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Verifiable Claims, Seamless Transactions
About ThynkBlynk
◉ Incorporated	in	India	and	US,	ThynkBlynk	is	creating	
ChainTrail.Com,	a	subscription	based	online	service	on	
the	Blockchain	that	enables	identity	attributes based	
transactions	to	be	executed	Securely,	Efficiently	and	
◉ Co-Founded	by	a	team	of	executives	with	
combined	international	&	cross-industry	
experience	of	over	60	years	with	business	
relationships	in	over	20	countries,	our	service	is	for	
the	Global	Marketplace,	offering	Local	Solutions
Today’s Discussion
◉ Blockchain	– What	is	it	really?
◉ Is	BITCOIN	and	BLOCKCHAIN	the	same	thing?
◉ What	is	a	Distributed	Database?	Is	Blockchain	really	a	database?
◉ What	is	ThynkBlynk	&	rest	of	the	world	doing	with	Blockchain?
Introduction to Blockchain
What is Blockchain?
Definition	taken	from	Blockgeeks.Com
The	blockchain	is	an	undeniably	ingenious	invention	– the	brainchild	of	a	person	or	group	of	
people	known	by	the	pseudonym,	 Satoshi	Nakamoto.	By	allowing	digital	information	to	be	
distributed	but	not	copied,	blockchain	technology	created	the	backbone	of	a	new	type	of	
internet.	Originally	devised	for	the	digital	currency, Bitcoin,	the	tech	community	is	now	
finding	other	potential	uses	for	the	technology.
New type of internet
The Blockchain is a distributed database or ledger that anyone
can connect to either publicly or by being a part of a
consortium. It rides the internet backbone and is like the
internet itself - An information super highway except that you
can rely on the information, can transact with it securely and
exchange value or data with parties who you do not know but
can Trust - Establishing ‘Inter-Party Trust’ that is difficult to
achieve with the open internet. Hence the ‘New type of
Internet’ emerges.
What is Blockchain?
Is BITCOIN & BLOCKCHAIN the same thing?
One	Simple	way	to	answer	the	question	is	this:	The	Bitcoin	cannot	exist	without	the	Blockchain.	
Blockchain	of	course,	is	doing	other	things	and	will	outlive	the	BITCOIN.
Distributed Ledger or Database
Hosts in the Blockchain context
are called ‘Nodes’. The common
rules that all nodes follow to
establish validity of incoming data
is called ‘Consensus’. The process
of validating incoming data using
consensus rules is called ‘Mining’.
Is Blockchain really a database?
One	Way	Hash	Function
No	– At	least	not	in	a	conventional	way!	You	can’t	store	large	amounts	of	data	on	the	
Blockchain.	Ever	wonder	why?	But	you	can	do	clever	things	to	ensure	any	amount	of	
data	is	made	immutable	and	verifiable
Blockchain applications
Public Vs Permissioned (Private) Blockchain
Public	blockchains:	a	public	blockchain	is	a	blockchain	that	
anyone	in	the	world	can	read,	anyone	in	the	world	can	send	
transactions	to	and	expect	to	see	them	included	if	they	are	
valid,	and	anyone	in	the	world	can	participate	in	
the consensus	process
Consortium	blockchains:	a	consortium	blockchain	is	a	
blockchain	where	the	consensus	process	is	controlled	by	a	
pre-selected	set	of	nodes;	for	example,	one	might	imagine	a	
consortium	of	15	financial	institutions,	each	of	which	
operates	a	node	and	of	which	10	must	sign	every	block	in	
order	for	the	block	to	be	valid.
Fully	private	blockchains:	a	fully	private	blockchain	is	a	
blockchain	where	write	permissions	are	kept	centralized	to	
one	organization.	Read	permissions	may	be	public	or	
restricted	to	an	arbitrary	extent.
Privacy	is	a	universal	human	
right	&	data	confidentiality	
standards	are	well	defined	laws	
in	most	jurisdictions
Ecosystem confirms claims of Individuals
& Institutions empowering users &
enabling Faster & Cheaper transactions
Blockchain ensures data is digital,
100% authentic, immutable and
detailed data trail lasts forever
Online Secure Service to store & transact with digitally original
credentials + 100% verifiability + keep immutable history
Chaintrail.Com – How does it change things?
Online Storage
Ecosystem &
Networking =
Social Media
= eMail
Claims need 3rd
party verification
Different Systems,
No Trust
Online Storage of Transact-able, eSigned & Verifiable
Credentials Issued by Ecosystem. All in One Place.
