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Best Practice:
Campaign Management for
Marketing Professionals Customer Success

      January 2009
Campaigns Best Practices

    Business Driver
    Best Practice Overview
    Best Practices: Campaign Management
          – Campaign Preparation
          – Campaign Execution
          – Campaign Tracking

    Tools & Resources

NOTE: Campaigns are included with Enterprise Edition, and available for an additional cost with Professional Edition. In
the Professional Edition, one campaign license is consumed for each user that has the "Marketing User" box checked.
Business Driver

  As the leader in on-demand customer relationship
   management (CRM), understands the
   importance of integrated sales and marketing
  Our closed-loop marketing automation application,
   Salesforce Marketing, empowers you to centrally
   manage multi-channel campaigns, manage and track
   search campaigns, manage leads, collateral, e-mail
   templates while providing real-time analytics to your
  With so many moving parts, where do you start?
Best Practice Overview

  Campaign Management is a series of marketing tactics
   and programs that are all designed to achieve a specific
   business goal (increase revenue, leads, customer
   adoption, etc).
  Learn best practices for planning, executing and
   tracking marketing campaigns that generate demand
   for your products and services
  Note: This deck does not cover the Lead Management process in
   detail. Please request our Lead Management best practice
   presentation for more details.
Campaign Management
    Campaign Preparation
      –   Campaign Goals
      –   How to Target Campaigns
      –   Determine Campaign Programs
      –   Define Campaign Responses
      –   Define Campaign Access
    Campaign Execution
      –   Build Campaign
      –   Campaign Tools
      –   Campaign Members
      –   Mass E-mail
    Campaign Tracking
      –   Campaign Responses
      –   Campaign Measurement
Campaign Preparation
Goal of the campaign: Define your goals and objectives

     Increase sales revenue
       – Enhance pipeline on open opportunities
       – Track customer interest
     Acquire new customers
       – Promotions on your website (e.g. free trial, demo center, contact me)
       – Track search engine marketing
     Increase customer retention
       – Awareness events that drive PR and brand awareness for the company (e.g.
         product launches)
     Enhance up-sell/cross-sell opportunities
       – Pricing promotions to current customers
       – Webinar banner on the website for “add-on” products or services
       – Add-on products targeted to call down campaign with Sales-Pat
Campaign Preparation
 How to target campaigns: Define who you want to target
 Existing Customers
    – Your Marketing and Sales organizations should collaborate to capture essential customer information
      in the application to assist with defining your targets
         • Define and configure the necessary custom fields to help with segmentation definitions;
           consider using picklists, dependent picklists etc. to make your targeting, customer
           segmentation and reporting more effective
 Existing Leads
    – Consider lead scoring and lead status with customer segmentation in mind
         •   For example, a series of archived status definitions (e.g. No Interest, Future Interest, Nurture)

 New Leads - Adding 3rd Party Lists in Salesforce
    – Some companies incorporate 3rd party prospect/lead lists inside of Salesforce with a specific 3rd party
      designation (e.g. by record type, or assign to queue, or specific pre-qualification process before
      passed to Sales)
         •   De-dupe against existing records in your Salesforce database to determine which are existing Customers,
             existing Prospects or Net New names
    – Some companies purchase 3rd party lists containing “suspect” names which are not added to your
      Salesforce application until a response has been received or the name has been qualified
         •   Consider de-duping this list outside of Salesforce with partner tools (e.g. PeopleImport by CRM Fusion) then
             importing into Salesforce
Campaign Preparation
How to target campaigns: Information to use when creating targets

   Common Criteria
      – Geography
      – Title (e.g. CFO, Director of Sales)
      – Industry
      – Company Size
      – Product Interest
      – Installed products/services
      – Previous campaign and response history
   Create fields to record what you need on Lead and Contact
      – Consider using Assets on Account or Contact objects or a custom
        product tracking object
Campaign Preparation
Determine campaign programs: Decide your channels and process


Search Engine/
 Google Ad Words

                                                                   Inside Opportunities

                             Website        Lead Capture/
   PR/Events                                 Lead Qualify

                                                                    Field Opportunities


                                               Tips & Tricks
                                              Be sure to have a process
                                              defined for your programs
                                              and Campaigns
Campaign Preparation
Define campaign responses: Prepare what a response means

                                                  Why are member status
                                                   values so important?
                                               Every campaign has a specific
                                                outcome. Member Status
                                                captures this outcome
                                               What does a response mean to
                                                you? Multiple actions can result
                                                in a response
                                               What happens after a response?
                                                Be sure to map out your process
                                               Well defined Member Status
                                                  –     Can make reporting much
                                                  –     Sales can understand exactly
                                                        what their prospect or customer
                                                  –     Helps measure the success of
                                                        your campaign!
                                          Note: We will get into more detail with Campaign Setup.
Campaign Preparation
Define campaign access: Who should have access to campaigns?

      Determine who should have access to Campaigns
         – Be default, all users have view access to campaigns, advanced setup and run
           campaign reports
      The Marketing User check box on the user profile page indicates whether or
       not a user has the right to create and manage campaigns including:
         – Create a new campaign
         – Edit or delete an existing campaign
         – Update campaign statistics
         – Import leads into a campaign**
         – Mass update the status for members of a campaign**
         – Configure advanced campaign setup to define member status values
         – Run campaign reports across multiple campaigns

** In order to use the campaign import wizards, Marketing Users must also have the Marketing User
profile (or the "Import Leads" permission in Enterprise Edition organizations).
    Campaign Preparation
      –   Goal of the Campaigns
      –   How to Target Campaigns
      –   Determine Campaign Programs
      –   Define Campaign Responses
      –   Define Campaign Access
    Campaign Execution
      –   Build Campaign
      –   Campaign Tools
      –   Campaign Members
      –   Mass E-mail
    Campaign Tracking
      –   Campaign Responses
      –   Campaign Measurement
Campaign Execution
Build campaign: Include key fields for tracking

                                                  Tips & Tricks
                                                  Have a naming convention:
                                                  e.g. EMEA – FY08Q3 –
                                                  Success Tour - Brussels

                                                   Tips & Tricks
                                                    Update the Type picklist field
                                                    and keep the total number of
                                                    values to no more than 10 and
                                                    include general types

                                                  Tips & Tricks
                                                       Define your lead
                                                       values so they tie back
                                                        to budget dollars

                                                  Tips & Tricks
                                                       Tie campaigns together
                                                       with the “Parent
                                                       Campaign” field
Campaign Execution
Build campaign: Categorizing for campaign measurement

   Products and services
      – Create a campaign picklist field for Product or Focus Area
   Advertisements and publications/media
      – Create a picklist field for Ad Type with values such as Magazine,
        Newspaper, Online, etc.
      – Create another picklist for specific publication so you can report on
        both levels
   Agencies creating materials
      – Track which agencies are tied to your successful campaigns by
        creating a Creative Source or Creative Piece picklist field
   Offers made in campaigns
      – Track the different types of high-level offers (e.g. whitepapers, demos,
        web seminars) to track overall effectiveness
Campaign Execution
Build campaign: Set up member response status values
Campaign Execution
Build campaign: Set up member response status values

                                                       Tips & Tricks
                                                        Member Status tells Sales
                                                        exactly what their prospect or
                                                        customer did

                                                       Tips & Tricks

                                                        You can have more than one
                                                        “Responded” value!

                                                       Tips & Tricks
                                                        # Responses metric is the sum
                                                        of all members with a status
                                                        checked as “responded”

Campaign Execution
  Build campaign: Understand campaign statistic calculations first!

1) Total Leads = SUM of all leads                          2) Total Contacts = SUM of all
  associated with this campaign                              contacts associated with this
 Includes converted leads that                              campaign
  you can’t see in the app                                  # Contacts will decrease if two
 # Leads will decrease if two lead                          contact records are merged, or if
  records are merged, or if a lead                           a contact is deleted
  is deleted

                                                            4) Total Responses = SUM of all
                                                              visible records associated to
                                                              this campaign that have a
3) Converted Leads = SUM of all                               member status with the
  leads associated with this                                  “Responded” box checked
  campaign that have been
                                                            ** Best metric for success of
  converted to a contact
                                                               campaign – when member
 Includes leads converted to new
                                                               statuses are set up correctly!
  or existing contacts
Campaign Execution
  Build campaign: Understand campaign statistic calculations first!

