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Blockchain@Next18 event with Nuffic/Neso Turkey
Consulate General of the Netherland, 2018.06.28
& Sectors
Onur Baran Çağlar
1. Evaluation of network computing
2. Why do industries need it?
3. Blockchain will disrupt industries!
4. Concrete project proposal for Turkey
5. Conclusion
6. Additional slides on
▪ More details about Blockchain?
▪ Cryptocurrency / Bitcoin details
Evaluation of network computing
Two fundamental eras of network computing
I. Transfer Information II. Transfer Value
2020s 2030s
6 7
Simple networks Smart networks
Method Interface / Technology
Inception Barter
9000-6000 BC: Animal Farming and agriculture
1000 BC: Precious and coin Bronze age
500 BC: Modern coin Iron Age, Mining science
800 AD: Paper Money (China) Printed
1950s: Credit Cards Digital technology
1980s-90s: Online banking Internet
1990-2010: e-Money Mobile, Cloud, Cryptology, IoT, etc.
2010-Today: Cryptocurrency Blockchain
Tomorrow:? ?
History of money!
Smart networks
Pushing more complexity through the Internet pipes
Distribution ofTransfer of
▪ “Rich information” quantum modulated with attributes
▪ Provenance (source), interest level (quadratic voting), relevance
(PageRank), remuneration; (like CC license with more parameters)
20171990 2025e 2050e 2075e
Instantiation of
Simple networks Smart networks
Transfer of Value, Confirmation of Identity,
Registration of Preference (Voting)
Economics Governance
Blockchain revolution is just beginning
Decentralized NetworksBlockchainBitcoin
Application Software Protocol Secure Value Transfer
Risk of change over time
▪ 30-40 years for “Information Internet” roll-out
▪ 15 years alone for email as a widespread enterprise application
▪ E-trade evolution affects each sector by sensitivity of
money and asset transfer
Why do industries need it?
Scalability and financial inclusion
▪ Hierarchy does not scale
▪ Next leap-frog tech: fintech
▪ Like cell phones vs. POTS, it
does not make sense to build
out brick-and-mortar banks in a
world of digital finance
▪ Decentralized networks +
digital finance = power of
printing press in banking,
credit, and money
▪ Access to credit and financial
services as a basic human right
(4 billion under-banked)
Long-tail economics and governance
One size does not fit all. Any two parties can meet and
transact on blockchain
Long-tail Systems
Long-tail economics
▪ “Amazon or eBay of money”
▪ Personalized banking, credit,
mortgages, securities
Long-tail governance
▪ “Amazon or eBay of government”
▪ Personalized governance
services, pay for consumption
One size fits all
“One ought to think autonomously,
free of the dictates of external
authority” - Immanuel Kant
“Multiple private currencies should
compete for customer business”
- Friedreich Hayek
Blockchain and beyond
cash transfer
Unified ledger
Mortgages, loans
Titling: house, auto
Commercial trade
Logistics &
Supply Chain
Energy, IoT
Industry adoption
Stocks, bonds
Goods transfer
Assurance, provenance
Driver’s License
Passport, Visa
Marriage licenses
Public Documents
Birth/death registries
BoL, Forfeiting
Cash Smart Assets Smart Contracts
Stock Transaction
Real Estate Purchase/Sale
Health Insurance Billing
2. Steps that can be automated with blockchain
1. Steps with human decision-making
Energy Contract
International Trade Shipment
▪ Reengineering economics and governance
▪ Any complex transaction has two kinds of activities
Blockchain automation economy
Economics Governance
▪ Secure information exchange
▪ Asset confirmation and transfer
▪ Automated coordination
▪ Example: fleet management of drones,
autonomous driving, robotics, clinical trial
patients, cellular therapeutics
▪ Blockchain: automated, secure
coordination system with remuneration
and tracking
Key blockchain functionality
How it works?
1. Transaction
2 parties, A and B, decide to
exchange a unit of value (digital
currency or a digital
representation of some other
asset, such as land title, birth
certificate, or educational
degree/diploma) and initiate TX
How it works?
2. Block
TX is packaged with other
pending TXs thereby creating a
"block". Block is sent to
blockchain system’s network of
participating computers.
How it works?
