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Jackie Lynton
Creating a contagious
commitment for change
@HelenBevan #SHCR #QF15
The Horizons Group
within NHS Improving Quality
Aim of the group: to stimulate new and ‘disruptive’ approaches in
support of health and care transformation, operating at the edge of
current thinking and practice:
• skipping a generation of thinking and
practice in how to create radical,
system-wide change
• skipping a generation in a wider level
of connection: working with emerging
leaders, clinical trainees, students
• skipping a generation of methods for
change and improvement: open
innovation, open source, digital
connection, social media, change
platforms, hacking
can’t cross a
chasm in small
Lloyd George
Five enabling themes in change and
@HelenBevan @JackieLynton #mixmashup
1. Building a social movement
2. Why programmatic and target-driven
approaches to change aren’t enough
3. Leading contagious commitment to
4. A disruptive case study: NHS Change
Call to attention Stay with the process
@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
Today you will be working as a community with
others on your table so it’s important to find out
who is in your community.
Introduce yourself to others at your table. Tell a
quick story that demonstrates why you chose to
come to this workshop today.
Time allowed: 10 minutes for the whole table
Building a social
@HelenBevan @JackieLynton #mixmashup
The NHS is the 5th biggest employer on
the globe
Source: BBC
@HelenBevan @JackieLynton #mixmashup
The National Health Service is the closest thing
the English have to a religion, with those who
practice in it regarding themselves as a
priesthood. This makes it quite extraordinarily
difficult to reform
Nigel Lawson, politician
@HelenBevan @JackieLynton #mixmashup
Where are we?
The dominant NHS approach [to leadership] is
typified by laying down demanding targets, leading
from the front, often being reluctant to delegate,
and collaborating little – and is the consequence of
the health service focusing on process targets, with
reward dependent on meeting them.
Source: Kings Fund Leadership for engagement and improvement in the NHS
@HelenBevan @JackieLynton #mixmashup
Building on a legacy of social movement
thinking for the NHS
@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
What is happening in the world
of change?
Source of image: from
@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
Change from the edge
Most change efforts are built upon the shaky foundation of five
flawed assumptions;
1. that change can be managed
2. that human beings are objective
3. that there are ‘X’ steps to change
4. that we have a neutral starting point for change
5. and that change, itself, is the goal
Peter Fuda
Source of image:
@HelenBevan #SHCR #QF15
Leading change in a new era
Dominant approach Emerging direction
@HelenBevan #SHCR #QF15
Leading change in a new era
Dominant approach Emerging direction
Most policy efforts
are driven from this
Many of the ways we go
about improving health and
care were designed in a
different mindset
for a different set of
We are operating with
20th century change
practice in a 21st
century world
Source of images :
“When we talk of social change, we talk of
movements, a word that suggest vast
groups of people walking together, leaving
behind one way and travelling towards
Rebecca Solnit
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
‘If people give to a cause, they expect a
relationship, not a transaction.’
Nilofer Merchant
@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
Why am I a radical?
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
Source : Lois Kelly
Sometimes other people see radicals/rebels
as troublemakers
Six characteristics of people or groups within
effective social movements
1. They share a sense of PURPOSE: There is purposefulness about
collaborations, discussions, actions, decisions and a sense of forward momentum
2. They are UNITED: They have learned to manage their differences well enough
that they can unite to accomplish their purpose. Differences are openly debated,
discussed, and resolved.
3. They share UNDERSTANDING: There is a widely shared understanding of
what's going on, what the challenges are and why what is being done has to be
4. People PARTICIPATE: Lots of people and organisations in the system are
active - not just in discussions and meetings, but getting the work done.
5. They take INITIATIVE: Rather than reacting to whatever happens in their
environment, they are proactive, and act upon their environment.
6. They ACT: People do the work they must do to
make the things happen that need to happen
Source: adapted from Wellstone Action
@HelenBevan #SHCR #QF15
We need rebels!
•The principal champion of a change
initiative, cause or action
•Rebels don’t wait for permission to lead,
innovate, strategise
•They are responsible; they do what is
•Without rebels, the storyline never
Source : @PeterVan
… is the process by which leaders construct,
articulate and put across their message in a powerful
and compelling way in order to win people to their
cause and call them to action.
Snow D A and Benford R D (1992)
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
Three components of framing
• Diagnostic – what is the problem that we are
addressing? What is the extent of the problem?
What is the specific source or sources?
• Prognostic – what could the future look like? What is
our “plan of attack” and our strategy for carrying out
the plan?
• Motivational – why is this urgent? What is our call
for action that connects with the motivational and
emotional drivers of the audience?
Source: Benford and Snow
What’s the
financial incentive?
Who is
What’s the
project plan?
Source: @RobertVarnam
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5Source:
“I have some Key
for you”
“I have a
Source: @RobertVarnam
My first experience of being in large
scale change in the NHS 1986
The story of Fredrick……
Leaders ask their staff to be ready for change,
but do not engage enough in
Sensemaking is not done via marketing...or
slogans but by emotional connection with
Ron Weil
Call to Action
• A call to action assumes that we can end an intolerable
condition by creating a burning platform from which to
organise our resources and seek commitment
• A call to action finds and builds new sources of power
and so enables change through
• collaboration and mobilisation
• developing leadership
• A call to action unites us around a collective vision and
focuses our energy towards a specific and real change and
a measureable goal
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat
Why do we need to change
and what needs to change?
