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Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
Rest & Recovery Post-Covid:
A Necessary Step for Quality
Christina Krause
BC Patient Safety & Quality Council
Helen Bevan
NHS Horizons team
Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
Learning objectives for this session
1. Articulate the need for post-pandemic rest and recovery to
ensure the sustainability of our people and the healthcare system
2. Identify the multiple aspects of organizational energy and
implement strategies for addressing in the context of post-
pandemic recovery.
3. Explore how quality improvement can play a pivotal role in
people recovery and service recovery
Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
Our agenda
• Breakout one: Getting to know our breakout groups
• Setting the context for rest and recovery
• People recovery AND service recovery
• Breakout two
• Building energy for rest, recovery and change
• Breakout three
• Highly adoptable improvement
• Case study: the NHS Horizons team
• Breakout four: pulling it all together
• Reflections and close
Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
Breakout 1
• You will return to/remain in the same breakout group throughout the
• Introduce yourselves, answering the question:
When have I felt most energized at work in the last 12 months?
What was going on for me?
• You will return to the main room after 10 minutes
• Be ready to add a personal insight from the discussion to the chat box in
the main room when we return
Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
Setting the Context
• Health Care Workers (HCWs) have endured three waves of COVID-19, each
increasingly more severe
• We face unique professional stressors on top of the uncertainty and fear
experienced by the general public
• This has taken a toll on health human resources, with early retirements, job
transitions and vacancies all at record highs
Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
Setting the Context
At the same time, we have also been faced with the greatest global health
threat of the 21st century – climate change
Extreme weather events around the world have not only been personally
distressing, but have also placed additional burdens on our health care
Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
Approximately 5.07 million people
944,735 km2
(larger than France & Germany combined)
5.9% of the population is Indigenous
Approximately 60% live off-reserve and
40% live on-reserve
~62% of the population lives in large urban
centres, while ~14% live in rural areas
British Columbia,
Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
CTV News Vancouver
CBC News
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CBC News
CityNews Vancouver
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Global News
Chilliwack Progress
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Vancouver Sun
CBC News
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The Canadian Press
Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
Moral Injury
First used to describe soldiers’ responses to their actions in war
Experienced when people “perpetrate, fail to prevent, bear witness to, or
learn about acts that transgress deeply held moral beliefs and
Can result in long-lasting emotional and psychological damage
Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
The Time to Act is Now
The period following a traumatic incident has been shown to have the
strongest influence on recovery
Main post-incident risk factors that influence recovery are:
Access to social support
The pressure that people experience as they try to recover
Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
Learning From the Military
Evidence largely comes from military programs:
Rest & Recuperation (R&R) Leave
Post-Operational Stress Management (POSM)
Provide military personnel with time to reconnect with family and friends
and “reset” following high-intensity operational duties
Found to reduce mental health struggles and promote well-being and
recovery from the strains of deployment
Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
“Without a physically and psychologically
safe and healthy workforce, excellent
health care is not possible.”
– Don Berwick
Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
18 |
People recovery AND service recovery
Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
Eleven things we have learnt about recovery
1. People recovery and service recovery aren’t just connected. They’re the same
2. Recovery is inherently relational
3. If teams are the primary unit for recovery, we must support team leaders and
line managers as the prime enablers of recovery
4. Invest in the time and (psychologically safe) space to connect, collaborate and
5. Focus on the areas that are most important for patients
6. Undertake improvement for people and service recovery in ways that
energise, motivate and give people autonomy and control
7. Support and amplify the “positive deviants”
8. Progress is a massive energiser
9. Take the opportunity to work in new, aligned ways
10. Improvement as the default
11. Share, share, share
Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
Source: The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins to
Ignite Joy, Engagement, and Creativity at Work
Emphasise progress
• Teresa Amabile, Harvard Business
School; studied the "inner work
life" diaries of 238 professionals
• Their best days were when they made
progress; were able to move forward in
their work
• 700 managers were asked to rank five
factors that motivate their team members,
including recognition and incentives;
They ranked “sense of progress” LAST
Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
Eleven things we have learnt about recovery
1. People recovery and service recovery aren’t just connected. They’re the same
2. Recovery is inherently relational
3. If teams are the primary unit for recovery, we must support team leaders and
line managers as the prime enablers of recovery
4. Invest in the time and (psychologically safe) space to connect, collaborate and
5. Focus on the areas that are most important for patients
6. Undertake improvement for people and service recovery in ways that
energise, motivate and give people autonomy and control
7. Support and amplify the “positive deviants”
8. Progress is a massive energiser
9. Take the opportunity to work in new, aligned ways
10. Improvement as the default
11. Share, share, share
Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
Breakout 2
• Your discussion questions:
What is happening for rest and recovery in my context?
