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1 | P A G E
| M A R K E T I N G R E P O R T & C H A R I T Y D R I V E R E P O R T
Introduction to Business (BUSF0103)
TEE SIN YI 0315689
KHOO XIN YEE 0316180
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Executive Summary 3
Objectives 4
Target Market 5
Competition Analysis 6-7
Product and Packaging 8-12
Pricing 13
Promotion 14
Sponsors 15
Distribution 16
. Green Measures 17-18
Human Resource Planning 19
Evaluation of Results 20-22
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Each group was given a task to earn money under our business subject by selling
our products for this charity drive. We were also to choose an organization to sponsor
the money that we earn. My group has chosen an orphanage organization called Hati
Orphan Care. Our aim is to give support to this organization because they can give
every child a better home even though they are not living with their parents as every
child deserves the love, care and support from us. Our goal is to earn RM2500 this
year’s charity drive. We are to set up our tables outside the Student Life Centre in
Taylor’s University Lakeside to sell our products. Our target customers are mostly
students from our campus and we also got to sell our products in Taylor’s College in
We started selling before the Charity Drive event to make it easier for us to reach
our target. At first, we proposed to sell sandwiches in SS15 area, but we weren’t able
to earn much profit because this product isn’t that popular among students. The next
time, my group members proposed to sell Sunkist orange juice and herbal tea, we
again visited the SS15 area to sell our product. On the day of the charity drive, we
sold three kinds of products which are herbal tea, orange juice and herbal jelly. We
had many competitors during that day. Some of our members will stay on the booth to
wait for customers while the two of us will be walking around the campus to sell the
At last we were able to reach our target; we managed to earn RM1500 while the
rest of the profit which cost RM1000 came from our donation form Persatuan Guolin
Qigong Malaysia.
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For this charity drive, my group has decided to choose to sponsor the money we
earn to be given to Hati Orphan Care. Our objective is to help abandoned children to
have a better home and living. We sponsor money so that they will be able to have
enough profit to support the children in behalf of their parents such as education,
clothes, medical fees and accommodation. This organization plays a large role in the
community to help lives of children which offer children help with care and love. We
are to offer the children help so they can also live a normal childhood like us. As well
as provide more security to children to motivate them to grow up being more capable
and strong, hoping they will also take turn to help the orphanage in the future as a
gratitude to them.
Therefore, we have sold around 50 supplies of our products each time. We did
experience having losses over profit sometimes for selling some unpopular products
sometimes but more requirement for our popular product such as herbal tea. We are
satisfied because all the hard work paid off, as we will be able to contribute to help
the society.
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Our target age range of predicted customers will be around 18 to 24 years old. It
approximately 85% of our customers are students from Taylor’s campus.
We choose our location to sell our product where students will walk by or where
they hang out, usually in these places where they are having their breaks; it’s when
they will be having their refreshments while chatting. As a student myself, I predicted
they will be having similar thoughts, like experience exhaustion after class or feeling
like having a drink while chatting. This is the reason why we choose our products not
only because we are selling healthy drinks but also our refreshments could also satisfy
their needs without them going a distance to just buy them when we could also serve
them. We focus on making students happy by selling refreshments to them and
making their life more comfortable by bringing the products to them.
Our targets are for students as we are in the same categories both studying and
contributing kindly to help homeless children. As we have been through our
childhood not long ago, we are able to relate the need for love, support and security
which are very important for a child. Another reason is that, since our university is a
private institution, most students can afford and have the ability to contribute more to
help the society.
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Throughout this charity drive, we had two main competitors which are 1 Donation
1 Love and King of Coconut. 1 Donation 1 Love was located at second row opposite
of Student Life Centre. They were selling a lot of stuffs like calendar, snack, soya
bean, herbal tea and sour plum while we were selling orange juice, herbal tea and
herbal jelly. They tagged RM20 per calendar for pre order and RM25 for instant
selling. Besides, they were also providing free calendar for those models who took
part in the making of the calendar. Furthermore, the cost of soya bean, herbal tea, sour
plum and snack were RM 4 each which meant that the prices of the drink were quite
similar compare to ours. Their strategy was that they would have some promotions if
they could not finish selling out their remaining foods. The more the customer bought,
the more discounts he or she could enjoy. For example, one drink was RM4 but it
was only RM6 if an individual bought two. Besides, some of their members had gone
to SS15 which is located at Subang Jaya to sell their products if they realized their
customer in Taylor’s university lakeside had slowly become lesser. Their
vulnerability was they did not supply enough soya beans for customers because they
had only brought a few bottles of soya bean to sell it when they were walking around
the school. In conclusion, most of the people would buy from them because they had
a lot of choices of drinks for customers to choose. Besides, they were also selling
snack. Therefore, customers will buy drinks together with the snacks from them.
