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                                     Lecture for FDA 27 February 2013

        Biowarfare to Biodefense:
         Operation Whitecoat &
           USAMRIID History
                       Arthur O. Anderson MD
                  Office of Human Use and Ethics
This presentation represents the views of the author. The information or content presented does not
represent the official position or policy of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command,
the U.S. Army Medical Department, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government.

    CD-22 Exp 25 Jan 1955, USAMU Est 20 Jun 1956, USAMRIID Est 27 Jan 1969
U.S. Not Prepared For BW in 1941

 Europeans Had Chemical Warfare Experience in WWI. As WW II
 Approached, U.S. Worried That Nazis Had Prepared For BioWarfare
Detrick Field Was An                        It Became A Bio-
 Air National Guard                          Warfare Center
  Training Center                           as Camp Detrick

1931                                        April 1943

  Scientific Director, Dr. Ira Baldwin, [U.Wisc] planned operations 1942-44
       LTC William S. Bacon, CMLC was first Commander of Camp Detrick
Organizational Ethics: Biosafety invented at
                                          Camp Detrick before
                                         bioweapons developed

 A.G. Wedum MD - Safety “S” Division - first division to be activated in 1943
Nonpathogenic Simulants were used
 in Human Studies of Safety Practices
Worker safety tests
were done to test air
purification systems
such as mechanical
and electrostatic
filters, air incinerators
and washers
Environmental Safety
by Regulation of
Ambient Air Pressures       Masks and biohazard
was developed and           suits were developed
tested at Detrick.          and tested at Detrick
Camp Detrick – Worker Safety
Practices: Organizational Ethics
 Occupational Safety by “S” Division 1943
 Training Program, Posters, Constant
 Survey of Safety Practices
 Personnel Inspection and First Aid
     First Aid room near hot suite change rooms
      held personnel who inspected workers
      leaving suites for breaks in skin or clinical
      signs and symptoms of disease
WWII Human Experimentation
  Camp Detrick - Safety Practices
        Vaccination routine called “special procedures”
         instituted by Biological Protection Branch of S Division
        Primary Objective was to protect workers
        Secondary Objectives:
             Determine most efficacious immunization methods
             Determine effectiveness of available preparations
    No existing vaccines for some agents
    Only experimental vaccines available for others
* Ltr (S), CO CD to Post Surgeon CD, 22 Jan 44, Sub: Immunization. SPCYF 400.12. In Hq CD (720.3)
* Sp Rpt 15, Immunological Protection of Personnel Against B.W. Agents (Oct 46), p.2
Special Procedures - SIP
Most 1950’s Fort Detrick
alumni remember Nurse
Betty Grable, Dr. Paul
Kadull & the “shot shop”,
which is what they called
the building where all
workers and research
subjects received their
vaccines prescribed by
“Special Procedures”.

Both groups got the same IND vaccines but only the research
volunteers were given the choice with informed consent
Fort Detrick - Fully Engaged

Equipment needed was
invented on site by a brilliant
design and fabrication team
Human Subjects Research
at Fort Detrick 1943 - 1946
    The station hospital, originally activated in 1943,
    provided a “unique opportunity to study the
    inception, course and therapeutics of many rare
    diseases in patients whose baseline health data
    was known” LTC Abram Benenson MC
    This was primarily “opportunist” research that
    depended upon occupational incidents among
    workers in the various biowarfare facilities
Nuremberg War Crimes Trial
                         By 1947 Andrew Ivy’s list
                         of ten conditions required
                         for permissible medical
                         experiments in healthy
                         subjects became the
                         Nuremberg Code.
23 Nazi Doctors were     The Code became the
convicted of Murder at   standard for ethical
The Nuremberg Trials     research with humans
Nuremberg Code of 1947
1.  Voluntary Consent absolutely essential.
2.  Valid research for good of society – by no other means.
3.  Human studies preceded by knowledge survey & research
    with animal models to identify potential risks and benefits.
4. Avoid unnecessary physical and mental suffering & injury.
5. Prohibits research with apriori risk of death or disabling
6. Degree of risk never to exceed benefit or humanitarian
7. Prepare to minimize risk of injury, disability or death
8. Investigator must have credentials appropriate to study
9. Subjects must have freedom to withdraw
10. Scientist may terminate study to reduce serious risk
What is Voluntary Consent?
• This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to
  give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free
  power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force,
  fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of
  constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and
  comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to
  enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.