3. Verification
Participating computers (called
"minners" in Bitcoin blockchain)
evaluate TXs and through
mathematical calculations
determine whether they are
valid, based on agreed-upon
rules. When "consensus" has
been achieved, typically among
51% of participating computers,
TXs are considered verified.
How it works?
4. Hash
Each verified block of TXs is
time-stamped with cryptographic
has. Each block also contains a
reference to previous block’s has,
thus creating a "chain" of records
that cannot be falsified except by
convincing participating
computers that tampered data in
one block and in all prior blocks is
true. Such a feat is considered
How it works?
5. Execution
Unit of value moves from
account of party A to account of
party B.
Blockchain will disrupt industries!
Blockchain will disrupt industries!
▪ Provides Transparent, Safe, Auditable, and Resistant to Outages.
▪ Makes things Transparent, Democratic, Decentralized, Efficient, and Secure
1. Financial services
▪ Shared ledger
▪ Instantaneous transaction validation
(t=0, not t+3)
▪ Settlement, clearing,
▪ Custody, insurance
▪ Secure, lower risk, cheaper
▪ Financial surety
▪ Securities asset registries
▪ Automated clearing
▪ Quoting, deal placement
▪ Billing, settlement
Shared Ledger
1. Banking and payments
▪ Blockchain will do to banking what
internet did to media
▪ Banks for unbanked
▪ Cryptocurrencies allows
cross-border anyone to send
▪ Barclays uses Blockchain,
business operations faster, more
efficient and secure
▪ Real-time global payments across
27 countries with more than 100
banks on Ripple-XRP
2. Supply chain and logistics
▪ Asset transfer and customs clearing
▪ Provenance, assurance, release
▪ Inventory management
▪ Custody, insurance, damage
▪ Automated tracking and notification
▪ Pallets, trailers, containers
▪ Trade finance and documentation
▪ Track purchase orders, change orders,
receipts, shipment notifications
▪ Custody and product certification
▪ Link physical goods to serial numbers,
bar codes, RFID tags
2. Trade and Supply chain
Nearly 40 different types of document or letter need to send different parties to secure and
execute transaction! With blockchain you don’t need!
2. Supply chain management
▪ Transactions are documented in a
permanent decentralized record, and
monitored securely and transparently
▪ Reduce time delay, costs labor
mistakes. Monitor time, costs, labour,
waste and emissions
▪ Understand the environmental impact of
▪ Verify authenticity or fair trade status of
▪ Provenance, fluent, SKU chain and
block verify are working to improve
supply chains
2. How blockchain will be used?
3. Energy
▪ Blockchain energy projects
▪ Enerchain: trading (NE Europe)
▪ BTL Interbit blockchain energy
platform: trading (Vancouver CA)
▪ PONTON: DSO, TSO, aggregator,
generation power-balancing (Austria)
▪ Automatic markets
▪ “Energy Internet” - smart buildings
on regional energy smartgrids
▪ Smart resource self-pricing
▪ Load-balancing
▪ Source fungibility: wind, solar power
▪ Energy price and trade validation
3. Energy management
▪ Energy management has been a
highly centralized industry for a
long time
▪ Energy producers and users
cannot buy it directly from each
other and must go through public
▪ Transactive grid uses Ethereum
blockchain and allows customers
to buy and sell energy from each
other in a decentralized P2P way
▪ EMR (electronic medical record)
▪ Personal health records
▪ Users key-permission doctors to records
▪ Digital health wallet
▪ Identity + EMR + health insurance + payment
▪ Health insurance billing chains
▪ Automated claims processing
▪ Price-quoting for medical services
▪ Health Data Research Commons
▪ Biobanks, QS (DNA.bits), genome files
4. Healthcare
▪ Another industry that relies on legacy
systems is healthcare
▪ Hospitals need a secure platform to
store and share sensitive data
▪ Blockchain can help hospitals safely
store medical records (diagnosis)
and share them with authorized
doctors or patients
▪ Gem and Tierion are working on
disrupting current healthcare data
4. Healthcare
▪ Global insurance market is based on
trust management
▪ Blockchain is a new way of
managing trust