On the other hand, King of Coconut was also our competitor. Their stall was also
located at second row opposite of Student Life Centre. They were selling cookies,
coconut and coconut jelly. They sold one pack with 8 pieces of cookies for RM6 and
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two packs with 16 pieces of cookies for RM10. Besides, the coconut was RM5 per
pack and coconut jelly RM3 per one. We could take them as our competitor because
they were selling one the same products with us which was jelly. They were selling
coconut jelly with RM3 while we were selling herbal jelly with RM4. The price of
their coconut jelly was slightly cheaper compare to ours. Their strategy was they had
eight members in their group and four members were promoting at the stall while the
other four members were walking around the campus. If the customer was going to
buy two jellies, which originally cost him RM6, they would charge him for just RM 5.
Also, they also had this 'brother and sister' price where they charge their course mates
a little bit cheaper, which is RM 2 per jelly. Their vulnerability was they had to sell
the coconut jelly in a short period of time because it would get rotten. In conclusion,
most of the customers would buy from them because their price of jelly was slightly
cheaper compare to ours. Besides, they kept walking around the campus and asked
every single one even though they did not want to buy. They called it the 'kamikaze'
strategy which meant they just went and asked without considering how would the
customers react.
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1. “Gui Ling Gao”
“Gui Ling Gao” is a kind of black jelly or Chinese herbal jelly like Chinese medicine.
It is normally slight bitter in taste, however, it becomes a Chinese style dessert,
popular with the young and old.
Features and Benefits
Its herbal efficacy for improvement of bodily health benefits, include effective on
clearing heat and resolving blood toxin, recovering from skin disorder.
“Gui Ling Gao” is the best dessert to eat in hot summer weather. This will directly
attract more customers come over our booth to purchase cold desserts. Undoubtedly,
these desserts provide a delicious end to a meal for our customers.
“Gui Ling Gao”
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2. Orange Juice and Herbal Tea (Chrysanthemum)
The orange juices are made from the “Sunskist” orange syrup and these are the clear
fruit juice with no pulp.
Whereas, the chrysanthemum herbal tea is a flower-based infusion made from
chrysanthemum flowers. The resulting drink is transparent and ranges from pale to
bright yellow in color, with a floral aroma.
Features and Benefits
Orange juices are one of the most delicious fruit juices that are equally popular in
elder people, adults and children as well. The marvelous nutrients, present in orange
juices and a great consumption of vitamin C are essential to protect our body.
Whereas, chrysanthemum tea is a natural coolants and helps in lowering the
temperature of the body especially during the hot whether. This herbal tea is also
helpful in treating pimples and acne and this is one of the crucial reason why our
costumers are mostly females or teenagers. The most important is chrysanthemum tea
when taken with lunch or dinner especially with oily foods helps ease digestion. Most
customers came over our booth to buy herbal tea after having their meal.
Both of these drinks can quench the thirst of our customers who had been working all
Chrysanthemum Tea and Orange Juice
3. Sandwich
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We serve two types of flavors, which are tuna mayo and egg mayo. We used six cans
of tuna fish, onion, whole wheat bread, lettuce leaves and mayonnaise to make the
tuna mayo.
For the egg mayo, we made with hard boiled eggs included the eye yolks, freshly
cracked black pepper, whole wheat bread and mayonnaise as well.
Features and Benefits
The sandwich is a great for workers to start their day. These savory sandwiches can
serve as a breakfast and offer great nutrients.
Starting off the day with protein has been shown to give our customers a jumpstart on
their day over other breakfast foods such as donuts and bagels. Our sandwiches offer
a light on-the-go breakfast for the busy customers and of course they will have a
delicious morning breakfast sandwich for under five riggit.
Tuna Sandwich
1. Small Plastic Container – “Gui Ling Gao”
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The physical packages of containers are used to protect “Gui Ling Gao” from being
damaged and spoiled. The transparent and clear plastic containers can let our
customers see what is inside of them and they can just look and see from outside the
container. The design of the small plastic container can magnetize a lot of customers
due to its small size and it is a portable dessert.
Plastic Container of “Gui Ling Gao”
2. Plastic Bottle – Chrysanthemum Tea and Orange Juice
Plastic bottles are exceedingly durable. Due to plastic's natural pliability, the bottles
can be dropped or struck without breaking and protect the herbal tea and orange juice
which are in the liquid form from being leaking.
Plastics bottles in general provide excellent thermal insulation. This means that the
liquids inside a plastic bottle tend to keep their temperature better than materials
housed in certain other containers. This makes it easier to keep our beverages cold in
the hot weather hence our customers can get their cold drinks to quench their thirst.
The transparent plastic bottle can emphasize the eye-catching bright orange color of
orange juice and herbal tea as well therefore this will definitely attract customers.
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Plastic Bottle of Beverages
3. Plastic Wrap – Sandwich
We use plastic wrap to keep the sandwiches fresh and avoid them from being spoiled.
