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Chicago Style Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of "Chicago Style Essay" can be quite challenging, as it requires a
deep understanding of the specific formatting and citation style known as the Chicago Manual
of Style (CMS). The Chicago style is widely used in academic writing, particularly in the fields
of history, literature, and the arts.
One of the difficulties in composing such an essay lies in mastering the intricate details of the
Chicago style, which includes guidelines for footnotes, endnotes, bibliographies, and other
elements. The citation format itself can be complex, with variations between footnotes and
bibliographic entries. Additionally, the use of Chicago style often demands a meticulous
attention to detail, such as proper capitalization, italicization, and punctuation.
Furthermore, the process involves not only understanding the rules but also implementing them
consistently throughout the essay. This can be time-consuming and may require careful
proofreading to ensure accuracy and conformity to the Chicago style guidelines.
To successfully navigate the challenges of writing a Chicago style essay, one must invest time in
studying the manual thoroughly, practicing the application of rules, and maintaining a keen eye
for detail. It is not only about presenting well-researched content but also adhering to a specific
set of stylistic conventions.
In conclusion, tackling a Chicago style essay requires a combination of research skills, attention
to detail, and a solid grasp of the Chicago Manual of Style guidelines. While the task may seem
daunting at first, with dedication and practice, writers can develop proficiency in this particular
style of academic writing.
For assistance with similar essays or any academic writing needs, individuals can explore
resources such as, where professional writers are available to provide support
and guidance in producing well-crafted essays adhering to various styles and topics.
Chicago Style Essay Chicago Style Essay
Pro Death Penalty Research Paper
Death to the Death Penalty
Have you ever gotten blamed for something you did not do, and no matter what you
try you are unable to prove your innocence? Now imagine being put to death by a
group of your peers for that same reason. This is the hard reality that those who are
sentenced to the death sentence face. I am not saying all inmates who are on death
row are innocent, but according to ( there are 3,070 people on
death row and according to ( around 4% to 8% of these
individuals are innocent.
Today I am going to explain why the death penalty is not a viable public policy in
modern society and that all death penalties should be converted to life without parole.
I would show the need for change through ... Show more content on
You are now a free man, you knew all along you were innocent but due to misplaced
evidence or lack of evidence you were sentenced to die.
This same exact scenario happened to over 170 people since 1973 according to
( this number stretched over the years from 1973 may seem
small in fact it turns out to equal about 4 death row inmates who are found innocent
and let free. This is still a large number just imagine how many more inmates fall
through the cracks of the justice system. Even worse how many of those who were
really innocent have already been executed.
Persons Executed for Interracial Murders in the U.S. Since
What Role Does Davina Play In American Culture
Davina lived in the Terra borough that lay at the foot of the mountain chain. She was
an imperious dame in her seventies and sported a halo of curly snowy white hair in a
poodle cut. Similar to most of the other Gnaritonians, the abundant light from her
enormous eyes curiously clouded all her other facial features. Although Davina
cordially inquired about their expedition across the Milky Way, she did not dwell on
their country of origin, unlike the custom on Earth. She seemed to recognize their
common humanity immediately even though they came from a different planet. The
four waiters spread out silently. Before the weary travelers knew it, the first course of
the tantalizing feast materialized before them. Hello friends, I m Ronan, ... Show
more content on ...
Without money motivating our actions and thoughts, we are free to pursue our
genuine interests. Some choose to be plumbers or farmers whereas others are
teachers or librarians. For example, I am one of the newscasters of the Gnaritus
News on television. Since there is no hierarchy here, no role is more or less
important than another. Nonetheless, everyone works in some capacity and
contributes happily to the smooth functioning of the day to day activities of the
space colony. Although there are no formal requirements to perform a particular
role, everyone eventually finds their niche. Moreover, everyone has an important
part to play on Gnaritus. Although the motivation of working for money is no
longer present, we have pride in doing our jobs well because that is the ultimate
reward. Since there is no pursuit of money or materialistic possessions, there is no
crime or corruption either. Instead, our quest is to seek knowledge. In fact,
Gnaritus University runs twenty four hours a day to accommodate the high
volume of students of all ages. Individuals with professional degrees from Earth
also further their education at Gnaritus University. They study a diverse array of
subjects not necessarily related to their professions. Thus, we have more reasons
than ever before to get out of bed in the morning since our quest is to gain the
knowledge of all things! Davina put a particular emphasis on the knowledge of all
things. Surina wondered how it could even be possible to have the knowledge of all
things. Where would you even start? By that time, the waiter had brought them a
sumptuous raspberry and blueberry sherry trifle for dessert, a dainty confection of
heavenly flavors and
Mcdonals V.S Burger King Essay
1. When comparing McDonalds service to Burger King s, the service at Burger King
is faster.
2. Burger King is known to provide the customer with many choices and also to
provide quicker service.
3. burger king uses a grill to cook their meat while mcdonalds just uses an industrial
stove top, the meat is more greasy at mcdonalds
4. McDonald s had over 21.6 billion dollars in revenue last year. Burger King had
only about 10% of that with the sales totaling 2.06 billion dollars last year.
5. Comparing the hamburger size McDonald s weighs slightly less; it is only 100g
while Burger King s weights 121g.
6. the total fat content for each burger it results that McDonald s hamburger has only
9g of total fat while Burger King s has 12g, but ... Show more content on ...
16. Burger King, on the other hand uses sea salt.
17. Another example would be a cheeseburger left for 4 years, the difference in
appearance between the newly made burger, and a 4 year old burger is nothing!
They look exactly the same appearance wise!
18. Burger King may have more pure ingredients than McDonalds, but they pack just
as big of a punch, both can cause strokes or heart attacks which can lead to death, in
fact, if you take into account everything, McDonalds is equally as bad as Burger King.
19. So this just adds to the fact that McDonalds does not serve better and healthier
food than Burger King
Burger King
Total Fat (g)
Saturated Fat (g)
Trans Fat (g)
Carbohydrates (g)
Sodium (mg)
Big Mac vs. Whopper
Big Mac
Total Fat (g)
Saturated Fat (g)
Trans Fat (g)
Carbohydrates (g)
51 Similarities and Differences
Fast food has made our lives easier, but has also cursed us with obesity and heart
Two of the most popular fast food restaurants in the world, are McDonald s and
Burger King.
Burger King burgers when compared to McDonald s burgers are higher in fat content.
When it comes to being satisfied with fullness, Burger King burgers are the way to go.
When it comes to taste,
Developing Wireless Communications to Space Essay
A big potential problem in the future is developing a wireless communications
network in outer space. In this paper we will discuss the problems presented with this
and the potential solutions to these problems using existing and some futuristic
technology. We have broke this into two main parts, one being earth to satellite to
planet and back, and the other being planetary ground transmission to and from
astronauts to rovers to space stations.
The solution has already started being implemented and will continue rapidly into the
near future. It is called the Interplanetary Internet. As of now it is an array of floating
nodes or satellites scattered around in space that can communicate with each other. In
the future a ... Show more content on ...
On the earth we are only separated from one another by fractions of a second. From
earth to mars the average transmission time is 30 45 minutes. That would feel like
light years trying to download tracks to your iPod.
In order to make this work a massive system of satellites needs to be implemented.
These satellites will serve as net gateways with the purpose of conveying data
packets. Each piece of equipment will have its own IPN address, or .mars domain
name. They will serve as nodes, operating on a packet switched network.
Some major possible problems include lag, weak signal, and reduced bandwidth.
The solution to all of these lies in a new IPN protocol being developed. This
protocol, along with high precision equipment, will help to eliminated all of these.
The protocol has changed in two major ways from our own TCP/IP protocol. This
first is a packet delivery scheme that won t clog the system by resending missing
packets. IPN instead keeps track of arriving packets and then requesting missing
ones at the end of delivery. The second is the packet headers will use only one tenth
as much bandwidth as TCP/IP. Back on earth there will be gateways to translate.
Another big problem with the Interplanetary Internet is speed. Using our current
technology the top speed for sending data from a satellite orbiting mars to earth is
250 kbps. Down on mars, in a dusty unknown atmosphere with not much power, this
is more like 10 kbps. The solution
Analysis Of Javaid, A Business Analyst Who Works For A...
Umair Javaid, a business analyst who works for a pharmaceutical company called
Quintiles, wakes up at eight AM every weekday, where he starts his daily set of job
duties given by his manager. Umair begins his morning opening his computer and
reads the assignments he has been assigned to while eating breakfast. Fortunately,
Umair only goes to the office occasionally and works from home as only a wifi signal
and a decent computeris needed to finish the tasks. For eight and a half hours,
Umair is stuck glued to the computer screen with only a one hour break. Umair
seems to love his job as it has a rewarding pay and is flexible for his schedule as he
can run errands while on the job or complete household chores. Umair sits in his
house office... Show more content on ...
Studies show digital screens harmfully affecting our eyes over a long period of time
(Keim). In the course of human s life now, the majority of the world experiences
digital screens which slowly hinders our vision. Digital light leads to several other
problems besides vision such as different types of cancer, depression, and typically
majority of americans experience an abnormal sleep cycle (Keim). Majority of
americans experience at least one of these health problems through their lives as
ninety five percent of the American population gazes at a screen during the night (
Towards our future, humans excessively depend on technology even more.
Generations to come will depend on technology as it advances. By the age of five, 10
percent of children possess a phone given to them by guardians (Zollinger).
Technology seems to control the younger generations more and children are slowly
decreasing the amount of physical activities they participate in. Twenty nine percent
of teenagers take part in physical activities outside for at least one hour (Zollinger).
The internet appears to take most attention from children, which is a problem parents
did not face while growing up as the adults participated in outdoor activities at a
young age so preventing the overuse of a smartphone or the computer throughout the
young generation s life certainly seems unknown,
Rabbits As Animal Model To Assess Impact Of Moringa...
Hormonal Studies;
In the doe
The endocrinology of reproduction is vital reproductive machineries that drive
reproductive processes. This study was designed using rabbits as animal model to
assess impact of Moringa oliefera on female fertility by determining the status of
major reproductive hormones of hypothalamic pituitary gonadal axis. Serum LH,
FSH progesterone, oestradiol and prolactin are the basic essential reproductive
endocrinal biochemical biomarkers for the investigation of fertility and the
functionality of reproductive axis (hypothalamic/pituitary/gonadal axis) (Harris and
Naftolinf., 1970) in female animals. The concentration of FSH influences the number
of follicles that are (CaВґrdenas and Pope 2013).
The results of this ... Show more content on ...
This is in line with Joshi and Joshi (1992) who reported that anti fertility herbs
especially those used as contraceptives interferes with pituitary gonadotropin
secretions which affects the functionality of ovary by direct inhabiting ovulation and
interference with fertilization, implantation and gestation or pregnancy. However, the
mechanism of action is still not very clear. The phyto compounds in the test plant
responsible for the observed dose related reduction of key reproductive hormones
(FSH, LH and oestradial) may be related to flavonoids, glucosinolates,
anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins and cinnamates which was reported to as
effective agent in plants use for abortion ((Tarafder , 1982; Nath et al., 1992; 1997;
Amaglo et al. 2010; Coppin et al. 2013; Torres Castillo et al., 2013). These
compounds may be acting alone or in synergism to each other to influence
negatively reproductive axis to precipitate reduction in FSH, LH and oestrogen
concentration observed in this study. Farooq et al. (2012) reported that Moringa
oliefera have anti fertility activity. Also, Prakash, et al., (1987) in their study with
aqueous extract of the root and bark of Moringar olieferas observed post coital anti
fertility effect in rat and also induced fetal resorption at late pregnancy. In another
study analysing anti reproductive potential of folk medicinal plants, Moringa
oliefera leaf extracts were found to be 100% abortive with doses equivalent to 175
mg/kg of
Case Study Of LadurГ©e
Our group Project is based on introducing the French luxury bakery and sweets
maker brand, LadurГ©e, in Hungary: the brand is mostly known for its double
decker macarons and its international expansion began in 2005 (ChocoParis, 2015).
In this assignment we are going to analyze the Hungarian market to see if the
introduction of this brand will collect a positive feedback.
In order to start, we are going to talk about LadurГ©e and give a brief explanation of
this luxury brand:
LadurГ©e was created in 1862 when Louis Ernest LadurГ©e opened a normal bakery
shop in Paris, in 16 rue Royale. But in 1871, due to a fire, the bakery was
transformed into a luxury pastry shop.
Later, Pierre Desfontaines, the grand son of Louis Ernest LadurГ©e, came up with ...
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1. Economic situation
The Hungarian economy is based on the service sector which has represented
approximately the 57% of GDP in the last three years. This sector is collecting the
biggest foreign direct investments, estimated around 76,8% .
Hungarian industry, which represents 22% of GDP, is highly developed and oriented
towards international trade. In concrete it is very commonly addressed to automotive,
electronics, metallurgy, chemical or pharmaceutical industry.
Since its entrance into the European Union, direct investment by multinationals has
been continuous, which has helped to modernize and optimize the productive system
of the country.
However, the economic market presents some inefficiencies: during the last years the
main objective has been to control inflation, because it has suffered a relevant
increase from 2011 and 2014. On the other hand, the geographical location of
Hungary in Central Europe takes a high advantage due to its extensive network of
highways and roads installations. Four European transportation facilities cross
Hungary and place the country in a strategic position connecting the various
neighboring countries and providing access to major European ports and markets of
Eastern Europe. Unfortunately the infrastructure innovation network decreased
during the years of
How Did Emily Dickinson Influence Her Work
Emily Dickinson is currently considered one of the most famous American authors,
despite the fact that her work was not well known in her own day. Emily was
notable to American Literature, and she sealed the road for several of today s poets.
She was a creative poet, determined writer, and an extreme introvert who never gave
up. Emily Dickinsonwas born on December 10, 1830 and passed away at age 55 on
May 15, 1886. ( Emily Famous). Having grown up in poverty, it influenced her
poems greatly. Emily Dickinson s father, Edward Dickinson, was a lawyer, a
member of Congress, and the treasurer of Amherst College ( Emily Encyclopedia).
Dickinson s mother, Emily Norcross Dickinson was from Monson ( Emily Famous).
Dickinson was the middle child... Show more content on ...
It is very popular because she uses this metaphor through a bird, showing that even
in the hard times we should still have hope ( Emily Study). Theres many reasons
why this poem is so popular, one being the way she puts commas around the word
hope (O Connor). Hope is the Thing with Feathers is also a very positive poem,
and many people feel as if it speaks right to the heart (O Connor). There is a lot of
reviews saying that it just has a pleasant type of message (O Connor). Many people
also find it a very good description of hope, and many people love it because they
feel as if they can relate to it (O Connor). This poem was published in 1891 in the
2nd collection of Dickinson s work, Poems by Emily Dickinson, second series (
Hope Encyclopedia). My opinion of Hope is the Thing with Feathers would have
to be that she was very clear with her message. Not only do I feel that I can relate
to it, I feel as if many other people can relate to it. That poems main point is about
hope and how you should believe in it whenever things are not looking up for you,
and I think that is very true. Many times people get discouraged and think that there
is nothing left but there is, and it is hope. I highly agree with Dickinson in her poem
Hope is the Thing with Feathers . Other people who have written reviews on the
poem say that it gives them chills, and that they adored this poem
Symbols In Zadie Smith s Embassy Of Cambodia
What does struggle mean to the average person? It may mean writing a trying
essay, preparing for a job interview, or even something as simple as riding a bike.
However, in The Embassy of Cambodia, Zadie Smith shows readers the real
meaning of struggle through the main character, an unpaid housemaid by the name
of Fatou. There are many protruding themes in the story, but the most prevalent
moral of the story is, no matter how many times the big guy may knock one down,
they must always get up, and never let him win. In The Embassy of Cambodia, the
game badminton and the Embassy itself are symbols for Fatou and the struggles she
faces every day. In the story, each chapter is labeled with what seems to be a
badminton score, ending with 0 21,... Show more content on ...
Fatou lingers by the Embassy every Monday before her swim despite the risks.
The reader gets the sense that she is drawn to the Embassy because it reminds her
of herself. Similarly, the Old and New People of Willesden and Andrew are
intrigued by Fatou and drawn to her (Smith 13). The Embassy, on the other hand,
gets much more attention. The Embassy is a normal building, but it s placed in a
peculiar location. Embassies are typically in the heart of a city, or at least near it,
but this Embassy is located in the middle of the suburbs by a health center and a
retirement home. This mysterious building is out of place in the world, much like
how Fatou is out of place in her world. She traveled from place to place with her
father before finally settling in London to be an underappreciated housemaid that
barely passes as a human rather than a slave. As a result, she has built tall walls
like the Embassy s and has become reserved and closed off to a degree. Despite the
fact that Andrew is a nice, intelligent, dorky guy that Fatou really wants to like
some part of her rebel[s] against him, some unholy part (Smith 8). This reflects the
exclusive closed off nature of the Embassy. When the Embassy gets a basketball
goal in the back of it Fatou waits and waits for someone to play basketball, but it
never does. She s waiting for change. The goal moves closer to her and still, nothing
happens. The change in the Embassy
Characterization of Joy in Good Country People Essay
Joy Hopewell is the thirty three year old maimed child of Ms. Hopewell in
Flannery O Connor s short story, Good Country People. Joy is characterized
throughout the story as an ungrateful, childish adult with a bad temperament. Joy s
leg has been shot off in a hunting accident over twenty years ago, and it can be
presumed that at least some of her behavioral issues can be attributed to the accident.
