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Community Based Policing Essay
Community Based Policing
There has always been a love–hate relationship between the public and the police. When called upon to help, they can be something sent from God,
but when they are writing tickets, or taking a friend to jail, the view changes from a savior to a presence that is unwanted and often hated. An effort to
improve the public view of law enforcement is being attempted by many departments. Using different styles of policing techniques, mainly community
based policing, has proved to be the best way to improve the image of law enforcement.
Community based policing can best be defined as, 'a collaborative effort between the police and the community that identifies problems of crime and
disorder and more content...
The idea behind this is to show the public that the police are not someone to fear, but more someone who can help.
There are two main benefits of community based policing. The first is the improved image of law enforcement. By having a more active part in the
community, law enforcement changes itself from being the enforcer, to being the preventer. This is a shift in the view of the public that make life
easier for the officer, and safer for the community. The second benefit of community based policing, is the safer community that it creates. With
involvement from both the police and the public, crime in communities can be greatly reduced.
Community based policing requires the public support in order to succeed. Through meetings between communities and the police, areas of crime or
concern can be address and some sort of action taken, ?Community policing attempts to actively involve the community with the police in the task of
crime control by creating an effective working partnership between the community and the police? (Sparrow). Without public support, community
based policing would fail. This would lead the fear of crime in communities, and the hatred of the police. Essentially it would be a step backwards in
?Police departments throughout the country continue to join the community policing bandwagon? (Schmalleger). Almost all departments are making
some sort of attempt with community based policing. The biggest
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Community Policing and Community Justice Essay
CJ220 Criminal Justice and the Community
Community policing is explained as a collaboration of community and the police working together to help identify and solve criminal activities.
Additionally, the whole concept behind it is to promote public safety and to enhance the quality of life within the neighborhoods in which we reside
in. Community policing is composed of two major components which are community partnership and problem solving. Community policing is a
program that was initially started in the 1940's. All of the support that was released for this program was materialized actually in the 1980's. One of
the main goals if not the most important goal was to bring in the law enforcement closer to their local public to more content...
Community justice broadly refers to different aspects of crime prevention and justice activities that include the quality of life as a goal for the
community. Recent initiatives include community crime prevention, community policing, community defense, community prosecution, community
courts, and restorative justice sanctioning systems. Community justice prioritizes different types of offenders to determine the sanctioning for the
victims and to ensure the offender is ready to enter back into their community in good standing with no problems. In other words, they do not want
them back in the community if they feel they have not learned their lesson or have been rehabilitated. Community justice's main focus is to promote
public safety and like I had said earlier to ensure that the quality of life of the community is in good standing. Community justice includes different
ways of interpreting information about police, courts, and corrections that highlights problem–solving techniques. There is a strategy behind
community justice such as including restorative justice practices and processes. They also include both adult and juvenile offenders to create a safer
community rather than doing things for the offenders or actually to them. Community justice wants to prevent victimization to help establish public
safety. It also places a high priority on the wants,
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Community Policing Essay
Community policing is considered to be one answer of how to maintain social area. It is considered as collaboration between the police and the
community in which it seeks to identify and solve community problems. Community policing has a mission to enhance the quality of police services.
Community policing has evolved over the years encountering several benefits as well as criticism, developing initiatives and a host of programs.
Community policing focuses on crime and social disorder through the delivery of police services that includes: traits of traditional law enforcement, as
well as problem solving, prevention, partnerships, and community engagement. "Thus, in the past, the police equated crime prevention and police
effectiveness more content...
Decentralization of authority and responsibility the approach turning the organization upside down and producing is leveling of decisions. Empowered
partnerships including the community, government, and police with the community members, community police officers, and representatives from
various social agencies all share the predefined and limited authority being community members. "Members also discuss feelings and perceptions of
local crime problems and develop solutions to deal with them" (Rosenbaum, 1987). Problem solving orientation empowered partnership focus on
resolving community problems that could lead to crime. Discovering a problem, fixing the problem, also evaluating the solution after it is
implemented. Problem solving strategy can stand alone without community police, but community policing cannot survive without a problem solving
element. A proactive stance meaning that the organization moves from reactive police strategy that a proactive initiative requiring a partnership
relevant public agencies and the
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Community Policing
In recent years we have seen crimes committed by juveniles get more violent and organized, while crimes committed by juveniles may have decreased
over the years, younger criminals are becoming more complex with the crimes they commit. Depending on the crime, some people believe juveniles
should be charged as adults. Some people believe the crimes they commit are so heinous that they deserve to suffer. Others believe guidance is needed
for these juveniles, and that rehabilitation can help these juveniles develop into rational beings. General deterrence is used to make examples out of
individuals that commit crimes. General deterrence can be used on juveniles by exploiting them publically, and having other juveniles see this done.
Once more content...
Some people view all police officers as "bad" people because of incidents that they see in the media, and things they may hear from others.
