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afn ;+/If0f(Child Protection in Post Earthquake Situation)
o'j/fh l3ld/]
w|'j nfld5fg]
;dfh;]jf tyf dfgjclwsf/df dlxnf / afnaflnsf-l;lj;_
Children and Women in Social Service and Human Rights (CWISH)
a'4gu/, sf7df8f}+
kmf]g gM )! $&*$%$%
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b'Jo{jxf/ tyf lx+;f / zf]if0faf6
;+/If0f k|fKt ug'{ afnaflnsfsf]
clwsf/ xf] . o; cj:yfdf kl/jf/,
;d'bfo / /fHo ;+j]bglzn eP/
;+/If0fsf sfo{x¿ ug'{ kb{5 .
ljkbsf ;dodf afnaflnsfx¿sf]
d'Vo ;+/Ifs cleefjs jf kl/jf/ xf]
. of] a]nf afnaflnsfx¿nfO{ cfkm";Fu}
/fVg' kb{5 h;n] afnaflnsfx¿
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cleefjsn] ;'lglZrt ug'{k5{ .
l;lj/x?df k|x/Lsf] u:tL a9fpg'
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;dodf of}g b'Jo{jxf/ lj?4
r]tgfd'ns sfo{qmd rnfpg' kb{5 .
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ljkbsf] ;dodf afnaflnsfx¿ of}g b'Jo{jxf/, a]rlavg, cf];f/k;f/, >dzf]if0f nufot ljleGg
lx+;f / b'Jo{jxf/df kg{ ;S5g . olx ;dodf afnaflnsfx¿nfO{ dfof, kfngkf]if0f / lgz'Ns
lzIffsf] axfgfdf cjfl~5t ¿kdf kl/jf/af6 cnUofP/ cf];f/k;f/ ug]{ u/]sf] klg kfOPsf] 5 .
olx a]nf 3/af/ljxLg afnaflnsfx¿nfO{ ;+/If0fsf] axfgfdf afn u[xdf /fVg], >d zf]if0fdf
nufpg] hf]lvd /xG5 .
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o;} axfgfdf
s]xL JolQmx¿n]
of}gb'Jo{jxf/ / zf]if0f ug{ ;S5g . 3/ elTsP/,
hgwgsf] Iflt eP/ cleefjsx¿ Zff]sdf x'G5g .
afnaflnsfx¿ dfgl;s ¿kdf cl:y/ / ljlIfKt x'g
;S5g . c:yfO{ a;f]af;sf] ¿kdf kfn / 6]G6 leq
;fd'lxs ¿kdf a;]sf x'G5g. s]xL JolQmx¿ hfF8/S;L
vfP/ a;]sf klg x'g ;S5g .o:tf]] a]nf
afnaflnsfx¿ nfO{ cgfjZos 5'g] rnfpg] /
anfTsf/ ug]{ h:tf 36gfx¿ klg x'g ;S5g .
/fltsf] ;dodf 6]G6df a;]sf afnaflnsfx¿ lb;f
lk;fj ug{ hfg] 7fpF klg glhs} gx'g] / ;'/lIft gx'g
;S5 . To:tf] a]nf laz]ifu/L aflnsfx¿
of}gb'Jo{jxf/df kg{ ;S5g . ljkbsf] avtdf
afnaflnsfx¿ cfkm"eGbf 7'nf tyf cleefjsx¿nfO{
ljZjf; u5{g, glhlsG5g t/ jo:sx¿n] To;sf] kmfObf lng ;S5g .
ev{/} dfq sf7df8f}+df cfPsf] e'sDkaf6 hf]lug cfkmgf] ufpF emfkf kmls{/x]sL Ps lszf]/LnfO{
PsfGt ePsf] df}sf kf/L uf8Ld} rfns / ;xof]uL ldn]/ anfTsf/ u/]sf] /fli6«o b}lgsx¿df
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lalQs} p:fnfO{ kl/jf/af6 cnu u/L
afnu[xdf k7fpg' x'b}g . afnaflnsfnfO{
cjfl~5t ¿kdf kl/jf/af6 cnUofpg' x'Fb}g .
lhNnf afnsNof0f ;ldlt, dlxnf tyf
afnaflnsf sfo{fno, g]kfn k|x/L tyf
;+3;+:yfx¿n] o:tf 36gf x'g glbg ;+o'Qm
cg'udg tyf cfktsfnLg cj:yfdf
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ug'{ kb{5 .
