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A Quick Introduction to C Programming

                  Lewis Girod
               CENS Systems Lab

                   July 5, 2005


What I wish I had known about C
during my first summer internship

                              With extra info in
                              the NOTES

High Level Question: Why is Software Hard?

• Complexity: Every conditional (“if”) doubles number of paths
  through your code, every bit of state doubles possible states
    – Solution: reuse code with functions, avoid duplicate state variables

• Mutability: Software is easy to change.. Great for rapid fixes ..
  And rapid breakage .. always one character away from a bug
    – Solution: tidy, readable code, easy to understand by inspection.
      Avoid code duplication; physically the same  logically the same

• Flexibility: Programming problems can be solved in many
  different ways. Few hard constraints  plenty of “rope”.
    – Solution: discipline and idioms; don’t use all the rope

Writing and Running Programs

       #include <stdio.h>
       /* The simplest C Program */
       int main(int argc, char
                                                       1. Write text of program (source code) using an editor
           printf(“Hello Worldn”);
                                                       such as emacs, save as file e.g. my_program.c
           return 0;

                                                       2. Run the compiler to convert program from source to
                                                       an “executable” or “binary”:
                                                           $ gcc –Wall –g my_program.c –o my_program

$ gcc -Wall –g my_program.c –o my_program
tt.c: In function `main':
                                                                                                        -Wall –g ?
tt.c:6: parse error before `x'
tt.c:5: parm types given both in parmlist and
tt.c:8: `x' undeclared (first use in this function)
                                                       3-N. Compiler gives errors and warnings; edit source
tt.c:8: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only
once                                                   file, fix it, and re-compile
tt.c:8: for each function it appears in.)
tt.c:10: warning: control reaches end of non-void
tt.c: At top level:

                                                       N. Run it and see if it works 
tt.c:11: parse error before `return'

                                                           $ ./my_program
                        my_program                         Hello World
                                                                                         What if it doesn’t work?

C Syntax and Hello World

                               #include inserts another file. “.h” files are called
                               “header” files. They contain stuff needed to interface to
                               libraries and code in other “.c” files. Can your program have
    What do the < >                                                     more than one .c file?
                                          This is a comment. The compiler ignores this.

#include <stdio.h>                                         The main() function is always
/* The simplest C Program */                               where your program starts
int main(int argc, char **argv)                            running.

                                                           Blocks of code (“lexical
     printf(“Hello Worldn”);                              scopes”) are marked by { … }
     return 0;

          Return ‘0’ from this function      Print out a message. ‘n’ means “new line”.

A Quick Digression About the Compiler

#include <stdio.h>
/* The simplest C Program */
int main(int argc, char
                                     Preprocess                  Compilation occurs in two steps:
{                                                                “Preprocessing” and “Compiling”
    printf(“Hello Worldn”);
    return 0;                                                                                        Why ?

__extension__ typedef     unsigned long long int                 In Preprocessing, source code is “expanded” into a
__extension__ typedef     unsigned int    __uid_t;               larger form that is simpler for the compiler to
                                                                 understand. Any line that starts with ‘#’ is a line
__extension__ typedef     unsigned int    __gid_t;
__extension__ typedef     unsigned long int           __ino_t;

                                                                 that is interpreted by the Preprocessor.
__extension__ typedef     unsigned long long int
__extension__ typedef     unsigned int    __nlink_t;
__extension__ typedef     long int   __off_t;
__extension__ typedef     long long int    __off64_t;
extern void flockfile (FILE *__stream)
extern int ftrylockfile (FILE *__stream)
                                                                 • Include files are “pasted in” (#include)
extern void funlockfile (FILE *__stream)
int main(int argc, char **argv)
                                                  ;              • Macros are “expanded” (#define)
    printf(“Hello Worldn”);
                                                                 • Comments are stripped out ( /* */ , // )
    return 0;                                                    • Continued lines are joined (  )

                        my_program                               The compiler then converts the resulting text into
                                                                 binary code the CPU can run directly.

OK, We’re Back.. What is a Function?

                A Function is a series of instructions to run. You
               pass Arguments to a function and it returns a Value.

                “main()” is a Function. It’s only special because it
               always gets called first when you run your program.

    Return type, or void

                                     Function Arguments
#include <stdio.h>
/* The simplest C Program */
int main(int argc, char **argv)
{                                         Calling a Function: “printf()” is just
                                          another function, like main(). It’s defined
    printf(“Hello Worldn”);              for you in a “library”, a collection of
    return 0;                             functions you can call from your program.
             Returning a value

What is “Memory”?

Memory is like a big table of numbered                     Addr     Value
slots where bytes can be stored.                            0
The number of a slot is its Address.                        2
One byte Value can be stored in each slot.                  3
                                                            4     ‘H’ (72)
Some “logical” data values span more than                   5     ‘e’ (101)
one slot, like the character string “Hellon”
                                                            6     ‘l’ (108)
A Type names a logical meaning to a span                    7     ‘l’ (108)
of memory. Some simple types are:                           8     ‘o’ (111)
               a single character (1 slot)                  9     ‘n’ (10)
  char         an array of 10 characters                   10     ‘0’ (0)
  [10]         signed 4 byte integer                       11
                                             not always…
  int          4 byte floating point
  float        signed 8 byte integer                       12

What is a Variable?
                                                                     symbol table?

A Variable names a place in memory where                    Symbol     Addr          Value
you store a Value of a certain Type.                                     0
You first Define a variable by giving it a                               2
name and specifying the type, and                                        3
optionally an initial value   declare vs define?        x                4     ?
                                                        y                5     ‘e’ (101)
char x;              Initial value of x is undefined
char y=‘e’;                                                              6
                                           The compiler puts them
         Initial value                                                   8
                                           somewhere in memory.
     Name    What names are legal?                                      10
Type is single character (char)
                extern? static? const?

Multi-byte Variables

Different types consume different amounts                Symbol   Addr       Value
of memory. Most architectures store data                           0
on “word boundaries”, or even multiples of                         1
the size of a primitive data type (int, char)                      2
char x;
char y=‘e’;                                          x             4     ?
int z =                                              y             5     ‘e’ (101)
0x means the constant is                  padding
written in hex                                                     7
                                                     z             8     4
                                                                   9     3
                           An int consumes 4 bytes
                                                                  10     2
                                                                  11     1

Lexical Scoping         (Returns nothing)

                                                    void p(char x)
Every Variable is Defined within some scope.        {
A Variable cannot be referenced by name               char y;
                                                                /*        p,x */

(a.k.a. Symbol) from outside of that scope.                     /*        p,x,y */
                                                      char z;
                                                                /*        p,x,y,z */
Lexical scopes are defined with curly braces { }.               /*        p */
                                                    char z;
                                                                /*        p,z */
  The scope of Function Arguments is the
                                                    void q(char a)
  complete body of the function.                    {
                                                       char b;
                                                                /* p,z,q,a,b
  The scope of Variables defined inside a           */
                                                                                   char b?
  function starts at the definition and ends at          {
  the closing brace of the containing block                  char c;
                                                                       /* p,z,q,a,b,c
  The scope of Variables defined outside a
  function starts at the definition and ends at          char d;
                                                         /* p,z,q,a,b,d (not c)
  the end of the file. Called “Global” Vars.        */

                                                    /* p,z,q */
Expressions and Evaluation

Expressions combine Values using Operators, according to precedence.

1 + 2 * 2        1 + 4         5
(1 + 2) * 2      3 * 2         6

Symbols are evaluated to their Values before being combined.
int x=1;
int y=2;
x + y * y        x + 2 * 2        x + 4          1 + 4
 5
Comparison operators are used to compare values.
In C, 0 means “false”, and any other value means “true”.
int x=4;
(x < 5)                    (4 < 5)                     <true>
(x < 4)                    (4 < 4)                     0
((x < 5) || (x < 4))       (<true> || (x < 4))         <true>

                                      Not evaluated because
                                      first clause was true
Comparison and Mathematical Operators

==   equal to                   The rules of precedence are clearly
<    less than                  defined but often difficult to remember
<=   less than or equal
>    greater than               or non-intuitive. When in doubt, add
>=   greater than or equal      parentheses to make it explicit. For
!=   not equal
&&   logical and
                                oft-confused cases, the compiler will
||   logical or                 give you a warning “Suggest parens
!    logical not                around …” – do it!
+ plus       & bitwise
- minus      and                Beware division:
* mult       | bitwise or       • If second argument is integer, the
/            ^ bitwise
divide       xor                  result will be integer (rounded):
%            ~ bitwise              5 / 10  0 whereas 5 / 10.0  0.5
modulo       not
             << shift left
                                • Division by 0 will cause a FPE
             >> shift
                                Don’t confuse & and &&..
                                1 & 2  0 whereas 1 && 2  <true>

Assignment Operators

x = y   assign y to x          x   +=   y   assign   (x+y)   to   x
x++     post-increment x       x   -=   y   assign   (x-y)   to   x
++x     pre-increment x        x   *=   y   assign   (x*y)   to   x
x--     post-decrement x       x   /=   y   assign   (x/y)   to   x
--x     pre-decrement x        x   %=   y   assign   (x%y)   to   x