Community policing can show people that all officers are not "bad" people, and that some officer really do want to help people within the
neighborhood (Liou & Savage, 1996). In my neighborhood a lot of people view officers as lazy and unmoved by problems within the community. If
officers showed concerns with community problems, then this could definitely improve the view people have about police officers. By improving the
overall image of police officers this can make people more willing to help and be comfortable when talking to
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Community Policing Essay examples
On the matter of community policing, I believe that the police force plays a big role. This is based on implementing the various strategies geared
towards achieving an effective community policing. Taking a closer look at crime, it is widely evident that crime cases in any given society cannot
be solved by any single individual alone. This calls for aid in order to curb the vice. Not to mention the complexity of crime, the police should no be
left alone to deal with the matter. The community and police thus need to work together to deal with criminal activities. This will necessitate splitting
of the crime matter into smaller areas that are easy to manage. The police officers are then set to work in these areas. The police therefore
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The methodology to be adopted in community policing may be highlighted as: creation of crime curbing projects, increased number of police to the
community through creation of nearby police stations or using foot patrols, establishment of community–police committees, initialization of programs
that assist crime victims, and using the community to get feedback on crime rate prevention and satisfaction. The movement from the former systems
of policing to community policing system calls for major changes. These changes may be in terms of goals, aims, policies and activities of police
units, as well as the general image portrayed by police force. Consequently, this movement bears an eminent amount of disagreements as well as
resistance within the police force. The police officers and their managers are the major parties involved in the matter of resistance. The managers fear
loss of power and authority to control their officers when they become community police, on the other hand the police officer do not welcome the new
role of solving community problems (Rohe, Adams and Arcury, 2001). This is because they are used to the normal role of enforcing laws. The
implementation process therefore demands training of police officers on their new roles. Stakeholders in any project are the persons with major interest
on the same project. In community policing, the key stakeholders are the community members
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Community Policing Research Paper
Being a police officer has been a passion of mine for many years. Although many people have different opinions on policing, I strongly believe in the
word cop, community oriented policing. defines cop as "a philosophy that promotes organizational strategies, which support the
systematic use of partnerships and problem solving techniques, to proactively address the immediate conditions that give rise to public safety issues,
such as crime, social disorder, and fear of crime." This can lead to better relationships between police and the community, it gives citizens more control
of the quality of life in their community, and it gives the chance for police officers to join the neighborhoods.Community policing is a way to build more content...
It builds bonds between officer and citizen. People will know the officers on a first name basis. For example, when people have the same delivery
driver for years they start to build a bond with them. I know a lady who has had the same drive for 10 years and every Christmas makes him a pie.
Actions like this, having the same faces around builds relationships and nearly diminishes the fear between citizen and police. Community
policing is also a chance for the officers to join the neighborhoods. For example, when a police officer works in a particular neighborhood and
knows everyone, the officer is more likely to live in that neighborhood. Another example, is seeing someone grow up in that neighborhood to
become a police officer and patrolling the streets he played around in as a kid. Knowing you live or you are from the neighborhood you work in,
is an added bonus to keeping the community safe. Wanting to be a police officer so passionately now for many years, I believe that community
oriented policing is a way to restore our neighborhoods. It will remind people what police offers are really for and that although there may be a bad
apple in the bunch, police officers are there to help. To serve and to protect the communities we grew up
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Community Policing
Policing Paper
Community Policing
Jason Speece
University of Phoenix
AJS/502–Survey of Justice and Security
November 28, 2011
One of the most effective policing strategies used in law enforcement is community policing. Two experts in this strategy are Robert Trojanowicz and
Bonnie Bucqueroux. They have done research and wrote many articles on the topic. Trojanowicz worked for Michigan State University and has
recently passed away. Bucqueroux was a victim of domestic violence and has added ideas in this area for community policing. Over the years
community policing has become an effective method used by law enforcement to better serve their communities. The concept is to develop a
partnership between the police and more content...
In community policing the officer would ask why the person is speeding. The person's response will be the deciding factor. If they are speeding
because their spouse has just been rushed to the hospital they may not get the ticket. Of course they need to be on track to be going to the hospital.
Community policing is an effective strategy of law enforcement can use to create a positive image within the community. Programs such as D.A.R.E
help the community see officers as more than just people being paid to arrest people. It shows they are part of the community also. Law enforcement
and communities need to work together to create safe and positive living environments for children and adults. People like Robert Trojanowicz and
Bonnie Bucqueroux have been proponents of this model. Communities which have incorporated this strategy have shown improvement in community
and police cooperation and cutting down on minor
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Essay about Community Policing
Community Policing
What is community policing? According to The Committee on Law and Justice, Community policing (problem–oriented policing,
neighborhood–oriented policing or community–oriented policing) is a policing strategy and philosophy based on the notion that community interaction
and support can help control crime, with community members helping to identify suspects, detain vandals and bring problems to the attention of police.
One of the most effective means of involving the community in exploring creative ways to enhance public safety is to provide them a Community
Policing Officer, who acts as a problem solver to other public and private agencies that can help. The history of modern law enforcement began 166
years more content...
This case study also documents the first organized battle to the basic concepts of community policing. In the 1970's a new type of policing came
about called "team policing" There were numerous reasons why this type of policing failed including: social climate, more patrol cars and less foot
patrol, contradiction of the basic beliefs of professionalism, and isolation from the community, which makes crime control more difficult. Like team
policing, community policing is rooted in the belief that the traditional officer on the beat will bring the police and the community closer. Instead of
just responding to calls and arresting criminals, community policing officers would devote a great deal of time to performing social works and
working independently and creatively on solutions to the problems on their beats.
Another question that pops into mind about community policing might be how does community policing work? A focus of Community Policing is
problem–solving. Police will still respond to emergencies. On the other hand, many calls to the police are not police–related. They are more effectively
handled by other agencies. As the amount of these non–emergency calls lessen, officers can spend more time working with citizens to solve crime and
chaos problems, with better communication among police and the citizens, officers can better use and share crime information with the public,
residents can tie people with other public and private agencies that can
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Community Policing
There are three main components associated with community policing: community partnerships, problem solving, and change management. In
agreement with Bohm & Haley (2012), with "community policing", society share a duty regarding their security and well–being of their community.
According to Bohm & Haley (2012) on community partnerships, the police turn into an indispensable part of the community society, and the citizens of
the community, thus, helps the police characterize future wrongdoing anticipation systems and allot security control for the people. Police see a need
to go out in the community to form meetings with the citizens to help them strategize safety methods for their protection.
The problem solving process is always a main concern
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Essay on Community Policing
Community policing has emerged since the 1970s as an increasingly important strategy for controlling and preventing crime and enhancing community
safety. It is both a philosophy and an organizational strategy that allows the police and the community to work closely together in creative ways to
solve the problems of crime, drugs, fear of crime, physical and social disorder, neighborhood decay, and the overall quality of life in the community.
Community policing is difficult to define. Although it does not have a single definition, there are many elements of community policing.
Champion states there are several definitions to define community policing.
1. "[Community policing is] whenever citizens and to more content...
Community policing in America can be traced from the colonial times to the 1900s. American policing activities transpired in early England at or
about the time of the Norman Conquest in 1066. Chancellors were used to settle disputes between neighbors, such as property boundary issues,
trespass allegations, and child misconduct. "An early equivalent of the chancellor, with similar duties and responsibilities, was the justice of the peace,
dating to about A.D. 1200. Together with the chancellors or justices of the peace, reeves (now more commonly know as a sheriff) maintained order in
their respective jurisdictions (Champion 22). England's use of policing became well known. Many other regions soon adopted England's standards.
American colonist continued the English system of law enforcement and the study of law. In addition to reeves, constables were used for maintaining
law and order in colonial communities. The duties of constables included collecting fees for highway usage, collecting taxes, and presiding over minor
legal issues. The position of the sheriff was created and they became the principal law enforcement officers in the various counties throughout the
colonies. Early policing was characterized as urban policemen walking beats and interacting daily with merchants and other members of the
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Philosophy Of Community Policing
Community policing complements the traditional policing as an initiative to enhance community partnerships to reduce crime and the fear of crime.
The philosophy of community policing is reliant on encouraging healthy relationships between officers and their community to get to the root of crime
instead of treating the symptoms as founded in traditional policing methods. Traditional policing methods are based more on rapid response, patrol, and
investigation procedures, but these processes are lacking in dealing with the underlying issues affecting communities (Ortmeier & Meese, 2010, p. 227).
Therefore, the community policing and problem–solving philosophy is not necessarily focused on replacing traditional policing methods as it is on
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Community Policing Essay
Several studies have checked the compares of citizen volunteerism in crime prevention programs, but a small number of studies have thoroughly
compared community–oriented policing (COP) programs. In a progressive society, law enforcement should embody numerous ways that seek to curb
crime. Police work and community policing work in tandem because both are aimed at improving public safety.
The philosophy behind community policing recognizes that the members of a community are important and engaging them in law enforcement
activities could help to lower crime rate. It is overwhelming when police officers have to carry out their law enforcement duties and still answer to
community policing calls for service. However, this gridlock comes about because there lacks a perspective when it comes community policing.
Viewing community policing as a partnership between the members of public and law enforcement officers can be a great way to overcome these
challenges (Lawrence, & McCarthy, 2013). In such more content...
This partnership also takes off a huge burden of work from the hands of the police officers making it easier for them to rest and engage in other
personal matters before they can resume work. This method can work effectively in areas where there is a shortage of police officers. By training
members of the community on how to gather information for investigation purposes, as well as to respond to non–violent crimes, it takes away a lot of
work that could have tied the police officers down. Such partnerships are crucial for community policing to work. Successful community partnerships
go beyond sharing information or maintaining contact (Lawrence, & McCarthy, 2013). They embody endless efforts to work together meaningfully to
address security problems affecting the
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Essay on Community Oriented Policing (COP)
Introduction The police are usually charged with the great responsibility of ensuring that citizens are living quality lives that are free of crime and
fear. In order to perform this duty effectively, the police need accurate and deeper knowledge of the citizens and issues they encounter in their daily
lives. This knowledge will not be easy to come by if the police work independently from the citizens. Over the last several decades, police agencies
have been working to gain the respect and the cooperation of the communities they serve. Community Oriented Policing was introduced to bring a
closer working relationship between the citizens and the police.
Community Oriented Policing
Community Oriented Policing (COP) is a concept more content...
Through this cooperation, it is possible to modify the environments that promote criminal behaviors.
The concept of COP is almost similar to that of Problem Oriented Policing (POP) apart from a few differences. POP is a concept that involves
critically examining pieces of community issues with the aim of learning something new from the problem identified that will lead to more effective
strategies for dealing with crime (Zarka, 2007). POP is designed to identify and eliminate causes of reoccurring crime and disorder that harm the
community. Just like COP, the main goals of POP are to reduce crime and maintain social order. POP replaces the traditional incident driven policing
strategies and, therefore, gave rise to the concept of Community policing (Reno Police Department, 1992).
COP and POP designs involve a more open relationship between the citizens and the police with the aim of giving the police a more proactive role in
community issues (Mirsky, 2009). Under community policing, police are empowered to engage citizens in providing solutions to community's
problems. COP involves tactics such as foot and bike patrol, mini–stations, and beat meetings among many others. It also entails changes in police and
community structures among a few other external changes. These may include formation of community squad division and geographical organization.
COP and POP recognize that crime may be associated to micro–social
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Community Policing Essay
This dissertation will examine the Community–Oriented Policing Model and determine if it is or isn't proven to be an effective way of policing.
Crime has been a major problem and concern for law enforcement as early as the 1900's. Citizens had become fed up with such high crime rates and
order maintenance issues, and felt something needed to be done to prevent crime and restore order. There are several policing strategies that have been
implemented from the traditional model of policing to the Community–Oriented Policing Model in how Police Officers deter crime and how they
work with community leaders in order to deter crime, restore order and make neighborhoods a safer place to live. This paper will discuss some of the
outcomes and more content...
The COP model brings police officers and neighborhood citizens together as a team to prevent crime and solving problems, emphasizing the
prevention of crime rather than the traditional policing method of responding to crime after it happens ( Traditional policing is a
reactive strategy that was used to prevent crime from the early 1800s to the early 1980s. Officers would patrol the streets, beats, or jurisdiction to
respond to order maintenance issues, prevent domestic disputes, prevent crimes in progress and apprehend criminals. Preventive Patrol has been
the backbone of police operations and remains today's dominant operational policing strategy (Schmalleger, p. 234). On patrol, a police officer
makes regular circuits or passes through a specific area called a beat. They may patrol by foot, horses, bicycles, motorcycles, bicycle or even cruise
the neighborhoods in their police cars. The main advantage of car patrol versus foot patrol is that it increased efficiency of coverage and the
disadvantage is that it reduced contact with the citizens. Studies on foot patrol indicated that these patrols are costly and did not reduce crime. In the
1970s, citizens became fed up with such high crime rates and felt it was senseless for
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Community Policing Essay
Jeffery, you discussed some excellent ideas to consider before implementing a Neighborhood Oriented Policing (NOP) program as discussed by
Cronkhite (2013). NOP is much different than routine patrol policing. With the emphasis more on problem solving than the number of arrests made or
citations issued, the success is measured by a lack of crime (Cronkhite, 2013). One battle that NOP faces is changing the attitudes of the agency. Most
agencies have been driven by stats and measured and evaluated officers on the number of arrests and citations. The administrator must believe in the
concepts and must make sure that the philosophy of the agency changes to accept the new style of policing. An agency cannot focus on the numbers if
a more content...
In addition, officers must understand and be trained in the concept of community policing for the program to be a success. In a study of agencies that
had implemented community policing programs, the National Institute of Justice found that most officers were poorly trained and did not understand
the concept of community policing (Sadd & Grinc, 1996). In addition to the police officers within an agency, the local elected officials must also
support the program. The agency and its administrator also need to educate the elected officials about community policing and what to expect from it.
This will prevent unrealistic expectations from the program which will hinder the implementation and success of the program.
Another important consideration when implementing a community policing program is setting up agreements and relationships with other community
organizations. This is important because the concept of community policing is solving problems and the agency needs to have relationships with other
agencies and departments in place before implementing the program (Implementing Neighborhood Oriented Policing in Greensboro, North Carolina,
2014). This allows officers to already have contacts in place with other departments and agencies so that they can effectively work to solve problems in
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Community Policing Essay
Community policing is a policy and a strategy aimed at achieving more effective and efficient crime control, reduced fear of crime, improved quality
of life, improved police services and police legitimacy, through a proactive reliance on community resources that seeks to change crime causing
conditions. This assumes a need for greater accountability of police, greater public share in decision–making and greater concern for civil rights and
liberties. The key characteristics of community policing are as follows: Police officers are usually called upon to be particularly thoughtful, creative
problem solvers. They are asked to listen to the concerns of community members, to logically reason out the roots of problems, to identify
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They also, of course, respond to dispatch calls of crimes in progress. Crime prevention is achieved through mere police presence. Negative interaction
between the community and police is generally the norm. In communities policing, on the other hand, police officers are typically assigned to specific
geographic areas in their jurisdiction and establish ties with the various community groups. These groups may include ministerial (church) associations,
neighborhood associations, youth groups, etc. The idea is that when police are involved with the community they are not viewed as outsiders who are
there simply to enforce the law. Crime prevention is achieved through positive interaction with police and the community. The goals of community
policing are to reduce crime and disorder, promote citizens' quality of life in communities, reduce fear of crime, and improve police–citizen relations.
These goals are achieved through three essential efforts: community engagement, problem solving, and organizational transformation. In other words,
the police are the public and the public are the police. The community policing model has been translated into a number of policy initiatives. In
community policing there are many initiative and or programs that have been developed to combat youth crime such as Youth Firearms Violence
Initiative (YFVI) which is running in 10
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Community Policing Papers
Community policing was first recognized after the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement act of 1991 which authorized 100,000 community
policing officers. Community policing is defined as a philosophy that empowers the community in the solution of the problem rather than the dictation
of the solution by law enforcement. It is also seen as a belief that by working together, people and police will be able to improve the quality of life in the
community. The police living in the community will see themselves as a part of the community instead of the watchdog for that community.
Community policing consists of two primary components; the first being community partnerships, which involves engagement by the police with the
community to resolve community problems cooperatively. The second being problem solving, which is an attempt to deal with the conditions that cause
crime and negatively affect the quality of life in the community. The core concepts of community policing are: Board police functions and community
focus, Community input, Concern for the people, developing trust, Sharing power, more content...
And in doing so, the it makes the job of the police much easier for obtaining info on suspects and getting written witness accounts for any crime that
has been committed. It also helps the community members have a lower perception of crime in their community. Having a lower perception of crime
in most cases is better than having actual lower crime rate. The community with a lower perception of crime will have less fear of crime than a
community with lower crime rates, which is usually thanks the community policing and the police being seen out with the public and not just a face
inside of a car. When community policing is done correctly, the community itself will eventually take over and take care of their own community with
the police officers help and not the other way
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Community Policing: A Case Study
Problem Statement: There is a disconnect between the police force and the community that leads to misunderstandings and feelings of unrest (Schedler,
2006). The overall safety of a society is at risk if members of the public do not feel safe to call for help when needed (Rolandsson, 2015). Providing
communicational resources will promote better community relationships with municipal governments (Stewart, 2015).
Research Questions: What can the municipal government do to provide the resources necessary to improve overall community feeling of safety? What
resources can be provided to improve communication and understanding between the community and the police force? What improvements to the
current policing system should take more content...
In the current environment, there is a heightened level of social unrest that perpetuates a distrust of the police force. Activist members of the public
seek better relations between the public and the police, in order to improve their overall quality of life. (Stewart, 2015). Opened communication
between the public and the police has been implemented in order to hopefully create a better relationship through understanding. This open
communication can be provided in a multitude of ways, including advancements in technologies, in community connections and the retraining and
restructuring of the current policing structures. Advances in information and communication technology (ICT) are significantly influencing the way in
which organizations conduct their businesses and overall competitiveness (Hughes & Love, 2004). Such studies on the latest technology and its effects
on the current situation will provide the newest perspective on how to best use these technologies to our advantage. An "electronic commons" in which
residents and police department personnel can work together, via online discussion groups, to address crime and safety issues is one of the new
technology resources being incorporated (Brainard & Derrick–Mills,
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Community Policing Research Paper
Community policing is an area that I am extremely passionate about due to first–hand experiences encountered over the years. Earning the community's
trust and building relationships helps to facilitate relationships to reduce crime on the streets. Allows the community to see police officers are people
and community members, just like them. Police officers just are upholding the letter of the law, providing increased safety for the community at large.
Educating the community on how to prevent crimes in hopes they do not become a victim. Encouraging individuals in the community to help stop the
cycle of violence and showing them a way to chose a different avenue for themselves. Working with inner–city youth, providing programs for them,
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Community Based Policing Essay

  • 1. Community Based Policing Essay Community Based Policing There has always been a love–hate relationship between the public and the police. When called upon to help, they can be something sent from God, but when they are writing tickets, or taking a friend to jail, the view changes from a savior to a presence that is unwanted and often hated. An effort to improve the public view of law enforcement is being attempted by many departments. Using different styles of policing techniques, mainly community based policing, has proved to be the best way to improve the image of law enforcement. Community based policing can best be defined as, 'a collaborative effort between the police and the community that identifies problems of crime and disorder and more content... The idea behind this is to show the public that the police are not someone to fear, but more someone who can help. There are two main benefits of community based policing. The first is the improved image of law enforcement. By having a more active part in the community, law enforcement changes itself from being the enforcer, to being the preventer. This is a shift in the view of the public that make life easier for the officer, and safer for the community. The second benefit of community based policing, is the safer community that it creates. With involvement from both the police and the public, crime in communities can be greatly reduced. Community based policing requires the public support in order to succeed. Through meetings between communities and the police, areas of crime or concern can be address and some sort of action taken, ?Community policing attempts to actively involve the community with the police in the task of crime control by creating an effective working partnership between the community and the police? (Sparrow). Without public support, community based policing would fail. This would lead the fear of crime in communities, and the hatred of the police. Essentially it would be a step backwards in time. ?Police departments throughout the country continue to join the community policing bandwagon? (Schmalleger). Almost all departments are making some sort of attempt with community based policing. The biggest
  • 2. Get more content on
  • 3. Community Policing and Community Justice Essay CJ220 Criminal Justice and the Community Community policing is explained as a collaboration of community and the police working together to help identify and solve criminal activities. Additionally, the whole concept behind it is to promote public safety and to enhance the quality of life within the neighborhoods in which we reside in. Community policing is composed of two major components which are community partnership and problem solving. Community policing is a program that was initially started in the 1940's. All of the support that was released for this program was materialized actually in the 1980's. One of the main goals if not the most important goal was to bring in the law enforcement closer to their local public to more content... Community justice broadly refers to different aspects of crime prevention and justice activities that include the quality of life as a goal for the community. Recent initiatives include community crime prevention, community policing, community defense, community prosecution, community courts, and restorative justice sanctioning systems. Community justice prioritizes different types of offenders to determine the sanctioning for the victims and to ensure the offender is ready to enter back into their community in good standing with no problems. In other words, they do not want them back in the community if they feel they have not learned their lesson or have been rehabilitated. Community justice's main focus is to promote public safety and like I had said earlier to ensure that the quality of life of the community is in good standing. Community justice includes different ways of interpreting information about police, courts, and corrections that highlights problem–solving techniques. There is a strategy behind community justice such as including restorative justice practices and processes. They also include both adult and juvenile offenders to create a safer community rather than doing things for the offenders or actually to them. Community justice wants to prevent victimization to help establish public safety. It also places a high priority on the wants, Get more content on
  • 4. Community Policing Essay Community policing is considered to be one answer of how to maintain social area. It is considered as collaboration between the police and the community in which it seeks to identify and solve community problems. Community policing has a mission to enhance the quality of police services. Community policing has evolved over the years encountering several benefits as well as criticism, developing initiatives and a host of programs. Community policing focuses on crime and social disorder through the delivery of police services that includes: traits of traditional law enforcement, as well as problem solving, prevention, partnerships, and community engagement. "Thus, in the past, the police equated crime prevention and police effectiveness more content... Decentralization of authority and responsibility the approach turning the organization upside down and producing is leveling of decisions. Empowered partnerships including the community, government, and police with the community members, community police officers, and representatives from various social agencies all share the predefined and limited authority being community members. "Members also discuss feelings and perceptions of local crime problems and develop solutions to deal with them" (Rosenbaum, 1987). Problem solving orientation empowered partnership focus on resolving community problems that could lead to crime. Discovering a problem, fixing the problem, also evaluating the solution after it is implemented. Problem solving strategy can stand alone without community police, but community policing cannot survive without a problem solving element. A proactive stance meaning that the organization moves from reactive police strategy that a proactive initiative requiring a partnership relevant public agencies and the Get more content on
  • 5. Community Policing In recent years we have seen crimes committed by juveniles get more violent and organized, while crimes committed by juveniles may have decreased over the years, younger criminals are becoming more complex with the crimes they commit. Depending on the crime, some people believe juveniles should be charged as adults. Some people believe the crimes they commit are so heinous that they deserve to suffer. Others believe guidance is needed for these juveniles, and that rehabilitation can help these juveniles develop into rational beings. General deterrence is used to make examples out of individuals that commit crimes. General deterrence can be used on juveniles by exploiting them publically, and having other juveniles see this done. Once more content... Some people view all police officers as "bad" people because of incidents that they see in the media, and things they may hear from others. Community policing can show people that all officers are not "bad" people, and that some officer really do want to help people within the neighborhood (Liou & Savage, 1996). In my neighborhood a lot of people view officers as lazy and unmoved by problems within the community. If officers showed concerns with community problems, then this could definitely improve the view people have about police officers. By improving the overall image of police officers this can make people more willing to help and be comfortable when talking to Get more content on
  • 6. Community Policing Essay examples On the matter of community policing, I believe that the police force plays a big role. This is based on implementing the various strategies geared towards achieving an effective community policing. Taking a closer look at crime, it is widely evident that crime cases in any given society cannot be solved by any single individual alone. This calls for aid in order to curb the vice. Not to mention the complexity of crime, the police should no be left alone to deal with the matter. The community and police thus need to work together to deal with criminal activities. This will necessitate splitting of the crime matter into smaller areas that are easy to manage. The police officers are then set to work in these areas. The police therefore more content... The methodology to be adopted in community policing may be highlighted as: creation of crime curbing projects, increased number of police to the community through creation of nearby police stations or using foot patrols, establishment of community–police committees, initialization of programs that assist crime victims, and using the community to get feedback on crime rate prevention and satisfaction. The movement from the former systems of policing to community policing system calls for major changes. These changes may be in terms of goals, aims, policies and activities of police units, as well as the general image portrayed by police force. Consequently, this movement bears an eminent amount of disagreements as well as resistance within the police force. The police officers and their managers are the major parties involved in the matter of resistance. The managers fear loss of power and authority to control their officers when they become community police, on the other hand the police officer do not welcome the new role of solving community problems (Rohe, Adams and Arcury, 2001). This is because they are used to the normal role of enforcing laws. The implementation process therefore demands training of police officers on their new roles. Stakeholders in any project are the persons with major interest on the same project. In community policing, the key stakeholders are the community members Get more content on
  • 7. Community Policing Research Paper Being a police officer has been a passion of mine for many years. Although many people have different opinions on policing, I strongly believe in the word cop, community oriented policing. defines cop as "a philosophy that promotes organizational strategies, which support the systematic use of partnerships and problem solving techniques, to proactively address the immediate conditions that give rise to public safety issues, such as crime, social disorder, and fear of crime." This can lead to better relationships between police and the community, it gives citizens more control of the quality of life in their community, and it gives the chance for police officers to join the neighborhoods.Community policing is a way to build more content... It builds bonds between officer and citizen. People will know the officers on a first name basis. For example, when people have the same delivery driver for years they start to build a bond with them. I know a lady who has had the same drive for 10 years and every Christmas makes him a pie. Actions like this, having the same faces around builds relationships and nearly diminishes the fear between citizen and police. Community policing is also a chance for the officers to join the neighborhoods. For example, when a police officer works in a particular neighborhood and knows everyone, the officer is more likely to live in that neighborhood. Another example, is seeing someone grow up in that neighborhood to become a police officer and patrolling the streets he played around in as a kid. Knowing you live or you are from the neighborhood you work in, is an added bonus to keeping the community safe. Wanting to be a police officer so passionately now for many years, I believe that community oriented policing is a way to restore our neighborhoods. It will remind people what police offers are really for and that although there may be a bad apple in the bunch, police officers are there to help. To serve and to protect the communities we grew up Get more content on
  • 8. Community Policing Policing Paper Community Policing Jason Speece University of Phoenix AJS/502–Survey of Justice and Security November 28, 2011 One of the most effective policing strategies used in law enforcement is community policing. Two experts in this strategy are Robert Trojanowicz and Bonnie Bucqueroux. They have done research and wrote many articles on the topic. Trojanowicz worked for Michigan State University and has recently passed away. Bucqueroux was a victim of domestic violence and has added ideas in this area for community policing. Over the years community policing has become an effective method used by law enforcement to better serve their communities. The concept is to develop a partnership between the police and more content... In community policing the officer would ask why the person is speeding. The person's response will be the deciding factor. If they are speeding because their spouse has just been rushed to the hospital they may not get the ticket. Of course they need to be on track to be going to the hospital. Community policing is an effective strategy of law enforcement can use to create a positive image within the community. Programs such as D.A.R.E help the community see officers as more than just people being paid to arrest people. It shows they are part of the community also. Law enforcement and communities need to work together to create safe and positive living environments for children and adults. People like Robert Trojanowicz and Bonnie Bucqueroux have been proponents of this model. Communities which have incorporated this strategy have shown improvement in community and police cooperation and cutting down on minor Get more content on
  • 9. Essay about Community Policing Community Policing What is community policing? According to The Committee on Law and Justice, Community policing (problem–oriented policing, neighborhood–oriented policing or community–oriented policing) is a policing strategy and philosophy based on the notion that community interaction and support can help control crime, with community members helping to identify suspects, detain vandals and bring problems to the attention of police. One of the most effective means of involving the community in exploring creative ways to enhance public safety is to provide them a Community Policing Officer, who acts as a problem solver to other public and private agencies that can help. The history of modern law enforcement began 166 years more content... This case study also documents the first organized battle to the basic concepts of community policing. In the 1970's a new type of policing came about called "team policing" There were numerous reasons why this type of policing failed including: social climate, more patrol cars and less foot patrol, contradiction of the basic beliefs of professionalism, and isolation from the community, which makes crime control more difficult. Like team policing, community policing is rooted in the belief that the traditional officer on the beat will bring the police and the community closer. Instead of just responding to calls and arresting criminals, community policing officers would devote a great deal of time to performing social works and working independently and creatively on solutions to the problems on their beats. Another question that pops into mind about community policing might be how does community policing work? A focus of Community Policing is problem–solving. Police will still respond to emergencies. On the other hand, many calls to the police are not police–related. They are more effectively handled by other agencies. As the amount of these non–emergency calls lessen, officers can spend more time working with citizens to solve crime and chaos problems, with better communication among police and the citizens, officers can better use and share crime information with the public, residents can tie people with other public and private agencies that can Get more content on
  • 10. Community Policing There are three main components associated with community policing: community partnerships, problem solving, and change management. In agreement with Bohm & Haley (2012), with "community policing", society share a duty regarding their security and well–being of their community. According to Bohm & Haley (2012) on community partnerships, the police turn into an indispensable part of the community society, and the citizens of the community, thus, helps the police characterize future wrongdoing anticipation systems and allot security control for the people. Police see a need to go out in the community to form meetings with the citizens to help them strategize safety methods for their protection. The problem solving process is always a main concern Get more content on