▪ Database brands integrate real-world
data with smart contracts
▪ This technology is useful for any type
of insurance that relies on real-world
▪ aeternity blockchain works on
5. Insurance
6. Politics: Governance services
▪ Blockchain weddings (Bitcoin, Ethereum)
▪ Public document registries
▪ Titling Registries
▪ Local government RFPs for home, auto, land
▪ Legal services: register and attest
▪ Contracts, IP, agreements, wills registries
▪ Proof of Existence: hash + timestamp + blockchain record
▪ Voting
▪ Quadratic voting (interest), PageRank (relevance)
▪ Delegative democracy, random sample elections
▪ Opt-in personalized governance services
▪ Composting vs education
6. Politics: Voting
▪ Blockchain can be used for voter
registration, ID verification, and vote
▪ Immutable, Publicly-viewable ledgers of
recorded votes would make elections
more fair and democratic
▪ Democracy. Earth and follow my vote
are aiming to disrupt democracy
▪ Quadratic voting (interest), PageRank
▪ Delegative democracy, random sample
6. Politics: Government
▪ Government systems are often slow,
Opaque, and prone to corruption
▪ Blockchain can reduce bureaucracy
and increase security, efficiency, and
transparency of governmental
▪ Dubai is aiming to put all its
government documents on blockchain
by 2020
6. Politics: Public benefits
▪ Public benefits system suffers from
slowness and bureaucracy
▪ Blockchain technology can help
assess, verify, and distribute welfare
benefits securely
▪ Govcoin (UK based) is helping
government to distribute public
benefits using blockchain
▪ Blockchain technology is also a good
contender for implementing a basic
▪ Circles is a project working on
developing a blockchain-based
universal basic income (UBI project)
7. Humanitarian
▪ Refugee identity system
▪ Phone access: smartphone eWallet, SMS
▪ Object access: card, paper wallet, pendant,
ring, keychain, tattoo, implantable chip
▪ Biometric access: word phrase, fingerprint,
iris, facial scan
▪ Financial inclusion, access to learning
▪ Smart contracts for literacy
▪ Bitcoin MOOCs “Kiva for literacy”
▪ Open-source FICO scores
▪ Decentralized credit bureaus
▪ Remittance, blockchain-tracked aid
7. Humanitarian: Charity
▪ Common complains in charity space
include inefficiency and corruption
▪ Track donation, Blockchain can help
donation to get where they're going
(right hand)
▪ Bitgive lets donors see where their
donations go
8. Retail
▪ When you shop you trust retail system
of store or marketplace
▪ Blockchain-based retail utilities connect
buyers and sellers without a middleman
and associated fees (sorry amazon and
▪ Trust comes from smart contract
systems security of exchanges and
built-in-reputation management systems
▪ OpenBazaar and OB1 are disrupting
retail space
9. Real estate
▪ Issues in buying and selling real estate:
Bureaucracy, lack of transparency,
fraud, and mistakes in public records
▪ Blockchain technology can speed up
transactions by reducing need for
paper-based record keeping
▪ Help with tracking, verifying ownership,
ensuring accuracy of documents, and
transferring property deeds
▪ Ubiquity is Blockchain-secured platform
for real estate record-keeping
alternative for legacy paper based
10. Crowdfunding
▪ Crowdfunding has become a popular method of
fundraising for new startups and projects in
recent years
▪ Crowdfunding platforms create trust bw creators
and supporters, but they also charge high fees
▪ In blockchain-based crowdfunding, trust is
created through smart contracts and online
reputation systems
▪ New projects can release their own tokens that
can later be exchanged for products, services or
▪ Many blockchain startups have now raised
millions of $ through such token sales (ICOs)
▪ Future of crowdfunding is uncertain, but
11. Transport and sharing
▪ Blockchain can be used to create decentralized
P2P ridesharing apps w/o 3rd parties
▪ Arcade city, Lazooz work on that
▪ Automatically pay for parking, tolls, electric, gaz
and fuel
▪ UBS, ZF and Innogy work on Blockchain based
12. Consultancy
▪ Blockchain will change how we do research,
consulting, analysis and forecasting
▪ Augur focuses on decentralized markets