1) Total Value Opportunities =                             3) Budgeted Cost = Amount of
  Calculated field for the amount of                         money budgeted for the
  all opportunities associated with                          campaign
  this campaign incl. closed/ won                           This field is not required to
 For organizations using multiple                           calculate the ROI of the
  currencies, amounts are                                    campaign
  converted to campaign currency
 Does not include opportunities
  that influenced campaign
                                                            4) Actual Cost = Amount of
                                                              money spent to run the
2) Total Value Won                                            campaign
  Opportunities = Calculated                                 Field needed to calculate ROI
  field for total amount of all
                                                            ** The ROI is calculated as the
  opportunities associated with the
                                                               net gain (Total Value Won
  campaign hierarchy, including
                                                               Opportunities - Actual Cost)
  closed/won opportunities
                                                               divided by the Actual Cost.
 All campaigns in a hierarchy                                 The ROI result is expressed
  must use the same currency                                   as a percentage.
Campaign Execution
Build campaign: Understand campaign statistic calculations first!

                                The Campaign ROI Analysis Report
                              calculates the return on investment and
                                average costs for your campaigns

                                                               Tips & Tricks
                                                                Be sure to fill out the Actual
                                                                Cost field so your ROI will be
                                                                calculated for you
Campaign Execution
    Build campaign: Consider using Campaign Hierarchies

         Campaign hierarchies provide a powerful categorization
          tool that enables you to analyze/report on the health of
          your related multi-channel, integrated campaigns
               – It is important that marketing managers use a Parent
                 Campaign1 to tie these elements together and enable reporting
                 across all tactics

                                                           Tips & Tricks
                                                            The naming convention should
                                                            include the quarter and fiscal
                                                            year of the campaign

Parent Campaign field is hidden; you need to change FLS.
Campaign Execution
Build campaign: Consider using Campaign Hierarchies cont.

      When using Parent Campaign, you can see the whole picture!
Campaign Execution
Build campaign: Consider using Campaign Influence!

      Because opportunities are usually influenced by more than one campaign,
       the campaign influence feature allows you to manually or automatically
       associate multiple influential campaigns to a single opportunity
        – Enable Campaign Influence for automatic association
        – Configure Time Frame and/or Association Rules
            •   Influential campaigns are automatically added to opportunities when a campaign is related to a
                contact that is assigned a contact role on an opportunity prior to the close date of the opportunity
            •   Campaign Influence Time Frame, if specified, is the maximum number of days between the campaign
                first associated date and opportunity created date. Campaigns associated to a contact prior to this
                timeframe will not be considered influential

        – Add the Campaign Influence related list to Opportunity Page Layout
        – Primary Campaign Source on Opportunity is the “most” influential
            • When Lead is converted, their campaign is automatically inserted into this field
            • If the Lead is linked to multiple campaigns, most recently updated member status wins
            • Can update field manually or through Campaign Influence related list
Campaign Execution
Build campaign: Best practices for Campaign Influence

    Consider the following rules when setting up and using
     Campaign Influence:
       – Add Contact Roles to your Opportunity page layouts
       – Instruct Sales to add key contacts in Contact Roles associated
         to their deal so campaigns are automatically correlated
       – If using Sales to send e-mail templates for a specific Campaign:
           • First, ensure you have a good Contact de-dupe strategy
           • Instruct Sales to send e-mail from Contact record but change the
             “Related To” to Campaign and include the name so it’s easy OR
             just ask Sales for their top Contacts and you do the work!
Campaign Execution
Campaign tools: Set up HTML E-mail Templates

                                               E-mail Templates are easy to
                                                         set up!
                                               Set up your Letterhead to
                                                standardize the look and feel of
                                                HTML email templates
                                               Include graphics through the
                                                Documents tab
Campaign Execution
Campaign tools: Start off with a unique landing page using Web-2-Lead


     Tips & Tricks                                         Tips & Tricks
      Key fields are hidden like                            Brand the form to match the
      Campaign ID, Member Status,                           offer they received and keep
      Product Line, Lead Source, etc.                       your fields short

     Tips & Tricks
      Leverage Apex code to assist
                                                           With Web-to-Lead, you can gather information from your
      with de-duping before creating                       company’s website and automatically generate leads.
                                                           Web-to-Lead form can be used for contact me requests,
      Lead record in Salesforce                            registration pages, or campaign landing pages. De-duping
                                        Web-to-Lead Form
                                                           logic can be included!
Campaign Execution
Campaign members: Mass add Campaign Members

                        Note: You can use other import sources!

    Tips & Tricks
                                                                  Salesforce provides a variety of ways in which you can
    When adding NEW members via                                   manage the leads, contacts, and person accounts that you
                                                                  are targeting with your campaigns. You can choose which
    importing a file, it’s important to                           method to use based on your business needs; for example,
    have a de-dupe strategy                                       you can add and update up to 50,000 campaign members
                                                   Manage Members
                                                                  at a time through lead or contact.
Campaign Execution
Mass Email: Consider using email marketing partners

                                                Tips & Tricks
                                                You can send mass email to a
                                                maximum of 1000 external email
                                                addresses per day, consider our
                                                e-mail marketing partners

                                            Email Marketing Partners

    Tips & Tricks
     Consider an Email Marketing
     Task Force to ensure customers
     and prospects are not being
     emailed too frequently
    Campaign Preparation
      –   Goal of the Campaigns
      –   How to Target Campaigns
      –   Determine Campaign Programs
      –   Define Campaign Responses
      –   Define Campaign Access
    Campaign Execution
      –   Build Campaign
      –   Campaign Tools
      –   Campaign Members
      –   Mass E-mail
    Campaign Tracking
      –   Campaign Responses
      –   Campaign Measurement
Campaign Tracking
Campaign responses: How does one respond?


Search Engine/
 Google Ad Words

                             Website                                   Response

                                              Tips & Tricks
                                               Set up the processes you need
                                               each response channel to
                                               follow for your Call to Action
 Campaign Tracking                                                                                      Manual
 Campaign responses: Individual manual update                                                            Update

                                1. Search for Lead or Contact, update status

                                                                         2. Add Lead to Campaign

                                                                For campaigns that elicit responses one-by-one, for
3. Pick correct Member Status                                   example, via a phone call to a sales rep, you can manually
                                                                link a contact, lead, or person account to a campaign and
                                                                update that individual’s campaign status. Any user can do
                                                                this via the Campaign History related list on a contact, lead,
                                             Campaign History
                                                                or person account.
Campaign Tracking                                                                                   Mass
Campaign responses: Mass update

    Tips & Tricks
                                                           Salesforce provides a variety of ways in which you can
      When adding members via                              manage the leads, contacts, and person accounts that you
                                                           are targeting with your campaigns. You can choose which
      importing a file, it’s important to                  method to use based on your business needs; for example,
      have a de-dupe strategy                              you can add and update up to 50,000 campaign members
                                            Manage Members
                                                           at a time through lead or contact.
Campaign Tracking
Campaign measurement: Salesforce campaign reports

    Utilize the 8 standard pre-built Campaign Reports
    Customize your own!
Campaign Tracking
Campaign measurement: Salesforce e-mail campaign report with integration
Campaign Tracking
Campaign measurement: Measure overall campaign effectiveness

                                                  Build your own
                                                  Leverage

                                                    for Pre-built

Marketing Metrics Dashboard 1.0
Marketing Targets Dashboard 1.1
Campaign Tracking
Campaign measurement: Proven customer success

                              Measuring and Improving Business

                                                                                                     Reduced time for
    100% increase in                                                                                  preparing email
lead conversion rate.                                                                              campaigns by 95%.

                                  Lead                  Analysis

                                                                                                  Went from managing
     Increased lead
                                                                                                  1 to 16 simultaneous
conversion by 400%.
                                                        Campaign             Lead                           campaigns.
                                                          ROI              Tracking

                        “40 percent reduction in time     “Increased lead generation by    “40 percent reduction in time
                          to build email marketing        20 percent and reduced follow-     to build email marketing
                                   sends”                     up time by 50 percent”                  sends”
Tools & Resources
Tools & Resources
Consider using Salesforce for Google AdWords

                                                Advertise Online
                                                Generate Leads
                                                Track Keyword
                                            For more information, visit our website:
Tools & Resources
What else is out there that I can use?

                                             Tips & Tricks
   E-mail Marketing Partners                 You can utilize partner tools to
                                              execute various types of campaigns,
   Demand Generation Partners                generate new leads and integrate
                                              the data directly with
   Sales Intelligence Partners
   Data Cleansing Partners

Tools & Resources
What else is out there that I can use?

