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654–655 Buddy Mays/CORBIS
                         A statue of Louis XIV on horseback
                         outside of the palace of Versailles
                         in France

     1500              1600            1700                1800
  1492          1543               1690             1776
  Columbus      Copernicus sup-    John Locke       Declaration of
  reaches the   ports idea of sun- writes about     Independence
  Americas      centered universe government        is signed
Chapter Preview                                                                               Chapter Overview Visit
                                                                                     for a preview
    By the end of the Renaissance, Europe and the rest of the                                 of Chapter 18.
world were entering a time of rapid change. Read this chapter
to find out how voyages of exploration and scientific discover-
ies affected people in different parts of the world.
        View the Chapter 18 video in the World History: Journey
        Across Time Video Program.

                      The Age of Exploration
                      In the 1400s, Europeans began to explore overseas and
                      build empires. Trade increased and goods, technology,
                      and ideas were exchanged around the world.

                      The Scientific Revolution
                      Scientific ideas and discoveries gave Europeans a new
                      way to understand the universe.

                      The Enlightenment
                      During the 1700s, many Europeans believed that reason
                      could be used to make government and society better.

                      The American Revolution
                      Britain and France established colonies in North America.
                      Britain’s American colonies eventually rebelled against
                      Britain and formed a new nation, the United States.

                           Summarizing Information Make this foldable to help you organize and
                           summarize information about the Enlightenment and era of revolutions.

 Step 1 Mark the                                Step 2 Fold the                               Reading and Writing
 midpoint of a side                             paper in half                                 As you read the chapter,
 edge of one sheet                              again from                                    write information under
 of paper. Then                                 side to side.                                 each appropriate tab. Be
 fold the outside                                                                             sure to summarize the
 edges in to touch                                                                            information you find by
 the midpoint.                                   Step 4 Label                                 writing only main ideas
                                                 as shown.        Scienti                     and supporting details.
                                                                  Revolu c       Enlighten-
 Step 3 Open the                                                          tion     ment
 paper and cut
                                Cut along the
 along the inside
                                fold lines on                      Age                can
 fold lines to form              both sides.                      Explo of       Ameri on
                                                                            n    Revolu
 four tabs.

Monitor and Adjust

                                Your Reading Strengths
                                    Different people read differently. Some people read and
                                understand something quickly, while other people may need to
                                read something several times to comprehend it fully. It is impor-
                                tant to identify your own strengths and weaknesses as a reader.
                                    Read the following paragraph describing the story of how
                                Newton discovered gravity:

                                               According to tradition, Newton
                                            was sitting in his garden one day
                                            when he watched an apple fall to
                                            the ground. The apple’s fall led him
                                            to the idea of gravity, or the pull of
                                            the earth and other bodies on
                                            objects at or near their surfaces.
                                                                    —from pages 675–676

                      on what
       Depen ding up
                     ing, you
       you  are read ow down
                 d to sl                       • Can you visualize this scene in your mind,
        may nee p. W hen you                     almost like a movie?
        or speed         re slowl
         study, read mo                        • Are there any words you do not know?
                  ou read
          W hen y         can read
                                               • What questions do you have about this passage?
           pleasu re, you                      • What does this scene make you think of based
            more qu                              on what you have previously read, seen, or
                                               • Do you need to reread it?
 656     Unit Title
(t)Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia/Bridgeman Art Library, (b)Michael Holford

                                                                                 Improve Your Reading                                          Read to Write
                                                                                                                                                 Choose one explorer,
                                                                                    The paragraph below appears in Section 3. Read the           philosopher, or scientist
                                                                                 passage and answer the questions that follow.                   that you were intro-
                                                                                                                                                 duced to in this chapter.
                                                                                                                                                 Write a list of questions
                                                                                                                                                 that a modern talk-
                                                                                              During the 1600s and 1700s, many                   show host might ask if
                                                                                                                                                 he or she interviewed
                                                                                          European thinkers favored limits on                    this person.
                                                                                          government power. However, power-
                                                                                          ful kings and queens ruled most of
                                                                                          Europe. This system was known as                                Catherine the Great

                                                                                          absolutism. In this system, monarchs
                                                                                          held absolute, or total, power. They
                                                                                          claimed to rule by divine right, or by
                                                                                          the will of God. This meant that rulers
                                                                                          did not answer to their people, but
                                                                                          rather to God alone.
                                                                                                                 —from page 686

                                                                                          • What words or sentences made
                                                                                            you slow down as you read?
                                                                                          • Did you have to reread any parts?
                                                                                          • What questions do you still have
                                                                                            after reading this passage?
                                                                                                                                                            Peter the Great

                                                                                                                           As you read the chapter, identify one
                                                                                                                           paragraph in each section that is diffi-
                                                                                                                           cult to understand. Discuss each para-
                                                                                                                           graph with a partner to improve your
The Age of
                             What’s the Connection?                            Meeting People
                                 You have learned how Italy’s cities           Vasco da Gama
                             grew rich from trade. In the 1400s,               Christopher Columbus
                             other European states began exploring             Magellan (muh • JEH • luhn)
                             the world in search of wealth.                    John Cabot (KA • buht)
                             Focusing on the                                   Jacques Cartier
                             • In the 1400s, trade, technology, and              (ZHAHK kahr •TYAY)
                              the rise of strong kingdoms led to a
                              new era of exploration. (page 659)               Building Your Vocabulary
                             • While the Portuguese explored Africa,              (MUHR • kuhn • TUH • LIH • zuhm)
                              the Spanish, English, and French                 export (EHK • SPOHRT)
                              explored America. (page 661)
                                                                               import (IHM • POHRT)
                             • To increase trade, Europeans                    colony (KAH • luh • nee)
                              set up colonies and created joint-               commerce (KAH • muhrs)
                              stock companies. (page 666)
                                                                               invest (ihn •VEHST)
                             • Exploration and trade led to a
                              worldwide exchange of products,                  Reading Strategy
                              people, and ideas. (page 668)                    Cause and Effect Complete a
                                                                               diagram like the one below showing
                             Locating Places                                   why Europeans began to explore.
                             Strait of Magellan (muh • JEH • luhn)
                             Netherlands (NEH • thuhr • luhnz)
                             Moluccas (muh • LUH • kuhz)

                                        1400                            1500                          1600
                                          1420                   1492              1520               1588
 NORTH    EUROPE                          Portugal begins        Columbus          Magellan’s       England
AMERICA              CHINA
                   INDIA                  mapping Africa’s       reaches the       crew sails       defeats the
                                          coast                  Americas          around the world Armada

658           CHAPTER 18           Enlightenment and Revolution
Europe Gets Ready to Explore
             In the 1400s, trade, technology, and                                           Early
the rise of strong kingdoms led to a new era of
Reading Focus Do you like traveling to places that
you have never been? Read to see why Western
Europeans set off to explore the world.

    In the 1400s and 1500s, nations in
Western Europe began exploring the world.
They soon gained control of the Americas
and parts of India and Southeast Asia as
well. Why did they begin exploring in the
1400s? Many events came together to create
just the right conditions for exploration.

Trade With Asia      As you have read, in the
Middle Ages, Europeans began buying vast
amounts of spices, silks, and other goods              European explorers
                                                       and traders began to
from Asia. In the 1400s, however, it became
                                                       use smaller, faster
harder to get those goods.                             ships called caravels
    First of all, the Mongol Empire had col-           in the 1400s. What
lapsed. The Mongols had kept the Silk Road             advantage did tri-
running smoothly. When their empire col-               angular sails offer
                                                       a ship?                            Astrolabe
lapsed, local rulers along the Silk Road
imposed new taxes on merchants. This
made Asian goods more expensive.                     New Technology      Even though the Euro-
    Next, the Ottoman Turks conquered                peans wanted to go exploring, they could not
the Byzantine Empire and blocked Italian             do it without the right technology. The
merchants from entering the Black Sea.               Atlantic Ocean was too dangerous and diffi-
The Italians had trading posts on the coast          cult to navigate.
of the Black Sea where they bought goods                 By the 1400s, they had the technology
from Asia. Now, they could no longer                 they needed. From the Arabs, Europeans
reach them. They had to trade with the               learned about the astrolabe and the com-
Turks instead, and this drove prices even            pass. The astrolabe was an ancient Greek
higher.                                              device that could be used to find latitude.
    Europeans still wanted the spices and            The compass, invented by the Chinese,
silks of East Asia. Anyone who could find a          helped navigators find magnetic north.
way to get them cheaply would make a lot                 Even with these new tools, the Europeans
of money. Merchants began looking for a              needed better ships. In the 1400s, they began
route to East Asia that bypassed the Middle          using triangular sails developed by the
East. If they could not get there by land,           Arabs. These sails let a ship zigzag into the
maybe they could get there by sea.                   wind.

                                              CHAPTER 18   Enlightenment and Revolution                                         659
                                                                  (t)Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA, (c)SuperStock, (b)Michael Holford
The rise of towns and trade helped
                                                       make governments stronger. Kings and
                                                       queens could tax the trade in their kingdom
                                                       and then use the money to build armies and
                                                       navies. Using their new power, they were
                                                       able to build strong central governments.
                                                          By the end of the 1400s, four strong
                                                       kingdoms—Portugal, Spain, France, and
                                                       England—had developed in Europe. They
                                                       had harbors on the Atlantic Ocean and were
                                                       anxious to find a sea route to Asia. The
                                                       question was where to go.

                                                       Did Maps Encourage Exploration?       By the
                                                       1400s, most educated people in Europe knew
                                                       the world was round, but they only had
                                                       maps of Europe and the Mediterranean.
                                                       When the Renaissance began, however, peo-
                                                       ple began to study ancient maps as well as
                                                       books written by Arab scholars.
                                                           Twelve hundred years earlier, a Greek-
                                                       educated Egyptian geographer named
                                                       Claudius Ptolemy had drawn maps of the
    Prince Henry’s school for navigation helped
                                                       world. His book Geography was discovered
    make possible the discovery of new water           by Europeans in 1406 and printed in 1475.
    routes and new lands. Here, Prince Henry is            With the invention of the printing
    shown watching for the return of his ships.        press, books like Ptolemy’s could be
    What types of professionals did Prince Henry       printed and sold all over Europe.
    invite to his research center?
                                                       Ptolemy’s ideas about cartography, or the
                                                       science of mapmaking, were very influen-
    They also began building ships with many           tial. His basic system of longitude and lat-
masts and smaller sails to make their ships go         itude is still used today.
faster. A new type of rudder made steering                 European cartographers also began
easier. In the 1400s, these inventions came            reading a book written by al-Idrisi, an Arab
together in a Portuguese ship called the car-          geographer. Al-Idrisi had published a book
avel. With ships like the caravel, Europeans           in 1154 showing the parts of the world
could begin exploring the world.                       known to Muslims. By studying the works
                                                       of al-Idrisi and Ptolemy, Europeans learned
The Rise of Strong Nations       Even with             the geography of East Africa and the Indian
new technology, exploration was still                  Ocean. If they could find a way around
expensive and dangerous. For most of the               Africa, they could get to Asia.
Middle Ages, Europe’s kingdoms were                                       Summarize What were the
weak and could not afford to explore. This             main reasons the Europeans began exploring the
situation began to change in the 1400s.                world in the 1400s?

