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Blockchain - Knowledge Sharing
AIS Channel Team
@Auditorium, SC Tower
• Blockchain Technology
• What’s Bitcoin?
• Why Bitcoin is disruptive?
• What’s Blockchain?
• What is Smart Contract?
• Public vs Private Blockchain
• Internet of Value
• Blockchain Application
• Blockchain for Money Remittance
• What’s next?
• Free Gift…
Today Agenda
Vorapoap Lohwongwatana
Blockchain Enthusiast
Online Business Director@TMC
What is Bitcoin?
Locomotive Act 1861, 1865
Ask who?
“เทคโนโลยีตัวนี้ทำลำยตัวกลำง ตัวกลำงที่มีอยู่ในระบบกำรทำธุรกรรมต่ำงๆ มันไม่มีควำม
จำเป็นอีกต่อไปถ้ำเรำสำมำรถเอำ Blockchain เข้ำมำใช้ เช่น กำรทำสัญญำต่ำงๆ
กำรโอนเงิน กำรเปิดบัญชีโอนเงินต่ำงประเทศ ซึ่งมันมีวิธีเยอะแยะที่จะสำมำรถใช้
“อย่ำงที่ผมบอก ข้อมูลมันถำวร ตั้งแต่อำยุของรถคันนี้เริ่มขึ้นจนรถพัง ข้อมูลจะอยู่กับรถคัน
นี้ตลอดว่ำใครใช้เมื่อไหร่อย่ำงไรบ้ำง อีกทั้งมันปรับแก้ไม่ได้ทำให้มันมีควำมน่ำเชื่อถือ ไม่
เกิดกำรคดโกงกัน และมันเป็นสำธำรณะมันมองเห็น”
ธนาธร จึงรุ่งเรืองกิจ
“Blockchain is to Bitcoin, what the internet is to email.
A big electronic system, on top of which you can build
applications. Currency is just one,”
Sally Davies
Technology reporter @ Financial Times
“We will never hear about people's Bitcoin accounts being
frozen or seized by a government agency.”
Roger Ver
Early Bitcoin Investor,
owner of
“People ask me, ‘Are you going to sell your bitcoin [for fiat]?’
and I say, ‘Why would I sell the future for the past?’”
“I don’t know why anyone would want to go back to fiat when crypto is distributed,
secure and global, while fiat is subject to the whims of political forces”
Tim Draper
American venture capital investor
@600$ 30,000 2014 pd 10,000$ 2017 pd 250K 2022,
Vitalik Buterin
Founder of Ethereum
“In order to have a decentralised database, you need to have
security. In order to have security, you need to have incentives.”
Virtual currencies - This is not about digital payments
in existing currencies (Paypal, Alipay, etc..)
• Too volatile at the moment, so no risk to current fiat / bank
• Good for countries with weak institutions and unstable
national currencies
• Maybe one day easier and safer than obtaining paper bills
• No settlement risk
• No clearing delays
• No central registration
• No intermediary to check account and identities
Christine Lagarde
MD@ International Monetary Fund
Why Bitcoin is disruptive?
Money Remittance Disruption
Micro Payment & Transfer
1 BTC = 100,000,000 Satoshi
 No Commission
 No Credit Card Fraud,
 Charge-back Risk (Irreversible)
 Global Payment Network
 Wikipedia Expedia,
Payment Disruption
Not internet centric
Content Monetization
Donation & Funding
History of Money
History of Money
1500 1880-1914 WW1 1925-1931 1939-1945 1944-1971 1971 2008+
Gold was
a standard
medium of
down of the
World War 2 Bretton
USA control
2/3 of world
the Gold
Blockchain and Bitcoin
• Introduces Scarcity to Digital Assets
• Enables World Without Intermediaries
So what is Blockchain?
