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1. Introduction
Wireless sensor network plays vital role in today’s life, it is a collection of sensors that
are scattered in different directions which are further used to control and measure the
physical conditions of environment as well as to organize to the data somewhere at centre
location. As in context of greenhouse we can measure various parameters such as
temperature, humidity, water level, insect monitoring and light intensity.
Figure 1:- wireless sensor network
Network simply means a chain of nodes interconnected by communication paths and the
wireless sensor nodes are the nodes which are connected through sensors for the
communication as shown above in the figure is the simple technology that is used by us
for the ease of today’s life in various sectors such as health monitoring as the sensors are
implemented in the body of ill patient to monitor the body and then the data is collected
through those implemented sensor nodes, environmental sensing here the sensors work for
the sensing of various natural calamities as earthquake, air pollution, water pollution etc,[1]
and specially in the agricultural sectors as it monitors various parameters in greenhouse like
temperature ,soil moisture, humidity ,intensity of light , water level, insects monitoring
Figure 2:- multi-hop gateway sensor node
As above figure shows that the wsn is comprises of several nodes that can be from various
hundred nodes or thousand of nodes and this nodes further connected to a sensors to collect
data at a center station. The multi-hop gateway sensor node is that in which multiple nodes
are interconnected and the technique used for their propagation is known as routing. There
are various platforms in wsn that is hardware and software, the hardware is a great challenge
for today because it’s hard to built tiny sensors with low cost so work on this target is still in
progress as well software have its own challenges like power consumption is large in wsn , it
totally decides the life of wsn. The main focus is on to save energy, improve its robustness
and to make it self configurable. A wireless sensor is a self-powered computing unit usually
containing a processing unit, a transceiver and both analog and digital interfaces, to which a
variety of sensing units typically sampling physical data, such as temperature, humidity etc.
can be adapted [2]. These sensors automatically organize themselves into an ad-hoc network,
which means they do not need any pre-existing infra-structure, as do cellular networks such
as Zigbee is referred to such a network as an ad-hoc Wireless Sensor Network. Recently,
WSNs have raised considerable interest in the computing and communication systems’
research community. They have decisive advantages, compared with the technologies
previously used to monitor environments via the collection of physical data. Whenever
physical conditions change rapidly over space and time, WSNs allow for real-time processing
at a minimal cost [3]. Their capacity to organize spontaneously in a network makes them easy
to de-ploy, expand and maintain, as well as resilient to the failure of individual measurement
points [4].WSN also provides an extra feature that is online work of various sensors nodes together
to manage the data of sensors these are simply the collaboration of services of online database and
various developers can connect to the database through it, as well as our own applications can be
build that is also data based. There are few examples included that are Xively and another one is the
wikisensing platform [5].Through this platforms the collected data from transport services is been
collaborated online between various users. Further services include allowance of widgets and real
time graphs to embed in websites, the data pulled out from data feeds is analysed and processed, and
to control scripts real-time alerts are sent from at least one datastream. The wikisensing system
architecture include APIs and the interfaces for online collaboration as well, the sensor data needs a
middleware that is constitute of business logic for the management of sensor data [6]. The
wikisensing main objective is to have collaborative environment and the few challenges for
collaborative environment are as follow:-
1. To arrange information in particular order
The challenge is to organize the data provided by sensor and to the information that is
obtained by collaborative users, as the different users have different views and different
annotations are provided as well. So it’s difficult to arrange data in fixed schema.
2. To determineestimate trustworthiness of provided information
The need to determine the trustworthiness of the data provided by sensors and the user
annotations as well. This is a challenging task because of the openness of the system that is
online, it allows an open access to every user to add or edit the information in any way.
3. Management of conflicts
The most important challenge is the management of conflict in between contradictory
information. This occurs when two sensors that are situated at same location can have
conflicts between analysis from two different users. As these conflicts are challenging
because of lack of information that should be needed to support the conflicted wellsprings. [7]
For the complex behaviour of wireless sensors in the environment the only paradigm at
present is modelling and simulation that is agent based [8].this agent based modelling was
basically based on social simulation and ad-hoc network are new paradigm. To simulate
wireless sensor network simulators network simulators like OMNeT++, NS2, OPNET and
NeTSim can be used.
1. Used in pollution monitoring.
2. Used for fire detection in forest.
3. Used for detection of landslides.
4. Used for industrial monitoring.
5. Used for monitoring in health care.
6. Used for monitoring of water quality.
7. Used for area monitoring.
1. Wiring is removed, no more wiring.
2. Can easily accommodate with new devices at any time.
3. Infrastructure
4. It can be easily accessed through a centralized computer.
5. Its flexible that can go through physical partitions.
1. Hackers can easily hack the network.
2. Costly when at large level.
3. Nodes life span.
4. Energy life.
5. Speed of communication is low.
1. Dargie, W. and Poellabauer, C., "Fundamentals of wireless sensor networks: theory
and practice", John Wiley and Sons, 2010 ISBN 978-0-470-99765-9, pp. 168–183,
2. Akyildiz, I.F., Su, W., Sankarasubramaniam, y., Cyirci, E., Wireless sensor networks:
a survey. Computer Networks, Vol. 38 no.4: p. 393-422, 2002.
3. Application of wireless sensor networks for agriculture parameters, Await J.S.1, patil
V.S.2 and Awati S.B, International Journal of agriculture Sciences Issue 3, 2012, PP-
4. “A real – time irrigation control system for precision agriculture using wsn in indian
agricultural sectors”, Prathyusha.K1, G. Sowmya Bala2, Dr. K. Sreenivasa Ravi3, A.P,
5. Donnellan A., Parker J., Granat R., Fox G., Pierce M., Rundle J., McLeod D., Al-
Ghanmi R., Grant L., Brooks W. QuakeSim: Efficient Modeling of Sensor Web Data
in a Web Services Environment. Proceedings of 2008 IEEE Aerospace Conference;
Big Sky, MT, USA. 1–8 March 2008; pp. 1–11.
6. Silva, D.; Ghanem, M.; Guo, Y. (2012). “WikiSensing: An Online Collaborative
Approach for Sensor Data Management”. Sensors 12 (12): 13295.
7. WikiSensing: An Online Collaborative Approach for Sensor Data Management
Dilshan Silva, Moustafa Ghanem, and Yike Guo ; Published online 2012 Oct 1.
8. Muaz Niazi, Amir Hussain (2011). A Novel Agent-Based Simulation Framework for
Sensing in Complex Adaptive Environments. IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol.11 No. 2,
9. Rashid Hussain, J L Sahgal, “Application of WSN in rural development, Agriculture
water management”. International Journal of Soft computing and engineering, Volume
2, issue 5, November 2012.