What are the opportunities in aligning people recovery and service
• You will return to the main room after 10 minutes
• Be ready to add a personal insight from the discussion to the chat box in
the main room when we return
Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
Energy for change
Another view:
Quality of …
Level One:
Level Two:
decision making
Level Three:
information that
influences thinking
Level Four:
information that influences
Level Five:
relationships (information flow)
Level Six:
perceptions and feelings (culture)
Level Seven:
individuals mind-sets (personal beliefs and values)
“Engine” of quality
D. Balestracci. Data Sanity. 2009
“Fuel” of
© Stanton Marris
What We Mean By Organisational Energy?
The extent to which
an organisation has
mobilised the full
available effort of its
people in pursuit of
its goals
Direction of energy
Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
© Stanton Marris
Where organisational energy comes from
The level of energy that people bring to their work is shaped by the ‘Four
Cs’ – the energy generators
Climate: how far ‘the way we do things round here’
encourages people to give of their best
Connection: how far people see and feel a link between what
matters to them and what matters to the organisation
Content: how far the actual tasks people do are enjoyable
in themselves and challenge them
Context: how far the way the organisation operates and
the physical environment in which people work make
them feel supported
© Stanton Marris
What are the enabling and restraining factors?
Baseline energy
people bring to work
Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
Energy Matrix
Corrosive Energy
Resigned Inertia
Negative Quality Positive
Heike Bruch & Bernd Vogel (2011) Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
Three Energy Traps
1. Acceleration
– High productive energy, pushed too long
2. Complacency
– Low energy zone (resigned inertia & comfortable
3. Corrosion
– High negative energy (corrosive energy)
Bruch & Vogel, 2011
Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
Acceleration Trap
High productive energy … leading to:
– Increased number and speed of activities
– Raised performance goals
– Shorten innovation cycles
– Introduction of new management or organizational
Making this pace the “new normal” … becomes
chronic overloading
Bruch & Vogel, 2011
Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
Social Intellectual
Teams perform best when five energies are high
The NHS energy for
change model
Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
Social energy
Energy of personal
engagement, relationships and
connections between people
It’s where people feel a sense of
“us and us”
rather than
“us and them”
Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
Workers who feel
connected to their
colleagues are
three times as
likely to report
that they
levels of
Spiritual energy
Energy of commitment to a common
vision for the future, driven by shared
values and a higher purpose
Gives people the confidence to move towards a
different future that is more compelling than
the status quo
Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
Psychological energy
Energy of courage, resilience and feeling
safe to do things differently
Involves feeling supported to make a change and
trust in leadership and direction
@HelenBevan #improveUEC
Psychological energy is high when social and
spiritual energy is high
Physical energy
Energy of action, getting
things done and making
The flexible, responsive drive
to make things happen
Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
Intellectual energy
Energy of analysis, planning and thinking
Involves gaining insight as well as planning and
supporting processes, evaluation, and arguing a
case on the basis of logic/ evidence
Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
The challenge of over-focus on intellectual energy
• Intellectual energy on
its own isn’t
• It keeps leaders in
their comfort zone
(intellect to intellect)
• Common values drive
behaviour change
more than data
You can’t change fundamental behaviours without changing fundamental beliefs
High and low ends of each energy domain
Social isolated solidarity
Spiritual uncommitted higher purpose
Psychological risky safe
Physical fatigue vitality
Intellectual Illogical reason
Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
Breakout 3
We will move back to our breakout groups
• Your discussion questions:
How do we build social and spiritual energy for change
to support rest and recovery?
