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Challenges in High Accuracy of
      Malware Detection
         Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi
                  International Islamic University Malaysia

   IEEE Control & System Graduate Research Colloquium 2012
                      Shah Alam, Malaysia

                        16th July 2012

     Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi         ICSRGC 2012          1/26


   I am a research grad student at Universiti Teknologi
   Malaysia, Skudai, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
   My current employer is International Islamic University
   Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
   Research area - malware detection, narrowing on
   Windows executables

          Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi    ICSRGC 2012   2/26

Malware in short

    is a software
    maliciousness is defined on the risks exposed to the user
    sometimes, when in vague, the term ‘‘Potentially
    Unwanted Program/Application’’ (PUP/PUA) being used

           Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi    ICSRGC 2012   3/26

Methods of detections

    Static analysis
        In this case we have developed a Python based tool,
        called as pi-ngaji, an open source tool for static malware
    Dynamic analysis
        In this case we will execute the malware in a Windows
        environment and dump the API traces into a text file

          Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi    ICSRGC 2012   4/26

This talk outline several challenges on the current methods of
malware detection

           Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi    ICSRGC 2012   5/26

Analysis of strings

    Important, although not foolproof
    Find interesting calls first
    Considered static analysis, since no executing of the

            Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi    ICSRGC 2012   6/26

Methods to find interesting strings

    Use strings command (on *NIX systems)
    Checking with Import Address Table (IAT)

          Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi    ICSRGC 2012   7/26


    Malware numbers are enormous
    Need automation in handling the detection
         Our proposal - use Machine Learning methods

          Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi    ICSRGC 2012   8/26


    Reducing features in malware API since
        Some are weak, irrelevant features
        Considered as ‘‘noise’’
        Feature selection, ranking method is chosen

         Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi    ICSRGC 2012   9/26
Intro   API calls
                                Issues    Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings
                            Objectives    Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain
                          Methodology     Classification and Clustering

The features

  The following are the features
     Application Programming Interface (API) calls
     XOR’ed strings
     Anti virtualization/virtual machine detector
     Binary entropy is also interesting

           Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi    ICSRGC 2012     10/26
Intro   API calls
                             Issues    Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings
                         Objectives    Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain
                       Methodology     Classification and Clustering

Binary file structure

        Figure: Structure of a PE file[Pietrek, 1994]
        Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi    ICSRGC 2012     11/26
Intro   API calls
                     Issues    Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings
                 Objectives    Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain
               Methodology     Classification and Clustering

      Figure: PE components, simplified

Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi    ICSRGC 2012     12/26
Intro   API calls
                                  Issues    Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings
                              Objectives    Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain
                            Methodology     Classification and Clustering

API calls

  Features are as follows:
  Example of Features

             Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi    ICSRGC 2012     13/26
Intro   API calls
                                Issues    Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings
                            Objectives    Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain
                          Methodology     Classification and Clustering

Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings


           Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi    ICSRGC 2012     14/26
Intro   API calls
                                        Issues    Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings
                                    Objectives    Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain
                                  Methodology     Classification and Clustering

         "Red Pill":"x0fx01x0dx00x00x00x00xc3",
         "VirtualPc trick":"x0fx3fx07x0b",
         "VMware trick":"VMXh",
         "VMCheck.dll for VirtualPC":"x0fx3fx07x0bxc7x45xfcxffxffxffxff",
         "Xen":"XenVMM", # Or XenVMMXenVMM
         "Bochs & QEmu CPUID Trick":"x44x4dx41x63",
         "Torpig VMM Trick": "xE8xEDxFFxFFxFFx25x00x00x00xFF
         "Torpig (UPX) VMM Trick": "x51x51x0Fx01x27x00xC1xFBxB5xD5x35

Source: ZeroWine source code

                   Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi    ICSRGC 2012     15/26
Intro   API calls
                                      Issues    Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings
                                  Objectives    Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain
                                Methodology     Classification and Clustering

Sample execution
 Analyzing   e665297bf9dbb2b2790e4d898d70c9e9

 Analyzing registry...
 [+] Malware is Adding a Key at Hive: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
 ^G^@Label11^@^A^AÃˇ^Nreg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersion
  File Execution OptionsRx.exe" /v debugger /t REG_SZ /d %systemrot%repair1sass.exe /f^M


 [+] Malware Seems to be IRC BOT: Verified By String    :   ADMIN
 [+] Malware Seems to be IRC BOT: Verified By String    :   LIST
 [+] Malware Seems to be IRC BOT: Verified By String    :   QUIT
 [+] Malware Seems to be IRC BOT: Verified By String    :   VERSION
 Analyzing interesting calls..
 [+] Found an Interesting call to: FindWindow
 [+] Found an Interesting call to: LoadLibraryA
 [+] Found an Interesting call to: CreateProcess
 [+] Found an Interesting call to: GetProcAddress
 [+] Found an Interesting call to: CopyFile
 [+] Found an Interesting call to: shdocvw

                 Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi    ICSRGC 2012     16/26
Intro   API calls
                                Issues    Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings
                            Objectives    Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain
                          Methodology     Classification and Clustering

Advantages on the researcher’s side

    Malware writers usually are ‘‘lazy’’ hence there is a
    tendency they will reuse the previous chunk of codes
    Hence, it’s easier to trace the previous family based on
    the commonalities

           Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi    ICSRGC 2012     17/26
Intro   API calls
                                   Issues    Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings
                               Objectives    Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain
                             Methodology     Classification and Clustering

Our methods

 Roughly our methods consist of :

    1   Feature Selection(Ranking/Pruning)
    2   Supervised Classification
    3   Unsupervised Classification

 Item 2) and 3) above also could be combined to a method
 known as ‘‘Semi Supervised Classification’’.

              Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi    ICSRGC 2012     18/26
Intro   API calls
                                  Issues    Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings
                              Objectives    Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain
                            Methodology     Classification and Clustering

Information Gain
  [Zhang et al., 2007, Altaher et al., 2011,
  Singhal and Raul, 2012] use the following formula for IG
  application in malware
          The amount by which the entropy of X decreases
      reflects additional information about X provided by Y is
      called information gain, given by

                       IG(X |Y ) = H(X ) − H(X |Y )

  [Singhal and Raul, 2012] introduced the following algorithm
  to ‘‘correct out’’ error the results.
                                                  i−0 IG(Xi )
                    IG(X ) = IG(X ) ±
             Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi    ICSRGC 2012     19/26
Intro     API calls
                                  Issues      Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings
                              Objectives      Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain
                            Methodology       Classification and Clustering

Information Gain (cont’d)

  From [Jiang et al., 2011]

                                                               P(t , c)
            IG(t) =                           P(t , c)log
                                                              P(t )P(c)
                       c∈{ci ,ci } t ∈{t,t}

             Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi      ICSRGC 2012     20/26
Intro   API calls
                                Issues    Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings
                            Objectives    Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain
                          Methodology     Classification and Clustering

For research purpose the following issues are always
    No standard dataset, unlike Intrusion Detection System
    (IDS) area
    Fast-paced malware sample, will the datasets being used
    for the experiment will be questioned
    Last resort, stick to the existing database, try to free from
    any specific malware family as to make sure the method
    will/could work with incoming, new malware

           Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi    ICSRGC 2012     21/26
Intro   API calls
                           Issues    Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings
                       Objectives    Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain
                     Methodology     Classification and Clustering

Table: Differences between clustering and classification

      Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi    ICSRGC 2012     22/26
Intro   API calls
                            Issues    Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings
                        Objectives    Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain
                      Methodology     Classification and Clustering

Table: Differences between clustering and classification


       Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi    ICSRGC 2012     22/26
Intro   API calls
                            Issues    Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings
                        Objectives    Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain
                      Methodology     Classification and Clustering

Table: Differences between clustering and classification


 Deals with known data

       Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi    ICSRGC 2012     22/26
Intro   API calls
                             Issues    Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings
                         Objectives    Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain
                       Methodology     Classification and Clustering

Table: Differences between clustering and classification


 Deals with known data

 Supervised learning

       Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi     ICSRGC 2012     22/26
Intro   API calls
                             Issues    Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings
                         Objectives    Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain
                       Methodology     Classification and Clustering

Table: Differences between clustering and classification


 Deals with known data

 Supervised learning

 Popular algorithms includes:
      Random Forest
      Neural Networks
      k-Nearest Neighbor
      Decision Trees

       Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi     ICSRGC 2012     22/26
Intro   API calls
                             Issues    Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings
                         Objectives    Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain
                       Methodology     Classification and Clustering

Table: Differences between clustering and classification


 Deals with known data

 Supervised learning

 Popular algorithms includes:
      Random Forest
      Neural Networks
      k-Nearest Neighbor
      Decision Trees

       Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi     ICSRGC 2012     22/26
Intro   API calls
                             Issues    Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings
                         Objectives    Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain
                       Methodology     Classification and Clustering

Table: Differences between clustering and classification

 Classification                        Clustering

 Deals with known data

 Supervised learning

 Popular algorithms includes:
      Random Forest
      Neural Networks
      k-Nearest Neighbor
      Decision Trees

       Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi     ICSRGC 2012     22/26
Intro   API calls
                             Issues    Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings
                         Objectives    Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain
                       Methodology     Classification and Clustering

Table: Differences between clustering and classification

 Classification                        Clustering

 Deals with known data                 Deals with unknown data

 Supervised learning

 Popular algorithms includes:
      Random Forest
      Neural Networks
      k-Nearest Neighbor
      Decision Trees

       Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi     ICSRGC 2012     22/26
Intro   API calls
                             Issues    Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings
                         Objectives    Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain
                       Methodology     Classification and Clustering

Table: Differences between clustering and classification

 Classification                        Clustering

 Deals with known data                 Deals with unknown data

 Supervised learning                   Unsupervised learning

 Popular algorithms includes:
      Random Forest
      Neural Networks
      k-Nearest Neighbor
      Decision Trees

       Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi     ICSRGC 2012     22/26
Intro   API calls
                             Issues    Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings
                         Objectives    Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain
                       Methodology     Classification and Clustering

Table: Differences between clustering and classification

 Classification                        Clustering

 Deals with known data                 Deals with unknown data

 Supervised learning                   Unsupervised learning

 Popular algorithms includes:          Popular algorithms includes:
      Random Forest                          K-means
      Neural Networks                        Fuzzy C
      k-Nearest Neighbor                     Gaussian
      Decision Trees

       Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi     ICSRGC 2012     22/26
Intro   API calls
                            Issues    Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings
                        Objectives    Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain
                      Methodology     Classification and Clustering

Classification (supervised) chosen to deal with known
corpus but incomplete data
Clustering (unsupervised) chosen to deal with new inputs

       Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi    ICSRGC 2012     23/26
Intro   API calls
                               Issues    Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings
                           Objectives    Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain
                         Methodology     Classification and Clustering

Some results

    We managed to detect several malware samples by using
    the existing API traces and other features (bot
    commands, file/registry deletion)
    New malware which is more sophisticated -
    Stuxned/Duqu is very platform specific - attacking SCADA
    system hence needs more reading on detecting them.
    Perhaps the most obvious if any XOR’ed communication
    channels being used.

          Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi    ICSRGC 2012     24/26

The flow

  Feature Selection              Feature Categorization
               Weka, Octave/Matlab

     Clustering                            Classification
                Weka, Octave/Matlab
           scipy, Octave/Matlab

                                   scipy, Octave/Matlab

            Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi      ICSRGC 2012   25/26

Altaher, A., Ramadass, S., and Ali, A. (2011).
Computer Virus Detection Using Features Ranking and Machine Learning.
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(9):1482--1486.

Jiang, Q., Zhao, X., and Huang, K. (2011).
A feature selection method for malware detection.
In 2011 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA), pages 890--895.

