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Challenges towards Model-Based Development
      of ELearning Management Systems

         Josefina Guerrero-García, Juan Manuel González-Calleros,
    Jaime Muñoz-Arteaga, Miguel Ángel León-Chávez, Carlos Reyes-García

                  Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
                       Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes
                Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica

1   WILE´2011                                                     Puebla   28/11/2011
    1.   Introduction
    2.   State of the art
    3.   Challenges towards Model-Based Development
         of ELearning Management Systems
    4.   Conclusions

2   WILE´2011                            Puebla   28/11/2011
     The design of a learning process
          Links users to domain-specific information
          Collaboration spaces
          Knowledge transfer
          Knowledge generation.
          Efficient and stimulating
          Better and effective learning
     The strategy must consider at least:
        Design of learning content,
        Design of different ways to present content (textual, graphical
           or mixed)
          Considering different devices (PDA, mobile phones, laptop)
          Collaboration during learning process.
          Issues related to the context
          Learning Style

3   WILE´2011                                            Puebla   28/11/2011
2. State of the Art

4   WILE´2011             Puebla   28/11/2011
State of the Art
     Criteria/Work          (Jonassen     (McDonald   (Germán    (Gonzalez et
                              et al.)       et al.)    et al.)     al) [19]
      Formal specification Activity      Conceptual  State       Workflow
    technique             theory      framework     machine

    Environment              NonA      C-Flow       Cated        Ecool
    Personalization          +         +            -            ++
    Multiple         User --           +            --           ++
    Reverse engineering   --           +            --           ++
    Customization            +         +            +            ++
    Learning objects         +         ++           ++           ++
     Multimedia content      +         ++           +            ++
      Traceability of        -         --           +            ++
    collaborative learning

5    WILE´2011                                               Puebla   28/11/2011
3. Challenges towards Model-Based
    Development of ELearning
    Management Systems
    Formal Methodology

6   WILE´2011                  Puebla   28/11/2011
3.1 Formal Methodology (a)
     We argue that creating learning content is an activity
      that would benefit from the application of a
      development methodology which is typically
      composed of:
       1.        A set of models defined according to an ontology.
            1.     A set of descriptions of the concepts and relationships within
                   a field of knowledge (learning process).
       2.        A language that expresses these models. M
            1.     Models are uniformly and univocally expressed according to
                   a single Specification Language.
            2.     A genuine User Interface Description Language (UIDL) is
                   needed based on a trilogy (semantics, syntax, stylistics)
       3.        A principle-based method manipulating these
                 models based on guidelines.
            1.     The goal is not to come up with yet another Software
                   Development Method but to reuse existing work and
                   structure it accordingly.
7   WILE´2011                                                    Puebla   28/11/2011
3.1 Formal Methodology (b)
     Cont.. development methodology composed of:
    4.   A set of software Tools: A suite of software
         engineering tools that supports the designer
         and the developer during the development life
         cycle according to the method. The set of
         software tools required to support the
         development of learning content includes:
          Model editors to assist a designer in constructing the
           Design critics provide a designer with quality assessment
           Implementation tools translate a specification into a
            representation that can be used by a compiler, an
            interpreter or an interface builder.
           Transformation tools provide support to thePuebla 28/11/2011
    WILE´2011                                             designer to
            edit, store, and exe-cute model transformation rules.
3.1 Formal Methodology (c) - Models
                                                                                                                            W o rkflo w
                                                                                                                         -id : S tring
                                                                                                                         -nam es : S tring
                                                                                                                                                                                               so u rceP ro cess                            targ etP ro cess
                                                                                                                                                                                  -sourceP rocessId : S tring                          -targetP rocessId : S tring

                                                                                                                           1..*                                                                             1..*                                       1..*