We reckon that choosing plastic wrap as the packaging of the sandwich is a good
choice because it forms a seal without the use of adhesive by clinging to itself or to
the container. It commonly comes on a roll packaged in a box with a cutting edge. It
can cling better and is less permeable to oxygen and flavors and better protect hence
the freshness of sandwiches can last more longer.
Plastic Wrap – The process of wrapping the sandwich
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Products Products’ unit cost price
Products’ unit selling price
Before selling
Selling week
1. Sandwich RM1.30 RM4.00 -
2. Herbal Tea A RM1.50 RM5.00 RM4.00
3. Herbal Tea B RM0.52 RM5.00 RM4.00
4. Orange Juice RM1.00 RM5.00 RM4.00
5. Herbal Jelly RM0.55 - RM4.00
The main product we were selling during selling week was beverage because
it could attract a lot of people as it is summer now. The price we set for our product
was roughly 3-9 times the prices’ of cost. Since Pei Gie’s group was selling drink as
well, we decided to decrease our price in order to attract more customers. In the first
day of selling week, the demand of herbal tea was more than orange juice, therefore
we increased the supply of herbal tea from 50 bottles to 70 bottles. At the end of
selling week, the demand of herbal jelly was lower than others, we decided to execute
a promotion for 2 herbal jellies for RM6 in order to clear stock.
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Promotion is indispensably necessary to encourage the selling of our products.
However, we did not use the most common way promotion which is digital selling.
We adopted the methods of face-to-face communication and giving out free samples.
Face-to-face communication was the most frequent skill we used in promoting our
products. This is in light of the fact that we started our charity bazaar three weeks
before the actual charity week was executed. We went for few outings in order to sell
our products which were sandwiches, herbal tea, orange juice and gui ling gao. We
sold different items for each charity bazaar. We had only sold all food and beverages
during actual charity event. Thus, we persuaded those passerby and customers
through verbal messages. We explained to them the purpose of us doing this charity
bazaar and the charity foundation we are going to donate. I found that this was a very
express and easiest way to find out whether they who are the people we persuaded
were interested in our products. Also, we could get the response very soon.
On top of that, we practiced distributing free samples as one of our measures of
promoting. The justification was people could have a try on our products. This could
solve their questions such as they would wonder if our food and beverages were
delicacy. As the matter of fact, this approach worked very well. People were
interested with our products and bought it from us.
Briefly put, promoting our products was a good challenge. It tested our speaking
skill and the way we persuade others. We need to be more extroversion in order
convince our customers and ultimately, to increase our quantity of sale.
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We received donation from Association Guolin Qigong Malaysia. The amount of
donation is RM1k. This association is an individual entity.
This association was our second target to apply for donation. This is in light of the
fact that they can be said as financially generous. On top of that, we do know them
personally. This association is belonged to one of my friend’s grandparents. So, they
could also be said as our supporters. Association Guolin Qigong had donated RM1k
as I mentioned above by giving out cheque.
Actually, our first target was Marigold Company. We did call and send letters.
However, it was in futile. Nonetheless, it was just a little fragment. We learnt to
accept rejection through this incident.
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The products that we were selling were orange juice, herbal tea and herbal jelly. We
prepared these products ourselves the night before the charity bazaar. These products
were left overnight to be frozen once we finished cooking it. The ingredients needed
to prepare the products were mostly sponsored by Yong Seen Yee’s parents. On the
day of the sales, we would move those beverages to our stall via cars.
Our stall was decorated with cute toys, attractive and colorful wrapping to attract
maximum amount of customers. We also hang two pieces of poster at the back of the
stall so that our customer would be more aware on what we were selling. Besides, the
poster would also increase the popularity of our stall in the campus.
The customer would get the product immediately as the products had already being
prepared before the sales. Customer got the product immediately after they paid.
Regarding to the condition that every business should generate funds for charities
purposes, we had also approached our customer for donation purpose by purchasing
our product. The organization that we had chosen to donate was OrphanCARE.
OrphanCARE is a non-profit non-government organization. The aim of this
organization is to give every orphan and abandoned baby a chance to feel the love and
care in the security of a family. Therefore, people tended to show their support to this
organization by buying our products.
No online booking was required as we did not promote our product online through
facebook, whatsapp and etc. Our products were sold directly on the spot. Our
customer did not need to book or make any reservation.
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The products we had chosen are all in environmentally conscious manner. We sold
sandwich, “Gui Ling Gao” , chrysanthemum tea and orange juice during the charity
drive. All the foods are made from natural and organic ingredients included whole
wheat bread, lettuce leaves, eggs, tuna, chrysanthemum flowers, organic orange syrup
and herbal jelly powder. These organic foods play an important role in minimizing the
environmental impact, they will never pollute the environment. Organic foods
especially the sandwiches we made, which is the healthiest of all foods, are grown
naturally without any use of chemicals, such as pesticides and insecticides.