Note the difference between ++x and x++:

int x=5;                       int x=5;
int y;                         int y;
y = ++x;                       y = x++;
/* x == 6, y == 6 */           /* x == 6, y == 5 */

Don’t confuse = and ==! The compiler will warn “suggest parens”.

int x=5;                       int x=5;
if (x==6)   /* false */        if (x=6)    /* always true
{                              */
  /* ... */                    {
}                                 /* x is now 6 */
/* x is still 5 */             }
                               /* ... */

A More Complex Program: pow

                                                        #include <stdio.h>
“if” statement                                          #include <inttypes.h>

                                                        float pow(float x, uint32_t
  /* if evaluated expression is not 0 */                exp)
  if ( expression ) {                                   {
    /* then execute this block */ Need braces?            /* base case */
  }                                                       if (exp == 0) {
  else {                                                     return 1.0;
                                       X?Y:Z              }
    /* otherwise execute this block */
         Short-circuit eval?   detecting brace errors       /* “recursive” case */
                                                            return x*pow(x, exp – 1);

Tracing “pow()”:                                        int main(int argc, char
• What does pow(5,0) do?                                **argv)
• What about pow(5,1)?                                    float p;
                                                          p = pow(10.0, 5);
• “Induction”                                             printf(“p = %fn”, p);
                                                          return 0;

           Challenge: write pow() so it requires log(exp) iterations

The “Stack”

                                                   #include <stdio.h>
Recall lexical scoping. If a variable is valid     #include <inttypes.h>
“within the scope of a function”, what             float pow(float x, uint32_t
happens when you call that function                exp)
recursively? Is there more than one “exp”?           /* base case */
                                                     if (exp == 0) {         static
                                                        return 1.0;
Yes. Each function call allocates a “stack           }
frame” where Variables within that function’s          /* “recursive” case */
scope will reside.                                 }
                                                       return x*pow(x, exp – 1);

                                                   int main(int argc, char
        float x        5.0                         **argv)
        uint32_t exp   0     Return 1.0            {
                                                     float p;
        float x        5.0                           p = pow(5.0, 1);
                                                     printf(“p = %fn”, p);
        uint32_t exp   1     Return 5.0              return 0;
        int argc       1
        char **argv    0x2342
        float p        undefined
                       5.0                 Grows

Iterative pow(): the “while” loop
                                Other languages?
                                                   float pow(float x, uint
Problem: “recursion” eats stack space (in C).      exp)
Each loop must allocate space for arguments        {
                                                     int i=0;
and local variables, because each new call           float result=1.0;
                                                     while (i < exp) {
creates a new “scope”.                                  result = result * x;
Solution: “while” loop.                            }
                                                     return result;

  loop:                                            int main(int argc, char
    if ( condition ) {    while ( condition )
      statements ;        {
      goto loop;            statements ;
                                                     float p;
    }                     }
                                                     p = pow(10.0, 5);
                                                     printf(“p = %fn”, p);
                                                     return 0;

The “for” loop

The “for” loop is just shorthand for this “while” loop structure.

float pow(float x, uint              float pow(float x, uint
exp)                                 exp)
{                                    {
  float result=1.0;                    float result=1.0;
  int i;                               int i;
  i=0;                                 for (i=0; (i < exp); i++)
  while (i < exp) {                  {
     result = result * x;                 result = result * x;
     i++;                              }
  }                                    return result;
  return result;                     }
                                     int main(int argc, char
int main(int argc, char              **argv)
**argv)                              {
{                                      float p;
  float p;                             p = pow(10.0, 5);
  p = pow(10.0, 5);                    printf(“p = %fn”, p);
  printf(“p = %fn”, p);               return 0;
  return 0;                          }

Referencing Data from Other Scopes

So far, all of our examples all of the data values we have
used have been defined in our lexical scope

    float pow(float x, uint
      float result=1.0;
      int i;                        Nothing in this scope
      for (i=0; (i < exp); i++)
         result = result * x;
      return result;

    int main(int argc, char         Uses any of these variables
      float p;
      p = pow(10.0, 5);
      printf(“p = %fn”, p);
      return 0;

Can a function modify its arguments?

What if we wanted to implement a function pow_assign() that
modified its argument, so that these are equivalent:
    float p = 2.0;                   float p = 2.0;
    /* p is 2.0 here */              /* p is 2.0 here */
    p = pow(p, 5);                   pow_assign(p, 5);
    /* p is 32.0 here */             /* p is 32.0 here */

                     Would this work?

               void pow_assign(float x, uint
                 float result=1.0;
                 int i;
                 for (i=0; (i < exp); i++) {
                    result = result * x;
                 x = result;


      Remember the stack!

void pow_assign(float x, uint                                 Java/C++?
{                                       In C, all arguments are
  float result=1.0;
  int i;
                                        passed as values
  for (i=0; (i < exp); i++) {
     result = result * x;
  x = result;                           But, what if the argument is
}                                       the address of a variable?
    float p=2.0;
    pow_assign(p, 5);

    float x        32.0
    uint32_t exp   5
    float result   32.0

    float p        2.0          Grows

Passing Addresses

                                          Symbol    Addr     Value
Recall our model for variables stored                0
in memory
What if we had a way to find out the
address of a symbol, and a way to                    3
reference that memory location by        char x      4     ‘H’ (72)
address?                                 char y      5     ‘e’ (101)
         address_of(y) ==                            6
         memory_at[5] ==                             7
   void f(address_of_char p)
     memory_at[p] = memory_at[p] -
   char y = 101;      /* y is 101 */
   f(address_of(y)); /* i.e. f(5)                   11
   /* y is now 101-32 = 69 */                       12


This is exactly how “pointers” work.
                                              A “pointer type”: pointer to char
  “address of” or reference
  operator: &
  “memory_at” or dereference
  operator: *
  void f(address_of_char p)              void f(char * p)
  {                                      {
    memory_at[p] = memory_at[p] -          *p = *p - 32;
  32;                                    }
  char y = 101;      /* y is 101 */      char y = 101;      /* y is 101 */
  f(address_of(y)); /* i.e. f(5) */      f(&y);             /* i.e. f(5) */
  /* y is now 101-32 = 69 */             /* y is now 101-32 = 69 */

Pointers are used in C for many other purposes:
• Passing large objects without copying them
• Accessing dynamically allocated memory
• Referring to functions

Pointer Validity

A Valid pointer is one that points to memory that your program controls.
Using invalid pointers will cause non-deterministic behavior, and will
often cause Linux to kill your process (SEGV or Segmentation Fault).

There are two general causes for these errors: How should pointers be initialized?
• Program errors that set the pointer value to a strange number
• Use of a pointer that was at one time valid, but later became invalid

                             Will ptr be valid or invalid?

                         char * get_pointer()
                           char x=0;
                           return &x;

                             char * ptr = get_pointer();
                             *ptr = 12; /* valid? */

Answer: Invalid!

A pointer to a variable allocated on the stack becomes invalid when
that variable goes out of scope and the stack frame is “popped”. The
pointer will point to an area of the memory that may later get reused
and rewritten.

     char * get_pointer()
       char x=0;
       return &x;
     }                                         But now, ptr points to a
                                               location that’s no longer in
         char * ptr = get_pointer();           use, and will be reused the
         *ptr = 12; /* valid? */
         other_function();                     next time a function is called!

         101   int x
               charaverage   Return 101

         100   char * ptr      101
                               ?           Grows

More on Types

We’ve seen a few types at this point: char, int, float, char *

Types are important because:
• They allow your program to impose logical structure on memory
• They help the compiler tell when you’re making a mistake

In the next slides we will discuss:
• How to create logical layouts of different types (structs)
• How to use arrays
• How to parse C type names (there is a logic to it!)
• How to create new types using typedef

struct: a way to compose existing types into a structure

 #include <sys/time.h>                 struct timeval is defined in this header
 /* declare the struct */
 struct my_struct {                    structs define a layout of typed fields
    int counter;
    float average;
    struct timeval timestamp;
                                       structs can contain other structs
    uint in_use:1;
    uint8_t data[0];                   fields can specify specific bit widths
 };                             Why?

 /* define an instance of              A newly-defined structure is initialized
 my_struct */
 struct my_struct x = {                using this syntax. All unset fields are 0.
    in_use: 1,
    timestamp: {
      tv_sec: 200
 };                                    Fields are accessed using ‘.’ notation.
 x.counter = 1;
 x.average = sum / (float)
 (x.counter);                          A pointer to a struct. Fields are accessed
 struct my_struct * ptr = &x;
                                       using ‘->’ notation, or (*ptr).counter
 ptr->counter = 2;
 (*ptr).counter = 3; /* equiv. */

   Arrays in C are composed of a particular type, laid out in memory in a
   repeating pattern. Array elements are accessed by stepping forward
   in memory from the base of the array by a multiple of the element size.

