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BIOLOGY: Today and Tomorrow, 4e
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Chapter 8
How Cells Reproduce
8.1 Henrietta’s Immortal Cells
 Henrietta Lacks died of cervical cancer more than 50 years
ago, but her cells live on in research laboratories
 HeLa cells are widely used to investigate cancer, viral growth,
protein synthesis, effects of radiation, and many other
processes important in medicine and research
 Understanding why cancer cells are immortal – and we are
not – begins with understanding the structures and
mechanisms that cells use to divide
Dividing HeLa Cells
8.2 Multiplication by Division
 A cell reproduces by dividing in two
 Each descendant cell receives a full set of chromosomes and
some cytoplasm
 Before the cell’s cytoplasm divides, it must first replicate its
 Duplicated chromosomes are separated and packaged into
new nuclei by one of two mechanisms: mitosis or meiosis
Mitosis and Meiosis
 Mitosis is a nuclear division mechanism that maintains the
chromosome – used in growth, development, replacement of
damaged or dead cells, or as part of asexual reproduction
 Meiosis is a nuclear division mechanism that halves the
chromosome number – used in sexual reproduction, in
which two parents contribute genes to offspring
Divisions of a Fertilized Frog Egg
Cellular Division Mechanisms
8.3 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
 Cell cycle
 A series of events from the time a cell forms until its
cytoplasm divides
 Includes three phases: interphase, mitosis, and
cytoplasmic division
 Most of a cell’s activities occur in interphase
 Interphase
 In a eukaryotic cell cycle, the interval between mitotic
divisions when a cell grows, roughly doubles the number
of its cytoplasmic components, and replicates its DNA
 Three stages:
 G1, 1st interval (gap) of growth before DNA replication
 S, interval of synthesis (DNA replication)
 G2, 2nd interval (gap) when the cell prepares to divide
The eukaryotic cell cycle
Controls Over the Cell Cycle
 When a cell divides—and when it does not—is determined by
gene expression controls
 Products of “checkpoint genes” monitor whether a cell’s
DNA has been copied completely, whether it is damaged, and
whether enough nutrients are available
 If a problem remains uncorrected, other checkpoint proteins
may cause the cell to self-destruct
Homologous Chromosomes
 Human body cells have 23 chromosome pairs
 Except for a pairing of sex chromosomes (XY) in males, the
chromosomes of each pair are homologous
 Homologous chromosomes are members of a pair of
chromosomes with the same length, shape, and genes
 One member of a homologous pair was inherited from the
female parent, and the other from the male parent
How Mitosis Maintains Chromosome Number
 Mitosis distributes a complete set of chromosomes into two
new nuclei
 In G2, each chromosomes consists of two replicated DNA
molecules attached at the centromere (sister chromatids)
 When sister chromatids are pulled apart, each becomes an
individual chromosome in a new nucleus
 When the cytoplasm divides, the two nuclei are packaged into
two separate cells
How Mitosis Maintains Chromosome Number
A) An unduplicated
pair of chromosomes
in a cell in G1.
B) By G2, each
chromosome has been
C) Mitosis and cytoplasmic
division package one copy of
each chromosome into each
of two new cells.
Figure 8-4 p135
A) An unduplicated
pair of chromosomes
in a cell in G1.
Stepped Art
B) By G2, each
chromosome has
been duplicated.
C) Mitosis and
cytoplasmic division
package one copy of each
chromosome into each of
two new cells.
The Process of Mitosis
 Prophase
 Chromosomes condense and spindle forms
 Nuclear envelope breaks up
 Spindle microtubules attach to chromosomes
 Spindle
 Moves chromosomes during nuclear division
 Dynamically assembled and disassembled microtubules
The Process of Mitosis
 Metaphase
 Duplicated homologous chromosomes line up at the
spindle equator (halfway between spindle poles)
 Sister chromatids begin to move apart toward opposite
spindle poles
 Anaphase
 Microtubules separate sister chromatids of each
chromosome and pull them toward opposite spindle poles
 Each DNA molecule is now a separate chromosome
The Process of Mitosis
 Telophase
 Two clusters of chromosomes arrive at the spindle poles
and decondense; new nuclei form
 End of mitosis
 Nuclear envelopes form around the two clusters of
chromosomes, forming two new nuclei with the parental
chromosome number
Mitosis in a plant cell Mitosis in an animal cell
pair of
1 Interphase
Interphase cells are shown for comparison, but interphase is not part of mitosis.
The red spots in the plant cell nucleus are areas where ribosome subunits are
being transcribed and assembled.
Mitosis in a plant cell Mitosis in an animal cell
2 Early prophase
Mitosis begins. Transcription stops, and the DNA begins to appear grainy as it
starts to condense. The centriole pair gets duplicated.
Mitosis in a plant cell Mitosis in an animal cell
microtubule of spindle
3 Prophase
The duplicated chromosomes become visible as they condense. One of the two
centriole pairs moves to the opposite side of the cell. The nuclear envelope
breaks up. Spindle microtubules assemble and bind to chromosomes at the
centromere. Sister chromatids become attached to opposite centriole pairs.