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   1               1
                                                                                                                             P ro cess
                                                                                                                      -id : S tring                           1                                                         p ro cessO p erato r
                                                                                                                                                    1..*          p ro cessM o d el
                                                                                                                      -nam e : S tring
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        -id : S tring
                                  1..*                                                                                -frequency : Integer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        -nam e : S tring
                                                                                                                      -im portance : Integer                                                                0..*
                                                                                                                      -category : Integer                                                 1
                               O rg an izatio n al u n it
                0..*                                                               Jo b                                                                                                          so u rce                                targ et
                       -id : S tring
                       -nam e : S tring                                      -id : S tring                                                                                                -souuceId : S tring                    -targetId : S tring
                       -organizationO bjectives : S tring                    -nam e : S tring
                                                                      1..*                       1..*                      2..*
                       -organizationR ules : S tring           1..*

                                                                                                                                  T ask                                                                  1..*                                  1..*
                                                                                                                    -id : S tring                                                                                   1              1
                                                                                                                    -nam e : S tring
                                                                             T ask R eso u rce   1..*        1..*   -category : S tring                       1                                        taskR elatio n sh ip s
                                                                                                                                                       1..*        taskM o d el
                                                                                                                    -frequency : Integer                                                               -id : S tring
                                                                                                                    -im portance : Integer                                                             -nam e : S tring
                                                                                                                    -term inationV alue : S tring                                              0..*
                                                                                                                    -taskT ype : S tring
                                                                                                                    -taskItem : S tring
                                                                                                                    -preC ondition : S tring


                                                                                                                                 1..*                                                                                             tem p o ral
                                          U serS tereo typ e           Im m aterial              M aterial                                                                                    d eco m p o sitio n
                                  -id : S tring
                        0..1      -stereotypeN am e : S tring
                                  -taskE xperience : S tring
                                  -system E xperience : S tring
                                  -deviceE xsperience : S tring
                                  -taskM otivation : S tring


9   WILE´2011                                                                                                                                                                 Puebla                                28/11/2011
3.1 Formal Methodology (d) -
      Language Engineering Approach

         Semantics – Meta Models, UML Class
         Syntax
           Abstract – XML Schema
           Concrete – XML
         Stylistics – Different graphical representations
          of the concepts

10   WILE´2011                                 Puebla   28/11/2011
3.1 Formal Methodology (e) -
      UsiXML
        Structured accordingly to the Model Driven
         UsiXML relies on a transformational
         UsiXML allows the modification of the
           developments steps
         UsiXML allows reusing parts of previously
         UsiXML is open
         Follows a Language Engineering Approach
     WILE´2011                             Puebla 28/11/2011
3.1 Formal Methodology (f) - Method
                      • A structured catalog of transformation rules
       Task and
     Domain Model

       Model to
                        that form a body of design knowledge that
        Model           can be reused in any method
       Abstract UI

        Model to

       Concrete UI


          Final UI

12        WILE´2011                                      Puebla   28/11/2011
3.1 Formal Methodology (f) - Method
       Task and      Based on
     Domain Model    Guidelines
                                      A set of Principles area added
       Model to
                                      to the method
      Abstract UI
                     Based on
                                          •Task patterns
                                          •Canonical list of task types
       Model to

      Concrete UI       Usability    Concrete UI
        Model           Advisor        Model

        Generatio                      Code
           n                          Generatio

         Final UI
                                        Final UI

13       WILE´2011                                        Puebla   28/11/2011
3.1 Formal Methodology (f) - Method
       Task and      Based on
     Domain Model    Guidelines

       Model to

      Abstract UI    Based on
        Model        Guidelines

       Model to
                        Evaluation            Canonical list of task types
      Concrete UI       Usability    Concrete UI
        Model           Advisor        Model


                                        Final UI

14       WILE´2011                                            Puebla   28/11/2011
3.1 Formal Methodology (f) - Method
       Task and      Based on
     Domain Model    Guidelines

       Model to

      Abstract UI    Based on
        Model        Guidelines

       Model to

      Concrete UI
                                     Concrete UI   Facet Selection


                                       3D User

15       WILE´2011                                        Puebla   28/11/2011
3.1 Formal Methodology (f) - Method
       Task and      Based on
     Domain Model    Guidelines