The packaging of our products are mostly not environmental-friendly. We used
plastic bottle, plastic container and plastic wrap as our food packaging. Although our
physical packages are majority plastics, they can bear the triangular “Reused,
Reduced and Recycled” to protect our environment. After our customers finished their
foods, they can throw them into the recycle bins instead of garbage bin. Plastic bottles
and containers are easily recyclable, which has positive environmental effects.
According to the environmental website Earth 911, recycling one pound of plastic
bottles saves approximately 12,000 BTUs of energy. Besides that, producing new
plastic products from recycled materials is more than twice as energy efficient that
making products from virgin materials.
During the distribution stage, we try our best to minimize the carbon footprint by
sending our products in amount from our home to school hence we are less required
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to travel by transportation.
After the each day of selling, we make sure that we had cleaned all the
surroundings of our booth. We categorized the rubbish before we deposed them. We
clean up and tiny all the remaining products and store them into a big box. We also
reuse all the stuffs such as the art papers used as decorating and the donation box.
While in the mid of this charity event, we did not consume a great amount of
water, it only for our own drinking purpose. Instead of using a small refrigerator, we
placed the beverages inside an icebox cooler to keep them in a cold condition.
However, we do consume electricity in order to charge our laptop. We make sure the
plug had switched off before we leave the place hence it may not cause a waste of
electricity. Other than that, we do use some of the art recycle papers to decorate our
booth and the artificial plant as well.
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As we know, organizational chart has a paramount importance for human resource
planning. So, our business possesses an organizational chart in order to ensure our
charity bazaar could run smoothly. We had a name for our booth called Refuel.
Refuel Organisational Chart
Project Manager
Monitor the process of charity
bazaar. Problem solver. Obliged in
every black and whiite documents.
Distribute works and guide those
members.GIving opinions.
Yong Seen Yee
Tee Sin YI
Record every
transactions and
control expenses.
Leong Chee Mun
Sales Executive
Promote products to
customer and get more
connections in order to
increases sales.
Khoo XIn Yee
Promote our products
through phone calls.
Decorate booth and
figure out means to
attract more
Kimberly Wong JIn
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I) Evaluation of Result
Profit and Loss Statement for Charity Drive
Sales 2,325
LESS: Cost of Goods Sold
Sandwich 214.5
Herbal Tea 279.52
Herbal Jelly 19.25
Orange Juice 100
Gross Profit 1,712
ADD: Donation 1,200
Adjust Gross Profit 2,912
Less Operating Expenses
Selling Expenses
Typhoid Injection 400
Stock Lost 1
Resit Book 11
Total Operating Expenses 412
Net Profit 2,500
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Product Price Quantities Total Amount
Sandwich RM4.00 165 RM660
Herbal Tea A RM5.00 131 RM655
Herbal Tea B RM4.00 105 RM420
Herbal Jelly RM4.00 35 RM140
Orange Juice RM4.00 50 RM200
Orange Juice RM5.00 50 RM250
As a conclusion, we gained our profit by selling sandwich, herbal tea, orange juice
and herbal jelly. The difficulty for this charity drive was hard to find sponsorship, we
tried to apply sponsor from Marigold yet we received empty reply from them. Luckily
we received donation from Association Guolin Qigong Malaysia in Setiawan, this
donation had really helped us a lot in this charity drive.
The lesson we got in pre selling was we should improve our packaging in order to
attract more customer. The appearance of sandwiches was not good enough to attract
customer. Moreover, lack of courage and communicate skills caused us losing a lot of
If we were given a chance to repeat this event, we would redecorate our packaging.
Besides, we would plan well in controlling quantities of produces to prevent waste
and spoil due to the product might not keep long lasting. For increasing sales, improve
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morale and teamwork must exist in our team. Last but not least, we would practice
more in order to improve our speaking skills.
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Business Charity report

  • 2. 2 | P A G E | M A R K E T I N G R E P O R T & C H A R I T Y D R I V E R E P O R T CONTENT TABLE OF CONTENT PAGE NUMBER Executive Summary 3 Objectives 4 Target Market 5 Competition Analysis 6-7 Product and Packaging 8-12 Pricing 13 Promotion 14 Sponsors 15 Distribution 16 . Green Measures 17-18 Human Resource Planning 19 Evaluation of Results 20-22 Appendix 23-26
  • 3. 3 | P A G E | M A R K E T I N G R E P O R T & C H A R I T Y D R I V E R E P O R T EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Each group was given a task to earn money under our business subject by selling our products for this charity drive. We were also to choose an organization to sponsor the money that we earn. My group has chosen an orphanage organization called Hati Orphan Care. Our aim is to give support to this organization because they can give every child a better home even though they are not living with their parents as every child deserves the love, care and support from us. Our goal is to earn RM2500 this year’s charity drive. We are to set up our tables outside the Student Life Centre in Taylor’s University Lakeside to sell our products. Our target customers are mostly students from our campus and we also got to sell our products in Taylor’s College in SS15. We started selling before the Charity Drive event to make it easier for us to reach our target. At first, we proposed to sell sandwiches in SS15 area, but we weren’t able to earn much profit because this product isn’t that popular among students. The next time, my group members proposed to sell Sunkist orange juice and herbal tea, we again visited the SS15 area to sell our product. On the day of the charity drive, we sold three kinds of products which are herbal tea, orange juice and herbal jelly. We had many competitors during that day. Some of our members will stay on the booth to wait for customers while the two of us will be walking around the campus to sell the products. At last we were able to reach our target; we managed to earn RM1500 while the rest of the profit which cost RM1000 came from our donation form Persatuan Guolin Qigong Malaysia.
