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Biomedical Engineering Argumentative Essay
Biomedical engineering is a branch of science that combines engineering and technology and
applies both concepts to biological or medical problems. This relatively new scientific field has the
potential to usher in a new era of remarkable medical advancements. Conversely, the breakthroughs
of this area of study are disadvantaged as many believe that its practices are immoral and unethical.
Nevertheless, many positive and negative aspects can be found within this captivating new science.
Biomedical engineering has become a useful tool in the world of medicine. Scientists and engineers
are opening new doorways into improving the lives of millions worldwide. An array of patients
exhibiting different conditions can benefit from biomedical engineering. ... Show more content on ...
One of the main negative aspects surrounding this science is the fact that bioengineers are riding the
line between advancing medicine and "playing God." This creates a raging storm of moral and
ethical dilemmas. For instance, the synthetic biology involved in creating artificial organs leads
some to conclude that scientists are going too far with their endeavors: "Whenever such culturally
sanctioned boundaries are breached, researchers are inevitably accused of playing God or treading in
Frankenstein's footsteps" (Van den Belt par.1). Many believe these tasks are not meant to be
performed by human hands. Moreover, though man–made organs spark controversy, the most
disadvantaged aspect of biomedical engineering comes from the use of embryonic stem cells. The
debate emerges due to the fact that "to obtain embryonic stem cells, the early embryo has to be
destroyed. This means destroying a potential human life" ("Embryonic stem cell research" par.2). To
clarify, this signifies that bioengineers must choose between two moral principles when faced with
stem cell research: the duty to use their findings to alleviate the suffering of others or the duty to
value even the earliest stages of human life. To reveal a connection, the question of whether
bioengineers are playing the role of God can be related to Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein. In the
novel, Shelley sought to expose the alarming reality of the
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Stem Cell Success or Moral Dilemma Essay
"Stem cell research saved my life!" For some this is true, and for others it's a moral infringement.
For many religious groups this has been a very controversial, unethical way for scientist to commit
murder in the name of science. On the contrary for those riddled with diseases it's a chance at a new
life. Scientist have come so far over the last few decades in their research, if we now stopped
researching stem cell therapy, it would be an enfeeblement to medical technology. It is very
important that we find a happy medium for both sides of this controversial matter so that we may
continue to explore cure options. Most wonder how can regenerative stem therapies help heal
patients? Has Japanese scientist Haruko Obokata found the answer to ... Show more content on ...
Scientific information states two types of stem cells: embryonic stem cells, conceived embryos
formed in the blastocyst phase of embryological development. And there is adult tissue or somatic
stem cells. Both types of stem cells are particularize by their strength and potential to severalize into
different cell types I.E skin, bone, muscle etc. (Crosta). Adult stem cells exist inside the body after
embryonic development and are inside various different tissue types. Stem cells can also be found in
tissues like the brain, skin, liver, blood, blood vessels and skeletal muscles. These cells remain
dormant until stimulated by injury or disease. Scientist have an understanding that adult stem cells
can divide endlessly. This particular trait allows them the capability to generate a range of cell types
from the original organ (Crosta). There are many places to obtain stem cells from: bone marrow, fat
cells, umbilical cord blood, adult blood, olfactory nerve endings, skin cells, and the human embryo.
There are two methods for retrieving a stem cell, using an embryo that has already been conceived
or cloning an embryo using a cell from a patient and a donated egg (embryonic stem cells). And the
adult stem cell found in tissue and cells (NIH). The human embryo has to be destroyed by scientists
in order to obtain the stem cell making this as well as cloning an ethical dilemma. In 1950, fetal
tissue was used successfully in the culture of the polio virus
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Embryonic Stem Cell Research Provides Revolutionary and...
"Stem cell research is the key to developing cures for degenerative conditions like Parkinson's and
motor neuron disease from which I and many others suffer. The fact that the cells may come from
embryos is not an objection, because the embryos are going to die anyway."
–– Stephen Hawking
The phrase "stem cell" calls to mind images of controversy: Pro–life picketers outside abortion and
in–vitro fertilization clinics, patients with chronic disabilities waiting on a cure, scientists in a lab
experimenting with a petri dish. These cells offer unimaginable opportunities for regenerative
medicine because they can retain the ability to differentiate. Stem cells are classified as either adult
or embryonic. Embryonic stem cells can ... Show more content on ...
In order for stem cell research to be considered morally justified by an individual, one would have to
consider blastocysts to be cells that are 'living and human', rather than being a 'living human', or at
least weigh the positive good that treatments derived from stem cells can provide against the
negative drawbacks of destroying a potential life.
Studying cadavers was as equally a distasteful process in its own time, as stem cell research is to
some people today. "[Dissection] was so reviled by the public that even in the nineteenth century,
there was a near state of hysteria to prevent it." However, most people today recognize that without
it we would only have rudimentary knowledge of human anatomy, and a plethora of treatments and
procedures would never have been discovered. Regardless, until 1719 the practice was heavily
regulated in Great Britain, and "any physicians known to perform human dissections were
excommunicated by the Church."2 "Stem cell is in many ways analogous to the
treatment of dissections." Stem cell research will contribute to modern medicine in ways we can
only imagine, but it needs federal funding and guidelines to get there as soon as possible. Many
Americans who have fallen victim to Multiple Sclerosis or Lou Gehrig's Disease no longer have the
luxury of time, a commodity currently being wasted by political posturing to satiate a vocal and
misleading minority. Stem cells
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ICT and Special Needs Case Study of Christopher Reeve Essay
ICT and Special Needs Case Study of Christopher Reeve ICT has help Christopher Reeves in many
ways. Firstly with out the use of medical equipment Reeve would not have survived after the
accident that left him paralysed from the neck down. Such extreme paralysis meant that reeve had to
be kept on a ventilator as his lungs did not work so he couldn't leave his hospital bed for 9 months.
Later he had an operation to fit a devise which sends electrical impulses to the nerves in his lungs so
he could breath on his own, this was a very new procedure that had only been tried out on two
people before him who both died. Also Reeves had a pacemaker fitted. ICT gave Reeve mobility
and the ability to live at ... Show more content on ...
By remaking the film it gave Reeve back some of the joy and fulfilment he had lost in the movie
business he used to be in. If it wasn't for this technology Reeves wouldn't have been able to do this
on his own. Although this was very slow this was the only for Reeve to do this work. CCTV Reeves
had hi–tech CCTV installed into his house and this gave him back some freedom and privacy
because now he could go into a room without anybody having to be with him because now his
carers could watch him on the CCTV to make sure he was okay. Also Reeves was ambassador for
stem cell research which is a very controversial subject in America and a lot of religious groups
didn't like Reeves for trying to conduct this research, so CCTV would have been very useful in
making sure that his home was safe from anybody trying to get in. Bluetooth Bluetooth let Reeves
make phone calls and send MMS and SMS by using voice activated software. This meant that
Reeves didn't have to rely on anyone else when wanting to use the phone but he did have to have his
ear piece in and sometimes the voice activated software doesn't recognize what the person is trying
to say or it can mistake what the person is saying. PC, Internet and email (voice recognition
software) Reeve was able to use virtually any computer
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Persuasive Essay : Stem Cell Research
Persuasive Essay
Stem Cell research and its funding have caused a lot of controversy throughout the past years. Stem
cells are cells that are present in all living organisms. These cells have the potential to grow into any
type of cell, including blood cells, nerves, muscles, and pancreatic cells. Stem cell research is
essential because of the beneficial aspects it has to offer. Stem cells could potentially treat
conditions such as Alzheimer 's, Parkinson 's, birth defects, strokes, Diabetes, cancer, and help in the
reconstruction of severely damaged organs. Although stem cell research withholds great potential
for many medical advances, a lot of controversy surrounds the sources and methods of obtaining
stem cells and the possibility of improper usage of the knowledge acquired from research and
experimentation. It is necessary for scientist to continue research as well as recognizing any ethical
issues that may be present.
There are two different types of stem cells; unlimited and limited. Unlimited stem cells come from
embryos and are referred to as embryonic stem cells (ES Cells), these cells are more medically
valuable than limited stem cells. They are referred to as unlimited stem cells because they have the
ability to develop into any type of cell of tissue in the human body. Limited stem cells come from
adult bone marrow or umbilical cord blood cells. Limited stem cells are more rare because they are
harder to obtain and can only be found in some developed
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Argumentative Essay On Medical Technology
"Surely every medicine is an innovation, and he that will not apply new remedies, must expect new
evils."(Francis Bacon). New advances in medicine and medical technology has changed the lives of
many people throughout the years. Medicine is "the science or practice of the diagnosis, treatment,
and prevention of disease". Medical technology is "healthcare products or equipment used to treat
diseases or injuries..." Medicine has been present since ancient Egypt and has developed
dramatically since then. Scientists are still finding new ways to further develop medicine and
medical technology. One of the latest discoveries involve stem cell research. "Stem cells are a class
of undifferentiated cells that are able to differentiate into specialized cell types." (National Institutes
of Health). Stem cells could open new opportunities in making new medicines and remedies to
diseases such as: Cancer, diabetes, spinal cord injuries, and Alzheimer's disease. This could be a
window of opportunity for the future. These undifferentiated cells have several classes with different
abilities. Those classes include: adult, embryonic, and pluripotent stem cells. "Embryonic stem cells
are present in very early embryos, and produce the first cell of the heart, brain, and other organs.
They have the potential to form just about any other cell in the body." (National Institute of Health).
These cells are the easiest to come by but, because of the moral issues surrounding it, makes it
difficult to
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The Controversy Over The Ethics Of Stem Cell Research Essay
The Controversy of Embryonic Stem Cell Research THE 210/04December 2, 2012
There is a debate over the ethics of stem cell research and many people on opposing sides of the
issue are not aware of all aspects. In order to intelligently debate the legal and ethical issues
regarding stem cell research, one must understand what stem cells are, the applications currently
available, and the impact of the research. It is also important to understand the distinction between
adult and embryonic stem cells before exploring their uses and impacts Stem cells possess unique
properties that make them different from all other cells in the body. Most cells do not have the
ability to replicate where stem cells have the potential to multiply indefinitely. Before they have a
specific function in the body, stem cells are essentially blank slates. There are two basic types of
stem cells, which have different empirical properties and ethical implications.
Researchers successfully attained embryonic stem cells from the embryos of mice in 1981, which
led to the discovery of this process in human beings in 1998 (National Institutes of Health, 2001).
Embryonic stem cells are derived from an in vitro embryo between five days and seven weeks.
Regenerative medicine can benefit greatly from the characteristics of embryonic stem cells. This
process enables damaged organs and tissues to heal themselves with the help of implanted stem cells
matching the organ (Hunziker, 2010, p. 1). There are two traits
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David Baltimore Impact On Society
Science has impacted the world for generations, and this trend will continue on. Everyday new
discoveries are made, life changing research is being conducted, and people are making a difference.
Science is essential to the world, and its potential holds vast opportunities for life itself. There will
never be a time where society is not dependent upon science. Modern science offers a new realm of
possibilities for those who embark on such a journey. The world of science never sleeps; there is
work being conducted right here and now. Some ground breaking contributions to science have been
made by scientists in this decade. They are living and working to make the world a better place. It is
a misconception that someone has to be dead for their ... Show more content on ...
His groundbreaking achievements have impacted life as we know it. David Baltimore is one man
whose impact on society will be felt for generations to come. Baltimore changed the way that
scientists viewed the genetic theory, overturning the belief that genetic information flowed in one
direction from DNA to RNA. This was essential to research and discoveries made about the HIV
virus. Baltimore's work with cancer research was also pivotal to society. The implications of his
research led to new discoveries in medicines as well as applications to which treatments could be
made. Here real strides were made towards helping with cancer, specifically leukemia. David
Baltimore's hard work was acknowledged with his earning of the Noble Prize for Physiology or
Medicine. Baltimore would then proceed to further his research by operating his own laboratory and
advancing his work. With specific experiments on mice, Baltimore was able to study genes, which
were fused with the cancer cells, and apply this information to a new type of drug that would be
used on the genetic level. Baltimore has held many key positions and prestigious institutions such
as; M.I.T., Caltech, and Rockefeller university. Besides research, Baltimore was also involved
socially and politically with issues affecting society. He was an early advocate for AIDS and he
helped the issue gain recognition that would be essential to treating the disease. David Baltimore's
work with cancer causing viruses has led to breakthrough discoveries towards medicine and
treatment. Simply put, David Baltimore has impacted society in so many ways. He has not only
conducted the research but has also been an advocate for causes impacting his research. Baltimore's
tireless work to his field helped to make medicines and applications that impact society as a whole.
His work has changed the world, and he has
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The Issue Of Stem Cell Research
What once was science fiction has become today 's science reality. In this age, one can replicate
many types of specific cells, such as blood, brain, tissue or muscle cells from a single stem cell.
These stem cells, in theory can be used to heal or replace damage cells in our bodies thus curing us
of certain diseases. These stem cells are the basic cells to develop any type of organism and its
research is not allowed without incredible controversy. As one might imagine, such potential power
has been seen as unethical and violating some of religion 's most fundamental beliefs. "Who are we
to play God?" and "At what stage in development is a life considered a life?" are two very common
controversies surrounding stem cell research. Despite ... Show more content on ...
Despite different views about stem cell research, on the scientific and technical level stem cell
research does not breach ethical values. Many stem cell methodologies now circumvent embryo
death which is at the forefront of this ethical debate. In a process known as in vitro fertilization,
"researchers mix a man's sperm and a woman's eggs together in a lab dish. Some of those eggs
become fertilized and begin developing" which are then "implanted into the woman in hopes that
she becomes pregnant" (CIRM). After the woman becomes pregnant and a family is started, the
couple is given options in regards to the remaining embryos. They can "continue paying to store the
embryos or they can defrost the embryos which destroy them or they can choose to donate the
embryos for adoption. [They] can also choose to donate the frozen embryos for research" (CIRM).
Embryonic stem cells collected in this way through in vitro fertilization may be viable alternatives
to proceed with stem cell research. This very sensitive issue can thus be ethically remediated.
In vitro fertilization might still raise some ethical alarms but there are certainly more methods that
completely avoid the destruction of any embryo. For example, in altered nuclear transfer (ANT), an
embryo is not created at all. Instead, "A derivative of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), the
nucleus of the somatic cell (any body cell other than an egg) is
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The Government Should Fund Embryonic Stem Cell Research Essay
Millions of people die every year from diseases and accidents; the nightly news is filled with reports
about the devastating effects of cancer, horrific accidents, and disasters that leave people disfigured
or paralyzed. Embryonic stem cell research is a part of biomedical science and has the potential to
ease the suffering of sick people by curing diseases and defects, creating organs and tissue for
patients needing transplants or skin grafts, regenerating axons in spinal cord injuries, and creating
new treatments, drugs, and immunizations. However, America's government does not support this
research to an extent that would make a difference in medicine; only a few stem cell lines are
authorized, and federal funding is minimal. The ... Show more content on ...
Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are pluripotent and are obtained from the inner mass of a 4–5
day old human blastocyst that consists of approximately 100 cells ("Stem cell research," 2009).
Stem cells are grown on Petri dishes in a laboratory and are never implanted in a woman's uterus.
These cells can be used to create stem cell lines that can grow indefinitely under optimal conditions
("Stem cells and diseases," 2011). Embryonic stem cells can be obtained from existing stem cell
lines (any group of cells that came from the same original embryo), aborted or miscarried embryos,
unused in vitro fertilized embryos, and cloned embryos created from somatic cell nuclear transfer
(the nucleus from an unfertilized egg is removed and replaced with a nucleus from an adult stem
cell). This technique would be used for therapeutic cloning, which could grow organs or skin grafts
for patients. However, the only research that is federally funded are a few embryonic stem cell lines
created from unused embryos at in vitro fertilization (IVF) clinics before 2001 (Dunn, 2005;
"Embryonic & fetal research laws," 2008; Therapeutic cloning, 2009). These lines are not enough to
allow scientists to fully explore and take advantage of potential findings.
Limited government support may have also contributed to increased political and religious
controversy, which has left
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Biology At St. Francis Desales High School
y name is Brittany Truong and I am a rising senior at St.Francis DeSales High
b. I plan to major in biochemistry at a four year university and to later attend medical school. c. HIV
is a virus that most of you, if not all, have heard of. That is because over 1.2 million Americans live
with it everyday. Many of you may wonder: what makes this disease so dangerous? Well, out of all
these infected people, one in eight are not even aware that this virus is currently multiplying in their
bloodstream (CDC). This ignorance stems from the fact that HIV initially lies latent in the body for
up to ten years. After this period, it becomes a sneaky killer by destroying the white blood cells of
the immune system. When your body no longer has a ... Show more content on ...
It is a virus that desecrates immune systems and can slowly creep upon its victim due to its potential
ten year incubation period. You might contract the disease and not even know it. The virus kills by
destroying all your disease fighting T cells, leaving your body powerless to foreign pathogens that
we are surrounded by everyday.
b. HIV is an incurable disease that relies on coreceptors to initiate host cell interaction and
proliferates by utilizing the host cell's own machinery to reproduce new virus. We will more deeply
explore the mechanism in which HIV virions infiltrate and deceive our host cell. In addition, we will
discuss current treatment and research that are in the process of finding a highly coveted cure.
3. Disease Description: low level
i. HIV is a virus that kills cells in our immune system, which protects us from germs and sickness.
When we lose our primary method of infection defense, our body can no longer fight illness and we
can die. It originally came from chimpanzees in Africa who had the same disease in monkey form.
Humans hunted them for meat. When these people killed them, contacted the chimpanzee blood, and
ingested the infected meat, they allowed the monkey form of the virus to enter their bodies (The
AIDS Institute). Viruses are strong because they can change in order to survive.
Therefore, the virus changed so that it could live in human cells, which led to the birth of
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We Need Embryonic Stem Cell Research Essay
In 1981, Scientists found a way to extract embryonic stem cells from mouse embryos. Years later, in
1998, a method to extract stem cells from human embryos and grow the cells in the laboratory was
discovered. The main purpose was to use the cell's ability to regenerative as a method of treating
diseases. As time went by, people started to oppose the idea of using embryonic stem cell for
research. So, funding that helped continue research on embryos started to decrease. This conclusion
came from some people considering that embryonic stem cells research was similar to killing
babies. Others thought that research on adult stem cells was less controversial than research on
embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cell research leads to the ... Show more content on ...
But there are many factors to where someone would donation an embryo to a clinic. From a couple's
inability to keep the child to a mother risk of dying in the process of birth. As beautiful as the birth
of life seems, it is a dangerous process that could end the carrier's life. The idea others are getting is
that these embryos were created for the purpose of reproduction, not to be test experiments. From a
poll, participants' view of the point at which life begins, which was sometimes linked to their
religious beliefs, had an impact on whether they found the use of embryonic stem cells acceptable.
"Where do you draw the line between human being and embryo?" (Australia, Public). One question
towards embryonic stem cells is that if it were approve, then who would fund this research? One
source would come from taxes payer money. Polls have shown that though many people approve the
research on embryonic stem cell, the favor of using their tax money to support this research is not
likely to happen. On August 9, 2001, President Bush announced his decision to restrict the use of
federal funds for research on human embryonic stem cells to those cells that had been removed from
embryos on or before that date (NIH Stem Cell Registry). So, since George W. Bush
Administration's policy on Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research was added. The policy towards
embryonic stem cell research has placed extremely serious
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Outline of Treatment with Beta Thalassemia
A. Personal Story about mother and brother
B. Information about beta thalassemia
1. Common in people of African, Mediterranean, Asian and Middle Eastern descent
2.Thalassemia is the most common genetic disorder worldwide with beta thalassemia has the most
common of the group due to the more than 250 mutations in hemoglobin beta have been linked to
causing Beta thalassemia (according to the DNA Learning Center)
II.What is Beta Thalassemia?
A. Beta thalassemia is a genetic disorder that disturbs the normal production of hemoglobin due to
abnormalities in the genes that affect the one or both beta chains on chromosome #11
1.The two Beta globin chains aid the oxygen carrying ability of oxygen in red blood cells
B. Three Types:
1. Beta Thalassemia major or Cooley's anemia
a) Both of the #11 chromosomes are abnormal
b) Does not appear in a child from three months to a year
2.Beta Thalassemia intermedia
a) Milder clinical symptoms compared to Cooley's anemia
3.Beta Thalassemia minor
a)Silent carrier with few or no symptoms
b)At most patients have mild anemia though it can resemble a mild iron deficiency anemia
1. Blood test
a)Complete blood count
(1)A complete blood test which measures the hemoglobin in and the quantity, size, number, and
maturity of red blood cells
b)A reticulocyte count
(1) Indicates whether bone marrow is producing adequate red blood cells
c)a prenatal blood test to determine if unborn baby has it and how severe it is likely to be
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The Field Of Bioartificial Organs
Modern science has achieved vast successes in multiple fields over the last few years. In this
respect, experimentation in the field of bioartificial organs is particularly extraordinary, because it
has the potential to kick off a new age in the medical field and science as a whole. However, the
research and use of bioartificial organs, specifically the stem cells involved, often stir up
Although the possibilities stem cells bring about are very profitable to the medical field and
bioartificial organs, the ethics involved in harvesting the embryos cause debate. What exactly are
these 'stem cells' at the center of all this controversy? Dr. Peter J. Bryant, research professor at
University of California Irvine, described stem ... Show more content on ...
After the cells are taken out of the egg, destroying the fertilized egg in the process, they are placed
in a culture disk that contains a culture medium, or a liquid rich with nutrients. The cells divide and
spread in the plastic dish, and if left alone in the original dish, the cells can keep multiplying
exponentially with no limits. Once the embryonic stem cells are grown, they're induced to
differentiate and become specialized cells in separate dishes. These embryonic stem cells are able to
become many specialized cells be– cause they're pluripotent. A pluripotent cell is able to become
any type of cell in the human body. In the documentary National Geographic: The Incredible Human
Body, John Gearhart, a stem cell specialist explains how they induced embryonic stem cells to
become heart muscle cells. Under the microscope, it was obvious that the stem cells had turned into
heart muscle cells, because the cells themselves were pulsing like a heart beat. These cells would be
able to be injected into the heart tissue to repair and replace damaged heart tissue. Embryonic stem
cells have the potential to be very useful in the medical field.
Adult Stem Cells have potential to improve the medical field as well, but they're more specific than
embryonic cells. Unlike Embryonic Stem Cells, Adult Stem Cells are multipotent, or
undifferentiated. This means that they rarely have the ability to become more than one type of
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The Conflict Between Medical Potential And Ethical Objections
Stem Cell Research: A Conflict Between Medical Potential and Ethical Objections
In 2011, 23 year old Katie Sharify was involved in an automobile accident that damaged her spine,
leaving her paralyzed from the chest down. Katie's medical team proposed an experimental
approach to her therapy using stem cell research, in which stem cells taken from a 5 day old embryo
could be converted into cells used for communication between the brain and body. Seeing the
glimmer of hope, Katie accepted. However, the funding was cut shortly after her treatment, and all
of the hope she had been clinging to was seemingly lost. Three years and a 14.3 million dollar grant
later, however, the research she had participated in was deemed safe and enabled to ... Show more
content on ...
Research regarding each type of stem cell gives way to a moral conflict for many people. In
particular, there is much controversy surrounding the advancements and use of the human
embryonic stem cells. This is in large part due to the way they are harvested, as extraction cannot be
done by doctors and researchers without killing the embryo. There is also a perceived idea that
researchers are "playing god". In regard to this moral dilemma, Caulfield and Zarzeczny state
"While the majority of these technologies do not involve human embryos and may have distinct
scientific purposes and advantages, they are nonetheless commonly linked with hESC research in
the prevalent discourse." In other words, despite the fact that stem cell research only involves a
small percentage of hESC in the grand scheme and also offers many advantages, people tend to be
focused on the morality involving the use of hESC, possibly blinding them to all of the potential
positive advantages of the other forms of stem cell research.
One might consider the question "If the use of hESC 's causes such a hindrance on this developing
technology, why not omit research on these particular stem cells and move forward with ones which
don 't require the destruction of an embryo?". Although this may seem like the obvious answer, the
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Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Additionally, embryonic stem cells have allowed drug testing to be made safer. It allows scientists to
test the drugs on cells that are better representations of human cells than the previous test subjects,
which were animals. Embryonic stem cells also allow scientists to study human development within
the embryonic stage, and cellular reactions to disease. This means that because these cells are actual
human cells, they will react to disease and disorders in the same fashion as the cells within human
people. By looking at this reaction and development, researchers gain a clearer understanding of
what these disorders are, how they affect human development, and possible treatments, cures, or
preventative measures. Another point of progress for ... Show more content on ...
Embryonic stem cell research is already proving useful in the study of regenerative medicine,
human development, cellular responses to disease, drug testing, and many other fields. This is just
the tip of the iceberg. There is still much more to be discovered and created using the research
platform this stem cell research provides. Although opponents argue it to be unnecessary, it is clearly
important because embryonic stem cells are the most pluripotent stem cells, and all stem cells are
required for the full potential of research. Embryonic stem cell research can also be justified,
because the embryos come from sources where they would otherwise be destroyed, but they are
instead contributing to the advancement of medicine and science. Finally, and notably, this field is
supported, and is clearly leading to a new future of science and research. This research is important
to everybody because it is creating and will continue to create cures, medicines, and therapies. Any
person could be struck by a disease or ailment unexpectedly, and the more research scientists are
able to do with a variety of options means that person may not have to experience discomfort or pain
for long. This research is helping reduce or eliminate fatal disorders as well, meaning that it could
possibly save a loved one's life, if they struggle with a terminal illness. In these ways, embryonic
stem cell research continues to be an issue that affects, and should be understood by, everybody.
Embryonic stem cell research, though controversial, is a field so valuable and with so much
potential that it is important to contribute
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Benefits Of Embryonic Stem Cells
Erika Ramos
Mrs. DeCarvalho
English 10
13 April 2015
The Benefits of Stem Cells
Stem cell research holds the cures and treatments for most of the major diseases in the world. Many
people with major and deadly diseases may be benefited by stem cell research. Other people have
been fortunate enough to have had the benefits of it already. There are two types of cells, which are
embryonic and adult stem cells. Embryonic stem cells can become any type of cell, for example,
blood, brain tissue, and skin cells. Many people may not be supportive of this research because of
cloning fears. Other people do not support it because of the use of aborted embryos for research.
Stem cells will save many people's lives all over the world. Stem cell research ... Show more content
on ...
In October 2014, a study showed that stem cells could help people with macular degeneration,
which is a disease that causes continuous loss of sight. Researchers followed eighteen patients for
three years and saw no signals of rejection of the transplanted stem cells (Young). Stem cells can
also be used to create brain tissue. The creation of brain tissue with stem cells will provide the
treatments for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, and Dementia. These treatments may not cure the
disease completely, but it could stop the progression of the disease. It could also reverse some of the
damage already done. "Anything that might reasonably be called a real brain is going to have to pass
more tests than simply being made of brain cells and looking a bit like a brain under a microscope"
(Coath 4). "Any technique that gives us 'something like a brain' that we can modify, work on, and
watch as it develops has to be exciting"(Coath 4). On September 2013, the creation of cerebral
organoids was achieved. Cerebral organoids are pea–sized brain tissue. This achievement of brain
tissue organs can help researchers explore important questions about brain development and brain
functions. All this research and new developments on stem cells gets researchers a little closer every
time to actually finding the cure for a brain
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The Debate Of Stem Cell Technology Essay
For my casebook, I decided to focus on the topic of stem cell technology. Stem cells are
nonspecialized cells that have the ability to divide for an indefinite length of time and develop into a
variety of cell types. This process primarily occurs early in a person's life while they are still
growing. Stem cells are also used regularly in some organs to repair damaged or worn out tissue.
Stem cells have been found to have many more clinical uses in recent years, though. Stem cells have
been the subject of much research in the scientific community. They have been looked at as potential
cures for everything from hair loss to paralysis. While many of these claims are promising looks at
what the future may hold, media has a tendency to exaggerate the current status of what is capable
with stem cells. This leaves many people guessing about what is true, and what is just science
fiction. The purpose of this casebook is to look at the gray area of stem cells and help differentiate
fact from fiction. I will do this by looking at three major media outlets that talk about stem cells, and
compare what I find with three definitive sources that have the true facts about stem cells. From my
results, we will be able to see how much major media stretches the truth about stem cells. I used
three popular news sources for my casebook. I used an article from Men's Journal titled "Does Stem
Cell Therapy Actually Work?". This article relays information about stem cells to its audience in a
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Stem Research On Stem Cell Research
Taylor Basham
Professor Susan Kelly
English 111–36
25 November 2014
Stem Cell Research Stem cell research has cultivated a new, miraculous study in the health field.
The study has led to an increase in curing diseases over the past couple of decades. Before stem cell
research, diseases were destroying and devastating lives continuously on end. With the use of stem
cells in modern time, diseases are no longer taking control of lives. The innovation in biomedical
technology, such as stem cell research, has greatly impacted the understanding of how diseases can
be treated, how drugs can be tested, how more careers will be available in the future, and how
newborns can safely provide help. Stem cells are cells that give rise to all other cells in the body
with a specialized function. Blood cells, muscle cells, and the cells of internal organs all form from
stem cells. There are several sources of stem cells found in the body. Two known sources of stem
cells are the embryonic stem cell and the adult stem cell. Embryonic stem cells are found in embryos
three to five days old. This means that they are able to divide into more stem cells, or become any
specialized cell in the body at this early stage. Adult stem cells are rare, but not uncommon. These
adult stem cells are found in low numbers amongst all adult tissues. However, these cells are most
commonly found in bone marrow and fat. Unlike embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells have
limited ability to breeding other cell
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The Benefits of Government-Supported Embryonic Stem Cell...
Millions of people die every year from diseases, accidents, and defects, one only needs to turn on
the nightly news to hear of the devastating effects of cancer or of horrific accidents that have left
people disfigured or paralyzed. Stem cell research is a part of biomedical science that has the
potential to cure diseases and defects, create organs for patients needing transplants, regenerate
axons in spinal cord injuries, and create new treatments, drugs, and immunizations. However,
federal funding is limited and does not cover embryonic stem cell research to an extent that would
make a difference in medicine. The United States should support embryonic stem cell research by
increasing federal funding, opening new stem cell lines for ... Show more content on ...
Embryonic stem cells (hESC) are pluripotent. They are obtained from the inner mass of a 5–6 day
old human blastocyst that consists of approximately 100 cells (Bongso & Lee, 2005, p. 3).
The way that hESCs are obtained has given rise to political and religious controversy, which has
hindered the progression of all stem cell research and has left potential social benefits for our society
undiscovered. Federal funding of hESC research might allow for more stem cell lines to be allocated
and could provide enough money to fill the gap of state and private funding. Social benefits, such as
easing the suffering of those afflicted with defects, organ failures, and accident victims, combined
with a reduction of hospital costs associated with these afflictions, would increase the standard of
living and place more money back into the pockets of Americans. However, until compromises can
be made between supporters and opponents of this research, no headway will be made.
Many opponents argue that life begins at the moment of fertilization. They believe that embryos
have the potential to become humans, and to use them in research is killing an unborn child. On the
other hand, there are numerous people who are unsure as to what state of development constitutes
life. They believe that since these embryos would be destroyed eventually and because they have the
potential to save millions of lives, embryonic
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The Importance Of Stem Cells
From the base of their discovery, stem cells have been known to be able to regenerate themselves,
fighting bacteria and disease, and have the component of being unspecialized. This component of
being unspecialized gives way for scientists and researchers to give stem cells a specific function to
target and help repair tissues and systems. Such bacteria and disease stem cells may eradicate and
prevent from plaguing people are Alzheimer's, Parkinson's Disease, spinal cord injuries, cancer, and
much more. It has been studied that with the discovery of stem cells, there is almost no disease or
bacteria that cannot be eradicated by stem cells, due to the fact that every human being has access to
them and is what sustains humans to be and stay ... Show more content on ...
The main conflict of this article that Wade demonstrates is discovering how to eliminate the
production of cancer stem cells in tumors and diseases through the use of stem cells and the
potential they provide in aiding their eradication of the body. Wade discusses that with the use of
anticancer drugs and methods such as chemotherapy and Gleevec, these are not cures to tumors and
cancers that people may and are plagued with. The problem with Gleevec and chemotherapy is that
the chances of tumors and other cancers returning is not uncommon.
The reason behind the return of tumors and other cancers is that these anticancer drugs only work to
kill ninety–nine percent of the cells in a tumor, leaving that one percent behind. In that one percent,
it is believed the cancer stem cells remain to multiply and grow. With this reasoning, Wade gives the
input of Dr. Irving Weissman of Stanford, stating, "If the growth of solid cancers were driven by
cancer stem cells, it would have profound implications for cancer therapy." Concluding that,
"Therapies that are more specifically directed against cancer stem cells might result in much more
durable responses and even cures of metastatic tumors." With the use of stem cells, Ward and other
researchers discern that they have reached a step further to maximize the utmost
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Essay On Bubble Boy Disease
"Bubble Boy Disease" When putting the "Bubble Boy Disease" in the past, gene therapy can be the
time machine to send it back. Gene therapy can help replace infected cells in a patient's body with
healthy, new cells. SCID is a severe disease that can be greatly impacted by gene therapy. New
advancements are being made and a gene therapy method can be used to transfer bone marrow into
the patient, instead of transferring the cells. The future of gene therapy can help cure SCID.
Severe Combine Immunodeficiency(SCID) is a disease that infects infants within the first few
months of life. Some of these infections can be life threatening. The cause of SCID is usually a
defect in the T– & B–lymphocyte systems. SCID is known as the "Bubble Boy Disease". According
to the article The SCID Homepage, "SCID became widely known during the 1970's and 80's, when
the world learned of David Vetter, a boy with X–linked SCID, who lived for 12 years in a plastic,
germ–free bubble." There are multiple versions of SCID, but the most common form is caused by
the X–chromosome. Because this disease only affects the X–chromosome, it can affect male infants.
Benioff Children's Hospital San Francisco(UCSF), is working on a clinical study to ... Show more
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These healthy genes will hopefully restore the patient's health and prevent any further medical
issues. If gene therapy can be used to cure SCID in newborn males, it can most definitely cure more
DNA and gene related immune disorders. If gene therapy can be advanced, the effects of the
treatment will last longer. When the effects last longer, the patient will no longer need medicine.
This will allow the patient's body to recover from SCID and be able to battle infections. They will
not only battle them, they have a higher possibility of getting rid of it. SCID is an appalling disease,
but with the future of gene therapy, it can be put into the
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The Debate Over Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Embryonic stem cell research could one day hold the key to many new scientific discoveries if it is
continuously funded in the years to come. I chose to base my research around the question, Should
embryonic stem cell research be government funded? When I finish highschool I hope to pursue a
career in the medical field. Although I wish to become a doctor and may not be directly researching
stem cells, they may one day be a treatment that I will have to administer to patients. To answer this
question I first had to understand why embryonic stem cells are a topic for such heated debates. This
is another thing that interested me greatly. I had known about how stem cells were produced, but I
had not known about the ethics and great amount of ... Show more content on ...
In class we also discussed how it is one of the most debated topics, but we never discussed why it
was such a debated topic. The groundbreaking scientific research underway happening this century
is revolving around the field of regenerative medicine, specifically stem cell research. To begin to
discuss whether or not stem cell research should be scientifically funded we must understand what
stem cells are. According to Jordan Saltzberg, author of "The Current Embryonic Stem Cell
Research Federal Funding Policy," embryonic stem cells have the possibility to reproduce and
continue to grow and also form any type of specialized cell unlike adult stem cells (2). Since the
embryonic stem cells (hESCs) can form any specialized cell they are more valuable than adult stem
cells (hASCs). Saltzberg has also stated, stem cells are present throughout a person 's life but are
first found in the embryo (2). This shows that one day we may be able to use human adult stem cells
instead of embryonic stem cells. Human embryonic stem cells are, for now, the most promising
subfield of regenerative medicine. Stem cell research is debated by many different groups, for
example the church, government, and everyday people. The majority of religions along with all of
their followers believe the research to be unethical, whereas the government and scientific
community think that it is vital for new scientific discoveries. Despite the
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Stem Cell Research Benefits
Erika Ramos
Mrs. DeCarvalho
English 10
17 April 2015
The Benefits of Stem Cells
Stem cell research holds the cures and treatments for most of the major diseases in the world. Many
people of all ages with major and deadly diseases may be benefited by stem cell research. Other
people have been fortunate enough to have had the benefits of it already. There are two types of
cells, which are embryonic and adult stem cells. Embryonic stem cells can become any type of cell,
for example, blood, brain tissue, and skin cells. Many people may not be supportive of this research
because of cloning fears. Other people do not support it because of the use of aborted embryos for
research. Stem cells will save many people's lives all over the world. Stem ... Show more content on ...
On September 2013, the creation of cerebral organoids was achieved. Cerebral organoids are very
small samples of brain tissue (Young). The creation of brain tissue with stem cells will provide the
treatments for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, and Dementia. These treatments may not cure the
disease completely, but it could stop the disease from getting worse. It could also take away some of
the damage already done. "Anything that might reasonably be called a real brain is going to have to
pass more tests than simply being made of brain cells and looking a bit like a brain under a
microscope" (Coath). This achievement of brain tissue organs can help researchers explore
important questions about brain functions, Parkinson's, and any other brain disease. Parkinson's
disease is a brain disease that causes for people to not have enough dopamine. Stephen Hawking
also agrees with this statement. "Stem cell research is the key to developing cures for degenerative
conditions like Parkinson's and motor neuron disease from which I and many others suffer"
(Hawking). With Parkinson's, there is not enough dopamine produced, and messages are not
properly sent to the parts of the brain that control movement and some forms of thinking. This
disease targets and kills dopamine–producing nerve cells, or neurons. Scientists do not know what
causes this disease, but they do know which cells are involved.
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Congress Passed The Organic Foods Production Act
Congress passed the Organic Foods Production Act in 1990. The Act required the USDA to develop
national standards for organically produced agricultural products to assure consumers that
agricultural products marketed as organic do in fact meet consistent, uniform standards.
Production and handling standards address organic crop production, wild crop harvesting, organic
livestock management, and processing and handling of organic agricultural products. Organic crops
are raised without using most conventional pesticides, petroleum–based fertilizers, or sewage
sludge–based fertilizers. Animals raised on an organic operation must be fed organic feed and given
access to the outdoors. They are given no antibiotics or growth hormones. ... Show more content on ...
Products labeled "100 percent organic" must contain only organically produced ingredients.
Products labeled "organic" must consist of at least 95 percent organically produced ingredients.
Products meeting the requirements for "100 percent organic" and "organic" may display the USDA
Organic seal.
Processed products that contain at least 70 percent organic ingredients can use the phrase "made
with organic ingredients" and list up to three of the organic ingredients or food groups on the
principal display panel. For example, soup made with at least 70 percent organic ingredients and
only organic vegetables may be labeled either "made with organic peas, potatoes, and carrots," or
"made with organic vegetables." However, for these products, the USDA Organic seal cannot be
used anywhere on the package. Processed products that contain less than 70 percent organic
ingredients cannot use the term "organic" other than to identify the specific ingredients that are
organically produced in the ingredients statement.
Organic Farming is a deliberate approach to farming based on regeneration and the promotion of life
and health in the soil. Organic farmers do not use most of the fertilizers and pesticides that are used
by conventional farmers. By using
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What Is LGBT?
LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender and along with heterosexual they describe
people's sexual orientation or gender identity. These terms are explained in more detail here.
A lesbian woman is one who is romantically, sexually and/or emotionally attracted to women. Many
lesbians prefer to be called lesbian rather than gay.
A gay man is one who is romantically, sexually and/or emotionally attracted to men. The word gay
can be used to refer generally to lesbian, gay and bisexual people but many women prefer to be
called lesbian. Most gay people don't like to be referred to as homosexual because of the negative
historical associations with the word and because the word gay better reflects their ... Show more
content on ...
Sexual orientation also refers to a person's sense of identity based on those attractions, related
behaviours, and membership in a community of others who share those attractions. Three sexual
orientations are commonly recognised – heterosexual, homosexual (gay and lesbian) and bisexual.
Homophobia refers to fear of or prejudice and discrimination against lesbian, gay and bisexual
people. It is also the dislike of same–sex attraction and love or the hatred of people who have those
feelings. The term was first used in the 1970s and is more associated with ignorance, prejudice and
stereotyping than with the physiological reactions usually attributed to a 'phobia'. While
homophobic comments or attitudes are often unintentional, they can cause hurt and offence to
lesbian, gay and bisexual people.
Transphobia refers to fear of or prejudice and discrimination against people who are transgender or
who are perceived to transgress norms of gender, gender identity or gender expression. While
transphobic comments or attitudes are often unintentional, they can cause hurt and offence to
transgender people.
Definitions adapted from More Than a Phase (Pobal, 2006), For a Better Understanding of Sexual
Orientation (APA, 2008) and Answers to Your Questions About Transgender Individuals and Gender
Identity (APA,
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The Controversy Of Embryonic Stem Cells
For decades, researchers' use of stem cells has caused a controversy and the consideration of the
ethics of research involving the development, usage, and destruction of human embryos. Most
commonly, this controversy focuses on embryonic stem cells. Not all stem cell research involves the
creation, usage and destruction of human embryos. For example, adult stem cells, amniotic stem
cells and induced pluripotent stem cells do not involve creating, using or destroying human embryos
and thus are minimally, if at all, controversial. Many less controversial sources of acquiring stem
cells include using cells from the umbilical cord, breast milk, and bone marrow. (Brunt, 2012) In
1998, scientists discovered how to extract stem cells from human embryos. This discovery led to
moral ethics questions concerning research involving embryo cells, such as what restrictions should
be made on studies using these types of cells? At what point does one consider life to begin? Is it
just to destroy an embryo cell if it has the potential to cure countless numbers of patients? Political
leaders are debating how to regulate and fund research studies that involve the techniques used to
remove the embryo cells. No clear consensus has emerged. Other recent discoveries may extinguish
the need for embryonic stem cells. With this in mind, we will discover both sides of the issue from a
pros and cons point of view. Stem cell research has expanded at an exponential rate, but its
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The Ethical Cost Of Stem Cell
Through the history of medicine there have been different interventions, inventions, patents,
breakthrough discoveries, and cured diseases. However, some of these crucial discoveries have
come at an ethical cost to the scientific community which has raised concerns among the different
populations of the world. A critical discovery in the world of medicine was the development and use
of stem cells to cure tissue, organ, and endothelial damage; the regeneration of hair and auditory
neurons; and the potential to cure some of the world's most puzzling diseases. The term "stem cell"
was first used in scientific literature in 1868 by a German biologist Ernst Haeckel to describe a
fertilized egg that becomes an organism.3 Haeckel also used the ... Show more content on ...
Good of the University of Minnesota was able to perform the first successful bone marrow
transplant on a child who was suffering from immune deficiency.3 The child received the
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Gsk Annual Report 2010
Do more, feel better, live longer
GlaxoSmithKline Annual Report 2010
Business review P08–P57 Governance and remuneration P58–P101 Financial statements P102–
P191 Shareholder information P192–P212
Business review 2010 Performance overview Research and development Pipeline summary
Products, competition and intellectual property Regulation Manufacturing and supply World market
GSK sales performance Segment reviews Responsible business Financial review 2010 Financial
position and resources Financial review 2009 Risk factors Governance and remuneration Our Board
Our Corporate Executive Team Governance and policy Dialogue with shareholders Internal control
framework Committee reports Remuneration policy Director terms and ... Show more content on ...
Website GlaxoSmithKline's website gives additional information on the Group.
Notwithstanding the references we make in this Annual Report to GlaxoSmithKline's website, none
of the information made available on the website constitutes part of this Annual Report or shall be
deemed to be incorporated by reference herein. Cautionary statement regarding forward–looking
statements The Group's reports filed with or furnished to the US Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC), including this document and written information released, or oral statements
made, to the public in the future by or on behalf of the Group, may contain forward–looking
statements. Forward–looking statements give the Group's current expectations or forecasts of future
events. An investor can identify these statements by the fact that they do not relate strictly to
historical or current facts. They use words such as 'anticipate', 'estimate', 'expect', 'intend', 'will',
'project', 'plan', 'believe' and other words and terms of similar meaning in connection with any
discussion of future operating or financial performance. In particular, these include statements
relating to future actions, prospective products or product approvals, future performance or results
of current and anticipated products,
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The Cloning Controversy Essay
The Cloning Controversy
A mad scientist stands in one part of a double–chambered machine, leaving the other empty. As he
presses a button, gears begin to whir and smoke. A bright light flashes, and out of the empty
chamber steps a perfect replica of the scientist, complete with clothes and command of the English
This sci–fi plot line may be familiar, but it has nothing to do with the actual, controversial cloning
process, one that may be used by today's scientists to create cloned human embryos in the not–so–
distant future.
At Harvard University, two separate teams of scientists may soon create the first cloned human
embryo in the United States. (Earlier this year, a group of South Korean researchers announced they
had ... Show more content on ...
"We could give you your own blood back," Daley said. There would be no risk of rejection by the
immune system, and therefore no reason to suppress it. This way the body would continue to be able
to protect itself after a transplant of any kind.
Cloning, or somatic cell nuclear transfer, involves complex maneuvering. A cell is first taken from
the body of the person or animal to be cloned. It is then inserted into an egg cell whose nucleus has
been removed, thus creating the equivalent to a zygote, or fertilized egg. After certain chemical
adjustments, the cells of the zygote divide and multiply, as if it had been created from an egg and
sperm. The zygote becomes a blastocyst, an early–stage, five–day–old embryo consisting of about
150 stem cells. If the blastocyst is placed into a surrogate mother's uterus, it could possibly develop
into a fully grown person, a replica of the original cell's donor.
In the research that will be conducted at Harvard, if permission is granted, the growth of the
blastocyst would be stopped and it would not be implanted into a woman's womb. Stem cells would
be extracted for study, destroying the embryo.
Scientists are interested in stem cells for their ability to become any type of cell in the body, a
process called differentiation. Theoretically, this allows for limitless possibilities in disease
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Ethical Controversy: The Stem Cells That Heal
Gayathri Manchella
Mrs. Walters
Honors English 3
16 November 2015
The Cells that Heal
Imagine a world where various cancers could be cured. Imagine a world where genetic diseases
could be cured. Imagine a world where Parkinson's, juvenile diabetes, spinal cord injuries, and
blindness could be cured. Such a world may seem unrealistic, but the answer to these diseases may
be closer than they appear; stem cell research. Stem cell research and its funding have caused
enormous controversy over the past decade. It has produced differences of opinion from both ethical
and legal views, causing some countries such as the European Union to legalize SCR while other,
like the United States, have laws prohibiting it. However, the US government should legalize ...
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By legalizing the funding of stem cell research, the United States will be joining several other
countries in leading the prospective frontier that is stem cell research. The legal suits believe stem
cell research is unethical, but all the potential for medical advancements shows otherwise. People
can help by donating money to certain places, such as the California Institute for Regenerative
Medicine, and vote to remove restrictions on stem cell research. By doing this, the world just might
become a place where all serious diseases have a
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The Importance of Stem Cell Research Essay
"The greatest risk to scientific progress is to stop taking risks". Dr. Elias Zerhouni from the National
Institute of Health gave this quote during an interview to a reporter in 2007. He was referring to
Stem Cell research, a controversial medical issue of today. Louise Brown of Manchester, UK owes
her life to scientists and doctors taking risks and exploring the world or Stem Cells. In 1978 she
became the first baby to be born via in–vitro fertilization, a process where a woman's egg is
harvested and mixed with male sperm to become fertilized. After doctors fertilized Louise's mothers'
egg, and let it develop in a lab for about five days they then implanted the zygote in Mrs. Brown's
uterus where it successfully started to grow into a ... Show more content on ...
For most, the issue is determining when life begins. Does life begin at the moment of fertilization or
when a baby exits the womb and appears in the real world? If one considers the moment an egg is
fertilized and develops into a fetus the point when life starts, then harvesting cells from human
embryos could be considered murder. For those who don't believe life begins the moment the sperm
and egg unite, hESC research isn't an as much of an ethical issue. Most religious groups view
destroying an embryo as murder, because they believe that when a baby is conceived it develops a
soul. Harvesting stem cells is beneficial to more than just women looking to get pregnant via in–
vitro. Research has and can be done further on diseases, and for genetic disease screening. As Dr.
Zerhouni put, there must be risks to make progress. The risk of destroying an embryo to potentially
save many human lives is one experts are willing to take. In reality, it all comes down to individuals'
personal beliefs and deciding what comes first in their priorities. Using a fetus that has been aborted
by personal choice, or by using a miscarried fetus could start a breakthrough in medical science and
possibly solve an incurable or untreatable disease. The government has gone back and forth many
times on what is acceptable and what is not in hESC
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A New Law Or Constitutional Amendment
All states in this great nation have three basic branches of government known as the executive,
legislative, and the judicial branch. California is no different. The Governor, Jerry Brown heads up
the executive branch as a face for the people of California (California, 2013). Now we will look at
the type of democracy that truly sets California aside from other states, direct democracy.
With a general overview, a direct democracy is a broad term that encompasses an assortment
decision processes, including town meeting, recall elections, initiatives, and referendums. The
referendum is a process that allows the citizens to approve or reject laws of constitutional
amendments proposed by the government. On the opposite side of a referendum, an initiative is the
proposal of a new law or constitutional amendment by the ordinary citizens to the state government.
No more than half of the states offer options of either, with twenty–five states offering popular
referendum and only eight–teen states offering a recall (Bowman, 2012, p.82) This is what sets
California apart from many of the other states that do not allow recall or initiatives.
While initiatives can be a great thing,
Direct democracy has given Californians a since of freedom and choice for who runs their state. You
could see this advantage/disadvantage (based on personal opinion) in 2003. In 2003, the governor of
California, Govenor Gray Davis was removed from office by a recall (Bowman, 2012, p 85). The
states budget
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Embryonic Stem Cells
Stem cells are cells with the potential to become any type of cell in the body. There are two different
types of stem cells: adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells. Adult stem cells are very valuable
and are used mainly to treat blood diseases, but sometimes adult stem cells from the brain are used
to treat neurological diseases. Adult stem cells can also be difficult to recognize in the adult body.
Embryonic stem cells are more flexible than adult stem cells and can be used for a bigger variety of
diseases (California's Stem Cell Agency,2011). Some people do not believe in the use of embryonic
stem cells, because they believe they are killing future life. Despite the controversy over how stem
cells are gathered, stem cells have undeniable ... Show more content on ...
Type I diabetes is often diagnosed in young children and is caused when the immune system attacks
the pancreatic beta cells in the body. This stops the production of insulin, which is bad because the
patient can no longer absorb glucose like a normal person. This causes the body to use fat as an
energy source. Type I diabetes becomes a burden to the patient, who has to constantly monitor their
blood pressure and inject insulin into their bodies on a daily basis. Experiments on mice have shown
that it is possible to use embryonic stem cells to create immature pancreatic beta cells once
transplanted into the pancreas. When these pancreatic beta cells mature they will be able to produce
insulin for the body. One drawback is that when the cells mature they will have to divide and this
could cause tumors in the pancreas. If scientists can figure out a way to stop the tumors, it would be
a major breakthrough in finding the cure to Type I diabetes (Boseley,
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Legal Issues Regarding Stem Cell Research
Stem Cell Research Legislation and Legal Issues: A stem cell can be described as the primary
building block of the human body and have become important because of its ability to develop into
a different cell type. Due to this ability to develop into different cell types, scientists have continued
to build up ways to use stem cells to renew or repair damaged tissues or organs. As a result of such
efforts, it's expected that stem cell research can contribute to the discovery of new therapies for
various medical conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer's disease. However, it's
difficult to estimate the duration of time that it could take in order for stem cell research to
accomplish these measures. Regardless of these attempts, stem cell research has continued to
generate huge debates and controversies across the world since it emerged. These controversies and
debates have hugely affected stem cell research policies and contributed to various legal issues.
History of Stem Cell Research: While stem cell research basically incorporates both the human and
animal stem cells, these cells are generally classified into three major categories i.e. adult stem cells,
embryonic stem cells, and fetal stem cells. The emergence of stem cell research can be traced back
to the 1800's when it was discovered that embryonic stem cells could generate other cells. However,
first real stem cell research was discovered in the 1900's through the identification that some cells
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The Roles Of A Research : Proper Evaluation Of Sources In...
Proper evaluation of sources is important in research because without reliable and credible sources,
the research done holds no credibility. Three sources will be critiqued and evaluated in order to
convey how they work together to create a competent research paper.
The first source is an academic journal that discusses ligaments and tears and how the advancement
of this research and clinical trials display a higher success rate in recovery than previous methods.
These methods include surgeries using parts of other tendons and ligaments in a patient's leg and
other conservative methods such as bracing the leg and bed rest. Lee, Clegg, Comerford, and Canty–
Laird (2016) state that ligaments, most commonly the anterior cruciate ligament, or ... Show more
content on ...
The addition of MSCs improved ligament tissue formation and increased ultimate failure load when
compared with control animals [8]. Other studies have used biosynthetic scaffolds alongside MSCs
to improve ACL repair." (Lee et al. 2016) Lee et al use logos with the use of statistics as well as
reference to other credible research in order to convey what stem cells are and their uses in the
treatment of ligament injuries.
The second source being evaluated is a secondary source, an academic article from the Archives of
Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery. Not unlike Lee et al, in 2014 Herzinger, Tauber, Korntner,
Traweger, Tempfer, and Quirchmeyr discuss the fragility of the anterior cruciate ligament as well as
reinforce the suggestion that reconstruction of ligaments through the use of stem cell therapies is
and will be the best approach to smooth recoveries of patients with torn ligaments, specifically the
anterior cruciate ligament. "Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are adult stem cells from various
sources, being multipotent and having the capacity of self renewal." (Hirzinger et al, 2014). The
multipotency of mesenchymal stem cells means that they can divide and adapt to specialized
functions specific to different areas of the body such as in the leg where the ACL lies. Hirzinger et al
reemphasize the use of MSCs in order to avoid potential ethical issues of the use of embryonic stem
cells as well as the risks that accompany them. In addition to avoiding ethical
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Essay On Human Life
The Definition of a Human Life In 1998 scientists shocked the world with the discovery of human
embryonic stem cells. This sparked curiosity and enlightenment in the eyes of medical professionals
everywhere. Nineteen years later the world is riddles with a plethora of controversy, fabrication, and
fallacies in regards to the use of embryonic stem cells. Contrary to this, these "super cells" have the
growing potential to put an end to many medical disputes. Firstly, to understand the stigma and
information behind embryonic stem cell research, there must be a common understanding of what a
stem cell is. "Stem cells are a class of undifferentiated cells that are able to differentiate into
specialized cell types (The MNT Editorial Team). ... Show more content on ...
Secondly, you must know the advantages and disadvantages of embryonic stem cell usage. Since
most embryos that are used in ESC research are obtained from IVF treatments, this reduces the rate
of embryos that are being destroyed after treatment is over since there can only be one embryo used
at a time and cannot be saved. Scientists also now have improved their knowledge in birth defects
because ESCs can be turned into models for these birth defects. The wide array of possibilities these
cells can achieve are impeccable, from curing cancer to being able to replace damaged tissue all
over the body. However, the disadvantages of these cells are where the social stigma occurs. Starting
with the possibility of rejection when placed in the body is something many are wary about. This
would cause the patient to be put on anti–rejection medication for the rest of his/her life. Another
disadvantage being most spiritual people believe in life at the point of conception. Even though the
blastula show no physical attributes of a human being and have no chance of developing into a baby
unless embedded into the uterine wall, devout Christians still see this as "murder". Scientists have
also not achieved full understanding of the capability of ESC and do not yet know how to control
their constant need to divide and form new cells which could result in tumors and large masses of
unwanted tissue (Occupytheory). This brings on the
... Get more on ...
Identify the Potential Impact of Genetic Engineering on...
Similar to how the twentieth century was the era of prosperity of computing, the twenty–first
century is the DNA era. The silicon age brought about remarkable changes in how we as a species
think, operate and communicate. A chain reaction occurred, for with the advancements of the
computer revolution, came the rise in the genetic revolution – a revolution that will indefinitely do
for life what computing did for information. During this modernized age, we are on the brink of
being able to transform, manipulate, and create organisms for any number of productive purposes.
"From medicine, to agriculture, to construction and even computing, we are within reach of an age
when manipulating the genetic codes of various organisms, ... Show more content on ...
First, it attacked the virus, then his liver, kidneys, lungs, and brain. Four days later he was dead.
Upon this result, the federal government immediately tightened restrictions on human testing of
gene therapies, resulting in the cancellation of many promising research projects (Science Clarified ,
Supporters however believe that this could very well be the way to put an end to the spread of this
virus. One such advocate, Professor Ben Burke sums it up best by saying that; in the absence of an
effective vaccine, daily administration of anti–retroviral drugs is the most effective treatment for
HIV. However, low patient compliance rates combined with the virus's ability to easily mutate has
led to the emergence of drug–resistant strains that are difficult to treat. In light of that, he therefore
believes it is plausible for researchers like himself to find a way to mend the situation before it gets
any worse and to try to help the population who is suffering from HIV (Society for General
Microbiology, 2010).
There are more than four thousand known genetic disorders. These conditions and diseases may be
chronic or degenerative or even latent and undiscovered for some time, but are ultimately harmful to
the organism. Most infectious diseases are self–limiting or are responsive to antimicrobial agents.
... Get more on ...
Stem Cells Offer Great Promise Essay
Stem cells offer great promise for success in future medical treatments. However, there still remains
to be biased opinions on whether or not the use of stem cell for research is the most appropriate and
effective tool for medical research. This topic is especially important for people who are suffering
from disease that is capable of being treated through stem cell use. For these people, the treatment
has the potential to change their outlook on life to a positive one. The advancements are diverse and
have the potential to help cure numerous diseases and illnesses. Scientists are striving to find even
more ways than they have already to repair damaged tissue in the human body and cure these
diseases entirely through the usage of stem ... Show more content on ...
These stem cells can act like a repair system, dividing regularly to provide new specialized cells to
take the place of those that die or that are lost. Current studies are researching how these different
stem cells may be used to prevent or cure diseases and injuries such as Parkinson's disease, type 1
diabetes, heart disease, spinal cord injury, Duchene's muscular dystrophy, Alzheimer's disease,
strokes, burns, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, vision, and hearing loss (American Medical
Association, 2013). However, there is specific embryonic stem cell that has potential to contribute to
the medical world. It is known as the Pluripotent stem cell. In Ian Murnaghan's article (2011), he
refers to pluripotent as an isolated embryo stem cell that can produce almost all of the cells in the
body, but it can no longer do this once the embryo is done developing. The Pluripotent stem cells
provide the potential ability to renew sources of healthy cells and tissues to treat a variety of
diseases. This topic is especially important for people who are suffering from disease that are
capable of being treated through stem cell use. For these people, the treatment has the potential to
change their outlook on life to a positive one. Scientists are striving to find ways to have stem cells
repair damaged tissue in the human body, and this will lead to further medical advancements for
Treating Disorders/Health Issues
... Get more on ...

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Biomedical Engineering Argumentative Essay

  • 1. Biomedical Engineering Argumentative Essay Biomedical engineering is a branch of science that combines engineering and technology and applies both concepts to biological or medical problems. This relatively new scientific field has the potential to usher in a new era of remarkable medical advancements. Conversely, the breakthroughs of this area of study are disadvantaged as many believe that its practices are immoral and unethical. Nevertheless, many positive and negative aspects can be found within this captivating new science. Biomedical engineering has become a useful tool in the world of medicine. Scientists and engineers are opening new doorways into improving the lives of millions worldwide. An array of patients exhibiting different conditions can benefit from biomedical engineering. ... Show more content on ... One of the main negative aspects surrounding this science is the fact that bioengineers are riding the line between advancing medicine and "playing God." This creates a raging storm of moral and ethical dilemmas. For instance, the synthetic biology involved in creating artificial organs leads some to conclude that scientists are going too far with their endeavors: "Whenever such culturally sanctioned boundaries are breached, researchers are inevitably accused of playing God or treading in Frankenstein's footsteps" (Van den Belt par.1). Many believe these tasks are not meant to be performed by human hands. Moreover, though man–made organs spark controversy, the most disadvantaged aspect of biomedical engineering comes from the use of embryonic stem cells. The debate emerges due to the fact that "to obtain embryonic stem cells, the early embryo has to be destroyed. This means destroying a potential human life" ("Embryonic stem cell research" par.2). To clarify, this signifies that bioengineers must choose between two moral principles when faced with stem cell research: the duty to use their findings to alleviate the suffering of others or the duty to value even the earliest stages of human life. To reveal a connection, the question of whether bioengineers are playing the role of God can be related to Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein. In the novel, Shelley sought to expose the alarming reality of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Stem Cell Success or Moral Dilemma Essay "Stem cell research saved my life!" For some this is true, and for others it's a moral infringement. For many religious groups this has been a very controversial, unethical way for scientist to commit murder in the name of science. On the contrary for those riddled with diseases it's a chance at a new life. Scientist have come so far over the last few decades in their research, if we now stopped researching stem cell therapy, it would be an enfeeblement to medical technology. It is very important that we find a happy medium for both sides of this controversial matter so that we may continue to explore cure options. Most wonder how can regenerative stem therapies help heal patients? Has Japanese scientist Haruko Obokata found the answer to ... Show more content on ... Scientific information states two types of stem cells: embryonic stem cells, conceived embryos formed in the blastocyst phase of embryological development. And there is adult tissue or somatic stem cells. Both types of stem cells are particularize by their strength and potential to severalize into different cell types I.E skin, bone, muscle etc. (Crosta). Adult stem cells exist inside the body after embryonic development and are inside various different tissue types. Stem cells can also be found in tissues like the brain, skin, liver, blood, blood vessels and skeletal muscles. These cells remain dormant until stimulated by injury or disease. Scientist have an understanding that adult stem cells can divide endlessly. This particular trait allows them the capability to generate a range of cell types from the original organ (Crosta). There are many places to obtain stem cells from: bone marrow, fat cells, umbilical cord blood, adult blood, olfactory nerve endings, skin cells, and the human embryo. There are two methods for retrieving a stem cell, using an embryo that has already been conceived or cloning an embryo using a cell from a patient and a donated egg (embryonic stem cells). And the adult stem cell found in tissue and cells (NIH). The human embryo has to be destroyed by scientists in order to obtain the stem cell making this as well as cloning an ethical dilemma. In 1950, fetal tissue was used successfully in the culture of the polio virus ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Embryonic Stem Cell Research Provides Revolutionary and... "Stem cell research is the key to developing cures for degenerative conditions like Parkinson's and motor neuron disease from which I and many others suffer. The fact that the cells may come from embryos is not an objection, because the embryos are going to die anyway." –– Stephen Hawking The phrase "stem cell" calls to mind images of controversy: Pro–life picketers outside abortion and in–vitro fertilization clinics, patients with chronic disabilities waiting on a cure, scientists in a lab experimenting with a petri dish. These cells offer unimaginable opportunities for regenerative medicine because they can retain the ability to differentiate. Stem cells are classified as either adult or embryonic. Embryonic stem cells can ... Show more content on ... In order for stem cell research to be considered morally justified by an individual, one would have to consider blastocysts to be cells that are 'living and human', rather than being a 'living human', or at least weigh the positive good that treatments derived from stem cells can provide against the negative drawbacks of destroying a potential life. Studying cadavers was as equally a distasteful process in its own time, as stem cell research is to some people today. "[Dissection] was so reviled by the public that even in the nineteenth century, there was a near state of hysteria to prevent it." However, most people today recognize that without it we would only have rudimentary knowledge of human anatomy, and a plethora of treatments and procedures would never have been discovered. Regardless, until 1719 the practice was heavily regulated in Great Britain, and "any physicians known to perform human dissections were excommunicated by the Church."2 "Stem cell is in many ways analogous to the treatment of dissections." Stem cell research will contribute to modern medicine in ways we can only imagine, but it needs federal funding and guidelines to get there as soon as possible. Many Americans who have fallen victim to Multiple Sclerosis or Lou Gehrig's Disease no longer have the luxury of time, a commodity currently being wasted by political posturing to satiate a vocal and misleading minority. Stem cells ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. ICT and Special Needs Case Study of Christopher Reeve Essay ICT and Special Needs Case Study of Christopher Reeve ICT has help Christopher Reeves in many ways. Firstly with out the use of medical equipment Reeve would not have survived after the accident that left him paralysed from the neck down. Such extreme paralysis meant that reeve had to be kept on a ventilator as his lungs did not work so he couldn't leave his hospital bed for 9 months. Later he had an operation to fit a devise which sends electrical impulses to the nerves in his lungs so he could breath on his own, this was a very new procedure that had only been tried out on two people before him who both died. Also Reeves had a pacemaker fitted. ICT gave Reeve mobility and the ability to live at ... Show more content on ... By remaking the film it gave Reeve back some of the joy and fulfilment he had lost in the movie business he used to be in. If it wasn't for this technology Reeves wouldn't have been able to do this on his own. Although this was very slow this was the only for Reeve to do this work. CCTV Reeves had hi–tech CCTV installed into his house and this gave him back some freedom and privacy because now he could go into a room without anybody having to be with him because now his carers could watch him on the CCTV to make sure he was okay. Also Reeves was ambassador for stem cell research which is a very controversial subject in America and a lot of religious groups didn't like Reeves for trying to conduct this research, so CCTV would have been very useful in making sure that his home was safe from anybody trying to get in. Bluetooth Bluetooth let Reeves make phone calls and send MMS and SMS by using voice activated software. This meant that Reeves didn't have to rely on anyone else when wanting to use the phone but he did have to have his ear piece in and sometimes the voice activated software doesn't recognize what the person is trying to say or it can mistake what the person is saying. PC, Internet and email (voice recognition software) Reeve was able to use virtually any computer ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Persuasive Essay : Stem Cell Research Persuasive Essay Stem Cell research and its funding have caused a lot of controversy throughout the past years. Stem cells are cells that are present in all living organisms. These cells have the potential to grow into any type of cell, including blood cells, nerves, muscles, and pancreatic cells. Stem cell research is essential because of the beneficial aspects it has to offer. Stem cells could potentially treat conditions such as Alzheimer 's, Parkinson 's, birth defects, strokes, Diabetes, cancer, and help in the reconstruction of severely damaged organs. Although stem cell research withholds great potential for many medical advances, a lot of controversy surrounds the sources and methods of obtaining stem cells and the possibility of improper usage of the knowledge acquired from research and experimentation. It is necessary for scientist to continue research as well as recognizing any ethical issues that may be present. There are two different types of stem cells; unlimited and limited. Unlimited stem cells come from embryos and are referred to as embryonic stem cells (ES Cells), these cells are more medically valuable than limited stem cells. They are referred to as unlimited stem cells because they have the ability to develop into any type of cell of tissue in the human body. Limited stem cells come from adult bone marrow or umbilical cord blood cells. Limited stem cells are more rare because they are harder to obtain and can only be found in some developed ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Argumentative Essay On Medical Technology "Surely every medicine is an innovation, and he that will not apply new remedies, must expect new evils."(Francis Bacon). New advances in medicine and medical technology has changed the lives of many people throughout the years. Medicine is "the science or practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease". Medical technology is "healthcare products or equipment used to treat diseases or injuries..." Medicine has been present since ancient Egypt and has developed dramatically since then. Scientists are still finding new ways to further develop medicine and medical technology. One of the latest discoveries involve stem cell research. "Stem cells are a class of undifferentiated cells that are able to differentiate into specialized cell types." (National Institutes of Health). Stem cells could open new opportunities in making new medicines and remedies to diseases such as: Cancer, diabetes, spinal cord injuries, and Alzheimer's disease. This could be a window of opportunity for the future. These undifferentiated cells have several classes with different abilities. Those classes include: adult, embryonic, and pluripotent stem cells. "Embryonic stem cells are present in very early embryos, and produce the first cell of the heart, brain, and other organs. They have the potential to form just about any other cell in the body." (National Institute of Health). These cells are the easiest to come by but, because of the moral issues surrounding it, makes it difficult to ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Controversy Over The Ethics Of Stem Cell Research Essay The Controversy of Embryonic Stem Cell Research THE 210/04December 2, 2012 There is a debate over the ethics of stem cell research and many people on opposing sides of the issue are not aware of all aspects. In order to intelligently debate the legal and ethical issues regarding stem cell research, one must understand what stem cells are, the applications currently available, and the impact of the research. It is also important to understand the distinction between adult and embryonic stem cells before exploring their uses and impacts Stem cells possess unique properties that make them different from all other cells in the body. Most cells do not have the ability to replicate where stem cells have the potential to multiply indefinitely. Before they have a specific function in the body, stem cells are essentially blank slates. There are two basic types of stem cells, which have different empirical properties and ethical implications. Researchers successfully attained embryonic stem cells from the embryos of mice in 1981, which led to the discovery of this process in human beings in 1998 (National Institutes of Health, 2001). Embryonic stem cells are derived from an in vitro embryo between five days and seven weeks. Regenerative medicine can benefit greatly from the characteristics of embryonic stem cells. This process enables damaged organs and tissues to heal themselves with the help of implanted stem cells matching the organ (Hunziker, 2010, p. 1). There are two traits ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. David Baltimore Impact On Society Science has impacted the world for generations, and this trend will continue on. Everyday new discoveries are made, life changing research is being conducted, and people are making a difference. Science is essential to the world, and its potential holds vast opportunities for life itself. There will never be a time where society is not dependent upon science. Modern science offers a new realm of possibilities for those who embark on such a journey. The world of science never sleeps; there is work being conducted right here and now. Some ground breaking contributions to science have been made by scientists in this decade. They are living and working to make the world a better place. It is a misconception that someone has to be dead for their ... Show more content on ... His groundbreaking achievements have impacted life as we know it. David Baltimore is one man whose impact on society will be felt for generations to come. Baltimore changed the way that scientists viewed the genetic theory, overturning the belief that genetic information flowed in one direction from DNA to RNA. This was essential to research and discoveries made about the HIV virus. Baltimore's work with cancer research was also pivotal to society. The implications of his research led to new discoveries in medicines as well as applications to which treatments could be made. Here real strides were made towards helping with cancer, specifically leukemia. David Baltimore's hard work was acknowledged with his earning of the Noble Prize for Physiology or Medicine. Baltimore would then proceed to further his research by operating his own laboratory and advancing his work. With specific experiments on mice, Baltimore was able to study genes, which were fused with the cancer cells, and apply this information to a new type of drug that would be used on the genetic level. Baltimore has held many key positions and prestigious institutions such as; M.I.T., Caltech, and Rockefeller university. Besides research, Baltimore was also involved socially and politically with issues affecting society. He was an early advocate for AIDS and he helped the issue gain recognition that would be essential to treating the disease. David Baltimore's work with cancer causing viruses has led to breakthrough discoveries towards medicine and treatment. Simply put, David Baltimore has impacted society in so many ways. He has not only conducted the research but has also been an advocate for causes impacting his research. Baltimore's tireless work to his field helped to make medicines and applications that impact society as a whole. His work has changed the world, and he has ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Issue Of Stem Cell Research What once was science fiction has become today 's science reality. In this age, one can replicate many types of specific cells, such as blood, brain, tissue or muscle cells from a single stem cell. These stem cells, in theory can be used to heal or replace damage cells in our bodies thus curing us of certain diseases. These stem cells are the basic cells to develop any type of organism and its research is not allowed without incredible controversy. As one might imagine, such potential power has been seen as unethical and violating some of religion 's most fundamental beliefs. "Who are we to play God?" and "At what stage in development is a life considered a life?" are two very common controversies surrounding stem cell research. Despite ... Show more content on ... Despite different views about stem cell research, on the scientific and technical level stem cell research does not breach ethical values. Many stem cell methodologies now circumvent embryo death which is at the forefront of this ethical debate. In a process known as in vitro fertilization, "researchers mix a man's sperm and a woman's eggs together in a lab dish. Some of those eggs become fertilized and begin developing" which are then "implanted into the woman in hopes that she becomes pregnant" (CIRM). After the woman becomes pregnant and a family is started, the couple is given options in regards to the remaining embryos. They can "continue paying to store the embryos or they can defrost the embryos which destroy them or they can choose to donate the embryos for adoption. [They] can also choose to donate the frozen embryos for research" (CIRM). Embryonic stem cells collected in this way through in vitro fertilization may be viable alternatives to proceed with stem cell research. This very sensitive issue can thus be ethically remediated. In vitro fertilization might still raise some ethical alarms but there are certainly more methods that completely avoid the destruction of any embryo. For example, in altered nuclear transfer (ANT), an embryo is not created at all. Instead, "A derivative of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), the nucleus of the somatic cell (any body cell other than an egg) is ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The Government Should Fund Embryonic Stem Cell Research Essay Millions of people die every year from diseases and accidents; the nightly news is filled with reports about the devastating effects of cancer, horrific accidents, and disasters that leave people disfigured or paralyzed. Embryonic stem cell research is a part of biomedical science and has the potential to ease the suffering of sick people by curing diseases and defects, creating organs and tissue for patients needing transplants or skin grafts, regenerating axons in spinal cord injuries, and creating new treatments, drugs, and immunizations. However, America's government does not support this research to an extent that would make a difference in medicine; only a few stem cell lines are authorized, and federal funding is minimal. The ... Show more content on ... Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are pluripotent and are obtained from the inner mass of a 4–5 day old human blastocyst that consists of approximately 100 cells ("Stem cell research," 2009). Stem cells are grown on Petri dishes in a laboratory and are never implanted in a woman's uterus. These cells can be used to create stem cell lines that can grow indefinitely under optimal conditions ("Stem cells and diseases," 2011). Embryonic stem cells can be obtained from existing stem cell lines (any group of cells that came from the same original embryo), aborted or miscarried embryos, unused in vitro fertilized embryos, and cloned embryos created from somatic cell nuclear transfer (the nucleus from an unfertilized egg is removed and replaced with a nucleus from an adult stem cell). This technique would be used for therapeutic cloning, which could grow organs or skin grafts for patients. However, the only research that is federally funded are a few embryonic stem cell lines created from unused embryos at in vitro fertilization (IVF) clinics before 2001 (Dunn, 2005; "Embryonic & fetal research laws," 2008; Therapeutic cloning, 2009). These lines are not enough to allow scientists to fully explore and take advantage of potential findings. Limited government support may have also contributed to increased political and religious controversy, which has left ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Biology At St. Francis Desales High School y name is Brittany Truong and I am a rising senior at St.Francis DeSales High School. b. I plan to major in biochemistry at a four year university and to later attend medical school. c. HIV is a virus that most of you, if not all, have heard of. That is because over 1.2 million Americans live with it everyday. Many of you may wonder: what makes this disease so dangerous? Well, out of all these infected people, one in eight are not even aware that this virus is currently multiplying in their bloodstream (CDC). This ignorance stems from the fact that HIV initially lies latent in the body for up to ten years. After this period, it becomes a sneaky killer by destroying the white blood cells of the immune system. When your body no longer has a ... Show more content on ... It is a virus that desecrates immune systems and can slowly creep upon its victim due to its potential ten year incubation period. You might contract the disease and not even know it. The virus kills by destroying all your disease fighting T cells, leaving your body powerless to foreign pathogens that we are surrounded by everyday. b. HIV is an incurable disease that relies on coreceptors to initiate host cell interaction and proliferates by utilizing the host cell's own machinery to reproduce new virus. We will more deeply explore the mechanism in which HIV virions infiltrate and deceive our host cell. In addition, we will discuss current treatment and research that are in the process of finding a highly coveted cure. 3. Disease Description: low level i. HIV is a virus that kills cells in our immune system, which protects us from germs and sickness. When we lose our primary method of infection defense, our body can no longer fight illness and we can die. It originally came from chimpanzees in Africa who had the same disease in monkey form. Humans hunted them for meat. When these people killed them, contacted the chimpanzee blood, and ingested the infected meat, they allowed the monkey form of the virus to enter their bodies (The AIDS Institute). Viruses are strong because they can change in order to survive. Therefore, the virus changed so that it could live in human cells, which led to the birth of ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. We Need Embryonic Stem Cell Research Essay In 1981, Scientists found a way to extract embryonic stem cells from mouse embryos. Years later, in 1998, a method to extract stem cells from human embryos and grow the cells in the laboratory was discovered. The main purpose was to use the cell's ability to regenerative as a method of treating diseases. As time went by, people started to oppose the idea of using embryonic stem cell for research. So, funding that helped continue research on embryos started to decrease. This conclusion came from some people considering that embryonic stem cells research was similar to killing babies. Others thought that research on adult stem cells was less controversial than research on embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cell research leads to the ... Show more content on ... But there are many factors to where someone would donation an embryo to a clinic. From a couple's inability to keep the child to a mother risk of dying in the process of birth. As beautiful as the birth of life seems, it is a dangerous process that could end the carrier's life. The idea others are getting is that these embryos were created for the purpose of reproduction, not to be test experiments. From a poll, participants' view of the point at which life begins, which was sometimes linked to their religious beliefs, had an impact on whether they found the use of embryonic stem cells acceptable. "Where do you draw the line between human being and embryo?" (Australia, Public). One question towards embryonic stem cells is that if it were approve, then who would fund this research? One source would come from taxes payer money. Polls have shown that though many people approve the research on embryonic stem cell, the favor of using their tax money to support this research is not likely to happen. On August 9, 2001, President Bush announced his decision to restrict the use of federal funds for research on human embryonic stem cells to those cells that had been removed from embryos on or before that date (NIH Stem Cell Registry). So, since George W. Bush Administration's policy on Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research was added. The policy towards embryonic stem cell research has placed extremely serious ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Outline of Treatment with Beta Thalassemia I.Introduction A. Personal Story about mother and brother B. Information about beta thalassemia 1. Common in people of African, Mediterranean, Asian and Middle Eastern descent 2.Thalassemia is the most common genetic disorder worldwide with beta thalassemia has the most common of the group due to the more than 250 mutations in hemoglobin beta have been linked to causing Beta thalassemia (according to the DNA Learning Center) II.What is Beta Thalassemia? A. Beta thalassemia is a genetic disorder that disturbs the normal production of hemoglobin due to abnormalities in the genes that affect the one or both beta chains on chromosome #11 1.The two Beta globin chains aid the oxygen carrying ability of oxygen in red blood cells B. Three Types: 1. Beta Thalassemia major or Cooley's anemia a) Both of the #11 chromosomes are abnormal b) Does not appear in a child from three months to a year 2.Beta Thalassemia intermedia a) Milder clinical symptoms compared to Cooley's anemia 3.Beta Thalassemia minor a)Silent carrier with few or no symptoms b)At most patients have mild anemia though it can resemble a mild iron deficiency anemia C.Diagnosis 1. Blood test a)Complete blood count (1)A complete blood test which measures the hemoglobin in and the quantity, size, number, and maturity of red blood cells b)A reticulocyte count (1) Indicates whether bone marrow is producing adequate red blood cells c)a prenatal blood test to determine if unborn baby has it and how severe it is likely to be ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Field Of Bioartificial Organs Modern science has achieved vast successes in multiple fields over the last few years. In this respect, experimentation in the field of bioartificial organs is particularly extraordinary, because it has the potential to kick off a new age in the medical field and science as a whole. However, the research and use of bioartificial organs, specifically the stem cells involved, often stir up controversy. Although the possibilities stem cells bring about are very profitable to the medical field and bioartificial organs, the ethics involved in harvesting the embryos cause debate. What exactly are these 'stem cells' at the center of all this controversy? Dr. Peter J. Bryant, research professor at University of California Irvine, described stem ... Show more content on ... After the cells are taken out of the egg, destroying the fertilized egg in the process, they are placed in a culture disk that contains a culture medium, or a liquid rich with nutrients. The cells divide and spread in the plastic dish, and if left alone in the original dish, the cells can keep multiplying exponentially with no limits. Once the embryonic stem cells are grown, they're induced to differentiate and become specialized cells in separate dishes. These embryonic stem cells are able to become many specialized cells be– cause they're pluripotent. A pluripotent cell is able to become any type of cell in the human body. In the documentary National Geographic: The Incredible Human Body, John Gearhart, a stem cell specialist explains how they induced embryonic stem cells to become heart muscle cells. Under the microscope, it was obvious that the stem cells had turned into heart muscle cells, because the cells themselves were pulsing like a heart beat. These cells would be able to be injected into the heart tissue to repair and replace damaged heart tissue. Embryonic stem cells have the potential to be very useful in the medical field. Adult Stem Cells have potential to improve the medical field as well, but they're more specific than embryonic cells. Unlike Embryonic Stem Cells, Adult Stem Cells are multipotent, or undifferentiated. This means that they rarely have the ability to become more than one type of ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The Conflict Between Medical Potential And Ethical Objections Stem Cell Research: A Conflict Between Medical Potential and Ethical Objections In 2011, 23 year old Katie Sharify was involved in an automobile accident that damaged her spine, leaving her paralyzed from the chest down. Katie's medical team proposed an experimental approach to her therapy using stem cell research, in which stem cells taken from a 5 day old embryo could be converted into cells used for communication between the brain and body. Seeing the glimmer of hope, Katie accepted. However, the funding was cut shortly after her treatment, and all of the hope she had been clinging to was seemingly lost. Three years and a 14.3 million dollar grant later, however, the research she had participated in was deemed safe and enabled to ... Show more content on ... Research regarding each type of stem cell gives way to a moral conflict for many people. In particular, there is much controversy surrounding the advancements and use of the human embryonic stem cells. This is in large part due to the way they are harvested, as extraction cannot be done by doctors and researchers without killing the embryo. There is also a perceived idea that researchers are "playing god". In regard to this moral dilemma, Caulfield and Zarzeczny state "While the majority of these technologies do not involve human embryos and may have distinct scientific purposes and advantages, they are nonetheless commonly linked with hESC research in the prevalent discourse." In other words, despite the fact that stem cell research only involves a small percentage of hESC in the grand scheme and also offers many advantages, people tend to be focused on the morality involving the use of hESC, possibly blinding them to all of the potential positive advantages of the other forms of stem cell research. One might consider the question "If the use of hESC 's causes such a hindrance on this developing technology, why not omit research on these particular stem cells and move forward with ones which don 't require the destruction of an embryo?". Although this may seem like the obvious answer, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Embryonic Stem Cell Research Additionally, embryonic stem cells have allowed drug testing to be made safer. It allows scientists to test the drugs on cells that are better representations of human cells than the previous test subjects, which were animals. Embryonic stem cells also allow scientists to study human development within the embryonic stage, and cellular reactions to disease. This means that because these cells are actual human cells, they will react to disease and disorders in the same fashion as the cells within human people. By looking at this reaction and development, researchers gain a clearer understanding of what these disorders are, how they affect human development, and possible treatments, cures, or preventative measures. Another point of progress for ... Show more content on ... Embryonic stem cell research is already proving useful in the study of regenerative medicine, human development, cellular responses to disease, drug testing, and many other fields. This is just the tip of the iceberg. There is still much more to be discovered and created using the research platform this stem cell research provides. Although opponents argue it to be unnecessary, it is clearly important because embryonic stem cells are the most pluripotent stem cells, and all stem cells are required for the full potential of research. Embryonic stem cell research can also be justified, because the embryos come from sources where they would otherwise be destroyed, but they are instead contributing to the advancement of medicine and science. Finally, and notably, this field is supported, and is clearly leading to a new future of science and research. This research is important to everybody because it is creating and will continue to create cures, medicines, and therapies. Any person could be struck by a disease or ailment unexpectedly, and the more research scientists are able to do with a variety of options means that person may not have to experience discomfort or pain for long. This research is helping reduce or eliminate fatal disorders as well, meaning that it could possibly save a loved one's life, if they struggle with a terminal illness. In these ways, embryonic stem cell research continues to be an issue that affects, and should be understood by, everybody. Embryonic stem cell research, though controversial, is a field so valuable and with so much potential that it is important to contribute ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Benefits Of Embryonic Stem Cells Erika Ramos Mrs. DeCarvalho English 10 13 April 2015 The Benefits of Stem Cells Stem cell research holds the cures and treatments for most of the major diseases in the world. Many people with major and deadly diseases may be benefited by stem cell research. Other people have been fortunate enough to have had the benefits of it already. There are two types of cells, which are embryonic and adult stem cells. Embryonic stem cells can become any type of cell, for example, blood, brain tissue, and skin cells. Many people may not be supportive of this research because of cloning fears. Other people do not support it because of the use of aborted embryos for research. Stem cells will save many people's lives all over the world. Stem cell research ... Show more content on ... In October 2014, a study showed that stem cells could help people with macular degeneration, which is a disease that causes continuous loss of sight. Researchers followed eighteen patients for three years and saw no signals of rejection of the transplanted stem cells (Young). Stem cells can also be used to create brain tissue. The creation of brain tissue with stem cells will provide the treatments for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, and Dementia. These treatments may not cure the disease completely, but it could stop the progression of the disease. It could also reverse some of the damage already done. "Anything that might reasonably be called a real brain is going to have to pass more tests than simply being made of brain cells and looking a bit like a brain under a microscope" (Coath 4). "Any technique that gives us 'something like a brain' that we can modify, work on, and watch as it develops has to be exciting"(Coath 4). On September 2013, the creation of cerebral organoids was achieved. Cerebral organoids are pea–sized brain tissue. This achievement of brain tissue organs can help researchers explore important questions about brain development and brain functions. All this research and new developments on stem cells gets researchers a little closer every time to actually finding the cure for a brain ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. The Debate Of Stem Cell Technology Essay For my casebook, I decided to focus on the topic of stem cell technology. Stem cells are nonspecialized cells that have the ability to divide for an indefinite length of time and develop into a variety of cell types. This process primarily occurs early in a person's life while they are still growing. Stem cells are also used regularly in some organs to repair damaged or worn out tissue. Stem cells have been found to have many more clinical uses in recent years, though. Stem cells have been the subject of much research in the scientific community. They have been looked at as potential cures for everything from hair loss to paralysis. While many of these claims are promising looks at what the future may hold, media has a tendency to exaggerate the current status of what is capable with stem cells. This leaves many people guessing about what is true, and what is just science fiction. The purpose of this casebook is to look at the gray area of stem cells and help differentiate fact from fiction. I will do this by looking at three major media outlets that talk about stem cells, and compare what I find with three definitive sources that have the true facts about stem cells. From my results, we will be able to see how much major media stretches the truth about stem cells. I used three popular news sources for my casebook. I used an article from Men's Journal titled "Does Stem Cell Therapy Actually Work?". This article relays information about stem cells to its audience in a ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Stem Research On Stem Cell Research Taylor Basham Professor Susan Kelly English 111–36 25 November 2014 Stem Cell Research Stem cell research has cultivated a new, miraculous study in the health field. The study has led to an increase in curing diseases over the past couple of decades. Before stem cell research, diseases were destroying and devastating lives continuously on end. With the use of stem cells in modern time, diseases are no longer taking control of lives. The innovation in biomedical technology, such as stem cell research, has greatly impacted the understanding of how diseases can be treated, how drugs can be tested, how more careers will be available in the future, and how newborns can safely provide help. Stem cells are cells that give rise to all other cells in the body with a specialized function. Blood cells, muscle cells, and the cells of internal organs all form from stem cells. There are several sources of stem cells found in the body. Two known sources of stem cells are the embryonic stem cell and the adult stem cell. Embryonic stem cells are found in embryos three to five days old. This means that they are able to divide into more stem cells, or become any specialized cell in the body at this early stage. Adult stem cells are rare, but not uncommon. These adult stem cells are found in low numbers amongst all adult tissues. However, these cells are most commonly found in bone marrow and fat. Unlike embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells have limited ability to breeding other cell ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. The Benefits of Government-Supported Embryonic Stem Cell... Millions of people die every year from diseases, accidents, and defects, one only needs to turn on the nightly news to hear of the devastating effects of cancer or of horrific accidents that have left people disfigured or paralyzed. Stem cell research is a part of biomedical science that has the potential to cure diseases and defects, create organs for patients needing transplants, regenerate axons in spinal cord injuries, and create new treatments, drugs, and immunizations. However, federal funding is limited and does not cover embryonic stem cell research to an extent that would make a difference in medicine. The United States should support embryonic stem cell research by increasing federal funding, opening new stem cell lines for ... Show more content on ... 1–2). Embryonic stem cells (hESC) are pluripotent. They are obtained from the inner mass of a 5–6 day old human blastocyst that consists of approximately 100 cells (Bongso & Lee, 2005, p. 3). The way that hESCs are obtained has given rise to political and religious controversy, which has hindered the progression of all stem cell research and has left potential social benefits for our society undiscovered. Federal funding of hESC research might allow for more stem cell lines to be allocated and could provide enough money to fill the gap of state and private funding. Social benefits, such as easing the suffering of those afflicted with defects, organ failures, and accident victims, combined with a reduction of hospital costs associated with these afflictions, would increase the standard of living and place more money back into the pockets of Americans. However, until compromises can be made between supporters and opponents of this research, no headway will be made. Many opponents argue that life begins at the moment of fertilization. They believe that embryos have the potential to become humans, and to use them in research is killing an unborn child. On the other hand, there are numerous people who are unsure as to what state of development constitutes life. They believe that since these embryos would be destroyed eventually and because they have the potential to save millions of lives, embryonic ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. The Importance Of Stem Cells From the base of their discovery, stem cells have been known to be able to regenerate themselves, fighting bacteria and disease, and have the component of being unspecialized. This component of being unspecialized gives way for scientists and researchers to give stem cells a specific function to target and help repair tissues and systems. Such bacteria and disease stem cells may eradicate and prevent from plaguing people are Alzheimer's, Parkinson's Disease, spinal cord injuries, cancer, and much more. It has been studied that with the discovery of stem cells, there is almost no disease or bacteria that cannot be eradicated by stem cells, due to the fact that every human being has access to them and is what sustains humans to be and stay ... Show more content on ... The main conflict of this article that Wade demonstrates is discovering how to eliminate the production of cancer stem cells in tumors and diseases through the use of stem cells and the potential they provide in aiding their eradication of the body. Wade discusses that with the use of anticancer drugs and methods such as chemotherapy and Gleevec, these are not cures to tumors and cancers that people may and are plagued with. The problem with Gleevec and chemotherapy is that the chances of tumors and other cancers returning is not uncommon. The reason behind the return of tumors and other cancers is that these anticancer drugs only work to kill ninety–nine percent of the cells in a tumor, leaving that one percent behind. In that one percent, it is believed the cancer stem cells remain to multiply and grow. With this reasoning, Wade gives the input of Dr. Irving Weissman of Stanford, stating, "If the growth of solid cancers were driven by cancer stem cells, it would have profound implications for cancer therapy." Concluding that, "Therapies that are more specifically directed against cancer stem cells might result in much more durable responses and even cures of metastatic tumors." With the use of stem cells, Ward and other researchers discern that they have reached a step further to maximize the utmost ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Essay On Bubble Boy Disease "Bubble Boy Disease" When putting the "Bubble Boy Disease" in the past, gene therapy can be the time machine to send it back. Gene therapy can help replace infected cells in a patient's body with healthy, new cells. SCID is a severe disease that can be greatly impacted by gene therapy. New advancements are being made and a gene therapy method can be used to transfer bone marrow into the patient, instead of transferring the cells. The future of gene therapy can help cure SCID. Severe Combine Immunodeficiency(SCID) is a disease that infects infants within the first few months of life. Some of these infections can be life threatening. The cause of SCID is usually a defect in the T– & B–lymphocyte systems. SCID is known as the "Bubble Boy Disease". According to the article The SCID Homepage, "SCID became widely known during the 1970's and 80's, when the world learned of David Vetter, a boy with X–linked SCID, who lived for 12 years in a plastic, germ–free bubble." There are multiple versions of SCID, but the most common form is caused by the X–chromosome. Because this disease only affects the X–chromosome, it can affect male infants. Benioff Children's Hospital San Francisco(UCSF), is working on a clinical study to ... Show more content on ... These healthy genes will hopefully restore the patient's health and prevent any further medical issues. If gene therapy can be used to cure SCID in newborn males, it can most definitely cure more DNA and gene related immune disorders. If gene therapy can be advanced, the effects of the treatment will last longer. When the effects last longer, the patient will no longer need medicine. This will allow the patient's body to recover from SCID and be able to battle infections. They will not only battle them, they have a higher possibility of getting rid of it. SCID is an appalling disease, but with the future of gene therapy, it can be put into the ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. The Debate Over Embryonic Stem Cell Research Embryonic stem cell research could one day hold the key to many new scientific discoveries if it is continuously funded in the years to come. I chose to base my research around the question, Should embryonic stem cell research be government funded? When I finish highschool I hope to pursue a career in the medical field. Although I wish to become a doctor and may not be directly researching stem cells, they may one day be a treatment that I will have to administer to patients. To answer this question I first had to understand why embryonic stem cells are a topic for such heated debates. This is another thing that interested me greatly. I had known about how stem cells were produced, but I had not known about the ethics and great amount of ... Show more content on ... In class we also discussed how it is one of the most debated topics, but we never discussed why it was such a debated topic. The groundbreaking scientific research underway happening this century is revolving around the field of regenerative medicine, specifically stem cell research. To begin to discuss whether or not stem cell research should be scientifically funded we must understand what stem cells are. According to Jordan Saltzberg, author of "The Current Embryonic Stem Cell Research Federal Funding Policy," embryonic stem cells have the possibility to reproduce and continue to grow and also form any type of specialized cell unlike adult stem cells (2). Since the embryonic stem cells (hESCs) can form any specialized cell they are more valuable than adult stem cells (hASCs). Saltzberg has also stated, stem cells are present throughout a person 's life but are first found in the embryo (2). This shows that one day we may be able to use human adult stem cells instead of embryonic stem cells. Human embryonic stem cells are, for now, the most promising subfield of regenerative medicine. Stem cell research is debated by many different groups, for example the church, government, and everyday people. The majority of religions along with all of their followers believe the research to be unethical, whereas the government and scientific community think that it is vital for new scientific discoveries. Despite the ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Stem Cell Research Benefits Erika Ramos Mrs. DeCarvalho English 10 17 April 2015 The Benefits of Stem Cells Stem cell research holds the cures and treatments for most of the major diseases in the world. Many people of all ages with major and deadly diseases may be benefited by stem cell research. Other people have been fortunate enough to have had the benefits of it already. There are two types of cells, which are embryonic and adult stem cells. Embryonic stem cells can become any type of cell, for example, blood, brain tissue, and skin cells. Many people may not be supportive of this research because of cloning fears. Other people do not support it because of the use of aborted embryos for research. Stem cells will save many people's lives all over the world. Stem ... Show more content on ... On September 2013, the creation of cerebral organoids was achieved. Cerebral organoids are very small samples of brain tissue (Young). The creation of brain tissue with stem cells will provide the treatments for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, and Dementia. These treatments may not cure the disease completely, but it could stop the disease from getting worse. It could also take away some of the damage already done. "Anything that might reasonably be called a real brain is going to have to pass more tests than simply being made of brain cells and looking a bit like a brain under a microscope" (Coath). This achievement of brain tissue organs can help researchers explore important questions about brain functions, Parkinson's, and any other brain disease. Parkinson's disease is a brain disease that causes for people to not have enough dopamine. Stephen Hawking also agrees with this statement. "Stem cell research is the key to developing cures for degenerative conditions like Parkinson's and motor neuron disease from which I and many others suffer" (Hawking). With Parkinson's, there is not enough dopamine produced, and messages are not properly sent to the parts of the brain that control movement and some forms of thinking. This disease targets and kills dopamine–producing nerve cells, or neurons. Scientists do not know what causes this disease, but they do know which cells are involved. ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Congress Passed The Organic Foods Production Act Congress passed the Organic Foods Production Act in 1990. The Act required the USDA to develop national standards for organically produced agricultural products to assure consumers that agricultural products marketed as organic do in fact meet consistent, uniform standards. Production and handling standards address organic crop production, wild crop harvesting, organic livestock management, and processing and handling of organic agricultural products. Organic crops are raised without using most conventional pesticides, petroleum–based fertilizers, or sewage sludge–based fertilizers. Animals raised on an organic operation must be fed organic feed and given access to the outdoors. They are given no antibiotics or growth hormones. ... Show more content on ... Products labeled "100 percent organic" must contain only organically produced ingredients. Products labeled "organic" must consist of at least 95 percent organically produced ingredients. Products meeting the requirements for "100 percent organic" and "organic" may display the USDA Organic seal. Processed products that contain at least 70 percent organic ingredients can use the phrase "made with organic ingredients" and list up to three of the organic ingredients or food groups on the principal display panel. For example, soup made with at least 70 percent organic ingredients and only organic vegetables may be labeled either "made with organic peas, potatoes, and carrots," or "made with organic vegetables." However, for these products, the USDA Organic seal cannot be used anywhere on the package. Processed products that contain less than 70 percent organic ingredients cannot use the term "organic" other than to identify the specific ingredients that are organically produced in the ingredients statement. Organic Farming is a deliberate approach to farming based on regeneration and the promotion of life and health in the soil. Organic farmers do not use most of the fertilizers and pesticides that are used by conventional farmers. By using ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Lgbt What Is LGBT? LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender and along with heterosexual they describe people's sexual orientation or gender identity. These terms are explained in more detail here. Lesbian A lesbian woman is one who is romantically, sexually and/or emotionally attracted to women. Many lesbians prefer to be called lesbian rather than gay. Gay A gay man is one who is romantically, sexually and/or emotionally attracted to men. The word gay can be used to refer generally to lesbian, gay and bisexual people but many women prefer to be called lesbian. Most gay people don't like to be referred to as homosexual because of the negative historical associations with the word and because the word gay better reflects their ... Show more content on ... Sexual orientation also refers to a person's sense of identity based on those attractions, related behaviours, and membership in a community of others who share those attractions. Three sexual orientations are commonly recognised – heterosexual, homosexual (gay and lesbian) and bisexual. Homophobia Homophobia refers to fear of or prejudice and discrimination against lesbian, gay and bisexual people. It is also the dislike of same–sex attraction and love or the hatred of people who have those feelings. The term was first used in the 1970s and is more associated with ignorance, prejudice and stereotyping than with the physiological reactions usually attributed to a 'phobia'. While homophobic comments or attitudes are often unintentional, they can cause hurt and offence to lesbian, gay and bisexual people. Transphobia Transphobia refers to fear of or prejudice and discrimination against people who are transgender or who are perceived to transgress norms of gender, gender identity or gender expression. While transphobic comments or attitudes are often unintentional, they can cause hurt and offence to transgender people. Definitions adapted from More Than a Phase (Pobal, 2006), For a Better Understanding of Sexual Orientation (APA, 2008) and Answers to Your Questions About Transgender Individuals and Gender Identity (APA, ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. The Controversy Of Embryonic Stem Cells For decades, researchers' use of stem cells has caused a controversy and the consideration of the ethics of research involving the development, usage, and destruction of human embryos. Most commonly, this controversy focuses on embryonic stem cells. Not all stem cell research involves the creation, usage and destruction of human embryos. For example, adult stem cells, amniotic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells do not involve creating, using or destroying human embryos and thus are minimally, if at all, controversial. Many less controversial sources of acquiring stem cells include using cells from the umbilical cord, breast milk, and bone marrow. (Brunt, 2012) In 1998, scientists discovered how to extract stem cells from human embryos. This discovery led to moral ethics questions concerning research involving embryo cells, such as what restrictions should be made on studies using these types of cells? At what point does one consider life to begin? Is it just to destroy an embryo cell if it has the potential to cure countless numbers of patients? Political leaders are debating how to regulate and fund research studies that involve the techniques used to remove the embryo cells. No clear consensus has emerged. Other recent discoveries may extinguish the need for embryonic stem cells. With this in mind, we will discover both sides of the issue from a pros and cons point of view. Stem cell research has expanded at an exponential rate, but its therapeutic ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. The Ethical Cost Of Stem Cell Through the history of medicine there have been different interventions, inventions, patents, breakthrough discoveries, and cured diseases. However, some of these crucial discoveries have come at an ethical cost to the scientific community which has raised concerns among the different populations of the world. A critical discovery in the world of medicine was the development and use of stem cells to cure tissue, organ, and endothelial damage; the regeneration of hair and auditory neurons; and the potential to cure some of the world's most puzzling diseases. The term "stem cell" was first used in scientific literature in 1868 by a German biologist Ernst Haeckel to describe a fertilized egg that becomes an organism.3 Haeckel also used the ... Show more content on ... Good of the University of Minnesota was able to perform the first successful bone marrow transplant on a child who was suffering from immune deficiency.3 The child received the ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Gsk Annual Report 2010 Do more, feel better, live longer GlaxoSmithKline Annual Report 2010 Contents Business review P08–P57 Governance and remuneration P58–P101 Financial statements P102– P191 Shareholder information P192–P212 Business review 2010 Performance overview Research and development Pipeline summary Products, competition and intellectual property Regulation Manufacturing and supply World market GSK sales performance Segment reviews Responsible business Financial review 2010 Financial position and resources Financial review 2009 Risk factors Governance and remuneration Our Board Our Corporate Executive Team Governance and policy Dialogue with shareholders Internal control framework Committee reports Remuneration policy Director terms and ... Show more content on ... Website GlaxoSmithKline's website gives additional information on the Group. Notwithstanding the references we make in this Annual Report to GlaxoSmithKline's website, none of the information made available on the website constitutes part of this Annual Report or shall be deemed to be incorporated by reference herein. Cautionary statement regarding forward–looking statements The Group's reports filed with or furnished to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including this document and written information released, or oral statements made, to the public in the future by or on behalf of the Group, may contain forward–looking statements. Forward–looking statements give the Group's current expectations or forecasts of future events. An investor can identify these statements by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts. They use words such as 'anticipate', 'estimate', 'expect', 'intend', 'will', 'project', 'plan', 'believe' and other words and terms of similar meaning in connection with any discussion of future operating or financial performance. In particular, these include statements relating to future actions, prospective products or product approvals, future performance or results of current and anticipated products, ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. The Cloning Controversy Essay The Cloning Controversy A mad scientist stands in one part of a double–chambered machine, leaving the other empty. As he presses a button, gears begin to whir and smoke. A bright light flashes, and out of the empty chamber steps a perfect replica of the scientist, complete with clothes and command of the English language. This sci–fi plot line may be familiar, but it has nothing to do with the actual, controversial cloning process, one that may be used by today's scientists to create cloned human embryos in the not–so– distant future. At Harvard University, two separate teams of scientists may soon create the first cloned human embryo in the United States. (Earlier this year, a group of South Korean researchers announced they had ... Show more content on ... "We could give you your own blood back," Daley said. There would be no risk of rejection by the immune system, and therefore no reason to suppress it. This way the body would continue to be able to protect itself after a transplant of any kind. Cloning, or somatic cell nuclear transfer, involves complex maneuvering. A cell is first taken from the body of the person or animal to be cloned. It is then inserted into an egg cell whose nucleus has been removed, thus creating the equivalent to a zygote, or fertilized egg. After certain chemical adjustments, the cells of the zygote divide and multiply, as if it had been created from an egg and sperm. The zygote becomes a blastocyst, an early–stage, five–day–old embryo consisting of about 150 stem cells. If the blastocyst is placed into a surrogate mother's uterus, it could possibly develop into a fully grown person, a replica of the original cell's donor. In the research that will be conducted at Harvard, if permission is granted, the growth of the blastocyst would be stopped and it would not be implanted into a woman's womb. Stem cells would be extracted for study, destroying the embryo. Scientists are interested in stem cells for their ability to become any type of cell in the body, a process called differentiation. Theoretically, this allows for limitless possibilities in disease ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Ethical Controversy: The Stem Cells That Heal Gayathri Manchella Mrs. Walters Honors English 3 16 November 2015 The Cells that Heal Imagine a world where various cancers could be cured. Imagine a world where genetic diseases could be cured. Imagine a world where Parkinson's, juvenile diabetes, spinal cord injuries, and blindness could be cured. Such a world may seem unrealistic, but the answer to these diseases may be closer than they appear; stem cell research. Stem cell research and its funding have caused enormous controversy over the past decade. It has produced differences of opinion from both ethical and legal views, causing some countries such as the European Union to legalize SCR while other, like the United States, have laws prohibiting it. However, the US government should legalize ... Show more content on ... By legalizing the funding of stem cell research, the United States will be joining several other countries in leading the prospective frontier that is stem cell research. The legal suits believe stem cell research is unethical, but all the potential for medical advancements shows otherwise. People can help by donating money to certain places, such as the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, and vote to remove restrictions on stem cell research. By doing this, the world just might become a place where all serious diseases have a ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. The Importance of Stem Cell Research Essay "The greatest risk to scientific progress is to stop taking risks". Dr. Elias Zerhouni from the National Institute of Health gave this quote during an interview to a reporter in 2007. He was referring to Stem Cell research, a controversial medical issue of today. Louise Brown of Manchester, UK owes her life to scientists and doctors taking risks and exploring the world or Stem Cells. In 1978 she became the first baby to be born via in–vitro fertilization, a process where a woman's egg is harvested and mixed with male sperm to become fertilized. After doctors fertilized Louise's mothers' egg, and let it develop in a lab for about five days they then implanted the zygote in Mrs. Brown's uterus where it successfully started to grow into a ... Show more content on ... For most, the issue is determining when life begins. Does life begin at the moment of fertilization or when a baby exits the womb and appears in the real world? If one considers the moment an egg is fertilized and develops into a fetus the point when life starts, then harvesting cells from human embryos could be considered murder. For those who don't believe life begins the moment the sperm and egg unite, hESC research isn't an as much of an ethical issue. Most religious groups view destroying an embryo as murder, because they believe that when a baby is conceived it develops a soul. Harvesting stem cells is beneficial to more than just women looking to get pregnant via in– vitro. Research has and can be done further on diseases, and for genetic disease screening. As Dr. Zerhouni put, there must be risks to make progress. The risk of destroying an embryo to potentially save many human lives is one experts are willing to take. In reality, it all comes down to individuals' personal beliefs and deciding what comes first in their priorities. Using a fetus that has been aborted by personal choice, or by using a miscarried fetus could start a breakthrough in medical science and possibly solve an incurable or untreatable disease. The government has gone back and forth many times on what is acceptable and what is not in hESC ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. A New Law Or Constitutional Amendment All states in this great nation have three basic branches of government known as the executive, legislative, and the judicial branch. California is no different. The Governor, Jerry Brown heads up the executive branch as a face for the people of California (California, 2013). Now we will look at the type of democracy that truly sets California aside from other states, direct democracy. With a general overview, a direct democracy is a broad term that encompasses an assortment decision processes, including town meeting, recall elections, initiatives, and referendums. The referendum is a process that allows the citizens to approve or reject laws of constitutional amendments proposed by the government. On the opposite side of a referendum, an initiative is the proposal of a new law or constitutional amendment by the ordinary citizens to the state government. No more than half of the states offer options of either, with twenty–five states offering popular referendum and only eight–teen states offering a recall (Bowman, 2012, p.82) This is what sets California apart from many of the other states that do not allow recall or initiatives. While initiatives can be a great thing, Direct democracy has given Californians a since of freedom and choice for who runs their state. You could see this advantage/disadvantage (based on personal opinion) in 2003. In 2003, the governor of California, Govenor Gray Davis was removed from office by a recall (Bowman, 2012, p 85). The states budget ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Embryonic Stem Cells Stem cells are cells with the potential to become any type of cell in the body. There are two different types of stem cells: adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells. Adult stem cells are very valuable and are used mainly to treat blood diseases, but sometimes adult stem cells from the brain are used to treat neurological diseases. Adult stem cells can also be difficult to recognize in the adult body. Embryonic stem cells are more flexible than adult stem cells and can be used for a bigger variety of diseases (California's Stem Cell Agency,2011). Some people do not believe in the use of embryonic stem cells, because they believe they are killing future life. Despite the controversy over how stem cells are gathered, stem cells have undeniable ... Show more content on ... Type I diabetes is often diagnosed in young children and is caused when the immune system attacks the pancreatic beta cells in the body. This stops the production of insulin, which is bad because the patient can no longer absorb glucose like a normal person. This causes the body to use fat as an energy source. Type I diabetes becomes a burden to the patient, who has to constantly monitor their blood pressure and inject insulin into their bodies on a daily basis. Experiments on mice have shown that it is possible to use embryonic stem cells to create immature pancreatic beta cells once transplanted into the pancreas. When these pancreatic beta cells mature they will be able to produce insulin for the body. One drawback is that when the cells mature they will have to divide and this could cause tumors in the pancreas. If scientists can figure out a way to stop the tumors, it would be a major breakthrough in finding the cure to Type I diabetes (Boseley, ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Legal Issues Regarding Stem Cell Research Stem Cell Research Legislation and Legal Issues: A stem cell can be described as the primary building block of the human body and have become important because of its ability to develop into a different cell type. Due to this ability to develop into different cell types, scientists have continued to build up ways to use stem cells to renew or repair damaged tissues or organs. As a result of such efforts, it's expected that stem cell research can contribute to the discovery of new therapies for various medical conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer's disease. However, it's difficult to estimate the duration of time that it could take in order for stem cell research to accomplish these measures. Regardless of these attempts, stem cell research has continued to generate huge debates and controversies across the world since it emerged. These controversies and debates have hugely affected stem cell research policies and contributed to various legal issues. History of Stem Cell Research: While stem cell research basically incorporates both the human and animal stem cells, these cells are generally classified into three major categories i.e. adult stem cells, embryonic stem cells, and fetal stem cells. The emergence of stem cell research can be traced back to the 1800's when it was discovered that embryonic stem cells could generate other cells. However, first real stem cell research was discovered in the 1900's through the identification that some cells can ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. The Roles Of A Research : Proper Evaluation Of Sources In... Proper evaluation of sources is important in research because without reliable and credible sources, the research done holds no credibility. Three sources will be critiqued and evaluated in order to convey how they work together to create a competent research paper. The first source is an academic journal that discusses ligaments and tears and how the advancement of this research and clinical trials display a higher success rate in recovery than previous methods. These methods include surgeries using parts of other tendons and ligaments in a patient's leg and other conservative methods such as bracing the leg and bed rest. Lee, Clegg, Comerford, and Canty– Laird (2016) state that ligaments, most commonly the anterior cruciate ligament, or ... Show more content on ... The addition of MSCs improved ligament tissue formation and increased ultimate failure load when compared with control animals [8]. Other studies have used biosynthetic scaffolds alongside MSCs to improve ACL repair." (Lee et al. 2016) Lee et al use logos with the use of statistics as well as reference to other credible research in order to convey what stem cells are and their uses in the treatment of ligament injuries. The second source being evaluated is a secondary source, an academic article from the Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery. Not unlike Lee et al, in 2014 Herzinger, Tauber, Korntner, Traweger, Tempfer, and Quirchmeyr discuss the fragility of the anterior cruciate ligament as well as reinforce the suggestion that reconstruction of ligaments through the use of stem cell therapies is and will be the best approach to smooth recoveries of patients with torn ligaments, specifically the anterior cruciate ligament. "Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are adult stem cells from various sources, being multipotent and having the capacity of self renewal." (Hirzinger et al, 2014). The multipotency of mesenchymal stem cells means that they can divide and adapt to specialized functions specific to different areas of the body such as in the leg where the ACL lies. Hirzinger et al reemphasize the use of MSCs in order to avoid potential ethical issues of the use of embryonic stem cells as well as the risks that accompany them. In addition to avoiding ethical ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Essay On Human Life The Definition of a Human Life In 1998 scientists shocked the world with the discovery of human embryonic stem cells. This sparked curiosity and enlightenment in the eyes of medical professionals everywhere. Nineteen years later the world is riddles with a plethora of controversy, fabrication, and fallacies in regards to the use of embryonic stem cells. Contrary to this, these "super cells" have the growing potential to put an end to many medical disputes. Firstly, to understand the stigma and information behind embryonic stem cell research, there must be a common understanding of what a stem cell is. "Stem cells are a class of undifferentiated cells that are able to differentiate into specialized cell types (The MNT Editorial Team). ... Show more content on ... Secondly, you must know the advantages and disadvantages of embryonic stem cell usage. Since most embryos that are used in ESC research are obtained from IVF treatments, this reduces the rate of embryos that are being destroyed after treatment is over since there can only be one embryo used at a time and cannot be saved. Scientists also now have improved their knowledge in birth defects because ESCs can be turned into models for these birth defects. The wide array of possibilities these cells can achieve are impeccable, from curing cancer to being able to replace damaged tissue all over the body. However, the disadvantages of these cells are where the social stigma occurs. Starting with the possibility of rejection when placed in the body is something many are wary about. This would cause the patient to be put on anti–rejection medication for the rest of his/her life. Another disadvantage being most spiritual people believe in life at the point of conception. Even though the blastula show no physical attributes of a human being and have no chance of developing into a baby unless embedded into the uterine wall, devout Christians still see this as "murder". Scientists have also not achieved full understanding of the capability of ESC and do not yet know how to control their constant need to divide and form new cells which could result in tumors and large masses of unwanted tissue (Occupytheory). This brings on the ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Identify the Potential Impact of Genetic Engineering on... BACKGROUND: Similar to how the twentieth century was the era of prosperity of computing, the twenty–first century is the DNA era. The silicon age brought about remarkable changes in how we as a species think, operate and communicate. A chain reaction occurred, for with the advancements of the computer revolution, came the rise in the genetic revolution – a revolution that will indefinitely do for life what computing did for information. During this modernized age, we are on the brink of being able to transform, manipulate, and create organisms for any number of productive purposes. "From medicine, to agriculture, to construction and even computing, we are within reach of an age when manipulating the genetic codes of various organisms, ... Show more content on ... First, it attacked the virus, then his liver, kidneys, lungs, and brain. Four days later he was dead. Upon this result, the federal government immediately tightened restrictions on human testing of gene therapies, resulting in the cancellation of many promising research projects (Science Clarified , 2009). Supporters however believe that this could very well be the way to put an end to the spread of this virus. One such advocate, Professor Ben Burke sums it up best by saying that; in the absence of an effective vaccine, daily administration of anti–retroviral drugs is the most effective treatment for HIV. However, low patient compliance rates combined with the virus's ability to easily mutate has led to the emergence of drug–resistant strains that are difficult to treat. In light of that, he therefore believes it is plausible for researchers like himself to find a way to mend the situation before it gets any worse and to try to help the population who is suffering from HIV (Society for General Microbiology, 2010). PROBLEM ANALYSIS: There are more than four thousand known genetic disorders. These conditions and diseases may be chronic or degenerative or even latent and undiscovered for some time, but are ultimately harmful to the organism. Most infectious diseases are self–limiting or are responsive to antimicrobial agents. ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Stem Cells Offer Great Promise Essay Stem cells offer great promise for success in future medical treatments. However, there still remains to be biased opinions on whether or not the use of stem cell for research is the most appropriate and effective tool for medical research. This topic is especially important for people who are suffering from disease that is capable of being treated through stem cell use. For these people, the treatment has the potential to change their outlook on life to a positive one. The advancements are diverse and have the potential to help cure numerous diseases and illnesses. Scientists are striving to find even more ways than they have already to repair damaged tissue in the human body and cure these diseases entirely through the usage of stem ... Show more content on ... These stem cells can act like a repair system, dividing regularly to provide new specialized cells to take the place of those that die or that are lost. Current studies are researching how these different stem cells may be used to prevent or cure diseases and injuries such as Parkinson's disease, type 1 diabetes, heart disease, spinal cord injury, Duchene's muscular dystrophy, Alzheimer's disease, strokes, burns, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, vision, and hearing loss (American Medical Association, 2013). However, there is specific embryonic stem cell that has potential to contribute to the medical world. It is known as the Pluripotent stem cell. In Ian Murnaghan's article (2011), he refers to pluripotent as an isolated embryo stem cell that can produce almost all of the cells in the body, but it can no longer do this once the embryo is done developing. The Pluripotent stem cells provide the potential ability to renew sources of healthy cells and tissues to treat a variety of diseases. This topic is especially important for people who are suffering from disease that are capable of being treated through stem cell use. For these people, the treatment has the potential to change their outlook on life to a positive one. Scientists are striving to find ways to have stem cells repair damaged tissue in the human body, and this will lead to further medical advancements for researchers. Treating Disorders/Health Issues ... Get more on ...