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“ Neuromarketing is it’s
about uncovering what’s
already inside our heads
—our Buyology”
Martin Lindstrom -
Neuro-marketing is the new key tool which will
revolutionize marketing strategies in future and
help understand the logic behind purchase
The summary highlights the major concepts
from the book which can help in building better
marketing campaigns
• People are constantly
surrounded by brands and
messages from marketers &
• Some information is
retained and some is
instantly forgettable
• To make the brand message
stay with the consumer and to
induce product cravings,
research in “Neuromarketing”
is being done
• Neuromarketing is the window
key to unlock the
subconscious thoughts,
feelings & desires that drive
purchase decisions -
1. A Rush Of Blood Of The Head
2. This Must Be The Place
3. I’ll Have What She Is Having
4. I Cant See Clearly Now
5. Do You Believe In Magic?
6. I Say A Little Prayer
7. Why Did I Choose You?
8. A Sense Of Wonder
9. And The Answer Is…
10. Lets Spend The Night Together
11. Conclusion
Chapter 1
A Rush of Blood to the Head –
The Largest Neuromarketing study ever
Companies often are not able to
carefully detect what to do to
engage the consumers
“Half my advertising budget is wasted.
Trouble is, I don’t know which half.”
John Wanamaker 1889 – 1893
1. The Largest Neuromarketing study
ever conducted
For example, the smokers replied in negative to
purchasing cigarettes when shown the warning
signs on cigarette packs
The traditional marketing research techniques
namely - Qualitative & Quantitative research
techniques are not well equipped to evaluate what
the consumer wants
1. The Largest Neuromarketing study
ever conducted
Hence a new marketing tool – neuromarketing is
required to test how the consumer’s brain
evaluates and responds to the brand messages it
Whilst the actual buy behavior has not much
changed as despite the results of traditional
marketing research tests, the smokers went and
purchased the cigarette packs
1. The Largest Neuromarketing study
ever conducted
1. The Largest Neuromarketing study
ever conducted
fMRI – The most advanced
brain-scanning technique
was used that measures
the magnetic property of
hemoglobin that carries
oxygen in the body. More
worked up a part of brain
is, more is the flow of
oxygenated blood to that
part of the brain
The study was conducted
using the fMRI technique to
assess which aspects of
the brand or product
message stimulate which
part of the part of the brain
that ultimately induces the
need to buy that product
1. The Largest Neuromarketing study
ever conducted
Neuromarketing Study
Duration: Three years (2004-2007)
Cost: $7 million (provided by 8 MNCs)
fMRI Scans: 102
SST: To measure the degree of emotional
engagement, memory, approach & withdraw i.e.
how different parts of the brain talk to one
1. The Largest Neuromarketing study
ever conducted
Neuromarketing Study
Volunteers: 2,081
Countries: America, England, Japan, China,
Research Team overseen by: Dr. Gemma
Calvert, Chairperson Applied Neuroimaging at
University of Warwick, England
1. The Largest Neuromarketing study
ever conducted
Neuromarketing Study –
Experiment with smokers
Such cigarette warning signs, encouraged the smokers to buy more cigarette packs
This part of the brain when stimulated requires higher and higher doses to get it fixed
Analysis & Results: When these respondents went through fMRI, it was observed that
the cigarette warnings in fact stimulated the area of the brain called “the craving spot”
Answers were a quick “Yes” to both
Questions asked: Are you affected by these warnings? | Will you smoke lesser?
Test: Smokers were shown cigarette warning packs
1. The Largest Neuromarketing study
ever conducted
Neuromarketing Study – Importance
Therefore, traditional marketing
research techniques are not reliable to
know what consumers really what
because the irrational mind shaped via
social & cultural bias acts in a
conditioned manner
Hence, what consumers think why they
have a particular behavior, a closer
look into the mind tells a different story
1. The Largest Neuromarketing study
ever conducted
Neuromarketing Study – Importance
Unconscious minds are a lot better at
interpreting behavior than the
conscious minds which is what works
when traditional marketing research is
Consumer experience is more likely to
be found in brain, in the nansecond
lapse before thinking is translated into
words, the truth – unplugged &
uncensored, what causes us to buy
Pepsi Challenge or Sip Test, showed that more than half of
the volunteers prefer the taste of Pepsi over coke, this was
confirmed by the fMRI techniques
The later Brain scan techniques revealed when test
subjects know whether they were sampling coke or Pepsi
before they tasted it, 75% of respondents claimed they
prefer Coke.
1. A Rush of blood to the head
Positive associations the subjects had with Coca
cola- its history, logo, color, design, and
fragrance, their own childhood memories of coke,
emotional Coke-ness of brand beat back their
rational, natural preference for the taste if Pepsi
Emotions are the way in which our brain encode
things of value, and brands that engages us
emotionally will win every single time
1. A Rush of blood to the head
Chapter 2
This Must Be The Place–
Product Placement, American Idol and
Ford’s Multimillion-Dollar Mistake
In 1965 a typical
consumers had a
34% recall for ads,
in 1990 that figure
had fallen to 8 %
The relentless
advertising assault
have resulted in
strengthening the
filter system in our
brains grow thick
and self protective
2. This must be the place
2. This must be the place
To identify whether the product placement
in the show American Idol helps in creating
a lasting impact in the consumer’s minds
and hence translate into sales of the
company’s product
2. Product Placement, American Idol
and Ford’s Multimillion-Dollar Mistake
The Experiment - Objective
American Idol has three main sponsors – Cingular
Wireless, Ford Motor Company & Coca-Cola
Cingular Wireless – Runs 30 seconds ads during
the commercial breaks & also features its
products prominently during the show
2. Product Placement, American Idol
and Ford’s Multimillion-Dollar Mistake
The Experiment – The Sponsors
Coca-Cola: It has judges drink strategically placed
Coke, the judges’ chairs are shaped like coke’s
bottle, the walls are coke-red. Coca Cola is
present approximately 60% of the time on
American Idol
Ford: Doesn’t shares actual stage with the
contestants & it shells out $26 million only toward
traditional thirty seconds ad spots.
2. Product Placement, American Idol
and Ford’s Multimillion-Dollar Mistake
The Experiment – The Sponsors
Four hundred subjects were chosen to go through
the SST test that mathematically measures the
brain waves in real time
The subjects were seated in the darkened room
Twenty product logos (branded & unbranded) were
shown, one each/second
2. Product Placement, American Idol
and Ford’s Multimillion-Dollar Mistake
The Experiment – The Setup
“Branded Logos”: Logos of companies that aired
their commercials during American Idol – Coke,
Ford & Cingular
“Unbranded Logos”: Logos of companies that
had no products placed within the show i.e. no
connection or sponsorship with American Idol
like Fanta, Verizon, Target, etc.
2. Product Placement, American Idol
and Ford’s Multimillion-Dollar Mistake
The subjects were shown 2 shows, one was a 20
min special edition of American Idol followed by a
screening of another show
Rescreened the same sequence of logo thrice. It
was done to test whether viewers remembered
which logos they had seen during the show and
which ones they hadn’t
2. Product Placement, American Idol
and Ford’s Multimillion-Dollar Mistake
The Experiment – The Setup
Ad Effectiveness: measured by the consumer’s
memory of the product. A remembered product
has more probability of being purchased
2. Product Placement, American Idol
and Ford’s Multimillion-Dollar Mistake
Before-Screening: No matter how frequently the
products were featured during the show, the
memory of branded logos was the same as that
of the unbranded logos. Therefore, before the
study began, both branded and unbranded logos
were at par
Post- Screening: Branded logos had a greater
recall than unbranded logos. The potency of
branded logos had inhibited the recall of
unbranded logos i.e. memory of Coke, Cingular
had crowded out memories of Pepsi, Verizon
2. Product Placement, American Idol
and Ford’s Multimillion-Dollar Mistake
The Experiment – The Results
Coke was far more memorable than Cingular
which was far more memorable than Ford
Ford commercials were remembered by subjects
lesser post study than pre-study
2. Product Placement, American Idol
and Ford’s Multimillion-Dollar Mistake
Coke had permeated 60% of the show – Soft drink
cups – Furniture-Décor. Coke reinforced
throughout the show
There was no memory of the brands that did not
played an integral part in the story line of the
2. Product Placement, American Idol
and Ford’s Multimillion-Dollar Mistake
The Experiment – The Analysis
Coke played an integral part of the show – was
remembered the most and at the same time
weakened the memory of other brands
Ford just played ads in commercial breaks – no
significant difference than “just other ads”
2. Product Placement, American Idol
and Ford’s Multimillion-Dollar Mistake
Coke saturated show had suppressed memory of
Ford commercials
Ford had invested $ 26 million in yearly
sponsorship but – lost market share
2. Product Placement, American Idol
and Ford’s Multimillion-Dollar Mistake
The Experiment –
Ford’s Multimillion-Dollar Mistake
Ray-Ban: Suffered from slowing sales, tied up
with the movie Risky Business where Tom
Cruise flaunted Ray-Ban sunglasses. Sales
increased by over 50%. Again in Top Gun, sales
rose by 40%
But movies like Die Another Day that displayed
23 brands in 123 minutes or Driven that
displayed 103 brands in 117 minutes – all the
brands made no effect
2. Product Placement, American Idol
and Ford’s Multimillion-Dollar Mistake
Mid 1940s Warner Bros. movie had General
Electric refrigerator or a love story with
diamonds from DeBeers Co.