/* define an array of 10 chars */       Brackets specify the count of elements.
char x[5] = {‘t’,’e’,’s’,’t’,’0’};
                                        Initial values optionally set in braces.
/* accessing element 0 */
x[0] = ‘T’;
                                        Arrays in C are 0-indexed (here, 0..9)
/* pointer arithmetic to get elt 3
*/                                      x[3] == *(x+3) == ‘t’       (NOT ‘s’!)
char elt3 = *(x+3); /* x[3] */

/* x[0] evaluates to the first        What’s the difference     Symbol       Addr   Value
element;                              between char x[] and
 * x evaluates to the address of
                                      char *x?                  char x [0]   100     ‘t’
 * first element, or &(x[0]) */                                 char x [1]   101     ‘e’
                             For loop that iterates
/* 0-indexed for loop idiom */
                                                                char x [2]   102     ‘s’
#define COUNT 10             from 0 to COUNT-1.                 char x [3]   103     ‘t’
char y[COUNT];
int i;
                             Memorize it!                       char x [4]   104     ‘0’
for (i=0; i<COUNT; i++) {
  /* process y[i] */
  printf(“%cn”, y[i]);
}                                                                                           28
How to Parse and Define C Types

At this point we have seen a few basic types, arrays, pointer types,
and structures. So far we’ve glossed over how types are named.

int x;          /* int;                      */   typedef int T;

int *x;         /* pointer to int;           */   typedef int
                                                                   typedef defines
*T;                                                                a new type
int x[10];      /* array of ints;            */   typedef int
int *x[10];     /* array of pointers to int; */   typedef int
C type names are parsed by starting at the type name and working
outwards according to thearray of ints; */ typedef int
int (*x)[10];
            /* pointer to
                          rules of precedence:

                                        x is
                                        an array of
                                        pointers to
                     int *x[10];        int               Arrays are the primary
                                                          source of confusion. When
                                        x is              in doubt, use extra parens to
                     int (*x)
                                        a pointer         clarify the expression.
                     [10];              to
                                        an array of

Function Types

                                                                     For more details:
The other confusing form is the function type.                       $ man qsort
For example, qsort: (a sort function in the standard library)

void qsort(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size,          The last argument is a
           int (*compar)(const void *, const void *));
                                                           comparison function
/* function matching this type: */
int cmp_function(const void *x, const void *y);
                                                        const means the function
/* typedef defining this type: */                       is not allowed to modify
typedef int (*cmp_type) (const void *, const void *);   memory via this pointer.
/* rewrite qsort prototype using our typedef */
void qsort(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, cmp_type

                      size_t is an unsigned int

void * is a pointer to memory of unknown type.

Dynamic Memory Allocation

So far all of our examples have allocated variables statically by
defining them in our program. This allocates them in the stack.

But, what if we want to allocate variables based on user input or other
dynamic inputs, at run-time? This requires dynamic allocation.

                               sizeof() reports the size of a type in bytes        For details:
int * alloc_ints(size_t requested_count)                                           $ man calloc
{                                                               calloc() allocates memory
  int * big_array;
  big_array = (int *)calloc(requested_count,
                                                                for N elements of size k
  if (big_array == NULL) {                                      Returns NULL if can’t alloc
    printf(“can’t allocate %d ints: %mn”,
requested_count);               %m ?    Emstar tips
    return NULL;
  }                                                             It’s OK to return this pointer.
  /* now big_array[0] .. big_array[requested_count-1]           It will remain valid until it is
are                                                             freed with free()
    * valid and zeroed. */
  return big_array;

Caveats with Dynamic Memory

Dynamic memory is useful. But it has several caveats:

  Whereas the stack is automatically reclaimed, dynamic allocations must be
  tracked and free()’d when they are no longer needed. With every
  allocation, be sure to plan how that memory will get freed. Losing track of
  memory is called a “memory leak”.                             Reference counting

  Whereas the compiler enforces that reclaimed stack space can no longer
  be reached, it is easy to accidentally keep a pointer to dynamic memory
  that has been freed. Whenever you free memory you must be certain that
  you will not try to use it again. It is safest to erase any pointers to it.

  Because dynamic memory always uses pointers, there is generally no way
  for the compiler to statically verify usage of dynamic memory. This means
  that errors that are detectable with static allocation are not with dynamic

Some Common Errors and Hints

sizeof() can take a variable reference in place of a type name. This gurantees the right
allocation, but don’t accidentally allocate the sizeof() the pointer instead of the object!

/* allocating a struct with malloc() */ malloc() allocates n bytes
struct my_struct *s = NULL;
s = (struct my_struct *)malloc(sizeof(*s)); /* NOT
sizeof(s)!! */                                                                   Why?
if (s == NULL) {                   Always check for NULL.. Even if you just exit(1).
  printf(stderr, “no memory!”);
}                                              malloc() does not zero the memory,
                                                        so you should memset() it to 0.
memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s));

/* another way to initialize an alloc’d structure: */
struct my_struct init = {
   counter: 1,
   average: 2.5,
   in_use: 1

/* memmove(dst, src, size) (note, arg order like assignment)
*/                                             memmove is preferred because               it is
memmove(s, &init, sizeof(init));               safe for shifting buffers
/* when you are done with it, free it! */
free(s);    Use pointers as implied in-use flags!
s = NULL;

Macros can be a useful way to customize your interface to C and
make your code easier to read and less redundant. However, when
possible, use a static inline function instead.  What’s the difference between a
                                                           macro and a static inline function?

Macros and static inline functions must be included in any file that
uses them, usually via a header file. Common uses for macros:
                                                                                  More on C
/* Macros are used to define constants */                                         constants?
#define FUDGE_FACTOR   45.6                     Float constants must have a decimal
#define MSEC_PER_SEC   1000                     point, else they are type int
#define INPUT_FILENAME “my_input_file”
/* Macros are used to do constant arithmetic */
#define TIMER_VAL      (2*MSEC_PER_SEC)      Put    expressions in parens.
/* Macros are used to capture information from the compiler */
#define DBG(args...) 
  do {                                      Multi-line macros need 
    fprintf(stderr, “%s:%s:%d: “, 
      __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINENO__);  args… grabs rest of args
    fprintf(stderr, args...); 
  } while (0)                                                                           Why?
                                     Enclose multi-statement macros in do{}while(0)
/* ex. DBG(“error: %d”, errno); */

Macros and Readability

Sometimes macros can be used to improve code readability… but
make sure what’s going on is obvious.

/* often best to define these types of macro right where they are used */
#define CASE(str) if (strncasecmp(arg, str, strlen(str)) == 0)

void parse_command(char *arg)
                                   void parse_command(char *arg)
  CASE(“help”) {
                                     if (strncasecmp(arg, “help”,
    /* print help */
                                   strlen(“help”)) {
                                       /* print help */
  CASE(“quit”) {
                                     if (strncasecmp(arg, “quit”,
                                   strlen(“quit”)) {
/* and un-define them after use */
#undef CASE

Macros can be used to generate static inline functions. This is like a C
version of a C++ template. See emstar/libmisc/include/queue.h for an
example of this technique.

Using “goto”

Some schools of thought frown upon goto, but goto has its place. A
good philosophy is, always write code in the most expressive and
clear way possible. If that involves using goto, then goto is not bad.

An example is jumping to an error case from inside complex logic.
The alternative is deeply nested and confusing “if” statements, which
are hard to read, maintain, and verify. Often additional logic and state
variables must be added, just to avoid goto.

                  goto try_again;
                                                  goto fail;

Unrolling a Failed Initialization using goto

state_t *initialize()
{                                    state_t *initialize()
  /* allocate state struct */        {
  state_t *s = g_new0(state_t, 1);     /* allocate state struct */
  if (s) {                             state_t *s = g_new0(state_t, 1);
    /* allocate sub-structure */       if (s == NULL) goto free0;
    s->sub = g_new0(sub_t, 1);
    if (s->sub) {                         /* allocate sub-structure */
      /* open file */                     s->sub = g_new0(sub_t, 1);
      s->sub->fd =                        if (s->sub == NULL) goto free1;
O_RDONLY);                                /* open file */
      if (s->sub->fd >= 0) {              s->sub->fd =
        /* success! */                        open(“/dev/null”, O_RDONLY);
      }                                   if (s->sub->fd < 0) goto free2;
      else {
        free(s->sub);                     /* success! */
        free(s);                          return s;
        s = NULL;
      }                                  free2:
    }                                     free(s->sub);
    else {                               free1:
      /* failed! */                       free(s);
      free(s);                           free0:
      s = NULL;                           return NULL;
    }                                }
  return s;

High Level Question: Why is Software Hard?

