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Based on the 10 Commandments of Optimal Health
I. Basic Premise/Foundation Principles
The idea of this protocol is to give the human body the best possible chance to prevent not only cancer
per se, but all degenerative disease, (and to a large extent communicable diseases, as well), by the
application of generally accepted and well-documented measures that are readily available to all. These
measures, which are based solely upon simple natural remedies, and follow the laws of health ordained
by our Creator, serve to enhance the body’s ability to resist and overcome diseased conditions. This
program involves measures that will greatly aid the body’s ability to heal itself. If properly balanced
and wisely applied, it will serve to boost the immune system, improve circulation, optimize nutrition and
assimilation, and generally condition and strengthen the skeletal, musculature, respiratory, circulatory
endocrine, digestive and eliminative systems of the body.
Particular attention is paid to the principles of health enunciated by Ellen G. White, a highly respected
and world-renown health reformer whose divinely revealed writings are as scientifically relevant today
as when they were written well over a hundred years ago. The simple natural remedies upon which this
program is based can be summarized as the 10 Commandments of Optimal Health, which are
herewith enumerated as follows:
1. Nutrition--Eating only the most nutritious and natural food available to us, on a regular schedule,
and in modest amounts. (Ellen White states: “Over and over again, I have been shown that man is
to subsist upon the natural products of the earth.”) This strongly suggests a totally vegan diet!
2. Exercise--Daily exercise by brisk walking, hiking, cycling, swimming, or such exercise as will
result in aerobic conditioning to strengthen the muscular/skeletal structures, circulatory and organ
systems of the body.
3. Water--The liberal use of pure water, (nature’s finest solvent, as far as bodily processes are
concerned) both internally and externally, to cleanse lubricate and purify the body.
4. Sunshine--Obtaining adequate sunshine, which serves to produce vitamin D, and to purify the body
and stimulate healing with its life-sustaining rays.
5. Temperance--Totally abstaining from any harmful substances, including adulterated or highly
processed foods, drugs, alcohol, and poisonous plants such as tobacco and marijuana, which slowly
poison and weaken the body. (Also, avoiding the breathing of toxious fumes and polluted air as
much as possible.)
6. Air--Super oxygenating the body by deep breathing/aerobic exercise on a daily basis. (Most disease
pathogens cannot live in the presence of oxygen.)
7. Rest--Getting sufficient uninterrupted rest to regenerate and rebuild cellular structures and to combat
the stress of modern living.
8. Trust in God--Turning our lives entirely over to our Creator God, and depending upon His power to
heal and restore us to abundant health of body, mind and spirit.
9. Gratitude--Living a life of gratitude to God for the many blessings, benefits, guidance and
protection we enjoy from our Creator, and for the wonders of the natural world that He has given us
to enjoy.
10. Praise—Praising God, and blessing Him for all His goodness to the children of men. (Science has
proven the healing power of prayer, as well as that of a positive, happy attitude.) “A merry heart
doeth good like a medicine!” –King Solomon
II. Disclaimer and Caution
Though the information contained herewith is in no way intended to imply that its content is exhaustive,
every attempt has been made to provide a substantial information base upon which to build a viable
preventive/treatment program. These guidelines for optimal health are based upon sound, well-
established scientific principles and the laws of health, as established for us by our Creator--the Great
Physician. The author of this document claims no special wisdom, rights, or exclusivity in presenting
this material. The reader is hereby cautioned against relying on this information as medical advice, and
must understand that this document is intended for informational, educational purposes only. We would
all do well to take more personal responsibility for our own health. However, it is suggested that
seriously ill patients seek the advice of a qualified, God-fearing, life-style oriented physician for specific
information about the possible benefit or relevancy of this material to his or her specific situation.
III. Rationale
The basic rationale underlying this outline is to provide the body with the best possible chance to resist
disease, or recover health once disease is established, by the following measures:
1. Remove, reduce or eliminate (as much as possible), all causative risk factors related to specific
diseases, which include, but are not necessarily limited to, carcinogenic substances or toxins in our
immediate environment. Avoid household aerosol sprays, toxic cleaning products, gas or petroleum
fumes, wood or tobacco smoke, and eliminate the use of items such as personal hygiene products
which contain toxic heavy metals, deodorants, or chemicals known to cause cancer.
2. Eliminate from the diet all harmful caffeine, cocaine, or theobromine containing beverages, such as
coffee, cocoa, orange pekoe tea, alcohol, carbonated beverages, and all other high sugar, artificially
flavored, colored drinks, and candy. (Controlled studies have shown that ingesting as little as one
teaspoonful of sugar clogs the tiny capillaries of our circulatory system for several hours!)
3. Avoid or eliminate the use of street, counter or prescription drugs or drinks known to cause health
problems as result of their continued use, such as wine, beer, whiskey, vodka, barbiturates, sedatives,
stimulants, hypnotics, etc.
4. Eliminate the use of all animal products, including such items as meat, eggs, dairy products, fish
(including shellfish), as well as animal fats of any kind. Animal products are becoming increasingly
dangerous due to their high incidence of disease, much of which is directly transmittable to human
5. Eliminate the use of any highly refined or processed foods, including most vegetable oils and
margarine, sugar products, texturized vegetable proteins, flavor enhancers (such as MSG in its varied
forms), deep-fried chips, dips or nuts, candy, gum, chocolate, pastries, white flour pretzels and most
processed snack foods and condiments. (The use of white flour products is implicated in the high
incidence of diabetes, and other degenerative disease.)
IV. Dietary Factors
Any diet designed to prevent cancer and build immunity to disease should consist primarily of foods that
are high in nutrition, easy to digest, and that have therapeutic, as well as maintenance value; i.e., that act
as medicinal agents to help prevent and heal diseased conditions. (This protocol follows the advice of
Hypocrites, the father of modern medicine, who stated: “Let your food be your medicine, and your
medicine be your food!”) Basically, such a diet can be summarized as follows:
1. Concentrate on having an abundance of foods that are rich in enzymes, co-enzymes and isoflavones,
as well as in necessary vitamins, minerals, and complex carbohydrates. Use seeds such as sprouted
beans and lentils, sunflower, flax, red clover, radish, psyllium, and most other small seeds, (with the
exception of alfalfa), as well as sprouted grains or grass juice of red clover, rye, oats, wheat, barley,
amaranth, etc. Seed sprouts can be added to fresh vegetable salads, made into salad dressings, eaten
alone, or added to green vegetable juice drinks, for which recipes are contained in this document.
2. Eat an abundance of freshly squeezed or raw, organically grown or pesticide-free vegetables and root
vegetables, particularly dark leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables such as green and purple
cabbage, kale, Swiss chard, broccoli, or Brussels sprouts, on a daily basis. Also include root
vegetables such as carrots, celery, red beets, yams, yellow squash, raw yellow sweet corn, green and
bulb garlic and onion, parsley, radish, etc.
3. Use all manner of fresh fruit and fresh-squeezed juices (preferably organically grown, and pesticide-
free), particularly tropical fruit, such as papaya, mango, pineapple, banana, guava, kiwi, passion
fruit, etc., but also including temperate climate fruits such as apple (with seeds), orange, ruby red
grapefruit, pear, cherry, plum, persimmon, peach, apricot, grapes (especially Red Concord, blue
berries, strawberries and berries of all kinds. Fruit should be taken fresh and in season, as much as
possible; however, if fresh fruit were difficult to obtain, dried fruit or 100% fresh-frozen fruit juices
would be the next best choice.