E.T. Extra Terrestrial had tactically placed
Hershey's candies
2. Product Placement, American Idol
and Ford’s Multimillion-Dollar Mistake
The product has to be a good match with the
TV show or movie
Product Placement in Movies
2. This must be the place
In Steven Spielberg’s E.T.: The Extra-
Terrestrial, a boy named Elliott
discovers an extraordinary-looking
creature living in the woods behind
his house.
To lure it out of hiding, the boy
tactically places individual pieces of
candy—instantly recognizable as
Hershey’s Reese’s Pieces—along the
path from the forest leading into his
2. This must be the place
2. This must be the place
In the late 1970s and early ’80s,
the U.S.-based sunglasses
manufacturer Ray-Ban was
fighting to stay alive as their
sales figures remained dismally
flat. That is, until the company
struck a deal with Paul
Brickman, the director of 1983’s
Risky Business, and Tom
Cruise gave the retro-looking
shades a whole lot of renewed
cachet. When the movie
became a hit, Ray-Ban sales
rose by over 50 percent.
2. This must be the place
In Tony Scott’s Top Gun,
when the actor alit from
his fighter jet clad in Air
Force leathers and
Aviator Ray-Bans, the
sunglasses maker saw
an additional boost of 40
percent to its bottom
2. This must be the place
SST study showed, for product placement to
work, it has to be a lot slyer and more
sophisticated than simply plunking a series of
random products on a screen and expecting
us to respond. Let’s revisit E.T. for a moment.
Elliott didn’t just pop those Reese’s Pieces
into his mouth during a thoughtless bike ride
with his buddies; they were an essential part
of the storyline because they were used to
lure E.T. from hiding.
2. This must be the place
In order for product placements to work, the
product has to make sense within the show’s
narrative. So if a product isn’t a good match
with the movie or TV show in which it
appears viewers will tune it right out
2. This must be the place
Chapter 3
I’ll Have What She’s Having –
Mirror Neurons at Work
Mirror neurons at work- Neurons that fire when an
action is being performed and when that same
action is being observed
3. I’ll have what she is having
Do humans’ brains work in the same way? Do we
too, mimic how others interact with objects?
Not only animals, but
humans also imitate.
When a person in front of
you YAWNS, you also feel
like yawning!
3. I’ll have what she is having
Are you yawning now or feeling the initial strings
of yawning?
Mirror neurons becoming activated even when
we’re reading about someone performing it
3. I’ll have what she is having
Mirror neurons make humans mimic each other’s
buying behavior too.
3. Mirror Neurons at Work
If people see something cool and jazzy, they will
wish to have that product in order to feel
themselves as cool and jazzy – They are the mirror
neurons at work
Example 1: According to an
experiment, when a monkey
picked up a nut or even
when it saw other monkey
pick up the nut, the
macaques’ pre-motor
neurons lit up and in the
latter case too it imagines
itself picking up the nut
3. Mirror Neurons at Work
Example 2:
When an adult ticks out his tongue, the baby too
imitates and sticks out his tongue – These are
mirror neurons at work
• While people view baseball matches
and the favorite player strikes or the
football player scores a goal, the
viewer pumps the arm in the air
• Based on fMRI & EEG, the mirror
neurons are activated when someone
is performing an action or when a
person observes someone else
performing the action
3. Mirror Neurons at Work
• Hence people often imitate other
people’s behavior
• We empathize when bad things happen
to good people and feel pleasure when
bad things happen to bad people
• In short, everything we observe or read
someone else is doing, we do as well – in
our minds
3. Mirror Neurons at Work
When people see white cool earphones on
someone else, they want to buy it
When people see mannequins in GAP stores
wearing fitted jeans with a bandana, they wish to
buy that outfit and be like it
3. Mirror Neurons at Work
When someone smiles at you, we tend to smile
back. We remember the names of the people
who smile back.
When one has a great shopping experience at a
store owing to the music, décor, products
available, one shops. Few days later, when he
encounters another store of the same brand,
Dopamine-one of the most additive brain
chemical work and one wishes to re-experience
the last time’s shopping experience
3. Mirror Neurons at Work
Just seeing a product over and over makes it
more desirable.
3. I’ll have what she is having
We don’t think twice before buying as we
calculate our purchases based on how they might
bring us social status
3. I’ll have what she is having
Chapter 4
I Can’t See Clearly Now –
Subliminal Messaging, Alive and
Subliminal messaging
Visual, auditory or any sensory message that
register just below our level of conscious
perception and can be detected by the
subconscious mind
4. I can’t see clearly now
Subliminal advertising in political messaging
4. I can’t see clearly now
George Bush criticizes Al Gore’s prescription
plan, towards the end of the ad the word RATS
flashes in oversized letters for a split second
Malboro’s subliminal advertising
4. I can’t see clearly now
Everything Formula 1
represented was subliminally
transformed into representing
the Malboro brand
Subliminal images invoked more activity in brain
and better recognition than the overt images
Subliminal messaging examples
4. I can’t see clearly now
Subliminal messaging has many a times
garnered bad publicity. It is considered:
• To be ‘brainwashing’ the population
• “Contrary to the public interest”
4. Subliminal Messaging
Subliminal messaging – The
Elderly people in the age group of 60
– 85 years old were split into two
Both groups were given a computer
game to play
4. Subliminal Messaging
Subliminal messaging – The
One group was displayed a series of positive
words like wise, accomplished, achievement, etc.
on their computer screen
The other group had negative words like senile,
diseased, forlorn, etc. displayed on their
computer screens
When finished, the researchers measured the
“swing-time” in their gaits or walks i.e. the time
when they had one foot off the ground
4. Subliminal Messaging
Subliminal messaging – The
The people who were in the positive
group, their gait increased by 10%
This suggested that positive
psychological stimulus can have a
positive impact and it improved the
physical achievement
4. Subliminal Messaging
Subliminal messaging – The
The respondents were shown an image of
either a smiling face or an unhappy face
for a millisecond
Post that, they were asked to pour a drink
and pay for it
4. Subliminal Messaging
Subliminal messaging – The
The respondents who saw the happier
face poured more drink
This lot was also willing to pay almost
twice as much for that drink as compared
to the respondents who were shown sad
4. Subliminal Messaging
Phenomenon of Unconscious Emotion
This was the result of a phenomenon called the
“unconscious emotion”
Unconscious emotion: The brain remembers
and recalls a brand or an image even before it
has consciously recognized it
Therefore, the brain decides that something is to
be bought even before the respondent has
consciously realized it
4. Subliminal Messaging
Chapter 5
Do You Believe in Magic? –
Ritual, Superstition, and Why We Buy
not entirely rational actions and the belief that
one can somehow manipulate the future by
engaging in certain behaviours, in spite of the
fact there’s no discernible causal relationship
between that behaviour and its outcome.
Rituals will force the consumer to buy the
product even if you don’t like that product
synonymous to the numerous superstitions we
hold on to in daily lives.
5. Do you believe in magic
5. Ritual, Superstition, and
Why We Buy
Rituals are persistent and embedded in our
It is these rituals that helps people gain control
over their lives in this ever changing fast-paced
unsettling society
Rituals and Superstitions make people feel
certain and stable in times of ever changing
5. Ritual, Superstition, and
Why We Buy
For example, touching wood to ward off evil, not
walking under stairs or ladders
Rituals within the products gives people a sense
of illusion of comfort and belonging
Rituals and Superstitions make people feel
certain and stable in times of ever changing
Take the fear of the number thirteen, for
example. In early 2007, in response to countless
customer complaints, Brussels Airlines
reluctantly altered the thirteen dots in their
airline logo to fourteen.
If you want to sit in the thirteenth row on your
Air France, KLM, Iberia (or for that matter,
Continental) flight, you’re plain out of luck, as
there isn’t one.