       Model to
        model                                                            Element
      Abstract UI    Based on
        Model        Guidelines

       Model to

      Concrete UI       Usability    Concrete UI
        Model           Advisor        Model
                                                   AIO Selection

                                        Final UI

16       WILE´2011                                        Puebla         28/11/2011
3.1 Formal Methodology (f) - Method
       Task and      Based on
     Domain Model    Guidelines

       Model to

      Abstract UI    Based on
        Model        Guidelines

       Model to

      Concrete UI       Usability
                                     Concrete UI
                                                   Graphical representation
        Model           Advisor        Model

                                        Final UI

17       WILE´2011                                             Puebla   28/11/2011
3.1 Formal Methodology (f) - Method
       Task and      Based on
     Domain Model    Guidelines

       Model to

      Abstract UI    Based on
        Model        Guidelines

       Model to
                                                   Automatic guidelines
      Concrete UI       Usability    Concrete UI
        Model           Advisor        Model


                                        Final UI

18       WILE´2011                                            Puebla   28/11/2011
3.1 Formal Methodology (f) - Method
       Task and      Based on
     Domain Model    Guidelines

       Model to

      Abstract UI    Based on
        Model        Guidelines

       Model to

      Concrete UI       Usability    Concrete UI
        Model           Advisor        Model


                                        Final UI

19       WILE´2011                                 Puebla   28/11/2011
3. Challenges towards Model-Based
     Development of ELearning
     Management Systems
     2. Framework

20   WILE´2011                  Puebla   28/11/2011
3.2 Framework

21   WILE´2011       Puebla   28/11/2011
3.2 Framework – MLO Editor

22   WILE´2011              Puebla   28/11/2011
3.2 Framework – MLO Editor
      We live in a multicultural environment
        Learning must adapt to such differences
        Adding the multicultural characteristic going beyond regions is a
          real challenge.
      Support to define different MLO adopting different learning
         Constructivist, generative learning, …
         LO model is needed.
         Compatible with standards.
      LOs are conveyed includes: web pages, PDF documents, video
       and/or audio content, animations, and virtual reality to mention a
         Reuse social networks to store multimedia content slideshare
          (slides), Wikipedia (free encyclopedia), YouTube (videos), Picasa
          (photos), among other, to share content, we can avoid storing
          multimedia in the LO´s repositories.
         The integration of access to social networks is essential to give
          versatility to the CMS.
23   WILE´2011                                             Puebla   28/11/2011
3.2 Framework – MLO Editor
      The ultimate goal is to automate this method in a
       software tool
         A content management system (CMS) for creating
         Integrating multimedia from social networks , such
            slideshare (slides), Wikipedia (free encyclopedia), YouTube
             (videos), Picasa (photos), among other, to share content,
      Including guidelines to support the method is
       desirable for the systematic creation of MLO.
         Wizard-Based recommendation system
         CMS preserving ergonomics, guidelines, heuristics
24        and usability principle
     WILE´2011                                           Puebla   28/11/2011
3.2 Framework – MLO Editor

25   WILE´2011              Puebla   28/11/2011
3.2 Framework –Learning Process Design

26   WILE´2011                    Puebla   28/11/2011
3.2 Framework –Learning Process Design

      Online services assisting the learning process
         Structuring academic courses
         Relevant and adaptable to the context of students
         Including learning styles recognition
      Integrating those efforts and to connect them to
       MLO repository is more than just a technological
         Content adaptation
         Learning styles identification
         Courses creation

         Assist teachers
     WILE´2011                                    Puebla   28/11/2011
3.2 Framework –Learning Process Design