Source: Wallstreet Journal
Disruptive Technology
AM Radio, 1920s
Television, 1950s
Color TV, 1960s
Internet, 1990s
PC, 1970s
Cellular Phone, 1990s
Disruptive Technology
Social Media
First layer of Internet
Instant Information Transfer
Internet of Information
Second layer of Internet
Instant Value Transfer
Internet of Value
TCP/IP Blockchain
Internet of Information
Internet of Value
You can’t copy money
Satosh Nakamoto solved “Double Spent Problem”
• Decentralized
• Distributed Ledger
• Immutability
ง่ำยๆก็เหมือน ทุกๆคนในเครือข่ำย ถือสมุดบัญชีเล่มเดียวกันหมด และแก้ไขไม่ได้
ใครจะมำเติมรำยกำรบัญชี ก็จะเพิ่ม(เกือบจะ)พร้อมกันๆทุกคน
Blockchain Characteristic
How Bitcoin works (UTXO)
Unspent Transaction Output
Chain of spending cheques
Recipient’s Address
Hash is calculated from
1. Hash of Previous Tx
2. Input Address(es)
3. Output Address(es) ,
4. Transacted Value
Digital Signature =
Hash signed by transaction owner
Stored locally in sender’s device
How Bitcoin works (Transaction)
How miner work (1)
How miner work (2)
ประกำศกำรค้นพบ ยืนยันว่ำถูกต้อง
อ้ำงอิง Block ก่อนหน้ำ
How miner work (3)
100% Transparency
Half Reward every 4 years*!
Blockchain Layer
Source: Prabhu Eshwarla
How does Blockchain Work?
Source: Prabhu Eshwarla
Miner gets incentive by
helping securing
the network
Consensus: Proof of Work
Other Consensus
What is Smart Contract?
First Generation
Store of Value
Distributed Ledger
Second Generation
Smart Contract
Decentralized Application
Generation of Blockchain
Smart Contract Address
Smart Contract – Perfect for Financial Goods
Perform simple actions such as
1. Redistribution
2. Issuance
3. Locking and unlocking
Perfect fit for services handling security/derivative/digital assets
Smart Contract – Real World’s Simple Use Cases
We call the part interact with real world : Oracle
Smart Contract Smart Contract Smart Contract
Smart Contract – Digix
1# ผู้ค้ำ (Vendor) จะเอำทองคำไปเก็บไว้กับผู้รับฝำทรัพย์สิน (Custodian)
และมีผู้ตรวจสอบ (Auditor) ผู้ค้ำจะได้ใบรับรองที่เรียกว่ำ Proof of Asset โดยจะมี
ลำยเซ็นต์ดิจิตัลของ Vendor, Custodian, และ Auditor
2# ส่วนที่สองคือกำรพิมพ์ (Mint) DGX Token ออกมำ
โดยในกระบวนกำรนี้ผู้ค้ำจะส่ง Asset Card ไปที่ Minter
ซึ่งจะรับ Asset Card ไว้และออก Gold Token ส่งคืนให้ผู้ค้ำ
โดย 1 Gold Token เป็นตัวแทนทองคำ 1 กรัม
3# DGX Tokenสำมำรถถูกส่งไปหลอม (Recast) กลับเป็น Ownership Card ซึ่งเมื่อได้มำแล้วก็สำมำรถนำไปแลกเป็น
ทองคำจริงๆ จำกผู้รับฝำกทรัพย์สินได้
Road to Internet of Value
“Web 1.0 was about publishing information, web 2.0
was about interaction, and web 3.0 is going to be
about value transfer on the internet”
Brian Armstrong
Coinbase CEO
Internet of Money
Bitcoin, Ripple, Litecoin, Dash, Monero, ….
• Gold (Digix)
• Diamonds (Everledger)
• Food Traceability
• Health-care
• Bond Registry
• Stock Registry
• Insurance Industry
• Gambling
• Trade Finance
Internet of Asset
Debt Financing (Bank Loan)
Equity Financing
Crowd Funding
Initial Public Offering
Initial Coin Offering
Initial Coin Offering
Internet of Entity
Traditional Centralized Entity
Blockchain Use Cases
ICO Time-lapse (video)
is shifting
ICO Time-lapse
Internet of Value
Interoperable (Cross chains)
Internet of Blockchains
New Opportunity
• Blockchain Developer
• Blockchain Engineer
• Blockchain Application Developer
• Blockchain as a Service (BaaS)
• ICO Advisory
Type of Blockchain
Type of Blockchain
14 ธนาคารไทยเตรียมนาเอาหนังสือค้า
ประกันไปใช้บนระบบ BlockchainR3CEV
Private Blockchain
Blockchain Application
Real World Usage?
Smart Dubai
3 Pillars of Smart Dubai
• Government Efficiency
• Paperless
• Visa application
• Bill payment
• License Renewal
• Industry Creation
• Real estate,
• Fin-tech and banking
• Healthcare
• Transportation
• Urban planning
• Smart energy
• Digital commerce
• Tourism
• International Leadership
Daily 17,000 police queries
50x more effective
Yearly +500,000 queries
GuardTime – KSI Blockchain
KMITL & NBTC to deploy its blockchain technology as
an integrity foundation layer for applications developed
under Thailand’s digital economy 4.0 initiative.
Thailand – National Digital ID Program
ฝ่ำยจัดซื้อ ฝ่ำยผลิต …… ฝ่ำยขำย
ทันทีที่ของขำยที่ผลิตขำยออกไป App จะบอกให้ฝ่ำยจัดซื้อสั่งซื้อวัตถุดิบใหม่ได้ทันที
แต่นี่มันไม่ต้องทำบน Blockchain ก็ได้นี่!
เพิ่มควำมสำมำรถในกำรจัดกำร Inventory
Sample App: for Single but Very Big Organization
ฝ่ำยจัดซื้อ ฝ่ำยผลิต …… ฝ่ำยขำย
ผู้ผลิตรำยย่อย บริษัท ขนส่ง Auditor บริษัท ประกันภัย ชิปปิ้ง ลูกค้ำ
Ideal App for Blockchain
Modern Supply Chain
Modern Supply Chain -Provenance Attestations
Modern Supply Chain -Provenance AttestationsModern Supply Chain – Environmental monitoringModern Supply Chain – Environmental monitoring
Modern Supply Chain – Dispute resolution
Transform Financial Service
Trade Finance
• Error from manual processes
• Siloed data lead to fraud, compliance, and audit risks
• Disconnected legacy systems
• Simplify Integration Between Banks, KYC
• Reduce Compliance Cost
• Reduce Fraud Risk
• New Business Opportunity
Commercial Insurance
• Siloed info, Lack of standardization
• Lack of real-time visibility into location and condition
• Difficulty of accurate underwriting and pricing
• Inefficient, paper-based tracking mechanisms
• High incidence of fraud and financial crime
• Reduce frictional cost, admin burden, faster payment
• Indisputable audit trail, lower fraud risk
• Improve data quality and real-time visibility
• Accurate and fair underwriting pricing
• Better risk assessment
Regulatory Compliance
• Duplicative and siloed data sources
• Time-consuming, manual review, reconciliation, and
auditing processes
• Maintaining data lineage across multiple systems
• Risk of data breach at multiple steps in the process
• Report in Consistent Format
• Secured Recording
• Aggregation of traditionally silo data sources
Transform Financial Service
Claim Processing
• Time-consuming and expensive process
• Differing opinions between a claimant, insurer, broker,
adjuster, and more
• Customer frustration
• Threat of insurance fraud
• More Accurate through history
• Integrate all parties, reduce conflicts
• Automatic disbursement when criteria are met,
• Reducing hassle for beneficiary
• Reduced risk of fraudulent claims
B2B Contract Processing
• Time-consuming creation process for all parties
• Often requiring multiple in-person visits to the bank
• Repetitive verification process for any changes to the
• Heavy dependence on physical documents, which run
the risk of getting lost
• Superior customer experience, as customers no longer
have to make multiple bank visits
• Faster and easier document verification and approval
• Increased security and ease of access for documents
Election on Blockchain
August 2018, Japan
trialed the use of
blockchain technology
in its voting system
Blockchain for Financial Institution (vs existing)
แสนสิริผนึกบีซีพีจี เปิ ดโครงการนา
ร่องแลกเปลี่ยนไฟฟ้ าสะอาดแบบ
เรียลไทม์ด้วย Blockchain
Peer-to-Peer Energy Exchange
Power Ledger
Be prepared!
Blockchain Use Cases
So which app is good with Blockchain?