660               CHAPTER 18   Enlightenment and Revolution
In 1420 Portugal began mapping
Exploring the World                                      Africa’s coastline and trading with Africa’s
              While the Portuguese explored Africa,      kingdoms. It also seized the Azores (AY •
the Spanish, English, and French explored America.       ZOHRZ), Madeira (muh • DIHR • uh), and Cape

Reading Focus Have you ever done something daring        Verde islands. Soon after, the Portuguese
or tried something new not knowing how it would turn     discovered sugarcane would grow on the
out? Read to learn how European explorers took chances   islands.
and went places no Europeans had ever been before.           Sugar was very valuable in Europe.
                                                         To work their sugarcane fields, the
     By the early 1400s, Europeans were                  Portuguese began bringing enslaved
ready to explore. England and France were                Africans to the islands. This was the begin-
still fighting each other, however, and Spain            ning of a slave trade that would eventually
was still fighting the Muslims. This gave                bring millions of enslaved people to the
Portugal the chance to explore first.                    Americas as well.
                                                             In 1488 the Portuguese explorer
Who Was Henry the Navigator? In 1419                     Bartolomeu Dias reached the southern tip
Prince Henry of Portugal, known as “Henry                of Africa. Nine years later, Vasco da Gama
the Navigator,” set up a research center                 (VAS • koh dah GA • muh) rounded the tip
in southern Portugal. He invited sailors,                of Africa, raced across the Indian Ocean,
cartographers, and shipbuilders to come                  and landed on India’s coast. A water route
and help him explore the world.                          to East Asia had at last been found.

Santa María
The Santa María, Columbus’s flagship, was                           Crow’s Nest
larger and slower than the other two                           The crow’s nest served as
ships on the voyage. What islands might                        a platform for a lookout.
Columbus have explored on his first
voyage to the Americas?

Captain’s Cabin
This room served                                                                             Upper Deck
 as Columbus’s                                                                              Sailors slept and
  dining room,                                                                             cooked their meals
 bedroom, and                                                                              on the upper deck.

  Food, fresh water,
 and supplies for the
   voyage filled the
     ship’s hold.
European Exploration of the World
                                                                                                                   0°                   2,000 mi. 60°E                                    120°E

                                                                       Greenland                                           0     2,000 km                                                               KEY
                                                                                                                           Mercator projection                                                          Dutch
                                                                                        Cab                 Hudson 160                                                                                  Portuguese
                                         Hudson                Hu                          ot
60°N                                                                ds o

                                                                           n 1610
                                                                                                                                     EUROPE                                                             Spanish


                                                                           Carti                                         NETHERLANDS
                                                                                   er 1 ENGLAND
                                                                                       53 4
                    NORTH                                                                                            FRANCE                                                                                  PACIFIC
                   AMERICA                                                                                            PORTUGAL                                                                               OCEAN
                                                                                      no   1524
                                                                                  za                                                                                                                  JAPAN
                                                                                                                  SPAIN                                                        CHINA
                   MEXICO                    Bahamas                                                                                                           INDIA
         Tenochtitl´an                         Hispaniola s 1492                                                                                                  Goa
                                                      lumbu                                                                                                                                    Philippines    Death of
        (Mexico City)       Cort´es 1519 Caribbean
                                                                      Co                   00
                                                                                                                   AFRICA                                  a       Calicut                                   Magellan
                                             1 5 3 1 -1 5 3


                                               P iza r r o 2

                                                                                                                                                  da                                                         April 1521

                     EQUATOR                                                                                                                                       Ga
 0°                                                                                                                                                                                 da

                                                                                                                                                                       ma                           Spice Islands
                  PACIFIC                                                                                                                           ral                                Gam
                                                                                         ATLANTIC                                                Cab                                                (Moluccas) Magellan
                                                                                                                           Dias 14
                                                                                                                                                              Strait of                    a
                  OCEAN Lima PERU                                                         OCEAN
                                                                                                                                                                             n) 152
                                                  SOUTH                                                                       87                                      agella
                                                                                                                                                                for M
                                                                                            da G a m

                                                                                                                                                       Elcano (                      AUSTRALIA

                     M                                                                             a 1 4 97
          N           ag
                             an                                               51
                                                                                 9                                                                              INDIAN
                                  15                                        n1
                                    21                                 ella                                                                                     OCEAN
      W       E                                                     ag
                     Strait of Magellan
                  120°W                                        60°W
                                                                                                                                        For more than 100 years, Europeans undertook
                                                                                                                                        voyages of exploration in search of new trade
                                                                                                                                        and trade routes.
                                                                                                                                        1. Based on this map, which continents were not
                                                                                                                                           visited by European explorers?
                                                                                                                                        2. What general region did the English explore?
                                                                                                                                        Find NGS online map resources @
Christopher Columbus        While the Port-                                                                                    
uguese explored Africa, an Italian navigator
named Christopher Columbus came up
with a daring plan to get to Asia. He would                                                                                             Columbus thought he was in Asia. He
sail across the Atlantic Ocean.                                                                                                      made three more voyages to the region
    Columbus needed money to make the                                                                                                but never realized he had arrived in the
trip. The rulers of Portugal, England, and                                                                                           Americas. Eventually, Europeans realized
France all turned him down. Finally in 1492                                                                                          they had reached two huge continents.
Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain said yes.
Earlier that year, they had finally driven the                                                                                       Who Was Magellan?           Many Spaniards
Muslims out of Spain. They could now                                                                                                 explored the Americas in the 1500s, but
afford to pay for exploration.                                                                                                       only Ferdinand Magellan (muh • JEH • luhn)
    Columbus outfitted three ships: the                                                                                              tried to finish what Columbus had set out
Santa María, the Niña, and the Pinta. In 1492                                                                                        to do. In 1520 he left Spain and headed west
they left Spain and headed west. As the                                                                                              to sail around the Americas and then all the
weeks passed, the crew grew desperate.                                                                                               way to Asia.
Finally they sighted land, probably the                                                                                                  Magellan sailed south along South
island of San Salvador. Columbus claimed                                                                                             America. Finally, he found a way around the
the land for Spain and then explored the                                                                                             continent. The passage he found is named
nearby islands of Cuba and Hispaniola.                                                                                               the Strait of Magellan (muh • JEH • luhn).

662                   CHAPTER 18                               Enlightenment and Revolution
KEY                                                               KEY


                                                                           Spanish exploration                                                  French exploration
                  Sn         AMERICA

                       ak                                                                                                                       Dutch exploration

                          e R.

                                       R.                                                                                                                                                            E
                                    do                       o R.                                                                                                                     W

                                                          ss o n
                                  ra 1540– 42 Arka uri R Ohi
                                 o do
                                                                                                                                0               500 mi.
                                                        .      De Soto                                                                                                                                                          r1
                                Corona             as                                                                                                                                        S                               tie

                                                               1538–42                                                                                                                                                Car

                                          Santa Fe                                    ATLANTIC                                  0      500 km
                                   a de Vaca 15                                                                                 Mercator projection

                              Cabez                                                    OCEAN                                                                                                             am

                                                 8–36                                                                                                                                                         p la
          30°N                         Ri
                                          oG                                    St. Augustine                                        Marquette                                                                       in
                                                     N a ´ a ez 1 5 2 8

                                             ra                                  P                                                   and Joliet                                    Quebec                                 16 0









                                                                                                                                                                                                                          n 160

                                                                                            L e´o
                                                           ´                                                                                                                                              Hu d so

                                                                                                    n 15

                                                      C or                                              13

                               Tenochtitl´an                                                                                                                                            Plymouth

                              (Mexico City)                                     Caribbean Sea                                 s ou

                                                                                                                                     ri R                                                            ATLANTIC
                                                                                                                                         .          io R.
                                                            N                                                                                     Oh

                                                                                                                             ka                    Jamestown
                   0                     1,000 mi.
                                                                                                                                     s                                                                OCEAN

                                                      W           E                   1513                                                     La Salle                               V e r r a za
                   0        1,000 km                                                                                                                                                                 no 1524
                   Mercator projection                       S                      SOUTH
                       PACIFIC OCEAN                                               AMERICA60°W                                  Gulf of Mexico                                                                        60°W
                120°W                                             90°W

                                                                         Important European Explorers

                  Christopher                                            Vasco                                   Ferdinand                                  Jacques                                                  Henry
                   Columbus                                             da Gama                                  Magellan                                   Cartier                                                  Hudson
            Voyages: 1492, 1493,                            Voyage: 1497–1499                                Voyage: 1519–1522                         Voyages: 1534,                            Voyages: 1607, 1608,
                1498, 1502                                                                                                                              1535, 1541                                   1609, 1610
                                                             First European to                                  Led the first
           First European to sail                             sail around the                                 expedition to sail                     Explored the St.                                  Explored the
           west searching for a                               south of Africa                                completely around                       Lawrence River                                  Hudson River and
            water route to Asia                               and reach India                                    the world                                                                             Hudson Bay

         After passing through the stormy strait, his                                                                      known people to circumnavigate (suhr • kuhm •
         ship entered a vast sea. It was so peaceful, or                                                                   NA • vuh • GAYT), or sail around, the world.
         pacific, that he named the sea the Pacific
         Ocean.                                                                                                            The First English and French Explorers
             Magellan then headed west. His sailors                                                                        As the news spread about Columbus’s
         nearly starved and had to eat leather, saw-                                                                       journey, England decided to search for a
         dust, and rats. Finally, after four months at                                                                     northern route to Asia. In 1497 an English
         sea, they reached the Philippines. After local                                                                    ship commanded by John Cabot (KA • buht)
         people killed Magellan, his crew continued                                                                        headed across the Atlantic.
         west across the Indian Ocean, around Africa,                                                                         Cabot arrived at a large island he named
         and back to Spain. They became the first                                                                          Newfoundland. He then traveled south