V. Nutritive, Healing and Anti-Carcinogenic Qualities in Foods
1. Fresh fruit is especially rich in vitamins, enzymes, co-enzymes, and bio-flavenoids, and generally
acts as a cleanser and emulsifier of toxins in the body, as well as providing us with a rich source of
sustained-release energy.
2. Fresh vegetables, which are richer in minerals, also contain some vitamins and enzymes, but
generally act as slower sources of energy, and are healing to the body. (The chlorophyll in green
plants closely parallels the mineral content of healthy human blood, and is especially valuable in
rebuilding red blood corpuscles.) Absicic acid, pangamic acid, allantoin, and other healing
substances found in these foods have anti-cancer and preventive qualities that are required to resist
and fight not only cancer, but other degenerative and communicable diseases, as well.
3. Seeds, particularly in their sprouted form, are super rich in enzymes and co-enzymes, as well as in
minerals and vitamins, and often contain up to 200% greater nutrition in their sprouted form as
opposed to when they are eaten dry. Sprouts are also far more readily digestible due to their high
enzyme content.
4. Grains, beans and legumes are rich in minerals, and in their sprouted form, are also rich in vitamins,
enzymes and co-enzymes, and provide us with both the healthiest source of protein, Vitamin B
Complex and complex carbohydrates, which are metabolized slowly to lengthen our energy curve.
4. Herbs, edible flowers and berries provide us with specific healing qualities, disease-preventing
isoflavones, and with vitamins, minerals and enzymes that are important to good health. These plant
foods contain bioflavenoids and other anti-cancer qualities that our body desperately needs to ward
off cancer and other degenerative diseases. Herbal medicine is slowly making resurgence in the
Western World, but most Oriental and aboriginal medicine protocols have relied heavily upon herbs
for healing various maladies for thousands of years. There are a number of herbal combinations that
have been developed by medical and herbal practitioners that are currently being utilized in
alternative treatment programs dealing with cancer, including the Jason Winter’s blend, The Hoxsey
Formula (primarily used for skin cancer), and the Essiac Tea blend. The most comprehensive and
effective herbal protocol for disease prevention and treatment available to us is that which was
developed by the late Dr. John Christopher, known as the father of herbal medicine in the Western
World, Dr. Richard Schultz, John Christopher's protegee and successor, has further expanded and is
now promoting this protocol.
VI. Suggested Daily Regimen
A. Upon arising—Drink one pint to one quart (as tolerated) of warm, distilled or soft spring water
into which the juice of one-half lemon or lime has been added. Essiac or Jason Winters tea may
be taken at this time, one to two cups alone, or blended with above lemon water. (Good bowel
movement usually follows this drink, and is stimulated by it.)
B. Follow warm drink with hot/cold shower—rotate for three minutes in hot water, followed by 30-
60 seconds in cold. Repeat this sequence several times back and forth. Finish with cold or tepid
water, and dry thoroughly by rubbing skin briskly with towel—the idea is to stimulate the
peripheral circulation.
C. Morning devotional consisting of private prayer, Bible readings, singing, etc. This is your
opportunity to practice the attitude of gratitude and praise, and to start thinking happy, pleasant,
positive thoughts.
D. One pint of freshly juiced Green Drink* followed by 15-30 minutes of Aerobic Exercise. * (See
formulas below)
E. Breakfast, consisting of 2-4 varieties of fresh tropical fruit, such as banana, pineapple, papaya,
mango, kiwi, passion fruit, etc., or fruit in season, such as apple, pear, peach, apricot, plum,
cherry, etc. Include at least one serving of orange, grapefruit, tangerine or Mandarin orange. Also
include two or three heaping teaspoons of ground flaxseeds, psyllium seeds, and pumpkin seeds;
this combination is rich in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, acts as an excellent natural laxative, helps
remove parasites, and most importantly, has anti-carcinogenic qualities!
F. After the first month, add to your breakfast, one small bowl of sprouted seed and sprouted grain
cereal with almond or soy bean milk, This cereal may be sweetened with fresh berries, fresh dried
or soaked fruit, such as raisins, prunes, apricots, dates or figs. (Use dried fruit sparingly for variety
and sweetening).
G. Three hours after breakfast, one pint of herb tea blend—Essiac or Jason Winters blend, followed
by 15-30 minutes of Aerobic Exercise.
H. One-half hour before lunch or dinner, take one pint to one quart of Carrot juice blend* (see
formula below).
I. Devotional reading/prayer for divine healing. (It would be good to get into the habit of having
personal/family devotionals morning, and evening, with the saying of grace before each meal).
J. Lunch or dinner, depending on whether you choose the two or three meal per day schedule—(if
you work hard and burn off considerable calories, three meals per day is usually best; otherwise,
two meals per day is preferable).
K. Rule of thumb for meal schedule: Eat like a king for breakfast! Eat like a prince for lunch!
Eat like a pauper for supper!
L. Lunch should consist of a LARGE vegetable salad, consisting of green or purple leaf lettuce, fresh
chopped tomato, green or red sweet pepper, cucumber, green onion and/or garlic, celery, radish,
spinach, or other fresh salad greens to which one or more seed, bean or grain sprouts has been
added. (Salad dressing can be made of sprouted seeds, almonds, cashews, and avocado, garlic and
lemon juice, or plain tomato sauce, or lemon juice and extra virgin olive, avocado or flax seed oil.)
For additional salad variations, use sprouted seed, lentil or bean sprouts, shredded root vegetables
such as carrot, red beet, parsnip, horseradish, pumpkin, summer or winter squash, or simple two to
three item combinations such as tomato/cucumber/onion, green/red cabbage coleslaw, or fresh
vegetable plates. Garnish salads with parsley, watercress, or fresh mint.
M. After the first month, you may also add one or two small to medium baked potato with skin, or
moderate serving of cooked whole grain rice, barley, millet, whole wheat, raw or steamed sweet
corn. Or you may wish to prepare a hearty soup or stew made with any of the above ingredients
such as lentils, green peas, or beans, to which vegetables, including onion and garlic, have been
added. (Be sure to include both fresh and raw bulb garlic in each vegetable meal, as well as at
least one member of the cruciferous, or cabbage family vegetables, and one member of the yellow
root vegetables, raw and cooked, in each of your vegetable meals, as these have anti-cancer
N. After lunch, a short walk or light activity is recommended, followed by a 15-30 minute sunbath,
exposing the skin to both the sunshine and fresh air as much as possible. (On hot summer days, it
may be necessary to take the sunbath during early morning or late afternoon hours to avoid
sunburn. You may also want to take advantage of partial shade areas of your yard, under light tree
foliage.) Follow this by another 15-30 minutes of Aerobic Exercise. (Work towards getting in at
least one hour per day of aerobic exercise in the open air and sunshine as much as possible).
O. Two hours after lunch or supper drink one pint of distilled water, followed by one pint of the herb
tea blend.
P. If you are on a three-meal/day schedule, you may have one pint or more of Fruit Smoothie* (see
recipe below) or one pint or more of Green Drink* (see recipe below) or Carrot Juice Blend four
to six hours after lunch, and use this as your last meal, for the first month. If you feel the need for
more nourishment, you may take a light fruit plate or vegetable plate for supper, four to five hours
before bedtime. (Avoid taking the fruit smoothie just prior to or with a vegetable meal, as this
causes fermentation and indigestion, resulting in consequent pain or discomfort. Use the smoothie
just prior to a fruit breakfast, with a light fruit supper, or as a meal in itself.)