5. Do you believe in Magic?
In Asian cultures, the unluckiest possible
number is four, since the Mandarin word for that
number is read as si, which comes perilously
close in sound to shi, which means “death.”
As a result, in hotels in China, and even in Asian-
owned hotels around the world, there are no
fourth or forty-fourth floors.
5. Do you believe in Magic?
When Nestlé rolled out their candy in the Far
East, locals couldn’t help but notice how close
the words “Kit Kat” were to “Kitto-Katsu,” which
roughly translates to “win without fail.” In time,
students began to believe that eating a Kit Kat
before they took their exams would result in a
higher grade, which is a major reason the Kit Kat
brand is doing so well in Japan’s overcrowded
retail market.
5. Do you believe in Magic?
3 aspects of rituals:
Preparing for battle; Feasting; Indulgence
Preparing for battle is preparing for the daily
chores of life.
Feasting is explained as having a family dinner
Indulgence means caring for self and doing
activities which boost your self confidence
5. Do you believe in Magic?
All these rituals are meant for humans to have a
control in their lives
It makes them feel safe and at the same time
makes them believe that uncertainty has reduced
Brands have recognized this need for control
and rituals and used it to their advantage
5. Do you believe in Magic?
5. Do you believe in Magic?
5. Ritual, Superstition, and
Why We Buy
People have a loyalty towards their preferred
This behavior towards products like shampoo,
biscuit or coffee is similar to their religious
affinity which encourages them to keep on
Oreo cookies offers two ways of being eaten
5. Ritual, Superstition, and
Why We Buy
Nabisco that manufactures the Oreo cookies
partnered with the “Got Milk?” campaign
For people to associate a brand with a
nationwide ritual, this brings along with it a feel
of familiarity and unity, keeping sales going
Chapter 6
I Say a Little Prayer? –
Faith, Religion and Brands
6. Faith, Religion and Brands
A sense of unity exists amongst
consumers of the same brand – there is a
sense of belonging, camaraderie, loyalty
and the feeling of being on one side
Brands can be like religions with
their rituals
6. Faith, Religion and Brands
A brain Scan test was conducted
Respondents: 15 nuns
The experiment: The respondents were told to
relive their most deep and impactful religious
Faith, Religion & Brands – The Experiment
6. Faith, Religion and Brands
The researchers monitored and mapped which
part of the brain was involved in the activity
Next, the respondents were told to relive an
emotional experience and the researchers again
monitored and mapped which part of the brain
was involved in the activity
Faith, Religion & Brands – The Experiment
6. Faith, Religion and Brands
Next, 65 male respondents were used to find out
whether the brain part associated with sports &
sportsmen was the same part that was involved
when referring to the religion
The experiment: The respondents rated their
spirituality levels on a scale of 1 to 10 and they
were then shown a series of images of strong
and weak brands interspersed with religious
and sports images
Faith, Religion & Brands – The Experiment
6. Faith, Religion and Brands
A different part of the brain is engaged when a
religious experience is imagined and when an
emotional experience with a person is imagines
The same part of the brain is involved when
images of ‘strong’ brands, sports images and
religious images were shown. Hence the brain
responds exactly the same for all the three
Faith, Religion & Brands – The Results
6. Faith, Religion and Brands
A different part of the brain is engaged when a
religious experience is imagined and when an
emotional experience with a person is imagines
The same part of the brain is involved when
images of ‘strong’ brands, sports images and
religious images were shown. Hence the brain
responds exactly the same for all the three
Faith, Religion & Brands – The Results
6. Faith, Religion and Brands
The brain activity seemed identical whether it
was referring to brands or religion
Many companies have also started creating
spiritual or religious products like the Spiritual
Faith, Religion & Brands – The Results
6. Faith, Religion and Brands – An
Unilever Shampoo printed
millions of labels saying
“Contains X9 Factor”
without realizing it
When the supplies ran out,
the label was printed
without the X9 factor
Thousands of consumer
complaints, sales
decreased, complaints
saying the shampoo no
longer works without
knowing what X9 was
Brands are similar to
religious icons –
McDonald’s or Nike’s logo –
They are universal and
induce associations within
minds of the consumers
with the companies these
logos represent
Symbols play an important role in helping
people finding solace or finding people with the
same religion . A cross, a dove are symbols of
religion which can be easily identified and make
a statement for a person who is wearing them.
6. I say a little prayer
Mystery is an important aspect of religion as
well. People tend to get attracted to mysterious
news and stories involving faith and religion.
Companies have used this behavioral trait to
their advantage.
6. I say a little prayer
Sense of belonging (Absolut, Harley davidson users)
Clear vision (“Solutions for a Small Planet” – IBM’s
Power over enemies (Pepsi vs coke, visa vs mastercard)
Sensory appeal (Nokia ring tone)
Storytelling (Disney mickey mouse)
Grandeur ( Dubai’s Hotel Burj Al Arab)
Evangelism (Centurion black card in US)
Symbols (Nike Swoosh, McDonals golden arches)
Mystery (Coca cola’s secret formula)
Rituals (Apple’s discarding of Newton handheld
6. I say a little prayer
Brand following has been developed and
created on the similar lines in sports as well. We
can see the examples of brand following in
terms of European football clubs where they are
revered and followed as religion.
6. I say a little prayer
Chapter 7
Why did I Choose You?
The Power of Somatic Markers
7. Why did I Choose You?
Most consumers think about their choice for all of
2 seconds
It may have seemed that you made your decision
rationally, but it wasn’t so at all.
There are subconscious conversations that go on
in our head every time we choose one product
over another. These are rarely uttered aloud.
A Somatic Marker is a kind of
bookmark or shortcut in our
brains created due to past
experiences of reward and
7. Why did I Choose You?
An experience makes an “impression”. These
markers connect an experience or emotion with a
specific required reaction
Somatic Markers instantaneously narrow down
the possibilities in a situation and direct us
towards the best or least painful outcome.
7. Why did I Choose You?
The real rationale behind your choices are built on
a lifetime of positive and negative associations,
that you aren’t consciously aware of.
Our brain summons and scans incredible
amounts of memories, facts, and emotions and
leads to rapid response  dictating what we buy.
50% of shopping decisions are made
spontaneously at point of sale
7. Why did I Choose You?
7. Why did I choose you?
Favorable somatic markers play a very important
role in deciding winning brands in low
involvement and low differentiation categories
Everyday we manufacture new Somatic Markers.
Without them, we wouldn’t be able to make any
decisions at all.
All the seemingly unrelated bookmarks create
certain associations that make you feel that your
decisions are rational, whereas they aren’t so at
7. Why did I Choose You?
Fear spreads faster than anything else.
However, not all somatic markers are
based on pain/ fear.
Some of the most effective ones can be
rooted in sensory experiences which can
be quite pleasant
7. Why did I Choose You?
For advertisers, its easy and inexpensive to
create a somatic marker in consumer’s brains
Somatic Markers are associations between two
incompatible elements, which make them far
more memorable and lasting
=> Advertisers aim to create surprising, shocking,
humorous and fear generating associations
between disparate things to catch our attention
7. Why did I Choose You?
Chapter 8
A Sense of Wonder
Selling to Our Senses
Our visual sense is NOT the most powerful in
getting us interested to buy
These days, we are more visually stimulated than
before and that makes it even harder to capture
our attention through images
=> Visual advertising did not result in higher
sales. Sight isn’t as powerful as we assumed and
sound & smell are more effective than before
8. A Sense of Wonder
Visual images are far more effective & memorable
when they are coupled with another sense – like
sound or smell
To fully engage us emotionally, companies should
use logos, fragrances and music.
8. A Sense of Wonder
Our senses are very important in interpreting the
world around us and have a deep impact on our
When a pleasant fragrance is matched by an
appealing visual image, we perceive it as more
pleasant and memorable. But if image &
fragrance are incongruent, the effect is equally
Odour activates the same regions of the brain as
the sight of a product
8. A Sense of Wonder
8. Selling to our senses
Restaurants pump specially crafted aromatic
chemicals into there air vents to induce
favorable reaction from consumers
8. Selling to our senses
IFF is the world’s largest flavor company and
supplies flavors to the world’s best know fast
food chains
These flavors make the otherwise bland
processed food an extremely enticing affair
Of all our senses, smell is the most primal and
deeply rooted and closely tied to how we
experience brands and products.
The feel of a product also plays an important role
on whether we decide to buy it
Colours can also be very powerful in generating
emotional connect to a brand. Colours can
increase brand recognition by up to 80%.