  • 11. Essay on Community Policing Community policing has emerged since the 1970s as an increasingly important strategy for controlling and preventing crime and enhancing community safety. It is both a philosophy and an organizational strategy that allows the police and the community to work closely together in creative ways to solve the problems of crime, drugs, fear of crime, physical and social disorder, neighborhood decay, and the overall quality of life in the community. Community policing is difficult to define. Although it does not have a single definition, there are many elements of community policing. Champion states there are several definitions to define community policing. 1. "[Community policing is] whenever citizens and to more content... Community policing in America can be traced from the colonial times to the 1900s. American policing activities transpired in early England at or about the time of the Norman Conquest in 1066. Chancellors were used to settle disputes between neighbors, such as property boundary issues, trespass allegations, and child misconduct. "An early equivalent of the chancellor, with similar duties and responsibilities, was the justice of the peace, dating to about A.D. 1200. Together with the chancellors or justices of the peace, reeves (now more commonly know as a sheriff) maintained order in their respective jurisdictions (Champion 22). England's use of policing became well known. Many other regions soon adopted England's standards. American colonist continued the English system of law enforcement and the study of law. In addition to reeves, constables were used for maintaining law and order in colonial communities. The duties of constables included collecting fees for highway usage, collecting taxes, and presiding over minor legal issues. The position of the sheriff was created and they became the principal law enforcement officers in the various counties throughout the colonies. Early policing was characterized as urban policemen walking beats and interacting daily with merchants and other members of the Get more content on
  • 12. Philosophy Of Community Policing Community policing complements the traditional policing as an initiative to enhance community partnerships to reduce crime and the fear of crime. The philosophy of community policing is reliant on encouraging healthy relationships between officers and their community to get to the root of crime instead of treating the symptoms as founded in traditional policing methods. Traditional policing methods are based more on rapid response, patrol, and investigation procedures, but these processes are lacking in dealing with the underlying issues affecting communities (Ortmeier & Meese, 2010, p. 227). Therefore, the community policing and problem–solving philosophy is not necessarily focused on replacing traditional policing methods as it is on enhancing Get more content on
  • 13. Community Policing Essay Several studies have checked the compares of citizen volunteerism in crime prevention programs, but a small number of studies have thoroughly compared community–oriented policing (COP) programs. In a progressive society, law enforcement should embody numerous ways that seek to curb crime. Police work and community policing work in tandem because both are aimed at improving public safety. The philosophy behind community policing recognizes that the members of a community are important and engaging them in law enforcement activities could help to lower crime rate. It is overwhelming when police officers have to carry out their law enforcement duties and still answer to community policing calls for service. However, this gridlock comes about because there lacks a perspective when it comes community policing. Viewing community policing as a partnership between the members of public and law enforcement officers can be a great way to overcome these challenges (Lawrence, & McCarthy, 2013). In such more content... This partnership also takes off a huge burden of work from the hands of the police officers making it easier for them to rest and engage in other personal matters before they can resume work. This method can work effectively in areas where there is a shortage of police officers. By training members of the community on how to gather information for investigation purposes, as well as to respond to non–violent crimes, it takes away a lot of work that could have tied the police officers down. Such partnerships are crucial for community policing to work. Successful community partnerships go beyond sharing information or maintaining contact (Lawrence, & McCarthy, 2013). They embody endless efforts to work together meaningfully to address security problems affecting the Get more content on
  • 14. Essay on Community Oriented Policing (COP) Introduction The police are usually charged with the great responsibility of ensuring that citizens are living quality lives that are free of crime and fear. In order to perform this duty effectively, the police need accurate and deeper knowledge of the citizens and issues they encounter in their daily lives. This knowledge will not be easy to come by if the police work independently from the citizens. Over the last several decades, police agencies have been working to gain the respect and the cooperation of the communities they serve. Community Oriented Policing was introduced to bring a closer working relationship between the citizens and the police. Community Oriented Policing Community Oriented Policing (COP) is a concept more content... Through this cooperation, it is possible to modify the environments that promote criminal behaviors. The concept of COP is almost similar to that of Problem Oriented Policing (POP) apart from a few differences. POP is a concept that involves critically examining pieces of community issues with the aim of learning something new from the problem identified that will lead to more effective strategies for dealing with crime (Zarka, 2007). POP is designed to identify and eliminate causes of reoccurring crime and disorder that harm the community. Just like COP, the main goals of POP are to reduce crime and maintain social order. POP replaces the traditional incident driven policing strategies and, therefore, gave rise to the concept of Community policing (Reno Police Department, 1992). COP and POP designs involve a more open relationship between the citizens and the police with the aim of giving the police a more proactive role in community issues (Mirsky, 2009). Under community policing, police are empowered to engage citizens in providing solutions to community's problems. COP involves tactics such as foot and bike patrol, mini–stations, and beat meetings among many others. It also entails changes in police and community structures among a few other external changes. These may include formation of community squad division and geographical organization. COP and POP recognize that crime may be associated to micro–social Get more content on
  • 15. Community Policing Essay This dissertation will examine the Community–Oriented Policing Model and determine if it is or isn't proven to be an effective way of policing. Crime has been a major problem and concern for law enforcement as early as the 1900's. Citizens had become fed up with such high crime rates and order maintenance issues, and felt something needed to be done to prevent crime and restore order. There are several policing strategies that have been implemented from the traditional model of policing to the Community–Oriented Policing Model in how Police Officers deter crime and how they work with community leaders in order to deter crime, restore order and make neighborhoods a safer place to live. This paper will discuss some of the outcomes and more content... The COP model brings police officers and neighborhood citizens together as a team to prevent crime and solving problems, emphasizing the prevention of crime rather than the traditional policing method of responding to crime after it happens ( Traditional policing is a reactive strategy that was used to prevent crime from the early 1800s to the early 1980s. Officers would patrol the streets, beats, or jurisdiction to respond to order maintenance issues, prevent domestic disputes, prevent crimes in progress and apprehend criminals. Preventive Patrol has been the backbone of police operations and remains today's dominant operational policing strategy (Schmalleger, p. 234). On patrol, a police officer makes regular circuits or passes through a specific area called a beat. They may patrol by foot, horses, bicycles, motorcycles, bicycle or even cruise the neighborhoods in their police cars. The main advantage of car patrol versus foot patrol is that it increased efficiency of coverage and the disadvantage is that it reduced contact with the citizens. Studies on foot patrol indicated that these patrols are costly and did not reduce crime. In the 1970s, citizens became fed up with such high crime rates and felt it was senseless for Get more content on