                                            Marketing (free)

                                         Campaign Membership
                                         - Installs a single web link to
                                                  show everyone
                                                associated with the

                                          Campaigns Related to
                                            Opportunities Report
                                             - Creates a campaign
                                         contact report accessible from
                                                a custom link on the
                                               Opportunity detail page
Tools & Resources
What else is out there that I can use?

   Marketing Professionals on Community

   Marketing Blog

   Sales and Marketing process maps and additional best
    practice information in the Community
Tools & Resources
What else is out there that I can use?

     Campaigns to Cash: Best Practices for Tracking Campaign Effectiveness:

     Become An Expert: Campaign Management & Website Integration:
     How uses Marketing:
     Salesforce for Google AdWords Overview:
Sales Process Map, Campaign to Customer
Two tier sales process typically found in high volume B2B sales organizations where marketing campaigns generate
leads, a tier one team qualifies leads to pass on to a tier two sales team that manages the sales cycle.

                   Campaigns                                                            Leads                                                                                       Contacts


                    Lead Generation                                               Lead Management                                                                     Opportunity Management

                                                    Lead Capture Mechanisms
Marketing         Marketing           Lead          • Online Registration Forms
                  Campaign           Capture        • Import Lists From Excel
Manager                                                                                                                                                                       The lead is converted into
                                                    • Manually Enter Business Cards
                                                                                                                                                                              an opportunity with an
                                                                                                                                                                              associated contact and
                                                                                                                                                                              account. Often the lead will
                                                                                                                                                                              be handed off to the tier 2
Tier 1 Sales:                                                                                                                               yes                               sales person to work it
                                                  Lead             Check for           Work Lead & Adjust                                                Lead
                                                                                                                Qualify Lead                                                  through the sales cycle.
Sales Reps or                                  Assignment          Duplicates             Lead Status                          Qualified?              Conversion
Inside Sales

                                                      Common Reasons for Duplicate Leads
                                                      • Bogus info
                Types of Campaigns                    • Duplicate lead
                • Email Campaigns                     • Current customer
                • Advertising                         • New contact, current opportunity
                • Direct Mail
Tier 2 Sales:   • Trade Shows
                                                                   Sample Lead Status                                                                                                                    yes
Account                                                            • Open: Followed up on within 48 hours                                                                 Sales Cycle
Executives or                                                      • Working: Day 1 through day 30                                                                                                Win?         Customer
Field Sales                                                        • Developing: Scheduled follow up beyond 30 days                                                                                   no
                                                                   • Archive: Non-responsive or No Current Interest
                                                                                                                                                  Sample Sales Stages
                                                                                                                                                  • Lead
                                                                                                  Sample Qualification Questions                  • Needs Analysis                                    Account becomes an
                                                                                                  • Current Situation                             • Confirmed                                         active customer.
                                                                                                  • Pains                                         • Objection Handling
                                                                                                  • Opportunity Size                              • Selected
                                                                                                  • Timeframe                                     • Negotiating
                                               Sample Routing Rules                                                                               • Closed/Won
                                                                                                  • Budget
                                               • Territory Based Routing                                                                          • Closed/Lost
                                                                                                  • Decision Maker
                                               • Product Based Routing
                                                                                                  • Main Competitor
                                               • Pick Off Queues
                                               • Manual Assignment of Leads
                                                                                             Keep a historical record of                                   Keep a historical record of
                                                                                             archived leads and set up             Archived                archived opportunities and          Archived
                                                                                             email campaigns or follow up                                  set up email campaigns or         Opportunities
                                                                                             reminders to regenerate                                       follow up reminders to
                                                                                             interest.                                                     regenerate interest.

Management       Campaign                                                                                        Lead
                                  Lead                                                                                                                                         Opportunity       Closed
Reports &       Effectiveness                                                               Lead Status        Conversion
                                 Source                                                                                                                                         Pipeline        Business
                    & ROI
                                     Lead                                                     Neglected
                                                                                                                Lead Quality                                                                    Competitive
                                     Type                                                       Leads
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Win/ Lose
Sales and Marketing: Tools and Terminology
Below you’ll find the tools and terminology used in the application and online training. For more information visit Salesforce Community, the Online
User Community. You can search the site, browse around, and see what the community is interested in.

                        A campaign is an outbound marketing project that you                                Accounts are your organization's customers, competitors,
                        want to plan, manage, and track within Salesforce. It can                           and partners. Each account stores information such as
                        be a direct mail program, seminar, print advertisement,                             name, address, and phone numbers. For each account,
                        email, or other type of marketing initiative.                                       you can store related information such as opportunities,
                                                                                                            activities, cases, partners, contracts, and notes.

                        Google AdWords™ is an online advertising service used to                            Contacts are all of the individuals associated with your
                        create advertisements that display on major search                                  business accounts that you need to track in Salesforce.
                        engines, including Google. Many Salesforce customers                                You can store various information for a contact, such as
                        advertise online with Google AdWords as a mechanism to                              phone numbers, addresses, titles, and roles in a deal.
                        generate leads.
   Google AdWords

                                                                                                             Opportunities are the sales and pending deals that you
                        With Web-to-Lead, you can gather information from your                               want to track. By adding opportunities, you are also
                        company’s website and automatically generate leads.                                  building your “pipeline,” which will contribute to your
                        Web-to-Lead form can be used for contact me requests,                                forecast. You can also link opportunities to campaigns to
                        registration pages, or campaign landing pages.                                       help measure the ROI of your marketing programs.
  Web-to-Lead Form

                        A lead is a prospect or potential opportunity - a person you                         Products are the individual items that you sell on your
                        met at a conference who expressed interest, or someone                               opportunities. You can create a product and associate it
                        who filled out a form on your company’s website.                                     with a price in a price book. Each product can exist in
                                                                                                             many different price books with many different prices. A
                                                                                                             product that is listed in a price book with an associated
         Leads                                                                                Products
                                                                                                             price is called a price book entry.
Sales and Marketing: Tools and Terminology
Below you’ll find the tools and terminology used in the application and online training. For more information visit Salesforce Community, the Online
User Community. You can search the site, browse around, and see what the community is interested in.

                      A forecast is your best estimate of how much revenue you                              Tasks are to-do items that need to be followed up on. They
                      can generate in a quarter. This amount is divided between                             can be associated with accounts, contacts, leads, or other
                      Commit Amount - the amount you can confidently close -                                custom objects. You can follow up on the task yourself, or
                      and Best Case Amount - the total amount of revenue you                                assign it to another user.
                      might possibly generate. A manager’s forecast should                     Task
     Forecasts        include the amount of revenue the entire team can
                      generate together.

                                                                                                            Maintain a historical record of all activities related to an
                                                                                                            account, contact, or opportunity. Your activity history
                                                                                                            includes emails, call notes, and calendar events, so
                      A contract is a written agreement between two or more
                                                                                                            everyone is on the same page.
                      parties. Many companies use contracts to define the terms
                      for doing business with other companies. Track the                     Activities
                      contract through your organization’s approval process and
                      use workflow alerts to notify yourself when to initiate
      Contracts       contract renewals.
                                                                                                            Reports are lists, summaries, and analyses of your data,
                                                                                                            which you can display or print. To help you monitor your
                                                                                                            organization, Salesforce offers a wide range of standard
                     A document library is a place to store files without                                   reports, accessible in the Reports tab. You can also create
                     attaching them to accounts, contacts, opportunities, or                                new custom reports to access exactly the information you
                     other records. Each document in the document library                    Reports        need. You can subtotal and limit your data to help you
                     resides in a folder. The folder’s attributes determine the                             analyze trends and get a concise picture of what is
                     accessibility of the folder and the documents within it.                               happening in your organization.

                                                                                                            Dashboards give you a real-time snapshot of corporate
                      Group calendaring will helps you better collaborate as a                              metrics and key performance indicators. A dashboard is a
                      team, and arrange meetings with prospects and                                         group of different charts (or components) that graphically
                      customers.                                                                            display your custom report data. You can select up to 20
                                                                                                            different custom reports to display data graphically as
   Calendar Events                                                                          Dashboards      charts in each dashboard.
Sales and Marketing: Tools and Terminology
Below you’ll find the tools and terminology used in the application and online training. For more information visit Salesforce Community, the Online
User Community. You can search the site, browse around, and see what the community is interested in.

