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Brand Tip Top Ice Cream Is Produced By The Great And Fresh...
New Zealand is well known in international market for the excellence of quality of their dairy
products, which might be consecutively effectively hygienic atmosphere, a technically development
of dairy project, and high quality and standard values. Quality is measured by the degree of
customer's satisfaction. The suppliers/organizations are very conscious about the customers'
expectations because it influences the company's reputation and profitability. So organisations
follow the standards such as ISO and TQM for quality assurance of product. Fonterra's ice cream is
produced by the great and fresh dairy ingredients such as milk, nuts etc which are available
domestically. By do so they ought to make sure that their dairy goods have higher quality, than their
competitors at low cost, and make sure that their products are safe and sound for health.
Manufactured goods Quality expects to coalesce which will tackle the customer needs and will offer
the special product to their customers for their satisfaction. This approach helps to improve the
approximation of organizations brand and make a uniqueness of product in the market. Fonterra's
brand tip top ice cream has at all times prided itself on fresh ingredient found in ice cream such as
fresh cream and milk. Now even more of our ingredients have the same natural testimonial, without
affecting the quality which are enjoyed by the kiwis. Those Products have natural colors and flavors
started to hit the shelves in July 2013.
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Management Philosophy Comparison
Management Philosophy Comparison
Management philosophies
June 15, 2009
Management Philosophy Comparison "Management aims to accomplish group purposes with the
least expenditure of material or human resources" (Koontz, 1969, p. 415). The term management
philosophy seems almost oxymoronic in that they appear to work toward different results. The goal
of management should be to improve the organization. (Kirkeby, 2000) suggest that the objective of
management has always been the goal of making the group, institution, organization, or nation, into
the strongest organism possible. Triumph, subjugation, gaining strength, and survival are all
priorities of management. ... Show more content on ...
All of these examples and many others function and are produced at a higher rate of efficiently due
to Scientific Management. Frederick W. Taylor born on March 20, 1865 considered "the father of
Scientific Management". He strongly campaigned for less human interaction and more machine
driven production, even going on to say "In the past the man has been first; in the future the system
must be first" (Worthy, 1959, p. 73). One of the driving factors for Taylor's scientific management
was that he believed the industrial management of his day was run by individuals that had no
professional amplitude Deming suggested that "management could be formulated as an academic
discipline, and that the best results would come from the partnership between a trained and qualified
management and a cooperative and innovative workforce" (Weisbord, 1987, p. 9). "Taylorism"
became the first big management fad. Taylor 's scientific management consisted of four principles
(Weisbord, 1987): 1. Replace rule–of–thumb work methods with methods based on a scientific study
of the tasks. 2. Scientifically select, train, and develop each employee rather than passively leaving
them to train themselves. 3. Provide detailed instruction and supervision of each worker in the
performance of that worker 's discrete task. 4. Divide work equally between managers and workers,
so that the managers apply scientific management principles to planning the work and the workers
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The Good, The Bad And The Inexplicable Essay
Health Care Organizations A purposefully designed, structured social system developed for the
delivery of health care services by specialized workforces to defined communities, populations or
markets. Variations in health care The good, the bad and the inexplicable explores the possible
causes of variation, shows the different ways in which variations can be measured, and analyses
variations by PCT in rates of elective hospital admissions for selected procedures. Importance of
variation to health–care organizations In order for "variation" to exist, there must be at least two
entities, for instance individual patients or groups being compared to each other or to a target.
Variation expresses the natural condition of things to be different from each other or to depart from a
pre–established target. In statistical terms, variation is synonymous with dispersion or spread and
can be quantified by statistics, such as the range, the absolute deviation, the standard deviation, the
variance and the inter–quartile range (e.g. Altman, 1991)19. There is panoply of terms synonymous
with variation which tends to be used in a specific context with a certain connotation. Terms such as
variety and diversity usually have a positive connotation, whereas deviation and disparity tend to be
perceived negatively. Other terms that may be equated to variation include change, modification,
mutation, alteration, shift, departure, discrepancy, divergence, dispersion, spread, difference and
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Case Study : 6 Sigma Manufacturing Process
Abstract:– This case study is about 6 sigma manufacturing process by which continuous
improvement of the product is done. Mainly the 6 sigma is about improving the quality, In order to
identify defects or errors. By using 6 sigma 99.9% the defect will not be there in the product. 6
sigma uses quality management and structural methods. The customer satisfaction can be increased
by using this, production cycle can be reduced, reduction of waste and reducing the cost of the
Introduction:– 6 sigma is defined as the measure of perfection from deviation and measurement of
defects in the process. Mainly the 6 sigma measures the deviation of the process from the quality. It
is a ... Show more content on ...
The process need to be planned and it should be satisfied by the customer.
This process deals with leadership commitment where all the employees in the company are well
trained and focused on the project in order to satisfy the customers.
Training programme:– The employees are trained in statistical tools, strategy and 6 sigma
techniques. There are various training programme levels which are as follows:–
1. Quality seminars:– The quality seminar based on overview and basic sigma awareness
programme. The techniques of the 6 sigma are explained to each and every employee.
2. Training the team:– The teams are divided according to functioning of the project who are
participating in the project.
Team management:– The teams are divided according to the qualification and talent of the
employees. There are three types of groups or belts according to the 6 sigma, they are:–
1. Black belt:– Who are the team leaders of the project, used for designing and implementing the
quality approach.
2. Green belt:– The employees who work for the company part–time only.
3. Master black belt:– These employees are like teachers to the project.
Concepts of 6 sigma:– The following concepts are some of the few
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Organizational Behavior Of Six Sigma
Six Sigma
Six Sigma
Six Sigma
Jessica Acevedo, Brenda Griner, Angeline Bernard and Dwight Skeete
Organizational Behavior in Healthcare HSA 6118
Executive MHA
Jennifer Attonito, Ph.D.
Six sigma is a methodology, discipline and a set of techniques used to improve a process by
eliminating defects. In addition, it is also considered a management philosophy. The core of this
philosophy is to develop future leaders and display strategies on how to conduct a business
effectively. Six Sigma creates common language throughout an organization and serves as a method
to transform culture. At its highest level possible, six sigma is there to improve both efficiency and
effectiveness. Efficiency includes time, costs, and labor values; amounts of resources consumed,
whereas effectiveness measures the degree to which the customer?s needs are met. This paper will
examine the origin of Six Sigma and it?s evolution into the foremost accepted quality improvement
processes across many disciplines. In addition, an examination will be done on the application of
Six Sigma in the healthcare industry including all variables and their operational definitions.
Clarification will be given on how the theory evolved into the foremost accepted process
improvement methodology in the world. Finally, testing of the model will be conducted by applying
the theory to a work setting within the healthcare environment. From the testing
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Plan Do Check Act ( Pdca )
Plan–Do–Check–Act (PDCA) Throughout history there has been development and implementations
of methodologies that will allow faster dissemination of quality control. Some methods and tools
have provided knowledge and sustainability to the system more than others. This is the case of
PDCA initially introduce by Dr. Walter Shewhart in the 1920's and revolutionize by Dr. W. Edwards
Deming in 1950's as a methodology to increase quality. Deming introduce Plan–Do–Check–Act
cycle as a learning and improvement methodology (Ransom, 2008). Under this methodology
Deming emphasize on the importance of continuous improvement and visualizing the
manufacturing industry as a system that can be improve. Ever since the introduction of PDCA cycle
other performance enhance methodologies after this one have some basic relation to PDCA. PDCA
is broken down in steps as means to make it easy for practitioners to implement. First we start with
P, which stands for "Plan". Under this phase objectives, questions, predictions, and plans to
implement the cycle takes place (Who?, What?, When?, and Where?) (Ransom, 2008). Second we
move to "Do," this phase is specifically developed for the purpose of education, plan
implementation, documentation of problems and observations, and data analysis. At this stage the
team using this cycle can change, try out, expose, and/or cancel the plan if there is evidence that will
make it unsuccessful. Next we move to the third phase "Check" under this par, plan
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The Evolution Of Quality Management
I always enjoy reading about the history of something because it tends to show you the evolution of
it. In this case, the evolution of 'Quality' is there. In the definition of quality in Chapter 2,
Feigenbaum and Crosby both state what they think is the contributing part of quality. Feigenbaum
believes that meeting the customers' expectations is the key, while Crosby feels that if you put an
impeccable product out, then that's quality. However, Goetsch and Davis define a hybrid version of
Feigenbaum and Crosby's thoughts on Quality, which incorporate the constant change that is the
customer. The customer is the driving force that makes business produce goods and services. Each
era in the history of quality has its place. Lessons learned along the way have shaped where we are
today Quality Management. In the craftsmanship era, businesses had relationships with their small
town customers who produced small scale personable products or services that could be shared word
of mouth. In order to take quality business into the future there had to be major changes if
companies were going to be able to produce 'quality' on the global scale. Quality managers tried
everything from getting the employees to believe in their work, receive awards, and incentives to do
more with less. The history of Quality Management has driven goods and services to be great, and
change with the customers' expectations which continue changing.
Chapter 3: Quality management encompasses a combination of
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Tools And Methods For Quality Improvement Analysis
[Seminars in Perinatology 3500–4000 words 4–6 figures Comment by Kaplan, Heather: I cut a bit
which give us 1000 words to add in descriptions of our examples that we will highlight and then add
some additional examples and flesh out some other areas (where I indicated)I really think the most
important part of this will be weaving in the examples! Comment by Kaplan, Heather: Do we need
an abstract?
Tools and Methods for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety in Perinatal Care
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) defines quality as ?the degree to which health services for
individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent
with current professional knowledge.? In the relatively recent ... Show more content on ...
It has its foundation in the theory of variation (understanding common and special causes) and was
one of the key tools developed by Walter Shewhart in the 1920s. The primary tools used in SPC are
graphical, including Pareto analysis, control charts and run charts. It is crucial for QI teams and
researchers to understand variation in data to avoid making errors in interpretation, though in
practice, many QI teams do not have sufficient biostatistical training to be able to interpret their data
with confidence. The practical power of SPC is that people who are not statisticians can bring
significant statistical rigor to their quantitative data in an intuitive format by understanding just a
few simple, pattern–based rules to distinguish special–cause variation (i.e., signals) from common–
cause variation (i.e., noise). Distinguishing special and common cause variation is critical to
understanding whether changes you are making result in improvement (i.e., is there a signal of
change present?). Among all of the SPC tools, control charts have the most power to distinguish
common from special cause variation. Control charts plot data over time (time on the x–axis) and
include a measure of central tendency (centerline, mean) and upper and lower control limits
(plus/minus 3 sigma of the mean). The control limits reflect the natural variation in the data or the
extent of the
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Total Quality Management : An Organization
Total Quality Management is a management approach to the way an organization conducts business.
It focuses on the long term success of the company through customer satisfaction (Lyle, 2013).
Continued improvement is viewed as a process, not a short term goal (WebFinance, Inc., 2015).
Total Quality Management encompasses the value of the customer, and puts quality first. The level
of quality is determined by the customer, and is called customer–defined quality (Reed & Sanders).
Total Quality Management was created and has evolved around the quality of every aspect of a
company. Quality is not easily defined. People can have different opinions about what quality is or
the level of quality that is needed. To further complicate the matter, the quality meaning has changed
over time. Manufacturing and servicing companies, have different measurements of quality. The
manufacturing company bases its quality off of tangible products. One way of measuring quality in
a tangible item is conformance, or a preset order of specifications. Some other common ways
manufacturing company's value quality is durability, performance, features, serviceability, and
features. Servicing companies offer an intangible product that cannot be touched or seen. Defining
quality can be difficult with services. Since services is an experience, perception defines the quality
of services (Reed & Sanders). Time and consistency are very important perceptual factors for
measuring quality in a
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Best One Mission Statement
The "Best One" hotel franchise is due for evaluation statewide. The hotel is a three–star hotel that is
known for its convenience and comfort. The mission statement of "Best One" describes its
intentions. Mission Statement: We want you to feel at home because there is no place like home but
the "BEST ONE" we are family. However, during the evaluation it was discovered that the "Best
One" hotels had several complaints. The complaints stem from the front desk of customers having
negative experiences, periods of long waiting time, in correct billing charges, possibly credit card
identity theft, improper prepared bills, and rude service. Because the discrepancies found within the
evaluation do not reflect the mission statement of the company, ... Show more content on ...
If in fact the Mission statement suggest that the hotel is a "no place like home" then it would be
understood that all leadership from the least to the greatest make it their business to embrace the
mission and treat all like family whether that be customers and/or staff members. As the strategic
leader, the direction of the company will be to maintain its current mission but assess the thoughts of
every staff member and their objectives to maintaining the why. There is really nothing wrong with
the mission statement because it is straight to the point and very simplistic. However, what appears
to be the problem may be communication gaps or followers have just gotten bored or tired following
the mission statement. For instance, "that the increased attention given to the workers by
management and researchers was the key to increased productivity" (Eisenberg & Goodall, 2004, p.
73). Also, implementing a plan to make sure that those that handle finances and documentation are
qualified. The assessments to put forth would be the
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The Institute Of Medicine ( Iom )
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommends five core competencies to help improve the quality of
care a patient receives in the health care industry. The five competencies of the IOM are the
following "providing patient–centered care (personalization of care), working in interdisciplinary
teams, utilizing evidence–based practice, applying quality improvement, and using the informatics
system" (Sollecito & Johnson, 2013). First is the ability to apply personalization of care to a patient.