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kl/jf/d} afnaflnsfnfO{ x'sf{pg', a9fpg' /
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kfpg ;Sb}gg h;sf sf/0f pgLx¿df dfgl;s tgfj a9b} hfg] ;Defjgf /xG5 .
kl/jf/ ljlxg tyf hf]lvd cj:yfdf /x]sf afnaflnsfx¿nfO{ ;+/If0f ug{ tTsfn ljleGg ;+3
;+:yfx¿n] OR5f JoQm ug]{] / afnaflnsfsf] ;+/If0f ug]{ cleJolQmx¿ lbPsf ;dfrf/x¿ xfdLn]
;'g]sf 5f}+ . o;} qmddf ldlt @)&@ a}zfv @& ut] wflbª lhNnfsf] /L / emfnf{ª uflj;af6
plrt lzIff lbIff lbg] eGb} sf7df8f+} nUb} u/]sf $% hgf afnaflnsfx¿nfO{ s]lGb|o afnsNof0f
;ldltn] gfu9'+ufaf6 p2f/ u¥of] . 36gfsf] ;"rgf kZrft l;lj; / k|of; g]kfnn] lhNnf k|x/L
sfof{no;Fusf] ;dGojdf wflbª lhNnfsf] uh'/L / dn]v'df r]skf]i6 :yfkgf u¥of] . r]skf]i6
:yfkgf u/]sf] ef]lnkN6 dx]Gb| gu/ n}hfgnfu]sf @ hgf afnaflnsfsf] p2f/ ul/of] .
k|To]s afnaflnsfsf] afa'cfdf;Fu a:g kfpg] g};lu{s clwsf/ 5 . s'g} klg afnaflnsfx¿nfO{
pgLx¿sf] kl/jf/ / cfdfafa'af6 cnUofpg kfOb}g eg]/ afnclwsf/ dxf;GwLsf] wf/f ( / !)
n] JofVof u/]sf] 5 . g]kfnsf] afnaflnsf ;+aGwL gLltn] klg afnaflnsfnfO{ kl/jf/d} a:g],
v]Ng] / x's{g] clwsf/nfO{ ;'lglZrt u/]sf] 5 . a'jfcfdf tyf kl/jf/ -xh'/a'jf, xh'/cfdf, sfsf,
sfsL, dfdf, dfOh'_ sf]xL klg gePsf] cj:yfdf dfq pgLx¿nfO{ clGtd ljsNksf] ¿kdf dfq
/fHo jf /fHosf] l:js[tLdf ;+3;+:yfx¿n] ;~rfng u/]sf afnu[xx¿df /fVg ;lsG5 .
#_afn>d zf]if0fsf] hf]lvd
k|fs[lts k|sf]k jf ljkbdf
Ps5fs vfgg}
wf}wf} kl//x]sf]
cj:yf x'g
;S5 .
ljlxg x'g ;S5
. o:tf] a]nf afnaflnsfsf kl/jf/df 5f]/f5f]/L s;/L
kfNg] / hf]ufpg], x'sf{pg] lrGtf x'G5 . o:tf] ;dodf
5fgf] / dfgf]sf] nf]e b]vfO afnaflnsfx¿nfO{ >ddf
;+nUg u/fpg ;Sg] klg ;Defjgf x'G5 .
hfuf}+, p7f}+ . ;+/If0fsf nflu ;r]t agf}+ .