▪ Place your bets in a decentralized way
13. Technology: Cyber security
▪ Although blockchain and data is public;
▪ Data is verified and secured using
▪ Resistant to unauthorized changes and hacks
▪ Blockchain eliminates need for middlemen
(legacy system)
13. Technology: Network and IoT
▪ Samsung and IBM want to create a
decentralized network of IoT devices using
▪ Eliminate need for central location to handle
communications for IoT devices
▪ Devices could communicate directly, update
software, manage bugs, and monitor energy
13. Technology: Online/cloud data storage
▪ Data on centralized servers are vulnerable to
hacking, data loss, and human error
▪ Using Blockchain allows cloud storage to be
more secure and robust against attacks
▪ : Decentralized cloud storage
13. Technology: Digital assets / content
▪ Blockchain startups are coming up with ways for
musicians/artists to get paid directly from their
fans :) *** (not from platforms and record
▪ Smart contracts can solve licensing issues and
catalog songs with their respective creators
▪ Mycelia and Ujo Music are creating
blockchain-based solutions in music industry
Concrete project proposal for Turkey
1. Wealth Fund subsidiaries’ project
▪ JPP (Joint procurement platform)
▪ 16 subsidiary corporates
procurement requirements
▪ Platform and pool will be managed
▪ Joint loyalty & card & wallet
▪ Joint loyalty program for staff and
even for end-user/customer (B2C)
▪ Joint food card program
▪ Joint prepaid and wallet program
▪ Joint incentive program for staff
16 subsidiary corporates, their staff and end-customer base are really
huge potential for many sector, especially for retail and finance
2. Unbanked scoring
▪ Public transport data
▪ Telecommunication data
▪ Notary network data
▪ Loyalty programs’ data
▪ Tradesman/craftsman and SME
credit (zimem) book data
▪ PTT services’ data
▪ Jewellery, Money transfer and
exchange offices’ data
We can anonymously (with no-name ID) follow and analysis
communities according to behaviour, top-up and payment frequencies
2. Unbanked scoring - Example model
We can anonymously (with no-name ID) follow and analysis
communities according to behaviour, top-up and payment frequencies
3. 2nd hand sales
▪ Banked / unbanked citizen,
insurance and financial scores
▪ Produced and launch date of
hard-good / product
▪ Import / export date
▪ Ownership history (from scratch
to last owner)
▪ Sale or exchange history
▪ Maintenance/repair tracks
▪ Insurance records
We can design and establish for Takasbank this ecosystem and collect
all data about products and owners
4. BIST marketplaces
▪ Marketplace around “Gold”, gold
would be the transaction value
▪ ICO (Initial Coin Offering),
Cryptocurrency and securitization
▪ Patent, any rights and useful
model sales and exchange
With new digital, soft good and cryptocurrency era, we as an exchange
markets need to be ready with our legislation and regulations.
5. New Governance (DAO)
▪ New form of governance a DAO
(Decentralized autonomous organization)
▪ “the wisdom of crowds” provides new insights
into how to combine the expertise of all
participants without handing over control to
▪ More stable, less prone to erratic behavior,
better meets needs of citizens, and uses
expertise of citizens to make high-quality
▪ Collecting tax from idle assets (Inertia
“… if we want a better politics, it’s not enough to just change a Congressman or a
Senator or even a President; we have to change the system...” by Obama 12.01.16
▪ Blockchain is a fundamental IT for
secure value transfer over networks
▪ For any asset registered in a cryptographic
ledger, the whole Internet is a VPN for its
confirmation, assuring, and transfer
▪ Reinvent economics and governance
for the digital age
▪ Long-tail structure of digital networks
allows personalized economic and
governance services
▪ Smart networks are a new form of
automated global infrastructure for
large-scale next-generation projects
Onur Baran Caglar, MBA
●CDO, PTT Bilgi Teknolojileri
●Lecturer, İstanbul Aydın Univ.,
●PhD Candidate, İstanbul Kültür Univ.,
●Consultant and Speaker on Telecom,
Internet and Finance verticals
Be modest, minimalistic!