                        Make searching data and interacting with the results of                             With Salesforce you can create email templates for
                        your searches simple, smooth, and highly effective. Inline                          common emails such as web-to-lead responses, sales
                        paging and sorting features simplify the task of working                            prospecting, announcements, and internal workflow. You
                        with large sets of search results. Powerful filtering and      Email Templates      can even personalize parts of the email with information
                        scoping functions narrow searches and results.                                      from the contact or account record.
    Search              Customization options enable users to design search
                        results layouts that are tailored for the way they work.
                                                                                                            Plan and execute email campaigns targeted at prospects
                                                                                                            and customers. Enterprise Edition customers can send 500
                      Outlook users enjoy high levels of productivity with Apex
                                                                                                            emails per mass mailing, while Unlimited Edition customers
                      Connect Outlook—formerly called Outlook Edition—which               Mass Email        can send 1,000 emails per mass mailing. Salesforce can
                      makes it easy to synchronize important customer data
                                                                                                            also integrate with third-party marketing solutions and
                      between two commonly used applications. With Connect
                                                                                                            offers out-of-the-box integration with several top email
                      Outlook 3.0 in Spring ’07, productivity for Outlook users
Connect Outlook                                                                                             marketing vendors.
                      gets another boost with several enhancements. Users can
                      add emails with attachments, create contacts and leads
                      directly in Outlook, and create relationships between
                      calendar events and associated objects such as accounts
                                                                                                           Evaluate the success of email campaigns with integrated
                                                                                                            response tracking and easy monitoring of key campaign
                      and opportunities.                                                                    metrics, such as whether recipients open the messages,
                                                                                        Email Tracking      when they open them, and more.
                       You can set up a Web-to-Lead form to capture contact me
                       requests from your company’s website. With a lead de-
                       dupe solution you can automatically route those requests                             The ability to easily import data into Salesforce is one of
                       to the person who owns the account.                                                  the application's key benefits. Import excel worksheets or
Web-to-Lead Form                                                                                            CSV (comma separated value) files. Map the information to
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Bp campaign-management

  • 1. Best Practice: Campaign Management for Marketing Professionals Customer Success January 2009
  • 2. Campaigns Best Practices  Business Driver  Best Practice Overview  Best Practices: Campaign Management – Campaign Preparation – Campaign Execution – Campaign Tracking  Tools & Resources NOTE: Campaigns are included with Enterprise Edition, and available for an additional cost with Professional Edition. In the Professional Edition, one campaign license is consumed for each user that has the "Marketing User" box checked.
  • 3. Business Driver  As the leader in on-demand customer relationship management (CRM), understands the importance of integrated sales and marketing  Our closed-loop marketing automation application, Salesforce Marketing, empowers you to centrally manage multi-channel campaigns, manage and track search campaigns, manage leads, collateral, e-mail templates while providing real-time analytics to your success  With so many moving parts, where do you start?
  • 4. Best Practice Overview  Campaign Management is a series of marketing tactics and programs that are all designed to achieve a specific business goal (increase revenue, leads, customer adoption, etc).  Learn best practices for planning, executing and tracking marketing campaigns that generate demand for your products and services  Note: This deck does not cover the Lead Management process in detail. Please request our Lead Management best practice presentation for more details.
  • 6. Agenda  Campaign Preparation – Campaign Goals – How to Target Campaigns – Determine Campaign Programs – Define Campaign Responses – Define Campaign Access  Campaign Execution – Build Campaign – Campaign Tools – Campaign Members – Mass E-mail  Campaign Tracking – Campaign Responses – Campaign Measurement
  • 7. Campaign Preparation Goal of the campaign: Define your goals and objectives  Increase sales revenue – Enhance pipeline on open opportunities – Track customer interest  Acquire new customers – Promotions on your website (e.g. free trial, demo center, contact me) – Track search engine marketing  Increase customer retention – Awareness events that drive PR and brand awareness for the company (e.g. product launches)  Enhance up-sell/cross-sell opportunities – Pricing promotions to current customers – Webinar banner on the website for “add-on” products or services – Add-on products targeted to call down campaign with Sales-Pat
  • 8. Campaign Preparation How to target campaigns: Define who you want to target  Existing Customers – Your Marketing and Sales organizations should collaborate to capture essential customer information in the application to assist with defining your targets • Define and configure the necessary custom fields to help with segmentation definitions; consider using picklists, dependent picklists etc. to make your targeting, customer segmentation and reporting more effective  Existing Leads – Consider lead scoring and lead status with customer segmentation in mind • For example, a series of archived status definitions (e.g. No Interest, Future Interest, Nurture)  New Leads - Adding 3rd Party Lists in Salesforce – Some companies incorporate 3rd party prospect/lead lists inside of Salesforce with a specific 3rd party designation (e.g. by record type, or assign to queue, or specific pre-qualification process before passed to Sales) • De-dupe against existing records in your Salesforce database to determine which are existing Customers, existing Prospects or Net New names – Some companies purchase 3rd party lists containing “suspect” names which are not added to your Salesforce application until a response has been received or the name has been qualified • Consider de-duping this list outside of Salesforce with partner tools (e.g. PeopleImport by CRM Fusion) then importing into Salesforce
  • 9. Campaign Preparation How to target campaigns: Information to use when creating targets  Common Criteria – Geography – Title (e.g. CFO, Director of Sales) – Industry – Company Size – Product Interest – Installed products/services – Previous campaign and response history  Create fields to record what you need on Lead and Contact records – Consider using Assets on Account or Contact objects or a custom product tracking object
  • 10. Campaign Preparation Determine campaign programs: Decide your channels and process Phone/Telemarketing Search Engine/ Google Ad Words Inside Opportunities Website Lead Capture/ PR/Events Lead Qualify Field Opportunities Email Events Tips & Tricks Be sure to have a process defined for your programs and Campaigns
  • 11. Campaign Preparation Define campaign responses: Prepare what a response means Why are member status values so important?  Every campaign has a specific outcome. Member Status captures this outcome  What does a response mean to you? Multiple actions can result in a response  What happens after a response? Be sure to map out your process  Well defined Member Status values: – Can make reporting much easier – Sales can understand exactly what their prospect or customer did – Helps measure the success of your campaign! Note: We will get into more detail with Campaign Setup.
  • 12. Campaign Preparation Define campaign access: Who should have access to campaigns?  Determine who should have access to Campaigns – Be default, all users have view access to campaigns, advanced setup and run campaign reports  The Marketing User check box on the user profile page indicates whether or not a user has the right to create and manage campaigns including: – Create a new campaign – Edit or delete an existing campaign – Update campaign statistics – Import leads into a campaign** – Mass update the status for members of a campaign** – Configure advanced campaign setup to define member status values – Run campaign reports across multiple campaigns ** In order to use the campaign import wizards, Marketing Users must also have the Marketing User profile (or the "Import Leads" permission in Enterprise Edition organizations).
  • 13. Agenda  Campaign Preparation – Goal of the Campaigns – How to Target Campaigns – Determine Campaign Programs – Define Campaign Responses – Define Campaign Access  Campaign Execution – Build Campaign – Campaign Tools – Campaign Members – Mass E-mail  Campaign Tracking – Campaign Responses – Campaign Measurement
  • 14. Campaign Execution Build campaign: Include key fields for tracking Tips & Tricks Have a naming convention: e.g. EMEA – FY08Q3 – Success Tour - Brussels Tips & Tricks Update the Type picklist field and keep the total number of values to no more than 10 and include general types Tips & Tricks Define your lead source values so they tie back to budget dollars Tips & Tricks Tie campaigns together with the “Parent Campaign” field
  • 15. Campaign Execution Build campaign: Categorizing for campaign measurement  Products and services – Create a campaign picklist field for Product or Focus Area  Advertisements and publications/media – Create a picklist field for Ad Type with values such as Magazine, Newspaper, Online, etc. – Create another picklist for specific publication so you can report on both levels  Agencies creating materials – Track which agencies are tied to your successful campaigns by creating a Creative Source or Creative Piece picklist field  Offers made in campaigns – Track the different types of high-level offers (e.g. whitepapers, demos, web seminars) to track overall effectiveness
  • 16. Campaign Execution Build campaign: Set up member response status values
  • 17. Campaign Execution Build campaign: Set up member response status values Tips & Tricks Member Status tells Sales exactly what their prospect or customer did Tips & Tricks You can have more than one “Responded” value! Tips & Tricks # Responses metric is the sum of all members with a status checked as “responded” 17
  • 18. Campaign Execution Build campaign: Understand campaign statistic calculations first! 1) Total Leads = SUM of all leads 2) Total Contacts = SUM of all associated with this campaign contacts associated with this  Includes converted leads that campaign you can’t see in the app  # Contacts will decrease if two  # Leads will decrease if two lead contact records are merged, or if records are merged, or if a lead a contact is deleted is deleted 4) Total Responses = SUM of all visible records associated to this campaign that have a 3) Converted Leads = SUM of all member status with the leads associated with this “Responded” box checked campaign that have been ** Best metric for success of converted to a contact campaign – when member  Includes leads converted to new statuses are set up correctly! or existing contacts
  • 19. Campaign Execution Build campaign: Understand campaign statistic calculations first! 1) Total Value Opportunities = 3) Budgeted Cost = Amount of Calculated field for the amount of money budgeted for the all opportunities associated with campaign this campaign incl. closed/ won  This field is not required to  For organizations using multiple calculate the ROI of the currencies, amounts are campaign converted to campaign currency  Does not include opportunities that influenced campaign 4) Actual Cost = Amount of money spent to run the 2) Total Value Won campaign Opportunities = Calculated  Field needed to calculate ROI field for total amount of all ** The ROI is calculated as the opportunities associated with the net gain (Total Value Won campaign hierarchy, including Opportunities - Actual Cost) closed/won opportunities divided by the Actual Cost.  All campaigns in a hierarchy The ROI result is expressed must use the same currency as a percentage.
  • 20. Campaign Execution Build campaign: Understand campaign statistic calculations first! The Campaign ROI Analysis Report calculates the return on investment and average costs for your campaigns Tips & Tricks Be sure to fill out the Actual Cost field so your ROI will be calculated for you
  • 21. Campaign Execution Build campaign: Consider using Campaign Hierarchies  Campaign hierarchies provide a powerful categorization tool that enables you to analyze/report on the health of your related multi-channel, integrated campaigns – It is important that marketing managers use a Parent Campaign1 to tie these elements together and enable reporting across all tactics Example: Tips & Tricks The naming convention should include the quarter and fiscal year of the campaign Parent Campaign field is hidden; you need to change FLS. 1
  • 22. Campaign Execution Build campaign: Consider using Campaign Hierarchies cont.  When using Parent Campaign, you can see the whole picture!
  • 23. Campaign Execution Build campaign: Consider using Campaign Influence!  Because opportunities are usually influenced by more than one campaign, the campaign influence feature allows you to manually or automatically associate multiple influential campaigns to a single opportunity – Enable Campaign Influence for automatic association – Configure Time Frame and/or Association Rules • Influential campaigns are automatically added to opportunities when a campaign is related to a contact that is assigned a contact role on an opportunity prior to the close date of the opportunity • Campaign Influence Time Frame, if specified, is the maximum number of days between the campaign first associated date and opportunity created date. Campaigns associated to a contact prior to this timeframe will not be considered influential – Add the Campaign Influence related list to Opportunity Page Layout – Primary Campaign Source on Opportunity is the “most” influential • When Lead is converted, their campaign is automatically inserted into this field • If the Lead is linked to multiple campaigns, most recently updated member status wins • Can update field manually or through Campaign Influence related list
  • 24. Campaign Execution Build campaign: Best practices for Campaign Influence  Consider the following rules when setting up and using Campaign Influence: – Add Contact Roles to your Opportunity page layouts – Instruct Sales to add key contacts in Contact Roles associated to their deal so campaigns are automatically correlated – If using Sales to send e-mail templates for a specific Campaign: • First, ensure you have a good Contact de-dupe strategy • Instruct Sales to send e-mail from Contact record but change the “Related To” to Campaign and include the name so it’s easy OR just ask Sales for their top Contacts and you do the work!
  • 25. Campaign Execution Campaign tools: Set up HTML E-mail Templates E-mail Templates are easy to set up!  Set up your Letterhead to standardize the look and feel of HTML email templates  Include graphics through the Documents tab
  • 26. Campaign Execution Campaign tools: Start off with a unique landing page using Web-2-Lead Web-to-Lead Tips & Tricks Tips & Tricks Key fields are hidden like Brand the form to match the Campaign ID, Member Status, offer they received and keep Product Line, Lead Source, etc. your fields short Tips & Tricks Leverage Apex code to assist With Web-to-Lead, you can gather information from your with de-duping before creating company’s website and automatically generate leads. Web-to-Lead form can be used for contact me requests, Lead record in Salesforce registration pages, or campaign landing pages. De-duping Web-to-Lead Form logic can be included!
  • 27. Campaign Execution Campaign members: Mass add Campaign Members Note: You can use other import sources! Tips & Tricks Salesforce provides a variety of ways in which you can When adding NEW members via manage the leads, contacts, and person accounts that you are targeting with your campaigns. You can choose which importing a file, it’s important to method to use based on your business needs; for example, have a de-dupe strategy you can add and update up to 50,000 campaign members Manage Members at a time through lead or contact.
  • 28. Campaign Execution Mass Email: Consider using email marketing partners Tips & Tricks You can send mass email to a maximum of 1000 external email addresses per day, consider our e-mail marketing partners Email Marketing Partners Tips & Tricks Consider an Email Marketing Task Force to ensure customers and prospects are not being emailed too frequently
