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Loss control and safety training are everyday
activities for Fortune 500 employers that keep a
close eye on their worker compensation and liability
costs. Full-time risk managers and training officers
build and execute programs that are designed to
reduce dangerous incidents and the resulting claims
costs. However, at companies with fewer than
1,000 employees, risk management is often a part-
time job. Safety training is a difficult and expensive
proposition even though executives know they
need to comply with state and federal regulations
and reduce insurance premiums with good loss
control. Middle market companies are often in the
difficult position of trying to get a handle on costs
and initiate effective programs that can help control
their claims without a full-time safety director.
Often their only option is to hire a third-party safety
trainer—which can be cost prohibitive—or buy
safety videos and hope they have the impact they

This is where we help...

CDP, Inc. can provide your firm with a unique
Company Branded Hosted WEB Based Training site
comparable to those used by Fortune 500
companies at a fraction of the cost. Our easy-to-use                           Consolidated Digital Publishing Inc.
on-line training system is loaded with courses and is                             5373 W. Alabama Suite 209
used            by           operators          such                                   Houston TX 77056
NOV, HighmountEP, Chevron, BP, Repsol, Marathon                               
, Adams Resources, etc. to train their own                                               713.305.7648
employees and by contractors worldwide to fill both                        
operator and compliance training requirements.

FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses.
Table of Contents

                     Mission Statement                                        3
                     Tips & Pricing Philosophy                                4
                     Online Training Benefits                                 5
                     Online Products                                          6 -21
                     Product Summaries                                        6
                                        SafetyPoints WBT                      8-13
                                        SafetyPoints SaaS T                   14-18
                     Classroom Products                                       19-21
                     Specialized Product (Oil Field)                          22-23
                     Development Services                                     24-26
                     SCORM Courses for 3rd Party LMS Use                      27-28
                     Information & Site Request Instructions                  29
                     Contact Information                                      30

We build courses because companies use them, not to have the largest course catalog.

Our courses are validated in the real world, by real people, solving real problems… not by an IT or
course development guru which has never set foot in a work environment other than his air
conditioned office.

FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses.

Mission Statement
In the 1970's, I was crippled in a mining accident. My job training for the job consisted of 45 minutes of
instruction on how to drive a TEREX rock truck fully loaded up and down a mountain. The training was held
in the daylight hours and I was to drive at night. In short, the training was inadequate and I will pay the
consequences for the rest of my life. Since that time, I muddled through various jobs…searching for
something which I could do with meaning. I got involved in safety video production and one thing lead to

Today, I preach a concept which came to mind several years ago.
“Effective training must be available (and affordable) for everyone in order to prevent injuries at work or

I knew that firms needed a high quality training tool…one that was easy to edit, economical, effective, and
deliverable in many formats and styles. Unfortunately the "Tool", like old John Henry, had a mind of its own.
Investing thousands of man-hours (and dollars), I began with basic PowerPoint templates and developed a
stand up training tool. From this was rendered a CBT (computer based training) stand-alone training product.
Then, with the many improvements in technology, along came the web-based version ( web based
eLearning) developed in Flash.

With subsequent version releases, our community has kept growing and diversifying, with clients
incorporating the products into a blended training technique. Ideas kept pouring in as more and more clients
joined the user community. The "Tools" evolved to include a friendlier interface, more delivery options, new
content, and many new features. And oddly enough, it’s gotten simpler.

The tools obtained huge levels of growth through the courageous efforts by many extremely talented and
motivated safety professionals... our clients. Believe me, the tools are no longer written by me coding, alone
into the night. It's a powerful training product and with the adding of a CLMS (Content Learning
Management System), we acquired the culmination of work of a talented group that spans the globe.

The following that our tools attracted amazes us all, as does the community's ongoing
diversity, creativity, talent and passion. The users of our products have pushed far beyond anything I thought
possible. Encouraged by the philosophy of client ownership, the products continue to evolve through the
continual improvement process of our clients.

These individuals see it as a labor of love. The training tools could have never evolved without the
involvement of the user community, who has supported our efforts with enthusiasm, forum
inundations, email blasts, contributions to the product and a stream of course content and financial support.

Thanks to everyone who has touched or been touched by our training tools, now and in the future.

Troy Hackworth
Consolidated Digital Publishing, Inc.

cdp’s eLearning pricing philosophy
                                                                                  In the 1970's, our founder was crippled in
                                                                                  a mining accident. His job training for the
                                                                                  job consisted of 45 minutes of instruction
                                                                                  on how to drive a TEREX rock truck fully
                                                      Argh…                       loaded up and down a mountain. The
                                                        I                         training was inadequate and he will pay
                                                    already                       the consequences for the rest of his life.
                                                                                  That’s why we are in this business, to
                                                     know                         make training available (and affordable)
                                                      this                        for anyone in order to prevent injuries at
                                                                                  work or home.
Dealing with Those Pesky Compliance Courses                                       Now, we beg to ask the question, ”Why
                                                                                  has the cost of eLearning stayed the same
You know the drill. In November           Let them test out…
you get an email reminder to finish                                               or risen over the last 15 years?”
                                          Testing out may not be a good
a list of courses before the end of the   option in all cases. New hires,         Answer: The industry has done an
year.                                     employees       who       do      not   excellent job of selling you, “This is how
                                          demonstrate good safety practices       it’s done and this is what it costs. We do
What does the law say?                    or incident trainings must be           not match the way you do business…you
Most compliance courses come with         complete and thorough, but if you       change to the way we do business.”
all sorts of constraints that aren’t      have stable employees who have
conducive to good learning. For           years of training history testing-out   We don’t know their production costs but
example, the course navigation is         may be a good option.                   our model uses economics to scale. If we
locked or there is far to much
                                                                                  charged the average cost our competitors
information. When you challenge the       We have a client who delivered 20
approach       to     the     course                                              charge per course our markup would
                                          courses each to 1500 trainees. Each
design, usually someone will whip                                                 approach the current national debt in
                                          of the courses ran 10-15 minutes
out “the law says” card.                  each. That’s up to 300 minutes of       percentile.   Understand      that    our
                                          information for each trainee.           development and delivery of the training
In the end, you’ll still have to do       Multiply that by the 1,500 trainees     costs less than 1C per session. Our
what the law (or operator you are         that had to take the training and you   competitor's average per session charge is
working with) says. From my               have 7,500 hours of training. What      $20 so the markup is huge.
experience the requirements aren’t as     does that cost the organization in
draconian as first believed. And if       lost productivity?                      At CDP, we understand that it's an hassle
they are, then that’s also good to                                                to try to compare products when the
know.                                     To certify that trainees know the       providers will not tell you their price
                                          information, have a way for the
Keep it simple…                           eLearner to test-out of a course.
                                                                                  upfront. Many providers make it very
Let’s face it for many people                                                     difficult to find out their costs, as if they
                                          Have an assessment online to
compliance training is a waste of         determine      their     level     of   have something to hide or are embarrassed
time. In those cases make the course      understanding.     If    they    can    about. CDP is upfront about all
structure as simple as possible.          demonstrate     they    know      the   prices making sure they are easy to
Making an eLearning course                information? Why force them             understand and best of all... We have no
interactive doesn’t make it more          through the course? If they cannot      hidden costs.
meaningful, but it does make it more      demonstrate knowledge, require re-
time consuming. Sometimes all you         training. Make the Test-out a pool of
need is five bullet points or a .pdf or
other type of document to remind
                                          questions    from     which
                                          randomize the assessment quiz and
                                                                           you    LEVERAGE
people of known information that is       require a 100% passing score.
already available in the organization.                                            Many firms have used our products and
                                          Most likely you’ll still meet your      pricing to get a better deal from their
If you need some tracking, build a        compliance requirement and you'll       current eLearning vender. Simply go to
simple quiz. Make the document            save your organization valuable and download our
available to the eLearners and then       time and resources.                     Leverage Proposal, fill it out and apply
let them go online and take the quiz.
The result is simple production and                                               leverage in price negotiations.
                                          For more tools, tips and information
happier eLearners.                        visit the CDP corporate website at
                                                                      [CDP} - Advertisement
Safety training is a key element in the prevention of work-
related injuries, illnesses and death. When educated on            Need a Break...Take a Break
safety procedures, employees will know how to prevent an           Users will have up to 365 days to finish longer online
incident in the workplace by properly operating machinery          training program courses. Since eLearners can log on
and doing job tasks. Employees will also learn how to              any hour of the day, this allows them to break up the
recognize and respond quickly if presented with a                  course into smaller sections. Employees can work at
dangerous situation.                                               their own pace and minimize the impact of training
                                                                   on their day-to-day routine.
Safety Training Benefits
The benefits of safety training range from reducing                Get a Certificate Now
insurance costs to saving lives. If you understand safety and      For most courses, users are able to save, download
learn about it, you can then work without injuring yourself        and print their certificate of completion immediately
or anybody around you. Whether you work construction, in           upon completing all course requirements. This is
the health field or are an electrical repairperson, you need       especially convenient when employees need to get
to understand the safety issues about your job.                    back to the jobsite or are required to present proof of
                                                                   training to an operator or report to a third party
The most important benefit of safety training is saving lives      clearing house such as ISNetworld, PICs etc.
and preventing injuries. It is simply the right thing to do.
                                                                   No Distractions
Effective, comprehensive safety training also lowers               In a classroom setting, students often have to listen
insurance costs for the employers. If you provide assurance        to questions and discussion from other students that
that your company does indeed practice safety in the               have nothing to do with how the training applies to
workplace, reduced insurance costs will result in a savings        them. By taking safety training courses
that is passed on to the employer as well as the                   online, employees are able to focus on how the
employee. Nobody receives immunity where safety is                 training relates to their job and job performance and
concerned. Everyone has to participate in the safety               still have access to a forum for asking questions that
program.                                                           they may have.

Finally, safety training is that it is the law and your proof of   Updated Training
compliance is required.                                            Completing training online will ensure that students
                                                                   are accessing the latest and most up-to-date
Online Training Benefits                                           information. Our online training program courses are
                                                                   updated regularly and our refresher training is
                                                                   updated at least annually. This means students will
Save Time
                                                                   not see the same training year after year.
Since employees can take our online classes using any
computer with high-speed internet access, there is no
                                                                   No Cancellations
travel time. Our online courses also eliminate wasted time
                                                                   No more signing up for classes and waiting to take
since training can be tailored to meet specific individual or
                                                                   them, just to have them cancelled at the last minute.
site requirements.
                                                                   Online classes are planned on the student's
                                                                   schedule, and the student has total control over
Save Money
                                                                   where and when the courses are taken.
We already know that "time is money" and by saving
time, we save money. Also, when training costs are only
10% of what classroom training can cost, the savings really
add up.
    FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses.

The design of our online solutions evolved
over time with three primary goals:

1. Be affordable and accessible to any
   sized firm.
2. Solve the training problems created by
   compliance training requirements.
3. Reduce incidents and injuries.

Reduce these Costs by as
 Much as 90% with our

    FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses.

                                Wish you could afford online
                                                           UNLIMITED TRAINING

                                HSE Training...
                                                            SUPPORT INCLUDED

                                                        NOW, YOU CAN !
                                 Many firms offer online HSE training.
                                 The problem is only a few companies can afford their prices.
                                 This is where we can help…

ONLINE TRAINING is SOFTWARE… Yes, online training is software.
So, ask yourself the question, "Why is it not packaged and promoted the same way as major software companies such
as Microsoft, Adobe and others do?“ They allow you to use the software for a free trial period to demonstrate the value
you gain from its use. They allow you to keep the work you accomplish with the software. And, since online training is
software, "Why should it be any different?"