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Blockchain@next18 event

  • 1. Blockchain@Next18 event with Nuffic/Neso Turkey Consulate General of the Netherland, 2018.06.28 Blockchain Introduction & Sectors Onur Baran Çağlar @obcag00
  • 2. Agenda 1. Evaluation of network computing 2. Why do industries need it? 3. Blockchain will disrupt industries! 4. Concrete project proposal for Turkey 5. Conclusion 6. Additional slides on ▪ More details about Blockchain? ▪ Cryptocurrency / Bitcoin details 1
  • 4. Two fundamental eras of network computing I. Transfer Information II. Transfer Value 2020s 2030s 6 7 Simple networks Smart networks
  • 5. Method Interface / Technology Inception Barter 9000-6000 BC: Animal Farming and agriculture 1000 BC: Precious and coin Bronze age 500 BC: Modern coin Iron Age, Mining science 800 AD: Paper Money (China) Printed 1950s: Credit Cards Digital technology 1980s-90s: Online banking Internet 1990-2010: e-Money Mobile, Cloud, Cryptology, IoT, etc. 2010-Today: Cryptocurrency Blockchain Tomorrow:? ? History of money!
  • 6. Smart networks Pushing more complexity through the Internet pipes Information Distribution ofTransfer of ▪ “Rich information” quantum modulated with attributes ▪ Provenance (source), interest level (quadratic voting), relevance (PageRank), remuneration; (like CC license with more parameters) Cash Smart Assets 20171990 2025e 2050e 2075e Instantiation of Smart Resources Smart Entities 2090e Simple networks Smart networks Applications Transfer of Value, Confirmation of Identity, Registration of Preference (Voting) Smart Contracts Economics Governance
  • 7. Blockchain revolution is just beginning Decentralized NetworksBlockchainBitcoin Application Software Protocol Secure Value Transfer Risk of change over time ▪ 30-40 years for “Information Internet” roll-out ▪ 15 years alone for email as a widespread enterprise application ▪ E-trade evolution affects each sector by sensitivity of money and asset transfer LowHigh
  • 8. Why do industries need it?
  • 9. Scalability and financial inclusion ▪ Hierarchy does not scale ▪ Next leap-frog tech: fintech ▪ Like cell phones vs. POTS, it does not make sense to build out brick-and-mortar banks in a world of digital finance ▪ Decentralized networks + digital finance = power of printing press in banking, credit, and money ▪ Access to credit and financial services as a basic human right (4 billion under-banked)
  • 10. Long-tail economics and governance One size does not fit all. Any two parties can meet and transact on blockchain Personalized Long-tail Systems Long-tail economics ▪ “Amazon or eBay of money” ▪ Personalized banking, credit, mortgages, securities Long-tail governance ▪ “Amazon or eBay of government” ▪ Personalized governance services, pay for consumption One size fits all
  • 11. Personalized governance services Crypto-enlightenment “One ought to think autonomously, free of the dictates of external authority” - Immanuel Kant “Multiple private currencies should compete for customer business” - Friedreich Hayek Personalized economic services
  • 12. Blockchain and beyond AssetsImmediate cash transfer Applications Payments Money Remittance Financial instruments Unified ledger Mortgages, loans Titling: house, auto Inventory Commercial trade Payments Financial Services Logistics & Supply Chain Energy, IoT Healthcare Government Humanitarian Non-profit Industry adoption Time Complexity Stocks, bonds Goods transfer Assurance, provenance Identity Driver’s License Passport, Visa Contracts Registries Marriage licenses Public Documents Birth/death registries BoL, Forfeiting Insurance Cash Smart Assets Smart Contracts
  • 13. Stock Transaction Real Estate Purchase/Sale Health Insurance Billing 2. Steps that can be automated with blockchain 1. Steps with human decision-making Energy Contract International Trade Shipment ▪ Reengineering economics and governance ▪ Any complex transaction has two kinds of activities Blockchain automation economy Economics Governance
  • 14. ▪ Secure information exchange ▪ Asset confirmation and transfer ▪ Automated coordination ▪ Example: fleet management of drones, autonomous driving, robotics, clinical trial patients, cellular therapeutics ▪ Blockchain: automated, secure coordination system with remuneration and tracking Key blockchain functionality
  • 15. How it works? 1. Transaction 2 parties, A and B, decide to exchange a unit of value (digital currency or a digital representation of some other asset, such as land title, birth certificate, or educational degree/diploma) and initiate TX
  • 16. How it works? 2. Block TX is packaged with other pending TXs thereby creating a "block". Block is sent to blockchain system’s network of participating computers.
  • 17. How it works? 3. Verification Participating computers (called "minners" in Bitcoin blockchain) evaluate TXs and through mathematical calculations determine whether they are valid, based on agreed-upon rules. When "consensus" has been achieved, typically among 51% of participating computers, TXs are considered verified.