                                                                                                              CHAPTER 18                      Enlightenment and Revolution                                                               663
(l)The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1900(00.18.2), (cl)Stock Montage, (c)Collection of The New-York Historical Society, (cr)Reunion des Musees Nationaux/Art Resource, NY, (r)North Wind Picture Archives
Europe from Spain’s empire in
                                                                                  Meanwhile, England had
                                                                               become Spain’s enemy. As you
                                                                               have read, in 1534 King Henry
                                                                               VIII of England broke from the
                                                                               Catholic Church and made his
     To defeat the Spanish Armada, the English                                 kingdom Protestant. By the
     sent ships that had been set on fire toward                 1560s, the Dutch had become Protestant, too,
     the Spanish warships. Why was the defeat of
     the Spanish Armada important?                               even though they were part of Spain’s
                                                                 empire at that time. Spain was strongly
along the coast of present-day Canada but                        Catholic and tried to stop Protestantism in
did not find a path through to Asia. Cabot                       the Netherlands (NEH • thuhr • luhnz). When
disappeared on his second trip and was                           the Dutch people rebelled against Spain,
never heard from again.                                          England came to their aid.
    In 1524 France sent Giovanni da                                  To help the Dutch, Queen Elizabeth I of
Verrazano to map America’s coast and find                        England let English privateers attack Spanish
a route through to Asia. Verrazano mapped                        ships. Privateers are privately owned ships
from what is today North Carolina north to                       that have a license from the government to
Newfoundland but found no path to Asia.                          attack ships of other countries. People nick-
    Ten years later, the French tried again.                     named the English privateers “sea dogs.”
This time they sent Jacques Cartier (ZHAHK                       They raided the Spanish treasure ships that
kahr • TYAY). Cartier sailed past Newfound-                      were bringing gold back from America.
land and entered the St. Lawrence River.                             England’s raids frustrated Philip II, the
Hoping he had found a passage to Asia,                           king of Spain. In 1588 he sent a huge fleet
Cartier made two more trips to map the St.                       known as the Spanish Armada to invade
Lawrence River. After these trips, France                        England. In July 1588, the Armada headed
stopped exploring. By the mid-1500s,                             into the English Channel—the narrow body
French Protestants and Catholics were                            of water between England and Europe. The
fighting a civil war. There was no more                          Spanish ships were large and had many
exploring until it was settled.                                  guns, but they were hard to steer. The
                                                                 smaller English ships moved much more
Spain Fights England     After Columbus, the                     quickly. Their attacks forced the Armada to
Spanish went on to build a vast empire in                        retreat north. There a great storm arose and
America. They forced enslaved Native                             broke up the Armada.
Americans to grow sugarcane and mine gold                            The defeat of the Spanish Armada was
and silver. Later they brought enslaved                          an important event. The Spanish were still
Africans to the region to work on their farms.                   strong, but England now had the power to
   Spanish nobles called conquistadors                           stand up to them. This encouraged the
traveled to America in the hopes of becom-                       English and Dutch to begin exploring both
ing rich. Hernán Cortés conquered the                            North America and Asia.
Aztec, and Francisco Pizarro conquered the                                           Identify Who was the first
Inca. Soon after their victories, vast                           European to sail to India? Whose crew was first to
amounts of gold and silver began to flow to                      sail around the world?

664                         CHAPTER 18   Enlightenment and Revolution
National Maritime Museum, London
                                               r British rulers—
     Elizabeth I is one of the most popula
                                              of England than by
but she was more loved by the people
                                             young life was filled
her father, King Henry VIII. Elizabeth’s
                                             n to Henry VIII and
with change and sadness. She was bor
                                           g was upset when
his second wife, Anne Boleyn. The kin
                                          ted a boy to inherit
Elizabeth was born, because he wan
the throne.
                                                  ounded herself
      When Elizabeth became queen, she surr
                                           y turned England
 with intelligent advisers. Together the                                             Queen Elizabeth I
 into a strong, prosperou   s country. Elizabeth supported
                                               of Europe. She
 Protestantism in England and in the rest
 sent aid to the French Huguenots and
                                             Protestants in Scotland    “I have the heart and
                                           l with Parliament but         stomach of a king and
  and the Netherlands. She worked wel
                                                was a skilled writer
  called few sessions during her reign. She
  and speaker and won the love and sup
                                             port of the English         of a king of England,
  people.                                                                too.”
                                                unusual at that time.
       Elizabeth never married, which was                                       —Elizabeth I, “Armada Speech”
                                                 her, but she turned
  Ma  ny men were interested in marrying
                                              abeth probably remained
   down their proposals. One reason Eliz                       a time when most rulers were men.
   single was to ma   intain control of the government at                                    ted to
                                                       England. Many prominent men wan
   She also  used her status to the advantage of                                           to get him
                                                    to marry someone’s enemy in order
   ma  rry her, and she sometimes threatened
   to do what she wanted.                                                                   ng,
                                                    England’s society. She loved horse ridi
        Elizabeth’s personality also influenced                                        ent of new
                                               t of the arts resulted in the developm
    dances, parties, and plays. Her suppor
    English literature and music. Elizabe
    was so popular by the time of her
    death that the date she became                                                            an unhappy
    queen was celebrated as a national                  Even though Queen Elizabeth I had
                                                                                                e one of
    holiday for 200 years.                              childhood, she overcame it to becom
                                                        England’s most popular leaders. Today
                                                        Queen Elizabeth II has also faced sad
                                                        Research her life and write a short ess
                                                                                               abeth I.
                                                        comparing her life to the life of Eliz

                                                                                         National Portrait Gallery, London/SuperStock
The Commercial Revolution
              To increase trade, Europeans set up
colonies and created joint-stock companies.
Reading Focus Do you know anyone who works at
home? Read to learn how merchants in the 1600s gave
people jobs at home and changed the world trade system.

   While Spain built its empire in America,
Portugal began building a trading empire
in Asia. In 1500, shortly after Vasco da
Gama’s trip, the Portuguese sent 13 ships
back to India. Led by Pedro Alvares Cabral
(PAY • throo AHL • vahr • ihs kuh • BRAHL), the
Portuguese fought a war against the                                       These ships sailed for the Dutch East India
Muslim merchants in the Indian Ocean.                                     Company, which carried out trade in Asia.
   After defeating the Arab fleet, the                                    Which European nation did the Dutch replace
                                                                          in the spice trade?
Portuguese built trading posts in India,
China, Japan, the Persian Gulf, and in the                              way, the home country will not have to
Moluccas (muh • LUH • kuhz), or Spice Islands                           import those goods from other countries.
of Southeast Asia. From these bases, they
controlled most of southern Asia’s sea                                  Trade Empires in Asia           Mercantilism
trade.                                                                  encouraged Europeans to set up trading
                                                                        posts and colonies in Asia and North
What Is Mercantilism?            As Europeans                           America. By the end of the 1500s, Spain had
watched Spain and Portugal grow wealthy                                 set up a colony in the Philippines. The
from their empires, they tried to figure out                            Spanish shipped silver to the Philippines
how they had become rich. They came up                                  from America and then used it to buy Asian
with the idea of mercantilism (MUHR • kuhn •                            spices and silk for sale in Europe.
TUH • LIH • zuhm). Mercantilism is the idea that
                                                                           In the 1600s, English and French mer-
a country gains power by building up its                                chants landed in India and began trading
supply of gold and silver. Mercantilists                                with the people there. In 1619 the Dutch
believe the best way to do this is to export                            built a fort on the island of Java, in what is
(EHK • SPOHRT), or sell to other countries, more                        now Indonesia. They slowly pushed the
goods than you import (IHM • POHRT), or buy                             Portuguese out of the spice trade.
from them. If you export more than you
import, more gold and silver flows in from                              What Are Joint-Stock Companies?
other countries than goes out.                                          Trading overseas was very expensive. In
    Mercantilists also thought countries                                the 1600s, however, new ways of doing
should set up colonies. A colony (KAH • luh •                           business developed in Europe. Historians
nee) is a settlement of people living in a new                          call this the “commercial revolution.”
territory controlled by their home country.                             Commerce (KAH • muhrs) is the buying and
Colonists are supposed to produce goods                                 selling of goods in large amounts over
their country does not have at home. That                               long distances.

666                         CHAPTER 18          Enlightenment and Revolution
Reunion des Musees Nationaux/Art Resource, NY
To trade goods long distance, merchants                                         to buy goods at low prices so they can
    needed a lot of money. They had to buy                                              make money selling them at higher prices
    many goods, store them in warehouses, and                                           elsewhere.
    ship them over land and sea. They had to                                                By the 1600s, merchants had become frus-
    know what people in distant lands wanted                                            trated by artisans and guilds. They charged
    to buy and what prices were like there.                                             too much and could not make goods fast
        This new business created a new type of                                         enough. So merchants began asking peasants
    businessperson called an entrepreneur.                                              to make goods for them. In particular, they
    Entrepreneurs invest (ihn • VEHST), or put                                          asked the peasants to make wool cloth.
    money into a project. Their goal is to make                                         The peasants were happy to make extra
    even more money when the project is done.                                           money and glad to find work they could do
        Many projects were so large that a                                              in their homes.
    group of entrepreneurs had to come                                                      This system was called the “putting out”
    together and form a joint-stock company. A                                          system. Merchants would buy wool and put
    joint-stock company is a business that peo-                                         it out to the peasants. This system is also
    ple can invest in by buying a share of the                                          sometimes called the “cottage industry,”
    company. These shares are called stocks.                                            because the small houses where peasants
                                                                                        lived were called cottages.
    What Is the Cottage Industry?  To trade
    over a long distance, merchants need a                                                                   Explain How did merchants
    large supply of goods. They also have                                               raise the money for overseas trade?

                           European Trade in Asia c. 1700
                                   80°E               N       100°E                            120°E
0                    1,000 mi.

0          1,000 km                              W        E                    CHINA
Two-Point Equidistant projection
                                          Ganges R.             Me
                                                                  kon g

     Daman                           Calcutta                                                             Philippines
                                                                            V IE

 Bombay                                                                            N

                                                Bay of                                 AM        Manila
                                                              THAILAND                                                     PACIFIC
         Goa                                    Bengal                                       South                         OCEAN
                                   Madras                                                    China                                                0°
                                                                  CAMBODIA                    Sea                     Spice              TO
        Calicut                                                                                                                        UA
                    Pondicherry                                                                                      Islands        EQ
         Cochin                                                Malay                                               (Moluccas)
                       Ceylon                                 Peninsula                                                                         140°E
            Colombo    (Sri Lanka)
Using their advanced weapons and
ships, Europeans set up trading                                         Batavia
                                                                       (Jakarta)                              KEY
posts in India and Southeast Asia.                                      CHAPTER 18JavaEnlightenment and Revolution by:
                                                                                                  Port city controlled                          667
1. Which countries had trading                                                                               England         Portugal
   posts along the coasts of India?                                          INDIAN OCEAN                    France          Spain
2. Which country controlled the
   most ports?

                                                                           CHAPTER 18         Enlightenment and Revolution                      667
planted potatoes instead of grain, about four
A Global Exchange                                                                    times as many people could live off the same
             Exploration and trade led to a world-                                   amount of land.
wide exchange of products, people, and ideas.                                            Other American foods, such as squash,
Reading Focus Have you heard about insects from                                      beans, and tomatoes, also made their way
other countries that hurt American crops? Read to learn                              to Europe. Tomatoes greatly changed cook-
how the movement of goods and people between                                         ing in Italy, where tomato sauces became
America and the rest of the world caused great changes.                              very popular. Chocolate was a popular food
                                                                                     from Central America. By mixing it with
   After the Age of Exploration, the                                                 milk and sugar, Europeans created a sweet
economies of Europe, Africa, Asia, and                                               that is still popular today.
America changed. As Europe traded with                                                   Some American foods, such as chili
the world, a global exchange of people,                                              peppers and peanuts, were taken to
goods, technology, ideas, and even diseases                                          Europe, but they also made their way to
began. We call this transfer the Columbian                                           Asia and Africa where they became popu-
Exchange, after Christopher Columbus.                                                lar. Both Europeans and Asians also began
   Two important foods—corn and pota-                                                smoking tobacco, an American plant.
toes—were taken to Europe from North                                                     Many European and Asian grains, such
America. Corn was used to feed animals.                                              as wheat, oats, barley, rye, and rice, were
Larger, healthier animals resulted in more                                           planted in the Americas. Coffee and tropi-
meat, leather, and wool. The potato was also                                         cal fruits, such as bananas, were brought to
important. Europeans discovered that if they                                         America as well. Eventually, coffee and

                        The Columbian Exchange

       NORTH                          Cassava      Cocoa   Corn    Disease
      AMERICA                                                                   Peanuts
                                                                                Peppers Pineapples                      EUROPE
                     Beans                         , ASIA, AND AFRICA
          Avocados                      S TO
                                    RICA                    Sweet
                                AM E                      Potatoes   Tobacco Tomatoes                                          Honeybees
                                       Quinine Squash                                 Turkeys Vanilla
                               Pumpkins           ATLANTIC                          Livestock
                                                                                                 - Cattle
                    Potatoes                               OCEAN                                 - Sheep
                                          Sugarcane Peaches &                                    - Pigs                         Bananas
                                Turnips                           Onions               Olives    - Horses
                                                                                                       ER   IC A S                         30°N
                N                                                                    T          O AM                 Citrus     AFRICA
                                                            EUROPE, AFRICA, AND ASIA                                 Fruits
            W       E                                                                             Coffee
                                                Grains          Grapes              Disease
                                              - Wheat
      0                   1,000 mi.           - Rice
                                              - Barley
                                              - Oats
      0           1,000 km
      Mercator projection             60°W                                   30°W
                                                                                                  Many food items were exchanged
                                                                                                  between the Americas and Europe,
                                                                                                  Africa, and Asia.
                                                                                                  1. Which grains made their way to
                                                                                                     the Americas from Europe?
                                                                                                  2. What, besides food, was part of
                                                                                                     the Columbian Exchange?
668                     CHAPTER 18               Enlightenment and Revolution
banana farms employed thousands of                         Indian princes. Across Asia, the Europeans
workers in Central and South America.                      forced local rulers to let them set up trading
   New animals such as pigs, sheep, cattle,                posts. Within a short time, the East India
chickens, and horses were also brought to                  Company of England had built an empire
America. Chickens changed the diet of                      in India, and the Dutch East India
many people in Central and South America,                  Company had built an empire in Indonesia.
while horses changed the lives of Native                       The arrival of the Europeans in Japan
Americans on the Great Plains. Horses pro-                 also changed that society. Using guns and
vided a faster way to move from place to                   cannons imported from Europe, a new
place. As a result, Native Americans began                 shogun was finally able to defeat the feudal
hunting buffalo as their main food source.                 lords, the daimyo, and reunite Japan.
   A huge movement of people also took                         Not everything exchanged between
place after Europeans obtained sugarcane                   Europe and America was good. When
from Asia and began growing it in the                      Europeans arrived in America, they were
Caribbean. To plant and harvest the sugar-                 carrying germs that could kill Native
cane, they enslaved millions of Africans                   Americans. Many diseases, including small-
and moved them to the Americas.                            pox, measles, and malaria, swept across the
   Europeans also changed Asian society.                   Americas killing millions of people.
With their guns and powerful ships, the                                                 Describe Describe the
Europeans easily defeated Arab fleets and                  Columbian Exchange.

                                                                   Study CentralTM Need help with the
                                                                   material in this section? Visit

                                         What Did You Learn?
Reading Summary                          1. What was a caravel, and why
                                            was it important?
                                                                                   4. Summarize Describe the
                                                                                      development of the African
Review the
                                         2. Describe the accomplishments              slave trade.
• Rising prices of Asian goods, strong
  central governments, and new sail-        of Ferdinand Magellan.                 5. Understand Cause and
  ing technology led to European         Critical Thinking                            Effect Why did merchants
  exploration of the world.                                                           create joint-stock companies
                                         3. Organize Information Draw                 and use cottage industries?
• Portugal found a route to India          a chart like the one below. Use
  while Spain, England, and France         it to name the explorers dis-           6. Analyze How did foods
  explored America.                        cussed in this section, the                imported from the Americas
                                           country they sailed for, and the           benefit Europe? Identify some
• Europeans used joint-stock com-                                                     of those foods.
  panies to build colonies and trad-       places they explored.
  ing posts in Asia following the                                                  7.                Monitor and
                                           Explorer    Country         Area             Adjust Write a 10-question
  ideas of mercantilism.                              Sailed for     Explored
                                                                                        multiple choice test to help
• European exploration and trade                                                        you review the important
  brought about a global exchange                                                       information in this section.
  of goods, technology, and disease.                                                    Exchange tests with a

                                                  CHAPTER 18          Enlightenment and Revolution                   669
The Scientific
                            What’s the Connection?                           Meeting People
                                One result of the Renaissance                Ptolemy (TAH • luh • mee)
                            was a new interest in science. During            Copernicus (koh • PUHR • nih • kuhs)
                            the 1600s, people began to observe,              Kepler (KEH • pluhr)
                            experiment, and reason to find new               Galileo (GA • luh • LEE • oh)
                                                                             Newton (NOO • tuhn)
                                                                             Descartes (day • KAHRT)
                            Focusing on the
                            • The thinkers of the ancient world
                             developed early forms of science                Building Your Vocabulary
                             and passed this knowledge to                    theory (THEE • uh • ree)
                             later civilizations. (page 671)                 rationalism (RASH • nuh • LIH • zuhm)
                                                                             scientific method
                            • European interest in astronomy led
                             to new discoveries and ideas about              hypothesis (hy • PAH • thuh • suhs)
                             the universe and Earth’s place in it.
                             (page 673)                                      Reading Strategy
                                                                             Compare and Contrast Use a
                            • The Scientific Revolution led to new           diagram like the one below to show
                             discoveries in physics, medicine,               the similarities and differences in the
                             and chemistry. (page 675)                       views of Ptolemy and Copernicus.
                            • Using the scientific method,
                             Europeans of the 1600s and 1700s
                                                                                     Ptolemy       Copernicus
                             developed new ideas about society
                             based on reason. (page 678)

                                          1500                              1600                              1700
London                                            1543                            1632                          1687
      Paris                       Copernicus supports                 Galileo publishes             Isaac Newton
                                        sun-centered                  work supporting           states laws about
       Florence                          solar system                Copernicus’s ideas        motion and gravity

670                  CHAPTER 18   Enlightenment and Revolution
The Scientific Revolution
             The thinkers of the ancient world
developed early forms of science and passed this
knowledge to later civilizations.
Reading Focus Have you ever taught a skill or passed
on an idea to a younger brother or sister? Read in this
chapter how the scientific ideas of early thinkers were
passed on to later generations.

    From earliest times, people have been
curious about the world around them.
Thousands of years ago, people began to
use numbers, study the stars and planets,
and watch the growth of plants and ani-                        This model shows the universe according to
                                                               the ideas of the Polish astronomer Nicolaus
mals. These activities were the beginnings                     Copernicus, with the sun at the universe’s
of science. Science is any organized study of                  center. What did Ptolemy’s geocentric
the natural world and how it works.                            theory state?

Early Scientists      Early civilizations devel-          he gathered and classified, or arranged
oped different kinds of science to solve prac-            them into groups, based on their similari-
tical problems. Among the first sciences                  ties and differences.
were mathematics, astronomy, and medi-                        The Greeks made many important
cine. Mathematics was used for record keep-               scientific advances, but their approach to
ing and building projects. Astronomy                      science had some problems. For example,
helped people keep time and figure out                    they did not experiment, or test, new ideas
when to plant and harvest crops. Early civ-               to see if they were true. Many of their con-
ilizations also developed medical practices,              clusions were false because they were based
such as surgery, acupuncture, and the use                 on “common sense” instead of experiments.
of herbs, for treating illnesses.                             For example, in the A.D. 100s, the
    The ancient Greeks left behind a large                Egyptian-born astronomer Ptolemy (TAH •
amount of scientific knowledge. They                      luh • mee) stated that the sun and the planets
believed that reason was the only way to                  moved around the earth in circular paths.
understand nature. As they studied the                    After all, it did seem like the earth was the
world, they developed theories. A theory                  center of the universe. Astronomers in
(THEE • uh • ree) is an explanation of how or             Europe accepted Ptolemy’s geocentric, or
why something happens. A theory is based                  earth-centered, theory for more than 1,400
on what you can observe about something.                  years.
It may not be correct, but it seems to fit the
facts.                                                    Science During the Middle Ages      Under
    In Ancient Greece, the Greek philoso-                 Roman rule, most thinkers continued to
pher Aristotle observed nature and col-                   accept the scientific knowledge of the
lected vast amounts of information about                  Greeks. After the fall of Rome, during the
plants and animals. He then took the facts                Middle Ages, most people were more

                                                  CHAPTER 18      Enlightenment and Revolution                  671
                                                                                                 Scala/Art Resource, NY
interested in theology, the study of God,       mathematics, astronomy, and medicine.

