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Leading large scale system
Source of image: @voinonen
Helen Bevan
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Five proposed ground rules
1. we're all equal (no hierarchy)
2. Everyone participates and listens, equally
3. What is said here stays here
4. No idea is stupid
5. No topics are off the table
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Our agenda
09.30 Coffee and registration
10.00 Welcome and introduction: what we will be doing today
10.15 Our journey of change; then/now/future using Transformation cards
10.40 How change is changing and what it means for us
11.40 Continuums: what choices are we making about the future?:
12.00 Managing paradoxes, polarities and complex dilemmas
12.40 Lunch
13.25 We will run an unconference! (like a conference, only better)
14.30 Leading change in post-conventional ways
15.10 Action planning with Catalyst cards
15.25 Crossing the commitment line
15.45 Review and reflections
16.00 Close
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My journey in leading improvement:
pick three cards
2. “Where are you now (here)?”
One card for how you think and act now
3. “Where are you going (to there)?”
One card about possibilities for your future
1. “Where are you from?”
One card that captures how you thought and
acted when you first saw yourself as an
improvement leader or a change agent
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Our journey in leading improvement:
pick three cards
2. “Where are you now (here)?”
One card for how you think and act now
3. “Where are you going (to there)?”
One card about possibilities for your future team
1. “Where are you from?”
One card that captures how you thought and
acted when you first saw yourself
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My journey in leading improvement: a final
On the back of each of the cards from
the first deck is a tiny letter or letters (on
the bottom right hand side)
Make a note of the letter(s) for your
from, here and there
We will return to them later
@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
Transformations is
a tool for understanding key patterns in your life,
individually and together in groups, organisations and
@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
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Transformations is
Two sets of cards and a User’s Guide:
1. Life Logics (84 cards)
2. Catalysts (50 cards)
An interactive tool for exploring life
From → Here → to There
@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
We still organise health and care like the
Tabulating Machine Co. of 1917
Source of image: @corp_rebels@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
Jeremy Heimens, Henry Timms New Power: How it’s changing the 21st Century and why you need to know
new power
Made by many
Pulled in
old power
Held by a few
Pushed down
Find the superconnectors!
Just 3% of people in the organisation or system
typically influence 85% of the other people
Source: Organisational Network Analysis by Innovisor
Find the 3%:
meet Mandy Carney, Head of
Patient Flow at Yeovil Hospital
“Knows everyone in the hospital”
“Everyone follows Mandy on
The go-to person for advice
Mandy makes sense of things
and reduces ambiguity for people
Mandy presents her own monthly
award “the Carney cup”
As senior leaders, we are less
influential than we think
If we want to get the same level of influence
through top down change as the 3% get, we
need four times more people
Source : Jeppe Hansgaard
The 3% rule also appears true for
social media
Source: research by Graham MacKenzie using NodeXL
In health and
healthcare globally,
tweets by 3.3% of
tweeters accounted
for 85% of retweets
@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
The powerful medical “superconnectors”
Source: NodeXL analysis @gmacscotland
@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
Across the world, trust is imploding
Source: / 19
Peers are now as credible as experts
The inversion of influence
Based on the Edelman Trust Index: the
average of a country’s trust in the institutions
of government, business, media and non-
governmental organisations@HelenBevan
A world of distrust: Edelman Trust Barometer
Patients, families, citizens & social media
Sources: Benetol et al (2018) How patients’ use of social media impacts their interactions with
healthcare professionals; @RealDoctorMike (2017) Patients trust social media, so be their trusted source
People living with long term conditions and with
cancer are some of the most engaged and active
audiences on social media
Research shows:
• Patients and consumers gain agency by using social
media for health-related purposes
• It improves their relationship with their healthcare
• Overt or tacit opposition from some healthcare
Patients trust social media, so we must be their
trusted source
Empower your staff to be the voice of the
organisation. They’ve got audience & credibility
@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
Mark Jaben on the science behind resistance
What NOT to do
(but what we usually do)
We don’t need buyers (who “buy-in” to change)
We need investors
What TO do
people here
people here
A big debate in social science
Structure versus Agency
@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
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The predominant approach in recent years has been
STRUCTURE but globally there is a big shift towards AGENCY
The design dilemma at the heart of change
Operational standards
Performance goals
Incentive systems
Ability to make choices
Leaders everywhere
Social action
Social movements
The power, individually
and collectively, to
make a positive
@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
Source: @NHSChangeDay
@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
Source: @NHSChangeDay
@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
Source: @NHSChangeDay
changing a
culture” can
take years
The good
news: we can
usually build
agency much
more quickly 30
@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
Source: Bromford P (2015) What’s the difference between a test and a pilo
#Futurenursing #LargeScaleChange
Google image
search using the
word ‘nurse’
Google image
search using the
word ‘doctor’
Transforming perceptions of nursing
A digital platform was set up to capture ideas on how about
transform perceptions of nursing and midwifery. It was live for five
weeks between December 2017 and January 2018, supplemented
by Twitter chats.
As a result there were:
23,000 interactions
212 original ideas from the ideas
8,520 post views
Nearly 1,000 original tweets in twitter
chat which generated 40 more ideas
Across the globe, researchers and practitioners
are questioning the conventional “spread” model
Pilot project Rolling out
“If we opened our eyes we would see the wonderful irony. Trying to
manage human change through pilot and roll-out has actually grown
something. A proliferation of project managers”.