• You will return to the main room after 10 minutes
• Be ready to add a personal insight from the discussion to the chat box in
the main room when we return
Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
Highly Adoptable Improvement
Impact of Change on Workload/ Capacity
Zone of
Post implementation
of change
More workload/
less capacity
Less workload/
more capacity
Source: Hayes & Goldman, 2018
Cumulative Impact of Change
Source: Hayes & Goldman, 2018
Impact of Change on Perceived Value
› People are not passive recipients of change; they evaluate, seek meaning and
develop feeling towards change
› Perceived Value
the willingness/ readiness of individuals to adopt change when they believe the
outcome will be of value to them (or things of importance to them.)
› Emotional = That will save lives!
› Practical = I can see myself doing that new practice
› Logical = That new process makes sense
Source: Hayes & Goldman, 2018
› Initiatives that do not
add additional
workload and have
high perceived value
are more likely to be
adopted, cause less
workplace burden
and, achieve the
intended outcomes
Less adoptable
Reduced Increased
Source: Hayes & Goldman, 2018
Highly Adoptable
Burnout, change
fatigue, cynicism,
error, workarounds
Sustainably adopt
* The person icon represents the collective recipients
of the change; those individuals required to carry out
the tasks associated with the intervention
How we are asking
people to do it
What we are asking
people to do
Source: Hayes & Goldman, 2018
Highly Adoptable Improvement
Selected Factors Associated Questions
End-user participation Are end-user staff/ physicians involved in the change?
Alignment and planning Does the change initiative align with the organization’s and/or team’s
goals and has the rollout been planned effectively?
Resource availability Are the required resources (training, equipment, time, personnel) for the
implementation of the change initiative known and will they be made
Workload How much workload (cognitive, physical, time) is associated with the
Complexity How complex is the change intervention?
Efficacy What degree of evidence and belief is there that this intervention will
lead to the intended outcome? Source: Hayes & Goldman, 2018
Rest and recovery for our team: NHS Horizons
The Horizons team is a small, specialist team within the English National Health Service.
Horizons supports leaders of change, teams, organisations and systems to think differently about
large-scale change, improve collaboration, and accelerate change
We have had a continuous improvement project to
improve the wellbeing of our people since 2016
Short Warwick Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (SWEMWBS) © NHS Health Scotland, University of Warwick and
University of Edinburgh, 2008, all rights reserved.