Personalization is not easy to teach, but is something that is learned through practice and class
recommendations. I say class recommendations because sometimes situations will occur where a
trained medical person has been taught if this occurs here is how to approach the situation. For
instance, here in Detroit the medical staff have been exposed to people that are in need of medical
attention after being shot. Yes, it is a stressful situation, but they do receive training in a classroom
to help them through that situation, but most of the experience comes with on the job training
working within the "team" of staff working on the trauma. The concept can be taught, but having a
mock training for the situation helps too, which will lead to the person knowing what to do in the
situation. Consequently, since the person knows what to do in the situation they can develop a
rapport with the patient, thus making the patient feel as if they were treated well by the staff. In
addition, my example
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Essay about The Life and Accomplishments of William...
Abstract William Edwards Deming was known to many as one of the "Great Quality Pioneers." He
was born in Sioux City, Iowa and eventually became a statician. He attended school in a one room
school house where he got his education early. He studied with Walter Shewhart for many years and
used his theory of statistical control as the basis of his own work. He eventually went off to college
and ended up with his Doctorate degree. He made an impact on Japan helping them to get their
economy back together after WWII. After working in Japan he came back to the United States and
was professor at many different colleges. His big break in the United States was when he did an
interview on NBC showing the progress that he had made in Japan. After ... Show more content on ...
After he received his bachelor's degree he stayed at the University of Wyoming where he became an
instructor in engineering and still studied math. Deming received his master's degree in 1924 at the
University of Colorado at Boulder to become a physics teacher there. He later attended Yale to finish
with his doctorate and worked at Western Electric where he learned of Walter Shewharts theory of
quality control. After studying with Shewhart for several years Deming used his theory of statistical
control as the basis of his own work. (Wikipedia). Deming was able to help the United States
Bureau of the Census in it first sampling experiment. Then during WWII the techniques that he used
for wartime production faded away and he ended up working in Japan after they lost the war to help
rebuild their economy. While working with Japanese scientists and engineers Deming helped their
production to pick up and revenues started rising and the word spread about his principles of quality
control. Deming's 14 points for management originally started with top management. But in order to
have a successful organization Deming thought that it must be taught throughout. The fourteen key
principles for management for transforming business effectively are: 1. Create consistency of
purpose for the improvement of product and service, with the aim to become completive, stay in
business, and provide
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What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of 5s
5S is a method of creating a self–sustaining culture which perpetuates a neat, clean, efficient
workplace.5S also is a method for removing all excess materials and tools from the workplace and
organizing the required items such that they are easy to find,use, and maintain.In recent years, the
practice of 5S is commonly used among Japanese firms. They use 5S is to enhance human capability
and productivity. Concept of 5S is introduced by Takashi Osada in the early 1980s.There are many
advantages by applying 5S believed by Japanese in working system.They believed 5S technique
could considerably raise the environmental performance in production line such as health and
safety."5S" means five Japanese words which stands for seiri (organization), ... Show more content
on ...
The practice of 5S is initially concentrates on the improvement of industrial workplace environment
in the pursuit for high quality, low cost and rapid delivery of products. The theory of 5S is simple
and could be transferred into practice towards continual improvement (Ho et al., 1995; Mohd Nizam
et al., 2010). Nowadays, the adoption of 5S practice as business improvement tool is well accepted
by many organizational sectors and sizes worldwide (Mohd Azman et al., 2011). The practice of 5S
has become the way of doing business. Researchers agreed that 5S is very powerful tool, feasible to
implement and incurred less investment (Rose et al., 2011) in improving the organizational
performances on the aspects of economic opportunities and environmental sustainability that include
the benefits of quality, productivity, safety,cost, workplace environment and waste reduction (Mohd
Nizam et al., 2009; Ho, 2010; Mohd Nizam et al., 2010). Currently, 5S becomes one of the most
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Total Quality Management Theory
Most organizational management theories descend either from Frederick Taylor's scientific
management theory or from Elton Mayo 's human relations model. Total Quality Management
(TQM) theory grew out of existing organizational management theories, in part, as a response to the
problems in those theories. Edwards Deming and Joseph Juran are most responsible for the
development of TQM. Deming and Juran began work on TQM in the 1930s and continued shaping
the management model into the 1990s. During the 1930s, Deming and Juran studied with Walter
Shewhart who developed Statistical Quality Control (SQC) theory. SQC argued that "as quality
improves, costs go down and productivity increases." SQC provided for continuous ... Show more
content on ...
And the goal of the TQM model is to provide a systematic way to meet customers' expectations.
This orientation calls for changing the organization 's focus, considering how this change impacts on
traditional performance measures, and identifying the customers and determining their relative
importance. This section will now analyze how IS Admissions might implement Total Quality
Management theory as a method of organizational effectiveness. IS Admissions – a production
organization – is responsible for processing applications for admission to the COT. If IS Admissions
implemented the core concepts of TQM theory identified in this essay, the office would be managed
as follows: 1. Promoting stakeholder satisfaction will be championed by the program manager. Juran
defines stakeholders and customers "those who will be impacted or affected by the products and
processes required to attain the quality goals." IS Admissions should consider current and potential
customers and stake holders – both internal and external. External customers or stakeholders are
those directed served by IS Admissions. Internal customers or stakeholders are the individuals or
groups that receive the results from any individual 's work. An organization must meet the needs of
both internal and external customers. A cross–functional work groups represented by all relevant
departments will serve in this quality planning activity. Through quality
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What Are The Soft Factors Of TQM And Organizational...
Oakland's Soft factors of TQM and Organizational Performance:
Examining the Impact and Relationship
Total Quality Management (TQM) is a long–term process the involves commitment, at all employee
levels, and continuous improvement as to how activities are managed and controlled by
organizations to present quality goods or services that satisfy internal and external customers' need
and expectation(Miller, 1996). TQM is a bundle of tools, techniques, processes, principles and
experts practices that over the years has been evolved and improved(Shiba,Graham and Walden,
1993). To name a few, researchers who significantly contributed in evolving TQM philosophy and
practices, and tool and techniques are: Walter Shewhart, Edwards Deming, Joseph Juran, Armand
Feigenbaum, Philip Crosby, Genichi Taguchi, and Kaoru Ishikawa (Boyer and Verma, 2010). In
spite of differences in their TQM philosophy approach and definition, the fundamental principal
goals of all TQM are the same. Oakland's idea of TQM does not differ either in that TQM objectives
are fulfilled by realizing ... Show more content on ...
His simple model aims on using techniques and approaches to improve the end–result processes of
any type of business sector. His model basically constitutes of two main determinant factors, similar
principle to others' TQM models (Flynn, Schroeder and Sakakibara, 1995; Gadenne and Sharma,
2009; Kumar et al., 2009; Wilkinson, 1992; Rahman and Bullock, 2005; Louise, 1996; Fotopoulos
and Psomas, 2009). Oakland stated in his book, Total Quality Management and Operational
Excellence (2014), that the output of any process is the result of planning into the performance
through people. This is what constitute the hard factors of Oakland QTM model, the four P's. On the
other hand, the three C's (commitment, communication,culture) are what Oakland refers to as soft
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The Application Of Measuring And Improving Quality
American Quality Experts
The application of measuring and improving quality in the United States have been heavily
influenced by four individuals. This paper will examine the contributions and theories of Walter
Shewhart, W. Edwards Deming, Philip Crosby, and Joseph Juran. Finally, these theories will be used
to develop a proposal for a quality monitoring system for the Pharmacy Department at Munson
Medical Center.
Quality Experts
Walter Shewhart Walter Shewhart, Ph.D., earned both a bachelor's and master's degree from the
University of Illinois (Brombacher & Montgomery, 2011). He then went on to the University of
California at Berkley where he earned his doctoral degree in physics. Shewhart developed a theory
of variability that ... Show more content on ...
This is a technique for learning and improvement containing four phases, plan, do, study and act. An
interesting insight into the basis for this idea is that there is no knowledge with interpretation of data
(Mauleon & Bergman, 2009). Nearly 50 years after his death, researchers are continuing to
incorporate Shewhart's principles in an effort to improve quality in healthcare. In a recently
published paper, control charts were used to identify patients who developed adverse outcomes
following elective colon resection (Fry, Pine, Jones & Meimbah, 2012). These patients may have
experienced a special cause variation resulting in an increased length of stay in the hospital. An
awareness of the factors that may contribute to the occurrence of these variations may lead to
improved outcomes and decreased costs.
W. Edwards Deming William Edwards Deming earned his bachelor degree in electrical engineering
from the University of Wyoming. He subsequently earned his master's degree as well as his doctoral
degree in mathematics and physics from the University of Colorado and Yale, respectively. This
background in science and mathematics served as his foundation for statistics. Deming worked
extensively in Japan after World War II and was recognized by the Deming Application Prize
awarded by the Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers (Evans, 2014).
Deming defined
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Essay on Theoretical Matrix
Theoretical Matrix Oliver J. Lewis HCS 587 April 29, 2013 Dr. Sonnia Oliva Theoretical Matrix
This week's studies were an examination of organizational and individual barriers to change. We
learn to identify the role of strategic renewal, the behavioral aspect of organizational change,
analyzed the dynamic of motivating employee behavioral change, differentiated the three faces of
change, and finally explored the sources of employee resistance. A primary focus was Lewin's Field
Theory in Social Sciences and for this paper identified three theoretical organization change models.
University of Phoenix Material Appendix A: Matrix of Theoretical Models Theoretical Model |
Description of Theoretical Model | Type of health ... Show more content on ...
Perspective 1) Systems Perspective – assumption – gaining outstanding performance is directly
related to interactions among and between multiple organizational elements and its external
environment. Perspective 2) Alignment Perceptive – assumption – congruence among people,
processes, and structure is required to be effective. Perspective 3) Participation Perspective –
assumption – employee participation increases commitment to derived solutions. 4) Social Capital –
assumption – build trust increases cooperation and favorable outcomes.5) Teamwork – assumption –
increases commitment, coordination, creativity, and support outstanding performance. 6) Multiple
Stakeholder – assumption – organization leaders' must balance stakeholder's expectations.7)
Problem–solving – assumption – task disagreement among collaborators yields above average
solutions. 8) Open Communication – assumption – candid open communication increase learning
and builds trust.9) Evolution/Revolution – assumption – organizations must develop competencies
to engage in incremental and fundamental change.10) Process facilitation – outsider are effective
change facilitators. Congruence or fit is the key to effective Organizational Development. | A public
health facility, such as a health department would be the type of organization where the
Organizational Development Theory of change should offer an appropriate model for change.
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The Concept Of Tqm ( Total Quality Management ) Was...
The concept of TQM (Total Quality Management) was developed by W. Edwards Deming along
with Joseph Juran and Armand Feigerbaum in the 1950s when their mission was to revive the
Japanese manufacturing sector, which was known for its poor quality products at the time. Deming
and his colleagues demonstrated through a TQM approach that adopting a new quality–focused way
of doing business indeed bring successes in improving products, services, and profits. The idea of
TQM did not become popular in America until 1980s, but today it is widely applied in almost all
sectors, including education.
What is TQM? Total quality management, TQM, is a long–term management approach that seeks to
continuously improve and ensure the quality of the ... Show more content on ...
How can TQM be implemented? The first step in TQM implementation is to have an honest look at
the organization's current reality and assess how healthy the organization is. If the organization faces
with preconditions such as significant financial problems, incompetent managerial skills, and low
employee morale, then it might not be a good idea to implement TQM until those issues are first
addressed, and the need for change is openly accepted. Next is to assess readiness: creating goals
and objectives, assigning responsibilities, and securing resources followed by training and creating
transition management structure.
For TQM to be successful, all workers in the organization have to be clear and focus on its vision
and intentionally align themselves with the TQM strategies to produce quality products and services
that satisfy their client's needs and requirements. Some of the benefits gained from successful TQM
implementation include fewer customer complaints, cost reduction in the long term, elimination of
waste and mistakes, and boost in employee morale by empowering them by encouraging their
participation in decision making and communication.