• This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an
  affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be
  made known to him: the nature, duration, and purpose of the
  experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted;
  all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and
  the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come
  from his participation in the experiment.

• The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the
  consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs or
  engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility
  which may not be delegated to another with impunity.
Human Vulnerability to BW
Aerosols Not Previously Tested
In 1952, the Armed Forces Medical Policy
Council wanted information on human
vulnerability and countermeasures to
biological warfare
Army SG met with Chief Chemical Officer
at the same time that Secretaries of
Defense & Army, Army Chief of Staff and
Chemical and Medical elements were
meeting to discuss possible use of humans
in biowarfare defense research.
Wilson Memorandum of 1953
The Nuremberg Code* was incorporated into the Wilson
Memorandum to the Secretaries of the Army, Navy and Air
Force dated 26 February 1953

* Use of its principles was promoted before any
human research related to biological warfare
defense were officially planned or conducted
Army Directive CS-385 issued 30 June 1953 added
consent in writing, additional safeguards, and instructions
for compensating subjects for injuries resulting from
participation in research
AR70-25 was Nuremberg Code Based from 1962-1990
CS-385 (30 June 1953)
“Use of Volunteers in Research”
This document, prepared for
the Army Chief of Staff by
BG John C. Oakes, became
the first government directive
prescribing policies and
procedures for ethical use of
volunteers in atomic
biological and chemical
warfare defense research.

The original document
resides at USAMRIID. Five
carbon copies went to other
USAMRDC Laboratories.
Multifaceted CD-22 (1954-55)
  was designed to determine:
Human vulnerability in realistic BW scenarios,
i.e. outdoor aerosol delivery to human subjects
Effective prevention and treatment of BW casualties.
Determination of minimal infective doses.
Effectiveness of vaccines and drugs.
Serological responses to infections, and.
Clinical effects of various doses of infectious agents.
The CD-22 program focused on
Human responses to prototypes:
Q fever and Tularemia were regarded by
CES of AFEB as acceptable prototypical
BW agents for testing in Humans that
satisfied limiting characteristics* of low
lethality, no serious chronicity
anticipated, effective therapy available
and there was adequate animal
experimental data on safety and
protective efficacy *[also described in cs-385].
The US Army Medical Unit at Fort Detrick

USAMU was established in 1956 to develop the means to diagnose,
treat and prevent diseases caused by biological warfare agents.
Approval of the cs-385 directive for ethical operation, plans for
organization of the institute, preparation of CD-22 protocols and the
Dugway study preceded by 3-6 months the creation of USAMU.

The station hospital was built in 1957. It was linked via walkways to
support laboratories (vir, bact, clin lab, etc) and USAMU. The 8-ball is
at upper left and the BL-4 suite called ”black moriah” is at upper right.
COL W.D. Tigertt USAMU
           Community Consultation
            October 1954 Colonel
            Tigertt contacted Dr.
            Theodore R. Flaiz of
            Seventh Day Adventist
            General Conference
            about seeking 1A-O SDA
            volunteer subjects.
            General Conference of
            SDA Church approved
            recruitment of drafted
            SDA volunteer subjects
            into Operation Whitecoat
Operation Whitecoat Volunteers were SDA
    “Conscientious Objectors” recruited from
   Medic Training school at Fort Sam Houston

Operation Whitecoat Volunteers
at Forest Glenn Ballroom 1956

 Between 1954 and 1973 2,300 Seventh Day Adventist participants of
 Operation Whitecoat served at Fort Detrick and associated locations.
Protocol Review
        during Operation Whitecoat
• The Medical investigator prepared protocol.
• It was Reviewed for approval at a “Protocol Meeting”
attended by Commander, Scientific Advisor, and the
Research Division Chiefs.
• Approved protocols were forwarded to HQDA (SGRD-DR)
for further approval. This could have entailed review by CES
of AFEB (before 1962) or HSRRB (after 1962 *).
• When final approval was given, Whitecoat volunteers were
briefed, attended a project interview, and informed consent
documents were signed after at least 24 hours.
•*AR 70-25 published in 1962 was identical to cs-385.
Review and Approval Process
              1955 – 73 USAMU Protocol
              Meeting Minutes were one page
              long with only one sentence for
              the committee decision. Issues
              were not documented.
              1976 – USAMRIID IRB Minutes 5
              pages long, 4 of which were Q&A
              that documented issues.
              Presently – USAMRIID IRB
              Minutes are > 14 pages long with
              2 pages of narrative summary, 2.5
              pages of Q&A per protocol with
              decision plus 9 pages of expedite
              approval ratifications, continuing
              review and SAE discussion.
Protocol Briefing
Operation Whitecoat served as a
model of the ethical use of human
subjects in research. The three
step process of informed consent
- by which research subjects
become familiar with the purpose
of a study in order to understand
the risks and potential benefits
involved before agreeing to
participate - was successfully
implemented from the program’s
inception. The soldiers were not
required to participate in any of
the studies, only to be present for
briefings by principal investigators
seeking volunteers. Two more
steps occurred before subjects
were asked to consent. About 20
percent of the men did not
participate in any studies during
their tenure at Fort Detrick.
Vaccines that were tested under approved protocols included
those for Q fever, Tularemia (safety & efficacy), Yellow Fever,
Eastern, Western and Venezuelan equine encephalitis (EEE,
WEE & VEE), Hepatitis, Plague and Rift Valley fever (safety only).
Aerosol Efficacy Studies in 8 Ball