Pietrek, M. (1994).
Peering Inside the PE: A Tour of the Win32 Portable Executable File Format.

Singhal, P. and Raul, N. (2012).
Malware detection module using machine learning algorithms to assist in centralized security in enterprise
International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications, 4.

Zhang, B., Yin, J., Hao, J., Wang, S., and Zhang, D. (2007).
New malicious code detection based on n-gram analysis and rough set theory.
pages 626--633. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.

              Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi               ICSRGC 2012   26/26

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Challenges in High Accuracy of Malware Detection

  • 1. Intro Issues Objectives Methodology Conclusion Challenges in High Accuracy of Malware Detection Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi International Islamic University Malaysia IEEE Control & System Graduate Research Colloquium 2012 Shah Alam, Malaysia 16th July 2012 Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 1/26
  • 2. Intro Issues Objectives Methodology Conclusion About I am a research grad student at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Johor Bahru, Malaysia My current employer is International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Research area - malware detection, narrowing on Windows executables Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 2/26
  • 3. Intro Issues Objectives Methodology Conclusion Malware in short is a software maliciousness is defined on the risks exposed to the user sometimes, when in vague, the term ‘‘Potentially Unwanted Program/Application’’ (PUP/PUA) being used Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 3/26
  • 4. Intro Issues Objectives Methodology Conclusion Methods of detections Static analysis In this case we have developed a Python based tool, called as pi-ngaji, an open source tool for static malware analysis Dynamic analysis In this case we will execute the malware in a Windows environment and dump the API traces into a text file Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 4/26
  • 5. Intro Issues Objectives Methodology Conclusion This talk outline several challenges on the current methods of malware detection Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 5/26
  • 6. Intro Issues Objectives Methodology Conclusion Analysis of strings Important, although not foolproof Find interesting calls first Considered static analysis, since no executing of the binary Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 6/26
  • 7. Intro Issues Objectives Methodology Conclusion Methods to find interesting strings Use strings command (on *NIX systems) Editors Checking with Import Address Table (IAT) Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 7/26
  • 8. Intro Issues Objectives Methodology Conclusion Issues Malware numbers are enormous Need automation in handling the detection Our proposal - use Machine Learning methods Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 8/26
  • 9. Intro Issues Objectives Methodology Conclusion Objectives Reducing features in malware API since Some are weak, irrelevant features Considered as ‘‘noise’’ Feature selection, ranking method is chosen Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 9/26
  • 10. Intro API calls Issues Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings Objectives Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain Methodology Classification and Clustering Conclusion The features The following are the features Application Programming Interface (API) calls XOR’ed strings Anti virtualization/virtual machine detector Binary entropy is also interesting Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 10/26
  • 11. Intro API calls Issues Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings Objectives Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain Methodology Classification and Clustering Conclusion Binary file structure Figure: Structure of a PE file[Pietrek, 1994] Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 11/26
  • 12. Intro API calls Issues Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings Objectives Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain Methodology Classification and Clustering Conclusion Figure: PE components, simplified Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 12/26
  • 13. Intro API calls Issues Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings Objectives Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain Methodology Classification and Clustering Conclusion API calls Features are as follows: Example of Features GetSystemTimeAsFileTime SetUnhandledExceptionFilte GetCurrentProces TerminateProcess LoadLibraryExW GetVersionExW GetProcAddress Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 13/26
  • 14. Intro API calls Issues Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings Objectives Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain Methodology Classification and Clustering Conclusion Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings IsDebuggerPresent VMCheck.dll Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 14/26
  • 15. Intro API calls Issues Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings Objectives Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain Methodology Classification and Clustering Conclusion "Red Pill":"x0fx01x0dx00x00x00x00xc3", "VirtualPc trick":"x0fx3fx07x0b", "VMware trick":"VMXh", "VMCheck.dll":"x45xC7x00x01", "VMCheck.dll for VirtualPC":"x0fx3fx07x0bxc7x45xfcxffxffxffxff", "Xen":"XenVMM", # Or XenVMMXenVMM "Bochs & QEmu CPUID Trick":"x44x4dx41x63", "Torpig VMM Trick": "xE8xEDxFFxFFxFFx25x00x00x00xFF x33xC9x3Dx00x00x00x80x0Fx95xC1x8BxC1xC3", "Torpig (UPX) VMM Trick": "x51x51x0Fx01x27x00xC1xFBxB5xD5x35 x02xE2xC3xD1x66x25x32 xBDx83x7FxB7x4Ex3Dx06x80x0Fx95xC1x8BxC1xC3" Source: ZeroWine source code Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 15/26
  • 16. Intro API calls Issues Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings Objectives Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain Methodology Classification and Clustering Conclusion Sample execution Analyzing e665297bf9dbb2b2790e4d898d70c9e9 Analyzing registry... [+] Malware is Adding a Key at Hive: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ^G^@Label11^@^A^AÃˇ^Nreg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersion R File Execution OptionsRx.exe" /v debugger /t REG_SZ /d %systemrot%repair1sass.exe /f^M .... [+] Malware Seems to be IRC BOT: Verified By String : ADMIN [+] Malware Seems to be IRC BOT: Verified By String : LIST [+] Malware Seems to be IRC BOT: Verified By String : QUIT [+] Malware Seems to be IRC BOT: Verified By String : VERSION Analyzing interesting calls.. [+] Found an Interesting call to: FindWindow [+] Found an Interesting call to: LoadLibraryA [+] Found an Interesting call to: CreateProcess [+] Found an Interesting call to: GetProcAddress [+] Found an Interesting call to: CopyFile [+] Found an Interesting call to: shdocvw Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 16/26
  • 17. Intro API calls Issues Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings Objectives Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain Methodology Classification and Clustering Conclusion Advantages on the researcher’s side Malware writers usually are ‘‘lazy’’ hence there is a tendency they will reuse the previous chunk of codes Hence, it’s easier to trace the previous family based on the commonalities Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 17/26
  • 18. Intro API calls Issues Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings Objectives Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain Methodology Classification and Clustering Conclusion Our methods Roughly our methods consist of : 1 Feature Selection(Ranking/Pruning) 2 Supervised Classification 3 Unsupervised Classification Item 2) and 3) above also could be combined to a method known as ‘‘Semi Supervised Classification’’. Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 18/26
  • 19. Intro API calls Issues Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings Objectives Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain Methodology Classification and Clustering Conclusion Information Gain [Zhang et al., 2007, Altaher et al., 2011, Singhal and Raul, 2012] use the following formula for IG application in malware The amount by which the entropy of X decreases reflects additional information about X provided by Y is called information gain, given by IG(X |Y ) = H(X ) − H(X |Y ) [Singhal and Raul, 2012] introduced the following algorithm to ‘‘correct out’’ error the results. n i−0 IG(Xi ) IG(X ) = IG(X ) ± n Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 19/26
  • 20. Intro API calls Issues Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings Objectives Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain Methodology Classification and Clustering Conclusion Information Gain (cont’d) From [Jiang et al., 2011] P(t , c) IG(t) = P(t , c)log P(t )P(c) c∈{ci ,ci } t ∈{t,t} Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 20/26
  • 21. Intro API calls Issues Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings Objectives Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain Methodology Classification and Clustering Conclusion For research purpose the following issues are always wondered: No standard dataset, unlike Intrusion Detection System (IDS) area Fast-paced malware sample, will the datasets being used for the experiment will be questioned Last resort, stick to the existing database, try to free from any specific malware family as to make sure the method will/could work with incoming, new malware Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 21/26
  • 22. Intro API calls Issues Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings Objectives Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain Methodology Classification and Clustering Conclusion Table: Differences between clustering and classification Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 22/26
  • 23. Intro API calls Issues Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings Objectives Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain Methodology Classification and Clustering Conclusion Table: Differences between clustering and classification Classification Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 22/26
  • 24. Intro API calls Issues Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings Objectives Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain Methodology Classification and Clustering Conclusion Table: Differences between clustering and classification Classification Deals with known data Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 22/26