• Complexity: Every conditional (“if”) doubles number of paths
  through your code, every bit of state doubles possible states
    – Solution: reuse code paths, avoid duplicate state variables

• Mutability: Software is easy to change.. Great for rapid fixes ..
  And rapid breakage .. always one character away from a bug
    – Solution: tidy, readable code, easy to understand by inspection.
      Avoid code duplication; physically the same  logically the same

• Flexibility: Programming problems can be solved in many
  different ways. Few hard constraints  plenty of “rope”.
    – Solution: discipline and idioms; don’t use all the rope

Addressing Complexity

• Complexity: Every conditional (“if”) doubles number of paths
  through your code, every bit of state doubles possible states
    – Solution: reuse code paths, avoid duplicate state variables

reuse code paths
On receive_packet:
  if queue full, drop packet
  else push packet, call run_queue   On input, change our state as needed, and
On transmit_complete:
                                     call Run_queue. In all cases, Run_queue
  state=idle, call run_queue         handles taking the next step…
  if state==idle && !queue empty
    pop packet off queue
    start transmit, state = busy

Addressing Complexity

• Complexity: Every conditional (“if”) doubles number of paths
  through your code, every bit of state doubles possible states
      – Solution: reuse code paths, avoid duplicate state variables

avoid duplicate state variables
int transmit_busy;                        msg_t *packet_on_deck;
msg_t *packet_on_deck;
                                          int start_transmit(msg_t *packet)
int start_transmit(msg_t *packet)         {
{                                           if (packet_on_deck != NULL)
  if (transmit_busy) return -1;           return -1;

    /* start transmit */                      /* start transmit */
    packet_on_deck = packet;                  packet_on_deck = packet;
    transmit_busy = 1;
                                              /* ... */
    /* ... */                                 return 0;
    return 0;                             }
}                        Why return -1?

Addressing Mutability

• Mutability: Software is easy to change.. Great for rapid fixes ..
  And rapid breakage .. always one character away from a bug
    – Solution: tidy, readable code, easy to understand by inspection.
      Avoid code duplication; physically the same  logically the same

Tidy code.. Indenting, good formatting, comments, meaningful variable and
function names. Version control.. Learn how to use CVS

Avoid duplication of anything that’s logically identical.
struct pkt_hdr {
   int source;           struct pkt_hdr {
   int dest;                int source;
   int length;              int dest;                   Otherwise when
                            int length;
struct pkt {             };
                                                        one changes, you
   int source;           struct pkt {                   have to find and fix
                            struct pkt_hdr hdr;
   int dest;
   int length;              uint8_t
                                                        all the other places
   uint8_t               payload[100];
payload[100];            };

Solutions to the pow() challenge question

              Recursive                        Iterative

float pow(float x, uint exp)
  float result;                    float pow(float x, uint exp)
     /* base case */                 float result = 1.0;
     if (exp == 0)
       return 1.0;                     int bit;
                                       for (bit = sizeof(exp)*8-1;
     /* x^(2*a) == x^a * x^a */             bit >= 0; bit--) {
     result = pow(x, exp >> 1);          result *= result;
     result = result * result;           if (exp & (1 << bit))
                                           result *= x;
     /* x^(2*a+1) == x^(2*a) * x       }
     if (exp & 1)                      return result;
       result = result * x;        }

     return result;

                        Which is better? Why?


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  • 2. or, What I wish I had known about C during my first summer internship With extra info in the NOTES 2
  • 3. High Level Question: Why is Software Hard? Answer(s): • Complexity: Every conditional (“if”) doubles number of paths through your code, every bit of state doubles possible states – Solution: reuse code with functions, avoid duplicate state variables • Mutability: Software is easy to change.. Great for rapid fixes .. And rapid breakage .. always one character away from a bug – Solution: tidy, readable code, easy to understand by inspection. Avoid code duplication; physically the same  logically the same • Flexibility: Programming problems can be solved in many different ways. Few hard constraints  plenty of “rope”. – Solution: discipline and idioms; don’t use all the rope 3
  • 4. Writing and Running Programs #include <stdio.h> /* The simplest C Program */ int main(int argc, char **argv) 1. Write text of program (source code) using an editor { printf(“Hello Worldn”); such as emacs, save as file e.g. my_program.c return 0; } 2. Run the compiler to convert program from source to an “executable” or “binary”: $ gcc –Wall –g my_program.c –o my_program $ gcc -Wall –g my_program.c –o my_program tt.c: In function `main': -Wall –g ? tt.c:6: parse error before `x' tt.c:5: parm types given both in parmlist and separately tt.c:8: `x' undeclared (first use in this function) 3-N. Compiler gives errors and warnings; edit source tt.c:8: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once file, fix it, and re-compile tt.c:8: for each function it appears in.) tt.c:10: warning: control reaches end of non-void function tt.c: At top level: N. Run it and see if it works  tt.c:11: parse error before `return' ./? $ ./my_program my_program Hello World What if it doesn’t work? $▌ 4
  • 5. C Syntax and Hello World #include inserts another file. “.h” files are called “header” files. They contain stuff needed to interface to libraries and code in other “.c” files. Can your program have What do the < > more than one .c file? mean? This is a comment. The compiler ignores this. #include <stdio.h> The main() function is always /* The simplest C Program */ where your program starts int main(int argc, char **argv) running. { Blocks of code (“lexical printf(“Hello Worldn”); scopes”) are marked by { … } return 0; } Return ‘0’ from this function Print out a message. ‘n’ means “new line”. 5
  • 6. A Quick Digression About the Compiler #include <stdio.h> /* The simplest C Program */ int main(int argc, char Preprocess Compilation occurs in two steps: **argv) { “Preprocessing” and “Compiling” printf(“Hello Worldn”); return 0; Why ? } __extension__ typedef unsigned long long int In Preprocessing, source code is “expanded” into a __dev_t; __extension__ typedef unsigned int __uid_t; larger form that is simpler for the compiler to understand. Any line that starts with ‘#’ is a line __extension__ typedef unsigned int __gid_t; __extension__ typedef unsigned long int __ino_t; that is interpreted by the Preprocessor. __extension__ typedef unsigned long long int __ino64_t; __extension__ typedef unsigned int __nlink_t; __extension__ typedef long int __off_t; __extension__ typedef long long int __off64_t; extern void flockfile (FILE *__stream) extern int ftrylockfile (FILE *__stream) ; ; • Include files are “pasted in” (#include) extern void funlockfile (FILE *__stream) int main(int argc, char **argv) ; • Macros are “expanded” (#define) { printf(“Hello Worldn”); • Comments are stripped out ( /* */ , // ) return 0; • Continued lines are joined ( ) } ? my_program The compiler then converts the resulting text into Compile binary code the CPU can run directly. 6
  • 7. OK, We’re Back.. What is a Function? A Function is a series of instructions to run. You pass Arguments to a function and it returns a Value. “main()” is a Function. It’s only special because it always gets called first when you run your program. Return type, or void Function Arguments #include <stdio.h> /* The simplest C Program */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { Calling a Function: “printf()” is just another function, like main(). It’s defined printf(“Hello Worldn”); for you in a “library”, a collection of return 0; functions you can call from your program. } Returning a value 7
  • 8. What is “Memory”? Memory is like a big table of numbered Addr Value slots where bytes can be stored. 0 1 The number of a slot is its Address. 2 One byte Value can be stored in each slot. 3 72? 4 ‘H’ (72) Some “logical” data values span more than 5 ‘e’ (101) one slot, like the character string “Hellon” 6 ‘l’ (108) A Type names a logical meaning to a span 7 ‘l’ (108) of memory. Some simple types are: 8 ‘o’ (111) a single character (1 slot) 9 ‘n’ (10) char char an array of 10 characters 10 ‘0’ (0) [10] signed 4 byte integer 11 not always… int 4 byte floating point float signed 8 byte integer 12 Signed?… int64_t 8
  • 9. What is a Variable? symbol table? A Variable names a place in memory where Symbol Addr Value you store a Value of a certain Type. 0 1 You first Define a variable by giving it a 2 name and specifying the type, and 3 optionally an initial value declare vs define? x 4 ? y 5 ‘e’ (101) char x; Initial value of x is undefined char y=‘e’; 6 7 The compiler puts them Initial value 8 somewhere in memory. 9 Name What names are legal? 10 11 Type is single character (char) 12 extern? static? const? 9
  • 10. Multi-byte Variables Different types consume different amounts Symbol Addr Value of memory. Most architectures store data 0 on “word boundaries”, or even multiples of 1 the size of a primitive data type (int, char) 2 3 char x; char y=‘e’; x 4 ? int z = y 5 ‘e’ (101) 0x01020304; 6 0x means the constant is padding written in hex 7 z 8 4 9 3 An int consumes 4 bytes 10 2 11 1 12 10
  • 11. Lexical Scoping (Returns nothing) void p(char x) Every Variable is Defined within some scope. { A Variable cannot be referenced by name char y; /* p,x */ (a.k.a. Symbol) from outside of that scope. /* p,x,y */ char z; /* p,x,y,z */ } Lexical scopes are defined with curly braces { }. /* p */ char z; /* p,z */ The scope of Function Arguments is the void q(char a) complete body of the function. { char b; /* p,z,q,a,b The scope of Variables defined inside a */ char b? function starts at the definition and ends at { the closing brace of the containing block char c; /* p,z,q,a,b,c */ legal? } The scope of Variables defined outside a function starts at the definition and ends at char d; /* p,z,q,a,b,d (not c) the end of the file. Called “Global” Vars. */ } /* p,z,q */ 11
  • 12. Expressions and Evaluation Expressions combine Values using Operators, according to precedence. 1 + 2 * 2  1 + 4  5 (1 + 2) * 2  3 * 2  6 Symbols are evaluated to their Values before being combined. int x=1; int y=2; x + y * y  x + 2 * 2  x + 4  1 + 4  5 Comparison operators are used to compare values. In C, 0 means “false”, and any other value means “true”. int x=4; (x < 5)  (4 < 5)  <true> (x < 4)  (4 < 4)  0 ((x < 5) || (x < 4))  (<true> || (x < 4))  <true> Not evaluated because first clause was true 12
  • 13. Comparison and Mathematical Operators == equal to The rules of precedence are clearly < less than defined but often difficult to remember <= less than or equal > greater than or non-intuitive. When in doubt, add >= greater than or equal parentheses to make it explicit. For != not equal && logical and oft-confused cases, the compiler will || logical or give you a warning “Suggest parens ! logical not around …” – do it! + plus & bitwise - minus and Beware division: * mult | bitwise or • If second argument is integer, the / ^ bitwise divide xor result will be integer (rounded): % ~ bitwise 5 / 10  0 whereas 5 / 10.0  0.5 modulo not << shift left • Division by 0 will cause a FPE >> shift right Don’t confuse & and &&.. 1 & 2  0 whereas 1 && 2  <true> 13
  • 14. Assignment Operators x = y assign y to x x += y assign (x+y) to x x++ post-increment x x -= y assign (x-y) to x ++x pre-increment x x *= y assign (x*y) to x x-- post-decrement x x /= y assign (x/y) to x --x pre-decrement x x %= y assign (x%y) to x Note the difference between ++x and x++: int x=5; int x=5; int y; int y; y = ++x; y = x++; /* x == 6, y == 6 */ /* x == 6, y == 5 */ Don’t confuse = and ==! The compiler will warn “suggest parens”. int x=5; int x=5; if (x==6) /* false */ if (x=6) /* always true { */ /* ... */ { recommendation } /* x is now 6 */ /* x is still 5 */ } /* ... */ 14
  • 15. A More Complex Program: pow #include <stdio.h> “if” statement #include <inttypes.h> float pow(float x, uint32_t /* if evaluated expression is not 0 */ exp) if ( expression ) { { /* then execute this block */ Need braces? /* base case */ } if (exp == 0) { else { return 1.0; X?Y:Z } /* otherwise execute this block */ } Short-circuit eval? detecting brace errors /* “recursive” case */ return x*pow(x, exp – 1); } Tracing “pow()”: int main(int argc, char • What does pow(5,0) do? **argv) { • What about pow(5,1)? float p; p = pow(10.0, 5); • “Induction” printf(“p = %fn”, p); return 0; } Challenge: write pow() so it requires log(exp) iterations 15