Blockchain enables TRUST
operated by Ecosystem
New CHAINtrail
driven context
Ready to use transaction templates + Custom Transactions
Chaintrail.Com – How does it change things?
People, Businesses &
Institutions generate,
store, issue & transact
with Authenticated Digital
Credentials using
enforceable eSignatures
Receiving parties
will be empowered
with verifiability
from within or
outside Chaintrail
All Chaintrail users, Businesses & Individuals, can access a pre-populated
global transaction library to create & execute transactions at lightening
Authenticity Verifiability
One Stop Shop
Life-time credentials in
one place ready to be
transacted. Not spread
across eMails, online
boxes, drives & hard
copy briefcases.
Powered by Businesses
& Individuals. Globally.
Transactions’ Library
Use-Cases: Government
• Blockchain Notarization Services to e-Residents
• Estonian settling and clearing business by Nasdaq
• Land Registry on Blockchain
• UK Gov’t is Trialing the Blockchain for Welfare & Pensions
• Identity - Immigration
• Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) considering migration to a
Blockchain-based settlement system by the end of 2017
• Dubai Wants All Government Documents on Blockchain By 2020
Use-Cases: Private Sector
• First Real Property Ownership Transfer Recorded on the
Blockchain with Ubitquity
• ICICI Bank executes India’s first banking transactions on
blockchain in partnership with Emirates NBD
• Santander Becomes First U.K. Bank to Introduce Blockchain
Technology for International Payments
• Everledger: blockchain-based diamond fraud detection
• Blockchain for Open Sharing of Academic Proficiency and Progress
Smart Contracts
A	smart	contract	is	an	agreement	that	is	fully	or	partially	automated	using	software	to	
facilitate	execution,	enforcement	and	performance	underlying	that	contract.
Key	Benefits
• Contracts	become	Efficient,	Faster	and	Improve	Underlying	Performance
• An	agreement	does	not	need	to	be	completely	automated	to	be	a	smart	contract.	
• Combined	with	other	technology	like	Blockchain,	smart	contracts	have	transformative	potential
• It	is	still	early	days.	Really	early	days.
Smart	contracts	for	the	music	industry - In	this	use	case,	a	public	blockchain	could	
keep	track	of	ownership	rights.	These	rights	&	usage	conditions	could	be	publicly	
accessible	to	all.	Furthermore,	the	transfer	of	royalty	payments	could	be	real	time	
and	the	smart	contract	could	ensure	that	each	time	a	payment	is	generated	for	a	
given	work,	the	money	would	be	automatically	split	according	to	the	set	terms,	and	
each	party’s	account	would	instantly	reflect	the	additional	revenue.
Q & A
Any remaining questions ?
You can find us at
More Information
Distributed Ledgers, Systems
Distributed Ledgers’ Landscape
Cryptography is	the	science	of	using	mathematics	to	encrypt	and	decrypt	data.	
Public	Key	
Credit:	‘The	Basics	of	Cryptography’,	Phil	Zimmermann	
Digital	Signatures
One	Way	
Hash	Function
Cryptography is	the	science	of	using	mathematics	to	encrypt	and	decrypt	data.	
An	extremely	simple	example	of	conventional	cryptography	is	a	substitution	
cipher.	A	substitution	cipher	substitutes	one	piece	of	information	for	another.	
In	conventional	cryptography,	also	called	secret-key	or	symmetric-key	
encryption,	one	key	is	used	both	for	encryption	and	decryption.	
Public	key	cryptography	is	an	asymmetric	scheme	that	uses	a	pair	of	keys	for	
encryption:	a	public	key,	which	encrypts	data,	and	a	corresponding	private,	or	
secret	key	for	decryption.	You	publish	your	public	key	to	the	world	while	keeping	
your	private	key	secret.	Anyone	with	a	copy	of	your	public	key	can	then	encrypt	
information	that	only	you	can	read.	Even	people	you	have	never	met.	
Credit:	‘The	Basics	of	Cryptography’,	Phil	Zimmermann
Digital Signatures & One way Hashes
A	major	benefit	of	public	key	cryptography	is	that	it	provides	a	method	for	employing	
digital	signatures.	Digital	signatures	enable	the	recipient	of	information	to	verify	the	
authenticity	of	the	information’s	origin,	and	also	verify	that	the	information	is	intact.	
Thus,	public	key	digital	signatures	provide	authentication	and	data	integrity.	A	digital	
signature	also	provides	non-repudiation,	which	means	that	it	prevents	the	sender	from	
claiming	that	he	or	she	did	not	actually	send	the	information.	
The	system	described	above	has	some	problems.	It	is	slow,	and	it	produces	an	
enormous	volume	of	data—at	least	double	the	size	of	the	original	information.	An	
improvement	on	the	above	scheme	is	the	addition	of	a	one-way	hash	function	in	the	
process.	A	one-way	hash	function	takes	variable-length	input—in	this	case,	a	message	
of	any	length,	even	thousands	or	millions	of	bits—and	produces	a	fixed-length	output;	
say,	160-bits.	The	hash	function	ensures	that,	if	the	information	is	changed	in	any	
way—even	by	just	one	bit—an	entirely	different	output	value	is	produced.	
Credit:	‘The	Basics	of	Cryptography’,	Phil	Zimmermann
Merkel Tree
A	Merkle	tree	is	a hash	based	data	structure that	is	a	generalization	of	the hash	list.	It	is	
a tree structure	in	which	each	leaf	node	is	a	hash	of	a	block	of	data,	and	each	non-leaf	node	is	a	hash	of	
its	children. Merkle	trees	are	used	in	distributed	systems	for	efficient	data	verification	– Merkel	Proofs
In the	figure	alongside,	a	node	can	prove	that	a	
transaction	K	is	included	in	the	block	by	producing	a	
merkle	path	that	is	only	four	32-byte	hashes	long	(128	
bytes	total).	The	path	consists	of	the	four	hashes	(noted	
in	blue)	HL,	HIJ,	HMNOP and	HABCDEFGH.	With	those	four	
hashes	provided	as	an	authentication	path,	any	node	
can	prove	that	HK (noted	in	green	in	the	diagram)	is	
included	in	the	merkle	root	by	computing	four	
additional	pair-wise	hashes	HKL,	HIJKL,	HIJKLMNOP,	and	the	
merkle	tree	root	(outlined	in	a	dotted	line	in	the	
Root	Hash:	Public	&	Trusted
Consensus Mechanism
In	distributed	ledgers,	a	consensus	mechanism	
is	the	way	in	which	a	majority	(or,	in	some	
mechanisms,	all)	of	network	members	agree	
on	the	value	of	a	piece	of	data	or	a	proposed	
transaction,	which	then	updates	the	ledger.	In	
other	words,	a	consensus	mechanism	is	a	set	
of	rules	and	procedures	that	maintains	a	
coherent	set	of	facts	among	the	participating	
How	consensus	mechanisms	work	
Basic	parameters	that	define	a	consensus	mechanism:	
Decentralized	governance:	A	single	central	authority	cannot	provide	
transaction	nality.	
Quorum	structure:	Nodes	exchange	messages	in	prede ned ways,	which	
may	include	stages	or	tiers.	
Authentication:	This	process	provides	means	to	verify	the	participants’	
Integrity:	It	enforces	the	validation	of	the	transaction	integrity	(e.g.,	
mathematically	through	cryptography).	
Nonrepudiation:	This	provides	means	to	verify	that	the	supposed	sender	
really	sent	the	message.	
Privacy:	It	helps	ensure	that	only	the	intended	recipient	can	read	the	message.	
Fault	tolerance:	The	network	operates	efficiently	and	quickly,	even	if	some	
nodes	or	servers	fail	or	are	slow.	
Performance:	It	considers	throughput,	liveness,	scalability,	and	latency	
Credit:	KPMG	Paper	on	Consensus	Mechanism
Consensus Mechanisms’ Landscape
Credit:	KPMG	Paper	on	
Consensus	Mechanism
Transactions & Mining
Mining refers	to	the	distributed	computational	review	process	performed	on	each	"block"	of	data	in	a	
"block-chain".	This	allows	for	achievement	of consensus in	an	environment	where	neither	party	
knows	or	trusts	each	other.	The	process	is	carried	out	by	Miners
When	a	block	of	transactions	is	created,	miners	put	it	
through	a	process.	They	take	the	information	in	the	
block,	and	apply	a	mathematical	formula	to	it,	turning	
it	into	a	Hash.	The	bitcoin	protocol	won’t	just	accept	
any	old	hash.	It	demands	that	a	block’s	hash	has	to	
look	a	certain	way;	it	must	have	a	certain	number	of	
zeroes	at	the	start.
Miners	continually	change	the	data	they’re	using	to	create	a	different	hash	without	meddling	with	transaction	
data.	They	do	this	using	another,	random	piece	of	data	called	a	‘nonce’.	This	is	used	with	the	transaction	data	
to	create	a	hash.	If	the	hash	doesn’t	fit	the	required	format,	the	nonce	is	changed,	and	the	whole	thing	is	
hashed	again.

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