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Existence of
Ehab Roufail
1. Evidence for a
beginning of the
2. Evidence for fine
tuning in the Universe
3. Solar System’s
fitness for life
4. Earth’s fitness for life
5. The miracle of life
1. Evidence for a
beginning of the
2. Evidence for fine
tuning in the Universe
3. Solar System’s
fitness for life
4. Earth’s fitness for life
5. The miracle of life
What the Bible says on a
design to the Universe
The Bible begins with the statement that God
created the heavens and the earth – Gen 1
Psalm 19
1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
3 They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
4 Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.
In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun.
What the Bible says on design to the
The Bible begins with the statement that God
created the heavens and the earth – Gen 1
Psalm 19
1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
3 They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
4 Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.
In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun.
What the Bible says on a
design to the Universe
Romans 1:18-20
18 The wrath of God is being revealed from
heaven against all the godlessness and
wickedness of people, who suppress the truth
by their wickedness,
19 since what may be known about God is plain
to them, because God has made it plain to
20 For since the creation of the world God’s
invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine
nature—have been clearly seen, being
understood from what has been made, so that
people are without excuse.
Romans 1:18-20
18 The wrath of God is being revealed from
heaven against all the godlessness and
wickedness of people, who suppress the truth
by their wickedness,
19 since what may be known about God is plain
to them, because God has made it plain to
20 For since the creation of the world God’s
invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine
nature—have been clearly seen, being
understood from what has been made, so that
people are without excuse.
What the Bible says on design to the
Early Scientists
• “The ordinary course of nature
in the whole of creation has
certain natural laws” St.
Augustine of Hippo 354AD -
• This cosmic law on which the
universe runs was
investigated by early scientists
Newton, Galileo and others as
a religious quest
• Newton, Galileo, Johannes
Kepler and Galileo Galilei,
gave birth to the modern
scientific age.
Early Scientists
• 340 B.C Aristotle writes in his book “on the
Heavens” that the earth was a round sphere
rather than a flat plate – due to two
– During an eclipse of the moon – the earths shadow
is always round
– The North star appeared to be lower in the sky in
the south than in more northern regions
• Isaiah 40:22 (~720 BC) reads, “It is he [i.e. God] who
sits above the circle of the earth.”
– There is good reason to believe that the word translated
‘circle’ might be better translated ‘sphere’. The Hebrew
word in question is khûg (‫)חּוג‬
Ptolemy – 150 AD
Source -
Aristotle and Ptolemy Model
Copernicus, Galileo and
Kepler – 1600s
SN 1604
Phases of Venus 1610
Elliptical orbits
Sir Isaac Newton (1642
– 1727) – Elliptical
Orbits of Planets
• Principia
• Law of
– Confirmed
Kepler’s Laws
of planetary
Albert Einstein
(1879 – 1955)
• Accurate observations of the
planet Mercury revealed a
small difference between its
motion and the predictions of
Newton’s theory of gravity
• Einstein’s general theory of
relativity predicted a slightly
different motion from
Newton’s theory.
• Einstein’s predictions
matched what was seen,
while Newton’s did not
• This was one of the crucial
confirmations of the new
•mass tells gravity how
to exert a force, force
tells mass how to
•(F = m a)
•mass-energy (E=mc²)
tells space time how to
curve, curved space-
time tells mass-energy
how to move
Did the Universe have a
• Immanuel Kant in the 18th Century
proposed the theory that the universe is an
infinite expanse with no beginning and no
end and no creator.
• That led to several scientists from this
period onwards believing that the Universe
had always existed.
• They believed that Mass, Space, Time and
Energy that compose our universe had
always existed
Did the Universe have a
• “Many scientists who are
struggling to construct a fully
comprehensible theory of the
physical universe openly admit
that part of the motivation is…
• …to finally get rid of God, whom
they view as a dangerous and
infantile delusion.”
Paul Davis – The Goldilocks
Did the Universe
have a beginning?