      A mechanism to assist teachers for creating a
      Reusing material available in the MLO format.
      Integrating pedagogical recommendations to
        create a system of guidelines for the creation of
      Identifying multicultural issues in education
      Identifying different forms of education
        (classroom, mixed, distance)
      Integrating this information in the specification of
        a learning process
      Integrating intelligent management of information
28      in the learning process
     WILE´2011                                 Puebla 28/11/2011
3.2 Framework –Learning Process Design
      Integration of guidelines to use the tool for defining
        courses content, assistive interaction is needed
        (wizard, intelligent agent) to guide teachers in this
      The manager must have a content editor for
        courses. A learning process can be described as a
        workflow model that is composed of tasks, resources
        and places where education takes place.
      The workflow model is recursively decomposed into
        learning processes which are in turn decomposed into
      Support to different learning types and approaches to
        learn, this is believed to occur as a progressive series
        of tasks
29   WILE´2011                                      Puebla 28/11/2011
      So, a workflow model can be used to plan and to
3.2 Framework –Learning Process Design

30   WILE´2011                    Puebla   28/11/2011
3.2 Framework –Learning Process Design

31   WILE´2011                    Puebla   28/11/2011
3.2 Framework –Learning Process Design

32   WILE´2011                    Puebla   28/11/2011
3.2 Framework –Learning Process Design

33   WILE´2011                    Puebla   28/11/2011
3.2 Framework –Learning Process Design

34   WILE´2011                    Puebla   28/11/2011
Algunas IU para las tareas

35   WILE´2011                Puebla   28/11/2011
3.2 Framework –Learning Process
       The editor must be based on ergonomic
        guidelines should be taken into account in the
        development of this editor, for their good design
        will allow for easy use.
       This method should also consider elements such
        as academic monitoring, assessments
          Using the method of assessment adaptation
          Practices and exercises, and other traditional
           elements considered in a course.
          The systematic creation of courses based on a
           method will allow having more quality content.

36    WILE´2011                                   Puebla    28/11/2011
3.2 Framework –Learning Management

37   WILE´2011                     Puebla   28/11/2011
3.2 Framework –Learning Management

38                                 Puebla   WILE´2011
3.2 Framework –Learning Management

39                                 Puebla   WILE´2011
3.2 Framework –Learning Management

40                                 Puebla   WILE´2011
3.2 Framework –Learning Management

      Usar modelos permiten crear
     IU sistemáticamente


41                                    Puebla   WILE´2011
Qué es el diseño basado en

      Para crear IU sistemáticamente


42                                               Puebla   WILE´2011
3.2 Framework –Learning Management

43   WILE´2011                     Puebla   28/11/2011
4. Conclusions

44   WILE´2011        Puebla   28/11/2011
     1. An alternative method for the automatic generation of
       Collaborative Multiplatform Scenarios with Interactive
       Learning Objects.
       Note:This implies: a change in the current paradigm
       from eLearning to mLearning (Mobile Learning) to
       mpLearning (Multiplatform learning)

     2. The overall learning process is seen as a workflow.

     3. This approach introduces a flow control that allows tackling
       at the same time, the problem of divergence in individual
       learning and the definition of the learning process in terms
       of collaboration agents and processes.

     4. The introduction of a meta-description (in UsiXML) that is
       going to aid in the process of generation of multiple Uis.
     WILE´2011                                       Puebla  28/11/2011
Future Work
      Social Network Integration
         Sharing content
         Creating the social network
      Considering more advanced UserInterface
       Generation support
         Adaptive
         Adaptable
         Migratory
         Graceful degradation
         Virtual Reality

46   WILE´2011                           Puebla   28/11/2011
Thank you very much
               Josefina Guerrero-García, Juan Manuel González-Calleros,
              Jaime Muñoz-Arteaga, Miguel Ángel León-Chávez, Carlos Reyes-

                        Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
                             Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes
                      Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica

Page 47   WILE´2011                                                     Puebla   28/11/2011

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Challenges towards Model-Based Development of ELearning Management Systems

