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Cause Of Stress In School
Stress is something everyone goes through no matter what age, gender or race you are. Stress is the experience of a perceived threat to one's mental,
physical or spiritual well–being, resulting from a series of physiological responses and adaptations. When people think of stress they think it's a bad
thing which isn't true, some stress is just your body's reaction to certain situations. At times it may seem like stress is taking over your body leaving
you physically, emotionally and mentally hurt but what you can do is learn how to manage your stress to have a healthier and happy lifestyle.
Stress management is learning to deal with your stress and take charge. Everyone has different stress triggers, it can be caused by anything and
affects people differently. Stress can be caused from your emotions, thoughts in your head, work, family issues, financial problems and can vary.
From the start of the day I can start to feel stress as I get ready for a long day of school and work. The number one cause of my stress is school
which a lot of students can also relate. There are several reasons why school is a main stressor for a lot of people. One reason is uncertainty of the
future, not knowing what you are planning to do with your life as a career path. It's a scary and hard decision to make which causes a lot of stress.
Other reasons for school being a number one cause of stress is the academic deadlines, work overload, studying and maintaining high standard grades.
Being in
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Cause And Effect Of Stress
Stress plays a prominent role in one's daily life. Thus, it is important to identify stress and learn to reduce and cope with stress in order to prevent
stress–related illnesses that may occur. Stress has a major influence upon one's health, thinking, behavior, and mood. Stress is commonly mistaken
for generally evoking negative associations; however, it is actually part of the human experience that places pressure on people so that they may
be able to perform at a higher level achievement. Nonetheless, when stress becomes too much to handle, or becomes chronic, it can affect an
individual physically, mentally, behaviorally, and emotionally. What is stress? According to Debra L. Nelson and James C. Quick, in
Organizational Behavior, "Stress, or the stress response, can be described as the unconscious preparation to fight or flee that a person experiences
when faced with any demand" (103). When an individual is stressed, the body thinks it is under attack, releasing chemical messengers and
hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol to prepare the body for physical action. Through the release of hormones, it enables a person to quickly
respond to "fight or flight." For example, a group of explorers are in the Amazon rainforest, and they come across a jaguar; this sends a signal to the
individuals that a threat has approached, and sends information to their body giving them the fight or flight ability. Furthermore, stress can be
classified into two different branches: internal and external. Internal is the ability to send messages and waves throughout our body, resulting in the
release of chemicals and hormones. On the other hand, external is the ability to sweat, blush, itch, or anything that physically affects a person. Both
of these factors control one's entire bodily function of stress. Stress can be both positive and negative, and can impact how one interact and function
on a daily basis. Stress is commonly mistaken for generally evoking negative associations, however a little stress can actually be good for a person.
Accordingly, when the body experiences a stressor, its "fight or flight" response kicks in as a way to protect oneself by staying focused, alert, and
allowing one the extra energy he or she need
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Nowadays, it is quite normal for people to feel stressed, including the young generations. Students in universities may suffer from stress due to a wide
variety of reasons, such as personal issues and financial problems, which may create anxiety. According to research, being under pressure can affect
those students mentally and emotionally and even physically, because they overthink their problems, failing in concentrating on their work, and
sometimes making choices is difficult for them. Stressed students tend to become nervous easily, and lacking confidence makes them consider it tough
to overcome fears and anxiety. Students in universities can be unable to deal with psychological problems properly, they may display negative
behaviours such as drinking and smoking excessively, being rude and avoiding challenges. What is more, physical aches including muscle tension are
caused by stress as well, and it may produce dizziness, sleeping problems and unhealthy eating habits (NHS, 2017). However, stress does not have
any medical definition, when it causes problems, the problems may aggravate its symptoms (Mind, 2017). For college students, it is necessary to
handle the pressure properly and positively, schools and governments also have to take it seriously. This essay will illustrate the cause and effect of
stress, and offer solutions to stressed students.
Stress may come in two ways. Normally, it may be triggered by specific things or events like "personal issues", work and
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Causes and Effects of Stress
According to HeartMath LLC,"Stress is the basic cause of 60% of all human illness and disease". Stress is a huge problem in the world today and
affects many people. Everyone has different stress triggers. For example, work, school, and children are all parts of life that many people struggle with
and cause them to go into overload. Stress can take a toll on many people's bodies and can cause serious problems. In opposition to the people who
think that stress is a negative, some people say that it is a positive. They claim that it motivates them, boosts their adrenaline, and makes them smarter.
Many people in the world experience stress in their everyday lives. Adults experience most of their stress in the workplace. Long hours, a heavy
workload, and changes in the company are some of the attributions to why they are so stressed. Long hours can cause tension because of the lack of
sleep that adults get, working more than they are used to. A heavy workload can seem very overwhelming and extreme deadlines make it even worse.
Changes in a company can also cause tension because changes often lead to more work or a different environment. For example, if the company hires
a new person, someone else is responsible for giving them the training they need to fit the job. Also, if the chemistry of the coworkers is not good, that
causes tension and makes it harder to work in that environment. Maritta Kinnunen–Amoroso and Juha Liira suggest that, "The
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Cause And Effect Essay On Stress
Effects of Stress Stress is something affiliated within the lives of everyone, man or woman, young or old. Whether it is stress from school, work or at
home, stress is a universal situation that everyone goes through. Stress can make one feel emotionally and physically drained, which affects how they
continue with their day–to–day lives. With all the different causes that factor into the effects of stress, how do these causes of stress affect one's
health? Well, many factors come into play regarding causes of stress. It could be due to heavy workloads, unhappiness over work or school,
family issues (such as divorce or illnesses), fear of world issues, major life changes and more. The negative effects that stress has on one's health
include physical, mental and behavioral effects that disrupt one's lifestyle and makes everyday a struggle for them. For starters, stress can affect
one's health physically. Our bodies naturally respond physically to stressful situations. When someone is stressed, the nervous system releases
hormones that either helps them get through the stressful situation or cause them to crumble under the pressure. This leads to what is known as
acute stress (short term) which includes increased heart rates, faster breathing, tense muscles and sweating. If you are stressed for a longer period
of time, it leads to chronic stress which brings more serious health issues. One serious physical effect of stress is insomnia. Insomnia, which is a
condition disrupting sleep, is common with those who are under a lot of stress. They experience hyperarousal, which is a form of PTSD that
disrupts the amount of time someone sleeps and stays awake. Stress makes people have difficulty sleeping as well as fatigue when awake. This
disruption of sleep negatively affects one's lifestyle because they will be unable to complete daily tasks to their best ability. Another physical effect of
stress is heart related issues such as heart attacks and other heart diseases. Stress causes high blood pressure, chest pains and irregular heart rates that
can later develop into heart diseases or heart attacks. Stress can either cause or amplify heart related problems. Chronic stress causes an increase in
stress hormones such as
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What is Stress? Essay
Stress is something that affects many people each and every day. Life is full of hassles, deadlines, frustrations, and demands. For some people stress
is so common it is a way of life. Stress can be very harmful and or helpful. It could help motivate you to meet a deadline and perform a task under
pressure. Stress can also be very harmful, such as memory problems, moodiness, aches and pains, and eating more or less.