  • 29. Agenda  Campaign Preparation – Goal of the Campaigns – How to Target Campaigns – Determine Campaign Programs – Define Campaign Responses – Define Campaign Access  Campaign Execution – Build Campaign – Campaign Tools – Campaign Members – Mass E-mail  Campaign Tracking – Campaign Responses – Campaign Measurement
  • 30. Campaign Tracking Campaign responses: How does one respond? Phone/Telemarketing Search Engine/ Google Ad Words Website Website Response PR/Events Individual Response Manual Update Email Mass Events Update Tips & Tricks Set up the processes you need each response channel to follow for your Call to Action
  • 31. Individual Campaign Tracking Manual Campaign responses: Individual manual update Update 1. Search for Lead or Contact, update status 2. Add Lead to Campaign For campaigns that elicit responses one-by-one, for 3. Pick correct Member Status example, via a phone call to a sales rep, you can manually link a contact, lead, or person account to a campaign and update that individual’s campaign status. Any user can do this via the Campaign History related list on a contact, lead, Campaign History or person account.
  • 32. Campaign Tracking Mass Update Campaign responses: Mass update Tips & Tricks Salesforce provides a variety of ways in which you can When adding members via manage the leads, contacts, and person accounts that you are targeting with your campaigns. You can choose which importing a file, it’s important to method to use based on your business needs; for example, have a de-dupe strategy you can add and update up to 50,000 campaign members Manage Members at a time through lead or contact.
  • 33. Campaign Tracking Campaign measurement: Salesforce campaign reports  Utilize the 8 standard pre-built Campaign Reports  Customize your own!
  • 34. Campaign Tracking Campaign measurement: Salesforce e-mail campaign report with integration
  • 35. Campaign Tracking Campaign measurement: Measure overall campaign effectiveness  Build your own  Leverage for Pre-built Dashboards Marketing Metrics Dashboard 1.0 Marketing Targets Dashboard 1.1
  • 36. Campaign Tracking Campaign measurement: Proven customer success Measuring and Improving Business Reduced time for 100% increase in preparing email lead conversion rate. campaigns by 95%. Campaign Campaign Lead Analysis Revenue Management Went from managing Increased lead 1 to 16 simultaneous conversion by 400%. Campaign Lead campaigns. ROI Tracking Leads Analysis “40 percent reduction in time “Increased lead generation by “40 percent reduction in time to build email marketing 20 percent and reduced follow- to build email marketing sends” up time by 50 percent” sends”
  • 38. Tools & Resources Consider using Salesforce for Google AdWords  Advertise Online  Generate Leads  Track Keyword Effectiveness For more information, visit our website:
  • 39. Tools & Resources What else is out there that I can use? Tips & Tricks  E-mail Marketing Partners You can utilize partner tools to execute various types of campaigns,  Demand Generation Partners generate new leads and integrate the data directly with  Sales Intelligence Partners  Data Cleansing Partners AppExchange:
  • 40. Tools & Resources What else is out there that I can use? Recommended AppExchange Marketing (free) Components Campaign Membership Report - Installs a single web link to show everyone associated with the campaign Campaigns Related to Opportunities Report - Creates a campaign contact report accessible from a custom link on the Opportunity detail page
  • 41. Tools & Resources What else is out there that I can use?  Marketing Professionals on Community –  Marketing Blog –  Sales and Marketing process maps and additional best practice information in the Community –
  • 42. Tools & Resources What else is out there that I can use?  Campaigns to Cash: Best Practices for Tracking Campaign Effectiveness:  Become An Expert: Campaign Management & Website Integration:  How uses Marketing:  Salesforce for Google AdWords Overview:
  • 43. Sales Process Map, Campaign to Customer Two tier sales process typically found in high volume B2B sales organizations where marketing campaigns generate leads, a tier one team qualifies leads to pass on to a tier two sales team that manages the sales cycle. Accounts Tabs Campaigns Leads Contacts Opportunities Lead Generation Lead Management Opportunity Management Lead Capture Mechanisms Marketing Marketing Lead • Online Registration Forms Campaign Capture • Import Lists From Excel Manager The lead is converted into • Manually Enter Business Cards an opportunity with an associated contact and account. Often the lead will be handed off to the tier 2 Tier 1 Sales: yes sales person to work it Lead Check for Work Lead & Adjust Lead Qualify Lead through the sales cycle. Sales Reps or Assignment Duplicates Lead Status Qualified? Conversion Inside Sales no Common Reasons for Duplicate Leads • Bogus info Types of Campaigns • Duplicate lead • Email Campaigns • Current customer • Advertising • New contact, current opportunity • Direct Mail Tier 2 Sales: • Trade Shows Sample Lead Status yes Account • Open: Followed up on within 48 hours Sales Cycle Active Executives or • Working: Day 1 through day 30 Win? Customer Field Sales • Developing: Scheduled follow up beyond 30 days no • Archive: Non-responsive or No Current Interest Sample Sales Stages • Lead Sample Qualification Questions • Needs Analysis Account becomes an • Current Situation • Confirmed active customer. • Pains • Objection Handling • Opportunity Size • Selected • Timeframe • Negotiating Sample Routing Rules • Closed/Won • Budget • Territory Based Routing • Closed/Lost • Decision Maker • Product Based Routing • Main Competitor • Pick Off Queues • Manual Assignment of Leads Keep a historical record of Keep a historical record of archived leads and set up Archived archived opportunities and Archived email campaigns or follow up set up email campaigns or Opportunities Leads reminders to regenerate follow up reminders to interest. regenerate interest. Management Campaign Lead Lead Opportunity Closed Reports & Effectiveness Lead Status Conversion Source Pipeline Business & ROI Dashboards Lead Neglected Lead Quality Competitive Type Leads Win/ Lose
  • 44. Sales and Marketing: Tools and Terminology Below you’ll find the tools and terminology used in the application and online training. For more information visit Salesforce Community, the Online User Community. You can search the site, browse around, and see what the community is interested in. A campaign is an outbound marketing project that you Accounts are your organization's customers, competitors, want to plan, manage, and track within Salesforce. It can and partners. Each account stores information such as be a direct mail program, seminar, print advertisement, name, address, and phone numbers. For each account, email, or other type of marketing initiative. you can store related information such as opportunities, activities, cases, partners, contracts, and notes. Campaigns Accounts Google AdWords™ is an online advertising service used to Contacts are all of the individuals associated with your create advertisements that display on major search business accounts that you need to track in Salesforce. engines, including Google. Many Salesforce customers You can store various information for a contact, such as advertise online with Google AdWords as a mechanism to phone numbers, addresses, titles, and roles in a deal. generate leads. Google AdWords Contacts Opportunities are the sales and pending deals that you With Web-to-Lead, you can gather information from your want to track. By adding opportunities, you are also company’s website and automatically generate leads. building your “pipeline,” which will contribute to your Web-to-Lead form can be used for contact me requests, forecast. You can also link opportunities to campaigns to registration pages, or campaign landing pages. help measure the ROI of your marketing programs. Opportunities Web-to-Lead Form A lead is a prospect or potential opportunity - a person you Products are the individual items that you sell on your met at a conference who expressed interest, or someone opportunities. You can create a product and associate it who filled out a form on your company’s website. with a price in a price book. Each product can exist in many different price books with many different prices. A product that is listed in a price book with an associated Leads Products price is called a price book entry.
  • 45. Sales and Marketing: Tools and Terminology Below you’ll find the tools and terminology used in the application and online training. For more information visit Salesforce Community, the Online User Community. You can search the site, browse around, and see what the community is interested in. A forecast is your best estimate of how much revenue you Tasks are to-do items that need to be followed up on. They can generate in a quarter. This amount is divided between can be associated with accounts, contacts, leads, or other Commit Amount - the amount you can confidently close - custom objects. You can follow up on the task yourself, or and Best Case Amount - the total amount of revenue you assign it to another user. might possibly generate. A manager’s forecast should Task Forecasts include the amount of revenue the entire team can generate together. Maintain a historical record of all activities related to an account, contact, or opportunity. Your activity history includes emails, call notes, and calendar events, so A contract is a written agreement between two or more everyone is on the same page. parties. Many companies use contracts to define the terms for doing business with other companies. Track the Activities contract through your organization’s approval process and use workflow alerts to notify yourself when to initiate Contracts contract renewals. Reports are lists, summaries, and analyses of your data, which you can display or print. To help you monitor your organization, Salesforce offers a wide range of standard A document library is a place to store files without reports, accessible in the Reports tab. You can also create attaching them to accounts, contacts, opportunities, or new custom reports to access exactly the information you other records. Each document in the document library Reports need. You can subtotal and limit your data to help you resides in a folder. The folder’s attributes determine the analyze trends and get a concise picture of what is accessibility of the folder and the documents within it. happening in your organization. Documents Dashboards give you a real-time snapshot of corporate Group calendaring will helps you better collaborate as a metrics and key performance indicators. A dashboard is a team, and arrange meetings with prospects and group of different charts (or components) that graphically customers. display your custom report data. You can select up to 20 different custom reports to display data graphically as Calendar Events Dashboards charts in each dashboard.
  • 46. Sales and Marketing: Tools and Terminology Below you’ll find the tools and terminology used in the application and online training. For more information visit Salesforce Community, the Online User Community. You can search the site, browse around, and see what the community is interested in. Make searching data and interacting with the results of With Salesforce you can create email templates for your searches simple, smooth, and highly effective. Inline common emails such as web-to-lead responses, sales paging and sorting features simplify the task of working prospecting, announcements, and internal workflow. You with large sets of search results. Powerful filtering and Email Templates can even personalize parts of the email with information scoping functions narrow searches and results. from the contact or account record. Search Customization options enable users to design search results layouts that are tailored for the way they work. Plan and execute email campaigns targeted at prospects and customers. Enterprise Edition customers can send 500 Outlook users enjoy high levels of productivity with Apex emails per mass mailing, while Unlimited Edition customers Connect Outlook—formerly called Outlook Edition—which Mass Email can send 1,000 emails per mass mailing. Salesforce can makes it easy to synchronize important customer data also integrate with third-party marketing solutions and between two commonly used applications. With Connect offers out-of-the-box integration with several top email Outlook 3.0 in Spring ’07, productivity for Outlook users Connect Outlook marketing vendors. gets another boost with several enhancements. Users can add emails with attachments, create contacts and leads directly in Outlook, and create relationships between calendar events and associated objects such as accounts  Evaluate the success of email campaigns with integrated response tracking and easy monitoring of key campaign and opportunities. metrics, such as whether recipients open the messages, Email Tracking when they open them, and more. You can set up a Web-to-Lead form to capture contact me requests from your company’s website. With a lead de- dupe solution you can automatically route those requests The ability to easily import data into Salesforce is one of to the person who owns the account. the application's key benefits. Import excel worksheets or Web-to-Lead Form CSV (comma separated value) files. Map the information to leads, contacts, accounts, solutions, and custom objects. Search Import Tools on Salesforce Community for more With computer-telephony integration (CTI) capabilities, you Import Wizard information. can directly integrate your telephone network into Salesforce and access it entirely through the familiar, browser-based Salesforce interface. With the combined power of CTI and the new Salesforce Console, CTI Integration delivers unlimited productivity to your call centers.