Coloured ads hold consumer’s attention much
more than black & white ones
8. A Sense of Wonder
Sight is not very powerful in getting us to buy as
we once believed, however much of what we
perceive everyday is related to our sight
Sounds can also trigger strong association &
emotions and have a powerful impact on our
8. A Sense of Wonder
Sounds & images when presented together are
much more favourably and left an impression
than when either of them was presented alone =>
lead to greater preference & stronger recall of the
8. A Sense of Wonder
SHAPE: Consumers associate shape of packaging
with the product
SOUND: Unique noises associated with products
enhance their brand appeal & recognition
COMBINATION: Improved recall and perception
when a sound & image are paired versus being
used alone
8. A Sense of Wonder
SMELL: Plays a very important role due to mirror
neurons. Prime role in brand experience &
TOUCH: Tactile sensation is an important factor.
Research suggests heavier items are perceived to
be of higher quality
8. A Sense of Wonder
The road to emotions runs through our sensory
experiences and emotions is one of the most
powerful forces in driving purchase behavior
An effective retail world will therefore involve
vivid colors, tunes and melodies that make u
sing, and distinct memorable fragrances. This
will win customers attention and loyalty
8. A Sense of Wonder
Chapter 9
And the Answer is…
Neuromarketing and Predicting the Future
80% of all the new product launches fail in the
first 3 months
Companies are bad at predicting how consumers
will respond to their products.
This is because how people “say” they feel about
a product can never truly predict their behaviour
9. And the Answer is…
Market research is highly unreliable and can at
times seriously mislead a company or lead to an
unsuccessful product development
=>Can help companies create products that
consumers actually like
=>Can reliably and scientifically predict the
success or failure of a product or a brand
(research suggests)
9. And the Answer is…
Research studies have shown that questionnaire
based responses did not reflect the success or
failure status of a program as it actually
happened in reality
=> How we say we feel and how we actually
behave rarely match up
=>Brains’ responses (based on SST Scans) were
consistent with actual results
9. And the Answer is…
Can Neuromarketing help the
companies create products that
the consumers actually like?
Can it reliably, scientifically
predict the failure of a brand or
Majority of the companies are woefully bad at
predicting how we as consumers will respond
to their products
That is also because how we say we feel about
a product can never truly predict how we behave,
market research is largely unreliable.
9. And the Answer is…
200 volunteers were shown 3
different shows : a proven
success, a proven failure and
the show whose success of
failure had to be predicted i.e.
9. And the Answer is…
Quizmania was already a success in U.K and was going to be
launched in U.S
The other two shows : The Swan ( a proven failure) and How
Clean is your House? ( a proven success) had already been
broadcasted in U.S
Volunteers were first asked questions about the shows : Did
they like or dislike them? And then SST scans were performed on
The SST scan showed that although the
subjects rated the unaired pilot program
Quizmania as the show they were least likely
to watch, viewers’ brains were actually more
engaged when watching Quizmania than when
watching The Swan, a show they had claimed
to have liked.
Proving, once again, that what people say and how
they really feel are often polar opposites
The SST scans predicted the show’s (Quizmania)
performance accurately and it was indeed more
successful than The Swan but less than How Clean is
Your House?
9. And the Answer is…
Soon more and more
companies would be trading
their pencils for SST caps.
Neuromarketing will become
the primary tool that the
companies will use for
predicting the success or
failure of their products to be
9. And the Answer is…
Hundreds of millions of dollars can be saved if
companies could predict beforehand that their
launches would be failures
Traditional market research tools will gradually
take a smaller role and neuromarketing will
become the primary tool for companies
As neuromarketing becomes more popular, it will
become cheaper and easily available
9. And the Answer is…
Chapter 10
Let’s Spend the Night Together
Sex in Advertising
Roughly 1/5th of all the ads use sex overtly to sell
its products
Sex in ads is everywhere: TV Commercials,
Magazines, Retail Spaces and on the Internet, bill
boards, etc.
10. Let’s Spend the Night Together
Research Studies carried out show that people
shown sexually suggestive ads were no better
able to recall the brands and products as
compared to those shown other unerotic ads.
=> Sex does not sell anything other than itself
=> Sexual stimuli interfere with effectiveness of
=> Sexually suggestive material blinds audiences
to other information in the ad, including the name
of the product itself
10. Let’s Spend the Night Together
Titillating content (such as sexually suggestive)
was sucking attention from what the ad was
actually trying to convey
However, it is the attention that is more effective
than suggestive content itself  controversial
ads can be more intensely effective than sexually
suggestive ads.
10. Let’s Spend the Night Together
Extreme beauty or celebrity can also take our
attention away from crucial information in an ad 
Celebrities overshadow the message of an ad
Women are turned off by extremely attractive
The more provocative a model’s expression, the
more disinterested or bored the women is in
buying a product.
Twice as many people are willing to buy products
that portrayed love in their ads than those that
showed sex
10. Let’s Spend the Night Together
Consumers are far more likely to identify with and
purchase products that look more like them
Consumer generated advertising is the trend
these days – ads that allow everyday people to
participate in the campaigns
We can connect and identify with the brand more
easily. Average looking people seem more
welcoming and inviting us to the brand
10. Let’s Spend the Night Together
People respond to real or ordinary looking models
more due to their desire for AUTHENTICITY
Consumers believe in what such models are
saying, unlike ‘stories’ narrated by supermodels,
where they intrinsically feel whatever being told
about the product is ‘phony’
In a more user-generated world, marketers can
sell more by using charismatic yet ordinary
people with real stories
10. Let’s Spend the Night Together
10. Let’s Spend the Night Together
Why is Sex and Beauty so prevalent in ads?
MIRROR NEURONS: Looking at the idealised
bodies gives them an impression that using the
product will make them feel as confident about
their body as projected in the ads.
However, future predictions suggest that sex in
ads will go down and will no longer serve the
purpose of catching ones attention as well. It will
be the activity in one’s brain that can help
determine and predict buying behaviour
Chapter 11
Brand New Day
11. Conclusion
The book is a meeting between science and
marketing & sheds light on how and why people
It tells us the impact on our hidden preferences
unconscious desires, irrational dreams &
opinions through neuroimaging
90% of the buying behavior is unconscious &
most marketing & branding strategies are a
guessing game
Examples of
companies leveraging
11. Conclusion
Studies reveal that expensive products
presented before the consumer leads to a flurry
of activity in the brain  perception of
11. Conclusion
Human beings are poor reporters of their own
Brain scans have revealed information on why
products were not working
Traditional Research methods only get a
minuscule part of the brain processes that
underlie decision making
11. Conclusion
Most buying decisions are unconscious. Our
brain makes the decision & we are hardly aware
of it
Fear based advertising can be most persuasive &
memorable as it plays on our insecurities about
Our brains are hardwired to bestow upon brands
a religious importance and as a result people
show brand loyalties
11. Conclusion
Branded things are perceived much more valuable
& special than they actually are.
NEUROMARKETING will help us predict the
directions and trends that will alter the face of
commercials in future
It will help consumers understand what drives &
motivates them & help them avoid becoming the
slaves of their subconscious mind on which the
marketers play.
11. Conclusion
When things are branded our brain perceives
them as more special and valuable
11. Conclusion
The prices of the Seki
Saba fish in Japan
skyrocketed when it was
given a brand by the Govt
When things are branded our brain perceives
them as more special and valuable
11. Conclusion
Biggest Lesson
Traditional research of asking consumers for
reasons why he/ she bought a product will only
reveal a minute part of the information.
Neuromarketing explains much more.
11. Conclusion
Prepared By: Prof. Sameer Mathur, Ph.D.