Q. After supper, but at least two hours before bedtime, take one or more pints each of the green drink
and carrot juice blend spaced one to two hours apart. At least two hours before bedtime, take one
pint of the herbal tea blend, and one pint of distilled water, spaced one-half to one hour apart,
depending upon meal schedule and preference. (If you have a difficult time taking all these
liquids, concentrate on getting at least one of the teas, and one of the juice blends before bedtime.)
R. Remember to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep, and try to get to bed at least two to three hours before
midnight. One hour of rest prior to midnight is worth two hours after midnight, as scientific
studies have shown that our most restful (REM) sleep is that which we get before midnight.
S. Also keep in mind that if you avoid snacking between meals, your digestive organs work most
efficiently, and have an opportunity to rest, along with the remainder of your body. Do not eat
between meals, and avoid late night snacking, and drinking liquids with your meals, if you wish to
have good assimilation and maintain healthy bowel functioning.
VII. Respecting the Body Temple
A. The Apostle John wishes us to prosper, and be in good health, even as our soul prospers, and the
Apostle Paul reminds us that our body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, and admonishes us to treat
it as such, by not defiling it with anything that is unclean. (This admonition refers to both moral
and physical uncleanness).
B. Paul further admonishes us in Philippians 4:8, to think only on such things as are “true, honest,
just, pure, lovely, and of good report!” Science, as well as Divinity, has proven that we are not
only what we eat, but also what we think in our hearts, and that our chosen life-style is directly
related to our thought life and vise versa. If we wish to avoid both physical and mental maladies,
we would do well to heed the wise counsel of our Heavenly Father, who has so graciously
provided us with His healing virtues and guidelines.
C. Determine in your heart/mind that you will allow your body to truly become God’s living temple.
When you begin to treat yourself with the respect and care that God can approve, He will not only
make His abode in you, but also make you a child of the King! Keep in mind that Jesus died for
D. Depend on Jesus alone for your healing. He alone is the Great Physician. Go to Him with your
problems, for He has promised that if we lay all our heavy burdens at His feet, He will allow us to
take His yoke, which is light in comparison!
E. Claim God’s promises to heal you and to bless you with abundant health. He is more willing to
grant us our petitions than we are to give good gifts to our children!
F. Be thankful, and give God the glory, for all His blessings—particularly for the wondrous gift of
His Son, who died that we might live eternally!
G. Do not depend upon any man-made cures, remedies or potions—realize that there is no magic pill
for true healing. It takes an uncompromising, all-out effort to comply with natural law, but the
results are often miraculous, and defy the bleak prognoses so often given to those whose illness is
supposedly terminal. God knows no such limitations as we often encounter.
H. Remember that man-made drugs and remedies only mask the symptoms, and often cause the very
problems they are supposedly designed to cure. Only our Creator God can provide us with the
healing we so desperately need.
I. Finally, remember that the most important thing in this life is for us to be prepared to meet our
Maker, for life on this earth is at best a temporary, transitory experience. Look forward to the life
of eternal bliss, happiness and joy that Jesus so graciously died to provide for those who are
willing to avail themselves of this incalculable gift! As we learn to love and serve our Heavenly
Father in this life, we can experience something of that heavenly existence, even here on this
earth, before He comes to take us home, to be with Him forevermore!
VIII. Juice Blend Recipes
A. *Green drink is made with fresh pineapple juice or frozen pineapple juice concentrate as a base.
Add sufficient distilled water to the concentrate to make juice, then blend in two to three green
leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, Swiss chard, sheep sorrel, parsley and mint. Make one-half
gallon daily, refrigerate, and use entire amount by day’s end. (If you wish to change this blend for
variety, you may also utilize green Pippin or Granny Smith apple juice as a base for this drink.)
B. *Carrot juice blend is best made with a good quality juicer such as Norwalk, Champion, or
Juiceman, and consists of 75% fresh organic juice carrots, 2-3 celery stalks, one medium or one-
half large red beet, one-half bunch parsley, and 3-4 cloves garlic. Make one-half gallon daily,
refrigerate, and use entire amount by the end of each day. (Of all the natural remedies outlined in
this treatise, this is by far the most important, and must not be diminished in any way. Most of the
naturally oriented cancer treatment programs around the world utilize this blend in one form or
another, in their protocol.)
C. *Fruit smoothies are made by blending two to four varieties of fresh fruit at a time, including both
tropical and temperate climate fruits. (Ripe banana makes an excellent base for this drink) You
may sweeten to taste by adding stewed prunes, dates or raisons if necessary, or use concentrated
apple, white grape or pineapple juice to sweeten. Make no more than can be used in one or two
servings at a time, as this does not keep well in the refrigerator.
IX. Aerobic Exercise
D. *Aerobic exercise is defined as that exercise which super-oxygenates the body, by gradually
increasing heart and respiration rates. The scientific formula and rationale for developing an
aerobic exercise program is as follows:
1. Take 220, and subtract your age. This figure represents your maximum heart rate, or the rate at
which your heart can beat for only five minutes before becoming totally exhausted. (You do not
want to ever reach this level for more than a minute or two at a time!)
2. Start your program by calculating 60% of your maximum heart rate, and gradually work towards
90% of maximum, over a period of weeks or months, as you are able. Monitor your heart rate 3-5
minutes into your workout with a wrist monitor, or by taking your pulse at the carotid artery on
either side of your neck, just below the chin, or at the wrist, if that is easier for you. Count the
pulse for 10 seconds and multiply by 6 to get your rate per minute, and then compare the result
with your target rate. Adjust your exertion to correspond with the target rate, as much as possible,
and maintain this rate for 15-30 minutes at a time.
3. As you progress towards your goal, you will discover that it takes a steeper course or more rapid
pace if you’re walking or jogging, or greater exertion if you are cycling, rowing, or working out on
exercise equipment, to maintain your target rate. Also, if your resting heart rate has been elevated,
it will tend to go down to a level approaching 55-60 beats per minute, which most athletes enjoy.
This is a sure indication that your cardio-vascular system is becoming more efficient in
transporting oxygen. Work toward 90% of your maximum heart rate, but set your own pace at
which to achieve this result, as you are able. A fairly easy and relatively safe way to gauge your
level is to have a companion with you to converse with as you exercise. When you must catch
your breath in order to talk while you’re exercising, you are very close to the correct level!
4. While the benefits of aerobic conditioning are too numerous to list in this brief treatise, it is
important to keep in mind that most disease pathogens, and cancer cells and viruses in particular,
cannot live in a highly aerobic, or oxygen-rich environment. They depend upon an anaerobic (or
oxygen-deficient) environment in order to metabolize. You can therefore appreciate the enormous
value of embarking on an aerobic exercise program to prevent or overcome your ailment!
5. If for reasons of extreme weakness, disability or progression of the disease, you cannot embark on
such a program, I would highly recommend that you consult your physician about the possibility
of referring you to the nearest facility containing a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. These treatments,
though expensive, induce oxygen into your system. Hopefully, this will enable you to recover
sufficiently to begin an aerobic exercise regimen on your own.