Discuss in your community
Why programmatic
and target driven
approaches to change
aren’t enough in our
@HelenBevan @JackieLynton #mixmashup
Starts on the fringe
(at the edge)
Starts with the activists
Gary Hamel
Four keys to collaboration
• Lean into your discomfort
• Listen as an ally
• State your intent
• Share your “street corner”
Source: Judith Katz and Fred Miller
John Kotter: “Accelerate!” most influential thought leader
globally, recognises new approaches are needed
• We won’t create big change
through hierarchy on its own
• We need hierarchy AND network
• Many change agents, not just a
few, with many acts of leadership
• Changing our mindset
Want to
Kotter: From “have to” to “want to”
management systems
will need to value
diversity, dissent and
divergence as highly as
conformance, consensus
and cohesion.”
Gary Hamel
Source of image:
Embracing difference to change the
Less change programmes More change platforms
Change Programmes:
• utilise systematic “change
management” approaches
• Too often, leaders prescribe
the outcome and the
method of change in a top-
down way
• change is experienced by
people at the front line as
“have to” (imposed) rather
than “want to” (embraced)
Change Platforms
• enable everyone in the
(including service users) to
help tackle the most
challenging issues
• value diversity of thought
• leadership attention on
creating an environment
receptive to transformational
• The way that change is changing means that traditional
policy levers (targets, payment incentives, regulation etc)
will be increasingly less effective
• They don’t have the track record in delivering the sort of
transformational change now required across the NHS
New Health Foundation report: 10% impact on overall performance
• Transformation needs frontline staff to learn from the
wider world, build shared purpose and have the freedom
to take action
• We have to find ways to:
• Build organisations that are activist at their core
• marry innovation with complexity and scale
• balance control and freedom
@HelenBevan #SHCR #QF15
is the new normal!
“By questioning existing ideas, by
opening new fields for action, change
agents actually help organisations
survive and adapt to the 21st Century.”
Céline Schillinger
Image by
Leading contagious commitment
to change in the workplace
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
You get the best effort from others not by
lighting a fire beneath them, but by
building a fire within
Bob Nelson
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat
What lights the ‘fire in your belly’ and makes you feel
passionate and determined to make change happen?
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
Connecting to other people values and emotions
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat
If we want people to take action, we have to
connect with their emotions through values
Source: Marshall Ganz
Building contagious commitment
Source: Marshall Ganz
Shared understanding leads to
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
What is strategy?
Strategy is the process of turning
the you have into
the you need to win
the you want
Source: Marshall Ganz
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
Here have
some of mine!
Shifting positional
power to relational
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat
Unleashing the energy
The more you do what you love the more energy you have.
Leadership Freak
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
Resources to improve health and care
Economic resources
diminish with use
• money
• materials
• technology
Natural resources
grow with use
• relationships
• commitment
• community
Based on principles from Albert Hirschman, Against Parsimony
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat
“Stages of change”
Transtheoretical model of behaviour change
Prochaska, DiClemente & Norcross (1992)
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 Source: Helen Bevan
States a minimum performance
standard that everyone must
Uses hierarchy, systems and
standard procedures for co-
ordination and control
Threat of penalties/ sanctions/
shame creates momentum for
What is our approach to change? 3 Mins
States a collective goal that
everyone can aspire to
Based on shared goals, values
and sense of purpose for co-
ordination and control
Commitment to a common
purpose creates energy for
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat
"There’s only one
corner of the
universe you can
be certain of
improving, and
that’s your own
Aldous Huxley
Source of image:
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
It starts
with me….
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
Effective framing:
what do we need to do?
1. Tell a story
2. Make it personal
3. Be authentic
4. Create a sense of “us” (and be clear who the “us”
5. Build in a call for urgent action
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
Creating our narrative
• Challenge: What was the challenge? Why was
it a challenge?
• Choice: What were the choices? Why did you
make the choice you did? Where did you get
the courage or hope? How did it feel?
• Outcome: How did the outcome feel? Why did
it feel that way? What do you want us to feel?
Source: Marshall Ganz
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat
Vivid details
Source: Marshall Ganz
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
Me at 22 years old
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
Image from: @TheWorldStories
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
• Creating a space for getting ready for change
• Invitation to thinking differently about change
• Share the collective wisdom of people in the
room – 5 minutes of wisdom
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
Strong sense public service and community
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
1. I did not feel heard,
2. Let down by my profession
3. I was part of a hierarchical
system that didn’t protect
vulnerable people
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
Always fighting for change an speaking out
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
Being open to creating
alliances with others,
and not build silos…..
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
This picture was taken from
the window of my hotel
room in Scotland when I
asked myself one of the most
important questions
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
Connecting to What’s important to me?
Building connections and relationships for change
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
Knowing your purpose
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
A 3-word concept
@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat
[Shared] purpose goes way deeper than
vision and mission; it goes right into your gut
and taps some part of your primal self. I
believe that if you can bring people with
similar primal-purposes together and get
them all marching in the same direction,
amazing things can be achieved.
Seth Carguilo
@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
30 years on
1. Staff didn’t feel heard –
‘checked out’
2. Compliance over
3. Staff not feeling
‘permission’ to make to
make changes
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
“People who think differently
challenge the status quo…. in
difference lies value. They are
what Cass Sustein (2003)
might call
identify new dimensions, and
they force us to abandon our
existing predictive models.
Dissent is useful. Without it
society would falter”
Source: Scott E. Page, Making the difference: Applying a
Logic of Diversity - Academy of Management Perspectives
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
Change starts with me
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
When you start with ‘me’ - you can see ‘we and us’
1. Cut on the dotted line
2. Rotate 180 degrees
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
Creating change through connections and
building relationships
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
Reconnecting with my values
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
Innovation/ideas is not reserved for someone sitting at
the top of a hierarchy, but driven down to unleash new
levels of engagement
Doctor Manager
Social worker
Carer maker Cleaner
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat
Now I don’t!