Sameer Mathur
Indian Institute of Management,
Marketing Professor 2013 –
Marketing Professor 2009 – 2013
Ph.D. and M.S. (Marketing) 2003 – 2009

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Buyology by Martin Lindstrom

  • 2. “ Neuromarketing is it’s about uncovering what’s already inside our heads —our Buyology” Martin Lindstrom - Buyology 2
  • 3. WHY READ THIS SUMMARY? Neuro-marketing is the new key tool which will revolutionize marketing strategies in future and help understand the logic behind purchase behavior. The summary highlights the major concepts from the book which can help in building better marketing campaigns 3
  • 4. BRIEF INTRODUCTION 4 • People are constantly surrounded by brands and messages from marketers & advertisers • Some information is retained and some is instantly forgettable
  • 5. BRIEF INTRODUCTION 5 • To make the brand message stay with the consumer and to induce product cravings, research in “Neuromarketing” is being done • Neuromarketing is the window key to unlock the subconscious thoughts, feelings & desires that drive purchase decisions - Buyology
  • 6. 1. A Rush Of Blood Of The Head 2. This Must Be The Place 3. I’ll Have What She Is Having 4. I Cant See Clearly Now 5. Do You Believe In Magic? 6 Contents
  • 7. 6. I Say A Little Prayer 7. Why Did I Choose You? 8. A Sense Of Wonder 9. And The Answer Is… 10. Lets Spend The Night Together 11. Conclusion 7 Contents
  • 8. Chapter 1 A Rush of Blood to the Head – The Largest Neuromarketing study ever conducted 8
  • 9. 9 PROBLEM ADDRESSED Companies often are not able to carefully detect what to do to engage the consumers authentically “Half my advertising budget is wasted. Trouble is, I don’t know which half.” John Wanamaker 1889 – 1893 1. The Largest Neuromarketing study ever conducted
  • 10. For example, the smokers replied in negative to purchasing cigarettes when shown the warning signs on cigarette packs The traditional marketing research techniques namely - Qualitative & Quantitative research techniques are not well equipped to evaluate what the consumer wants 10 1. The Largest Neuromarketing study ever conducted
  • 11. Hence a new marketing tool – neuromarketing is required to test how the consumer’s brain evaluates and responds to the brand messages it encounters Whilst the actual buy behavior has not much changed as despite the results of traditional marketing research tests, the smokers went and purchased the cigarette packs 11 1. The Largest Neuromarketing study ever conducted
  • 12. 1. The Largest Neuromarketing study ever conducted fMRI – The most advanced brain-scanning technique was used that measures the magnetic property of hemoglobin that carries oxygen in the body. More worked up a part of brain is, more is the flow of oxygenated blood to that part of the brain The study was conducted using the fMRI technique to assess which aspects of the brand or product message stimulate which part of the part of the brain that ultimately induces the need to buy that product 12
  • 13. 1. The Largest Neuromarketing study ever conducted 13 Neuromarketing Study Duration: Three years (2004-2007) Cost: $7 million (provided by 8 MNCs) fMRI Scans: 102 SST: To measure the degree of emotional engagement, memory, approach & withdraw i.e. how different parts of the brain talk to one another
  • 14. 1. The Largest Neuromarketing study ever conducted 14 Neuromarketing Study Volunteers: 2,081 Countries: America, England, Japan, China, Germany Research Team overseen by: Dr. Gemma Calvert, Chairperson Applied Neuroimaging at University of Warwick, England
  • 15. 1. The Largest Neuromarketing study ever conducted 15 Neuromarketing Study – Experiment with smokers Such cigarette warning signs, encouraged the smokers to buy more cigarette packs This part of the brain when stimulated requires higher and higher doses to get it fixed Analysis & Results: When these respondents went through fMRI, it was observed that the cigarette warnings in fact stimulated the area of the brain called “the craving spot” Answers were a quick “Yes” to both Questions asked: Are you affected by these warnings? | Will you smoke lesser? Test: Smokers were shown cigarette warning packs
  • 16. 1. The Largest Neuromarketing study ever conducted 16 Neuromarketing Study – Importance Therefore, traditional marketing research techniques are not reliable to know what consumers really what because the irrational mind shaped via social & cultural bias acts in a conditioned manner Hence, what consumers think why they have a particular behavior, a closer look into the mind tells a different story
  • 17. 1. The Largest Neuromarketing study ever conducted 17 Neuromarketing Study – Importance Unconscious minds are a lot better at interpreting behavior than the conscious minds which is what works when traditional marketing research is conducted Consumer experience is more likely to be found in brain, in the nansecond lapse before thinking is translated into words, the truth – unplugged & uncensored, what causes us to buy
  • 18. Pepsi Challenge or Sip Test, showed that more than half of the volunteers prefer the taste of Pepsi over coke, this was confirmed by the fMRI techniques The later Brain scan techniques revealed when test subjects know whether they were sampling coke or Pepsi before they tasted it, 75% of respondents claimed they prefer Coke. 1. A Rush of blood to the head 18
  • 19. Positive associations the subjects had with Coca cola- its history, logo, color, design, and fragrance, their own childhood memories of coke, emotional Coke-ness of brand beat back their rational, natural preference for the taste if Pepsi Emotions are the way in which our brain encode things of value, and brands that engages us emotionally will win every single time 1. A Rush of blood to the head 19
  • 20. Chapter 2 This Must Be The Place– Product Placement, American Idol and Ford’s Multimillion-Dollar Mistake 20
  • 21. In 1965 a typical consumers had a 34% recall for ads, in 1990 that figure had fallen to 8 % The relentless advertising assault have resulted in strengthening the filter system in our brains grow thick and self protective 2. This must be the place 19
  • 22. 2. This must be the place 22
  • 23. To identify whether the product placement in the show American Idol helps in creating a lasting impact in the consumer’s minds and hence translate into sales of the company’s product 23 2. Product Placement, American Idol and Ford’s Multimillion-Dollar Mistake The Experiment - Objective
  • 24. American Idol has three main sponsors – Cingular Wireless, Ford Motor Company & Coca-Cola Cingular Wireless – Runs 30 seconds ads during the commercial breaks & also features its products prominently during the show 24 2. Product Placement, American Idol and Ford’s Multimillion-Dollar Mistake The Experiment – The Sponsors
  • 25. Coca-Cola: It has judges drink strategically placed Coke, the judges’ chairs are shaped like coke’s bottle, the walls are coke-red. Coca Cola is present approximately 60% of the time on American Idol Ford: Doesn’t shares actual stage with the contestants & it shells out $26 million only toward traditional thirty seconds ad spots. 25 2. Product Placement, American Idol and Ford’s Multimillion-Dollar Mistake The Experiment – The Sponsors
  • 26. Four hundred subjects were chosen to go through the SST test that mathematically measures the brain waves in real time The subjects were seated in the darkened room Twenty product logos (branded & unbranded) were shown, one each/second 26 2. Product Placement, American Idol and Ford’s Multimillion-Dollar Mistake The Experiment – The Setup
  • 27. “Branded Logos”: Logos of companies that aired their commercials during American Idol – Coke, Ford & Cingular “Unbranded Logos”: Logos of companies that had no products placed within the show i.e. no connection or sponsorship with American Idol like Fanta, Verizon, Target, etc. 27 2. Product Placement, American Idol and Ford’s Multimillion-Dollar Mistake
  • 28. The subjects were shown 2 shows, one was a 20 min special edition of American Idol followed by a screening of another show Rescreened the same sequence of logo thrice. It was done to test whether viewers remembered which logos they had seen during the show and which ones they hadn’t 28 2. Product Placement, American Idol and Ford’s Multimillion-Dollar Mistake The Experiment – The Setup
  • 29. Ad Effectiveness: measured by the consumer’s memory of the product. A remembered product has more probability of being purchased 29 2. Product Placement, American Idol and Ford’s Multimillion-Dollar Mistake
  • 30. Before-Screening: No matter how frequently the products were featured during the show, the memory of branded logos was the same as that of the unbranded logos. Therefore, before the study began, both branded and unbranded logos were at par Post- Screening: Branded logos had a greater recall than unbranded logos. The potency of branded logos had inhibited the recall of unbranded logos i.e. memory of Coke, Cingular had crowded out memories of Pepsi, Verizon 30 2. Product Placement, American Idol and Ford’s Multimillion-Dollar Mistake The Experiment – The Results
  • 31. Coke was far more memorable than Cingular which was far more memorable than Ford Ford commercials were remembered by subjects lesser post study than pre-study 31 2. Product Placement, American Idol and Ford’s Multimillion-Dollar Mistake
  • 32. Coke had permeated 60% of the show – Soft drink cups – Furniture-Décor. Coke reinforced throughout the show There was no memory of the brands that did not played an integral part in the story line of the show 32 2. Product Placement, American Idol and Ford’s Multimillion-Dollar Mistake The Experiment – The Analysis
  • 33. Coke played an integral part of the show – was remembered the most and at the same time weakened the memory of other brands Ford just played ads in commercial breaks – no significant difference than “just other ads” 33 2. Product Placement, American Idol and Ford’s Multimillion-Dollar Mistake
