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Brand architecture:
building brand portfolio
Michael Petromilli, Dan Morrison and Michael Million
       Michael Petromilli is a Director and Dan Morrison and Michael Million are engagement managers with Prophet
       (, a consulting firm specializing in brand and business strategy, headquartered in San Francisco. The
       authors, all located in the firm's Chicago office, can be reached by e-mail at:, and

          ne of the consequences of operating                          largest losses in brand equity saw their ROI average a
          opportunistically in the boom years of the 1990s             negative 10 percent.
          was the proliferation of products and brands. You               Where much of an organization's brand-building efforts
developed a new Internet technology ± you launched it as a             once focused on acquiring, launching, or aggressively
new product. You wanted to enter a new market ± you                    extending brands to expand the brand and business
acquired a company with successful products. You needed                portfolio, today's focus is on trying get the most from existing
scale ± you found a merger partner whose products and                  brands through better organizing and managing brands and
brands more or less complemented your line. Today, many                brand inter-relationships within the existing portfolio.
businesses are paying the price of this opportunism with a
collection of products, brands and businesses that ultimately
overlap so much that they are fighting each other for                        ``By looking at their offerings from this
customers and for corporate resources. Some are so
unrelated to the core business that no one knows what to do                  customer perspective, the company
with them.
   It matters less what is in the corporate portfolio when the               could start developing a strategic
economy is expanding rapidly and all new products and
emerging brands seem to offer prospects of contributing to                   brand architecture.''
the creation of shareholder value. Assessing the portfolio
takes on a decidedly new relevance, however, now that                  Changing market dynamics and new business strategies
customers have less to spend and are scrutinizing every                have forced a critical re-evaluation of how the various pieces
purchase, and looking harder to find the best partner and              of the brand portfolio fit together ± or how they do not. The
brand to fit their needs. Corporations must now ask, how               way these pieces are structured, managed and perceived in
should we allocate existing financial and human resources              terms of how they relate to each other and add value to the
among our brands to grow shareholder value?                            organization is known as brand architecture.
   As a result, branding is increasingly discussed during
strategic planning session conversations among senior level
decision makers and in boardrooms throughout the
corporate world. That is because of the substantial impact a
well-managed brand can have on the bottom line. Total
Research Corporation's much-respected EquiTrend study                               The current issue and full text archive of this
shows that firms experiencing the largest gains in brand                            journal is available at
equity saw their ROI average 30 percent; those with the                   

Strategy & Leadership 30,5 2002, pp. 22-28, # MCB UP Limited, 1087-8572, DOI 10.1108/10878570210442524
Defining brand architecture                                         A customer builds a relationship with a brand through
Let us start by defining the term brand broadly as all the       both direct and indirect experience, often within the context
expectations and associations evoked from experience with        of exposure to another, related brand. Think of the woman
a company or its offerings. Logos, taglines, advertising         who buys and reads Martha Stewart Living magazine,
jingles, spokespeople or packaging are merely the                watches Martha Stewart's cable television show and then
representations of the brand. The actual brand is how            inspects her house wares line at Kmart. This customer
customers think and feel about what the business, product        eventually forms an impression of each product ± and the
or service does.
                                                                 Martha Stewart brand overall.
    Next we define brand architecture as the way in which
companies organize, manage and go to market with their
brands. Brand architecture is often the external ``face'' of          ``Today's focus is on trying get the most
business strategy and must align with and support business
goals and objectives. And different business strategies may           from existing brands through better
require different brand architectures. Two of the most
common types of brand architectures are called the                    organizing and managing brands and
``branded house'' and the ``house of brands.''
    ``Branded house'' architecture employs a single (master)          brand inter-relationships within the
brand to span a series of offerings that may operate with
descriptive sub-brand names. The sub-brands often add                 existing portfolio.''
clarity and further definition to the offering. Market leaders
like Boeing and IBM that seek to dominate entire markets         Direct and indirect links or synergies between brands
and categories through a single, highly relevant and highly      experienced in a similar context can present the greatest
leveraged master brand typically employ the branded house
                                                                 opportunity to increase the value of individual brands and of
                                                                 the overall portfolio. To achieve this requires a brand
    At the other end of the spectrum, ``house of brands''
architecture characterizes a group of stand-alone brands.        architecture that is based on the evolving set of relationships
Here, each brand operates independently to maximize its          between the portfolio's brands. Less important than a
market share and financial return. In such an approach, the      brand's position in the portfolio is the way it can and does
belief is that the sum performance of the range of               influence other brands in the portfolio.
independent brands will be greater than if they were                 A customer perspective is the foundation for determining
managed under the banner of a single master brand.               strategy for this brand architecture. It requires the brand
Examples of house of brand companies include General             management team to answer such questions as:
Motors, Viacom, and Procter & Gamble.                            & Which brands do customers perceive as being in our
    Neither strategy is inherently better than the other, and         portfolio?
some companies employ a mix of the two. Numerous                 & What relationships do customers see between brands in
competing companies ± like General Mills (house of brands)            the portfolio?