So what is stress? Stress is a normal physical response that happens when you feel threatened or upset. When you feel that you are in danger whether
it is real or imaged. Your body has a response when stress occurs and it is a way of actually protecting you. Many times, stress helps people stay more
focussed and more content...
Stress can affect the mind, body, and behavior. These affects could cause your relationships with others can be affected with your girlfriend, parents, or
anyone else who is significant in your life.
Stress has many different symptoms the most often and most common is having a headache. On your body the effects of stress are muscle tension or
pain, chest pain, and fatigue. The effects of stress on your mood is anxiety, restlessness, and lack of motivation or focus. Finally, the effects of stress
on your behavior is overeating or under eating, drug or alcohol abuse, and social withdraw. Since anyone at any age can be stressed there is no
certain population that is effected the most. I would say that teenagers get stressed easily due to school, spots and or jobs. The thing that stresses
most high school student out is picking and choosing what they are going to do after high school and what college they will be going to if any.
People a little bit older after college could be stressed by trying to find a job or trying to find or support a family. Older people could be stressed if they
are running out of money but besides that older people are probably the least stressful people in are population.
Stress is not only affected in the work place and at home, it is also affected during sports. There is a ton of pressure in many high school sports
especially individual sports. Stress is the body's way of
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Cause And Effect Of Stress
Have we ever wondered why there are more heart attack cases on Monday than any other the day of the week? Why adults cannot be as happy as
little kids? Why college or school students have a sleepless night before the exam? The answer is stress. Stress has become a normal part of our
life and its negative effects are increasing with such a fast rate that after a few decades or so, it is going to be the leading cause of death. Stress as
defined "is an internal state which can be caused by the physical demands of the body .e.g. disease conditions, exercise, and the like or by
environmental and social situations which are evaluated as potentially harmful and uncontrollable or exceeding our resources for coping."
(Lazarus and Folkman (1984)). In other words, stress is a reaction to a certain situations where an individual body or mind cannot fulfil the
demands of the situation. Factors or things which can cause stress are called stressor. There are numerous kind of stressor in a person's life and
these stressors can be different for different person. For example, roller coaster can be very stressful and dangerous for elderly people, but for
teenagers, it is an enjoyable and exciting ride. For the elderly ones, the ride is the cause of negative stress called distress while for teenagers, it is the
cause of positive stress called eustress. Stress also affects differently for physically different individuals. Stress can be caused by many other factors
such as everyday life revolving
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Essay Conclusion On Stress
Stress is a normal reaction to life events. It is what you feel when life demands more than you are used to or more than you can handle. Some stress
can be useful. For example, the stress reaction can help you catch the last bus of the day, study for a test, or meet a deadline at work. But stress that
occurs too often or for too long can cause problems. It can affect your emotional health and interfere with relationships and normal daily activities. Too
much stress can weaken your immune system and increase your risk for physical illness. If you already have a medical problem, stress can make it
What are the causes?
All sorts of life events may cause stress. An event that causes stress for one person may not more content...
He or she may diagnose this condition based on:
Your symptoms. Yourhealth care provider will ask questions about your symptoms and any stressful life events.
Medical history. Your health care provider will ask you questions about any medical problems you have had in the past.
You may also have other tests, including blood tests.
Certain medical conditions and medicine can cause physical symptoms similar to stress. Mental illness can cause emotional symptoms and unhealthy
behaviors similar to stress. Your health care provider may refer you to a mental health professional for further evaluation.
How is this treated?
Stress management is the recommended treatment for stress. The goals of stress management are reducing stressful life events and coping with stress
in healthy ways.
Techniques for reducing stressful life events include the following:
Stress identification. Monitor yourself for stress and identify what causes stress for you. These skills may help you to avoid some stressful events.
Time management. Set your priorities, keep a calendar of events, and learn to say "no." These tools can help you avoid making too many commitments.
Techniques for coping with stress include the following:
Rethinking the problem. Try to think realistically about stressful events rather than ignoring them or overreacting. Try to find the positives in a
stressful situation rather than focusing on the negatives.
Exercise. Physical exercise can release both
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What Are The Causes And Effects Of Stress Essay
What are the causes and effects of stress? Valerie Bertinelli quotes "Happiness is a choice. You can choose to be happy. There's going to be stress in
life, but it's your choice whether you let it affect you or not". One might ask "What is stress? Collins Dictionary defines stress as the "mental or
emotional tension or strain characterized by feelings of anxiety, fear etc". How does stress affects us? Stress is something that we do not have control
over. Klinic Community Health Centre (2010) states "there can be positive and negative stressors". Everyone in this world experience stress from time
to time but what really matters is the way in which it affects individuals. Some individuals experienced stressful moments but based on the
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Your body reacts to grief too; you'll certainly feel tired. You can also feel physically weak as if all your strength has drained away and left you
unable to do things you used to find easy. You could experience tightness in your chest, a change in your heartbeat or difficulty breathing. You'll either
lose your appetite (or overeat to soothe anxiety). You can suffer from insomnia or just want to sleep the days (and nights) away. You can find yourself
crying at unexpected times, both publically and
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Stress in the Workplace Essay
Stress in the workplace
Stress in the workplace has become one of the increasingly popular topics of discussion over the last couple of decades. It has become a major concern
among various organizations creating an impact on the management and operations of the organization. This paper will give a detailed definition of what
stress in the workplace is and the most common causes of stress amongst both employers and employees. In the midst of investigating the causes of
stress, I will give an outline of what can be done to manage the stress by not only the individual but also by the employers themselves.
I will also mention the effects of stress to an individual, which can be categorized as short–term effects both psychological more content...
In the United States, the American Institute of Stress (AIS) has estimated that 40% of the worker turnover is due to stress and the cost of stress in
the workplace has been estimated to be over $300 billion per year. However, the ability of employers to lower the rate of stress in the workplace has
shown to improve the employee's quality of work and their health (Lee 36).
Causes of stress in the workplace
There are a variety of different causes of stress in the workplace and an ability to identify these as an employer is important because it will help in
knowing how to deal with and correct any problems arising from it. Most of the stresses are caused when the demands at work become extreme or
excessive. Many of these demands are a direct result of technological advances that have made work processes easier but on the other hand, require
employees to do more tasks. Current technology demands the workers to constantly perform near peak levels, be competitive and be cognizant of
technological breakthroughs. In some circumstances, the organization fails to inform the workers about changes in the business or the technology they
are using in their systems which can cause tension and uncertainty. Because of this, the worker can feel a constant fear of losing their position if they
do not work efficiently and understand the new changes in the organization.
Another cause of stress is a change in the workplace environment. As an
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Cause And Effects Of Stress
Causes and Effects of Stress
According to HeartMath LLC,"Stress is the basic cause of 60% of all human illness and disease". Stress is a huge problem in the world today and
effects many people. Everyone has different stress triggers. For example, work, school, and children are all parts of life that many people struggle with
and cause them to go into overload. Stress take a toll on many people 's bodies and can cause serious problems like high blood pressure, obesity,
diabetes, and heart disease. In opposition to the people who think that stress is a negative, some people say that it is a positive. They claim that it
motivates them, boosts their adrenaline, and makes them smarter.
Many people in the world experience stress in more content...
employers an estimated $200 billion per year in absenteeism, lower productivity, staff turnover, workers ' compensation, medical insurance and other
stress–related expenses." If stress causes a company money why are they continuing to overload employees with work. If they were looking at the best
interest of their company and their employees they would consider there life outside of work and cut them some slack. Another effect in the workplace
includes sleep deprivation from staying up those long nights getting work done. Everyone needs sleep and if one does not get enough it can affect how
much they get done and the quality of their work.
In addition to stress in the workplace, finances is a huge stress factor for adults. This is not just a small problem it affects many adults: "72 percent
of adults admitted worrying about finances, and 22 percent called this stress extreme" (Addie, Kane). This is an ongoing issue in the world and
something that most if not all deal with in their lifetime. Keeping up with the bills and paying for everyday expenses is very hard for some people
to keep up with, especially those of which who have a lower income. Adults in a lower income household are more likely to stress about money and
making ends meet. Along with income and finances, job loss and unemployment are other sources of income for adults. When someone loses a job
they no longer have a source of income to pay for any expenses. They now have to worry
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Causes and Effects of Stress on Our Lives
Introduction People have felt stress. Stress is scientifically defined as any stimulus or condition that threatens the body's homeostasis. Stress could
be a negative or positive. People believe that thinking too much about things will make it go or help vanish the situation. Sometimes when
thinking about things it can suddenly lead to being angry, mad or start screaming. People feeling angry or mad meaning that stress has overcome
their life. Nowadays, people are wondering, "what is stress?" and "why does it happen?" Well stress is an unusual physical reaction to events that
make people feel helpless, upset, angry and mad. Most individuals aren't aware of stress and what can it have affect on their lives. Stress plays a
dangerous role in human lives it can affect or lead to physical and mental problems. Stress happens only when people try too hard or work too much
on things and such things are called pressurizing. Pressure plays the main cause of stress, which can lead someone to be nervous, crazy or angry. Not
all stress are harmful, an equalized amount of stress maximizes health. Humans need some stress for emotional well–being. The fundamentals that
causes stress are noise, fear, pressure from work or family, worrying a lot and working too much or too hard at your jobs, schools or home. Body
Paragraph 1 Firstly, worrying too much about things can lead or cause awful stress. The human needs to be relaxed and unworried about anything even
if this thing was very important
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Causes of Stress Essay
Causes of Stress
So, what causes the stress that can be so bad for you?
Some people may have a nervous system that goes into a stress reaction more readily than others. This could be due to individual differences in
genetics and brain chemistry.
To try to understand stress better, we need to consider the psychological factors involved– emotional and cognitive (thinking) factors.
Research has suggested that major stressors in our lives are life changes, for example, moving house, marriage or relationship breakdown. Work–related
factors, including unemployment and boredom, are also common causes of stress. Differences in personality may also play a part. more content...
Other research in the 1990's showed a correlation between high levels of negative life events with increased vulnerability to colds.
The trouble with this 'social readjustment rating scale' is that it does not account for the fact that some people will find the same sort of event less
stressful than others – for example, divorce could be perceived as a relief or a disaster. We cannot give reliable predictions about risks of stress–related
illness based on this scale.
Lazarus and colleagues in the 1980s came up with a different stress measurement scale called the 'hassles and uplifts scale'. They claimed that, rather
than major life changes, it is day–to–day hassles or small uplifts that determine our overall levels of stress.
It has been found that found that high scores on 'hassles' – for example, being stuck in traffic or minor arguments with partner – correlated with
symptoms of anxiety disorders and depression.
Personality and stress
In the 1970s, Friedman and Rosenman carried out a nine–year study of 1000 people to try to find out if personality type affected stress levels. They
came up with the idea of the 'Type A' personality– illustrated below:
The typical 'type A' person is competitive, time–conscious, 'workaholic' and easily frustrated with others. Researchers have suggested that this sort of
person would be likely to
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Cause And Effect Essay About Stress
Have you ever wondered why you had a major breakout of acne on your face last week? That incident could be very likely caused a great deal of stress.
Stress is a physical response that many people deal with due to an overload of tension or straining. Stress is the body's response to specific situations,
and it affects a countless amount of people to this day. There are ways of dealing withstress and ways of preventing it too. Stress is part of everyday
life, and it is meant to be managed so that people can remain happy and healthy. There are numerous things to know about stress and what exactly
it is. Stress is originally a response from the body when the body is feeling attacked. When a person is under stress, the body will switch into a
"fight or flight" type of mode. When the body goes into "flight or fight" mode, it responds by releasing a mix of a variety of hormones and
chemicals. Some of the chemicals that the body may release include adrenaline, cortisol, and norepinephrine. These types of hormones and
chemicals are released in the intention of trying to prepare the body for physical action to the stress that it is undergoing. The hormones and
chemicals are released to respond to the situation that the person is being accustomed to. The situation represents the stress that the person is
dealing with at that point in time. There are a variety of different types of stress that a person may experience, and not all stress is necessarily bad
to experience. One of the types of stress is called acute stress. This type of stress is usually the most common that is dealt with today. This type of
stress is as common as a person brushing their teeth everyday. Acute stress takes place when the body reacts to a new challenge, event, or demand.
When this type of stress is being taken place, it will trigger the body to go into "fight or flight mode". Some examples that may be the cause of this
type of stress may include things like a fight with a close relative, pushing off homework to the very last minute, or waiting for a letter to see if you
got accepted to your dream college. Acute stress is not always necessarily bad or considered "negative". A person can also experience acute from
things like
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Essay on Stress: Causes And Effects
Stress: Causes and Effects
Stress is an ongoing dilemma that occurs in each and everyone's life. It is a factor that is undoubtedly a part of daily living. Due to the trivial
problems that occur in people's daily lives massive amounts of stress can arise. People perceive and manage stress in many different ways. The causes
and effects of stress are numerous and one's ability to manage stress is vital in maintaining healthy living.
First, stress is defined as an unpleasant state of emotional and physiological arousal that people experience in situations that they perceive as dangerous
or threatening to their well being (Patel, 14). Stress is a universal feeling to everyone but the word stress means different things more content...
Stress affects the body in many different ways. Many doctors estimate that stress is involved in more than half of all illnesses (Sapolsky, 21). Stress
may cause or prolong an illness or increase its severity. Epinephrine and norepinephrine are hormones that are released during a stress reaction that
affect organs throughout the body. As a result from the hormones being secreted, the heart begins to beat more rapidly, muscle tension increases, blood
pressure raises, and heavy breathing may occur. This reaction is known as the fight–or–flight response. The fight–or–flight response energizes the body
to either confront or flee from a threat. Heredity, learning, and injuries all play a role in determining where or when a stress related illness may occur
in a particular individual (Sapolsky, 22).
Stress has been linked to many diseases or malady conditions. Stress hormones that act on the heart, blood vessels, and lungs may contribute to heart
disease, high blood pressure, and asthma (Feldman, 17). Diseases of the stomach and intestines are often associated to stress because blood leaves
these organs and moves to muscles used in running and fighting. Another difficulty is the prolonging increase of blood sugar can influence the
development of diabetes. Stress also appears to influence the development of cancer.
Chronic stress can also interfere with the body's immune system directly through hormonal changes. Glucocorticoids–a hormone
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Cause And Effect Essay On Stress
Effects of Stress Stress is a reaction to a situation when presented with a challenge, everyone experiences stress at some point. "Stress can lead to
emotional, psychological and even physical problems – including heart disease, high blood pressure, chest pains or irregular heartbeats." (Nahrendorf)
While its effects vary the overall three main effects occur from stress being mental instability, eating habits, and the body physically.
The most common effect of stress comes in the form of muscle pains or headaches. The reasoning for this is because when the body is stressed,
muscles tense up. It is a safety reaction done by the body to shield itself from injury and pain. Eventually when stress fades the muscles will relax
and the feeling will pass, but due to the amount of time the muscles are in this state a side effect is often headaches or even migraines. The
respiratory system is also at risk during states of stress causing breathing to become more intense. That is not an issue for most people, however those
with breathing disorders such as asthma or emphysema can pose a bigger problem. Additionally, some cases of stress can lead to hyperventilation or a
panic attack, which ties into the effects of the cardiovascular system, mainly blood pressure. This mostly occurs through chronic stress or stress over a
longer period. Finally, during high periods of stress an excess of glucose, extra energy for an emergency, known to most as "fight or flight." All this
extra blood
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The Causes Of Stress
Introduction: 1.Stress is defined as pressure or tension; also know as a mental break down every 20 minutes for high school students. 2.For
current and up coming high school/ college students stress will become a much larger problem. This is why it is important to me to fully
understand the true problems that stress can cause, how to prevent it, and how to lessen it. This is so I can become a better student and for my
future kids, nieces, and nephews so I can teach them how to keep their life under control. 3.Learning how to lessen the amount of stress on teens
will help me in the future. Source 1: Homework and Family Stress 1.The first question I asked myself is the stress of the family coming from them
helping their kids to their homework or other family issues that can cause the stress. After I read the article and found out it was a mix of both, I then
wondered to myself if the mom or dad gave their kids the most stress. 2.Robert Pressman, the author of "Homework and Family Stress: With
Consideration of Parents' Self Confidence Educational Level, and Cultural Background" states very interesting facts in his article. Some of which
include... (Going to include his facts, findings, and much more.) 3.Through out the article Pressman talked about how family has a bigger role of
causing stress in someone else's life than you think. "When parents are overly negative or controlling, children tend to be lower achieving." (Robert
299) Speaking the same langue and
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Cause And Effect Essay About Stress
On Earth there are billions of people on this planet, and one–hundred percent of them have dealt with stress in their life at some point. What is stress
exactly? According to the article, "At its most basic level, stress is an imbalance of energy, partly conscious and partly subconscious. The energy that
you spend focusing on negativity and fear is directly proportional to your stress level. ( Nelson 60) Not everyone has to deal with the same type of
stress, because there are a multitude of reasons one might be stressed. There are also certain symptoms some may show to alert others they are stressed.
One ordinary form of stress is labeled as daily stress. Daily stress is also referred to as hassles in everyday life. This form of stress is normally
something that can be dealt with and soon forgot afterword. The main case for this form of stress is a built up or improperly dealing with situations
as they arise. For example, if someone has a long day at work and they need to keep a positive attitude during the day and they cannot release the
stress. Later, the way home they might get stuck in traffic and the stress would have built up and it keeps adding to the level of stress. Then when they
get home they might have to deal with something at home, and the stress would have kept building all day on trivial things that could have been dealt
with, but instead they have turned into stress. If not dealt with the buildup can lead to chronic stress and to an impaired psychological
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Cause And Effect Of Stress
Stress plays a prominent role in one's daily lives. Thus, it is important to identify stress and learn to reduce and cope with stress in order to prevent
stress–related illnesses that may occur. Stress has a major influence upon one's health, thinking, behavior, and mood. Stress is commonly mistaken
for generally evoking negative associations; however, it is actually part of the human experience that places pressure on people so that they may be
able to perform at a higher level achievement. Nonetheless, when stress becomes too much to handle, or becomes chronic, it can affect an individual
physically, mentally, behaviorally, and emotionally. What is stress? According to Debra L. Nelson and James C. Quick, in Organizational Behavior,
"Stress, or the stress response, can be described as the unconscious preparation to fight or flee that a person experiences when faced with any
demand" (103). When an individual is stressed, the body thinks it is under attack, releasing chemical messengers and hormones such as adrenaline
and cortisol to prepare the body for physical action. Through the release of hormones, it enables a person to quickly respond to "fight or flight." For
example, a group of explorers are in the Amazon rainforest, and they come across a jaguar; this sends a signal to the individuals that a threat has
approached, and sends information to their body giving them the fight or flight ability. Furthermore, stress can be classified into two different branches:
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Cause Of Stress In School

  • 1. Cause Of Stress In School Stress is something everyone goes through no matter what age, gender or race you are. Stress is the experience of a perceived threat to one's mental, physical or spiritual well–being, resulting from a series of physiological responses and adaptations. When people think of stress they think it's a bad thing which isn't true, some stress is just your body's reaction to certain situations. At times it may seem like stress is taking over your body leaving you physically, emotionally and mentally hurt but what you can do is learn how to manage your stress to have a healthier and happy lifestyle. Stress management is learning to deal with your stress and take charge. Everyone has different stress triggers, it can be caused by anything and affects people differently. Stress can be caused from your emotions, thoughts in your head, work, family issues, financial problems and can vary. From the start of the day I can start to feel stress as I get ready for a long day of school and work. The number one cause of my stress is school which a lot of students can also relate. There are several reasons why school is a main stressor for a lot of people. One reason is uncertainty of the future, not knowing what you are planning to do with your life as a career path. It's a scary and hard decision to make which causes a lot of stress. Other reasons for school being a number one cause of stress is the academic deadlines, work overload, studying and maintaining high standard grades. Being in Get more content on
  • 2. Cause And Effect Of Stress Stress plays a prominent role in one's daily life. Thus, it is important to identify stress and learn to reduce and cope with stress in order to prevent stress–related illnesses that may occur. Stress has a major influence upon one's health, thinking, behavior, and mood. Stress is commonly mistaken for generally evoking negative associations; however, it is actually part of the human experience that places pressure on people so that they may be able to perform at a higher level achievement. Nonetheless, when stress becomes too much to handle, or becomes chronic, it can affect an individual physically, mentally, behaviorally, and emotionally. What is stress? According to Debra L. Nelson and James C. Quick, in Organizational Behavior, "Stress, or the stress response, can be described as the unconscious preparation to fight or flee that a person experiences when faced with any demand" (103). When an individual is stressed, the body thinks it is under attack, releasing chemical messengers and hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol to prepare the body for physical action. Through the release of hormones, it enables a person to quickly respond to "fight or flight." For example, a group of explorers are in the Amazon rainforest, and they come across a jaguar; this sends a signal to the individuals that a threat has approached, and sends information to their body giving them the fight or flight ability. Furthermore, stress can be classified into two different branches: internal and external. Internal is the ability to send messages and waves throughout our body, resulting in the release of chemicals and hormones. On the other hand, external is the ability to sweat, blush, itch, or anything that physically affects a person. Both of these factors control one's entire bodily function of stress. Stress can be both positive and negative, and can impact how one interact and function on a daily basis. Stress is commonly mistaken for generally evoking negative associations, however a little stress can actually be good for a person. Accordingly, when the body experiences a stressor, its "fight or flight" response kicks in as a way to protect oneself by staying focused, alert, and allowing one the extra energy he or she need Get more content on
  • 3. Nowadays, it is quite normal for people to feel stressed, including the young generations. Students in universities may suffer from stress due to a wide variety of reasons, such as personal issues and financial problems, which may create anxiety. According to research, being under pressure can affect those students mentally and emotionally and even physically, because they overthink their problems, failing in concentrating on their work, and sometimes making choices is difficult for them. Stressed students tend to become nervous easily, and lacking confidence makes them consider it tough to overcome fears and anxiety. Students in universities can be unable to deal with psychological problems properly, they may display negative behaviours such as drinking and smoking excessively, being rude and avoiding challenges. What is more, physical aches including muscle tension are caused by stress as well, and it may produce dizziness, sleeping problems and unhealthy eating habits (NHS, 2017). However, stress does not have any medical definition, when it causes problems, the problems may aggravate its symptoms (Mind, 2017). For college students, it is necessary to handle the pressure properly and positively, schools and governments also have to take it seriously. This essay will illustrate the cause and effect of stress, and offer solutions to stressed students. Stress may come in two ways. Normally, it may be triggered by specific things or events like "personal issues", work and Get more content on
  • 4. Causes and Effects of Stress According to HeartMath LLC,"Stress is the basic cause of 60% of all human illness and disease". Stress is a huge problem in the world today and affects many people. Everyone has different stress triggers. For example, work, school, and children are all parts of life that many people struggle with and cause them to go into overload. Stress can take a toll on many people's bodies and can cause serious problems. In opposition to the people who think that stress is a negative, some people say that it is a positive. They claim that it motivates them, boosts their adrenaline, and makes them smarter. Many people in the world experience stress in their everyday lives. Adults experience most of their stress in the workplace. Long hours, a heavy workload, and changes in the company are some of the attributions to why they are so stressed. Long hours can cause tension because of the lack of sleep that adults get, working more than they are used to. A heavy workload can seem very overwhelming and extreme deadlines make it even worse. Changes in a company can also cause tension because changes often lead to more work or a different environment. For example, if the company hires a new person, someone else is responsible for giving them the training they need to fit the job. Also, if the chemistry of the coworkers is not good, that causes tension and makes it harder to work in that environment. Maritta Kinnunen–Amoroso and Juha Liira suggest that, "The Get more content on
  • 5. Cause And Effect Essay On Stress Effects of Stress Stress is something affiliated within the lives of everyone, man or woman, young or old. Whether it is stress from school, work or at home, stress is a universal situation that everyone goes through. Stress can make one feel emotionally and physically drained, which affects how they continue with their day–to–day lives. With all the different causes that factor into the effects of stress, how do these causes of stress affect one's health? Well, many factors come into play regarding causes of stress. It could be due to heavy workloads, unhappiness over work or school, family issues (such as divorce or illnesses), fear of world issues, major life changes and more. The negative effects that stress has on one's health include physical, mental and behavioral effects that disrupt one's lifestyle and makes everyday a struggle for them. For starters, stress can affect one's health physically. Our bodies naturally respond physically to stressful situations. When someone is stressed, the nervous system releases hormones that either helps them get through the stressful situation or cause them to crumble under the pressure. This leads to what is known as acute stress (short term) which includes increased heart rates, faster breathing, tense muscles and sweating. If you are stressed for a longer period of time, it leads to chronic stress which brings more serious health issues. One serious physical effect of stress is insomnia. Insomnia, which is a condition disrupting sleep, is common with those who are under a lot of stress. They experience hyperarousal, which is a form of PTSD that disrupts the amount of time someone sleeps and stays awake. Stress makes people have difficulty sleeping as well as fatigue when awake. This disruption of sleep negatively affects one's lifestyle because they will be unable to complete daily tasks to their best ability. Another physical effect of stress is heart related issues such as heart attacks and other heart diseases. Stress causes high blood pressure, chest pains and irregular heart rates that can later develop into heart diseases or heart attacks. Stress can either cause or amplify heart related problems. Chronic stress causes an increase in stress hormones such as Get more content on
  • 6. What is Stress? Essay Stress is something that affects many people each and every day. Life is full of hassles, deadlines, frustrations, and demands. For some people stress is so common it is a way of life. Stress can be very harmful and or helpful. It could help motivate you to meet a deadline and perform a task under pressure. Stress can also be very harmful, such as memory problems, moodiness, aches and pains, and eating more or less. So what is stress? Stress is a normal physical response that happens when you feel threatened or upset. When you feel that you are in danger whether it is real or imaged. Your body has a response when stress occurs and it is a way of actually protecting you. Many times, stress helps people stay more focussed and more content... Stress can affect the mind, body, and behavior. These affects could cause your relationships with others can be affected with your girlfriend, parents, or anyone else who is significant in your life. Stress has many different symptoms the most often and most common is having a headache. On your body the effects of stress are muscle tension or pain, chest pain, and fatigue. The effects of stress on your mood is anxiety, restlessness, and lack of motivation or focus. Finally, the effects of stress on your behavior is overeating or under eating, drug or alcohol abuse, and social withdraw. Since anyone at any age can be stressed there is no certain population that is effected the most. I would say that teenagers get stressed easily due to school, spots and or jobs. The thing that stresses most high school student out is picking and choosing what they are going to do after high school and what college they will be going to if any. People a little bit older after college could be stressed by trying to find a job or trying to find or support a family. Older people could be stressed if they are running out of money but besides that older people are probably the least stressful people in are population. Stress is not only affected in the work place and at home, it is also affected during sports. There is a ton of pressure in many high school sports especially individual sports. Stress is the body's way of Get more content on
  • 7. Cause And Effect Of Stress Have we ever wondered why there are more heart attack cases on Monday than any other the day of the week? Why adults cannot be as happy as little kids? Why college or school students have a sleepless night before the exam? The answer is stress. Stress has become a normal part of our life and its negative effects are increasing with such a fast rate that after a few decades or so, it is going to be the leading cause of death. Stress as defined "is an internal state which can be caused by the physical demands of the body .e.g. disease conditions, exercise, and the like or by environmental and social situations which are evaluated as potentially harmful and uncontrollable or exceeding our resources for coping." (Lazarus and Folkman (1984)). In other words, stress is a reaction to a certain situations where an individual body or mind cannot fulfil the demands of the situation. Factors or things which can cause stress are called stressor. There are numerous kind of stressor in a person's life and these stressors can be different for different person. For example, roller coaster can be very stressful and dangerous for elderly people, but for teenagers, it is an enjoyable and exciting ride. For the elderly ones, the ride is the cause of negative stress called distress while for teenagers, it is the cause of positive stress called eustress. Stress also affects differently for physically different individuals. Stress can be caused by many other factors such as everyday life revolving Get more content on
  • 8. Essay Conclusion On Stress Introduction Stress is a normal reaction to life events. It is what you feel when life demands more than you are used to or more than you can handle. Some stress can be useful. For example, the stress reaction can help you catch the last bus of the day, study for a test, or meet a deadline at work. But stress that occurs too often or for too long can cause problems. It can affect your emotional health and interfere with relationships and normal daily activities. Too much stress can weaken your immune system and increase your risk for physical illness. If you already have a medical problem, stress can make it worse. What are the causes? All sorts of life events may cause stress. An event that causes stress for one person may not more content... He or she may diagnose this condition based on: Your symptoms. Yourhealth care provider will ask questions about your symptoms and any stressful life events. Medical history. Your health care provider will ask you questions about any medical problems you have had in the past. You may also have other tests, including blood tests. Certain medical conditions and medicine can cause physical symptoms similar to stress. Mental illness can cause emotional symptoms and unhealthy behaviors similar to stress. Your health care provider may refer you to a mental health professional for further evaluation. How is this treated? Stress management is the recommended treatment for stress. The goals of stress management are reducing stressful life events and coping with stress in healthy ways. Techniques for reducing stressful life events include the following: Stress identification. Monitor yourself for stress and identify what causes stress for you. These skills may help you to avoid some stressful events. Time management. Set your priorities, keep a calendar of events, and learn to say "no." These tools can help you avoid making too many commitments. Techniques for coping with stress include the following: Rethinking the problem. Try to think realistically about stressful events rather than ignoring them or overreacting. Try to find the positives in a stressful situation rather than focusing on the negatives. Exercise. Physical exercise can release both
  • 9. Get more content on
  • 10. What Are The Causes And Effects Of Stress Essay What are the causes and effects of stress? Valerie Bertinelli quotes "Happiness is a choice. You can choose to be happy. There's going to be stress in life, but it's your choice whether you let it affect you or not". One might ask "What is stress? Collins Dictionary defines stress as the "mental or emotional tension or strain characterized by feelings of anxiety, fear etc". How does stress affects us? Stress is something that we do not have control over. Klinic Community Health Centre (2010) states "there can be positive and negative stressors". Everyone in this world experience stress from time to time but what really matters is the way in which it affects individuals. Some individuals experienced stressful moments but based on the more content... Your body reacts to grief too; you'll certainly feel tired. You can also feel physically weak as if all your strength has drained away and left you unable to do things you used to find easy. You could experience tightness in your chest, a change in your heartbeat or difficulty breathing. You'll either lose your appetite (or overeat to soothe anxiety). You can suffer from insomnia or just want to sleep the days (and nights) away. You can find yourself crying at unexpected times, both publically and Get more content on
  • 11. Stress in the Workplace Essay Stress in the workplace Stress in the workplace has become one of the increasingly popular topics of discussion over the last couple of decades. It has become a major concern among various organizations creating an impact on the management and operations of the organization. This paper will give a detailed definition of what stress in the workplace is and the most common causes of stress amongst both employers and employees. In the midst of investigating the causes of stress, I will give an outline of what can be done to manage the stress by not only the individual but also by the employers themselves. I will also mention the effects of stress to an individual, which can be categorized as short–term effects both psychological more content... In the United States, the American Institute of Stress (AIS) has estimated that 40% of the worker turnover is due to stress and the cost of stress in the workplace has been estimated to be over $300 billion per year. However, the ability of employers to lower the rate of stress in the workplace has shown to improve the employee's quality of work and their health (Lee 36). Causes of stress in the workplace There are a variety of different causes of stress in the workplace and an ability to identify these as an employer is important because it will help in knowing how to deal with and correct any problems arising from it. Most of the stresses are caused when the demands at work become extreme or excessive. Many of these demands are a direct result of technological advances that have made work processes easier but on the other hand, require employees to do more tasks. Current technology demands the workers to constantly perform near peak levels, be competitive and be cognizant of technological breakthroughs. In some circumstances, the organization fails to inform the workers about changes in the business or the technology they are using in their systems which can cause tension and uncertainty. Because of this, the worker can feel a constant fear of losing their position if they do not work efficiently and understand the new changes in the organization. Another cause of stress is a change in the workplace environment. As an Get more content on
  • 12. Cause And Effects Of Stress Causes and Effects of Stress According to HeartMath LLC,"Stress is the basic cause of 60% of all human illness and disease". Stress is a huge problem in the world today and effects many people. Everyone has different stress triggers. For example, work, school, and children are all parts of life that many people struggle with and cause them to go into overload. Stress take a toll on many people 's bodies and can cause serious problems like high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. In opposition to the people who think that stress is a negative, some people say that it is a positive. They claim that it motivates them, boosts their adrenaline, and makes them smarter. Many people in the world experience stress in more content... employers an estimated $200 billion per year in absenteeism, lower productivity, staff turnover, workers ' compensation, medical insurance and other stress–related expenses." If stress causes a company money why are they continuing to overload employees with work. If they were looking at the best interest of their company and their employees they would consider there life outside of work and cut them some slack. Another effect in the workplace includes sleep deprivation from staying up those long nights getting work done. Everyone needs sleep and if one does not get enough it can affect how much they get done and the quality of their work. In addition to stress in the workplace, finances is a huge stress factor for adults. This is not just a small problem it affects many adults: "72 percent of adults admitted worrying about finances, and 22 percent called this stress extreme" (Addie, Kane). This is an ongoing issue in the world and something that most if not all deal with in their lifetime. Keeping up with the bills and paying for everyday expenses is very hard for some people to keep up with, especially those of which who have a lower income. Adults in a lower income household are more likely to stress about money and making ends meet. Along with income and finances, job loss and unemployment are other sources of income for adults. When someone loses a job they no longer have a source of income to pay for any expenses. They now have to worry Get more content on
  • 13. Causes and Effects of Stress on Our Lives Introduction People have felt stress. Stress is scientifically defined as any stimulus or condition that threatens the body's homeostasis. Stress could be a negative or positive. People believe that thinking too much about things will make it go or help vanish the situation. Sometimes when thinking about things it can suddenly lead to being angry, mad or start screaming. People feeling angry or mad meaning that stress has overcome their life. Nowadays, people are wondering, "what is stress?" and "why does it happen?" Well stress is an unusual physical reaction to events that make people feel helpless, upset, angry and mad. Most individuals aren't aware of stress and what can it have affect on their lives. Stress plays a dangerous role in human lives it can affect or lead to physical and mental problems. Stress happens only when people try too hard or work too much on things and such things are called pressurizing. Pressure plays the main cause of stress, which can lead someone to be nervous, crazy or angry. Not all stress are harmful, an equalized amount of stress maximizes health. Humans need some stress for emotional well–being. The fundamentals that causes stress are noise, fear, pressure from work or family, worrying a lot and working too much or too hard at your jobs, schools or home. Body Paragraph 1 Firstly, worrying too much about things can lead or cause awful stress. The human needs to be relaxed and unworried about anything even if this thing was very important Get more content on
  • 14. Causes of Stress Essay Causes of Stress Introduction So, what causes the stress that can be so bad for you? Some people may have a nervous system that goes into a stress reaction more readily than others. This could be due to individual differences in genetics and brain chemistry. To try to understand stress better, we need to consider the psychological factors involved– emotional and cognitive (thinking) factors. Research has suggested that major stressors in our lives are life changes, for example, moving house, marriage or relationship breakdown. Work–related factors, including unemployment and boredom, are also common causes of stress. Differences in personality may also play a part. more content... Other research in the 1990's showed a correlation between high levels of negative life events with increased vulnerability to colds. The trouble with this 'social readjustment rating scale' is that it does not account for the fact that some people will find the same sort of event less stressful than others – for example, divorce could be perceived as a relief or a disaster. We cannot give reliable predictions about risks of stress–related illness based on this scale. Lazarus and colleagues in the 1980s came up with a different stress measurement scale called the 'hassles and uplifts scale'. They claimed that, rather than major life changes, it is day–to–day hassles or small uplifts that determine our overall levels of stress. It has been found that found that high scores on 'hassles' – for example, being stuck in traffic or minor arguments with partner – correlated with symptoms of anxiety disorders and depression.