Mitosis in a plant cell Mitosis in an animal cell
4 Metaphase
All of the chromosomes are aligned in the middle of the cell.
Mitosis in a plant cell Mitosis in an animal cell
5 Anaphase
Spindle microtubules separate the sister chromatids and move them toward
opposite sides of the cell. Each sister chromatid has now become an individual,
unduplicated chromosome.
Mitosis in a plant cell Mitosis in an animal cell
6 Telophase
The chromosomes reach opposite sides of the cell and decondense. Mitosis ends
when a new nuclear envelope forms around each cluster of chromosomes.
ANIMATED FIGURE: Random alignment
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ANIMATED FIGURE: The cell cycle
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8.4 Cytoplasmic Division Mechanisms
 A cell’s cytoplasm divides between late anaphase and the
end of telophase, forming two cells, each with its own nucleus
 Mechanisms of cytoplasmic division differ between animal
cells and plant cells
Cytoplasmic Division in Animal Cells
 In animal cells, a contractile ring pinches the cytoplasm in two
 A contractile ring of microfilaments contracts when its
component proteins are energized by ATP
 The cleavage furrow produced deepens until the cytoplasm
(and the cell) is pinched in two
 Each new cell has its own nucleus, cytoplasm, and is
enclosed by a plasma membrane
Cytoplasmic Division of an Animal Cell
Cytoplasmic Division in Plant Cells
 In plant cells, microtubules guide vesicles from Golgi bodies
and the cell surface to the division plane
 Vesicles and their wall-building contents fuse into a disk-
shaped cell plate
 The cell plate grows and forms a cross-wall between the two
new nuclei
 The cell plate develops into two new cell walls, separating the
descendant cells
Cytoplasmic Division of a Plant Cell
ANIMATED FIGURE: Cytoplasmic division
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8.5 When Mitosis Becomes Pathological
 When checkpoint mechanisms fail, the cell may skip
interphase and keep dividing with no resting period
 Signaling mechanisms that make an abnormal cell die may
stop working
 Mutations are passed along to the cell’s descendants, which
form a neoplasm, an accumulation of cells that lost control
over how they grow and divide
Tumors and Oncogenes
 A neoplasm that forms a lump is a tumor
 An oncogene is any gene that helps transform a normal cell
into a tumor cell
 Genes for proteins that promote mitosis are called proto-
oncogenes because mutations can turn them into oncogenes
 Example: Genes that code for receptors for growth factors
An oncogene causing a neoplasm
Tumor Suppressors
 Checkpoint gene products that inhibit mitosis are called tumor
suppressors because tumors form when they are missing
 Example: Products of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes
 Viruses such as HPV cause a cell to make proteins that
interfere with its own tumor suppressors
Checkpoint genes control cell division
 A benign neoplasm such as a mole is noncancerous; a
malignant neoplasm is dangerous to health
 Cancer occurs when abnormally dividing cells of a malignant
neoplasm disrupt body tissues, physically and metabolically
 Malignant neoplasms can break free and invade other tissues
Benign neoplasms
grow slowly and stay
in their home tissue.
Cells of a malignant
neoplasm can break away
from their home tissue.
Malignant cells can become attached to the wall
of a blood vessel or lymph vessel. They release
enzymes that create an opening in the wall, then
enter the vessel.
The cells creep or tumble along in blood vessels,
then leave the bloodstream the same way they got
in. They may start growing in other tissues, a
process called metastasis.
Three Characteristics of Cancer Cells
1. Grow and divide abnormally
2. Abnormal plasma membrane, cytoskeleton, chromosome
number, and metabolism
3. Cells do not stay anchored properly in tissues because
plasma membrane adhesion proteins are defective or missing
Detecting Skin Cancer
C) Melanoma, a malignant
neoplasm of skin cells, spreads
fastest. Cells form
dark, encrusted lumps that may
itch or bleed easily.
B) The second most common
form of skin cancer is a
squamous cell carcinoma.
This pink growth, firm to the
touch, grows under the surface
of skin.
A) Basal cell carcinoma is the
most common type of skin
cancer. This slow growing,
raised lump may be
uncolored, reddish brown, or
ANIMATED FIGURE: Cancer and metastasis
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VIDEO: Genome Research Improving Cancer
VIDEO: The War on Cancer
VIDEO: Genetically Modified Virus Used to Fight
8.6 Sex and Alleles
 Asexual reproduction
 Offspring arise from one parent
 Offspring are genetic clones
 Sexual reproduction
 Offspring inherit genes from two parents
 Diversity offers a better chance of surviving an
environmental challenge or harmful mutations
 Beneficial mutations spread quickly
Introducing Alleles
 Paired genes on homologous chromosomes often vary
slightly in DNA sequence
 Alleles are forms of a gene that encode slightly different
versions of the gene’s product
 Offspring of sexual reproducers inherit new combinations of
alleles, which is the basis of new combinations of traits
A) Corresponding colored patches in this
fluorescence micrograph indicate
corresponding DNA sequences in
a homologous chromosome pair. These
chromosomes carry the same set of genes.