and Kellogg's (branded house) in the cereal business ± use       & Do customers transfer the value ± positive or negative ±
the different brand architecture strategies effectively and           that they see in one brand to others in the portfolio? (see
successfully. The key to success is to have an overriding
                                                                      Exhibit 1).
brand architecture strategy that is well defined and is
grounded in and informed by a clear understanding of             Answers to these questions can only come from the
market dynamics, the brand strategies being employed by          marketplace and from current and potential customers
key competitors, and alignment with internal business goals      themselves. These answers can be gleaned from a variety of
and objectives.                                                  sources. Market trend data, information from the sales force,
                                                                 advertising tracking studies, competitive analysis, and
Analyzing brand architecture                                     customer satisfaction studies are all data sources that are
The first step in taking a more strategic approach to
                                                                 generally compiled by a company on an ongoing basis and
maximizing brand architecture is to first take stock of your
                                                                 that begin to answer many of these questions. In addition,
brand portfolio and its individual brands as seen from the
perspective of your customers. After all, it is the customer     customer focus panels, sales force inquiries, Internet
who ultimately determines a brand's success. Keep in mind,       surveys, and targeted qualitative research in the form of
however, that customers experience brands inter-                 customer interviews and focus groups should supplement
dependently rather than independently. Moreover, their views     existing data sources and help to provide answers to these
of brands change over time.                                      critical questions in both a time and cost-effective manner.

                                                                                              Strategy & Leadership 30,5 2002
Exhibit 1 Ð Alternative branding approaches

Relationship mapping identifies opportunities                     Relationship mapping is the type of decision framework that
to create value                                                   is particularly valuable to businesses faced with the challenge
After taking steps to understand the customer context, the        of integrating new brands into the portfolio as a result of a
next step is to look at the brand portfolio as a whole (versus    merger or acquisition. It addresses such questions as:
by individual brand or product categories) in order to identify   & Does the acquired brand support the company's brand
potential opportunities to increase its overall value (see             vision and strategy?
Exhibit 2). This is a process called ``brand relationship         & Does the brand strengthen the company's presence in
mapping.'' It is designed to reveal, as the name suggests,             existing markets or allow it to enter new markets?
                                                                  & Does the brand, in relation to others in the portfolio, add
relationships between brands across the portfolio, where fits
and disconnects exist and could be better leveraged (or not)           or enhance perceived value to customers?
to create more value to the organization. Most companies          The strategic relationship mapping process described above
today use this process simply as a means to inventory,            uncovers opportunities to enhance the value of an
classify, and group existing brands in a portfolio.               organization's brand portfolio. But can and should those
Strategically oriented brand relationship mapping, however,       opportunities be acted on? And how? To get at these
requires the brand management team to look more broadly           decisions requires measuring these opportunities against
at the brand portfolio to define:                                 three distinct, but inter-related criteria. These are:
& brand relevance and credibility to address various              & The perceived or potential credibility of the brands in that
     customer needs;                                                   space ± the perceptual license.
& perceived limitations that might inhibit brand and, thus,       & Whether or not the organization currently has or can
     business growth;                                                  develop competencies in that space ± the organizational
& brands that overlap and can be consolidated into others              capabilities.
     or divested;                                                 & Whether the size and current or potential growth of the
& gaps in the brand portfolio and the relative size of                 market is significant enough to merit exploitation and
     potential opportunities.                                          investment ± the market opportunity.

Strategy & Leadership 30,5 2002
Exhibit 2 Ð Brand relationship mapping

When opportunities fit against all three parameters, you have      designed to enhance the value of the entire brand portfolio
what is known as the ``sweet spot.'' These are the types of        are not rewarded.
opportunities that are most often identified and pursued               Mining the value of opportunities where perceptual
through traditional brand architecture and management. The         license, organizational capabilities, and marketing
best brand builders have capitalized on expanding, over            opportunity do not neatly intersect may require innovative
time, their opportunities to develop brands that align with all    branding techniques such as:
three criteria. This has allowed them to extend the relevance      & ``Pooling'' and ``trading''. These are two branding
of existing brands while adding new capabilities that                   strategies that help strengthen relationships between
capitalize on emerging market needs and opportunities. For              disparate brands in the portfolio. Brand pooling puts
example, Clorox bleach has effectively taken advantage of its           multiple and distinct brands in a portfolio to work in a
operational capabilities and brand associations of safe,                concerted way to address a spectrum of consumer
powerful cleaning to expand its franchise from the laundry              needs. Each brand in the portfolio possesses unique
room to the bathroom and more recently to the kitchen, with             equities and provides its own set of values to the
the introduction of Clorox disinfecting wipes and its new               customer. But it is by ``pooling'' the benefits of the
kitchen floor scrubber.                                                 collective brands that the portfolio gains its strength:
                                                                        achieving greater relevance to a broader market, and
More innovative techniques for integrated                               making the most of cross-selling and loyalty-building
strategies                                                              opportunities across the brands in the portfolio. Thus,
But what approach should be taken with opportunities that               pooling creates top-line growth by generating greater
do not meet all three criteria? Some situations require                 revenue, and bottom-line growth by achieving greater
integrated corporate branding strategies. These may yield               efficiencies across the portfolio of brands.