  • 34. Coke saturated show had suppressed memory of Ford commercials Ford had invested $ 26 million in yearly sponsorship but – lost market share 34 2. Product Placement, American Idol and Ford’s Multimillion-Dollar Mistake The Experiment – Ford’s Multimillion-Dollar Mistake
  • 35. Ray-Ban: Suffered from slowing sales, tied up with the movie Risky Business where Tom Cruise flaunted Ray-Ban sunglasses. Sales increased by over 50%. Again in Top Gun, sales rose by 40% But movies like Die Another Day that displayed 23 brands in 123 minutes or Driven that displayed 103 brands in 117 minutes – all the brands made no effect 35 2. Product Placement, American Idol and Ford’s Multimillion-Dollar Mistake
  • 36. Mid 1940s Warner Bros. movie had General Electric refrigerator or a love story with diamonds from DeBeers Co. E.T. Extra Terrestrial had tactically placed Hershey's candies 36 2. Product Placement, American Idol and Ford’s Multimillion-Dollar Mistake The product has to be a good match with the TV show or movie
  • 37. Product Placement in Movies 2. This must be the place 37
  • 38. In Steven Spielberg’s E.T.: The Extra- Terrestrial, a boy named Elliott discovers an extraordinary-looking creature living in the woods behind his house. To lure it out of hiding, the boy tactically places individual pieces of candy—instantly recognizable as Hershey’s Reese’s Pieces—along the path from the forest leading into his house 2. This must be the place 38
  • 39. 2. This must be the place 39
  • 40. In the late 1970s and early ’80s, the U.S.-based sunglasses manufacturer Ray-Ban was fighting to stay alive as their sales figures remained dismally flat. That is, until the company struck a deal with Paul Brickman, the director of 1983’s Risky Business, and Tom Cruise gave the retro-looking shades a whole lot of renewed cachet. When the movie became a hit, Ray-Ban sales rose by over 50 percent. 2. This must be the place 40
  • 41. In Tony Scott’s Top Gun, when the actor alit from his fighter jet clad in Air Force leathers and Aviator Ray-Bans, the sunglasses maker saw an additional boost of 40 percent to its bottom line 2. This must be the place 41
  • 42. SST study showed, for product placement to work, it has to be a lot slyer and more sophisticated than simply plunking a series of random products on a screen and expecting us to respond. Let’s revisit E.T. for a moment. Elliott didn’t just pop those Reese’s Pieces into his mouth during a thoughtless bike ride with his buddies; they were an essential part of the storyline because they were used to lure E.T. from hiding. 2. This must be the place 42
  • 43. In order for product placements to work, the product has to make sense within the show’s narrative. So if a product isn’t a good match with the movie or TV show in which it appears viewers will tune it right out 2. This must be the place 43
  • 44. Chapter 3 I’ll Have What She’s Having – Mirror Neurons at Work 44
  • 45. Mirror neurons at work- Neurons that fire when an action is being performed and when that same action is being observed 3. I’ll have what she is having 45
  • 46. Do humans’ brains work in the same way? Do we too, mimic how others interact with objects? Not only animals, but humans also imitate. When a person in front of you YAWNS, you also feel like yawning! 3. I’ll have what she is having 46
  • 47. Are you yawning now or feeling the initial strings of yawning? Mirror neurons becoming activated even when we’re reading about someone performing it 47 3. I’ll have what she is having Mirror neurons make humans mimic each other’s buying behavior too.
  • 48. 48 3. Mirror Neurons at Work If people see something cool and jazzy, they will wish to have that product in order to feel themselves as cool and jazzy – They are the mirror neurons at work Example 1: According to an experiment, when a monkey picked up a nut or even when it saw other monkey pick up the nut, the macaques’ pre-motor neurons lit up and in the latter case too it imagines itself picking up the nut
  • 49. 49 3. Mirror Neurons at Work Example 2: When an adult ticks out his tongue, the baby too imitates and sticks out his tongue – These are mirror neurons at work
  • 50. • While people view baseball matches and the favorite player strikes or the football player scores a goal, the viewer pumps the arm in the air • Based on fMRI & EEG, the mirror neurons are activated when someone is performing an action or when a person observes someone else performing the action 50 3. Mirror Neurons at Work
  • 51. • Hence people often imitate other people’s behavior • We empathize when bad things happen to good people and feel pleasure when bad things happen to bad people • In short, everything we observe or read someone else is doing, we do as well – in our minds 51 3. Mirror Neurons at Work
  • 52. When people see white cool earphones on someone else, they want to buy it When people see mannequins in GAP stores wearing fitted jeans with a bandana, they wish to buy that outfit and be like it 52 3. Mirror Neurons at Work
  • 53. When someone smiles at you, we tend to smile back. We remember the names of the people who smile back. When one has a great shopping experience at a store owing to the music, décor, products available, one shops. Few days later, when he encounters another store of the same brand, Dopamine-one of the most additive brain chemical work and one wishes to re-experience the last time’s shopping experience 53 3. Mirror Neurons at Work
  • 54. Just seeing a product over and over makes it more desirable. 54 3. I’ll have what she is having
  • 55. We don’t think twice before buying as we calculate our purchases based on how they might bring us social status 55 3. I’ll have what she is having BRAND CELEBRITY STYLE ASPIRATIONSDESIRE RECOGNITION SOCIAL STATUS
  • 56. Chapter 4 I Can’t See Clearly Now – Subliminal Messaging, Alive and Well 56
  • 57. Subliminal messaging Visual, auditory or any sensory message that register just below our level of conscious perception and can be detected by the subconscious mind 57 4. I can’t see clearly now
  • 58. Subliminal advertising in political messaging 58 4. I can’t see clearly now George Bush criticizes Al Gore’s prescription plan, towards the end of the ad the word RATS flashes in oversized letters for a split second
  • 59. Malboro’s subliminal advertising 59 4. I can’t see clearly now Everything Formula 1 represented was subliminally transformed into representing the Malboro brand Subliminal images invoked more activity in brain and better recognition than the overt images
  • 60. Subliminal messaging examples 60 4. I can’t see clearly now
  • 61. 61 Subliminal messaging has many a times garnered bad publicity. It is considered: • To be ‘brainwashing’ the population • “Contrary to the public interest” 4. Subliminal Messaging
  • 62. 62 Subliminal messaging – The Experiment Elderly people in the age group of 60 – 85 years old were split into two groups Both groups were given a computer game to play 4. Subliminal Messaging
  • 63. 63 Subliminal messaging – The Experiment One group was displayed a series of positive words like wise, accomplished, achievement, etc. on their computer screen The other group had negative words like senile, diseased, forlorn, etc. displayed on their computer screens When finished, the researchers measured the “swing-time” in their gaits or walks i.e. the time when they had one foot off the ground 4. Subliminal Messaging
  • 64. 64 Subliminal messaging – The Results The people who were in the positive group, their gait increased by 10% This suggested that positive psychological stimulus can have a positive impact and it improved the physical achievement 4. Subliminal Messaging
  • 65. 65 Subliminal messaging – The Experiment The respondents were shown an image of either a smiling face or an unhappy face for a millisecond Post that, they were asked to pour a drink and pay for it 4. Subliminal Messaging
  • 66. 66 Subliminal messaging – The Results The respondents who saw the happier face poured more drink This lot was also willing to pay almost twice as much for that drink as compared to the respondents who were shown sad faces 4. Subliminal Messaging
  • 67. 67 Phenomenon of Unconscious Emotion This was the result of a phenomenon called the “unconscious emotion” Unconscious emotion: The brain remembers and recalls a brand or an image even before it has consciously recognized it Therefore, the brain decides that something is to be bought even before the respondent has consciously realized it 4. Subliminal Messaging
  • 68. Chapter 5 Do You Believe in Magic? – Ritual, Superstition, and Why We Buy 68
  • 69. RITUALS AND SUPERSTITIONS are defined as not entirely rational actions and the belief that one can somehow manipulate the future by engaging in certain behaviours, in spite of the fact there’s no discernible causal relationship between that behaviour and its outcome. Rituals will force the consumer to buy the product even if you don’t like that product synonymous to the numerous superstitions we hold on to in daily lives. 5. Do you believe in magic 69
  • 70. 70 5. Ritual, Superstition, and Why We Buy Rituals are persistent and embedded in our culture It is these rituals that helps people gain control over their lives in this ever changing fast-paced unsettling society Rituals and Superstitions make people feel certain and stable in times of ever changing world
  • 71. 71 5. Ritual, Superstition, and Why We Buy For example, touching wood to ward off evil, not walking under stairs or ladders Rituals within the products gives people a sense of illusion of comfort and belonging Rituals and Superstitions make people feel certain and stable in times of ever changing world
  • 72. Take the fear of the number thirteen, for example. In early 2007, in response to countless customer complaints, Brussels Airlines reluctantly altered the thirteen dots in their airline logo to fourteen. If you want to sit in the thirteenth row on your Air France, KLM, Iberia (or for that matter, Continental) flight, you’re plain out of luck, as there isn’t one. 72 5. Do you believe in Magic?