  • 15. Personality and stress In the 1970s, Friedman and Rosenman carried out a nine–year study of 1000 people to try to find out if personality type affected stress levels. They came up with the idea of the 'Type A' personality– illustrated below: The typical 'type A' person is competitive, time–conscious, 'workaholic' and easily frustrated with others. Researchers have suggested that this sort of person would be likely to Get more content on
  • 16. Cause And Effect Essay About Stress Have you ever wondered why you had a major breakout of acne on your face last week? That incident could be very likely caused a great deal of stress. Stress is a physical response that many people deal with due to an overload of tension or straining. Stress is the body's response to specific situations, and it affects a countless amount of people to this day. There are ways of dealing withstress and ways of preventing it too. Stress is part of everyday life, and it is meant to be managed so that people can remain happy and healthy. There are numerous things to know about stress and what exactly it is. Stress is originally a response from the body when the body is feeling attacked. When a person is under stress, the body will switch into a "fight or flight" type of mode. When the body goes into "flight or fight" mode, it responds by releasing a mix of a variety of hormones and chemicals. Some of the chemicals that the body may release include adrenaline, cortisol, and norepinephrine. These types of hormones and chemicals are released in the intention of trying to prepare the body for physical action to the stress that it is undergoing. The hormones and chemicals are released to respond to the situation that the person is being accustomed to. The situation represents the stress that the person is dealing with at that point in time. There are a variety of different types of stress that a person may experience, and not all stress is necessarily bad to experience. One of the types of stress is called acute stress. This type of stress is usually the most common that is dealt with today. This type of stress is as common as a person brushing their teeth everyday. Acute stress takes place when the body reacts to a new challenge, event, or demand. When this type of stress is being taken place, it will trigger the body to go into "fight or flight mode". Some examples that may be the cause of this type of stress may include things like a fight with a close relative, pushing off homework to the very last minute, or waiting for a letter to see if you got accepted to your dream college. Acute stress is not always necessarily bad or considered "negative". A person can also experience acute from things like Get more content on
  • 17. Essay on Stress: Causes And Effects Stress: Causes and Effects Stress is an ongoing dilemma that occurs in each and everyone's life. It is a factor that is undoubtedly a part of daily living. Due to the trivial problems that occur in people's daily lives massive amounts of stress can arise. People perceive and manage stress in many different ways. The causes and effects of stress are numerous and one's ability to manage stress is vital in maintaining healthy living. First, stress is defined as an unpleasant state of emotional and physiological arousal that people experience in situations that they perceive as dangerous or threatening to their well being (Patel, 14). Stress is a universal feeling to everyone but the word stress means different things more content... Stress affects the body in many different ways. Many doctors estimate that stress is involved in more than half of all illnesses (Sapolsky, 21). Stress may cause or prolong an illness or increase its severity. Epinephrine and norepinephrine are hormones that are released during a stress reaction that affect organs throughout the body. As a result from the hormones being secreted, the heart begins to beat more rapidly, muscle tension increases, blood pressure raises, and heavy breathing may occur. This reaction is known as the fight–or–flight response. The fight–or–flight response energizes the body to either confront or flee from a threat. Heredity, learning, and injuries all play a role in determining where or when a stress related illness may occur in a particular individual (Sapolsky, 22). Stress has been linked to many diseases or malady conditions. Stress hormones that act on the heart, blood vessels, and lungs may contribute to heart disease, high blood pressure, and asthma (Feldman, 17). Diseases of the stomach and intestines are often associated to stress because blood leaves these organs and moves to muscles used in running and fighting. Another difficulty is the prolonging increase of blood sugar can influence the development of diabetes. Stress also appears to influence the development of cancer. Chronic stress can also interfere with the body's immune system directly through hormonal changes. Glucocorticoids–a hormone Get more content on
  • 18. Cause And Effect Essay On Stress Effects of Stress Stress is a reaction to a situation when presented with a challenge, everyone experiences stress at some point. "Stress can lead to emotional, psychological and even physical problems – including heart disease, high blood pressure, chest pains or irregular heartbeats." (Nahrendorf) While its effects vary the overall three main effects occur from stress being mental instability, eating habits, and the body physically. The most common effect of stress comes in the form of muscle pains or headaches. The reasoning for this is because when the body is stressed, muscles tense up. It is a safety reaction done by the body to shield itself from injury and pain. Eventually when stress fades the muscles will relax and the feeling will pass, but due to the amount of time the muscles are in this state a side effect is often headaches or even migraines. The respiratory system is also at risk during states of stress causing breathing to become more intense. That is not an issue for most people, however those with breathing disorders such as asthma or emphysema can pose a bigger problem. Additionally, some cases of stress can lead to hyperventilation or a panic attack, which ties into the effects of the cardiovascular system, mainly blood pressure. This mostly occurs through chronic stress or stress over a longer period. Finally, during high periods of stress an excess of glucose, extra energy for an emergency, known to most as "fight or flight." All this extra blood Get more content on
  • 19. The Causes Of Stress Introduction: 1.Stress is defined as pressure or tension; also know as a mental break down every 20 minutes for high school students. 2.For current and up coming high school/ college students stress will become a much larger problem. This is why it is important to me to fully understand the true problems that stress can cause, how to prevent it, and how to lessen it. This is so I can become a better student and for my future kids, nieces, and nephews so I can teach them how to keep their life under control. 3.Learning how to lessen the amount of stress on teens will help me in the future. Source 1: Homework and Family Stress 1.The first question I asked myself is the stress of the family coming from them helping their kids to their homework or other family issues that can cause the stress. After I read the article and found out it was a mix of both, I then wondered to myself if the mom or dad gave their kids the most stress. 2.Robert Pressman, the author of "Homework and Family Stress: With Consideration of Parents' Self Confidence Educational Level, and Cultural Background" states very interesting facts in his article. Some of which include... (Going to include his facts, findings, and much more.) 3.Through out the article Pressman talked about how family has a bigger role of causing stress in someone else's life than you think. "When parents are overly negative or controlling, children tend to be lower achieving." (Robert 299) Speaking the same langue and Get more content on
  • 20. Cause And Effect Essay About Stress On Earth there are billions of people on this planet, and one–hundred percent of them have dealt with stress in their life at some point. What is stress exactly? According to the article, "At its most basic level, stress is an imbalance of energy, partly conscious and partly subconscious. The energy that you spend focusing on negativity and fear is directly proportional to your stress level. ( Nelson 60) Not everyone has to deal with the same type of stress, because there are a multitude of reasons one might be stressed. There are also certain symptoms some may show to alert others they are stressed. One ordinary form of stress is labeled as daily stress. Daily stress is also referred to as hassles in everyday life. This form of stress is normally something that can be dealt with and soon forgot afterword. The main case for this form of stress is a built up or improperly dealing with situations as they arise. For example, if someone has a long day at work and they need to keep a positive attitude during the day and they cannot release the stress. Later, the way home they might get stuck in traffic and the stress would have built up and it keeps adding to the level of stress. Then when they get home they might have to deal with something at home, and the stress would have kept building all day on trivial things that could have been dealt with, but instead they have turned into stress. If not dealt with the buildup can lead to chronic stress and to an impaired psychological Get more content on
  • 21. Cause And Effect Of Stress Stress plays a prominent role in one's daily lives. Thus, it is important to identify stress and learn to reduce and cope with stress in order to prevent stress–related illnesses that may occur. Stress has a major influence upon one's health, thinking, behavior, and mood. Stress is commonly mistaken for generally evoking negative associations; however, it is actually part of the human experience that places pressure on people so that they may be able to perform at a higher level achievement. Nonetheless, when stress becomes too much to handle, or becomes chronic, it can affect an individual physically, mentally, behaviorally, and emotionally. What is stress? According to Debra L. Nelson and James C. Quick, in Organizational Behavior, "Stress, or the stress response, can be described as the unconscious preparation to fight or flee that a person experiences when faced with any demand" (103). When an individual is stressed, the body thinks it is under attack, releasing chemical messengers and hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol to prepare the body for physical action. Through the release of hormones, it enables a person to quickly respond to "fight or flight." For example, a group of explorers are in the Amazon rainforest, and they come across a jaguar; this sends a signal to the individuals that a threat has approached, and sends information to their body giving them the fight or flight ability. Furthermore, stress can be classified into two different branches: internal Get more content on