  • 16. The “Stack” #include <stdio.h> Recall lexical scoping. If a variable is valid #include <inttypes.h> “within the scope of a function”, what float pow(float x, uint32_t happens when you call that function exp) { recursively? Is there more than one “exp”? /* base case */ if (exp == 0) { static return 1.0; Yes. Each function call allocates a “stack } Java? frame” where Variables within that function’s /* “recursive” case */ scope will reside. } return x*pow(x, exp – 1); int main(int argc, char float x 5.0 **argv) uint32_t exp 0 Return 1.0 { float p; float x 5.0 p = pow(5.0, 1); printf(“p = %fn”, p); uint32_t exp 1 Return 5.0 return 0; } int argc 1 char **argv 0x2342 float p undefined 5.0 Grows 16
  • 17. Iterative pow(): the “while” loop Other languages? float pow(float x, uint Problem: “recursion” eats stack space (in C). exp) Each loop must allocate space for arguments { int i=0; and local variables, because each new call float result=1.0; while (i < exp) { creates a new “scope”. result = result * x; i++; } Solution: “while” loop. } return result; loop: int main(int argc, char if ( condition ) { while ( condition ) **argv) statements ; { { goto loop; statements ; float p; } } p = pow(10.0, 5); printf(“p = %fn”, p); return 0; } 17
  • 18. The “for” loop The “for” loop is just shorthand for this “while” loop structure. float pow(float x, uint float pow(float x, uint exp) exp) { { float result=1.0; float result=1.0; int i; int i; i=0; for (i=0; (i < exp); i++) while (i < exp) { { result = result * x; result = result * x; i++; } } return result; return result; } } int main(int argc, char int main(int argc, char **argv) **argv) { { float p; float p; p = pow(10.0, 5); p = pow(10.0, 5); printf(“p = %fn”, p); printf(“p = %fn”, p); return 0; return 0; } } 18
  • 19. Referencing Data from Other Scopes So far, all of our examples all of the data values we have used have been defined in our lexical scope float pow(float x, uint exp) { float result=1.0; int i; Nothing in this scope for (i=0; (i < exp); i++) { result = result * x; } return result; } int main(int argc, char Uses any of these variables **argv) { float p; p = pow(10.0, 5); printf(“p = %fn”, p); return 0; } 19
  • 20. Can a function modify its arguments? What if we wanted to implement a function pow_assign() that modified its argument, so that these are equivalent: float p = 2.0; float p = 2.0; /* p is 2.0 here */ /* p is 2.0 here */ p = pow(p, 5); pow_assign(p, 5); /* p is 32.0 here */ /* p is 32.0 here */ Would this work? void pow_assign(float x, uint exp) { float result=1.0; int i; for (i=0; (i < exp); i++) { result = result * x; } x = result; } 20
  • 21. NO! Remember the stack! void pow_assign(float x, uint Java/C++? exp) { In C, all arguments are float result=1.0; int i; passed as values for (i=0; (i < exp); i++) { result = result * x; } x = result; But, what if the argument is } the address of a variable? { float p=2.0; pow_assign(p, 5); } float x 32.0 2.0 uint32_t exp 5 float result 32.0 1.0 float p 2.0 Grows 21
  • 22. Passing Addresses Symbol Addr Value Recall our model for variables stored 0 in memory 1 2 What if we had a way to find out the address of a symbol, and a way to 3 reference that memory location by char x 4 ‘H’ (72) address? char y 5 ‘e’ (101) address_of(y) == 6 5 memory_at[5] == 7 101 void f(address_of_char p) { 8 memory_at[p] = memory_at[p] - 32; 9 } 10 char y = 101; /* y is 101 */ f(address_of(y)); /* i.e. f(5) 11 */ /* y is now 101-32 = 69 */ 12 22
  • 23. “Pointers” This is exactly how “pointers” work. A “pointer type”: pointer to char “address of” or reference operator: & “memory_at” or dereference operator: * void f(address_of_char p) void f(char * p) { { memory_at[p] = memory_at[p] - *p = *p - 32; 32; } } char y = 101; /* y is 101 */ char y = 101; /* y is 101 */ f(address_of(y)); /* i.e. f(5) */ f(&y); /* i.e. f(5) */ /* y is now 101-32 = 69 */ /* y is now 101-32 = 69 */ Pointers are used in C for many other purposes: • Passing large objects without copying them • Accessing dynamically allocated memory • Referring to functions 23
  • 24. Pointer Validity A Valid pointer is one that points to memory that your program controls. Using invalid pointers will cause non-deterministic behavior, and will often cause Linux to kill your process (SEGV or Segmentation Fault). There are two general causes for these errors: How should pointers be initialized? • Program errors that set the pointer value to a strange number • Use of a pointer that was at one time valid, but later became invalid Will ptr be valid or invalid? char * get_pointer() { char x=0; return &x; } { char * ptr = get_pointer(); *ptr = 12; /* valid? */ } 24
  • 25. Answer: Invalid! A pointer to a variable allocated on the stack becomes invalid when that variable goes out of scope and the stack frame is “popped”. The pointer will point to an area of the memory that may later get reused and rewritten. char * get_pointer() { char x=0; return &x; } But now, ptr points to a { location that’s no longer in char * ptr = get_pointer(); use, and will be reused the *ptr = 12; /* valid? */ other_function(); next time a function is called! } 101 int x charaverage Return 101 456603 12 0 100 char * ptr 101 ? Grows 25
  • 26. More on Types We’ve seen a few types at this point: char, int, float, char * Types are important because: • They allow your program to impose logical structure on memory • They help the compiler tell when you’re making a mistake In the next slides we will discuss: • How to create logical layouts of different types (structs) • How to use arrays • How to parse C type names (there is a logic to it!) • How to create new types using typedef 26
  • 27. Structures Packing? struct: a way to compose existing types into a structure #include <sys/time.h> struct timeval is defined in this header /* declare the struct */ struct my_struct { structs define a layout of typed fields int counter; float average; struct timeval timestamp; structs can contain other structs uint in_use:1; uint8_t data[0]; fields can specify specific bit widths }; Why? /* define an instance of A newly-defined structure is initialized my_struct */ struct my_struct x = { using this syntax. All unset fields are 0. in_use: 1, timestamp: { tv_sec: 200 } }; Fields are accessed using ‘.’ notation. x.counter = 1; x.average = sum / (float) (x.counter); A pointer to a struct. Fields are accessed struct my_struct * ptr = &x; using ‘->’ notation, or (*ptr).counter ptr->counter = 2; (*ptr).counter = 3; /* equiv. */ 27
  • 28. Arrays Arrays in C are composed of a particular type, laid out in memory in a repeating pattern. Array elements are accessed by stepping forward in memory from the base of the array by a multiple of the element size. /* define an array of 10 chars */ Brackets specify the count of elements. char x[5] = {‘t’,’e’,’s’,’t’,’0’}; Initial values optionally set in braces. /* accessing element 0 */ x[0] = ‘T’; Arrays in C are 0-indexed (here, 0..9) /* pointer arithmetic to get elt 3 */ x[3] == *(x+3) == ‘t’ (NOT ‘s’!) char elt3 = *(x+3); /* x[3] */ /* x[0] evaluates to the first What’s the difference Symbol Addr Value element; between char x[] and * x evaluates to the address of char *x? char x [0] 100 ‘t’ the * first element, or &(x[0]) */ char x [1] 101 ‘e’ For loop that iterates /* 0-indexed for loop idiom */ char x [2] 102 ‘s’ #define COUNT 10 from 0 to COUNT-1. char x [3] 103 ‘t’ char y[COUNT]; int i; Memorize it! char x [4] 104 ‘0’ for (i=0; i<COUNT; i++) { /* process y[i] */ printf(“%cn”, y[i]); } 28
  • 29. How to Parse and Define C Types At this point we have seen a few basic types, arrays, pointer types, and structures. So far we’ve glossed over how types are named. int x; /* int; */ typedef int T; int *x; /* pointer to int; */ typedef int typedef defines *T; a new type int x[10]; /* array of ints; */ typedef int T[10]; int *x[10]; /* array of pointers to int; */ typedef int C type names are parsed by starting at the type name and working *T[10]; outwards according to thearray of ints; */ typedef int int (*x)[10]; (*T)[10]; /* pointer to rules of precedence: x is an array of pointers to int *x[10]; int Arrays are the primary source of confusion. When x is in doubt, use extra parens to int (*x) a pointer clarify the expression. [10]; to an array of int 29
  • 30. Function Types For more details: The other confusing form is the function type. $ man qsort For example, qsort: (a sort function in the standard library) void qsort(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, The last argument is a int (*compar)(const void *, const void *)); comparison function /* function matching this type: */ int cmp_function(const void *x, const void *y); const means the function /* typedef defining this type: */ is not allowed to modify typedef int (*cmp_type) (const void *, const void *); memory via this pointer. /* rewrite qsort prototype using our typedef */ void qsort(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, cmp_type compar); size_t is an unsigned int void * is a pointer to memory of unknown type. 30