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  • 2. 1 b'Jo{jxf/ tyf lx+;f / zf]if0faf6 ;+/If0f k|fKt ug'{ afnaflnsfsf] clwsf/ xf] . o; cj:yfdf kl/jf/, ;d'bfo / /fHo ;+j]bglzn eP/ ;+/If0fsf sfo{x¿ ug'{ kb{5 . ljkbsf ;dodf afnaflnsfx¿sf] d'Vo ;+/Ifs cleefjs jf kl/jf/ xf] . of] a]nf afnaflnsfx¿nfO{ cfkm";Fu} /fVg' kb{5 h;n] afnaflnsfx¿ ;'/lIft ePsf] dxz'; ub{5g . cfkm' a;]sf] :yfg afn d}qL 5 jf 5}g eGg] cleefjsn] ;'lglZrt ug'{k5{ . l;lj/x?df k|x/Lsf] u:tL a9fpg' kb{5 . ;fd'bflos ;+:yfx?n] o;} ;dodf of}g b'Jo{jxf/ lj?4 r]tgfd'ns sfo{qmd rnfpg' kb{5 . ;+/If0fsf pkfox¿ ljkbdf afn;+/If0f ljkbsf] ;dodf afnaflnsfx¿ of}g b'Jo{jxf/, a]rlavg, cf];f/k;f/, >dzf]if0f nufot ljleGg lx+;f / b'Jo{jxf/df kg{ ;S5g . olx ;dodf afnaflnsfx¿nfO{ dfof, kfngkf]if0f / lgz'Ns lzIffsf] axfgfdf cjfl~5t ¿kdf kl/jf/af6 cnUofP/ cf];f/k;f/ ug]{ u/]sf] klg kfOPsf] 5 . olx a]nf 3/af/ljxLg afnaflnsfx¿nfO{ ;+/If0fsf] axfgfdf afn u[xdf /fVg], >d zf]if0fdf nufpg] hf]lvd /xG5 . !_ of}gb'Jo{jxf/sf] hf]lvd ljkbsf] a]nf afnaflnsfnfO{ cem a9L dfof, ddtf / ;+/If0f rflxG5 . o;} axfgfdf s]xL JolQmx¿n] of}gb'Jo{jxf/ / zf]if0f ug{ ;S5g . 3/ elTsP/, hgwgsf] Iflt eP/ cleefjsx¿ Zff]sdf x'G5g . afnaflnsfx¿ dfgl;s ¿kdf cl:y/ / ljlIfKt x'g ;S5g . c:yfO{ a;f]af;sf] ¿kdf kfn / 6]G6 leq ;fd'lxs ¿kdf a;]sf x'G5g. s]xL JolQmx¿ hfF8/S;L vfP/ a;]sf klg x'g ;S5g .o:tf]] a]nf afnaflnsfx¿ nfO{ cgfjZos 5'g] rnfpg] / anfTsf/ ug]{ h:tf 36gfx¿ klg x'g ;S5g . /fltsf] ;dodf 6]G6df a;]sf afnaflnsfx¿ lb;f lk;fj ug{ hfg] 7fpF klg glhs} gx'g] / ;'/lIft gx'g ;S5 . To:tf] a]nf laz]ifu/L aflnsfx¿ of}gb'Jo{jxf/df kg{ ;S5g . ljkbsf] avtdf afnaflnsfx¿ cfkm"eGbf 7'nf tyf cleefjsx¿nfO{ ljZjf; u5{g, glhlsG5g t/ jo:sx¿n] To;sf] kmfObf lng ;S5g . ev{/} dfq sf7df8f}+df cfPsf] e'sDkaf6 hf]lug cfkmgf] ufpF emfkf kmls{/x]sL Ps lszf]/LnfO{ PsfGt ePsf] df}sf kf/L uf8Ld} rfns / ;xof]uL ldn]/ anfTsf/ u/]sf] /fli6«o b}lgsx¿df
  • 3. 2 kl/jf/sf] s'g} Ps ;b:o afcfdfsf] d[To' x'g] lalQs} p:fnfO{ kl/jf/af6 cnu u/L afnu[xdf k7fpg' x'b}g . afnaflnsfnfO{ cjfl~5t ¿kdf kl/jf/af6 cnUofpg' x'Fb}g . lhNnf afnsNof0f ;ldlt, dlxnf tyf afnaflnsf sfo{fno, g]kfn k|x/L tyf ;+3;+:yfx¿n] o:tf 36gf x'g glbg ;+o'Qm cg'udg tyf cfktsfnLg cj:yfdf cNksfnLg ;+/If0f u[x agfP/ cfktdf k/]sf afnaflnsfx¿nfO{ kl/jf/d} k'g{:yfkgf u/fpg] sfo{ ug'{ kb{5 . :yfgLo efiffdf k|;f/0f x'g] u/L afnaflnsfsf] ;+/If0f ;+aGwL ;'rgf k|jfx ug'{ kb{5 . kl/jf/sf cGo ;b:ox¿ lhljt} ePsf] cj:yfdf cfkmgf] /Lltl/jfh, ;+:s[tL cg';f/ kl/jf/d} afnaflnsfnfO{ x'sf{pg', a9fpg' / k9fpg' k5{ . o;}ul/ ;d'bfon] klg afnaflnsfnfO{ cfkmg} ;dfhdf x's{g, k9g / a9g ;xof]u ug'{' k5{ . ;+/If0fsf pkfox¿ cfPsf] ;dfrf/n] yfxf kfOPsf] 5 eg] e'sDk kZrft 3/ elTsP/ larNnLdf /x]sf af cfdfnfO{ e]6g l;Gw'kfNrf]s lx+8]sL !% aifL{o Ps aflnsfnfO{ kgf}tLsf] h+undf nu]/ ;fd'lxs anfTsf/ u/]sf] s'/f, gofF ahf/ sf7df8f}+df 6]G6leq ;'lt/x]sL % jlif{of aflnsfsf] anfTsf/ -cGgk'0f{ kf]i6, h]7 ^_, kgf}tLdf !! aifL{o ;':t dgl:ytLsf] aflnsfnfO{ anfTsf/sf] k|of; u/]sf] s'/f - x]g'{xf]; g]=;=h]i7 # k]h &_ ;~rf/ dfWodaf6 hfgsf/L kfOPsf] 5 . b]zsf] ;'/Iff ;+oGqsf] ztk|ltzt Wofg /fxt ljt/0f tyf p4f/df /x]sf] ;dodf To;sf] kmfObf n'6b} ck/fwL dgf]j[lQ ePsf JolQmx¿ o:tf] sfo{df nflu/x]sf x'G5g . @_ kfl/jf/af6 cnUofP/ cf];f/k;f/ afnaflnsfsf] ql;t dfgl;stf clg kl/jf/n] uf;, af; / skf;sf] Go"gtd ;'ljwf ;d]t u'dfPsf] o; ljifd kl/l:yltdf afnaflnsfx¿nfO{ ;xof]u ug]{ tyf hf]lvd d'Qm u/fpg] axfgfdf ljleGg JolQm tyf lgsfox¿n] ;xof]usf] cfZjf;g lbg ;S5g . afnaflnsfx¿ cfkmgf cfdfa'jf tyf kl/jf/;Fu} a:bf hlt ;'/lIft x'G5g Tof] eGbf aflx/ uPkl5 pgLx¿ ;'/lIft /xG5g eGg] s'/fsf] cg'dfg ug{ ;d]t ufx|f] x'g] ub{5 . c?sf] nfv cfdfa'jfsf] sfv eg] h:t} afnaflnsfx¿ kl/jf/ eGbf aflx/ /x]/