Now I bring my authentic self to work
I had to be
someone else
to fit in
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
Talk to the person next to you ACTIVITY
• Tell your story about why the change you are
involved in now is so important to you
• Relate it to a personal experience
You have:
• 2 minutes to prepare your story
• 2 minutes each to tell your story
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
Talk to the person next to you
Have a further discussion
• In terms of the people you want to get on
board with your change project, what will
create a sense of “us” rather than “us and
• How could telling your story help create the
You have three minutes for further discussion as
a pair
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
Talk to the rest of the table
What insight did you get from that exercise?
You have five minutes for a whole table
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat
How do we create a
sense of “us” to build
momentum for
Source of image:
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
strong ties (cohesive)
weak ties (disconnected)
Source of
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat
When we spread change through strong ties:
• we interact with “people like us”, with the same
life experiences, beliefs and values
• Change is “peer to peer”; GP to GP, nurse to
nurse, gynaecologist to gynaecologist
• Influence is spread through people who are
strongly connected to each other, like and trust
each other
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat
When we spread change through strong ties:
• we interact with “people like us”, with the same
life experiences, beliefs and values
• Change is “peer to peer”; GP to GP, nurse to
nurse, gynaecologist to gynaecologist
• Influence is spread through people who are
strongly connected to each other, like and trust
each other
IT WORKS BECAUSE: people are far
more likely to be influenced to
adopt new behaviours or ways of
working from those with whom they
are most strongly tied
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat
The pros and cons of strong ties
Pros Cons
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat
Strong and weak ties
When we seek to spread change
through strong ties:
• we interact with “people like
us”, with the same life
experiences, beliefs and
• Change is “peer to peer”; GP
to GP, nurse to nurse,
gynaecologist to
• Influence is spread through
people who are strongly
connected to each other, like
and trust each other
When we seek to spread change
through weak ties:
• we build bridges between groups
and individuals who were previously
different and separate
• we create relationships based not
on pre-existing similarities but on
common purpose and
commitments that people make to
each other to take action
• our aim is to mobilise all the
resources in our organisation,
system or community that can help
achieve our goals
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
Why we need to build weak ties
AS WELL AS strong ties
• Weak ties are more likely to lead to change at scale because they
enable us to access more people with fewer barriers
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
Why we need to build weak ties
AS WELL AS strong ties
• Weak ties are more likely to lead to change at scale because they
enable us to access more people with fewer barriers
• In situations of uncertainty, we have a tendency to revert to our
strong tie relationships
• yet the evidence tells us that weak ties are much more
important than strong ties when it comes to searching out
resources in times of scarcity
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
Why we need to build weak ties
AS WELL AS strong ties
• Weak ties are more likely to lead to change at scale because they
enable us to access more people with fewer barriers
• In situations of uncertainty, we have a tendency to revert to our
strong tie relationships
• yet the evidence tells us that weak ties are much more
important than strong ties when it comes to searching out
resources in times of scarcity
• The most breakthrough innovations will come when we tap into
our weak ties
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
Why we need to build weak ties
AS WELL AS strong ties
• Weak ties are more likely to lead to change at scale because they
enable us to access more people with fewer barriers
• In situations of uncertainty, we have a tendency to revert to our
strong tie relationships
• yet the evidence tells us that weak ties are much more
important than strong ties when it comes to searching out
resources in times of scarcity
• The most breakthrough innovations will come when we tap into
our weak ties
History suggests that weak ties will probably give us the best
chance to deliver large scale improvements in a challenging
Key messages
• Create a “burning platform” and imperative
for action around quality and cost
• Make a clinically relevant case that makes
both a rational case for change and a
connection to emotions, through values
• Frame to connect with hearts and minds and
identify levers for commitment rather than
• Build a strategy for both strong and weak ties
• Ask people to commit to specific actions
NHS Change Day
Wednesday 11 March
Making a change for
better together.
Disruptive Case Study
Do something better together….
Audacity to imagine we could mobilise
the 1.3m people in the NHS
@HelenBevan @JackieLynton #mixmashup
2013 2014 2015
Want to
Shared purpose
Goal – 65,000 (500k)
Core leadership team
Personal pledge
Set a date
Social media
Took risks
Courage & belief
Kept it simple!
Holding each
other to
account rather
‘Can I really make
the change?’
Will ‘the system’
really ALLOW me?
When you hit up against this wall, how
do you feel and how do staff feel?
Change Day pledges and stories
‘…the floodgates of change open’
from front line to senior leaders
@HelenBevan @JackieLynton #mixmashup
Anyone can pledge – it’s personal to you!
@HelenBevan @JackieLynton #mixmashup
Volunteers – leaders everywhere
98% of activity via volunteers
My pledge/action…..
Not let hierarchy get in
the way of patient care
What I did
Worked with the
hierarchy at an early
Seeking their support
with an explicit
understanding that they
respected the grassroots
nature of Change Day.
Bottom up approach with top down support
I urge as many people as possible to give their
"NHS Change Day is a fantastic
opportunity to join a movement of
young leaders who want to make a
difference in the NHS
Jeremy Hunt
Health Secretary
Chief Nursing
Officer - England
Professor Sir Bruce Keogh
National Medical Director
It's especially an opportunity for the next
generation of junior doctors to effect change
in a practical and sustainable way"
Fun day for children Support group
with a stomas
NHS CEO personal National
pledge campaign
30% shift in staff survey:
‘Would you feel confident your hospital
would address your concern?’