6. If you cannot afford, or do not have access to a hyperbaric oxygen chamber, I would suggest that
you investigate other possible devices, such as an ozone generator. However, there is still much
you can do on your own to absorb more oxygen, as the foregoing treatment protocol is specifically
designed to maximize your body’s potential for absorbing oxygen. If you live in a polluted
environment, move to a place where you can breathe pure air, preferably near the ocean or in the
7. Also, you can create your own mini ecosystem by eliminating obvious sources of pollution and
filling your immediate living quarters with a variety of large house plants, which produce pure
oxygen, while taking in the carbon dioxide we breathe out. You would also do well to leave your
bedroom window slightly open at night. Fill your lungs with this pure air by deep breathing. You
may need to be reminded to do this to begin with, but as you experience the extraordinary benefits
of such oxygen therapy, it will be easier for you to do this naturally.
X. Benefits of Hydrotherapy
A. Although we have touched but lightly upon the use of water (hydrotherapy) as a modality in this
treatise, it is important to point out that there is a form of hydrotherapy called hyperthermia. This
treatment utilizes hot baths or saunas to stimulate the body’s defense against the virus, which is
thought to produce cancerous cells. Most often, a cancer patient will naturally develop a fever at
some point in his illness. This is nature’s way of attempting to destroy the invading virus, which is
known to be heat sensitive. While the complementary hyperthermic bath is not recommended
when the patient is experiencing a fever, it can be utilized as tolerated, when the patient’s
temperature is normal or slightly below normal.
B. The usual protocol for this treatment consists of immersing the patient in a hot bath of no more
than 105 degrees Fahrenheit, for 15-30 minutes at a time, as tolerated. It is vitally important for the
patient to take a minimum of 10-12 ounces of water, herb tea, or juice during the bath to replenish
the electrolytes lost in perspiration. It is also important for the patient to finish the bath by taking a
tepid (cool) shower upon arising from the tub, to close the pores and minimize the possibility of
fainting. Moreover, it is necessary to take at least one hour of rest in a reclined position following
the bath. For this reason, the optimal time for this treatment to be given is immediately before
bedtime: however, this treatment can be given up to twice daily, as tolerated or advisable, and
should only be taken with the accompaniment of a qualified caregiver, and with the supervision of
a medical practitioner who is experienced with its use.
C. Another form of hydrotherapy that is less aggressive, and accomplishes much the same purpose is
called the cold sheet wrap, and is especially effective in calming agitated patients and in treating
drug or substance abuse withdrawals. This treatment consists of first giving the patient a hot bath
or shower, then wrapping him/her in an icy-cold sheet which has been dipped in ice water and
wrung out. The patient is then put to bed, with clean sheets and two or three light quilts or warm
blankets and quilt as covers, to induce perspiration throughout the night. I have seen a highly
agitated patient, who was strongly addicted to cocaine, get over his addiction in just one such
treatment! In the morning, the patient should take a contrast (hot/cold) shower upon awakening,
and bedclothes should be changed. This treatment is quite safe, and can be given as tolerated, but
should also be monitored, and liquid in some form should be given prior to bedtime and made
available at bedside, to replenish lost fluid from perspiration.
XI. Pain Control
A. While the foregoing program is designed to keep the incidence of pain to a minimum, it may be
necessary to review some measures that will serve to reduce or eliminate pain. It is important to
keep in mind that patients being treated with most of the orthodox therapies usually suffer such
excruciating pain as their disease progresses, that the “Hospice Mix” most often prescribed for
them by their physician, consisting of the most powerful pain medication, combined with
morphine and alcohol, is not sufficient to adequately deal with their suffering.
B. The best way to deal with pain is to first understand what causes it. In cancer patients, as well as in
many other diseased conditions, pain is caused by tissue swelling, inflammation, lack of
circulation, or toxicity. The wise applications of herbal or charcoal poultices, hot and/or cold
compresses, massage and exercise can often relieve swelling or inflammation. Toxic conditions
require good elimination, which can most effectively be induced through massage and exercise,
but also by the use of herbs and the ground flaxseed formula described in this document. In any
case, it is extremely important for the patient to be well hydrated, as this is nature’s way of
eliminating toxins, and enabling the various organ systems to function at peak efficiency.
C. Though the use of coffee enemas is somewhat controversial among natural health practitioners as a
means of pain control in cancer patients, its effective use has been well established and extensively
documented. This treatment is especially designed to deal with impaired liver function, but has
also proven effective in cases of extreme pain. The protocol for this treatment is as follows: A
good quality normal ground Colombian coffee is used, and percolated with distilled water. Dilute
regular strength coffee in a ratio of one-third coffee to two-thirds distilled water, warm mixture to
slightly over body temperature, and inject one quart of this liquid as an enema. Have a washable
mat or heavy towel prepared on the bathroom floor to lie on, and lay on the right side for fifteen
minutes before eliminating bowel over toilet. (Though the urge to eliminate may come sooner, it is
important to retain the liquid for 15 minutes, if at all possible.) This treatment may be given as
often as necessary to control pain, and is highly recommended by the Gersin Therapy Clinic,
particularly in cases of pancreatic or liver cancer.
XI. In Conclusion
A. A question that I have not specifically addressed in this treatise has to do with “How long should one
continue on this program?” It is difficult to give a definitive answer to this question, as much
depends upon one’s state of health, or in some cases, the progression of disease. Many of the highly
respected treatment programs recommend that their patients continue on the therapeutic portion of
their program for a year to a year and a half, which is the period of time required to rebuild normal
liver function.
B. Thereafter, they recommend a modified program incorporating most of the measures upon which the
therapeutic program is based, but allowing for a more regular diet, and eliminating many of the more
aggressive aspects of their treatment protocol. To maintain good health, I personally would suggest
that the 10 Commandments of Optimal Health, as set forth in this treatise, be conscientiously
adhered to on a permanent life-style change basis! This would serve as a preventive, prophylactic
measure to the avoidance of disease, and would not be unduly difficult for most people to continue. I
have observed that patients who return to their regular diet and lifestyle quickly deteriorate, and
often succumb to disease, in spite of all previous attempts to eradicate it.
XII. A Brief Appeal
I have invested a considerable amount of time, expense and energy in developing this treatise, and
would be most happy to reap at least two types of satisfaction from having done so.
A. For those who are interested in warding off cancer for themselves, preventing its incidence in their
family, or sharing this information with friends or acquaintances, I would strongly suggest that
they not only take this information to heart, but do research on their own, to further enhance their
knowledge and establish the effectiveness of this protocol. I would especially welcome their
feedback, both positive and negative, in regard to the foregoing suggestions, and particularly in
response to implementing this protocol.
B. For the natural health practitioners, therapists, and the licensed physicians, oncologists and
surgeons that may chance to come across this document, I would beg your indulgence, and ask you
to both critique and candidly investigate the validity of the information contained herein. Please
keep an open mind, and remember that though much of this information might seem revolutionary
to your present thinking and experience to date, most of it is today accepted as scientific fact;
whereas in the not too distant past, much, if not most of it, was treated by the popular medical
establishment as rank heresy. Please be so kind as to read “The Confessions of a Medical Heretic,”
written by one of your own, as a case in point.—Mendelson.
C. Once again, I would welcome your suggestions, corrections and comments, especially news of
your direct experience and results, in implementing, or validating any of the foregoing protocol. I
would also be most grateful if you can add to, correct, or in any way enhance the content or
presentation of this document. By no means is it meant to be exhaustive, and I am fully aware that
“in a multitude of counselors, there is wisdom!” Thank you for your kind perusal of this material.
I not only wish you well, but I also wish you God’s richest blessings and enablement as you
continue to pursue your difficult tasks in treating the sick and afflicted!