Ms. Hopewell, the eternally helpful and kind character, wakes up at seven each
morning to light the heaters in her and Joy s rooms. Joy shows her gratitude by
stomping her artificial leg unnecessarily on the way to the bathroom and then
slamming the door upon her arrival. She often has outbursts when her mother asks
her to walk to the... Show more content on ...
Joy finally meets her match in what seems like a good country person selling
Bibles, a boy named Manley. Initially (and not surprisingly) rude at dinner, Joy
eventually opens up to the boy as he is walking towards the gate. He tells a simple
joke and she doesn t laugh, but the conversation turns philosophical and her
interested is peaked. Joy agrees to meet him for a picnic the next day. She
imagines during the night that things come to such a pass that she very easily
seduces him and then turns his guilt into something useful and philosophical (371).
The real picnic turns out much different. On the way to the picnic, Joy notices that
Manley s valice isn t as heavy as it was when he carried the Bibles, and he even
swung it, but she doesn t think much of it (371). Despite all her degrees, Joy can t
sense that something is amiss. Her character judgment doesn t set off any alarms
when it comes to the boy. She has no idea that he isn t even close to what he says
he is. The two decide to rest from their walk in a barn in the loft, no less. Joy is so
eager to prove that she can get around just fine on her artificial leg that she doesn t
even realize that the boy needs her up there so he can take what he wants. Joy doesn
t sense any misguided thoughts at all in his apparent reverence for her. Her bad
temperament and lack of common sense have left her with so little worldly
knowledge that she had no idea
Comparing Atwood s Oryx And Crake
Today s World has seen massive advances in all fields of science and technology,
from the ability to completely alter one s appearance, to creating custom DNA for
various organisms. For many years humanity has continued to push forward in their
scientific endeavors. Every day there is someone trying to push the boundaries of
what is known and what it is possible to do. With the continual drive for progress,
however, is it possible that humanity could be leading itself away from what is right,
and instead pave the way for a far less optimistic future? Margaret Atwood suggests
this in her novel Oryx and Crake. Though set in a world far in the future, she presents
a society with very similar, although more advanced, technologyto ours.In this future
world, researchers have created a wide range of hybrid creatures, incredibly efficient
techniques of production, and many manners of ways that one can rejuvenate their
vitality. Oryx and Crake does not present this advancement as a great source of good
for their future society. Ultimately, Atwood s novel serves as a cautionary tale to
show what may come with unchecked scientific progress, exploring the impacts that
this could have on one s safety and even the impact it may have on a person s
humanity. A... Show more content on ...
These people are modified to have the ideal traits of humans, as well as certain
selected adaptations from other organisms in order to try to create a perfect
person. They could heal very fast, were immune to disease, and were herbivores,
so food would almost always be in supply for them. The Crakers had a host of other
adaptations selected by people in order to try to make them ideal. Although when
Crake creates them in the novel he has a vision of utopia, Atwood demonstrates how
such a scientific could be very detrimental to society as we know
An Age Old Tradition For The House Of Commons
Westminster has an age old tradition for the use of division lobbies. The method of
voting in the lobbies for Members of both Houses has remained relatively
untouched since its inception, after the great fire of 1834 . The introduction of
deferred divisions in 2004 was considered to be a reform too far for many members.
A more recent development has been the introduction of tablets to record the votes of
members. This change was initially brought about in the Lords. The change in the
Commons was rushed through by the proposals for double majority votes required
under the EVEL legislation. Although the changes would have happened regardless
of the need for the double majority votes. The tablets were only used on EVEL votes
... Show more content on ...
MPs are the only person out of a constituency of 70,000 or so people who are able to
vote. The significance of voting cannot be understated and as such a system that
facilitates this must be robust. There are a variety of different voting procedures in
place around the world, additionally, there are also different systems used within the
Although the current system has been around for hundreds of years, and when
Members are elected or appointed they know how the system works, it is not
without its user errors. A recent example of this was when Angus McNeil MP hid in
the toilet during a vote as he had used the toilet in the lobby, but hadn t moved out
before the vote was called and the doors we locked.
This study will aim to assess the current benefits of the voting procedure. It will
then go on to outline a few of the current problems and propose changes to improve
the system such as making it easier for members to vote, or to make it easier to find
out how their representative has voted following a division.
The report aimed to have interviews with a Whip from each party. This, however,
did not end up the case. The report was unable to gain an interview with a Labour
Whip, although all other major parties were interviewed. The report went on to speak
with the three members who
Women Should Not Fly Commercial Or Private
After starting flight lessons and seeking a pilots license one of the researchers
became aware of the ridicule and negative perceptions that women face in the field
aviation. Chances are that when you fly commercial or private that you will not be
flying with a female pilot in command. Aviation is a field that continues to be a males
career with females making up only five percent of the industry (Goyer, 2016). This
particular area tends to focus on being a male s career choice and lacking in the
advancements for women. Different stereotypes, genderroles, and opinions are all
factors in determining a good pilot. Although women have proven their worth and
ability, prejudices such as women should not fly and a woman in the cockpit is one
less in the kitchen are still evident.
Given the importance of the topic at hand, it is necessary to better understand why
negative ideas exist. Although women have made advances in the field in the past, it
has become stagnant within the last decade. This study is to be done during a years
length where researchers will interview Certified Flight Instructors (CFI) with more
than 200 flight time hours, Pilots in training (PIT) and those of private and
commercial license holders. This study will entail extensive interviews, and
incorporate flight simulation. Researchers will look at entry level pilots and compare
it those upon completing school.
Women often think of flying as dangerous and challenging therefore making it more
of a man s
Reasons For The Upcoming War With Iraq
Anthony Naranjo
English B1A
Julie Pearson
April 16 2016
The united states has made some questionable policies and decisions making the last
three decades. Many people do not understand why policies are passed, therefor they
raise no opinion or speculation. A society s responsibility and duty to their nation is
to be involved in government affairs. Decisions like keeping the petrodollar alive and
invading anyone who threatens it. The petrodollar has influenced the United States
government into making rash and questionable decisions like going to war, toppling
governments, and a rigged presidential election.
To understand the course of the US one must look at America history. During the
Bretton woods agreement they established ... Show more content on
This currency was to replace the dollar in that region. The United States of course
took this at a threat and in response they help the rebels in libya who already
wanted to overthrow Gaddafi. In his article Libya Intervention More questionable in
Rear View Mirror Jim Lobe states that the help ranged from on the ground training
to supplying arms and providing real time tactical intelligence . The libyan
government did not have a chance, On October 20 2011 Gaddafi was killed by armed
What Are Agreeable People
According to Robbins and Judge (2013) agreeableness refers to individual s
propensity to defer others. Highly agreeable people are cooperative, warm and
trusting and enormously likeable. Top performers refers to individuals who are
highly productive and person who always worked on developing their work skills
and job performance (Harpham, n.d.). Top performers are usually very decisive and
determined in every single task they do, and most of them are aspire to be leaders
by working hard and focusing on their life goals.
In our opinion, employer should choose agreeable employees over top performers
because most of agreeable individuals are easily adapt to new environment and
company s workforce policy. These kind of employees are ready to work in any
industries or position even they know they will earn lower salaries than others and
attracted to jobs both in public sector and non profit organizations. ... Show more
content on ...
Agreeableness reflects individual differences in concern with cooperation and social
harmony. Agreeable people are likely to get along with people effortlessly. These
people are certainly to help others at work despite any moods and rewards (Ilies, Scott
Judge, 2006). They are extremely considerate, friendly, generous, helpful, and willing
to compromise their interests with others. Thus, they will create a warm environment
in the company and there is no doubt that their colleagues would feel comfortable
than ever.
Agreeable people also have an optimistic view of human nature and always look
things in a bright side. They believe people are basically honest, decent, and
trustworthy (Lall Sharma, 2009). They tend to be kinder, and to do better in
interpersonally oriented jobs such as customer service as they can communicate
Poor Parenting Techniques Displayed in Maurice Sendaks...
Poor Parenting can cause poorly behaved children
Where The Wild Things Are was first published in 1963 and is the first part of a
trilogy of award winning books by American author and illustrator Maurice Sendak.
Where The Wild Things Are is haunting and imaginative and describes how a young
child, called Max, creates a fictitious fantasy world in order to deal with the terrifying
reality of anger.
Poor parenting is a lack of parenting techniques and skills in relation to the
responsibilities and obligations, which need to be fulfilled in order to accomplish
prominent problems within the family relationship. Poor parenting is most likely to
come from an absence of cooperation from both child and parent, satisfying both
needs and ... Show more content on ...
As Max interprets the difference between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour
in the picture book Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak, it is clearly
evident that the ways in which he and his mother are portrayed influence the
depiction of characters by the implied reader. Max s mother is represented in the
text as the authoritarian. She has the dominating position in the family and is likely
to be the family decision maker. In the 1960 s, women were the housekeepers and
wives and were the sole minder of the children as the father was a workingman who
supplied the bread and water. It should come as no surprise to the implied reader that
Max s mother was therefore the dominant authoritarian as her main job was to care
for the children.
Max is represented as an adventurous but monstrous 6 to 8 year old child with
destructive behaviour. He is wearing a wolf suit as a disguise; it symbolizes a
sense of development and privacy. Max s behaviour is represented in the monster
picture he drew. It suggests the adventure he is about to enter is not something that
is new. He could have been thinking of a fantasy world, far away from the reality of
his anger at his mother, and that he has a history of destructive behaviour. Max s
poor behaviour and characteristics are influenced by his mother s parenting skills and
techniques. In a time of great development and growth in this phase of his childhood,
Max s social development characteristics included
Case Study Peter Jones
In viewing a case study with Mr. Peter Jones, it was brought to the counselor
attention that Mr. Jones referred to her by a co worker who is concerned about his
welfare. Mr. Peter Jones is a 51 year old heterosexual married African American
male with nine children. He is a carpenter who is a non denominational worshipper.
He is also a high school grade graduated. His wife is a homemaker.
Presenting Problem
The co worker noticed Mr. Jones snappy attitude in conversation and he denies
anything is wrong while appearing fatigued. He works all the time and a caregiver to
his parents.
Interview Affect, Behavior, and Mental Status
The client appeared groomed and very friendly in nature. (A person can hide behind
their smiles and attire.) As the ... Show more content on ...
Peter Jones, the counselor diagnose Mr. Jones as depressed because of burnout.
The client weakness is not being able to say N0. Due to this fact his relationship
with his wife is declining and he is not getting enough rest. According to June
Hunt, Depression is anger turned inward. This anger causes masked depression
and keeps underlying bitterness from being exposed. (125) The counselor advise
the counselee to confront his depression and say No to others and beside God, put
his family and himself first and get some leisure time rest. Kuyper argues, that God
s beneficence to the entire creation compels Christians to serve God in every facet
of life. People become burnout when God is not sought first for his will purpose
and plan. Monroe and colleague points out, Life stress is associated with cognitive
affective symptons. In other words, Mr. Jones allowed people to make him think if
he is not complying to their needs he is not doing the will of God; when in
actuality he is only doing busy work if not lead by God. Mr. Peter Jones needs to
confront his depression, focus on God s plan and spend quality time with
Taking a Look at Surrogate Mothers
Surrogacy is a controversial issue nowadays. Surrogacy allows a woman to give
the gift of parenthood to a couple who would otherwise not have been able to
experience it, either due to infertility or inability to adopt a child. In some cases, the
surrogate can obtain monetary compensation for her services. According to Anderson
(1990), A commercial surrogate mother is someone who is paid money to bear a
child for other people and to terminate her parental rights, to lead to a situation that
the others may raise the child as exclusively their own.
In the aspect of the intended parents, there are reasons for people who need the
surrogacy service. Firstly, Intended mothers can have a huge variety of health issues
that make pregnancy impossible or undesirable. For instance, some women s womb
cannot support a fetus that they may miscarry for many times that cannot get
pregnant successfully. Secondly, there are also women that have biological problems
which affect their ability to reproduce. The reproductive system is complex and can
cause various ailments which make pregnancy impossible. Thirdly, some women
may turn to surrogate mothers because of severe health problems. While the woman
may be healthy enough to be an effective mother, her body may be unable to survive
pregnancy. For example, some women would choose to use a surrogate mother
because they have heart problems which may cause the mother to be unable to
survive in a traditional child birth. There are also women that
Discuss the Influence of Press and Media in Shaping the...
Discuss the influence of press and media in shaping the public s fear about crime.
Use examples from recent press and media coverage of crime to illustrate your
An area that has caused much debate in criminology is the significance of the media
and the effect is has on fear of crime.
Fear of crime is very difficult to measure as there are different types of fear and
also different levels of fear but it is believed that the press and media can influence
an individual to think that they are more likely to become a victim of crime.
In today s society with the development of technology and the fact that information
is so readily available, more people are now aware of the amount of crime that occurs.
The question is, are we ... Show more content on ...
It is believed that women and elderly people are the most fearful of crime. Women
could spend more time in the home if they don t work and if they look after young
children and elderly people are more likely to spend time inside due to lack of
mobility. It is interesting that they have the most fear as statistically they are the
least likely to be a victim of crime and actually young males are the most likely to
be victims especially of violent crime. Well known research into this is the
cultivation analysis of Gerbner et al., which is presented in Hales Criminology , in the
eighth chapter that deals with understanding the connections between crime and the
media. Gerbner, over several decades, carried out survey questionnaires and content
analysis to find out the influence of violence of prime time US television
programmes. Gerbner deemed those who watched more than 4 hours of TV a day
to be heavy television viewers and found that they had a higher fear of crime as
television portrays the world as scary .
There is also a difference between the way stories are reported in newspapers. A
tabloid will generally have an over representation of violent crime if compared to
broadsheet papers. In 2003, broadsheet newspaper, The Guardian, published a story
titled, Tabloids stoke fear of crime . In this article official Home Office statistics were
quoted and 16% of those who read tabloid papers were very worried about being the
victim of a mugging compared to
“Not Rounding Off, but Opening Out.”
Comment Upon the...
Not rounding off, but opening out. Comment upon the way the writers of the novel
and short story deal with the ending in relation to the whole. In your answer you
should refer to two or three novels or short stories you have studied. The end of a
short story is as important as the start. Some short stories end abruptly, leaving it
open for the readers to interpret while others have a moral. In the short storyHoliday
by Rabindranath Tagore the end is interlinked to the title, Holiday . In face after
reading the story we finally understand why it was given such a title. At the end of
the story Phatik has reached his breaking point and he cannot take in anymore. He
has been neglected all along and he acts like a stray dog . The end... Show more
content on ...
Johnsy one of the protagonists is suffering from pneumonia and equates her life
cycle with the life of a leaf on a vine outside her window. At the end of the story we
see, despite all the characters thoughts as well as the readers the leaf has endured
everything and has reinforced Johnsy s spirit. The doctor says to Sue She s out of
danger. You ve won. Nutrition and care now that s all . Now because of her
optimism Johnsy is going to live. The most unexpected twist comes at the end with
correlates the story to the title. Ah, darling, its Behrman s masterpiece he painted it
there the night the last leaf fell. This ending takes everyone by shock as nothing in
the story leads us to think such an end would occur. Mr. Behrman dies of pneumonia
to save Johnsy s spirit. This end has a deep impact on readers and it gives a lot more
momentum to the entire story. The theme of sacrifice is finally achieved through this
unexpected ending. The title has gained more meaning. In this story the ending has
more of an impact than the start and such an ending highlights the characters, title as
well as the theme even further.
The short story The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poeis a story about a murderer.
This story is unusual because of the unreliable narration and start but also because of
the ending. At the end of this short story, the narrator is having a panic attack and we
finally see the
Accounting Software For A Business Essay
Individual Assignment
Name: Altaf Gohar
Roll no: EAB2389
Accounting Software/Packages used in Australia
Accounting is referred as an art of collecting, classifying, and manipulating financial
data for organizations and individuals. It is also used to determine financial stability
or financial health of organizations. Accounting is the language of business and
figures and is widely used as a means of communication for financial world, without it
businesses cannot survive. It is important because it helps in analyzing, decision
making, information disclosure and it also helps in finding out the frauds and in
avoiding them.
According to the research of (Huang and Palvia, 2001) there is an increasing need to
implement a total business solution which supports major functionalities of a
business. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software is designed to meet this need,
and has been widely adopted by organizations in developed countries. Meanwhile,
ERP is beginning to appear in many organizations of developing countries . In
Australia small and medium enterprises does not comply with the accounting
principles because they have no legal obligation to do so, but they must comply
with taxation provisions. The research of (Dyt and Halabi, 2007) proved very fruit
full for knowing about micro and small businesses in this almost 121 small and micro
businesses were studied. According to this research micro businesses in Australia still
rely on manual processes or methods whereas small
Hunter Clifton I Like To Write Analysis
There are constant times in life when we to take a second look at something,
whether it is an object, a place, an idea, or even an idea. Through this second look,
we get a different perspective about it, either positive or negative. In my interview
with Hunter Clifton, I asked her if she likes to write. She answered, I like to write. It
seems common at first to just like to write, but if you asked her eight years ago if she
liked to write, she would have just plain out said No! Hunter grew up in Columbus
Ohio with a love for Jesus, serving others, and missions. Her desire to write, however,
took a while longer to develop. It required a little bit of time and a lot of God s
assistance. Her experience in writingstarts in Saint Brendan Middle School. During
this time, she joined a writing club. This club used to hold several competitions that
allowed writers to show their skill. Hunter competed in these. Unfortunately, she did
not win any of the competitions. She did not even receive... Show more content on ...
It was her that she wanted to go into ministry wanted to go to Evangel University.