John Atkinson
@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
3 principles for spreading change in the new
ACTIONABLE: The idea is designed to make you do
something. It might start with sharing but it’s a call to
CONNECTED: The idea promotes a closer connection with
people you care about or share values with. It makes you
feel part of a community and the network effect creates
further spread
EXTENSIBLE: The idea can be easily customised, remixed,
reshaped by people taking part. It’s structured with a
common stem that encourages communities to alter and
extend it Jeremy Heimens, Henry Timms New Power: How it’s
changing the 21st Century and why you need to know (2018)@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
Making sure that only people who
should be in hospital are in
• The number of hospital beds occupied by patients
whose transfer of care has been delayed should be
reduced to 3.5%
• Less than 15% of assessments [for continuing care]
should take place in an acute hospital setting;
• a standardised performance dashboard
@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
70 day challenge:
to give patients
back one million
days of their
precious time that
would otherwise
be wasted in bed
in a hospital or@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
#endpjparalysis: connected social
@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital
@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
What happened next……
@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
the collective brilliance of people
who work in ambulance services
(with the help of a few critical friends)
Launch Event 28th
Film making in action!
Ideas platform 12th July to 5th September
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Ambulance service improvement tweet chat
17th July: A one hour tweet
chat on partnerships
between ambulance staff,
patients and the public
537 people participated,
generating 1,409 tweets
and 77 new ideas!
This analysis shows a high level of engagement with the community and
strong connections between key influencers. Source: NodeXL
Source: FollowtheHashtag
People took part
in the tweet
chat from across
the world
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What we are working on now
Action on falls: a collaboratively designed falls response framework
Action on mental health and emotional distress: an actionable
“knowledge bank” for use by frontline ambulance staff
Action on partnership: people, families and the wider community:
Co-producing a campaign that focusses on how to access and use
services; a social movement rather than broadcasting messages
Action on staff wellbeing: implementing clinical supervision across all
ambulance services
A directory of ideas for improvement: Share 70 ideas from #ProjectA
and create a series of challenges to help make them happen.
Virtual collaboration: Building the capability of the ambulance
workforce to collaborate virtually; reducing time away from work and
abstraction; increase opportunities for sharing, learning and speeding
The process has been 90% virtual
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What do successful social movements
• Define the change they want
to see
• Identify the pillars of power
• Create a spectrum of allies
• Seek to attract not overpower
• Build a plan to survive victory
Source: Satell G (2017)
How to create
transformational change,
according to the world’s
most successful social@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
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• Did we accomplish the goal we were trying to
• Did our community grow stronger? (create
capacity; new power – power we didn’t have before)
• Did individuals involved in the whole effort learn,
grow and develop their capacity to organise with
How would we know if we are successful
from a social movement perspective?
@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
Source: Greg Satell
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What’s the problem we are seeking to
[Health and care] is a complex adaptive system, meaning that any major
intervention changes the nature of the system itself. This is made even
more complex by the fact that it is predominantly a human activity system,
which introduces issues of politics and self-interest that are tricky to either
model or predict. This means that reductionist, mechanical and linear
methods of problem solving tend to flounder against the laws of
unforeseen consequences and incomplete information.
Jonathon Anscombe
@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
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Task: continuums
• Around the room are 13 continuums based on tensions in
large scale change in our system
• These came from discussions with clinical leaders from NHS
• For each continuum, add a red dot above the line for where
you think we are today and a blue dot below the line for
where you think we need to be in future
Time available: 15 minutes
Transform the
……….. .. .
Deliver operationally
Top down strategy
Personalised care (what matters to me)
Improvement science
Clinical expertise
Intrinsic motivation (carrots)
Patient experience/outcomes
Testing “does it work?” (pilots)
Focus on formal leaders
Shared purpose of the team
Keeping services running well
Transform the system
Bottom up action
Standardised care (agreed pathway)
Manage our own health
Extrinsic motivation (sticks)
Population health
Rolling change out widely
Informal leaders & activists
Organisational shared purpose
Having a sense of progress
Polarities/complex dilemmas in large scale change
Problems vs. polarities (complex dilemmas)
• Have one best or right
answer that provides a
• The solution solves the
problem and it goes away,
• A definite end point where
you can say that the
problem is solved
• The solution to the
problem usually contains
no alternatives
• Are unsolvable problems
that need to be managed
• Often two positions that
are in opposition
• Usually expressed as from
one polarity to another
• A tension, not a choice
with a best or right answer
66 |
old power new power
Held by a few
Pushed down
Made by many
Pulled in
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• As a table, identify a
polarity you would like to
work on
• It can be one of the ones
from the continuums or you
can identify a different one
• Write the names of the
poles in the boxes in the
middle of the template
Action Steps
Actions to gain or maintain
the positive results from
focussing on this pole. Who?
What? By when? Measures?
Measurable indicators that
you can count that will let
you know that you are
getting into the downside
of this pole.
Positive results of focus on this pole Positive results of focus on this pole
Negative results of over-focus on
this pole to the neglect of the right
Negative results of over-focus on
this pole to the neglect of the left
Biggest risk from loss of balance
Our goal in balancing this polarity
Measurable indicators that
you can count that will let
you know that you are
getting into the downside
of this pole.
Action Steps
Actions to gain or maintain
the positive results from
focussing on this pole. Who?
What? By when? Measures?
Reducing cost
Action Steps
Actions to gain or maintain
the positive results from
focussing on this pole. Who?
What? By when? Measures?
Measurable indicators that
you can count that will let
you know that you are
getting into the downside
of this pole.