• In1929, Edwin
Hubble announced
we were in a huge
universe, so big it
would take light
billions of years to
travel across it. Not
only was it
immense, but every
part was moving
away from every
other part at
incredible speeds,
some receding at
100 million miles an
Monsignor Georges
Lemaître & Albert
Einstein, 1933
• Between the 20s and 30s
this Belgian priest and
mathematics teacher
published a theory that
changed the course of
cosmology in the twentieth
• Taking Hubble's
observation that the
galaxies were rapidly
receding from one another,
he ran the theory
backwards to a time when
all the matter in the
universe was very close
Did the Universe have a
• He called this the "primordial atom"
and imagined a beginning when the
whole universe exploded like
"fireworks of unimaginable beauty"
with a "big noise."(3)
• Thus was born the Big Bang theory.
• In January 1933, the Belgian
mathematician and Catholic priest
Georges Lemaitre traveled with
Albert Einstein to California for a
series of seminars.
• After the Belgian detailed his Big
Bang theory, Einstein stood up
applauded, and said, “This is the
most beautiful and satisfactory
explanation of creation to which I
have ever listened.”
Monsignor Georges Lemaitre
• But while Einstein imagined an unknown force – a
cosmological constant – which kept the world stable,
Lemaitre decided that the universe was expanding.
• He came to this conclusion after observing the reddish
glow, known as a red shift, surrounding objects
outside of our galaxy. If interpreted as a Doppler
effect, this shift in color meant that the galaxies were
moving away from us.
• Most scientists who read Lemaitre's paper accepted
that the universe was expanding, at least in the
present era, but they resisted the implication that the
universe had a beginning.
Did the Universe have a
• Remember Immanuel Kant in the 18th Century who
proposed the theory that the universe is an infinite
expanse with no beginning and no end and no
• Some scientists were used to the idea that time had
gone on forever. It seemed illogical that infinite
millions of years had passed before the universe
came into existence.
• Eddington, who was one of Lemaitre’s professors at
Cambridge, himself wrote in the English journal Nature
that the notion of a beginning of the world was
Did the Universe have a
The Big Bang –
The COBE Telescope 1992
• COBE revolutionized our
understanding of the
early cosmos.
• It precisely measured
and mapped the oldest
light in the universe --
the cosmic microwave
• The cosmic microwave
background spectrum
was measured with a
precision of 0.005%.
• The results confirmed
the Big Bang theory of
the origin of the
• The very precise
measurements helped
eliminate a great many
theories about the Big
The Big Bang -
The cosmic
background radiation
is a remnant of the Big
Bang. These minute
temperature variations
(depicted here as
varying shades of blue
and purple) are linked
to slight density
variations in the early
universe. These
variations are believed
to have given rise to
the structures that
populate the universe
today: clusters of
galaxies, as well as
vast, empty regions.
Evidence for the beginning of the Universe
The Big Bang - Evidence
• Edwin Hubble (1889 – 1953)
– Hooker telescope at Mount Wilson CA
Discovered galaxies beyond the Milky Way
• Measured distances by “brightness”
• Light from distant galaxies is “red shifted”
 Galaxies are all moving away
• Hubble’s Law (1929)
H = v/d
The Big Bang - Red Shift
The Big Bang - Evidence
• Edwin Hubble (1929)
– Assumes all galaxies emit similar light
– Spectroscopically measured light from far off galaxies
– Light from distant galaxies is “red shifted” , i.e. has
longer wavelengths than light from nearby galaxies
– Confirmation of Big bang theory.
• Microwave Background Radiation (1964)
– Princeton and Bell Labs (New Jersey)
– New radio telescopes
– Found microwave “noise” everywhere
– Determined age of the universe (13.7 billion years)
• Oldest galaxy – UDFy 38135539 (2011)
– 13.07 billion light years away (600 MY after the big
1981 Stephen Hawking at a Jesuit Conference In the
“At the end of the conference the participants were
granted an audience with the Pope. He told us that it was
all right to study the evolution of the universe after the big
bang, but we should not inquire into the big bang itself
because that was the moment of Creation and therefore
the work of God.
