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Let’s ask the kids!
           Consultation with children and young people for the MFS2 Proposal: “Conn@ct.Now!”

Objectives of the Consultation Meeting

       Promote children’s and youth’s participation in forming projects that will affect them and their
       communities; in this case, taking into account children’s and youths’ ideas, suggestions and
       opinions, on “how media and information and communication technologies tools can have an
       impact on their lives; especially on their education, protection, and psychosocial wellbeing.”

Results expected from the meeting with the children and youth are;

             Gathering information on:
             1. The ideas, suggestions, and opinions of children and youth (boys and girls) about how
                ICTs and Media can improve access to informal and formal education.
             2. The ideas, suggestions, and opinions of children and youth (boys and girls) about how
                ICTs and media can contribute to improve the prevention of and response to
                violence and abuse.
             3. The ideas, suggestions, and opinions of children and youth (boys and girls) about how
                ICTs and media can improve their psychosocial well being.

General information about the consultation meeting:

   Number of participants: between 10 and 15 participants per group (boys, girls and youth in and
   out of school).

   Total number of groups: min. 4 and max 8 groups

   Length of the meeting: 2 hours max

   Each group of boys, girls and youth will be accompanied by:

       o     One (1) meeting facilitator with experience in working with children and young people

       o     One (1) reporter (to take notes and observe the development of the meeting)

       o     One (1) or 2 meeting observers (optional)

Take into account:

   - Ensure children and youth of various ages, genders, background, educational levels and conflict
   experiences are invited to join the meeting and given the option to accept or turn down the

invitation. Children and young people should have time to think about being involved and
invitations should be given a week prior to the consultation. Minors will need to obtain consent
from their parents or caregivers in order to participate (for WPA to judge whether this is required).

- The necessity of informing children and youth about the purpose and main goal of the meeting
and obtaining their consent to participate. Make sure no false expectations are created in the
group of children and young people by explaining carefully the purpose of the meeting and steps
that will follow after the consultation.

What to tell the children / youth?

We invite you to participate in a meeting about how things like the radio, telephones, computers
and the internet are important in your lives. We would like to especially talk about how these
things can help children learn, feel safe and be happy. We will ask you to share your ideas, opinions
and experiences. You will not get anything for participating but your ideas will help us create new
programs to help many children.

- All people involved in the consultation must sign the WCH child safety policy before participating
in this consultation meeting with boys, girls and youths. Child friendly versions of the child safety
policy will be visibly posted in the consultation rooms.

- Upon finishing the meeting the reporter will present the participants with a summary of the data
that was collected, so that the boys, girls and youth can add or remove information.

- Identity of children and youth must remain confidential in publications and limited to those
directly involved in the consultation.

- In case picture material is desired for publication informed consent must be obtained from the
child(ren) and their parents or caregivers if the child is 18 or below.

List of facilitator competencies

        o    Ability to deal with emotional response of children,
        o    Can mediate disagreement between children,
        o    Can explain protection, psychosocial support and education concepts in an
             understandable and accessible way to children
        o    Has experience in the use of ICT and Media tools for and with children and youth
        o    Is committed and familiar with children living in post conflict areas
        o    Respects the rights of the children and adolescents
        o    Shows reliability and discretion
        o    Is able to listen to children, understands them
        o    Provides participation opportunities in decision making for the good of all
        o    Provides safety
        o    Is dynamic kind and happy

Sample Consultation Plan and methodology used

 Time                      Activity                                           Remarks
9:00am Welcome and getting to know each other.                  Each participant and the
                                                                facilitators writes his/her name
                                                                on masking tape and puts it
                                                                somewhere visible
9:10am Brief getting-to-know round.                             Steps activity 2.