the greatest, long-term value for the brand, the brand                     The architecture of Procter & Gamble consumer
portfolio as a whole and for the business in terms of added             product brands is an example. Procter & Gamble has
growth and all that comes with it. But they are often                   leveraged its manufacturing capabilities to develop a
overlooked in traditional brand management settings where               host of laundry detergent brands ± Tide, Cheer and
the focus is on individual brands, and all too often initiatives        Gain. Each targets a different segment of the market

                                                                                               Strategy & Leadership 30,5 2002
and offers different benefits, but Procter & Gamble has           longer strategically aligned or desired, they provide the
  ``pooled'' them together by presenting the entire portfolio       ability for rapid and low-exposure departure from a
  to the trade in order to capture more shelf space and             category.
  ultimately, gain additional market share.                       & Strategic brand consolidation. Opportunities to
     In the ``trading'' strategy, two or more brands are used       consolidate the number of brands in a portfolio can
  together in an effort to trade off each other's values. This      emerge after a strategic evaluation of the structure and
  approach helps fill gaps in a portfolio and can also              relationships between all the brands (taking into account
  create a combined offering with value that a single brand         the customer's perspective). This analysis is weighed
  could not match.                                                  against the contribution of these brands to the bottom
     For example, Disney effectively utilizes trading to            line and the company's overall strategic objectives (see
  support its ``wholesome family entertainment'' brand              the case example, ``How a leading software company
  identity. The Disney master brand is used and creates             applied brand architecture principles''.) Streamlining the
  value in its sub-brands, whether they are Disney World,           portfolio benefits the company and customers alike by
  Disneyland, or the Disney Stores. Each sub-brand has              creating an opportunity for more efficient allocation of
  its own value, as fun theme parks or shopping                     organizational resources and by creating more
  destinations. But they also benefit from the halo effect of       compelling and beneficial brands.
  the Disney master brand associations.                                Strategic brand consolidation is an area that can
     Identifying opportunities for pooling and trading              deliver immediate and significant benefits to the top and
  between brands in the portfolio enables more cost-                bottom line. Eliminating or consolidating brands that are
  effective and higher-returning investments. More                  inherently weak or non-strategic within an existing
  traditional brand-building approaches focus on                    portfolio should lead to direct cost reductions from
  managing brands and brand investments individually                savings in areas as diverse as marketing (reduced
  and focus on returns being delivered from investments             support costs), manufacturing (fewer runs), materials
  in brand ``A'' and brand ``B'' individually. In contrast,         (fewer parts, paint, etc.), and distribution (fewer SKUs).
  pooling and trading enables investments to be better            & Brand acquisition. Since most M&A activity is focused
  directed across brands, resulting in collective returns           on achieving bottom-line growth, few businesses think
  that are greater than the sum of the individual returns.          about applying brand relationship mapping principles to
& Branded partnerships. While this branding strategy is             the potential acquisition. As a result, many acquisitions
  less risky than creating or acquiring a new brand to fill a       add to brand proliferation and market confusion instead
  gap in the portfolio, it still requires careful selection and     of achieving new brand synergies and brand value
  planning.                                                         creation. However, if brand strategy is brought into the
     Branded partnerships are designed to enable a brand            discussion before the deal is finalized, a mergers and
  to extend into markets where it would not be perceived            acquisitions strategy can fill the gaps and expand the
  to have a strong presence on its own. By partnering, one          relevance and reach of brand portfolios.
  brand's attributes and benefits complement and add to                Household product manufacturer S.C. Johnson is
  those offered by another. Trek and Volkswagen                     among the forward-thinking companies that have used
  employed the strategy effectively by offering a Trek bike         well-defined brand architectures and strategies to
  and bike rack with the Jetta. The upshot for Jetta was a          consistently guide the selection, integration and
  15 percent jump in sales and a reinforcement of brand             leverage of new brands and businesses. This is
  perceptions such as ``fun'' and ``sporty.''                       exemplified by its approach to purchasing the Ziploc
     It is important to avoid the pitfalls of this strategy by      brand. Prior to pursuing the Ziploc opportunity, Johnson
  ensuring that the approach addresses the needs of the             first defined how that brand would potentially
  customer. Too many organizations have gotten caught               complement its existing portfolio, where future brand
  up in partnerships that were more focused on                      synergies and consolidations could lie, and what stream
  capitalizing on a trend than on filling a real gap in their       of related new products could help drive growth and
  portfolios.                                                       redefine the brand's role within the overall brand
     From a financial standpoint branded partnerships               portfolio.
  provide a highly cost-effective, non-capital intense, and       & New brand creation. This should be the last option
  relatively low-risk means to take existing brands into new        considered when seeking to fill portfolio gaps and
  markets or categories and thus generate new revenue               maximize portfolio value. It should only be considered
  and profit streams. If successful, branded partnerships           when other strategies to use brand to create value are
  can provide an effective base on which to formally                not viable. Creating a whole new brand is both risky and
  extend existing brands with a moderate and gradual                expensive. Even the renowned brand-builder Procter &
  level of investment. If they prove unsuccessful or are no         Gamble has focused on other approaches, believing the

Strategy & Leadership 30,5 2002
expense of creating new brands would leave it with               done in a strategic manner and planned and supported
 inadequate resources to fund, support and grow its               well, the payoff and returns can be significant.
 current portfolio.