Q-fever and Tularemia were approved for these studies
because safety criteria were met and cure was assured.
1955 Whitecoat: Aerosol Human
  Study in Realistic BW Scenario

Dugway Q-fever trial men seemed
to have mysteriously disappeared

                                   Merlin Neff described being in the study
                                   at Dugway. "They put two of us at
                                   each station along with several
                                   monkeys and guinea pigs and mice
                                   and air sampling apparatus,“ This
                                   study satisfied the AFMPC and outdoor
Outdoor Q-fever Study - Dugway     studies like this were never done again.
Experimental Risks Minimized by
Availability of Effective Treatment
                              The men were
                              assured that no dose
                              of bacteria would be
                              fatal, and effective
                              antibiotics would stop
                              infection immediately
                              after it developed.
"They knew that they were going to inhale a certain
number of organisms, and that as soon as they
became ill, they would be treated with appropriate
antibiotics," said Dr. Peter Bartelloni, who was
involved in the research.
In addition to the advances made in vaccine and drug development, Operation
Whitecoat volunteers contributed to a better understanding of the signs,
symptoms, and clinical diagnostic parameters in human disease associated
with Q-fever, Tularemia, Sandfly fever, and staphylococcal enterotoxins.
Ethical Accomplishments of
CD-22 & Operation Whitecoat
Effectively Used Nuremberg Code Principles

Created Effective Informed Consent Process

Involved “Community” of the SDA Volunteers

Local and Extramural Oversight / Monitoring
Medical Accomplishments:
      Operation Whitecoat
Licensed vaccines were developed, including
yellow fever, hepatitis, and plague.
Investigational New Drug (IND) vaccines were
developed, including those for Venezuelan
equine encephalitis (VEE), Rift Valley fever, Q
fever, and tularemia.
Effective systems for biological hazard
containment were developed
Rift Valley Fever Virus vaccine; used in 1977
outbreak in Egypt, effected 200,000 humans
(2,000 deaths) and entire sheep population.
Volunteers in RVF Vaccine Trial
RVF Vaccine caused Peace to
 break out in the middle east
                             Therefore, a little
                             known benefit that
                             Operation Whitecoat
                             Volunteers provided
                             was to enable peace
                             between Egypt and
                             Israel to “break out”
                             because obtaining
 Emissaries from Egypt       RVF Vaccine was an
 and Israel requested        important bargaining
 RVFV as Sadat & Begin       chip to both parties.
 met at Camp David.      N Meyers - Nature 1986 Jan 9; v319(6049): p91
FDA Milestone
   Kefauver-Harris
    Drug Amendments
    passed in 1962 to
    ensure drug efficacy
    and greater drug
    safety. For the first
    time, manufacturers of
    drugs are required to
    show proof to the FDA
    of the efficacy of their
    products before they
    may be approved for
Moral Dilemma: Comply with FDA law
  vs Intent to Benefit in BW Emergency
1962 Amendments to the
FD&C Act requiring proof
of efficacy of drugs and
vaccines created a moral
Risk killing subjects in a
valid clinical trial, versus
Withholding potentially life
saving drugs or vaccines
because they lacked
substantial evidence of
human clinical efficacy.
1962 Exemptions to AR 70-25:
              Double Edged Sword of Definitions
3.   Exemptions to AR 70-25 (26 March 1962). The following categories of activities and
     investigative programs are exempt from the provisions of these regulations:
a.   Research and non-research programs, tasks, and tests which may involve inherent occupational
     hazards to health or exposure of personnel to potentially hazardous situations encountered as
     part of training or other normal duties, e.g., flight training, jump training, marksmanship training,
     ranger training, fire drills, gas drills, and handling of explosives.
     *exposure to chemical agent , cabin decompression and A-bomb blast were “training exercises”
b.   That portion of human factors research which involves normal training or other military duties as
     part of an experiment, wherein disclosure of experimental conditions to participating personnel
     would reveal the artificial nature of such conditions and defeat the purpose of the investigation.
     *unethical LSD experiments tested vulnerability to espionage.
c.   Ethical medical and clinical investigations involving the basic disease process or new treatment
     procedures conducted by the Army Medical Service for the benefit of patients.
     *justified clinical trials, force health protection, experimental infections and vaccine efficacy.
1974-1999 Research Influenced by
  News Events and World Affairs
 “Cold War” imperatives continued into the 1980’s
 and we saw growth in Virology Research.
 Anthrax Research at RIID re-started after the
 outbreak in Sverdlovsk, (Ekaterinburg).
 “Yellow Rain” in Cambodia and Laos signaled the
 need to increase focus on Toxins and Toxinology
 was created from Physical Sciences Division.
 And Aum Shinrikyo warned that Bioterrorism was
 on the horizon just as the “Evil Empire” was
 crumbling. This prompted expansion of Rapid
 Diagnosis, using PCR & other dx technologies.