Genes occur in pairs on
The members of each
pair of genes may be
identical, or they may
differ slightly, as alleles.
B) Homologous chromosomes carry the
same series of genes, but the DNA
sequence of any one of those genes
might differ just a bit from that of its
partner on the homologous chromosome.
ANIMATED FIGURE: Genetic terms
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8.7 Meiosis and the Life Cycle
 Meiosis halves the parental chromosome number by sorting
the chromosomes into new nuclei twice (meiosis I and
meiosis II)
 Duplicated chromosomes of a diploid nucleus (2n) are
distributed into four haploid nuclei (n)
Two Stages of Meiosis
 Meiosis I
 In the first nuclear division, duplicated homologous
chromosomes line up and cross over, then move apart,
toward opposite spindle poles
 Two new nuclear envelopes form around the two clusters
of still-duplicated chromosomes
 Meiosis II
 The second nuclear division separates sister chromatids
 Four haploid nuclei typically form, each with one complete
set of unduplicated chromosomes
Meiosis I One diploid nucleus to two haploid nuclei
1 2 3 4Prophase I Metaphase I Anaphase I Telophase I
envelope breaking up
centiole pair one pair of
homologous chromosomes
Meiosis II Two haploid nuclei to four haploid nuclei
5 6 7 8Prophase II Metaphase II Anaphase II Telophase II
Meiosis Mixes Alleles
 Meiosis shuffles parental combinations of alleles, introducing
variation in offspring
 Crossing over in prophase I
 Random assortment in metaphase I
 Crossing over is recombination between nonsister
chromatids of homologous chromosomes which produces
new combinations of parental alleles
A) Here, we focus on only two of the many genes on a chromosome. In this example, one
gene has alleles A and a; the other has alleles B and b.
Crossing Over
B) Close contact between homologous chromosomes promotes crossing over between
nonsister chromatids, which exchange corresponding pieces.
Crossing Over
C) Crossing over mixes up paternal and maternal alleles on homologous chromosomes.
Crossing Over
From Gametes to Offspring
 Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of reproductive cells
(gametes) from two parents
 All gametes are haploid, and they arise by division of
immature reproductive cells (germ cells)
 At fertilization, two haploid gametes fuse and produce a
diploid zygote, which is the first cell of a new individual
Gametes in Animals and Plants
 In animals, meiosis of germ cells in the reproductive organs
give rise to sperm (male gametes) or eggs (female gametes)
 In plants, two kinds of multicelled bodies form:
 A diploid sporophyte produces spores by meiosis
 Gametes form in a haploid gametophyte
zygote (2n)
multicelled body
gametes (n)
A) Generalized life cycle for most animals.
Generalized life cycle
for animals
zygote (2n)
multicelled sporophyte
gametes (n) spores (n)
gametophyte (n)
B) Generalized life cycle for most plants.
Generalized life cycle
for plants
ANIMATED FIGURE: Crossing over
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ANIMATED FIGURE: Generalized life cycles
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ANIMATION: Meiosis I and II
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ANIMATION: Crossover review
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ANIMATION: Stages of Mitosis and Meiosis
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Meiosis and Mitosis Drag and Drop
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8.8 Henrietta’s Immortal Cells (revisited)
 HeLa cells were used in early tests of taxol, a drug that keeps
microtubules from disassembling and interferes with mitosis
 The HeLa cell line was established more than 50 years ago
without Henrietta Lacks knowledge or consent
 Today, consent forms are required to take tissue samples
Digging Into Data:
HeLa Cells Are a Genetic Mess

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  • 1. BIOLOGY: Today and Tomorrow, 4e starr evers starr Chapter 8 How Cells Reproduce
  • 2. 8.1 Henrietta’s Immortal Cells  Henrietta Lacks died of cervical cancer more than 50 years ago, but her cells live on in research laboratories  HeLa cells are widely used to investigate cancer, viral growth, protein synthesis, effects of radiation, and many other processes important in medicine and research  Understanding why cancer cells are immortal – and we are not – begins with understanding the structures and mechanisms that cells use to divide
  • 4. 8.2 Multiplication by Division  A cell reproduces by dividing in two  Each descendant cell receives a full set of chromosomes and some cytoplasm  Before the cell’s cytoplasm divides, it must first replicate its chromosomes  Duplicated chromosomes are separated and packaged into new nuclei by one of two mechanisms: mitosis or meiosis