  • 1. Challenges towards Model-Based Development of ELearning Management Systems Josefina Guerrero-García, Juan Manuel González-Calleros, Jaime Muñoz-Arteaga, Miguel Ángel León-Chávez, Carlos Reyes-García Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica 1 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 2. Plan 1. Introduction 2. State of the art 3. Challenges towards Model-Based Development of ELearning Management Systems 4. Conclusions 2 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 3. Introduction  The design of a learning process  Links users to domain-specific information  Collaboration spaces  Knowledge transfer  Knowledge generation.  Efficient and stimulating  Better and effective learning  The strategy must consider at least:  Design of learning content,  Design of different ways to present content (textual, graphical or mixed)  Considering different devices (PDA, mobile phones, laptop)  Collaboration during learning process.  Issues related to the context  Learning Style 3 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 4. 2. State of the Art 4 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 5. State of the Art Criteria/Work (Jonassen (McDonald (Germán (Gonzalez et et al.) et al.) et al.) al) [19] Formal specification Activity Conceptual State Workflow technique theory framework machine Environment NonA C-Flow Cated Ecool Personalization + + - ++ Multiple User -- + -- ++ interface. Reverse engineering -- + -- ++ Customization + + + ++ Learning objects + ++ ++ ++ Multimedia content + ++ + ++ Traceability of - -- + ++ collaborative learning 5 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 6. 3. Challenges towards Model-Based Development of ELearning Management Systems Formal Methodology 6 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 7. 3.1 Formal Methodology (a)  We argue that creating learning content is an activity that would benefit from the application of a development methodology which is typically composed of: 1. A set of models defined according to an ontology. 1. A set of descriptions of the concepts and relationships within a field of knowledge (learning process). 2. A language that expresses these models. M 1. Models are uniformly and univocally expressed according to a single Specification Language. 2. A genuine User Interface Description Language (UIDL) is needed based on a trilogy (semantics, syntax, stylistics) 3. A principle-based method manipulating these models based on guidelines. 1. The goal is not to come up with yet another Software Development Method but to reuse existing work and structure it accordingly. 7 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 8. 3.1 Formal Methodology (b)  Cont.. development methodology composed of: 4. A set of software Tools: A suite of software engineering tools that supports the designer and the developer during the development life cycle according to the method. The set of software tools required to support the development of learning content includes:  Model editors to assist a designer in constructing the models.  Design critics provide a designer with quality assessment facilities.  Implementation tools translate a specification into a representation that can be used by a compiler, an interpreter or an interface builder. 8  Transformation tools provide support to thePuebla 28/11/2011 WILE´2011 designer to edit, store, and exe-cute model transformation rules.
  • 9. 3.1 Formal Methodology (c) - Models W o rkflo w -id : S tring -nam es : S tring so u rceP ro cess targ etP ro cess -sourceP rocessId : S tring -targetP rocessId : S tring 1 1..* 1..* 1..* 1 1 P ro cess -id : S tring 1 p ro cessO p erato r 1..* p ro cessM o d el -nam e : S tring -id : S tring 1..* -frequency : Integer -nam e : S tring -im portance : Integer 0..* -category : Integer 1 O rg an izatio n al u n it 0..* Jo b so u rce targ et -id : S tring 1..* -nam e : S tring -id : S tring -souuceId : S tring -targetId : S tring -organizationO bjectives : S tring -nam e : S tring 1..* 1..* 2..* -organizationR ules : S tring 1..* T ask 1..* 1..* -id : S tring 1 1 0..* -nam e : S tring T ask R eso u rce 1..* 1..* -category : S tring 1 taskR elatio n sh ip s 1..* taskM o d el -frequency : Integer -id : S tring -im portance : Integer -nam e : S tring -term inationV alue : S tring 0..* 1 -taskT ype : S tring -taskItem : S tring -preC ondition : S tring 0..* 1..* tem p o ral U serS tereo typ e Im m aterial M aterial d eco m p o sitio n - -id : S tring 0..1 -stereotypeN am e : S tring -taskE xperience : S tring -system E xperience : S tring -deviceE xsperience : S tring -taskM otivation : S tring 1..* 9 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 10. 3.1 Formal Methodology (d) - Language  Language Engineering Approach  Semantics – Meta Models, UML Class diagrams  Syntax  Abstract – XML Schema  Concrete – XML  Stylistics – Different graphical representations of the concepts 10 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 11. 