• We use the Short Warwick Edinburgh Mental
Wellbeing Scale to measure our wellbeing every
• It is a scale which has been validated for the
measurement of mental wellbeing among groups
of adults: positive states of being, thinking,
behaving and feeling
• The SWEMWBS practitioner guide:
• Information about the short version of the scale
that we use:
It is free to use but you need to register for it first:
Survey tool: Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale:
Our team wellbeing scores 2020
Team starts
virtual working
none of the time rarely some of the time often all of the time % average score
Initiated an improvement
sprint on “managing work-
home boundaries”
Our team wellbeing scores 2021
none of the time rarely some of the time often all of the time % average score
Following a consistent decline in our wellbeing scores, we
initiated a sprint on “improving our meetings by being
clearer on the purpose of meetings and our individual roles
in meetings”
“It's heartening to
have honest and
realistic conversations
about wellbeing,
capacity etc. These
conversations are very
much valued and have
contributed to a
renewed sense of
Comment on the
wellbeing survey -
July 2021
This week, we had a team discussion about this
dip in our wellbeing results
We then co-designed “5 top tips” for managing work-
home boundaries and “5 top tips for reducing anxiety
and increasing relaxation”
A 30-day sprint
on building
relationships in
March 2021
included a
“coffee roulette”
We take action through 30, 60 and 90 day wellbeing
improvement sprints
• Improve our meetings by being clearer on the purpose of meetings and our individual
roles in meetings (30 days) September 2021
• Building team relationships (30 days) March 2021
• Photo challenge​ (30 days) January 2021
• Testing asynchronous working​ methods (60 days) October 2020
• Managing work-home boundaries​ (30 days) August 2020
• Random acts of kindness (1 week)​ February 2020
• Focus on soft deadlines (30 days) April 2019
• Reducing multi-tasking and finding focus (30 days) June 2018
• Building resilience (60 days) October 2018
• Reflection and appreciation (90 days) March 2018
• Team communication (90 days) January 2018
• Kindness advent calendar (30 days) December 2017
• Personal well being (60 days) August 2017
• Being a generous partner in the office (60 days) June 2017
We encourage everyone in
the team to use the national
wellbeing offers
1. Focus on individual wellbeing
We aren’t all feeling the
same but there are things
we can all do, eg, create a
routine, take a proper lunch
Graphic by Andi Roberts
2. Resilience is a team sport: create wellbeing through
virtual meetings
The Horizons team huddle
• Always check in and check
• Give everyone a voice
• Agenda item no.1: team
• Keep your camera on unless
you’re having Wifi issues
• Focus on purpose and
meaning (Facebook:
3. Use this as a time to learn and grow together
“Horizons hangout”
Sessions at least twice a week
for the team to watch recorded
webinars together and/or try
out new systems
The Know More Club
Every Monday to explore a new
area of knowledge, journal club,
mentoring conversation.
Everyone takes something away
Putting it all
Breakout 4
We will move back to our breakout groups for a final time
• Your discussion questions:
Based on this session, what actions are you going to take:
At a personal level (for your own rest and recovery)?
At a team or system level?
• You will return to the main room after 15 minutes
• Be ready to add one of the actions you are going to take as a result of
this session into the chat box in the main room when we return
“Whether we march with banners or
without - the important thing is
that we march together. All of us.
That’s what this thing has been
about from the beginning. And that
is absolutely how it is going to end.
Together. Us. United”
(Joe in Pride by Stephen Beresford)
What next?
Useful free resources
Follow @LizandMollie
• Supporting our NHS people – resources for
• ATTIC: Activities for Transforming Teams
& Igniting Change, The BC Patient Quality
and Safety Council:
• The SessionLab library of facilitation techniques
• Remote work survival kit, Chris Weston and a cast
of thousands:
• Online meeting resources toolkit for facilitators
during the coronavirus pandemic, Facilitators for
pandemic response group:
Thank you!!