D. The foregoing material is not copyrighted, and may be quoted, in whole or in part, as long as it is
not taken our of context, and acknowledgement is made that there is a medical disclaimer inherent
in these suggestions for the prevention of cancer. You may contact the author of this document by
addressing him via email at -- E. Garbi, BA, M.S.W., and MFT.

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CA Prevention Program, Revised

  • 1. A CANCER PREVENTION PROGRAM Based on the 10 Commandments of Optimal Health I. Basic Premise/Foundation Principles The idea of this protocol is to give the human body the best possible chance to prevent not only cancer per se, but all degenerative disease, (and to a large extent communicable diseases, as well), by the application of generally accepted and well-documented measures that are readily available to all. These measures, which are based solely upon simple natural remedies, and follow the laws of health ordained by our Creator, serve to enhance the body’s ability to resist and overcome diseased conditions. This program involves measures that will greatly aid the body’s ability to heal itself. If properly balanced and wisely applied, it will serve to boost the immune system, improve circulation, optimize nutrition and assimilation, and generally condition and strengthen the skeletal, musculature, respiratory, circulatory endocrine, digestive and eliminative systems of the body. Particular attention is paid to the principles of health enunciated by Ellen G. White, a highly respected and world-renown health reformer whose divinely revealed writings are as scientifically relevant today as when they were written well over a hundred years ago. The simple natural remedies upon which this program is based can be summarized as the 10 Commandments of Optimal Health, which are herewith enumerated as follows: 1. Nutrition--Eating only the most nutritious and natural food available to us, on a regular schedule, and in modest amounts. (Ellen White states: “Over and over again, I have been shown that man is to subsist upon the natural products of the earth.”) This strongly suggests a totally vegan diet! 2. Exercise--Daily exercise by brisk walking, hiking, cycling, swimming, or such exercise as will result in aerobic conditioning to strengthen the muscular/skeletal structures, circulatory and organ systems of the body. 3. Water--The liberal use of pure water, (nature’s finest solvent, as far as bodily processes are concerned) both internally and externally, to cleanse lubricate and purify the body. 4. Sunshine--Obtaining adequate sunshine, which serves to produce vitamin D, and to purify the body and stimulate healing with its life-sustaining rays. 5. Temperance--Totally abstaining from any harmful substances, including adulterated or highly processed foods, drugs, alcohol, and poisonous plants such as tobacco and marijuana, which slowly poison and weaken the body. (Also, avoiding the breathing of toxious fumes and polluted air as much as possible.) 6. Air--Super oxygenating the body by deep breathing/aerobic exercise on a daily basis. (Most disease pathogens cannot live in the presence of oxygen.) 7. Rest--Getting sufficient uninterrupted rest to regenerate and rebuild cellular structures and to combat the stress of modern living. 8. Trust in God--Turning our lives entirely over to our Creator God, and depending upon His power to heal and restore us to abundant health of body, mind and spirit. 1
  • 2. 9. Gratitude--Living a life of gratitude to God for the many blessings, benefits, guidance and protection we enjoy from our Creator, and for the wonders of the natural world that He has given us to enjoy. 10. Praise—Praising God, and blessing Him for all His goodness to the children of men. (Science has proven the healing power of prayer, as well as that of a positive, happy attitude.) “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine!” –King Solomon II. Disclaimer and Caution Though the information contained herewith is in no way intended to imply that its content is exhaustive, every attempt has been made to provide a substantial information base upon which to build a viable preventive/treatment program. These guidelines for optimal health are based upon sound, well- established scientific principles and the laws of health, as established for us by our Creator--the Great Physician. The author of this document claims no special wisdom, rights, or exclusivity in presenting this material. The reader is hereby cautioned against relying on this information as medical advice, and must understand that this document is intended for informational, educational purposes only. We would all do well to take more personal responsibility for our own health. However, it is suggested that seriously ill patients seek the advice of a qualified, God-fearing, life-style oriented physician for specific information about the possible benefit or relevancy of this material to his or her specific situation. III. Rationale The basic rationale underlying this outline is to provide the body with the best possible chance to resist disease, or recover health once disease is established, by the following measures: 1. Remove, reduce or eliminate (as much as possible), all causative risk factors related to specific diseases, which include, but are not necessarily limited to, carcinogenic substances or toxins in our immediate environment. Avoid household aerosol sprays, toxic cleaning products, gas or petroleum fumes, wood or tobacco smoke, and eliminate the use of items such as personal hygiene products which contain toxic heavy metals, deodorants, or chemicals known to cause cancer. 2. Eliminate from the diet all harmful caffeine, cocaine, or theobromine containing beverages, such as coffee, cocoa, orange pekoe tea, alcohol, carbonated beverages, and all other high sugar, artificially flavored, colored drinks, and candy. (Controlled studies have shown that ingesting as little as one teaspoonful of sugar clogs the tiny capillaries of our circulatory system for several hours!) 3. Avoid or eliminate the use of street, counter or prescription drugs or drinks known to cause health problems as result of their continued use, such as wine, beer, whiskey, vodka, barbiturates, sedatives, stimulants, hypnotics, etc. 4. Eliminate the use of all animal products, including such items as meat, eggs, dairy products, fish (including shellfish), as well as animal fats of any kind. Animal products are becoming increasingly dangerous due to their high incidence of disease, much of which is directly transmittable to human beings. 5. Eliminate the use of any highly refined or processed foods, including most vegetable oils and margarine, sugar products, texturized vegetable proteins, flavor enhancers (such as MSG in its varied forms), deep-fried chips, dips or nuts, candy, gum, chocolate, pastries, white flour pretzels and most 2
  • 3. processed snack foods and condiments. (The use of white flour products is implicated in the high incidence of diabetes, and other degenerative disease.) IV. Dietary Factors Any diet designed to prevent cancer and build immunity to disease should consist primarily of foods that are high in nutrition, easy to digest, and that have therapeutic, as well as maintenance value; i.e., that act as medicinal agents to help prevent and heal diseased conditions. (This protocol follows the advice of Hypocrites, the father of modern medicine, who stated: “Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food!”) Basically, such a diet can be summarized as follows: 1. Concentrate on having an abundance of foods that are rich in enzymes, co-enzymes and isoflavones, as well as in necessary vitamins, minerals, and complex carbohydrates. Use seeds such as sprouted beans and lentils, sunflower, flax, red clover, radish, psyllium, and most other small seeds, (with the exception of alfalfa), as well as sprouted grains or grass juice of red clover, rye, oats, wheat, barley, amaranth, etc. Seed sprouts can be added to fresh vegetable salads, made into salad dressings, eaten alone, or added to green vegetable juice drinks, for which recipes are contained in this document. 2. Eat an abundance of freshly squeezed or raw, organically grown or pesticide-free vegetables and root vegetables, particularly dark leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables such as green and purple cabbage, kale, Swiss chard, broccoli, or Brussels sprouts, on a daily basis. Also include root vegetables such as carrots, celery, red beets, yams, yellow squash, raw yellow sweet corn, green and bulb garlic and onion, parsley, radish, etc. 3. Use all manner of fresh fruit and fresh-squeezed juices (preferably organically grown, and pesticide- free), particularly tropical fruit, such as papaya, mango, pineapple, banana, guava, kiwi, passion fruit, etc., but also including temperate climate fruits such as apple (with seeds), orange, ruby red grapefruit, pear, cherry, plum, persimmon, peach, apricot, grapes (especially Red Concord, blue berries, strawberries and berries of all kinds. Fruit should be taken fresh and in season, as much as possible; however, if fresh fruit were difficult to obtain, dried fruit or 100% fresh-frozen fruit juices would be the next best choice. V. Nutritive, Healing and Anti-Carcinogenic Qualities in Foods 1. Fresh fruit is especially rich in vitamins, enzymes, co-enzymes, and bio-flavenoids, and generally acts as a cleanser and emulsifier of toxins in the body, as well as providing us with a rich source of sustained-release energy. 