10. “Application based Study on Wireless Sensor Network” by Kiran Maraiya, kamal
kant, nitin gupta;International Journal of Computer Applications ,Volume 21– No.8,
May 2011.
MATLAB:- Matlab is simply a program for doing numerical computation.
Image Processing:-
close all; clc; clear;
image1 = imread('tmato.jpg');
%//////////Convert into gray Image%
image1 = rgb2gray(image1);
image1 = imresize(image1,[300 500]);
%Displaying and storing the rbg2gray image
title('RGB to GRAY');
%//////////Define Noise%
%We may define noise to be any degradation in the image
signal, caused by external disturbance.
image2 = imnoise(image1,'salt & pepper',0.1);
%image2= imnoise(image1,'speckle',0.05);
%image2 = imnoise(image1,'poisson')
%Displaying and storing the noised image
title('Noisy Image')
noise1 = double(image2) - double(image1);% noise
image3 = double(image2) - double(noise1); % recovered image
image3 = uint8(image3);
%Displaying and storing the denoised image
title('Recovered image from noise');
%////////Edge Detection%
image4 = edge(image1,'prewitt',0.06);
%Displaying and storing the edged image
title('Edge Image');
clc; close all; clear all;
% read the two image which is being compared
I1 = imread('tmto.png');
Im1 = im2double(I1);
% convert RGB to grayscale
Ima1 = rgb2gray(Im1);
hm1 = imhist(Ima1)./numel(Ima1);
title('original Image')
title('Histogram plot of original image')
% Histogram Error
To perform image processing firstly it reads the image through a syntax or library function
that is imread (image name) and then we have to change the original image that is rgb
image to grey scale by using a syntax rgb2gray(image name) because the image processing
output can’t be performed on rgb image then this converted grayscale image is resized if it is
not compatible and the pixels are greater for the programming through syntax imresize(A,
scale). Through Matlab processing we are sending the signals at another place so the noise is
added to such signals by using syntax imnoise(I, type) and to remove that noise we have to
first detect the type of noise and the noise we have added in this is soil and pepper as shown
in the figure below and then we had also removed that noise , the output can be made as good
as by removing the total noise involved into the signals and then at last the edge detection is
done through the syntax known to be edge(I, sobel).
IMAGE PROCESSING TOOLBOX:-Image processing is the activity of collecting
the function that enlarges the power to generate an outcome of the MATLAB. It also supports
an extensive range of image processing methods such as:-
1. Extraction of features.
2. Reduction of features.
3. Classification of features.
4. It also supports few image applications like recognition of facial expression,
recognition of finger prints.
5. Analysis of results.
The above introduced disease in tomato is known as bacterial canker, symptoms in
this disease is that the lower leaves of plant start to turn into downward side. On leaf
midribs streaks of dark to light brown color start to develop and it ultimately expand
the petiole which forms the canker on the stem. The deficiency occurs due to which
the fruit grow are small, full of scabs, this is often depict as “bird’s eye”. This is the
most difficult disease to distinguish as if distinguished than don’t grow tomato, potato
or any eggplant on the same soil atleast for the period of two to three years.
These two points shown below explains the difference between healthy and infected
pumpkins, with the help of Matlab we are going to make the process of detecting the
difference in two in easier way than before. As it will once store the image in the
software and if in case same condition emerge then we will get an alarm with a proper
data of the vegetable and a particular pesticides as well as fixed quantity will be also
indicated to the farmer. As if the farmer is not educated than also they can now put an
adequate amount of pesticide that is needed to the crop at that particular span of time,
using this technology the plant is also treated in proper way and the pesticides usage
can be proved beneficial to the crop.
It is a disease in which the organisms hit the fruit and if there is a contact between the soil
and the fruit at the time of ripening .The second reason for the occurrence of fruit rot is that
when the cucumber beetles surround the fruit or rough handling as this disease can also
collapse the entire fruit so best way to prevent fruit is to take measures from cucumber
beetles by applying fixed amount of pesticides that should be not harmful to us.
Temperature measured for the benefit of crops at RARI and SRIGANGANAGAR
The temperature is the major parameter that should be taken under special observation during
plantation of crops. Temperature directly or indirectly affects the farms or crops grown in the
field we have shown this through a project that defines a strong relation of crops to the
temperature. In this project we have used a temperature sensor named as LM35 .It have
properties that it can sense the temperature of that particular point and some particular points
are predefined for the conditions of temperature.
As if the temperature rises above 550c then the LCD mounted on the module of atmega 16
displays the temperature measured and shows the status critical as shown in below figure:-
Whenever this critical condition is shown it automatically starts the coolers in greenhouse
due to which the temperature is slow down and as a result this message is also send to the
farmer through GSM. The working of this project includes various parameters such as
measuring of temperature, soil moisture, water level, light intensity, humidity. As we have
worked on the temperature measurement, the pragmatic approach to solve the issues related
to crops is through LM35. The LM35 generates a higher output voltage than thermocouples
and may not require that the output voltage be amplified. The LM35 series are precision
integrated-circuit temperature sensors, whose output voltage is linearly proportional to the
Celsius (Centigrade) temperature.
As the scale factor of LM35 is 0.1v/oc. its characteristic includes that it draws only 60
microamperes from its supply a low self-heating capability.
The first pin is of +5v which gives the power supply to the sensor and the second pin is for
output which is connected to the port A of atmega 16 on 40th pin. The third pin is for ground
to complete the circuit. As the circuit is completed the temperature sensor senses the
temperature and shows it on LCD. As per the programming the threshold is set on the values
of temperature that is 55o C. As whenever the temperature increases from threshold the LCD
displays the temperature and the condition is written as critical and automatically fans
connected through relay starts and it automatically decreases the temperature which is very
helpful in the growth of crops. The minimum range of this sensor is from 0.2oC to 15oC.
This graph shows the measured data of April 9 taken at RARI institute Jaipur, the two lines
differentiate between the mechanism of taken data as the red line indicates the data taken
manually in greenhouse and the blue dotted line indicates that the readings taken through the
mechanism of wsn. It is stated from above that more accurate values are taken through wsn
mechanism as these can be taken at the interval of every hour which is not possible with the
manual method as we can only measure the values for three to four times a day. As two to
three times the temperature buzzer is indicated during the whole day which was very useful
for the management of crop growth and this indicated alert helps to send the data at the time
of night to the farmers and then in next few hours they manage the temperature according to
the conditions.
120OF= This is the condition at which the heat is at extreme level, the condition of plants can
be controlled if there is profuse of water. This is above level at which the pollination takes
place, this temperature condition can show stress to the plants having fruits in large amount.