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Rest and recovery post covid: a necessary step for quality

  • 1. Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum Rest & Recovery Post-Covid: A Necessary Step for Quality Christina Krause BC Patient Safety & Quality Council Canada Helen Bevan NHS Horizons team England
  • 2. Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum Learning objectives for this session 1. Articulate the need for post-pandemic rest and recovery to ensure the sustainability of our people and the healthcare system 2. Identify the multiple aspects of organizational energy and implement strategies for addressing in the context of post- pandemic recovery. 3. Explore how quality improvement can play a pivotal role in people recovery and service recovery
  • 3. Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum Our agenda • Breakout one: Getting to know our breakout groups • Setting the context for rest and recovery • People recovery AND service recovery • Breakout two • Building energy for rest, recovery and change • Breakout three • Highly adoptable improvement • Case study: the NHS Horizons team • Breakout four: pulling it all together • Reflections and close
  • 4. Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum Breakout 1 • You will return to/remain in the same breakout group throughout the session • Introduce yourselves, answering the question: When have I felt most energized at work in the last 12 months? What was going on for me? • You will return to the main room after 10 minutes • Be ready to add a personal insight from the discussion to the chat box in the main room when we return
  • 5. Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum Setting the Context • Health Care Workers (HCWs) have endured three waves of COVID-19, each increasingly more severe • We face unique professional stressors on top of the uncertainty and fear experienced by the general public • This has taken a toll on health human resources, with early retirements, job transitions and vacancies all at record highs
  • 6. Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum Setting the Context At the same time, we have also been faced with the greatest global health threat of the 21st century – climate change Extreme weather events around the world have not only been personally distressing, but have also placed additional burdens on our health care systems
  • 7. Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum Approximately 5.07 million people 944,735 km2 (larger than France & Germany combined) 5.9% of the population is Indigenous Approximately 60% live off-reserve and 40% live on-reserve ~62% of the population lives in large urban centres, while ~14% live in rural areas British Columbia, Canada
  • 9. Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum CTV News Vancouver CBC News
  • 10. Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum CBC News CityNews Vancouver
  • 11. Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum Global News Chilliwack Progress
  • 12. Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum Vancouver Sun CBC News
  • 13. Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum The Canadian Press
  • 14. Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum Moral Injury First used to describe soldiers’ responses to their actions in war Experienced when people “perpetrate, fail to prevent, bear witness to, or learn about acts that transgress deeply held moral beliefs and expectations” Can result in long-lasting emotional and psychological damage
  • 15. Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum The Time to Act is Now The period following a traumatic incident has been shown to have the strongest influence on recovery Main post-incident risk factors that influence recovery are: Access to social support The pressure that people experience as they try to recover
  • 16. Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum Learning From the Military Evidence largely comes from military programs: Rest & Recuperation (R&R) Leave Post-Operational Stress Management (POSM) Provide military personnel with time to reconnect with family and friends and “reset” following high-intensity operational duties Found to reduce mental health struggles and promote well-being and recovery from the strains of deployment
  • 17. Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum “Without a physically and psychologically safe and healthy workforce, excellent health care is not possible.” – Don Berwick
  • 18. Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum 18 | People recovery AND service recovery Service Recovery (delivery capacity) People Recovery (wellbeing)
  • 19. Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum Eleven things we have learnt about recovery 1. People recovery and service recovery aren’t just connected. They’re the same thing 2. Recovery is inherently relational 3. If teams are the primary unit for recovery, we must support team leaders and line managers as the prime enablers of recovery 4. Invest in the time and (psychologically safe) space to connect, collaborate and innovate 5. Focus on the areas that are most important for patients 6. Undertake improvement for people and service recovery in ways that energise, motivate and give people autonomy and control 7. Support and amplify the “positive deviants” 8. Progress is a massive energiser 9. Take the opportunity to work in new, aligned ways 10. Improvement as the default 11. Share, share, share