I was glad then that he did not know the subject of the talk
I had just given at the conference – the possibility that
space-time was finite but had no boundary, which means
that it had no beginning, no moment of Creation.”
The Universe had a definite
“The Idea that space and time may form a
closed surface without boundary also has
profound implications for the role of God in
the affairs of the universe. … it would still be
up to God to wind up the clockwork and
choose how to start if off. So long as the
universe had a beginning, we could suppose
it had a creator.”
A Brief History of Time: Stephen Hawking 1988.
The Universe had a definite
The Greatest Discovery (COBE, 1992)
• COBE (Cosmic Background Explorer) was a
satellite that measured the temperature of the
radiation left over from the Big Bang.
• This background heat was expected to be
present from the tremendous energy released
as a result of the Big Bang explosion.
• The temperature had been measured many
years before and was found to be ~3°K
wherever anybody looked.
The Universe had a definite
The 2.75 ˚K background as
seen by WMAP
Credit: NASA/WMAP Science Team
• However, in order for galaxies to have formed, it was
required according to theory that there would be small
variations of temperature on the order of one part in
• None of our previous instruments were sensitive
enough to measure this small variation, until COBE.
• The COBE satellite found the expected variation in
temperature and mapped it, providing a startling
confirmation of the Hot Big Bang model.
• These results have largely silenced critics of the Big
Bang, who were hoping to get rid of the “problem” of
an initial beginning to the universe.
The Universe had a definite
• When word of the 1998 Berkeley discovery that
the universe is expanding at an increasing
rate first reached Stephen Hawking, he said it
was too preliminary to be taken seriously.
• Later, he changed his mind. "I have now had
more time to consider the observations, and
they look quite good," he told Astronomy
magazine (October 1999). "This led me to
reconsider my theoretical prejudices."
The Universe had a definite
The Greatest Discovery (COBE, 1992)
l “unbelievably important... They have found
the Holy Grail of cosmology”
Michael Turner (University of Chicago)
l “It is the discovery of the century, if not all
Stephen Hawking (Cambridge University, UK)
l “What we have found is evidence for the
birth of the universe. It’s like looking at
George Smoot (UC Berkeley - COBE project leader)
The Universe had a definite
The Greatest Discovery (COBE, 1992)
l “unbelievably important... They have found
the Holy Grail of cosmology”
Michael Turner (University of Chicago)
l “It is the discovery of the century, if not all
Stephen Hawking (Cambridge University, UK)
l “What we have found is evidence for the
birth of the universe. It’s like looking at
George Smoot (UC Berkeley - COBE project leader)
The Universe had a definite Beginning
The Universe had a
definite Beginning
The conclusion of this
lecture is that the
universe has not
existed forever.
Rather, the universe,
and time itself, had a
beginning in the Big
Bang, about 15 billion
years ago. The
beginning of real time,
would have been a
singularity, at which
the laws of physics
would have broken
down. [Brief History of
1. Evidence for a
beginning of the
2. Evidence for fine
tuning in the Universe
3. Solar System’s
fitness for life
4. Earth’s fitness for life
5. The miracle of life
Evidence for a Design
Evidence for Fine Tuning
The Goldilocks Enigma
Why is the universe “just right” for life?
• Necessity
• Random chance
– We are winners of the cosmic lottery
• Design
The Laws of Nature
• “The Laws of Nature” – mathematical
relationships that describe what we
• The Law of Gravity
• First and Second Law of Thermodynamics
• Theory of Relativity ( E = mc2 )
• …..
• Each of these laws is defined by a
constant which could (theoretically) have
different values than what we observe.
Evidence for fine tuning in
the Universe
• During the first few minutes after the creation event
the basic elemental nature of the universe was
• During these few minutes the universe was hot
enough to support nuclear fusion. The amount of
fusion and the kinds of elements formed was a
function of the mass of the universe.
• At this time 24% of the hydrogen was fused to form
helium. In addition, very small amounts of heavier
elements were formed.
• Both of these facts are significant.
Evidence for fine tuning in
the Universe
• The presence of helium in the cores of stars
makes nuclear burning much more efficient
than it would be without it.