3.1 Formal Methodology (e) - Language  UsiXML  Structured accordingly to the Model Driven paradigm  UsiXML relies on a transformational approach  UsiXML allows the modification of the developments steps  UsiXML allows reusing parts of previously specified  UsiXML is open 11  Follows a Language Engineering Approach WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 12. 3.1 Formal Methodology (f) - Method • A structured catalog of transformation rules Task and Domain Model Model to that form a body of design knowledge that Model can be reused in any method Abstract UI Model Model to Model Concrete UI Model Code Generatio n Final UI 12 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 13. 3.1 Formal Methodology (f) - Method Task and Based on Domain Model Guidelines A set of Principles area added Model to model to the method •Guidelines Abstract UI Model Based on Guidelines •Task patterns •Canonical list of task types Model to Automatic model Evaluation Refined Concrete UI Usability Concrete UI Model Advisor Model Code Generatio Code n Generatio n Final UI Final UI 13 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 14. 3.1 Formal Methodology (f) - Method Task and Based on Domain Model Guidelines Model to model Abstract UI Based on Model Guidelines Model to Model Automatic Evaluation Canonical list of task types Refined Concrete UI Usability Concrete UI Model Advisor Model Code Generatio n Final UI 14 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 15. 3.1 Formal Methodology (f) - Method Task and Based on Domain Model Guidelines Model to model Abstract UI Based on Model Guidelines Model to Automatic Model Evaluation Concrete UI Model Usability Advisor Refined Concrete UI Facet Selection Model Code Generatio n 3D User Interface 15 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 16. 3.1 Formal Methodology (f) - Method Task and Based on Domain Model Guidelines Model to model Element Select Input Abstract UI Based on Model Guidelines Model to Automatic Model Evaluation Slider Refined Concrete UI Usability Concrete UI Model Advisor Model AIO Selection Code Generatio n Final UI 16 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 17. 3.1 Formal Methodology (f) - Method Task and Based on Domain Model Guidelines Model to model Abstract UI Based on Model Guidelines Model to Automatic Model Evaluation Concrete UI Usability Refined Concrete UI Graphical representation Model Advisor Model selection Code Generatio n Final UI 17 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 18. 3.1 Formal Methodology (f) - Method Task and Based on Domain Model Guidelines Model to model Abstract UI Based on Model Guidelines Model to Model Automatic Evaluation Automatic guidelines evaluation Refined Concrete UI Usability Concrete UI Model Advisor Model Code Generatio n Final UI 18 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 19. 3.1 Formal Methodology (f) - Method Task and Based on Domain Model Guidelines Model to model Abstract UI Based on Model Guidelines Model to Automatic Model Evaluation Refined Concrete UI Usability Concrete UI Model Advisor Model Code Generatio n Final UI 19 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 20. 3. Challenges towards Model-Based Development of ELearning Management Systems 2. Framework 20 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 21. 3.2 Framework 21 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 22. 3.2 Framework – MLO Editor 22 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 23. 3.2 Framework – MLO Editor  We live in a multicultural environment  Learning must adapt to such differences  Adding the multicultural characteristic going beyond regions is a real challenge.  Support to define different MLO adopting different learning strategies:  Constructivist, generative learning, …  LO model is needed.  Compatible with standards.  LOs are conveyed includes: web pages, PDF documents, video and/or audio content, animations, and virtual reality to mention a few.  Reuse social networks to store multimedia content slideshare (slides), Wikipedia (free encyclopedia), YouTube (videos), Picasa (photos), among other, to share content, we can avoid storing multimedia in the LO´s repositories.  The integration of access to social networks is essential to give versatility to the CMS. 23 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 24. 3.2 Framework – MLO Editor  The ultimate goal is to automate this method in a software tool  A content management system (CMS) for creating MLO.  Integrating multimedia from social networks , such as:  slideshare (slides), Wikipedia (free encyclopedia), YouTube (videos), Picasa (photos), among other, to share content,  Including guidelines to support the method is desirable for the systematic creation of MLO.  Wizard-Based recommendation system  CMS preserving ergonomics, guidelines, heuristics 24 and usability principle WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 25. 3.2 Framework – MLO Editor 25 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 26. 