  • 20. Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum Source: The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins to Ignite Joy, Engagement, and Creativity at Work Emphasise progress • Teresa Amabile, Harvard Business School; studied the "inner work life" diaries of 238 professionals • Their best days were when they made progress; were able to move forward in their work • 700 managers were asked to rank five factors that motivate their team members, including recognition and incentives; They ranked “sense of progress” LAST
  • 21. Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum Eleven things we have learnt about recovery 1. People recovery and service recovery aren’t just connected. They’re the same thing 2. Recovery is inherently relational 3. If teams are the primary unit for recovery, we must support team leaders and line managers as the prime enablers of recovery 4. Invest in the time and (psychologically safe) space to connect, collaborate and innovate 5. Focus on the areas that are most important for patients 6. Undertake improvement for people and service recovery in ways that energise, motivate and give people autonomy and control 7. Support and amplify the “positive deviants” 8. Progress is a massive energiser 9. Take the opportunity to work in new, aligned ways 10. Improvement as the default 11. Share, share, share
  • 23. Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum Breakout 2 • Your discussion questions: What is happening for rest and recovery in my context? What are the opportunities in aligning people recovery and service recovery? • You will return to the main room after 10 minutes • Be ready to add a personal insight from the discussion to the chat box in the main room when we return
  • 24. Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum Energy for change
  • 25. Another view: Quality of … Level One: doing (processes) Level Two: thinking/ decision making Level Three: information that influences thinking Level Four: information that influences behavior Level Five: relationships (information flow) Level Six: perceptions and feelings (culture) Level Seven: individuals mind-sets (personal beliefs and values) “Engine” of quality D. Balestracci. Data Sanity. 2009 “Fuel” of quality
  • 26. © Stanton Marris What We Mean By Organisational Energy? The extent to which an organisation has mobilised the full available effort of its people in pursuit of its goals Direction of energy Level of energy Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
  • 27. © Stanton Marris Where organisational energy comes from The level of energy that people bring to their work is shaped by the ‘Four Cs’ – the energy generators Climate: how far ‘the way we do things round here’ encourages people to give of their best Connection: how far people see and feel a link between what matters to them and what matters to the organisation Content: how far the actual tasks people do are enjoyable in themselves and challenge them Context: how far the way the organisation operates and the physical environment in which people work make them feel supported
  • 28. © Stanton Marris What are the enabling and restraining factors? Baseline energy people bring to work Connection Content Context Climate Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
  • 29. Energy Matrix Corrosive Energy Productive Energy Resigned Inertia Comfortable Energy High Intensity Low Negative Quality Positive Heike Bruch & Bernd Vogel (2011) Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
  • 30. Three Energy Traps 1. Acceleration – High productive energy, pushed too long 2. Complacency – Low energy zone (resigned inertia & comfortable energy) 3. Corrosion – High negative energy (corrosive energy) Bruch & Vogel, 2011 Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
  • 31. Acceleration Trap High productive energy … leading to: – Increased number and speed of activities – Raised performance goals – Shorten innovation cycles – Introduction of new management or organizational systems Making this pace the “new normal” … becomes chronic overloading Bruch & Vogel, 2011 Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
  • 32. Psychological Physical Spiritual Social Intellectual Teams perform best when five energies are high Source: 6wr/coaching-nhs-leaders-to-build- energy-for-change The NHS energy for change model Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
  • 33.
  • 34. Social energy Energy of personal engagement, relationships and connections between people It’s where people feel a sense of “us and us” rather than “us and them” Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
  • 35. Workers who feel connected to their colleagues are three times as likely to report that they maintained pre-pandemic levels of productivity burnout/?social_token=4df7d91cfd5e8fca190db7c686480995&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sm-direct