Editor's Notes

  1. Contributors to this best practice presentation consist of the following individuals from Pat Cameron, Sr. Customer Success Manager (primary author) Lisa Taylor, Sr. Customer Success Manager Anne Moore, Customer Success Manager
  2. Don’t skip this step, it’s very important to consider what your key objectives are for driving the use of campaigns. This step will help you prioritize what you need to accomplish. In addition, these buckets also come in handy when setting up your campaign in Salesforce for reporting. It helps answer the question of where to spend your budget dollars, among many other areas we will cover in this presentation. For example, you may be pleasantly surprised how effective enhancing current opportunities with webinars or targeting prospects for your upcoming conference are.
  3. There are basically 3 types of targets: existing customers, existing leads and new leads. Existing Customers: Your target audience very much depends on what your objective is for your campaign. If you need to enhance your brand and provide education for continued customer loyalty, targeting existing customers is the obvious choice. So, think about how you segment/tag your customers today and what fields you need to help you in your efforts. Collaborate with Sales to determine various way to capture the details you need. Existing Leads: I know Lead scoring is not new and you might already be using the Lead Status field but these are important fields to help target campaigns. You might want to re-evaluate your current settings for Lead Status. For inbound inquiries for example, consider all the choices for your company for Lead Status field like: New, Working, Archived – Bad Data, Contact – Recent Activity, Partner Interest (if using PRM), Contact – No Oppty (converted to contact but no net new business), Contact – Current Oppty ( converted to Contact, current Opportunity exists for same Product on Account), etc. New Leads: We list out a couple of options for managing new leads. As you can imagine, there are a number of ways to manage new leads but the objective is to make sure you are de-duping them against your existing customers, whether you do that inside Salesforce or outside of Salesforce is up to you. They are both feasible. The best practice really depends on quantity but be sure to track your lead source, especially for your net new leads. (Note: For Option 1, during this process, Campaign information is moved to the existing record. Net New Leads are Suspect records which are worked to qualify to convert to an Account/Contact/Opportunity).
  4. Most marketing professionals already have their targets in mind but if you don’t, this is a great starter list of common target criteria which are easily managed with standard and custom fields on your Lead and Contact records. We also have a feature called Assets. While products represent the items that your company sells, assets represent the specific products your customers have purchased, including a serial number, date of purchase, or any other information related to an individual sale. Depending on how your organization uses assets, they can represent a competitor product that your customer has or versions of your products. Many customers have implemented a custom object for tracking existing customers’ products, purchases, etc.
  5. Some common campaign programs and channels include (some listed above) Web form, phone, personal e-mail, registration/attendance for a conference, tradeshow or web seminar (events). If your Marketing Campaign has a web component, i.e. a landing page or registration page, your responses can flow through your website and be captured as new “Leads” in Salesforce with the use of Web-2-Lead which we discuss later. The main point is to have a process defined for your campaign. For example, if you have an inside sales team or some form of internal telemarketing organization which receives and qualifies all inbound responses will combined with their attention to your Campaign, and diligence in follow-up, will positively impact your Pipeline generated. Example: Our example above illustrates a process representing an inside sales rep who will first review the inbound response and determine if it is from an existing Customer, existing Prospect or is a net new Suspect. From there, the inside sales rep will route the response to the correct owner for follow-up and create the field opportunity, or make an outbound phone call to qualify the response and create an inside opportunity to work. This process may vary depending on your organization but it is very important to outline your process.
  6. Often times when thinking about campaigns, deciding on what a response truly is can get overlooked. So, it’s important to take the time and determine what a response or action is. Certain actions may not count toward a response. And which responses require follow-up? These are all important steps to take as you prepare your campaign. This step ties back to the important standard field called “Total Responses” on the Campaign record. It helps you measure the success of your campaign. We will get into more details later.
  7. If you are just getting started with Campaigns, you will want to limit creation/management of Campaigns to just Marketing. In order to “turn on” the capabilities needed, you need to check the “Marketing User” checkbox in the user profiles of your marketing team. But other users (aka Sales) will have visibility to your campaigns which is important as you will involve them in certain campaigns especially the ones that help him/her sell more. This slide is more housekeeping for you so you have an idea of campaign access. For larger marketing organizations or companies with multiple business units and separate marketing teams, you can set up Campaign Sharing but only if you selected Private for your organization wide default for Campaigns. Then you can “open up” access per public groups, roles, and roles & subordinates (and these rules can be recalculated just like all other sharing rules).
  8. We discussed key category fields earlier but here is an example. We have a parent campaign for an overall Webinar series but this particular campaign represents the Webinar event for driving sales/interest for a particular product (notice the Product Area field). Although this screen shot does not follow the recommended naming convention in the tips & tricks box, you get the idea! You can also “sub-type” in your naming convention. For example, you can do that in your “Type” picklist or use dependent picklists to accomplish this. You could have “Type” defined as “Event” and have a dependent picklist called “sub-type” and have values such as web seminar, tradeshow, conference, seminar, etc. It’s important to track your success rate and capture which campaigns are effective while you track your costs, etc. Notice the “Lead Source” field, it’s important to understand where your traffic is coming from for this campaign, again for tying back your budget dollars. We are all trying to do more with less!
  9. Here are some ideas for further classifying and categorizing your campaigns to help you track product interest (which products are more popular, where should you spend your time), advertisements (which publications are better than others, which one should you drop), agencies (is there a correlation to poor performing campaigns and creative work), and offers (are demos the key to success, what offers seem to do the trick). These are just some initial ideas but you might have many more!
  10. Speaking of your traffic and where it’s coming from, you also want to manage your campaign responses (as discussed in campaign preparation). The Advanced Setup button on your campaign is where you set up your member responses. A member is a lead or contact that has been added to a campaign. Total responses is a standard calculated field that helps you track who has responded to your campaign. The next slide explains how this works.
  11. In a nutshell, you can set up different member status’ which tell you and Sales exactly what your customer or prospect did. Not only that, it can also tell you what the follow-up steps should be. Upon setting these up, you select which action counts toward a response to you. For this user conference event example, we are considering whether they registered, registered w/ attendance and registered w/ not showing up as a response. You can always report on conferences with no shows to help in future planning. The “Total Responses” field/metric on the campaign page in the previous slide counts the number of members who have a responded status. Each member can only have one associated status which avoids double counting.
  12. We get many questions about these campaign statistics so here is a summary of these fields and what they should mean to you.
  13. These metrics are highly valuable especially the Total Value Won Opportunities. (Keep in mind that campaign influence does NOT count toward the opportunity metrics however you can report on campaign influence. Use the Campaigns with Influenced Opportunities report to view opportunities that have been influenced by multiple campaigns. You can see the Primary Campaign Source in that report as well as the other campaigns that influenced the opportunity – we cover Campaign Influence shortly). Also, make sure you fill in the Actual Cost field as this will help calculate your ROI.
  14. Here is a sample of the Campaign ROI Analysis Report. This is the ultimate metric we are seeking, among other metrics of course.
  15. With all the channels we have available to us to market to our customers, we wanted to create a feature that would easily allow you to structure your campaigns and relate them. The Parent Campaign ties these elements together and enable reporting across all tactics. For example, you might have something similar to our Success Tours here at In order for us to market this event, we have several initiatives that are separate campaigns like e-mail blasts, website registration, or even executive breakfasts as part of our Success Tours for a given quarter.
  16. If each campaign is assigned to the appropriate hierarchy level, you can use campaign-hierarchy statistic fields to report on all the campaigns at any level. This is powerful for overall planning and seeing the whole picture. Note: Each campaign in a hierarchy can have one parent and a parent can have an unlimited number of children. A maximum of five hierarchy levels are allowed in a campaign hierarchy. You can add campaign members to any level in the hierarchy.
  17. We have received a lot of feedback on the campaign influence feature through our IdeaExchange. We all know that one single campaign isn’t enough, there are multiple tactics that come together which influence the creation and closing of opportunities. You need to enable this feature in order to use it. Upon enabling this feature, you can set a Campaign Influence Time Frame that specifies the maximum number of days between the campaign first associated date and the opportunity created date, during which a campaign is considered influential. For example, if you specify a Campaign Influence Time Frame of 30 days and one of your contacts becomes a member of a campaign on June 1, the campaign is considered influential to any opportunity that is created and associated with the contact by June 30. Use the association rules to configure additional criteria that campaigns must meet to be automatically associated to an opportunity. Also, the Primary Campaign Influence field on the Opportunity record itself is considered the most influential and this is what populates the campaign metrics previously discussed. Important: In addition, when you convert a lead that is linked to a campaign, that campaign is automatically inserted into the opportunity Primary Campaign Source field. If the lead is linked to multiple campaigns, the campaign with the most recently updated member status is mapped to the new opportunity.