  • 18. How it works? 4. Hash Each verified block of TXs is time-stamped with cryptographic has. Each block also contains a reference to previous block’s has, thus creating a "chain" of records that cannot be falsified except by convincing participating computers that tampered data in one block and in all prior blocks is true. Such a feat is considered impossible.
  • 19. How it works? 5. Execution Unit of value moves from account of party A to account of party B.
  • 20. Blockchain will disrupt industries! 19
  • 21. Blockchain will disrupt industries! ▪ Provides Transparent, Safe, Auditable, and Resistant to Outages. ▪ Makes things Transparent, Democratic, Decentralized, Efficient, and Secure
  • 23. 1. Financial services ▪ Shared ledger ▪ Instantaneous transaction validation (t=0, not t+3) ▪ Settlement, clearing, ▪ Custody, insurance ▪ Secure, lower risk, cheaper ▪ Financial surety ▪ Securities asset registries ▪ Automated clearing ▪ Quoting, deal placement ▪ Billing, settlement Shared Ledger
  • 24. 1. Banking and payments ▪ Blockchain will do to banking what internet did to media ▪ Banks for unbanked ▪ Cryptocurrencies allows cross-border anyone to send money ▪ Barclays uses Blockchain, business operations faster, more efficient and secure ▪ Real-time global payments across 27 countries with more than 100 banks on Ripple-XRP
  • 25. 2. Supply chain and logistics ▪ Asset transfer and customs clearing ▪ Provenance, assurance, release ▪ Inventory management ▪ Custody, insurance, damage ▪ Automated tracking and notification ▪ Pallets, trailers, containers ▪ Trade finance and documentation ▪ Track purchase orders, change orders, receipts, shipment notifications ▪ Custody and product certification ▪ Link physical goods to serial numbers, bar codes, RFID tags
  • 26. PUBLIC/GOVERNMENT CUSTOMER LOGISTIC BANK (CREDIT/ SECURITIZATION) RECYCLE SUPPLIER TECHNOLOGY PRODUCER / BRAND 2. Trade and Supply chain Nearly 40 different types of document or letter need to send different parties to secure and execute transaction! With blockchain you don’t need!
  • 27. 2. Supply chain management ▪ Transactions are documented in a permanent decentralized record, and monitored securely and transparently ▪ Reduce time delay, costs labor mistakes. Monitor time, costs, labour, waste and emissions ▪ Understand the environmental impact of products ▪ Verify authenticity or fair trade status of products ▪ Provenance, fluent, SKU chain and block verify are working to improve supply chains
  • 28. 2. How blockchain will be used?
  • 29. 3. Energy ▪ Blockchain energy projects ▪ Enerchain: trading (NE Europe) ▪ BTL Interbit blockchain energy platform: trading (Vancouver CA) ▪ PONTON: DSO, TSO, aggregator, generation power-balancing (Austria) ▪ Automatic markets ▪ “Energy Internet” - smart buildings on regional energy smartgrids ▪ Smart resource self-pricing ▪ Load-balancing ▪ Source fungibility: wind, solar power ▪ Energy price and trade validation
  • 30. 3. Energy management ▪ Energy management has been a highly centralized industry for a long time ▪ Energy producers and users cannot buy it directly from each other and must go through public grids ▪ Transactive grid uses Ethereum blockchain and allows customers to buy and sell energy from each other in a decentralized P2P way
  • 31. ▪ EMR (electronic medical record) ▪ Personal health records ▪ Users key-permission doctors to records ▪ Digital health wallet ▪ Identity + EMR + health insurance + payment ▪ Health insurance billing chains ▪ Automated claims processing ▪ Price-quoting for medical services ▪ Health Data Research Commons ▪ Biobanks, QS (DNA.bits), genome files 4. Healthcare
  • 32. ▪ Another industry that relies on legacy systems is healthcare ▪ Hospitals need a secure platform to store and share sensitive data ▪ Blockchain can help hospitals safely store medical records (diagnosis) and share them with authorized doctors or patients ▪ Gem and Tierion are working on disrupting current healthcare data space 4. Healthcare
  • 33. ▪ Global insurance market is based on trust management ▪ Blockchain is a new way of managing trust ▪ Database brands integrate real-world data with smart contracts ▪ This technology is useful for any type of insurance that relies on real-world data ▪ aeternity blockchain works on insurance 5. Insurance