Ashley Brooks
Patient Champion
‘Change Day gave me the
permission to use my energy in the
direction I wanted to use it’
Students swap places
with patients in
mock ward
Change in University
nursing curriculum
Louise Trowse – Second year student
Tasting common
medicine for children
Discussing pharmacy
methods of improving
the taste
Dr Damian Roland
“The single most
important skill I learned
from improvement leaders
was narrative. It connects
us to the reasons we were
called to work for
the NHS. It will stay with
me the rest of my career.”
Local anaesthetic for
arterial blood gas
Clinician shows painful
procedure for patient
Jeharna sings for
children’s ward to
say thank you
‘I wanted to say thank
you to NHS staff for
the way my brother
was looked after when
he got knocked over,’
Staff feel
Smile Feedback Wednesday
Ellie Milner
With the patronage and support of Her Royal Highness
Princess Muna Al-Hussein who was the first to pledge
@HelenBevan @JackieLynton #mixmashup
@HelenBevan @JackieLynton #mixmashup
A global movement was born
Google Searches Twitter
Google Searches and Twitter posts
tell the same story: 50% bigger
than last year at peak
Online mentions: 4x bigger than
last year (Source — OLR) 9,274 vs
1,869 in 2014
Changeathon peaked
on Twitter around
09:00 and 11:00
46 Million Twitter Impressions
14 Thousand Tweets
9 Thousand online mentions
4,859 individuals tweeting
200 events flagged on Twitter
60 events notified to team
Events across
50% bigger
than 2014
(tweets & searches
— online is 400% bigger)
@HelenBevan @JackieLynton #mixmashup
• We must activate the mavericks, radicals, rebels and heretics
• From the top of the hierarchy:
 You CAN support and enable a social movement
 You CAN join forces to achieve shared purpose
 You CAN utilise movement principles
BUT you CANNOT lead or drive it
• It’s not enough to mobilise, we have to organise
• There is a massive untapped reservoir of energy and talent
out there and the potential is outstanding
What have we learnt?
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat
If your horse dies,
get off it
Cherokee proverb
Source of image:
#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat
Chloe at 24
Quote from Chloe
I was inspired by the caring,
creative and committed
individuals I met in the NHS and
realised I need to fulfil a sense of
purpose in using my skills and
passion in helping others.
I want ……
More information
For more information visit
@HelenBevan @JackieLynton #mixmashup
Health and care radicals
@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
The school is based on two kinds of learning
Transactional learning Transformational learning
A “toolkit” of ideas &
Learning through
motivation, practice &
Seeks to transfer useful
Seeks to transform beliefs
& underlying assumptions
Learning event,
presentations & materials
Experiential, interactive &
Generates understanding of
“what to do”
Generates increased
capacity in “how to do it”
Source: Based on John Wenger
@helenbevan#SHCR @School4Radicals
Change starts with me
Forming communities: Rolling with resistance
Building alliances for change
Making change happen
Moving beyond the edge
The extent of our reach
Nearly 5,000 enrolees in 2014 & 2015
2015: #SHCR: 20,786,339 impressions across 14,288 tweets
@School4Radicals: reached 35,044 unique twitter accounts;
1,686 followers; 24,551 views of school materials, including
attendees on live webinars
Nearly 7,000 subscribers, 13,000 unique users
@theedgenhs: 65,438 impressions; reached 50,413 accounts;
1,726 followers / The Edge: 6,652 subscribers;
Since 5 November 2014: 22,328 visits to The Edge website,
with 64,611 page views from 13,011 separate users
Since launch of 2015 campaign on 1 December 2014:
@nhschangeday: 708,100 impressions, 12.2k followers
#nhschangeday: 30,053,800 impressions across 11,396 tweets
#100daysofchange: 1,629,672 impressions across 539 tweets
Facebook reach of 9,995, 10 separate campaigns launched
29,068 visits to website, with 70,593 page views from 19,777 separate users
Since 1 December 2014:
#thoughtdiversity: 10,839,571 impressions across 3,749 tweets
• Being an effective
change activist
• Transformational
• Thought diversity
and disruptive
• Scale and spread of
• The new methods
for change
@HelenBevan @JackieLynton #mixmashup
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36.3m twitter impressions (across all main accounts)
Reached 143k individual accounts
36k twitter followers across all main accounts
24.5k views of #SHCR materials, including students on live webinars
64.6kviews from 13kunique users of The Edge
480k impressions and 2,451clicks for Challenge Top-Down Change
Horizons group: numbers for February 2015
@helenbevan #IQTGOLD#SHCR @School4Radicals
“You don’t need an engine when you have
wind in your sails”
Thank you for listening

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California presentation march 2015 final 2 - jackie lytnon

  • 1. @jackielynton Jackie Lynton Creating a contagious commitment for change …..
  • 2. @HelenBevan #SHCR #QF15 The Horizons Group within NHS Improving Quality Aim of the group: to stimulate new and ‘disruptive’ approaches in support of health and care transformation, operating at the edge of current thinking and practice: • skipping a generation of thinking and practice in how to create radical, system-wide change • skipping a generation in a wider level of connection: working with emerging leaders, clinical trainees, students • skipping a generation of methods for change and improvement: open innovation, open source, digital connection, social media, change platforms, hacking “You can’t cross a chasm in small steps” David Lloyd George
  • 3. @HelenBevan Five enabling themes in change and transformation
  • 4. @HelenBevan @JackieLynton #mixmashup Agenda 1. Building a social movement 2. Why programmatic and target-driven approaches to change aren’t enough 3. Leading contagious commitment to change 4. A disruptive case study: NHS Change Day
  • 5. Community Call to attention Stay with the process
  • 6. @HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 Activity Today you will be working as a community with others on your table so it’s important to find out who is in your community. Introduce yourself to others at your table. Tell a quick story that demonstrates why you chose to come to this workshop today. Time allowed: 10 minutes for the whole table
  • 8. @HelenBevan @JackieLynton #mixmashup The NHS is the 5th biggest employer on the globe Source: BBC
  • 9. @HelenBevan @JackieLynton #mixmashup The National Health Service is the closest thing the English have to a religion, with those who practice in it regarding themselves as a priesthood. This makes it quite extraordinarily difficult to reform Nigel Lawson, politician “ “
  • 10. @HelenBevan @JackieLynton #mixmashup Where are we? The dominant NHS approach [to leadership] is typified by laying down demanding targets, leading from the front, often being reluctant to delegate, and collaborating little – and is the consequence of the health service focusing on process targets, with reward dependent on meeting them. Source: Kings Fund Leadership for engagement and improvement in the NHS engagement-improvement-nhs-final-review2012.pdf “ “
  • 11. @HelenBevan @JackieLynton #mixmashup Building on a legacy of social movement thinking for the NHS
  • 12. @HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 What is happening in the world of change? Source of image: from
  • 13. @HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 SEISMIC SHIFTS Change from the edge
  • 14.
  • 15. @HelenBevan Most change efforts are built upon the shaky foundation of five flawed assumptions; 1. that change can be managed 2. that human beings are objective 3. that there are ‘X’ steps to change 4. that we have a neutral starting point for change 5. and that change, itself, is the goal Peter Fuda Change-Efforts-Fail.pdf Source of image:
  • 16. @HelenBevan #SHCR #QF15 Leading change in a new era Dominant approach Emerging direction
  • 17. @HelenBevan #SHCR #QF15 Leading change in a new era Dominant approach Emerging direction Most policy efforts are driven from this side
  • 18. @HelenBevan Many of the ways we go about improving health and care were designed in a different mindset for a different set of circumstances We are operating with 20th century change practice in a 21st century world Source of images : the-connected-company
  • 19. “When we talk of social change, we talk of movements, a word that suggest vast groups of people walking together, leaving behind one way and travelling towards another” Rebecca Solnit
  • 20. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 ‘If people give to a cause, they expect a relationship, not a transaction.’ Nilofer Merchant
  • 21. @HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 Why am I a radical?
  • 22. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 Source : Lois Kelly Sometimes other people see radicals/rebels as troublemakers Rebel
  • 23. Six characteristics of people or groups within effective social movements 1. They share a sense of PURPOSE: There is purposefulness about collaborations, discussions, actions, decisions and a sense of forward momentum 2. They are UNITED: They have learned to manage their differences well enough that they can unite to accomplish their purpose. Differences are openly debated, discussed, and resolved. 3. They share UNDERSTANDING: There is a widely shared understanding of what's going on, what the challenges are and why what is being done has to be done 4. People PARTICIPATE: Lots of people and organisations in the system are active - not just in discussions and meetings, but getting the work done. 5. They take INITIATIVE: Rather than reacting to whatever happens in their environment, they are proactive, and act upon their environment. 6. They ACT: People do the work they must do to make the things happen that need to happen Source: adapted from Wellstone Action
  • 24. @HelenBevan #SHCR #QF15 We need rebels! •The principal champion of a change initiative, cause or action •Rebels don’t wait for permission to lead, innovate, strategise •They are responsible; they do what is right •Without rebels, the storyline never changes Source : @PeterVan
  • 25. Framing … is the process by which leaders construct, articulate and put across their message in a powerful and compelling way in order to win people to their cause and call them to action. Snow D A and Benford R D (1992)
  • 26. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 Three components of framing • Diagnostic – what is the problem that we are addressing? What is the extent of the problem? What is the specific source or sources? • Prognostic – what could the future look like? What is our “plan of attack” and our strategy for carrying out the plan? • Motivational – why is this urgent? What is our call for action that connects with the motivational and emotional drivers of the audience? Source: Benford and Snow
  • 27. What’s the financial incentive? Who is performance managing? What’s the project plan? Source: @RobertVarnam
  • 28. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5Source:
  • 29. “I have some Key Performance Indicators for you” or “I have a dream” Source: @RobertVarnam
  • 30. My first experience of being in large scale change in the NHS 1986 The story of Fredrick……
  • 31. Leaders ask their staff to be ready for change, but do not engage enough in sensemaking........ Sensemaking is not done via marketing...or slogans but by emotional connection with employees Ron Weil
  • 32. Call to Action • A call to action assumes that we can end an intolerable condition by creating a burning platform from which to organise our resources and seek commitment • A call to action finds and builds new sources of power and so enables change through • collaboration and mobilisation • developing leadership • A call to action unites us around a collective vision and focuses our energy towards a specific and real change and a measureable goal
  • 33. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat Why do we need to change and what needs to change? Discuss in your community ACTIVITY
  • 34. Why programmatic and target driven approaches to change aren’t enough in our system?
  • 35. @HelenBevan @JackieLynton #mixmashup Starts on the fringe (at the edge) Starts with the activists Gary Hamel always
  • 36.
  • 37. Four keys to collaboration • Lean into your discomfort • Listen as an ally • State your intent • Share your “street corner” Source: Judith Katz and Fred Miller
  • 38. @HelenBevan John Kotter: “Accelerate!” most influential thought leader globally, recognises new approaches are needed • We won’t create big change through hierarchy on its own • We need hierarchy AND network • Many change agents, not just a few, with many acts of leadership • Changing our mindset TO FROM
  • 39. Must do Want to do Kotter: From “have to” to “want to”
  • 40. @helenbevan “Tomorrow’s management systems will need to value diversity, dissent and divergence as highly as conformance, consensus and cohesion.” Gary Hamel Source of image: Embracing difference to change the conversation
  • 41. Less change programmes More change platforms Change Programmes: • utilise systematic “change management” approaches • Too often, leaders prescribe the outcome and the method of change in a top- down way • change is experienced by people at the front line as “have to” (imposed) rather than “want to” (embraced) Change Platforms • enable everyone in the organisation/system (including service users) to help tackle the most challenging issues • value diversity of thought • leadership attention on creating an environment receptive to transformational change a-change-platform/5078014.article?blocktitle=Blogs-and-videos&contentID=16031
  • 42.
  • 43. @helenbevan Conclusions • The way that change is changing means that traditional policy levers (targets, payment incentives, regulation etc) will be increasingly less effective • They don’t have the track record in delivering the sort of transformational change now required across the NHS New Health Foundation report: 10% impact on overall performance • Transformation needs frontline staff to learn from the wider world, build shared purpose and have the freedom to take action • We have to find ways to: • Build organisations that are activist at their core • marry innovation with complexity and scale • balance control and freedom
  • 44. @HelenBevan #SHCR #QF15 is the new normal! “By questioning existing ideas, by opening new fields for action, change agents actually help organisations survive and adapt to the 21st Century.” Céline Schillinger Image by
  • 45. Leading contagious commitment to change in the workplace
  • 46.
  • 47. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 You get the best effort from others not by lighting a fire beneath them, but by building a fire within Bob Nelson
  • 48. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat What lights the ‘fire in your belly’ and makes you feel passionate and determined to make change happen? ACTIVITY
  • 49. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 Connecting to other people values and emotions
  • 50. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat If we want people to take action, we have to connect with their emotions through values action values emotion Source: Marshall Ganz
  • 51. Building contagious commitment Source: Marshall Ganz Shared understanding leads to Action Narrative why? Strategy what?
  • 52. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 What is strategy? Strategy is the process of turning the you have into the you need to win the you want Source: Marshall Ganz
  • 53. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 Here have some of mine! My Power Power Shifting positional power to relational
  • 54. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat Unleashing the energy The more you do what you love the more energy you have. Leadership Freak Vs
  • 55. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 Resources to improve health and care Economic resources diminish with use • money • materials • technology Natural resources grow with use • relationships • commitment • community Based on principles from Albert Hirschman, Against Parsimony
  • 56. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat “Stages of change” Transtheoretical model of behaviour change Prochaska, DiClemente & Norcross (1992)
  • 57. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 Source: Helen Bevan Compliance States a minimum performance standard that everyone must achieve Uses hierarchy, systems and standard procedures for co- ordination and control Threat of penalties/ sanctions/ shame creates momentum for delivery What is our approach to change? 3 Mins Commitment States a collective goal that everyone can aspire to Based on shared goals, values and sense of purpose for co- ordination and control Commitment to a common purpose creates energy for delivery
  • 58. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat "There’s only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that’s your own self." Aldous Huxley Source of image:
  • 59. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 It starts with me….
  • 60. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 Effective framing: what do we need to do? 1. Tell a story 2. Make it personal 3. Be authentic 4. Create a sense of “us” (and be clear who the “us” is) 5. Build in a call for urgent action
  • 61. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 Creating our narrative • Challenge: What was the challenge? Why was it a challenge? • Choice: What were the choices? Why did you make the choice you did? Where did you get the courage or hope? How did it feel? • Outcome: How did the outcome feel? Why did it feel that way? What do you want us to feel? Source: Marshall Ganz
  • 63. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 Me at 22 years old
  • 64. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 Image from: @TheWorldStories
  • 65. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 • Creating a space for getting ready for change • Invitation to thinking differently about change • Share the collective wisdom of people in the room – 5 minutes of wisdom Overview MY GOAL
  • 66. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 Strong sense public service and community
  • 67. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
  • 68. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 1986 1. I did not feel heard, supported 2. Let down by my profession 3. I was part of a hierarchical system that didn’t protect vulnerable people
  • 70. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 Always fighting for change an speaking out
  • 71. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
  • 72. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 Being open to creating alliances with others, and not build silos…..
  • 73. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 This picture was taken from the window of my hotel room in Scotland when I asked myself one of the most important questions
  • 74. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 Connecting to What’s important to me? Alone/Me Together/We Building connections and relationships for change
  • 75. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 Knowing your purpose
  • 76. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 A 3-word concept @HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
  • 77. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat [Shared] purpose goes way deeper than vision and mission; it goes right into your gut and taps some part of your primal self. I believe that if you can bring people with similar primal-purposes together and get them all marching in the same direction, amazing things can be achieved. Seth Carguilo @HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5
  • 78. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 30 years on 1. Staff didn’t feel heard – ‘checked out’ 2. Compliance over commitment 3. Staff not feeling ‘permission’ to make to make changes
  • 80. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 “People who think differently challenge the status quo…. in difference lies value. They are what Cass Sustein (2003) might call “dissenters”……dissenters identify new dimensions, and they force us to abandon our existing predictive models. Dissent is useful. Without it society would falter” Source: Scott E. Page, Making the difference: Applying a Logic of Diversity - Academy of Management Perspectives
  • 81. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 Change starts with me
  • 82. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 When you start with ‘me’ - you can see ‘we and us’ 1. Cut on the dotted line 2. Rotate 180 degrees
  • 83. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 Creating change through connections and building relationships
  • 84. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 Reconnecting with my values
  • 85. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 Innovation/ideas is not reserved for someone sitting at the top of a hierarchy, but driven down to unleash new levels of engagement Nurse Doctor Manager Social worker Patient Carer maker Cleaner Pharmacist
  • 86. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat Now I don’t! Now I bring my authentic self to work I had to be someone else to fit in
  • 87. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 Talk to the person next to you ACTIVITY • Tell your story about why the change you are involved in now is so important to you • Relate it to a personal experience You have: • 2 minutes to prepare your story • 2 minutes each to tell your story
  • 88. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 Talk to the person next to you Have a further discussion • In terms of the people you want to get on board with your change project, what will create a sense of “us” rather than “us and them”? • How could telling your story help create the “us”? You have three minutes for further discussion as a pair
  • 89. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 Talk to the rest of the table What insight did you get from that exercise? You have five minutes for a whole table discussion
  • 90. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat How do we create a sense of “us” to build momentum for change? Source of image:
  • 91. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 strong ties (cohesive) v. weak ties (disconnected) Source of
  • 92. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat When we spread change through strong ties: • we interact with “people like us”, with the same life experiences, beliefs and values • Change is “peer to peer”; GP to GP, nurse to nurse, gynaecologist to gynaecologist • Influence is spread through people who are strongly connected to each other, like and trust each other
  • 93. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat When we spread change through strong ties: • we interact with “people like us”, with the same life experiences, beliefs and values • Change is “peer to peer”; GP to GP, nurse to nurse, gynaecologist to gynaecologist • Influence is spread through people who are strongly connected to each other, like and trust each other IT WORKS BECAUSE: people are far more likely to be influenced to adopt new behaviours or ways of working from those with whom they are most strongly tied
  • 94. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat The pros and cons of strong ties Pros Cons ACTIVITY
  • 95. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat Strong and weak ties When we seek to spread change through strong ties: • we interact with “people like us”, with the same life experiences, beliefs and values • Change is “peer to peer”; GP to GP, nurse to nurse, gynaecologist to gynaecologist • Influence is spread through people who are strongly connected to each other, like and trust each other When we seek to spread change through weak ties: • we build bridges between groups and individuals who were previously different and separate • we create relationships based not on pre-existing similarities but on common purpose and commitments that people make to each other to take action • our aim is to mobilise all the resources in our organisation, system or community that can help achieve our goals
  • 96. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 Why we need to build weak ties AS WELL AS strong ties • Weak ties are more likely to lead to change at scale because they enable us to access more people with fewer barriers
  • 97. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 Why we need to build weak ties AS WELL AS strong ties • Weak ties are more likely to lead to change at scale because they enable us to access more people with fewer barriers • In situations of uncertainty, we have a tendency to revert to our strong tie relationships • yet the evidence tells us that weak ties are much more important than strong ties when it comes to searching out resources in times of scarcity
  • 98. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 Why we need to build weak ties AS WELL AS strong ties • Weak ties are more likely to lead to change at scale because they enable us to access more people with fewer barriers • In situations of uncertainty, we have a tendency to revert to our strong tie relationships • yet the evidence tells us that weak ties are much more important than strong ties when it comes to searching out resources in times of scarcity • The most breakthrough innovations will come when we tap into our weak ties
  • 99. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat@HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 Why we need to build weak ties AS WELL AS strong ties • Weak ties are more likely to lead to change at scale because they enable us to access more people with fewer barriers • In situations of uncertainty, we have a tendency to revert to our strong tie relationships • yet the evidence tells us that weak ties are much more important than strong ties when it comes to searching out resources in times of scarcity • The most breakthrough innovations will come when we tap into our weak ties History suggests that weak ties will probably give us the best chance to deliver large scale improvements in a challenging timescale
  • 100. Key messages • Create a “burning platform” and imperative for action around quality and cost improvement • Make a clinically relevant case that makes both a rational case for change and a connection to emotions, through values • Frame to connect with hearts and minds and identify levers for commitment rather than compliance • Build a strategy for both strong and weak ties • Ask people to commit to specific actions
  • 101. NHS Change Day 2015 Wednesday 11 March Making a change for better together. Disruptive Case Study
  • 102. Do something better together…. Audacity to imagine we could mobilise the 1.3m people in the NHS
  • 104.
  • 105. Must do Want to do Shared purpose Goal – 65,000 (500k) pledges Core leadership team Personal pledge Set a date Website Social media Took risks Courage & belief Kept it simple!
  • 106. Holding each other to account rather than performance management
  • 108. ENGAGEMENTCOMMITMENT ENERGY ‘Can I really make the change?’ Will ‘the system’ really ALLOW me?
  • 109. ENGAGEMENTCOMMITMENT ENERGY When you hit up against this wall, how do you feel and how do staff feel?
  • 110. Change Day pledges and stories ‘…the floodgates of change open’ from front line to senior leaders
  • 112. @HelenBevan @JackieLynton #mixmashup Volunteers – leaders everywhere 98% of activity via volunteers
  • 113.
  • 114.