                  WBT - Designed for Small                                      SaaS T - Designed for Mid Sized &
  Firms - 10 to 50 Employees - $1,188.00 per                   Large employers– 50 to 10,000+ $47.56 per
  company - Unlimited Training on All Courses                  Trainee with Unlimited Training on All Courses
Features:                                                     Features:
> Train Anywhere-Anytime online HSE training                  > Unique Branded Training Site with Your Company Logo
> Single Login per firm for all trainees                      > Online Delivery / Tracking / Reporting Software
> Unlimited training on all courses for all employees         > Complete training tracking reports with excel
> Minimum user training & computer skills required              download with multiple sort fields | Exception report by
> Minimum manager training & resources needed                    completed ; incomplete d training by trainee
> Customized menu to match your training matrix               > Trainee "Quick Report" - completed training with scores
> Provides off-line training proof or compliance              > Use of ALL 200+ Courses, NO PER SESSION CHARGES
> User course reports which can be printed or saved           > Trainee Site Use and Administrator training provided online
                                                              > No IT Involvement or Resources needed
 How it works:                                                > Quick Turnaround on Sites, 3-5 days and You are Training
 The trainee completes                                        > Access Anytime, Anywhere
 course      and     upon                                     > Challenge Tests included for Topic Test-out
 passing generates a                                          > Add Your Own Content, Create Your Own Courses or Use
 "Course Report" that                                           Third Party Courses with no Delivery Charge Add-0n
 the trainee signs and                                        > FREE Support
 provides to the training
 manager. The training
 manager places course
 reports in trainee folder
 (paper or digital) for
 proof of training. The
 training        manager
 records .

 Trainee Course Reports
 on an excel spreadsheet
 (provided) to report to
 third party training
 clearing houses or

                                      Try the Service – Then Decide.                                                          7
SafetyPoints WBT

                                      30 Day No Risk Trial
                                                         Try the Service – Then Decide

FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses.

SafetyPoints WBT
 During the research, we found that vendor standard services/pricing , i.e., fixed cost per
 trainee per course, has little or no discounts to clients. Most vendor’s products are
 complicated to use and have a high entry price which prohibits use of online training services
 for most small firms.

 The package is designed for maximum client utilization with minimum client expertise and
 client provider resources. In short, “Online HSE Training for Dummies” with a low entry price
 to assure availability of online HSE training for small firms.

 > Train Anywhere-Anytime online HSE training
 > Single Login per firm for all trainees
 > Unlimited training on all courses for all employees
 > Minimum user training & computer skills required
 > Minimum manager training & resources needed
 > Customized menu to match your training matrix
 > Provides off-line training proof or compliance
 > User course reports which can be printed or saved

 How it Works:
 The trainee completes course and upon passing generates a "Course Report" that the
 trainee signs and provides to the training manager. The training manager places course
 reports in trainee folder (paper or digital) for proof of training. The training manager
 records each Trainee Course Report on an excel spreadsheet (provided) to report to third
 party training clearing houses or operators.

 $1,188.00 per year

                30 Day No Risk Trial
                          Try the Service – Then Decide

FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses.

SafetyPoints WBT

FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses.

SafetyPoints WBT
   The trainee completes a course and upon passing generates a "Course
   Report" (see above) which he/she should sign and provide to the training
   manager. The training manager retains these reports in a file folder for
   audits and proof of training. The training manager may record these
   documents on an excel spreadsheet to report to third party training
   clearing houses (PICs/ISNetworld /PEC etc) or operators requirements

   How the System

   First, the trainee uses the
   Company Login provided to
   access the Safety99 Site
   Home page.

   Second, the trainee clicks on
   the course link he/she is
   required to take.

   Third, the trainee completes
   the training course.

   Fourth, at the end of the
   training course the trainee
   takes the course quiz for
   training validation.

   If the trainee FAILS, the
   trainee is instructed to click
   the "Finish" button to repeat
   the course.

   If the trainee PASSES, the
   trainee is instructed to click
   the "Print" button to get a
   course training report to
   Save and/or Print to provide
   to the supervisor for

FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses.

SafetyPoints WBT
 Company Specific Training Menu

 If you provide CDP with a list of courses required for your trainees, we can set your
 Company Login to show the required training while hiding courses which are not required.

 Use the Required Training Course Request sheet (Main Menu - Home Page) to request
 this option.

 NOTE: The trainee will have the ability to search and access all courses.
 Below is an Example Screen set for a company which requires training on 6 courses.

FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses.

SafetyPoints WBT included courses
Access to Medical Records                 Heat Exhaustion                          Security
Accident Investigation                    Hot Work                                 Access Control & Monitoring
Aerial Lift Safety                        Hydrogen Sulfide                         Advanced Vehicle Search
Anhydrous Ammonia Safety                  Incident Reporting & Investigation       Bomb Threats and Pipe Bombs
Back Safety                               Introduction to OSHA                     Circumventing Security Measures
Basic Company Policies                    JSEA                                     Conflict Resolutions
Behavioral Based Safety Basics            Lab Safety                               Crowd Management
Benzene                                   Lockout Tagout                           Emergency Response Plan
Blood borne Pathogens                     Machine Guards                           Facility Security Plan
Working with Difficult People             MARSEC Levels (HSE)                      High Rise Building Security
Carbon Dioxide                            Materials Handling                       Identifying Security Threats and Patterns
Carcinogens                               Napo Films for the Classroom             Information Gathering Report Writing
Caustic Soda Solutions                    Near Miss                                Introduction to CFATS
Cold Weather Safety                       New Employee Safety Orientation          Maintenance of Security Equipment
Compressed Gas Cylinders                  NIOSH Workplace Stress Awareness         MARSEC Levels
Confined Spaces                           NIOSH Workplace Violence                 Public Building Security
Conflict Resolutions (HSE)                Observation, Reporting & Closure         Recognizing Dangerous Substances-Devices
Construction & Crafts Training            Occupational Health                      Security Screening
Crane Safety                              Office Hazards Exercise                  Terrorism - Surveillance and Counter Surveillance
Disaster Management                       OSHA eTools                              TWIC Card Training
DOT General Awareness Training            Pandemic                                 Weapons of Mass Destruction
DOT Security Part 1                       Personal Hygiene
DOT Security Part 2                       Pinch Points                             Oil Field
Driving Safety                            Portable Fire Extinguishers              Package Based on IADC RigPass | Safeland USA | SafeGulf
Driving Skills                            Powered Platforms                        Curriculum
Drug & Alcohol - Employee                 PPE & You                                Oil Patch Videos
Electrical Safety - Unqualified           Preventing and Defusing Violence         Catheads & Air Hoists
Elevated Walking and Working Surfaces     Process Safety Management [PSM]          Eye Safety
Emergency Plan                            Progressive Discipline                   Fall Protection (2 Versions)
Emergency Response                        Respiratory Safety                       Hand Safety
EMS Awareness-Manager                     Rigging                                  Rig Down
Environmental Awareness                   Risk Assessment                          Rig Work Environment Orientation
Environmental Protection Field            Root Cause                               Seat Belts in the Oil Patch
Ergonomics                                Safe Work Practices                      Inspections-Basics of Drilling, Workover and Special Services
Excavation, Trenching & Shoring           Safety & Health Programs - WHY?
Eye Safety                                Safety Attitudes & Actions               Environmental
Fall Prevention                           Safety Housekeeping                      HazWoper 8 Hour Refresher
Fatigue                                   Safety Signs & Tags
Fire Prevention & Safety                  Safety Workplace Inspection              DOT
Fire Warden                               Scaffolds                                Avoiding Lane Change Crashes
First Aid                                 SEMS                                     Avoiding Rear End Crashes
Flammables                                Sexual Harassment in the Workplace       Avoiding Run Under Crashes
Flash Arc NFPA 70E                        Short Service Employee                   CSA & Your Business
Forklift - Classroom                      Slips Trips Falls                        Driver Wellness
Gas Hazards                               Stairs & Ladders                         Highway Construction Work Zones and Traffic Control Hazards
Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI)   Staphylococcus                           Part 396 - Driver's Inspection
Hand & Power Tool                         Stop Work                                Proper Cornering
Hand, Wrist & Finger                      Subcontractor Management                 Tanker Driving
Hazard Recognition                        Ten Steps to Proper Drug Testing (Video)
HAZCOM - Chemical Safety                  Toxic Metal-Chromium
HAZCOM - Chemical Storage                 Toxic Metals - LEAD
Hazcom - Your Right to Know               TWIC Card Training (HSE)
HazMat                                    Walking Working Surfaces                    Course list may not be complete as new
HazMat Primer                             Warehouse Safety                                courses are constantly being added.
HazWoper Overview                         Welding & Brazing
Hearing Conservation                      Working Alone
                                          Workplace Violence

   FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses.

SafetyPoints SaaS T

                                     30 Day No Risk Trial
                                                         Try the Service – Then Decide
FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses.

SafetyPoints SaaS T
 Company Branded Hosted WEB Based Training
  Train for $2376.00 per year minimum of 50 trainees with the
 trainees having the ability train on over 200+ courses (plus 80+
 Test-Out Courses) and the ability to repeat any course as many
 COURSES! CBT/Classroom product is included with Hosted
 Service for remote locations without internet access.

    Branded with Your Company Logo and Customized with the Look and Feel of Your Company.
    Your Site is Not Shared...In other words you have Your Own Unique Site and Database
    Online Delivery / Tracking / Reporting Software and Courses provided
    Completed Training Reports with excel download with multiple sort fields | Exception Reports
     for trainee completed and/or incomplete training by trainee and trainee supervisor
    Trainee "Quick Report" with completed training list that includes scores
    Trainee Site Use and Administrator Training provided online
    No IT Involvement or additional Resources needed
    Quick Turnaround on Sites, 3-5 days and you are Training
    Access Anytime, Anywhere
    Purchase with NO PER SESSION CHARGES - FIRST to Offer FIXED COST per TRAINEE [with
     unlimited training on all courses!
    Low Price per year per employee, not session. Value-priced, based on the number of employees
     being trained, not the number of completed courses. The more employees you train, the more
     cost-effective the training becomes.
    Unlimited Use of ALL 200+ Courses, NO PER SESSION CHARGES
    Challenge Tests available…the Topic Courses for Topic Test out
    You Have Complete Site Control
    Add Your Own Content, Create Your Own Courses or Use Third Party Courses with no Delivery
     Charge Add-0n
    NEW ! Ability to take our course templates and customize them to your company work and/or
     site specific content. This requires development software from Articulate, but you can make the
     template modifications in PowerPoint and CDP will finish and post for you on a fee basis.

 The Hosted System gives you rights to use ALL the CDP QHSE training courses. This
 Hosted System Plus covers upgrades and downgrades over the license period. This
 option allows employees to train on any computer via internet access.
                                        Price per                                           Cost per course based on
  Employee count for Site Start                                     Annual Range
                                      employee*/YR                                                 20 Courses
            50-10,000+                   $47.56                 $2378-$475,600.00                     $2.38

                                   30 Day No Risk Trial
                                          Try the Service – Then Decide

  FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses.

SafetyPoints SaaS T
                                  What training managers want
                                  to know

                                  We asked Client site managers what
                                  features they needed.
   Result - New Site Features
                                                                               To see your site version
                                                                               1. Login as Admin
   View Certificates Update                                                    2. Click Notifications in Admin
                                                                               Menu - version at bottom of
   What it is – The enhanced “View Certificate“ report                         page.
   allows for additional Profile fields to be entered for each
   trainee and downloaded via Excel as part of the report.

   What it does – Gives you additional fields for excel filters
   to organize training data, i.e., by Department, Comp
   Code, Supervisor, etc.

   Requirements – Upgrade to V1.9.14, creation of Profile
   Fields and trainee data entry for those fields.

   Exception Report                                                                              Incomplete
   What it is – Gives the Admin (Global-All) or trainee the
   ability to view completed and incomplete courses. May be
   downloaded via Excel as a report.

   What it does – Gives you the ability to know training
   status & trainee supervisor in real time.                            Supervisor

   Requirements – Upgrade to V1.9.14 , Pre-enrollment of
   trainee into courses and the issue of course completion

   My Courses Update
   What it is – The enhanced “My Courses “ report allows
   for double-click course completion awareness.