Summary of TQM 's primary purpose and use
The primary purpose of TQM is customer satisfaction on an ongoing basis through quality products
and services. According to business dictionary, quality is defined
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The Roots Of Six Sigma Measurement
The roots of Six Sigma as a tool of standard measurement can be traced back to the time of Carl
Friedrich, who lived between 1777 to 1855. Friedrich introduced the concept that is today called the
normal curve. The origination of the Six Sigma measurement standard came way during the time of
Friedrich, but it took the Six Sigma format in the 1920s as a genesis of Walter Shewhart who
demonstrated that Sigma as from the mean is the location where a particular process is in need of
correction. There were other standards of measurement during this time like Cpk and Zero Defects
but the coining of the term "Six Sigma" is advocated to a Motorola engineer called Bill Smith
(Goldsby & Martichenko, 2005). Way the mid 1980s, when the chair of Motorola was Bob Galvin,
the Motorola engineers made a decision that the initial quality levels, which involved measurement
of defects within a thousand opportunities, had not provided enough granularities. Therefore, these
engineers wanted to make measurements of the defects for every million opportunities. It was
during this helm that Motorola decided to develop this new standard, creating its methodology
together with other cultural changes associated with it. With the use of this new tool of
measurement, now called Six Sigma, Motorola was able to achieve powerful threshold results
within the organization. For instance, the company was able to document more than $16 billion in
savings simply because of the use of Six Sigma. It was at this
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Subway Case Study
I. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................Pg 1–2 1) CPD
Cycle.................................................................................Pg 2 II. MY PERSONAL AND
PROFESSIONAL LIFE......................................Pg 2–8
1) Introduction about me................................................................Pg 4–5
2) Family..................................................................................Pg 5
3) Education...............................................................................Pg 5
4) Working Experience..................................................................Pg 5–8 5)
Achievements.........................................................................Pg 8
III. CAREER METAPHORS..................................................................Pg 8–9
IV. JOHARI WINDOW........................................................................Pg 9–11
V. NOHARI WINDOW........................................................................Pg 12–13
VI. MYERS–BRIGS TYPE INDICATOR (MBTI)........................................Pg 13–15
VI. BBC PERSONALITY TEST.............................................................Pg 15–16
VII. SUMMARY OF ... Show more content on ...
The below listed are the few departments of Subway and its process:
a) Executive: This team mainly supports company wide operations at Subway's headquarters in
Milford, CT (USA) and supports customer care and business process team.
b) Administrative: This department is responsible for employee management and administration
tasks and grounds of opening new centers.
c) Franchise Brands: This department offers a broadened functions of innovative and promising
deals, ideas that will improve the Subway experience for franchisees and the customers.
d) Development: This department recruits new franchisees and works closely with potential
franchisees to open new Subway restaurant. The team helps in identifying new franchisees and also
helps them in real estate planning to start the operations.
e) Operations: This department mainly focusses on standards and provide sufficient training and
guidance to the franchisees. They even provide operational assitance to the franchisees and field
f) Technology: This department is responsible for implementing and maintaining all technical
support throughout the company. They provide technology assistance to the franchisees to operate
the business more efficiently and effectively.
g) Marketing: This department promotes the product commercially and print ads. Research and
development team is integrated in
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Total Quality Management As A System Of Management Essay
Total quality management can be defined as a system of management that is based on the principle
that every staff member needs to be committed to maintaining standards of work in every aspect of a
company's operations. This form of management is done in order to make sure that the entire
organization can excel as a whole when it comes to the products or services that are important to the
customer. Subsequently, this form of management has two fundamental operational goals. These
goals are; careful design of the product or service, and ensuring that the organizations systems can
produce the design at a consistent rate. What makes these two goals so important is the fact that they
cannot be accomplished without the entire organizations unity. Furthermore this is how the term
total quality management, was established. This is a system that is strategic, uses data, and also uses
communication to effectively unify quality discipline into the organizations culture as well as its
activities. Consequently, The Total quality management system can be broken down into eight
primary elements. These elements are the, customer focused element, total employee involvement
element, process centered element, integrated system element, strategic and systematic approach,
continual improvement element, fact based decision making element, and the communications
element. The customer focused element determines the level of quality. The consumer determines
whether the efforts are worthwhile for
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Compare And Contrast Six Sigma Vs Tqm
Six Sigma versus Total Quality Management
MANA 6333
Loc Nguyen
Professor Thompson
This paper explores eight published books about Six Sigma and Total Quality Management. This
paper will compare, contrast, analyze, discover, balance and provide excellent understanding of both
quality methods.
Six Sigma vs TQM
In every organization large or small there needs to be a way where quality is measured. In quality
control management there are two time tested tools that are proven to enhance the quality of
products and services. Managing quality in a business is crucial to its success. Quality products
and/or services help maintain loyalty in customers therefore they will return or continue purchasing
products ... Show more content on ...
Quality service and operations are essential too. Consumers may want to order an item on Amazon
vs driving to the local store to purchase the same item if they can get it for the same price or of
lesser value on Amazon. Amazon are known for its quick and ease buy online and it will ship to
consumers in however fast delivery time consumers want. This gives consumers peace of mind by
giving consumers what they want at a click of a button without getting in the car to make a trip to
the store. Because of this, Amazon has built a reputation of being a one stop shop for pretty much
anything. They provide product reviews and are tied to social media platforms where any
engagement of certain products will lead consumers directly to Amazon's site ready to purchase.
This is a great example of how quality operations can influence a company's reputation making
them much more competitive in their industry.
History of Six Sigma
The history of Six Sigma dates all the way back into the 1920's when a man named Walter Shewhart
identified that three sigma from the average or mean is the point in a process may need correction.
Many terms or standards came about but the term Six Sigma was coined by a Motorola engineer
named Bill Smith. In the 1980s Motorola engineers wanted to measure defects per million
opportunities instead of the traditional thousands of opportunities. Motorola then developed the Six
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The Quality Of Total Quality Management
Total quality management, also known as TQM, which is an umbrella methodology drawing on
knowledge of the principles and practices of the behavioral sciences, the analysis of quantitative and
non–quantitative data, economic theories, and process analysis to continually improve the quality of
all processes. Three major contributors to the quality profession include: Walter A. Shewhart, W.
Edwards Demings, and Joseph M. Juran, who taught the concepts of controlling the quality and
managerial breakthrough. There are several common connections between the three contributors to
the quality profession. Shewhart mentored the latter two. Most of which, they adopted and reformed
much of Shewhart's work to expand and evolve their own studies. Shewhart's main focus was
finding economic ways to reduce costs by identifying problems sooner in the process variation and
by reducing the cost of inspection. Shewhart also created the process of Plan–do–check–act.
Deming adapted this philosophy into his own work. Deming's philosophy seen quality as the main
force for businesses and society to succeed and reported this philosophy as a chain reaction. This
also matched Shewhart's principle for quality among economics. Demings and Shewhart's
philosophies are similar because both preached the importance of adapting management processes to
create profitable situations for both businesses and consumers. However, the main difference is that
Deming emphasized the transformation
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Shouldice Hospital Case Study Essay
Shouldice Hospital Case Study Calvin Barron Liberty University March 2, 2010 Respectfully
submitted to Prof. Scott McLaughlin Overview The Shouldice Hospital serves as a glaring example
of extraordinary service and care for the impaired and needy. From carpeting and soft lighting to
doting personal care from the staff, the Shouldice experience sets a standard of excellence for the
industry. Dr. Earl Shouldice displayed an early desire for medical understanding with an age 12
exploratory of a farm animal. Medical training at the University of Toronto led to a private practice
after World War One. An appendectomy of an obstinate young child led to questioning of his
medical training concerning surgical recovery. ... Show more content on ...
Obney to be there at an increased rate. Only healthy average weight individuals are accepted as
patients. The hernias are chosen as quick and easy repairs to maximize the ability for a greater
quantity of patients and a quicker turnaround time. Doctors are taught and expected to adhere to the
Shouldice method barring any deviation from the routine. Any deviation from the norm is required
to demand a conference with other surgeons before continuance. Free thinking is frowned upon and
the motto of "Excellence is the enemy of Good" is taught and adhered to there. Suggestions From
page 39 of the text, Standardizing_ a Custom Service_ offers an ideal prospect for the Shouldice
Hospitals' expansion of services. " health care centers are attractive means of delivering
routine professional services at low cost." (Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons, 2008, p.39) Considering
the profile listed in the text concerning Shouldice Hospital and the service design element of the
Facility being highlighted as the discussion topic from pages 68–69 any further discussion of the
facilities design would be counterproductive. The ability to reproduce the factory type facility in
Canada should be simple enough due to the strict discipline followed and the highly controlled and
co–productive nature of the clientele, the operation techniques and procedures, and the strict
recovery process. The relocation to different
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William Edward Deming on Quality
Today, if one were to ask for the definition of quality amongst the general public, one would expect
to hear several different answers. Some believe quality is doing things the right way, while others
may find that quality is fitness for purpose or meeting a customer's expectations. (Dewark, 2014)
Many businesses and customers have their own definition of quality that may be acceptable because
there is no all–encompassing way to describe it. But the diverse responses one would receive today
truly represent how much the concept of quality has grown and expanded. In contrast, after World
War II (WWII), many businesses and customers had minimal understanding of what quality truly
was. It was after WWII that people began to put a more concentrated emphasis on quality, and one
of the many great advocates to bring about this change was William Edward Deming. (Stevenson,
2011) Deming devoted much of his life to understanding and improving quality, from his time and
work in Japan to Deming's development of quality philosophies, and today Deming is revered
amongst businesspeople around the world for his advancements in the field of quality. Deming was
born in Iowa on October 14, 1900 on a farm to an agricultural family. Deming studied at several
different universities and earned degrees in engineering and mathematics as well as a Ph.D. in
physics from Yale University. (London Continuum, 2006) Due to his intellect and background in
agriculture, Deming worked for the U.S. Department
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The Success And Viability Of U.s. Healthcare
Quality Movement Erin Hale HCM 420–H1WW Instructor: Dr. JoAnn Jordan November 13th, 2016
Introduction The success and viability of U.S. healthcare organizations has become increasingly
dependent on their ability to provide high–quality care. According to Buttell, Hendler, & Daley, the
concept of healthcare quality involves delivering services that increase the likelihood of improved
health outcomes for both patients and populations, utilizes the most up–to–date professional
knowledge, and meets and/or exceeds the expectations of consumers and payers (2007). This paper
will provide a brief overview of the history of quality movement, outline key characteristics
involved in quality evolution, discuss process improvement and its relation to quality movement,
and investigate the impact that health information technology and Practice–Based Research
Networks have had on quality evolution in the U.S. healthcare industry. History According to
Chassin & O'Kane, the primary objective of quality movement is the same for all industries– to offer
safe products/services that meet customer expectations (n.d.). The groundwork for modern quality
improvement was laid by Walter Shewhart, Edward Deming, and Joseph Juran (Chassin & O'Kane,
n.d.). In 1924, Walter Shewhart developed the Shewhart Cycle, which was used to continuously
improve production processes, thereby better developing and controlling how final products were
produced. In the 1940's, Edward Deming expanded on the
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Total Quality Management: Ability to Deliver High-Quality...
Total quality management (TQM) is the organization–wide effort to install and make permanent a
climate in which it continuously improves its ability to deliver high–quality products and services to
customers. While there is no widely agreed–upon approach, TQM efforts typically draw heavily on
the previously–developed tools and techniques of quality control. As a business phenomenon, TQM
enjoyed widespread attention during the late 1980s and early 1990s before being overshadowed by
ISO 9000, Lean manufacturing, and Six Sigma
There is no widespread agreement as to what TQM is and what actions it requires of organizations,
[7][8] however a review of the original United States Navy effort gives a rough understanding of
what is ... Show more content on ...
TQM is only one of many acronyms used to label management systems that focus on quality. Other
acronyms include CQI (continuous quality improvement), SQC (statistical quality control), QFD
(quality function deployment), QIDW (quality in daily work), TQC (total quality control), etc. Like
many of these other systems, TQM provides a framework for implementing effective quality and
productivity initiatives that can increase the profitability and competitiveness of organizations.[4]
The DMAIC project methodology has five phases:
Define the system, the voice of the customer and their requirements, and the project goals,
Measure key aspects of the current process and collect relevant data.
Analyze the data to investigate and verify cause–and–effect relationships. Determine what the
relationships are, and attempt to ensure that all factors have been considered. Seek out root cause of
the defect under investigation.
Improve or optimize the current process based upon data analysis using techniques such as design of
experiments, poka yoke or mistake proofing, and standard work to create a new, future state process.
Set up pilot runs to establish process capability.
Control the future state process to ensure that any deviations from target are corrected before they
result in defects. Implement control systems such as statistical process control, production boards,
visual workplaces,
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Advantages Of Statistical Process Control (SPC)
3.1 Statistical Process Control (SPC)
Statistical Process Control is an analytical decision making tools which allow us to see when a
process is working correctly and when it is not. Variation is present in any process, deciding when
the variation is natural and when it needs correction is the key to quality control.
The foundation for Statistical Process Control was laid by Dr. Walter Shewart working in the Bell
Telephone Laboratories in the 1920s conducting research on methods to improve quality and lower
costs. He developed the concept of control with regard to variation, and came up with Statistical
Process Control Charts which provide a simple way to determine if the process is in control or not.
Dr. W. Edwards Deming built upon Shewart's work and took the concepts to Japan following WWII.
There, Japanese industry adopted the concepts whole–heartedly. The resulting high quality of
Japanese products is world–renowned. Dr. Deming is famous throughout Japan as a "God of
quality". Today, SPC is used in manufacturing facilities around the world.
3.2 Advantage of SPC Implementation
It provides a means of detecting error at inspection.
It leads to more uniform ... Show more content on ...
Supervise the process so that the operators quickly notice if a new assignable cause is introduced in
the process, in such case eliminate it.
When the SPC program is performed the process variation will be reduced, the cost of poor quality
will decrease and the product quality will improve. To achieve the objectives above, a set of useful
tools called the Magnificent Seven can be used. The Magnificent Seven or the Seven Quality
Control (7QC) tools are graphical statistical tools and methods for continuous improvement. A list
of the tools is presented here:
Pareto Charts
Cause and Effect diagram
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Dr. W Edwards Deming
Dr. W. Edwards Deming was a well respected man because of his philosophy of management. He
viewed management as a tool for success in any organization. Dr. Deming was an expert statistician
and during World War II he helped the United States in its efforts to improve the quality of war
materials. After World War II, Dr. Deming was invited by Japan to help rebuild. Japan had this
reputation of producing cheap imitation products. Through the years and many visits by Dr.
Deming, Japan was able to produce quality products. He is highly respected in Japan and respected
also in the United States. Dr. Deming views on management is still understood and still used today.
For everyone to gain and win, Dr. Deming believed that optimization of the ... Show more content
on ...
Deming believe that people want a sense of joy and pride in there work. Money is needed for living
but joy and pride is valued more. They want recognition more than the dollar. Along with Dr.
Deming, Herzberg believed that money is no motivator also. I know many people feel if they got
paid more than they would do more at their job. There are many who feel they are over worked and
not paid enough. They think if they were to receive more money, they would do a better job. Dr.
Deming and Herzberg would disagree. They would say that those employees do not like there job
and regardless what one would pay them, they still would not put forth their best effort because
money is not a motivator. Dr. Edward Deming also believed that a firm should want to have strong
competitors. His reasoning for saying this is to drive out fear. Better competition leads to bigger and
better expansion of the market. Customers' needs are determined by what the firm makes it. We did
not ask for electricity, but we got it anyway. Now, most people would not even dare to live without
it. Although many would disagree with Dr. Deming and say that it would be more beneficial for the
company to be in a market with no strong competitors, Dr. Deming would agree with that statement.
It would be good for the company but for the economy as a whole, it would not be good for. Even
though these views are not commonly accepted, one may begin to understand them if they are
looked at in a
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What Is Total Quality Management ( Tqm ) Is Defined As A...
1. Total quality management(TQM) is defined as a system of management based on the principle
that every member of a company must contribute towards improving and maintaining the standards
of work in every aspect of the company 's operations. It is not only customer–focused but requires
total employee involvement along with a focus on process control. A strategic and systematic fact–
based decision approach is required for the continuous improvement of the company. The start of
TQM is marked by the introduction of scientific management principles in 1920s. In the 1930s,
Walter Shewhart, a young engineer, developed the methods of statistical analysis and control of
quality using metal–rimmed tags and kitchen bowl in the initial experiments. ... Show more content
on ...
This reduces cost for the company correspondingly increasing the overall profit for the company.
With better services and good quality products, customers are satisfied resulting in fewer complaints
and better brand value. Every production enterprise requires to decrease the defects generated in it's
products. With the help of statistical principles, it can minimize the number of defective items
generated thus reducing wastage of resources and improving the efficiency of the system. But TQM
being an extensive study, it requires an in–depth knowledge, to be implemented to notice effective
changes in the production or the defect ratio. For TQM to be implemented in the unit, all the
employees need to go through extensive training which might result in wastage of time–resources as
well as there are chances of resistance to learn from the employees. In addition, it is a slow process,
in the sense, that direct results cannot be observed. Being a long process, it can not be used to
correct the necessary and immediate problems. TQM focuses on task standardization, which can
discourage creativity. Moreover, it requires a lot of resources being contributed to it's planning and
implementation not only making it resource–consuming process but also an expensive one.
2. ISO 9000 series is a set of international standards which are developed in order to help companies
in the areas of quality assurance and quality management and to guide them in implementing
optimized and efficient
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Organizational Concepts Of Organizational Vocabulary
Organizational Change Vocabulary Increasing my organizational vocabulary is particularly useful
for me given that my organization is in the process of a long–term transition due to environmental
changes in moving from a print based business to a digital based business. The company has also
embarked on transformational change starting in 2013 to reduce costs, and increase market share in
emerging markets where the education aged demographics will be growing in the future. The first
change to radically restructure the company from a series of holding companies to one operating
company with centralization of back–office systems with shared products that are to be localized
regionally was implemented by the consulting company Deliotte. The company is learning what
does and does not work, and is not revising the organization in response to lessons learned with the
Hay Consulting Group. I reviewed the main change management models to acquaint myself with the
processes both consulting groups have employed, and chose key terms that I have heard during my
experience, or have been introduced to me as part of the course readings. Unfreezing, moving,
refreezing: Lewin's theory involves leadership unfreezing the organizational environment by causing
discomfort for the individuals within the organization to gain acknowledgement and support for the
need for change (Spector, 2013; Zenab Kazmi & Naarananoja, 2013). Once individuals in the
organization become aware of the need for
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The Man Who Helped Shape The World
The father of quality evolution, the man who helped shape the world, William Edwards Deming,
was born on the month of October 14, 1900 in the city of Sioux, Iowa. His family raised him in this
city until they moved in Polk City, Iowa when he was four years old. After two years of living in
Polk City, the family again moved to Cody, Wyoming. Then, There was a homestead program that
gave out a free land in 40 and 80 acres plots as part of a major irrigation project in Powell,
Wyoming. They had to move again, after two years, for this reason. At that time, the first four years
living at a tarpaper shack was a struggle for them to live life and move on with their daily tasks
because of the tough situation that they are facing. Deming started working odd jobs as young boy
in order for him to save up money for the everyday expenses of the family.
In 1917, W. Deming was a student who attended the University of Wyoming (UW), finishing
engineering major. Few years after, he finally earned his Bachelor's degree in 1921 by supporting
himself and doing all kinds of work, such as janitorial work, working in a dry cleaner, a soda jerk at
a local drug store, and several other jobs. After graduation, Deming stayed in UW to teach
engineering while studying mathematics at the same time. In 1922, he became an assistant professor
in Physics at the Colorado School of Mines. During summertime, he took classes at the University
of Colorado for his Master's degree in Mathematics and Physics that he
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Bus 515 Midterm Exam Assignment
Multiple Choice Question 56
Supply chain management involves managing:
the flow of internal information only.
the flow of materials and information from suppliers and buyers to the final customer.
the flow of raw materials to inventory only.
managing the stock room supply only.
Multiple Choice Question 14
A company with a low customer contact that is capital intensive is called:
a farm
industrial era operations management
Multiple Choice Question 50
When was the first mathematical model for inventory management developed?
Multiple Choice Question 68
Operations management personnel perform a variety of functions, ... Show more content on ...
design engineers hand the product over to the final design engineers.
the product specifications are drawn up.
Multiple Choice Question 44
What type of operations focus on products in the early stage of the life cycle?
Multiple Choice Question 58
A technology which uses sensor tags to monitor perishable products is:
Strayer University Midterm Answers BUS 515 Complete Midterm Exam Answer
Multiple Choice Question 47
Early supplier involvement refers to the involvement of critical suppliers for what?
Strategic planning
Assembly line design
Speedy delivery planning
Selection of new suppliers
New product design
Multiple Choice Question 42
What term refers to the mission or objectives of a partnership?
Multiple Choice Question 65
Benetton is well known for the practice of assembling all white sweaters and waiting to dye them
much closer to the time of sale. This is an example of what?
Multiple Choice Question 41
What term refers to the working relationship between partners?
Multiple Choice Question 57
What type of warehouse is used for short–term storage, consolidation, and product mixing?
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Dr. Demming's Great Advice
Dr. Demming's Great Advice
1. Describe the essential aspects of a self–directed, intrinsically motivated, active learner?
A student who is a self–directed, intrinsically motivated, active learner will own their goals, setting
their goals based on their specific needs, wants, and abilities. They will watch to ensure that their
goals are being met. The methods used by the active learner to achieve his/her goals will change
depending on the opportunities and challenges encountered over time, but the core goals should stay
the same. Otherwise, the active learner will be overcome by distractions and disillusionment.
Dr. W. Edwards Deming is a man that I admire. He was the chief statistician for the United Stated
during World War II. After the war, he was sent to Japan to assist with the process of rebuilding the
nation 's industries. He believed that the Japanese could go from being the worst in the world to
being the best by utilizing statistical methods. He believed that the Japanese could take over a world
market in five years if they followed his advice (, 2015). Demming stated "I was the only
man in Japan who believed that Japanese industry could do that." and "They beat my prediction. I
had said it would need five years. It took four." (, 2015). Later, the Toyota Corporation based
their quality systems on Dr. Demming 's teachings.
Since I believe that Dr. Deming's advice can be used by almost any person or organization to
achieve their goals, I have adapted
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Components Of Continuous Quality Improvement
Quality improvement has philosophical components by emphasizing satisfaction with the consumer
(patient, provider, and payer) and health outcomes by focusing on having a mission, values, and
objectives to measure performance and implementation (Sollecito & Johnson, 2013, p. 11). In order
to create this, they review the whole system of service by gathering information from the system
operation and patient, so that one can understand the root cause of the information (Sollecito &
Johnson, 2013, p. 12). Furthermore, quality improvement emphasizes wanting to find multiple roots
of causation, and seeks solutions that fix a multitude of functions, so that the process is optimized
(Sollecito & Johnson, 2013, p. 12). Lastly, emphasizing continuous improvement and analysis on
systems that will allow the medical personnel to improve continually the quality of care given
(Sollecito & Johnson, 2013, p. 12). In order to facilitate the philosophical components of continuous
quality improvement, a strong emphasis on structural components helps to facilitate continuous
quality by utilizing improvement teams that have been empowered to deal with existing issues of the
organization (Sollecito & Johnson, 2013, p. 12). The process improvement team uses a continuous
quality improvement tool or tools, "which are the following: flowcharts, cause–and–effect diagram,
histograms, Pareto charts, run charts, control charts, and regression analyses" to understand the
issues and data collection
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Objectives Of Six Sigma
Six Sigma means a measure of quality that strives for near perfection. Six Sigma is a disciplined and
data–driven approach or methodology for eliminating defects (driving towards six standard
deviations between the mean and the nearest specification limit) in any process , from
manufacturing to transactional and from product to service. The statistical representation of Six
Sigma describes quantitatively how a process is performing. To achieve Six Sigma, a process must
not produce more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities. A defect is defined as any process
output that does not meet customer specifications. The fundamental objective of the Six Sigma
methodology is the implementation of a measurement–based strategy that focuses on process
improvement and variation ... Show more content on ...
Six Sigma as a measurement standard in product variation can be traced back to the 1920's when
Walter Shewhart showed that three sigma from the mean is the point where a process requires
correction. Many measurement standards (Cpk, Zero Defects, etc.) later came on the scene but credit
for coining the term "Six Sigma" goes to a Motorola engineer named Bill Smith. (Incidentally, "Six
Sigma" is a federally registered trademark of Motorola).
In the early and mid–1980s with Chairman Bob Galvin at the helm, Motorola engineers decided that
the traditional quality levels – measuring defects in thousands of opportunities – didn't provide
enough granularity. Instead, they wanted to measure the defects per million opportunities. Motorola
developed this new standard and created the methodology and needed cultural change associated
with it. Six Sigma helped Motorola realize powerful bottom–line results in their organization – in
fact, they documented more than $16 Billion in savings as a result of our Six Sigma
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Tools For Process Improvement : The Deming Cycle
Tools for Process improvement
Numerous process improvement methods exist and have been proven over the years. A common tool
mentioned in the last section Six Sigma is highly popular in organizations. Yet the most simple and
effective process to date has been considered the Deming cycle (B). The Deming cycle "is a simple
methodology for improvement that was strongly promoted by W. Edwards Deming. It was originally
called the Shewhart cycle after its founder, Walter Shewhart "(B). The process is a 4 cycle system
Plan, Do, Study, Act. The first stage of the process is the planning stage. Assessing the inputs
required of a system in relative comparison to the outputs play an implement role in customer
satisfaction. It's imperative to understand the libations of both the customers and suppliers. The next
stage of the process is the do stage this is where any sample analysis would be done. The "do" stage
is primarily for gathering data which comes into use in the Study Stage. The study stage is about
interpreting data in a language that is understandable for the purpose of the main objective. Lastly,
after analyzing the data and determining the strengths, opportunities, and weakness it's time to
evaluate how to improve the processes in place to meet your objective. The Deming Shewhart Cycle
is both effective for short–term and long–term continuous improvement. Learning is a process that
allows us to build on our knowledge base from our mistakes. Deming 's Cycle is just one of the
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Disadvantages Of Six Sigma
Six Sigma can be seen as a measure of quality that strives for near perfection. Six Sigma is a
disciplined, data–driven approach and methodology for eliminating defects (driving toward six
standard deviations between the mean and the nearest specification limit) in any process – from
manufacturing to transactional and from product to service.
The statistical representation of Six Sigma describes quantitatively how a process is performing. To
achieve Six Sigma, a process must not produce more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities. A
Six Sigma defect is defined as anything outside of customer specifications. A Six Sigma opportunity
is then the total quantity of chances for a defect. Process sigma can easily be calculated using a Six
Sigma ... Show more content on ...
It can also be argued that Six Sigma is proactive addressing the entire production process instead of
concentrating only on the end product. The way the concept seeks to find how improvements can be
brought about well before defects are detected.
In spite of its success, Six Sigma quality improvement method is not without some difficulties
(Chakrabarty and Tan ,2007). To begin with, implementing Six Sigma require complete participation
of every employee in the company for the process to be successful. For large companies, getting
everyone thinking and acting with the same goal may present some challenge.
Secondly, the customer focus nature of the measure could present a scenario where customer
satisfaction would hold sway over internal control measures, especially for companies working in
the service sector. Implementing Six Sigma is expensive often involving training a huge chunk of
the companies human resource in six sigma principles this may come at a great cost to the company
Another point is that because Six Sigma relies heavily on data, a poor data quality can jeopardize the
success of the process.
Goh, T.N. (2002), "A strategic assessment of six sigma", Quality Reliability Engineering
International, Vol. 18 No. 5, pp.
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The Fifth Discipline by Peter Senge Essay
Indeed, not all external knowledge may be easily used and transformed into new artefacts. If
external knowledge is easily accessible, transformable into new artefacts and exposed to many
actors (such as customers and suppliers), then innovative entry may take place (Winter, 1984). On
the contrary, if advanced integration capabilities are necessary (Cohen and Levinthal, 1989), the
industry may be concentrated and formed of large established firms. Third, the domain relates to the
degree of accessibility of knowledge (Malerba and Orsenigo,
2000), i.e. opportunities of gaining knowledge that are external to firms. Knowledge that is
accessible may be internal or external to the sector. In both cases, greater accessibility of knowledge
... Show more content on ...
Bason stresses that when it comes to their development efforts, public sector organisation "seem to
spend 80 per cent of their energies on understanding the past and (at best) managing the present, and
perhaps only 20 per cent of their efforts on systematically exploring future directions for better
policies and services" (p. 19).
Therefore, the best way for somebody's development is adequate, timely and inspiring feedback.
Alternatively, an important influence is to give somebody also a new and more ambitious task,
which requires more effort and external knowledge accruing. And finally, a classical and formal
schooling, carefully planned and executed, is also important.
As seen, the key component of a high–performance organisation is a dynamic learning mode. A
learning organisation places a premium on innovation, risk taking, training, the right tools,
communication, and measurement (Hale, 1996). Senge (1990b: 7) quoted W. Edwards Deming's
belief that we have been systematically destroying the very attributes needed by a high performance
organisation: "People are born with intrinsic motivation, self–esteem, dignity, curiosity to learn, joy
in learning. The forces of destruction begin with toddlers – a price for the best Halloween costume,
grades in school, gold stars, and on up through the university.
On the job, people, teams, divisions are ranked – reward for one at the top, punishing at the bottom.
MBO, quotas, incentive pay, business plans ...
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Brand Tip Top Ice Cream Is Produced By The Great And Fresh...

  • 1. Brand Tip Top Ice Cream Is Produced By The Great And Fresh... New Zealand is well known in international market for the excellence of quality of their dairy products, which might be consecutively effectively hygienic atmosphere, a technically development of dairy project, and high quality and standard values. Quality is measured by the degree of customer's satisfaction. The suppliers/organizations are very conscious about the customers' expectations because it influences the company's reputation and profitability. So organisations follow the standards such as ISO and TQM for quality assurance of product. Fonterra's ice cream is produced by the great and fresh dairy ingredients such as milk, nuts etc which are available domestically. By do so they ought to make sure that their dairy goods have higher quality, than their competitors at low cost, and make sure that their products are safe and sound for health. Manufactured goods Quality expects to coalesce which will tackle the customer needs and will offer the special product to their customers for their satisfaction. This approach helps to improve the approximation of organizations brand and make a uniqueness of product in the market. Fonterra's brand tip top ice cream has at all times prided itself on fresh ingredient found in ice cream such as fresh cream and milk. Now even more of our ingredients have the same natural testimonial, without affecting the quality which are enjoyed by the kiwis. Those Products have natural colors and flavors started to hit the shelves in July 2013. ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Management Philosophy Comparison Running head: MANAGEMENT PHILOSOPHY COMPARISON Management Philosophy Comparison Management philosophies MGT716 June 15, 2009 Management Philosophy Comparison "Management aims to accomplish group purposes with the least expenditure of material or human resources" (Koontz, 1969, p. 415). The term management philosophy seems almost oxymoronic in that they appear to work toward different results. The goal of management should be to improve the organization. (Kirkeby, 2000) suggest that the objective of management has always been the goal of making the group, institution, organization, or nation, into the strongest organism possible. Triumph, subjugation, gaining strength, and survival are all priorities of management. ... Show more content on ... All of these examples and many others function and are produced at a higher rate of efficiently due to Scientific Management. Frederick W. Taylor born on March 20, 1865 considered "the father of Scientific Management". He strongly campaigned for less human interaction and more machine driven production, even going on to say "In the past the man has been first; in the future the system must be first" (Worthy, 1959, p. 73). One of the driving factors for Taylor's scientific management was that he believed the industrial management of his day was run by individuals that had no professional amplitude Deming suggested that "management could be formulated as an academic discipline, and that the best results would come from the partnership between a trained and qualified management and a cooperative and innovative workforce" (Weisbord, 1987, p. 9). "Taylorism" became the first big management fad. Taylor 's scientific management consisted of four principles (Weisbord, 1987): 1. Replace rule–of–thumb work methods with methods based on a scientific study of the tasks. 2. Scientifically select, train, and develop each employee rather than passively leaving them to train themselves. 3. Provide detailed instruction and supervision of each worker in the performance of that worker 's discrete task. 4. Divide work equally between managers and workers, so that the managers apply scientific management principles to planning the work and the workers ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. The Good, The Bad And The Inexplicable Essay Health Care Organizations A purposefully designed, structured social system developed for the delivery of health care services by specialized workforces to defined communities, populations or markets. Variations in health care The good, the bad and the inexplicable explores the possible causes of variation, shows the different ways in which variations can be measured, and analyses variations by PCT in rates of elective hospital admissions for selected procedures. Importance of variation to health–care organizations In order for "variation" to exist, there must be at least two entities, for instance individual patients or groups being compared to each other or to a target. Variation expresses the natural condition of things to be different from each other or to depart from a pre–established target. In statistical terms, variation is synonymous with dispersion or spread and can be quantified by statistics, such as the range, the absolute deviation, the standard deviation, the variance and the inter–quartile range (e.g. Altman, 1991)19. There is panoply of terms synonymous with variation which tends to be used in a specific context with a certain connotation. Terms such as variety and diversity usually have a positive connotation, whereas deviation and disparity tend to be perceived negatively. Other terms that may be equated to variation include change, modification, mutation, alteration, shift, departure, discrepancy, divergence, dispersion, spread, difference and ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Case Study : 6 Sigma Manufacturing Process Abstract:– This case study is about 6 sigma manufacturing process by which continuous improvement of the product is done. Mainly the 6 sigma is about improving the quality, In order to identify defects or errors. By using 6 sigma 99.9% the defect will not be there in the product. 6 sigma uses quality management and structural methods. The customer satisfaction can be increased by using this, production cycle can be reduced, reduction of waste and reducing the cost of the project. Introduction:– 6 sigma is defined as the measure of perfection from deviation and measurement of defects in the process. Mainly the 6 sigma measures the deviation of the process from the quality. It is a ... Show more content on ... The process need to be planned and it should be satisfied by the customer. Employee:– This process deals with leadership commitment where all the employees in the company are well trained and focused on the project in order to satisfy the customers. Training programme:– The employees are trained in statistical tools, strategy and 6 sigma techniques. There are various training programme levels which are as follows:– 1. Quality seminars:– The quality seminar based on overview and basic sigma awareness programme. The techniques of the 6 sigma are explained to each and every employee. 2. Training the team:– The teams are divided according to functioning of the project who are participating in the project. Team management:– The teams are divided according to the qualification and talent of the employees. There are three types of groups or belts according to the 6 sigma, they are:– 1. Black belt:– Who are the team leaders of the project, used for designing and implementing the quality approach. 2. Green belt:– The employees who work for the company part–time only. 3. Master black belt:– These employees are like teachers to the project. Concepts of 6 sigma:– The following concepts are some of the few ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Organizational Behavior Of Six Sigma Six Sigma Six Sigma Six Sigma Jessica Acevedo, Brenda Griner, Angeline Bernard and Dwight Skeete Organizational Behavior in Healthcare HSA 6118 Executive MHA Professor: Jennifer Attonito, Ph.D. Email: Introduction Six sigma is a methodology, discipline and a set of techniques used to improve a process by eliminating defects. In addition, it is also considered a management philosophy. The core of this philosophy is to develop future leaders and display strategies on how to conduct a business effectively. Six Sigma creates common language throughout an organization and serves as a method to transform culture. At its highest level possible, six sigma is there to improve both efficiency and effectiveness. Efficiency includes time, costs, and labor values; amounts of resources consumed, whereas effectiveness measures the degree to which the customer?s needs are met. This paper will examine the origin of Six Sigma and it?s evolution into the foremost accepted quality improvement processes across many disciplines. In addition, an examination will be done on the application of Six Sigma in the healthcare industry including all variables and their operational definitions. Clarification will be given on how the theory evolved into the foremost accepted process improvement methodology in the world. Finally, testing of the model will be conducted by applying the theory to a work setting within the healthcare environment. From the testing ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Plan Do Check Act ( Pdca ) Plan–Do–Check–Act (PDCA) Throughout history there has been development and implementations of methodologies that will allow faster dissemination of quality control. Some methods and tools have provided knowledge and sustainability to the system more than others. This is the case of PDCA initially introduce by Dr. Walter Shewhart in the 1920's and revolutionize by Dr. W. Edwards Deming in 1950's as a methodology to increase quality. Deming introduce Plan–Do–Check–Act cycle as a learning and improvement methodology (Ransom, 2008). Under this methodology Deming emphasize on the importance of continuous improvement and visualizing the manufacturing industry as a system that can be improve. Ever since the introduction of PDCA cycle other performance enhance methodologies after this one have some basic relation to PDCA. PDCA is broken down in steps as means to make it easy for practitioners to implement. First we start with P, which stands for "Plan". Under this phase objectives, questions, predictions, and plans to implement the cycle takes place (Who?, What?, When?, and Where?) (Ransom, 2008). Second we move to "Do," this phase is specifically developed for the purpose of education, plan implementation, documentation of problems and observations, and data analysis. At this stage the team using this cycle can change, try out, expose, and/or cancel the plan if there is evidence that will make it unsuccessful. Next we move to the third phase "Check" under this par, plan ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Evolution Of Quality Management I always enjoy reading about the history of something because it tends to show you the evolution of it. In this case, the evolution of 'Quality' is there. In the definition of quality in Chapter 2, Feigenbaum and Crosby both state what they think is the contributing part of quality. Feigenbaum believes that meeting the customers' expectations is the key, while Crosby feels that if you put an impeccable product out, then that's quality. However, Goetsch and Davis define a hybrid version of Feigenbaum and Crosby's thoughts on Quality, which incorporate the constant change that is the customer. The customer is the driving force that makes business produce goods and services. Each era in the history of quality has its place. Lessons learned along the way have shaped where we are today Quality Management. In the craftsmanship era, businesses had relationships with their small town customers who produced small scale personable products or services that could be shared word of mouth. In order to take quality business into the future there had to be major changes if companies were going to be able to produce 'quality' on the global scale. Quality managers tried everything from getting the employees to believe in their work, receive awards, and incentives to do more with less. The history of Quality Management has driven goods and services to be great, and change with the customers' expectations which continue changing. Chapter 3: Quality management encompasses a combination of ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Tools And Methods For Quality Improvement Analysis [Seminars in Perinatology 3500–4000 words 4–6 figures Comment by Kaplan, Heather: I cut a bit which give us 1000 words to add in descriptions of our examples that we will highlight and then add some additional examples and flesh out some other areas (where I indicated)I really think the most important part of this will be weaving in the examples! Comment by Kaplan, Heather: Do we need an abstract? Tools and Methods for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety in Perinatal Care Introduction The Institute of Medicine (IOM) defines quality as ?the degree to which health services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge.? In the relatively recent ... Show more content on ... It has its foundation in the theory of variation (understanding common and special causes) and was one of the key tools developed by Walter Shewhart in the 1920s. The primary tools used in SPC are graphical, including Pareto analysis, control charts and run charts. It is crucial for QI teams and researchers to understand variation in data to avoid making errors in interpretation, though in practice, many QI teams do not have sufficient biostatistical training to be able to interpret their data with confidence. The practical power of SPC is that people who are not statisticians can bring significant statistical rigor to their quantitative data in an intuitive format by understanding just a few simple, pattern–based rules to distinguish special–cause variation (i.e., signals) from common– cause variation (i.e., noise). Distinguishing special and common cause variation is critical to understanding whether changes you are making result in improvement (i.e., is there a signal of change present?). Among all of the SPC tools, control charts have the most power to distinguish common from special cause variation. Control charts plot data over time (time on the x–axis) and include a measure of central tendency (centerline, mean) and upper and lower control limits (plus/minus 3 sigma of the mean). The control limits reflect the natural variation in the data or the extent of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Total Quality Management : An Organization Total Quality Management is a management approach to the way an organization conducts business. It focuses on the long term success of the company through customer satisfaction (Lyle, 2013). Continued improvement is viewed as a process, not a short term goal (WebFinance, Inc., 2015). Total Quality Management encompasses the value of the customer, and puts quality first. The level of quality is determined by the customer, and is called customer–defined quality (Reed & Sanders). Total Quality Management was created and has evolved around the quality of every aspect of a company. Quality is not easily defined. People can have different opinions about what quality is or the level of quality that is needed. To further complicate the matter, the quality meaning has changed over time. Manufacturing and servicing companies, have different measurements of quality. The manufacturing company bases its quality off of tangible products. One way of measuring quality in a tangible item is conformance, or a preset order of specifications. Some other common ways manufacturing company's value quality is durability, performance, features, serviceability, and features. Servicing companies offer an intangible product that cannot be touched or seen. Defining quality can be difficult with services. Since services is an experience, perception defines the quality of services (Reed & Sanders). Time and consistency are very important perceptual factors for measuring quality in a ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Best One Mission Statement The "Best One" hotel franchise is due for evaluation statewide. The hotel is a three–star hotel that is known for its convenience and comfort. The mission statement of "Best One" describes its intentions. Mission Statement: We want you to feel at home because there is no place like home but the "BEST ONE" we are family. However, during the evaluation it was discovered that the "Best One" hotels had several complaints. The complaints stem from the front desk of customers having negative experiences, periods of long waiting time, in correct billing charges, possibly credit card identity theft, improper prepared bills, and rude service. Because the discrepancies found within the evaluation do not reflect the mission statement of the company, ... Show more content on ... If in fact the Mission statement suggest that the hotel is a "no place like home" then it would be understood that all leadership from the least to the greatest make it their business to embrace the mission and treat all like family whether that be customers and/or staff members. As the strategic leader, the direction of the company will be to maintain its current mission but assess the thoughts of every staff member and their objectives to maintaining the why. There is really nothing wrong with the mission statement because it is straight to the point and very simplistic. However, what appears to be the problem may be communication gaps or followers have just gotten bored or tired following the mission statement. For instance, "that the increased attention given to the workers by management and researchers was the key to increased productivity" (Eisenberg & Goodall, 2004, p. 73). Also, implementing a plan to make sure that those that handle finances and documentation are qualified. The assessments to put forth would be the ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Institute Of Medicine ( Iom ) The Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommends five core competencies to help improve the quality of care a patient receives in the health care industry. The five competencies of the IOM are the following "providing patient–centered care (personalization of care), working in interdisciplinary teams, utilizing evidence–based practice, applying quality improvement, and using the informatics system" (Sollecito & Johnson, 2013). First is the ability to apply personalization of care to a patient. Personalization is not easy to teach, but is something that is learned through practice and class recommendations. I say class recommendations because sometimes situations will occur where a trained medical person has been taught if this occurs here is how to approach the situation. For instance, here in Detroit the medical staff have been exposed to people that are in need of medical attention after being shot. Yes, it is a stressful situation, but they do receive training in a classroom to help them through that situation, but most of the experience comes with on the job training working within the "team" of staff working on the trauma. The concept can be taught, but having a mock training for the situation helps too, which will lead to the person knowing what to do in the situation. Consequently, since the person knows what to do in the situation they can develop a rapport with the patient, thus making the patient feel as if they were treated well by the staff. In addition, my example ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Essay about The Life and Accomplishments of William... Abstract William Edwards Deming was known to many as one of the "Great Quality Pioneers." He was born in Sioux City, Iowa and eventually became a statician. He attended school in a one room school house where he got his education early. He studied with Walter Shewhart for many years and used his theory of statistical control as the basis of his own work. He eventually went off to college and ended up with his Doctorate degree. He made an impact on Japan helping them to get their economy back together after WWII. After working in Japan he came back to the United States and was professor at many different colleges. His big break in the United States was when he did an interview on NBC showing the progress that he had made in Japan. After ... Show more content on ... After he received his bachelor's degree he stayed at the University of Wyoming where he became an instructor in engineering and still studied math. Deming received his master's degree in 1924 at the University of Colorado at Boulder to become a physics teacher there. He later attended Yale to finish with his doctorate and worked at Western Electric where he learned of Walter Shewharts theory of quality control. After studying with Shewhart for several years Deming used his theory of statistical control as the basis of his own work. (Wikipedia). Deming was able to help the United States Bureau of the Census in it first sampling experiment. Then during WWII the techniques that he used for wartime production faded away and he ended up working in Japan after they lost the war to help rebuild their economy. While working with Japanese scientists and engineers Deming helped their production to pick up and revenues started rising and the word spread about his principles of quality control. Deming's 14 points for management originally started with top management. But in order to have a successful organization Deming thought that it must be taught throughout. The fourteen key principles for management for transforming business effectively are: 1. Create consistency of purpose for the improvement of product and service, with the aim to become completive, stay in business, and provide ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of 5s 5S is a method of creating a self–sustaining culture which perpetuates a neat, clean, efficient workplace.5S also is a method for removing all excess materials and tools from the workplace and organizing the required items such that they are easy to find,use, and maintain.In recent years, the practice of 5S is commonly used among Japanese firms. They use 5S is to enhance human capability and productivity. Concept of 5S is introduced by Takashi Osada in the early 1980s.There are many advantages by applying 5S believed by Japanese in working system.They believed 5S technique could considerably raise the environmental performance in production line such as health and safety."5S" means five Japanese words which stands for seiri (organization), ... Show more content on ... The practice of 5S is initially concentrates on the improvement of industrial workplace environment in the pursuit for high quality, low cost and rapid delivery of products. The theory of 5S is simple and could be transferred into practice towards continual improvement (Ho et al., 1995; Mohd Nizam et al., 2010). Nowadays, the adoption of 5S practice as business improvement tool is well accepted by many organizational sectors and sizes worldwide (Mohd Azman et al., 2011). The practice of 5S has become the way of doing business. Researchers agreed that 5S is very powerful tool, feasible to implement and incurred less investment (Rose et al., 2011) in improving the organizational performances on the aspects of economic opportunities and environmental sustainability that include the benefits of quality, productivity, safety,cost, workplace environment and waste reduction (Mohd Nizam et al., 2009; Ho, 2010; Mohd Nizam et al., 2010). Currently, 5S becomes one of the most ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Total Quality Management Theory Introduction Most organizational management theories descend either from Frederick Taylor's scientific management theory or from Elton Mayo 's human relations model. Total Quality Management (TQM) theory grew out of existing organizational management theories, in part, as a response to the problems in those theories. Edwards Deming and Joseph Juran are most responsible for the development of TQM. Deming and Juran began work on TQM in the 1930s and continued shaping the management model into the 1990s. During the 1930s, Deming and Juran studied with Walter Shewhart who developed Statistical Quality Control (SQC) theory. SQC argued that "as quality improves, costs go down and productivity increases." SQC provided for continuous ... Show more content on ... And the goal of the TQM model is to provide a systematic way to meet customers' expectations. This orientation calls for changing the organization 's focus, considering how this change impacts on traditional performance measures, and identifying the customers and determining their relative importance. This section will now analyze how IS Admissions might implement Total Quality Management theory as a method of organizational effectiveness. IS Admissions – a production organization – is responsible for processing applications for admission to the COT. If IS Admissions implemented the core concepts of TQM theory identified in this essay, the office would be managed as follows: 1. Promoting stakeholder satisfaction will be championed by the program manager. Juran defines stakeholders and customers "those who will be impacted or affected by the products and processes required to attain the quality goals." IS Admissions should consider current and potential customers and stake holders – both internal and external. External customers or stakeholders are those directed served by IS Admissions. Internal customers or stakeholders are the individuals or groups that receive the results from any individual 's work. An organization must meet the needs of both internal and external customers. A cross–functional work groups represented by all relevant departments will serve in this quality planning activity. Through quality ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. What Are The Soft Factors Of TQM And Organizational... Oakland's Soft factors of TQM and Organizational Performance: Examining the Impact and Relationship 1.Introduction Total Quality Management (TQM) is a long–term process the involves commitment, at all employee levels, and continuous improvement as to how activities are managed and controlled by organizations to present quality goods or services that satisfy internal and external customers' need and expectation(Miller, 1996). TQM is a bundle of tools, techniques, processes, principles and experts practices that over the years has been evolved and improved(Shiba,Graham and Walden, 1993). To name a few, researchers who significantly contributed in evolving TQM philosophy and practices, and tool and techniques are: Walter Shewhart, Edwards Deming, Joseph Juran, Armand Feigenbaum, Philip Crosby, Genichi Taguchi, and Kaoru Ishikawa (Boyer and Verma, 2010). In spite of differences in their TQM philosophy approach and definition, the fundamental principal goals of all TQM are the same. Oakland's idea of TQM does not differ either in that TQM objectives are fulfilled by realizing ... Show more content on ... His simple model aims on using techniques and approaches to improve the end–result processes of any type of business sector. His model basically constitutes of two main determinant factors, similar principle to others' TQM models (Flynn, Schroeder and Sakakibara, 1995; Gadenne and Sharma, 2009; Kumar et al., 2009; Wilkinson, 1992; Rahman and Bullock, 2005; Louise, 1996; Fotopoulos and Psomas, 2009). Oakland stated in his book, Total Quality Management and Operational Excellence (2014), that the output of any process is the result of planning into the performance through people. This is what constitute the hard factors of Oakland QTM model, the four P's. On the other hand, the three C's (commitment, communication,culture) are what Oakland refers to as soft ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The Application Of Measuring And Improving Quality American Quality Experts The application of measuring and improving quality in the United States have been heavily influenced by four individuals. This paper will examine the contributions and theories of Walter Shewhart, W. Edwards Deming, Philip Crosby, and Joseph Juran. Finally, these theories will be used to develop a proposal for a quality monitoring system for the Pharmacy Department at Munson Medical Center. Quality Experts Walter Shewhart Walter Shewhart, Ph.D., earned both a bachelor's and master's degree from the University of Illinois (Brombacher & Montgomery, 2011). He then went on to the University of California at Berkley where he earned his doctoral degree in physics. Shewhart developed a theory of variability that ... Show more content on ... This is a technique for learning and improvement containing four phases, plan, do, study and act. An interesting insight into the basis for this idea is that there is no knowledge with interpretation of data (Mauleon & Bergman, 2009). Nearly 50 years after his death, researchers are continuing to incorporate Shewhart's principles in an effort to improve quality in healthcare. In a recently published paper, control charts were used to identify patients who developed adverse outcomes following elective colon resection (Fry, Pine, Jones & Meimbah, 2012). These patients may have experienced a special cause variation resulting in an increased length of stay in the hospital. An awareness of the factors that may contribute to the occurrence of these variations may lead to improved outcomes and decreased costs. W. Edwards Deming William Edwards Deming earned his bachelor degree in electrical engineering from the University of Wyoming. He subsequently earned his master's degree as well as his doctoral degree in mathematics and physics from the University of Colorado and Yale, respectively. This background in science and mathematics served as his foundation for statistics. Deming worked extensively in Japan after World War II and was recognized by the Deming Application Prize awarded by the Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers (Evans, 2014). Deming defined ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Essay on Theoretical Matrix Theoretical Matrix Oliver J. Lewis HCS 587 April 29, 2013 Dr. Sonnia Oliva Theoretical Matrix This week's studies were an examination of organizational and individual barriers to change. We learn to identify the role of strategic renewal, the behavioral aspect of organizational change, analyzed the dynamic of motivating employee behavioral change, differentiated the three faces of change, and finally explored the sources of employee resistance. A primary focus was Lewin's Field Theory in Social Sciences and for this paper identified three theoretical organization change models. University of Phoenix Material Appendix A: Matrix of Theoretical Models Theoretical Model | Description of Theoretical Model | Type of health ... Show more content on ... Perspective 1) Systems Perspective – assumption – gaining outstanding performance is directly related to interactions among and between multiple organizational elements and its external environment. Perspective 2) Alignment Perceptive – assumption – congruence among people, processes, and structure is required to be effective. Perspective 3) Participation Perspective – assumption – employee participation increases commitment to derived solutions. 4) Social Capital – assumption – build trust increases cooperation and favorable outcomes.5) Teamwork – assumption – increases commitment, coordination, creativity, and support outstanding performance. 6) Multiple Stakeholder – assumption – organization leaders' must balance stakeholder's expectations.7) Problem–solving – assumption – task disagreement among collaborators yields above average solutions. 8) Open Communication – assumption – candid open communication increase learning and builds trust.9) Evolution/Revolution – assumption – organizations must develop competencies to engage in incremental and fundamental change.10) Process facilitation – outsider are effective change facilitators. Congruence or fit is the key to effective Organizational Development. | A public health facility, such as a health department would be the type of organization where the Organizational Development Theory of change should offer an appropriate model for change. ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. The Concept Of Tqm ( Total Quality Management ) Was... The concept of TQM (Total Quality Management) was developed by W. Edwards Deming along with Joseph Juran and Armand Feigerbaum in the 1950s when their mission was to revive the Japanese manufacturing sector, which was known for its poor quality products at the time. Deming and his colleagues demonstrated through a TQM approach that adopting a new quality–focused way of doing business indeed bring successes in improving products, services, and profits. The idea of TQM did not become popular in America until 1980s, but today it is widely applied in almost all sectors, including education. What is TQM? Total quality management, TQM, is a long–term management approach that seeks to continuously improve and ensure the quality of the ... Show more content on ... How can TQM be implemented? The first step in TQM implementation is to have an honest look at the organization's current reality and assess how healthy the organization is. If the organization faces with preconditions such as significant financial problems, incompetent managerial skills, and low employee morale, then it might not be a good idea to implement TQM until those issues are first addressed, and the need for change is openly accepted. Next is to assess readiness: creating goals and objectives, assigning responsibilities, and securing resources followed by training and creating transition management structure. For TQM to be successful, all workers in the organization have to be clear and focus on its vision and intentionally align themselves with the TQM strategies to produce quality products and services that satisfy their client's needs and requirements. Some of the benefits gained from successful TQM implementation include fewer customer complaints, cost reduction in the long term, elimination of waste and mistakes, and boost in employee morale by empowering them by encouraging their participation in decision making and communication. Summary of TQM 's primary purpose and use The primary purpose of TQM is customer satisfaction on an ongoing basis through quality products and services. According to business dictionary, quality is defined ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The Roots Of Six Sigma Measurement The roots of Six Sigma as a tool of standard measurement can be traced back to the time of Carl Friedrich, who lived between 1777 to 1855. Friedrich introduced the concept that is today called the normal curve. The origination of the Six Sigma measurement standard came way during the time of Friedrich, but it took the Six Sigma format in the 1920s as a genesis of Walter Shewhart who demonstrated that Sigma as from the mean is the location where a particular process is in need of correction. There were other standards of measurement during this time like Cpk and Zero Defects but the coining of the term "Six Sigma" is advocated to a Motorola engineer called Bill Smith (Goldsby & Martichenko, 2005). Way the mid 1980s, when the chair of Motorola was Bob Galvin, the Motorola engineers made a decision that the initial quality levels, which involved measurement of defects within a thousand opportunities, had not provided enough granularities. Therefore, these engineers wanted to make measurements of the defects for every million opportunities. It was during this helm that Motorola decided to develop this new standard, creating its methodology together with other cultural changes associated with it. With the use of this new tool of measurement, now called Six Sigma, Motorola was able to achieve powerful threshold results within the organization. For instance, the company was able to document more than $16 billion in savings simply because of the use of Six Sigma. It was at this ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Subway Case Study TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................Pg 1–2 1) CPD Cycle.................................................................................Pg 2 II. MY PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL LIFE......................................Pg 2–8 1) Introduction about me................................................................Pg 4–5 2) Family..................................................................................Pg 5 3) Education...............................................................................Pg 5 4) Working Experience..................................................................Pg 5–8 5) Achievements.........................................................................Pg 8 III. CAREER METAPHORS..................................................................Pg 8–9 IV. JOHARI WINDOW........................................................................Pg 9–11 V. NOHARI WINDOW........................................................................Pg 12–13 VI. MYERS–BRIGS TYPE INDICATOR (MBTI)........................................Pg 13–15 VI. BBC PERSONALITY TEST.............................................................Pg 15–16 VII. SUMMARY OF ... Show more content on ... The below listed are the few departments of Subway and its process: a) Executive: This team mainly supports company wide operations at Subway's headquarters in Milford, CT (USA) and supports customer care and business process team. b) Administrative: This department is responsible for employee management and administration tasks and grounds of opening new centers. c) Franchise Brands: This department offers a broadened functions of innovative and promising deals, ideas that will improve the Subway experience for franchisees and the customers. d) Development: This department recruits new franchisees and works closely with potential franchisees to open new Subway restaurant. The team helps in identifying new franchisees and also helps them in real estate planning to start the operations. e) Operations: This department mainly focusses on standards and provide sufficient training and guidance to the franchisees. They even provide operational assitance to the franchisees and field staff. f) Technology: This department is responsible for implementing and maintaining all technical support throughout the company. They provide technology assistance to the franchisees to operate the business more efficiently and effectively. g) Marketing: This department promotes the product commercially and print ads. Research and development team is integrated in
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  • 82. Total Quality Management As A System Of Management Essay Total quality management can be defined as a system of management that is based on the principle that every staff member needs to be committed to maintaining standards of work in every aspect of a company's operations. This form of management is done in order to make sure that the entire organization can excel as a whole when it comes to the products or services that are important to the customer. Subsequently, this form of management has two fundamental operational goals. These goals are; careful design of the product or service, and ensuring that the organizations systems can produce the design at a consistent rate. What makes these two goals so important is the fact that they cannot be accomplished without the entire organizations unity. Furthermore this is how the term total quality management, was established. This is a system that is strategic, uses data, and also uses communication to effectively unify quality discipline into the organizations culture as well as its activities. Consequently, The Total quality management system can be broken down into eight primary elements. These elements are the, customer focused element, total employee involvement element, process centered element, integrated system element, strategic and systematic approach, continual improvement element, fact based decision making element, and the communications element. The customer focused element determines the level of quality. The consumer determines whether the efforts are worthwhile for ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. Compare And Contrast Six Sigma Vs Tqm Six Sigma versus Total Quality Management MANA 6333 Loc Nguyen Professor Thompson Abstract This paper explores eight published books about Six Sigma and Total Quality Management. This paper will compare, contrast, analyze, discover, balance and provide excellent understanding of both quality methods. Six Sigma vs TQM In every organization large or small there needs to be a way where quality is measured. In quality control management there are two time tested tools that are proven to enhance the quality of products and services. Managing quality in a business is crucial to its success. Quality products and/or services help maintain loyalty in customers therefore they will return or continue purchasing products ... Show more content on ... Quality service and operations are essential too. Consumers may want to order an item on Amazon vs driving to the local store to purchase the same item if they can get it for the same price or of lesser value on Amazon. Amazon are known for its quick and ease buy online and it will ship to consumers in however fast delivery time consumers want. This gives consumers peace of mind by giving consumers what they want at a click of a button without getting in the car to make a trip to the store. Because of this, Amazon has built a reputation of being a one stop shop for pretty much anything. They provide product reviews and are tied to social media platforms where any engagement of certain products will lead consumers directly to Amazon's site ready to purchase. This is a great example of how quality operations can influence a company's reputation making them much more competitive in their industry. History of Six Sigma The history of Six Sigma dates all the way back into the 1920's when a man named Walter Shewhart identified that three sigma from the average or mean is the point in a process may need correction. Many terms or standards came about but the term Six Sigma was coined by a Motorola engineer named Bill Smith. In the 1980s Motorola engineers wanted to measure defects per million opportunities instead of the traditional thousands of opportunities. Motorola then developed the Six Sigma ... Get more on ...
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  • 90. The Quality Of Total Quality Management Total quality management, also known as TQM, which is an umbrella methodology drawing on knowledge of the principles and practices of the behavioral sciences, the analysis of quantitative and non–quantitative data, economic theories, and process analysis to continually improve the quality of all processes. Three major contributors to the quality profession include: Walter A. Shewhart, W. Edwards Demings, and Joseph M. Juran, who taught the concepts of controlling the quality and managerial breakthrough. There are several common connections between the three contributors to the quality profession. Shewhart mentored the latter two. Most of which, they adopted and reformed much of Shewhart's work to expand and evolve their own studies. Shewhart's main focus was finding economic ways to reduce costs by identifying problems sooner in the process variation and by reducing the cost of inspection. Shewhart also created the process of Plan–do–check–act. Deming adapted this philosophy into his own work. Deming's philosophy seen quality as the main force for businesses and society to succeed and reported this philosophy as a chain reaction. This also matched Shewhart's principle for quality among economics. Demings and Shewhart's philosophies are similar because both preached the importance of adapting management processes to create profitable situations for both businesses and consumers. However, the main difference is that Deming emphasized the transformation ... Get more on ...
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  • 94. Shouldice Hospital Case Study Essay Shouldice Hospital Case Study Calvin Barron Liberty University March 2, 2010 Respectfully submitted to Prof. Scott McLaughlin Overview The Shouldice Hospital serves as a glaring example of extraordinary service and care for the impaired and needy. From carpeting and soft lighting to doting personal care from the staff, the Shouldice experience sets a standard of excellence for the industry. Dr. Earl Shouldice displayed an early desire for medical understanding with an age 12 exploratory of a farm animal. Medical training at the University of Toronto led to a private practice after World War One. An appendectomy of an obstinate young child led to questioning of his medical training concerning surgical recovery. ... Show more content on ... Obney to be there at an increased rate. Only healthy average weight individuals are accepted as patients. The hernias are chosen as quick and easy repairs to maximize the ability for a greater quantity of patients and a quicker turnaround time. Doctors are taught and expected to adhere to the Shouldice method barring any deviation from the routine. Any deviation from the norm is required to demand a conference with other surgeons before continuance. Free thinking is frowned upon and the motto of "Excellence is the enemy of Good" is taught and adhered to there. Suggestions From page 39 of the text, Standardizing_ a Custom Service_ offers an ideal prospect for the Shouldice Hospitals' expansion of services. " health care centers are attractive means of delivering routine professional services at low cost." (Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons, 2008, p.39) Considering the profile listed in the text concerning Shouldice Hospital and the service design element of the Facility being highlighted as the discussion topic from pages 68–69 any further discussion of the facilities design would be counterproductive. The ability to reproduce the factory type facility in Canada should be simple enough due to the strict discipline followed and the highly controlled and co–productive nature of the clientele, the operation techniques and procedures, and the strict recovery process. The relocation to different ... Get more on ...
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  • 98. William Edward Deming on Quality Today, if one were to ask for the definition of quality amongst the general public, one would expect to hear several different answers. Some believe quality is doing things the right way, while others may find that quality is fitness for purpose or meeting a customer's expectations. (Dewark, 2014) Many businesses and customers have their own definition of quality that may be acceptable because there is no all–encompassing way to describe it. But the diverse responses one would receive today truly represent how much the concept of quality has grown and expanded. In contrast, after World War II (WWII), many businesses and customers had minimal understanding of what quality truly was. It was after WWII that people began to put a more concentrated emphasis on quality, and one of the many great advocates to bring about this change was William Edward Deming. (Stevenson, 2011) Deming devoted much of his life to understanding and improving quality, from his time and work in Japan to Deming's development of quality philosophies, and today Deming is revered amongst businesspeople around the world for his advancements in the field of quality. Deming was born in Iowa on October 14, 1900 on a farm to an agricultural family. Deming studied at several different universities and earned degrees in engineering and mathematics as well as a Ph.D. in physics from Yale University. (London Continuum, 2006) Due to his intellect and background in agriculture, Deming worked for the U.S. Department ... Get more on ...
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  • 102. The Success And Viability Of U.s. Healthcare Quality Movement Erin Hale HCM 420–H1WW Instructor: Dr. JoAnn Jordan November 13th, 2016 Introduction The success and viability of U.S. healthcare organizations has become increasingly dependent on their ability to provide high–quality care. According to Buttell, Hendler, & Daley, the concept of healthcare quality involves delivering services that increase the likelihood of improved health outcomes for both patients and populations, utilizes the most up–to–date professional knowledge, and meets and/or exceeds the expectations of consumers and payers (2007). This paper will provide a brief overview of the history of quality movement, outline key characteristics involved in quality evolution, discuss process improvement and its relation to quality movement, and investigate the impact that health information technology and Practice–Based Research Networks have had on quality evolution in the U.S. healthcare industry. History According to Chassin & O'Kane, the primary objective of quality movement is the same for all industries– to offer safe products/services that meet customer expectations (n.d.). The groundwork for modern quality improvement was laid by Walter Shewhart, Edward Deming, and Joseph Juran (Chassin & O'Kane, n.d.). In 1924, Walter Shewhart developed the Shewhart Cycle, which was used to continuously improve production processes, thereby better developing and controlling how final products were produced. In the 1940's, Edward Deming expanded on the ... Get more on ...
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  • 106. Total Quality Management: Ability to Deliver High-Quality... Total quality management (TQM) is the organization–wide effort to install and make permanent a climate in which it continuously improves its ability to deliver high–quality products and services to customers. While there is no widely agreed–upon approach, TQM efforts typically draw heavily on the previously–developed tools and techniques of quality control. As a business phenomenon, TQM enjoyed widespread attention during the late 1980s and early 1990s before being overshadowed by ISO 9000, Lean manufacturing, and Six Sigma Features There is no widespread agreement as to what TQM is and what actions it requires of organizations, [7][8] however a review of the original United States Navy effort gives a rough understanding of what is ... Show more content on ... TQM is only one of many acronyms used to label management systems that focus on quality. Other acronyms include CQI (continuous quality improvement), SQC (statistical quality control), QFD (quality function deployment), QIDW (quality in daily work), TQC (total quality control), etc. Like many of these other systems, TQM provides a framework for implementing effective quality and productivity initiatives that can increase the profitability and competitiveness of organizations.[4] DMAIC The DMAIC project methodology has five phases: Define the system, the voice of the customer and their requirements, and the project goals, specifically. Measure key aspects of the current process and collect relevant data. Analyze the data to investigate and verify cause–and–effect relationships. Determine what the relationships are, and attempt to ensure that all factors have been considered. Seek out root cause of the defect under investigation. Improve or optimize the current process based upon data analysis using techniques such as design of experiments, poka yoke or mistake proofing, and standard work to create a new, future state process. Set up pilot runs to establish process capability. Control the future state process to ensure that any deviations from target are corrected before they result in defects. Implement control systems such as statistical process control, production boards, visual workplaces, ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. Advantages Of Statistical Process Control (SPC) 3.1 Statistical Process Control (SPC) Statistical Process Control is an analytical decision making tools which allow us to see when a process is working correctly and when it is not. Variation is present in any process, deciding when the variation is natural and when it needs correction is the key to quality control. The foundation for Statistical Process Control was laid by Dr. Walter Shewart working in the Bell Telephone Laboratories in the 1920s conducting research on methods to improve quality and lower costs. He developed the concept of control with regard to variation, and came up with Statistical Process Control Charts which provide a simple way to determine if the process is in control or not. Dr. W. Edwards Deming built upon Shewart's work and took the concepts to Japan following WWII. There, Japanese industry adopted the concepts whole–heartedly. The resulting high quality of Japanese products is world–renowned. Dr. Deming is famous throughout Japan as a "God of quality". Today, SPC is used in manufacturing facilities around the world. 3.2 Advantage of SPC Implementation It provides a means of detecting error at inspection. It leads to more uniform ... Show more content on ... Supervise the process so that the operators quickly notice if a new assignable cause is introduced in the process, in such case eliminate it. When the SPC program is performed the process variation will be reduced, the cost of poor quality will decrease and the product quality will improve. To achieve the objectives above, a set of useful tools called the Magnificent Seven can be used. The Magnificent Seven or the Seven Quality Control (7QC) tools are graphical statistical tools and methods for continuous improvement. A list of the tools is presented here: Pareto Charts Cause and Effect diagram Flow ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. Dr. W Edwards Deming Dr. W. Edwards Deming was a well respected man because of his philosophy of management. He viewed management as a tool for success in any organization. Dr. Deming was an expert statistician and during World War II he helped the United States in its efforts to improve the quality of war materials. After World War II, Dr. Deming was invited by Japan to help rebuild. Japan had this reputation of producing cheap imitation products. Through the years and many visits by Dr. Deming, Japan was able to produce quality products. He is highly respected in Japan and respected also in the United States. Dr. Deming views on management is still understood and still used today. For everyone to gain and win, Dr. Deming believed that optimization of the ... Show more content on ... Deming believe that people want a sense of joy and pride in there work. Money is needed for living but joy and pride is valued more. They want recognition more than the dollar. Along with Dr. Deming, Herzberg believed that money is no motivator also. I know many people feel if they got paid more than they would do more at their job. There are many who feel they are over worked and not paid enough. They think if they were to receive more money, they would do a better job. Dr. Deming and Herzberg would disagree. They would say that those employees do not like there job and regardless what one would pay them, they still would not put forth their best effort because money is not a motivator. Dr. Edward Deming also believed that a firm should want to have strong competitors. His reasoning for saying this is to drive out fear. Better competition leads to bigger and better expansion of the market. Customers' needs are determined by what the firm makes it. We did not ask for electricity, but we got it anyway. Now, most people would not even dare to live without it. Although many would disagree with Dr. Deming and say that it would be more beneficial for the company to be in a market with no strong competitors, Dr. Deming would agree with that statement. It would be good for the company but for the economy as a whole, it would not be good for. Even though these views are not commonly accepted, one may begin to understand them if they are looked at in a ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. What Is Total Quality Management ( Tqm ) Is Defined As A... 1. Total quality management(TQM) is defined as a system of management based on the principle that every member of a company must contribute towards improving and maintaining the standards of work in every aspect of the company 's operations. It is not only customer–focused but requires total employee involvement along with a focus on process control. A strategic and systematic fact– based decision approach is required for the continuous improvement of the company. The start of TQM is marked by the introduction of scientific management principles in 1920s. In the 1930s, Walter Shewhart, a young engineer, developed the methods of statistical analysis and control of quality using metal–rimmed tags and kitchen bowl in the initial experiments. ... Show more content on ... This reduces cost for the company correspondingly increasing the overall profit for the company. With better services and good quality products, customers are satisfied resulting in fewer complaints and better brand value. Every production enterprise requires to decrease the defects generated in it's products. With the help of statistical principles, it can minimize the number of defective items generated thus reducing wastage of resources and improving the efficiency of the system. But TQM being an extensive study, it requires an in–depth knowledge, to be implemented to notice effective changes in the production or the defect ratio. For TQM to be implemented in the unit, all the employees need to go through extensive training which might result in wastage of time–resources as well as there are chances of resistance to learn from the employees. In addition, it is a slow process, in the sense, that direct results cannot be observed. Being a long process, it can not be used to correct the necessary and immediate problems. TQM focuses on task standardization, which can discourage creativity. Moreover, it requires a lot of resources being contributed to it's planning and implementation not only making it resource–consuming process but also an expensive one. 2. ISO 9000 series is a set of international standards which are developed in order to help companies in the areas of quality assurance and quality management and to guide them in implementing optimized and efficient ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. Organizational Concepts Of Organizational Vocabulary Organizational Change Vocabulary Increasing my organizational vocabulary is particularly useful for me given that my organization is in the process of a long–term transition due to environmental changes in moving from a print based business to a digital based business. The company has also embarked on transformational change starting in 2013 to reduce costs, and increase market share in emerging markets where the education aged demographics will be growing in the future. The first change to radically restructure the company from a series of holding companies to one operating company with centralization of back–office systems with shared products that are to be localized regionally was implemented by the consulting company Deliotte. The company is learning what does and does not work, and is not revising the organization in response to lessons learned with the Hay Consulting Group. I reviewed the main change management models to acquaint myself with the processes both consulting groups have employed, and chose key terms that I have heard during my experience, or have been introduced to me as part of the course readings. Unfreezing, moving, refreezing: Lewin's theory involves leadership unfreezing the organizational environment by causing discomfort for the individuals within the organization to gain acknowledgement and support for the need for change (Spector, 2013; Zenab Kazmi & Naarananoja, 2013). Once individuals in the organization become aware of the need for ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. The Man Who Helped Shape The World The father of quality evolution, the man who helped shape the world, William Edwards Deming, was born on the month of October 14, 1900 in the city of Sioux, Iowa. His family raised him in this city until they moved in Polk City, Iowa when he was four years old. After two years of living in Polk City, the family again moved to Cody, Wyoming. Then, There was a homestead program that gave out a free land in 40 and 80 acres plots as part of a major irrigation project in Powell, Wyoming. They had to move again, after two years, for this reason. At that time, the first four years living at a tarpaper shack was a struggle for them to live life and move on with their daily tasks because of the tough situation that they are facing. Deming started working odd jobs as young boy in order for him to save up money for the everyday expenses of the family. In 1917, W. Deming was a student who attended the University of Wyoming (UW), finishing engineering major. Few years after, he finally earned his Bachelor's degree in 1921 by supporting himself and doing all kinds of work, such as janitorial work, working in a dry cleaner, a soda jerk at a local drug store, and several other jobs. After graduation, Deming stayed in UW to teach engineering while studying mathematics at the same time. In 1922, he became an assistant professor in Physics at the Colorado School of Mines. During summertime, he took classes at the University of Colorado for his Master's degree in Mathematics and Physics that he ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. Bus 515 Midterm Exam Assignment Multiple Choice Question 56 Supply chain management involves managing: the flow of internal information only. the flow of materials and information from suppliers and buyers to the final customer. the flow of raw materials to inventory only. managing the stock room supply only. Multiple Choice Question 14 A company with a low customer contact that is capital intensive is called: a farm manufacturing quasi–manufacturing service industrial era operations management Multiple Choice Question 50 When was the first mathematical model for inventory management developed? 1770 1865 1900 1913 1930 Multiple Choice Question 68 Operations management personnel perform a variety of functions, ... Show more content on ... design engineers hand the product over to the final design engineers. the product specifications are drawn up. Multiple Choice Question 44 What type of operations focus on products in the early stage of the life cycle? intermittent downstream recycle gateway
  • 131. repetitive Multiple Choice Question 58 A technology which uses sensor tags to monitor perishable products is: CAD CAM RF FMS RFID Strayer University Midterm Answers BUS 515 Complete Midterm Exam Answer Multiple Choice Question 47 Early supplier involvement refers to the involvement of critical suppliers for what? Strategic planning Assembly line design Speedy delivery planning Selection of new suppliers New product design Multiple Choice Question 42 What term refers to the mission or objectives of a partnership? Impact Intimacy Dream Conception Vision Multiple Choice Question 65 Benetton is well known for the practice of assembling all white sweaters and waiting to dye them much closer to the time of sale. This is an example of what? Stupidity Postponement Fractionalization Partitioning Genericness Multiple Choice Question 41 What term refers to the working relationship between partners? Impact Vision Familiarity Intimacy Proximity
  • 132. Multiple Choice Question 57 What type of warehouse is used for short–term storage, consolidation, and product mixing? ... Get more on ...
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  • 136. Dr. Demming's Great Advice Dr. Demming's Great Advice 1. Describe the essential aspects of a self–directed, intrinsically motivated, active learner? A student who is a self–directed, intrinsically motivated, active learner will own their goals, setting their goals based on their specific needs, wants, and abilities. They will watch to ensure that their goals are being met. The methods used by the active learner to achieve his/her goals will change depending on the opportunities and challenges encountered over time, but the core goals should stay the same. Otherwise, the active learner will be overcome by distractions and disillusionment. Dr. W. Edwards Deming is a man that I admire. He was the chief statistician for the United Stated during World War II. After the war, he was sent to Japan to assist with the process of rebuilding the nation 's industries. He believed that the Japanese could go from being the worst in the world to being the best by utilizing statistical methods. He believed that the Japanese could take over a world market in five years if they followed his advice (, 2015). Demming stated "I was the only man in Japan who believed that Japanese industry could do that." and "They beat my prediction. I had said it would need five years. It took four." (, 2015). Later, the Toyota Corporation based their quality systems on Dr. Demming 's teachings. Since I believe that Dr. Deming's advice can be used by almost any person or organization to achieve their goals, I have adapted ... Get more on ...
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  • 140. Components Of Continuous Quality Improvement Quality improvement has philosophical components by emphasizing satisfaction with the consumer (patient, provider, and payer) and health outcomes by focusing on having a mission, values, and objectives to measure performance and implementation (Sollecito & Johnson, 2013, p. 11). In order to create this, they review the whole system of service by gathering information from the system operation and patient, so that one can understand the root cause of the information (Sollecito & Johnson, 2013, p. 12). Furthermore, quality improvement emphasizes wanting to find multiple roots of causation, and seeks solutions that fix a multitude of functions, so that the process is optimized (Sollecito & Johnson, 2013, p. 12). Lastly, emphasizing continuous improvement and analysis on systems that will allow the medical personnel to improve continually the quality of care given (Sollecito & Johnson, 2013, p. 12). In order to facilitate the philosophical components of continuous quality improvement, a strong emphasis on structural components helps to facilitate continuous quality by utilizing improvement teams that have been empowered to deal with existing issues of the organization (Sollecito & Johnson, 2013, p. 12). The process improvement team uses a continuous quality improvement tool or tools, "which are the following: flowcharts, cause–and–effect diagram, histograms, Pareto charts, run charts, control charts, and regression analyses" to understand the issues and data collection ... Get more on ...
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  • 144. Objectives Of Six Sigma SIX SIGMA: Six Sigma means a measure of quality that strives for near perfection. Six Sigma is a disciplined and data–driven approach or methodology for eliminating defects (driving towards six standard deviations between the mean and the nearest specification limit) in any process , from manufacturing to transactional and from product to service. The statistical representation of Six Sigma describes quantitatively how a process is performing. To achieve Six Sigma, a process must not produce more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities. A defect is defined as any process output that does not meet customer specifications. The fundamental objective of the Six Sigma methodology is the implementation of a measurement–based strategy that focuses on process improvement and variation ... Show more content on ... Six Sigma as a measurement standard in product variation can be traced back to the 1920's when Walter Shewhart showed that three sigma from the mean is the point where a process requires correction. Many measurement standards (Cpk, Zero Defects, etc.) later came on the scene but credit for coining the term "Six Sigma" goes to a Motorola engineer named Bill Smith. (Incidentally, "Six Sigma" is a federally registered trademark of Motorola). In the early and mid–1980s with Chairman Bob Galvin at the helm, Motorola engineers decided that the traditional quality levels – measuring defects in thousands of opportunities – didn't provide enough granularity. Instead, they wanted to measure the defects per million opportunities. Motorola developed this new standard and created the methodology and needed cultural change associated with it. Six Sigma helped Motorola realize powerful bottom–line results in their organization – in fact, they documented more than $16 Billion in savings as a result of our Six Sigma ... Get more on ...
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  • 148. Tools For Process Improvement : The Deming Cycle Tools for Process improvement Numerous process improvement methods exist and have been proven over the years. A common tool mentioned in the last section Six Sigma is highly popular in organizations. Yet the most simple and effective process to date has been considered the Deming cycle (B). The Deming cycle "is a simple methodology for improvement that was strongly promoted by W. Edwards Deming. It was originally called the Shewhart cycle after its founder, Walter Shewhart "(B). The process is a 4 cycle system Plan, Do, Study, Act. The first stage of the process is the planning stage. Assessing the inputs required of a system in relative comparison to the outputs play an implement role in customer satisfaction. It's imperative to understand the libations of both the customers and suppliers. The next stage of the process is the do stage this is where any sample analysis would be done. The "do" stage is primarily for gathering data which comes into use in the Study Stage. The study stage is about interpreting data in a language that is understandable for the purpose of the main objective. Lastly, after analyzing the data and determining the strengths, opportunities, and weakness it's time to evaluate how to improve the processes in place to meet your objective. The Deming Shewhart Cycle is both effective for short–term and long–term continuous improvement. Learning is a process that allows us to build on our knowledge base from our mistakes. Deming 's Cycle is just one of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 152. Disadvantages Of Six Sigma Six Sigma can be seen as a measure of quality that strives for near perfection. Six Sigma is a disciplined, data–driven approach and methodology for eliminating defects (driving toward six standard deviations between the mean and the nearest specification limit) in any process – from manufacturing to transactional and from product to service. The statistical representation of Six Sigma describes quantitatively how a process is performing. To achieve Six Sigma, a process must not produce more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities. A Six Sigma defect is defined as anything outside of customer specifications. A Six Sigma opportunity is then the total quantity of chances for a defect. Process sigma can easily be calculated using a Six Sigma ... Show more content on ... It can also be argued that Six Sigma is proactive addressing the entire production process instead of concentrating only on the end product. The way the concept seeks to find how improvements can be brought about well before defects are detected. In spite of its success, Six Sigma quality improvement method is not without some difficulties (Chakrabarty and Tan ,2007). To begin with, implementing Six Sigma require complete participation of every employee in the company for the process to be successful. For large companies, getting everyone thinking and acting with the same goal may present some challenge. Secondly, the customer focus nature of the measure could present a scenario where customer satisfaction would hold sway over internal control measures, especially for companies working in the service sector. Implementing Six Sigma is expensive often involving training a huge chunk of the companies human resource in six sigma principles this may come at a great cost to the company involve. Another point is that because Six Sigma relies heavily on data, a poor data quality can jeopardize the success of the process. References Goh, T.N. (2002), "A strategic assessment of six sigma", Quality Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 18 No. 5, pp. ... Get more on ...
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  • 156. The Fifth Discipline by Peter Senge Essay Indeed, not all external knowledge may be easily used and transformed into new artefacts. If external knowledge is easily accessible, transformable into new artefacts and exposed to many actors (such as customers and suppliers), then innovative entry may take place (Winter, 1984). On the contrary, if advanced integration capabilities are necessary (Cohen and Levinthal, 1989), the industry may be concentrated and formed of large established firms. Third, the domain relates to the degree of accessibility of knowledge (Malerba and Orsenigo, 2000), i.e. opportunities of gaining knowledge that are external to firms. Knowledge that is accessible may be internal or external to the sector. In both cases, greater accessibility of knowledge ... Show more content on ... Bason stresses that when it comes to their development efforts, public sector organisation "seem to spend 80 per cent of their energies on understanding the past and (at best) managing the present, and perhaps only 20 per cent of their efforts on systematically exploring future directions for better policies and services" (p. 19). Therefore, the best way for somebody's development is adequate, timely and inspiring feedback. Alternatively, an important influence is to give somebody also a new and more ambitious task, which requires more effort and external knowledge accruing. And finally, a classical and formal schooling, carefully planned and executed, is also important. As seen, the key component of a high–performance organisation is a dynamic learning mode. A learning organisation places a premium on innovation, risk taking, training, the right tools, communication, and measurement (Hale, 1996). Senge (1990b: 7) quoted W. Edwards Deming's belief that we have been systematically destroying the very attributes needed by a high performance organisation: "People are born with intrinsic motivation, self–esteem, dignity, curiosity to learn, joy in learning. The forces of destruction begin with toddlers – a price for the best Halloween costume, grades in school, gold stars, and on up through the university. On the job, people, teams, divisions are ranked – reward for one at the top, punishing at the bottom. MBO, quotas, incentive pay, business plans ... ... Get more on ...