  • 16. Community Policing Essay Jeffery, you discussed some excellent ideas to consider before implementing a Neighborhood Oriented Policing (NOP) program as discussed by Cronkhite (2013). NOP is much different than routine patrol policing. With the emphasis more on problem solving than the number of arrests made or citations issued, the success is measured by a lack of crime (Cronkhite, 2013). One battle that NOP faces is changing the attitudes of the agency. Most agencies have been driven by stats and measured and evaluated officers on the number of arrests and citations. The administrator must believe in the concepts and must make sure that the philosophy of the agency changes to accept the new style of policing. An agency cannot focus on the numbers if a more content... In addition, officers must understand and be trained in the concept of community policing for the program to be a success. In a study of agencies that had implemented community policing programs, the National Institute of Justice found that most officers were poorly trained and did not understand the concept of community policing (Sadd & Grinc, 1996). In addition to the police officers within an agency, the local elected officials must also support the program. The agency and its administrator also need to educate the elected officials about community policing and what to expect from it. This will prevent unrealistic expectations from the program which will hinder the implementation and success of the program. Another important consideration when implementing a community policing program is setting up agreements and relationships with other community organizations. This is important because the concept of community policing is solving problems and the agency needs to have relationships with other agencies and departments in place before implementing the program (Implementing Neighborhood Oriented Policing in Greensboro, North Carolina, 2014). This allows officers to already have contacts in place with other departments and agencies so that they can effectively work to solve problems in the Get more content on
  • 17. Community Policing Essay Community policing is a policy and a strategy aimed at achieving more effective and efficient crime control, reduced fear of crime, improved quality of life, improved police services and police legitimacy, through a proactive reliance on community resources that seeks to change crime causing conditions. This assumes a need for greater accountability of police, greater public share in decision–making and greater concern for civil rights and liberties. The key characteristics of community policing are as follows: Police officers are usually called upon to be particularly thoughtful, creative problem solvers. They are asked to listen to the concerns of community members, to logically reason out the roots of problems, to identify more content... They also, of course, respond to dispatch calls of crimes in progress. Crime prevention is achieved through mere police presence. Negative interaction between the community and police is generally the norm. In communities policing, on the other hand, police officers are typically assigned to specific geographic areas in their jurisdiction and establish ties with the various community groups. These groups may include ministerial (church) associations, neighborhood associations, youth groups, etc. The idea is that when police are involved with the community they are not viewed as outsiders who are there simply to enforce the law. Crime prevention is achieved through positive interaction with police and the community. The goals of community policing are to reduce crime and disorder, promote citizens' quality of life in communities, reduce fear of crime, and improve police–citizen relations. These goals are achieved through three essential efforts: community engagement, problem solving, and organizational transformation. In other words, the police are the public and the public are the police. The community policing model has been translated into a number of policy initiatives. In community policing there are many initiative and or programs that have been developed to combat youth crime such as Youth Firearms Violence Initiative (YFVI) which is running in 10 Get more content on
  • 18. Community Policing Papers Community policing was first recognized after the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement act of 1991 which authorized 100,000 community policing officers. Community policing is defined as a philosophy that empowers the community in the solution of the problem rather than the dictation of the solution by law enforcement. It is also seen as a belief that by working together, people and police will be able to improve the quality of life in the community. The police living in the community will see themselves as a part of the community instead of the watchdog for that community. Community policing consists of two primary components; the first being community partnerships, which involves engagement by the police with the community to resolve community problems cooperatively. The second being problem solving, which is an attempt to deal with the conditions that cause crime and negatively affect the quality of life in the community. The core concepts of community policing are: Board police functions and community focus, Community input, Concern for the people, developing trust, Sharing power, more content... And in doing so, the it makes the job of the police much easier for obtaining info on suspects and getting written witness accounts for any crime that has been committed. It also helps the community members have a lower perception of crime in their community. Having a lower perception of crime in most cases is better than having actual lower crime rate. The community with a lower perception of crime will have less fear of crime than a community with lower crime rates, which is usually thanks the community policing and the police being seen out with the public and not just a face inside of a car. When community policing is done correctly, the community itself will eventually take over and take care of their own community with the police officers help and not the other way Get more content on
  • 19. Community Policing: A Case Study Problem Statement: There is a disconnect between the police force and the community that leads to misunderstandings and feelings of unrest (Schedler, 2006). The overall safety of a society is at risk if members of the public do not feel safe to call for help when needed (Rolandsson, 2015). Providing communicational resources will promote better community relationships with municipal governments (Stewart, 2015). Research Questions: What can the municipal government do to provide the resources necessary to improve overall community feeling of safety? What resources can be provided to improve communication and understanding between the community and the police force? What improvements to the current policing system should take more content... In the current environment, there is a heightened level of social unrest that perpetuates a distrust of the police force. Activist members of the public seek better relations between the public and the police, in order to improve their overall quality of life. (Stewart, 2015). Opened communication between the public and the police has been implemented in order to hopefully create a better relationship through understanding. This open communication can be provided in a multitude of ways, including advancements in technologies, in community connections and the retraining and restructuring of the current policing structures. Advances in information and communication technology (ICT) are significantly influencing the way in which organizations conduct their businesses and overall competitiveness (Hughes & Love, 2004). Such studies on the latest technology and its effects on the current situation will provide the newest perspective on how to best use these technologies to our advantage. An "electronic commons" in which residents and police department personnel can work together, via online discussion groups, to address crime and safety issues is one of the new technology resources being incorporated (Brainard & Derrick–Mills, Get more content on
  • 20. Community Policing Research Paper Community policing is an area that I am extremely passionate about due to first–hand experiences encountered over the years. Earning the community's trust and building relationships helps to facilitate relationships to reduce crime on the streets. Allows the community to see police officers are people and community members, just like them. Police officers just are upholding the letter of the law, providing increased safety for the community at large. Educating the community on how to prevent crimes in hopes they do not become a victim. Encouraging individuals in the community to help stop the cycle of violence and showing them a way to chose a different avenue for themselves. Working with inner–city youth, providing programs for them, Get more content on