  • 31. Dynamic Memory Allocation So far all of our examples have allocated variables statically by defining them in our program. This allocates them in the stack. But, what if we want to allocate variables based on user input or other dynamic inputs, at run-time? This requires dynamic allocation. sizeof() reports the size of a type in bytes For details: int * alloc_ints(size_t requested_count) $ man calloc { calloc() allocates memory int * big_array; big_array = (int *)calloc(requested_count, for N elements of size k sizeof(int)); if (big_array == NULL) { Returns NULL if can’t alloc printf(“can’t allocate %d ints: %mn”, requested_count); %m ? Emstar tips return NULL; } It’s OK to return this pointer. /* now big_array[0] .. big_array[requested_count-1] It will remain valid until it is are freed with free() * valid and zeroed. */ return big_array; } 31
  • 32. Caveats with Dynamic Memory Dynamic memory is useful. But it has several caveats: Whereas the stack is automatically reclaimed, dynamic allocations must be tracked and free()’d when they are no longer needed. With every allocation, be sure to plan how that memory will get freed. Losing track of memory is called a “memory leak”. Reference counting Whereas the compiler enforces that reclaimed stack space can no longer be reached, it is easy to accidentally keep a pointer to dynamic memory that has been freed. Whenever you free memory you must be certain that you will not try to use it again. It is safest to erase any pointers to it. Because dynamic memory always uses pointers, there is generally no way for the compiler to statically verify usage of dynamic memory. This means that errors that are detectable with static allocation are not with dynamic 32
  • 33. Some Common Errors and Hints sizeof() can take a variable reference in place of a type name. This gurantees the right allocation, but don’t accidentally allocate the sizeof() the pointer instead of the object! /* allocating a struct with malloc() */ malloc() allocates n bytes struct my_struct *s = NULL; s = (struct my_struct *)malloc(sizeof(*s)); /* NOT sizeof(s)!! */ Why? if (s == NULL) { Always check for NULL.. Even if you just exit(1). printf(stderr, “no memory!”); exit(1); } malloc() does not zero the memory, so you should memset() it to 0. memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s)); /* another way to initialize an alloc’d structure: */ struct my_struct init = { counter: 1, average: 2.5, in_use: 1 }; /* memmove(dst, src, size) (note, arg order like assignment) */ memmove is preferred because it is memmove(s, &init, sizeof(init)); safe for shifting buffers Why? /* when you are done with it, free it! */ free(s); Use pointers as implied in-use flags! s = NULL; 33
  • 34. Macros Macros can be a useful way to customize your interface to C and make your code easier to read and less redundant. However, when possible, use a static inline function instead. What’s the difference between a macro and a static inline function? Macros and static inline functions must be included in any file that uses them, usually via a header file. Common uses for macros: More on C /* Macros are used to define constants */ constants? #define FUDGE_FACTOR 45.6 Float constants must have a decimal #define MSEC_PER_SEC 1000 point, else they are type int #define INPUT_FILENAME “my_input_file” enums /* Macros are used to do constant arithmetic */ Why? #define TIMER_VAL (2*MSEC_PER_SEC) Put expressions in parens. /* Macros are used to capture information from the compiler */ #define DBG(args...) do { Multi-line macros need fprintf(stderr, “%s:%s:%d: “, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINENO__); args… grabs rest of args fprintf(stderr, args...); } while (0) Why? Enclose multi-statement macros in do{}while(0) /* ex. DBG(“error: %d”, errno); */ 34
  • 35. Macros and Readability Sometimes macros can be used to improve code readability… but make sure what’s going on is obvious. /* often best to define these types of macro right where they are used */ #define CASE(str) if (strncasecmp(arg, str, strlen(str)) == 0) void parse_command(char *arg) void parse_command(char *arg) { { CASE(“help”) { if (strncasecmp(arg, “help”, /* print help */ strlen(“help”)) { } /* print help */ CASE(“quit”) { } exit(0); if (strncasecmp(arg, “quit”, } strlen(“quit”)) { } exit(0); } /* and un-define them after use */ } #undef CASE Macros can be used to generate static inline functions. This is like a C version of a C++ template. See emstar/libmisc/include/queue.h for an example of this technique. 35
  • 36. Using “goto” Some schools of thought frown upon goto, but goto has its place. A good philosophy is, always write code in the most expressive and clear way possible. If that involves using goto, then goto is not bad. An example is jumping to an error case from inside complex logic. The alternative is deeply nested and confusing “if” statements, which are hard to read, maintain, and verify. Often additional logic and state variables must be added, just to avoid goto. goto try_again; goto fail; 36
  • 37. Unrolling a Failed Initialization using goto state_t *initialize() { state_t *initialize() /* allocate state struct */ { state_t *s = g_new0(state_t, 1); /* allocate state struct */ if (s) { state_t *s = g_new0(state_t, 1); /* allocate sub-structure */ if (s == NULL) goto free0; s->sub = g_new0(sub_t, 1); if (s->sub) { /* allocate sub-structure */ /* open file */ s->sub = g_new0(sub_t, 1); s->sub->fd = if (s->sub == NULL) goto free1; open(“/dev/null”, O_RDONLY); /* open file */ if (s->sub->fd >= 0) { s->sub->fd = /* success! */ open(“/dev/null”, O_RDONLY); } if (s->sub->fd < 0) goto free2; else { free(s->sub); /* success! */ free(s); return s; s = NULL; } free2: } free(s->sub); else { free1: /* failed! */ free(s); free(s); free0: s = NULL; return NULL; } } } return s; } 37
  • 38. High Level Question: Why is Software Hard? Answer(s): • Complexity: Every conditional (“if”) doubles number of paths through your code, every bit of state doubles possible states – Solution: reuse code paths, avoid duplicate state variables • Mutability: Software is easy to change.. Great for rapid fixes .. And rapid breakage .. always one character away from a bug – Solution: tidy, readable code, easy to understand by inspection. Avoid code duplication; physically the same  logically the same • Flexibility: Programming problems can be solved in many different ways. Few hard constraints  plenty of “rope”. – Solution: discipline and idioms; don’t use all the rope 38
  • 39. Addressing Complexity • Complexity: Every conditional (“if”) doubles number of paths through your code, every bit of state doubles possible states – Solution: reuse code paths, avoid duplicate state variables reuse code paths On receive_packet: if queue full, drop packet else push packet, call run_queue On input, change our state as needed, and On transmit_complete: call Run_queue. In all cases, Run_queue state=idle, call run_queue handles taking the next step… Run_queue: if state==idle && !queue empty pop packet off queue start transmit, state = busy 39
  • 40. Addressing Complexity • Complexity: Every conditional (“if”) doubles number of paths through your code, every bit of state doubles possible states – Solution: reuse code paths, avoid duplicate state variables avoid duplicate state variables int transmit_busy; msg_t *packet_on_deck; msg_t *packet_on_deck; int start_transmit(msg_t *packet) int start_transmit(msg_t *packet) { { if (packet_on_deck != NULL) if (transmit_busy) return -1; return -1; /* start transmit */ /* start transmit */ packet_on_deck = packet; packet_on_deck = packet; transmit_busy = 1; /* ... */ /* ... */ return 0; return 0; } } Why return -1? 40
  • 41. Addressing Mutability • Mutability: Software is easy to change.. Great for rapid fixes .. And rapid breakage .. always one character away from a bug – Solution: tidy, readable code, easy to understand by inspection. Avoid code duplication; physically the same  logically the same Tidy code.. Indenting, good formatting, comments, meaningful variable and function names. Version control.. Learn how to use CVS Avoid duplication of anything that’s logically identical. struct pkt_hdr { int source; struct pkt_hdr { int dest; int source; int length; int dest; Otherwise when int length; }; struct pkt { }; one changes, you int source; struct pkt { have to find and fix struct pkt_hdr hdr; int dest; int length; uint8_t all the other places uint8_t payload[100]; payload[100]; }; }; 41
  • 42. Solutions to the pow() challenge question Recursive Iterative float pow(float x, uint exp) { float result; float pow(float x, uint exp) { /* base case */ float result = 1.0; if (exp == 0) return 1.0; int bit; for (bit = sizeof(exp)*8-1; /* x^(2*a) == x^a * x^a */ bit >= 0; bit--) { result = pow(x, exp >> 1); result *= result; result = result * result; if (exp & (1 << bit)) result *= x; /* x^(2*a+1) == x^(2*a) * x } */ if (exp & 1) return result; result = result * x; } return result; } Which is better? Why? 42

Editor's Notes

  1. In my first summer internship my task was to convert a numeric program from FORTRAN to C, knowing nothing about either language – I only knew Pascal and BASIC. The result was that I sort of learned C, but in a sort of voodoo way, never really being sure what was going on, but getting some things to work, at least some of the time. Since then I’ve gradually worked out how things really work, and really make sense, and become proficient…. But this was a slow process. Today I hope to help shortcut some of that process. How this is going to proceed. I have limited time here so I will go kind of fast. I may mention some things in passing that I won’t fully explain. However, afterwards you will have the .ppt file and the notes. All the stuff I mention in passing is in the slides and the notes. This way, even if you don’t “get” all the details the first time, you can go back and refer to the slides and notes.
  2. Gcc compiler options: -Wall tells the compiler to generate ALL “warnings”. These warnings will often identify stupid mistakes. -g tells the compiler to generate debugging information If you don’t supply a –o option to set an output filename, it will create an executable called “a.out” ./? To run a program in the current directory use ./program ‘.’ is the current directory. Otherwise the shell will only run program that are in your “PATH” variable, which is usually “standard” paths like /bin and /usr/bin What if it doesn’t work? If your program compiles but doesn’t work, there are many debugging tools at your disposal. “ strace” traces all system calls made by your program. This will tell you when you call into the OS, e.g. open(), read(), write(), etc. “ ltrace” traces all standard library calls made by your program. “ gdb” is a source-level debugger. With this tool you can analyse core dumps, and step through your program line by line as it runs. “ valgrind” is an x86 virtual machine that is useful for catching memory errors such as use of freed memory, bad pointers, etc. Another common way to trace a program is “printf debugging”, where you put printf statements throughout your code to see what’s going on.
  3. What do the &lt;&gt; mean? Include directives use &lt;x.h&gt; (brackets) to indicate that the compiler should look in a “standard” place, such as /usr/include/… They use “x.h” (double quotes) to indicate that it should look first in the current directory. Can your program have more than one .c file? A ‘.c’ file is called a “module”. Many programs are composed of several ‘.c’ files and libraries that are ‘linked’ together during the compile process.
  4. Why preprocess? Having two phases to a process with different properties often helps to make a very flexible yet robust system. The underlying compiler is very simple and its behavior is easily understood. But because of that simplicity it can be hard to use. The preprocessor lets you “customize” the way your code “looks and feels” and avoid redunancy using a few simple facilities, without increasing the complexity of the underlying compiler. Macros can be used to make your code look clean and easy to understand. They can also be used for “evil”. What are continued lines? Continued lines are lines that need to be very long. When the preprocessor encounters a ‘\\’ (that is not inside a string), it will ignore the next character. If that character is a newline, then this “eats” the newline and joins the two lines into one. This is often used when defining macros with #define, because a macro must be all on one line. Be careful! If you have a space after a ‘\\’, it will eat the space and will NOT join the lines.
  5. Include directives use &lt;x.h&gt; (brackets) to indicate that the compiler should look in a “standard” place, such as /usr/include/… They use “x.h” (double quotes) to indicate that it should look first in the current directory.
  6. What’s 72? ASCII is the coding scheme that maps bytes to characters. Type ‘man ascii’ at the shell to get a listing of the mapping. Not always… Types such as int vary in size depending on the architecture. On a 32 bit or 64 bit platform, ints are 4 bytes (32 bits). On an 8 or 16 bit platform, an int is 2 bytes (16 bits). To be safe, it’s best to specify types exactly e.g. int32_t, int16_t., int8_t. Defined in #include &lt;inttypes.h&gt; Signed? Signedness is a common source of problems in C. It’s always clearest to specify signness explicitly (and size) using the [u]int[8,16,32]_t types. Signedness can introduce surprises when casting types because of “sign extension”. For example, char is signed (although it’s normally used as unsigned 0-255). If you cast char to int, it will be a signed integer and the sign will be extended. If you then cast that to unsigned, it turns a small negative number into an enormous int value (high bit set). That is, (uint32_t)(int)(char)(128) == 4294967168 (not 128!) One easy solution to this is to always use uint8_t rather than char for byte streams.
  7. Symbol table: The “Symbol Table” is the mapping from symbol to address. You can extract this from a compiled program (if debugging is enabled aqt compile time with –g) using the nm utility. Declaration and definition mean slightly different things in C. Declaration is mapping a name to a type, but not to a memory location. Definition maps a name and type to a memory location (which could be the body of a function). Definitions can assign an initial value. Declarations can point to something that never actually gets defined, or is defined in a library external to your program. What names are legal? Symbols in C (function and variable names) must start with an alphabetic character or ‘_’. They may contain numeric digits as well but cannot start with a digit. Common naming strategies are ‘CamelCase’, ‘lowerUpper’, and ‘under_bar’. Some people use complicated schemes but I prefer under_bar. extern, static, and const are modifiers of variable declarations. ‘extern’ means the variable being declared is defined elsewhere in some other program module (.c file). ‘static’ means that the variable cannot be accessed outside of the current scope. ‘const’ means the variable’s value cannot be changed (directly).
  8. Returns nothing.. “void” is used to denote that nothing is returned, or to indicate untyped data. What if you define a new “char b”? What happens to the old one? If you defile a variable in your local scope that has the same name as a variable in an enclosing scope, the local version takes precedence. Are definitions allowed in the middle of a block? Older versions of C and some derivatives like NesC only allow definitions at the beginning of a scope; d would be illegal. Modern C (gcc 3.0+) allows this, which can make the code easier to read as the definitions are closer to use. However, note that definitions are not always allowed in certain places, such as after a jump target, e.g. { goto target; /* … */ target: int z; /* error */ /* … */ }
  9. Despite being syntactically correct, if (x=y) is generally to be avoided because it is confusing. Doing complicated things with ++ and – are also not generally recommended. It is almost never important from an efficiency perspective and it just makes the code harder to understand.
  10. Need braces? Braces are only needed if your block contains a single statement. However, braces, even when not necessary, can increase the clarity of your code, especially when nesting ‘if’ statements. X ? Y : Z.. There is a shortcut to if then else that can be done in an expression: the ‘?:’ syntax. (cond ? alt1 : alt2) is an expression returning alt1 if cond, and alt2 if not cond. There is no truly equivalent form to this construct. Short circuit evaluation. Sometimes when evaluating an if conditional, the result is known before the evaluation completes. For example, consider if (X || Y || Z). If X is true, then Y and Z don’t matter. C will not evaluate Y and Z if X is true. This only matters in cases where there are side effects of evaluating the rest of the expression, for example if it contains function calls, or invalid operations. The converse evaluation rules apply to &amp;&amp;; if (X &amp;&amp; Y &amp;&amp; Z) will only evaluate Y and Z if X is true. Note, this is why it’s OK to write: char *x; if ((x != NULL) &amp;&amp; (*x == ‘Z’)) … because if x is NULL (and therefore an invlalid pointer) the second clause dereferencing x will not be run. Note that this means that it’s not always possible to replace an if() with a function call because all args to a function are evaluated before calling the function. Detecting brace errors . Many text editors such as emacs include features that help you detect brace errors. Emacs will remind you of the opening brace whenever you close a brace, and will auto-indent your code according to braces – wrong indenting gives you a hint that something is wrong. In emacs, &lt;tab&gt; will autoindent the line you are on.. Keeping your code properly indented is a good way to detect a lot of different kinds of error.
  11. Variables declared ‘static’ inside of a function are allocated only once, rather than being allocated in the stack frame when the function is called. Static variables therefore retain their value from one call to the next, but may cause problems for recursive calls, or if two threads call the function concurrently. Java users: Just to be aware: recursion doesn’t always work in Java because objects are always passed by reference (i.e they are not copied). In java, this recursive function would only work if it was a primitive type like int being passed.
  12. What about other languages? Some languages such as scheme implement optimized “tail recursion”, which reuses the current stack frame when the recursive call constitutes the last use of the current stack frame. In these cases, recursion costs no more than iteration.
  13. Java In java, primitive types like int are passed by value, but all objects are passed by reference (basically by pointer, but without any explicit awareness of the address). In C++, things operate like in C except that there is a syntax to pass arguments by reference, declaring the argument to be a “reference” type. For example, int f(int &amp;x); C does not support this; you have to do it “manually” with pointers. But it’s not really fundamentally different anyway.
  14. How should pointers be initialized? Always initialize pointers to 0 (or NULL). NULL is never a valid pointer value, but it is known to be invalid and means “no pointer set”.
  15. Packing? The layout of a structure in memory is actually architecture-dependent. The order of the fields will always be preserved; however, some architectures will pad fields so that they are word-aligned. Word alignment is important for some processor architectures because they do not support unaligned memory access, e.g. accessing a 4 byte int that is not aligned to a 4 byte boundary. It is also usually more efficient to process values on word boundaries. So in general, structs are architecture-specific. For instance, on x86 platforms, all fields are word-aligned, so struct { uint16_t x; uint32_t y; }; Will have a hidden two bytes of padding between x and y. However, on an atmel atmega128 this padding will not be present. One way to address this is to predict it, and explicity add the padding fields. Another solution is to add __attribute__ ((“packed”)) after the structure declaration to force the compiler to generate code to handle unaligned accesses. This code will operate slower but this is often the easiest solution to dealing with cross-platform compatibility. The other common problem with cross-platform compatibility is endianness. X86 machines are little-endian; many modern processors such as the PXA (xscale) can select their endianness. The functions ntohl, htonl, etc. can be used to convert to a standard network byte order (which is big endian). =========== Why a zero length array? A zero length array is a typed “pointer target” that begins at the byte after the end of the struct. The zero length array takes up no space and does not change the result of sizeof(). This is very useful for referring to data following the struct in memory, for example if you have a packet header and a packet payload following the header: struct hdr { int src; int dst; uint8_t data[0]; }; If you have a buffer of data containing the packet and the payload: uint8_t buf[200]; int buf_len; /* cast the buffer to the header type (if it’s long enough!) */ if (buf_len &gt;= sizeof(struct hdr)) { struct hdr *h = (struct hdr *)buf; /* now, h-&gt;data[0] is the first byte of the payload */ }
  16. char x[] and char *x are subtlely different. First, what’s the same: both will evaluate to an address that is type char *. In both cases, x[n] == *(x+n) and x == &amp;(x[0]). The difference lies in the fact that char x[10] allocates memory for that data and both &amp;x and x always evaulates to the base address of the array, whereas char *x allocates only space for a pointer, and x simply evaulates to the value of that pointer. Thus, in the case of char x[10], &amp;x == x by definition. However this is almost never true for char *x because x contains the address of the memory where the characters are stored, &amp;(x[0]), and &amp;x is the address of that pointer itself!
  17. %m: When %m is included in a printf format string, it prints a string naming the most recent error. A global variable ‘errno’ always contains the most recent error value to have occurred, and the function strerr() converts that to a string. %m is shorthand for printf(“%s”, strerr(errno)) Emstar tips : Emstar includes glib which includes various useful functions and macros. One of these is g_new0(). g_new0(typename, count)  (typename *)calloc(count, sizeof(typename)); Emstar also provides elog() and elog_raw(), logging functions that integrate with emstar’s logging facilities. elog() works like printf, but takes one additional loglevel argument. You do not need to include a ‘\\n’ in elog() messages as it is implied. elog_raw() takes a buffer and a length and dumps the bytes out in a prettyprinted fashion. Emstar includes the useful “buf_t” library that manages automatically growing buffers. This is often the easiest way to allocate memory.
  18. Reference counting is one approach to tracking allocated memory. However, there is no perfect scheme. The main problem with reference counting is that correctly handling cyclically linked structures is very difficult, and likely to result in mis-counting in one direction or the other. Garbage collection is another solution; this is used by Java and other languages. However, this often causes performance problems and requires a very strict control over typing in the language, which C can’t easily provide by its nature of having direct access to the low levels. Emstar uses a static reference model, where there is exactly one canonical reference to each object, and that reference will be automatically cleared when the object is destroyed. The only requirements are: the reference must be in stable allocation (static or dynamic, but you can’t move the memory) and you must always access the object via that single reference. We have found this scheme to be quite workable, as long as you are cognizant of these requirements.
  19. What to do when malloc fails? Except in certain cases, it’s going to be very difficult to recover from this state because lots of functions will start failing and the correct way to handle these errors is not obvious. If you continue without your memory, it is likely that your program will get into some very seriously broken state. The main case where recovery IS possible is the case that the malloc() that failed is part of a single too-large transaction that can fail independently of the rest of the system. For example if the user asks your program to allocate a zillion bytes and you can’t, just abort that request and ask for the next request. But if your system is just generally out of memory, there’s not much you can do. In emstar, processes automatically respawn and the system is generally designed to handle module failures, so a slow memory leak that causes you to exit and restart may allow a fairly graceful recovery. Memmove memmove() is written so that it will copy in the correct order to be able to shift data in a buffer, that is, if the source and destination buffers overlap. This is not true of the memcpy() function. Use pointers as implied in-use flags! One clever way to reduce the number of state variables is to avoid the use of “in use” flags when there is also a pointer that can be NULL. That is, if the item is not allocated (and therefore a NULL pointer), it’s not in use. If there’s a pointer there, then you assume that it is valid, initialized, etc. By avoiding this redundancy of state varaibles, you avoid the various cases where the two variables are out of sync.. Pointer there but not in use.. Or in use but no pointer.
  20. The difference between a macro and a static inline . These two constructs have some properties in common: they must be included in any module that uses them, they can’t be linked to, and they are generally inlined into the program. The key difference between them is that the macro is processed by the preprocessor whereas the static inline conforms to all of the semantics of any other function. The reason it must be included in each file is that it’s declared static, and the reason it’s more efficient is that it is inlined by default. Static inlines cause their arguments to be evaluated before being applied whereas macros are a pure text substitution with no evaluation. Arguments to static inlines are type-checked whereas arguments to macros can be any type and are substituted as raw text. Static inline invocations can invoke statements AND return a value, whereas a macro can EITHER return a value (if it’s an expression) OR invoke statements. A good example of the differences is the implementation of sqr(): #define SQR(a) ((a)*(a)) static inline float sqr(float a) { return a*a; } SQR will evaulate its argument twice, i.e. SQR(x++) will compute x*(x+1) sqr will evaliate its argument once, i.e. sqr(x++) will compute x*x SQR can compute the square of any numberic quantity, whereas sqr can only handle floats. However, sqr will return a more helpful error message if you attempt to square a struct. Since macros can do text manipulation, one nice way to use them is to use macros to generate static inlines. More on C constants . Check K&amp;R for the details on the modifiers that allow you to correctly type constants. For example, 45L is a long int. Watch out for preceding 0’s, this means it will interpret it as octal. These issues most often crop up when you are trying to specify a constant that is larger than the default int type. Enums: For defining sets of integer values, enums are preferable. Enums enforce uniqueness within an enum and can automatically number your values sequentially. But macros are preferred for constants that define tuning parameters (that don’t want uniqueness or sequential values) and other types like floats and strings. Why expressions in parens : If you leave off the parens then your expression may introduce precedence surprises when combined in other expressions. For example: #define VALUE 2+45 int c = VALUE*3; What was meant was (2+45)*3 .. But what we got was 2+(45*3) It’s also a good idea to put parens around args of a macro, to avoid similar problems if one of the args is an expression: #define SQR(x) ((x)*(x)) Why use do{}while(0)? Multi-statement macros should be enclosed in do{}while(0) to avoid surprises when the macro is called as one statement in an if (): if (fail) DBG(“help\\n”); would cause only the first statement to be conditional.
  21. Why return -1? Return values in C are usually 0 or positive for success and negative to signal failure. The errno codes (man errno) list some meanings that can be used for error return codes. When a pointer is returned, NULL signifies a failure. Errno can be set to indicate a reason for the failure (by just assigning to errno).
  22. The recursive solution uses more stack space, but only a limited amount (max. 32 recursions), is easier to read and understand. Readability is valuable and not worth sacrificing to optimality unless there is a good reason to optimize. So I vote for recursion in this case.