   What it does – By double-clicking “My Courses” the
   trainee can see all required courses (if pre-enrolled) along
   with completed courses and scores.
   Requirements – Upgrade to V1.9.14 , Pre-enrollment
   (optional) of trainee into courses and issue of course
   completion certificate.
                                                                                                course score
Site Version 1.9.14 needed for features

   FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses.

SafetyPoints SaaS T
     What it is – The enhanced
     “View Certificate“ report                           1.
     allows for sorting Profile fields
     to be entered for trainee and
     downloaded via Excel as a
     What it does – Gives you
     additional fields for excel
     filters to organize training data
     i.e. by Department, Comp                                                                                 5.
     Code, Supervisor, etc.                              3.
     Requirements – Upgrade to
     V1.9.14, creation of Profile
     Fields and trainee data entry
     for those fields.                                   4.

     1. Login as admin
     2. Click “View Certificates link
     3. Click the “Advanced” Button
     4. Click the “Advanced” Button
     5. Click the Check boxes of the
     data you desire to download
     6. Click “Download Excel(E)

TIPS for Training Success-Integrating the Classroom into your LMS Database & Reports
Working with clients we have developed a number of validated techniques for the integration of classroom training into the LMS.

Option 1:
Create a course on the LMS called “Course Name – Classroom” with an enrollment key and place a Completion Certificate in the course. Do the
classroom training and give the test in the classroom then score the test. Give out the enrollment key and have the classroom trainees enroll into the
course and issue the classroom certificate for the course. The Certificate will now show up in the “View certificates” report.

Option 2:
Do the actions in Option 1 with one addition…create the quiz for the Classroom course and tie the passing score for the quiz to the Certificate issue.

After completion of the classroom training have the trainees login and enroll into the classroom course. Each trainee will take /pass the quiz and obtain
the certificate. Again, the Certificate will show up in the “View certificates” report.

We have additonal options which require a more detailed description of the process which you can create offline exercises for hands-on training with
online competency testing along with the grading of an on-site hands-on exercise with the Manager issuing the completion certificate. Call for details.

        FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses.

SafetyPoints SaaS T WBT included courses
                                                               Hearing Conservation] (V2)
Included Courses (New Courses added as Developed)
                                                               Heat Exhaustion [Stress]
HSE Courses
                                                               Hot Work
Access to Medical Records
                                                               Hydrogen Sulfide
Accident Investigation
                                                               Incident Reporting & Investigation
                                                               Introduction to HazWoper
Aerial Lift Safety
                                                               Introduction to OSHA
Anhydrous Ammonia Safety
Arsenic Awareness
                                                               Lab Safety
Back Safety
                                                               Lockout Tagout
Back Safety (Version 2)
                                                               Machine Guards
Basic Company Policies
                                                               MARSEC Levels (V2)
Behavioral Based Safety Basics
                                                               Materials Handling
                                                               Near Miss
Blood borne Pathogens
                                                               New Employee Safety Orientation
Blood borne Pathogens (V2)
                                                               NIOSH Workplace Stress Awareness
Blood borne Pathogens (V3)
                                                               NIOSH Workplace Violence
Broken Worker - Working with Difficult People
Carbon Dioxide
                                                               Observation, Reporting & Closure
                                                               Occupational Health
Caustic Soda Solutions
                                                               Office Hazards
Cold Weather Safety
                                                               Office Hazards Exercise
Compressed Gas Cylinders
Confined Spaces
                                                               Personal Hygiene
Conflict Resolutions (V2)
                                                               Pinch Points
Crane Safety
                                                               Portable Fire Extinguisher (V2)
Cranes [V2]
                                                               Portable Fire Extinguishers
Disaster Management
                                                               Powered Industrial Truck Pedestrian Training
DOT Security Part 1
                                                               Powered Platforms
DOT Security Part 2
                                                               PPE & You
Driving Safety
                                                               PPE & You (V2)
Driving Skills
                                                               Process Safety Management [PSM]
Drug & Alcohol - Employee
                                                               Progressive Discipline
Drug & Alcohol - Supervisor
                                                               Reasonable Suspicion for Drug & Alcohol Testing
Electric Pallet Jack
                                                               Recognizing Dangerous Substances-Devices (V2)
Electrical Safety - Unqualified
                                                               Respiratory Safety
Electrical Safety - Unqualified (V2)
Elevated Walking and Working Surfaces
                                                               Risk Assessment
Emergency Plan
                                                               Root Cause
Emergency Response
                                                               Safe Work Practices
EMS Awareness-Manager
                                                               Safety & Health Programs - WHY?
Environmental Awareness
                                                               Safety Attitudes & Actions
Environmental Protection Field
                                                               Safety Housekeeping
                                                               Safety Signs & Tags
Ergonomics (V2)
                                                               Safety Workplace Inspection
Excavation, Trenching & Shoring
Eye Safety
Fall Prevention
                                                               Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
                                                               Short Service Employee
Fire Prevention & Safety
                                                               Slips Trips Falls
Fire Prevention & Safety (V2)
First Aid
                                                               Stairs & Ladders
Flash Arc NFPA 70E
                                                               Stop Work
Forklift - Classroom
                                                               Storm Water
Gas Hazards
                                                               Stress Management
Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI)
                                                               Subcontractor Management
Hand & Power Tool
                                                               Substance Abuse & Accidents
Hand & Power Tool (V2)
                                                               Ten Steps to Proper Drug Testing (Video)
Hand, Wrist & Finger
                                                               Toxic Metal-Chromium
Hazard Recognition
                                                               Toxic Metals - LEAD
HAZCOM - Chemical Safety
                                                               TWIC Card Training (V2)
HAZCOM - Chemical Storage
                                                               Walking Working Surfaces
HAZCOM - Global Harmonization Standard
                                                               Warehouse Safety
Hazcom - Your Right to Know
                                                               Welding & Brazing
                                                               Working Alone
HazMat Primer
                                                               Workplace Hazardous Materials Information
Hearing Conservation & Safety [Noise Exposure]
                                                               Workplace Violence
    FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses.

SafetyPoints SaaS T WBT included courses
Training Packages                                      Course Challenge (Test-out)
Comprehensive Lift Truck Training [Classroom] (11      Courses (continued)
Modules)                                               First Aid-TO
HazWoper 8 Hour Refresher (9 Modules)                  Flammables-TO
DOT HazMat 8 Hour (11 Modules)                         Flash Arc NFPA 70E-TO
Quality (7 Modules)                                    Forklift - Classroom-TO
OSHA Industry 10 Hour Packages (11 Modules)            Gas Hazards-TO
SafeLand | SafeGulf | RigPass [Land/Offshore] Online   Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) -TO
Prep Course (15 Modules)                               Hand & Power Tool-TO
Oilfield - [7 Video Library]                           Hand, Wrist & Finger-TO
Oilfield Inspection (3 Modules)                        Hazard Recognition-TO
CSA (9 Modules)                                        HAZCOM - Chemical Safety-TO
                                                       HAZCOM - Chemical Storage-TO
Security Training                                      Hazcom - Your Right to Know-TO
Courses                                                HazMat-TO
Access Control & Monitoring                            Hearing Conservation & Safety [Noise Exposure]-TO
Advanced Vehicle Search                                Heat Exhaustion [Stress]-TO
Bomb Threats and Pipe Bombs                            Hot Work-TO
Circumventing Security Measures                        Hydrogen Sulfide-TO
Conflict Resolutions                                   Incident Reporting & Investigation-TO
Crowd Management                                       Introduction to HazWoper-TO                           Course list may not be
Emergency Response Plan
Facility Security Plan
                                                       Lab Safety-TO
                                                                                                               complete as new
High Rise Building Security
Identifying Security Threats and Patterns
                                                       Lockout Tagout-TO                                     courses are constantly
                                                       Machine Guards-TO
Information Gathering Report Writing                   Materials Handling-TO                                     being added.
Introduction to CFATS                                  Near Miss-TO
Maintenance of Security Equipment                      Workplace Violence-TO
MARSEC Levels                                          NORM-TO
Public Building Security                               Observation, Reporting & Closure - TO
Recognizing Dangerous Substances-Devices               Occupational Health-TO
Security Screening                                     Pandemic-TO
Terrorism - Surveillance and Counter Surveillance      Personal Hygiene-TO
TWIC Card Training                                     Pinch Points-TO
Weapons of Mass Destruction                            Portable Fire Extinguisher -TO
                                                       Powered Industrial Truck Pedestrian Training-TO
Course Challenge (Test-out)                            Powered Platforms-TO
Courses                                                PPE & You-TO
Accident Investigation-TO                              Process Safety Management [PSM]-TO
Aerial Lift Safety-TO                                  Respiratory Safety-TO
Anhydrous Ammonia Safety-TO                            Rigging-TO
Arsenic Awareness-TO                                   Risk Assessment-TO
Back Safety-TO                                         Safety Attitudes & Actions-TO
Benzene-TO                                             Safety Housekeeping-TO                                    Training Games
Blood borne Pathogens-TO                               Safety Signs & Tags-TO
Carbon Dioxide-TO                                      Safety Workplace Inspection-TO
                                                                                                                   Lockout Tagout Golf
Carcinogens-TO                                         Scaffolds-TO
                                                                                                               HAZCOM RTK Board Game
Caustic Soda Solutions-TO                              SEMS-TO
                                                                                                           Blood borne Pathogens Boot Camp
Cold Weather Safety-TO                                 Sexual Harassment in the Workplace-TO
                                                                                                                 Back Safety Game show
Compressed Gas Cylinders-TO                            Short Service Employee-TO
                                                                                                                   Confined Space Golf
Confined Spaces-TO                                     Storm Water-TO
                                                                                                                Ergonomics Board Game
Crane Safety-TO                                        Slips Trips Falls-TO
                                                                                                               Fall Prevention Boot camp
Driving Safety-TO                                      Stairs & Ladders-TO
                                                                                                                Fire Prevention Shootout
Electrical Safety - Unqualified (TO)                   Staphylococcus-TO
                                                                                                                The Hearing Game Show
Elevated Walking and Working Surfaces-TO               Stop Work-TO
                                                                                                                 The PPE Pyramid Game
Emergency Plan-TO                                      Stress Management-TO
Environmental Awareness-TO                             Toxic Metal-Chromium-TO
Ergonomics-TO                                          Toxic Metals - LEAD-TO
Excavation, Trenching & Shoring-TO                     TWIC Card Training (HSE)-TO
Eye Safety-TO                                          Walking Working Surfaces-T0
Fall Prevention-TO                                     Warehouse Safety-TO
Fatigue-TO                                             Welding & Brazing-TO
Fire Prevention & Safety-TO                            Working Alone-TO
                                                       HAZCOM -GHS-TO

   FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses.

Classroom training will never “Go-away”
and sometimes it’s the only way to “git’ er” done.

      FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses.

SafetyPoints USB CBT/Classroom
Now, you can have offline training with more than 100 courses for a
single purchase price: $1,188.00 . The package is designed for maximum
client utilization with minimum client expertise and client provider

The USB model has 3 primary goals:

1. To assist firms in fulfilling the audit requirements mandated by various
 federal, state agencies and operators for HSE training.
2. To provide effective training on single or multiple standalone computer(s).
3. To provide low cost, high quality HSE training for clients that requires
Minimum resources by the client and is so simple to use that the client's
trainee(s) have no excuses for not getting the training accomplished.

CDP has assisted thousands of firms with as few as ten employees to as many as a few thousand
employees achieve training compliance. CDP has engineered many of the roadblocks out of the
installation and use process (IT involvement /course design/Courses etc. .)

The USB eliminates all requirements on the client, save one…”Train the employee”.

Single Menu to access all the courses. Can be used as a CBT self trainer or for the classroom (Sample
Quizzes included plus much more).

How the USB CBT System works...
First, the trainee uses the Company Login
provided to access the Safety99 Site Home
Second, the trainee clicks on the course
link he/she is required to take.
Third, the trainee completes the training
Fourth, at the end of the training course
the trainee takes the course quiz for
training validation.