  • 34. 6. Politics: Governance services ▪ Blockchain weddings (Bitcoin, Ethereum) ▪ Public document registries ▪ Titling Registries ▪ Local government RFPs for home, auto, land ▪ Legal services: register and attest ▪ Contracts, IP, agreements, wills registries ▪ Proof of Existence: hash + timestamp + blockchain record ▪ Voting ▪ Quadratic voting (interest), PageRank (relevance) ▪ Delegative democracy, random sample elections ▪ Opt-in personalized governance services ▪ Composting vs education
  • 35. 6. Politics: Voting ▪ Blockchain can be used for voter registration, ID verification, and vote counting ▪ Immutable, Publicly-viewable ledgers of recorded votes would make elections more fair and democratic ▪ Democracy. Earth and follow my vote are aiming to disrupt democracy ▪ Quadratic voting (interest), PageRank (relevance) ▪ Delegative democracy, random sample elections
  • 36. 6. Politics: Government ▪ Government systems are often slow, Opaque, and prone to corruption ▪ Blockchain can reduce bureaucracy and increase security, efficiency, and transparency of governmental operations ▪ Dubai is aiming to put all its government documents on blockchain by 2020
  • 37. 6. Politics: Public benefits ▪ Public benefits system suffers from slowness and bureaucracy ▪ Blockchain technology can help assess, verify, and distribute welfare benefits securely ▪ Govcoin (UK based) is helping government to distribute public benefits using blockchain ▪ Blockchain technology is also a good contender for implementing a basic income ▪ Circles is a project working on developing a blockchain-based universal basic income (UBI project)
  • 38. 7. Humanitarian ▪ Refugee identity system ▪ Phone access: smartphone eWallet, SMS ▪ Object access: card, paper wallet, pendant, ring, keychain, tattoo, implantable chip ▪ Biometric access: word phrase, fingerprint, iris, facial scan ▪ Financial inclusion, access to learning ▪ Smart contracts for literacy ▪ Bitcoin MOOCs “Kiva for literacy” ▪ Open-source FICO scores ▪ Decentralized credit bureaus ▪ Remittance, blockchain-tracked aid
  • 39. 7. Humanitarian: Charity ▪ Common complains in charity space include inefficiency and corruption ▪ Track donation, Blockchain can help donation to get where they're going (right hand) ▪ Bitgive lets donors see where their donations go
  • 40. 8. Retail ▪ When you shop you trust retail system of store or marketplace ▪ Blockchain-based retail utilities connect buyers and sellers without a middleman and associated fees (sorry amazon and hepsiburada) ▪ Trust comes from smart contract systems security of exchanges and built-in-reputation management systems ▪ OpenBazaar and OB1 are disrupting retail space
  • 41. 9. Real estate ▪ Issues in buying and selling real estate: Bureaucracy, lack of transparency, fraud, and mistakes in public records ▪ Blockchain technology can speed up transactions by reducing need for paper-based record keeping ▪ Help with tracking, verifying ownership, ensuring accuracy of documents, and transferring property deeds ▪ Ubiquity is Blockchain-secured platform for real estate record-keeping alternative for legacy paper based systems
  • 42. 10. Crowdfunding ▪ Crowdfunding has become a popular method of fundraising for new startups and projects in recent years ▪ Crowdfunding platforms create trust bw creators and supporters, but they also charge high fees ▪ In blockchain-based crowdfunding, trust is created through smart contracts and online reputation systems ▪ New projects can release their own tokens that can later be exchanged for products, services or cash ▪ Many blockchain startups have now raised millions of $ through such token sales (ICOs) ▪ Future of crowdfunding is uncertain, but promising
  • 43. 11. Transport and sharing ▪ Blockchain can be used to create decentralized P2P ridesharing apps w/o 3rd parties ▪ Arcade city, Lazooz work on that ▪ Automatically pay for parking, tolls, electric, gaz and fuel ▪ UBS, ZF and Innogy work on Blockchain based e-wallet
  • 44. 12. Consultancy ▪ Blockchain will change how we do research, consulting, analysis and forecasting ▪ Augur focuses on decentralized markets ▪ Place your bets in a decentralized way