  • 36. Spiritual energy Energy of commitment to a common vision for the future, driven by shared values and a higher purpose Gives people the confidence to move towards a different future that is more compelling than the status quo Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
  • 38. Psychological energy Energy of courage, resilience and feeling safe to do things differently Involves feeling supported to make a change and trust in leadership and direction @HelenBevan #improveUEC Psychological energy is high when social and spiritual energy is high
  • 39. Physical energy Energy of action, getting things done and making progress The flexible, responsive drive to make things happen Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
  • 40. Intellectual energy Energy of analysis, planning and thinking Involves gaining insight as well as planning and supporting processes, evaluation, and arguing a case on the basis of logic/ evidence Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
  • 41. The challenge of over-focus on intellectual energy • Intellectual energy on its own isn’t transformational • It keeps leaders in their comfort zone (intellect to intellect) • Common values drive behaviour change more than data You can’t change fundamental behaviours without changing fundamental beliefs
  • 42. High and low ends of each energy domain Social isolated solidarity Spiritual uncommitted higher purpose Psychological risky safe Physical fatigue vitality Intellectual Illogical reason LOW HIGH Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum
  • 43. Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum Breakout 3 We will move back to our breakout groups • Your discussion questions: How do we build social and spiritual energy for change to support rest and recovery? • You will return to the main room after 10 minutes • Be ready to add a personal insight from the discussion to the chat box in the main room when we return
  • 44. Twitter: @ck4q @HelenBevanTweet #IHIForum Highly Adoptable Improvement
  • 45. Impact of Change on Workload/ Capacity Workload Time Baseline Zone of change Post implementation of change Unchanged More workload/ less capacity Less workload/ more capacity Source: Hayes & Goldman, 2018
  • 46. Cumulative Impact of Change Time Workload Unsustainable Acceptable Ideal Source: Hayes & Goldman, 2018
  • 47. Impact of Change on Perceived Value › People are not passive recipients of change; they evaluate, seek meaning and develop feeling towards change › Perceived Value the willingness/ readiness of individuals to adopt change when they believe the outcome will be of value to them (or things of importance to them.) › Emotional = That will save lives! › Practical = I can see myself doing that new practice › Logical = That new process makes sense Source: Hayes & Goldman, 2018
  • 48. Hypothesis › Initiatives that do not add additional workload and have high perceived value are more likely to be adopted, cause less workplace burden and, achieve the intended outcomes More adoptable Less adoptable Perceived value Workload Same Reduced Increased Design For Here! Source: Hayes & Goldman, 2018
  • 49. Highly Adoptable Improvement Intervention Design Burnout, change fatigue, cynicism, error, workarounds Implementation Strategy Sustainably adopt improvement intervention - + WORKLOAD VALUE CAPACITY Intended outcomes NOT achieved Intended outcomes achieved * The person icon represents the collective recipients of the change; those individuals required to carry out the tasks associated with the intervention How we are asking people to do it What we are asking people to do Source: Hayes & Goldman, 2018
  • 50. Highly Adoptable Improvement Selected Factors Associated Questions End-user participation Are end-user staff/ physicians involved in the change? Alignment and planning Does the change initiative align with the organization’s and/or team’s goals and has the rollout been planned effectively? Resource availability Are the required resources (training, equipment, time, personnel) for the implementation of the change initiative known and will they be made available? Workload How much workload (cognitive, physical, time) is associated with the intervention? Complexity How complex is the change intervention? Efficacy What degree of evidence and belief is there that this intervention will lead to the intended outcome? Source: Hayes & Goldman, 2018
  • 51. Rest and recovery for our team: NHS Horizons The Horizons team is a small, specialist team within the English National Health Service. Horizons supports leaders of change, teams, organisations and systems to think differently about large-scale change, improve collaboration, and accelerate change