  • 115. My pledge/action….. Not let hierarchy get in the way of patient care What I did Worked with the hierarchy at an early stage. Seeking their support with an explicit understanding that they respected the grassroots nature of Change Day.
  • 116. Bottom up approach with top down support I urge as many people as possible to give their support“ "NHS Change Day is a fantastic opportunity to join a movement of young leaders who want to make a difference in the NHS Jeremy Hunt Health Secretary Chief Nursing Officer - England Professor Sir Bruce Keogh National Medical Director It's especially an opportunity for the next generation of junior doctors to effect change in a practical and sustainable way"
  • 117. Fun day for children Support group with a stomas
  • 118. NHS CEO personal National pledge campaign
  • 119. 30% shift in staff survey: ‘Would you feel confident your hospital would address your concern?’ Ashley Brooks Patient Champion ‘Change Day gave me the permission to use my energy in the direction I wanted to use it’
  • 120. Students swap places with patients in mock ward Change in University nursing curriculum Louise Trowse – Second year student
  • 121. Tasting common medicine for children Discussing pharmacy methods of improving the taste Dr Damian Roland “The single most important skill I learned from improvement leaders was narrative. It connects us to the reasons we were called to work for the NHS. It will stay with me the rest of my career.”
  • 122. Local anaesthetic for arterial blood gas sampling Clinician shows painful procedure for patient experience
  • 123. Jeharna sings for children’s ward to say thank you ‘I wanted to say thank you to NHS staff for the way my brother was looked after when he got knocked over,’ Staff feel appreciated
  • 125. 125 With the patronage and support of Her Royal Highness Princess Muna Al-Hussein who was the first to pledge
  • 127. @HelenBevan @JackieLynton #mixmashup A global movement was born
  • 129. Google Searches Twitter Google Searches and Twitter posts tell the same story: 50% bigger than last year at peak Online mentions: 4x bigger than last year (Source — OLR) 9,274 vs 1,869 in 2014 Changeathon: Changeathon peaked on Twitter around 09:00 and 11:00 46 Million Twitter Impressions 14 Thousand Tweets 9 Thousand online mentions 4,859 individuals tweeting 200 events flagged on Twitter 60 events notified to team Biggest ever Events across England Twitter: 50% bigger than 2014 (tweets & searches — online is 400% bigger) CHANGEATHON
  • 130. @HelenBevan @JackieLynton #mixmashup • We must activate the mavericks, radicals, rebels and heretics • From the top of the hierarchy:  You CAN support and enable a social movement  You CAN join forces to achieve shared purpose  You CAN utilise movement principles BUT you CANNOT lead or drive it • It’s not enough to mobilise, we have to organise • There is a massive untapped reservoir of energy and talent out there and the potential is outstanding What have we learnt?
  • 131. #NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat If your horse dies, get off it Cherokee proverb Source of image:
  • 134. Quote from Chloe I was inspired by the caring, creative and committed individuals I met in the NHS and realised I need to fulfil a sense of purpose in using my skills and passion in helping others. I want ……
  • 135. More information For more information visit @jackielynton
  • 137. @HelenBevan @BoelGare @JackieLynton #Quality 2014 #M5 The school is based on two kinds of learning Transactional learning Transformational learning A “toolkit” of ideas & approaches Learning through motivation, practice & feedback Seeks to transfer useful knowledge Seeks to transform beliefs & underlying assumptions Learning event, presentations & materials Experiential, interactive & action-based Generates understanding of “what to do” Generates increased capacity in “how to do it” Source: Based on John Wenger
  • 138. @helenbevan#SHCR @School4Radicals Change starts with me Forming communities: Rolling with resistance Building alliances for change Making change happen Moving beyond the edge
  • 139. The extent of our reach Nearly 5,000 enrolees in 2014 & 2015 2015: #SHCR: 20,786,339 impressions across 14,288 tweets @School4Radicals: reached 35,044 unique twitter accounts; 1,686 followers; 24,551 views of school materials, including attendees on live webinars Nearly 7,000 subscribers, 13,000 unique users @theedgenhs: 65,438 impressions; reached 50,413 accounts; 1,726 followers / The Edge: 6,652 subscribers; Since 5 November 2014: 22,328 visits to The Edge website, with 64,611 page views from 13,011 separate users Since launch of 2015 campaign on 1 December 2014: @nhschangeday: 708,100 impressions, 12.2k followers #nhschangeday: 30,053,800 impressions across 11,396 tweets #100daysofchange: 1,629,672 impressions across 539 tweets Facebook reach of 9,995, 10 separate campaigns launched 29,068 visits to website, with 70,593 page views from 19,777 separate users Since 1 December 2014: #thoughtdiversity: 10,839,571 impressions across 3,749 tweets
  • 140. • Being an effective change activist • Transformational leadership • Thought diversity and disruptive innovation • Scale and spread of change • The new methods for change
  • 141. @HelenBevan @JackieLynton #mixmashup Four ways to connect with us! 1. Follow on Twitter 1. @Jackie Lynton 2. Subscribe to 3. The School for Health and Care Radicals: @School4Radical 4. Engage with NHS Change Day @usachangeday
  • 142. 36.3m twitter impressions (across all main accounts) Reached 143k individual accounts 36k twitter followers across all main accounts 24.5k views of #SHCR materials, including students on live webinars 64.6kviews from 13kunique users of The Edge 480k impressions and 2,451clicks for Challenge Top-Down Change Horizons group: numbers for February 2015
  • 143. @helenbevan #IQTGOLD#SHCR @School4Radicals “You don’t need an engine when you have wind in your sails”