                                                                                                        Louvre, Paris/Bridgeman Art Library
than in the study of nature. For scientific     However, in spite of these achievements,
knowledge, they relied on Greek and             scientists in the Islamic world did not
Roman writings and saw no need to check         experiment or develop the instruments
their facts or to make their own observa-       necessary to advance their scientific
tions. Many of these ancient works, how-        knowledge.
ever, were either lost or poorly preserved.         During the 1100s, European thinkers
In the writings that survived, errors were      became interested in science again as a
added as copies were made.                      result of their contacts with the Islamic
    Meanwhile, Arabs and Jews in the            world. Major Islamic scientific works were
Islamic Empire preserved much of the sci-       brought to Europe and translated into
ence of the Greeks and Romans. They care-       Latin. The Hindu-Arabic system of num-
fully copied many Greek and Roman works         bers also spread to Europe, where it eventu-
into the Arabic language. They also came        ally replaced Roman numerals. Christian
into contact with the science of the Persians   thinkers, such as Thomas Aquinas, tried
and the Indian system of mathematics.           to show that Christianity and reason could
    Arabic and Jewish scientists made           go together. During the 1100s, Europeans
advances of their own in areas such as          began building new universities. They

A New View of the Universe
                                                          Ptolemaic Universe

                                                                            Fixed Stars

                                                                                          Prime Mover


                                                The astronomical theory of Ptolemy (left) placed
                                                Earth at the center of the universe (above). His
                                                theory was accepted for more than a thousand
                                                years. According to the diagram, how many
                                                planets besides Earth were known at the time of
would play an important role in the growth
of science.
                                                     A Revolution in Astronomy
     Beginning in the 1400s, voyages of                            European interest in astronomy led to
exploration further added to Europe’s sci-           new discoveries and ideas about the universe and
entific knowledge. Better charts, maps, and          Earth’s place in it.
navigational instruments helped voyagers             Reading Focus What would people on Earth think if
reach different parts of the world. Through          life were discovered on other planets? Read to see how
exploration, the size of oceans and conti-           Europeans reacted to new discoveries about the universe.
nents became better known. Scientists gath-
ered and classified new knowledge about                  During the 1500s, European thinkers
plants, animals, and diseases in different           began to break with the old scientific ideas.
parts of the world.                                  They increasingly understood that advances
     As scientific knowledge grew, the stage         in science could only come through mathe-
was set for a new understanding of the               matics and experimentation. This new way
natural world that would shake Europe to             of thinking led to a revolution, or sweeping
its foundations.                                     change, in the way Europeans understood
                     Describe Describe scien-        science and the search for knowledge.
tific knowledge during the Middle Ages.              Astronomy was the first science affected by

        Copernican Universe

                                Fixed Stars

            Moon   Jupiter
   Sun     Venus

Nicolaus Copernicus (right), a Polish
mathematician, believed that the sun was at the
center of the universe. His model (above) placed
Earth and the other planets in orbits around the
sun. Why did Europeans again become interested in
science in the 1100s?

                                              CHAPTER 18    Enlightenment and Revolution                  673
the Scientific Revolution. New discoveries                                   was too complicated. Instead, he developed
brought changes in the way Europeans saw                                     a simpler heliocentric, or sun-centered, the-
the universe. They challenged traditional                                    ory of the universe. Copernicus’s theory
thinking that God had made the earth as the                                  stated that the Sun, not Earth, was the cen-
center of the universe.                                                      ter of the universe. The planets moved in
                                                                             circular paths around the Sun.
Who Was Copernicus?             Leading the
Scientific Revolution was a Polish mathe-                                    Kepler’s Revolution       The next step in the
matician named Nicolaus Copernicus (koh •                                    march of science was taken by a German
PUHR • nih • kuhs). In 1543 Copernicus wrote a                               astronomer named Johannes Kepler (KEH •
book called On the Revolutions of the Heavenly                               pluhr). He supported Copernicus’s theory but
Spheres. He disagreed with Ptolemy’s view                                    also made corrections to it. Kepler added the
that the earth was the center of the universe.                               idea that the planets move in ellipses (ih •
Copernicus believed that Ptolemy’s theory                                    LIHP • SEEZ), or oval paths, rather than circular

                                                                                                The Hubble Space Telescope
              Galileo’s first telescope was made of two
   lenses inside a tube. Kepler improved the telescope
   by including an outward curving eyepiece, which
   increased the magnification and field of
   view. In 1663 James Gregory published a
   description of a reflecting telescope that
   would use a mirror to gather and focus
   light. It was not built until 1668.

                                                                                              Today, telescopes are large,
                                                                                    complex, and powerful. The Hubble
                                                                                   Space Telescope has been in orbit
                                                                                  380 miles above the earth’s surface
                                                                                since 1990. It can see great distances
                                                                              because it is outside the atmosphere.
                                                                          Why is astronomy important today?

                                             Galileo’s telescope

674                            CHAPTER 18            Enlightenment and Revolution
(l)Scala/Art Resource, NY, (r)Denis Scott/CORBIS
Ch. 18  Enlightenment and Revolution
Ch. 18  Enlightenment and Revolution
Ch. 18  Enlightenment and Revolution
Ch. 18  Enlightenment and Revolution
Ch. 18  Enlightenment and Revolution
Ch. 18  Enlightenment and Revolution
Ch. 18  Enlightenment and Revolution
Ch. 18  Enlightenment and Revolution
Ch. 18  Enlightenment and Revolution
Ch. 18  Enlightenment and Revolution
Ch. 18  Enlightenment and Revolution
Ch. 18  Enlightenment and Revolution
Ch. 18  Enlightenment and Revolution
Ch. 18  Enlightenment and Revolution
Ch. 18  Enlightenment and Revolution
Ch. 18  Enlightenment and Revolution
Ch. 18  Enlightenment and Revolution
Ch. 18  Enlightenment and Revolution
Ch. 18  Enlightenment and Revolution
Ch. 18  Enlightenment and Revolution
Ch. 18  Enlightenment and Revolution
Ch. 18  Enlightenment and Revolution
Ch. 18  Enlightenment and Revolution
Ch. 18  Enlightenment and Revolution
Ch. 18  Enlightenment and Revolution
Ch. 18  Enlightenment and Revolution
Ch. 18  Enlightenment and Revolution
Ch. 18  Enlightenment and Revolution
Ch. 18  Enlightenment and Revolution
Ch. 18  Enlightenment and Revolution
Ch. 18  Enlightenment and Revolution

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Ch. 18 Enlightenment and Revolution

  • 1. 654–655 Buddy Mays/CORBIS Enlightenment and Revolution A statue of Louis XIV on horseback outside of the palace of Versailles in France 1500 1600 1700 1800 1492 1543 1690 1776 Columbus Copernicus sup- John Locke Declaration of reaches the ports idea of sun- writes about Independence Americas centered universe government is signed
  • 2. Chapter Preview Chapter Overview Visit for a preview By the end of the Renaissance, Europe and the rest of the of Chapter 18. world were entering a time of rapid change. Read this chapter to find out how voyages of exploration and scientific discover- ies affected people in different parts of the world. View the Chapter 18 video in the World History: Journey Across Time Video Program. The Age of Exploration In the 1400s, Europeans began to explore overseas and build empires. Trade increased and goods, technology, and ideas were exchanged around the world. The Scientific Revolution Scientific ideas and discoveries gave Europeans a new way to understand the universe. The Enlightenment During the 1700s, many Europeans believed that reason could be used to make government and society better. The American Revolution Britain and France established colonies in North America. Britain’s American colonies eventually rebelled against Britain and formed a new nation, the United States. Summarizing Information Make this foldable to help you organize and summarize information about the Enlightenment and era of revolutions. Step 1 Mark the Step 2 Fold the Reading and Writing midpoint of a side paper in half As you read the chapter, edge of one sheet again from write information under of paper. Then side to side. each appropriate tab. Be fold the outside sure to summarize the edges in to touch information you find by the midpoint. Step 4 Label writing only main ideas as shown. Scienti and supporting details. fi Revolu c Enlighten- Step 3 Open the tion ment paper and cut Cut along the along the inside fold lines on Age can fold lines to form both sides. Explo of Ameri on ti ratio n Revolu four tabs. 655
  • 3. Monitor and Adjust Your Reading Strengths Different people read differently. Some people read and understand something quickly, while other people may need to read something several times to comprehend it fully. It is impor- tant to identify your own strengths and weaknesses as a reader. Read the following paragraph describing the story of how Newton discovered gravity: According to tradition, Newton was sitting in his garden one day when he watched an apple fall to the ground. The apple’s fall led him to the idea of gravity, or the pull of the earth and other bodies on objects at or near their surfaces. —from pages 675–676 on what Depen ding up ing, you you are read ow down d to sl • Can you visualize this scene in your mind, may nee p. W hen you almost like a movie? u or speed re slowl y. study, read mo • Are there any words you do not know? for ou read W hen y can read • What questions do you have about this passage? pleasu re, you • What does this scene make you think of based ickly. more qu on what you have previously read, seen, or experienced? • Do you need to reread it? 656 Unit Title 656
  • 4. (t)Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia/Bridgeman Art Library, (b)Michael Holford Improve Your Reading Read to Write Choose one explorer, The paragraph below appears in Section 3. Read the philosopher, or scientist passage and answer the questions that follow. that you were intro- duced to in this chapter. Write a list of questions that a modern talk- During the 1600s and 1700s, many show host might ask if he or she interviewed European thinkers favored limits on this person. government power. However, power- ful kings and queens ruled most of Europe. This system was known as Catherine the Great absolutism. In this system, monarchs held absolute, or total, power. They claimed to rule by divine right, or by the will of God. This meant that rulers did not answer to their people, but rather to God alone. —from page 686 • What words or sentences made you slow down as you read? • Did you have to reread any parts? • What questions do you still have after reading this passage? Peter the Great As you read the chapter, identify one paragraph in each section that is diffi- cult to understand. Discuss each para- graph with a partner to improve your understanding. 657
  • 5. The Age of Exploration What’s the Connection? Meeting People You have learned how Italy’s cities Vasco da Gama grew rich from trade. In the 1400s, Christopher Columbus other European states began exploring Magellan (muh • JEH • luhn) the world in search of wealth. John Cabot (KA • buht) Focusing on the Jacques Cartier • In the 1400s, trade, technology, and (ZHAHK kahr •TYAY) the rise of strong kingdoms led to a new era of exploration. (page 659) Building Your Vocabulary mercantilism • While the Portuguese explored Africa, (MUHR • kuhn • TUH • LIH • zuhm) the Spanish, English, and French export (EHK • SPOHRT) explored America. (page 661) import (IHM • POHRT) • To increase trade, Europeans colony (KAH • luh • nee) set up colonies and created joint- commerce (KAH • muhrs) stock companies. (page 666) invest (ihn •VEHST) • Exploration and trade led to a worldwide exchange of products, Reading Strategy people, and ideas. (page 668) Cause and Effect Complete a diagram like the one below showing Locating Places why Europeans began to explore. Strait of Magellan (muh • JEH • luhn) Netherlands (NEH • thuhr • luhnz) Moluccas (muh • LUH • kuhz) 1400 1500 1600 1420 1492 1520 1588 NORTH EUROPE Portugal begins Columbus Magellan’s England AMERICA CHINA INDIA mapping Africa’s reaches the crew sails defeats the AFRICA coast Americas around the world Armada SOUTH AMERICA 658 CHAPTER 18 Enlightenment and Revolution
  • 6. Europe Gets Ready to Explore In the 1400s, trade, technology, and Early compass the rise of strong kingdoms led to a new era of exploration. Reading Focus Do you like traveling to places that you have never been? Read to see why Western Europeans set off to explore the world. In the 1400s and 1500s, nations in Western Europe began exploring the world. They soon gained control of the Americas and parts of India and Southeast Asia as well. Why did they begin exploring in the 1400s? Many events came together to create just the right conditions for exploration. Trade With Asia As you have read, in the Middle Ages, Europeans began buying vast amounts of spices, silks, and other goods European explorers and traders began to from Asia. In the 1400s, however, it became use smaller, faster harder to get those goods. ships called caravels First of all, the Mongol Empire had col- in the 1400s. What lapsed. The Mongols had kept the Silk Road advantage did tri- running smoothly. When their empire col- angular sails offer a ship? Astrolabe lapsed, local rulers along the Silk Road imposed new taxes on merchants. This made Asian goods more expensive. New Technology Even though the Euro- Next, the Ottoman Turks conquered peans wanted to go exploring, they could not the Byzantine Empire and blocked Italian do it without the right technology. The merchants from entering the Black Sea. Atlantic Ocean was too dangerous and diffi- The Italians had trading posts on the coast cult to navigate. of the Black Sea where they bought goods By the 1400s, they had the technology from Asia. Now, they could no longer they needed. From the Arabs, Europeans reach them. They had to trade with the learned about the astrolabe and the com- Turks instead, and this drove prices even pass. The astrolabe was an ancient Greek higher. device that could be used to find latitude. Europeans still wanted the spices and The compass, invented by the Chinese, silks of East Asia. Anyone who could find a helped navigators find magnetic north. way to get them cheaply would make a lot Even with these new tools, the Europeans of money. Merchants began looking for a needed better ships. In the 1400s, they began route to East Asia that bypassed the Middle using triangular sails developed by the East. If they could not get there by land, Arabs. These sails let a ship zigzag into the maybe they could get there by sea. wind. CHAPTER 18 Enlightenment and Revolution 659 (t)Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA, (c)SuperStock, (b)Michael Holford
  • 7. The rise of towns and trade helped make governments stronger. Kings and queens could tax the trade in their kingdom and then use the money to build armies and navies. Using their new power, they were able to build strong central governments. By the end of the 1400s, four strong kingdoms—Portugal, Spain, France, and England—had developed in Europe. They had harbors on the Atlantic Ocean and were anxious to find a sea route to Asia. The question was where to go. Did Maps Encourage Exploration? By the 1400s, most educated people in Europe knew the world was round, but they only had maps of Europe and the Mediterranean. When the Renaissance began, however, peo- ple began to study ancient maps as well as books written by Arab scholars. Twelve hundred years earlier, a Greek- educated Egyptian geographer named Claudius Ptolemy had drawn maps of the Prince Henry’s school for navigation helped world. His book Geography was discovered make possible the discovery of new water by Europeans in 1406 and printed in 1475. routes and new lands. Here, Prince Henry is With the invention of the printing shown watching for the return of his ships. press, books like Ptolemy’s could be What types of professionals did Prince Henry printed and sold all over Europe. invite to his research center? Ptolemy’s ideas about cartography, or the science of mapmaking, were very influen- They also began building ships with many tial. His basic system of longitude and lat- masts and smaller sails to make their ships go itude is still used today. faster. A new type of rudder made steering European cartographers also began easier. In the 1400s, these inventions came reading a book written by al-Idrisi, an Arab together in a Portuguese ship called the car- geographer. Al-Idrisi had published a book avel. With ships like the caravel, Europeans in 1154 showing the parts of the world could begin exploring the world. known to Muslims. By studying the works of al-Idrisi and Ptolemy, Europeans learned The Rise of Strong Nations Even with the geography of East Africa and the Indian new technology, exploration was still Ocean. If they could find a way around expensive and dangerous. For most of the Africa, they could get to Asia. Middle Ages, Europe’s kingdoms were Summarize What were the weak and could not afford to explore. This main reasons the Europeans began exploring the situation began to change in the 1400s. world in the 1400s? 660 CHAPTER 18 Enlightenment and Revolution Bettmann/CORBIS
  • 8. In 1420 Portugal began mapping Exploring the World Africa’s coastline and trading with Africa’s While the Portuguese explored Africa, kingdoms. It also seized the Azores (AY • the Spanish, English, and French explored America. ZOHRZ), Madeira (muh • DIHR • uh), and Cape Reading Focus Have you ever done something daring Verde islands. Soon after, the Portuguese or tried something new not knowing how it would turn discovered sugarcane would grow on the out? Read to learn how European explorers took chances islands. and went places no Europeans had ever been before. Sugar was very valuable in Europe. To work their sugarcane fields, the By the early 1400s, Europeans were Portuguese began bringing enslaved ready to explore. England and France were Africans to the islands. This was the begin- still fighting each other, however, and Spain ning of a slave trade that would eventually was still fighting the Muslims. This gave bring millions of enslaved people to the Portugal the chance to explore first. Americas as well. In 1488 the Portuguese explorer Who Was Henry the Navigator? In 1419 Bartolomeu Dias reached the southern tip Prince Henry of Portugal, known as “Henry of Africa. Nine years later, Vasco da Gama the Navigator,” set up a research center (VAS • koh dah GA • muh) rounded the tip in southern Portugal. He invited sailors, of Africa, raced across the Indian Ocean, cartographers, and shipbuilders to come and landed on India’s coast. A water route and help him explore the world. to East Asia had at last been found. Santa María The Santa María, Columbus’s flagship, was Crow’s Nest larger and slower than the other two The crow’s nest served as ships on the voyage. What islands might a platform for a lookout. Columbus have explored on his first voyage to the Americas? Captain’s Cabin This room served Upper Deck as Columbus’s Sailors slept and dining room, cooked their meals bedroom, and on the upper deck. study. Hold Food, fresh water, and supplies for the voyage filled the ship’s hold.
  • 9. European Exploration of the World 0° 2,000 mi. 60°E 120°E 0 Greenland 0 2,000 km KEY Mercator projection Dutch English French Cab Hudson 160 Portuguese Hudson Hu ot 60°N ds o 9 n 1610 Bay EUROPE Spanish 14 ASIA 97 Carti NETHERLANDS er 1 ENGLAND 53 4 NORTH FRANCE PACIFIC AMERICA PORTUGAL OCEAN no 1524 Verra za JAPAN SPAIN CHINA MEXICO Bahamas INDIA Cuba Tenochtitl´an Hispaniola s 1492 Goa lumbu Philippines Death of (Mexico City) Cort´es 1519 Caribbean Sea Co 00 AFRICA a Calicut Magellan Gam 1 5 3 1 -1 5 3 15 Melaka P iza r r o 2 da April 1521 ral da EQUATOR Ga 0° da Cab ma Spice Islands PACIFIC ral Gam ATLANTIC Cab (Moluccas) Magellan Dias 14 Strait of a OCEAN Lima PERU OCEAN Malacca n) 152 2 SOUTH 87 agella for M Elcan da G a m Elcano ( AUSTRALIA AMERICA o M a 1 4 97 N ag ell an 51 9 INDIAN 15 n1 21 ella OCEAN W E ag M S Strait of Magellan 60°S 120°W 60°W For more than 100 years, Europeans undertook 180° voyages of exploration in search of new trade and trade routes. 1. Based on this map, which continents were not visited by European explorers? 2. What general region did the English explore? Find NGS online map resources @ Christopher Columbus While the Port- uguese explored Africa, an Italian navigator named Christopher Columbus came up with a daring plan to get to Asia. He would Columbus thought he was in Asia. He sail across the Atlantic Ocean. made three more voyages to the region Columbus needed money to make the but never realized he had arrived in the trip. The rulers of Portugal, England, and Americas. Eventually, Europeans realized France all turned him down. Finally in 1492 they had reached two huge continents. Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain said yes. Earlier that year, they had finally driven the Who Was Magellan? Many Spaniards Muslims out of Spain. They could now explored the Americas in the 1500s, but afford to pay for exploration. only Ferdinand Magellan (muh • JEH • luhn) Columbus outfitted three ships: the tried to finish what Columbus had set out Santa María, the Niña, and the Pinta. In 1492 to do. In 1520 he left Spain and headed west they left Spain and headed west. As the to sail around the Americas and then all the weeks passed, the crew grew desperate. way to Asia. Finally they sighted land, probably the Magellan sailed south along South island of San Salvador. Columbus claimed America. Finally, he found a way around the the land for Spain and then explored the continent. The passage he found is named nearby islands of Cuba and Hispaniola. the Strait of Magellan (muh • JEH • luhn). 662 CHAPTER 18 Enlightenment and Revolution
  • 10. KEY KEY Mi NORTH ssis Spanish exploration French exploration N Sn AMERICA s ak Dutch exploration ippi e R. Mi R. E do o R. W R. ss o n ra 1540– 42 Arka uri R Ohi o do 0 500 mi. 534 –42 . De Soto r1 Co l Corona as S tie s 1538–42 Car R. Santa Fe ATLANTIC 0 500 km NORTH a de Vaca 15 Mercator projection Ch Cabez OCEAN am AMERICA Cab 8–36 p la 2 30°N Ri oG St. Augustine Marquette in N a ´ a ez 1 5 2 8 rill ra P and Joliet Quebec 16 0 M 3–15 o nd on Montreal iss 1673 15 e ce 42 is 1519 D 9 sip n 160 –4 e L e´o tes ´ Hu d so pi n 15 3 C or 13 R. Tenochtitl´an Plymouth Mi (Mexico City) Caribbean Sea s ou s ri R ATLANTIC . io R. N Oh Ar ka Jamestown 0 1,000 mi. Balboa nsa s OCEAN . R W E 1513 La Salle V e r r a za 0 1,000 km no 1524 1679–82 0° Mercator projection S SOUTH 30°N PACIFIC OCEAN AMERICA60°W Gulf of Mexico 60°W 120°W 90°W Important European Explorers Christopher Vasco Ferdinand Jacques Henry Columbus da Gama Magellan Cartier Hudson Voyages: 1492, 1493, Voyage: 1497–1499 Voyage: 1519–1522 Voyages: 1534, Voyages: 1607, 1608, 1498, 1502 1535, 1541 1609, 1610 First European to Led the first First European to sail sail around the expedition to sail Explored the St. Explored the west searching for a south of Africa completely around Lawrence River Hudson River and water route to Asia and reach India the world Hudson Bay After passing through the stormy strait, his known people to circumnavigate (suhr • kuhm • ship entered a vast sea. It was so peaceful, or NA • vuh • GAYT), or sail around, the world. pacific, that he named the sea the Pacific Ocean. The First English and French Explorers Magellan then headed west. His sailors As the news spread about Columbus’s nearly starved and had to eat leather, saw- journey, England decided to search for a dust, and rats. Finally, after four months at northern route to Asia. In 1497 an English sea, they reached the Philippines. After local ship commanded by John Cabot (KA • buht) people killed Magellan, his crew continued headed across the Atlantic. west across the Indian Ocean, around Africa, Cabot arrived at a large island he named and back to Spain. They became the first Newfoundland. He then traveled south CHAPTER 18 Enlightenment and Revolution 663 (l)The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1900(00.18.2), (cl)Stock Montage, (c)Collection of The New-York Historical Society, (cr)Reunion des Musees Nationaux/Art Resource, NY, (r)North Wind Picture Archives
  • 11. Europe from Spain’s empire in America. Meanwhile, England had become Spain’s enemy. As you have read, in 1534 King Henry VIII of England broke from the Catholic Church and made his To defeat the Spanish Armada, the English kingdom Protestant. By the sent ships that had been set on fire toward 1560s, the Dutch had become Protestant, too, the Spanish warships. Why was the defeat of the Spanish Armada important? even though they were part of Spain’s empire at that time. Spain was strongly along the coast of present-day Canada but Catholic and tried to stop Protestantism in did not find a path through to Asia. Cabot the Netherlands (NEH • thuhr • luhnz). When disappeared on his second trip and was the Dutch people rebelled against Spain, never heard from again. England came to their aid. In 1524 France sent Giovanni da To help the Dutch, Queen Elizabeth I of Verrazano to map America’s coast and find England let English privateers attack Spanish a route through to Asia. Verrazano mapped ships. Privateers are privately owned ships from what is today North Carolina north to that have a license from the government to Newfoundland but found no path to Asia. attack ships of other countries. People nick- Ten years later, the French tried again. named the English privateers “sea dogs.” This time they sent Jacques Cartier (ZHAHK They raided the Spanish treasure ships that kahr • TYAY). Cartier sailed past Newfound- were bringing gold back from America. land and entered the St. Lawrence River. England’s raids frustrated Philip II, the Hoping he had found a passage to Asia, king of Spain. In 1588 he sent a huge fleet Cartier made two more trips to map the St. known as the Spanish Armada to invade Lawrence River. After these trips, France England. In July 1588, the Armada headed stopped exploring. By the mid-1500s, into the English Channel—the narrow body French Protestants and Catholics were of water between England and Europe. The fighting a civil war. There was no more Spanish ships were large and had many exploring until it was settled. guns, but they were hard to steer. The smaller English ships moved much more Spain Fights England After Columbus, the quickly. Their attacks forced the Armada to Spanish went on to build a vast empire in retreat north. There a great storm arose and America. They forced enslaved Native broke up the Armada. Americans to grow sugarcane and mine gold The defeat of the Spanish Armada was and silver. Later they brought enslaved an important event. The Spanish were still Africans to the region to work on their farms. strong, but England now had the power to Spanish nobles called conquistadors stand up to them. This encouraged the traveled to America in the hopes of becom- English and Dutch to begin exploring both ing rich. Hernán Cortés conquered the North America and Asia. Aztec, and Francisco Pizarro conquered the Identify Who was the first Inca. Soon after their victories, vast European to sail to India? Whose crew was first to amounts of gold and silver began to flow to sail around the world? 664 CHAPTER 18 Enlightenment and Revolution National Maritime Museum, London
  • 12. ELIZA3BETH I –160 1533 r British rulers— Elizabeth I is one of the most popula of England than by but she was more loved by the people young life was filled her father, King Henry VIII. Elizabeth’s n to Henry VIII and with change and sadness. She was bor g was upset when his second wife, Anne Boleyn. The kin ted a boy to inherit Elizabeth was born, because he wan the throne. ounded herself When Elizabeth became queen, she surr y turned England with intelligent advisers. Together the Queen Elizabeth I into a strong, prosperou s country. Elizabeth supported of Europe. She Protestantism in England and in the rest sent aid to the French Huguenots and Protestants in Scotland “I have the heart and l with Parliament but stomach of a king and and the Netherlands. She worked wel was a skilled writer called few sessions during her reign. She and speaker and won the love and sup port of the English of a king of England, people. too.” unusual at that time. Elizabeth never married, which was —Elizabeth I, “Armada Speech” her, but she turned Ma ny men were interested in marrying abeth probably remained down their proposals. One reason Eliz a time when most rulers were men. single was to ma intain control of the government at ted to England. Many prominent men wan She also used her status to the advantage of to get him to marry someone’s enemy in order ma rry her, and she sometimes threatened to do what she wanted. ng, England’s society. She loved horse ridi Elizabeth’s personality also influenced ent of new t of the arts resulted in the developm dances, parties, and plays. Her suppor th English literature and music. Elizabe was so popular by the time of her death that the date she became an unhappy queen was celebrated as a national Even though Queen Elizabeth I had e one of holiday for 200 years. childhood, she overcame it to becom England’s England’s most popular leaders. Today situations. Queen Elizabeth II has also faced sad ay Research her life and write a short ess abeth I. comparing her life to the life of Eliz 665 National Portrait Gallery, London/SuperStock
  • 13. The Commercial Revolution To increase trade, Europeans set up colonies and created joint-stock companies. Reading Focus Do you know anyone who works at home? Read to learn how merchants in the 1600s gave people jobs at home and changed the world trade system. While Spain built its empire in America, Portugal began building a trading empire in Asia. In 1500, shortly after Vasco da Gama’s trip, the Portuguese sent 13 ships back to India. Led by Pedro Alvares Cabral (PAY • throo AHL • vahr • ihs kuh • BRAHL), the Portuguese fought a war against the These ships sailed for the Dutch East India Muslim merchants in the Indian Ocean. Company, which carried out trade in Asia. After defeating the Arab fleet, the Which European nation did the Dutch replace in the spice trade? Portuguese built trading posts in India, China, Japan, the Persian Gulf, and in the way, the home country will not have to Moluccas (muh • LUH • kuhz), or Spice Islands import those goods from other countries. of Southeast Asia. From these bases, they controlled most of southern Asia’s sea Trade Empires in Asia Mercantilism trade. encouraged Europeans to set up trading posts and colonies in Asia and North What Is Mercantilism? As Europeans America. By the end of the 1500s, Spain had watched Spain and Portugal grow wealthy set up a colony in the Philippines. The from their empires, they tried to figure out Spanish shipped silver to the Philippines how they had become rich. They came up from America and then used it to buy Asian with the idea of mercantilism (MUHR • kuhn • spices and silk for sale in Europe. TUH • LIH • zuhm). Mercantilism is the idea that In the 1600s, English and French mer- a country gains power by building up its chants landed in India and began trading supply of gold and silver. Mercantilists with the people there. In 1619 the Dutch believe the best way to do this is to export built a fort on the island of Java, in what is (EHK • SPOHRT), or sell to other countries, more now Indonesia. They slowly pushed the goods than you import (IHM • POHRT), or buy Portuguese out of the spice trade. from them. If you export more than you import, more gold and silver flows in from What Are Joint-Stock Companies? other countries than goes out. Trading overseas was very expensive. In Mercantilists also thought countries the 1600s, however, new ways of doing should set up colonies. A colony (KAH • luh • business developed in Europe. Historians nee) is a settlement of people living in a new call this the “commercial revolution.” territory controlled by their home country. Commerce (KAH • muhrs) is the buying and Colonists are supposed to produce goods selling of goods in large amounts over their country does not have at home. That long distances. 666 CHAPTER 18 Enlightenment and Revolution Reunion des Musees Nationaux/Art Resource, NY
  • 14. To trade goods long distance, merchants to buy goods at low prices so they can needed a lot of money. They had to buy make money selling them at higher prices many goods, store them in warehouses, and elsewhere. ship them over land and sea. They had to By the 1600s, merchants had become frus- know what people in distant lands wanted trated by artisans and guilds. They charged to buy and what prices were like there. too much and could not make goods fast This new business created a new type of enough. So merchants began asking peasants businessperson called an entrepreneur. to make goods for them. In particular, they Entrepreneurs invest (ihn • VEHST), or put asked the peasants to make wool cloth. money into a project. Their goal is to make The peasants were happy to make extra even more money when the project is done. money and glad to find work they could do Many projects were so large that a in their homes. group of entrepreneurs had to come This system was called the “putting out” together and form a joint-stock company. A system. Merchants would buy wool and put joint-stock company is a business that peo- it out to the peasants. This system is also ple can invest in by buying a share of the sometimes called the “cottage industry,” company. These shares are called stocks. because the small houses where peasants lived were called cottages. What Is the Cottage Industry? To trade over a long distance, merchants need a Explain How did merchants large supply of goods. They also have raise the money for overseas trade? European Trade in Asia c. 1700 80°E N 100°E 120°E 0 1,000 mi. 0 1,000 km W E CHINA N 20° Two-Point Equidistant projection S Ganges R. Me kon g Macau Daman Calcutta Philippines V IE R. INDIA Bombay N T Bay of AM Manila THAILAND PACIFIC Goa Bengal South OCEAN Madras China 0° CAMBODIA Sea Spice TO R Calicut UA Pondicherry Islands EQ Cochin Malay (Moluccas) Ceylon Peninsula 140°E Colombo (Sri Lanka) Melaka Borneo Sumatra Using their advanced weapons and ships, Europeans set up trading Batavia (Jakarta) KEY posts in India and Southeast Asia. CHAPTER 18JavaEnlightenment and Revolution by: Port city controlled 667 1. Which countries had trading England Portugal posts along the coasts of India? INDIAN OCEAN France Spain Netherlands 2. Which country controlled the most ports? CHAPTER 18 Enlightenment and Revolution 667
  • 15. planted potatoes instead of grain, about four A Global Exchange times as many people could live off the same Exploration and trade led to a world- amount of land. wide exchange of products, people, and ideas. Other American foods, such as squash, Reading Focus Have you heard about insects from beans, and tomatoes, also made their way other countries that hurt American crops? Read to learn to Europe. Tomatoes greatly changed cook- how the movement of goods and people between ing in Italy, where tomato sauces became America and the rest of the world caused great changes. very popular. Chocolate was a popular food from Central America. By mixing it with After the Age of Exploration, the milk and sugar, Europeans created a sweet economies of Europe, Africa, Asia, and that is still popular today. America changed. As Europe traded with Some American foods, such as chili the world, a global exchange of people, peppers and peanuts, were taken to goods, technology, ideas, and even diseases Europe, but they also made their way to began. We call this transfer the Columbian Asia and Africa where they became popu- Exchange, after Christopher Columbus. lar. Both Europeans and Asians also began Two important foods—corn and pota- smoking tobacco, an American plant. toes—were taken to Europe from North Many European and Asian grains, such America. Corn was used to feed animals. as wheat, oats, barley, rye, and rice, were Larger, healthier animals resulted in more planted in the Americas. Coffee and tropi- meat, leather, and wool. The potato was also cal fruits, such as bananas, were brought to important. Europeans discovered that if they America as well. Eventually, coffee and The Columbian Exchange 0° NORTH Cassava Cocoa Corn Disease Beans AMERICA Peanuts Peppers Pineapples EUROPE Beans , ASIA, AND AFRICA EUROPE Avocados S TO RICA Sweet AM E Potatoes Tobacco Tomatoes Honeybees Quinine Squash Turkeys Vanilla Pumpkins ATLANTIC Livestock - Cattle Potatoes OCEAN - Sheep Sugarcane Peaches & - Pigs Bananas Turnips Onions Olives - Horses Pears ER IC A S 30°N N T O AM Citrus AFRICA EUROPE, AFRICA, AND ASIA Fruits W E Coffee Beans S Grains Grapes Disease - Wheat 0 1,000 mi. - Rice - Barley - Oats 0 1,000 km Mercator projection 60°W 30°W Many food items were exchanged between the Americas and Europe, Africa, and Asia. 1. Which grains made their way to the Americas from Europe? 2. What, besides food, was part of the Columbian Exchange? 668 CHAPTER 18 Enlightenment and Revolution
  • 16. banana farms employed thousands of Indian princes. Across Asia, the Europeans workers in Central and South America. forced local rulers to let them set up trading New animals such as pigs, sheep, cattle, posts. Within a short time, the East India chickens, and horses were also brought to Company of England had built an empire America. Chickens changed the diet of in India, and the Dutch East India many people in Central and South America, Company had built an empire in Indonesia. while horses changed the lives of Native The arrival of the Europeans in Japan Americans on the Great Plains. Horses pro- also changed that society. Using guns and vided a faster way to move from place to cannons imported from Europe, a new place. As a result, Native Americans began shogun was finally able to defeat the feudal hunting buffalo as their main food source. lords, the daimyo, and reunite Japan. A huge movement of people also took Not everything exchanged between place after Europeans obtained sugarcane Europe and America was good. When from Asia and began growing it in the Europeans arrived in America, they were Caribbean. To plant and harvest the sugar- carrying germs that could kill Native cane, they enslaved millions of Africans Americans. Many diseases, including small- and moved them to the Americas. pox, measles, and malaria, swept across the Europeans also changed Asian society. Americas killing millions of people. With their guns and powerful ships, the Describe Describe the Europeans easily defeated Arab fleets and Columbian Exchange. Study CentralTM Need help with the material in this section? Visit What Did You Learn? Reading Summary 1. What was a caravel, and why was it important? 4. Summarize Describe the development of the African Review the 2. Describe the accomplishments slave trade. • Rising prices of Asian goods, strong central governments, and new sail- of Ferdinand Magellan. 5. Understand Cause and ing technology led to European Critical Thinking Effect Why did merchants exploration of the world. create joint-stock companies 3. Organize Information Draw and use cottage industries? • Portugal found a route to India a chart like the one below. Use while Spain, England, and France it to name the explorers dis- 6. Analyze How did foods explored America. cussed in this section, the imported from the Americas country they sailed for, and the benefit Europe? Identify some • Europeans used joint-stock com- of those foods. panies to build colonies and trad- places they explored. ing posts in Asia following the 7. Monitor and Explorer Country Area Adjust Write a 10-question ideas of mercantilism. Sailed for Explored multiple choice test to help • European exploration and trade you review the important brought about a global exchange information in this section. of goods, technology, and disease. Exchange tests with a classmate. CHAPTER 18 Enlightenment and Revolution 669
  • 17. The Scientific Revolution What’s the Connection? Meeting People One result of the Renaissance Ptolemy (TAH • luh • mee) was a new interest in science. During Copernicus (koh • PUHR • nih • kuhs) the 1600s, people began to observe, Kepler (KEH • pluhr) experiment, and reason to find new Galileo (GA • luh • LEE • oh) knowledge. Newton (NOO • tuhn) Descartes (day • KAHRT) Focusing on the • The thinkers of the ancient world developed early forms of science Building Your Vocabulary and passed this knowledge to theory (THEE • uh • ree) later civilizations. (page 671) rationalism (RASH • nuh • LIH • zuhm) scientific method • European interest in astronomy led to new discoveries and ideas about hypothesis (hy • PAH • thuh • suhs) the universe and Earth’s place in it. (page 673) Reading Strategy Compare and Contrast Use a • The Scientific Revolution led to new diagram like the one below to show discoveries in physics, medicine, the similarities and differences in the and chemistry. (page 675) views of Ptolemy and Copernicus. • Using the scientific method, Europeans of the 1600s and 1700s Ptolemy Copernicus developed new ideas about society based on reason. (page 678) 1500 1600 1700 London 1543 1632 1687 Paris Copernicus supports Galileo publishes Isaac Newton sun-centered work supporting states laws about Florence solar system Copernicus’s ideas motion and gravity Rome 670 CHAPTER 18 Enlightenment and Revolution
  • 18. The Scientific Revolution The thinkers of the ancient world developed early forms of science and passed this knowledge to later civilizations. Reading Focus Have you ever taught a skill or passed on an idea to a younger brother or sister? Read in this chapter how the scientific ideas of early thinkers were passed on to later generations. From earliest times, people have been curious about the world around them. Thousands of years ago, people began to use numbers, study the stars and planets, and watch the growth of plants and ani- This model shows the universe according to the ideas of the Polish astronomer Nicolaus mals. These activities were the beginnings Copernicus, with the sun at the universe’s of science. Science is any organized study of center. What did Ptolemy’s geocentric the natural world and how it works. theory state? Early Scientists Early civilizations devel- he gathered and classified, or arranged oped different kinds of science to solve prac- them into groups, based on their similari- tical problems. Among the first sciences ties and differences. were mathematics, astronomy, and medi- The Greeks made many important cine. Mathematics was used for record keep- scientific advances, but their approach to ing and building projects. Astronomy science had some problems. For example, helped people keep time and figure out they did not experiment, or test, new ideas when to plant and harvest crops. Early civ- to see if they were true. Many of their con- ilizations also developed medical practices, clusions were false because they were based such as surgery, acupuncture, and the use on “common sense” instead of experiments. of herbs, for treating illnesses. For example, in the A.D. 100s, the The ancient Greeks left behind a large Egyptian-born astronomer Ptolemy (TAH • amount of scientific knowledge. They luh • mee) stated that the sun and the planets believed that reason was the only way to moved around the earth in circular paths. understand nature. As they studied the After all, it did seem like the earth was the world, they developed theories. A theory center of the universe. Astronomers in (THEE • uh • ree) is an explanation of how or Europe accepted Ptolemy’s geocentric, or why something happens. A theory is based earth-centered, theory for more than 1,400 on what you can observe about something. years. It may not be correct, but it seems to fit the facts. Science During the Middle Ages Under In Ancient Greece, the Greek philoso- Roman rule, most thinkers continued to pher Aristotle observed nature and col- accept the scientific knowledge of the lected vast amounts of information about Greeks. After the fall of Rome, during the plants and animals. He then took the facts Middle Ages, most people were more CHAPTER 18 Enlightenment and Revolution 671 Scala/Art Resource, NY
  • 19. interested in theology, the study of God, mathematics, astronomy, and medicine. Louvre, Paris/Bridgeman Art Library than in the study of nature. For scientific However, in spite of these achievements, knowledge, they relied on Greek and scientists in the Islamic world did not Roman writings and saw no need to check experiment or develop the instruments their facts or to make their own observa- necessary to advance their scientific tions. Many of these ancient works, how- knowledge. ever, were either lost or poorly preserved. During the 1100s, European thinkers In the writings that survived, errors were became interested in science again as a added as copies were made. result of their contacts with the Islamic Meanwhile, Arabs and Jews in the world. Major Islamic scientific works were Islamic Empire preserved much of the sci- brought to Europe and translated into ence of the Greeks and Romans. They care- Latin. The Hindu-Arabic system of num- fully copied many Greek and Roman works bers also spread to Europe, where it eventu- into the Arabic language. They also came ally replaced Roman numerals. Christian into contact with the science of the Persians thinkers, such as Thomas Aquinas, tried and the Indian system of mathematics. to show that Christianity and reason could Arabic and Jewish scientists made go together. During the 1100s, Europeans advances of their own in areas such as began building new universities. They A New View of the Universe Ptolemaic Universe Fixed Stars Prime Mover Saturn Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Earth Moon The astronomical theory of Ptolemy (left) placed Earth at the center of the universe (above). His theory was accepted for more than a thousand years. According to the diagram, how many planets besides Earth were known at the time of Ptolemy?
  • 20. would play an important role in the growth of science. A Revolution in Astronomy Beginning in the 1400s, voyages of European interest in astronomy led to exploration further added to Europe’s sci- new discoveries and ideas about the universe and entific knowledge. Better charts, maps, and Earth’s place in it. navigational instruments helped voyagers Reading Focus What would people on Earth think if reach different parts of the world. Through life were discovered on other planets? Read to see how exploration, the size of oceans and conti- Europeans reacted to new discoveries about the universe. nents became better known. Scientists gath- ered and classified new knowledge about During the 1500s, European thinkers plants, animals, and diseases in different began to break with the old scientific ideas. parts of the world. They increasingly understood that advances As scientific knowledge grew, the stage in science could only come through mathe- was set for a new understanding of the matics and experimentation. This new way natural world that would shake Europe to of thinking led to a revolution, or sweeping its foundations. change, in the way Europeans understood Describe Describe scien- science and the search for knowledge. tific knowledge during the Middle Ages. Astronomy was the first science affected by Copernican Universe Fixed Stars Saturn Moon Jupiter Mars Earth Sun Venus Mercury Nicolaus Copernicus (right), a Polish mathematician, believed that the sun was at the center of the universe. His model (above) placed Earth and the other planets in orbits around the sun. Why did Europeans again become interested in science in the 1100s? CHAPTER 18 Enlightenment and Revolution 673 Bettmann/CORBIS
  • 21. the Scientific Revolution. New discoveries was too complicated. Instead, he developed brought changes in the way Europeans saw a simpler heliocentric, or sun-centered, the- the universe. They challenged traditional ory of the universe. Copernicus’s theory thinking that God had made the earth as the stated that the Sun, not Earth, was the cen- center of the universe. ter of the universe. The planets moved in circular paths around the Sun. Who Was Copernicus? Leading the Scientific Revolution was a Polish mathe- Kepler’s Revolution The next step in the matician named Nicolaus Copernicus (koh • march of science was taken by a German PUHR • nih • kuhs). In 1543 Copernicus wrote a astronomer named Johannes Kepler (KEH • book called On the Revolutions of the Heavenly pluhr). He supported Copernicus’s theory but Spheres. He disagreed with Ptolemy’s view also made corrections to it. Kepler added the that the earth was the center of the universe. idea that the planets move in ellipses (ih • Copernicus believed that Ptolemy’s theory LIHP • SEEZ), or oval paths, rather than circular Telescopes The Hubble Space Telescope Galileo’s first telescope was made of two lenses inside a tube. Kepler improved the telescope by including an outward curving eyepiece, which increased the magnification and field of view. In 1663 James Gregory published a description of a reflecting telescope that would use a mirror to gather and focus light. It was not built until 1668. Today, telescopes are large, complex, and powerful. The Hubble Space Telescope has been in orbit 380 miles above the earth’s surface since 1990. It can see great distances because it is outside the atmosphere. Why is astronomy important today? Galileo’s telescope 674 CHAPTER 18 Enlightenment and Revolution (l)Scala/Art Resource, NY, (r)Denis Scott/CORBIS