If the trainee FAILS, the trainee is
instructed to click the "Finish" button to
repeat the course.

If the trainee PASSES, the trainee is
instructed to click the "Print" button to get
a course training report to Save and/or
Print to provide to the supervisor for

    FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses.

SafetyPoints USB CBT/Classroom included courses
Access to Medical Records                 Heat Exhaustion                          Security
Accident Investigation                    Hot Work                                 Access Control & Monitoring
Aerial Lift Safety                        Hydrogen Sulfide                         Advanced Vehicle Search
Anhydrous Ammonia Safety                  Incident Reporting & Investigation       Bomb Threats and Pipe Bombs
Back Safety                               Introduction to OSHA                     Circumventing Security Measures
Basic Company Policies                    JSEA                                     Conflict Resolutions
Behavioral Based Safety Basics            Lab Safety                               Crowd Management
Benzene                                   Lockout Tagout                           Emergency Response Plan
Blood borne Pathogens                     Machine Guards                           Facility Security Plan
Working with Difficult People             MARSEC Levels (HSE)                      High Rise Building Security
Carbon Dioxide                            Materials Handling                       Identifying Security Threats and Patterns
Carcinogens                               Napo Films for the Classroom             Information Gathering Report Writing
Caustic Soda Solutions                    Near Miss                                Introduction to CFATS
Cold Weather Safety                       New Employee Safety Orientation          Maintenance of Security Equipment
Compressed Gas Cylinders                  NIOSH Workplace Stress Awareness         MARSEC Levels
Confined Spaces                           NIOSH Workplace Violence                 Public Building Security
Conflict Resolutions (HSE)                Observation, Reporting & Closure         Recognizing Dangerous Substances-Devices
Construction & Crafts Training            Occupational Health                      Security Screening
Crane Safety                              Office Hazards Exercise                  Terrorism - Surveillance and Counter Surveillance
Disaster Management                       OSHA eTools                              TWIC Card Training
DOT General Awareness Training            Pandemic                                 Weapons of Mass Destruction
DOT Security Part 1                       Personal Hygiene
DOT Security Part 2                       Pinch Points                             Oil Field
Driving Safety                            Portable Fire Extinguishers              Package Based on IADC RigPass | Safeland USA | SafeGulf
Driving Skills                            Powered Platforms                        Curriculum
Drug & Alcohol - Employee                 PPE & You                                Oil Patch Videos
Electrical Safety - Unqualified           Preventing and Defusing Violence         Catheads & Air Hoists
Elevated Walking and Working Surfaces     Process Safety Management [PSM]          Eye Safety
Emergency Plan                            Progressive Discipline                   Fall Protection (2 Versions)
Emergency Response                        Respiratory Safety                       Hand Safety
EMS Awareness-Manager                     Rigging                                  Rig Down
Environmental Awareness                   Risk Assessment                          Rig Work Environment Orientation
Environmental Protection Field            Root Cause                               Seat Belts in the Oil Patch
Ergonomics                                Safe Work Practices                      Inspections-Basics of Drilling, Workover and Special Services
Excavation, Trenching & Shoring           Safety & Health Programs - WHY?
Eye Safety                                Safety Attitudes & Actions               Environmental
Fall Prevention                           Safety Housekeeping                      HazWoper 8 Hour Refresher
Fatigue                                   Safety Signs & Tags
Fire Prevention & Safety                  Safety Workplace Inspection              DOT
Fire Warden                               Scaffolds                                Avoiding Lane Change Crashes
First Aid                                 SEMS                                     Avoiding Rear End Crashes
Flammables                                Sexual Harassment in the Workplace       Avoiding Run Under Crashes
Flash Arc NFPA 70E                        Short Service Employee                   CSA & Your Business
Forklift - Classroom                      Slips Trips Falls                        Driver Wellness
Gas Hazards                               Stairs & Ladders                         Highway Construction Work Zones and Traffic Control Hazards
Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI)   Staphylococcus                           Part 396 - Driver's Inspection
Hand & Power Tool                         Stop Work                                Proper Cornering
Hand, Wrist & Finger                      Subcontractor Management                 Tanker Driving
Hazard Recognition                        Ten Steps to Proper Drug Testing (Video)
HAZCOM - Chemical Safety                  Toxic Metal-Chromium
HAZCOM - Chemical Storage                 Toxic Metals - LEAD
Hazcom - Your Right to Know               TWIC Card Training (HSE)
HazMat                                    Walking Working Surfaces                    Course list may not be complete as new
HazMat Primer                             Warehouse Safety                                courses are constantly being added.
HazWoper Overview                         Welding & Brazing
Hearing Conservation                      Working Alone
                                          Workplace Violence

   FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses.

Oil Field Training Packages based on
    SafeLandUSA and IADC RigPass
    which you may use to acquire
    in-house accreditation.

    Lower your Operator training costs
    by as much as 60%!

FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses.

Oilfield Package**



The SafelandUSA program was rolled out to the
South Texas Region starting on December 17, 2008
through the South Texas Exploration and Production
Safety (STEPS) network.

CDP provides a turn-key product that you may
customize and use to acquire accreditation for
in-house delivery of the training. Accreditation must
be acquired via an approved body following the
procedures indicated in the documents provided at
the Approved Accreditation body websites which
are listed on the SafelandUSA Website:
[ ].

Now you can offer Operator Required Training
Programs In-House and issue Accepted Training
                                                                     Modules in Package
Cards to your employees using a training appliance
                                                                     0001 P1 General Safety
designed for use in your classroom... rather than
                                                                     0001 P2 PPE
using a third party training providers... SAVING YOU
                                                                     0001 P3 Hazard Communication
                                                                     0001 P4 Occupational Health
                                                                     0001 P5 Specialized Work Practices
                                                                     0001 P6 Fire Safety
                                                                     0001 P7 Materials Handling
** Accreditation Must be Acquired by the                             0001 P8 Health and First Aid
Purchasing Company from a SAFELANDUSA                                0001 P9 Rig Platform Environment
Accrediting body or if you want the other                            0001 P10 Emergency Response
accreditations (RigPass/SafeGulf) we suggest                         0001 P11 Well-site Environment
you use the IADC to acquire all three                                0001 P12 Excavation Trench...
                                                                     0001 P13 Pits and Ponds
(SafeLandUSA, RigPass and SafeGulf ).
                                                                     0001 P14 Offshore Endorsement
                                                                     0001 P14 SEMS

                                                                     Price $9,770.00
  FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses.

Need video and/or online course
  development…we can help at a cost
  which is 50% less than most

FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses.

Whether credit card sized promotional videos to hand out at your tradeshow, videos for training
or full production videos for distribution to potential customers, CDP will help guide you on
script ideas and general tips to produce exciting videos that help you train or sell. We can also
convert your production to many Web-ready video formats that can be uploaded directly to your
website and downloaded quickly.

CDP is a high tech video production team which will produce...

Documentary and Information Videos
Safety & Technical Training Videos
Company Promotion
Half-day to multi-year projects
Broadcast Quality Camerawork
Expert Editing
Solid Research and Writing
Everything you need for State-of-the-art Video
High Definition

            Visit for examples of our work
  FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses.

e-Learning Development Services
Rapid e-learning is emerging as the fastest-growing category of online training. It is generally
defined as Web-based training that can be created in days and/or weeks and is typically authored
with the assistance of our client's subject-matter experts (SMEs). Rapid eLearning projects account
for more than one-third of our current training-related projects and likely will comprise half of all
eLearning initiatives within the next three years.

CDP's collaborative Rapid eLearning team is leading the evolution of Rapid eLearning development.
Leading companies around the world have capitalized on our Rapid eLearning services.

Instructional design models: ADDIE process
Perhaps the most common model used for creating instructional materials is the ADDIE Process.
Most of the current instructional design models are variations of the ADDIE process.
This acronym stands for the 5 phases contained in the model:

        Analyze – analyze learner characteristics, task to be learned, etc.

        Design – develop learning objectives, choose an instructional approach

        Develop – create instructional or training materials

        Implement – deliver or distribute the instructional materials

        Evaluate – make sure materials achieved the desired goals

Rapid prototyping
A sometimes utilized adaptation to the ADDIE model is in a practice known as rapid prototyping.
Proponents suggest that through an iterative process the verification of the design documents saves
time and money by catching problems while they are still easy to fix. This approach is not novel to
the design of instruction, but appears in many design-related domains including software
design, architecture, transportation planning, product development, message design, user
experience design, etc. In fact, some proponents of design prototyping assert that a sophisticated
understanding of a problem is incomplete without creating and evaluating some type of
prototype, regardless of the analysis rigor that may have been applied up front. In other words, up-
front analysis is rarely sufficient to allow one to confidently select an instructional model. For this
reason many traditional methods of instructional design are beginning to be seen as
incomplete, naive, and even counter-productive.

              Visit for examples of our work
    FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses.

Need course for your LMS. Kick-
 start your HSE catalog with CDP
 SCORM Compliant courses.

 Firms that have purchased our courses:

 Clean Harbor
 Grant Prideco
 XL Systems
 Adams Resources
 To name a few…

FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses.

CDP’s SCORM Version gives you the flexibility to load individual
training modules into your existing learning management system
(LMS). With complete control over how you use our training
courses at your organization, it’s like having your own inside
production team.

Our customization service will carefully and quickly adjust materials to meet your
organization's needs, seamlessly integrating graphics and content to match
policies, practices, logos, and brands.

Pick and choose courses from our menu for your training curriculum, adding and
dropping them, as necessary.

Every organization’s training needs are different, so in addition to building the
industry’s most comprehensive online training library, CDP also gives you flexible
delivery and pricing options to fit any environment, workflow or budget. That
includes convenient Course Purchase Options so you can run our high-quality,
highly effective courses on your LMS or enterprise software system.

All CDP courses are SCORM 1.2 conformant, and are certified to run on leading
eLearning platforms from RISC, Plateau and Saba. We have also successfully
implemented our courseware on GeoLearning, Intralearn, KMSI, Knowbase
Networks, Oracle iLearn, Pathlore, SumTotal, KnowledgePlanet as well as many
other platforms. We offer a range of course purchase and update pricing options in
addition to dedicated technical support, expert content development and
customization services.

Purchase completed courses for your LMS and own the content. (No session
charges) Course templates include all the source files and a LMS ready course in
the SCORM format. Edit the templates for company work and site specific
training. More than 100 modules from which to choose.

Internal Training of Employees:

Price for each Module $1499.00 (Internal Training of Employees)
Templates for editing add $500.00 per course (In-House training only)

                     Contact CDP Inc. for SCORM Course
 FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses.

Online Information & Site Trial Requests

                                                                                 Use Request Form
                                                                                 for Questions & to
                                                                                 Request Site Trials

    Use Link to
Download Leverage
 Proposal for your

                                          Consolidated Digital Publishing Inc.


   FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses.

About Us
Your Training Success is Our Business Success...            CDP addresses the greatest barriers to
Consolidated Digital Publishing Inc. (CDP), for             training... accessibility and cost.
more than 20 years as a full service
production, course development and                          CDP has produced, from script to screen, safety
content provider for your QHSE Classroom, CBT               training using quality commercial, broadcast
and Internet-based training. Our goal is to develop         and entertainment related videos and eLearning
a global community to support a social                      programs for various industries.
constructionist framework of QHSE education.
                                                            CDP works with you to adapt and
These are not words without substance as CDP                implement affordable training products. We
proves by addressing HSE training number one                guide you through the training product
barrier COST, in providing FREE online                      implementation process or the creation
QHSE training ( for any                of custom programs delivered to your unique
firm or individual which desires to increase                specifications.
quality, safety, health and environmental
awareness.                                              CDP programs and custom programs are more
                                                        than talking heads. Real life illustrations in real
Our Solutions work together for your business…          facilities are coupled with voice, music and
Products are developed in the real world... working graphic animation to create training programs
with real clients... training real employees... solving that perform as intended – inform, teach and
real training problems... resulting in a training       be retained.
system that you adapt to your training needs for
the classroom, individual CBT or online training.       CDP extends this with the concept "Safety is
                                                        Not Competitive, It should be Shared“, many
Our products are                                        of our clients create courses which we add to
Customizable, Affordable, Allow for System              the course catalog at no charge.
Integration and are SIMPLE to
use with no IT involvement and WITH NO

                                                                   Consolidated Digital Publishing Inc.
                                                                      5373 W. Alabama Suite 209
                                                                           Houston TX 77056

  FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses.

