkable urban environment in downtown Beaufort. short walking, biking, or driving distance. The pages While the grid network increases the overall efficiency that follow illustrate some transportation strategies and capacity of the system to convey traffic to and from that will support these street classifications, as well as destinations within the Sector 1 study area, there are development concepts that will make the most effective only 3 routes that allow access beyond the downtown use of the street hierarchy as illustrated. peninsula: Boundary Street to the west, Ribaut Road to the South toward Port Royal, and Carteret Street to the South across the US 21 bridge. Because of these geographic constraints, establishing a coherent street hierarchy within the downtown environment will be a key consideration for enabling local mobility in the future. The map on the facing page illustrates how mobility in the Sector 1 Study Area will be enhanced by the improvement of Beaufort’s existing street network. • Primary thoroughfares like Ribaut Road, Carteret Street, and Boundary Street will continue to serve a regional purpose and convey the highest volume of traffic to destinations within the downtown peninsula and beyond. These streets will also be enhanced to more effectively accommodate non-motorized (pedestrian and bicycle) modes of transportation. • Bay Street, Bladen Street, and Newcastle Street will serve as local thoroughfares and support neighborhood commercial development in close proximity to downtown neighborhoods. • Port Republic Street is noted as a festival street and retail counterpart to Bay Street (see page 67). • South of Boundary Street, the remaining streets are local roads and alleys that follow a regular grid and efficiently serve individual lots. • North of Boundary Street, the local grid is a little slightly less regular and frequent. As a result, each neighborhood street plays a slightly more prominent role in conveying traffic to the major thoroughfare of Boundary Street. 48 Civic Master Plan | Sector 1
  • 30. 49 Boundary Street Bay Street Ribaut Road Port Republic Street Carteret Street G-5 Street Charles Street G-3 Street Bladen Street Rear Lanes STREET HIERARCHY MAP NOT TO SCALE (See Appendix A for larger map) Civic Master Plan City of Beaufort, SC |
  • 31. Chapter 3 | Section 2 | Transportation BOUNDARY STREET ROAD DIET This plan for Boundary Street utilizes the existing 44’-0” of pavement, curb to curb, and reconfigures the lane striping. It reduces the number of travel lanes from four to two, adds parallel parking on both sides, as well as a turning lane in the center. In the future, when rear access is incorporated into the lots fronting Boundary Street, the turn lane can be converted into a planted median. This “road diet”, or reconfiguration of the street, will slow traffic making the Boundary Street Corridor more pedestrian-friendly. B O U N DA RY S T R E ET ROA D D I ET C O N C E P T UA L P L A N SCALE: 1”= 300’ 50 Civic Master Plan | Sector 1
  • 32. 51 KEY A - Public Frontage B - Parallel Parking C - Travel Lane D - Turning Lane SCALE: 1” = 30’ N Civic Master Plan City of Beaufort, SC |
  • 33. Chapter 3 | Section 2 | Transportation C O N C E P T U A L I L L U S T R AT I O N o f B E L L A M Y C U R V E (Looking west along Boundary Street) BELLAMY CURVE Bellamy Curve is a unique gateway to the USCB campus and downtown Beaufort, and can be an inspiring public space on the banks of the Beaufort River. The Bellamy Curve proposal transforms the corner into a pie-shaped public plaza that transitions from a hardscape treatment to a natural environment as it fans out to the river. The inside of the curve is a hardscape plaza with public art, seating, and planters. In the roadway, the visual cue and texture change of a plaza paving treatment slows drivers down and creates a broad crosswalk for pedestrians. Finally, a terraced lawn on the outside of the curve creates a connection to the river and to the USCB campus. The plaza and terraced lawn are heavily used by USCB students as it marks the transition from the student housing on Boundary Street to the academic quads on Carteret Street. The portion of the plan north of Boundary Street is a long-term plan for the area. The plan depicts a large structure that could house a conference center or large hotel fronting the marsh. The waterfront park is extended from Bellamy Curve north into Pigeon Point. In addition, smaller, more dense infill development such as town houses is possible to the north of the hotel/conference structure. B E L L A M Y C U RV E C O N C E P T UA L P L A N SCALE: 1”=200’ 52 Civic Master Plan | Sector 1
  • 34. 53 RIBAUT ROAD CORRIDOR BO NEW UN CITY DA HALL The Ribaut Road Corridor begins at the new City Hall RY ST building to the north and connects to the Town of Port RE ET Royal in the south. It is one of the most heavily traveled corridors in Beaufort and supports major institutions like Beaufort Memorial Hospital and the Technical College of the Lowcountry. For most of its length, the corridor contains four travel lanes, two in each direction, and a center turn lane. Reconfiguring Ribaut Road north of Duke Street allows on-street parking to support denser town center development as well as continued redevelopment of the County Government Campus. R I BAU T ROA D South of Duke Street, residential-scaled infill will incrementally add home offices, neighborhood services, and a greater density of dwelling units. The corner of Ribaut and Bay Street will be redeveloped as a major gateway into downtown Beaufort, marked COUNTY GOVERNMENT by planted medians, crosswalks in an alternative paving COMPLEX treatment, wayfinding signage, and a banner stand that will advertise community events (see plan on following page). R I BAU T ROA D C O R R I D O R C O N C E P T UA L PLAN NOT TO SCALE Civic Master Plan City of Beaufort, SC |
  • 35. Chapter 3 | Section 2 | Transportation R I BAU T ROA D S T R E ET S E C T I O N S 54 Civic Master Plan | Sector 1
  • 36. 55 Marsh Road Improvements B OU A road diet along Ribaut Road north of Duke NDA Street is needed to encourage pedestrian activity RY S T REE to support the planned town center development T and continuted redevelopment of the County ROAD Government Campus. This road diet would include closing two travel lanes of Ribaut Road in order to provide parking. In order to close the MAR SH travel lanes, alternative access must be provided between Duke Street and Boundary Street. To provide this access, Marsh Road will be improved and extended to connect to Ribaut Road at Prince Street. This will allow adequate access and traffic flow from Ribaut Road to Boundary Street. RIBAU T ROAD DUKE ST. PRINCE ST. Civic Master Plan City of Beaufort, SC |
  • 37. Chapter 3 | Section 2 | Transportation G5 RESIDENTIAL STREET SECTION (PIGEON P OINT AREA) 56 Civic Master Plan | Sector 1
  • 38. 57 G3 RESIDENTIAL STREET SECTION (DUKE STREET ) Civic Master Plan City of Beaufort, SC |
  • 39. Chapter 3 | Section 3 N AT U R A L I N F R A S T R U C T U R E & PA R K S GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE these streetscape improvements will also provide stormwater filtration on site and more effectively direct The City of Beaufort is rich with natural beauty. the overflow water into the downtown system. Places including Waterfront Park and the many pocket parks connect residents and visitors to nature as they Improvements to Existing Open Space experience the downtown and Bay Street. It is common The Civic Master Plan also upgrades several areas of to see visitors strolling along Bay Street, enjoying existing open space. Basil Green Park north of Boundary the view of the marsh and the enormous live oak Street and Washington Street Square Park south of trees. These natural features are just one component Boundary Street include enhancements that will benefit of a critical linked network of open space and natural the surrounding neighborhoods, while also connecting infrastructure in Downtown Beaufort. Through the into the greater system of open space and infrastructure. Civic Master Plan the City of Beaufort will build on Both parks are ideal locations for new intermediary the existing natural infrastructure by enhancing and stormwater runoff measures including rain gardens, bio- connecting the open space to not only aesthetically retention swales and retention hollows. improve the area, but to also improve drainage and stormwater management in downtown. Natural Infrastructure System Creating opportunities for open space and natural The Civic Master Plan connects the existing natural infrastructure is a multi-pronged approach with a infrastructure in downtown Beaufort through streetscape variety of techniques. Each technique used in the natural improvements, stormwater management enhancements, infrastructure plan is outlined below and highlighted on and new investment in existing open space. Each part the plan at right. of the plan represents an integral stage in improving the quality of the built and natural environment. Streetscape Improvements Ribaut Road, Bladen Street and Charles Street are the north-south connections south of Boundary Street to the river. Each of these streets will have enhanced streetscapes with street trees, sidewalks, and on-street parking. The improvements help to mitigate runoff issues by incorporating tree planting wells that collect, filter and drain water to the greater stormwater system. East-west connections north of Boundary Street on Park Avenue also integrate streetscape enhancements with stormwater management improvements in Pigeon Point. For example, a planting strip and pervious parking areas will filter water before it enters the piping system and then efficiently channel overflow water into the greater stormwater management system. Other street improvements north of Boundary Street on Pigeon Point Road, Sycamore Street, Lafayette Street, and Rodgers Street include the addition of street trees, pervious opportunistic parking and a sidewalk on one side of the street. To improve stormwater management 58 Civic Master Plan | Sector 1
  • 40. 59 PROP OSED GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE Civic Master Plan City of Beaufort, SC |
  • 41. Chapter 3 | Section 3 | Natural Infrastructure & Parks EXTENSION of WATERFRONT PARK Waterfront Park provides a pedestrian amenity that recognizes and celebrates the significance of the Waterfront Park is a spectacular public amenity that Beaufort River to the city, in an appropriately low- draws locals and tourists alike to downtown Beaufort. impact fashion. This boardwalk preserves the natural However, to the west along the Bluff is an underutilized setting of the Bluff and is also is a key component in the asset that has the unrealized potential to be a truly great development of a regional parks and greenway system. public space. Beaufort’s waterfront is a tangible part of the city’s history and identity. With a waterfront park extension, there will is a logical connection from the existing Waterfront Park to The Bluff. A simple boardwalk EXISTING extending along the river’s edge to the west of C O N C E P T U A L I L L U S T R AT I O N o f B O A R D WA L K a l o n g t h e M A R S H (Looking east toward downtown) 60 Civic Master Plan | Sector 1
  • 42. 61 BLADEN N O RT H S T R E ET C A RT E R ET S T R E ET CHARLES STREET BA Y S TR EE T D T ROA R I BAU E X T E N S I O N o f WAT E R F R O N T P A R K C O N C E P T U A L P L A N NOT TO SCALE Courthouse Sidewalk Travel Travel Parallel Lane Lane Parking Naturalized Bluff Low Impact Gravel Trail with Retaining Wetland Wall B O A R D WA L K A L O N G T H E M A R S H Civic Master Plan City of Beaufort, SC |
  • 43. Chapter 3 | Section 3 | Natural Infrastructure & Parks All Baseball Fields at Standard Pony Sizes New Soccer Field (180’x300’) New Pavilions New Park Entrance & Dropoff Playground Reconfigured Godfrey Street Existing Stormwater Retention Parcel Pervious Parking Summary Layfayette St. (34 spots) 14 parallel 20 head-in Rodgers Ave. (48 spots) 22 parallel 26 angled Nairne St. (62 spots) All head-in Godfrey St. (79 spots N All head-in Entrance (108 spots) All angled TOTAL: 331 spots B A S I L G R E E N PA R K C O N C E P T UA L P L A N NOT TO SCALE 62 Civic Master Plan | Sector 1
  • 44. 63 BASIL GREEN PARK COMMUNITY GARDENS Basil Green Park, located in the Pigeon Point At the scale of the block, the natural infrastructure neighborhood, is one of the most popular and frequently plan includes incremental agriculture opportunities. used parks in Beaufort. Many sports teams play in the These community gardens provide open space for the park on the weekends and several nights a week during neighborhood, as well as opportunities for residents to spring, summer, and fall. In recent years, parking has grow their own food. The gardens can also be integrated become a problem. The proposed plan (see previous into the stormwater management system to fill cisterns page) shows how the parking can be reorganized to for watering the growing plants. handle large crowds. It is also recommended that the fields be reoriented to create new pavilions and an entry drop-off point. P O T E N T I A L L O C AT I O N S f o r C O M M U N I T Y G A R D E N S Civic Master Plan City of Beaufort, SC |
  • 45. Chapter 3 | Section 3 | Natural Infrastructure & Parks WASHINGTON SQUARE PARK support both active and passive recreational uses with a basketball court, a tennis court, an amphitheater, and Washington Square Park is an important neighborhood an open lawn for common activities. The basketball and gathering place for local residents in the Northwest tennis courts will be located so as not to disrupt adjacent Quadrant. The park’s facilities are dated and in need homes. The plan described and shown here carefully of improvement. New picnic shelters and restrooms considers the requests made by neighborhood residents. mark the corners of the park. Play equipment is located near the structures for easy child supervision. Some of the play equipment is preserved as it dates back to the original construction of the park and holds historical significance to local community members. The park will GREENE STREET New Equipment Shed New Basketball NEWCA ST LE ST REET CHARLES STREET Court Mixed-use Infill New Volleyball Area New Amphitheater New Pavilion Historic Swing Set New Restroom WA S H I N G T O N S T R E E T N WA S H I N G T O N S Q U A R E P A R K C O N C E P T U A L R E D E V E L O P M E N T P L A N NOT TO SCALE 64 Civic Master Plan | Sector 1
  • 46. 65 RIBAU T ROAD Planted Median Open Air Pavillion Grass Swales Rain Garden Fitness Loop Underneath Community Banners Mature Trees lk s wa ros dC nce ET ha E En S TR Y BA C O N C E P T U A L L A N D S C A P E P L A N f o r C O R N E R O F R I B A U T R O A D a n d B AY S T R E E T NOT TO SCALE BANNER AREA ture trees will be preserved and a pervious fitness loop will provide recreation opportunities to residents. Both The intersection of Ribaut Road and Bay Street is corners employ strategic stormwater management tools the gateway to downtown Beaufort for the majority such as grass swales and rain gardens to treat and filter of residents and tourists. The northeast corner of the the runoff from Ribaut Road and the areas north of Bay intersection owned by the Beaufort Open Land Trust is Street. currently the location used to hang banners announcing upcoming festivals and events in the town. The gateway The improved gateway and banner location to Beaufort is now only marked with these informal banners, miss- is further complimented by the streetscape improve- ing an opportunity to welcome visitors and residents to ments on Ribaut Road that include traffic calming the the historic waterfront in Beaufort. The Civic Master street from four lanes to two lanes, adding a bike lane Plan will reinstate this corner as a prominent entrance in each direction, enhanced crosswalks, and new street to downtown Beaufort. The plan includes a designated trees. The result of these upgrades is a sense of arrival to location for community banners and a pocket park on downtown Beaufort and a unique opportunity for both the northeast corner. On the northwest corner the ma- active and passive users. Civic Master Plan City of Beaufort, SC |
  • 47. Chapter 3 | Section 4 B A Y S T R E E T a n d t h e WAT E R F R O N T BAY STREET The Bay Street and Waterfront Park are the city’s most recognizable assets. The unique identity and public amenities combine to create a special sense of place that permeates the entire city. Unfortunately, the activity in this area is currently limited in terms of both geography and diversity. With the changes proposed in this plan, downtown can be transformed into an even more memorable and appealing district with resourceful planning and implementation. In terms of geography, what most people consider to be downtown Beaufort is limited to the three blocks of Bay Street from Charles to Carteret Streets. To become a unified district, the perception of downtown Beaufort needs to expand beyond its Bay Street core and develop a vibrancy of activity that connects to other parts of the B AY S T R E E T S T U D Y A R E A city. C R AV E N S T R E E T WEST STREET PARKING CHARLES STREET GARAGE C A RT E R ET S T R E ET P O RT R E P U B L I C S T R E ET SCOTT STREET B AY STR EET MARINA N PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT for DOWNTOWN NOT TO SCALE 66 Civic Master Plan | Sector 1
  • 48. 67 B AY S T R E E T PROPOSED MARINA REDEVELOPMENT BA In terms of diversity, Downtown Beaufort is an almost Y exclusively tourist-driven market, with little commercial ST R provision for the everyday needs of residents. To become EE T an authentic place, Downtown Beaufort needs to foster and develop an identity and diversity of function beyond tourist shops and carriage tours. Four major projects are identified in Downtown Beaufort to help the area overcome its narrow geography and lack of diversity: the Marina redevelopment, a Port Republic Street parking garage and commercial infill strategy, an extension of Waterfront Park along the Bluff, and the Whitehall Plantation property development. Marina Redevelopment The most underutilized space in downtown is the Marina N parking lot. This approximately three-acre asphalt lot is an unfitting use of a prime location in the middle of C O N C E P T UA L P L A N f or tha M A R I NA SCALE: 1”= 200’ Civic Master Plan City of Beaufort, SC |