Positive results of focus on this pole Positive results of focus on this pole
Negative results of over-focus on
this pole to the neglect of the right
Negative results of over-focus on
this pole to the neglect of the left
Biggest risk from loss of balance
Our goal in balancing this polarity
Measurable indicators that
you can count that will let
you know that you are
getting into the downside
of this pole.
Action Steps
Actions to gain or maintain
the positive results from
focussing on this pole. Who?
What? By when? Measures?
Deeper Fear from loss of balance
Show the current and idea energy flows
Source: adapted from Barry Johnson
Ideal energy flow: work towards
the upside of both poles and
you create a virtuous circle
leading to the higher purpose
Positive results of focus on this pole Positive results of focus on this pole
Negative results of over-focus on
this pole to the neglect of the right
Negative results of over-focus on
this pole to the neglect of the left
Deeper Fear from loss of balance
Step four: show the current and idea energy flows
Source: adapted from Barry Johnson
Deeper Fear from loss of balance
Show the current and idea energy flows
Source: adapted from Barry Johnso
Ideal energy flow: work towards
the upside of both poles and
you create a virtuous circle
leading to the higher purpose
Positive results of focus on this pole Positive results of focus on this pole
Negative results of over-focus on
this pole to the neglect of the right
Negative results of over-focus on
this pole to the neglect of the left
Deeper Fear from loss of balance
Show the current and idea energy flows
Source: adapted from Barry Johnso
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The Fundamental Law of Unconferencing
The sum of the
expertise of the
people in the
audience is greater
than the sum of
expertise of the
people on stage
Dave Winer
Source of image:
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Our unconference process
• Having taken part in the workshop so far, think about a
topic that you would like to explore with other people
• It should be a topic that you want to take action on over
the next twelve months to take your agenda forward
• Line up to pitch your idea
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The unconference:
4 principles and a law
1. Whoever comes are the right people
2. Whatever happens is the only thing that could have
3. When it starts is the right time
4. When it's over it's over
The Law is known as the Law of Two Feet:
"If you find yourself in a situation where you are not contributing
or learning, move somewhere where you can."
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Time available: 10 minutes
Source of image:
• One person from each group should stand by their sheet
• Each person has four dots
• We are voting for the “one big idea” that offers the best potential for
delivering large scale change across Scotland
• You can give all your dots to one idea or one dot each to four ideas
• You can’t vote for your own idea
• Switch the “standing” person half way so they can vote
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Post conventional leaders
Current global trends call for
leaders who can demonstrate a
high level of maturity in dealing
creatively with increasing
complexity, uncertainty,
diversity, and numbers of
@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
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Adult development
(Constructivist-development researchers)
• Children develop in dramatic steps or stages (Jean Piaget)
• Adults continue to develop in stages (e.g, Lawrence
Kohlberg, William Torbert, Robert Kegan)
• Adults can become more mature as they “grow up” and
develop “bigger minds”
• Our adult stage of development affects how we think and
act at work and home – our “action logics”
• There are several frameworks for thinking about the
transformations that are possible in adulthood
Source: Charles Palus, Center for Creative Leadership
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The skills for 2030
Nesta, Pearson and the Martin Oxford School: The future of skills: employment in 2030
Judgment and decision
making: Considering the
relative costs and benefits of
potential actions to choose the
most appropriate one.
Fluency of ideas: The
ability to come up with a
number of ideas about a
topic (the number of ideas
is important, not their
quality, correctness, or
Active learning: Learning
strategies—selecting and using
training/instructional methods
and procedures appropriate for
the situation when learning or
teaching new things.
Originality: The ability to
come up with unusual or clever
ideas about a given topic or
situation, or to develop
creative ways to solve a
Learning strategies:
Understanding the implications of
new information for both current
and future problem-solving and
Graphics by @scriberian
Horizontal development:
• Adding more knowledge, skills, and
• Transmitted through experts
Vertical development:
• Ability to think in more complex, systemic,
strategic and interdependent ways
• Learnt through experience
In a post conventional world, we need to focus
on vertical development as well as horizontal
Vertical development is
about the ability to think and
act in more complex ways.
It’s about how you think. It’s
about maturity, and
growing “up” and increasing
one’s “depth
Charles Palus,
Centre for Creative Leadership
86 |
The skills for 2030
Nesta, Pearson and the Martin Oxford School: The future of skills: employment in 2030
Judgment and decision
making: Considering the
relative costs and benefits of
potential actions to choose the
most appropriate one.
Fluency of ideas: The
ability to come up with a
number of ideas about a
topic (the number of ideas
is important, not their
quality, correctness, or
Active learning: Learning
strategies—selecting and using
training/instructional methods
and procedures appropriate for
the situation when learning or
teaching new things.
Originality: The ability to
come up with unusual or clever
ideas about a given topic or
situation, or to develop
creative ways to solve a
Learning strategies:
Understanding the implications of
new information for both current
and future problem-solving and
Graphics by @scriberian
• ‘Live’ from 15th February 2018
• 5 modules, 5 weeks
• Every Thursday 15.00-16.00
• Live webinar
• Recordings available
• Completely free and open to all
• Handbooks and study guides
• Meet fellow change agents from
• across the globe
Join the
Stages of vertical development for change agents
 A team player
 Follows others
 Works with “old
power” authority
 Sticks to QI methods
and/or project
Source: adapted from Center for Creative Leadership@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
Stages of vertical development for change agents
 A team player
 Follows others
 Works with “old
power” authority
 Sticks to QI methods
and/or project
 Think in an
independent way
 Drive the agenda
 Guided by my own
 Take a stand for the
things I believe in
 Spark and initiate
Source: adapted from Center for Creative Leadership@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
Stages of vertical development for change agents
 A team player
 Follows others
 Works with “old
power” authority
 Sticks to QI methods
and/or project
 Think in an
independent way
 Drive the agenda
 Guided by my own
 Take a stand for the
things I believe in
 Spark and initiate
 Think in inter-
dependent ways
 See systems, patterns
and connections
 Hold multiple
perspectives at the
same time
 Comfortable with
tensions, paradox and
 Lead transformation
Source: adapted from Center for Creative Leadership@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
What happens to one affects all the others
Sources: Being First team (2017) Going for the Big Win in Your Organization
Amit S. Mukherjee (2017) We Must Rescue ‘Win-Win’ From Its Buzzword Status
@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
93 |
Thursday 15 March
Further reading: Nicholas Petrie (2015) The how-to of vertical leadership development
Horizontal development
• Tools, models and frameworks
• Step by step approaches
• Skills development
Vertical development
• Exposure to new ways of
• Intense stretch experiences
• Strong developmental networks
Nicolas Petrie@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
Everret Roger’s diffusion of innovation curve
@HelenBevan @horizonsnhs
Everret Roger’s diffusion of innovation curve
@HelenBevan @horizonsnhs
Everret Roger’s diffusion of innovation curve
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Emerging post-conventional themes in
• Spread is a developmental, contextualised, adaptive,
learning and social process
• Increased focus on adopter’s perspective
• Early involvement of future adopters
• System leadership, convening and “choreography”
• Harness energy / motivation of group wider than innovators
and enthusiasts
Source: Diane Ketley
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The key role of the “convenor”:
system leadership role
• Acting as interface between
innovation and ‘usual business’
• Creating an adaptive
environment for spread
• Lessening ambiguity for
adopters in complex change
• Strategically coordinating
spread across a whole system
• Mobilising networks, crowds
and influencers@HelenBevan
101 |
Programme manager vs. convenor
• Designs a plan
• Accountability within a
governance system
• Ensures that delivery
milestones are met
• Deals with risk and ensures
that barriers are overcome
• Works with emergence
• Builds commitment to a
collective goal
• Builds relationships
• Seeks win/wins
• Makes sense of things for
adopters: the why?
• Enables spread across a whole
independent Interdependent
102 |
Ways of describing the development stages
Post conventional Interdependent
Conventional Independent
Preconventional Dependent Opportunist
Terry Sexton
Center for Creative
Leadership William Torbert
@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
Seven transformations (action logics)
of adulthood: “growing up”
Alchemical – Integrates material, spiritual, and societal
Transforming – Generates organisational and personal
Redefining – Reframes complex problems in unique ways
Achiever – Driven by personal and team achievement
Expert – Focuses on logic and expertise
Diplomat – Wants to belong and fit in
Opportunist – Wins for self in any way possible
Rooke, D. & Torbert, W. R. (2005, April). Seven transformations of leadership.
Harvard Business Review, 66-77.
Distribution of the “action logics”
Source: Cleveland Consulting Group
@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
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Our journey in leading improvement: a
final task
On the back of each of the cards from the first deck is a tiny
letter or letters (on the bottom right hand side)
Make a note of the letter(s) for your from, here and there
We will return to them later
Did your action
logics correspond
with the suggested
development path?
@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
Seven transformations (action logics)
of adulthood: “growing up”
Alchemical – Integrates material, spiritual, and societal
Transforming – Generates organisational and personal
Redefining – Reframes complex problems in unique ways
Achiever – Driven by personal and team achievement
Expert – Focuses on logic and expertise
Diplomat – Wants to belong and fit in
Opportunist – Wins for self in any way possible
Rooke, D. & Torbert, W. R. (2005, April). Seven transformations of leadership.
Harvard Business Review, 66-77.
ABC, 30 – 60 – 90 Days - Ideas for Action
Longer Term Actions
Adapted from
What could we
speed up / do
more of ?
What could we
stop doing ?
What could we
start doing?
The next month The next 2 months The next quarter
Use the Catalyst
cards to support
action planning
Crossing the
commitment line
the line!
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Have we got the power to change things?
Research with groups shows a 25%-10%-3% pattern:
When a minority group pushing change was below
25% of the total group, its efforts failed. But they reached 25%,
the majority of the population adopted the new way of thinking
very quickly
When just 10% of a population holds an unshakable
belief, their belief is likely to be adopted by the majority
Typically in organisations, around 3% of people (the
informal influencers) drive conversations and influence 85% of
other people. They are not typically the senior leaders
Source: Harold Jarche 2018: 25-10-3

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Leading large scale system change

  • 1. Leading large scale system change Source of image: @voinonen : Helen Bevan @HelenBevan @NHS_Education #LargeScaleChange
  • 2.
  • 3. 3 | Five proposed ground rules 1. we're all equal (no hierarchy) 2. Everyone participates and listens, equally 3. What is said here stays here 4. No idea is stupid 5. No topics are off the table
  • 4. 4 | Our agenda 09.30 Coffee and registration 10.00 Welcome and introduction: what we will be doing today 10.15 Our journey of change; then/now/future using Transformation cards 10.40 How change is changing and what it means for us 11.40 Continuums: what choices are we making about the future?: 12.00 Managing paradoxes, polarities and complex dilemmas 12.40 Lunch 13.25 We will run an unconference! (like a conference, only better) 14.30 Leading change in post-conventional ways 15.10 Action planning with Catalyst cards 15.25 Crossing the commitment line 15.45 Review and reflections 16.00 Close
  • 5. 5 | My journey in leading improvement: pick three cards 2. “Where are you now (here)?” One card for how you think and act now 3. “Where are you going (to there)?” One card about possibilities for your future 1. “Where are you from?” One card that captures how you thought and acted when you first saw yourself as an improvement leader or a change agent
  • 6. 6 | Our journey in leading improvement: pick three cards 2. “Where are you now (here)?” One card for how you think and act now 3. “Where are you going (to there)?” One card about possibilities for your future team 1. “Where are you from?” One card that captures how you thought and acted when you first saw yourself
  • 7. 7 | My journey in leading improvement: a final task On the back of each of the cards from the first deck is a tiny letter or letters (on the bottom right hand side) Make a note of the letter(s) for your from, here and there We will return to them later @HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
  • 8. Transformations is a tool for understanding key patterns in your life, individually and together in groups, organisations and communities. @HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
  • 9. 9 | Transformations is Two sets of cards and a User’s Guide: 1. Life Logics (84 cards) 2. Catalysts (50 cards) An interactive tool for exploring life journeys: From → Here → to There @HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12. We still organise health and care like the Tabulating Machine Co. of 1917 Source of image: @corp_rebels@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
  • 13. Jeremy Heimens, Henry Timms New Power: How it’s changing the 21st Century and why you need to know (2018) new power Current Made by many Pulled in Shared Open Relationship old power Currency Held by a few Pushed down Commanded Closed Transaction
  • 14. Find the superconnectors! Just 3% of people in the organisation or system typically influence 85% of the other people Source: Organisational Network Analysis by Innovisor
  • 15. Find the 3%: meet Mandy Carney, Head of Patient Flow at Yeovil Hospital “Knows everyone in the hospital” “Everyone follows Mandy on Facebook” The go-to person for advice Mandy makes sense of things and reduces ambiguity for people Mandy presents her own monthly award “the Carney cup”
  • 16. As senior leaders, we are less influential than we think If we want to get the same level of influence through top down change as the 3% get, we need four times more people Source : Jeppe Hansgaard
  • 17. The 3% rule also appears true for social media Source: research by Graham MacKenzie using NodeXL In health and healthcare globally, tweets by 3.3% of tweeters accounted for 85% of retweets @HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
  • 18. The powerful medical “superconnectors” Source: NodeXL analysis @gmacscotland @HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
  • 19. Across the world, trust is imploding Source: / 19 Peers are now as credible as experts
  • 20. The inversion of influence Based on the Edelman Trust Index: the average of a country’s trust in the institutions of government, business, media and non- governmental organisations@HelenBevan
  • 21. A world of distrust: Edelman Trust Barometer
  • 22. Patients, families, citizens & social media Sources: Benetol et al (2018) How patients’ use of social media impacts their interactions with healthcare professionals; @RealDoctorMike (2017) Patients trust social media, so be their trusted source People living with long term conditions and with cancer are some of the most engaged and active audiences on social media Research shows: • Patients and consumers gain agency by using social media for health-related purposes • It improves their relationship with their healthcare professionals • Overt or tacit opposition from some healthcare professionals Patients trust social media, so we must be their trusted source
  • 23. Empower your staff to be the voice of the organisation. They’ve got audience & credibility @HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
  • 24. Mark Jaben on the science behind resistance What NOT to do (but what we usually do) We don’t need buyers (who “buy-in” to change) We need investors What TO do Engage people here Engage people here
  • 25. A big debate in social science Structure versus Agency @HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
  • 26. 26 | The predominant approach in recent years has been STRUCTURE but globally there is a big shift towards AGENCY The design dilemma at the heart of change Operational standards Performance goals Compliance Assurance Regulation Programme Management Incentive systems Activation Ability to make choices Co-production Capability Leaders everywhere Social action Solidarity Social movements
  • 27. The power, individually and collectively, to make a positive difference @HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
  • 30. Source: @NHSChangeDay Problematic: changing a “permission culture” can take years The good news: we can usually build agency much more quickly 30 @HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 33. Source: Bromford P (2015) What’s the difference between a test and a pilo
  • 35. Google image search using the word ‘nurse’ Google image search using the word ‘doctor’
  • 36. Transforming perceptions of nursing A digital platform was set up to capture ideas on how about transform perceptions of nursing and midwifery. It was live for five weeks between December 2017 and January 2018, supplemented by Twitter chats. As a result there were: 23,000 interactions 212 original ideas from the ideas platform 8,520 post views Nearly 1,000 original tweets in twitter chat which generated 40 more ideas
  • 37.
  • 38. Across the globe, researchers and practitioners are questioning the conventional “spread” model Pilot project Rolling out “If we opened our eyes we would see the wonderful irony. Trying to manage human change through pilot and roll-out has actually grown something. A proliferation of project managers”. John Atkinson @HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
  • 39. 3 principles for spreading change in the new era ACTIONABLE: The idea is designed to make you do something. It might start with sharing but it’s a call to action CONNECTED: The idea promotes a closer connection with people you care about or share values with. It makes you feel part of a community and the network effect creates further spread EXTENSIBLE: The idea can be easily customised, remixed, reshaped by people taking part. It’s structured with a common stem that encourages communities to alter and extend it Jeremy Heimens, Henry Timms New Power: How it’s changing the 21st Century and why you need to know (2018)@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
  • 40. Making sure that only people who should be in hospital are in hospital • The number of hospital beds occupied by patients whose transfer of care has been delayed should be reduced to 3.5% • Less than 15% of assessments [for continuing care] should take place in an acute hospital setting; • a standardised performance dashboard @HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
  • 42. 70 day challenge: to give patients back one million days of their precious time that would otherwise be wasted in bed in a hospital or@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
  • 45.