 MRVS Program tested WRAIR & RIID Vaccines
FDA Historic Milestones
1987 Investigational Drug
Regulations Revised to expand access to
experimental drugs for patients with serious diseases
with no alternative therapies. (Fast Track System –
AIDS activists)
1988 Food and Drug Administration
Act establishes FDA as an agency of DHHS with a
Commissioner of Food and Drugs appointed by the
President with the advice and consent of the Senate,
and broadly spells out the responsibilities of the
Secretary and the Commissioner for research,
enforcement, education, and information.
1987 MOU with FDA Created Ethical and
 Legal Dilemma: Research vs Treatment
Ability to use products labeled IND to benefit war
fighter and laboratory personnel becomes less clear.
From 1964 through 1987 MOUs with the FDA
allowed DoD to Self-Exempt certain IND products
from FDA requirements if they were to be used for
treatment of warfighter, i.e. with “intent to benefit” not
for generation of knowledge.
Clinical Research with IND products to discover new
treatment applications rigorously followed DoD and
FDA requirements.
“Special Procedures” was used for worker safety
outside of clinical research format through 1989.
Bioterrorism: Changed Priorities
            Bioterrorism in the US was no
            longer theoretical after 2001
            DHS, was created for domestic
            security and countermeasures
            R&D for Biodefense medical
            countermeasures under DHHS
            Present Bioterrorism response
            resembles US response to Bio-
            Warfare threat during WW II
Ethical Dichotomy Intrinsic to
    National Biodefense Program:
  Emergency circumstances may affect outcomes of ethical
  analyses by weighting different values, thus favoring
  mitigating actions over caution
I. Respect the rights and welfare of subjects who participate
   in research designed to discover, validate and gain FDA
   marketing approval for products to be used in prevention
   and treatment of possible bioterrorism casualties.
II. Urgent need to use unapproved products reasonably
    thought to be beneficial for protection from - or immediate
    treatment of bioterrorism when there is an emergency and
    no approved alternatives are available.
Ethical Analysis vs Rules & Laws
  HHS Common Rule Regulates Research
     based on Ethical Principles but applied as
  FDA Regulates Product
     FD&CA Law & FDA regulates development,
      labeling, marketing and use of drugs, biologics
      & devices
     FDA defines use of product labeled IND / IDE
      as Research irrespective of intended use
  Nuremberg Code provides principles that may be
  applied in Ethical Analyses for Biodefense Research
Project BioShield
CDC, HHS & DoD may use HHS Project BioShield as
specified in the following legislation:
  Passed: H.R. 2122 Project Bioshield Act - July 16 2003

  Passed: S. 15 Project BioShield Act - May 19 2004

  President Signed : Public Law No: 108-276 July 21 2004

  Presented: H.R. 4258 Rapid Pathogen Identification to
   Delivery of Cures Act - May 3, 2004
These legislative acts may resolve the dilemma associated with the
need for widespread use of FDA-unapproved products in for national
biodefense or war hazards when it is unethical to do FDA-mandated
human clinical efficacy studies. 21 CFR Part 314.600 - .650
Additional legislation may be necessary to further define how these new
laws will operate through existing agencies without damaging the fabric
of regulation protecting the public from unsafe and ineffective drugs.
Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act, section 564 (EUA)
USAMRIID still Evolving