    Sometimes, however, brand creation may be the best        The need for new mindsets, guidelines
 or most viable means to help an organization meet both       Brand management must take a more strategic role that
 business and brand portfolio objectives. In this case, the   emphasizes the portfolio-wide approach and the business-
 new brand's development and launch should combine            wide implications of brand-oriented decisions. Category
 traditional brand management approaches with                 managers in multi-brand companies must assume a more
 principles of strategic brand architecture designed to       active role in the brand strategy, taking on ownership of the
 support the value of the whole portfolio. This requires      brand portfolio and management responsibilities for the
 evaluating the new brand's role within the context of the    brand architecture. They should be intimately familiar with the
 existing brand portfolio. Issues to consider are: how well   equities of each brand, as well as the relationships between
 it complements and is supported by other brands;             them. Further, brand managers must be given financial
 where opportunities lie to create synergies between          incentives to ensure their perspectives and decisions
 them; and how these will enhance the overall portfolio's     support the optimization of the entire portfolio ± and, thus,
 value (see Exhibit 3).                                       the entire business' performance.
    Coca Cola, for example, saw that it was missing out          Such changes require guidelines that articulate the brand
 on a significant opportunity in the bottled drinking water   strategy and approach, how different types of brands will be
 category. Evian water had gone from a niche product to       leveraged, the role each plays in the portfolio, their equities,
 a category creator and Coke was left on the sidelines        and how they inter-relate with each other. At the same time, it
 until it developed its Dasani brand of water. By             is necessary to establish what exceptions will be allowed,
 leveraging its distribution capabilities and trade           helping to establish clear criteria while removing subjectivity
 relationships, Coca Cola quickly created the second          and emotion from the decision-making process.
 largest bottled water brand. Despite the drawbacks of           Finally, it is extremely difficult for managers focused on a
 this approach, it is often the only viable option for        single brand to gain the broader perspective of the brand
 capitalizing on new value creation opportunities. As the     portfolio. To this end, a brand council should be formed as a
 case with Dasani and numerous other brand launches, if       forum to team brand managers, category managers and

Exhibit 3 Ð Assessing brand choices

                                                                                           Strategy & Leadership 30,5 2002
other, non-marketing, senior-level decision-makers to               & How many different products do the customers want
oversee the performance of the brand portfolio and to ensure          offered to them?
that guidelines are being upheld.                                   & Do customers understand the value proposition of 200
    A dynamic, forward-thinking brand architecture may well           products?
be one untapped source enabling organizations to get more           & Does the current organization of the brands reflect the
from their existing brands and derive real value from those           customers' perspective?
that they acquire. When managed strategically and used as
a structure to anticipate future business and brand needs,          Raising these questions helped the company understand its
concerns, and issues, brand architecture can be the critical        customers' needs ± and how the brand portfolio could be
link to business strategy and the means to optimize growth          structured to provide the most value to them, and to the
opportunities and brand portfolio value. And achieving such         company itself. The answers came from a careful analysis of
benefits may well be the means for competing and winning in         research that segmented the company's markets vertically
the long term.                                                      by industry. It was based on such parameters as the size of
                                                                    the target company and sophistication of its IT organization.
                                                                    This type of outside-in market segmentation is particularly
      ``Strategic brand consolidation is an                         crucial to high-tech innovators where products often evolve
                                                                    from technological breakthroughs rather than customer
      area that can deliver immediate and                           needs.
                                                                        A final analysis studied three key issues to ensure
      significant benefits to the top and                           alignment of the brand architecture strategy with strategic
                                                                    business imperatives:
      bottom line.''                                                & Selling enterprise solutions (or bundled ``suites'' of
                                                                         products) versus single-product ``point'' solutions.
                                                                    & Managing partnerships and alliances.
Case: how a leading software company applied                        & Managing new products and services.
strategic brand architecture principles                             The result was a new brand architecture that allowed the
A leading software provider grappled with the challenges of         company to sell both point products and suites of products.
managing a complex mix of more than 200 product and                 It also provided a structure against which brand extensions
service offerings that had resulted from aggressive growth.         could be planned and acquired products could be more
The company recognized that it needed to better organize,
                                                                    effectively integrated. Finally, it reflected the company's
prioritize and distinguish its brand portfolio because its sales
                                                                    strategic imperatives.
force could not effectively sell such a large number of
                                                                        To facilitate implementation of the brand architecture
branded products. Nor could its customers keep track of
                                                                    strategy, the company adopted a set of tools. The three
                                                                    primary tools were:
   For its first attempt at organizing its portfolio, the company
                                                                    (1) Brand approval process.
adopted a product indexing approach that segmented its
                                                                    (2) Brand architecture decision framework. This essentially
offerings into three categories based on functional product
                                                                          organizes the brands in the portfolio in a logical fashion,
benefits. Each of these categories had a group brand name
                                                                          answering such questions as:
that described its product mix adequately. But, the names                 & Should a product/suite solution/service be its own
bore little relation to customer buying decisions ± the critical
information required to shape strategic brand architecture.               & What brands should be supported?