         1) Each participant presents himself or herself,       Step 1. Get the children to stand in a
         saying their name and briefly responding to for        circle and say ‘Let’s start with a game to
                                                                warm up’.
         example : Giving his/her name and saying what it
         is they like to do the most                            Step 2. Step forward with a particular
                                                                sound and movement (for example say
         !! Don’t forget to begin with an example               “Helloooo” with a happy voice and

         2) In order to break the ice and bring energy to the   Step 3. Ask the whole group to imitate
         meeting, the following activity is proposed:           exactly what you just did.
         A round of names with emotion
                                                                Step 4. Continue making different sounds
                                                                and movements using different emotions
                                                                that the group can imitate. For example
                                                                you can say hello in a 100 different ways,
                                                                such as angry, sad, proud, afraid, hopeful,
                                                                loud voice, small voice, etc. The more
                                                                sounds and movements you make, the
                                                                more you stimulate expression and
                                                                imagination within the group.

                                                                Step 5. When the group gets the idea ask
                                                                (different) children help in doing a round.
9:20am Brief explanation given to the participant’s             Emphasize the importance of
       information about the objectives (reason) of the         children’s opinions in the
       meeting.                                                 formulation of projects that will
                                                                affect them and ask children why
         Sample text:                                           they think their contribution is
         We invite you to participate in a meeting about
         how things like the radio, telephones, computers       Explain that it may be possible
         and the internet are important in your lives. We       that they will not benefit directly
                                                                from the project, but their voices
         would like to especially talk about how these
                                                                represent the voices of the
         things can help children learn, feel safe and be       children in the country. Adults
         happy. We will ask you to share your ideas,            and children should collaborate
         opinions and experiences. You will not get             to build up a project that reach
         anything for participating but your ideas will help    needs and interest of the children
         us create new programs to help many children.          in Northern Uganda

The 3 THEMES will be discussed in separate groups!!
9:25   Protection of Children and young people rights      Step 1: The facilitator explains to the
                                                               participants how the activity will be
       Questions that could help to animate the                carried out: Together we are going to
       discussion:                                             make a map representing our
                                                               community (neighbourhood).
           a) Where does this child (point to the cut-         Step 2: Ask the participants to think
              out) feel safe in the community? Why or          of the important places in their
              why not?                                         communities: i.e. their house,
           b) Where does the child feel nervous,               church, garden/field, school, forest,
              worried or scared? Why or why not?               football field, market place, shops
           c) What can this child do if s/he is in a place     etc. (list those on a flipchart)
              feeling unsafe? Where can s/he go to feel
              safe? To whom can s/he ask for help or           Step 3: assign children to draw the
              talk to?                                         different places that were listed.
           d) What should s/he do so that s/he doesn’t
                                                               Step 4. stick large sheets of flipcharts
              feel this way again?                             together. (enough to all be around it)
           e) What can other people in the community
              do to help her or keep the situation from        Step 5: in the space available use the
              happening again?                                 drawings to map it out the
           f) What will help you to do this?                   community with the participants.

                                                               Step 6: Using a cut-out representing
                                                               a child, ask the questions to the
                                                               group. Ensure that a variety of
                                                               children responds to each question
                                                               or ask all of the children to draw
                                                               their answers..?

                                                               Duration: a maximum of 35
           a)   Do all of the children you know have           Step 1: The facilitator explains to the
                access to the school?                          participants how the activity will be
           b)   What do you think are the obstacles            carried out.
                children have to overcome to go to
                                                               Step 2: Stick large sheets of flipchart
                                                               together. (enough for everyone to be
           c)   How can we draw the problems we have in        around it)
                Uganda regarding education? What are
                the strengths and main challenges in           Step 3: On the flip chart volunteers
                relation to access to education?               can draw a school.
           d)   And those children who have access to the
                school, what kind of difficulties do they      Step 4: Ask the questions to the
                face?                                          group… and encourage participants
           e)   What do you think you can do to change         to draw, represent their answers on
                this situation? What actions should be         the drawing.
                taken by you, and what actions should be
                                                               For example; draw out of the school a

taken by adults?                            group children not going to school.
f) What can help you to make your school
   better, nicer
g) What can you do to help other children      Duration: a maximum of 35
   learn?                                      minutes
h) What do you not like about school and
   how can this be changed?
                      Psychosocial Support
a) What makes you happy / sad?                 First questions could be related to
b) What do you do when you are angry or        earlier played game (emotion game).
   sad?                                        Start with asking for example: what
                                               emotions did you see in the game…