CDP SafetyPoints Catalog

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CDP SafetyPoints Catalog

  • 1. Loss control and safety training are everyday activities for Fortune 500 employers that keep a close eye on their worker compensation and liability costs. Full-time risk managers and training officers build and execute programs that are designed to reduce dangerous incidents and the resulting claims costs. However, at companies with fewer than 1,000 employees, risk management is often a part- time job. Safety training is a difficult and expensive proposition even though executives know they need to comply with state and federal regulations and reduce insurance premiums with good loss control. Middle market companies are often in the difficult position of trying to get a handle on costs and initiate effective programs that can help control their claims without a full-time safety director. Often their only option is to hire a third-party safety trainer—which can be cost prohibitive—or buy safety videos and hope they have the impact they want. This is where we help... CDP, Inc. can provide your firm with a unique Company Branded Hosted WEB Based Training site comparable to those used by Fortune 500 companies at a fraction of the cost. Our easy-to-use Consolidated Digital Publishing Inc. on-line training system is loaded with courses and is 5373 W. Alabama Suite 209 used by operators such Houston TX 77056 NOV, HighmountEP, Chevron, BP, Repsol, Marathon , Adams Resources, etc. to train their own 713.305.7648 employees and by contractors worldwide to fill both operator and compliance training requirements. THE LEADING PROVIDER of QHSE CONTENT-AS-A-SERVICE HOSTED TRAINING SOLUTIONS FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses.
  • 2. Table of Contents Mission Statement 3 Tips & Pricing Philosophy 4 Online Training Benefits 5 Online Products 6 -21 Product Summaries 6 SafetyPoints WBT 8-13 SafetyPoints SaaS T 14-18 Classroom Products 19-21 Specialized Product (Oil Field) 22-23 Development Services 24-26 SCORM Courses for 3rd Party LMS Use 27-28 Information & Site Request Instructions 29 Contact Information 30 We build courses because companies use them, not to have the largest course catalog. Our courses are validated in the real world, by real people, solving real problems… not by an IT or course development guru which has never set foot in a work environment other than his air conditioned office. THE LEADING PROVIDER of QHSE CONTENT-AS-A-SERVICE HOSTED TRAINING SOLUTIONS FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses. 2
  • 3. Mission Statement In the 1970's, I was crippled in a mining accident. My job training for the job consisted of 45 minutes of instruction on how to drive a TEREX rock truck fully loaded up and down a mountain. The training was held in the daylight hours and I was to drive at night. In short, the training was inadequate and I will pay the consequences for the rest of my life. Since that time, I muddled through various jobs…searching for something which I could do with meaning. I got involved in safety video production and one thing lead to another. Today, I preach a concept which came to mind several years ago. “Effective training must be available (and affordable) for everyone in order to prevent injuries at work or home.” I knew that firms needed a high quality training tool…one that was easy to edit, economical, effective, and deliverable in many formats and styles. Unfortunately the "Tool", like old John Henry, had a mind of its own. Investing thousands of man-hours (and dollars), I began with basic PowerPoint templates and developed a stand up training tool. From this was rendered a CBT (computer based training) stand-alone training product. Then, with the many improvements in technology, along came the web-based version ( web based eLearning) developed in Flash. With subsequent version releases, our community has kept growing and diversifying, with clients incorporating the products into a blended training technique. Ideas kept pouring in as more and more clients joined the user community. The "Tools" evolved to include a friendlier interface, more delivery options, new content, and many new features. And oddly enough, it’s gotten simpler. The tools obtained huge levels of growth through the courageous efforts by many extremely talented and motivated safety professionals... our clients. Believe me, the tools are no longer written by me coding, alone into the night. It's a powerful training product and with the adding of a CLMS (Content Learning Management System), we acquired the culmination of work of a talented group that spans the globe. The following that our tools attracted amazes us all, as does the community's ongoing diversity, creativity, talent and passion. The users of our products have pushed far beyond anything I thought possible. Encouraged by the philosophy of client ownership, the products continue to evolve through the continual improvement process of our clients. These individuals see it as a labor of love. The training tools could have never evolved without the involvement of the user community, who has supported our efforts with enthusiasm, forum inundations, email blasts, contributions to the product and a stream of course content and financial support. Thanks to everyone who has touched or been touched by our training tools, now and in the future. Troy Hackworth President Consolidated Digital Publishing, Inc. 3
  • 4. cdp’s eLearning pricing philosophy In the 1970's, our founder was crippled in a mining accident. His job training for the job consisted of 45 minutes of instruction on how to drive a TEREX rock truck fully Argh… loaded up and down a mountain. The I training was inadequate and he will pay already the consequences for the rest of his life. That’s why we are in this business, to know make training available (and affordable) this for anyone in order to prevent injuries at work or home. stuff! Dealing with Those Pesky Compliance Courses Now, we beg to ask the question, ”Why has the cost of eLearning stayed the same You know the drill. In November Let them test out… you get an email reminder to finish or risen over the last 15 years?” Testing out may not be a good a list of courses before the end of the option in all cases. New hires, Answer: The industry has done an year. employees who do not excellent job of selling you, “This is how demonstrate good safety practices it’s done and this is what it costs. We do What does the law say? or incident trainings must be not match the way you do business…you Most compliance courses come with complete and thorough, but if you change to the way we do business.” all sorts of constraints that aren’t have stable employees who have conducive to good learning. For years of training history testing-out We don’t know their production costs but example, the course navigation is may be a good option. our model uses economics to scale. If we locked or there is far to much charged the average cost our competitors information. When you challenge the We have a client who delivered 20 approach to the course charge per course our markup would courses each to 1500 trainees. Each design, usually someone will whip approach the current national debt in of the courses ran 10-15 minutes out “the law says” card. each. That’s up to 300 minutes of percentile. Understand that our information for each trainee. development and delivery of the training In the end, you’ll still have to do Multiply that by the 1,500 trainees costs less than 1C per session. Our what the law (or operator you are that had to take the training and you competitor's average per session charge is working with) says. From my have 7,500 hours of training. What $20 so the markup is huge. experience the requirements aren’t as does that cost the organization in draconian as first believed. And if lost productivity? At CDP, we understand that it's an hassle they are, then that’s also good to to try to compare products when the know. To certify that trainees know the providers will not tell you their price information, have a way for the Keep it simple… eLearner to test-out of a course. upfront. Many providers make it very Let’s face it for many people difficult to find out their costs, as if they Have an assessment online to compliance training is a waste of determine their level of have something to hide or are embarrassed time. In those cases make the course understanding. If they can about. CDP is upfront about all structure as simple as possible. demonstrate they know the prices making sure they are easy to Making an eLearning course information? Why force them understand and best of all... We have no interactive doesn’t make it more through the course? If they cannot hidden costs. meaningful, but it does make it more demonstrate knowledge, require re- time consuming. Sometimes all you training. Make the Test-out a pool of need is five bullet points or a .pdf or other type of document to remind questions from which randomize the assessment quiz and you LEVERAGE people of known information that is require a 100% passing score. already available in the organization. Many firms have used our products and Most likely you’ll still meet your pricing to get a better deal from their If you need some tracking, build a compliance requirement and you'll current eLearning vender. Simply go to simple quiz. Make the document save your organization valuable and download our available to the eLearners and then time and resources. Leverage Proposal, fill it out and apply let them go online and take the quiz. The result is simple production and leverage in price negotiations. For more tools, tips and information happier eLearners. visit the CDP corporate website at [CDP} - Advertisement
  • 5. Safety training is a key element in the prevention of work- related injuries, illnesses and death. When educated on Need a Break...Take a Break safety procedures, employees will know how to prevent an Users will have up to 365 days to finish longer online incident in the workplace by properly operating machinery training program courses. Since eLearners can log on and doing job tasks. Employees will also learn how to any hour of the day, this allows them to break up the recognize and respond quickly if presented with a course into smaller sections. Employees can work at dangerous situation. their own pace and minimize the impact of training on their day-to-day routine. Safety Training Benefits The benefits of safety training range from reducing Get a Certificate Now insurance costs to saving lives. If you understand safety and For most courses, users are able to save, download learn about it, you can then work without injuring yourself and print their certificate of completion immediately or anybody around you. Whether you work construction, in upon completing all course requirements. This is the health field or are an electrical repairperson, you need especially convenient when employees need to get to understand the safety issues about your job. back to the jobsite or are required to present proof of training to an operator or report to a third party The most important benefit of safety training is saving lives clearing house such as ISNetworld, PICs etc. and preventing injuries. It is simply the right thing to do. No Distractions Effective, comprehensive safety training also lowers In a classroom setting, students often have to listen insurance costs for the employers. If you provide assurance to questions and discussion from other students that that your company does indeed practice safety in the have nothing to do with how the training applies to workplace, reduced insurance costs will result in a savings them. By taking safety training courses that is passed on to the employer as well as the online, employees are able to focus on how the employee. Nobody receives immunity where safety is training relates to their job and job performance and concerned. Everyone has to participate in the safety still have access to a forum for asking questions that program. they may have. Finally, safety training is that it is the law and your proof of Updated Training compliance is required. Completing training online will ensure that students are accessing the latest and most up-to-date Online Training Benefits information. Our online training program courses are updated regularly and our refresher training is updated at least annually. This means students will Save Time not see the same training year after year. Since employees can take our online classes using any computer with high-speed internet access, there is no No Cancellations travel time. Our online courses also eliminate wasted time No more signing up for classes and waiting to take since training can be tailored to meet specific individual or them, just to have them cancelled at the last minute. site requirements. Online classes are planned on the student's schedule, and the student has total control over Save Money where and when the courses are taken. We already know that "time is money" and by saving time, we save money. Also, when training costs are only 10% of what classroom training can cost, the savings really add up. THE LEADING PROVIDER of QHSE CONTENT-AS-A-SERVICE HOSTED TRAINING SOLUTIONS FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses. 5
  • 6. The design of our online solutions evolved over time with three primary goals: 1. Be affordable and accessible to any sized firm. 2. Solve the training problems created by compliance training requirements. 3. Reduce incidents and injuries. Reduce these Costs by as Much as 90% with our products! THE LEADING PROVIDER of QHSE CONTENT-AS-A-SERVICE HOSTED TRAINING SOLUTIONS FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses. 6
  • 7. NO SESSION CHARGES Wish you could afford online UNLIMITED TRAINING HSE Training... SUPPORT INCLUDED NOW, YOU CAN ! Many firms offer online HSE training. The problem is only a few companies can afford their prices. This is where we can help… ONLINE TRAINING is SOFTWARE… Yes, online training is software. So, ask yourself the question, "Why is it not packaged and promoted the same way as major software companies such as Microsoft, Adobe and others do?“ They allow you to use the software for a free trial period to demonstrate the value you gain from its use. They allow you to keep the work you accomplish with the software. And, since online training is software, "Why should it be any different?" WBT - Designed for Small SaaS T - Designed for Mid Sized & Firms - 10 to 50 Employees - $1,188.00 per Large employers– 50 to 10,000+ $47.56 per company - Unlimited Training on All Courses Trainee with Unlimited Training on All Courses Features: Features: > Train Anywhere-Anytime online HSE training > Unique Branded Training Site with Your Company Logo > Single Login per firm for all trainees > Online Delivery / Tracking / Reporting Software > Unlimited training on all courses for all employees > Complete training tracking reports with excel > Minimum user training & computer skills required download with multiple sort fields | Exception report by > Minimum manager training & resources needed completed ; incomplete d training by trainee > Customized menu to match your training matrix > Trainee "Quick Report" - completed training with scores > Provides off-line training proof or compliance > Use of ALL 200+ Courses, NO PER SESSION CHARGES > User course reports which can be printed or saved > Trainee Site Use and Administrator training provided online > No IT Involvement or Resources needed How it works: > Quick Turnaround on Sites, 3-5 days and You are Training The trainee completes > Access Anytime, Anywhere course and upon > Challenge Tests included for Topic Test-out passing generates a > Add Your Own Content, Create Your Own Courses or Use "Course Report" that Third Party Courses with no Delivery Charge Add-0n the trainee signs and > FREE Support provides to the training manager. The training manager places course reports in trainee folder (paper or digital) for proof of training. The training manager records . Trainee Course Reports on an excel spreadsheet (provided) to report to third party training clearing houses or operators Try the Service – Then Decide. 7
  • 8. SafetyPoints WBT 30 Day No Risk Trial Try the Service – Then Decide THE LEADING PROVIDER of QHSE CONTENT-AS-A-SERVICE HOSTED TRAINING SOLUTIONS FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses. 8
  • 9. SafetyPoints WBT During the research, we found that vendor standard services/pricing , i.e., fixed cost per trainee per course, has little or no discounts to clients. Most vendor’s products are complicated to use and have a high entry price which prohibits use of online training services for most small firms. The package is designed for maximum client utilization with minimum client expertise and client provider resources. In short, “Online HSE Training for Dummies” with a low entry price to assure availability of online HSE training for small firms. Features: > Train Anywhere-Anytime online HSE training > Single Login per firm for all trainees > Unlimited training on all courses for all employees > Minimum user training & computer skills required > Minimum manager training & resources needed > Customized menu to match your training matrix > Provides off-line training proof or compliance > User course reports which can be printed or saved How it Works: The trainee completes course and upon passing generates a "Course Report" that the trainee signs and provides to the training manager. The training manager places course reports in trainee folder (paper or digital) for proof of training. The training manager records each Trainee Course Report on an excel spreadsheet (provided) to report to third party training clearing houses or operators. Price: $1,188.00 per year 30 Day No Risk Trial Try the Service – Then Decide THE LEADING PROVIDER of QHSE CONTENT-AS-A-SERVICE HOSTED TRAINING SOLUTIONS FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses. 9
  • 10. SafetyPoints WBT THE LEADING PROVIDER of QHSE CONTENT-AS-A-SERVICE HOSTED TRAINING SOLUTIONS FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses. 10
  • 11. SafetyPoints WBT The trainee completes a course and upon passing generates a "Course Report" (see above) which he/she should sign and provide to the training manager. The training manager retains these reports in a file folder for audits and proof of training. The training manager may record these documents on an excel spreadsheet to report to third party training clearing houses (PICs/ISNetworld /PEC etc) or operators requirements How the System works... First, the trainee uses the Company Login provided to access the Safety99 Site Home page. Second, the trainee clicks on the course link he/she is required to take. Third, the trainee completes the training course. Fourth, at the end of the training course the trainee takes the course quiz for training validation. If the trainee FAILS, the trainee is instructed to click the "Finish" button to repeat the course. If the trainee PASSES, the trainee is instructed to click the "Print" button to get a course training report to Save and/or Print to provide to the supervisor for recordkeeping. THE LEADING PROVIDER of QHSE CONTENT-AS-A-SERVICE HOSTED TRAINING SOLUTIONS FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses. 11
  • 12. SafetyPoints WBT Company Specific Training Menu If you provide CDP with a list of courses required for your trainees, we can set your Company Login to show the required training while hiding courses which are not required. Use the Required Training Course Request sheet (Main Menu - Home Page) to request this option. NOTE: The trainee will have the ability to search and access all courses. Below is an Example Screen set for a company which requires training on 6 courses. THE LEADING PROVIDER of QHSE CONTENT-AS-A-SERVICE HOSTED TRAINING SOLUTIONS FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses. 12
  • 13. SafetyPoints WBT included courses HSE Access to Medical Records Heat Exhaustion Security Accident Investigation Hot Work Access Control & Monitoring Aerial Lift Safety Hydrogen Sulfide Advanced Vehicle Search Anhydrous Ammonia Safety Incident Reporting & Investigation Bomb Threats and Pipe Bombs Back Safety Introduction to OSHA Circumventing Security Measures Basic Company Policies JSEA Conflict Resolutions Behavioral Based Safety Basics Lab Safety Crowd Management Benzene Lockout Tagout Emergency Response Plan Blood borne Pathogens Machine Guards Facility Security Plan Working with Difficult People MARSEC Levels (HSE) High Rise Building Security Carbon Dioxide Materials Handling Identifying Security Threats and Patterns Carcinogens Napo Films for the Classroom Information Gathering Report Writing Caustic Soda Solutions Near Miss Introduction to CFATS Cold Weather Safety New Employee Safety Orientation Maintenance of Security Equipment Compressed Gas Cylinders NIOSH Workplace Stress Awareness MARSEC Levels Confined Spaces NIOSH Workplace Violence Public Building Security Conflict Resolutions (HSE) Observation, Reporting & Closure Recognizing Dangerous Substances-Devices Construction & Crafts Training Occupational Health Security Screening Crane Safety Office Hazards Exercise Terrorism - Surveillance and Counter Surveillance Disaster Management OSHA eTools TWIC Card Training DOT General Awareness Training Pandemic Weapons of Mass Destruction DOT Security Part 1 Personal Hygiene DOT Security Part 2 Pinch Points Oil Field Driving Safety Portable Fire Extinguishers Package Based on IADC RigPass | Safeland USA | SafeGulf Driving Skills Powered Platforms Curriculum Drug & Alcohol - Employee PPE & You Oil Patch Videos Electrical Safety - Unqualified Preventing and Defusing Violence Catheads & Air Hoists Elevated Walking and Working Surfaces Process Safety Management [PSM] Eye Safety Emergency Plan Progressive Discipline Fall Protection (2 Versions) Emergency Response Respiratory Safety Hand Safety EMS Awareness-Manager Rigging Rig Down Environmental Awareness Risk Assessment Rig Work Environment Orientation Environmental Protection Field Root Cause Seat Belts in the Oil Patch Ergonomics Safe Work Practices Inspections-Basics of Drilling, Workover and Special Services Excavation, Trenching & Shoring Safety & Health Programs - WHY? Eye Safety Safety Attitudes & Actions Environmental Fall Prevention Safety Housekeeping HazWoper 8 Hour Refresher Fatigue Safety Signs & Tags Fire Prevention & Safety Safety Workplace Inspection DOT Fire Warden Scaffolds Avoiding Lane Change Crashes First Aid SEMS Avoiding Rear End Crashes Flammables Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Avoiding Run Under Crashes Flash Arc NFPA 70E Short Service Employee CSA & Your Business Forklift - Classroom Slips Trips Falls Driver Wellness Gas Hazards Stairs & Ladders Highway Construction Work Zones and Traffic Control Hazards Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) Staphylococcus Part 396 - Driver's Inspection Hand & Power Tool Stop Work Proper Cornering Hand, Wrist & Finger Subcontractor Management Tanker Driving Hazard Recognition Ten Steps to Proper Drug Testing (Video) HAZCOM - Chemical Safety Toxic Metal-Chromium HAZCOM - Chemical Storage Toxic Metals - LEAD Hazcom - Your Right to Know TWIC Card Training (HSE) HazMat Walking Working Surfaces Course list may not be complete as new HazMat Primer Warehouse Safety courses are constantly being added. HazWoper Overview Welding & Brazing Hearing Conservation Working Alone Workplace Violence THE LEADING PROVIDER of QHSE CONTENT-AS-A-SERVICE HOSTED TRAINING SOLUTIONS FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses. 13
  • 14. SafetyPoints SaaS T 30 Day No Risk Trial Try the Service – Then Decide THE LEADING PROVIDER of QHSE CONTENT-AS-A-SERVICE HOSTED TRAINING SOLUTIONS FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses. 14
  • 15. SafetyPoints SaaS T Company Branded Hosted WEB Based Training Train for $2376.00 per year minimum of 50 trainees with the trainees having the ability train on over 200+ courses (plus 80+ Test-Out Courses) and the ability to repeat any course as many times as needed. NO PER SESSION CHARGES, REPORTING & FULL SITE CONTROL-CREATE & ADD YOUR OWN OR THIRD PARTY COURSES! CBT/Classroom product is included with Hosted Service for remote locations without internet access.  Branded with Your Company Logo and Customized with the Look and Feel of Your Company.  Your Site is Not Shared...In other words you have Your Own Unique Site and Database  Online Delivery / Tracking / Reporting Software and Courses provided  Completed Training Reports with excel download with multiple sort fields | Exception Reports for trainee completed and/or incomplete training by trainee and trainee supervisor  Trainee "Quick Report" with completed training list that includes scores  Trainee Site Use and Administrator Training provided online  No IT Involvement or additional Resources needed  Quick Turnaround on Sites, 3-5 days and you are Training  Access Anytime, Anywhere  Purchase with NO PER SESSION CHARGES - FIRST to Offer FIXED COST per TRAINEE [with unlimited training on all courses!  Low Price per year per employee, not session. Value-priced, based on the number of employees being trained, not the number of completed courses. The more employees you train, the more cost-effective the training becomes.  Unlimited Use of ALL 200+ Courses, NO PER SESSION CHARGES  Challenge Tests available…the Topic Courses for Topic Test out  You Have Complete Site Control  Add Your Own Content, Create Your Own Courses or Use Third Party Courses with no Delivery Charge Add-0n  NEW ! Ability to take our course templates and customize them to your company work and/or site specific content. This requires development software from Articulate, but you can make the template modifications in PowerPoint and CDP will finish and post for you on a fee basis. The Hosted System gives you rights to use ALL the CDP QHSE training courses. This Hosted System Plus covers upgrades and downgrades over the license period. This option allows employees to train on any computer via internet access. Price per Cost per course based on Employee count for Site Start Annual Range employee*/YR 20 Courses 50-10,000+ $47.56 $2378-$475,600.00 $2.38 30 Day No Risk Trial Try the Service – Then Decide THE LEADING PROVIDER of QHSE CONTENT-AS-A-SERVICE HOSTED TRAINING SOLUTIONS FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses. 15