  18. In order to use Campaign Influence successfully, consider these best practices.
  19. One of the tools we provide to help you with executing your campaigns is HTML e-mail templates. These are very easy to set up where you can create letterheads and insert graphics from the Docs tab. If you are not using these today, this is a must see. You can build e-mail templates for your campaigns that drive the call to action to your website (e.g. Registration) that will automatically add them to that specific campaign (from the website using Web-2-Lead feature discussed later). We talk about how to manage responses in the Campaign Tracking section of this presentation. However, you need to build a process around receiving inbound responses (discussed in Campaign Tracking) just ahead! Another great feature is our HTML E-mail Status related list. This will alert Sales that their customer has seen or opened their e-mail. Consider using HTML E-mail Templates for Sales to use (outside of a Campaign). This will help with their sales effectiveness and provide standards for communicating with customers and prospects.
  20. Another great tool, with Web-to-Lead, you can gather information from your company’s website and automatically generate up to 500 new leads a day. Your company may already have a registration or other type of page where users enter their contact information. You may also want to create a jump page where prospects respond to a campaign. With a little extra HTML code, you can redirect that information to Salesforce to create new leads. Key fields are hidden so if you plan to capture additional information, remember to create those fields on the Lead object, that will help with follow-up. Consider an internal telemarketing organization/team which receives and qualifies all inbound responses. Their attention to your Campaign, and diligence in follow-up, will positively impact your Pipeline generated. If you have technical resources on hand, consider leveraging Apex to assist with automatic de-duping upon entry. We always recommend a data quality strategy in general. We can talk more about data quality in another session.
  21. Upon executing your campaign, specifically adding your target list to your campaign, consider using our Mass Add Campaign Members feature. For example, you might have a Campaign to target existing customers who are interested in your Mobile product and you want to send a mass e-mail to them. You would add these existing Contacts or Leads to your campaign with this wizard using Views. You can also accomplish the same thing using Reports. The last option here is adding members through importing a file, this is the import leads feature. Make sure you have your data de-duplication strategy ironed out when importing leads. Salesforce has a “Find Duplicates” button for Leads and a Merge Contacts button from the Contacts related list of an account.
  22. There are a number of ways to use e-mail marketing. Salesforce offers the combination of HTML E-mail templates covered a few slides back and the Mass Email feature on both the Leads and Contacts main page. You can also use the mass email queue to view the status of scheduled mass emails and cancel mass emails if necessary (Setup | Personal Setup | Email | My Mass Emails. Our mass email feature does not send e-mail to anyone who has the standard field “Email Opt Out” checked. Since is not an e-mail marketing vendor, there are many features we do not offer so we do recommend looking at some of our e-mail marketing partners. Follow the link above to our Appexchange.
  23. Now let’s talk about the responses based on your program. Some common response channels include (listed above) Web form, phone, personal e-mail, registration/attendance for a conference, tradeshow or web seminar (events). Every campaign has a specific outcome. As we discussed during Campaign Setup, the values in the Member Status picklist capture campaign outcomes. Customize your member status values to represent the possible outcomes for your campaigns. What I want to focus on here is what are the choices for the call to action. We have different tools to help you capture the responses or updating responses: Website response using Web-2-Lead, individual manual updates with related lists and mass update capabilities. Let’s look at each one.
  24. Customers and prospects respond via phone or mail. Typically responses come in one-by-one rather than in bulk although one-by-one is losing its popularity given our electronic world. However, common responses of this type include: 1. A call to your sales team or other department 2. A card that customers and prospects mail to your office To track these types of non-automated responses, a sales or marketing team member can manually update the Campaign History for the lead or contact in Salesforce. Above portrays a sample process of what could happen when updating manually. Here are the steps in the application to take.
  25. Another type of response is any response that you track in an offline list. Common examples include: Trade show attendance tracked in an Excel or Google Spreadsheet Email responses that have been collated into a list by your email agency Mass Add Campaign Members You can add existing contacts and leads through an easy wizard when mass adding them as campaign members. You can accomplish this with Views AND Reports. Mass Updating the Status of Campaign Members You can update existing members status through an easy wizard. You can accomplish this with Views. Note: If you are importing a file to update the statuses , you can update only the member status of an existing lead or contact so it’s imperative if you are “working” with a list that was generated FROM Salesforce (exported to Excel for example at which time you will update later), that you include the Lead or Contact ID. There is lots of help on this in our Help & Training link so be sure to check that out. The moral of the story is any time you are working with lead or contacts outside of the application, drag along their IDs so it’s easy to mass update later. Mass Remove Campaign Members You can delete existing members from a campaign through an easy wizard. You can accomplish this with Views.
  26. Campaign measurement is the best part! The ROI Analysis report is one of our favorites. The Campaign ROI Analysis Report calculates the return on investment and average costs for your campaigns. The ROI is calculated as the net gain (Total Value Won Opps - Actual Cost) divided by the Actual Cost. The ROI result is expressed as a percentage. So, don’t forget to fill out your Actual Cost on the Campaign record. Other reports help with response rates by type of campaign. Use all these analysis tools to help make decisions on future campaigns and how to improve them. Note: The 3 reports circled in red are also available on the Campaigns home page.
  27. If you decide to use one of our e-mail marketing partners, you can integrate e-mail statistics or upload the data with Apex Dataloader. You of course need to create the custom fields on the Campaign object first. Then when you build your report (see sample above), you can add Custom Summary Formula fields to your report to tell you the email effectiveness based on Opens, Clicks, Bounce, and Unsubscribe. The formula for “Email Effectiveness” is: ((Campaign.Clickthroughs__c:SUM / Campaign.Sent__c:SUM) * 60) + ((Campaign.Opened__c:SUM / Campaign.Sent__c:SUM) * 40) - ((Campaign.Bounces__c:SUM / (Campaign.Sent__c:SUM + Campaign.Bounces__c:SUM)) * 20) - ((Campaign.Opt_out__c:SUM / Campaign.Sent__c:SUM) * 80) Also, you can create a Custom Summary Formula field for “Open Rate” which is: (Campaign.Opened__c:SUM/Campaign.Sent__c:SUM) * 100 THE DATA BEHIND THE EMAIL STATISTICS ABOVE ARE FROM AN EMAIL MARKETING VENDOR BUT THESE FIELDS ARE STANDARD WITH MOST EMAIL MARKETING VENDORS. THE ONLY FIELD THAT IS NATIVE TO SALESFORCE IN THIS SCREEN SHOT IS CAMPAIGN NAME AND CAMPAIGN STATUS. We wanted to share you a sample of what you can report on when you bring in an email marketing partner.
  28. Set up the dashboard that is right for you and measure the success of your campaigns. Our AppExchange does provide you with a couple which will save you a lot of time (see links above). Remember you can always customize whatever you download.
  29. To measure the success of marketing programs in real-time, our customers use dashboards that can be used to measure any marketing metric that is critical to your organization. For First American, they measure lead conversion rates. First American increased lead conversion rates by 100% by closing the loop in marketing with Salesforce. First American’s primary problem was neglected leads. Sales wasn’t following up on every lead and no one was holding them accountable. With Salesforce Marketing, First American solved the problem not only by tracking every lead, but by customizing lead information to attach the right information to every lead every lead was better qualified. conducts a quarterly on line Relationship Survey, hosted by CustomerSat ( ). Respondents mentioned some of the above CRM success metrics they have achieved with Marketing from their use of Salesforce.
  30. Salesforce for Google AdWords allows customers to: Create Ads Manage Google ad campaigns from within Salesforce Generate and Track Leads Quickly and clearly correlate search efforts with inbound leads Measure ROI Directly compare sales revenue with search marketing spend through keyword effectiveness Note: To learn more about this features, let’s set up a separate meeting to discuss this product.
  31. In addition to the Campaign dashboards I shared in a few slides back, there are also some great reports to take advantage of. For example, the Campaign Membership report is a very important report to download and create a link on the campaign page layout which allows you to see which members are on that specific campaign while you are looking at the individual campaign. You would click on the “Show Campaign Members” link as illustrated above. Another great report is the Campaigns Related to Opportunities Report. This is a little different than the Campaigns with Influenced Opportunities report which shows you which campaigns influenced opportunities (or opportunities closed last month for example). You can summarize by Opportunity which will tell you how many times and in what ways you need to touch your customers to get them to buy. The Campaigns to Related to Opportunities report allows you to see which campaigns have influenced the specific account to which an opportunity is related. Both great reports!
  32. Sample process map for campaign to customer. This particular process map is not published on our Community site so we are including it extra here.
  33. If you are interested in renaming’s standard application terminology for your own company deployment, read the help documentation then log a case to have it enabled in your account.
  34. If you are interested in renaming’s standard application terminology for your own company deployment, read the help documentation then log a case to have it enabled in your account.
  35. If you are interested in renaming’s standard application terminology for your own company deployment, read the help documentation then log a case to have it enabled in your account.