God had other plans. He eventually led her to come here to Southeastern
University. One of her first classes was English Composition 1. She did not think
that it was going to be enjoyable, given her past encounters with writing. However,
this class was very different. Instead of just writing research papers, the professor
had her write creative papers. After so many years, she finally had the opportunity
to express her opinion, her ideas, and her beliefs. When she turned in her work, not
only did the professor admire it, despite some criticisms, but the professor also
encouraged her to keep doing better. This was exactly what she needed. She finally
saw writing in its truest form, as an opportunity to utter her creative abilities, rather
than as a burden of simply typing words until they just become good enough to turn
10 Things I Hate About You Comparison
10 Things I Hate About You Comparison to Taming of the Shrew
10 Things I Hate About You is a movie directed by Gil Junger based on the play
Taming of the Shrew. In this movie, we can see countless similarities and
differences, all the way to the small details. And while at times it may seem like a
whole other story, it is clear that 10 Things I Hate About Youwas based on this
Shakespearean play, popular all around the world.
Starting with the differences, Kat, in the movie, is outspoken and makes her opinion
heard. While Katherine turns to physical violence, because she always feels inferior
to everyone around her. Although they are both shrews of sorts, they act out in
distinct ways. Another dissimilarity is that Kat and Patrick (Petruchio) actually fall in
love. Even though Patrick originally started chasing her for the money, he eventually
stops caring about the money. In the play, however, it doesn t really seem that
Petruchio truly fell in love with ... Show more content on ...
One obvious one is the setting of both stories. The movie takes place in town
called Padua and the students go to Padua High School. The play also is in a town
called Padua where Lucentio and Tranio arrive to go to university. An additional
resemblance between the two is how Bianca and Kat s dad will only allow Bianca
to date once Kat starts dating and Bianca knows that won t happen anytime soon.
Similarly, in the play Bianca is told by her dad that she can get married after
Katherine gets married. Following this happening, in both the play and movie,
Lucentio seeks out Petruchio to be with Katherine, so that he can be with Bianca.
Another large connection is the fact that everyone ends up with who they did in the
play. For example, Cameron and Bianca, Patrick and Kat, and Joey (Hortensio) and
Chastity (Widow). In the end, everyone is content with their lives, just like the actual
Break The Glass Ceiling
The glass ceiling was first introduced in the 1980 s and is a transparent barrier that
women are blocked into which prevents them from moving up not just at their job
but, prevents them from moving up simply because the gender is female. Since the
early 1700 s women have been fighting to become equal to their male counterpart and
still today the battle to break the glass ceilingcontinues. There are many
discriminationwomen face in the workplace which Is not limited to their wages in
comparison to men, sexual harassment and job segregation. Women can seek and
achieve the highest level of education but in the corporate world a woman will be
kept from reaching the highest paid or reputable position because it is respectively
not accepted. In the labor market, women are often found segregated into specific
areas such as human services, clerical positions, and health care support jobs which
offers barely any advancement in climbing the ladder to the top. In the workforce,...
Show more content on ...
One must acquire assistance from women, federal and state governments, employers
and especially academic institutions. The government is instrumental in initiating
changes in regards to women being fairly treated in the workforce by enforcing any
legislation which was put place. Employers can be instrumental in assisting women
reaching and shattering the glass ceiling by being committed to gender equality and
diversity. Employers also need to be instrumental in assisting women in overcoming
structural barriers such as implementing flexibility with work arrangements, work
life balance policies as well as assist women in developing skills to promote
advancement. There should be programs which offer mentoring and leadership skill
which will not aid women in becoming better leaders but also aid in knowing their
strengths in respects to risk taking and managing other workplace
The War of 1948 Essay examples
The War of 1948, also known as the War of Independence, was fought between
Israel and its Arab neighbors. The war began May 15, 1948 when units from the
armies of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq invaded Israel launching a war
that lasted until December 1948.# The war resulted in the defeat of the Arab forces
and the success of Israelas a newly established state. It is evident that the Arab forces
were not successful in the first Arab Israeli war because the Arab army lacked
motivation, education, and proper equipment.# Despite the support from Arab states
outside of Palestine, the Arabs were unable to gain enough strength to overcome the
Israeli forces. In contrast, the Israeli army was able to succeed because they had...
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The Haganah, the Israeli Defense Forces, had more than 35,000 people in the
army. More so, the men and women in the army were trained and were mostly
made up of volunteers. By December of 1948 the Israeli army numbered more
than 96,000.# Although a large number of soldiers does not account for Israel s
success in the War of 1948, it does play a significant role that cannot be ignored. A
majority of the Arab population in the territory that became Israel, around 700,000
people, became refugees.# During the first stages of war, many civilians
temporarily evacuated from zones of combat with plans to return once fighting had
stopped. However, during the early summer of 1948 Palestinian Arabs began
fleeing in mass numbers, leaving behind their homes, businesses, and land. The
Haganah saw the Arab flight as an opportunity to advance, and began encouraging
the evacuation of towns and cities. In April 1948 the Haganah authorized a plan
known as Plan D.# The campaign provided for the conquest and permanent
occupation, or leveling, of the Arab villages and towns. # The field officers of the
Haganah interpreted Plan D as giving them the power to expunge the Palestinian
Arabs living in the area of the Jewish state as well as the Arabs living inside territory
given to the Arab state. Plan D not only intensified
Analysis Of Blood Wedding By Federico GarcГa Lorca
The theater Blood Wedding is a folk tragedy which was produced by the Spanish
dramatist Federico GarcГa Lorca. In this theater, there are five main characters,
including Leonardo, the bride, the groom, the groom s mother, and Leonardo s
wife. The author narrated the story in Episodic plot structure, in which the overall
effect is cumulative, we need to see many scenes before we understand what is
happening. The story happened on the day of a wedding in a village, among a
couple and a man. The couple were going to get married, but the bride who had had
been with a young man whose name was Leonardo for seven years, still had old
affection with Leonardo. In the morning of the wedding, at the wedding banquet,
Leonardo and the bride danced... Show more content on ...
In the theater Blood Wedding , there were some scenes mixed with Flamenco
dance, which is very popular in the Spanish literature. The beginning is a Spanish
language plot with English introduction. The dancing with the dancers at the
beginning of the dance is a shadow, casting on the screen behind the dancers. The
shadow looks like the dancer but also not without doubt, which undoubtedly
indicates some things, heralding love behind the other protagonist it? Or the same
fate of both of the two main male characters? This was a tragedy, which happened
between two families, among a couple, and more, between the two men, whose
fate may would be shadowed or indicated in the Flamenco dance. The play was
showed in a black box theatre, where the spaces are easily built and maintained,
and are usually home to plays or other performances with very basic technical
arrangements, such as limited set construction. For the play Blood Wedding , the
black box gave it sufficient space and room to make itself best, because the space of
the stage is versatile and easy to change. And there were some design challenges in
the play. In costumes, the play arranged no masks for the main characters, through
which the play emphasized the characters so that the audience can follow the emotion
of the characters very well, and can understand the the story theme better. When the
climax of the plot came, the light of the stage became red, the color of
Head Start Essay
Head start was and still is a preschool program designed by President Lyndon B.
Johnson with the goal of eliminating poverty. His idea was to improve childhood
developed by providing a positive environment for pre kindergarten children. (Zigler
and Muenchow,1992) President Johnson was the first president to pioneer this type
of program. The target group affected by this program was poverty strict families that
had no positive psychological influence. His belief was that by improving the
physical and psychological development, it would result in a change in the child s
genetic traits for the advancement of the students. By stimulating the educational
success of children, this would transition into better adult earnings and eventually put
an... Show more content on ...
There are several hypotheses as to why this may be true. Though average Head Start
classroom quality is reported to be good (Resnick, 2010; Zill et al., 2003), it may be
that the program quality remains too low to produce the needed impact.
The outcome is extremely important for the children in this program. It seems that
the responsible authorities would ensure that the staff responsible for the Head Start
Program would be held accountable for providing a quality program for Head Start. I
feel that the teachers in the Head Start program should be held accountable just as
though teachers in pre kindergarten through twelfth grade are.
After studying this chapter, I came to the conclusion that like most real life
situations, you get out of something what you put into it. The quality program
translates in positive outcomes and poorly run programs struggle to improve
outcomes. In other words, quality input will result in quality outcome. I have always
been familiar with the Head Start program, but I never really understood that the
ultimate goal was to eliminate poverty. Since reading and studying in this chapter, I
have a better understanding of the Head Start Program. This program has had its
share of problems, and may not have been an end to all poverty, but you must
appreciate the percentage of success. A small amount of success is better than no
success at
Osmosis in Potatoes
AT1 Osmosis In Potatoes
Aim: Investigate the movement of osmosis through a selectively permeable
membrane, in this case potato.
Introduction: Osmosis is the movement of water through a semi permeable
membrane, separating solutions of different concentrations. The water passes from a
region of high concentration to a region of low concentration, until the two
concentrations are equal in concentrations of water.
Many cell membranes behave as semi permeable membranes, and osmosis is a vital
mechanism in the transport of fluids in living organisms, for example, in the
transport of water from the soil to the roots in plants.
If a cell is in contact with a solution of lower water concentration than its own
contents, ... Show more content on ...
Graph 2 shows the average change in length. Basically, the pattern is the same as
average weight loss in graph 1. It shows how osmosis is affected by different
Method After having done our preliminary work, we knew exactly which
measurements we needed to use in order to obtain the correct sort of results. We set
up 14 test tubes, because in order to save time, we intended on doing repeats at the
same time as the original experiments were going on.
For organisation s sake, we set up all of the test tubes at once, and labelled them
individually to avoid confusion later on. Into each test tube, we poured 15mls of
Glucose solution, and added one of the potato chips, each weighing around 1 gram,
and measuring 33mm by 5mm. In order to make it as much of a fair test as possible,
we added the potato chips very quickly, to make sure one chip didn t have a longer
amount of time in the solution than another. We then left each one for 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes, we emptied each test tube, leaving only the potato chips inside.
Before we measured and weighed each chip, we dabbed them with paper towel. If
we had of left excess water on the chips, the weights would not be accurate. We then
measured the chips in mms because they are a more accurate
The Declaration Of Biafra Speech
This Declaration of Biafra Speech as retrieved on 15 August 2008 raises the issue of
Self Determination . Self determination is the principle in international law that
allows nations the right to freely choose their sovereignty and international status
without external interference. The right of nations to self determination is a cardinal
principle in modern international law, binding, as such, on the United Nationsas an
authoritative interpretation of the Charter s norms. It states that nations based on
respect for the principle of equal rights and fair equity of opportunity have the right to
freely choose their sovereignty and international political status with no external
compulsion or interference which can be traced back to the... Show more content on ...
Further feelings of injustice were caused by Nigeria, changing its currency so that
Biafra supplies of pre war Nigerian currency were no longer honoured, at the end of
the war; only ВЈ20 was given to any easterner despite whatever amount of money he
or she had in the bank. This was applied irrespective of their banking in pre war
Nigerian currency or Biafra currency. This was seen as a deliberate policy to hold
back the Igbo middle class, leaving them with little wealth to expand their business
interests. The total dead on the Biafra side is estimated to be between 1 3 million
dead with hundreds of thousands injured and millions more refugees. While the
Nigeria oil boom of the 1970 s went some way to ameliorating the pains brought
about by the war, the ethnic tensions that caused the war still haunt Nigerian politics
till today. The question is, Why was Biafra denied their right to self determination,
bearing in mind that genocide existed then ?
From 1999 to the present day, the indigenous people of Biafra have been agitating for
independence to revive their country. They have registered a human rights
organisation known as Bilie Human Rights Initiative both in Nigeria and in the
United Nations to advocate for their right to self determination and achieve
independence by the rule of law.
The United Nations respect the right of all peoples to choose the form of government
under which they will live, and they
The Digital Data Genesis And It s Impact On The Mgm
Technology trends are related to the widespread adoption of mobile platforms, the
Green IT movement, the open source software, cloud computing and the digital data
genesis phenomena. the amount of data that is used everyday speaks to the way that
companies are evolving and businesses are updating. Our wiki will focus on the latest
trend: the DigitalData Genesis and it s impact on the MGM Grand CasinoLas Vegas
(Taylor). (Alyssa Edited) Digital data can provide new opportunities for firms.
Companies may have to deal with a high volume of transactional data, capturing
trillions of bytes of information about their customers and operations (Vitari and
Raguseo, p. 76) (Taylor). Millions of sensors are embedded in the physical world in
devices such as mobile phones, smart energy meters, automobiles, and industrial
machines that sense, create and communicate data in the digitalized age . (Vitari and
Raguseo, p. 78) (Taylor). DDG further explained: When a process is digitalized (e.g.,
a purchasing of a good on the Internet), it is carried out through a digital computeror
device. When an entity is digitalized (e.g., an RFID enabled good track), the
company has the ability to access an informational representation of that entity (e.g.,
the position of a good along the supply chain), and generate relevant data from it
(Vitari and Raguseo, p. 84) (Taylor). . All of the data is generated in digital forms. To
understand this concept, consider three examples, the usage of RFID
Accounts Receivable and Information
chapter 1
accounting information systems: An overview
Suggested Answers to Discussion Questions
1.1The value of information is the difference between the benefits realized from
using that information and the costs of producing it. Would you, or any organization,
ever produce information if its expected costs exceeded its benefits? If so, provide
some examples. If not, why not? Most organizations produce information only if its
value exceeds its cost. However, there are two situations where information may be
produced even if its cost exceeds its value. a. It is often difficult to estimate accurately
the value of information and the cost of producing it. Therefore, organizations may
produce information that they expect ... Show more content on ...
While this active learning activity takes more time than a lecture does, it drives the
point home much better than a lecture would. It also keeps the students more
engaged in the material.
1.4How do an organization s business processes and lines of business affect the
design of its AIS? Give several examples of how differences among organizations
are reflected in their AIS. An organization s AIS must reflect its business processes
and its line of business. For example: * Manufacturing companies will need a set of
procedures and documents for the production cycle; non manufacturing companies do
not. * Government agencies need procedures to track separately all inflows and
outflows from various funds, to ensure that legal requirements about the use of
specific funds are followed. * Financial institutions do not need extensive inventory
control systems. * Passenger service companies (e.g., airlines, bus, and trains)
generally receive payments in advance of providing services. Therefore, extensive
billing and accounts receivable procedures are not needed; instead, they must develop
procedures to account for prepaid revenue. * Construction firms typically receive
payments at regular intervals, based on the percentage of work completed. Thus,
their revenue cycles must be designed to track carefully all work performed and the
American Shepherd Research Paper
Including ground beef in meals is a simple and delicious way to provide the entire
family with protein, iron and B vitamins. When possible, always choose a grass fed
variety, such as Joyce Farms Beef, for the healthiest, most delicious meat. Try one of
these five ground beef recipes today that are sure to satisfy the entire family.
Simple Korean Beef
1 pound lean ground beef
1 Tablespoon sesame oil
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon fresh ginger, minced
1/2 1 teaspoon crushed red peppers salt and pepper
1 bunch green onions, diced
Brown beef with sesame oil and garlic. Add remaining ingredients and heat to a
simmer. Serve over steamed rice and garnish with the green onions.
Haystacks ... Show more content on ...
To assemble, place one half cup steamed rice on the plate. Top with ground beef,
black beans, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, olives and tortilla chips. Serve with sour
cream and salsa, as desired.
Shepherd s Pie
1 1/2 to 2 pounds potatoes, peeled and quartered
8 Tablespoons butter
1 medium onion, chopped
1 2 cups vegetables diced carrots, corn, peas
1 1/2 lbs ground round beef
1/2 cup beef broth
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
Salt and pepper, to taste
In a medium saucepan, cover the potatoes completely with water and bring to a boil.
Once boiling, turn the heat down to medium high and simmer. While the potatoes are
cooking, brown the ground beef with four tablespoon butter, onion and vegetables
until the meat is no longer pink. Add the beef broth and Worcestershire and simmer
for five to eight minutes. Once the potatoes can easily be pierced with a fork, mash
them with the remaining butter and season with salt and pepper.
To assemble the dish, evenly spread the beef mixture in the bottom of a casserole
dish. Top with the potatoes and bake for 30 minutes at 400 degrees.
Hate Speech And Freedom Of Speech
Slanderous Tongues or Freedom Sung Within today s society there is a strong
disagreement between the fundamental rights given to us at birth, and the necessary
restraints of such rights when it interferes with individual dignity. I agree that
freedom of speech is foundation for the beliefs we hold true in democracy, that
every citizen has their own mind and voice that should be represented. Be that as it
may, when language is presented in a derogatory or hateful manner towards another
individual, or group of individuals, I believe it should be prevented. It falls upon the
government to uphold and protect the welfare of every citizen, and to guard them
from offensive and threatening speech regardless of their race, sex, gender, religion,
or disabilities. The result of this conflict calls into question whether or not hate speech
is free speech, and if the government is legitimate in its restriction and prevention of
such. According to Simpson, the first step is being able to distinguish between
direct and indirect harms that may be attributed to hate speech (706). In doing so,
it can be proven if the hate was intentional and therefore justify the actions of
limiting hate speech. If the harm implied was direct, it may result in a loss of
dignity and be physically and mentally degrading. One critic draws upon this idea
of individual dignity being infringed upon when he states that it diminishes their
status in some disconcernable sense, beyond merely being a manifestation of the
speaker s view of them as inferior or second class people (Simpson 710). This
creates even more discord between social groups if, by means of hateful speech and
actions, a group is diminished in value and viewed in lesser worth. Instances of hate
speech similar to this have dated back for centuries, but are surprisingly more
prominent today on college campuses. It comes to attention, not just the act of hate
speech itself, but the negative connotation it has on the individual or group affected
by the negativity. Those responsible for the degrading are not trying to convey an
insightful message, rather than just loudly express their ideas in an offensive way,
should have their speech limited. In this manner, the purpose
The Second Sex Simone De Beauvoir Analysis
Revolutionary and thought provoking, Simone De Beauvoir s The Second Sex is
a novel that challenged the subordination of women brought upon by men and
illustrated a feminist and philosophical perspective on rights of women. Working
alongside with Jean Paul Sartre, De Beauvoir s work in The Second Sex underlies
Sartre s concept of bad faith in relation to De Beauvoir s concept of the battle of the
sexes. Being confined by her own immanence in a male dominated society, De
Beauvoir illustrates that the feminine subject declares herself as their equal in
relation to the transcendence of the male for the struggle for recognition because it
is affecting her free will and responsibility (De Beauvoir 428). By recognizing the
female, the male attempts to find himself as a stable identity to transcend as the male
figure through the devaluation of femininity and the oppression of women. Lastly, De
Beauvoir believes that the construct of femininity is itself a product, as Sartre puts it,
of bad faith because one is not born, but rather becomes, a woman. Conceived by
Jean Paul Sartre, the concept of bad faith underlies Simone De Beauvoirs concept of
the so called battle of the sexes. In order to explain how the concept of bad faith
relates to the concept of the battle of the sexes, one has to understand Sartrean
philosophy. According to Sartre, bad faith is an act of deceiving oneself by rejecting
the notion of freedom and one s facticity, even though human beings are
Opportunity Reed Reflection
I look forward to the opportunity Reed offers, to share something of value with the
community during Paideia. The Greek word not only means education, as the prompt
indicates; it also connotes the development of the ideal citizen, requiring discipline
and emotional health as well as content learning. The experience I have had that
comes closest to this is the work of being in the present moment. Often called
mindfulness, it s a tool for opening oneself up to a deep educationof the mind, body
and spirit; along with significant connections to the intellectual pursuits of
neuroscience and psychology.
I believe the mindfulness movement sprung from monastic requirements, rather than
from academic psychology or practical medicine, even though ... Show more content
on ...
While I feel insufficiently trained to teach official MBSR, I would be glad to share
not only what I have learned about it, my passion and curiosity, but also how it can
help others.
I see this class as especially pertinent to Reed because of its honor code. The
principle of honor requires that people have both integrity and mutual respect. One
must be able to calmly and clearly evaluate a course of action and a fair minded
attitude towards it. For these goals there may be no better prescription than calm
abiding in the present moment.
Cultivating more skillful ways of responding to stress and distress is one of my
goals, and another is to share something I have found so beneficial for my mental
health and general well being. The learning, and its practice involve group activities
and connection at their core, key aspects of a comprehensive college education. Think
of all the things college freshmen go through: leaving home for the first time,
interacting with different and new people in a community, test anxiety, regulating
sleep/eating in a new environment. Learning what is most healthy and good could all
be experienced more positively through
The Reasons For Setting A Business
Introduction There are two reasons for setting a business. One is to profit. The
other reason is to become successful. Good leadership is important in achieving
these goals. Melchar and Bosco (2010) defined leadership as an integral component
of organizational success. A successful organization will always keep abreast of
modern development. According to Hossain (2015), such an organization has to be
in a position to serve customers effectively. Yet in order to address, leaders have to
address the plight of their employees. This paper analyzes life, accomplishments and
traits of Richard Branson.
Background Information One of the success stories in Britain is Virgin Atlantic. This
company has been through a long journey to become what it ... Show more content on ...
He left school at the tender age of sixteen. His passion was to create Student
Magazine. He later did this with the help of his friend. From here, he introduced
Virgin Records in the course of the 1970s (Hart, 2014). Branson became the pioneer
of the Virgin Group. During the 1980s, he created Virgin Atlantic airline. The 1990s
witnessed the introduction of Virgin Mobile and Virgin Trains. He remains one of
the most renowned businessmen in the UK. Moreover, he is a force to reckon with
as far as global business is concerned. Of great significance is the fact that he
epitomizes the face of entrepreneurship.
The global personality of Branson and the admiration is connected to different
reasons. His name is linked to the Virgin brand. Despite this, Branson s name has
also connected with the success of three hundred and fifty different operations
(University of Pennsylvania, 2005). There is a relationship between his personality
and leadership. The same name is linked to the image of his companies. Branson
uses his upbringing so as o influence his style of leadership.
In this regard, it is noted that he was trained to be independent by his parents. At a
tender age of six, he would be asked by his mum to alight from the car and find his
way back home (University of
Essay Euthanasia
Imagine yourself lying on a hospital bed totally unaware of the happenings around
you. Doctors and family members come and go, mostly out of habit now, because
they know there s nothing more they can do. Many of their visits are a blur to you,
with their voices and movements becoming unrecognizable. The pain you experience
is nothing short of excruciating, but the hospital has exhausted all of their resources
in their attempt to help you. After monthsof medicationand efforts to assist your
recovery, you re left with nothing to show for it other than the dreadful bills. Your
family is just patiently waiting for your final days.
Luckily, you are not in a situation like this, and hopefully you never will be. ... Show
more content on ...
After caring for his wife, Jean, while she battled breast cancer, Derek Humphry
suffered greatly through her death. Afterwards, he was inspired to publish Jean s
Way. The story, telling of their marriage, his wife s sickness, and her death, was
Humprhy s earliest attempt to challenge the law and display euthanasia in a sensible,
helpful manner (Cundiff 72).
Some more of the most well known recent instances of euthanasia and physician
assisted suicide include the participation of Dr. Jack Kevorkian. Also known as Dr.
Death , Jack Kevorkian has been involved in the death of approximately 130 people
as they sought out his knowledge and assistance in their suicide. Using some
household tools, toys, magnets and electrical switches Jack Kevorkian was able to
build a machine that he called the Thanatron (Greek for death machine ). The
Thanatron made it so that with the flip of a switch a person attached to an
intravenous tube would experience drips of a saline solution, followed by the release
of thiopental which would place them in a deep coma, and then the rush of a lethal
dose of potassium chloride which would stop their heart in a few short minutes.
When demonstrating his invention on the Donahue show, Dr. Kevorkian referred to
the Thanatron as quot;dignified, humane and painless and the patient can do it in the
comfort of their own home at any
Btts Case Study
Both Teams To Score (BTTS) is a great concept that help players win lots of money.
However, it can become quite challenging to apply BTTS to the right matches, so
we have develop an efficient system that finds the best candidate matches
providing a high chance both teams would score. Read on for more to find out the
possibilities. STRATEGY FOR THE BTTS SYSTEM The main question is how to
choose the best team that will most likely score. You can do this by evaluating
player s talents, analyzing past scores, and viewing their track record. Moreover, see
if they have a strong offensive mind before game time because that hungry energy
will push them forward to beat the opponents. A win for them is a win for you.
Understand that sometimes... Show more content on ...
Moreover, factor in teams who feel entitled to win, divorces, injuries, and run in with
the law, because all of these factors can affect an outcome of a game. RULES FOR
BTTS BETTING SYSTEM If you decide that you do not want to factor in all of these
social factors, then you can always use a mathematical system to assign points to
every match. He are the set of rules that will help you apply to your bet with our own
marking system. Last 6 matches SYSTEM FOR THE HOME TEAM Each match for
Both teams scored (R1) +1 point Each home match for both team scores (R2) +1
point Every score over 2 points (R3) +0.5 point Every score over 2 conceded (R4)
+0.5 point 0 0 draw (R5) 2 points SYSTEM FOR THE AWAY TEAM POINTS Each
match for Both teams scored (R6) +1 point Each away match for both teams scored
(R7) +1 point Every goal over 2 points (R8) +0.5 point Every goal under 2 conceded
(R9) +0.5 point Draw 0 0 (R10) 2 points RULES FOR THE CURRENT MATCH
POINTS SYSTEM Away team slightly favoured (R11) +2 points Home team
slightly favored (R12) +1 point Home team slightly favored R13) 2 points Away
team slightly favored (R14) 1 point Add up the home team, away team, and match
points to select matches above 18. EXAMPLE Home (2.78) Draw (2.95) Away
(2.55) Our system count 2 points because of R11 Let s look at matches for Arsenal
vs Manchester City. Arsenal 6 matches Tottenham 1 vs Arsenal 3. Add together and
you get 1.5 points
My Biggest Perspective Change
Have you ever been caught in a rush hour traffic moving at the speed of light? For a
whole one year during my CO OP I commuted to and fro Toronto on one of the
busiest highway of North America and it was no fun. I ve raced, tailgated, changed
lanes without using indicators, ranted and seethed at slow drivers and everything I
could to save as little as five minutes to reach my destination. And I considered
myself a skillful driver at that time. Not knowing that the opposite might also be true
if I look at it from a different perspective. We usually tend to have a one sided
opinion about certain things until we experience the both sides of the story ourselves.
This phenomenon of naГЇve realism was well presented in the class along with
different TEDTalk videos to support the argument among which the most prominent
and thought provoking was the talk on Believing Strange Things by Micheal Shermer.
Controversial topics have always sparked my interest and regardless of what opinion
I have about them, it gets my full attention. Like all the other intriguing videos
presented in class, Michael Shermer delivered his fifteen minutes presentation on the
human perception of believing in strange things is derived from our sub conscious
mind of believing anything which will accepted by the masses. Before coming to
his main point, he presents a bad engineering idea such a drug detector, which costs
around $900 and only works 50% of the time. For some, it works 100% perfect 50%
of the
Fundamentals Of Nursing
. Nurses save and improve lives as front line members of the health care delivery
A. Nurses independently assess and monitor patients by 1. Taking a holistic approach
to patients. 2. Determine what patients need to attain focused on their care. 3.
Obtaining optimal health and preserving quality of life.
B. Nurses develop a plan of care that focuses on treating illness to improve quality of
life by working collaboratively with
1. Physicians and therapists
2. The patient, the patient s family and other team members.
C. The aim of nursing is for its professionals to ensure quality care for all, while
1. Their credentials.
2. Code of ethics.
3. Standards, and competencies.
4. Continuing their education. (Transition: ... Show more content on
But with the proper skills and instructions, a great collaboration can be done. Not all
excellent managers are good leaders. As a nurse leader you are an example to others.
The example may be either a positive one or negative one. It is important to act with
integrity, to set realistic goals, to communicate clearly and often, to often encourage
others, to recognize the successes of your team members, and to inspire them to offer
the great
Essay about Cloud Computing
ABSTRACT Cloud computing is defined by Cearly and Phifer in their case study
titled Case Studies in Cloud Computing as a style of computing in which scalable
and elastic IT related capabilities are provided as a service to customers using
Internet technologies . Cloud computing services had been provided by major
vendors such as Google, Amazon, Microsoft, IBM, Hewlett Packard, and others for
business computing until recently when Apple Corporation announced iCloud for
consumers. Therefore, cloud computing is now available for businesses as well as
consumers. Read the case study titled, Ericsson , located here, about Ericsson cloud
Case Study 2: Cloud Computing
Cloud computing has made company information ... Show more content on ...
All failures must be tolerated or repaired by the system without any downtime
(Amazon Web Services, 2012). In terms of storage, S3 demonstrates it meets the 4
requirements mentioned before. RightScale can be used as a tool to manage cloud
infrastructures. It provides transparency among all levels of the infrastructure, which
can include multiple servers across one or more clouds. With RightScale, you remain
in complete control every step of the way with total visibility into all layers of the
cloud infrastructure. This transparency gives you the power to avoid lock in because
you choose your own development language, development environment, software
stack and data store (Amazon Web Services, 2012). The needs of the company will
determine the amount of services and applications required.
Examine the security concerns for cloud based services and make suggestions to
cope with these concerns. There are several security concerns that must be reviewed
an addressed when selecting a vendor that will provide and host the cloud computing
service. One major concern is user access control. Due to the availability of cloud
computing anywhere with the internet it is important to make sure sensitive data is
not accessed by unauthorized personnel. To address this issue, Ask providers to
supply specific information on the hiring and oversight of privileged administrators,
and the controls over their access (Brodkin, 2012). Data
Information Technology Case 1 Questions Pg 75-77 Essays
Case 1 Proctor and Gamble Team Number 7 Kelly Amouzon Kevin McGhee Angela
McKenzie Dixon Seda Caliskan Rajib Question 1: What is Proctor amp; Gamble s
business strategy? What is the relationship of collaboration and innovation to that
business strategy? Answer: P amp;G s strategy consists of maintaining the popularity
of its existing brands and developing new products by extending existing brands and
by creating new brands from scratch via innovation. Innovation is at the core of P
amp;G s strategy and collaboration is a critical tool to attaining this innovation. In
order to constantly come up with new lines of products, P amp;G must incorporate
innovation in every aspect of its business. All objectives and business... Show more
content on ...
| It helps business people share information, learn from each other and work together
without the hassle, cost and delay required by travel. It allows participants to
broadcast visuals of any type to remote participants in real time.| 4| Microsoft
Sharepoint| SharePoint provides a single infrastructure for business Web sites. | MS
SharePoint allows the sharing of documents with colleagues, manage projects with
partners, and publishing of information. This allows employees quicker access to
Subject matter experts and other knowledgeable staff in the company.| 5| Microsoft
Outlook| MS Outlook is an online personal information manager that functions as an
information management tool.| MS Outlook facilitate the recording, tracking, and
management of certain types e mail application, a calendar, task manager, contact
manager, note taking, a journal and web browsing. Employees are able to share their
calendars, tasks, schedules, meeting schedules with others and communicate thru
email.| 6| Connectbeam| Connectbeam is a search engine that provides enterprise
social software applications.| Enables P amp; G employees to search for information
across multiple platforms more efficiently. Employees can bookmark and tag content
for more relevant searches and share information with other employees. | 7|
InnovationNet| Online Software Collaboration System| Provides P amp; G
employees access to millions of research
Letter To Rashad Hall
It is a pleasure to write a letter of recommendation on behalf of Rashad Hall. He is
an excellent student with great potential to succeed in dental school. Mr. Hall was
in my freshman biology course and what I remember of him from then is how
polite and diligent he was. Since then I have seen him grow into a competent
student who is genuinely interested in all his courses and puts in the effort to
completely understand the concepts being studied. My colleagues in the
department have all remarked on how well he does in their classes. Mr. Hall
approached me about working in my lab in spring 2014 and did so without any
compensation. He is disciplined and responsible, extremely reliable and trustworthy
and showed up every day to check on his plants.
Inequality In Terms Of Social Inequality
In terms of social division, according to Oxford (2013), social mobility has fallen
rapidly in many country as inequality has grown. Oxford (2013) argues that the
wealthy focus only on better education and healthcare for their own families, rather
than helping public services or paying the taxes to support them. If the division
continues, then there will be a side of social ills, including violence, mental health,
crime and obesity. Oxford (2013) also states that unequal societies not only negatively
affect the poor, but also affect the rich.
Environmental destruction, according to Oxford (2013), comes from inequality
because the wealthy have been estimate to use as much as 10,000 times more
carbon than the average US citizen. There is also the issue of monopoly, where
resources like land and water are reserved from potential societal good. Resources
become more scarce. Oxford (2013) states that if societies were more equal, then
they would be better equipped to deal with natural disasters, as well as carbon
emissions. has data that reveals patterns of the social costs of inequality.
Inequality affects the physical health United States. If there was a more equal United
States, then people are predicted to live almost a year, or more longer (The Equality
Trust, 2014). Mental health is also a part of the social costs. A more equal society
would lead to an improvement of five percent, or more in mental health (The Equality
Trust, 2014).
Essay on Value Systems and Successful Markets
Economic success defines a nations success in modern day society. Sure India has
had a prosperous past. But as we continue in this post colonial world, the need to
prove ourselves has only been higher. It has been over 60 years since we achieved
independence and became a republic, we are yet to prove our potential to the
world. The world s parameter to determine our capabilities are high, just as it ought
to be to encourage each nation to develop to its fullest ability. Competition generally
helps nations to do better and achieve greater. When we first gained independence
much of the idea of development and being an economic super power was furthered
by the socialist of welfare oriented governance but since the end of the Soviet Russia
... Show more content on ...
This idea in India became popular as it was to hope that it would strive to get rid of
patronisation that the colonial and the Mughal powers catered to.
Democracy was initiated in order to equate all citizens of this nation. We did this
so that we had a situation where each one had the equal opportunity to grow. When
we have a democracy as large as India, it is unthinkable to have corruption existing
along its lines. The idea of democracy was to guide us away from the sinking boat
and lead us through the darkest nights. It was the idea of emancipation that
democracy brought within itself. But within the next couple of years, democracy
was yet to bring in any of its promised propositions. Instead the ugly face of the
opposite of democracy became popular yet again, that of patronage. We were back
to square one; we had not yet evolved from our dark past. We were still stuck in it.
We were a corrupt nation that allowed for deep inequality. Poverty and hunger
continue to reel in the minds of our western counter parts when they imagined India.
The patronage policy was set forth with the rise of Indira Gandhi in the late 1960 s
and early 1970 s. It was a known fact that patronage would allow chief ministers to
gain a position of power in the cabinet or any other position at the centre. The
shuffling and change of chief ministers in the state of Maharashtra in the 1970 s and
80 s are a clear
Definition Of Image Quality Of Digital Imaging
1.1.1.Limits to image quality
Digital imaging systems have a lot of applications including digital photography for
recreational and commercial purposes, electronic surveillance, satellite imaging and
ground based geographic information systems, medical imaging systems like
computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), forensics and
even particle physics.
In many applications of digital imaging, a high quality image is required to allow
human interpretation or machine perception. Image quality is defined in terms of
spatial resolution, pixel resolution, temporal resolution and spectral resolution. For
our application, we are interested in spatial resolution.
Spatial resolution is measured in terms of pixel density and refers to the number of
pixels used per unit area to construct the image. It defines the minimum separation
distance for 2 features in the original scene for them to be distinguishable. Spatial
resolution is determined by the density of imaging sensors. Imaging sensors are
charge coupled devices (CCD) or CMOS active pixel sensors, arranged in a two
dimensional array. The higher the sensor density, the higher the spatial resolution.
Higher sensor density can be achieved either by reducing the sensor size or
increasing the size of the chip carrying the sensors. Increasing the pixel density is
limited by:
1.Reducing the size of sensors results in less light falling on the sensors, thus
generating shot

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  • 1. Chicago Style Essay Writing an essay on the topic of "Chicago Style Essay" can be quite challenging, as it requires a deep understanding of the specific formatting and citation style known as the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS). The Chicago style is widely used in academic writing, particularly in the fields of history, literature, and the arts. One of the difficulties in composing such an essay lies in mastering the intricate details of the Chicago style, which includes guidelines for footnotes, endnotes, bibliographies, and other elements. The citation format itself can be complex, with variations between footnotes and bibliographic entries. Additionally, the use of Chicago style often demands a meticulous attention to detail, such as proper capitalization, italicization, and punctuation. Furthermore, the process involves not only understanding the rules but also implementing them consistently throughout the essay. This can be time-consuming and may require careful proofreading to ensure accuracy and conformity to the Chicago style guidelines. To successfully navigate the challenges of writing a Chicago style essay, one must invest time in studying the manual thoroughly, practicing the application of rules, and maintaining a keen eye for detail. It is not only about presenting well-researched content but also adhering to a specific set of stylistic conventions. In conclusion, tackling a Chicago style essay requires a combination of research skills, attention to detail, and a solid grasp of the Chicago Manual of Style guidelines. While the task may seem daunting at first, with dedication and practice, writers can develop proficiency in this particular style of academic writing. For assistance with similar essays or any academic writing needs, individuals can explore resources such as, where professional writers are available to provide support and guidance in producing well-crafted essays adhering to various styles and topics. Chicago Style Essay Chicago Style Essay
  • 2. Pro Death Penalty Research Paper Death to the Death Penalty Have you ever gotten blamed for something you did not do, and no matter what you try you are unable to prove your innocence? Now imagine being put to death by a group of your peers for that same reason. This is the hard reality that those who are sentenced to the death sentence face. I am not saying all inmates who are on death row are innocent, but according to ( there are 3,070 people on death row and according to ( around 4% to 8% of these individuals are innocent. Today I am going to explain why the death penalty is not a viable public policy in modern society and that all death penalties should be converted to life without parole. I would show the need for change through ... Show more content on ... You are now a free man, you knew all along you were innocent but due to misplaced evidence or lack of evidence you were sentenced to die. This same exact scenario happened to over 170 people since 1973 according to ( this number stretched over the years from 1973 may seem small in fact it turns out to equal about 4 death row inmates who are found innocent and let free. This is still a large number just imagine how many more inmates fall through the cracks of the justice system. Even worse how many of those who were really innocent have already been executed. Persons Executed for Interracial Murders in the U.S. Since
  • 3. What Role Does Davina Play In American Culture Davina lived in the Terra borough that lay at the foot of the mountain chain. She was an imperious dame in her seventies and sported a halo of curly snowy white hair in a poodle cut. Similar to most of the other Gnaritonians, the abundant light from her enormous eyes curiously clouded all her other facial features. Although Davina cordially inquired about their expedition across the Milky Way, she did not dwell on their country of origin, unlike the custom on Earth. She seemed to recognize their common humanity immediately even though they came from a different planet. The four waiters spread out silently. Before the weary travelers knew it, the first course of the tantalizing feast materialized before them. Hello friends, I m Ronan, ... Show more content on ... Without money motivating our actions and thoughts, we are free to pursue our genuine interests. Some choose to be plumbers or farmers whereas others are teachers or librarians. For example, I am one of the newscasters of the Gnaritus News on television. Since there is no hierarchy here, no role is more or less important than another. Nonetheless, everyone works in some capacity and contributes happily to the smooth functioning of the day to day activities of the space colony. Although there are no formal requirements to perform a particular role, everyone eventually finds their niche. Moreover, everyone has an important part to play on Gnaritus. Although the motivation of working for money is no longer present, we have pride in doing our jobs well because that is the ultimate reward. Since there is no pursuit of money or materialistic possessions, there is no crime or corruption either. Instead, our quest is to seek knowledge. In fact, Gnaritus University runs twenty four hours a day to accommodate the high volume of students of all ages. Individuals with professional degrees from Earth also further their education at Gnaritus University. They study a diverse array of subjects not necessarily related to their professions. Thus, we have more reasons than ever before to get out of bed in the morning since our quest is to gain the knowledge of all things! Davina put a particular emphasis on the knowledge of all things. Surina wondered how it could even be possible to have the knowledge of all things. Where would you even start? By that time, the waiter had brought them a sumptuous raspberry and blueberry sherry trifle for dessert, a dainty confection of heavenly flavors and
  • 4. Mcdonals V.S Burger King Essay 1. When comparing McDonalds service to Burger King s, the service at Burger King is faster. 2. Burger King is known to provide the customer with many choices and also to provide quicker service. 3. burger king uses a grill to cook their meat while mcdonalds just uses an industrial stove top, the meat is more greasy at mcdonalds 4. McDonald s had over 21.6 billion dollars in revenue last year. Burger King had only about 10% of that with the sales totaling 2.06 billion dollars last year. 5. Comparing the hamburger size McDonald s weighs slightly less; it is only 100g while Burger King s weights 121g. 6. the total fat content for each burger it results that McDonald s hamburger has only 9g of total fat while Burger King s has 12g, but ... Show more content on ... 16. Burger King, on the other hand uses sea salt. 17. Another example would be a cheeseburger left for 4 years, the difference in appearance between the newly made burger, and a 4 year old burger is nothing! They look exactly the same appearance wise! 18. Burger King may have more pure ingredients than McDonalds, but they pack just as big of a punch, both can cause strokes or heart attacks which can lead to death, in fact, if you take into account everything, McDonalds is equally as bad as Burger King. 19. So this just adds to the fact that McDonalds does not serve better and healthier food than Burger King 20. Criteria McDonalds Burger King Calories 570 500 Total Fat (g) 30 28 Saturated Fat (g) 6 6 Trans Fat (g) 8 6 Carbohydrates (g) 70 57 Sodium (mg) 330 820
  • 5. 21. Big Mac vs. Whopper Criteria Big Mac Whopper Calories 540 670 Total Fat (g) 29 39 Saturated Fat (g) 10 11 Trans Fat (g) 1.5 1.5 Carbohydrates (g) 43 51 Similarities and Differences Fast food has made our lives easier, but has also cursed us with obesity and heart diseases. Two of the most popular fast food restaurants in the world, are McDonald s and Burger King. Burger King burgers when compared to McDonald s burgers are higher in fat content. When it comes to being satisfied with fullness, Burger King burgers are the way to go. When it comes to taste,
  • 6. Developing Wireless Communications to Space Essay A big potential problem in the future is developing a wireless communications network in outer space. In this paper we will discuss the problems presented with this and the potential solutions to these problems using existing and some futuristic technology. We have broke this into two main parts, one being earth to satellite to planet and back, and the other being planetary ground transmission to and from astronauts to rovers to space stations. The solution has already started being implemented and will continue rapidly into the near future. It is called the Interplanetary Internet. As of now it is an array of floating nodes or satellites scattered around in space that can communicate with each other. In the future a ... Show more content on ... On the earth we are only separated from one another by fractions of a second. From earth to mars the average transmission time is 30 45 minutes. That would feel like light years trying to download tracks to your iPod. In order to make this work a massive system of satellites needs to be implemented. These satellites will serve as net gateways with the purpose of conveying data packets. Each piece of equipment will have its own IPN address, or .mars domain name. They will serve as nodes, operating on a packet switched network. Some major possible problems include lag, weak signal, and reduced bandwidth. The solution to all of these lies in a new IPN protocol being developed. This protocol, along with high precision equipment, will help to eliminated all of these. The protocol has changed in two major ways from our own TCP/IP protocol. This first is a packet delivery scheme that won t clog the system by resending missing packets. IPN instead keeps track of arriving packets and then requesting missing ones at the end of delivery. The second is the packet headers will use only one tenth as much bandwidth as TCP/IP. Back on earth there will be gateways to translate. Another big problem with the Interplanetary Internet is speed. Using our current technology the top speed for sending data from a satellite orbiting mars to earth is 250 kbps. Down on mars, in a dusty unknown atmosphere with not much power, this is more like 10 kbps. The solution
  • 7. Analysis Of Javaid, A Business Analyst Who Works For A... Umair Javaid, a business analyst who works for a pharmaceutical company called Quintiles, wakes up at eight AM every weekday, where he starts his daily set of job duties given by his manager. Umair begins his morning opening his computer and reads the assignments he has been assigned to while eating breakfast. Fortunately, Umair only goes to the office occasionally and works from home as only a wifi signal and a decent computeris needed to finish the tasks. For eight and a half hours, Umair is stuck glued to the computer screen with only a one hour break. Umair seems to love his job as it has a rewarding pay and is flexible for his schedule as he can run errands while on the job or complete household chores. Umair sits in his house office... Show more content on ... Studies show digital screens harmfully affecting our eyes over a long period of time (Keim). In the course of human s life now, the majority of the world experiences digital screens which slowly hinders our vision. Digital light leads to several other problems besides vision such as different types of cancer, depression, and typically majority of americans experience an abnormal sleep cycle (Keim). Majority of americans experience at least one of these health problems through their lives as ninety five percent of the American population gazes at a screen during the night ( Keim). Towards our future, humans excessively depend on technology even more. Generations to come will depend on technology as it advances. By the age of five, 10 percent of children possess a phone given to them by guardians (Zollinger). Technology seems to control the younger generations more and children are slowly decreasing the amount of physical activities they participate in. Twenty nine percent of teenagers take part in physical activities outside for at least one hour (Zollinger). The internet appears to take most attention from children, which is a problem parents did not face while growing up as the adults participated in outdoor activities at a young age so preventing the overuse of a smartphone or the computer throughout the young generation s life certainly seems unknown,
  • 8. Rabbits As Animal Model To Assess Impact Of Moringa... Hormonal Studies; In the doe The endocrinology of reproduction is vital reproductive machineries that drive reproductive processes. This study was designed using rabbits as animal model to assess impact of Moringa oliefera on female fertility by determining the status of major reproductive hormones of hypothalamic pituitary gonadal axis. Serum LH, FSH progesterone, oestradiol and prolactin are the basic essential reproductive endocrinal biochemical biomarkers for the investigation of fertility and the functionality of reproductive axis (hypothalamic/pituitary/gonadal axis) (Harris and Naftolinf., 1970) in female animals. The concentration of FSH influences the number of follicles that are (CaВґrdenas and Pope 2013). The results of this ... Show more content on ... This is in line with Joshi and Joshi (1992) who reported that anti fertility herbs especially those used as contraceptives interferes with pituitary gonadotropin secretions which affects the functionality of ovary by direct inhabiting ovulation and interference with fertilization, implantation and gestation or pregnancy. However, the mechanism of action is still not very clear. The phyto compounds in the test plant responsible for the observed dose related reduction of key reproductive hormones (FSH, LH and oestradial) may be related to flavonoids, glucosinolates, anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins and cinnamates which was reported to as effective agent in plants use for abortion ((Tarafder , 1982; Nath et al., 1992; 1997; Amaglo et al. 2010; Coppin et al. 2013; Torres Castillo et al., 2013). These compounds may be acting alone or in synergism to each other to influence negatively reproductive axis to precipitate reduction in FSH, LH and oestrogen concentration observed in this study. Farooq et al. (2012) reported that Moringa oliefera have anti fertility activity. Also, Prakash, et al., (1987) in their study with aqueous extract of the root and bark of Moringar olieferas observed post coital anti fertility effect in rat and also induced fetal resorption at late pregnancy. In another study analysing anti reproductive potential of folk medicinal plants, Moringa oliefera leaf extracts were found to be 100% abortive with doses equivalent to 175 mg/kg of
  • 9. Case Study Of LadurГ©e Our group Project is based on introducing the French luxury bakery and sweets maker brand, LadurГ©e, in Hungary: the brand is mostly known for its double decker macarons and its international expansion began in 2005 (ChocoParis, 2015). In this assignment we are going to analyze the Hungarian market to see if the introduction of this brand will collect a positive feedback. In order to start, we are going to talk about LadurГ©e and give a brief explanation of this luxury brand: LadurГ©e was created in 1862 when Louis Ernest LadurГ©e opened a normal bakery shop in Paris, in 16 rue Royale. But in 1871, due to a fire, the bakery was transformed into a luxury pastry shop. Later, Pierre Desfontaines, the grand son of Louis Ernest LadurГ©e, came up with ... Show more content on ... 1. Economic situation The Hungarian economy is based on the service sector which has represented approximately the 57% of GDP in the last three years. This sector is collecting the biggest foreign direct investments, estimated around 76,8% . Hungarian industry, which represents 22% of GDP, is highly developed and oriented towards international trade. In concrete it is very commonly addressed to automotive, electronics, metallurgy, chemical or pharmaceutical industry. Since its entrance into the European Union, direct investment by multinationals has been continuous, which has helped to modernize and optimize the productive system of the country. However, the economic market presents some inefficiencies: during the last years the main objective has been to control inflation, because it has suffered a relevant increase from 2011 and 2014. On the other hand, the geographical location of Hungary in Central Europe takes a high advantage due to its extensive network of highways and roads installations. Four European transportation facilities cross Hungary and place the country in a strategic position connecting the various neighboring countries and providing access to major European ports and markets of Eastern Europe. Unfortunately the infrastructure innovation network decreased during the years of
  • 10. How Did Emily Dickinson Influence Her Work Emily Dickinson is currently considered one of the most famous American authors, despite the fact that her work was not well known in her own day. Emily was notable to American Literature, and she sealed the road for several of today s poets. She was a creative poet, determined writer, and an extreme introvert who never gave up. Emily Dickinsonwas born on December 10, 1830 and passed away at age 55 on May 15, 1886. ( Emily Famous). Having grown up in poverty, it influenced her poems greatly. Emily Dickinson s father, Edward Dickinson, was a lawyer, a member of Congress, and the treasurer of Amherst College ( Emily Encyclopedia). Dickinson s mother, Emily Norcross Dickinson was from Monson ( Emily Famous). Dickinson was the middle child... Show more content on ... It is very popular because she uses this metaphor through a bird, showing that even in the hard times we should still have hope ( Emily Study). Theres many reasons why this poem is so popular, one being the way she puts commas around the word hope (O Connor). Hope is the Thing with Feathers is also a very positive poem, and many people feel as if it speaks right to the heart (O Connor). There is a lot of reviews saying that it just has a pleasant type of message (O Connor). Many people also find it a very good description of hope, and many people love it because they feel as if they can relate to it (O Connor). This poem was published in 1891 in the 2nd collection of Dickinson s work, Poems by Emily Dickinson, second series ( Hope Encyclopedia). My opinion of Hope is the Thing with Feathers would have to be that she was very clear with her message. Not only do I feel that I can relate to it, I feel as if many other people can relate to it. That poems main point is about hope and how you should believe in it whenever things are not looking up for you, and I think that is very true. Many times people get discouraged and think that there is nothing left but there is, and it is hope. I highly agree with Dickinson in her poem Hope is the Thing with Feathers . Other people who have written reviews on the poem say that it gives them chills, and that they adored this poem
  • 11. Symbols In Zadie Smith s Embassy Of Cambodia What does struggle mean to the average person? It may mean writing a trying essay, preparing for a job interview, or even something as simple as riding a bike. However, in The Embassy of Cambodia, Zadie Smith shows readers the real meaning of struggle through the main character, an unpaid housemaid by the name of Fatou. There are many protruding themes in the story, but the most prevalent moral of the story is, no matter how many times the big guy may knock one down, they must always get up, and never let him win. In The Embassy of Cambodia, the game badminton and the Embassy itself are symbols for Fatou and the struggles she faces every day. In the story, each chapter is labeled with what seems to be a badminton score, ending with 0 21,... Show more content on ... Fatou lingers by the Embassy every Monday before her swim despite the risks. The reader gets the sense that she is drawn to the Embassy because it reminds her of herself. Similarly, the Old and New People of Willesden and Andrew are intrigued by Fatou and drawn to her (Smith 13). The Embassy, on the other hand, gets much more attention. The Embassy is a normal building, but it s placed in a peculiar location. Embassies are typically in the heart of a city, or at least near it, but this Embassy is located in the middle of the suburbs by a health center and a retirement home. This mysterious building is out of place in the world, much like how Fatou is out of place in her world. She traveled from place to place with her father before finally settling in London to be an underappreciated housemaid that barely passes as a human rather than a slave. As a result, she has built tall walls like the Embassy s and has become reserved and closed off to a degree. Despite the fact that Andrew is a nice, intelligent, dorky guy that Fatou really wants to like some part of her rebel[s] against him, some unholy part (Smith 8). This reflects the exclusive closed off nature of the Embassy. When the Embassy gets a basketball goal in the back of it Fatou waits and waits for someone to play basketball, but it never does. She s waiting for change. The goal moves closer to her and still, nothing happens. The change in the Embassy
  • 12. Characterization of Joy in Good Country People Essay Joy Hopewell is the thirty three year old maimed child of Ms. Hopewell in Flannery O Connor s short story, Good Country People. Joy is characterized throughout the story as an ungrateful, childish adult with a bad temperament. Joy s leg has been shot off in a hunting accident over twenty years ago, and it can be presumed that at least some of her behavioral issues can be attributed to the accident. Ms. Hopewell, the eternally helpful and kind character, wakes up at seven each morning to light the heaters in her and Joy s rooms. Joy shows her gratitude by stomping her artificial leg unnecessarily on the way to the bathroom and then slamming the door upon her arrival. She often has outbursts when her mother asks her to walk to the... Show more content on ... Joy finally meets her match in what seems like a good country person selling Bibles, a boy named Manley. Initially (and not surprisingly) rude at dinner, Joy eventually opens up to the boy as he is walking towards the gate. He tells a simple joke and she doesn t laugh, but the conversation turns philosophical and her interested is peaked. Joy agrees to meet him for a picnic the next day. She imagines during the night that things come to such a pass that she very easily seduces him and then turns his guilt into something useful and philosophical (371). The real picnic turns out much different. On the way to the picnic, Joy notices that Manley s valice isn t as heavy as it was when he carried the Bibles, and he even swung it, but she doesn t think much of it (371). Despite all her degrees, Joy can t sense that something is amiss. Her character judgment doesn t set off any alarms when it comes to the boy. She has no idea that he isn t even close to what he says he is. The two decide to rest from their walk in a barn in the loft, no less. Joy is so eager to prove that she can get around just fine on her artificial leg that she doesn t even realize that the boy needs her up there so he can take what he wants. Joy doesn t sense any misguided thoughts at all in his apparent reverence for her. Her bad temperament and lack of common sense have left her with so little worldly knowledge that she had no idea
  • 13. Comparing Atwood s Oryx And Crake Today s World has seen massive advances in all fields of science and technology, from the ability to completely alter one s appearance, to creating custom DNA for various organisms. For many years humanity has continued to push forward in their scientific endeavors. Every day there is someone trying to push the boundaries of what is known and what it is possible to do. With the continual drive for progress, however, is it possible that humanity could be leading itself away from what is right, and instead pave the way for a far less optimistic future? Margaret Atwood suggests this in her novel Oryx and Crake. Though set in a world far in the future, she presents a society with very similar, although more advanced, technologyto ours.In this future world, researchers have created a wide range of hybrid creatures, incredibly efficient techniques of production, and many manners of ways that one can rejuvenate their vitality. Oryx and Crake does not present this advancement as a great source of good for their future society. Ultimately, Atwood s novel serves as a cautionary tale to show what may come with unchecked scientific progress, exploring the impacts that this could have on one s safety and even the impact it may have on a person s humanity. A... Show more content on ... These people are modified to have the ideal traits of humans, as well as certain selected adaptations from other organisms in order to try to create a perfect person. They could heal very fast, were immune to disease, and were herbivores, so food would almost always be in supply for them. The Crakers had a host of other adaptations selected by people in order to try to make them ideal. Although when Crake creates them in the novel he has a vision of utopia, Atwood demonstrates how such a scientific could be very detrimental to society as we know
  • 14. An Age Old Tradition For The House Of Commons Introduction Westminster has an age old tradition for the use of division lobbies. The method of voting in the lobbies for Members of both Houses has remained relatively untouched since its inception, after the great fire of 1834 . The introduction of deferred divisions in 2004 was considered to be a reform too far for many members. A more recent development has been the introduction of tablets to record the votes of members. This change was initially brought about in the Lords. The change in the Commons was rushed through by the proposals for double majority votes required under the EVEL legislation. Although the changes would have happened regardless of the need for the double majority votes. The tablets were only used on EVEL votes ... Show more content on ... MPs are the only person out of a constituency of 70,000 or so people who are able to vote. The significance of voting cannot be understated and as such a system that facilitates this must be robust. There are a variety of different voting procedures in place around the world, additionally, there are also different systems used within the UK. Although the current system has been around for hundreds of years, and when Members are elected or appointed they know how the system works, it is not without its user errors. A recent example of this was when Angus McNeil MP hid in the toilet during a vote as he had used the toilet in the lobby, but hadn t moved out before the vote was called and the doors we locked. This study will aim to assess the current benefits of the voting procedure. It will then go on to outline a few of the current problems and propose changes to improve the system such as making it easier for members to vote, or to make it easier to find out how their representative has voted following a division. Methodology The report aimed to have interviews with a Whip from each party. This, however, did not end up the case. The report was unable to gain an interview with a Labour Whip, although all other major parties were interviewed. The report went on to speak with the three members who
  • 15. Women Should Not Fly Commercial Or Private After starting flight lessons and seeking a pilots license one of the researchers became aware of the ridicule and negative perceptions that women face in the field aviation. Chances are that when you fly commercial or private that you will not be flying with a female pilot in command. Aviation is a field that continues to be a males career with females making up only five percent of the industry (Goyer, 2016). This particular area tends to focus on being a male s career choice and lacking in the advancements for women. Different stereotypes, genderroles, and opinions are all factors in determining a good pilot. Although women have proven their worth and ability, prejudices such as women should not fly and a woman in the cockpit is one less in the kitchen are still evident. Given the importance of the topic at hand, it is necessary to better understand why negative ideas exist. Although women have made advances in the field in the past, it has become stagnant within the last decade. This study is to be done during a years length where researchers will interview Certified Flight Instructors (CFI) with more than 200 flight time hours, Pilots in training (PIT) and those of private and commercial license holders. This study will entail extensive interviews, and incorporate flight simulation. Researchers will look at entry level pilots and compare it those upon completing school. Women often think of flying as dangerous and challenging therefore making it more of a man s
  • 16. Reasons For The Upcoming War With Iraq Anthony Naranjo English B1A Julie Pearson April 16 2016 Petrodollar The united states has made some questionable policies and decisions making the last three decades. Many people do not understand why policies are passed, therefor they raise no opinion or speculation. A society s responsibility and duty to their nation is to be involved in government affairs. Decisions like keeping the petrodollar alive and invading anyone who threatens it. The petrodollar has influenced the United States government into making rash and questionable decisions like going to war, toppling governments, and a rigged presidential election. To understand the course of the US one must look at America history. During the Bretton woods agreement they established ... Show more content on ... This currency was to replace the dollar in that region. The United States of course took this at a threat and in response they help the rebels in libya who already wanted to overthrow Gaddafi. In his article Libya Intervention More questionable in Rear View Mirror Jim Lobe states that the help ranged from on the ground training to supplying arms and providing real time tactical intelligence . The libyan government did not have a chance, On October 20 2011 Gaddafi was killed by armed
  • 17. What Are Agreeable People According to Robbins and Judge (2013) agreeableness refers to individual s propensity to defer others. Highly agreeable people are cooperative, warm and trusting and enormously likeable. Top performers refers to individuals who are highly productive and person who always worked on developing their work skills and job performance (Harpham, n.d.). Top performers are usually very decisive and determined in every single task they do, and most of them are aspire to be leaders by working hard and focusing on their life goals. In our opinion, employer should choose agreeable employees over top performers because most of agreeable individuals are easily adapt to new environment and company s workforce policy. These kind of employees are ready to work in any industries or position even they know they will earn lower salaries than others and attracted to jobs both in public sector and non profit organizations. ... Show more content on ... Agreeableness reflects individual differences in concern with cooperation and social harmony. Agreeable people are likely to get along with people effortlessly. These people are certainly to help others at work despite any moods and rewards (Ilies, Scott Judge, 2006). They are extremely considerate, friendly, generous, helpful, and willing to compromise their interests with others. Thus, they will create a warm environment in the company and there is no doubt that their colleagues would feel comfortable than ever. Agreeable people also have an optimistic view of human nature and always look things in a bright side. They believe people are basically honest, decent, and trustworthy (Lall Sharma, 2009). They tend to be kinder, and to do better in interpersonally oriented jobs such as customer service as they can communicate incredibly
  • 18. Poor Parenting Techniques Displayed in Maurice Sendaks... Poor Parenting can cause poorly behaved children Where The Wild Things Are was first published in 1963 and is the first part of a trilogy of award winning books by American author and illustrator Maurice Sendak. Where The Wild Things Are is haunting and imaginative and describes how a young child, called Max, creates a fictitious fantasy world in order to deal with the terrifying reality of anger. Poor parenting is a lack of parenting techniques and skills in relation to the responsibilities and obligations, which need to be fulfilled in order to accomplish prominent problems within the family relationship. Poor parenting is most likely to come from an absence of cooperation from both child and parent, satisfying both needs and ... Show more content on ... As Max interprets the difference between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour in the picture book Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak, it is clearly evident that the ways in which he and his mother are portrayed influence the depiction of characters by the implied reader. Max s mother is represented in the text as the authoritarian. She has the dominating position in the family and is likely to be the family decision maker. In the 1960 s, women were the housekeepers and wives and were the sole minder of the children as the father was a workingman who supplied the bread and water. It should come as no surprise to the implied reader that Max s mother was therefore the dominant authoritarian as her main job was to care for the children. Max is represented as an adventurous but monstrous 6 to 8 year old child with destructive behaviour. He is wearing a wolf suit as a disguise; it symbolizes a sense of development and privacy. Max s behaviour is represented in the monster picture he drew. It suggests the adventure he is about to enter is not something that is new. He could have been thinking of a fantasy world, far away from the reality of his anger at his mother, and that he has a history of destructive behaviour. Max s poor behaviour and characteristics are influenced by his mother s parenting skills and techniques. In a time of great development and growth in this phase of his childhood, Max s social development characteristics included
  • 19. Case Study Peter Jones In viewing a case study with Mr. Peter Jones, it was brought to the counselor attention that Mr. Jones referred to her by a co worker who is concerned about his welfare. Mr. Peter Jones is a 51 year old heterosexual married African American male with nine children. He is a carpenter who is a non denominational worshipper. He is also a high school grade graduated. His wife is a homemaker. Presenting Problem The co worker noticed Mr. Jones snappy attitude in conversation and he denies anything is wrong while appearing fatigued. He works all the time and a caregiver to his parents. Interview Affect, Behavior, and Mental Status The client appeared groomed and very friendly in nature. (A person can hide behind their smiles and attire.) As the ... Show more content on ... Peter Jones, the counselor diagnose Mr. Jones as depressed because of burnout. The client weakness is not being able to say N0. Due to this fact his relationship with his wife is declining and he is not getting enough rest. According to June Hunt, Depression is anger turned inward. This anger causes masked depression and keeps underlying bitterness from being exposed. (125) The counselor advise the counselee to confront his depression and say No to others and beside God, put his family and himself first and get some leisure time rest. Kuyper argues, that God s beneficence to the entire creation compels Christians to serve God in every facet of life. People become burnout when God is not sought first for his will purpose and plan. Monroe and colleague points out, Life stress is associated with cognitive affective symptons. In other words, Mr. Jones allowed people to make him think if he is not complying to their needs he is not doing the will of God; when in actuality he is only doing busy work if not lead by God. Mr. Peter Jones needs to confront his depression, focus on God s plan and spend quality time with
  • 20. Taking a Look at Surrogate Mothers Surrogacy is a controversial issue nowadays. Surrogacy allows a woman to give the gift of parenthood to a couple who would otherwise not have been able to experience it, either due to infertility or inability to adopt a child. In some cases, the surrogate can obtain monetary compensation for her services. According to Anderson (1990), A commercial surrogate mother is someone who is paid money to bear a child for other people and to terminate her parental rights, to lead to a situation that the others may raise the child as exclusively their own. In the aspect of the intended parents, there are reasons for people who need the surrogacy service. Firstly, Intended mothers can have a huge variety of health issues that make pregnancy impossible or undesirable. For instance, some women s womb cannot support a fetus that they may miscarry for many times that cannot get pregnant successfully. Secondly, there are also women that have biological problems which affect their ability to reproduce. The reproductive system is complex and can cause various ailments which make pregnancy impossible. Thirdly, some women may turn to surrogate mothers because of severe health problems. While the woman may be healthy enough to be an effective mother, her body may be unable to survive pregnancy. For example, some women would choose to use a surrogate mother because they have heart problems which may cause the mother to be unable to survive in a traditional child birth. There are also women that
  • 21. Discuss the Influence of Press and Media in Shaping the... Discuss the influence of press and media in shaping the public s fear about crime. Use examples from recent press and media coverage of crime to illustrate your answer. An area that has caused much debate in criminology is the significance of the media and the effect is has on fear of crime. Fear of crime is very difficult to measure as there are different types of fear and also different levels of fear but it is believed that the press and media can influence an individual to think that they are more likely to become a victim of crime. In today s society with the development of technology and the fact that information is so readily available, more people are now aware of the amount of crime that occurs. The question is, are we ... Show more content on ... It is believed that women and elderly people are the most fearful of crime. Women could spend more time in the home if they don t work and if they look after young children and elderly people are more likely to spend time inside due to lack of mobility. It is interesting that they have the most fear as statistically they are the least likely to be a victim of crime and actually young males are the most likely to be victims especially of violent crime. Well known research into this is the cultivation analysis of Gerbner et al., which is presented in Hales Criminology , in the eighth chapter that deals with understanding the connections between crime and the media. Gerbner, over several decades, carried out survey questionnaires and content analysis to find out the influence of violence of prime time US television programmes. Gerbner deemed those who watched more than 4 hours of TV a day to be heavy television viewers and found that they had a higher fear of crime as television portrays the world as scary . There is also a difference between the way stories are reported in newspapers. A tabloid will generally have an over representation of violent crime if compared to broadsheet papers. In 2003, broadsheet newspaper, The Guardian, published a story titled, Tabloids stoke fear of crime . In this article official Home Office statistics were quoted and 16% of those who read tabloid papers were very worried about being the victim of a mugging compared to
  • 22. “Not Rounding Off, but Opening Out.” Comment Upon the... Not rounding off, but opening out. Comment upon the way the writers of the novel and short story deal with the ending in relation to the whole. In your answer you should refer to two or three novels or short stories you have studied. The end of a short story is as important as the start. Some short stories end abruptly, leaving it open for the readers to interpret while others have a moral. In the short storyHoliday by Rabindranath Tagore the end is interlinked to the title, Holiday . In face after reading the story we finally understand why it was given such a title. At the end of the story Phatik has reached his breaking point and he cannot take in anymore. He has been neglected all along and he acts like a stray dog . The end... Show more content on ... Johnsy one of the protagonists is suffering from pneumonia and equates her life cycle with the life of a leaf on a vine outside her window. At the end of the story we see, despite all the characters thoughts as well as the readers the leaf has endured everything and has reinforced Johnsy s spirit. The doctor says to Sue She s out of danger. You ve won. Nutrition and care now that s all . Now because of her optimism Johnsy is going to live. The most unexpected twist comes at the end with correlates the story to the title. Ah, darling, its Behrman s masterpiece he painted it there the night the last leaf fell. This ending takes everyone by shock as nothing in the story leads us to think such an end would occur. Mr. Behrman dies of pneumonia to save Johnsy s spirit. This end has a deep impact on readers and it gives a lot more momentum to the entire story. The theme of sacrifice is finally achieved through this unexpected ending. The title has gained more meaning. In this story the ending has more of an impact than the start and such an ending highlights the characters, title as well as the theme even further. The short story The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poeis a story about a murderer. This story is unusual because of the unreliable narration and start but also because of the ending. At the end of this short story, the narrator is having a panic attack and we finally see the
  • 23. Accounting Software For A Business Essay Individual Assignment Name: Altaf Gohar Roll no: EAB2389 Accounting Software/Packages used in Australia Accounting is referred as an art of collecting, classifying, and manipulating financial data for organizations and individuals. It is also used to determine financial stability or financial health of organizations. Accounting is the language of business and figures and is widely used as a means of communication for financial world, without it businesses cannot survive. It is important because it helps in analyzing, decision making, information disclosure and it also helps in finding out the frauds and in avoiding them. According to the research of (Huang and Palvia, 2001) there is an increasing need to implement a total business solution which supports major functionalities of a business. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software is designed to meet this need, and has been widely adopted by organizations in developed countries. Meanwhile, ERP is beginning to appear in many organizations of developing countries . In Australia small and medium enterprises does not comply with the accounting principles because they have no legal obligation to do so, but they must comply with taxation provisions. The research of (Dyt and Halabi, 2007) proved very fruit full for knowing about micro and small businesses in this almost 121 small and micro businesses were studied. According to this research micro businesses in Australia still rely on manual processes or methods whereas small
  • 24. Hunter Clifton I Like To Write Analysis There are constant times in life when we to take a second look at something, whether it is an object, a place, an idea, or even an idea. Through this second look, we get a different perspective about it, either positive or negative. In my interview with Hunter Clifton, I asked her if she likes to write. She answered, I like to write. It seems common at first to just like to write, but if you asked her eight years ago if she liked to write, she would have just plain out said No! Hunter grew up in Columbus Ohio with a love for Jesus, serving others, and missions. Her desire to write, however, took a while longer to develop. It required a little bit of time and a lot of God s assistance. Her experience in writingstarts in Saint Brendan Middle School. During this time, she joined a writing club. This club used to hold several competitions that allowed writers to show their skill. Hunter competed in these. Unfortunately, she did not win any of the competitions. She did not even receive... Show more content on ... It was her that she wanted to go into ministry wanted to go to Evangel University. God had other plans. He eventually led her to come here to Southeastern University. One of her first classes was English Composition 1. She did not think that it was going to be enjoyable, given her past encounters with writing. However, this class was very different. Instead of just writing research papers, the professor had her write creative papers. After so many years, she finally had the opportunity to express her opinion, her ideas, and her beliefs. When she turned in her work, not only did the professor admire it, despite some criticisms, but the professor also encouraged her to keep doing better. This was exactly what she needed. She finally saw writing in its truest form, as an opportunity to utter her creative abilities, rather than as a burden of simply typing words until they just become good enough to turn
  • 25. 10 Things I Hate About You Comparison 10 Things I Hate About You Comparison to Taming of the Shrew 10 Things I Hate About You is a movie directed by Gil Junger based on the play Taming of the Shrew. In this movie, we can see countless similarities and differences, all the way to the small details. And while at times it may seem like a whole other story, it is clear that 10 Things I Hate About Youwas based on this Shakespearean play, popular all around the world. Starting with the differences, Kat, in the movie, is outspoken and makes her opinion heard. While Katherine turns to physical violence, because she always feels inferior to everyone around her. Although they are both shrews of sorts, they act out in distinct ways. Another dissimilarity is that Kat and Patrick (Petruchio) actually fall in love. Even though Patrick originally started chasing her for the money, he eventually stops caring about the money. In the play, however, it doesn t really seem that Petruchio truly fell in love with ... Show more content on ... One obvious one is the setting of both stories. The movie takes place in town called Padua and the students go to Padua High School. The play also is in a town called Padua where Lucentio and Tranio arrive to go to university. An additional resemblance between the two is how Bianca and Kat s dad will only allow Bianca to date once Kat starts dating and Bianca knows that won t happen anytime soon. Similarly, in the play Bianca is told by her dad that she can get married after Katherine gets married. Following this happening, in both the play and movie, Lucentio seeks out Petruchio to be with Katherine, so that he can be with Bianca. Another large connection is the fact that everyone ends up with who they did in the play. For example, Cameron and Bianca, Patrick and Kat, and Joey (Hortensio) and Chastity (Widow). In the end, everyone is content with their lives, just like the actual
  • 26. Break The Glass Ceiling The glass ceiling was first introduced in the 1980 s and is a transparent barrier that women are blocked into which prevents them from moving up not just at their job but, prevents them from moving up simply because the gender is female. Since the early 1700 s women have been fighting to become equal to their male counterpart and still today the battle to break the glass ceilingcontinues. There are many discriminationwomen face in the workplace which Is not limited to their wages in comparison to men, sexual harassment and job segregation. Women can seek and achieve the highest level of education but in the corporate world a woman will be kept from reaching the highest paid or reputable position because it is respectively not accepted. In the labor market, women are often found segregated into specific areas such as human services, clerical positions, and health care support jobs which offers barely any advancement in climbing the ladder to the top. In the workforce,... Show more content on ... One must acquire assistance from women, federal and state governments, employers and especially academic institutions. The government is instrumental in initiating changes in regards to women being fairly treated in the workforce by enforcing any legislation which was put place. Employers can be instrumental in assisting women reaching and shattering the glass ceiling by being committed to gender equality and diversity. Employers also need to be instrumental in assisting women in overcoming structural barriers such as implementing flexibility with work arrangements, work life balance policies as well as assist women in developing skills to promote advancement. There should be programs which offer mentoring and leadership skill which will not aid women in becoming better leaders but also aid in knowing their strengths in respects to risk taking and managing other workplace
  • 27. The War of 1948 Essay examples The War of 1948, also known as the War of Independence, was fought between Israel and its Arab neighbors. The war began May 15, 1948 when units from the armies of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq invaded Israel launching a war that lasted until December 1948.# The war resulted in the defeat of the Arab forces and the success of Israelas a newly established state. It is evident that the Arab forces were not successful in the first Arab Israeli war because the Arab army lacked motivation, education, and proper equipment.# Despite the support from Arab states outside of Palestine, the Arabs were unable to gain enough strength to overcome the Israeli forces. In contrast, the Israeli army was able to succeed because they had... Show more content on ... The Haganah, the Israeli Defense Forces, had more than 35,000 people in the army. More so, the men and women in the army were trained and were mostly made up of volunteers. By December of 1948 the Israeli army numbered more than 96,000.# Although a large number of soldiers does not account for Israel s success in the War of 1948, it does play a significant role that cannot be ignored. A majority of the Arab population in the territory that became Israel, around 700,000 people, became refugees.# During the first stages of war, many civilians temporarily evacuated from zones of combat with plans to return once fighting had stopped. However, during the early summer of 1948 Palestinian Arabs began fleeing in mass numbers, leaving behind their homes, businesses, and land. The Haganah saw the Arab flight as an opportunity to advance, and began encouraging the evacuation of towns and cities. In April 1948 the Haganah authorized a plan known as Plan D.# The campaign provided for the conquest and permanent occupation, or leveling, of the Arab villages and towns. # The field officers of the Haganah interpreted Plan D as giving them the power to expunge the Palestinian Arabs living in the area of the Jewish state as well as the Arabs living inside territory given to the Arab state. Plan D not only intensified
  • 28. Analysis Of Blood Wedding By Federico GarcГa Lorca The theater Blood Wedding is a folk tragedy which was produced by the Spanish dramatist Federico GarcГa Lorca. In this theater, there are five main characters, including Leonardo, the bride, the groom, the groom s mother, and Leonardo s wife. The author narrated the story in Episodic plot structure, in which the overall effect is cumulative, we need to see many scenes before we understand what is happening. The story happened on the day of a wedding in a village, among a couple and a man. The couple were going to get married, but the bride who had had been with a young man whose name was Leonardo for seven years, still had old affection with Leonardo. In the morning of the wedding, at the wedding banquet, Leonardo and the bride danced... Show more content on ... In the theater Blood Wedding , there were some scenes mixed with Flamenco dance, which is very popular in the Spanish literature. The beginning is a Spanish language plot with English introduction. The dancing with the dancers at the beginning of the dance is a shadow, casting on the screen behind the dancers. The shadow looks like the dancer but also not without doubt, which undoubtedly indicates some things, heralding love behind the other protagonist it? Or the same fate of both of the two main male characters? This was a tragedy, which happened between two families, among a couple, and more, between the two men, whose fate may would be shadowed or indicated in the Flamenco dance. The play was showed in a black box theatre, where the spaces are easily built and maintained, and are usually home to plays or other performances with very basic technical arrangements, such as limited set construction. For the play Blood Wedding , the black box gave it sufficient space and room to make itself best, because the space of the stage is versatile and easy to change. And there were some design challenges in the play. In costumes, the play arranged no masks for the main characters, through which the play emphasized the characters so that the audience can follow the emotion of the characters very well, and can understand the the story theme better. When the climax of the plot came, the light of the stage became red, the color of
  • 29. Head Start Essay Head start was and still is a preschool program designed by President Lyndon B. Johnson with the goal of eliminating poverty. His idea was to improve childhood developed by providing a positive environment for pre kindergarten children. (Zigler and Muenchow,1992) President Johnson was the first president to pioneer this type of program. The target group affected by this program was poverty strict families that had no positive psychological influence. His belief was that by improving the physical and psychological development, it would result in a change in the child s genetic traits for the advancement of the students. By stimulating the educational success of children, this would transition into better adult earnings and eventually put an... Show more content on ... There are several hypotheses as to why this may be true. Though average Head Start classroom quality is reported to be good (Resnick, 2010; Zill et al., 2003), it may be that the program quality remains too low to produce the needed impact. The outcome is extremely important for the children in this program. It seems that the responsible authorities would ensure that the staff responsible for the Head Start Program would be held accountable for providing a quality program for Head Start. I feel that the teachers in the Head Start program should be held accountable just as though teachers in pre kindergarten through twelfth grade are. After studying this chapter, I came to the conclusion that like most real life situations, you get out of something what you put into it. The quality program translates in positive outcomes and poorly run programs struggle to improve outcomes. In other words, quality input will result in quality outcome. I have always been familiar with the Head Start program, but I never really understood that the ultimate goal was to eliminate poverty. Since reading and studying in this chapter, I have a better understanding of the Head Start Program. This program has had its share of problems, and may not have been an end to all poverty, but you must appreciate the percentage of success. A small amount of success is better than no success at
  • 30. Osmosis in Potatoes AT1 Osmosis In Potatoes Aim: Investigate the movement of osmosis through a selectively permeable membrane, in this case potato. Introduction: Osmosis is the movement of water through a semi permeable membrane, separating solutions of different concentrations. The water passes from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration, until the two concentrations are equal in concentrations of water. Many cell membranes behave as semi permeable membranes, and osmosis is a vital mechanism in the transport of fluids in living organisms, for example, in the transport of water from the soil to the roots in plants. If a cell is in contact with a solution of lower water concentration than its own contents, ... Show more content on ... Graph 2 shows the average change in length. Basically, the pattern is the same as average weight loss in graph 1. It shows how osmosis is affected by different concentrations. Method After having done our preliminary work, we knew exactly which measurements we needed to use in order to obtain the correct sort of results. We set up 14 test tubes, because in order to save time, we intended on doing repeats at the same time as the original experiments were going on. For organisation s sake, we set up all of the test tubes at once, and labelled them individually to avoid confusion later on. Into each test tube, we poured 15mls of Glucose solution, and added one of the potato chips, each weighing around 1 gram, and measuring 33mm by 5mm. In order to make it as much of a fair test as possible, we added the potato chips very quickly, to make sure one chip didn t have a longer amount of time in the solution than another. We then left each one for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, we emptied each test tube, leaving only the potato chips inside. Before we measured and weighed each chip, we dabbed them with paper towel. If we had of left excess water on the chips, the weights would not be accurate. We then measured the chips in mms because they are a more accurate
  • 31. The Declaration Of Biafra Speech This Declaration of Biafra Speech as retrieved on 15 August 2008 raises the issue of Self Determination . Self determination is the principle in international law that allows nations the right to freely choose their sovereignty and international status without external interference. The right of nations to self determination is a cardinal principle in modern international law, binding, as such, on the United Nationsas an authoritative interpretation of the Charter s norms. It states that nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and fair equity of opportunity have the right to freely choose their sovereignty and international political status with no external compulsion or interference which can be traced back to the... Show more content on ... Further feelings of injustice were caused by Nigeria, changing its currency so that Biafra supplies of pre war Nigerian currency were no longer honoured, at the end of the war; only ВЈ20 was given to any easterner despite whatever amount of money he or she had in the bank. This was applied irrespective of their banking in pre war Nigerian currency or Biafra currency. This was seen as a deliberate policy to hold back the Igbo middle class, leaving them with little wealth to expand their business interests. The total dead on the Biafra side is estimated to be between 1 3 million dead with hundreds of thousands injured and millions more refugees. While the Nigeria oil boom of the 1970 s went some way to ameliorating the pains brought about by the war, the ethnic tensions that caused the war still haunt Nigerian politics till today. The question is, Why was Biafra denied their right to self determination, bearing in mind that genocide existed then ? From 1999 to the present day, the indigenous people of Biafra have been agitating for independence to revive their country. They have registered a human rights organisation known as Bilie Human Rights Initiative both in Nigeria and in the United Nations to advocate for their right to self determination and achieve independence by the rule of law. The United Nations respect the right of all peoples to choose the form of government under which they will live, and they
  • 32. The Digital Data Genesis And It s Impact On The Mgm Grand... Technology trends are related to the widespread adoption of mobile platforms, the Green IT movement, the open source software, cloud computing and the digital data genesis phenomena. the amount of data that is used everyday speaks to the way that companies are evolving and businesses are updating. Our wiki will focus on the latest trend: the DigitalData Genesis and it s impact on the MGM Grand CasinoLas Vegas (Taylor). (Alyssa Edited) Digital data can provide new opportunities for firms. Companies may have to deal with a high volume of transactional data, capturing trillions of bytes of information about their customers and operations (Vitari and Raguseo, p. 76) (Taylor). Millions of sensors are embedded in the physical world in devices such as mobile phones, smart energy meters, automobiles, and industrial machines that sense, create and communicate data in the digitalized age . (Vitari and Raguseo, p. 78) (Taylor). DDG further explained: When a process is digitalized (e.g., a purchasing of a good on the Internet), it is carried out through a digital computeror device. When an entity is digitalized (e.g., an RFID enabled good track), the company has the ability to access an informational representation of that entity (e.g., the position of a good along the supply chain), and generate relevant data from it (Vitari and Raguseo, p. 84) (Taylor). . All of the data is generated in digital forms. To understand this concept, consider three examples, the usage of RFID
  • 33. Accounts Receivable and Information chapter 1 accounting information systems: An overview Suggested Answers to Discussion Questions 1.1The value of information is the difference between the benefits realized from using that information and the costs of producing it. Would you, or any organization, ever produce information if its expected costs exceeded its benefits? If so, provide some examples. If not, why not? Most organizations produce information only if its value exceeds its cost. However, there are two situations where information may be produced even if its cost exceeds its value. a. It is often difficult to estimate accurately the value of information and the cost of producing it. Therefore, organizations may produce information that they expect ... Show more content on ... While this active learning activity takes more time than a lecture does, it drives the point home much better than a lecture would. It also keeps the students more engaged in the material. 1.4How do an organization s business processes and lines of business affect the design of its AIS? Give several examples of how differences among organizations are reflected in their AIS. An organization s AIS must reflect its business processes and its line of business. For example: * Manufacturing companies will need a set of procedures and documents for the production cycle; non manufacturing companies do not. * Government agencies need procedures to track separately all inflows and outflows from various funds, to ensure that legal requirements about the use of specific funds are followed. * Financial institutions do not need extensive inventory control systems. * Passenger service companies (e.g., airlines, bus, and trains) generally receive payments in advance of providing services. Therefore, extensive billing and accounts receivable procedures are not needed; instead, they must develop procedures to account for prepaid revenue. * Construction firms typically receive payments at regular intervals, based on the percentage of work completed. Thus, their revenue cycles must be designed to track carefully all work performed and the
  • 34. American Shepherd Research Paper Including ground beef in meals is a simple and delicious way to provide the entire family with protein, iron and B vitamins. When possible, always choose a grass fed variety, such as Joyce Farms Beef, for the healthiest, most delicious meat. Try one of these five ground beef recipes today that are sure to satisfy the entire family. Simple Korean Beef 1 pound lean ground beef 1 Tablespoon sesame oil 3 cloves garlic, minced 1/4 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/4 cup soy sauce 1/2 teaspoon fresh ginger, minced 1/2 1 teaspoon crushed red peppers salt and pepper 1 bunch green onions, diced Brown beef with sesame oil and garlic. Add remaining ingredients and heat to a simmer. Serve over steamed rice and garnish with the green onions. Haystacks ... Show more content on ... To assemble, place one half cup steamed rice on the plate. Top with ground beef, black beans, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, olives and tortilla chips. Serve with sour cream and salsa, as desired. Shepherd s Pie 1 1/2 to 2 pounds potatoes, peeled and quartered 8 Tablespoons butter 1 medium onion, chopped 1 2 cups vegetables diced carrots, corn, peas 1 1/2 lbs ground round beef 1/2 cup beef broth 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Salt and pepper, to taste In a medium saucepan, cover the potatoes completely with water and bring to a boil. Once boiling, turn the heat down to medium high and simmer. While the potatoes are cooking, brown the ground beef with four tablespoon butter, onion and vegetables until the meat is no longer pink. Add the beef broth and Worcestershire and simmer for five to eight minutes. Once the potatoes can easily be pierced with a fork, mash them with the remaining butter and season with salt and pepper. To assemble the dish, evenly spread the beef mixture in the bottom of a casserole dish. Top with the potatoes and bake for 30 minutes at 400 degrees.
  • 36. Hate Speech And Freedom Of Speech Slanderous Tongues or Freedom Sung Within today s society there is a strong disagreement between the fundamental rights given to us at birth, and the necessary restraints of such rights when it interferes with individual dignity. I agree that freedom of speech is foundation for the beliefs we hold true in democracy, that every citizen has their own mind and voice that should be represented. Be that as it may, when language is presented in a derogatory or hateful manner towards another individual, or group of individuals, I believe it should be prevented. It falls upon the government to uphold and protect the welfare of every citizen, and to guard them from offensive and threatening speech regardless of their race, sex, gender, religion, or disabilities. The result of this conflict calls into question whether or not hate speech is free speech, and if the government is legitimate in its restriction and prevention of such. According to Simpson, the first step is being able to distinguish between direct and indirect harms that may be attributed to hate speech (706). In doing so, it can be proven if the hate was intentional and therefore justify the actions of limiting hate speech. If the harm implied was direct, it may result in a loss of dignity and be physically and mentally degrading. One critic draws upon this idea of individual dignity being infringed upon when he states that it diminishes their status in some disconcernable sense, beyond merely being a manifestation of the speaker s view of them as inferior or second class people (Simpson 710). This creates even more discord between social groups if, by means of hateful speech and actions, a group is diminished in value and viewed in lesser worth. Instances of hate speech similar to this have dated back for centuries, but are surprisingly more prominent today on college campuses. It comes to attention, not just the act of hate speech itself, but the negative connotation it has on the individual or group affected by the negativity. Those responsible for the degrading are not trying to convey an insightful message, rather than just loudly express their ideas in an offensive way, should have their speech limited. In this manner, the purpose
  • 37. The Second Sex Simone De Beauvoir Analysis Revolutionary and thought provoking, Simone De Beauvoir s The Second Sex is a novel that challenged the subordination of women brought upon by men and illustrated a feminist and philosophical perspective on rights of women. Working alongside with Jean Paul Sartre, De Beauvoir s work in The Second Sex underlies Sartre s concept of bad faith in relation to De Beauvoir s concept of the battle of the sexes. Being confined by her own immanence in a male dominated society, De Beauvoir illustrates that the feminine subject declares herself as their equal in relation to the transcendence of the male for the struggle for recognition because it is affecting her free will and responsibility (De Beauvoir 428). By recognizing the female, the male attempts to find himself as a stable identity to transcend as the male figure through the devaluation of femininity and the oppression of women. Lastly, De Beauvoir believes that the construct of femininity is itself a product, as Sartre puts it, of bad faith because one is not born, but rather becomes, a woman. Conceived by Jean Paul Sartre, the concept of bad faith underlies Simone De Beauvoirs concept of the so called battle of the sexes. In order to explain how the concept of bad faith relates to the concept of the battle of the sexes, one has to understand Sartrean philosophy. According to Sartre, bad faith is an act of deceiving oneself by rejecting the notion of freedom and one s facticity, even though human beings are
  • 38. Opportunity Reed Reflection I look forward to the opportunity Reed offers, to share something of value with the community during Paideia. The Greek word not only means education, as the prompt indicates; it also connotes the development of the ideal citizen, requiring discipline and emotional health as well as content learning. The experience I have had that comes closest to this is the work of being in the present moment. Often called mindfulness, it s a tool for opening oneself up to a deep educationof the mind, body and spirit; along with significant connections to the intellectual pursuits of neuroscience and psychology. I believe the mindfulness movement sprung from monastic requirements, rather than from academic psychology or practical medicine, even though ... Show more content on ... While I feel insufficiently trained to teach official MBSR, I would be glad to share not only what I have learned about it, my passion and curiosity, but also how it can help others. I see this class as especially pertinent to Reed because of its honor code. The principle of honor requires that people have both integrity and mutual respect. One must be able to calmly and clearly evaluate a course of action and a fair minded attitude towards it. For these goals there may be no better prescription than calm abiding in the present moment. Cultivating more skillful ways of responding to stress and distress is one of my goals, and another is to share something I have found so beneficial for my mental health and general well being. The learning, and its practice involve group activities and connection at their core, key aspects of a comprehensive college education. Think of all the things college freshmen go through: leaving home for the first time, interacting with different and new people in a community, test anxiety, regulating sleep/eating in a new environment. Learning what is most healthy and good could all be experienced more positively through
  • 39. The Reasons For Setting A Business Introduction There are two reasons for setting a business. One is to profit. The other reason is to become successful. Good leadership is important in achieving these goals. Melchar and Bosco (2010) defined leadership as an integral component of organizational success. A successful organization will always keep abreast of modern development. According to Hossain (2015), such an organization has to be in a position to serve customers effectively. Yet in order to address, leaders have to address the plight of their employees. This paper analyzes life, accomplishments and traits of Richard Branson. Background Information One of the success stories in Britain is Virgin Atlantic. This company has been through a long journey to become what it ... Show more content on ... He left school at the tender age of sixteen. His passion was to create Student Magazine. He later did this with the help of his friend. From here, he introduced Virgin Records in the course of the 1970s (Hart, 2014). Branson became the pioneer of the Virgin Group. During the 1980s, he created Virgin Atlantic airline. The 1990s witnessed the introduction of Virgin Mobile and Virgin Trains. He remains one of the most renowned businessmen in the UK. Moreover, he is a force to reckon with as far as global business is concerned. Of great significance is the fact that he epitomizes the face of entrepreneurship. Challenges The global personality of Branson and the admiration is connected to different reasons. His name is linked to the Virgin brand. Despite this, Branson s name has also connected with the success of three hundred and fifty different operations (University of Pennsylvania, 2005). There is a relationship between his personality and leadership. The same name is linked to the image of his companies. Branson uses his upbringing so as o influence his style of leadership. In this regard, it is noted that he was trained to be independent by his parents. At a tender age of six, he would be asked by his mum to alight from the car and find his way back home (University of
  • 40. Essay Euthanasia Imagine yourself lying on a hospital bed totally unaware of the happenings around you. Doctors and family members come and go, mostly out of habit now, because they know there s nothing more they can do. Many of their visits are a blur to you, with their voices and movements becoming unrecognizable. The pain you experience is nothing short of excruciating, but the hospital has exhausted all of their resources in their attempt to help you. After monthsof medicationand efforts to assist your recovery, you re left with nothing to show for it other than the dreadful bills. Your family is just patiently waiting for your final days. Luckily, you are not in a situation like this, and hopefully you never will be. ... Show more content on ... After caring for his wife, Jean, while she battled breast cancer, Derek Humphry suffered greatly through her death. Afterwards, he was inspired to publish Jean s Way. The story, telling of their marriage, his wife s sickness, and her death, was Humprhy s earliest attempt to challenge the law and display euthanasia in a sensible, helpful manner (Cundiff 72). Some more of the most well known recent instances of euthanasia and physician assisted suicide include the participation of Dr. Jack Kevorkian. Also known as Dr. Death , Jack Kevorkian has been involved in the death of approximately 130 people as they sought out his knowledge and assistance in their suicide. Using some household tools, toys, magnets and electrical switches Jack Kevorkian was able to build a machine that he called the Thanatron (Greek for death machine ). The Thanatron made it so that with the flip of a switch a person attached to an intravenous tube would experience drips of a saline solution, followed by the release of thiopental which would place them in a deep coma, and then the rush of a lethal dose of potassium chloride which would stop their heart in a few short minutes. When demonstrating his invention on the Donahue show, Dr. Kevorkian referred to the Thanatron as quot;dignified, humane and painless and the patient can do it in the comfort of their own home at any
  • 41. Btts Case Study Both Teams To Score (BTTS) is a great concept that help players win lots of money. However, it can become quite challenging to apply BTTS to the right matches, so we have develop an efficient system that finds the best candidate matches providing a high chance both teams would score. Read on for more to find out the possibilities. STRATEGY FOR THE BTTS SYSTEM The main question is how to choose the best team that will most likely score. You can do this by evaluating player s talents, analyzing past scores, and viewing their track record. Moreover, see if they have a strong offensive mind before game time because that hungry energy will push them forward to beat the opponents. A win for them is a win for you. Understand that sometimes... Show more content on ... Moreover, factor in teams who feel entitled to win, divorces, injuries, and run in with the law, because all of these factors can affect an outcome of a game. RULES FOR BTTS BETTING SYSTEM If you decide that you do not want to factor in all of these social factors, then you can always use a mathematical system to assign points to every match. He are the set of rules that will help you apply to your bet with our own marking system. Last 6 matches SYSTEM FOR THE HOME TEAM Each match for Both teams scored (R1) +1 point Each home match for both team scores (R2) +1 point Every score over 2 points (R3) +0.5 point Every score over 2 conceded (R4) +0.5 point 0 0 draw (R5) 2 points SYSTEM FOR THE AWAY TEAM POINTS Each match for Both teams scored (R6) +1 point Each away match for both teams scored (R7) +1 point Every goal over 2 points (R8) +0.5 point Every goal under 2 conceded (R9) +0.5 point Draw 0 0 (R10) 2 points RULES FOR THE CURRENT MATCH POINTS SYSTEM Away team slightly favoured (R11) +2 points Home team slightly favored (R12) +1 point Home team slightly favored R13) 2 points Away team slightly favored (R14) 1 point Add up the home team, away team, and match points to select matches above 18. EXAMPLE Home (2.78) Draw (2.95) Away (2.55) Our system count 2 points because of R11 Let s look at matches for Arsenal vs Manchester City. Arsenal 6 matches Tottenham 1 vs Arsenal 3. Add together and you get 1.5 points
  • 42. My Biggest Perspective Change Have you ever been caught in a rush hour traffic moving at the speed of light? For a whole one year during my CO OP I commuted to and fro Toronto on one of the busiest highway of North America and it was no fun. I ve raced, tailgated, changed lanes without using indicators, ranted and seethed at slow drivers and everything I could to save as little as five minutes to reach my destination. And I considered myself a skillful driver at that time. Not knowing that the opposite might also be true if I look at it from a different perspective. We usually tend to have a one sided opinion about certain things until we experience the both sides of the story ourselves. This phenomenon of naГЇve realism was well presented in the class along with different TEDTalk videos to support the argument among which the most prominent and thought provoking was the talk on Believing Strange Things by Micheal Shermer. Controversial topics have always sparked my interest and regardless of what opinion I have about them, it gets my full attention. Like all the other intriguing videos presented in class, Michael Shermer delivered his fifteen minutes presentation on the human perception of believing in strange things is derived from our sub conscious mind of believing anything which will accepted by the masses. Before coming to his main point, he presents a bad engineering idea such a drug detector, which costs around $900 and only works 50% of the time. For some, it works 100% perfect 50% of the
  • 43. Fundamentals Of Nursing . Nurses save and improve lives as front line members of the health care delivery team. A. Nurses independently assess and monitor patients by 1. Taking a holistic approach to patients. 2. Determine what patients need to attain focused on their care. 3. Obtaining optimal health and preserving quality of life. B. Nurses develop a plan of care that focuses on treating illness to improve quality of life by working collaboratively with 1. Physicians and therapists 2. The patient, the patient s family and other team members. C. The aim of nursing is for its professionals to ensure quality care for all, while maintaining 1. Their credentials. 2. Code of ethics. 3. Standards, and competencies. 4. Continuing their education. (Transition: ... Show more content on ... But with the proper skills and instructions, a great collaboration can be done. Not all excellent managers are good leaders. As a nurse leader you are an example to others. The example may be either a positive one or negative one. It is important to act with integrity, to set realistic goals, to communicate clearly and often, to often encourage others, to recognize the successes of your team members, and to inspire them to offer the great
  • 44. Essay about Cloud Computing ABSTRACT Cloud computing is defined by Cearly and Phifer in their case study titled Case Studies in Cloud Computing as a style of computing in which scalable and elastic IT related capabilities are provided as a service to customers using Internet technologies . Cloud computing services had been provided by major vendors such as Google, Amazon, Microsoft, IBM, Hewlett Packard, and others for business computing until recently when Apple Corporation announced iCloud for consumers. Therefore, cloud computing is now available for businesses as well as consumers. Read the case study titled, Ericsson , located here, about Ericsson cloud computing. Case Study 2: Cloud Computing Cloud computing has made company information ... Show more content on ... All failures must be tolerated or repaired by the system without any downtime (Amazon Web Services, 2012). In terms of storage, S3 demonstrates it meets the 4 requirements mentioned before. RightScale can be used as a tool to manage cloud infrastructures. It provides transparency among all levels of the infrastructure, which can include multiple servers across one or more clouds. With RightScale, you remain in complete control every step of the way with total visibility into all layers of the cloud infrastructure. This transparency gives you the power to avoid lock in because you choose your own development language, development environment, software stack and data store (Amazon Web Services, 2012). The needs of the company will determine the amount of services and applications required. Examine the security concerns for cloud based services and make suggestions to cope with these concerns. There are several security concerns that must be reviewed an addressed when selecting a vendor that will provide and host the cloud computing service. One major concern is user access control. Due to the availability of cloud computing anywhere with the internet it is important to make sure sensitive data is not accessed by unauthorized personnel. To address this issue, Ask providers to supply specific information on the hiring and oversight of privileged administrators, and the controls over their access (Brodkin, 2012). Data
  • 45. Information Technology Case 1 Questions Pg 75-77 Essays Case 1 Proctor and Gamble Team Number 7 Kelly Amouzon Kevin McGhee Angela McKenzie Dixon Seda Caliskan Rajib Question 1: What is Proctor amp; Gamble s business strategy? What is the relationship of collaboration and innovation to that business strategy? Answer: P amp;G s strategy consists of maintaining the popularity of its existing brands and developing new products by extending existing brands and by creating new brands from scratch via innovation. Innovation is at the core of P amp;G s strategy and collaboration is a critical tool to attaining this innovation. In order to constantly come up with new lines of products, P amp;G must incorporate innovation in every aspect of its business. All objectives and business... Show more content on ... | It helps business people share information, learn from each other and work together without the hassle, cost and delay required by travel. It allows participants to broadcast visuals of any type to remote participants in real time.| 4| Microsoft Sharepoint| SharePoint provides a single infrastructure for business Web sites. | MS SharePoint allows the sharing of documents with colleagues, manage projects with partners, and publishing of information. This allows employees quicker access to Subject matter experts and other knowledgeable staff in the company.| 5| Microsoft Outlook| MS Outlook is an online personal information manager that functions as an information management tool.| MS Outlook facilitate the recording, tracking, and management of certain types e mail application, a calendar, task manager, contact manager, note taking, a journal and web browsing. Employees are able to share their calendars, tasks, schedules, meeting schedules with others and communicate thru email.| 6| Connectbeam| Connectbeam is a search engine that provides enterprise social software applications.| Enables P amp; G employees to search for information across multiple platforms more efficiently. Employees can bookmark and tag content for more relevant searches and share information with other employees. | 7| InnovationNet| Online Software Collaboration System| Provides P amp; G employees access to millions of research
  • 46. Letter To Rashad Hall It is a pleasure to write a letter of recommendation on behalf of Rashad Hall. He is an excellent student with great potential to succeed in dental school. Mr. Hall was in my freshman biology course and what I remember of him from then is how polite and diligent he was. Since then I have seen him grow into a competent student who is genuinely interested in all his courses and puts in the effort to completely understand the concepts being studied. My colleagues in the department have all remarked on how well he does in their classes. Mr. Hall approached me about working in my lab in spring 2014 and did so without any compensation. He is disciplined and responsible, extremely reliable and trustworthy and showed up every day to check on his plants.
  • 47. Inequality In Terms Of Social Inequality In terms of social division, according to Oxford (2013), social mobility has fallen rapidly in many country as inequality has grown. Oxford (2013) argues that the wealthy focus only on better education and healthcare for their own families, rather than helping public services or paying the taxes to support them. If the division continues, then there will be a side of social ills, including violence, mental health, crime and obesity. Oxford (2013) also states that unequal societies not only negatively affect the poor, but also affect the rich. Environmental destruction, according to Oxford (2013), comes from inequality because the wealthy have been estimate to use as much as 10,000 times more carbon than the average US citizen. There is also the issue of monopoly, where resources like land and water are reserved from potential societal good. Resources become more scarce. Oxford (2013) states that if societies were more equal, then they would be better equipped to deal with natural disasters, as well as carbon emissions. has data that reveals patterns of the social costs of inequality. Inequality affects the physical health United States. If there was a more equal United States, then people are predicted to live almost a year, or more longer (The Equality Trust, 2014). Mental health is also a part of the social costs. A more equal society would lead to an improvement of five percent, or more in mental health (The Equality Trust, 2014).
  • 48. Essay on Value Systems and Successful Markets Economic success defines a nations success in modern day society. Sure India has had a prosperous past. But as we continue in this post colonial world, the need to prove ourselves has only been higher. It has been over 60 years since we achieved independence and became a republic, we are yet to prove our potential to the world. The world s parameter to determine our capabilities are high, just as it ought to be to encourage each nation to develop to its fullest ability. Competition generally helps nations to do better and achieve greater. When we first gained independence much of the idea of development and being an economic super power was furthered by the socialist of welfare oriented governance but since the end of the Soviet Russia ... Show more content on ... This idea in India became popular as it was to hope that it would strive to get rid of patronisation that the colonial and the Mughal powers catered to. Democracy was initiated in order to equate all citizens of this nation. We did this so that we had a situation where each one had the equal opportunity to grow. When we have a democracy as large as India, it is unthinkable to have corruption existing along its lines. The idea of democracy was to guide us away from the sinking boat and lead us through the darkest nights. It was the idea of emancipation that democracy brought within itself. But within the next couple of years, democracy was yet to bring in any of its promised propositions. Instead the ugly face of the opposite of democracy became popular yet again, that of patronage. We were back to square one; we had not yet evolved from our dark past. We were still stuck in it. We were a corrupt nation that allowed for deep inequality. Poverty and hunger continue to reel in the minds of our western counter parts when they imagined India. The patronage policy was set forth with the rise of Indira Gandhi in the late 1960 s and early 1970 s. It was a known fact that patronage would allow chief ministers to gain a position of power in the cabinet or any other position at the centre. The shuffling and change of chief ministers in the state of Maharashtra in the 1970 s and 80 s are a clear
  • 49. Definition Of Image Quality Of Digital Imaging CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1.Background 1.1.1.Limits to image quality Digital imaging systems have a lot of applications including digital photography for recreational and commercial purposes, electronic surveillance, satellite imaging and ground based geographic information systems, medical imaging systems like computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), forensics and even particle physics. In many applications of digital imaging, a high quality image is required to allow human interpretation or machine perception. Image quality is defined in terms of spatial resolution, pixel resolution, temporal resolution and spectral resolution. For our application, we are interested in spatial resolution. Spatial resolution is measured in terms of pixel density and refers to the number of pixels used per unit area to construct the image. It defines the minimum separation distance for 2 features in the original scene for them to be distinguishable. Spatial resolution is determined by the density of imaging sensors. Imaging sensors are charge coupled devices (CCD) or CMOS active pixel sensors, arranged in a two dimensional array. The higher the sensor density, the higher the spatial resolution. Higher sensor density can be achieved either by reducing the sensor size or increasing the size of the chip carrying the sensors. Increasing the pixel density is limited by: 1.Reducing the size of sensors results in less light falling on the sensors, thus generating shot