Over the past 56 years since the start of Operation Whitecoat, the U.S.
Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases has grown
considerably from what it was as the U.S. Army Medical Unit, yet It
continues to conduct basic and applied research on biological threats
resulting in medical solutions to protect military service members.
    The present building was planned by COL Dan Crozier, and is named in his honor.
Arthur O. Anderson MD
       Director, Office of Human Use and Ethics
US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases

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Biowarfare to biodefense operation whitecoat & usamriid history

  • 1. PR-13-015 Lecture for FDA 27 February 2013 Biowarfare to Biodefense: Operation Whitecoat & USAMRIID History Arthur O. Anderson MD Office of Human Use and Ethics This presentation represents the views of the author. The information or content presented does not represent the official position or policy of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, the U.S. Army Medical Department, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government. CD-22 Exp 25 Jan 1955, USAMU Est 20 Jun 1956, USAMRIID Est 27 Jan 1969
  • 2. U.S. Not Prepared For BW in 1941 Europeans Had Chemical Warfare Experience in WWI. As WW II Approached, U.S. Worried That Nazis Had Prepared For BioWarfare
  • 3. Detrick Field Was An It Became A Bio- Air National Guard Warfare Center Training Center as Camp Detrick 1931 April 1943 Scientific Director, Dr. Ira Baldwin, [U.Wisc] planned operations 1942-44 LTC William S. Bacon, CMLC was first Commander of Camp Detrick
  • 4. Organizational Ethics: Biosafety invented at Camp Detrick before bioweapons developed A.G. Wedum MD - Safety “S” Division - first division to be activated in 1943
  • 5. Nonpathogenic Simulants were used in Human Studies of Safety Practices Worker safety tests were done to test air purification systems such as mechanical and electrostatic filters, air incinerators and washers Environmental Safety by Regulation of Ambient Air Pressures Masks and biohazard was developed and suits were developed tested at Detrick. and tested at Detrick
  • 6. Camp Detrick – Worker Safety Practices: Organizational Ethics Occupational Safety by “S” Division 1943 Training Program, Posters, Constant Survey of Safety Practices Personnel Inspection and First Aid  First Aid room near hot suite change rooms held personnel who inspected workers leaving suites for breaks in skin or clinical signs and symptoms of disease
  • 7. WWII Human Experimentation Camp Detrick - Safety Practices Immunization*  Vaccination routine called “special procedures” instituted by Biological Protection Branch of S Division  Primary Objective was to protect workers  Secondary Objectives: Determine most efficacious immunization methods Determine effectiveness of available preparations No existing vaccines for some agents Only experimental vaccines available for others * Ltr (S), CO CD to Post Surgeon CD, 22 Jan 44, Sub: Immunization. SPCYF 400.12. In Hq CD (720.3) * Sp Rpt 15, Immunological Protection of Personnel Against B.W. Agents (Oct 46), p.2
  • 8. Special Procedures - SIP Most 1950’s Fort Detrick alumni remember Nurse Betty Grable, Dr. Paul Kadull & the “shot shop”, which is what they called the building where all workers and research subjects received their vaccines prescribed by “Special Procedures”. Both groups got the same IND vaccines but only the research volunteers were given the choice with informed consent
  • 9. Fort Detrick - Fully Engaged Equipment needed was invented on site by a brilliant design and fabrication team
  • 10. Human Subjects Research at Fort Detrick 1943 - 1946 The station hospital, originally activated in 1943, provided a “unique opportunity to study the inception, course and therapeutics of many rare diseases in patients whose baseline health data was known” LTC Abram Benenson MC This was primarily “opportunist” research that depended upon occupational incidents among workers in the various biowarfare facilities
  • 11. Nuremberg War Crimes Trial By 1947 Andrew Ivy’s list of ten conditions required for permissible medical experiments in healthy subjects became the Nuremberg Code. 23 Nazi Doctors were The Code became the convicted of Murder at standard for ethical The Nuremberg Trials research with humans
  • 12. Nuremberg Code of 1947 1. Voluntary Consent absolutely essential. 2. Valid research for good of society – by no other means. 3. Human studies preceded by knowledge survey & research with animal models to identify potential risks and benefits. 4. Avoid unnecessary physical and mental suffering & injury. 5. Prohibits research with apriori risk of death or disabling injury. 6. Degree of risk never to exceed benefit or humanitarian value 7. Prepare to minimize risk of injury, disability or death 8. Investigator must have credentials appropriate to study 9. Subjects must have freedom to withdraw 10. Scientist may terminate study to reduce serious risk