2. Fresh vegetables, which are richer in minerals, also contain some vitamins and enzymes, but generally act as slower sources of energy, and are healing to the body. (The chlorophyll in green plants closely parallels the mineral content of healthy human blood, and is especially valuable in rebuilding red blood corpuscles.) Absicic acid, pangamic acid, allantoin, and other healing substances found in these foods have anti-cancer and preventive qualities that are required to resist and fight not only cancer, but other degenerative and communicable diseases, as well. 3. Seeds, particularly in their sprouted form, are super rich in enzymes and co-enzymes, as well as in minerals and vitamins, and often contain up to 200% greater nutrition in their sprouted form as opposed to when they are eaten dry. Sprouts are also far more readily digestible due to their high enzyme content. 3
  • 4. 4. Grains, beans and legumes are rich in minerals, and in their sprouted form, are also rich in vitamins, enzymes and co-enzymes, and provide us with both the healthiest source of protein, Vitamin B Complex and complex carbohydrates, which are metabolized slowly to lengthen our energy curve. 4. Herbs, edible flowers and berries provide us with specific healing qualities, disease-preventing isoflavones, and with vitamins, minerals and enzymes that are important to good health. These plant foods contain bioflavenoids and other anti-cancer qualities that our body desperately needs to ward off cancer and other degenerative diseases. Herbal medicine is slowly making resurgence in the Western World, but most Oriental and aboriginal medicine protocols have relied heavily upon herbs for healing various maladies for thousands of years. There are a number of herbal combinations that have been developed by medical and herbal practitioners that are currently being utilized in alternative treatment programs dealing with cancer, including the Jason Winter’s blend, The Hoxsey Formula (primarily used for skin cancer), and the Essiac Tea blend. The most comprehensive and effective herbal protocol for disease prevention and treatment available to us is that which was developed by the late Dr. John Christopher, known as the father of herbal medicine in the Western World, Dr. Richard Schultz, John Christopher's protegee and successor, has further expanded and is now promoting this protocol. VI. Suggested Daily Regimen A. Upon arising—Drink one pint to one quart (as tolerated) of warm, distilled or soft spring water into which the juice of one-half lemon or lime has been added. Essiac or Jason Winters tea may be taken at this time, one to two cups alone, or blended with above lemon water. (Good bowel movement usually follows this drink, and is stimulated by it.) B. Follow warm drink with hot/cold shower—rotate for three minutes in hot water, followed by 30- 60 seconds in cold. Repeat this sequence several times back and forth. Finish with cold or tepid water, and dry thoroughly by rubbing skin briskly with towel—the idea is to stimulate the peripheral circulation. C. Morning devotional consisting of private prayer, Bible readings, singing, etc. This is your opportunity to practice the attitude of gratitude and praise, and to start thinking happy, pleasant, positive thoughts. D. One pint of freshly juiced Green Drink* followed by 15-30 minutes of Aerobic Exercise. * (See formulas below) E. Breakfast, consisting of 2-4 varieties of fresh tropical fruit, such as banana, pineapple, papaya, mango, kiwi, passion fruit, etc., or fruit in season, such as apple, pear, peach, apricot, plum, cherry, etc. Include at least one serving of orange, grapefruit, tangerine or Mandarin orange. Also include two or three heaping teaspoons of ground flaxseeds, psyllium seeds, and pumpkin seeds; this combination is rich in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, acts as an excellent natural laxative, helps remove parasites, and most importantly, has anti-carcinogenic qualities! F. After the first month, add to your breakfast, one small bowl of sprouted seed and sprouted grain cereal with almond or soy bean milk, This cereal may be sweetened with fresh berries, fresh dried or soaked fruit, such as raisins, prunes, apricots, dates or figs. (Use dried fruit sparingly for variety and sweetening). G. Three hours after breakfast, one pint of herb tea blend—Essiac or Jason Winters blend, followed by 15-30 minutes of Aerobic Exercise. 4
  • 5. H. One-half hour before lunch or dinner, take one pint to one quart of Carrot juice blend* (see formula below). I. Devotional reading/prayer for divine healing. (It would be good to get into the habit of having personal/family devotionals morning, and evening, with the saying of grace before each meal). J. Lunch or dinner, depending on whether you choose the two or three meal per day schedule—(if you work hard and burn off considerable calories, three meals per day is usually best; otherwise, two meals per day is preferable). K. Rule of thumb for meal schedule: Eat like a king for breakfast! Eat like a prince for lunch! Eat like a pauper for supper! L. Lunch should consist of a LARGE vegetable salad, consisting of green or purple leaf lettuce, fresh chopped tomato, green or red sweet pepper, cucumber, green onion and/or garlic, celery, radish, spinach, or other fresh salad greens to which one or more seed, bean or grain sprouts has been added. (Salad dressing can be made of sprouted seeds, almonds, cashews, and avocado, garlic and lemon juice, or plain tomato sauce, or lemon juice and extra virgin olive, avocado or flax seed oil.) For additional salad variations, use sprouted seed, lentil or bean sprouts, shredded root vegetables such as carrot, red beet, parsnip, horseradish, pumpkin, summer or winter squash, or simple two to three item combinations such as tomato/cucumber/onion, green/red cabbage coleslaw, or fresh vegetable plates. Garnish salads with parsley, watercress, or fresh mint. M. After the first month, you may also add one or two small to medium baked potato with skin, or moderate serving of cooked whole grain rice, barley, millet, whole wheat, raw or steamed sweet corn. Or you may wish to prepare a hearty soup or stew made with any of the above ingredients such as lentils, green peas, or beans, to which vegetables, including onion and garlic, have been added. (Be sure to include both fresh and raw bulb garlic in each vegetable meal, as well as at least one member of the cruciferous, or cabbage family vegetables, and one member of the yellow root vegetables, raw and cooked, in each of your vegetable meals, as these have anti-cancer qualities). N. After lunch, a short walk or light activity is recommended, followed by a 15-30 minute sunbath, exposing the skin to both the sunshine and fresh air as much as possible. (On hot summer days, it may be necessary to take the sunbath during early morning or late afternoon hours to avoid sunburn. You may also want to take advantage of partial shade areas of your yard, under light tree foliage.) Follow this by another 15-30 minutes of Aerobic Exercise. (Work towards getting in at least one hour per day of aerobic exercise in the open air and sunshine as much as possible). O. Two hours after lunch or supper drink one pint of distilled water, followed by one pint of the herb tea blend. P. If you are on a three-meal/day schedule, you may have one pint or more of Fruit Smoothie* (see recipe below) or one pint or more of Green Drink* (see recipe below) or Carrot Juice Blend four to six hours after lunch, and use this as your last meal, for the first month. If you feel the need for more nourishment, you may take a light fruit plate or vegetable plate for supper, four to five hours before bedtime. (Avoid taking the fruit smoothie just prior to or with a vegetable meal, as this causes fermentation and indigestion, resulting in consequent pain or discomfort. Use the smoothie just prior to a fruit breakfast, with a light fruit supper, or as a meal in itself.) 5