At this condition transfer of nutrients gets unevenness because at this time the plant get busy
in transferring the water into the leaves of the plant rather than to move nutrients to the
growing fruit which in result damage the fruit due to high temperature condition. As shown in
figure below taken at RARI institute Jaipur:-
Figure 3:- Damage fruit due to high temperature and lack of water
92oF= The value of temperature where the gathering of pollen starts and the flowers start to
These conditions can be controlled and the plants can be saved to go through this condition
by starting the coolers or sprinklers provided in the greenhouse, these coolers and sprinklers
are automatically controlled through the wireless sensor network. As we discussed earlier that
five to six parameters can be controlled at a time in a greenhouse through our suggested
model, as whenever the temperature starts to raise the buzzer indicates the level and just after
the sprinklers will be started automatically and it slows down the temperature and the plants
will not reach to the condition as they have reached above.
70oF to 92oF=It is the level at which the tomatoes are grow in abundance and the flowers are
set easily ,at this stage the plant need to have fertility at maximum level in the soil. The
several plant leave diseases occurred when the optimum range is reached. As shown in the
figure below:-
The above graph states the reading taken through manual as well as wsn mechanism, more
accurate readings are taken through wsn which proved beneficial for the growth of crops
and as well as for the farmers too. As this method help farmers to watch over to their fields
for the day as through GSM the data after every minute or can be received .
All these are crops of warm-season. They only grow well during the high temperature or
we can say in hot weather and they cannot put up with frost. The seed of pumpkin starts to
germinate at 600F,but the best temperature for germination of this crop is between 850F-90
0F.The best temperature for pumpkin and squashes is 750F-85 0F during day and 600F-70
0F during night. Growth of pumpkin almost stops when the temperature is below 500 and
the maturity is delayed when temperature goes below 400F for so many days.
As these plants are almost killed during the frost of more than one hour so during these
situation the wsn is proved to be very beneficial through this mechanism we get to know
about the change in temperature through buzzer n we can control the conditions before it
become severe.
Bees play a vital role in the production of plants. If there is small field the insects and wild
bees are sufficient for the pollination, whenever the field is increased to 1-2 acres, then
these bees are not sufficient for the pollination then for every 2-3 acres of pumpkins and
squash one hive is needed.
Hives are placed at protected areas especially at the edges of fields, usually bees are placed
within ¼ miles so that complete and large pollination can be obtained. As the blossom
quality of pumpkin is slower in comparison to other crops so bees are less attracted
towards this crop, as for complete pollination each and every cucurbit flower should be
visited atleast for 15 times. The misshapen of fruit occurs when incomplete pollination is
done. To overcome this issue bee should be placed in fields for 3-5 days atleast when the
first blossom has been appeared.
When there is early growth in bittergourd it need minimum temperature of 64.40F, but the
optimal temperature it requires is in the range of 240F-270F.The plant growtth is stopped
when there is low temperature and due to frost plant is killed. In the case of bittergourd to
ensure high yield regular irrigation is required only rain is not sufficient.All kind of soil is
tolerated in the farming of bittergourd.Soil pH required for bittergourd is the alkaline soils
upto pH 8.0.
During harvest time it needs a proper attention, to save fruit from becoming bitter or too
large it should be harvested frequently. Usually bittergourd have the duration of 15-20 days
when the fruit is set. The bittergourd should be harvested at early stages according to our
needs of fruit , when the bittergourd is light green in colour,juicy,thick and the seeds are soft
and white then it is the best time to harvest the should be cutted with knife or scissor at
the interval of 2-3 days.the reason behind the yellow or orange colour of fruit is that when the
fruit is on the vine for a long period.
There are various ways for the plantation of bittergourd:-
1. Direct seeding
2. Transplanting
Direct seeding:-it refers to the process in which two or three seeds per hole are sowed on
raised beds at a depth of 2 cm. The plant density according to this spacing is near to 13,699 to
17,300 plants that is per hectare.if the seeds are planted in warm than they emerge week.
Transplanting:- seeds are sown in a small plastic pot,it should have the good capacity of
water to hold.then two or three seeds are planted in per daily water the seeds to
maintain its moisture, now these seeds are ready to transplant and at this condition they re at
10-15 cm. The spacing in the field is just same as done in the case of dirct seeding for sowing
the seeds.
The best weather for the plantation of crop is hot weather,but the night temperature should
not excceed 240C for the proper growth of crop.the day temperature suitable for the crop is
upto 200 to 300 C.If the temperature is decreased or exceed from this value than the crop
growth is reduced and the plant can be infected also due to unfavourable conditions as shown
below in the figure
1. Cabrera, R.M. and Saltveit, M.E. Jr., 1990. Physiological response to chilling
temperatures of intermittentlywarmed cucumber fruits. J. Am. Sot. Hortic. Sci., 115:
2. Hardenburg, R.E., Watada, A.E. and Wang, C.Y., 1986. The commercial storage of
fruits, vegetables,and florist and nursery stocks. USDA Agric. Handb. No.66. U.S.
Dep. Agric., Washington, DC,130 pp.
3. Kanellis, AK, Morris, L.L. and Saltveit, M.E. Jr., 1986. Effect of stage of
development on postharvest behavior of cucumber fruit. HortScience, 21: 1165-1167.
4. Kays, S.J. and Hayes, M.J., 1978. Induction of ripening in the fruits of Momordica
charantia L. By ethylene. ‘Bop. Agric., 55: 167-172.
5. M.C. palada and L.C. chang “Suggested cultural practices for bitter gourd” may
Today the 80% population of India depends upon agriculture for their survival. The anomaly
conditions of agriculture constrain us to think about it. As the one third of food we eat trust
on pollination so the various technologies are introduced for the controlling and monitoring
of insects behaviour one of them is known as “swarm sensing”. In this technology the bees
are capture and then refrigerated for short time, by doing this they goes into a rest state for a
while so that we can easily secure the tiny sensors on their back for the further research .as
after few minutes these bees are awaken and ready to flight, move towards there colony and
start gathering estimable information for us. The main objective behind the use of this
technology is that we can easily get familiar to the nature of honey bees with environment
and we can also come to know the reason of colony collapse disorder. As few insects are
responsible to this. The bees are known as social insects, have a fixed schedule so if there
will be any change in behaviour, we can easily recognise the cause .this will help to get the
information that how to increase the productivity as well as we can operate bio security
threats and by this the productivity can be increased to 17 percent. As this process of
implementing tiny sensors on bees back is totally non-destructive, sensors have no negative
impact on bee’s activities. This project also focuses to reduce the size of sensors to 1mm so
we can also put them onto smaller insects as flies and mosquitoes [1].
Another technique to save crops and increase production includes saving crops through laser
sensors. As these sensors save the crops and as well as they classify the bugs .these sensors
main focus is on the detection of insects with better accuracy up to 99 percent. This technique
will help the farmers to save the crops from insect damage and also make environment
disease free from the infected diseases such as malaria, dengue fever etc, to solve this
problem insect classification
tools are built by this we can easily study about insects. This research was conducted with the
dozens of plastic containers, in which each container holds insects up to 100 and connected to
an optical sensor.
Light fluctuation due to insects
In this system we have a laser pointing at a phototransistor array in the sensor is attached to a
custom-designed electronic board. As whenever the insect comes in this box and cross the
laser beam, the light is partially blocked through its wings, due to which the fluctuation of
light is caused. These captured fluctuations are changed in current by the phototransistor
array, and then in turn the electronic board amplify and filter the signals. The filtered and
amplified signal of electronic board is then fed into a digital sound recorder; this is recorded
as an mp3 and further downloaded into a computer.
The aim behind this technology is to make this omnipresent, simple, and economical. It will
also helps in real time monitoring and to collect patterns of the insects flight-behaviour. This
work is mainly focused on the six species of insects. The LEGO material sensors are used
which are laser pointers up to 99 percent and this sensor can be designed at the cost of $10
and the power is provided through solar power or battery. The lifetime of this sensor is one
year [2].
The highlight issue in today’s agriculture is monitoring of insects and diseases .these spread
at once and is very complicated to control. The major role played by insecticides to control
these as a result the quantity of fruit or crop is increased but the disadvantage is that the crops
carry toxins which in result harm us. The technological solution toward this issue is to
implement wireless image-sensor node these work as it take images of pests that harm crops
.these images are further transmitted through a wireless sensor network to collect the database
of the pest. In this technology it includes of processing of data and transmission of images at
the lower cost [3].
Wireless sensor network are embrace of small devices that are known as nodes. Individual
node is comprised of a microcontroller, sensors and for the communication with sensor nodes
we have usually IEEE802.15.4.The reasons behind using these sensors pervasively is:-
(i) The cost of installation and maintenance is very low.
(ii) This also helps in building maps which describe scalar fields that vary in time and
space such as temperature and humidity.
(iii) Its battery lifetime is long approx few months to year so have low battery
consumption [4] [5].
The literature shows that these cameras are not at low cost, it is hard to provide WimSN at
low cost and even operating system for wsn is not provided in this [6] -[9]. Here the best
approach to provide this at economical rate and best selected protocols for communication
that increase the turnout.
The skipper insect generates diseases in the trees. As this process works as the skippers lay
egg through which canker are born and this born larvae make lacerations on the fruit. Plastic
entrap along with a gluey bottom side and essence lures are used to control the population of
pest. The attracted male adult lepidopterous pull toward the female pheromone lure can be
captured by the trap. The person, who travels in a regular periodic manner through crops, is
honour of executing the counting of insects that are entrapped. The figure shown below of
inner bottom side of the entrap which includes few captured skipper.
The design of a WimSN is proposed in this article, it is capable of clicking images in the trap
and then transmits them via radio channel. The few benefits in using this system are:
(i) The labour work is decreased, now an individual person does not have to go through
the crops for counting the entrap moths they only have to operate the operation of floors to
change the trap floor.
(ii) It automatically monitors the population of pests by forming the images databases and
(iii) In the case of emergency when crops are infected than it enables early alert.
(a)Mechanically restraint and necessity:
There are various factors on that the efficiency of the entrap for attracting and confining the
male skippers depends, such as pheromones focus on each trap, but the factor which plays
key role is trap size ,shape and physical form and most importantly the entrance of the trap.
The merging of WimSN and its protective enclosed space has not changed the characteristic
of traps. To capture the complete image of the gluey surface the camera is placed at the
suitable height in connection with trap’s floor. The 3D model of trap is shown in fig:-
The cost of designed WimSN is very low and its construction is easy and have fast
maintenance. As this model is waterproof, gives the protection over droplets of pesticides
which emerge for the period of crop spraying.
In this era the hazard of bio security threats increased due to the all-around action of living
being and goods along with their plausible to inoculate, cost of environment socially and
economically. Manual bio security close observation system is limited by their scalability in
spatio-temporal conditions. Article related to the self surveillance program that comprises
robots also with the use of sensor networks and different brilliant algorithms. Also the
discussion about contiguous along with secular characteristics of self surveillance system and
divide them to three wide range of bio security risk.
i. vector borne diseases
ii. plant pest
iii. aquatic pest
This discussion has to acknowledge various contingency in order to deliver bio security
necessity with help of self surveillance.
The affluence of gestures of the living beings and along with the goods conjugates to fleet
development role to notably excess the risk relate to biological thunder to friable ecosystem
together with monitory movement cross wise the world [10]-[12] with the contagion,
diseases, prying breed that are fluently radiates across the region. Vector borne inflammation
that appulse the humankind arises graces cost [13]-[15]. Monitory value for time along with
the application that are elaborate in actualising disclosure and curb strategies ,notably for
interfering species of insects and other in elementary education. The inimical effects that the
threats have on environment and its capability to confront as well as accommodate result in
increasing environmental cost. Human vigilance of beneficial land resources also the
assimilation of established sensor knob into observe-operate-manage period cycle have
essentially ventured entity of ordinary initial disclosure system. Fundamental bio security
commitment does not meet up by the present system as they defined in dimensional analysis
also environment which posture hazard to human cannot get covered as well as the
demanding and costly labour.
Requirement for agricultural manufacturer to pageant conformity with consistency also
market approach need have been created by the overall proportion of evolution of bio security
risk so in order to prohibit, disclose along with managing risk of bio security. The
requirement of system of self surveillance is increased[16]-[18]. Recently implementation of
system of sensing along with system of robotic in order to track aerial insects as infection
caused , also to severalize weed against lively plants , to disclose fruit-flies , to conduct
equatorial forest analysis to disclose Miconia assault [19]-[22]. Although there is significant
development in self surveillance mechanics its function for bio security faced various
different challenges.the first threat is over contiguous proportion with decision . bio security
hazards consistentely stretchs integrated zone , countries or also the continents. So in order to
abduct any threats disclosure technology should be spread over wide area range and also
provide plentiful contiguous decisions.
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Chapter 1 of insect monitoring using wsn sensor

  • 1. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1. Introduction Wireless sensor network plays vital role in today’s life, it is a collection of sensors that are scattered in different directions which are further used to control and measure the physical conditions of environment as well as to organize to the data somewhere at centre location. As in context of greenhouse we can measure various parameters such as temperature, humidity, water level, insect monitoring and light intensity. Figure 1:- wireless sensor network Network simply means a chain of nodes interconnected by communication paths and the wireless sensor nodes are the nodes which are connected through sensors for the communication as shown above in the figure is the simple technology that is used by us for the ease of today’s life in various sectors such as health monitoring as the sensors are implemented in the body of ill patient to monitor the body and then the data is collected through those implemented sensor nodes, environmental sensing here the sensors work for the sensing of various natural calamities as earthquake, air pollution, water pollution etc,[1]
  • 2. and specially in the agricultural sectors as it monitors various parameters in greenhouse like temperature ,soil moisture, humidity ,intensity of light , water level, insects monitoring Figure 2:- multi-hop gateway sensor node As above figure shows that the wsn is comprises of several nodes that can be from various hundred nodes or thousand of nodes and this nodes further connected to a sensors to collect data at a center station. The multi-hop gateway sensor node is that in which multiple nodes are interconnected and the technique used for their propagation is known as routing. There are various platforms in wsn that is hardware and software, the hardware is a great challenge for today because it’s hard to built tiny sensors with low cost so work on this target is still in progress as well software have its own challenges like power consumption is large in wsn , it totally decides the life of wsn. The main focus is on to save energy, improve its robustness and to make it self configurable. A wireless sensor is a self-powered computing unit usually containing a processing unit, a transceiver and both analog and digital interfaces, to which a variety of sensing units typically sampling physical data, such as temperature, humidity etc. can be adapted [2]. These sensors automatically organize themselves into an ad-hoc network, which means they do not need any pre-existing infra-structure, as do cellular networks such as Zigbee is referred to such a network as an ad-hoc Wireless Sensor Network. Recently, WSNs have raised considerable interest in the computing and communication systems’ research community. They have decisive advantages, compared with the technologies previously used to monitor environments via the collection of physical data. Whenever physical conditions change rapidly over space and time, WSNs allow for real-time processing at a minimal cost [3]. Their capacity to organize spontaneously in a network makes them easy to de-ploy, expand and maintain, as well as resilient to the failure of individual measurement
  • 3. points [4].WSN also provides an extra feature that is online work of various sensors nodes together to manage the data of sensors these are simply the collaboration of services of online database and various developers can connect to the database through it, as well as our own applications can be build that is also data based. There are few examples included that are Xively and another one is the wikisensing platform [5].Through this platforms the collected data from transport services is been collaborated online between various users. Further services include allowance of widgets and real time graphs to embed in websites, the data pulled out from data feeds is analysed and processed, and to control scripts real-time alerts are sent from at least one datastream. The wikisensing system architecture include APIs and the interfaces for online collaboration as well, the sensor data needs a middleware that is constitute of business logic for the management of sensor data [6]. The wikisensing main objective is to have collaborative environment and the few challenges for collaborative environment are as follow:- 1. To arrange information in particular order The challenge is to organize the data provided by sensor and to the information that is obtained by collaborative users, as the different users have different views and different annotations are provided as well. So it’s difficult to arrange data in fixed schema. 2. To determineestimate trustworthiness of provided information The need to determine the trustworthiness of the data provided by sensors and the user annotations as well. This is a challenging task because of the openness of the system that is online, it allows an open access to every user to add or edit the information in any way. 3. Management of conflicts The most important challenge is the management of conflict in between contradictory information. This occurs when two sensors that are situated at same location can have conflicts between analysis from two different users. As these conflicts are challenging because of lack of information that should be needed to support the conflicted wellsprings. [7] SIMULATION OF WSNs: For the complex behaviour of wireless sensors in the environment the only paradigm at present is modelling and simulation that is agent based [8].this agent based modelling was basically based on social simulation and ad-hoc network are new paradigm. To simulate wireless sensor network simulators network simulators like OMNeT++, NS2, OPNET and NeTSim can be used.
  • 4. APPLICATIONS OF WSN 1. Used in pollution monitoring. 2. Used for fire detection in forest. 3. Used for detection of landslides. 4. Used for industrial monitoring. 5. Used for monitoring in health care. 6. Used for monitoring of water quality. 7. Used for area monitoring. ADVANTAGES 1. Wiring is removed, no more wiring. 2. Can easily accommodate with new devices at any time. 3. Infrastructure 4. It can be easily accessed through a centralized computer. 5. Its flexible that can go through physical partitions. DISADVANTAGES 1. Hackers can easily hack the network. 2. Costly when at large level. 3. Nodes life span. 4. Energy life. 5. Speed of communication is low.
  • 5. REFERENCES 1. Dargie, W. and Poellabauer, C., "Fundamentals of wireless sensor networks: theory and practice", John Wiley and Sons, 2010 ISBN 978-0-470-99765-9, pp. 168–183, 191–192. 2. Akyildiz, I.F., Su, W., Sankarasubramaniam, y., Cyirci, E., Wireless sensor networks: a survey. Computer Networks, Vol. 38 no.4: p. 393-422, 2002. 3. Application of wireless sensor networks for agriculture parameters, Await J.S.1, patil V.S.2 and Awati S.B, International Journal of agriculture Sciences Issue 3, 2012, PP- 213-215. 4. “A real – time irrigation control system for precision agriculture using wsn in indian agricultural sectors”, Prathyusha.K1, G. Sowmya Bala2, Dr. K. Sreenivasa Ravi3, A.P, India. 5. Donnellan A., Parker J., Granat R., Fox G., Pierce M., Rundle J., McLeod D., Al- Ghanmi R., Grant L., Brooks W. QuakeSim: Efficient Modeling of Sensor Web Data in a Web Services Environment. Proceedings of 2008 IEEE Aerospace Conference; Big Sky, MT, USA. 1–8 March 2008; pp. 1–11. 6. Silva, D.; Ghanem, M.; Guo, Y. (2012). “WikiSensing: An Online Collaborative Approach for Sensor Data Management”. Sensors 12 (12): 13295. 7. WikiSensing: An Online Collaborative Approach for Sensor Data Management Dilshan Silva, Moustafa Ghanem, and Yike Guo ; Published online 2012 Oct 1. 8. Muaz Niazi, Amir Hussain (2011). A Novel Agent-Based Simulation Framework for Sensing in Complex Adaptive Environments. IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol.11 No. 2, 404–412. 9. Rashid Hussain, J L Sahgal, “Application of WSN in rural development, Agriculture water management”. International Journal of Soft computing and engineering, Volume 2, issue 5, November 2012. 10. “Application based Study on Wireless Sensor Network” by Kiran Maraiya, kamal kant, nitin gupta;International Journal of Computer Applications ,Volume 21– No.8,
  • 6. May 2011. MATLAB:- Matlab is simply a program for doing numerical computation. (C) MATLAB PROGRAMMING: Image Processing:- MATLAB PROGRAM FOR IMAGE PROCESSING close all; clc; clear; % READ THE ORIGINAL IMAGE image1 = imread('tmato.jpg'); figure(1) imshow(image1) title('ORIGINAL IMAGE'); %//////////Convert into gray Image% image1 = rgb2gray(image1); image1 = imresize(image1,[300 500]); %Displaying and storing the rbg2gray image figure(2) subplot(2,2,1); imshow(image1) %a=size(image1) title('RGB to GRAY'); imwrite(image1,'R2G.bmp'); %//////////Define Noise% %We may define noise to be any degradation in the image signal, caused by external disturbance. image2 = imnoise(image1,'salt & pepper',0.1); %image2= imnoise(image1,'speckle',0.05); %image2 = imnoise(image1,'poisson') %Displaying and storing the noised image subplot(2,2,2); imshow(image2); title('Noisy Image') imwrite(image2,'noisy.bmp'); %//////////Denoising% noise1 = double(image2) - double(image1);% noise image3 = double(image2) - double(noise1); % recovered image image3 = uint8(image3);
  • 7. %Displaying and storing the denoised image subplot(2,2,3); imshow(image3) title('Recovered image from noise'); imwrite(image3,'denoise.bmp'); %////////Edge Detection% image4 = edge(image1,'prewitt',0.06); %Displaying and storing the edged image subplot(2,2,4); imshow(image4); title('Edge Image'); imwrite(image4,'edge.bmp'); MATLAB PROGRAM FOR GRAPHS:- clc; close all; clear all; % read the two image which is being compared I1 = imread('tmto.png'); Im1 = im2double(I1); % convert RGB to grayscale Ima1 = rgb2gray(Im1); hm1 = imhist(Ima1)./numel(Ima1); figure subplot(2,2,1); imshow(I1) title('original Image') subplot(2,2,2); plot(hm1,'r') title('Histogram plot of original image') % Histogram Error PROGRAM EXPLANATION:- To perform image processing firstly it reads the image through a syntax or library function that is imread (image name) and then we have to change the original image that is rgb image to grey scale by using a syntax rgb2gray(image name) because the image processing output can’t be performed on rgb image then this converted grayscale image is resized if it is not compatible and the pixels are greater for the programming through syntax imresize(A, scale). Through Matlab processing we are sending the signals at another place so the noise is added to such signals by using syntax imnoise(I, type) and to remove that noise we have to first detect the type of noise and the noise we have added in this is soil and pepper as shown in the figure below and then we had also removed that noise , the output can be made as good as by removing the total noise involved into the signals and then at last the edge detection is done through the syntax known to be edge(I, sobel).
  • 8. IMAGE PROCESSING TOOLBOX:-Image processing is the activity of collecting the function that enlarges the power to generate an outcome of the MATLAB. It also supports an extensive range of image processing methods such as:- 1. Extraction of features. 2. Reduction of features. 3. Classification of features. 4. It also supports few image applications like recognition of facial expression, recognition of finger prints. 5. Analysis of results. MATLAB SIMULATION OF TOMATOES:- The above introduced disease in tomato is known as bacterial canker, symptoms in this disease is that the lower leaves of plant start to turn into downward side. On leaf midribs streaks of dark to light brown color start to develop and it ultimately expand the petiole which forms the canker on the stem. The deficiency occurs due to which the fruit grow are small, full of scabs, this is often depict as “bird’s eye”. This is the most difficult disease to distinguish as if distinguished than don’t grow tomato, potato or any eggplant on the same soil atleast for the period of two to three years. MATLAB SIMULATION OF PUMPKIN:- These two points shown below explains the difference between healthy and infected pumpkins, with the help of Matlab we are going to make the process of detecting the difference in two in easier way than before. As it will once store the image in the software and if in case same condition emerge then we will get an alarm with a proper data of the vegetable and a particular pesticides as well as fixed quantity will be also indicated to the farmer. As if the farmer is not educated than also they can now put an adequate amount of pesticide that is needed to the crop at that particular span of time, using this technology the plant is also treated in proper way and the pesticides usage can be proved beneficial to the crop. Phytopthora It is a disease in which the organisms hit the fruit and if there is a contact between the soil and the fruit at the time of ripening .The second reason for the occurrence of fruit rot is that when the cucumber beetles surround the fruit or rough handling as this disease can also collapse the entire fruit so best way to prevent fruit is to take measures from cucumber beetles by applying fixed amount of pesticides that should be not harmful to us. RESPECTIVE GRAPHS:-
  • 9. Temperature measured for the benefit of crops at RARI and SRIGANGANAGAR field:- The temperature is the major parameter that should be taken under special observation during plantation of crops. Temperature directly or indirectly affects the farms or crops grown in the field we have shown this through a project that defines a strong relation of crops to the temperature. In this project we have used a temperature sensor named as LM35 .It have properties that it can sense the temperature of that particular point and some particular points are predefined for the conditions of temperature. As if the temperature rises above 550c then the LCD mounted on the module of atmega 16 displays the temperature measured and shows the status critical as shown in below figure:- Whenever this critical condition is shown it automatically starts the coolers in greenhouse due to which the temperature is slow down and as a result this message is also send to the farmer through GSM. The working of this project includes various parameters such as measuring of temperature, soil moisture, water level, light intensity, humidity. As we have worked on the temperature measurement, the pragmatic approach to solve the issues related to crops is through LM35. The LM35 generates a higher output voltage than thermocouples and may not require that the output voltage be amplified. The LM35 series are precision integrated-circuit temperature sensors, whose output voltage is linearly proportional to the Celsius (Centigrade) temperature. As the scale factor of LM35 is 0.1v/oc. its characteristic includes that it draws only 60 microamperes from its supply a low self-heating capability. The first pin is of +5v which gives the power supply to the sensor and the second pin is for output which is connected to the port A of atmega 16 on 40th pin. The third pin is for ground to complete the circuit. As the circuit is completed the temperature sensor senses the temperature and shows it on LCD. As per the programming the threshold is set on the values of temperature that is 55o C. As whenever the temperature increases from threshold the LCD displays the temperature and the condition is written as critical and automatically fans connected through relay starts and it automatically decreases the temperature which is very helpful in the growth of crops. The minimum range of this sensor is from 0.2oC to 15oC. This graph shows the measured data of April 9 taken at RARI institute Jaipur, the two lines differentiate between the mechanism of taken data as the red line indicates the data taken manually in greenhouse and the blue dotted line indicates that the readings taken through the mechanism of wsn. It is stated from above that more accurate values are taken through wsn mechanism as these can be taken at the interval of every hour which is not possible with the manual method as we can only measure the values for three to four times a day. As two to
  • 10. three times the temperature buzzer is indicated during the whole day which was very useful for the management of crop growth and this indicated alert helps to send the data at the time of night to the farmers and then in next few hours they manage the temperature according to the conditions. CROP GROWT LEVEL AT VARIOUS TEMPERATURE LEVELS:- 120OF= This is the condition at which the heat is at extreme level, the condition of plants can be controlled if there is profuse of water. This is above level at which the pollination takes place, this temperature condition can show stress to the plants having fruits in large amount. At this condition transfer of nutrients gets unevenness because at this time the plant get busy in transferring the water into the leaves of the plant rather than to move nutrients to the growing fruit which in result damage the fruit due to high temperature condition. As shown in figure below taken at RARI institute Jaipur:- Figure 3:- Damage fruit due to high temperature and lack of water 92oF= The value of temperature where the gathering of pollen starts and the flowers start to drop. These conditions can be controlled and the plants can be saved to go through this condition by starting the coolers or sprinklers provided in the greenhouse, these coolers and sprinklers are automatically controlled through the wireless sensor network. As we discussed earlier that five to six parameters can be controlled at a time in a greenhouse through our suggested model, as whenever the temperature starts to raise the buzzer indicates the level and just after the sprinklers will be started automatically and it slows down the temperature and the plants will not reach to the condition as they have reached above. 70oF to 92oF=It is the level at which the tomatoes are grow in abundance and the flowers are set easily ,at this stage the plant need to have fertility at maximum level in the soil. The several plant leave diseases occurred when the optimum range is reached. As shown in the figure below:- The above graph states the reading taken through manual as well as wsn mechanism, more accurate readings are taken through wsn which proved beneficial for the growth of crops and as well as for the farmers too. As this method help farmers to watch over to their fields for the day as through GSM the data after every minute or can be received . All these are crops of warm-season. They only grow well during the high temperature or we can say in hot weather and they cannot put up with frost. The seed of pumpkin starts to germinate at 600F,but the best temperature for germination of this crop is between 850F-90 0F.The best temperature for pumpkin and squashes is 750F-85 0F during day and 600F-70
  • 11. 0F during night. Growth of pumpkin almost stops when the temperature is below 500 and the maturity is delayed when temperature goes below 400F for so many days. As these plants are almost killed during the frost of more than one hour so during these situation the wsn is proved to be very beneficial through this mechanism we get to know about the change in temperature through buzzer n we can control the conditions before it become severe. Bees play a vital role in the production of plants. If there is small field the insects and wild bees are sufficient for the pollination, whenever the field is increased to 1-2 acres, then these bees are not sufficient for the pollination then for every 2-3 acres of pumpkins and squash one hive is needed. Hives are placed at protected areas especially at the edges of fields, usually bees are placed within ¼ miles so that complete and large pollination can be obtained. As the blossom quality of pumpkin is slower in comparison to other crops so bees are less attracted towards this crop, as for complete pollination each and every cucurbit flower should be visited atleast for 15 times. The misshapen of fruit occurs when incomplete pollination is done. To overcome this issue bee should be placed in fields for 3-5 days atleast when the first blossom has been appeared. When there is early growth in bittergourd it need minimum temperature of 64.40F, but the optimal temperature it requires is in the range of 240F-270F.The plant growtth is stopped when there is low temperature and due to frost plant is killed. In the case of bittergourd to ensure high yield regular irrigation is required only rain is not sufficient.All kind of soil is tolerated in the farming of bittergourd.Soil pH required for bittergourd is the alkaline soils upto pH 8.0. During harvest time it needs a proper attention, to save fruit from becoming bitter or too large it should be harvested frequently. Usually bittergourd have the duration of 15-20 days when the fruit is set. The bittergourd should be harvested at early stages according to our needs of fruit , when the bittergourd is light green in colour,juicy,thick and the seeds are soft and white then it is the best time to harvest the should be cutted with knife or scissor at the interval of 2-3 days.the reason behind the yellow or orange colour of fruit is that when the fruit is on the vine for a long period. There are various ways for the plantation of bittergourd:- 1. Direct seeding 2. Transplanting Direct seeding:-it refers to the process in which two or three seeds per hole are sowed on raised beds at a depth of 2 cm. The plant density according to this spacing is near to 13,699 to 17,300 plants that is per hectare.if the seeds are planted in warm than they emerge week. Transplanting:- seeds are sown in a small plastic pot,it should have the good capacity of water to hold.then two or three seeds are planted in per daily water the seeds to
  • 12. maintain its moisture, now these seeds are ready to transplant and at this condition they re at 10-15 cm. The spacing in the field is just same as done in the case of dirct seeding for sowing the seeds. The best weather for the plantation of crop is hot weather,but the night temperature should not excceed 240C for the proper growth of crop.the day temperature suitable for the crop is upto 200 to 300 C.If the temperature is decreased or exceed from this value than the crop growth is reduced and the plant can be infected also due to unfavourable conditions as shown below in the figure REFERENCES:- 1. Cabrera, R.M. and Saltveit, M.E. Jr., 1990. Physiological response to chilling temperatures of intermittentlywarmed cucumber fruits. J. Am. Sot. Hortic. Sci., 115: 256-261. 2. Hardenburg, R.E., Watada, A.E. and Wang, C.Y., 1986. The commercial storage of fruits, vegetables,and florist and nursery stocks. USDA Agric. Handb. No.66. U.S. Dep. Agric., Washington, DC,130 pp. 3. Kanellis, AK, Morris, L.L. and Saltveit, M.E. Jr., 1986. Effect of stage of development on postharvest behavior of cucumber fruit. HortScience, 21: 1165-1167. 4. Kays, S.J. and Hayes, M.J., 1978. Induction of ripening in the fruits of Momordica charantia L. By ethylene. ‘Bop. Agric., 55: 167-172. 5. M.C. palada and L.C. chang “Suggested cultural practices for bitter gourd” may 2003. INSECTS MONITORING THROUGH WSN IN INTELLIGENT AGRICULTURE SYSTEM Today the 80% population of India depends upon agriculture for their survival. The anomaly conditions of agriculture constrain us to think about it. As the one third of food we eat trust on pollination so the various technologies are introduced for the controlling and monitoring of insects behaviour one of them is known as “swarm sensing”. In this technology the bees are capture and then refrigerated for short time, by doing this they goes into a rest state for a while so that we can easily secure the tiny sensors on their back for the further research .as after few minutes these bees are awaken and ready to flight, move towards there colony and start gathering estimable information for us. The main objective behind the use of this technology is that we can easily get familiar to the nature of honey bees with environment
  • 13. and we can also come to know the reason of colony collapse disorder. As few insects are responsible to this. The bees are known as social insects, have a fixed schedule so if there will be any change in behaviour, we can easily recognise the cause .this will help to get the information that how to increase the productivity as well as we can operate bio security threats and by this the productivity can be increased to 17 percent. As this process of implementing tiny sensors on bees back is totally non-destructive, sensors have no negative impact on bee’s activities. This project also focuses to reduce the size of sensors to 1mm so we can also put them onto smaller insects as flies and mosquitoes [1]. Another technique to save crops and increase production includes saving crops through laser sensors. As these sensors save the crops and as well as they classify the bugs .these sensors main focus is on the detection of insects with better accuracy up to 99 percent. This technique will help the farmers to save the crops from insect damage and also make environment disease free from the infected diseases such as malaria, dengue fever etc, to solve this problem insect classification tools are built by this we can easily study about insects. This research was conducted with the dozens of plastic containers, in which each container holds insects up to 100 and connected to an optical sensor. Light fluctuation due to insects In this system we have a laser pointing at a phototransistor array in the sensor is attached to a custom-designed electronic board. As whenever the insect comes in this box and cross the laser beam, the light is partially blocked through its wings, due to which the fluctuation of light is caused. These captured fluctuations are changed in current by the phototransistor array, and then in turn the electronic board amplify and filter the signals. The filtered and amplified signal of electronic board is then fed into a digital sound recorder; this is recorded as an mp3 and further downloaded into a computer. The aim behind this technology is to make this omnipresent, simple, and economical. It will also helps in real time monitoring and to collect patterns of the insects flight-behaviour. This work is mainly focused on the six species of insects. The LEGO material sensors are used which are laser pointers up to 99 percent and this sensor can be designed at the cost of $10 and the power is provided through solar power or battery. The lifetime of this sensor is one year [2]. APPLICATION OF WIRELESS IMAGE SENSOR NETWORK FOR CONTROLLING OR MONITORING OF SKIPPERS IN FRUIT CROPS.
  • 14. The highlight issue in today’s agriculture is monitoring of insects and diseases .these spread at once and is very complicated to control. The major role played by insecticides to control these as a result the quantity of fruit or crop is increased but the disadvantage is that the crops carry toxins which in result harm us. The technological solution toward this issue is to implement wireless image-sensor node these work as it take images of pests that harm crops .these images are further transmitted through a wireless sensor network to collect the database of the pest. In this technology it includes of processing of data and transmission of images at the lower cost [3]. Wireless sensor network are embrace of small devices that are known as nodes. Individual node is comprised of a microcontroller, sensors and for the communication with sensor nodes we have usually IEEE802.15.4.The reasons behind using these sensors pervasively is:- (i) The cost of installation and maintenance is very low. (ii) This also helps in building maps which describe scalar fields that vary in time and space such as temperature and humidity. (iii) Its battery lifetime is long approx few months to year so have low battery consumption [4] [5]. The literature shows that these cameras are not at low cost, it is hard to provide WimSN at low cost and even operating system for wsn is not provided in this [6] -[9]. Here the best approach to provide this at economical rate and best selected protocols for communication that increase the turnout. DESCRIPTION OF APPLICATION USED:- The skipper insect generates diseases in the trees. As this process works as the skippers lay egg through which canker are born and this born larvae make lacerations on the fruit. Plastic entrap along with a gluey bottom side and essence lures are used to control the population of pest. The attracted male adult lepidopterous pull toward the female pheromone lure can be captured by the trap. The person, who travels in a regular periodic manner through crops, is honour of executing the counting of insects that are entrapped. The figure shown below of inner bottom side of the entrap which includes few captured skipper. The design of a WimSN is proposed in this article, it is capable of clicking images in the trap and then transmits them via radio channel. The few benefits in using this system are:
  • 15. (i) The labour work is decreased, now an individual person does not have to go through the crops for counting the entrap moths they only have to operate the operation of floors to change the trap floor. (ii) It automatically monitors the population of pests by forming the images databases and (iii) In the case of emergency when crops are infected than it enables early alert. IMAGE SENSOR NODES WORK WIRELESSLY (a)Mechanically restraint and necessity: There are various factors on that the efficiency of the entrap for attracting and confining the male skippers depends, such as pheromones focus on each trap, but the factor which plays key role is trap size ,shape and physical form and most importantly the entrance of the trap. The merging of WimSN and its protective enclosed space has not changed the characteristic of traps. To capture the complete image of the gluey surface the camera is placed at the suitable height in connection with trap’s floor. The 3D model of trap is shown in fig:- The cost of designed WimSN is very low and its construction is easy and have fast maintenance. As this model is waterproof, gives the protection over droplets of pesticides which emerge for the period of crop spraying. SELF GOVERNING CONTINOUS MONITORING OF DISEASE OCCURING IN BIOSECURITY In this era the hazard of bio security threats increased due to the all-around action of living being and goods along with their plausible to inoculate, cost of environment socially and economically. Manual bio security close observation system is limited by their scalability in spatio-temporal conditions. Article related to the self surveillance program that comprises robots also with the use of sensor networks and different brilliant algorithms. Also the discussion about contiguous along with secular characteristics of self surveillance system and divide them to three wide range of bio security risk. i. vector borne diseases ii. plant pest iii. aquatic pest This discussion has to acknowledge various contingency in order to deliver bio security necessity with help of self surveillance.
  • 16. REASONS FOR USING AUTONOMOUS SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM FOR BIOSECURITY The affluence of gestures of the living beings and along with the goods conjugates to fleet development role to notably excess the risk relate to biological thunder to friable ecosystem together with monitory movement cross wise the world [10]-[12] with the contagion, diseases, prying breed that are fluently radiates across the region. Vector borne inflammation that appulse the humankind arises graces cost [13]-[15]. Monitory value for time along with the application that are elaborate in actualising disclosure and curb strategies ,notably for interfering species of insects and other in elementary education. The inimical effects that the threats have on environment and its capability to confront as well as accommodate result in increasing environmental cost. Human vigilance of beneficial land resources also the assimilation of established sensor knob into observe-operate-manage period cycle have essentially ventured entity of ordinary initial disclosure system. Fundamental bio security commitment does not meet up by the present system as they defined in dimensional analysis also environment which posture hazard to human cannot get covered as well as the demanding and costly labour. Requirement for agricultural manufacturer to pageant conformity with consistency also market approach need have been created by the overall proportion of evolution of bio security risk so in order to prohibit, disclose along with managing risk of bio security. The requirement of system of self surveillance is increased[16]-[18]. Recently implementation of system of sensing along with system of robotic in order to track aerial insects as infection caused , also to severalize weed against lively plants , to disclose fruit-flies , to conduct equatorial forest analysis to disclose Miconia assault [19]-[22]. Although there is significant development in self surveillance mechanics its function for bio security faced various different challenges.the first threat is over contiguous proportion with decision . bio security hazards consistentely stretchs integrated zone , countries or also the continents. So in order to abduct any threats disclosure technology should be spread over wide area range and also provide plentiful contiguous decisions.
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