Research showed that the company's customers buy                          & Which should be divested or absorbed into
software by platform (mainframe or open systems) and by
activity or usage. By looking at their offerings from this
                                                                    (3) Naming guidelines. Particularly for complex brand
customer perspective, the company could start developing a
                                                                          architectures, the guidelines help managers quickly and
strategic brand architecture.
                                                                          efficiently select a brand name from a pre-approved list.
   The first step was to assess the brand equity ± that is, the
monetary and perceived value ± of the portfolio's major             To better meet its customers' needs, the company
brands and sub-brands. Key questions that needed                    reorganized into several strategic business units. It can now
answering:                                                          deliver the complete software solutions its customers want.
& What do the brands and sub-brands stand for?                      Furthermore, it has minimized overlap among brands and
& How are the products viewed from an external and                  achieved more efficient allocation of its resources by
     internal perspective?                                          consolidating and divesting brands within its portfolio.

Strategy & Leadership 30,5 2002

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Brand architecture

  • 1. Brand architecture: building brand portfolio value Michael Petromilli, Dan Morrison and Michael Million Michael Petromilli is a Director and Dan Morrison and Michael Million are engagement managers with Prophet (, a consulting firm specializing in brand and business strategy, headquartered in San Francisco. The authors, all located in the firm's Chicago office, can be reached by e-mail at:, and O ne of the consequences of operating largest losses in brand equity saw their ROI average a opportunistically in the boom years of the 1990s negative 10 percent. was the proliferation of products and brands. You Where much of an organization's brand-building efforts developed a new Internet technology ± you launched it as a once focused on acquiring, launching, or aggressively new product. You wanted to enter a new market ± you extending brands to expand the brand and business acquired a company with successful products. You needed portfolio, today's focus is on trying get the most from existing scale ± you found a merger partner whose products and brands through better organizing and managing brands and brands more or less complemented your line. Today, many brand inter-relationships within the existing portfolio. businesses are paying the price of this opportunism with a collection of products, brands and businesses that ultimately overlap so much that they are fighting each other for ``By looking at their offerings from this customers and for corporate resources. Some are so unrelated to the core business that no one knows what to do customer perspective, the company with them. It matters less what is in the corporate portfolio when the could start developing a strategic economy is expanding rapidly and all new products and emerging brands seem to offer prospects of contributing to brand architecture.'' the creation of shareholder value. Assessing the portfolio takes on a decidedly new relevance, however, now that Changing market dynamics and new business strategies customers have less to spend and are scrutinizing every have forced a critical re-evaluation of how the various pieces purchase, and looking harder to find the best partner and of the brand portfolio fit together ± or how they do not. The brand to fit their needs. Corporations must now ask, how way these pieces are structured, managed and perceived in should we allocate existing financial and human resources terms of how they relate to each other and add value to the among our brands to grow shareholder value? organization is known as brand architecture. As a result, branding is increasingly discussed during strategic planning session conversations among senior level decision makers and in boardrooms throughout the corporate world. That is because of the substantial impact a well-managed brand can have on the bottom line. Total Research Corporation's much-respected EquiTrend study The current issue and full text archive of this shows that firms experiencing the largest gains in brand journal is available at equity saw their ROI average 30 percent; those with the Strategy & Leadership 30,5 2002, pp. 22-28, # MCB UP Limited, 1087-8572, DOI 10.1108/10878570210442524 22
  • 2. Defining brand architecture A customer builds a relationship with a brand through Let us start by defining the term brand broadly as all the both direct and indirect experience, often within the context expectations and associations evoked from experience with of exposure to another, related brand. Think of the woman a company or its offerings. Logos, taglines, advertising who buys and reads Martha Stewart Living magazine, jingles, spokespeople or packaging are merely the watches Martha Stewart's cable television show and then representations of the brand. The actual brand is how inspects her house wares line at Kmart. This customer customers think and feel about what the business, product eventually forms an impression of each product ± and the or service does. Martha Stewart brand overall. Next we define brand architecture as the way in which companies organize, manage and go to market with their brands. Brand architecture is often the external ``face'' of ``Today's focus is on trying get the most business strategy and must align with and support business goals and objectives. And different business strategies may from existing brands through better require different brand architectures. Two of the most common types of brand architectures are called the organizing and managing brands and ``branded house'' and the ``house of brands.'' ``Branded house'' architecture employs a single (master) brand inter-relationships within the brand to span a series of offerings that may operate with descriptive sub-brand names. The sub-brands often add existing portfolio.'' clarity and further definition to the offering. Market leaders like Boeing and IBM that seek to dominate entire markets Direct and indirect links or synergies between brands and categories through a single, highly relevant and highly experienced in a similar context can present the greatest leveraged master brand typically employ the branded house opportunity to increase the value of individual brands and of structure. the overall portfolio. To achieve this requires a brand At the other end of the spectrum, ``house of brands'' architecture characterizes a group of stand-alone brands. architecture that is based on the evolving set of relationships Here, each brand