  • 6. Q. After supper, but at least two hours before bedtime, take one or more pints each of the green drink and carrot juice blend spaced one to two hours apart. At least two hours before bedtime, take one pint of the herbal tea blend, and one pint of distilled water, spaced one-half to one hour apart, depending upon meal schedule and preference. (If you have a difficult time taking all these liquids, concentrate on getting at least one of the teas, and one of the juice blends before bedtime.) R. Remember to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep, and try to get to bed at least two to three hours before midnight. One hour of rest prior to midnight is worth two hours after midnight, as scientific studies have shown that our most restful (REM) sleep is that which we get before midnight. S. Also keep in mind that if you avoid snacking between meals, your digestive organs work most efficiently, and have an opportunity to rest, along with the remainder of your body. Do not eat between meals, and avoid late night snacking, and drinking liquids with your meals, if you wish to have good assimilation and maintain healthy bowel functioning. VII. Respecting the Body Temple A. The Apostle John wishes us to prosper, and be in good health, even as our soul prospers, and the Apostle Paul reminds us that our body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, and admonishes us to treat it as such, by not defiling it with anything that is unclean. (This admonition refers to both moral and physical uncleanness). B. Paul further admonishes us in Philippians 4:8, to think only on such things as are “true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report!” Science, as well as Divinity, has proven that we are not only what we eat, but also what we think in our hearts, and that our chosen life-style is directly related to our thought life and vise versa. If we wish to avoid both physical and mental maladies, we would do well to heed the wise counsel of our Heavenly Father, who has so graciously provided us with His healing virtues and guidelines. C. Determine in your heart/mind that you will allow your body to truly become God’s living temple. When you begin to treat yourself with the respect and care that God can approve, He will not only make His abode in you, but also make you a child of the King! Keep in mind that Jesus died for YOU! D. Depend on Jesus alone for your healing. He alone is the Great Physician. Go to Him with your problems, for He has promised that if we lay all our heavy burdens at His feet, He will allow us to take His yoke, which is light in comparison! E. Claim God’s promises to heal you and to bless you with abundant health. He is more willing to grant us our petitions than we are to give good gifts to our children! F. Be thankful, and give God the glory, for all His blessings—particularly for the wondrous gift of His Son, who died that we might live eternally! G. Do not depend upon any man-made cures, remedies or potions—realize that there is no magic pill for true healing. It takes an uncompromising, all-out effort to comply with natural law, but the results are often miraculous, and defy the bleak prognoses so often given to those whose illness is supposedly terminal. God knows no such limitations as we often encounter. 6
  • 7. H. Remember that man-made drugs and remedies only mask the symptoms, and often cause the very problems they are supposedly designed to cure. Only our Creator God can provide us with the healing we so desperately need. I. Finally, remember that the most important thing in this life is for us to be prepared to meet our Maker, for life on this earth is at best a temporary, transitory experience. Look forward to the life of eternal bliss, happiness and joy that Jesus so graciously died to provide for those who are willing to avail themselves of this incalculable gift! As we learn to love and serve our Heavenly Father in this life, we can experience something of that heavenly existence, even here on this earth, before He comes to take us home, to be with Him forevermore! VIII. Juice Blend Recipes A. *Green drink is made with fresh pineapple juice or frozen pineapple juice concentrate as a base. Add sufficient distilled water to the concentrate to make juice, then blend in two to three green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, Swiss chard, sheep sorrel, parsley and mint. Make one-half gallon daily, refrigerate, and use entire amount by day’s end. (If you wish to change this blend for variety, you may also utilize green Pippin or Granny Smith apple juice as a base for this drink.) B. *Carrot juice blend is best made with a good quality juicer such as Norwalk, Champion, or Juiceman, and consists of 75% fresh organic juice carrots, 2-3 celery stalks, one medium or one- half large red beet, one-half bunch parsley, and 3-4 cloves garlic. Make one-half gallon daily, refrigerate, and use entire amount by the end of each day. (Of all the natural remedies outlined in this treatise, this is by far the most important, and must not be diminished in any way. Most of the naturally oriented cancer treatment programs around the world utilize this blend in one form or another, in their protocol.) C. *Fruit smoothies are made by blending two to four varieties of fresh fruit at a time, including both tropical and temperate climate fruits. (Ripe banana makes an excellent base for this drink) You may sweeten to taste by adding stewed prunes, dates or raisons if necessary, or use concentrated apple, white grape or pineapple juice to sweeten. Make no more than can be used in one or two servings at a time, as this does not keep well in the refrigerator. IX. Aerobic Exercise D. *Aerobic exercise is defined as that exercise which super-oxygenates the body, by gradually increasing heart and respiration rates. The scientific formula and rationale for developing an aerobic exercise program is as follows: 1. Take 220, and subtract your age. This figure represents your maximum heart rate, or the rate at which your heart can beat for only five minutes before becoming totally exhausted. (You do not want to ever reach this level for more than a minute or two at a time!) 2. Start your program by calculating 60% of your maximum heart rate, and gradually work towards 90% of maximum, over a period of weeks or months, as you are able. Monitor your heart rate 3-5 minutes into your workout with a wrist monitor, or by taking your pulse at the carotid artery on either side of your neck, just below the chin, or at the wrist, if that is easier for you. Count the pulse for 10 seconds and multiply by 6 to get your rate per minute, and then compare the result with your target rate. Adjust your exertion to correspond with the target rate, as much as possible, and maintain this rate for 15-30 minutes at a time. 7
  • 8. 3. As you progress towards your goal, you will discover that it takes a steeper course or more rapid pace if you’re walking or jogging, or greater exertion if you are cycling, rowing, or working out on exercise equipment, to maintain your target rate. Also, if your resting heart rate has been elevated, it will tend to go down to a level approaching 55-60 beats per minute, which most athletes enjoy. This is a sure indication that your cardio-vascular system is becoming more efficient in transporting oxygen. Work toward 90% of your maximum heart rate, but set your own pace at which to achieve this result, as you are able. A fairly easy and relatively safe way to gauge your level is to have a companion with you to converse with as you exercise. When you must catch your breath in order to talk while you’re exercising, you are very close to the correct level! 4. While the benefits of aerobic conditioning are too numerous to list in this brief treatise, it is important to keep in mind that most disease pathogens, and cancer cells and viruses in particular, cannot live in a highly aerobic, or oxygen-rich environment. They depend upon an anaerobic (or oxygen-deficient) environment in order to metabolize. You can therefore appreciate the enormous value of embarking on an aerobic exercise program to prevent or overcome your ailment! 5. If for reasons of extreme weakness, disability or progression of the disease, you cannot embark on such a program, I would highly recommend that you consult your physician about the possibility of referring you to the nearest facility containing a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. These treatments, though expensive, induce oxygen into your system. Hopefully, this will enable you to recover sufficiently to begin an aerobic exercise regimen on your own. 6. If you cannot afford, or do not have access to a hyperbaric oxygen chamber, I would suggest that you investigate other possible devices, such as an ozone generator. However, there is still much you can do on your own to absorb more oxygen, as the foregoing treatment protocol is specifically designed to maximize your body’s potential for absorbing oxygen. If you live in a polluted environment, move to a place where you can breathe pure air, preferably near the ocean or in the mountains. 7. Also, you can create your own mini ecosystem by eliminating obvious sources of pollution and filling your immediate living quarters with a variety of large house plants, which produce pure oxygen, while taking in the carbon dioxide we breathe out. You would also do well to leave your bedroom window slightly open at night. Fill your lungs with this pure air by deep breathing. You may need to be reminded to do this to begin with, but as you experience the extraordinary benefits of such oxygen therapy, it will be easier for you to do this naturally. X. Benefits of Hydrotherapy A. Although we have touched but lightly upon the use of water (hydrotherapy) as a modality in this treatise, it is important to point out that there is a form of hydrotherapy called hyperthermia. This treatment utilizes hot baths or saunas to stimulate the body’s defense against the virus, which is thought to produce cancerous cells. Most often, a cancer patient will naturally develop a fever at some point in his illness. This is nature’s way of attempting to destroy the invading virus, which is known to be heat sensitive. While the complementary hyperthermic bath is not recommended when the patient is experiencing a fever, it can be utilized as tolerated, when the patient’s temperature is normal or slightly below normal. B. The usual protocol for this treatment consists of immersing the patient in a hot bath of no more than 105 degrees Fahrenheit, for 15-30 minutes at a time, as tolerated. It is vitally important for the patient to take a minimum of 10-12 ounces of water, herb tea, or juice during the bath to replenish the electrolytes lost in perspiration. It is also important for the patient to finish the bath by taking a 8