  • 4. 4 | P A G E | M A R K E T I N G R E P O R T & C H A R I T Y D R I V E R E P O R T OBJECTIVES For this charity drive, my group has decided to choose to sponsor the money we earn to be given to Hati Orphan Care. Our objective is to help abandoned children to have a better home and living. We sponsor money so that they will be able to have enough profit to support the children in behalf of their parents such as education, clothes, medical fees and accommodation. This organization plays a large role in the community to help lives of children which offer children help with care and love. We are to offer the children help so they can also live a normal childhood like us. As well as provide more security to children to motivate them to grow up being more capable and strong, hoping they will also take turn to help the orphanage in the future as a gratitude to them. Therefore, we have sold around 50 supplies of our products each time. We did experience having losses over profit sometimes for selling some unpopular products sometimes but more requirement for our popular product such as herbal tea. We are satisfied because all the hard work paid off, as we will be able to contribute to help the society.
  • 5. 5 | P A G E | M A R K E T I N G R E P O R T & C H A R I T Y D R I V E R E P O R T TARGET MARKET Our target age range of predicted customers will be around 18 to 24 years old. It approximately 85% of our customers are students from Taylor’s campus. We choose our location to sell our product where students will walk by or where they hang out, usually in these places where they are having their breaks; it’s when they will be having their refreshments while chatting. As a student myself, I predicted they will be having similar thoughts, like experience exhaustion after class or feeling like having a drink while chatting. This is the reason why we choose our products not only because we are selling healthy drinks but also our refreshments could also satisfy their needs without them going a distance to just buy them when we could also serve them. We focus on making students happy by selling refreshments to them and making their life more comfortable by bringing the products to them. Our targets are for students as we are in the same categories both studying and contributing kindly to help homeless children. As we have been through our childhood not long ago, we are able to relate the need for love, support and security which are very important for a child. Another reason is that, since our university is a private institution, most students can afford and have the ability to contribute more to help the society.
  • 6. 6 | P A G E | M A R K E T I N G R E P O R T & C H A R I T Y D R I V E R E P O R T COMPETITION ANALYSIS Throughout this charity drive, we had two main competitors which are 1 Donation 1 Love and King of Coconut. 1 Donation 1 Love was located at second row opposite of Student Life Centre. They were selling a lot of stuffs like calendar, snack, soya bean, herbal tea and sour plum while we were selling orange juice, herbal tea and herbal jelly. They tagged RM20 per calendar for pre order and RM25 for instant selling. Besides, they were also providing free calendar for those models who took part in the making of the calendar. Furthermore, the cost of soya bean, herbal tea, sour plum and snack were RM 4 each which meant that the prices of the drink were quite similar compare to ours. Their strategy was that they would have some promotions if they could not finish selling out their remaining foods. The more the customer bought, the more discounts he or she could enjoy. For example, one drink was RM4 but it was only RM6 if an individual bought two. Besides, some of their members had gone to SS15 which is located at Subang Jaya to sell their products if they realized their customer in Taylor’s university lakeside had slowly become lesser. Their vulnerability was they did not supply enough soya beans for customers because they had only brought a few bottles of soya bean to sell it when they were walking around the school. In conclusion, most of the people would buy from them because they had a lot of choices of drinks for customers to choose. Besides, they were also selling snack. Therefore, customers will buy drinks together with the snacks from them. On the other hand, King of Coconut was also our competitor. Their stall was also located at second row opposite of Student Life Centre. They were selling cookies, coconut and coconut jelly. They sold one pack with 8 pieces of cookies for RM6 and
  • 7. 7 | P A G E | M A R K E T I N G R E P O R T & C H A R I T Y D R I V E R E P O R T two packs with 16 pieces of cookies for RM10. Besides, the coconut was RM5 per pack and coconut jelly RM3 per one. We could take them as our competitor because they were selling one the same products with us which was jelly. They were selling coconut jelly with RM3 while we were selling herbal jelly with RM4. The price of their coconut jelly was slightly cheaper compare to ours. Their strategy was they had eight members in their group and four members were promoting at the stall while the other four members were walking around the campus. If the customer was going to buy two jellies, which originally cost him RM6, they would charge him for just RM 5. Also, they also had this 'brother and sister' price where they charge their course mates a little bit cheaper, which is RM 2 per jelly. Their vulnerability was they had to sell the coconut jelly in a short period of time because it would get rotten. In conclusion, most of the customers would buy from them because their price of jelly was slightly cheaper compare to ours. Besides, they kept walking around the campus and asked every single one even though they did not want to buy. They called it the 'kamikaze' strategy which meant they just went and asked without considering how would the customers react.
  • 8. 8 | P A G E | M A R K E T I N G R E P O R T & C H A R I T Y D R I V E R E P O R T PRODUCT & PACKAGING Product 1. “Gui Ling Gao” Description “Gui Ling Gao” is a kind of black jelly or Chinese herbal jelly like Chinese medicine. It is normally slight bitter in taste, however, it becomes a Chinese style dessert, popular with the young and old. Features and Benefits Its herbal efficacy for improvement of bodily health benefits, include effective on clearing heat and resolving blood toxin, recovering from skin disorder. “Gui Ling Gao” is the best dessert to eat in hot summer weather. This will directly attract more customers come over our booth to purchase cold desserts. Undoubtedly, these desserts provide a delicious end to a meal for our customers. “Gui Ling Gao”
  • 9. 9 | P A G E | M A R K E T I N G R E P O R T & C H A R I T Y D R I V E R E P O R T 2. Orange Juice and Herbal Tea (Chrysanthemum) Description The orange juices are made from the “Sunskist” orange syrup and these are the clear fruit juice with no pulp. Whereas, the chrysanthemum herbal tea is a flower-based infusion made from chrysanthemum flowers. The resulting drink is transparent and ranges from pale to bright yellow in color, with a floral aroma. Features and Benefits Orange juices are one of the most delicious fruit juices that are equally popular in elder people, adults and children as well. The marvelous nutrients, present in orange juices and a great consumption of vitamin C are essential to protect our body. Whereas, chrysanthemum tea is a natural coolants and helps in lowering the temperature of the body especially during the hot whether. This herbal tea is also helpful in treating pimples and acne and this is one of the crucial reason why our costumers are mostly females or teenagers. The most important is chrysanthemum tea when taken with lunch or dinner especially with oily foods helps ease digestion. Most customers came over our booth to buy herbal tea after having their meal. Both of these drinks can quench the thirst of our customers who had been working all day. Chrysanthemum Tea and Orange Juice 3. Sandwich Description
  • 10. 10 | P A G E | M A R K E T I N G R E P O R T & C H A R I T Y D R I V E R E P O R T We serve two types of flavors, which are tuna mayo and egg mayo. We used six cans of tuna fish, onion, whole wheat bread, lettuce leaves and mayonnaise to make the tuna mayo. For the egg mayo, we made with hard boiled eggs included the eye yolks, freshly cracked black pepper, whole wheat bread and mayonnaise as well. Features and Benefits The sandwich is a great for workers to start their day. These savory sandwiches can serve as a breakfast and offer great nutrients. Starting off the day with protein has been shown to give our customers a jumpstart on their day over other breakfast foods such as donuts and bagels. Our sandwiches offer a light on-the-go breakfast for the busy customers and of course they will have a delicious morning breakfast sandwich for under five riggit. Tuna Sandwich Packaging 1. Small Plastic Container – “Gui Ling Gao”
  • 11. 11 | P A G E | M A R K E T I N G R E P O R T & C H A R I T Y D R I V E R E P O R T The physical packages of containers are used to protect “Gui Ling Gao” from being damaged and spoiled. The transparent and clear plastic containers can let our customers see what is inside of them and they can just look and see from outside the container. The design of the small plastic container can magnetize a lot of customers due to its small size and it is a portable dessert. Plastic Container of “Gui Ling Gao” 2. Plastic Bottle – Chrysanthemum Tea and Orange Juice Plastic bottles are exceedingly durable. Due to plastic's natural pliability, the bottles can be dropped or struck without breaking and protect the herbal tea and orange juice which are in the liquid form from being leaking. Plastics bottles in general provide excellent thermal insulation. This means that the liquids inside a plastic bottle tend to keep their temperature better than materials housed in certain other containers. This makes it easier to keep our beverages cold in the hot weather hence our customers can get their cold drinks to quench their thirst. The transparent plastic bottle can emphasize the eye-catching bright orange color of orange juice and herbal tea as well therefore this will definitely attract customers.
  • 12. 12 | P A G E | M A R K E T I N G R E P O R T & C H A R I T Y D R I V E R E P O R T Plastic Bottle of Beverages 3. Plastic Wrap – Sandwich We use plastic wrap to keep the sandwiches fresh and avoid them from being spoiled. We reckon that choosing plastic wrap as the packaging of the sandwich is a good choice because it forms a seal without the use of adhesive by clinging to itself or to the container. It commonly comes on a roll packaged in a box with a cutting edge. It can cling better and is less permeable to oxygen and flavors and better protect hence the freshness of sandwiches can last more longer. Plastic Wrap – The process of wrapping the sandwich
  • 13. 13 | P A G E | M A R K E T I N G R E P O R T & C H A R I T Y D R I V E R E P O R T PRICING Products Products’ unit cost price Products’ unit selling price Before selling week Selling week 1. Sandwich RM1.30 RM4.00 - 2. Herbal Tea A RM1.50 RM5.00 RM4.00 3. Herbal Tea B RM0.52 RM5.00 RM4.00 4. Orange Juice RM1.00 RM5.00 RM4.00 5. Herbal Jelly RM0.55 - RM4.00 The main product we were selling during selling week was beverage because it could attract a lot of people as it is summer now. The price we set for our product was roughly 3-9 times the prices’ of cost. Since Pei Gie’s group was selling drink as well, we decided to decrease our price in order to attract more customers. In the first day of selling week, the demand of herbal tea was more than orange juice, therefore we increased the supply of herbal tea from 50 bottles to 70 bottles. At the end of selling week, the demand of herbal jelly was lower than others, we decided to execute a promotion for 2 herbal jellies for RM6 in order to clear stock.
  • 14. 14 | P A G E | M A R K E T I N G R E P O R T & C H A R I T Y D R I V E R E P O R T PROMOTION Promotion is indispensably necessary to encourage the selling of our products. However, we did not use the most common way promotion which is digital selling. We adopted the methods of face-to-face communication and giving out free samples. Face-to-face communication was the most frequent skill we used in promoting our products. This is in light of the fact that we started our charity bazaar three weeks before the actual charity week was executed. We went for few outings in order to sell our products which were sandwiches, herbal tea, orange juice and gui ling gao. We sold different items for each charity bazaar. We had only sold all food and beverages during actual charity event. Thus, we persuaded those passerby and customers through verbal messages. We explained to them the purpose of us doing this charity bazaar and the charity foundation we are going to donate. I found that this was a very express and easiest way to find out whether they who are the people we persuaded were interested in our products. Also, we could get the response very soon. On top of that, we practiced distributing free samples as one of our measures of promoting. The justification was people could have a try on our products. This could solve their questions such as they would wonder if our food and beverages were delicacy. As the matter of fact, this approach worked very well. People were interested with our products and bought it from us. Briefly put, promoting our products was a good challenge. It tested our speaking skill and the way we persuade others. We need to be more extroversion in order convince our customers and ultimately, to increase our quantity of sale.
  • 15. 15 | P A G E | M A R K E T I N G R E P O R T & C H A R I T Y D R I V E R E P O R T SPONSORS We received donation from Association Guolin Qigong Malaysia. The amount of donation is RM1k. This association is an individual entity. This association was our second target to apply for donation. This is in light of the fact that they can be said as financially generous. On top of that, we do know them personally. This association is belonged to one of my friend’s grandparents. So, they could also be said as our supporters. Association Guolin Qigong had donated RM1k as I mentioned above by giving out cheque. Actually, our first target was Marigold Company. We did call and send letters. However, it was in futile. Nonetheless, it was just a little fragment. We learnt to accept rejection through this incident.
  • 16. 16 | P A G E | M A R K E T I N G R E P O R T & C H A R I T Y D R I V E R E P O R T DISTRIBUTION The products that we were selling were orange juice, herbal tea and herbal jelly. We prepared these products ourselves the night before the charity bazaar. These products were left overnight to be frozen once we finished cooking it. The ingredients needed to prepare the products were mostly sponsored by Yong Seen Yee’s parents. On the day of the sales, we would move those beverages to our stall via cars. Our stall was decorated with cute toys, attractive and colorful wrapping to attract maximum amount of customers. We also hang two pieces of poster at the back of the stall so that our customer would be more aware on what we were selling. Besides, the poster would also increase the popularity of our stall in the campus. The customer would get the product immediately as the products had already being prepared before the sales. Customer got the product immediately after they paid. Regarding to the condition that every business should generate funds for charities purposes, we had also approached our customer for donation purpose by purchasing our product. The organization that we had chosen to donate was OrphanCARE. OrphanCARE is a non-profit non-government organization. The aim of this organization is to give every orphan and abandoned baby a chance to feel the love and care in the security of a family. Therefore, people tended to show their support to this organization by buying our products. No online booking was required as we did not promote our product online through facebook, whatsapp and etc. Our products were sold directly on the spot. Our customer did not need to book or make any reservation.
  • 17. 17 | P A G E | M A R K E T I N G R E P O R T & C H A R I T Y D R I V E R E P O R T GREEN MEASURES The products we had chosen are all in environmentally conscious manner. We sold sandwich, “Gui Ling Gao” , chrysanthemum tea and orange juice during the charity drive. All the foods are made from natural and organic ingredients included whole wheat bread, lettuce leaves, eggs, tuna, chrysanthemum flowers, organic orange syrup and herbal jelly powder. These organic foods play an important role in minimizing the environmental impact, they will never pollute the environment. Organic foods especially the sandwiches we made, which is the healthiest of all foods, are grown naturally without any use of chemicals, such as pesticides and insecticides. The packaging of our products are mostly not environmental-friendly. We used plastic bottle, plastic container and plastic wrap as our food packaging. Although our physical packages are majority plastics, they can bear the triangular “Reused, Reduced and Recycled” to protect our environment. After our customers finished their foods, they can throw them into the recycle bins instead of garbage bin. Plastic bottles and containers are easily recyclable, which has positive environmental effects. According to the environmental website Earth 911, recycling one pound of plastic bottles saves approximately 12,000 BTUs of energy. Besides that, producing new plastic products from recycled materials is more than twice as energy efficient that making products from virgin materials. During the distribution stage, we try our best to minimize the carbon footprint by sending our products in amount from our home to school hence we are less required
  • 18. 18 | P A G E | M A R K E T I N G R E P O R T & C H A R I T Y D R I V E R E P O R T to travel by transportation. After the each day of selling, we make sure that we had cleaned all the surroundings of our booth. We categorized the rubbish before we deposed them. We clean up and tiny all the remaining products and store them into a big box. We also reuse all the stuffs such as the art papers used as decorating and the donation box. While in the mid of this charity event, we did not consume a great amount of water, it only for our own drinking purpose. Instead of using a small refrigerator, we placed the beverages inside an icebox cooler to keep them in a cold condition. However, we do consume electricity in order to charge our laptop. We make sure the plug had switched off before we leave the place hence it may not cause a waste of electricity. Other than that, we do use some of the art recycle papers to decorate our booth and the artificial plant as well.
  • 19. 19 | P A G E | M A R K E T I N G R E P O R T & C H A R I T Y D R I V E R E P O R T HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING As we know, organizational chart has a paramount importance for human resource planning. So, our business possesses an organizational chart in order to ensure our charity bazaar could run smoothly. We had a name for our booth called Refuel. Refuel Organisational Chart Project Manager Monitor the process of charity bazaar. Problem solver. Obliged in every black and whiite documents. Distribute works and guide those members.GIving opinions. Leader Yong Seen Yee Assistant Tee Sin YI Accountant Record every transactions and control expenses. Leong Chee Mun Sales Executive Promote products to customer and get more connections in order to increases sales. Khoo XIn Yee Advertising Promote our products through phone calls. Decorate booth and figure out means to attract more customers. Kimberly Wong JIn Siew
  • 20. 20 | P A G E | M A R K E T I N G R E P O R T & C H A R I T Y D R I V E R E P O R T EVALUATION OF RESULTS I) Evaluation of Result Profit and Loss Statement for Charity Drive RM RM Revenue Sales 2,325 LESS: Cost of Goods Sold Sandwich 214.5 Herbal Tea 279.52 Herbal Jelly 19.25 Orange Juice 100 613.27 Gross Profit 1,712 ADD: Donation 1,200 Adjust Gross Profit 2,912 Less Operating Expenses Selling Expenses Typhoid Injection 400 Stock Lost 1 Resit Book 11 Total Operating Expenses 412 Net Profit 2,500
  • 21. 21 | P A G E | M A R K E T I N G R E P O R T & C H A R I T Y D R I V E R E P O R T Product Price Quantities Total Amount Sandwich RM4.00 165 RM660 Herbal Tea A RM5.00 131 RM655 Herbal Tea B RM4.00 105 RM420 Herbal Jelly RM4.00 35 RM140 Orange Juice RM4.00 50 RM200 Orange Juice RM5.00 50 RM250 TOTAL RM2325 As a conclusion, we gained our profit by selling sandwich, herbal tea, orange juice and herbal jelly. The difficulty for this charity drive was hard to find sponsorship, we tried to apply sponsor from Marigold yet we received empty reply from them. Luckily we received donation from Association Guolin Qigong Malaysia in Setiawan, this donation had really helped us a lot in this charity drive. The lesson we got in pre selling was we should improve our packaging in order to attract more customer. The appearance of sandwiches was not good enough to attract customer. Moreover, lack of courage and communicate skills caused us losing a lot of customers. If we were given a chance to repeat this event, we would redecorate our packaging. Besides, we would plan well in controlling quantities of produces to prevent waste and spoil due to the product might not keep long lasting. For increasing sales, improve
  • 22. 22 | P A G E | M A R K E T I N G R E P O R T & C H A R I T Y D R I V E R E P O R T morale and teamwork must exist in our team. Last but not least, we would practice more in order to improve our speaking skills.
  • 24. 24 | P A G E | M A R K E T I N G R E P O R T & C H A R I T Y D R I V E R E P O R T
  • 26. 26 | P A G E | M A R K E T I N G R E P O R T & C H A R I T Y D R I V E R E P O R T