  • 73. In Asian cultures, the unluckiest possible number is four, since the Mandarin word for that number is read as si, which comes perilously close in sound to shi, which means “death.” As a result, in hotels in China, and even in Asian- owned hotels around the world, there are no fourth or forty-fourth floors. 73 5. Do you believe in Magic?
  • 74. When Nestlé rolled out their candy in the Far East, locals couldn’t help but notice how close the words “Kit Kat” were to “Kitto-Katsu,” which roughly translates to “win without fail.” In time, students began to believe that eating a Kit Kat before they took their exams would result in a higher grade, which is a major reason the Kit Kat brand is doing so well in Japan’s overcrowded retail market. 74 5. Do you believe in Magic?
  • 75. 3 aspects of rituals: Preparing for battle; Feasting; Indulgence Preparing for battle is preparing for the daily chores of life. Feasting is explained as having a family dinner time Indulgence means caring for self and doing activities which boost your self confidence 5. Do you believe in Magic? 75
  • 76. All these rituals are meant for humans to have a control in their lives It makes them feel safe and at the same time makes them believe that uncertainty has reduced Brands have recognized this need for control and rituals and used it to their advantage 5. Do you believe in Magic? 76
  • 77. 5. Do you believe in Magic? 77
  • 78. 78 5. Ritual, Superstition, and Why We Buy People have a loyalty towards their preferred brand This behavior towards products like shampoo, biscuit or coffee is similar to their religious affinity which encourages them to keep on buying Oreo cookies offers two ways of being eaten
  • 79. 79 5. Ritual, Superstition, and Why We Buy Nabisco that manufactures the Oreo cookies partnered with the “Got Milk?” campaign For people to associate a brand with a nationwide ritual, this brings along with it a feel of familiarity and unity, keeping sales going
  • 80. Chapter 6 I Say a Little Prayer? – Faith, Religion and Brands 80
  • 81. 81 6. Faith, Religion and Brands A sense of unity exists amongst consumers of the same brand – there is a sense of belonging, camaraderie, loyalty and the feeling of being on one side Brands can be like religions with their rituals
  • 82. 82 6. Faith, Religion and Brands A brain Scan test was conducted Respondents: 15 nuns The experiment: The respondents were told to relive their most deep and impactful religious experience Faith, Religion & Brands – The Experiment
  • 83. 83 6. Faith, Religion and Brands The researchers monitored and mapped which part of the brain was involved in the activity Next, the respondents were told to relive an emotional experience and the researchers again monitored and mapped which part of the brain was involved in the activity Faith, Religion & Brands – The Experiment
  • 84. 84 6. Faith, Religion and Brands Next, 65 male respondents were used to find out whether the brain part associated with sports & sportsmen was the same part that was involved when referring to the religion The experiment: The respondents rated their spirituality levels on a scale of 1 to 10 and they were then shown a series of images of strong and weak brands interspersed with religious and sports images Faith, Religion & Brands – The Experiment
  • 85. 85 6. Faith, Religion and Brands A different part of the brain is engaged when a religious experience is imagined and when an emotional experience with a person is imagines The same part of the brain is involved when images of ‘strong’ brands, sports images and religious images were shown. Hence the brain responds exactly the same for all the three Faith, Religion & Brands – The Results
  • 86. 86 6. Faith, Religion and Brands A different part of the brain is engaged when a religious experience is imagined and when an emotional experience with a person is imagines The same part of the brain is involved when images of ‘strong’ brands, sports images and religious images were shown. Hence the brain responds exactly the same for all the three Faith, Religion & Brands – The Results
  • 87. 87 6. Faith, Religion and Brands The brain activity seemed identical whether it was referring to brands or religion Many companies have also started creating spiritual or religious products like the Spiritual Water Faith, Religion & Brands – The Results
  • 88. 88 6. Faith, Religion and Brands – An Example Unilever Shampoo printed millions of labels saying “Contains X9 Factor” without realizing it When the supplies ran out, the label was printed without the X9 factor Result: Thousands of consumer complaints, sales decreased, complaints saying the shampoo no longer works without knowing what X9 was about Brands are similar to religious icons – McDonald’s or Nike’s logo – They are universal and induce associations within minds of the consumers with the companies these logos represent
  • 89. Symbols play an important role in helping people finding solace or finding people with the same religion . A cross, a dove are symbols of religion which can be easily identified and make a statement for a person who is wearing them. 6. I say a little prayer 89
  • 90. Mystery is an important aspect of religion as well. People tend to get attracted to mysterious news and stories involving faith and religion. Companies have used this behavioral trait to their advantage. 6. I say a little prayer 90
  • 91. Sense of belonging (Absolut, Harley davidson users) Clear vision (“Solutions for a Small Planet” – IBM’s mandate) Power over enemies (Pepsi vs coke, visa vs mastercard) Sensory appeal (Nokia ring tone) Storytelling (Disney mickey mouse) Grandeur ( Dubai’s Hotel Burj Al Arab) Evangelism (Centurion black card in US) Symbols (Nike Swoosh, McDonals golden arches) Mystery (Coca cola’s secret formula) Rituals (Apple’s discarding of Newton handheld computers) 91 6. I say a little prayer
  • 92. Brand following has been developed and created on the similar lines in sports as well. We can see the examples of brand following in terms of European football clubs where they are revered and followed as religion. 6. I say a little prayer 92
  • 93. Chapter 7 Why did I Choose You? The Power of Somatic Markers 93
  • 94. 7. Why did I Choose You? Most consumers think about their choice for all of 2 seconds It may have seemed that you made your decision rationally, but it wasn’t so at all. There are subconscious conversations that go on in our head every time we choose one product over another. These are rarely uttered aloud. 94
  • 95. A Somatic Marker is a kind of bookmark or shortcut in our brains created due to past experiences of reward and punishment. 95 7. Why did I Choose You?
  • 96. An experience makes an “impression”. These markers connect an experience or emotion with a specific required reaction Somatic Markers instantaneously narrow down the possibilities in a situation and direct us towards the best or least painful outcome. 96 7. Why did I Choose You?
  • 97. The real rationale behind your choices are built on a lifetime of positive and negative associations, that you aren’t consciously aware of. Our brain summons and scans incredible amounts of memories, facts, and emotions and leads to rapid response  dictating what we buy. 50% of shopping decisions are made spontaneously at point of sale 97 7. Why did I Choose You?
  • 98. 7. Why did I choose you? Favorable somatic markers play a very important role in deciding winning brands in low involvement and low differentiation categories 98
  • 99. Everyday we manufacture new Somatic Markers. Without them, we wouldn’t be able to make any decisions at all. All the seemingly unrelated bookmarks create certain associations that make you feel that your decisions are rational, whereas they aren’t so at all 99 7. Why did I Choose You?
  • 100. Fear spreads faster than anything else. However, not all somatic markers are based on pain/ fear. Some of the most effective ones can be rooted in sensory experiences which can be quite pleasant 10 0 7. Why did I Choose You?
  • 101. For advertisers, its easy and inexpensive to create a somatic marker in consumer’s brains Somatic Markers are associations between two incompatible elements, which make them far more memorable and lasting => Advertisers aim to create surprising, shocking, humorous and fear generating associations between disparate things to catch our attention 10 1 7. Why did I Choose You?
  • 102. Chapter 8 102 A Sense of Wonder Selling to Our Senses
  • 103. Our visual sense is NOT the most powerful in getting us interested to buy These days, we are more visually stimulated than before and that makes it even harder to capture our attention through images => Visual advertising did not result in higher sales. Sight isn’t as powerful as we assumed and sound & smell are more effective than before 103 8. A Sense of Wonder
  • 104. SENSORY BRANDING: Visual images are far more effective & memorable when they are coupled with another sense – like sound or smell To fully engage us emotionally, companies should use logos, fragrances and music. 8. A Sense of Wonder 104
  • 105. Our senses are very important in interpreting the world around us and have a deep impact on our behavior When a pleasant fragrance is matched by an appealing visual image, we perceive it as more pleasant and memorable. But if image & fragrance are incongruent, the effect is equally negative Odour activates the same regions of the brain as the sight of a product 8. A Sense of Wonder 105
  • 106. 8. Selling to our senses Restaurants pump specially crafted aromatic chemicals into there air vents to induce favorable reaction from consumers 106
  • 107. 8. Selling to our senses IFF is the world’s largest flavor company and supplies flavors to the world’s best know fast food chains These flavors make the otherwise bland processed food an extremely enticing affair 107
  • 108. Of all our senses, smell is the most primal and deeply rooted and closely tied to how we experience brands and products. The feel of a product also plays an important role on whether we decide to buy it Colours can also be very powerful in generating emotional connect to a brand. Colours can increase brand recognition by up to 80%. Coloured ads hold consumer’s attention much more than black & white ones 8. A Sense of Wonder 108
  • 109. Sight is not very powerful in getting us to buy as we once believed, however much of what we perceive everyday is related to our sight Sounds can also trigger strong association & emotions and have a powerful impact on our behaviour 109 8. A Sense of Wonder
  • 110. Sounds & images when presented together are much more favourably and left an impression than when either of them was presented alone => lead to greater preference & stronger recall of the brand 8. A Sense of Wonder 110
  • 111. SENSORY SUCCESS SHAPE: Consumers associate shape of packaging with the product SOUND: Unique noises associated with products enhance their brand appeal & recognition COMBINATION: Improved recall and perception when a sound & image are paired versus being used alone 111 8. A Sense of Wonder
  • 112. SMELL: Plays a very important role due to mirror neurons. Prime role in brand experience & perception TOUCH: Tactile sensation is an important factor. Research suggests heavier items are perceived to be of higher quality 112 8. A Sense of Wonder
  • 113. The road to emotions runs through our sensory experiences and emotions is one of the most powerful forces in driving purchase behavior An effective retail world will therefore involve vivid colors, tunes and melodies that make u sing, and distinct memorable fragrances. This will win customers attention and loyalty 113 8. A Sense of Wonder
  • 114. Chapter 9 114 And the Answer is… Neuromarketing and Predicting the Future
  • 115. 80% of all the new product launches fail in the first 3 months Companies are bad at predicting how consumers will respond to their products. This is because how people “say” they feel about a product can never truly predict their behaviour 9. And the Answer is… 115
  • 116. Market research is highly unreliable and can at times seriously mislead a company or lead to an unsuccessful product development NEUROMARKETING: =>Can help companies create products that consumers actually like =>Can reliably and scientifically predict the success or failure of a product or a brand (research suggests) 116 9. And the Answer is…
  • 117. Research studies have shown that questionnaire based responses did not reflect the success or failure status of a program as it actually happened in reality => How we say we feel and how we actually behave rarely match up =>Brains’ responses (based on SST Scans) were consistent with actual results 117 9. And the Answer is…
  • 118. Can Neuromarketing help the companies create products that the consumers actually like? Can it reliably, scientifically predict the failure of a brand or product? Problems Addressed Majority of the companies are woefully bad at predicting how we as consumers will respond to their products That is also because how we say we feel about a product can never truly predict how we behave, market research is largely unreliable. 9. And the Answer is… 118
  • 119. 200 volunteers were shown 3 different shows : a proven success, a proven failure and the show whose success of failure had to be predicted i.e. QUIZMANIA Methodology 9. And the Answer is… Quizmania was already a success in U.K and was going to be launched in U.S The other two shows : The Swan ( a proven failure) and How Clean is your House? ( a proven success) had already been broadcasted in U.S Volunteers were first asked questions about the shows : Did they like or dislike them? And then SST scans were performed on them 119
  • 120. The SST scan showed that although the subjects rated the unaired pilot program Quizmania as the show they were least likely to watch, viewers’ brains were actually more engaged when watching Quizmania than when watching The Swan, a show they had claimed to have liked. Results Proving, once again, that what people say and how they really feel are often polar opposites The SST scans predicted the show’s (Quizmania) performance accurately and it was indeed more successful than The Swan but less than How Clean is Your House? 9. And the Answer is… 120
  • 121. Soon more and more companies would be trading their pencils for SST caps. Neuromarketing will become the primary tool that the companies will use for predicting the success or failure of their products to be launched. Applications 9. And the Answer is… 121
  • 122. Hundreds of millions of dollars can be saved if companies could predict beforehand that their launches would be failures Traditional market research tools will gradually take a smaller role and neuromarketing will become the primary tool for companies As neuromarketing becomes more popular, it will become cheaper and easily available 122 9. And the Answer is…
  • 123. Chapter 10 123 Let’s Spend the Night Together Sex in Advertising
  • 124. Roughly 1/5th of all the ads use sex overtly to sell its products Sex in ads is everywhere: TV Commercials, Magazines, Retail Spaces and on the Internet, bill boards, etc. 10. Let’s Spend the Night Together 124
  • 125. Research Studies carried out show that people shown sexually suggestive ads were no better able to recall the brands and products as compared to those shown other unerotic ads. => Sex does not sell anything other than itself => Sexual stimuli interfere with effectiveness of ads => Sexually suggestive material blinds audiences to other information in the ad, including the name of the product itself 125 10. Let’s Spend the Night Together
  • 126. VAMPIRE EFFECT: Titillating content (such as sexually suggestive) was sucking attention from what the ad was actually trying to convey However, it is the attention that is more effective than suggestive content itself  controversial ads can be more intensely effective than sexually suggestive ads. 126 10. Let’s Spend the Night Together
  • 127. Extreme beauty or celebrity can also take our attention away from crucial information in an ad  Celebrities overshadow the message of an ad Women are turned off by extremely attractive models The more provocative a model’s expression, the more disinterested or bored the women is in buying a product. Twice as many people are willing to buy products that portrayed love in their ads than those that showed sex 127 10. Let’s Spend the Night Together
  • 128. Consumers are far more likely to identify with and purchase products that look more like them Consumer generated advertising is the trend these days – ads that allow everyday people to participate in the campaigns We can connect and identify with the brand more easily. Average looking people seem more welcoming and inviting us to the brand 128 10. Let’s Spend the Night Together
  • 129. People respond to real or ordinary looking models more due to their desire for AUTHENTICITY Consumers believe in what such models are saying, unlike ‘stories’ narrated by supermodels, where they intrinsically feel whatever being told about the product is ‘phony’ In a more user-generated world, marketers can sell more by using charismatic yet ordinary people with real stories 129 10. Let’s Spend the Night Together
  • 130. 10. Let’s Spend the Night Together Why is Sex and Beauty so prevalent in ads? MIRROR NEURONS: Looking at the idealised bodies gives them an impression that using the product will make them feel as confident about their body as projected in the ads. However, future predictions suggest that sex in ads will go down and will no longer serve the purpose of catching ones attention as well. It will be the activity in one’s brain that can help determine and predict buying behaviour 130
  • 132. 11. Conclusion The book is a meeting between science and marketing & sheds light on how and why people buy. It tells us the impact on our hidden preferences unconscious desires, irrational dreams & opinions through neuroimaging 90% of the buying behavior is unconscious & most marketing & branding strategies are a guessing game 132
  • 134. Studies reveal that expensive products presented before the consumer leads to a flurry of activity in the brain  perception of pleasantness 11. Conclusion 134
  • 135. Human beings are poor reporters of their own actions Brain scans have revealed information on why products were not working Traditional Research methods only get a minuscule part of the brain processes that underlie decision making 135 11. Conclusion
  • 136. Most buying decisions are unconscious. Our brain makes the decision & we are hardly aware of it Fear based advertising can be most persuasive & memorable as it plays on our insecurities about ourselves Our brains are hardwired to bestow upon brands a religious importance and as a result people show brand loyalties 136 11. Conclusion
  • 137. Branded things are perceived much more valuable & special than they actually are. NEUROMARKETING will help us predict the directions and trends that will alter the face of commercials in future It will help consumers understand what drives & motivates them & help them avoid becoming the slaves of their subconscious mind on which the marketers play. 137 11. Conclusion
  • 138. When things are branded our brain perceives them as more special and valuable 11. Conclusion 138 The prices of the Seki Saba fish in Japan skyrocketed when it was given a brand by the Govt
  • 139. When things are branded our brain perceives them as more special and valuable 11. Conclusion 139
  • 140. Biggest Lesson Traditional research of asking consumers for reasons why he/ she bought a product will only reveal a minute part of the information. Neuromarketing explains much more. 11. Conclusion 140
  • 141. 141 References • • • • connected-in-social-media/ • nutrition-confusion/ • • Box-But-In-Line-With-Inbound • • • wallpaper/ • on-judging-american-idol-it-was-like-working-in-hell.html • pages-coming-soon-300123 • retailers/articleshow/20859259.cms
  • 142. 14 2 Prepared By: Prof. Sameer Mathur, Ph.D. Sameer Mathur Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow Marketing Professor 2013 – Marketing Professor 2009 – 2013 Ph.D. and M.S. (Marketing) 2003 – 2009