  • 5. Mitosis and Meiosis  Mitosis is a nuclear division mechanism that maintains the chromosome – used in growth, development, replacement of damaged or dead cells, or as part of asexual reproduction  Meiosis is a nuclear division mechanism that halves the chromosome number – used in sexual reproduction, in which two parents contribute genes to offspring
  • 6. Divisions of a Fertilized Frog Egg
  • 8. 8.3 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle  Cell cycle  A series of events from the time a cell forms until its cytoplasm divides  Includes three phases: interphase, mitosis, and cytoplasmic division
  • 9. Interphase  Most of a cell’s activities occur in interphase  Interphase  In a eukaryotic cell cycle, the interval between mitotic divisions when a cell grows, roughly doubles the number of its cytoplasmic components, and replicates its DNA  Three stages:  G1, 1st interval (gap) of growth before DNA replication  S, interval of synthesis (DNA replication)  G2, 2nd interval (gap) when the cell prepares to divide
  • 11. Controls Over the Cell Cycle  When a cell divides—and when it does not—is determined by gene expression controls  Products of “checkpoint genes” monitor whether a cell’s DNA has been copied completely, whether it is damaged, and whether enough nutrients are available  If a problem remains uncorrected, other checkpoint proteins may cause the cell to self-destruct
  • 12. Homologous Chromosomes  Human body cells have 23 chromosome pairs  Except for a pairing of sex chromosomes (XY) in males, the chromosomes of each pair are homologous  Homologous chromosomes are members of a pair of chromosomes with the same length, shape, and genes  One member of a homologous pair was inherited from the female parent, and the other from the male parent
  • 13. How Mitosis Maintains Chromosome Number  Mitosis distributes a complete set of chromosomes into two new nuclei  In G2, each chromosomes consists of two replicated DNA molecules attached at the centromere (sister chromatids)  When sister chromatids are pulled apart, each becomes an individual chromosome in a new nucleus  When the cytoplasm divides, the two nuclei are packaged into two separate cells
  • 14. How Mitosis Maintains Chromosome Number A) An unduplicated pair of chromosomes in a cell in G1. B) By G2, each chromosome has been duplicated. C) Mitosis and cytoplasmic division package one copy of each chromosome into each of two new cells.
  • 15. Figure 8-4 p135 A) An unduplicated pair of chromosomes in a cell in G1. Stepped Art B) By G2, each chromosome has been duplicated. C) Mitosis and cytoplasmic division package one copy of each chromosome into each of two new cells.
  • 16. The Process of Mitosis  Prophase  Chromosomes condense and spindle forms  Nuclear envelope breaks up  Spindle microtubules attach to chromosomes  Spindle  Moves chromosomes during nuclear division  Dynamically assembled and disassembled microtubules
  • 17. The Process of Mitosis  Metaphase  Duplicated homologous chromosomes line up at the spindle equator (halfway between spindle poles)  Sister chromatids begin to move apart toward opposite spindle poles  Anaphase  Microtubules separate sister chromatids of each chromosome and pull them toward opposite spindle poles  Each DNA molecule is now a separate chromosome
  • 18. The Process of Mitosis  Telophase  Two clusters of chromosomes arrive at the spindle poles and decondense; new nuclei form  End of mitosis  Nuclear envelopes form around the two clusters of chromosomes, forming two new nuclei with the parental chromosome number
  • 19. Mitosis in a plant cell Mitosis in an animal cell pair of centrioles 1 Interphase Interphase cells are shown for comparison, but interphase is not part of mitosis. The red spots in the plant cell nucleus are areas where ribosome subunits are being transcribed and assembled. Mitosis
  • 20. Mitosis in a plant cell Mitosis in an animal cell 2 Early prophase Mitosis begins. Transcription stops, and the DNA begins to appear grainy as it starts to condense. The centriole pair gets duplicated. Mitosis
  • 21. Mitosis in a plant cell Mitosis in an animal cell microtubule of spindle 3 Prophase The duplicated chromosomes become visible as they condense. One of the two centriole pairs moves to the opposite side of the cell. The nuclear envelope breaks up. Spindle microtubules assemble and bind to chromosomes at the centromere. Sister chromatids become attached to opposite centriole pairs. Mitosis
  • 22. Mitosis in a plant cell Mitosis in an animal cell 4 Metaphase All of the chromosomes are aligned in the middle of the cell. Mitosis