  • 52. We have had a continuous improvement project to improve the wellbeing of our people since 2016 Short Warwick Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (SWEMWBS) © NHS Health Scotland, University of Warwick and University of Edinburgh, 2008, all rights reserved. • We use the Short Warwick Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale to measure our wellbeing every week • It is a scale which has been validated for the measurement of mental wellbeing among groups of adults: positive states of being, thinking, behaving and feeling • The SWEMWBS practitioner guide: practitioneruserguide.pdf • Information about the short version of the scale that we use: experience-measures/short-warwick-edinburgh- mental-wellbeing-scale-swemws/ It is free to use but you need to register for it first:
  • 53. Survey tool: Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale: Our team wellbeing scores 2020 Team starts virtual working 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 none of the time rarely some of the time often all of the time % average score Initiated an improvement sprint on “managing work- home boundaries” % responses
  • 54. Our team wellbeing scores 2021 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1/7/2021 1/14/2021 1/21/2021 1/28/2021 2/4/2021 2/12/2021 2/19/2021 2/25/2021 3/4/2021 3/11/2021 3/18/2021 3/25/2021 3/31/2021 4/8/2021 4/15/2021 4/22/2021 4/29/2021 5/6/2021 5/13/2021 5/20/2021 5/27/2021 6/3/2021 6/10/2021 6/17/2021 6/25/2021 7/1/2021 7/8/2021 7/19/2021 7/26/2021 8/2/2021 8/5/2021 8/12/2021 8/19/2021 8/26/2021 9/2/2021 9/9/2021 9/16/2021 9/23/2021 9/30/2021 10/7/2021 10/14/2021 10/21/2021 10/28/2021 11/4/2021 11/11/2021 11/18/2021 11/24/2021 none of the time rarely some of the time often all of the time % average score Following a consistent decline in our wellbeing scores, we initiated a sprint on “improving our meetings by being clearer on the purpose of meetings and our individual roles in meetings” “It's heartening to have honest and realistic conversations about wellbeing, capacity etc. These conversations are very much valued and have contributed to a renewed sense of optimism.” Comment on the wellbeing survey - July 2021 This week, we had a team discussion about this dip in our wellbeing results We then co-designed “5 top tips” for managing work- home boundaries and “5 top tips for reducing anxiety and increasing relaxation” A 30-day sprint on building team relationships in March 2021 included a “coffee roulette”
  • 55. We take action through 30, 60 and 90 day wellbeing improvement sprints Examples: • Improve our meetings by being clearer on the purpose of meetings and our individual roles in meetings (30 days) September 2021 • Building team relationships (30 days) March 2021 • Photo challenge​ (30 days) January 2021 • Testing asynchronous working​ methods (60 days) October 2020 • Managing work-home boundaries​ (30 days) August 2020 • Random acts of kindness (1 week)​ February 2020 • Focus on soft deadlines (30 days) April 2019 • Reducing multi-tasking and finding focus (30 days) June 2018 • Building resilience (60 days) October 2018 • Reflection and appreciation (90 days) March 2018 • Team communication (90 days) January 2018 • Kindness advent calendar (30 days) December 2017 • Personal well being (60 days) August 2017 • Being a generous partner in the office (60 days) June 2017
  • 56. We encourage everyone in the team to use the national wellbeing offers 1. Focus on individual wellbeing We aren’t all feeling the same but there are things we can all do, eg, create a routine, take a proper lunch break Graphic by Andi Roberts
  • 57. 2. Resilience is a team sport: create wellbeing through virtual meetings The Horizons team huddle • Always check in and check out • Give everyone a voice • Agenda item no.1: team wellbeing • Keep your camera on unless you’re having Wifi issues • Focus on purpose and meaning (Facebook: Career/Cause/Community)
  • 58. 3. Use this as a time to learn and grow together “Horizons hangout” Sessions at least twice a week for the team to watch recorded webinars together and/or try out new systems The Know More Club Every Monday to explore a new area of knowledge, journal club, mentoring conversation. Everyone takes something away
  • 60. Breakout 4 We will move back to our breakout groups for a final time • Your discussion questions: Based on this session, what actions are you going to take: At a personal level (for your own rest and recovery)? At a team or system level? • You will return to the main room after 15 minutes • Be ready to add one of the actions you are going to take as a result of this session into the chat box in the main room when we return
  • 61. “Whether we march with banners or without - the important thing is that we march together. All of us. That’s what this thing has been about from the beginning. And that is absolutely how it is going to end. Together. Us. United” (Joe in Pride by Stephen Beresford) What next? 61
  • 62. Useful free resources Follow @LizandMollie • Supporting our NHS people – resources for wellbeing: • ATTIC: Activities for Transforming Teams & Igniting Change, The BC Patient Quality and Safety Council: • The SessionLab library of facilitation techniques • Remote work survival kit, Chris Weston and a cast of thousands: QBPpdKGLdOmZmZ4miLpoM/edit#heading=h.2y39piqqv7gb • Online meeting resources toolkit for facilitators during the coronavirus pandemic, Facilitators for pandemic response group: