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[Kim.Captioner is Live]
OK, it's 931. Today we are looking at Change Day looking back and looking forward. My name
is Janet Wildman, I work in the Horizons team. I will be presenting the results of the Change
Day Re-valuation 2015. We are going to start now.
Before we start, if you want to join the chat room, we would really like to hear from you. We
want this session to be as engaging and as participatory as possible. I'm just going to introduce
you to Gill Philips, the director of MattEx. Andy Tysoe, dementia specialist. Terri Porrett, Fab
Change Day director. And Oliver Benson from the Horizons team. They will all be making a
contribution on today's session.
So, what is the purpose of today? Today's session, we are going to share some insights on the
NHS Change Day Re-valuation. We are going to share some specific evaluation examples of
some of the campaigns in particular, from MattEx and #DementiaDo.
And also we will look at what is happening in terms of the Fab Change Day school. But also will
look at what is going to happen more importantly with Change Day this year. And any news and
updates. Please stay with us for the whole session.
Just to make a start, Horizons team wanted to undertake an evaluation of Change Day to really
find out what is the full potential and impact of Change Day. And last year, December 2015, we
commissioned research and analysis to really help us with our thinking around, what is the
evidence base for the value of Change Day?
We wanted to explore what you think the full potential of Change Day could be, and we also
wanted to find out what kind of theory of change would underpin that.
What happened is that we commissioned them and they undertook this evaluation. They used a
number of different types of methods. One was the real-time evaluation, real time observation,
actually going to meet with lots of people and observing Change Day on the day. They took 15
case studies with different organisations across the whole of the UK.
They employed an expert panel to assist us in thinking about change and we undertook a social
listening exercise also, and held a range of different internal discussions to really think through
what the implications could be while thinking about social movement and Change Day.
As a result, we came up with a valuation report. If all we even go into the report, it's important to
just highlight how difficult this area is in terms of capturing thousands and thousands of pages
and actions and thinking about, what was the implication for this? What is the pattern between
all the different pledges and actions?
It's all about looking at how we compartmentalised and aggregate all the benefits of Change
Day. That is really difficult given all the fragmented aspects of Change Day.
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In terms of the Re-Valuation Report, one of the things that is really capturing how complex this
area is in terms of understanding the impact and the more complex the context, the less
credibility you are looking for, simplified approaches around attribution, the traditional
methodologies and traditional principles underpinning traditional methodologies such as
straight-line attribution.
One of the things we thought of the benefits of change they could be crowded out by placing
and monitoring value on each action. Yes, we want to look at return on investment, but also we
want to capture the full spirit of Change Day.
But we needed a theory on how change happens and a social metric to measure the cost and
benefit. So this report measured this so we confidently felt we had something of a metric, a
dashboard on really assessing the impact of Change Day. You've got the link there if you want
to explore this report in more detail.
The consultants and us came up with a new framework for thinking about the full value of
Change Day. At first thought, you might think, what is this? But if you go through the report, it's
really worth testing out a new way of thinking, a new language around assessing impact.
It looks at visible and invisible impact. But it also looks at, how can we quantify and calculate the
impact of individual activities that take place prior to but also on Change Day?
It starts by looking at the visible impact, which is the quantifiable output and outcome. And there
are several examples throughout the report that try to demonstrate a workable example of this.
We've got the recycling scheme with over 25 products sold per month and as a result, they now
have a new team dedicated to running the project. This is an example of the impact Change
Day can have.
And we have the Sepsis Toolkit. What we have seen there is it could potentially save 180 lives if
it was adopted in each hospital across different trusts. This was introduced by a student as part
of her Change Day. It has direct benefits across trust and staff.
We can see from these examples that it is possible to start to think about how we can calculate
the visible impact of Change Day. One of the things the consultants also did was to introduce a
new concept called Calibrate.
Some people really struggled with this concept, but in simple terms, all it means is weighing up
cost and benefit of undertaking a particular action on Change Day. And how do you come to
your value judgement, and where do you decide to invest your energy, and what are some of
the social processes that underpin some of that? And that can be around some of the
conversations you have internally, externally, on social media, about the kind of change you
want to see on Change Day.
We felt that was a really important way to embrace another aspect of impact and thinking about
it in terms of how it can show the different types of activities that take place to support Change
We are going to talk little bit more around the power of using social processes, using
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conversation, everyday interactions, to raise awareness of Change Day.
Capacitate is really around the ability to grow the extent of the movement, how it has increased
over the last couple of years from 2014 to 2016. You can see by just the amount of Twitter
mentions in 2014 compared to 2015, it's almost 6 times as much and we will go on to look at
that in a little while.
Basically, that is the dashboard that we use to capture the full impact of Change Day. I'm going
to move slightly on. My message to everybody is that the messages everywhere, why are we
not using that as change activists? It can help you make your case when you are talking to the
system, it can help you engage people when you are trying to find money to make your action
Why aren't we looking at evidence everywhere? Whether it is sickness absence, avoidance,
improving patient care, there is lots of evidence everywhere that you could start to use.
What I want to talk about is, how do you build your case for change? And here, you can see that
there is a range of different ways to do that. In the last Change Day, you know, we used
(inaudible) and what he mentioned that the NHS Expo. We used published reports, whether it
was the department of health or the Change Day Re-valuation report – you can start to use that
as building your evidence for change.
You can also use staff surveys, any other sort of soft or hard evidence of the kind of change that
you want to bring about and how that came actually speak to the system, speak to the
So, we also went on to think about platforms. And the power of users to use a platform to
actually instigate change. And if you are interested in this way of thinking about social change,
go onto the website, have a look at this report and tell us what you think. Because we saw this
as a really important way of connecting with other people, sharing your ideas, co-creating,
coproducing, new ways of thinking about change.
And we also think that Change Day is also a platform of platforms, it is a system of Systems
because the NHS is such a complex place to be that you need to think about how you can
connect across the system. Having a platform such as Change Day platforms, you can see how
other campaigns interlink their platforms to create a massive movement and massive impact.
When we talk about platforms, we are talking about a space that is created so people get the
choice and opportunity to collaborate without boundaries to achieve a common purpose, take a
challenge, or improve a situation. That's what we mean when we talk about platforms. And it
doesn't have to be virtual, it can be virtual or nonvirtual.
But it's about how we make our actions and intentions more visible to each other. But to move
on a bit, we are talking about having a National conversation and some of you would already
know we are thinking about having a trial across the whole of the UK.
And this is to create value and move ideas from the intangible to the tangible. Change Day is
really all about that. This part of the whole reporting of socialising value, it's around, how do we
have meaningful conversations about change? Change starts with conversation. This is where
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you can start to reach what we call a settled account, where there is some agreement about the
kind of change you want to see.
So, building a discourse on social intentions. Here you can see all the pledges that came out of
Change Day. And it was massive. Massive amounts of pledges. We also wanted to build
another language around, how do we show, how do we express our social intentions?
One of the things that we looked at is actually what the theory is behind some of this. Why are
we doing it? What is the theory? What drives people's passion? And here, developed through
this particular report 'How Change Happens' a a new epidemic of ideas, concepts, new ways of
thinking about change and we came up with about 14 different concepts looking at change,
change in leadership, platforms, platform thinking.
If you are new to this area, it's worth dipping into this space to think about, what kind of
language am I using to express the change that I want to see. Another key finding was that
everybody has a different theory of change. There was never just one theory in play.
Just quickly, the idea of the social movement was in part attractive because it was a way of
talking about change and mobilisation and power that did not feel theoretical. They were not
saying that it was abstract and not grounded.
[Max.Uk.Captioner is Live]
We are saying that everybody has their own way of talking about change, about mobilising, and
that is absolutely fine. This came from a research but is spent in the evaluation.
We also did a listening exercise in social media, and this was our way of looking at the capacity,
measuring how Change Day has grown and changed over the last couple of years. Here are
some of the questions we started to ask ourselves. What kind of discourse was inspired by
Change Day 2014 and how has it changed in 2015?
We also looked at the power of social networks as an agent of change, using the indicators as a
way of measuring impact.
So, what do we see? We see lots of online engagement which really boosts impact of Change
Day 2015. In this slide, you can see Jackie Lynton at 38 and Gill Philips at 37, we are able to
see how many mentions and re-tweets were taking place.
We can also see, from our social media exercise, it followed a similar pattern to 2014, but really
peaked significantly, almost 6 times higher than 2014. So, this year, we want to make sure that
peak stays there for a longer period, so we don't experience a significant drop after Change
Day. Yes, we need the buildup in terms of people getting on social media, exchanging ideas,
keeping the idea going, but also, beyond Change Day.
So, these are some of the conversations that the exercise try to capture. It speaks for itself.
So, if we move on slightly in terms of capturing conversations, one thing we try to do was look at
the number of pledges that took place, but also, look at campaigns. Campaigns were a massive
part of Change Day 2015, MattEx and #DementiaDo, and they had a significant impact in terms
of boosting momentum for Change Day in 2015. We want to see what kind of campaigns you
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are engaged in currently leading up to Change Day, as that would be really interesting to hear
your views in the chat room.
I'm coming down now, but before I go, I would like to talk about hubbies as I feel these are the
engines of change. How do they engage in Change Day? What other roles? Really, they are a
mouthpiece for radical change from within. They also make activity visible to each other through
WhatsApp and Twitter conversations, and there is a strong sense of worker interactivity,
listening to hubbies.
A lot of hubbies have used Change Days to launch their careers, and they also support each
other. When confronted with some barriers in terms of activities, they can group together and
support each other, share resources and ideas as to how they can address these problems.
They are working inside and outside the hierarchy and are key to making change happen on the
day, which was a pivotal finding in the evaluation.
So, moving slightly on, in terms of the FabChangeDay website and increasing engagement,
here are some of my top tips. Tell your story and use emotion, be visible. Use it to access free
resources. Link it to other platforms and campaigns who are involved in. Use Facebook, Twitter,
blogs. All of these are useful when looking at the impact of Change Day, and we can look at
these different ways of engaging.
The other thing is to capture the change you want to see, and share third-party data on
evidence and impact. Again, here are a few more tips in terms of looking ahead. Use social
media to create a space to inspire change conversations, and one key thing is to move beyond
Twitter mentions and signposting to cultivate meaningful debate around change.
Then, use this to showcase your service innovation, any areas you want you get Change Day to
help innovate.
So, I want to go over to the chat room and to Twitter to find out if there have been any
responses or questions raised about what I have presented. Over to you, Ollie.
Yeah, some interesting conversations happening on the chat room. A few people agreeing with
what you said about social media being a fantastic tool, enabling people to reject are so many
people, and also, some interesting questions around hubbies and how they are defined,
whether they are people who make pledges or coordinate Change Day activity in their local
area, so some good conversations happening on the chats, so I look forward to seeing people
on there.
Thank you, that was really helpful. I will hand over to Gill to talk about her plans for Change Day
2016. Over to you. I will pass the prison station.
Hello. If you could put up the first slide. I am delighted to talk about MatExp. I have come from
the NHS Expo where we took over the NHS England stand for a short time, and we had a bit of
an ad hoc session. We saw a gap in a program. It was supposed to be Jeremy Hunt speaking,
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but we took over the mini theatre, and that is what the MatExp gang gets up to. We had an
official session earlier in the day, but we thought it was a change to reach more people.
So, have you got my first… Here we are. MatExp is magic. How do you evaluate magic? So, I
thought about how to approach this, and need box evaluation is what I do. Factually, what is
going on? It is a fact. I am the creator of something called 'Whose Shoes?' It is a tool that
counts how many workshops we have run. So far, we have run 12 workshops in London, and
five so far around different areas of the country.
But what about the session yesterday? The expo? What about other things were we pop up and
do other things? I am doing a regional workshop in Taunton next Tuesday, which is part of the
work for the south-west area. I did something recently with the Midlands AHSN, so already, I am
starting to struggle to count.
235 people, apparently, attended the London workshops, and 93% of them said that it changed
the way they viewed maternity services. Well, I was thrilled with that. That sounds like an
impressive statistic.
Then I thought, what else are we doing?
We have another neat box there around MatExp, and I work with Florence Wilcock on a media
campaign called MatExp. There was a typo earlier on, I think.
It has been a phenomenally successful social media platform. I haven't counted since I have
been back this week, but it is around 470 million Twitter impressions, but the thing that is really
impressive is that it is consistent. We are having about 100 million Twitter impressions a day.
The last one, again, I go off piste, but it is three lemons. Three lemons is a jackpot, and
yesterday's workshop was successful, so we gave ourselves three lemons.
So, sometimes I get a golden tweet. This one from Steve Hams was a golden tweet. He tweeted
about the workshop, the NMC report for Maternity in Guernsey, and the one on the left is mainly
in red. They have some real problems, so the NMC a year run, on the left, the landscape has
moved from mainly red with a bit of green to mainly green with a bit of Amber, no red.
Steve tweeted that 'Whose Shose?' has been a huge part of that, but I don't know. We had
complainants in the room talking to experts, and Steve and the women were delighted, but how
do I say exactly what part the program played in the improvement process, because they did
have some fantastic things already going on.
Sorry, I have to click that to get the neat line. We like neat lines to divide things nicely.
This is the equivalent, possibly, trying to be a bit more sophisticated for the hash tag. We can
look at the statistics in more detail and see who the key participants are. We can see through
Symplur their pictures, who is contributing, and I have told you that it is a consistent story, but
we did take a bit of downtime over Christmas, December 2015. It dips a bit, and we have an
extraordinary peak, April 22nd 2015. Coincidentally, it was after NHS Change Day, so I don't
know what is going on there. To some extent, I don't really care!
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I think the #MatExp approach has been to see what goes on and let the evaluation catch up.
This is my evaluation. As you can see, it looks a bit different from the stuff that has gone
beforehand. Everything for me is interlinked. The energy, the people, the colour, the fun, getting
people intrigued and wanted to be in part of it.
MatExp was successful last year, a really great reciprocal, mutual benefit, and it was something
that really boosted NHS Change Day and the opportunities that came by as being a formal
campaign in Change Day, having our key actions on the website. That is where the synergy
comes in, and that is what we need to do.
I don't know what would evaluate all of this with a neat line before, and the evaluation bought in
the personalities, the connections, the storytelling, the fun. We have poems, wacky stuff, a bake
off. We had a tour bus going around for a month, not a real one, a virtual one with everyone
telling stories.
[Kim.Captioner is Live]
The 21 page evaluation that was put together captured, I thought brilliantly, what had been
happening. The key thing for me was it recognised it was a story in progress. Not a final report,
but for example, with my 'Whose Shoes?' I've got a final report. We've got 10 or 12 case studies
and good practice points in it, but how do I add to that? Because stuff is happening at all the
time and people are coming up with new and better ideas.
So the idea of the Re-valuation, doing that as an ongoing story, I thought, was really helpful.
And if you want to know more about some of these images, there's loads and lows of stuff on
the Web about #MatExp and what we have been getting up to. And some of the men who were
in the lithotomy, might encourage you to explore that challenge.
I've got four top tips. This is naughty because I did have three, and I deliberately have five, and
now it has been corrected to Gill's four top tips. Originally, it was described in three words how
you are a rebel. And you say, "I am a rebel," and that is four words.
But I have got millions of tips. One that is not on the screen is create conditions for magic to
happen. So if you can put an idea out there, we've got people already doing fantastic stuff
coming on board, but even more excitingly some of the women coming forward not just as
participants but as leaders never have that confidence before.
There was one lady was really significant birth trauma about the last 14-15 years, who is now a
national speaker. That is a phenomenal result from #MatExp that won't be quantified in this
more formal evaluation. What you said, Janet, about evidence is everywhere is what we are
trying to do. Just blitz with social media, Twitter, Pintrest, Stella Stories. We are doing a follow-
up project with NHS England and we have been asked to submit monthly reports. We are doing
those monthly reports as stellar stories because nobody said we can't.
You assume we have boring written reports, but the stellar stories get thousands of hits. I don't
know who they are reaching, but it's a different audience to who we reach through Twitter. And
that's exciting. And that gives you a snippet of what we have been up to and how I view Re-
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Coming up, I'm sure, we've got more #MatExp magic because it is happening all the time. For
me, Fab Change Day, I can't see anything different that we would be doing that we wouldn't be
doing anyway. And we will do things to coincide with Fab Change Day but it's not like a new
For me, the one I am excited about personally, this little chart on the right is rather maverick and
it is called #Covmindthegap and it came from a tweet. I put out a naughty tweet saying what is
happening with the Change Day event in Coventry? And we made one happen. And now in the
centre of Coventry, we've got the 'whose shoes?' Workshops, with got NHS professionals,
everybody coming together and talking about well-being and physical activity and community-
based activities, and how it is not really all about the NHS. It's about people and holistic lives.
And we've got signs from Gilbey, the chief executive of the partnership trust, who lept on board
and offered us a venue. That's the kind of collaboration between the NHS looking outwards and
reaching out to some fantastic people in Coventry and what they are already doing.
So we will come out as you do and have a magic mile with street dancers and bands and
terrible jokes and storytellers and poetry and all sorts of things. And we are not asking people,
come and have physical activity, because nobody will come. We are saying, come and have
fun, come and join the magic mile, and hopefully lots of people will come.
So it's carrying on in the same spirit, really. Just a final slide. If people are more interested in
what we have been doing with #MatExp, bottom right you got wonderful people or making not
just pledges – because I think it is very easy to make pledges – but we are embedding it into the
action of hospitals as an improvement methodology. And following up from day one and
encouraging people to build networks and connections about how they can help each other with
ideas that people are passionate about.
But they definitely need support and like-minded people to help them take it forward and
#MatExp is doing that. Is that helpful?
That's very helpful. Thank you so much. There have been so many questions and things to think
about, you have really provoked us today, Gill, to really get on board and take hold of the spirit
of Change Day. Thank you so much.
I just aware of time. I'm going to take questions in a minute but can I quickly bring on Andy? And
then we will take questions. And any issues and will take some feedback from the chat room,
once Andy has done his presentation. Over to you, Andy.
Hello, everybody. My name is Andy, I am a dementia nurse and I work at the Countess of
Chester Hospital a few days a week and I'm also on secondment to Chester council.
I agree with what Gill said about evaluating change with Change Day. And also I absolutely
celebrate the fact that it is not just about the NHS. That's why we involved the Academy of
FabStuff and came up with Change Day.
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Looking out #dementiaDo and how you measure that, it's very difficult. I could give you the
numbers and tell you that 5000 people attended the basic session. I can give you metrics on the
hashtag and I can tell you how money followers I have, but for me it is a pebble in the pond. You
drop the pebble in the pond and ripples go out.
As you can see from slide number one, I ended up on Change Day. If anybody can measure the
impact of this – bear in mind I am a nurse in Chester – I ended up giving my session to Simon
Stephens and three of his colleagues. How do you measure the impact of that?
Have you measure the impact of the police coming into my session? Just to set the scene, I was
originally asked to develop a package of dementia awareness for nursing staff. But it is not just
about nurses, it's not just about hospitals, it is not just about social care. Dementia is
everybody's business so everybody needs to know about it.
We had the police, we had supermarket staff, council and carers, and the ripples from that have
been intense. I didn't find out until a few weeks ago, but the police, what they do – because the
thing about the #dementiaDo, the DO that is very important. It's great talking about it, but you
need to do something.
Everybody went away with that message from the session. What the police did was they
adjusted their induction for new recruits. This is Cheshire Constabulary. They included role-play
to involve somebody who appeared to be affected by dementia, being arrested for shoplifting by
a security guard, and how did they deal with that when it was obvious the person was not
intending to steal anything?
That DVD was filmed on a handheld device and now it is going to be done professionally and
rolled out across their patch. But it's very difficult to measure the impact of that. Tesco's got
involved and developed the world's first dementia check out teller in the supermarket.
People who make strong negative comments about that, for example, even that can be seen as
a plus as if you didn't do it in the first place, the debate wouldn't be going on. So how do you
measure the impact of the negativity? But it gets the talk going. How do you measure the impact
of leaflet racks, full of information about dementia having to be refilled on a monthly basis?
There are all sorts of different things. Local museums attended the session and have created a
memory walk and memory cafe around their museum. There are all sorts of knock-on effects
that I could probably bore you with.
The thing with #dementiaDO, you can call them stories, but it is people's personal experience
and I don't think you can measure the impact of a personal experience. Obviously for the
person, but to everybody else, but you can use that and start to reframe different diseases and
illnesses like dementia to make sure people know it's not a natural part of growing old. Make
people know it is not mental illness. It's a degenerative brain disease. And it disables people's
thought processes so it is a disability as well.
Getting people to see that is the most amazing feedback I think I can get, where people start to
look at how they can adjust their behaviour and don't expect the person with dementia to
change theirs. It's like telling someone in a wheelchair to keep up with you going up the stairs. It
is absolutely not right.
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And the key thing, like I mentioned, is #DO. Don't just talk about it. It's great talking about
supporting people with dementia but let's do something now. This year, we are going to expand
other people's campaigns around dementia. To be fair, when I was asked to run this campaign,
I felt we had enough campaigns for dementia. We had enough guidelines, we had enough
strategies, enough visions – can't we just do something? Please?
#DementiaWords is now a new call for action with the dementia Alliance. It's not just those
words we use in conversation, what about the words in our assessment tools?
What about what we call our services? Has anyone heard of the term EMI? This is a quick
example. Dementia is not just about old people, it's not a mental illness and it is not about being
in firm. It's about living better with your disease and people helping you and supporting you to
do that, so why do we still badge some of our services EMI? Elderly mentally infirm. It doesn't
make sense to me.
And if you want to go for the bull's-eye. If I have a concern about someone I have been nursing
and I need to refer them on, again dementia is not about older people, it's not an illness and is
not about memory loss. I have to refer somebody to the older person's memory team. Again, it's
a hat-trick of negativity and it doesn't make sense.
So yes it's about me getting on the soapbox, but it also encourages other people to rock the
boat and to challenge things in a positive way.
Think about this. This is a multiple choice for you as I don't want to rant on about #dementiaDO.
This is about Change Day and evaluating change. How do you measure the impact of an
individual's participation in bringing down the Berlin Wall?
A, is the amount of the wall brought down compared to others? Or B, is at the amount of people
that get involved because of that person? Or C, the experience of bringing down the wall? D, all
of the above? E, who cares as long as the wall came down?
My advice is, get out there and share the love. Sometimes you will come up against negativity,
your come up against all sorts of different pieces but at the end of the day, your happy focus is
the important bit, that's what we do.
Thanks for listening.
Andy, that's fantastic. Some humour in there but a real serious message about facing this.
I do need to bring on Terri because I know she needs to go in a little while. She is only got about
5 minutes before she has to go. I will get back to the chat room and to the Twitter.
Can you bear with me if I just quickly bring Terri on? Is that OK, Terri?
That's great, thank you. Hello, everybody. It's an absolute privilege for Fab NHS Stuff to be
involved in Fab Change Day this year. For those of you not familiar with Fab NHS Stuff, what
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are we? We are a website that encourages people to share what they developed to solve a
problem. Oour motto is don't reinvent the wheel, let's work together.
[Max.Uk.Captioner is Live]
We have become a social movement that is founded on the key tenets of positive deviance.
Realistically, the thousands of people who view the pages each day in the process, they tell us
how they want it to work. They say they want social care, that they want to focus on integration
of health and social care, and we do what people ask us.
We have found that the website is actually enabling people to make change, enabling people to
realise they don't need permission, and that other people are doing it, and you know what, they
will do it too.
We talk a lot about the aggregation of marginal gains, and it fits in with this discussion of how
you measure change, the impact of Change Day and the Academy of FabStuff.
A small example, one London commissioning group shared their experience of dovetail
vaccinations where patients in return for the second booster vaccination. They found the people
were finding it difficult to get appointments when they wanted. They worked with pharmacists,
developed a protocol, dovetailed injections, it was cheaper, people liked it, they saved
thousands of practice appointments, and hundreds of hundreds of pounds in their small CCG.
Within a week, they had over 160 emails requesting information and protocols, and it is now
being rolled out nationally. That is the aggregation of marginal gains. That will start saving the
NHS the 22 billion that it needs to save, and that is what is going to support and empower
people to change in the future.
Next slide, please.
So, in 18 months, we have had well over half 1 million page views. We have 11,000 Twitter
followers, and up to 4000 page views a day. These are proper views, not people who have
stayed on the website for two seconds.
We have small changes, small solutions alongside large-scale organisational change, many of
which are transferable and have a wider application.
FabChangeDay. We were thrilled to be involved and empowered by the reports that have an
evaluation of Change Day that have been developed, and we have tried to focus very much on
the areas that were highlighted on the report, so although the day itself is important, actually, we
are stressing that this is a year of ideas into action.
We identified, from the evaluation report, that being able to monitor how people were getting on
with their Change Day pledges was extremely difficult because many of them were post-it notes
on a wall, so we have worked with a commercial partner, KPMG, to allow people to pledge
electronically. This has the advantage that we can communicate with each individual that
pledges. We can offer help, offer support in that messy, middle part of the change process
where you have obstacles, enabling people to complete the change process, rather than drop
out after the initial enthusiasm has gone.
NHS IQ Webinar (UKNHSI0209A)
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It also allows people to share their change and outcomes because it produces, all the way
through the process of you using the app, it produces a poster for you with what your aim was,
the actions that you did, with things that worked, and things that didn't work, then your
outcomes, and when you push the 'complete' button, it allows you to download this PDF poster
which you can electronically share within your organisation.
You can print it out and stick it on the office wall, but it immediately sends you to the name of
the website, so really, the dissemination of completed shares and the work in this next year with
hubbies and FabAmbassadors, it is all about benchmarking and audit, how can we demonstrate
the thread and impact of these shares that we are now able to ensure get more visibility?
The other important thing is taking on the huge spike that there was an social media just before
and on Change Day, and how that presence and social media drops significantly. Having
developed a whole year's program around social media, and chats, the first of which takes place
in the months before Change Day, talking about change and the barriers, and how we can help
with that.
So, we had a whole year of programs which are looking at trying to maintain a higher level of
social media presence throughout the entire year.
Really, just to close my final slide, to say that obviously Change Day is October 19. We have
fantastic activists schools at the moment, run by the Horizons team, but it is a year of action.
The day is important, but let's look at getting the learnings of the reports from fabulous
campaigns like #dementiaDO and #MatExp to build successes.
Thank you so much, Terri. I want to quickly go over to Ollie to find out what is happening in the
chat room. Any questions for our presenters? I know Terri has to leave, but we have Gill and
Andy on the line. Anything you want to raise?
Thank you very much, Janet. Lots of chat going on, some really thought-provoking stuff, and
some good discussion, particularly around the analogy of the Berlin Wall, and the idea is, as
Andy said, let's worry about the outcome and how you demonstrate that you are getting to that
outcome, I guess. That is how I would sum up what people are asking.
Also, let's not forget that evaluation is just about accountability but has an important role in
sharing learning so others can do it too. Then, on Gill's session, some really good comments
there. Someone said it is difficult to evaluate and that is not often costed in. Also, some
comments and questions around the Coventry Change Day event, when that is happening and
how people can get involved.
Also, reflecting that quite often, these things are about subconscious influence, but you can't
say it is a specific tweet or action that somebody did that caused someone to change how they
thought, but as a collective, that is what influences people.
So, those are some of the comments coming out in the chat, but I don't know if anyone has a
specific question.
NHS IQ Webinar (UKNHSI0209A)
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Thank you very much. I wonder if Gill or Andy want to respond.
#dementiaDO will only stop when discrimination does. Now my not be the best time to start
measuring impact.
To put it into context, Change Day is one day. What it does is pours petrol on people's passion
and flames, and you can measure the proportion of petrol to the flames. It is not just about one
day, it is only a symbolic event. It gives people the permission to do something and resonates
out from that day and it keeps going on and keeps going on.
It is about doing something instead of just talking, and that is the thing. Instead of waiting for
change to come down… People who work on the shopfloor know how they can do things better.
It is when they are obstructed from doing that, that is when people start getting the confidence
and competence to go around these obstacles. That is key, and it is also about leading by
Andy and I are singing from the same page. Create the conditions of things to happen, the
#MatExp campaign has been similarly focused, and I have a big thank you to Florence Wilcock,
consultant obstetrician at Kingston hospital. Through social media, the energy is the key
message, building something that people want to be a part of. Otherwise, it won't go anywhere.
Ollie, we will close at 1030, but perhaps you could tell us what is happening with the school and
the next EdgeTalk.
I can certainly tell you. I think we have a slide. So, as Terri mentioned, we have been running
the activists schools around the country. In part, trying to bring change to two new areas, where
we haven't seen activity in previous years. We're trying to initiate, pour a bit of petrol, as Andy
said, into some new areas.
We have done four events so far in Exeter, Brighton, Cambridge and in Chester, and we have
another three events, two of which are next week. That is in Newcastle and Leeds, then Bristol
the week after.
It is been a really interesting thing. I have been on all of them apart from one thus far. We have
had 40 to 50 people on each event, and have more coming to Leeds, so that should be a good
So, actually, we have hopefully created at least 300 new Change Day activists. The things that
are coming out are thinking about Change Day, and often focus on staff well-being. I think that
is something that Change Day can reflect.
Also, interestingly, the feedback, I was reading it yesterday, a lot of it is that you have
permission, and that is the essence of what Change Day is. You have got permission to do that,
NHS IQ Webinar (UKNHSI0209A)
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so that is really valuable.
As I said, the activists schools are good for that. We have a few spaces if you are interested, but
more importantly, if you know someone who would really benefit from them, the community
know about us aren't necessarily our target audience. Actually, do promote them.
Next month, just before Change Day, the Edge Talk will be around social movements, I think. I
guess that will be building on what we have learned from Change Day, but also, the social
[Kim.Captioner is Live]
We've got some expertise around that. So we look forward to that.
Thank you so much, Ollie. Thank you to everybody for joining us today. Special thanks to Terri,
Andy and Gill. And everybody who has been in the chat room and has contribute it through
Twitter, this has been a fantastic show in terms of really thinking really hard around a really
complicated issue around how can we evaluate Change Day.
I think we have learned a lot of lessons. Thank you for all the top tips. Hopefully we will take that
on in terms of how we move forward for Change Day 2016. Thank you very much, have a great
weekend. Look after yourselves and take care. Bye-bye.
Thank you, everybody. See you later.

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Change Day, looking back, looking forward - Transcript

  • 1. NHS IQ Webinar (UKNHSI0209A) Page 1 of 14 Downloaded on: 09 Sep 2016 3:09 PM [Kim.Captioner is Live] JANET WILDMAN: OK, it's 931. Today we are looking at Change Day looking back and looking forward. My name is Janet Wildman, I work in the Horizons team. I will be presenting the results of the Change Day Re-valuation 2015. We are going to start now. Before we start, if you want to join the chat room, we would really like to hear from you. We want this session to be as engaging and as participatory as possible. I'm just going to introduce you to Gill Philips, the director of MattEx. Andy Tysoe, dementia specialist. Terri Porrett, Fab Change Day director. And Oliver Benson from the Horizons team. They will all be making a contribution on today's session. So, what is the purpose of today? Today's session, we are going to share some insights on the NHS Change Day Re-valuation. We are going to share some specific evaluation examples of some of the campaigns in particular, from MattEx and #DementiaDo. And also we will look at what is happening in terms of the Fab Change Day school. But also will look at what is going to happen more importantly with Change Day this year. And any news and updates. Please stay with us for the whole session. Just to make a start, Horizons team wanted to undertake an evaluation of Change Day to really find out what is the full potential and impact of Change Day. And last year, December 2015, we commissioned research and analysis to really help us with our thinking around, what is the evidence base for the value of Change Day? We wanted to explore what you think the full potential of Change Day could be, and we also wanted to find out what kind of theory of change would underpin that. What happened is that we commissioned them and they undertook this evaluation. They used a number of different types of methods. One was the real-time evaluation, real time observation, actually going to meet with lots of people and observing Change Day on the day. They took 15 case studies with different organisations across the whole of the UK. They employed an expert panel to assist us in thinking about change and we undertook a social listening exercise also, and held a range of different internal discussions to really think through what the implications could be while thinking about social movement and Change Day. As a result, we came up with a valuation report. If all we even go into the report, it's important to just highlight how difficult this area is in terms of capturing thousands and thousands of pages and actions and thinking about, what was the implication for this? What is the pattern between all the different pledges and actions? It's all about looking at how we compartmentalised and aggregate all the benefits of Change Day. That is really difficult given all the fragmented aspects of Change Day.
  • 2. NHS IQ Webinar (UKNHSI0209A) Page 2 of 14 Downloaded on: 09 Sep 2016 3:09 PM JANET WILDMAN: In terms of the Re-Valuation Report, one of the things that is really capturing how complex this area is in terms of understanding the impact and the more complex the context, the less credibility you are looking for, simplified approaches around attribution, the traditional methodologies and traditional principles underpinning traditional methodologies such as straight-line attribution. One of the things we thought of the benefits of change they could be crowded out by placing and monitoring value on each action. Yes, we want to look at return on investment, but also we want to capture the full spirit of Change Day. But we needed a theory on how change happens and a social metric to measure the cost and benefit. So this report measured this so we confidently felt we had something of a metric, a dashboard on really assessing the impact of Change Day. You've got the link there if you want to explore this report in more detail. The consultants and us came up with a new framework for thinking about the full value of Change Day. At first thought, you might think, what is this? But if you go through the report, it's really worth testing out a new way of thinking, a new language around assessing impact. It looks at visible and invisible impact. But it also looks at, how can we quantify and calculate the impact of individual activities that take place prior to but also on Change Day? It starts by looking at the visible impact, which is the quantifiable output and outcome. And there are several examples throughout the report that try to demonstrate a workable example of this. We've got the recycling scheme with over 25 products sold per month and as a result, they now have a new team dedicated to running the project. This is an example of the impact Change Day can have. And we have the Sepsis Toolkit. What we have seen there is it could potentially save 180 lives if it was adopted in each hospital across different trusts. This was introduced by a student as part of her Change Day. It has direct benefits across trust and staff. We can see from these examples that it is possible to start to think about how we can calculate the visible impact of Change Day. One of the things the consultants also did was to introduce a new concept called Calibrate. Some people really struggled with this concept, but in simple terms, all it means is weighing up cost and benefit of undertaking a particular action on Change Day. And how do you come to your value judgement, and where do you decide to invest your energy, and what are some of the social processes that underpin some of that? And that can be around some of the conversations you have internally, externally, on social media, about the kind of change you want to see on Change Day. We felt that was a really important way to embrace another aspect of impact and thinking about it in terms of how it can show the different types of activities that take place to support Change Day. We are going to talk little bit more around the power of using social processes, using
  • 3. NHS IQ Webinar (UKNHSI0209A) Page 3 of 14 Downloaded on: 09 Sep 2016 3:09 PM conversation, everyday interactions, to raise awareness of Change Day. Capacitate is really around the ability to grow the extent of the movement, how it has increased over the last couple of years from 2014 to 2016. You can see by just the amount of Twitter mentions in 2014 compared to 2015, it's almost 6 times as much and we will go on to look at that in a little while. Basically, that is the dashboard that we use to capture the full impact of Change Day. I'm going to move slightly on. My message to everybody is that the messages everywhere, why are we not using that as change activists? It can help you make your case when you are talking to the system, it can help you engage people when you are trying to find money to make your action possible. Why aren't we looking at evidence everywhere? Whether it is sickness absence, avoidance, improving patient care, there is lots of evidence everywhere that you could start to use. What I want to talk about is, how do you build your case for change? And here, you can see that there is a range of different ways to do that. In the last Change Day, you know, we used (inaudible) and what he mentioned that the NHS Expo. We used published reports, whether it was the department of health or the Change Day Re-valuation report – you can start to use that as building your evidence for change. You can also use staff surveys, any other sort of soft or hard evidence of the kind of change that you want to bring about and how that came actually speak to the system, speak to the hierarchy. So, we also went on to think about platforms. And the power of users to use a platform to actually instigate change. And if you are interested in this way of thinking about social change, go onto the website, have a look at this report and tell us what you think. Because we saw this as a really important way of connecting with other people, sharing your ideas, co-creating, coproducing, new ways of thinking about change. And we also think that Change Day is also a platform of platforms, it is a system of Systems because the NHS is such a complex place to be that you need to think about how you can connect across the system. Having a platform such as Change Day platforms, you can see how other campaigns interlink their platforms to create a massive movement and massive impact. When we talk about platforms, we are talking about a space that is created so people get the choice and opportunity to collaborate without boundaries to achieve a common purpose, take a challenge, or improve a situation. That's what we mean when we talk about platforms. And it doesn't have to be virtual, it can be virtual or nonvirtual. But it's about how we make our actions and intentions more visible to each other. But to move on a bit, we are talking about having a National conversation and some of you would already know we are thinking about having a trial across the whole of the UK. And this is to create value and move ideas from the intangible to the tangible. Change Day is really all about that. This part of the whole reporting of socialising value, it's around, how do we have meaningful conversations about change? Change starts with conversation. This is where
  • 4. NHS IQ Webinar (UKNHSI0209A) Page 4 of 14 Downloaded on: 09 Sep 2016 3:09 PM you can start to reach what we call a settled account, where there is some agreement about the kind of change you want to see. So, building a discourse on social intentions. Here you can see all the pledges that came out of Change Day. And it was massive. Massive amounts of pledges. We also wanted to build another language around, how do we show, how do we express our social intentions? One of the things that we looked at is actually what the theory is behind some of this. Why are we doing it? What is the theory? What drives people's passion? And here, developed through this particular report 'How Change Happens' a a new epidemic of ideas, concepts, new ways of thinking about change and we came up with about 14 different concepts looking at change, change in leadership, platforms, platform thinking. If you are new to this area, it's worth dipping into this space to think about, what kind of language am I using to express the change that I want to see. Another key finding was that everybody has a different theory of change. There was never just one theory in play. Just quickly, the idea of the social movement was in part attractive because it was a way of talking about change and mobilisation and power that did not feel theoretical. They were not saying that it was abstract and not grounded. [Max.Uk.Captioner is Live] We are saying that everybody has their own way of talking about change, about mobilising, and that is absolutely fine. This came from a research but is spent in the evaluation. We also did a listening exercise in social media, and this was our way of looking at the capacity, measuring how Change Day has grown and changed over the last couple of years. Here are some of the questions we started to ask ourselves. What kind of discourse was inspired by Change Day 2014 and how has it changed in 2015? We also looked at the power of social networks as an agent of change, using the indicators as a way of measuring impact. So, what do we see? We see lots of online engagement which really boosts impact of Change Day 2015. In this slide, you can see Jackie Lynton at 38 and Gill Philips at 37, we are able to see how many mentions and re-tweets were taking place. We can also see, from our social media exercise, it followed a similar pattern to 2014, but really peaked significantly, almost 6 times higher than 2014. So, this year, we want to make sure that peak stays there for a longer period, so we don't experience a significant drop after Change Day. Yes, we need the buildup in terms of people getting on social media, exchanging ideas, keeping the idea going, but also, beyond Change Day. So, these are some of the conversations that the exercise try to capture. It speaks for itself. So, if we move on slightly in terms of capturing conversations, one thing we try to do was look at the number of pledges that took place, but also, look at campaigns. Campaigns were a massive part of Change Day 2015, MattEx and #DementiaDo, and they had a significant impact in terms of boosting momentum for Change Day in 2015. We want to see what kind of campaigns you
  • 5. NHS IQ Webinar (UKNHSI0209A) Page 5 of 14 Downloaded on: 09 Sep 2016 3:09 PM are engaged in currently leading up to Change Day, as that would be really interesting to hear your views in the chat room. I'm coming down now, but before I go, I would like to talk about hubbies as I feel these are the engines of change. How do they engage in Change Day? What other roles? Really, they are a mouthpiece for radical change from within. They also make activity visible to each other through WhatsApp and Twitter conversations, and there is a strong sense of worker interactivity, listening to hubbies. A lot of hubbies have used Change Days to launch their careers, and they also support each other. When confronted with some barriers in terms of activities, they can group together and support each other, share resources and ideas as to how they can address these problems. They are working inside and outside the hierarchy and are key to making change happen on the day, which was a pivotal finding in the evaluation. So, moving slightly on, in terms of the FabChangeDay website and increasing engagement, here are some of my top tips. Tell your story and use emotion, be visible. Use it to access free resources. Link it to other platforms and campaigns who are involved in. Use Facebook, Twitter, blogs. All of these are useful when looking at the impact of Change Day, and we can look at these different ways of engaging. The other thing is to capture the change you want to see, and share third-party data on evidence and impact. Again, here are a few more tips in terms of looking ahead. Use social media to create a space to inspire change conversations, and one key thing is to move beyond Twitter mentions and signposting to cultivate meaningful debate around change. Then, use this to showcase your service innovation, any areas you want you get Change Day to help innovate. So, I want to go over to the chat room and to Twitter to find out if there have been any responses or questions raised about what I have presented. Over to you, Ollie. OLIVER BENSON: Yeah, some interesting conversations happening on the chat room. A few people agreeing with what you said about social media being a fantastic tool, enabling people to reject are so many people, and also, some interesting questions around hubbies and how they are defined, whether they are people who make pledges or coordinate Change Day activity in their local area, so some good conversations happening on the chats, so I look forward to seeing people on there. JANET WILDMAN: Thank you, that was really helpful. I will hand over to Gill to talk about her plans for Change Day 2016. Over to you. I will pass the prison station. GILL PHILLIPS: Hello. If you could put up the first slide. I am delighted to talk about MatExp. I have come from the NHS Expo where we took over the NHS England stand for a short time, and we had a bit of an ad hoc session. We saw a gap in a program. It was supposed to be Jeremy Hunt speaking,
  • 6. NHS IQ Webinar (UKNHSI0209A) Page 6 of 14 Downloaded on: 09 Sep 2016 3:09 PM but we took over the mini theatre, and that is what the MatExp gang gets up to. We had an official session earlier in the day, but we thought it was a change to reach more people. So, have you got my first… Here we are. MatExp is magic. How do you evaluate magic? So, I thought about how to approach this, and need box evaluation is what I do. Factually, what is going on? It is a fact. I am the creator of something called 'Whose Shoes?' It is a tool that counts how many workshops we have run. So far, we have run 12 workshops in London, and five so far around different areas of the country. But what about the session yesterday? The expo? What about other things were we pop up and do other things? I am doing a regional workshop in Taunton next Tuesday, which is part of the work for the south-west area. I did something recently with the Midlands AHSN, so already, I am starting to struggle to count. 235 people, apparently, attended the London workshops, and 93% of them said that it changed the way they viewed maternity services. Well, I was thrilled with that. That sounds like an impressive statistic. Then I thought, what else are we doing? We have another neat box there around MatExp, and I work with Florence Wilcock on a media campaign called MatExp. There was a typo earlier on, I think. It has been a phenomenally successful social media platform. I haven't counted since I have been back this week, but it is around 470 million Twitter impressions, but the thing that is really impressive is that it is consistent. We are having about 100 million Twitter impressions a day. The last one, again, I go off piste, but it is three lemons. Three lemons is a jackpot, and yesterday's workshop was successful, so we gave ourselves three lemons. So, sometimes I get a golden tweet. This one from Steve Hams was a golden tweet. He tweeted about the workshop, the NMC report for Maternity in Guernsey, and the one on the left is mainly in red. They have some real problems, so the NMC a year run, on the left, the landscape has moved from mainly red with a bit of green to mainly green with a bit of Amber, no red. Steve tweeted that 'Whose Shose?' has been a huge part of that, but I don't know. We had complainants in the room talking to experts, and Steve and the women were delighted, but how do I say exactly what part the program played in the improvement process, because they did have some fantastic things already going on. Sorry, I have to click that to get the neat line. We like neat lines to divide things nicely. This is the equivalent, possibly, trying to be a bit more sophisticated for the hash tag. We can look at the statistics in more detail and see who the key participants are. We can see through Symplur their pictures, who is contributing, and I have told you that it is a consistent story, but we did take a bit of downtime over Christmas, December 2015. It dips a bit, and we have an extraordinary peak, April 22nd 2015. Coincidentally, it was after NHS Change Day, so I don't know what is going on there. To some extent, I don't really care!
  • 7. NHS IQ Webinar (UKNHSI0209A) Page 7 of 14 Downloaded on: 09 Sep 2016 3:09 PM I think the #MatExp approach has been to see what goes on and let the evaluation catch up. This is my evaluation. As you can see, it looks a bit different from the stuff that has gone beforehand. Everything for me is interlinked. The energy, the people, the colour, the fun, getting people intrigued and wanted to be in part of it. MatExp was successful last year, a really great reciprocal, mutual benefit, and it was something that really boosted NHS Change Day and the opportunities that came by as being a formal campaign in Change Day, having our key actions on the website. That is where the synergy comes in, and that is what we need to do. I don't know what would evaluate all of this with a neat line before, and the evaluation bought in the personalities, the connections, the storytelling, the fun. We have poems, wacky stuff, a bake off. We had a tour bus going around for a month, not a real one, a virtual one with everyone telling stories. [Kim.Captioner is Live] The 21 page evaluation that was put together captured, I thought brilliantly, what had been happening. The key thing for me was it recognised it was a story in progress. Not a final report, but for example, with my 'Whose Shoes?' I've got a final report. We've got 10 or 12 case studies and good practice points in it, but how do I add to that? Because stuff is happening at all the time and people are coming up with new and better ideas. So the idea of the Re-valuation, doing that as an ongoing story, I thought, was really helpful. And if you want to know more about some of these images, there's loads and lows of stuff on the Web about #MatExp and what we have been getting up to. And some of the men who were in the lithotomy, might encourage you to explore that challenge. I've got four top tips. This is naughty because I did have three, and I deliberately have five, and now it has been corrected to Gill's four top tips. Originally, it was described in three words how you are a rebel. And you say, "I am a rebel," and that is four words. But I have got millions of tips. One that is not on the screen is create conditions for magic to happen. So if you can put an idea out there, we've got people already doing fantastic stuff coming on board, but even more excitingly some of the women coming forward not just as participants but as leaders never have that confidence before. There was one lady was really significant birth trauma about the last 14-15 years, who is now a national speaker. That is a phenomenal result from #MatExp that won't be quantified in this more formal evaluation. What you said, Janet, about evidence is everywhere is what we are trying to do. Just blitz with social media, Twitter, Pintrest, Stella Stories. We are doing a follow- up project with NHS England and we have been asked to submit monthly reports. We are doing those monthly reports as stellar stories because nobody said we can't. You assume we have boring written reports, but the stellar stories get thousands of hits. I don't know who they are reaching, but it's a different audience to who we reach through Twitter. And that's exciting. And that gives you a snippet of what we have been up to and how I view Re- valuation.
  • 8. NHS IQ Webinar (UKNHSI0209A) Page 8 of 14 Downloaded on: 09 Sep 2016 3:09 PM Coming up, I'm sure, we've got more #MatExp magic because it is happening all the time. For me, Fab Change Day, I can't see anything different that we would be doing that we wouldn't be doing anyway. And we will do things to coincide with Fab Change Day but it's not like a new campaign. For me, the one I am excited about personally, this little chart on the right is rather maverick and it is called #Covmindthegap and it came from a tweet. I put out a naughty tweet saying what is happening with the Change Day event in Coventry? And we made one happen. And now in the centre of Coventry, we've got the 'whose shoes?' Workshops, with got NHS professionals, everybody coming together and talking about well-being and physical activity and community- based activities, and how it is not really all about the NHS. It's about people and holistic lives. And we've got signs from Gilbey, the chief executive of the partnership trust, who lept on board and offered us a venue. That's the kind of collaboration between the NHS looking outwards and reaching out to some fantastic people in Coventry and what they are already doing. So we will come out as you do and have a magic mile with street dancers and bands and terrible jokes and storytellers and poetry and all sorts of things. And we are not asking people, come and have physical activity, because nobody will come. We are saying, come and have fun, come and join the magic mile, and hopefully lots of people will come. So it's carrying on in the same spirit, really. Just a final slide. If people are more interested in what we have been doing with #MatExp, bottom right you got wonderful people or making not just pledges – because I think it is very easy to make pledges – but we are embedding it into the action of hospitals as an improvement methodology. And following up from day one and encouraging people to build networks and connections about how they can help each other with ideas that people are passionate about. But they definitely need support and like-minded people to help them take it forward and #MatExp is doing that. Is that helpful? JANET WILDMAN: That's very helpful. Thank you so much. There have been so many questions and things to think about, you have really provoked us today, Gill, to really get on board and take hold of the spirit of Change Day. Thank you so much. I just aware of time. I'm going to take questions in a minute but can I quickly bring on Andy? And then we will take questions. And any issues and will take some feedback from the chat room, once Andy has done his presentation. Over to you, Andy. ANDY TYSOE: Hello, everybody. My name is Andy, I am a dementia nurse and I work at the Countess of Chester Hospital a few days a week and I'm also on secondment to Chester council. I agree with what Gill said about evaluating change with Change Day. And also I absolutely celebrate the fact that it is not just about the NHS. That's why we involved the Academy of FabStuff and came up with Change Day.
  • 9. NHS IQ Webinar (UKNHSI0209A) Page 9 of 14 Downloaded on: 09 Sep 2016 3:09 PM Looking out #dementiaDo and how you measure that, it's very difficult. I could give you the numbers and tell you that 5000 people attended the basic session. I can give you metrics on the hashtag and I can tell you how money followers I have, but for me it is a pebble in the pond. You drop the pebble in the pond and ripples go out. As you can see from slide number one, I ended up on Change Day. If anybody can measure the impact of this – bear in mind I am a nurse in Chester – I ended up giving my session to Simon Stephens and three of his colleagues. How do you measure the impact of that? Have you measure the impact of the police coming into my session? Just to set the scene, I was originally asked to develop a package of dementia awareness for nursing staff. But it is not just about nurses, it's not just about hospitals, it is not just about social care. Dementia is everybody's business so everybody needs to know about it. We had the police, we had supermarket staff, council and carers, and the ripples from that have been intense. I didn't find out until a few weeks ago, but the police, what they do – because the thing about the #dementiaDo, the DO that is very important. It's great talking about it, but you need to do something. Everybody went away with that message from the session. What the police did was they adjusted their induction for new recruits. This is Cheshire Constabulary. They included role-play to involve somebody who appeared to be affected by dementia, being arrested for shoplifting by a security guard, and how did they deal with that when it was obvious the person was not intending to steal anything? That DVD was filmed on a handheld device and now it is going to be done professionally and rolled out across their patch. But it's very difficult to measure the impact of that. Tesco's got involved and developed the world's first dementia check out teller in the supermarket. People who make strong negative comments about that, for example, even that can be seen as a plus as if you didn't do it in the first place, the debate wouldn't be going on. So how do you measure the impact of the negativity? But it gets the talk going. How do you measure the impact of leaflet racks, full of information about dementia having to be refilled on a monthly basis? There are all sorts of different things. Local museums attended the session and have created a memory walk and memory cafe around their museum. There are all sorts of knock-on effects that I could probably bore you with. The thing with #dementiaDO, you can call them stories, but it is people's personal experience and I don't think you can measure the impact of a personal experience. Obviously for the person, but to everybody else, but you can use that and start to reframe different diseases and illnesses like dementia to make sure people know it's not a natural part of growing old. Make people know it is not mental illness. It's a degenerative brain disease. And it disables people's thought processes so it is a disability as well. Getting people to see that is the most amazing feedback I think I can get, where people start to look at how they can adjust their behaviour and don't expect the person with dementia to change theirs. It's like telling someone in a wheelchair to keep up with you going up the stairs. It is absolutely not right.
  • 10. NHS IQ Webinar (UKNHSI0209A) Page 10 of 14 Downloaded on: 09 Sep 2016 3:09 PM And the key thing, like I mentioned, is #DO. Don't just talk about it. It's great talking about supporting people with dementia but let's do something now. This year, we are going to expand other people's campaigns around dementia. To be fair, when I was asked to run this campaign, I felt we had enough campaigns for dementia. We had enough guidelines, we had enough strategies, enough visions – can't we just do something? Please? #DementiaWords is now a new call for action with the dementia Alliance. It's not just those words we use in conversation, what about the words in our assessment tools? What about what we call our services? Has anyone heard of the term EMI? This is a quick example. Dementia is not just about old people, it's not a mental illness and it is not about being in firm. It's about living better with your disease and people helping you and supporting you to do that, so why do we still badge some of our services EMI? Elderly mentally infirm. It doesn't make sense to me. And if you want to go for the bull's-eye. If I have a concern about someone I have been nursing and I need to refer them on, again dementia is not about older people, it's not an illness and is not about memory loss. I have to refer somebody to the older person's memory team. Again, it's a hat-trick of negativity and it doesn't make sense. So yes it's about me getting on the soapbox, but it also encourages other people to rock the boat and to challenge things in a positive way. Think about this. This is a multiple choice for you as I don't want to rant on about #dementiaDO. This is about Change Day and evaluating change. How do you measure the impact of an individual's participation in bringing down the Berlin Wall? A, is the amount of the wall brought down compared to others? Or B, is at the amount of people that get involved because of that person? Or C, the experience of bringing down the wall? D, all of the above? E, who cares as long as the wall came down? My advice is, get out there and share the love. Sometimes you will come up against negativity, your come up against all sorts of different pieces but at the end of the day, your happy focus is the important bit, that's what we do. Thanks for listening. JANET WILDMAN: Andy, that's fantastic. Some humour in there but a real serious message about facing this. I do need to bring on Terri because I know she needs to go in a little while. She is only got about 5 minutes before she has to go. I will get back to the chat room and to the Twitter. Can you bear with me if I just quickly bring Terri on? Is that OK, Terri? TERRI PORRETT: That's great, thank you. Hello, everybody. It's an absolute privilege for Fab NHS Stuff to be involved in Fab Change Day this year. For those of you not familiar with Fab NHS Stuff, what
  • 11. NHS IQ Webinar (UKNHSI0209A) Page 11 of 14 Downloaded on: 09 Sep 2016 3:09 PM are we? We are a website that encourages people to share what they developed to solve a problem. Oour motto is don't reinvent the wheel, let's work together. [Max.Uk.Captioner is Live] We have become a social movement that is founded on the key tenets of positive deviance. Realistically, the thousands of people who view the pages each day in the process, they tell us how they want it to work. They say they want social care, that they want to focus on integration of health and social care, and we do what people ask us. We have found that the website is actually enabling people to make change, enabling people to realise they don't need permission, and that other people are doing it, and you know what, they will do it too. We talk a lot about the aggregation of marginal gains, and it fits in with this discussion of how you measure change, the impact of Change Day and the Academy of FabStuff. A small example, one London commissioning group shared their experience of dovetail vaccinations where patients in return for the second booster vaccination. They found the people were finding it difficult to get appointments when they wanted. They worked with pharmacists, developed a protocol, dovetailed injections, it was cheaper, people liked it, they saved thousands of practice appointments, and hundreds of hundreds of pounds in their small CCG. Within a week, they had over 160 emails requesting information and protocols, and it is now being rolled out nationally. That is the aggregation of marginal gains. That will start saving the NHS the 22 billion that it needs to save, and that is what is going to support and empower people to change in the future. Next slide, please. So, in 18 months, we have had well over half 1 million page views. We have 11,000 Twitter followers, and up to 4000 page views a day. These are proper views, not people who have stayed on the website for two seconds. We have small changes, small solutions alongside large-scale organisational change, many of which are transferable and have a wider application. FabChangeDay. We were thrilled to be involved and empowered by the reports that have an evaluation of Change Day that have been developed, and we have tried to focus very much on the areas that were highlighted on the report, so although the day itself is important, actually, we are stressing that this is a year of ideas into action. We identified, from the evaluation report, that being able to monitor how people were getting on with their Change Day pledges was extremely difficult because many of them were post-it notes on a wall, so we have worked with a commercial partner, KPMG, to allow people to pledge electronically. This has the advantage that we can communicate with each individual that pledges. We can offer help, offer support in that messy, middle part of the change process where you have obstacles, enabling people to complete the change process, rather than drop out after the initial enthusiasm has gone.
  • 12. NHS IQ Webinar (UKNHSI0209A) Page 12 of 14 Downloaded on: 09 Sep 2016 3:09 PM It also allows people to share their change and outcomes because it produces, all the way through the process of you using the app, it produces a poster for you with what your aim was, the actions that you did, with things that worked, and things that didn't work, then your outcomes, and when you push the 'complete' button, it allows you to download this PDF poster which you can electronically share within your organisation. You can print it out and stick it on the office wall, but it immediately sends you to the name of the website, so really, the dissemination of completed shares and the work in this next year with hubbies and FabAmbassadors, it is all about benchmarking and audit, how can we demonstrate the thread and impact of these shares that we are now able to ensure get more visibility? The other important thing is taking on the huge spike that there was an social media just before and on Change Day, and how that presence and social media drops significantly. Having developed a whole year's program around social media, and chats, the first of which takes place in the months before Change Day, talking about change and the barriers, and how we can help with that. So, we had a whole year of programs which are looking at trying to maintain a higher level of social media presence throughout the entire year. Really, just to close my final slide, to say that obviously Change Day is October 19. We have fantastic activists schools at the moment, run by the Horizons team, but it is a year of action. The day is important, but let's look at getting the learnings of the reports from fabulous campaigns like #dementiaDO and #MatExp to build successes. JANET WILDMAN: Thank you so much, Terri. I want to quickly go over to Ollie to find out what is happening in the chat room. Any questions for our presenters? I know Terri has to leave, but we have Gill and Andy on the line. Anything you want to raise? OLIVER BENSON: Thank you very much, Janet. Lots of chat going on, some really thought-provoking stuff, and some good discussion, particularly around the analogy of the Berlin Wall, and the idea is, as Andy said, let's worry about the outcome and how you demonstrate that you are getting to that outcome, I guess. That is how I would sum up what people are asking. Also, let's not forget that evaluation is just about accountability but has an important role in sharing learning so others can do it too. Then, on Gill's session, some really good comments there. Someone said it is difficult to evaluate and that is not often costed in. Also, some comments and questions around the Coventry Change Day event, when that is happening and how people can get involved. Also, reflecting that quite often, these things are about subconscious influence, but you can't say it is a specific tweet or action that somebody did that caused someone to change how they thought, but as a collective, that is what influences people. So, those are some of the comments coming out in the chat, but I don't know if anyone has a specific question.
  • 13. NHS IQ Webinar (UKNHSI0209A) Page 13 of 14 Downloaded on: 09 Sep 2016 3:09 PM JANET WILDMAN: Thank you very much. I wonder if Gill or Andy want to respond. ANDY TYSOE: #dementiaDO will only stop when discrimination does. Now my not be the best time to start measuring impact. To put it into context, Change Day is one day. What it does is pours petrol on people's passion and flames, and you can measure the proportion of petrol to the flames. It is not just about one day, it is only a symbolic event. It gives people the permission to do something and resonates out from that day and it keeps going on and keeps going on. It is about doing something instead of just talking, and that is the thing. Instead of waiting for change to come down… People who work on the shopfloor know how they can do things better. It is when they are obstructed from doing that, that is when people start getting the confidence and competence to go around these obstacles. That is key, and it is also about leading by example. GILL PHILLIPS: Andy and I are singing from the same page. Create the conditions of things to happen, the #MatExp campaign has been similarly focused, and I have a big thank you to Florence Wilcock, consultant obstetrician at Kingston hospital. Through social media, the energy is the key message, building something that people want to be a part of. Otherwise, it won't go anywhere. JANET WILDMAN: Ollie, we will close at 1030, but perhaps you could tell us what is happening with the school and the next EdgeTalk. OLIVER BENSON: I can certainly tell you. I think we have a slide. So, as Terri mentioned, we have been running the activists schools around the country. In part, trying to bring change to two new areas, where we haven't seen activity in previous years. We're trying to initiate, pour a bit of petrol, as Andy said, into some new areas. We have done four events so far in Exeter, Brighton, Cambridge and in Chester, and we have another three events, two of which are next week. That is in Newcastle and Leeds, then Bristol the week after. It is been a really interesting thing. I have been on all of them apart from one thus far. We have had 40 to 50 people on each event, and have more coming to Leeds, so that should be a good one. So, actually, we have hopefully created at least 300 new Change Day activists. The things that are coming out are thinking about Change Day, and often focus on staff well-being. I think that is something that Change Day can reflect. Also, interestingly, the feedback, I was reading it yesterday, a lot of it is that you have permission, and that is the essence of what Change Day is. You have got permission to do that,
  • 14. NHS IQ Webinar (UKNHSI0209A) Page 14 of 14 Downloaded on: 09 Sep 2016 3:09 PM so that is really valuable. As I said, the activists schools are good for that. We have a few spaces if you are interested, but more importantly, if you know someone who would really benefit from them, the community know about us aren't necessarily our target audience. Actually, do promote them. Next month, just before Change Day, the Edge Talk will be around social movements, I think. I guess that will be building on what we have learned from Change Day, but also, the social movements. [Kim.Captioner is Live] We've got some expertise around that. So we look forward to that. JANET WILDMAN: Thank you so much, Ollie. Thank you to everybody for joining us today. Special thanks to Terri, Andy and Gill. And everybody who has been in the chat room and has contribute it through Twitter, this has been a fantastic show in terms of really thinking really hard around a really complicated issue around how can we evaluate Change Day. I think we have learned a lot of lessons. Thank you for all the top tips. Hopefully we will take that on in terms of how we move forward for Change Day 2016. Thank you very much, have a great weekend. Look after yourselves and take care. Bye-bye. PAUL WOODLEY: Thank you, everybody. See you later.