  • 23. Mitosis in a plant cell Mitosis in an animal cell 5 Anaphase Spindle microtubules separate the sister chromatids and move them toward opposite sides of the cell. Each sister chromatid has now become an individual, unduplicated chromosome. Mitosis
  • 24. Mitosis in a plant cell Mitosis in an animal cell 6 Telophase The chromosomes reach opposite sides of the cell and decondense. Mitosis ends when a new nuclear envelope forms around each cluster of chromosomes. Mitosis
  • 25. ANIMATED FIGURE: Random alignment To play movie you must be in Slide Show Mode PC Users: Please wait for content to load, then click to play Mac Users: CLICK HERE
  • 26. ANIMATED FIGURE: The cell cycle To play movie you must be in Slide Show Mode PC Users: Please wait for content to load, then click to play Mac Users: CLICK HERE
  • 28. 8.4 Cytoplasmic Division Mechanisms  A cell’s cytoplasm divides between late anaphase and the end of telophase, forming two cells, each with its own nucleus  Mechanisms of cytoplasmic division differ between animal cells and plant cells
  • 29. Cytoplasmic Division in Animal Cells  In animal cells, a contractile ring pinches the cytoplasm in two  A contractile ring of microfilaments contracts when its component proteins are energized by ATP  The cleavage furrow produced deepens until the cytoplasm (and the cell) is pinched in two  Each new cell has its own nucleus, cytoplasm, and is enclosed by a plasma membrane
  • 30. Cytoplasmic Division of an Animal Cell
  • 31. Cytoplasmic Division in Plant Cells  In plant cells, microtubules guide vesicles from Golgi bodies and the cell surface to the division plane  Vesicles and their wall-building contents fuse into a disk- shaped cell plate  The cell plate grows and forms a cross-wall between the two new nuclei  The cell plate develops into two new cell walls, separating the descendant cells
  • 32. Cytoplasmic Division of a Plant Cell
  • 33. ANIMATED FIGURE: Cytoplasmic division To play movie you must be in Slide Show Mode PC Users: Please wait for content to load, then click to play Mac Users: CLICK HERE
  • 34. 8.5 When Mitosis Becomes Pathological  When checkpoint mechanisms fail, the cell may skip interphase and keep dividing with no resting period  Signaling mechanisms that make an abnormal cell die may stop working  Mutations are passed along to the cell’s descendants, which form a neoplasm, an accumulation of cells that lost control over how they grow and divide
  • 35. Tumors and Oncogenes  A neoplasm that forms a lump is a tumor  An oncogene is any gene that helps transform a normal cell into a tumor cell  Genes for proteins that promote mitosis are called proto- oncogenes because mutations can turn them into oncogenes  Example: Genes that code for receptors for growth factors
  • 36. An oncogene causing a neoplasm
  • 37. Tumor Suppressors  Checkpoint gene products that inhibit mitosis are called tumor suppressors because tumors form when they are missing  Example: Products of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes  Viruses such as HPV cause a cell to make proteins that interfere with its own tumor suppressors
  • 38. Checkpoint genes control cell division
  • 39. Cancer  A benign neoplasm such as a mole is noncancerous; a malignant neoplasm is dangerous to health  Cancer occurs when abnormally dividing cells of a malignant neoplasm disrupt body tissues, physically and metabolically  Malignant neoplasms can break free and invade other tissues (metastasis)
  • 40. Metastasis Benign neoplasms grow slowly and stay in their home tissue. Cells of a malignant neoplasm can break away from their home tissue. Malignant cells can become attached to the wall of a blood vessel or lymph vessel. They release enzymes that create an opening in the wall, then enter the vessel. The cells creep or tumble along in blood vessels, then leave the bloodstream the same way they got in. They may start growing in other tissues, a process called metastasis. 1 4 3 2
  • 41. Three Characteristics of Cancer Cells 1. Grow and divide abnormally 2. Abnormal plasma membrane, cytoskeleton, chromosome number, and metabolism 3. Cells do not stay anchored properly in tissues because plasma membrane adhesion proteins are defective or missing
  • 42. Detecting Skin Cancer C) Melanoma, a malignant neoplasm of skin cells, spreads fastest. Cells form dark, encrusted lumps that may itch or bleed easily. B) The second most common form of skin cancer is a squamous cell carcinoma. This pink growth, firm to the touch, grows under the surface of skin. A) Basal cell carcinoma is the most common type of skin cancer. This slow growing, raised lump may be uncolored, reddish brown, or black.