operates independently to maximize its between the portfolio's brands. Less important than a market share and financial return. In such an approach, the brand's position in the portfolio is the way it can and does belief is that the sum performance of the range of influence other brands in the portfolio. independent brands will be greater than if they were A customer perspective is the foundation for determining managed under the banner of a single master brand. strategy for this brand architecture. It requires the brand Examples of house of brand companies include General management team to answer such questions as: Motors, Viacom, and Procter & Gamble. & Which brands do customers perceive as being in our Neither strategy is inherently better than the other, and portfolio? some companies employ a mix of the two. Numerous & What relationships do customers see between brands in competing companies ± like General Mills (house of brands) the portfolio? and Kellogg's (branded house) in the cereal business ± use & Do customers transfer the value ± positive or negative ± the different brand architecture strategies effectively and that they see in one brand to others in the portfolio? (see successfully. The key to success is to have an overriding Exhibit 1). brand architecture strategy that is well defined and is grounded in and informed by a clear understanding of Answers to these questions can only come from the market dynamics, the brand strategies being employed by marketplace and from current and potential customers key competitors, and alignment with internal business goals themselves. These answers can be gleaned from a variety of and objectives. sources. Market trend data, information from the sales force, advertising tracking studies, competitive analysis, and Analyzing brand architecture customer satisfaction studies are all data sources that are The first step in taking a more strategic approach to generally compiled by a company on an ongoing basis and maximizing brand architecture is to first take stock of your that begin to answer many of these questions. In addition, brand portfolio and its individual brands as seen from the perspective of your customers. After all, it is the customer customer focus panels, sales force inquiries, Internet who ultimately determines a brand's success. Keep in mind, surveys, and targeted qualitative research in the form of however, that customers experience brands inter- customer interviews and focus groups should supplement dependently rather than independently. Moreover, their views existing data sources and help to provide answers to these of brands change over time. critical questions in both a time and cost-effective manner. Strategy & Leadership 30,5 2002 23
  • 3. Exhibit 1 Ð Alternative branding approaches Relationship mapping identifies opportunities Relationship mapping is the type of decision framework that to create value is particularly valuable to businesses faced with the challenge After taking steps to understand the customer context, the of integrating new brands into the portfolio as a result of a next step is to look at the brand portfolio as a whole (versus merger or acquisition. It addresses such questions as: by individual brand or product categories) in order to identify & Does the acquired brand support the company's brand potential opportunities to increase its overall value (see vision and strategy? Exhibit 2). This is a process called ``brand relationship & Does the brand strengthen the company's presence in mapping.'' It is designed to reveal, as the name suggests, existing markets or allow it to enter new markets? & Does the brand, in relation to others in the portfolio, add relationships between brands across the portfolio, where fits and disconnects exist and could be better leveraged (or not) or enhance perceived value to customers? to create more value to the organization. Most companies The strategic relationship mapping process described above today use this process simply as a means to inventory, uncovers opportunities to enhance the value of an classify, and group existing brands in a portfolio. organization's brand portfolio. But can and should those Strategically oriented brand relationship mapping, however, opportunities be acted on? And how? To get at these requires the brand management team to look more broadly decisions requires measuring these opportunities against at the brand portfolio to define: three distinct, but inter-related criteria. These are: & brand relevance and credibility to address various & The perceived or potential credibility of the brands in that customer needs; space ± the perceptual license. & perceived limitations that might inhibit brand and, thus, & Whether or not the organization currently has or can business growth; develop competencies in that space ± the organizational & brands that overlap and can be consolidated into others capabilities. or divested; & Whether the size and current or potential growth of the & gaps in the brand portfolio and the relative size of market is significant enough to merit exploitation and potential opportunities. investment ± the market opportunity. Strategy & Leadership 30,5 2002 24
  • 4. Exhibit 2 Ð Brand relationship mapping When opportunities fit against all three parameters, you have designed to enhance the value of the entire brand portfolio what is known as the ``sweet spot.'' These are the types of are not rewarded. opportunities that are most often identified and pursued Mining the value of opportunities where perceptual through traditional brand architecture and management. The license, organizational capabilities, and marketing best brand builders have capitalized on expanding, over opportunity do not neatly intersect may require innovative time, their opportunities to develop brands that align with all branding techniques such as: three criteria. This has allowed them to extend the relevance & ``Pooling'' and ``trading''. These are two branding of existing brands while adding new capabilities that strategies that help strengthen relationships between capitalize on emerging market needs and opportunities. For disparate brands in the portfolio. Brand pooling puts example, Clorox bleach has effectively taken advantage of its multiple and distinct brands in a portfolio to work in a operational capabilities and brand associations of safe, concerted way to address a spectrum of consumer powerful cleaning to expand its franchise from the laundry needs. Each brand in the portfolio possesses unique room to the bathroom and more recently to the kitchen, with equities and provides its own set of values to the the introduction of Clorox disinfecting wipes and its new customer. But it is by ``pooling'' the benefits of the kitchen floor scrubber. collective brands that the portfolio gains its strength: achieving greater relevance to a broader market, and More innovative techniques for integrated making the most of cross-selling and loyalty-building strategies opportunities across the brands in the portfolio. Thus, But what approach should be taken with opportunities that pooling creates top-line growth by generating greater do not meet all three criteria? Some situations require revenue, and bottom-line growth by achieving greater integrated corporate branding strategies. These may yield efficiencies across the portfolio of brands. the greatest, long-term value for the brand, the brand The architecture of Procter & Gamble consumer portfolio as a whole and for the business in terms of added product brands is an example. Procter & Gamble has growth and all that comes with it. But they are often leveraged its manufacturing capabilities to develop a overlooked in traditional brand management settings where host of laundry detergent brands ± Tide, Cheer and the focus is on individual brands, and all too often initiatives Gain. Each targets a different segment of the market Strategy & Leadership 30,5 2002 25
  • 5. and offers different benefits, but Procter & Gamble has longer strategically aligned or desired, they provide the ``pooled'' them together by presenting the entire portfolio ability for rapid and low-exposure departure from a to the trade in order to capture more shelf space and category. ultimately, gain additional market share. & Strategic brand consolidation. Opportunities to In the ``trading'' strategy, two or more brands are used consolidate the number of brands in a portfolio can together in an effort to trade off each other's values. This emerge after a strategic evaluation of the structure and approach helps fill gaps in a portfolio and can also relationships between all the brands (taking into account create a combined offering with value that a single brand the customer's perspective). This analysis is weighed could not match. against the contribution of these brands to the bottom For example, Disney effectively utilizes trading to line and the company's overall strategic objectives (see support its ``wholesome family entertainment'' brand the case example, ``How a leading software company identity. The Disney master brand is used and creates applied brand architecture principles''.) Streamlining the value in its sub-brands, whether they are Disney World, portfolio benefits the company and customers alike by Disneyland, or the Disney Stores. Each sub-brand has creating an opportunity for more efficient allocation of its own value, as fun theme parks or shopping organizational resources and by creating more destinations. But they also benefit from the halo effect of compelling and beneficial brands. the Disney master brand associations. Strategic brand consolidation is an area that can Identifying opportunities for pooling and trading deliver immediate and significant benefits to the top and between brands in the portfolio enables more cost- bottom line. Eliminating or consolidating brands that are effective and higher-returning investments. More inherently weak or non-strategic within an existing traditional brand-building approaches focus on portfolio should lead to direct cost reductions from managing brands and brand investments individually savings in areas as diverse as marketing (reduced and focus on returns being delivered from investments support costs), manufacturing (fewer runs), materials in brand ``A'' and brand ``B'' individually. In contrast, (fewer parts, paint, etc.), and distribution (fewer SKUs). pooling and trading enables investments to be better & Brand acquisition. Since most M&A activity is focused directed across brands, resulting in collective returns on achieving bottom-line growth, few businesses think that are greater than the sum of the individual returns. about applying brand relationship mapping principles to & Branded partnerships. While this branding strategy is the potential acquisition. As a result, many acquisitions less risky than creating or acquiring a new brand to fill a add to brand proliferation and market confusion instead gap in the portfolio, it still requires careful selection and of achieving new brand synergies and brand value planning. creation. However, if brand strategy is brought into the Branded partnerships are designed to enable a brand discussion before the deal is finalized, a mergers and to extend into markets where it would not be perceived acquisitions strategy can fill the gaps and expand the to have a strong presence on its own. By partnering, one relevance and reach of brand portfolios. brand's attributes and benefits complement and add to Household product manufacturer S.C. Johnson is those offered by another. Trek and Volkswagen among the forward-thinking companies that have used employed the strategy effectively by offering a Trek bike well-defined brand architectures and strategies to and bike rack with the Jetta. The upshot for Jetta was a consistently guide the selection, integration and 15 percent jump in sales and a reinforcement of brand leverage of new brands and businesses. This is perceptions such as ``fun'' and ``sporty.'' exemplified by its approach to purchasing the Ziploc It is important to avoid the pitfalls of this strategy by brand. Prior to pursuing the Ziploc opportunity, Johnson ensuring that the approach addresses the needs of the first defined how that brand would potentially customer. Too many organizations have gotten caught complement its existing portfolio, where future brand up in partnerships that were more focused on synergies and consolidations could lie, and what stream capitalizing on a trend than on filling a real gap in their of related new products could help drive growth and portfolios. redefine the brand's role within the overall brand From a financial standpoint branded partnerships portfolio. provide a highly cost-effective, non-capital intense, and & New brand creation. This should be the last option relatively low-risk means to take existing brands into new considered when seeking to fill portfolio gaps and markets or categories and thus generate new revenue maximize portfolio value. It should only be considered and profit streams. If successful, branded partnerships when other strategies to use brand to create value are can provide an effective base on which to formally not viable. Creating a whole new brand is both risky and extend existing brands with a moderate and gradual expensive. Even the renowned brand-builder Procter & level of investment. If they prove unsuccessful or are no Gamble has focused on other approaches, believing the Strategy & Leadership 30,5 2002 26
  • 6. expense of creating new brands would leave it with done in a strategic manner and planned and supported inadequate resources to fund, support and grow its well, the payoff and returns can be significant. current portfolio. Sometimes, however, brand creation may be the best The need for new mindsets, guidelines or most viable means to help an organization meet both Brand management must take a more strategic role that business and brand portfolio objectives. In this case, the emphasizes the portfolio-wide approach and the business- new brand's development and launch should combine wide implications of brand-oriented decisions. Category traditional brand management approaches with managers in multi-brand companies must assume a more principles of strategic brand architecture designed to active role in the brand strategy, taking on ownership of the support the value of the whole portfolio. This requires brand portfolio and management responsibilities for the evaluating the new brand's role within the context of the brand architecture. They should be intimately familiar with the existing brand portfolio. Issues to consider are: how well equities of each brand, as well as the relationships between it complements and is supported by other brands; them. Further, brand managers must be given financial where opportunities lie to create synergies between incentives to ensure their perspectives and decisions them; and how these will enhance the overall portfolio's support the optimization of the entire portfolio ± and, thus, value (see Exhibit 3). the entire business' performance. Coca Cola, for example, saw that it was missing out Such changes require guidelines that articulate the brand on a significant opportunity in the bottled drinking water strategy and approach, how different types of brands will be category. Evian water had gone from a niche product to leveraged, the role each plays in the portfolio, their equities, a category creator and Coke was left on the sidelines and how they inter-relate with each other. At the same time, it until it developed its Dasani brand of water. By is necessary to establish what exceptions will be allowed, leveraging its distribution capabilities and trade helping to establish clear criteria while removing subjectivity relationships, Coca Cola quickly created the second and emotion from the decision-making process. largest bottled water brand. Despite the drawbacks of Finally, it is extremely difficult for managers focused on a this approach, it is often the only viable option for single brand to gain the broader perspective of the brand capitalizing on new value creation opportunities. As the portfolio. To this end, a brand council should be formed as a case with Dasani and numerous other brand launches, if forum to team brand managers, category managers and Exhibit 3 Ð Assessing brand choices Strategy & Leadership 30,5 2002 27
  • 7. other, non-marketing, senior-level decision-makers to & How many different products do the customers want oversee the performance of the brand portfolio and to ensure offered to them? that guidelines are being upheld. & Do customers understand the value proposition of 200 A dynamic, forward-thinking brand architecture may well products? be one untapped source enabling organizations to get more & Does the current organization of the brands reflect the from their existing brands and derive real value from those customers' perspective? that they acquire. When managed strategically and used as a structure to anticipate future business and brand needs, Raising these questions helped the company understand its concerns, and issues, brand architecture can be the critical customers' needs ± and how the brand portfolio could be link to business strategy and the means to optimize growth structured to provide the most value to them, and to the opportunities and brand portfolio value. And achieving such company itself. The answers came from a careful analysis of benefits may well be the means for competing and winning in research that segmented the company's markets vertically the long term. by industry. It was based on such parameters as the size of the target company and sophistication of its IT organization. This type of outside-in market segmentation is particularly ``Strategic brand consolidation is an crucial to high-tech innovators where products often evolve from technological breakthroughs rather than customer area that can deliver immediate and needs. A final analysis studied three key issues to ensure significant benefits to the top and alignment of the brand architecture strategy with strategic business imperatives: bottom line.'' & Selling enterprise solutions (or bundled ``suites'' of products) versus single-product ``point'' solutions. & Managing partnerships and alliances. Case: how a leading software company applied & Managing new products and services. strategic brand architecture principles The result was a new brand architecture that allowed the A leading software provider grappled with the challenges of company to sell both point products and suites of products. managing a complex mix of more than 200 product and It also provided a structure against which brand extensions service offerings that had resulted from aggressive growth. could be planned and acquired products could be more The company recognized that it needed to better organize, effectively integrated. Finally, it reflected the company's prioritize and distinguish its brand portfolio because its sales strategic imperatives. force could not effectively sell such a large number of To facilitate implementation of the brand architecture branded products. Nor could its customers keep track of strategy, the company adopted a set of tools. The three them. primary tools were: For its first attempt at organizing its portfolio, the company (1) Brand approval process. adopted a product indexing approach that segmented its (2) Brand architecture decision framework. This essentially offerings into three categories based on functional product organizes the brands in the portfolio in a logical fashion, benefits. Each of these categories had a group brand name answering such questions as: that described its product mix adequately. But, the names & Should a product/suite solution/service be its own bore little relation to customer buying decisions ± the critical brand? information required to shape strategic brand architecture. & What brands should be supported? Research showed that the company's customers buy & Which should be divested or absorbed into software by platform (mainframe or open systems) and by another? activity or usage. By looking at their offerings from this (3) Naming guidelines. Particularly for complex brand customer perspective, the company could start developing a architectures, the guidelines help managers quickly and strategic brand architecture. efficiently select a brand name from a pre-approved list. The first step was to assess the brand equity ± that is, the monetary and perceived value ± of the portfolio's major To better meet its customers' needs, the company brands and sub-brands. Key questions that needed reorganized into several strategic business units. It can now answering: deliver the complete software solutions its customers want. & What do the brands and sub-brands stand for? Furthermore, it has minimized overlap among brands and & How are the products viewed from an external and achieved more efficient allocation of its resources by internal perspective? consolidating and divesting brands within its portfolio. Strategy & Leadership 30,5 2002 28