  • 16. SafetyPoints SaaS T What training managers want to know We asked Client site managers what features they needed. Result - New Site Features To see your site version 1. Login as Admin View Certificates Update 2. Click Notifications in Admin Menu - version at bottom of What it is – The enhanced “View Certificate“ report page. allows for additional Profile fields to be entered for each trainee and downloaded via Excel as part of the report. What it does – Gives you additional fields for excel filters to organize training data, i.e., by Department, Comp Code, Supervisor, etc. Requirements – Upgrade to V1.9.14, creation of Profile Fields and trainee data entry for those fields. Exception Report Incomplete courses What it is – Gives the Admin (Global-All) or trainee the ability to view completed and incomplete courses. May be downloaded via Excel as a report. What it does – Gives you the ability to know training status & trainee supervisor in real time. Supervisor Requirements – Upgrade to V1.9.14 , Pre-enrollment of trainee into courses and the issue of course completion certificate. My Courses Update Completed What it is – The enhanced “My Courses “ report allows courses for double-click course completion awareness. What it does – By double-clicking “My Courses” the trainee can see all required courses (if pre-enrolled) along with completed courses and scores. 100% Requirements – Upgrade to V1.9.14 , Pre-enrollment (optional) of trainee into courses and issue of course completion certificate. Completed course score Site Version 1.9.14 needed for features THE LEADING PROVIDER of QHSE CONTENT-AS-A-SERVICE HOSTED TRAINING SOLUTIONS FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses. 16
  • 17. SafetyPoints SaaS T Advanced What it is – The enhanced “View Certificate“ report 1. allows for sorting Profile fields to be entered for trainee and downloaded via Excel as a report. 2. What it does – Gives you additional fields for excel filters to organize training data i.e. by Department, Comp 5. Code, Supervisor, etc. 3. Requirements – Upgrade to V1.9.14, creation of Profile Fields and trainee data entry for those fields. 4. Steps: 1. Login as admin 2. Click “View Certificates link 3. Click the “Advanced” Button 4. Click the “Advanced” Button 5. Click the Check boxes of the data you desire to download 6. Click “Download Excel(E) 6. TIPS for Training Success-Integrating the Classroom into your LMS Database & Reports Working with clients we have developed a number of validated techniques for the integration of classroom training into the LMS. Option 1: Create a course on the LMS called “Course Name – Classroom” with an enrollment key and place a Completion Certificate in the course. Do the classroom training and give the test in the classroom then score the test. Give out the enrollment key and have the classroom trainees enroll into the course and issue the classroom certificate for the course. The Certificate will now show up in the “View certificates” report. Option 2: Do the actions in Option 1 with one addition…create the quiz for the Classroom course and tie the passing score for the quiz to the Certificate issue. After completion of the classroom training have the trainees login and enroll into the classroom course. Each trainee will take /pass the quiz and obtain the certificate. Again, the Certificate will show up in the “View certificates” report. We have additonal options which require a more detailed description of the process which you can create offline exercises for hands-on training with online competency testing along with the grading of an on-site hands-on exercise with the Manager issuing the completion certificate. Call for details. THE LEADING PROVIDER of QHSE CONTENT-AS-A-SERVICE HOSTED TRAINING SOLUTIONS FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses. 17
  • 18. SafetyPoints SaaS T WBT included courses Hearing Conservation] (V2) Included Courses (New Courses added as Developed) Heat Exhaustion [Stress] HSE Courses Hot Work Access to Medical Records Hydrogen Sulfide Accident Investigation Incident Reporting & Investigation ADA Title III Introduction to HazWoper Aerial Lift Safety Introduction to OSHA Anhydrous Ammonia Safety JSEA Arsenic Awareness Lab Safety Back Safety Lockout Tagout Back Safety (Version 2) Machine Guards Basic Company Policies MARSEC Levels (V2) Behavioral Based Safety Basics Materials Handling Benzene Near Miss Blood borne Pathogens New Employee Safety Orientation Blood borne Pathogens (V2) NIOSH Workplace Stress Awareness Blood borne Pathogens (V3) NIOSH Workplace Violence Broken Worker - Working with Difficult People NORM Carbon Dioxide Observation, Reporting & Closure Carcinogens Occupational Health Caustic Soda Solutions Office Hazards Cold Weather Safety Office Hazards Exercise Compressed Gas Cylinders Pandemic Confined Spaces Personal Hygiene Conflict Resolutions (V2) Pinch Points Crane Safety Portable Fire Extinguisher (V2) Cranes [V2] Portable Fire Extinguishers Disaster Management Powered Industrial Truck Pedestrian Training DOT Security Part 1 Powered Platforms DOT Security Part 2 PPE & You Driving Safety PPE & You (V2) Driving Skills Process Safety Management [PSM] Drug & Alcohol - Employee Progressive Discipline Drug & Alcohol - Supervisor Reasonable Suspicion for Drug & Alcohol Testing Electric Pallet Jack Recognizing Dangerous Substances-Devices (V2) Electrical Safety - Unqualified Respiratory Safety Electrical Safety - Unqualified (V2) Rigging Elevated Walking and Working Surfaces Risk Assessment Emergency Plan Root Cause Emergency Response Safe Work Practices EMS Awareness-Manager Safety & Health Programs - WHY? Environmental Awareness Safety Attitudes & Actions Environmental Protection Field Safety Housekeeping Ergonomics Safety Signs & Tags Ergonomics (V2) Safety Workplace Inspection Excavation, Trenching & Shoring Scaffolds Eye Safety SEMS Fall Prevention Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Fatigue Short Service Employee Fire Prevention & Safety Slips Trips Falls Fire Prevention & Safety (V2) SPCC First Aid Stairs & Ladders Flammables Staphylococcus Flash Arc NFPA 70E Stop Work Forklift - Classroom Storm Water Gas Hazards Stress Management Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) Subcontractor Management Hand & Power Tool Substance Abuse & Accidents Hand & Power Tool (V2) Ten Steps to Proper Drug Testing (Video) Hand, Wrist & Finger Toxic Metal-Chromium Hazard Recognition Toxic Metals - LEAD HAZCOM - Chemical Safety TWIC Card Training (V2) HAZCOM - Chemical Storage Walking Working Surfaces HAZCOM - Global Harmonization Standard Warehouse Safety Hazcom - Your Right to Know Welding & Brazing HazMat Working Alone HazMat Primer Workplace Hazardous Materials Information Hearing Conservation & Safety [Noise Exposure] Workplace Violence THE LEADING PROVIDER of QHSE CONTENT-AS-A-SERVICE HOSTED TRAINING SOLUTIONS FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses. 18
  • 19. SafetyPoints SaaS T WBT included courses Training Packages Course Challenge (Test-out) Comprehensive Lift Truck Training [Classroom] (11 Courses (continued) Modules) First Aid-TO HazWoper 8 Hour Refresher (9 Modules) Flammables-TO DOT HazMat 8 Hour (11 Modules) Flash Arc NFPA 70E-TO Quality (7 Modules) Forklift - Classroom-TO OSHA Industry 10 Hour Packages (11 Modules) Gas Hazards-TO SafeLand | SafeGulf | RigPass [Land/Offshore] Online Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) -TO Prep Course (15 Modules) Hand & Power Tool-TO Oilfield - [7 Video Library] Hand, Wrist & Finger-TO Oilfield Inspection (3 Modules) Hazard Recognition-TO CSA (9 Modules) HAZCOM - Chemical Safety-TO HAZCOM - Chemical Storage-TO Security Training Hazcom - Your Right to Know-TO Courses HazMat-TO Access Control & Monitoring Hearing Conservation & Safety [Noise Exposure]-TO Advanced Vehicle Search Heat Exhaustion [Stress]-TO Bomb Threats and Pipe Bombs Hot Work-TO Circumventing Security Measures Hydrogen Sulfide-TO Conflict Resolutions Incident Reporting & Investigation-TO Crowd Management Introduction to HazWoper-TO Course list may not be Emergency Response Plan Facility Security Plan JSEA-TO Lab Safety-TO complete as new High Rise Building Security Identifying Security Threats and Patterns Lockout Tagout-TO courses are constantly Machine Guards-TO Information Gathering Report Writing Materials Handling-TO being added. Introduction to CFATS Near Miss-TO Maintenance of Security Equipment Workplace Violence-TO MARSEC Levels NORM-TO Public Building Security Observation, Reporting & Closure - TO Recognizing Dangerous Substances-Devices Occupational Health-TO Security Screening Pandemic-TO Terrorism - Surveillance and Counter Surveillance Personal Hygiene-TO TWIC Card Training Pinch Points-TO Weapons of Mass Destruction Portable Fire Extinguisher -TO Powered Industrial Truck Pedestrian Training-TO Course Challenge (Test-out) Powered Platforms-TO Courses PPE & You-TO Accident Investigation-TO Process Safety Management [PSM]-TO Aerial Lift Safety-TO Respiratory Safety-TO Anhydrous Ammonia Safety-TO Rigging-TO Arsenic Awareness-TO Risk Assessment-TO Back Safety-TO Safety Attitudes & Actions-TO Benzene-TO Safety Housekeeping-TO Training Games Blood borne Pathogens-TO Safety Signs & Tags-TO Carbon Dioxide-TO Safety Workplace Inspection-TO Lockout Tagout Golf Carcinogens-TO Scaffolds-TO HAZCOM RTK Board Game Caustic Soda Solutions-TO SEMS-TO Blood borne Pathogens Boot Camp Cold Weather Safety-TO Sexual Harassment in the Workplace-TO Back Safety Game show Compressed Gas Cylinders-TO Short Service Employee-TO Confined Space Golf Confined Spaces-TO Storm Water-TO Ergonomics Board Game Crane Safety-TO Slips Trips Falls-TO Fall Prevention Boot camp Driving Safety-TO Stairs & Ladders-TO Fire Prevention Shootout Electrical Safety - Unqualified (TO) Staphylococcus-TO The Hearing Game Show Elevated Walking and Working Surfaces-TO Stop Work-TO The PPE Pyramid Game Emergency Plan-TO Stress Management-TO Environmental Awareness-TO Toxic Metal-Chromium-TO Ergonomics-TO Toxic Metals - LEAD-TO Excavation, Trenching & Shoring-TO TWIC Card Training (HSE)-TO Eye Safety-TO Walking Working Surfaces-T0 Fall Prevention-TO Warehouse Safety-TO Fatigue-TO Welding & Brazing-TO Fire Prevention & Safety-TO Working Alone-TO HAZCOM -GHS-TO THE LEADING PROVIDER of QHSE CONTENT-AS-A-SERVICE HOSTED TRAINING SOLUTIONS FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses. 19
  • 20. Classroom training will never “Go-away” and sometimes it’s the only way to “git’ er” done. THE LEADING PROVIDER of QHSE CONTENT-AS-A-SERVICE HOSTED TRAINING SOLUTIONS FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses. 20
  • 21. SafetyPoints USB CBT/Classroom Now, you can have offline training with more than 100 courses for a single purchase price: $1,188.00 . The package is designed for maximum client utilization with minimum client expertise and client provider resources. The USB model has 3 primary goals: 1. To assist firms in fulfilling the audit requirements mandated by various federal, state agencies and operators for HSE training. 2. To provide effective training on single or multiple standalone computer(s). 3. To provide low cost, high quality HSE training for clients that requires Minimum resources by the client and is so simple to use that the client's trainee(s) have no excuses for not getting the training accomplished. CDP has assisted thousands of firms with as few as ten employees to as many as a few thousand employees achieve training compliance. CDP has engineered many of the roadblocks out of the installation and use process (IT involvement /course design/Courses etc. .) The USB eliminates all requirements on the client, save one…”Train the employee”. Features: Single Menu to access all the courses. Can be used as a CBT self trainer or for the classroom (Sample Quizzes included plus much more). How the USB CBT System works... First, the trainee uses the Company Login provided to access the Safety99 Site Home page. Second, the trainee clicks on the course link he/she is required to take. Third, the trainee completes the training course. Fourth, at the end of the training course the trainee takes the course quiz for training validation. If the trainee FAILS, the trainee is instructed to click the "Finish" button to repeat the course. If the trainee PASSES, the trainee is instructed to click the "Print" button to get a course training report to Save and/or Print to provide to the supervisor for recordkeeping. THE LEADING PROVIDER of QHSE CONTENT-AS-A-SERVICE HOSTED TRAINING SOLUTIONS FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses. 21