  • 45. 13. Technology: Cyber security ▪ Although blockchain and data is public; ▪ Data is verified and secured using Cryptographic ▪ Resistant to unauthorized changes and hacks ▪ Blockchain eliminates need for middlemen (legacy system)
  • 46. 13. Technology: Network and IoT ▪ Samsung and IBM want to create a decentralized network of IoT devices using blockchain ▪ Eliminate need for central location to handle communications for IoT devices ▪ Devices could communicate directly, update software, manage bugs, and monitor energy usage
  • 47. 13. Technology: Online/cloud data storage ▪ Data on centralized servers are vulnerable to hacking, data loss, and human error ▪ Using Blockchain allows cloud storage to be more secure and robust against attacks ▪ : Decentralized cloud storage
  • 48. 13. Technology: Digital assets / content ▪ Blockchain startups are coming up with ways for musicians/artists to get paid directly from their fans :) *** (not from platforms and record companies) ▪ Smart contracts can solve licensing issues and catalog songs with their respective creators ▪ Mycelia and Ujo Music are creating blockchain-based solutions in music industry
  • 50. 1. Wealth Fund subsidiaries’ project ▪ JPP (Joint procurement platform) ▪ 16 subsidiary corporates procurement requirements ▪ Platform and pool will be managed ▪ Joint loyalty & card & wallet ▪ Joint loyalty program for staff and even for end-user/customer (B2C) ▪ Joint food card program ▪ Joint prepaid and wallet program ▪ Joint incentive program for staff 16 subsidiary corporates, their staff and end-customer base are really huge potential for many sector, especially for retail and finance
  • 51. 2. Unbanked scoring ▪ Public transport data ▪ Telecommunication data ▪ Notary network data ▪ Loyalty programs’ data ▪ Tradesman/craftsman and SME credit (zimem) book data ▪ PTT services’ data ▪ Jewellery, Money transfer and exchange offices’ data We can anonymously (with no-name ID) follow and analysis communities according to behaviour, top-up and payment frequencies
  • 52. 2. Unbanked scoring - Example model We can anonymously (with no-name ID) follow and analysis communities according to behaviour, top-up and payment frequencies
  • 53. 3. 2nd hand sales ▪ Banked / unbanked citizen, insurance and financial scores ▪ Produced and launch date of hard-good / product ▪ Import / export date ▪ Ownership history (from scratch to last owner) ▪ Sale or exchange history ▪ Maintenance/repair tracks ▪ Insurance records We can design and establish for Takasbank this ecosystem and collect all data about products and owners
  • 54. 4. BIST marketplaces ▪ Marketplace around “Gold”, gold would be the transaction value ▪ ICO (Initial Coin Offering), Cryptocurrency and securitization marketplace ▪ Patent, any rights and useful model sales and exchange market With new digital, soft good and cryptocurrency era, we as an exchange markets need to be ready with our legislation and regulations.
  • 55. 5. New Governance (DAO) ▪ New form of governance a DAO (Decentralized autonomous organization) democracy ▪ “the wisdom of crowds” provides new insights into how to combine the expertise of all participants without handing over control to “experts” ▪ More stable, less prone to erratic behavior, better meets needs of citizens, and uses expertise of citizens to make high-quality decisions ▪ Collecting tax from idle assets (Inertia Tax) “… if we want a better politics, it’s not enough to just change a Congressman or a Senator or even a President; we have to change the system...” by Obama 12.01.16
  • 57. Conclusion ▪ Blockchain is a fundamental IT for secure value transfer over networks ▪ For any asset registered in a cryptographic ledger, the whole Internet is a VPN for its confirmation, assuring, and transfer ▪ Reinvent economics and governance for the digital age ▪ Long-tail structure of digital networks allows personalized economic and governance services ▪ Smart networks are a new form of automated global infrastructure for large-scale next-generation projects
  • 58. Onur Baran Caglar, MBA ●CDO, PTT Bilgi Teknolojileri ●Lecturer, İstanbul Aydın Univ., ●PhD Candidate, İstanbul Kültür Univ., ●Consultant and Speaker on Telecom, Internet and Finance verticals Be modest, minimalistic!