  • 9. tepid (cool) shower upon arising from the tub, to close the pores and minimize the possibility of fainting. Moreover, it is necessary to take at least one hour of rest in a reclined position following the bath. For this reason, the optimal time for this treatment to be given is immediately before bedtime: however, this treatment can be given up to twice daily, as tolerated or advisable, and should only be taken with the accompaniment of a qualified caregiver, and with the supervision of a medical practitioner who is experienced with its use. C. Another form of hydrotherapy that is less aggressive, and accomplishes much the same purpose is called the cold sheet wrap, and is especially effective in calming agitated patients and in treating drug or substance abuse withdrawals. This treatment consists of first giving the patient a hot bath or shower, then wrapping him/her in an icy-cold sheet which has been dipped in ice water and wrung out. The patient is then put to bed, with clean sheets and two or three light quilts or warm blankets and quilt as covers, to induce perspiration throughout the night. I have seen a highly agitated patient, who was strongly addicted to cocaine, get over his addiction in just one such treatment! In the morning, the patient should take a contrast (hot/cold) shower upon awakening, and bedclothes should be changed. This treatment is quite safe, and can be given as tolerated, but should also be monitored, and liquid in some form should be given prior to bedtime and made available at bedside, to replenish lost fluid from perspiration. XI. Pain Control A. While the foregoing program is designed to keep the incidence of pain to a minimum, it may be necessary to review some measures that will serve to reduce or eliminate pain. It is important to keep in mind that patients being treated with most of the orthodox therapies usually suffer such excruciating pain as their disease progresses, that the “Hospice Mix” most often prescribed for them by their physician, consisting of the most powerful pain medication, combined with morphine and alcohol, is not sufficient to adequately deal with their suffering. B. The best way to deal with pain is to first understand what causes it. In cancer patients, as well as in many other diseased conditions, pain is caused by tissue swelling, inflammation, lack of circulation, or toxicity. The wise applications of herbal or charcoal poultices, hot and/or cold compresses, massage and exercise can often relieve swelling or inflammation. Toxic conditions require good elimination, which can most effectively be induced through massage and exercise, but also by the use of herbs and the ground flaxseed formula described in this document. In any case, it is extremely important for the patient to be well hydrated, as this is nature’s way of eliminating toxins, and enabling the various organ systems to function at peak efficiency. C. Though the use of coffee enemas is somewhat controversial among natural health practitioners as a means of pain control in cancer patients, its effective use has been well established and extensively documented. This treatment is especially designed to deal with impaired liver function, but has also proven effective in cases of extreme pain. The protocol for this treatment is as follows: A good quality normal ground Colombian coffee is used, and percolated with distilled water. Dilute regular strength coffee in a ratio of one-third coffee to two-thirds distilled water, warm mixture to slightly over body temperature, and inject one quart of this liquid as an enema. Have a washable mat or heavy towel prepared on the bathroom floor to lie on, and lay on the right side for fifteen minutes before eliminating bowel over toilet. (Though the urge to eliminate may come sooner, it is important to retain the liquid for 15 minutes, if at all possible.) This treatment may be given as often as necessary to control pain, and is highly recommended by the Gersin Therapy Clinic, particularly in cases of pancreatic or liver cancer. XI. In Conclusion 9
  • 10. A. A question that I have not specifically addressed in this treatise has to do with “How long should one continue on this program?” It is difficult to give a definitive answer to this question, as much depends upon one’s state of health, or in some cases, the progression of disease. Many of the highly respected treatment programs recommend that their patients continue on the therapeutic portion of their program for a year to a year and a half, which is the period of time required to rebuild normal liver function. B. Thereafter, they recommend a modified program incorporating most of the measures upon which the therapeutic program is based, but allowing for a more regular diet, and eliminating many of the more aggressive aspects of their treatment protocol. To maintain good health, I personally would suggest that the 10 Commandments of Optimal Health, as set forth in this treatise, be conscientiously adhered to on a permanent life-style change basis! This would serve as a preventive, prophylactic measure to the avoidance of disease, and would not be unduly difficult for most people to continue. I have observed that patients who return to their regular diet and lifestyle quickly deteriorate, and often succumb to disease, in spite of all previous attempts to eradicate it. XII. A Brief Appeal I have invested a considerable amount of time, expense and energy in developing this treatise, and would be most happy to reap at least two types of satisfaction from having done so. A. For those who are interested in warding off cancer for themselves, preventing its incidence in their family, or sharing this information with friends or acquaintances, I would strongly suggest that they not only take this information to heart, but do research on their own, to further enhance their knowledge and establish the effectiveness of this protocol. I would especially welcome their feedback, both positive and negative, in regard to the foregoing suggestions, and particularly in response to implementing this protocol. B. For the natural health practitioners, therapists, and the licensed physicians, oncologists and surgeons that may chance to come across this document, I would beg your indulgence, and ask you to both critique and candidly investigate the validity of the information contained herein. Please keep an open mind, and remember that though much of this information might seem revolutionary to your present thinking and experience to date, most of it is today accepted as scientific fact; whereas in the not too distant past, much, if not most of it, was treated by the popular medical establishment as rank heresy. Please be so kind as to read “The Confessions of a Medical Heretic,” written by one of your own, as a case in point.—Mendelson. C. Once again, I would welcome your suggestions, corrections and comments, especially news of your direct experience and results, in implementing, or validating any of the foregoing protocol. I would also be most grateful if you can add to, correct, or in any way enhance the content or presentation of this document. By no means is it meant to be exhaustive, and I am fully aware that “in a multitude of counselors, there is wisdom!” Thank you for your kind perusal of this material. I not only wish you well, but I also wish you God’s richest blessings and enablement as you continue to pursue your difficult tasks in treating the sick and afflicted! D. The foregoing material is not copyrighted, and may be quoted, in whole or in part, as long as it is not taken our of context, and acknowledgement is made that there is a medical disclaimer inherent in these suggestions for the prevention of cancer. You may contact the author of this document by addressing him via email at -- E. Garbi, BA, M.S.W., and MFT. 10
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