  • 13. What is Voluntary Consent? • This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. • This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him: the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment. • The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.
  • 14. Human Vulnerability to BW Aerosols Not Previously Tested In 1952, the Armed Forces Medical Policy Council wanted information on human vulnerability and countermeasures to biological warfare Army SG met with Chief Chemical Officer at the same time that Secretaries of Defense & Army, Army Chief of Staff and Chemical and Medical elements were meeting to discuss possible use of humans in biowarfare defense research.
  • 15. Wilson Memorandum of 1953 The Nuremberg Code* was incorporated into the Wilson Memorandum to the Secretaries of the Army, Navy and Air Force dated 26 February 1953 * Use of its principles was promoted before any human research related to biological warfare defense were officially planned or conducted Army Directive CS-385 issued 30 June 1953 added consent in writing, additional safeguards, and instructions for compensating subjects for injuries resulting from participation in research AR70-25 was Nuremberg Code Based from 1962-1990
  • 16. CS-385 (30 June 1953) “Use of Volunteers in Research” This document, prepared for the Army Chief of Staff by BG John C. Oakes, became the first government directive prescribing policies and procedures for ethical use of volunteers in atomic biological and chemical warfare defense research. The original document resides at USAMRIID. Five carbon copies went to other USAMRDC Laboratories.
  • 17. Multifaceted CD-22 (1954-55) was designed to determine: Human vulnerability in realistic BW scenarios, i.e. outdoor aerosol delivery to human subjects Effective prevention and treatment of BW casualties. Determination of minimal infective doses. Effectiveness of vaccines and drugs. Serological responses to infections, and. Clinical effects of various doses of infectious agents.
  • 18. The CD-22 program focused on Human responses to prototypes: Q fever and Tularemia were regarded by CES of AFEB as acceptable prototypical BW agents for testing in Humans that satisfied limiting characteristics* of low lethality, no serious chronicity anticipated, effective therapy available and there was adequate animal experimental data on safety and protective efficacy *[also described in cs-385].
  • 19. The US Army Medical Unit at Fort Detrick USAMU was established in 1956 to develop the means to diagnose, treat and prevent diseases caused by biological warfare agents. Approval of the cs-385 directive for ethical operation, plans for organization of the institute, preparation of CD-22 protocols and the Dugway study preceded by 3-6 months the creation of USAMU.
  • 20. USAMU - USAMRIID The station hospital was built in 1957. It was linked via walkways to support laboratories (vir, bact, clin lab, etc) and USAMU. The 8-ball is at upper left and the BL-4 suite called ”black moriah” is at upper right.
  • 21. COL W.D. Tigertt USAMU Community Consultation October 1954 Colonel Tigertt contacted Dr. Theodore R. Flaiz of Seventh Day Adventist General Conference about seeking 1A-O SDA volunteer subjects. General Conference of SDA Church approved recruitment of drafted SDA volunteer subjects into Operation Whitecoat
  • 22. Operation Whitecoat Volunteers were SDA “Conscientious Objectors” recruited from Medic Training school at Fort Sam Houston Operation Whitecoat Volunteers at Forest Glenn Ballroom 1956 Between 1954 and 1973 2,300 Seventh Day Adventist participants of Operation Whitecoat served at Fort Detrick and associated locations.
  • 23. Protocol Review during Operation Whitecoat • The Medical investigator prepared protocol. • It was Reviewed for approval at a “Protocol Meeting” attended by Commander, Scientific Advisor, and the Research Division Chiefs. • Approved protocols were forwarded to HQDA (SGRD-DR) for further approval. This could have entailed review by CES of AFEB (before 1962) or HSRRB (after 1962 *). • When final approval was given, Whitecoat volunteers were briefed, attended a project interview, and informed consent documents were signed after at least 24 hours. •*AR 70-25 published in 1962 was identical to cs-385.
  • 24. Review and Approval Process USAMU 1955-73 vs USAMRIID 1955 – 73 USAMU Protocol Meeting Minutes were one page long with only one sentence for the committee decision. Issues were not documented. 1976 – USAMRIID IRB Minutes 5 pages long, 4 of which were Q&A that documented issues. Presently – USAMRIID IRB Minutes are > 14 pages long with 2 pages of narrative summary, 2.5 pages of Q&A per protocol with decision plus 9 pages of expedite approval ratifications, continuing review and SAE discussion.