  • 43. ANIMATED FIGURE: Cancer and metastasis To play movie you must be in Slide Show Mode PC Users: Please wait for content to load, then click to play Mac Users: CLICK HERE
  • 44. VIDEO: Genome Research Improving Cancer Understanding
  • 45. VIDEO: The War on Cancer
  • 46. VIDEO: Genetically Modified Virus Used to Fight Cancer
  • 47. 8.6 Sex and Alleles  Asexual reproduction  Offspring arise from one parent  Offspring are genetic clones  Sexual reproduction  Offspring inherit genes from two parents  Diversity offers a better chance of surviving an environmental challenge or harmful mutations  Beneficial mutations spread quickly
  • 48. Introducing Alleles  Paired genes on homologous chromosomes often vary slightly in DNA sequence  Alleles are forms of a gene that encode slightly different versions of the gene’s product  Offspring of sexual reproducers inherit new combinations of alleles, which is the basis of new combinations of traits
  • 49. A) Corresponding colored patches in this fluorescence micrograph indicate corresponding DNA sequences in a homologous chromosome pair. These chromosomes carry the same set of genes. Alleles
  • 50. Genes occur in pairs on homologous chromosomes. The members of each pair of genes may be identical, or they may differ slightly, as alleles. B) Homologous chromosomes carry the same series of genes, but the DNA sequence of any one of those genes might differ just a bit from that of its partner on the homologous chromosome. Alleles
  • 51. ANIMATED FIGURE: Genetic terms To play movie you must be in Slide Show Mode PC Users: Please wait for content to load, then click to play Mac Users: CLICK HERE
  • 52. 8.7 Meiosis and the Life Cycle  Meiosis halves the parental chromosome number by sorting the chromosomes into new nuclei twice (meiosis I and meiosis II)  Duplicated chromosomes of a diploid nucleus (2n) are distributed into four haploid nuclei (n)
  • 53. Two Stages of Meiosis
  • 54. Meiosis  Meiosis I  In the first nuclear division, duplicated homologous chromosomes line up and cross over, then move apart, toward opposite spindle poles  Two new nuclear envelopes form around the two clusters of still-duplicated chromosomes  Meiosis II  The second nuclear division separates sister chromatids  Four haploid nuclei typically form, each with one complete set of unduplicated chromosomes
  • 55. Meiosis I One diploid nucleus to two haploid nuclei 1 2 3 4Prophase I Metaphase I Anaphase I Telophase I plasma membrane spindle nuclear envelope breaking up centiole pair one pair of homologous chromosomes Meiosis
  • 56. No DNA replication Meiosis II Two haploid nuclei to four haploid nuclei 5 6 7 8Prophase II Metaphase II Anaphase II Telophase II Meiosis
  • 57. Meiosis Mixes Alleles  Meiosis shuffles parental combinations of alleles, introducing variation in offspring  Crossing over in prophase I  Random assortment in metaphase I  Crossing over is recombination between nonsister chromatids of homologous chromosomes which produces new combinations of parental alleles
  • 58. A) Here, we focus on only two of the many genes on a chromosome. In this example, one gene has alleles A and a; the other has alleles B and b. Crossing Over
  • 59. crossover B) Close contact between homologous chromosomes promotes crossing over between nonsister chromatids, which exchange corresponding pieces. Crossing Over
  • 60. C) Crossing over mixes up paternal and maternal alleles on homologous chromosomes. Crossing Over
  • 61. From Gametes to Offspring  Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of reproductive cells (gametes) from two parents  All gametes are haploid, and they arise by division of immature reproductive cells (germ cells)  At fertilization, two haploid gametes fuse and produce a diploid zygote, which is the first cell of a new individual
  • 62. Gametes in Animals and Plants  In animals, meiosis of germ cells in the reproductive organs give rise to sperm (male gametes) or eggs (female gametes)  In plants, two kinds of multicelled bodies form:  A diploid sporophyte produces spores by meiosis  Gametes form in a haploid gametophyte
  • 63. mitosis zygote (2n) multicelled body (2n) Diploid Fertilization Haploid Meiosis gametes (n) A) Generalized life cycle for most animals. Generalized life cycle for animals
  • 64. mitosis zygote (2n) multicelled sporophyte (2n) Diploid Fertilization Haploid Meiosis gametes (n) spores (n) multicelled gametophyte (n) B) Generalized life cycle for most plants. Generalized life cycle for plants
  • 65. ANIMATED FIGURE: Crossing over To play movie you must be in Slide Show Mode PC Users: Please wait for content to load, then click to play Mac Users: CLICK HERE
  • 66. ANIMATED FIGURE: Generalized life cycles To play movie you must be in Slide Show Mode PC Users: Please wait for content to load, then click to play Mac Users: CLICK HERE
  • 67. ANIMATION: Meiosis I and II To play movie you must be in Slide Show Mode PC Users: Please wait for content to load, then click to play Mac Users: CLICK HERE
  • 69. ANIMATION: Crossover review To play movie you must be in Slide Show Mode PC Users: Please wait for content to load, then click to play Mac Users: CLICK HERE
  • 70. ANIMATION: Stages of Mitosis and Meiosis To play movie you must be in Slide Show Mode PC Users: Please wait for content to load, then click to play Mac Users: CLICK HERE
  • 71. ANIMATION: Meiosis and Mitosis Drag and Drop To play movie you must be in Slide Show Mode PC Users: Please wait for content to load, then click to play Mac Users: CLICK HERE
  • 72. 8.8 Henrietta’s Immortal Cells (revisited)  HeLa cells were used in early tests of taxol, a drug that keeps microtubules from disassembling and interferes with mitosis  The HeLa cell line was established more than 50 years ago without Henrietta Lacks knowledge or consent  Today, consent forms are required to take tissue samples
  • 73. Digging Into Data: HeLa Cells Are a Genetic Mess

Editor's Notes

  1. Figure 8.1 Dividing HeLa cells (above), a cellular legacy of Henrietta Lacks (left), who was a young casualty of cancer.
  2. Figure 8.2 A multicelled animal develops from a fertilized egg by repeated cell divisions. These early frog embryos have undergone three divisions.
  3. Figure 8.4 How mitosis maintains the chromosome number. For clarity, only one chromosome pair is shown.
  4. Figure 8.4 How mitosis maintains the chromosome number. For clarity, only one chromosome pair is shown.
  5. Figure 8.5 Animated! Mitosis. Micrographs show mitosis in the nucleus of a plant cell (onion root, left), and an animal cell (fertilized egg of a roundworm, right). A diploid (2n) animal cell with two chromosome pairs is illustrated. 1 Interphase Interphase cells are shown for comparison, but interphase is not part of mitosis. The red spots in the plant cell nucleus are areas where ribosome subunits are being transcribed and assembled. 3 Prophase The duplicated chromosomes become visible as they condense. One of the two centriole pairs moves to the opposite side of the cell. The nuclear envelope breaks up. Spindle microtubules assemble and bind to chromosomes at the centromere. Sister chromatids become attached to opposite centriole pairs. 4 Metaphase All of the chromosomes are aligned in the middle of the cell. 5 Anaphase Spindle microtubules separate the sister chromatids and move them toward opposite sides of the cell. Each sister chromatid has now become an individual, unduplicated chromosome. 6 Telophase The chromosomes reach opposite sides of the cell and decondense. Mitosis ends when a new nuclear envelope forms around each cluster of chromosomes.
  6. Figure 8.5 Animated! Mitosis. Micrographs show mitosis in the nucleus of a plant cell (onion root, left), and an animal cell (fertilized egg of a roundworm, right). A diploid (2n) animal cell with two chromosome pairs is illustrated. 1 Interphase Interphase cells are shown for comparison, but interphase is not part of mitosis. The red spots in the plant cell nucleus are areas where ribosome subunits are being transcribed and assembled. 3 Prophase The duplicated chromosomes become visible as they condense. One of the two centriole pairs moves to the opposite side of the cell. The nuclear envelope breaks up. Spindle microtubules assemble and bind to chromosomes at the centromere. Sister chromatids become attached to opposite centriole pairs. 4 Metaphase All of the chromosomes are aligned in the middle of the cell. 5 Anaphase Spindle microtubules separate the sister chromatids and move them toward opposite sides of the cell. Each sister chromatid has now become an individual, unduplicated chromosome. 6 Telophase The chromosomes reach opposite sides of the cell and decondense. Mitosis ends when a new nuclear envelope forms around each cluster of chromosomes.
  7. Figure 8.5 Animated! Mitosis. Micrographs show mitosis in the nucleus of a plant cell (onion root, left), and an animal cell (fertilized egg of a roundworm, right). A diploid (2n) animal cell with two chromosome pairs is illustrated. 1 Interphase Interphase cells are shown for comparison, but interphase is not part of mitosis. The red spots in the plant cell nucleus are areas where ribosome subunits are being transcribed and assembled. 3 Prophase The duplicated chromosomes become visible as they condense. One of the two centriole pairs moves to the opposite side of the cell. The nuclear envelope breaks up. Spindle microtubules assemble and bind to chromosomes at the centromere. Sister chromatids become attached to opposite centriole pairs. 4 Metaphase All of the chromosomes are aligned in the middle of the cell. 5 Anaphase Spindle microtubules separate the sister chromatids and move them toward opposite sides of the cell. Each sister chromatid has now become an individual, unduplicated chromosome. 6 Telophase The chromosomes reach opposite sides of the cell and decondense. Mitosis ends when a new nuclear envelope forms around each cluster of chromosomes.
  8. Figure 8.5 Animated! Mitosis. Micrographs show mitosis in the nucleus of a plant cell (onion root, left), and an animal cell (fertilized egg of a roundworm, right). A diploid (2n) animal cell with two chromosome pairs is illustrated. 1 Interphase Interphase cells are shown for comparison, but interphase is not part of mitosis. The red spots in the plant cell nucleus are areas where ribosome subunits are being transcribed and assembled. 3 Prophase The duplicated chromosomes become visible as they condense. One of the two centriole pairs moves to the opposite side of the cell. The nuclear envelope breaks up. Spindle microtubules assemble and bind to chromosomes at the centromere. Sister chromatids become attached to opposite centriole pairs. 4 Metaphase All of the chromosomes are aligned in the middle of the cell. 5 Anaphase Spindle microtubules separate the sister chromatids and move them toward opposite sides of the cell. Each sister chromatid has now become an individual, unduplicated chromosome. 6 Telophase The chromosomes reach opposite sides of the cell and decondense. Mitosis ends when a new nuclear envelope forms around each cluster of chromosomes.
  9. Figure 8.5 Animated! Mitosis. Micrographs show mitosis in the nucleus of a plant cell (onion root, left), and an animal cell (fertilized egg of a roundworm, right). A diploid (2n) animal cell with two chromosome pairs is illustrated. 1 Interphase Interphase cells are shown for comparison, but interphase is not part of mitosis. The red spots in the plant cell nucleus are areas where ribosome subunits are being transcribed and assembled. 3 Prophase The duplicated chromosomes become visible as they condense. One of the two centriole pairs moves to the opposite side of the cell. The nuclear envelope breaks up. Spindle microtubules assemble and bind to chromosomes at the centromere. Sister chromatids become attached to opposite centriole pairs. 4 Metaphase All of the chromosomes are aligned in the middle of the cell. 5 Anaphase Spindle microtubules separate the sister chromatids and move them toward opposite sides of the cell. Each sister chromatid has now become an individual, unduplicated chromosome. 6 Telophase The chromosomes reach opposite sides of the cell and decondense. Mitosis ends when a new nuclear envelope forms around each cluster of chromosomes. .