• Similar thing can be implemented on (traditional)
centralized technology (Client-server Application)
• There is at least trustful party which can provide
the centralized platform
• No party can fully trust each other
• Security and Immutability
• Perfect transparency
• Replacement of old tech that require open
Blockchain overkill if… What does Blockchain fit?
Blockchain Application Summary
Blockchain for
Money Remittance?
Traditional Money Remittance
1. Alex goes to his local hawala agent and gives
him some cash and a password, which he and
Beth share.
2. The agent telephones Beth's local agent and
tells him to release funds to someone who can
provide the password.
3. Beth walks in to her agent, says the password,
and receives cash. Commissions can be taken
from either or both agents.
• Alex has to trust that his agent will do the right
thing, as he is handing over cash.
• Beth has to trust that her agent will do the right
thing, as she is expecting to receive cash.
• The agents need to trust each other over the
repayment of the debt (IOUs).
Look at Ripple
• Real Time Transaction
• P2P Finance Transaction
• Cross currencies/assets
• Cross national borders
• Cross corporate ledger
Why OmiseGo’s Vision is so important?
Unbanked the banked
• It will disrupt the current payment landscapes
• Enable user to trade any value (currencies, store
loyalty, points, rewards, in-game point)
efficiently and at low cost across internet
“Cross-platform transactions means
grocery points could one day be
exchanged for air miles.”
OmiseGo – Road Map
This is the most
important component
in my opinion
Speed does matters!
Speed does matters!
Speed does matters!
So what’s next?
We are here!
Blockchain Adoption
Blockchain Adoption
Summary of Finding
• Efforts to Leverage the Decentralized Bitcoin
Security Architecture to Create and Develop a
Truly Democratic, Open and Decentralized
Internet Economy: The Cornerstone for
Growth in the Market
• Built for Disruption, Blockchain Rides High on
Benefits such as Decentralized, Distributed,
Tamper Proof, Proof of Existence, and
• Development of Global Standards and
Governance Guidelines to Spur Blockchain
into a Mainstream Alternative Technology for
Funds Transfer
• Immutable, Open Ledger Characteristics to
Make Blockchain Valuable in Supply Chain
• Government Interest in Blockchain for
Protecting Critical Infrastructure Against the
Backdrop of Strong Proliferation of e-
Governance to Benefit Market Growth
Blockchain Adoption
Blockchain Adoption
1. The survey was conducted online between Nov. 14 and Dec. 1, 2016. It polled an initial
sample of 554 respondents, then focused on 308 senior executives in the U.S. at companies
with $500 million or more in annual revenue who completed the full survey and responded that
they have at least a broad understanding of blockchain as well as familiarity with and ability to
comment on their company’s blockchain investment plans.
Payment Adoption
We collected data from a sample of
48 companies from 27 countries
that are providing payment services
that involve the use of
cryptocurrencies (Figure 63). All fve
world regions are represented, with
one third of partcipants based in
the Asia-Pacifc region and another
third based in Europe. In terms of
countries, the US and the UK are
leading with each country serving
as home to 15% of payment
service providers, followed by
South Korea (10%).
Payment Adoption
Payment Adoption
Payment Adoption
Payment Adoption
Interesting Survey
Tipping Point
Early Adopters
21M wallets
(Dec 2017)
26M wallets
(July 2018)
Bitcoin Wallet
Your future customer
Free Gift
7,700 Global Stock
Global Money Supply
Global Market Value (Billions USD)
Large room to grow!
This chart takes a few month in crypto
Funny Indicator
Bitcoin on Logarithm Scale
Question?Thank you very much
Bitcoin vs Dollar

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Editor's Notes

  1. World War I PH, China, INDIA, Mexico , Indonesia 30% Economy 15% Western Union 5 cent – internet 515 B$
  2. 8 decimal points
  3. World War I PH, China, INDIA, Mexico , Indonesia 30% Economy 15% Western Union 5 cent – internet 515 B$
  4. 2.5B people unbanked M Pesa Kenya
  5. 2.5B people unbanked M Pesa Kenya
  6. 2.5B people unbanked M Pesa Kenya