  • 4. 3 o:tf] a]nf afnaflnsfnfO{ afcfdfsf] ;+/If0fsf] cfjZostf kb{5 . s'g} klg axfgfdf afnaflnsfnfO{ >ddf ;+nUg u/fpg' x'b}g . afnaflnsfsf] If]qdf sfd ug]{ :yflgo ;+/rgf, ;+oGq tyf ;+3;+:yfx¿n] klg afnaflnsfsf] ;+/If0fdf Wofg lbg' k5{ / pgLx¿nfO{ >ddf hfgaf6 /f]Sg' kb{5 . ;+/If0fsf pkfox¿ a:bf pgLx¿n] hlt g} ld7f] vfg, /fd|f] nufpg kfP klg cfkmgf cfdf a'jfsf] dfof tyf :g]x kfpg ;Sb}gg h;sf sf/0f pgLx¿df dfgl;s tgfj a9b} hfg] ;Defjgf /xG5 . kl/jf/ ljlxg tyf hf]lvd cj:yfdf /x]sf afnaflnsfx¿nfO{ ;+/If0f ug{ tTsfn ljleGg ;+3 ;+:yfx¿n] OR5f JoQm ug]{] / afnaflnsfsf] ;+/If0f ug]{ cleJolQmx¿ lbPsf ;dfrf/x¿ xfdLn] ;'g]sf 5f}+ . o;} qmddf ldlt @)&@ a}zfv @& ut] wflbª lhNnfsf] /L / emfnf{ª uflj;af6 plrt lzIff lbIff lbg] eGb} sf7df8f+} nUb} u/]sf $% hgf afnaflnsfx¿nfO{ s]lGb|o afnsNof0f ;ldltn] gfu9'+ufaf6 p2f/ u¥of] . 36gfsf] ;"rgf kZrft l;lj; / k|of; g]kfnn] lhNnf k|x/L sfof{no;Fusf] ;dGojdf wflbª lhNnfsf] uh'/L / dn]v'df r]skf]i6 :yfkgf u¥of] . r]skf]i6 :yfkgf u/]sf] ef]lnkN6 dx]Gb| gu/ n}hfgnfu]sf @ hgf afnaflnsfsf] p2f/ ul/of] . k|To]s afnaflnsfsf] afa'cfdf;Fu a:g kfpg] g};lu{s clwsf/ 5 . s'g} klg afnaflnsfx¿nfO{ pgLx¿sf] kl/jf/ / cfdfafa'af6 cnUofpg kfOb}g eg]/ afnclwsf/ dxf;GwLsf] wf/f ( / !) n] JofVof u/]sf] 5 . g]kfnsf] afnaflnsf ;+aGwL gLltn] klg afnaflnsfnfO{ kl/jf/d} a:g], v]Ng] / x's{g] clwsf/nfO{ ;'lglZrt u/]sf] 5 . a'jfcfdf tyf kl/jf/ -xh'/a'jf, xh'/cfdf, sfsf, sfsL, dfdf, dfOh'_ sf]xL klg gePsf] cj:yfdf dfq pgLx¿nfO{ clGtd ljsNksf] ¿kdf dfq /fHo jf /fHosf] l:js[tLdf ;+3;+:yfx¿n] ;~rfng u/]sf afnu[xx¿df /fVg ;lsG5 . #_afn>d zf]if0fsf] hf]lvd k|fs[lts k|sf]k jf ljkbdf Ps5fs vfgg} wf}wf} kl//x]sf] cj:yf x'g ;S5 . 3/af/ ljlxg x'g ;S5 . o:tf] a]nf afnaflnsfsf kl/jf/df 5f]/f5f]/L s;/L kfNg] / hf]ufpg], x'sf{pg] lrGtf x'G5 . o:tf] ;dodf 5fgf] / dfgf]sf] nf]e b]vfO afnaflnsfx¿nfO{ >ddf ;+nUg u/fpg ;Sg] klg ;Defjgf x'G5 . hfuf}+, p7f}+ . ;+/If0fsf nflu ;r]t agf}+ .