  10. Figure 8.5 Animated! Mitosis. Micrographs show mitosis in the nucleus of a plant cell (onion root, left), and an animal cell (fertilized egg of a roundworm, right). A diploid (2n) animal cell with two chromosome pairs is illustrated. 1 Interphase Interphase cells are shown for comparison, but interphase is not part of mitosis. The red spots in the plant cell nucleus are areas where ribosome subunits are being transcribed and assembled. 3 Prophase The duplicated chromosomes become visible as they condense. One of the two centriole pairs moves to the opposite side of the cell. The nuclear envelope breaks up. Spindle microtubules assemble and bind to chromosomes at the centromere. Sister chromatids become attached to opposite centriole pairs. 4 Metaphase All of the chromosomes are aligned in the middle of the cell. 5 Anaphase Spindle microtubules separate the sister chromatids and move them toward opposite sides of the cell. Each sister chromatid has now become an individual, unduplicated chromosome. 6 Telophase The chromosomes reach opposite sides of the cell and decondense. Mitosis ends when a new nuclear envelope forms around each cluster of chromosomes.
  11. Figure 8.6 Animated! Cytoplasmic division of an animal cell. 1 After mitosis is completed, the spindle begins to disassemble. 4 The ring contracts until it pinches the cell in two. 3 This contractile ring pulls the cell surface inward as it shrinks. 2 At the midpoint of the former spindle, a ring of microfilaments attached to the plasma membrane contracts.
  12. Figure 8.7 Animated! Cytoplasmic division of a plant cell. 5 The future plane of division was established beforeå mitosis began. Vesicles cluster here before mitosis ends. 6 The vesicles fuse with each other, forming a cell plate along the plane of division. 7 The cell plate expands outward along the plane of division. When it reaches the plasma membrane, it attaches to the membrane and partitions the cytoplasm. 8 The cell plate matures as two new cell walls. These walls join with the parent cell wall, so each descendant cell becomes enclosed by its own wall.
  13. Figure 8.8 An oncogene causing a neoplasm. In this section of human breast tissue, activated growth factor receptor is stained brown. Normal cells are the ones with lighter staining. The heavily stained cells have formed a neoplasm; the abnormal overabundance of the activated receptor means that mitosis is being continually stimulated in these cells. Cells of most neoplasms have mutations that cause this receptor to be overproduced or overactive.
  14. Figure 8.9 Checkpoint genes putting the brakes on cell division. Both of these images show the same nucleus, which has been exposed to radiation that damaged the DNA inside of it (compare Figure 6.8A). A Green dots pinpoint the location of the product of a gene called 53BP1; B red dots show the location of the BRCA1 gene product. Both proteins have clustered around the same chromosome breaks in the same nucleus; both function to recruit DNA repair enzymes. The integrated action of these and other checkpoint gene products blocks mitosis until the DNA breaks are fixed.
  15. Figure 8.11 Skin cancer can be detected and treated early with periodic screening.
  16. Figure 8.12 Animated! Genes on chromosomes. Different forms of a gene are called alleles.
  17. Figure 8.12 Animated! Genes on chromosomes. Different forms of a gene are called alleles.
  18. Figure 8.13 Animated! Meiosis. The micrographs show meiosis in a lily cell. The illustrations show two pairs of chromosomes in a diploid (2n) animal cell; homologous chromosomes are indicated in blue and pink.
  19. Figure 8.13 Animated! Meiosis. The micrographs show meiosis in a lily cell. The illustrations show two pairs of chromosomes in a diploid (2n) animal cell; homologous chromosomes are indicated in blue and pink.
  20. Figure 8.14 Crossing over. Blue signifies a paternal chromosome, and pink, its maternal homologue. For clarity, we show only one pair of homologous chromosomes and one crossover, but more than one crossover may occur in each chromosome pair.
  21. Figure 8.14 Crossing over. Blue signifies a paternal chromosome, and pink, its maternal homologue. For clarity, we show only one pair of homologous chromosomes and one crossover, but more than one crossover may occur in each chromosome pair.
  22. Figure 8.14 Crossing over. Blue signifies a paternal chromosome, and pink, its maternal homologue. For clarity, we show only one pair of homologous chromosomes and one crossover, but more than one crossover may occur in each chromosome pair.
  23. FIgure 8.15 Comparing life cycles
  24. FIgure 8.15 Comparing life cycles
  25. Figure 8.16 Chromosomes in a HeLa cell.