  • 26. Operation Whitecoat served as a model of the ethical use of human subjects in research. The three step process of informed consent - by which research subjects become familiar with the purpose of a study in order to understand the risks and potential benefits involved before agreeing to participate - was successfully implemented from the program’s inception. The soldiers were not required to participate in any of the studies, only to be present for briefings by principal investigators seeking volunteers. Two more steps occurred before subjects were asked to consent. About 20 percent of the men did not participate in any studies during their tenure at Fort Detrick.
  • 27. Vaccines that were tested under approved protocols included those for Q fever, Tularemia (safety & efficacy), Yellow Fever, Eastern, Western and Venezuelan equine encephalitis (EEE, WEE & VEE), Hepatitis, Plague and Rift Valley fever (safety only).
  • 28. Aerosol Efficacy Studies in 8 Ball Q-fever and Tularemia were approved for these studies because safety criteria were met and cure was assured.
  • 29. 1955 Whitecoat: Aerosol Human Study in Realistic BW Scenario Dugway Q-fever trial men seemed to have mysteriously disappeared Merlin Neff described being in the study at Dugway. "They put two of us at each station along with several monkeys and guinea pigs and mice and air sampling apparatus,“ This study satisfied the AFMPC and outdoor Outdoor Q-fever Study - Dugway studies like this were never done again.
  • 30. Experimental Risks Minimized by Availability of Effective Treatment The men were assured that no dose of bacteria would be fatal, and effective antibiotics would stop infection immediately after it developed. "They knew that they were going to inhale a certain number of organisms, and that as soon as they became ill, they would be treated with appropriate antibiotics," said Dr. Peter Bartelloni, who was involved in the research.
  • 31. In addition to the advances made in vaccine and drug development, Operation Whitecoat volunteers contributed to a better understanding of the signs, symptoms, and clinical diagnostic parameters in human disease associated with Q-fever, Tularemia, Sandfly fever, and staphylococcal enterotoxins.
  • 32. Ethical Accomplishments of CD-22 & Operation Whitecoat Effectively Used Nuremberg Code Principles Created Effective Informed Consent Process Involved “Community” of the SDA Volunteers Local and Extramural Oversight / Monitoring
  • 33. Medical Accomplishments: Operation Whitecoat Licensed vaccines were developed, including yellow fever, hepatitis, and plague. Investigational New Drug (IND) vaccines were developed, including those for Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE), Rift Valley fever, Q fever, and tularemia. Effective systems for biological hazard containment were developed Rift Valley Fever Virus vaccine; used in 1977 outbreak in Egypt, effected 200,000 humans (2,000 deaths) and entire sheep population.
  • 34. Volunteers in RVF Vaccine Trial
  • 35. RVF Vaccine caused Peace to break out in the middle east Therefore, a little known benefit that Operation Whitecoat Volunteers provided was to enable peace between Egypt and Israel to “break out” because obtaining Emissaries from Egypt RVF Vaccine was an and Israel requested important bargaining RVFV as Sadat & Begin chip to both parties. met at Camp David. N Meyers - Nature 1986 Jan 9; v319(6049): p91
  • 36. FDA Milestone  Kefauver-Harris Drug Amendments passed in 1962 to ensure drug efficacy and greater drug safety. For the first time, manufacturers of drugs are required to show proof to the FDA of the efficacy of their products before they may be approved for marketing.
  • 37. Moral Dilemma: Comply with FDA law vs Intent to Benefit in BW Emergency 1962 Amendments to the FD&C Act requiring proof of efficacy of drugs and vaccines created a moral dilemma: Risk killing subjects in a valid clinical trial, versus Withholding potentially life saving drugs or vaccines because they lacked substantial evidence of human clinical efficacy.
  • 38. 1962 Exemptions to AR 70-25: Double Edged Sword of Definitions 3. Exemptions to AR 70-25 (26 March 1962). The following categories of activities and investigative programs are exempt from the provisions of these regulations: a. Research and non-research programs, tasks, and tests which may involve inherent occupational hazards to health or exposure of personnel to potentially hazardous situations encountered as part of training or other normal duties, e.g., flight training, jump training, marksmanship training, ranger training, fire drills, gas drills, and handling of explosives. *exposure to chemical agent , cabin decompression and A-bomb blast were “training exercises” b. That portion of human factors research which involves normal training or other military duties as part of an experiment, wherein disclosure of experimental conditions to participating personnel would reveal the artificial nature of such conditions and defeat the purpose of the investigation. *unethical LSD experiments tested vulnerability to espionage. c. Ethical medical and clinical investigations involving the basic disease process or new treatment procedures conducted by the Army Medical Service for the benefit of patients. *justified clinical trials, force health protection, experimental infections and vaccine efficacy.