c) How do you get along with friends, what     Step 0. Divide the children over 3 groups
   would you like to improve?                  (or 4). Explain that each group makes a
d) How do you get along with your parents/     drawing of the friends and family of one
   caretakers/family what would you like to    of the participants. Ask who wants to
   improve?                                    volunteer in his/her group, and appoint
e) What can you do to help other children to   someone in each group.
   be happier?
                                               Step 1. Give each group a piece of paper
f) What are your hopes and plans for the       and pencils or crayons.
g) What do you need to make those plans        Step 2. Ask each group to draw a circle in
                                               the middle of the paper. This circle is to
   come through?
                                               represent the volunteer, so they can
h) What should be changed in your school or
                                               write his/her name or draw him/herself
   community to make the place nicer for
                                               inside this circle.
   children? What can you do about this?
                                               Step 3. Now let the children ask the
                                               volunteer to think of the most important
                                               children and adults in his/her life (for
                                               example friends, classmates, brothers,
                                               sisters, neighbours, mother, father,
                                               uncle, teacher, grandmother etc).

                                               Ask them to draw a circle for each child
                                               and adult and to fill in the circles with the
                                               names or titles of the children and
                                               adults).Tell them to draw the circles for
                                               the ones most important to them, closest
                                               to themselves in the center and draw the
                                               circles for those people they are less
                                               close to further away from the center.

                                               Step 4. Ask the volunteer to draw lines
                                               between their own circle and the others
                                               on the ‘map’, and to give signs to the

people he/she has put on his/her map.
                                                               The lines and signs should show how
                                                               they feel about that particular
                                                               relationship: strong/not strong,
                                                               loving/problematic, etc.

                                                                        They can use a thick line for a
                                                                         close relationship and a thin
                                                                         line for a (less good) bad
                                                                        They can use a dotted line if the
                                                                         relationship is unpredictable or
                                                                         continually changing.
                                                                        They can use a heart sign for a
                                                                         loving relationship.
                                                                        They can use a lightning sign for
                                                                         a relationship that scares them
                                                                         or that they feel uncomfortable

                                                               Can the Group also discuss: if they have
                                                               problems with a friend, what types of
                                                               problems? If they have a problem with a
                                                               caregiver, what type of problems? What
                                                               makes them happy about their friends?
                                                               What makes them happy about their
                                                               relation with their parents/those who
                                                               take care of them?

                                                               Step 5. Now let group present their
                                                               picture – explaining their map to each
                                                               other, looking at similarities and

                                                             Duration: a maximum of 35
                      From here all the groups follow same steps again!
10:00   Quickly ask the participants what they know about    Step 1: Show to the group of
        and when they use the following tools                children the image of the tools one
                                                               by one.
            1)   Photography/camera
                                                               Step 2:
            2)   Internet
                                                               1. Ask the children / youth if they
            3)   Radio                                         know the different tools?
            4)   SMS
            5)   Help lines (phones)                           2. What is it used for?
            6)   Computers
            7)   Videos (film)                                 3. Do they use it or not?

                                                               4. What do they use it for and where
        Use the pictures ICONS (Annex 1: attached)             do they use it?

                                                               5. If they don’t use it what do they

think it can be used for.

                                                            6. Would they like to use if for
                                                            something, for what and where do
                                                            they want to use it?

                                                            Step 3:
                                                            Ask participants that if they have
                                                            the power to use each one of the
        It is important that the reporter clearly notes     tools to improve the situation in
        proposals put forth by the boys and girls for       their lives in terms of education,
        making use of the tools.                            social well being, protection
                                                            (depending on what issue the group
                                                            discussed) what would they do?
                                                            (if its needed you may give an
                                                            example but avoid putting
                                                            words/ideas in the mouths of chidren
                                                            as its THEIR consultation!)

                                                            Step 4
                                                            Voting for the most promising/liked
                                                            tool by raising hands.

                                                            It is important that the reporter
                                                            clearly notes proposals put forth
                                                            by the boys and girls for making
                                                            use of the tools.
10:40   The reporter(s) present their notes on what the     Don’t forget to ask the
        children / youth mentioned in regards to:           participants if they would like to
            1) The problematic situation with respect to    add something and if they agree
                the topic that is discussed.                with the conclusions made by the
            2) Knowledge and use of ICT and Media tools     reporter.
                by the participants.
            3) How the ICTs can serve as a useful tool so
                that they can help to change the
                problematic situation.
10:50   GOODBYE GAME Cheer it up                            Game: Cheer it up

                                                            Step 1. Stand in a circle and tell the
                                                            group you would like them to
                                                            express how they are feeling at this
                                                            moment, right now.

                                                            Step 2. Ask them to show what they
                                                            are feeling through an action and a

                                                            Step 3. Each person in the circle will
                                                            step into the circle one-by-one and
                                                            make a movement and a sound

expressing their feeling.

              Step 4.Last you go all inside the circle
              and do a cheer.

11:00   END   Thank the participants and tell
              them that their input is of great
              value and importance to
              developing new projects for
              children and young people in


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Child Consultation Methodology

  • 1. Let’s ask the kids! Consultation with children and young people for the MFS2 Proposal: “Conn@ct.Now!” Objectives of the Consultation Meeting Promote children’s and youth’s participation in forming projects that will affect them and their communities; in this case, taking into account children’s and youths’ ideas, suggestions and opinions, on “how media and information and communication technologies tools can have an impact on their lives; especially on their education, protection, and psychosocial wellbeing.” Results expected from the meeting with the children and youth are; Gathering information on: 1. The ideas, suggestions, and opinions of children and youth (boys and girls) about how ICTs and Media can improve access to informal and formal education. 2. The ideas, suggestions, and opinions of children and youth (boys and girls) about how ICTs and media can contribute to improve the prevention of and response to violence and abuse. 3. The ideas, suggestions, and opinions of children and youth (boys and girls) about how ICTs and media can improve their psychosocial well being. General information about the consultation meeting: Number of participants: between 10 and 15 participants per group (boys, girls and youth in and out of school). Total number of groups: min. 4 and max 8 groups Length of the meeting: 2 hours max Each group of boys, girls and youth will be accompanied by: o One (1) meeting facilitator with experience in working with children and young people o One (1) reporter (to take notes and observe the development of the meeting) o One (1) or 2 meeting observers (optional) Take into account: - Ensure children and youth of various ages, genders, background, educational levels and conflict experiences are invited to join the meeting and given the option to accept or turn down the 1
  • 2. invitation. Children and young people should have time to think about being involved and invitations should be given a week prior to the consultation. Minors will need to obtain consent from their parents or caregivers in order to participate (for WPA to judge whether this is required). - The necessity of informing children and youth about the purpose and main goal of the meeting and obtaining their consent to participate. Make sure no false expectations are created in the group of children and young people by explaining carefully the purpose of the meeting and steps that will follow after the consultation. What to tell the children / youth? We invite you to participate in a meeting about how things like the radio, telephones, computers and the internet are important in your lives. We would like to especially talk about how these things can help children learn, feel safe and be happy. We will ask you to share your ideas, opinions and experiences. You will not get anything for participating but your ideas will help us create new programs to help many children. - All people involved in the consultation must sign the WCH child safety policy before participating in this consultation meeting with boys, girls and youths. Child friendly versions of the child safety policy will be visibly posted in the consultation rooms. - Upon finishing the meeting the reporter will present the participants with a summary of the data that was collected, so that the boys, girls and youth can add or remove information. - Identity of children and youth must remain confidential in publications and limited to those directly involved in the consultation. - In case picture material is desired for publication informed consent must be obtained from the child(ren) and their parents or caregivers if the child is 18 or below. List of facilitator competencies o Ability to deal with emotional response of children, o Can mediate disagreement between children, o Can explain protection, psychosocial support and education concepts in an understandable and accessible way to children o Has experience in the use of ICT and Media tools for and with children and youth o Is committed and familiar with children living in post conflict areas o Respects the rights of the children and adolescents o Shows reliability and discretion o Is able to listen to children, understands them o Provides participation opportunities in decision making for the good of all o Provides safety o Is dynamic kind and happy 2
  • 3. Sample Consultation Plan and methodology used Time Activity Remarks 9:00am Welcome and getting to know each other. Each participant and the facilitators writes his/her name on masking tape and puts it somewhere visible 9:10am Brief getting-to-know round. Steps activity 2. 1) Each participant presents himself or herself, Step 1. Get the children to stand in a saying their name and briefly responding to for circle and say ‘Let’s start with a game to warm up’. example : Giving his/her name and saying what it is they like to do the most Step 2. Step forward with a particular sound and movement (for example say !! Don’t forget to begin with an example “Helloooo” with a happy voice and gesture). 2) In order to break the ice and bring energy to the Step 3. Ask the whole group to imitate meeting, the following activity is proposed: exactly what you just did. A round of names with emotion Step 4. Continue making different sounds and movements using different emotions that the group can imitate. For example you can say hello in a 100 different ways, such as angry, sad, proud, afraid, hopeful, loud voice, small voice, etc. The more sounds and movements you make, the more you stimulate expression and imagination within the group. Step 5. When the group gets the idea ask (different) children help in doing a round. 9:20am Brief explanation given to the participant’s Emphasize the importance of information about the objectives (reason) of the children’s opinions in the meeting. formulation of projects that will affect them and ask children why Sample text: they think their contribution is important. We invite you to participate in a meeting about how things like the radio, telephones, computers Explain that it may be possible and the internet are important in your lives. We that they will not benefit directly from the project, but their voices would like to especially talk about how these represent the voices of the things can help children learn, feel safe and be children in the country. Adults happy. We will ask you to share your ideas, and children should collaborate opinions and experiences. You will not get to build up a project that reach anything for participating but your ideas will help needs and interest of the children us create new programs to help many children. in Northern Uganda 3
  • 4. The 3 THEMES will be discussed in separate groups!! Protection 9:25 Protection of Children and young people rights Step 1: The facilitator explains to the participants how the activity will be Questions that could help to animate the carried out: Together we are going to discussion: make a map representing our community (neighbourhood). a) Where does this child (point to the cut- Step 2: Ask the participants to think out) feel safe in the community? Why or of the important places in their why not? communities: i.e. their house, b) Where does the child feel nervous, church, garden/field, school, forest, worried or scared? Why or why not? football field, market place, shops c) What can this child do if s/he is in a place etc. (list those on a flipchart) feeling unsafe? Where can s/he go to feel safe? To whom can s/he ask for help or Step 3: assign children to draw the talk to? different places that were listed. d) What should s/he do so that s/he doesn’t Step 4. stick large sheets of flipcharts feel this way again? together. (enough to all be around it) e) What can other people in the community do to help her or keep the situation from Step 5: in the space available use the happening again? drawings to map it out the f) What will help you to do this? community with the participants. Step 6: Using a cut-out representing a child, ask the questions to the group. Ensure that a variety of children responds to each question or ask all of the children to draw their answers..? Duration: a maximum of 35 minutes Education a) Do all of the children you know have Step 1: The facilitator explains to the access to the school? participants how the activity will be b) What do you think are the obstacles carried out. children have to overcome to go to Step 2: Stick large sheets of flipchart school? together. (enough for everyone to be c) How can we draw the problems we have in around it) Uganda regarding education? What are the strengths and main challenges in Step 3: On the flip chart volunteers relation to access to education? can draw a school. d) And those children who have access to the school, what kind of difficulties do they Step 4: Ask the questions to the face? group… and encourage participants e) What do you think you can do to change to draw, represent their answers on this situation? What actions should be the drawing. taken by you, and what actions should be For example; draw out of the school a 4
  • 5. taken by adults? group children not going to school. f) What can help you to make your school better, nicer g) What can you do to help other children Duration: a maximum of 35 learn? minutes h) What do you not like about school and how can this be changed? Psychosocial Support a) What makes you happy / sad? First questions could be related to b) What do you do when you are angry or earlier played game (emotion game). sad? Start with asking for example: what emotions did you see in the game… c) How do you get along with friends, what Step 0. Divide the children over 3 groups would you like to improve? (or 4). Explain that each group makes a d) How do you get along with your parents/ drawing of the friends and family of one caretakers/family what would you like to of the participants. Ask who wants to improve? volunteer in his/her group, and appoint e) What can you do to help other children to someone in each group. be happier? Step 1. Give each group a piece of paper f) What are your hopes and plans for the and pencils or crayons. future? g) What do you need to make those plans Step 2. Ask each group to draw a circle in the middle of the paper. This circle is to come through? represent the volunteer, so they can h) What should be changed in your school or write his/her name or draw him/herself community to make the place nicer for inside this circle. children? What can you do about this? Step 3. Now let the children ask the volunteer to think of the most important children and adults in his/her life (for example friends, classmates, brothers, sisters, neighbours, mother, father, uncle, teacher, grandmother etc). Ask them to draw a circle for each child and adult and to fill in the circles with the names or titles of the children and adults).Tell them to draw the circles for the ones most important to them, closest to themselves in the center and draw the circles for those people they are less close to further away from the center. Step 4. Ask the volunteer to draw lines between their own circle and the others on the ‘map’, and to give signs to the 5
  • 6. people he/she has put on his/her map. The lines and signs should show how they feel about that particular relationship: strong/not strong, supportive/un-supportive, loving/problematic, etc.  They can use a thick line for a close relationship and a thin line for a (less good) bad relationship.  They can use a dotted line if the relationship is unpredictable or continually changing.  They can use a heart sign for a loving relationship.  They can use a lightning sign for a relationship that scares them or that they feel uncomfortable with. Can the Group also discuss: if they have problems with a friend, what types of problems? If they have a problem with a caregiver, what type of problems? What makes them happy about their friends? What makes them happy about their relation with their parents/those who take care of them? Step 5. Now let group present their picture – explaining their map to each other, looking at similarities and differences. Duration: a maximum of 35 minutes From here all the groups follow same steps again! 10:00 Quickly ask the participants what they know about Step 1: Show to the group of and when they use the following tools children the image of the tools one by one. 1) Photography/camera Step 2: 2) Internet 1. Ask the children / youth if they 3) Radio know the different tools? 4) SMS 5) Help lines (phones) 2. What is it used for? 6) Computers 7) Videos (film) 3. Do they use it or not? 4. What do they use it for and where Use the pictures ICONS (Annex 1: attached) do they use it? 5. If they don’t use it what do they 6
  • 7. think it can be used for. 6. Would they like to use if for something, for what and where do they want to use it? Step 3: Ask participants that if they have the power to use each one of the It is important that the reporter clearly notes tools to improve the situation in proposals put forth by the boys and girls for their lives in terms of education, making use of the tools. social well being, protection (depending on what issue the group discussed) what would they do? (if its needed you may give an example but avoid putting words/ideas in the mouths of chidren as its THEIR consultation!) Step 4 Voting for the most promising/liked tool by raising hands. It is important that the reporter clearly notes proposals put forth by the boys and girls for making use of the tools. 10:40 The reporter(s) present their notes on what the Don’t forget to ask the children / youth mentioned in regards to: participants if they would like to 1) The problematic situation with respect to add something and if they agree the topic that is discussed. with the conclusions made by the 2) Knowledge and use of ICT and Media tools reporter. by the participants. 3) How the ICTs can serve as a useful tool so that they can help to change the problematic situation. 10:50 GOODBYE GAME Cheer it up Game: Cheer it up Step 1. Stand in a circle and tell the group you would like them to express how they are feeling at this moment, right now. Step 2. Ask them to show what they are feeling through an action and a sound. Step 3. Each person in the circle will step into the circle one-by-one and make a movement and a sound 7
  • 8. expressing their feeling. Step 4.Last you go all inside the circle and do a cheer. 11:00 END Thank the participants and tell them that their input is of great value and importance to developing new projects for children and young people in Uganda. 8