  • 46. Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital @HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
  • 49.
  • 51. the collective brilliance of people who work in ambulance services (with the help of a few critical friends)
  • 52.
  • 54. Film making in action!
  • 55. Ideas platform 12th July to 5th September
  • 56. 56 | Ambulance service improvement tweet chat #ProjectA 17th July: A one hour tweet chat on partnerships between ambulance staff, patients and the public 537 people participated, generating 1,409 tweets and 77 new ideas! This analysis shows a high level of engagement with the community and strong connections between key influencers. Source: NodeXL Source: FollowtheHashtag People took part in the tweet chat from across the world Source:
  • 57. 57 | What we are working on now Action on falls: a collaboratively designed falls response framework Action on mental health and emotional distress: an actionable “knowledge bank” for use by frontline ambulance staff Action on partnership: people, families and the wider community: Co-producing a campaign that focusses on how to access and use services; a social movement rather than broadcasting messages Action on staff wellbeing: implementing clinical supervision across all ambulance services A directory of ideas for improvement: Share 70 ideas from #ProjectA and create a series of challenges to help make them happen. Virtual collaboration: Building the capability of the ambulance workforce to collaborate virtually; reducing time away from work and abstraction; increase opportunities for sharing, learning and speeding
  • 58. The process has been 90% virtual
  • 59. 59 | What do successful social movements do? • Define the change they want to see • Identify the pillars of power • Create a spectrum of allies • Seek to attract not overpower • Build a plan to survive victory Source: Satell G (2017) How to create transformational change, according to the world’s most successful social@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
  • 60. 60 | • Did we accomplish the goal we were trying to accomplish? • Did our community grow stronger? (create capacity; new power – power we didn’t have before) • Did individuals involved in the whole effort learn, grow and develop their capacity to organise with others? How would we know if we are successful from a social movement perspective? @HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange Source: Greg Satell
  • 61. 61 | What’s the problem we are seeking to address? [Health and care] is a complex adaptive system, meaning that any major intervention changes the nature of the system itself. This is made even more complex by the fact that it is predominantly a human activity system, which introduces issues of politics and self-interest that are tricky to either model or predict. This means that reductionist, mechanical and linear methods of problem solving tend to flounder against the laws of unforeseen consequences and incomplete information. Jonathon Anscombe @HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
  • 62.
  • 63. 63 | Task: continuums • Around the room are 13 continuums based on tensions in large scale change in our system • These came from discussions with clinical leaders from NHS Lothian • For each continuum, add a red dot above the line for where you think we are today and a blue dot below the line for where you think we need to be in future Time available: 15 minutes Deliver operationally Transform the system ……..……..……....... . ……….. .. .
  • 64. AND AND AND AND AND AND AND AND AND AND AND Deliver operationally Top down strategy Personalised care (what matters to me) Patient-led Structure/process/outcomes Improvement science Clinical expertise Intrinsic motivation (carrots) Patient experience/outcomes Testing “does it work?” (pilots) Focus on formal leaders Shared purpose of the team Keeping services running well Transform the system Bottom up action Standardised care (agreed pathway) Clinician-led Relationships Coproduction Manage our own health Extrinsic motivation (sticks) Population health Rolling change out widely Informal leaders & activists Organisational shared purpose Having a sense of progress Polarities/complex dilemmas in large scale change AND AND
  • 65. Problems vs. polarities (complex dilemmas) Problems • Have one best or right answer that provides a solution • The solution solves the problem and it goes away, • A definite end point where you can say that the problem is solved • The solution to the problem usually contains no alternatives Polarities • Are unsolvable problems that need to be managed • Often two positions that are in opposition • Usually expressed as from one polarity to another • A tension, not a choice with a best or right answer
  • 66. 66 | old power new power Currency Held by a few Pushed down Commanded Closed Transaction Current Made by many Pulled in Shared Open Relationship
  • 67. 67 | • As a table, identify a polarity you would like to work on • It can be one of the ones from the continuums or you can identify a different one • Write the names of the poles in the boxes in the middle of the template Task
  • 68. AND Action Steps Actions to gain or maintain the positive results from focussing on this pole. Who? What? By when? Measures? Early warnings Measurable indicators that you can count that will let you know that you are getting into the downside of this pole. Positive results of focus on this pole Positive results of focus on this pole Negative results of over-focus on this pole to the neglect of the right pole Negative results of over-focus on this pole to the neglect of the left pole Biggest risk from loss of balance Our goal in balancing this polarity Early warnings Measurable indicators that you can count that will let you know that you are getting into the downside of this pole. Action Steps Actions to gain or maintain the positive results from focussing on this pole. Who? What? By when? Measures?
  • 69. Reducing cost Improving qualityAND Action Steps Actions to gain or maintain the positive results from focussing on this pole. Who? What? By when? Measures? Early warnings Measurable indicators that you can count that will let you know that you are getting into the downside of this pole. Positive results of focus on this pole Positive results of focus on this pole Negative results of over-focus on this pole to the neglect of the right pole Negative results of over-focus on this pole to the neglect of the left pole Biggest risk from loss of balance Our goal in balancing this polarity Early warnings Measurable indicators that you can count that will let you know that you are getting into the downside of this pole. Action Steps Actions to gain or maintain the positive results from focussing on this pole. Who? What? By when? Measures?
  • 70. and Deeper Fear from loss of balance Show the current and idea energy flows Source: adapted from Barry Johnson Ideal energy flow: work towards the upside of both poles and you create a virtuous circle leading to the higher purpose Improving quality Reducing cost
  • 71. and Positive results of focus on this pole Positive results of focus on this pole Negative results of over-focus on this pole to the neglect of the right pole Negative results of over-focus on this pole to the neglect of the left pole Deeper Fear from loss of balance Step four: show the current and idea energy flows Source: adapted from Barry Johnson Typical energy flow Improving quality Reducing costs
  • 72. and Deeper Fear from loss of balance Show the current and idea energy flows Source: adapted from Barry Johnso Ideal energy flow: work towards the upside of both poles and you create a virtuous circle leading to the higher purpose
  • 73. and Positive results of focus on this pole Positive results of focus on this pole Negative results of over-focus on this pole to the neglect of the right pole Negative results of over-focus on this pole to the neglect of the left pole Deeper Fear from loss of balance Show the current and idea energy flows Source: adapted from Barry Johnso Typical energy flow
  • 74.
  • 76. 76 | The Fundamental Law of Unconferencing The sum of the expertise of the people in the audience is greater than the sum of expertise of the people on stage Dave Winer “ “ Source of image:
  • 77. 77 | Our unconference process • Having taken part in the workshop so far, think about a topic that you would like to explore with other people • It should be a topic that you want to take action on over the next twelve months to take your agenda forward • Line up to pitch your idea
  • 78.
  • 79. 79 | The unconference: 4 principles and a law Principles: 1. Whoever comes are the right people 2. Whatever happens is the only thing that could have happened. 3. When it starts is the right time 4. When it's over it's over The Law is known as the Law of Two Feet: "If you find yourself in a situation where you are not contributing or learning, move somewhere where you can."
  • 80. 80 | “Dotmocracy” Time available: 10 minutes Source of image: • One person from each group should stand by their sheet • Each person has four dots • We are voting for the “one big idea” that offers the best potential for delivering large scale change across Scotland • You can give all your dots to one idea or one dot each to four ideas • You can’t vote for your own idea • Switch the “standing” person half way so they can vote
  • 81. 81 | Post conventional leaders Current global trends call for leaders who can demonstrate a high level of maturity in dealing creatively with increasing complexity, uncertainty, diversity, and numbers of paradoxes @HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
  • 82. 82 | Adult development (Constructivist-development researchers) • Children develop in dramatic steps or stages (Jean Piaget) • Adults continue to develop in stages (e.g, Lawrence Kohlberg, William Torbert, Robert Kegan) • Adults can become more mature as they “grow up” and develop “bigger minds” • Our adult stage of development affects how we think and act at work and home – our “action logics” • There are several frameworks for thinking about the transformations that are possible in adulthood Source: Charles Palus, Center for Creative Leadership
  • 83. 83 | The skills for 2030 Nesta, Pearson and the Martin Oxford School: The future of skills: employment in 2030 Judgment and decision making: Considering the relative costs and benefits of potential actions to choose the most appropriate one. Fluency of ideas: The ability to come up with a number of ideas about a topic (the number of ideas is important, not their quality, correctness, or creativity). Active learning: Learning strategies—selecting and using training/instructional methods and procedures appropriate for the situation when learning or teaching new things. Originality: The ability to come up with unusual or clever ideas about a given topic or situation, or to develop creative ways to solve a problem Learning strategies: Understanding the implications of new information for both current and future problem-solving and decision-making. Graphics by @scriberian
  • 84. Horizontal development: • Adding more knowledge, skills, and competencies • Transmitted through experts Vertical development: • Ability to think in more complex, systemic, strategic and interdependent ways • Learnt through experience In a post conventional world, we need to focus on vertical development as well as horizontal
  • 85. Vertical development is about the ability to think and act in more complex ways. It’s about how you think. It’s about maturity, and growing “up” and increasing one’s “depth Charles Palus, Centre for Creative Leadership
  • 86. 86 | The skills for 2030 Nesta, Pearson and the Martin Oxford School: The future of skills: employment in 2030 Judgment and decision making: Considering the relative costs and benefits of potential actions to choose the most appropriate one. Fluency of ideas: The ability to come up with a number of ideas about a topic (the number of ideas is important, not their quality, correctness, or creativity). Active learning: Learning strategies—selecting and using training/instructional methods and procedures appropriate for the situation when learning or teaching new things. Originality: The ability to come up with unusual or clever ideas about a given topic or situation, or to develop creative ways to solve a problem Learning strategies: Understanding the implications of new information for both current and future problem-solving and decision-making. Graphics by @scriberian
  • 87. COMPLIANT POWERFUL! CHANGE AGENTS WANT TO ROCK THE BOAT BUT NOT FALL OUT? • ‘Live’ from 15th February 2018 • 5 modules, 5 weeks • Every Thursday 15.00-16.00 GMT • Live webinar • Recordings available • Completely free and open to all • Handbooks and study guides • Meet fellow change agents from • across the globe @SCH4Change Join the
  • 88. Stages of vertical development for change agents Levelof development Time  A team player  Follows others faithfully  Works with “old power” authority  Sticks to QI methods and/or project management approaches Dependent Source: adapted from Center for Creative Leadership@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
  • 89. Stages of vertical development for change agents Levelof development Time  A team player  Follows others faithfully  Works with “old power” authority  Sticks to QI methods and/or project management approaches  Think in an independent way  Drive the agenda  Guided by my own values  Take a stand for the things I believe in  Spark and initiate change Dependent Independent Source: adapted from Center for Creative Leadership@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
  • 90. Stages of vertical development for change agents Levelof development Time  A team player  Follows others faithfully  Works with “old power” authority  Sticks to QI methods and/or project management approaches  Think in an independent way  Drive the agenda  Guided by my own values  Take a stand for the things I believe in  Spark and initiate change  Think in inter- dependent ways  See systems, patterns and connections  Hold multiple perspectives at the same time  Comfortable with tensions, paradox and contradictions  Lead transformation Dependent Independent Interdependent Source: adapted from Center for Creative Leadership@HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
  • 91. Interdependent What happens to one affects all the others 91
  • 92. Sources: Being First team (2017) Going for the Big Win in Your Organization Amit S. Mukherjee (2017) We Must Rescue ‘Win-Win’ From Its Buzzword Status Interdependence YOU WINI WIN @HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
  • 94. Further reading: Nicholas Petrie (2015) The how-to of vertical leadership development Horizontal development • Tools, models and frameworks • Step by step approaches • Skills development Vertical development • Exposure to new ways of thinking • Intense stretch experiences • Strong developmental networks
  • 96. Everret Roger’s diffusion of innovation curve @HelenBevan @horizonsnhs
  • 97. Everret Roger’s diffusion of innovation curve Innovators @HelenBevan @horizonsnhs
  • 98. Everret Roger’s diffusion of innovation curve Innovators Adopters
  • 99. 99 | Emerging post-conventional themes in spread • Spread is a developmental, contextualised, adaptive, learning and social process • Increased focus on adopter’s perspective • Early involvement of future adopters • System leadership, convening and “choreography” • Harness energy / motivation of group wider than innovators and enthusiasts Source: Diane Ketley
  • 100. 100 | The key role of the “convenor”: system leadership role • Acting as interface between innovation and ‘usual business’ • Creating an adaptive environment for spread • Lessening ambiguity for adopters in complex change situations • Strategically coordinating spread across a whole system • Mobilising networks, crowds and influencers@HelenBevan
  • 101. 101 | Programme manager vs. convenor • Designs a plan • Accountability within a governance system • Ensures that delivery milestones are met • Deals with risk and ensures that barriers are overcome • Works with emergence • Builds commitment to a collective goal • Builds relationships • Seeks win/wins • Makes sense of things for adopters: the why? • Enables spread across a whole system Dependent/ independent Interdependent PROGRAMME MANAGER CONVENOR
  • 102. 102 | Ways of describing the development stages Post conventional Interdependent Alchemical Transforming Redefining Conventional Independent Achiever Expert Diplomat Preconventional Dependent Opportunist Terry Sexton Center for Creative Leadership William Torbert @HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
  • 103. Seven transformations (action logics) of adulthood: “growing up” Alchemical – Integrates material, spiritual, and societal transformations Transforming – Generates organisational and personal transformations Redefining – Reframes complex problems in unique ways Achiever – Driven by personal and team achievement Expert – Focuses on logic and expertise Diplomat – Wants to belong and fit in Opportunist – Wins for self in any way possible Rooke, D. & Torbert, W. R. (2005, April). Seven transformations of leadership. Harvard Business Review, 66-77.
  • 104. Distribution of the “action logics” Source: Cleveland Consulting Group Expert 37% Diplomat 11% Opportunist 4% Alchemist 2%Transforming 5%Redefining 11% Achiever 30% @HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
  • 105. 105 | Our journey in leading improvement: a final task On the back of each of the cards from the first deck is a tiny letter or letters (on the bottom right hand side) Make a note of the letter(s) for your from, here and there We will return to them later Did your action logics correspond with the suggested development path? @HelenBevan #LargeScaleChange
  • 106. Seven transformations (action logics) of adulthood: “growing up” Alchemical – Integrates material, spiritual, and societal transformations Transforming – Generates organisational and personal transformations Redefining – Reframes complex problems in unique ways Achiever – Driven by personal and team achievement Expert – Focuses on logic and expertise Diplomat – Wants to belong and fit in Opportunist – Wins for self in any way possible Rooke, D. & Torbert, W. R. (2005, April). Seven transformations of leadership. Harvard Business Review, 66-77.
  • 107. ABC, 30 – 60 – 90 Days - Ideas for Action Longer Term Actions Adapted from What could we speed up / do more of ? (Accelerate) What could we stop doing ? (Brake) What could we start doing? (Create) The next month The next 2 months The next quarter
  • 108. Use the Catalyst cards to support action planning 108
  • 110. 110 | Have we got the power to change things? Research with groups shows a 25%-10%-3% pattern: When a minority group pushing change was below 25% of the total group, its efforts failed. But they reached 25%, the majority of the population adopted the new way of thinking very quickly When just 10% of a population holds an unshakable belief, their belief is likely to be adopted by the majority Typically in organisations, around 3% of people (the informal influencers) drive conversations and influence 85% of other people. They are not typically the senior leaders Source: Harold Jarche 2018: 25-10-3