3.2 Framework –Learning Process Design 26 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 27. 3.2 Framework –Learning Process Design  Online services assisting the learning process design  Structuring academic courses  Relevant and adaptable to the context of students  Including learning styles recognition  Integrating those efforts and to connect them to MLO repository is more than just a technological problem.  Content adaptation  Learning styles identification  Courses creation 27  Assist teachers WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 28. 3.2 Framework –Learning Process Design  A mechanism to assist teachers for creating a course  Reusing material available in the MLO format.  Integrating pedagogical recommendations to create a system of guidelines for the creation of courses  Identifying multicultural issues in education  Identifying different forms of education (classroom, mixed, distance)  Integrating this information in the specification of a learning process  Integrating intelligent management of information 28 in the learning process WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 29. 3.2 Framework –Learning Process Design  Integration of guidelines to use the tool for defining courses content, assistive interaction is needed (wizard, intelligent agent) to guide teachers in this activity.  The manager must have a content editor for courses. A learning process can be described as a workflow model that is composed of tasks, resources and places where education takes place.  The workflow model is recursively decomposed into learning processes which are in turn decomposed into tasks.  Support to different learning types and approaches to learn, this is believed to occur as a progressive series of tasks 29 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011  So, a workflow model can be used to plan and to
  • 30. 3.2 Framework –Learning Process Design 30 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 31. 3.2 Framework –Learning Process Design 31 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 32. 3.2 Framework –Learning Process Design 32 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 33. 3.2 Framework –Learning Process Design 33 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 34. 3.2 Framework –Learning Process Design 34 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 35. Algunas IU para las tareas 35 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 36. 3.2 Framework –Learning Process Design  The editor must be based on ergonomic guidelines should be taken into account in the development of this editor, for their good design will allow for easy use.  This method should also consider elements such as academic monitoring, assessments  Using the method of assessment adaptation  Practices and exercises, and other traditional elements considered in a course.  The systematic creation of courses based on a method will allow having more quality content. 36 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 37. 3.2 Framework –Learning Management System 37 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 38. 3.2 Framework –Learning Management System 38 Puebla WILE´2011 28/11/2011
  • 39. 3.2 Framework –Learning Management System 39 Puebla WILE´2011 28/11/2011
  • 40. 3.2 Framework –Learning Management System 40 Puebla WILE´2011 28/11/2011
  • 41. 3.2 Framework –Learning Management System  Usar modelos permiten crear IU sistemáticamente GrafiXML 41 Puebla WILE´2011 28/11/2011
  • 42. Qué es el diseño basado en modelos?  Para crear IU sistemáticamente GrafiXML 42 Puebla WILE´2011 28/11/2011
  • 43. 3.2 Framework –Learning Management System 43 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 44. 4. Conclusions 44 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 45. Conclusions 1. An alternative method for the automatic generation of Collaborative Multiplatform Scenarios with Interactive Learning Objects. Note:This implies: a change in the current paradigm from eLearning to mLearning (Mobile Learning) to mpLearning (Multiplatform learning) 2. The overall learning process is seen as a workflow. 3. This approach introduces a flow control that allows tackling at the same time, the problem of divergence in individual learning and the definition of the learning process in terms of collaboration agents and processes. 4. The introduction of a meta-description (in UsiXML) that is going to aid in the process of generation of multiple Uis. WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011 45
  • 46. Future Work  Social Network Integration  Sharing content  Creating the social network  Considering more advanced UserInterface Generation support  Adaptive  Adaptable  Migratory  Graceful degradation  Virtual Reality 46 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011
  • 47. Thank you very much Josefina Guerrero-García, Juan Manuel González-Calleros, Jaime Muñoz-Arteaga, Miguel Ángel León-Chávez, Carlos Reyes- García Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica Page 47 WILE´2011 Puebla 28/11/2011