  • 39. 1974-1999 Research Influenced by News Events and World Affairs “Cold War” imperatives continued into the 1980’s and we saw growth in Virology Research. Anthrax Research at RIID re-started after the outbreak in Sverdlovsk, (Ekaterinburg). “Yellow Rain” in Cambodia and Laos signaled the need to increase focus on Toxins and Toxinology was created from Physical Sciences Division. And Aum Shinrikyo warned that Bioterrorism was on the horizon just as the “Evil Empire” was crumbling. This prompted expansion of Rapid Diagnosis, using PCR & other dx technologies. MRVS Program tested WRAIR & RIID Vaccines
  • 40. FDA Historic Milestones 1987 Investigational Drug Regulations Revised to expand access to experimental drugs for patients with serious diseases with no alternative therapies. (Fast Track System – AIDS activists) 1988 Food and Drug Administration Act establishes FDA as an agency of DHHS with a Commissioner of Food and Drugs appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, and broadly spells out the responsibilities of the Secretary and the Commissioner for research, enforcement, education, and information.
  • 41. 1987 MOU with FDA Created Ethical and Legal Dilemma: Research vs Treatment Ability to use products labeled IND to benefit war fighter and laboratory personnel becomes less clear. From 1964 through 1987 MOUs with the FDA allowed DoD to Self-Exempt certain IND products from FDA requirements if they were to be used for treatment of warfighter, i.e. with “intent to benefit” not for generation of knowledge. Clinical Research with IND products to discover new treatment applications rigorously followed DoD and FDA requirements. “Special Procedures” was used for worker safety outside of clinical research format through 1989.
  • 42. Bioterrorism: Changed Priorities Bioterrorism in the US was no longer theoretical after 2001 DHS, was created for domestic security and countermeasures R&D for Biodefense medical countermeasures under DHHS Present Bioterrorism response resembles US response to Bio- Warfare threat during WW II
  • 43. Ethical Dichotomy Intrinsic to National Biodefense Program: Emergency circumstances may affect outcomes of ethical analyses by weighting different values, thus favoring mitigating actions over caution Choices: I. Respect the rights and welfare of subjects who participate in research designed to discover, validate and gain FDA marketing approval for products to be used in prevention and treatment of possible bioterrorism casualties. Versus: II. Urgent need to use unapproved products reasonably thought to be beneficial for protection from - or immediate treatment of bioterrorism when there is an emergency and no approved alternatives are available.
  • 44. Ethical Analysis vs Rules & Laws HHS Common Rule Regulates Research  based on Ethical Principles but applied as Rules FDA Regulates Product  FD&CA Law & FDA regulates development, labeling, marketing and use of drugs, biologics & devices  FDA defines use of product labeled IND / IDE as Research irrespective of intended use Nuremberg Code provides principles that may be applied in Ethical Analyses for Biodefense Research
  • 45. Project BioShield CDC, HHS & DoD may use HHS Project BioShield as specified in the following legislation:  Passed: H.R. 2122 Project Bioshield Act - July 16 2003  Passed: S. 15 Project BioShield Act - May 19 2004  President Signed : Public Law No: 108-276 July 21 2004  Presented: H.R. 4258 Rapid Pathogen Identification to Delivery of Cures Act - May 3, 2004 These legislative acts may resolve the dilemma associated with the need for widespread use of FDA-unapproved products in for national biodefense or war hazards when it is unethical to do FDA-mandated human clinical efficacy studies. 21 CFR Part 314.600 - .650 Additional legislation may be necessary to further define how these new laws will operate through existing agencies without damaging the fabric of regulation protecting the public from unsafe and ineffective drugs. Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act, section 564 (EUA)
  • 46. USAMRIID still Evolving Over the past 56 years since the start of Operation Whitecoat, the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases has grown considerably from what it was as the U.S. Army Medical Unit, yet It continues to conduct basic and applied research on biological threats resulting in medical solutions to protect military service members.  The present building was planned by COL Dan Crozier, and is named in his honor.
  • 47. Arthur O. Anderson MD Director, Office of Human Use and Ethics US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases