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Hiba Al Mehdi
School of Business, Northcentral University
BUS-7100: Scholarly Literature Review
Dr. Richard Thompson
October 3, 2021
Richard C. Thompson, Ph.D.
Grade – 9.5/10
Assignment: Choose a Research Topic
Week 7 Requirements
The problem statement is between 250-300 words. It describes
the gap in the literature or the problem found in the research. It
is something that has not been solved. A problem statement is
used to describe what the researcher intends to solve. Include
the following items in your draft:
I see you changed your topic since Week 5 – this is acceptable
and I think the topic is clearer as well.
See comment on formatting of your Problem Statement and need
for supporting research.
See comments on Purpose Statement.
See comments on your Theoretical Framework.
I look forward to your revisions in Week 8’s assignment
1. Write a problem statement with no more than 250 words.
1. Write a purpose statement using the directions below.
1. Include two or three paragraphs about a theory or conceptual
1. Add your annotated bibliography from previous work.
From the dissertation template, use the following points to write
a purpose statement: Begin with a succinct purpose statement
that identifies the study method, design, and overarching goal:
“The purpose of this [identify research methodology] [identify
research design] study is to [identify the goal of the dissertation
that directly reflects and encompasses the research questions
that will follow].”
1. Indicate how the study is a logical, explicit research response
to the stated problem and the research questions that will
1. Continue with a brief and clear step-by-step overview of how
the study will be (proposal) or was (manuscript) conducted.
1. Identify the variables/constructs, materials/instrumentation,
and analysis.
1. Identify the target population and sample size that will be
needed (proposal) or was obtained (manuscript).
Length: 10-12 pages total, not including title and reference
Include a minimum of seven scholarly resources.
Work is free of spelling, punctuation, grammar, & word usage
errors. APA was used for citations and references.
Business Performance Risks Caused by Outsourcing of
Information Technology.
The information technology (IT) growth has resulted in the rise
of transaction demand by consumers and businesses. The
majority of the organization's technical teams are ever-present
to solve any emerging needs. Following rampant business needs
growth, organizations are on a mission to keep the source and
demand of particular information technology functions intact.
The world's globalization has changed the production mode of
enterprises from insourcing to outsourcing. The management of
cost and time management efficiency are the determiners of the
organization's business performance.
Furthermore, several factors must be in consideration during the
process of outsourcing, such as time and financial
considerations, and technology. Outsourcing can also harm
employees, which may translate into risks to business
performance. This paper discusses business performance risks
caused by IT outsourcing in organizations (Munoz, 2017).
Problem Statement
The major challenge to be dealt with in this research is
identifying the risk that information technology outsourcing
brings to the organization's business performance. The process
of outsourcing involves internal work transfer to providers of
external service. This type of outsourcing translates into clients'
satisfaction to gain a competitive advantage, the fundamental
outsourcing target. Besides, the Outsourcing process is
associated with numerous problems such as integrity of
resources, network security, and connectivity. In the long run,
this kind of outsourcing may impact the performance of
employees in business operations. During the process of
outsourcing, some technologies remain associated with
problems. On the other hand, internal resources remain used as
corrective measures to some problems impacting other business
sectors. Comment by Richard Thompson: “The problem to be
examined through this research is…”. You had this formatted
correctly in Week 5, although I see you changed your topic
(which is acceptable) Comment by Richard Thompson: This
could be an interesting topic, but I do not see the supporting
research that indicates we do not already know what these risks
are. The interrelationship between risk and outsourcing in
general is well researched. What is there in the InbfoTech
Update this for Week 8
In addition, this action is likely to results in limited resources
in other business sectors and eventually translate to poor
business performance. This way will ultimately increase the
organization's risk. The relationship between the service risk of
IT (network security or application maintenance) and the
organizational performance of a business lacks conclusive
quantitative analysis caused by outsourcing. Also, outsourcing
brought dissatisfaction with some work because some internal
organization work was closed due to transfer to outsourcing
suppliers. These effects vary depending on the organization
size, the outsourcing organization, and the nature of work
offered by the organization to the outsourcing supplier
(Balogun, 2013).
The Purpose of This Research
Non-experimental quantitative research aims to assess the risks
of outsourcing certain services of IT suppliers of third-party.
Following the perspective business view, outsourcing adds up to
be a fundamental tool for solving multiple issues management
of time and competitive advantage. In this analysis process,
business performance involves the standard variable;
identification of risk and size of the company are the predictor
variables. During the study, around 100 employees were
participants from organizations in the information technology
field. Usually, all the participants remained surveyed online.
According to Brydges (2019), various studied factors determine
the difference between risk factors and business performance.
The predisposing factors for these results will add to the
literature of this paper (Balogun, 2013). Comment by Richard
Thompson: “…to third party suppliers.”? Comment by Richard
Thompson: Will be
Until you start writing Chapter 4 in the dissertation which
reports on the results of your research, you will always talk
about your research in the future tense as you have not
conducted the research yetTheoretical Framework
Transaction cost analysis can apply to organizations
participating in IT outsourcing. Transaction cost economics
involves studies of contractual governance and relations. It can
operate to extend the concept of the transaction cost. In this
study, organizations maximize their profits by indulging in
information exchange. Ideally, approximately three dimensions
form the critical determiners of transaction costs, including
specificity of an asset, transaction frequency, and transaction
uncertainty. The frequency of transactions leads to the rise of
the trust of both involved parties and limits their speculation.
The limitations of forecasting trading results lie in the
uncertainty of trading. Comment by Richard Thompson:
Good. Now, source? Cite your sources, even if you paraphrase
The difficulty in using resources for other purposes lies in
the particularity of the assets. According to transaction cost
analysis, when a simple contract gives way to a significant
transaction in the organization, the risk of the contract increases
(Balogun, 2013).
The theory of integrated systems operated to offer analysis
during an organization's participation in the network security
system of an outsourced IT organization. Systematic
interdisciplinary research gives insight into the principles
applicable to all research fields, an integrated systems theory.
This theory sits petty to understand not only information
security management but also information security strategies.
The theory of an integrated system offers a theoretical
framework for the trade-off between both risk and profit. In this
study, integrated systems theory was applied to increase profits
through outsourcing and keeping the network's security. The
organization's scale and risk are under scrutiny as the growth of
outsourcing. Upcoming organizations have a sense of belief that
they are not as familiar as large established companies. Larger
and more established companies will receive more improved
packages. Comment by Richard Thompson: Are you proposing
to use Transaction Cost Analysis and Integrated Systems
Theory? In the framework section, after you describe both
(what are the major concepts and how do they interact) then you
need to create a framework that applies both concepts to yoru
particular research problem (Problem Statement).
Sometimes it is useful to make a diagram, or concept map, of
how all of this fits together. See Davis (2011) in your Dropbox.
In contrast, upcoming companies may feel obliged to pay more
to acquire packages of the same kind. Both companies will be
affected if the risk calculation is incorrect, whether small or
large. There should be consideration of the undiscovered costs
when performing risk calculations. In general, large established
companies remain positioned to receive the quality service
associated with reduced risk. However, according to Balogun
(2013), small upcoming companies are forced to wait for
opportunities. In other situations, unlike wise to large
companies, small companies tend to have established good
relationships with companies meant for outsourcing, which may
change the risk level.
Following employees' experience, which becomes examined by
the change process, the expectation theory remains applied in
this theoretical framework. The attribute that contributes to the
behavior of workplace behavior is the expectations theory.
Furthermore, motivation is impacted significantly by three
elements such as valence, instrumentality, and expectation.
Specific results remain produced if hard work becomes
embraced, termed instrumentality.
Also, workers get a particular reward for their hard work,
which is called expectation, while valence involves value worth
trying. According to Munoz (2017), putting all of these
together, especially when the valence (result) is attractive, the
individual will be motivated to take action (instrumental)
(Munoz, 2017).
Pan, L. (2019). A big data-based data mining tool for physical
education and technical and tactical analysis. International
Association of Online Engineering (IAOE).
The tools for mining data strongly support physical training and
education and assist in the promotion of both tactical and
technical analysis. This research material gives information
based on using massive data technology to evaluate competitive
data about sports. The author of this article engineered an
algorithm to help establish the mining of data tools for use with
data about sports. The findings in this resource material
intensively enhance big data technology in this particular sports
field (Pan, 2019). Data mining involves a method of processing
information that uses a variety of theories and techniques.
Mining of data relays analysis of statistics which is an essential
tool for extracting and aggregating information. Data mining
relies on the decision tree structure, which embodies offsetting
Additionally, the mining of data heavily relies on the structure
of the decision tree, which forms a process of a set of decisions.
Also, mining of data applies the logic of fuzzy and networks of
artificial neural. Generally, data mining analysis uses
visualization techniques to show the concluding presentation
(Pan, 2019).
In this article, the author uses badminton as an example. He is
able to identify data of accurate game data using big data in
assisting coaches in guidance and targeted physical education.
Ideally, the tool has a massive impact on the athletic world
because it assists in the avoidance of weakness while
developing strengths. According to Plan (2019), this tool will
equally aid in technological improvement and tactics.
Cesarotti, V., Gubinelli, S., & Introna, V. (2019). The evolution
of project management (PM): How agile, lean, and Six Sigma
change PM. Journal of Modern Project Management, 7(3), 1-29.
Project managers have several means to deal with projects. For
instance, Frames,
which includes Project Management Body of Knowledge
(PMBOK) and Projects in Controlled Environment (PRINCE2),
assists the project managers who use project management. The
framework of PMBOK was published by the Institute of Project
Management (PMI) in 1996 (Cesarotti et al., 2019). The duties
are simple and straightforward, and there are limits in
traditional project management (TPM). The five essential
processes of various TPM include initiation, planning,
execution, control and monitoring, and closing. For the case of
software projects, there was the creation of Agile Project
Management (APM).
Additionally, APM uses SCRUM and Extreme Programming as
the method of primary project management for any project.
Learning ongoing and adaptation are the fundamental tools to
management methods of an agile project. Furthermore, another
approach is Lean project management which focuses on waste
elimination and value creation. The success of Lean project
management is essential in various areas, such as used in the
production environment. Also, another method is Six Sigma is;
it is a method of driving data for improving processes. The 6
Sigma project uses the DMAIC framework. The DMAIC stages
framework includes control, definition, measurement, analysis,
and improvement (Cesarotti et al., 2019).
In this resource material, the author compares the above four
tools of project management. Moreover, he compares the
following tools: intra-communication, life cycle methods,
leadership style styles, customer roles, rework, risks, costs,
delivery team dimensions, and main applications (Cesarotti et
al., 2019).
Osmyatchenko, V., Oliinyk, V., Mazina, O., Matselyukh, N.,
Ilin, V., & Orzeł, A. (2019). The influence of the global
technological changes on principles and functions of accounting
and the formation of the organization strategy. Journal of
Security & Sustainability Issues.
In the accounting system, modern technology performs a critical
role in this article's content. The changes in technology occur in
three phases. First, innovation, which is the primary one, occurs
at the onset of technology and economic growth.
Second, the application being the second phase occurs during a
period of growth of the economy. Third, the other phase is
Stagnation which occurs technological products saturate the
market. In the final phase, new technology research for new
processes or products begins (Osmyatchenko et al., 2019).
Accounting as a business process is changing using artificial
intelligence (AI). Resource work is shifting from daily tasks to
management work. With the help of the AI global information
system, the life of accounting is changing. With the process of
globalization and technological changes, accounting principles
have adapted to new operating conditions. At the same time,
standards of accounting remain supervised by local countries or
local governments. The implementation of the international
accounting experience has its challenges. The dynamic changes
in the technology industry require flexible accounting
processes, and the professional skills of accountants need to be
constantly revised. According to Osmyatchenko et al., 2019,
technological change and data processing speed are essential in
the digital world.
This article is majorly yearning to relay the mechanism by
which global information systems can limit the cost of counting.
Turkanović, M., & Polančič, G. (2013). On the security of
certain e-communication types:
Risks, user awareness, and
In the 20th century, communication changed with the
development of electronic products. The continuous innovation
development in communications, social media, and smartphones
has also created multiple security issues. This article discusses
the risk of security and privacy of electronic communications
(Turkanović & Polančič, 2013). Exchange of data takes place in
communication via electronic channels. Furthermore, these
communications exist in many forms, such as instant messaging,
smartphones, websites, and social media. Equipment and
applications are two major types of electronic communications.
The scholar of this article discusses device email and
applicable digital communication primarily via social media
handles. The most common online activity is email, and now
social media is approaching it. With the increase in mobile
device usage, email usage is declining, while internet usage is
also increasing (Turkanović & Polančič, 2013).
Usually, there is guaranteed safety in executing communication
electronically because there is no room for accessing
unauthorized data. This way made it possible because everyone
has the legal ground to curb used information. Since security is
an attribute assigned to computers, privacy remains assigned to
individuals in the same way. With the development of
technology, more and more people are using electronic
communication, whether private or professional. As a result,
privacy issues continue to rise (Turkanović & Polančič, 2013).
The 2011 online privacy survey results show that 94% of people
need privacy on online platforms. Around three-quarters of the
users believe that the internet has limited regulation. Also, the
author has given a report based on feedback on privacy online
via numerous surveys. For any smartphone user, privacy is a
massive issue. One of the surveys vividly indicates that privacy
is essential for teenagers and parents with social networks. In
2008, worldwide mobile phones companies sold about 2 billion
mobile phones. With the exponential growth of smartphone
sales, privacy concerns have increased yearly. The majority of
individuals store quite a considerable number of their personal
information in their smartphones which stands a greater risk to
every individual.
According to Turkanović and Polančič (2013), this article
equally mounts intensive focus on risk solutions and awareness
Dobrev, K., & Hart, M. (2015). Benefits, justification, and
implementation planning of real-time business intelligence
systems. Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation,
18(2), 104-118.
gin.aspx? direct=true&db=bth&AN=109261834&site=ehost-
Compared with delayed intelligence of business (BI), real -time
business intelligence (RTBI) benefits organizations. The subject
of this article is the main topic. Extraction, conversion, and
loading are normal ETL processes, usually an overnight batch
Conventional BI mostly has nothing to do with the process of
real-time business. According to Dobrev and Hart, 2015, the
fundamental mission of RTBI is to lower the time of the action
and grow the value of the business.
Likewise to traditional BI, RTBI is an evolutionary process. It
is interesting to note that organizations embrace RTBI as a
means of several changes to the existing traditional architecture
of BI. This article digs deep into implementing an enterprise
service bus (ESB) to better pass information on modern
applications and incorporate as many applications as possible.
For instance, the first step indicates that an organization is
required to redesign the business processes, clarify the
requirements, evaluate the area of current BI, and determine
whether to establish from ground zero or purchase. The uses of
RTBI can be in different forms, such as predictive analysis,
dynamic pricing, monitoring of demand, detection of fraud,
improvement of the supply chain, and forecasting (Dobrev &
Hart, 2015). RTBI positively impacts organizations via several
functions such as real-time data, improved processes, and better
forecasts. Most organizations tend to embrace the use of real -
time data as a massive improvement for them. It is crucial for
those who have not decided on which technique to embrace to
choose between near-real-time or real-time. Before moving to
RTBI, the risks and benefits must undergo revision.
Chatterjee, S., Sarker, S., & Valacich, J. S. (2015). The
behavioral roots of information systems security: Exploring
critical factors related to unethical IT use. Journal of
Management Information Systems, 31(4), 49-87.
The world rate of privacy of software rate was around 42% in
2011. Unethical behavior arises from the ease of use and
presence of both technologies and the internet. Studies indicate
that Unethical IT is the major of certain intentional security
violations (Chatterjee et al., 2015). The process by which
unethical IT use attitudes to impact the world negatively is what
this article discussed.
According to the author, individuals with technological idealism
have a bad attitude towards the immoral use of IT. In some
countries, there is no punishment for the unethical use of IT,
one of the reasons for such unethical use.
On the other hand, the growth of technology remains believed to
be beneficial. However, it is associated with risks increase. In
other words, technological growth remains thought to be a
double-edged sword. Few people try to benefit from unethical
use; this is the primary factor in this behavior. These misguided
behaviors have raised additional concerns about the security of
IT. These actions may bring large-scale security breaches to the
Yogi, Y. W., Govindaraju, R., Irianto, D., & Sudirman, I.
(2019). Capabilities in managing offshore IT outsourcing
challenges and the influence on outsourcing success from the IT
vendor perspective. International Journal of Technology, 10(4),
Delivering part or whole functions of the company to other
organizations form part of the definition of outsourcing. One of
the most outsourced processes is information technology to
lower production costs, focus core function of the company, and
performance improvement. Globally, China and India are
known to be the countries where most IT outsourcing occurs.
For purposes of succeeding through offshore IT outsourcing, IT
vendors need outstanding strengths. In this article, the author
discusses a model that explains the relationship between the
ability to manage outsourcing challenges and offshore IT and its
impact. The author obtained 64 samples (Yogi et al., 2019) from
IT suppliers of Indonesia who conduct IT offshore projects. The
author concludes that IT vendors should establish interactive
capabilities to achieve offshore outsourcing based on the
research results.
IT vendors need to ensure that they are guaranteed senior
support of management to obtain the right resources. The author
also encourages learning about customer culture to promote
interaction. This article has limitations, such as the samples
come from suppliers but lack customer feedback (Yogi et al.,
2019). This article discusses any supplier company's
capabilities to survive in IT outsourcing, particularly in
View 64 examples to provide practical information for other
sellers of IT.
Balogun, S. A. (2013). The effects of risk and size of company
on business performance in information technology outsourcing
(Ph.D.). Available from Dissertations & Theses @ Northcentral
University. (1400224467). proquest-
company-on-business- performance/docview/1400224467/se-
Brydges, C. R. (2019). Effect size guidelines, sample size
calculations, and statistical power in gerontology. Innovation in
Aging, 3(4), igz036.
Cesarotti, V., Gubinelli, S., & Introna, V. (2019). The evolution
of project management (PM):
How agile, lean, and Six Sigma are changing PM. Journal of
Modern Project Management, 7(3), 1-29.
Chatterjee, S., Sarker, S., & Valacich, J. S. (2015). The
behavioral roots of information systems security: Exploring
critical factors related to unethical IT use. Journal of
Management Information Systems, 31(4), 49-87.
Dobrev, K., & Hart, M. (2015). Benefits, justification, and
implementation planning of real-time business intelligence
systems. Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation,
18(2), 104-118.
gin.aspx? direct=true&db=bth&AN=109261834&site=ehost-
Munoz, E. (2017). Exploring morale, motivations, and
commitment of employees affected by outsourcing and
divestiture (D.B.A.). Available from Dissertations & Theses @
Northcentral University. (1960868768).
morale-motivations- commitment-
Osmyatchenko, V., Oliinyk, V., Mazina, O., Matselyukh, N.,
Ilin, V., & Orzeł, A. (2019). The influence of the global
technological changes on principles and functions of accounting
and the formation of the organization strategy. Journal of
Security & Sustainability Issues.
Pan, L. (2019). A big data-based data mining tool for physical
education and technical and tactical analysis. International
Association of Online Engineering (IAOE).
Turkanović, M., & Polančič, G. (2013). On the security of
certain e-communication types: Risks, user awareness, and
Yogi, Y. W., Govindaraju, R., Irianto, D., & Sudirman, I.
(2019). Capabilities in managing offshore IT outsourcing
challenges and the influence on outsourcing success from the IT
vendor perspective. International Journal of Technology, 10(4),
Requirements: Market positioning of the flavor cups, the
potential customers of the cups, cups background and the health
condition background.
The flavor is a mixture of smell, sight and taste. It is estimated
that the sense of smell is responsible for approximately 80% of
the flavor experience, and taste only occupies 20%. According
to this process, the flavor cup attempts to use smell and sight to
deceive the feeling of taste. When the consumer drinks water,
his nose can detect the fruity aroma, which comes from a
fragrant mass at the rim of cups. Additionally, the upper part of
caps will be designed with different colors, which are matching
the flavor mass. As a result, the overall drinking experience is
improved, encouraging cup owners to drink more water.
For example: This kind of water cup can be widely used for
many specific groups, such as patients, children and beverage
(Do some research and use the data to analysis)
Developing Topic and Literature Review
BUS-7100: Scholarly Literature Review February 14h, 2021
The Risk of Business Performance result from Information
Technology Outsourcing
The Information Technology (IT) growth increased the demand
for more transactions within the business and between the
business and consumers. Most of the organization's technology
groups stay internally within the organization to support the
needs. With the rapid growth in the business needs,
organizations are trying to sustain the needs and outsource some
of their information technology functions. Globalization of the
world modified the business's approach from insourcing to
outsourcing mode of production. The efficiency of time
management and cost management determines the organization's
business performance.
Outsourcing involves many factors like technology, financial
considerations, and time considerations. Outsourcing can also
negatively impact the employees, which may translate to a risk
on the business performance. In this part of the dissertation, the
author talks about business performance risk due to IT
outsourcing in an organization (Munoz, 2017).Statement of
The problem to be addressed by this study is to identify the risk
of the organization on business performance resulting from
Information Technology outsourcing. Shifting the internal in-
house work to external service providers is outsourcing. This
outsourcing translates to customer satisfaction and mainly gains
the competitive advantage, which is the primary goal of
outsourcing. Outsourcing may raise multiple issues with
network security, connectivity, and integrity of the resources.
The organizations' data is sometimes very confidential. With
outsourcing, the risk of data sharing increases. The
organization's security checks may be different from an
outsourcing vendor, which brings risks to the organization
through the vendor. This may eventually impact employee’s
performance in the operations of the business. When
outsourcing, a portion of the technology is having issues, other
parts of the internal resources are
Developing Topic
used to rectify the problems, which may impact other business
areas. This will translate into insufficient resources in other
areas, and it will bring poor business performance. That
eventually raises multiple risks to the organization. There is no
conclusive quantitative analysis of the relationship between
organization business performance due to outsourcing and IT
services' risk, whether network security or application
maintenance. Outsourcing also brings some portion of job
dissatisfaction as some of the internal organization jobs are
closed with moving to an outsourcing vendor. These effects
differ on the organization size, outsourcing organization, and
what portion of the work organization is trying to give to
outsourcing vendors (Balogun, 2013).Purpose of the Study
The purpose of the nonexperimental quantitative study is to
evaluate the risk of outsourcing a portion of IT services to a
third-party vendor. From the business perspective, outsourcing
is a logical solution in multiple factors, including competitive
advantage and time management. Business performance is the
criterion variable; risk identification and company size are the
predictor variables in this analysis. There are around 100
employees from an organization working within Informatio n
Technology are participated in this research. There is an online
survey conducted for these participants. Factorial analysis of
variance is performed to find the difference between business
performance and risk factors. The data from this study is added
to the literature by identifying the risk factors on information
security on the organization, resource satisfaction, and the
effect on the business performance (Brydges, 2019).Conceptual
Organizations involved in IT outsourcing can be analyzed using
transaction costs. This concept of transaction costs can be
expanded using transaction cost economics, a study of the
contractual relations and governance. In this study, organization
maximized their profits by exchanging information. Three
dimensions determine the transaction costs; they are frequency
of transaction, the uncertainty of the transaction, and asset
specificity. A significant influence of transactions happened
with the frequency of transactions. The transaction frequency
increases the trust in both parties and reduces opportunistic
behaviors. The limitation of the forecast of the results of the
transaction is the uncertainty of the transaction. The difficulty
of moving a resource for another use is asset specificity. As per
the transaction cost analysis, the hazards of contracting
increases when simple contracts give way to significant deals in
the organization (Balogun, 2013). Figure 1 provides a
conceptual mapping of the transaction costs.Figure 1
Conceptual mapping for Transaction costs
Integrated system theory is used to analyze when an
organization is involved in outsourcing the IT organization's
network security systems. The transdisciplinary study of
systems to explain the principles to apply in all types of
research fields is integrated systems
theory. This theory is beneficial to understand information
security management and strategies. Integrated systems theory
provides a framework in terms of profit and risk tradeoff. In
this study, integrated systems theory is used to maximize profit
using outsourcing and maintaining network security. The risk
and size of the organization are examined with the growth of
outsourcing. Small organizations think that they are not well
recognized compare to larger companies. Larger companies
receive better packages, and small companies may have to pay
more for similar packages. Whether it is small or large, both
companies will suffer if the risks are not calculated correctly.
Hidden costs need to be considered while calculating the risks.
Generally, larger companies get the best service with lower
risks, but the small companies have to wait for the opportunity.
Figure 2 gives the conceptual mapping for integrated systems
theory. In some cases, small companies make good relations
with the outsourcing companies compare to larger companies,
which may change the risk levels. Per the integrated systems
theory, the organizations need to observe if the outsourcing
benefits may outweigh the saving in transaction costs (Balogun,
2013).Figure 2
Conceptual mapping for Integrated System Theory
For the employee experience with the change process
measurement, the expectancy theory of motivation is used in
this framework. Attributes that contribute to workplace
behavior is the expectancy theory. The three elements that
affect motivation are instrumentality, expectancy, and valence.
Hard work produces specific outcomes, and that is called
instrumentality. Employees receive certain rewards for the
effort exerted, and that is called expectancy. The value that
makes an attempt worthwhile is called valence. Putting all these
together, if the outcome (valence) is attractive, individuals are
motivated to take action (instrumentality)(Munoz, 2017). This
conceptual framework guides research information security,
employee satisfaction, and business performance with
outsourcing (Prawesh et al., 2021).IT Outsourcing Challenges
and Success
Sending some or more functions of the company to other
companies is called outsourcing. Information Technology is one
of the most outsourced processes. Cost reduction, focus on core
functionalities of the company, and performance improvement
are some of the reasons companies tend to move toward
outsourcing. India and China are the countries where most IT
outsourcing happens these days. To achieve success with
offshore IT outsourcing, the IT vendor needs excellent
capabilities. In this article, the author talks about a model that
explains the relations between capabilities in managing
outsourcing challenges with IT offshore and spoke about its
impact. The author obtained 64 samples from Indonesian IT
vendors conducting IT offshore projects (Yogi et al., 2019).
After the research results, the author Yogi concludes that IT
vendors should build interaction capability to achieve offshore
outsourcing. IT vendor needs to make sure that they have the
top management support to get the right resources. The author
also encourages to learn
the client culture to smooth interaction. One of the limitations
in this article is that the samples are from the vendors, but it is
missing the clients' feedback (Yogi et al., 2019). The article
author Yogi talks about the capabilities needed for any vendor
company to survive in IT outsourcing, especially in Indonesia.
Reviewing 64 samples gives better information for other IT
vendors.Data Mining tools
Data mining tools promote physical education and training; it
helps to facilitate tactical and technical analysis. In this article,
the author talked about how big data techniques are used to
analyze competitive data for sports. The author designed an
algorithm to develop the data mining tools used with the data
for sports. This article's findings help promote big data
technology in this particular sports area (Pan, 2019).
Data mining is nothing but an information processing method
using multiple theories and technologies. Data mining relays
statistical analysis, which helps to summarize and extract
information. Data mining depends on the decision tree structure,
which represents set off decisions. Data mining depends on the
decision tree structure, which means a set of decisions in the
process. Data mining also uses fuzzy logic and artificial neural
networks. After all the data analysis, data mining uses
visualization technology to present the final presentation (Pan,
2019). The author selected badminton sport as an example in
this article. The author can identify and exact the information
from the competition data and use big data to help coaches
conduct physical education and guidance in a targeted way. This
tool makes a huge difference in the athletes’ world as it helps to
avoid weaknesses and develop strengths. This tool will also
help to improve the tactics and techniques(Pan, 2019).Evolution
of Project Management
There are multiple ways to approach a project by a Proj ect
Manager. A framework like PMBOK (Project Management Body
of Knowledge) and PRINCE2 (Projects in Controlled
Environment) helps project or program managers with project
management tools and techniques. PMBOK framework is
published in 1996 by the Project Management Institute (PMI)
(Cesarotti et al., 2019).
Tasks are straight forward and clear with boundaries in
traditional project management (TPM). Initiating, Planning,
Executing, Controlling & Monitoring, and Closing are the five
primary processes in any TPM. For software projects, Agile
Project Management (APM) is created. APM mostly uses
SCRUM and Extreme Programming as the project management
approach on any project. Continuous learning and adaptation are
the keys to the agile project management approach. Lean Project
Management is another approach; it focuses on removing waste
and creating value. Lean project management is successful and
used more in the product environment. Six Sigma is another
approach; it is a data-driven methodology to improve the
process. Six Sigma projects use the DMAIC framework. Define,
Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control is the DMAIC
framework phases (Cesarotti et al., 2019). The author of this
article compared the above four project management tools for
analysis. The author compared them around the lifecycle
approach, internal communication, leadership style, customer
role, rework, risk, cost, delivery team dimension, and main
application (Cesarotti et al., 2019).Global Technology changes
in Accounting Systems
In Accounting Systems, how modern technologies are playing a
pivotal role is the content in this article. The technological
changes happen in three cycles. Innovation is the first cycle; it
occurs at the beginning of economic growth, a technological
revolution. Application is the second cycle; it happens with a
period of economic growth. Stagnation is the next cycle; it
occurs when the market is at the saturation stage with
technological products. In the last stage, new technical research
starts for a new process or new product (Osmyatchenko et al.,
The accounting business processes are changing using Artificial
Intelligence (AI). The resources work is moving from routine
tasks to managerial work. With the AI Global Information
Systems, the life of accounting is changing. With the
globalization processes and technology changes, accounting
principles are adapted to new operating conditions.
Simultaneously, the accounting rules are mostly regulated by
the local country or the local government, and implementing
international accounting experience has its challenges. Dynamic
changes in the technology sector demand flexible accounting
processes, and the accounts' professional skills need continuous
modification. In the digital world, technological changes and
data processing speed are crucial (Osmyatchenko et al.,
2019).Risks and Awareness on e-communication
In the 20th century, with electronics growth, communication
changed in the world. It also created multiple security issues
with the innovations growing in the communication field, the
rise in social media and smartphones. In this paper, the author
talked about privacy and security risks with electronic
communication (Turkanović & Polančič, 2013).
Data exchange happens in electronic communication. There are
multiple types of e- communications, like smartphones, instant
messaging, social media, and websites. Apparatus and
Application are the two categories in e-communication. The
author discussed apparatus category e-mail and application
category social media in this article. The top online activity is
e- mail, and now social media is coming close to it. As mobile
usage increases, e-mail usage is coming down, and web usage is
going up (Turkanović & Polančič, 2013).
Unauthorized access to personal data is secure in e-
communication. Every individual has the right to control their
personal information usage. As security is a property assigned
to a computer, privacy is assigned to the individual in the same
way. As technology is growing, more people are using e-
communication, whether professional or private. With this, the
privacy concerns are keeping going up (Turkanović & Polančič,
Online privacy 2011 results say that 94% think they need online
privacy and 75% believe that the internet is not regulated. The
author went through multiple surveys to show us people's
feedback on privacy. For any smartphone user, privacy is a huge
concern. For teens and parents with social networking, one of
the surveys clearly says that privacy is essential for this group.
In 2008 around two billion phones are sold in the world. With
smartphone sales going up exponentially, the concerns on
privacy are growing every year. Most people carry their
personal information on the phone, which is a considerable risk
for that person. The article also discussed solutions and created
awareness about the risks (Turkanović & Polančič,
2013).Benefits of real-time Business Intelligence tools
Real-Time Business Intelligence (RTBI) benefits to the
organization compare to delayed Business Intelligence (BI) is
the main topic in this article. Extract, transform, and load is the
normal ETL process, which generally an overnight batch
process. Regular BI is mostly not linked to the real-time
business process. The main objective of RTBI is to reduce
action time and increase business value (Dobrev & Hart, 2015).
Compare to traditional BI, RTBI is an evolutionary process. In
any organization implementing RTBI means multiple changes to
the existing traditional BI architecture. This article discussed
implementing Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) to better
communicate between the
current applications and integrate various applications. As a
first step, organizations need to re- engineer the business
process, clarify the needs, evaluate the current BI area, and
finalize whether to build it from scratch or buy it. RTBI can be
used in predictive analytics, dynamic pricing, demand
monitoring, fraud detection, supply chain improvement, and
forecasting (Dobrev & Hart, 2015).
Overall, RTBI benefits organizations with real-time data, better
prediction, and better process improvements. Moving to real -
time is a massive move for organizations; they need to decide
whether to move real-time or near-time. Risks and benefits need
to be reviewed before moving to RTBI.Information Systems
In 2011 the global software piracy rate was around 42 percent.
Unethical behaviors are created with the ease and availability of
the internet and new technology. Some of the deliberate security
violations are created by unethical IT usage (Chatterjee et al.,
How unethical IT usage attitude is impacting the world is the
topic in this article. As per the author's notes, the individual
with technical idealism has a negative mindset with IT's
unethical usage. In some countries, unethical use of IT does not
have any punishment, which could also be one of the reasons for
this unethical usage. Technology growth is adding benefits, but
at the same time, it adds risks, too; technology growth is a
double-edged sword. Few individuals try to get some gain from
unethical usage; that is the main factor for this behavior.
These unethical behaviors bring more attention to IT security.
These behaviors might bring massive security breaches to the
organization. The author also talks about age groups who are
more into these unethical behaviors (Chatterjee et al., 2015).
Organizations always look to maximize short term and long
term profits. One of the ways of increasing the profit is to
outsource part of the IT organization. Outsourcing eventually
increases the security risk and resource dissatisfaction
(Mikhael, 2020). The final result may be a poor organization’s
performance. Outsourcing helps to reduce the transactional cost,
but eventually, it increases the security vulnerabilities. It is
crucial for the organization to measure their network security
and other security protocols for the organization involved in
outsourcing. These extra steps will help the organization
minimize the risks and threats from a security perspective,
which may come with the vendor. The organization needs to
keep close monitoring of employee satisfaction and take the
necessary measures as outsourcing can indirectly impact
employee satisfaction.
Literature reviews are used to evaluate policies by reviewing
best practices or by assessing the effectiveness of the specific
application, or only by updating the necessary knowledge
(Koons et al., 2019). Generally, the literature review involves
four main steps: In the first step, the author develops and
refines the literature's scope to be reviewed. In the second step,
the author searches and get the right research material. In the
third step, the author reads through the studies and assess the
information. In the last step, the author writes the report and
summarizes the information. Depends on the dissertation's
complexity, before the author completes the review, there may
be several rounds of searching, reading, and writing (Meth &
Williams, 2020).
The author reviewed two dissertations to understand the
literature review. Chapter 1 section contains the statement of
the problem, the purpose of the study, conceptual framework,
research questions, and summary. Chapter 2 discusses a detailed
discussion on the conceptual framework, knowledge sharing,
reasons, and summary. In one of the dissertation's summary, it
is stated that how an extensive literature review showed and
supported the phenomenon expecting part of the dissertation. In
that particular dissertation summary, the author talked about
people differences, team issues, architectural issues, technology
issues, customer issues, and collaboration issues (Murphy,
2020). The conceptual models are discussed in this article as
part of the literature review.
Balogun, S. A. (2013). The effects of risk and size of company
on business performance in information technology outsourcing
(Ph.D.). Available from Dissertations & Theses @ Northcentral
University. (1400224467). proquest-
company-on-business- performance/docview/1400224467/se-
Brydges, C. R. (2019). Effect size guidelines, sample size
calculations, and statistical power in gerontology. Innovation in
Aging, 3(4), igz036.
Cesarotti, V., Gubinelli, S., & Introna, V. (2019). The evolution
of project management (PM):
How agile, lean, and six sigma are changing PM. Journal of
Modern Project Management, 7(3), 1-29.
Chatterjee, S., Sarker, S., & Valacich, J. S. (2015). The
behavioral roots of information systems security: Exploring
critical factors related to unethical IT use. Journal of
Management Information Systems, 31(4), 49.
Dobrev, K., & Hart, M. (2015). Benefits, justification, and
implementation planning of real-time business intelligence
systems. Academic Conferences & Publishing International Ltd.
Koons, G. L., Schenke-Layland, K., & Mikos, A. G. (2019).
Why, when, who, what, how, and where for trainees writing
literature review articles. Annals of Biomedical Engineering,
47(11), 2334-2340.
Meth, P., & Williams, G. (2020). Doing development research;
pages 209-221. (). SAGE Publications, Ltd.
Mikhael, M. (2020). The impact of ethical leadership on
employee job satisfaction (D.B.A.).
Available from Dissertations & Theses @ Northcentral
University. (2425020006). theses/impact-ethical-
Munoz, E. (2017). Exploring morale, motivations, and
commitment of employees affected by outsourcing and
divestiture (D.B.A.). Available from Dissertations & Theses @
Northcentral University. (1960868768). proquest-
motivations- commitment-employees/docview/1960868768/se-
Murphy, K. J. (2020). Intra-team and inter-team knowledge
sharing in multinational corporation agile projects: A
qualitative phenomenological study (D.B.A.). Available from
Dissertations & Theses @ Northcentral University.
(2435230720). url=https://www -
inter- knowledge-sharing-
Osmyatchenko, V., Oliinyk, V., Mazina, O., Matselyukh, N.,
Ilin, V., & Orzeł, A. (2019). The influence of the global
technological changes on principles and functions of accounting
and formation of the organization strategy. Journal of Security
& Sustainability Issues.
Pan, L. (2019). A big data-based data mining tool for physical
education and technical and tactical analysis. International
Association of Online Engineering (IAOE).
Prawesh, S., Chari, K., & Agrawal, M. (2021). Industry norms
as predictors of IT outsourcing behaviors. International Journal
of Information Management, 56.
Turkanović, M., & Polančič, G. (2013). On the security of
certain e-communication types: Risks, user awareness, and
recommendations. Journal of Information Security and
Applications, 18(4), 193-205.
Yogi, Y. W., Govindaraju, R., Irianto, D., & Sudirman, I.
(2019). Capabilities in managing offshore IT outsourcing
challenges and the influence on outsourcing success from the IT
vendor perspective. International Journal of Technology, 10(4),
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Choose a research topic hiba al mehdischool of business, northc

  • 1. Choose a Research Topic Hiba Al Mehdi School of Business, Northcentral University BUS-7100: Scholarly Literature Review Dr. Richard Thompson October 3, 2021 Richard C. Thompson, Ph.D. Grade – 9.5/10 10/6/2021 Assignment: Choose a Research Topic Week 7 Requirements Feedback The problem statement is between 250-300 words. It describes the gap in the literature or the problem found in the research. It is something that has not been solved. A problem statement is used to describe what the researcher intends to solve. Include the following items in your draft: I see you changed your topic since Week 5 – this is acceptable and I think the topic is clearer as well. See comment on formatting of your Problem Statement and need for supporting research. See comments on Purpose Statement. See comments on your Theoretical Framework. I look forward to your revisions in Week 8’s assignment 1. Write a problem statement with no more than 250 words. 1. Write a purpose statement using the directions below. 1. Include two or three paragraphs about a theory or conceptual framework. 1. Add your annotated bibliography from previous work.
  • 2. From the dissertation template, use the following points to write a purpose statement: Begin with a succinct purpose statement that identifies the study method, design, and overarching goal: “The purpose of this [identify research methodology] [identify research design] study is to [identify the goal of the dissertation that directly reflects and encompasses the research questions that will follow].” 1. Indicate how the study is a logical, explicit research response to the stated problem and the research questions that will follow. 1. Continue with a brief and clear step-by-step overview of how the study will be (proposal) or was (manuscript) conducted. 1. Identify the variables/constructs, materials/instrumentation, and analysis. 1. Identify the target population and sample size that will be needed (proposal) or was obtained (manuscript). Length: 10-12 pages total, not including title and reference pages. Include a minimum of seven scholarly resources. Work is free of spelling, punctuation, grammar, & word usage errors. APA was used for citations and references. Running head: DRAFT OF RESEARCH TOPIC 2 Business Performance Risks Caused by Outsourcing of
  • 3. Information Technology. The information technology (IT) growth has resulted in the rise of transaction demand by consumers and businesses. The majority of the organization's technical teams are ever-present to solve any emerging needs. Following rampant business needs growth, organizations are on a mission to keep the source and demand of particular information technology functions intact. The world's globalization has changed the production mode of enterprises from insourcing to outsourcing. The management of cost and time management efficiency are the determiners of the organization's business performance. Furthermore, several factors must be in consideration during the process of outsourcing, such as time and financial considerations, and technology. Outsourcing can also harm employees, which may translate into risks to business performance. This paper discusses business performance risks caused by IT outsourcing in organizations (Munoz, 2017). Problem Statement The major challenge to be dealt with in this research is identifying the risk that information technology outsourcing brings to the organization's business performance. The process of outsourcing involves internal work transfer to providers of external service. This type of outsourcing translates into clients' satisfaction to gain a competitive advantage, the fundamental outsourcing target. Besides, the Outsourcing process is associated with numerous problems such as integrity of resources, network security, and connectivity. In the long run, this kind of outsourcing may impact the performance of employees in business operations. During the process of outsourcing, some technologies remain associated with problems. On the other hand, internal resources remain used as corrective measures to some problems impacting other business sectors. Comment by Richard Thompson: “The problem to be examined through this research is…”. You had this formatted correctly in Week 5, although I see you changed your topic (which is acceptable) Comment by Richard Thompson: This
  • 4. could be an interesting topic, but I do not see the supporting research that indicates we do not already know what these risks are. The interrelationship between risk and outsourcing in general is well researched. What is there in the InbfoTech literature? Update this for Week 8 In addition, this action is likely to results in limited resources in other business sectors and eventually translate to poor business performance. This way will ultimately increase the organization's risk. The relationship between the service risk of IT (network security or application maintenance) and the organizational performance of a business lacks conclusive quantitative analysis caused by outsourcing. Also, outsourcing brought dissatisfaction with some work because some internal organization work was closed due to transfer to outsourcing suppliers. These effects vary depending on the organization size, the outsourcing organization, and the nature of work offered by the organization to the outsourcing supplier (Balogun, 2013). The Purpose of This Research Non-experimental quantitative research aims to assess the risks of outsourcing certain services of IT suppliers of third-party. Following the perspective business view, outsourcing adds up to be a fundamental tool for solving multiple issues management of time and competitive advantage. In this analysis process, business performance involves the standard variable; identification of risk and size of the company are the predictor variables. During the study, around 100 employees were participants from organizations in the information technology field. Usually, all the participants remained surveyed online. According to Brydges (2019), various studied factors determine the difference between risk factors and business performance. The predisposing factors for these results will add to the literature of this paper (Balogun, 2013). Comment by Richard Thompson: “…to third party suppliers.”? Comment by Richard
  • 5. Thompson: Will be Until you start writing Chapter 4 in the dissertation which reports on the results of your research, you will always talk about your research in the future tense as you have not conducted the research yetTheoretical Framework Transaction cost analysis can apply to organizations participating in IT outsourcing. Transaction cost economics involves studies of contractual governance and relations. It can operate to extend the concept of the transaction cost. In this study, organizations maximize their profits by indulging in information exchange. Ideally, approximately three dimensions form the critical determiners of transaction costs, including specificity of an asset, transaction frequency, and transaction uncertainty. The frequency of transactions leads to the rise of the trust of both involved parties and limits their speculation. The limitations of forecasting trading results lie in the uncertainty of trading. Comment by Richard Thompson: Good. Now, source? Cite your sources, even if you paraphrase The difficulty in using resources for other purposes lies in the particularity of the assets. According to transaction cost analysis, when a simple contract gives way to a significant transaction in the organization, the risk of the contract increases (Balogun, 2013). The theory of integrated systems operated to offer analysis during an organization's participation in the network security system of an outsourced IT organization. Systematic interdisciplinary research gives insight into the principles applicable to all research fields, an integrated systems theory. This theory sits petty to understand not only information security management but also information security strategies. The theory of an integrated system offers a theoretical framework for the trade-off between both risk and profit. In this study, integrated systems theory was applied to increase profits through outsourcing and keeping the network's security. The organization's scale and risk are under scrutiny as the growth of outsourcing. Upcoming organizations have a sense of belief that
  • 6. they are not as familiar as large established companies. Larger and more established companies will receive more improved packages. Comment by Richard Thompson: Are you proposing to use Transaction Cost Analysis and Integrated Systems Theory? In the framework section, after you describe both (what are the major concepts and how do they interact) then you need to create a framework that applies both concepts to yoru particular research problem (Problem Statement). Sometimes it is useful to make a diagram, or concept map, of how all of this fits together. See Davis (2011) in your Dropbox. In contrast, upcoming companies may feel obliged to pay more to acquire packages of the same kind. Both companies will be affected if the risk calculation is incorrect, whether small or large. There should be consideration of the undiscovered costs when performing risk calculations. In general, large established companies remain positioned to receive the quality service associated with reduced risk. However, according to Balogun (2013), small upcoming companies are forced to wait for opportunities. In other situations, unlike wise to large companies, small companies tend to have established good relationships with companies meant for outsourcing, which may change the risk level. Following employees' experience, which becomes examined by the change process, the expectation theory remains applied in this theoretical framework. The attribute that contributes to the behavior of workplace behavior is the expectations theory. Furthermore, motivation is impacted significantly by three elements such as valence, instrumentality, and expectation. Specific results remain produced if hard work becomes embraced, termed instrumentality. Also, workers get a particular reward for their hard work, which is called expectation, while valence involves value worth trying. According to Munoz (2017), putting all of these together, especially when the valence (result) is attractive, the individual will be motivated to take action (instrumental)
  • 7. (Munoz, 2017). Pan, L. (2019). A big data-based data mining tool for physical education and technical and tactical analysis. International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE). The tools for mining data strongly support physical training and education and assist in the promotion of both tactical and technical analysis. This research material gives information based on using massive data technology to evaluate competitive data about sports. The author of this article engineered an algorithm to help establish the mining of data tools for use with data about sports. The findings in this resource material intensively enhance big data technology in this particular sports field (Pan, 2019). Data mining involves a method of processing information that uses a variety of theories and techniques. Mining of data relays analysis of statistics which is an essential tool for extracting and aggregating information. Data mining relies on the decision tree structure, which embodies offsetting decisions. Additionally, the mining of data heavily relies on the structure of the decision tree, which forms a process of a set of decisions. Also, mining of data applies the logic of fuzzy and networks of artificial neural. Generally, data mining analysis uses visualization techniques to show the concluding presentation (Pan, 2019). In this article, the author uses badminton as an example. He is able to identify data of accurate game data using big data in assisting coaches in guidance and targeted physical education. Ideally, the tool has a massive impact on the athletic world because it assists in the avoidance of weakness while developing strengths. According to Plan (2019), this tool will equally aid in technological improvement and tactics. Cesarotti, V., Gubinelli, S., & Introna, V. (2019). The evolution of project management (PM): How agile, lean, and Six Sigma change PM. Journal of Modern Project Management, 7(3), 1-29.
  • 8. Project managers have several means to deal with projects. For instance, Frames, which includes Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) and Projects in Controlled Environment (PRINCE2), assists the project managers who use project management. The framework of PMBOK was published by the Institute of Project Management (PMI) in 1996 (Cesarotti et al., 2019). The duties are simple and straightforward, and there are limits in traditional project management (TPM). The five essential processes of various TPM include initiation, planning, execution, control and monitoring, and closing. For the case of software projects, there was the creation of Agile Project Management (APM). Additionally, APM uses SCRUM and Extreme Programming as the method of primary project management for any project. Learning ongoing and adaptation are the fundamental tools to management methods of an agile project. Furthermore, another approach is Lean project management which focuses on waste elimination and value creation. The success of Lean project management is essential in various areas, such as used in the production environment. Also, another method is Six Sigma is; it is a method of driving data for improving processes. The 6 Sigma project uses the DMAIC framework. The DMAIC stages framework includes control, definition, measurement, analysis, and improvement (Cesarotti et al., 2019). In this resource material, the author compares the above four tools of project management. Moreover, he compares the following tools: intra-communication, life cycle methods, leadership style styles, customer roles, rework, risks, costs, delivery team dimensions, and main applications (Cesarotti et al., 2019). Osmyatchenko, V., Oliinyk, V., Mazina, O., Matselyukh, N., Ilin, V., & Orzeł, A. (2019). The influence of the global technological changes on principles and functions of accounting and the formation of the organization strategy. Journal of Security & Sustainability Issues.
  • 9. In the accounting system, modern technology performs a critical role in this article's content. The changes in technology occur in three phases. First, innovation, which is the primary one, occurs at the onset of technology and economic growth. Second, the application being the second phase occurs during a period of growth of the economy. Third, the other phase is Stagnation which occurs technological products saturate the market. In the final phase, new technology research for new processes or products begins (Osmyatchenko et al., 2019). Accounting as a business process is changing using artificial intelligence (AI). Resource work is shifting from daily tasks to management work. With the help of the AI global information system, the life of accounting is changing. With the process of globalization and technological changes, accounting principles have adapted to new operating conditions. At the same time, standards of accounting remain supervised by local countries or local governments. The implementation of the international accounting experience has its challenges. The dynamic changes in the technology industry require flexible accounting processes, and the professional skills of accountants need to be constantly revised. According to Osmyatchenko et al., 2019, technological change and data processing speed are essential in the digital world. This article is majorly yearning to relay the mechanism by which global information systems can limit the cost of counting. Turkanović, M., & Polančič, G. (2013). On the security of certain e-communication types: Risks, user awareness, and recommendations In the 20th century, communication changed with the development of electronic products. The continuous innovation development in communications, social media, and smartphones has also created multiple security issues. This article discusses the risk of security and privacy of electronic communications
  • 10. (Turkanović & Polančič, 2013). Exchange of data takes place in communication via electronic channels. Furthermore, these communications exist in many forms, such as instant messaging, smartphones, websites, and social media. Equipment and applications are two major types of electronic communications. The scholar of this article discusses device email and applicable digital communication primarily via social media handles. The most common online activity is email, and now social media is approaching it. With the increase in mobile device usage, email usage is declining, while internet usage is also increasing (Turkanović & Polančič, 2013). Usually, there is guaranteed safety in executing communication electronically because there is no room for accessing unauthorized data. This way made it possible because everyone has the legal ground to curb used information. Since security is an attribute assigned to computers, privacy remains assigned to individuals in the same way. With the development of technology, more and more people are using electronic communication, whether private or professional. As a result, privacy issues continue to rise (Turkanović & Polančič, 2013). The 2011 online privacy survey results show that 94% of people need privacy on online platforms. Around three-quarters of the users believe that the internet has limited regulation. Also, the author has given a report based on feedback on privacy online via numerous surveys. For any smartphone user, privacy is a massive issue. One of the surveys vividly indicates that privacy is essential for teenagers and parents with social networks. In 2008, worldwide mobile phones companies sold about 2 billion mobile phones. With the exponential growth of smartphone sales, privacy concerns have increased yearly. The majority of individuals store quite a considerable number of their personal information in their smartphones which stands a greater risk to every individual. According to Turkanović and Polančič (2013), this article equally mounts intensive focus on risk solutions and awareness increases.
  • 11. Dobrev, K., & Hart, M. (2015). Benefits, justification, and implementation planning of real-time business intelligence systems. Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, 18(2), 104-118. gin.aspx? direct=true&db=bth&AN=109261834&site=ehost- live&scope=site Compared with delayed intelligence of business (BI), real -time business intelligence (RTBI) benefits organizations. The subject of this article is the main topic. Extraction, conversion, and loading are normal ETL processes, usually an overnight batch process. Conventional BI mostly has nothing to do with the process of real-time business. According to Dobrev and Hart, 2015, the fundamental mission of RTBI is to lower the time of the action and grow the value of the business. Likewise to traditional BI, RTBI is an evolutionary process. It is interesting to note that organizations embrace RTBI as a means of several changes to the existing traditional architecture of BI. This article digs deep into implementing an enterprise service bus (ESB) to better pass information on modern applications and incorporate as many applications as possible. For instance, the first step indicates that an organization is required to redesign the business processes, clarify the requirements, evaluate the area of current BI, and determine whether to establish from ground zero or purchase. The uses of RTBI can be in different forms, such as predictive analysis, dynamic pricing, monitoring of demand, detection of fraud, improvement of the supply chain, and forecasting (Dobrev & Hart, 2015). RTBI positively impacts organizations via several functions such as real-time data, improved processes, and better forecasts. Most organizations tend to embrace the use of real - time data as a massive improvement for them. It is crucial for those who have not decided on which technique to embrace to choose between near-real-time or real-time. Before moving to RTBI, the risks and benefits must undergo revision.
  • 12. Chatterjee, S., Sarker, S., & Valacich, J. S. (2015). The behavioral roots of information systems security: Exploring critical factors related to unethical IT use. Journal of Management Information Systems, 31(4), 49-87. The world rate of privacy of software rate was around 42% in 2011. Unethical behavior arises from the ease of use and presence of both technologies and the internet. Studies indicate that Unethical IT is the major of certain intentional security violations (Chatterjee et al., 2015). The process by which unethical IT use attitudes to impact the world negatively is what this article discussed. According to the author, individuals with technological idealism have a bad attitude towards the immoral use of IT. In some countries, there is no punishment for the unethical use of IT, one of the reasons for such unethical use. On the other hand, the growth of technology remains believed to be beneficial. However, it is associated with risks increase. In other words, technological growth remains thought to be a double-edged sword. Few people try to benefit from unethical use; this is the primary factor in this behavior. These misguided behaviors have raised additional concerns about the security of IT. These actions may bring large-scale security breaches to the organization. Yogi, Y. W., Govindaraju, R., Irianto, D., & Sudirman, I. (2019). Capabilities in managing offshore IT outsourcing challenges and the influence on outsourcing success from the IT vendor perspective. International Journal of Technology, 10(4), 841-853. Delivering part or whole functions of the company to other organizations form part of the definition of outsourcing. One of the most outsourced processes is information technology to lower production costs, focus core function of the company, and performance improvement. Globally, China and India are known to be the countries where most IT outsourcing occurs. For purposes of succeeding through offshore IT outsourcing, IT
  • 13. vendors need outstanding strengths. In this article, the author discusses a model that explains the relationship between the ability to manage outsourcing challenges and offshore IT and its impact. The author obtained 64 samples (Yogi et al., 2019) from IT suppliers of Indonesia who conduct IT offshore projects. The author concludes that IT vendors should establish interactive capabilities to achieve offshore outsourcing based on the research results. IT vendors need to ensure that they are guaranteed senior support of management to obtain the right resources. The author also encourages learning about customer culture to promote interaction. This article has limitations, such as the samples come from suppliers but lack customer feedback (Yogi et al., 2019). This article discusses any supplier company's capabilities to survive in IT outsourcing, particularly in Indonesia. View 64 examples to provide practical information for other sellers of IT.
  • 14. References Balogun, S. A. (2013). The effects of risk and size of company on business performance in information technology outsourcing (Ph.D.). Available from Dissertations & Theses @ Northcentral University. (1400224467). proquest- company-on-business- performance/docview/1400224467/se- 2?accountid=28180 Brydges, C. R. (2019). Effect size guidelines, sample size calculations, and statistical power in gerontology. Innovation in Aging, 3(4), igz036. Cesarotti, V., Gubinelli, S., & Introna, V. (2019). The evolution of project management (PM): How agile, lean, and Six Sigma are changing PM. Journal of Modern Project Management, 7(3), 1-29. Chatterjee, S., Sarker, S., & Valacich, J. S. (2015). The behavioral roots of information systems security: Exploring critical factors related to unethical IT use. Journal of Management Information Systems, 31(4), 49-87. Dobrev, K., & Hart, M. (2015). Benefits, justification, and implementation planning of real-time business intelligence systems. Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, 18(2), 104-118. gin.aspx? direct=true&db=bth&AN=109261834&site=ehost- live&scope=site Munoz, E. (2017). Exploring morale, motivations, and
  • 15. commitment of employees affected by outsourcing and divestiture (D.B.A.). Available from Dissertations & Theses @ Northcentral University. (1960868768). DRAFT OF RESEARCH TOPIC 2 morale-motivations- commitment- employees/docview/1960868768/se-2?accountid=28180 Osmyatchenko, V., Oliinyk, V., Mazina, O., Matselyukh, N., Ilin, V., & Orzeł, A. (2019). The influence of the global technological changes on principles and functions of accounting and the formation of the organization strategy. Journal of Security & Sustainability Issues. Pan, L. (2019). A big data-based data mining tool for physical education and technical and tactical analysis. International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE). Turkanović, M., & Polančič, G. (2013). On the security of certain e-communication types: Risks, user awareness, and recommendations Yogi, Y. W., Govindaraju, R., Irianto, D., & Sudirman, I. (2019). Capabilities in managing offshore IT outsourcing challenges and the influence on outsourcing success from the IT vendor perspective. International Journal of Technology, 10(4), 841-853. Requirements: Market positioning of the flavor cups, the potential customers of the cups, cups background and the health condition background. The flavor is a mixture of smell, sight and taste. It is estimated that the sense of smell is responsible for approximately 80% of the flavor experience, and taste only occupies 20%. According
  • 16. to this process, the flavor cup attempts to use smell and sight to deceive the feeling of taste. When the consumer drinks water, his nose can detect the fruity aroma, which comes from a fragrant mass at the rim of cups. Additionally, the upper part of caps will be designed with different colors, which are matching the flavor mass. As a result, the overall drinking experience is improved, encouraging cup owners to drink more water. For example: This kind of water cup can be widely used for many specific groups, such as patients, children and beverage addicts. (Do some research and use the data to analysis) Developing Topic and Literature Review BUS-7100: Scholarly Literature Review February 14h, 2021 The Risk of Business Performance result from Information Technology Outsourcing The Information Technology (IT) growth increased the demand for more transactions within the business and between the business and consumers. Most of the organization's technology groups stay internally within the organization to support the
  • 17. needs. With the rapid growth in the business needs, organizations are trying to sustain the needs and outsource some of their information technology functions. Globalization of the world modified the business's approach from insourcing to outsourcing mode of production. The efficiency of time management and cost management determines the organization's business performance. Outsourcing involves many factors like technology, financial considerations, and time considerations. Outsourcing can also negatively impact the employees, which may translate to a risk on the business performance. In this part of the dissertation, the author talks about business performance risk due to IT outsourcing in an organization (Munoz, 2017).Statement of Problem The problem to be addressed by this study is to identify the risk of the organization on business performance resulting from Information Technology outsourcing. Shifting the internal in- house work to external service providers is outsourcing. This outsourcing translates to customer satisfaction and mainly gains the competitive advantage, which is the primary goal of outsourcing. Outsourcing may raise multiple issues with network security, connectivity, and integrity of the resources. The organizations' data is sometimes very confidential. With outsourcing, the risk of data sharing increases. The organization's security checks may be different from an outsourcing vendor, which brings risks to the organization through the vendor. This may eventually impact employee’s performance in the operations of the business. When outsourcing, a portion of the technology is having issues, other parts of the internal resources are 10 Developing Topic
  • 18. used to rectify the problems, which may impact other business areas. This will translate into insufficient resources in other areas, and it will bring poor business performance. That eventually raises multiple risks to the organization. There is no conclusive quantitative analysis of the relationship between organization business performance due to outsourcing and IT services' risk, whether network security or application maintenance. Outsourcing also brings some portion of job dissatisfaction as some of the internal organization jobs are closed with moving to an outsourcing vendor. These effects differ on the organization size, outsourcing organization, and what portion of the work organization is trying to give to outsourcing vendors (Balogun, 2013).Purpose of the Study The purpose of the nonexperimental quantitative study is to evaluate the risk of outsourcing a portion of IT services to a third-party vendor. From the business perspective, outsourcing is a logical solution in multiple factors, including competitive advantage and time management. Business performance is the criterion variable; risk identification and company size are the predictor variables in this analysis. There are around 100 employees from an organization working within Informatio n Technology are participated in this research. There is an online survey conducted for these participants. Factorial analysis of variance is performed to find the difference between business performance and risk factors. The data from this study is added to the literature by identifying the risk factors on information security on the organization, resource satisfaction, and the effect on the business performance (Brydges, 2019).Conceptual Framework Organizations involved in IT outsourcing can be analyzed using transaction costs. This concept of transaction costs can be expanded using transaction cost economics, a study of the contractual relations and governance. In this study, organization maximized their profits by exchanging information. Three
  • 19. dimensions determine the transaction costs; they are frequency of transaction, the uncertainty of the transaction, and asset specificity. A significant influence of transactions happened with the frequency of transactions. The transaction frequency increases the trust in both parties and reduces opportunistic behaviors. The limitation of the forecast of the results of the transaction is the uncertainty of the transaction. The difficulty of moving a resource for another use is asset specificity. As per the transaction cost analysis, the hazards of contracting increases when simple contracts give way to significant deals in the organization (Balogun, 2013). Figure 1 provides a conceptual mapping of the transaction costs.Figure 1 Conceptual mapping for Transaction costs Integrated system theory is used to analyze when an organization is involved in outsourcing the IT organization's network security systems. The transdisciplinary study of systems to explain the principles to apply in all types of research fields is integrated systems theory. This theory is beneficial to understand information security management and strategies. Integrated systems theory provides a framework in terms of profit and risk tradeoff. In this study, integrated systems theory is used to maximize profit using outsourcing and maintaining network security. The risk and size of the organization are examined with the growth of outsourcing. Small organizations think that they are not well recognized compare to larger companies. Larger companies receive better packages, and small companies may have to pay more for similar packages. Whether it is small or large, both companies will suffer if the risks are not calculated correctly. Hidden costs need to be considered while calculating the risks.
  • 20. Generally, larger companies get the best service with lower risks, but the small companies have to wait for the opportunity. Figure 2 gives the conceptual mapping for integrated systems theory. In some cases, small companies make good relations with the outsourcing companies compare to larger companies, which may change the risk levels. Per the integrated systems theory, the organizations need to observe if the outsourcing benefits may outweigh the saving in transaction costs (Balogun, 2013).Figure 2 Conceptual mapping for Integrated System Theory For the employee experience with the change process measurement, the expectancy theory of motivation is used in this framework. Attributes that contribute to workplace behavior is the expectancy theory. The three elements that affect motivation are instrumentality, expectancy, and valence. Hard work produces specific outcomes, and that is called instrumentality. Employees receive certain rewards for the effort exerted, and that is called expectancy. The value that makes an attempt worthwhile is called valence. Putting all these together, if the outcome (valence) is attractive, individuals are motivated to take action (instrumentality)(Munoz, 2017). This conceptual framework guides research information security, employee satisfaction, and business performance with outsourcing (Prawesh et al., 2021).IT Outsourcing Challenges and Success Sending some or more functions of the company to other companies is called outsourcing. Information Technology is one of the most outsourced processes. Cost reduction, focus on core functionalities of the company, and performance improvement are some of the reasons companies tend to move toward outsourcing. India and China are the countries where most IT
  • 21. outsourcing happens these days. To achieve success with offshore IT outsourcing, the IT vendor needs excellent capabilities. In this article, the author talks about a model that explains the relations between capabilities in managing outsourcing challenges with IT offshore and spoke about its impact. The author obtained 64 samples from Indonesian IT vendors conducting IT offshore projects (Yogi et al., 2019). After the research results, the author Yogi concludes that IT vendors should build interaction capability to achieve offshore outsourcing. IT vendor needs to make sure that they have the top management support to get the right resources. The author also encourages to learn the client culture to smooth interaction. One of the limitations in this article is that the samples are from the vendors, but it is missing the clients' feedback (Yogi et al., 2019). The article author Yogi talks about the capabilities needed for any vendor company to survive in IT outsourcing, especially in Indonesia. Reviewing 64 samples gives better information for other IT vendors.Data Mining tools Data mining tools promote physical education and training; it helps to facilitate tactical and technical analysis. In this article, the author talked about how big data techniques are used to analyze competitive data for sports. The author designed an algorithm to develop the data mining tools used with the data for sports. This article's findings help promote big data technology in this particular sports area (Pan, 2019). Data mining is nothing but an information processing method using multiple theories and technologies. Data mining relays statistical analysis, which helps to summarize and extract information. Data mining depends on the decision tree structure, which represents set off decisions. Data mining depends on the decision tree structure, which means a set of decisions in the process. Data mining also uses fuzzy logic and artificial neural networks. After all the data analysis, data mining uses
  • 22. visualization technology to present the final presentation (Pan, 2019). The author selected badminton sport as an example in this article. The author can identify and exact the information from the competition data and use big data to help coaches conduct physical education and guidance in a targeted way. This tool makes a huge difference in the athletes’ world as it helps to avoid weaknesses and develop strengths. This tool will also help to improve the tactics and techniques(Pan, 2019).Evolution of Project Management There are multiple ways to approach a project by a Proj ect Manager. A framework like PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) and PRINCE2 (Projects in Controlled Environment) helps project or program managers with project management tools and techniques. PMBOK framework is published in 1996 by the Project Management Institute (PMI) (Cesarotti et al., 2019). Tasks are straight forward and clear with boundaries in traditional project management (TPM). Initiating, Planning, Executing, Controlling & Monitoring, and Closing are the five primary processes in any TPM. For software projects, Agile Project Management (APM) is created. APM mostly uses SCRUM and Extreme Programming as the project management approach on any project. Continuous learning and adaptation are the keys to the agile project management approach. Lean Project Management is another approach; it focuses on removing waste and creating value. Lean project management is successful and used more in the product environment. Six Sigma is another approach; it is a data-driven methodology to improve the process. Six Sigma projects use the DMAIC framework. Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control is the DMAIC framework phases (Cesarotti et al., 2019). The author of this article compared the above four project management tools for analysis. The author compared them around the lifecycle approach, internal communication, leadership style, customer role, rework, risk, cost, delivery team dimension, and main
  • 23. application (Cesarotti et al., 2019).Global Technology changes in Accounting Systems In Accounting Systems, how modern technologies are playing a pivotal role is the content in this article. The technological changes happen in three cycles. Innovation is the first cycle; it occurs at the beginning of economic growth, a technological revolution. Application is the second cycle; it happens with a period of economic growth. Stagnation is the next cycle; it occurs when the market is at the saturation stage with technological products. In the last stage, new technical research starts for a new process or new product (Osmyatchenko et al., 2019). The accounting business processes are changing using Artificial Intelligence (AI). The resources work is moving from routine tasks to managerial work. With the AI Global Information Systems, the life of accounting is changing. With the globalization processes and technology changes, accounting principles are adapted to new operating conditions. Simultaneously, the accounting rules are mostly regulated by the local country or the local government, and implementing international accounting experience has its challenges. Dynamic changes in the technology sector demand flexible accounting processes, and the accounts' professional skills need continuous modification. In the digital world, technological changes and data processing speed are crucial (Osmyatchenko et al., 2019).Risks and Awareness on e-communication In the 20th century, with electronics growth, communication changed in the world. It also created multiple security issues with the innovations growing in the communication field, the rise in social media and smartphones. In this paper, the author talked about privacy and security risks with electronic communication (Turkanović & Polančič, 2013). Data exchange happens in electronic communication. There are
  • 24. multiple types of e- communications, like smartphones, instant messaging, social media, and websites. Apparatus and Application are the two categories in e-communication. The author discussed apparatus category e-mail and application category social media in this article. The top online activity is e- mail, and now social media is coming close to it. As mobile usage increases, e-mail usage is coming down, and web usage is going up (Turkanović & Polančič, 2013). Unauthorized access to personal data is secure in e- communication. Every individual has the right to control their personal information usage. As security is a property assigned to a computer, privacy is assigned to the individual in the same way. As technology is growing, more people are using e- communication, whether professional or private. With this, the privacy concerns are keeping going up (Turkanović & Polančič, 2013). Online privacy 2011 results say that 94% think they need online privacy and 75% believe that the internet is not regulated. The author went through multiple surveys to show us people's feedback on privacy. For any smartphone user, privacy is a huge concern. For teens and parents with social networking, one of the surveys clearly says that privacy is essential for this group. In 2008 around two billion phones are sold in the world. With smartphone sales going up exponentially, the concerns on privacy are growing every year. Most people carry their personal information on the phone, which is a considerable risk for that person. The article also discussed solutions and created awareness about the risks (Turkanović & Polančič, 2013).Benefits of real-time Business Intelligence tools Real-Time Business Intelligence (RTBI) benefits to the organization compare to delayed Business Intelligence (BI) is the main topic in this article. Extract, transform, and load is the normal ETL process, which generally an overnight batch process. Regular BI is mostly not linked to the real-time
  • 25. business process. The main objective of RTBI is to reduce action time and increase business value (Dobrev & Hart, 2015). Compare to traditional BI, RTBI is an evolutionary process. In any organization implementing RTBI means multiple changes to the existing traditional BI architecture. This article discussed implementing Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) to better communicate between the current applications and integrate various applications. As a first step, organizations need to re- engineer the business process, clarify the needs, evaluate the current BI area, and finalize whether to build it from scratch or buy it. RTBI can be used in predictive analytics, dynamic pricing, demand monitoring, fraud detection, supply chain improvement, and forecasting (Dobrev & Hart, 2015). Overall, RTBI benefits organizations with real-time data, better prediction, and better process improvements. Moving to real - time is a massive move for organizations; they need to decide whether to move real-time or near-time. Risks and benefits need to be reviewed before moving to RTBI.Information Systems Security In 2011 the global software piracy rate was around 42 percent. Unethical behaviors are created with the ease and availability of the internet and new technology. Some of the deliberate security violations are created by unethical IT usage (Chatterjee et al., 2015). How unethical IT usage attitude is impacting the world is the topic in this article. As per the author's notes, the individual with technical idealism has a negative mindset with IT's unethical usage. In some countries, unethical use of IT does not have any punishment, which could also be one of the reasons for this unethical usage. Technology growth is adding benefits, but at the same time, it adds risks, too; technology growth is a double-edged sword. Few individuals try to get some gain from unethical usage; that is the main factor for this behavior.
  • 26. These unethical behaviors bring more attention to IT security. These behaviors might bring massive security breaches to the organization. The author also talks about age groups who are more into these unethical behaviors (Chatterjee et al., 2015). Summary Organizations always look to maximize short term and long term profits. One of the ways of increasing the profit is to outsource part of the IT organization. Outsourcing eventually increases the security risk and resource dissatisfaction (Mikhael, 2020). The final result may be a poor organization’s performance. Outsourcing helps to reduce the transactional cost, but eventually, it increases the security vulnerabilities. It is crucial for the organization to measure their network security and other security protocols for the organization involved in outsourcing. These extra steps will help the organization minimize the risks and threats from a security perspective, which may come with the vendor. The organization needs to keep close monitoring of employee satisfaction and take the necessary measures as outsourcing can indirectly impact employee satisfaction. Literature reviews are used to evaluate policies by reviewing best practices or by assessing the effectiveness of the specific application, or only by updating the necessary knowledge (Koons et al., 2019). Generally, the literature review involves four main steps: In the first step, the author develops and refines the literature's scope to be reviewed. In the second step, the author searches and get the right research material. In the third step, the author reads through the studies and assess the information. In the last step, the author writes the report and summarizes the information. Depends on the dissertation's complexity, before the author completes the review, there may be several rounds of searching, reading, and writing (Meth & Williams, 2020). The author reviewed two dissertations to understand the
  • 27. literature review. Chapter 1 section contains the statement of the problem, the purpose of the study, conceptual framework, research questions, and summary. Chapter 2 discusses a detailed discussion on the conceptual framework, knowledge sharing, reasons, and summary. In one of the dissertation's summary, it is stated that how an extensive literature review showed and supported the phenomenon expecting part of the dissertation. In that particular dissertation summary, the author talked about people differences, team issues, architectural issues, technology issues, customer issues, and collaboration issues (Murphy, 2020). The conceptual models are discussed in this article as part of the literature review. References Balogun, S. A. (2013). The effects of risk and size of company on business performance in information technology outsourcing (Ph.D.). Available from Dissertations & Theses @ Northcentral University. (1400224467). proquest- company-on-business- performance/docview/1400224467/se- 2?accountid=28180 Brydges, C. R. (2019). Effect size guidelines, sample size calculations, and statistical power in gerontology. Innovation in Aging, 3(4), igz036. Cesarotti, V., Gubinelli, S., & Introna, V. (2019). The evolution of project management (PM): How agile, lean, and six sigma are changing PM. Journal of Modern Project Management, 7(3), 1-29.
  • 28. Chatterjee, S., Sarker, S., & Valacich, J. S. (2015). The behavioral roots of information systems security: Exploring critical factors related to unethical IT use. Journal of Management Information Systems, 31(4), 49. url= direct=true&db=edb&AN=102702506&site=eds-live Dobrev, K., & Hart, M. (2015). Benefits, justification, and implementation planning of real-time business intelligence systems. Academic Conferences & Publishing International Ltd. Koons, G. L., Schenke-Layland, K., & Mikos, A. G. (2019). Why, when, who, what, how, and where for trainees writing literature review articles. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 47(11), 2334-2340. Meth, P., & Williams, G. (2020). Doing development research; pages 209-221. (). SAGE Publications, Ltd. Mikhael, M. (2020). The impact of ethical leadership on employee job satisfaction (D.B.A.). Available from Dissertations & Theses @ Northcentral University. (2425020006). theses/impact-ethical- leadership-on-employee-job/docview/2425020006/se-2? accountid=28180 Munoz, E. (2017). Exploring morale, motivations, and commitment of employees affected by outsourcing and divestiture (D.B.A.). Available from Dissertations & Theses @ Northcentral University. (1960868768). proquest- motivations- commitment-employees/docview/1960868768/se- 2?accountid=28180
  • 29. Murphy, K. J. (2020). Intra-team and inter-team knowledge sharing in multinational corporation agile projects: A qualitative phenomenological study (D.B.A.). Available from Dissertations & Theses @ Northcentral University. (2435230720). url=https://www - inter- knowledge-sharing- multinational/docview/2435230720/se-2?accountid=28180 Osmyatchenko, V., Oliinyk, V., Mazina, O., Matselyukh, N., Ilin, V., & Orzeł, A. (2019). The influence of the global technological changes on principles and functions of accounting and formation of the organization strategy. Journal of Security & Sustainability Issues. Pan, L. (2019). A big data-based data mining tool for physical education and technical and tactical analysis. International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE). Prawesh, S., Chari, K., & Agrawal, M. (2021). Industry norms as predictors of IT outsourcing behaviors. International Journal of Information Management, 56. Turkanović, M., & Polančič, G. (2013). On the security of certain e-communication types: Risks, user awareness, and recommendations. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 18(4), 193-205. Yogi, Y. W., Govindaraju, R., Irianto, D., & Sudirman, I. (2019). Capabilities in managing offshore IT outsourcing challenges and the influence on outsourcing success from the IT vendor perspective. International Journal of Technology, 10(4), 841-853.