  • 22. SafetyPoints USB CBT/Classroom included courses HSE Access to Medical Records Heat Exhaustion Security Accident Investigation Hot Work Access Control & Monitoring Aerial Lift Safety Hydrogen Sulfide Advanced Vehicle Search Anhydrous Ammonia Safety Incident Reporting & Investigation Bomb Threats and Pipe Bombs Back Safety Introduction to OSHA Circumventing Security Measures Basic Company Policies JSEA Conflict Resolutions Behavioral Based Safety Basics Lab Safety Crowd Management Benzene Lockout Tagout Emergency Response Plan Blood borne Pathogens Machine Guards Facility Security Plan Working with Difficult People MARSEC Levels (HSE) High Rise Building Security Carbon Dioxide Materials Handling Identifying Security Threats and Patterns Carcinogens Napo Films for the Classroom Information Gathering Report Writing Caustic Soda Solutions Near Miss Introduction to CFATS Cold Weather Safety New Employee Safety Orientation Maintenance of Security Equipment Compressed Gas Cylinders NIOSH Workplace Stress Awareness MARSEC Levels Confined Spaces NIOSH Workplace Violence Public Building Security Conflict Resolutions (HSE) Observation, Reporting & Closure Recognizing Dangerous Substances-Devices Construction & Crafts Training Occupational Health Security Screening Crane Safety Office Hazards Exercise Terrorism - Surveillance and Counter Surveillance Disaster Management OSHA eTools TWIC Card Training DOT General Awareness Training Pandemic Weapons of Mass Destruction DOT Security Part 1 Personal Hygiene DOT Security Part 2 Pinch Points Oil Field Driving Safety Portable Fire Extinguishers Package Based on IADC RigPass | Safeland USA | SafeGulf Driving Skills Powered Platforms Curriculum Drug & Alcohol - Employee PPE & You Oil Patch Videos Electrical Safety - Unqualified Preventing and Defusing Violence Catheads & Air Hoists Elevated Walking and Working Surfaces Process Safety Management [PSM] Eye Safety Emergency Plan Progressive Discipline Fall Protection (2 Versions) Emergency Response Respiratory Safety Hand Safety EMS Awareness-Manager Rigging Rig Down Environmental Awareness Risk Assessment Rig Work Environment Orientation Environmental Protection Field Root Cause Seat Belts in the Oil Patch Ergonomics Safe Work Practices Inspections-Basics of Drilling, Workover and Special Services Excavation, Trenching & Shoring Safety & Health Programs - WHY? Eye Safety Safety Attitudes & Actions Environmental Fall Prevention Safety Housekeeping HazWoper 8 Hour Refresher Fatigue Safety Signs & Tags Fire Prevention & Safety Safety Workplace Inspection DOT Fire Warden Scaffolds Avoiding Lane Change Crashes First Aid SEMS Avoiding Rear End Crashes Flammables Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Avoiding Run Under Crashes Flash Arc NFPA 70E Short Service Employee CSA & Your Business Forklift - Classroom Slips Trips Falls Driver Wellness Gas Hazards Stairs & Ladders Highway Construction Work Zones and Traffic Control Hazards Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) Staphylococcus Part 396 - Driver's Inspection Hand & Power Tool Stop Work Proper Cornering Hand, Wrist & Finger Subcontractor Management Tanker Driving Hazard Recognition Ten Steps to Proper Drug Testing (Video) HAZCOM - Chemical Safety Toxic Metal-Chromium HAZCOM - Chemical Storage Toxic Metals - LEAD Hazcom - Your Right to Know TWIC Card Training (HSE) HazMat Walking Working Surfaces Course list may not be complete as new HazMat Primer Warehouse Safety courses are constantly being added. HazWoper Overview Welding & Brazing Hearing Conservation Working Alone Workplace Violence THE LEADING PROVIDER of QHSE CONTENT-AS-A-SERVICE HOSTED TRAINING SOLUTIONS FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses. 22
  • 23. Oil Field Training Packages based on SafeLandUSA and IADC RigPass which you may use to acquire in-house accreditation. Lower your Operator training costs by as much as 60%! THE LEADING PROVIDER of QHSE CONTENT-AS-A-SERVICE HOSTED TRAINING SOLUTIONS FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses. 23
  • 24. Oilfield Package** BRING ACCREDITATED OPERATOR REQUIRED TRAINING IN-HOUSE REDUCE TRAINING COST, INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY AND TRAIN ON DEMAND, NO MORE SCHEDULING AND DEPENDENCE ON THIRD PARTY TRAINERS. The SafelandUSA program was rolled out to the South Texas Region starting on December 17, 2008 through the South Texas Exploration and Production Safety (STEPS) network. CDP provides a turn-key product that you may customize and use to acquire accreditation for in-house delivery of the training. Accreditation must be acquired via an approved body following the procedures indicated in the documents provided at the Approved Accreditation body websites which are listed on the SafelandUSA Website: [ ]. Now you can offer Operator Required Training Programs In-House and issue Accepted Training Modules in Package Cards to your employees using a training appliance 0001 P1 General Safety designed for use in your classroom... rather than 0001 P2 PPE using a third party training providers... SAVING YOU 0001 P3 Hazard Communication TIME and REDUCING YOUR TRAINING COST 0001 P4 Occupational Health 0001 P5 Specialized Work Practices 0001 P6 Fire Safety 0001 P7 Materials Handling ** Accreditation Must be Acquired by the 0001 P8 Health and First Aid Purchasing Company from a SAFELANDUSA 0001 P9 Rig Platform Environment Accrediting body or if you want the other 0001 P10 Emergency Response accreditations (RigPass/SafeGulf) we suggest 0001 P11 Well-site Environment you use the IADC to acquire all three 0001 P12 Excavation Trench... 0001 P13 Pits and Ponds (SafeLandUSA, RigPass and SafeGulf ). 0001 P14 Offshore Endorsement 0001 P14 SEMS Price $9,770.00 THE LEADING PROVIDER of QHSE CONTENT-AS-A-SERVICE HOSTED TRAINING SOLUTIONS FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses. 24
  • 25. Need video and/or online course development…we can help at a cost which is 50% less than most developers. THE LEADING PROVIDER of QHSE CONTENT-AS-A-SERVICE HOSTED TRAINING SOLUTIONS FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses. 25
  • 26. Whether credit card sized promotional videos to hand out at your tradeshow, videos for training or full production videos for distribution to potential customers, CDP will help guide you on script ideas and general tips to produce exciting videos that help you train or sell. We can also convert your production to many Web-ready video formats that can be uploaded directly to your website and downloaded quickly. CDP is a high tech video production team which will produce... Documentary and Information Videos Safety & Technical Training Videos Company Promotion Half-day to multi-year projects Broadcast Quality Camerawork Expert Editing Solid Research and Writing Everything you need for State-of-the-art Video High Definition Visit for examples of our work THE LEADING PROVIDER of QHSE CONTENT-AS-A-SERVICE HOSTED TRAINING SOLUTIONS FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses. 26
  • 27. e-Learning Development Services Rapid e-learning is emerging as the fastest-growing category of online training. It is generally defined as Web-based training that can be created in days and/or weeks and is typically authored with the assistance of our client's subject-matter experts (SMEs). Rapid eLearning projects account for more than one-third of our current training-related projects and likely will comprise half of all eLearning initiatives within the next three years. CDP's collaborative Rapid eLearning team is leading the evolution of Rapid eLearning development. Leading companies around the world have capitalized on our Rapid eLearning services. Instructional design models: ADDIE process Perhaps the most common model used for creating instructional materials is the ADDIE Process. Most of the current instructional design models are variations of the ADDIE process. This acronym stands for the 5 phases contained in the model: Analyze – analyze learner characteristics, task to be learned, etc. Design – develop learning objectives, choose an instructional approach Develop – create instructional or training materials Implement – deliver or distribute the instructional materials Evaluate – make sure materials achieved the desired goals Rapid prototyping A sometimes utilized adaptation to the ADDIE model is in a practice known as rapid prototyping. Proponents suggest that through an iterative process the verification of the design documents saves time and money by catching problems while they are still easy to fix. This approach is not novel to the design of instruction, but appears in many design-related domains including software design, architecture, transportation planning, product development, message design, user experience design, etc. In fact, some proponents of design prototyping assert that a sophisticated understanding of a problem is incomplete without creating and evaluating some type of prototype, regardless of the analysis rigor that may have been applied up front. In other words, up- front analysis is rarely sufficient to allow one to confidently select an instructional model. For this reason many traditional methods of instructional design are beginning to be seen as incomplete, naive, and even counter-productive. Visit for examples of our work THE LEADING PROVIDER of QHSE CONTENT-AS-A-SERVICE HOSTED TRAINING SOLUTIONS FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses. 27
  • 28. Need course for your LMS. Kick- start your HSE catalog with CDP SCORM Compliant courses. Firms that have purchased our courses: Chevron NOV Clean Harbor Grant Prideco XL Systems REPSOL Adams Resources To name a few… THE LEADING PROVIDER of QHSE CONTENT-AS-A-SERVICE HOSTED TRAINING SOLUTIONS FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses. 28
  • 29. CDP’s SCORM Version gives you the flexibility to load individual training modules into your existing learning management system (LMS). With complete control over how you use our training courses at your organization, it’s like having your own inside production team. Our customization service will carefully and quickly adjust materials to meet your organization's needs, seamlessly integrating graphics and content to match policies, practices, logos, and brands. Pick and choose courses from our menu for your training curriculum, adding and dropping them, as necessary. Every organization’s training needs are different, so in addition to building the industry’s most comprehensive online training library, CDP also gives you flexible delivery and pricing options to fit any environment, workflow or budget. That includes convenient Course Purchase Options so you can run our high-quality, highly effective courses on your LMS or enterprise software system. All CDP courses are SCORM 1.2 conformant, and are certified to run on leading eLearning platforms from RISC, Plateau and Saba. We have also successfully implemented our courseware on GeoLearning, Intralearn, KMSI, Knowbase Networks, Oracle iLearn, Pathlore, SumTotal, KnowledgePlanet as well as many other platforms. We offer a range of course purchase and update pricing options in addition to dedicated technical support, expert content development and customization services. Purchase completed courses for your LMS and own the content. (No session charges) Course templates include all the source files and a LMS ready course in the SCORM format. Edit the templates for company work and site specific training. More than 100 modules from which to choose. Internal Training of Employees: Price for each Module $1499.00 (Internal Training of Employees) Templates for editing add $500.00 per course (In-House training only) Contact CDP Inc. for SCORM Course THE LEADING PROVIDER of QHSE CONTENT-AS-A-SERVICE HOSTED TRAINING SOLUTIONS FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses. 29
  • 30. Online Information & Site Trial Requests Use Request Form for Questions & to Request Site Trials Use Link to Download Leverage Proposal for your use. Consolidated Digital Publishing Inc. 713.305.7648 THE LEADING PROVIDER of QHSE CONTENT-AS-A-SERVICE HOSTED TRAINING SOLUTIONS FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses. 30
  • 31. About Us Your Training Success is Our Business Success... CDP addresses the greatest barriers to Consolidated Digital Publishing Inc. (CDP), for training... accessibility and cost. more than 20 years as a full service production, course development and CDP has produced, from script to screen, safety content provider for your QHSE Classroom, CBT training using quality commercial, broadcast and Internet-based training. Our goal is to develop and entertainment related videos and eLearning a global community to support a social programs for various industries. constructionist framework of QHSE education. CDP works with you to adapt and These are not words without substance as CDP implement affordable training products. We proves by addressing HSE training number one guide you through the training product barrier COST, in providing FREE online implementation process or the creation QHSE training ( for any of custom programs delivered to your unique firm or individual which desires to increase specifications. quality, safety, health and environmental awareness. CDP programs and custom programs are more than talking heads. Real life illustrations in real Our Solutions work together for your business… facilities are coupled with voice, music and Products are developed in the real world... working graphic animation to create training programs with real clients... training real employees... solving that perform as intended – inform, teach and real training problems... resulting in a training be retained. system that you adapt to your training needs for the classroom, individual CBT or online training. CDP extends this with the concept "Safety is Not Competitive, It should be Shared“, many Our products are of our clients create courses which we add to Customizable, Affordable, Allow for System the course catalog at no charge. Integration and are SIMPLE to use with no IT involvement and WITH NO PLANNED OBSOLESENCE. Consolidated Digital Publishing Inc. 5373 W. Alabama Suite 209 Houston TX 77056 713.305.7648 THE LEADING PROVIDER of QHSE CONTENT-AS-A-SERVICE HOSTED TRAINING SOLUTIONS FIRST to offer FIXED PRICE per EMPLOYEE with unlimited training on complete course catalog of more than 200 courses. 31

Editor's Notes

  1. Challenge Tests available…the Topic Courses for Topic Test out - I don’t understand this one