  • 25. Intro API calls Issues Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings Objectives Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain Methodology Classification and Clustering Conclusion Table: Differences between clustering and classification Classification Deals with known data Supervised learning Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 22/26
  • 26. Intro API calls Issues Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings Objectives Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain Methodology Classification and Clustering Conclusion Table: Differences between clustering and classification Classification Deals with known data Supervised learning Popular algorithms includes: Random Forest Neural Networks k-Nearest Neighbor Decision Trees Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 22/26
  • 27. Intro API calls Issues Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings Objectives Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain Methodology Classification and Clustering Conclusion Table: Differences between clustering and classification Classification Deals with known data Supervised learning Popular algorithms includes: Random Forest Neural Networks k-Nearest Neighbor Decision Trees Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 22/26
  • 28. Intro API calls Issues Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings Objectives Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain Methodology Classification and Clustering Conclusion Table: Differences between clustering and classification Classification Clustering Deals with known data Supervised learning Popular algorithms includes: Random Forest Neural Networks k-Nearest Neighbor Decision Trees Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 22/26
  • 29. Intro API calls Issues Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings Objectives Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain Methodology Classification and Clustering Conclusion Table: Differences between clustering and classification Classification Clustering Deals with known data Deals with unknown data Supervised learning Popular algorithms includes: Random Forest Neural Networks k-Nearest Neighbor Decision Trees Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 22/26
  • 30. Intro API calls Issues Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings Objectives Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain Methodology Classification and Clustering Conclusion Table: Differences between clustering and classification Classification Clustering Deals with known data Deals with unknown data Supervised learning Unsupervised learning Popular algorithms includes: Random Forest Neural Networks k-Nearest Neighbor Decision Trees Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 22/26
  • 31. Intro API calls Issues Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings Objectives Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain Methodology Classification and Clustering Conclusion Table: Differences between clustering and classification Classification Clustering Deals with known data Deals with unknown data Supervised learning Unsupervised learning Popular algorithms includes: Popular algorithms includes: Random Forest K-means Neural Networks Fuzzy C k-Nearest Neighbor Gaussian Decision Trees Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 22/26
  • 32. Intro API calls Issues Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings Objectives Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain Methodology Classification and Clustering Conclusion Classification (supervised) chosen to deal with known corpus but incomplete data Clustering (unsupervised) chosen to deal with new inputs Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 23/26
  • 33. Intro API calls Issues Anti Debugger/AntiVM strings Objectives Feature Ranking Selection with Information Gain Methodology Classification and Clustering Conclusion Some results We managed to detect several malware samples by using the existing API traces and other features (bot commands, file/registry deletion) New malware which is more sophisticated - Stuxned/Duqu is very platform specific - attacking SCADA system hence needs more reading on detecting them. Perhaps the most obvious if any XOR’ed communication channels being used. Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 24/26
  • 34. Intro Issues Objectives Methodology Conclusion The flow Feature Selection Feature Categorization Weka, Octave/Matlab Clustering Classification Weka, Octave/Matlab scipy, Octave/Matlab Visualization scipy, Octave/Matlab Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 25/26
  • 35. Intro Issues Objectives Methodology Conclusion Altaher, A., Ramadass, S., and Ali, A. (2011). Computer Virus Detection Using Features Ranking and Machine Learning. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(9):1482--1486. Jiang, Q., Zhao, X., and Huang, K. (2011). A feature selection method for malware detection. In 2011 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA), pages 890--895. Pietrek, M. (1994). Peering Inside the PE: A Tour of the Win32 Portable Executable File Format. Singhal, P. and Raul, N. (2012). Malware detection module using machine learning algorithms to assist in centralized security in enterprise networks. International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications, 4. Zhang, B., Yin, J., Hao, J., Wang, S., and Zhang, D. (2007). New malicious code detection based on n-gram analysis and rough set theory. pages 626--633. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg. Muhammad Najmi Ahmad Zabidi ICSRGC 2012 26/26