• If the universe were much smaller than it is,
no helium would have been formed during the
initial few minutes of the Big Bang.
• As a result, the universe would have
consisted solely of hydrogen, which would
have prevented the formation of stars and
galaxies capable of supporting life.
Evidence for fine tuning in
the Universe
• If the universe were more massive, too much of the
hydrogen would have fused to form heavier
elements, likewise preventing star formation, and
resulting in a universe filled with black holes only.
• We live in a just right sized universe for life to exist.
• Atheists have often stated that the universe is too
large if humans were the sole purpose for the
existence of the universe.
• However, science tells us that if the universe were
any smaller, human life would not be possible.
Evidence for fine tuning in
the Universe
• The constants of the laws of physics have
been finely tuned to a degree not possible
through human engineering.
• These numbers represent the maximum
deviation from the accepted values, that
would either prevent the universe from
existing now, not having matter, or be
unsuitable for any form of life. Four of the
more finely tuned numbers are:
Very large and very small
• One million 1,000,000 106
• One billion 1,000,000,000 109
• One trillion 1,000,000,000,000 1012
• One-millionth 1/1,000,000, 10-6
• One-billionth 1/1,000,000,000 10-9
• One-triillionth 1/1,000,000,000,000 10-12
The Fundamental Forces of
The Fundamental Constants
• Strong nuclear force
– holds subatomic particles together
• Weak nuclear force
– Causes radioactive decay
– Higgs boson is part of this
• Gravitational force
• Electromagnetic force
– Combines electricity and magnetism
• Matter/anti-matter ratio
• Expansion rate of the universe
– H in Hubble’s Law
 If any of these were even slightly larger or smaller
the universe as we know it would not exist!!!
Evidence for fine tuning in the
• Ratio of Electrons:Protons to be within 1:1037
– if larger: electromagnetism would dominate gravity,
preventing galaxy, star, and planet formation
– if smaller: same as above
• Ratio of Electromagnetic Force:Gravity to be within
– if greater: chemical bonding would be disrupted; elements
more massive than boron would be unstable to fusion
– if lesser: chemical bonding would be insufficient for life
• Maximum deviation allowed is 1:1037 * 1:1040 =
Evidence for fine tuning in the
• Expansion Rate of Universe to be within 1:1055
– if larger: no galaxies would form
– if smaller: universe would collapse, even before stars
• Mass of Universe to be within 1:1059
– if larger: overabundance of deuterium from big bang would
cause stars to burn rapidly, too rapidly for life to form
if smaller: insufficient helium from big bang would result in a
shortage of heavy elements
• Cosmological Constant to be within 1:10120
– if larger: universe would expand too quickly to form solar-
type stars
• Maximum deviation allowed is 1:1077 * 1:1055 * 1:1059 * 1:10120
= 1:10311
The Fundamental Constants
• Strong nuclear force
– holds subatomic particles together
• Weak nuclear force
– Causes radioactive decay
– Higgs boson is part of this
• Gravitational force must be within 1:1040
• Electromagnetic force must be within 1:1040
– Combines electricity and magnetism
• Matter/anti-matter ratio must be within 1:1059
• Expansion rate of the universe must be within 1:1055
– H in Hubble’s Law
 If any of these were even slightly larger or smaller the universe as we know
it would not exist!!!
 Maximum deviation allowed is 1:1077 + 1:1055 + 1:1059 + 1:10120 = 1:10311
The Goldilocks Enigma
Why is the universe “just right” for life?
• Random chance –
– We are winners of the cosmic lottery
• Anthropic principle (AP)
– Weak AP: universe must support our presence
– Strong AP: “fine tuning” suggests there is an
intentionality in universe’s creation
• Multiverse hypothesis
– There are many hostile universes, we just
happen to be in one that isn’t hostile
• Temporal Multiverse
• Simultaneous Multiverses
The Goldilocks Enigma
Why is the universe “just right” for life?
• I find it quite improbable that such order
came out of chaos. There has to be some
organizing principle. God to me is a
mystery, but is the explanation for the
miracle of existence, why there is
something instead of nothing.
Allan Sandage
One of the most influential astronomers of the 20th century
The Bootstrap Argument
The universe started itself
Stephen Hawking proposes M-theory, a variant of string
theory, to explain the origins of the universe. The
conclusion of his last book, The Grand Design, states:
• “Because there is a law like gravity, the universe can
and will create itself out of nothing. Spontaneous
creation is the reason there is something rather than
nothing. It is not necessary to invoke God.” Stephen
Hawking, The Grand Design (London: Transworld
Publishers, 2010), p.180
• He added: "According to M-theory ours is not the only
universe. It predicts that a great many universes were
created out of nothing.“ Hawking, Grand Design,
• Therefore, he claims, there is no need for God.
The Oxford chemist and atheist Peter
Atkins says something very similar to Hawking:
• "Space-time generates its own dust in the
process of its own self-
assembly" and "Mathematics created the
universe.“ Atkins, Creation
Revisited (London: Penguin, 1994), p.143
• He calls it the 'Cosmic Bootstrap Principle'
after the notion that you can pull yourself up
with your own bootstraps. So he believes the
universe created itself in exactly the same
The Bootstrap Argument
The universe started itself
• Hawking's theory is self-contradictory. Hawking wrote: "Because there is
a law like gravity, the universe can, and will, create itself out of nothing."
• But his 'nothing' isn't nothing, rather it is something which contains the
laws of gravity.
• According to Hawking the laws are there already, before a material
universe exists. But where did they come from? And how does he know?
Can the laws of gravity exist in the absence of matter?
• Other scientists maintain we can know nothing before the Big Bang.
• Where does Hawking get his information from?
• Also isn't Hawking confusing physical laws with agency. It is surely a
mistake to think that the laws of physics are agents. Physical laws like
gravity don't initiate actions and events. They merely describe the
physical universe.
• Physical laws cannot create anything. A theory can't bring anything into
The Bootstrap Argument
The universe started itself
View of science greats
Often misrepresented as
atheists: Einstein
• Dawkins cites as his
authority in dealing with
Einstein's religious
views Max Jammer's
book Einstein and
Religion: "The extracts
that follow are taken
from Max Jammer's
book (which is also the
main source of
quotations from Einstein
himself on religious
matters that follow)."[27]
Listed below ten Einstein quotations from Max
Jammer's book from which we can judge whether
or not Einstein was an atheist.
• "I am not an atheist, and I don't think I can call
myself a pantheist."[28]
• "In view of such harmony in the cosmos which I,
with my limited human mind, am able to
recognise, there are yet people who say there is
no God. But what really makes me angry is that
they quote me for support of such views."[29]
View of science greats
Often misrepresented as atheists: Einstein
• "Every scientist becomes convinced that the
laws of nature manifest the existence of a
spirit vastly superior to that of men."[30]
• "The divine reveals itself in the physical
• "My God created laws… His universe is not
ruled by wishful thinking but by immutable
• "I want to know how God created this world.…
I want to know his thoughts."[33]
View of science greats
Often misrepresented as atheists: Einstein
• "What I am really interested in is knowing whether God
could have created the world in a different way."[34]
• "This firm belief in a superior mind that reveals itself in
the world of experience, represents my conception of
• "Behind all the discernible concatenations, there remains
something subtle, intangible and inexplicable.
Veneration for this force ... is my religion. To that extent I
am, in point of fact, religious."[36]
• "My religiosity consists of a humble admiration of the
infinitely superior spirit… That superior reasoning power
forms my idea of God."[37]
View of science greats
Often misrepresented as atheists: Einstein
• So what does Dawkins conclude? Einstein was an
atheist! But Einstein speaks of "a superior spirit", "a
superior mind", "a spirit vastly superior to men", "a
veneration for this force", etc. This is not atheism.
• Now you may be thinking that we have carefully
selected quotes that support me and left out ones that
don't. But Max Jammer explained in his
book: "Einstein was neither an atheist nor an
agnostic." So this interpretation of what Einstein said,
is the same as Max Jammer's. Is it not bizarre, that
Dawkins cites in support of his claim that Einstein was
an atheist, a book which proves the opposite?
View of science greats
Often misrepresented as atheists: Einstein
Dawkins could also have consulted Lincoln Barnett's
book The Universe and Dr. Einstein; Einstein wrote the
foreword to it. This quotes Einstein saying:
• My religion consists of a humble admiration of the superior
spirit, who reveals himself in the slight details we are able
to perceive with our frail and feeble minds. That deeply
emotional conviction of the presence of a superior
reasoning power, which is revealed in this
incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God.[38]
• What's more, Einstein complained about atheists,
saying: "Then there are the fanatical atheists whose
intolerance is of the same kind as the intolerance of the
religious fanatics and comes from the same source."[39]
View of science greats
Often misrepresented as atheists: Einstein
View of science greats
Often misrepresented as
atheists: Darwin
Richard Dawkins thinks you can't
believe in evolution and God. Charles
Darwin thought the exact opposite.
In his autobiography Darwin wrote:
• “Another source of conviction in the
existence of God, connected with
the reason and not with the feelings,
impresses me as having much more
weight. This follows from the
extreme difficulty or rather
impossibility of conceiving this
immense and wonderful universe,
including man with his capacity of
looking far backwards and far into
futurity, as the result of blind chance
or necessity. When thus reflecting I
feel compelled to look to a First
Cause having an intelligent mind in
some degree analogous to that of
man; and I deserve to be called a
In his autobiography Darwin wrote:
• “Another source of conviction in the existence of God,
connected with the reason and not with the feelings,
impresses me as having much more weight. This follows
from the extreme difficulty or rather impossibility of
conceiving this immense and wonderful universe,
including man with his capacity of looking far backwards
and far into futurity, as the result of blind chance or
necessity. When thus reflecting I feel compelled to look
to a First Cause having an intelligent mind in some
degree analogous to that of man; and I deserve to be
called a Theist.”
View of science greats
Often misrepresented as atheists: Darwin
This conclusion was strong in my mind about the time,
as far as I can remember, when I wrote the Origin of
Species; and it is since that time that it has very
gradually with many fluctuations become weaker. But
then arises the doubt—can the mind of man, which has,
as I fully believe, been developed from a mind as low as
that possessed by the lowest animal, be trusted when it
draws such grand conclusions? ...
I cannot pretend to throw the least light on such abstruse
problems. The mystery of the beginning of all things is
insoluble by us; and I for one must be content to remain
an Agnostic.[47]
View of science greats
Often misrepresented as atheists: Darwin
1. Evidence for a
beginning of the
2. Evidence for fine
tuning in the Universe
3. Solar System’s
fitness for life
4. Earth’s fitness for life
5. The miracle of life
Solar System’s fitness for life
• Amongst the Oldest
• The right shape
• Within the Galactic Habitable Zone
• Number of earth-like planets in the
Evidence for fine tuning in
the Universe
Habitable Zone
Life Zone
Solar Systems Fitness for
• The distance between the planetary star
and the planet containing life is crucial
for life to be able to exist.
• This "life zone" is a very small zone, in
which water can exist in all three of its
forms - gas, liquid, and solid (ice).
• Without liquid water, any kind of life is
not possible.
Circumstellar Habitable Zone
(CHZ) “Goldilocks Zone”– is the
with sufficient atmospheric
pressure can support
liquid water at their
Too little, just right,
too much!
Not too hot, not too cold
Liquid water is needed to exist on the
surface of a planet.
Too Close – Water boils off the surface.
Too far – Water is frozen, not allowing for
molecules to mix and interact
Our solar system has one planet in
the Goldilocks Zone (0.9-1.2 AU)
Earth (But Mars had liquid
water at one time)
Tons of evidence of liquid
water flowing on the
surface of Mars.
Larger Star:
Rapid, unstable
Smaller Star:
Planet’s rotation
period is too long
Solar Systems Fitness for
The Earth is protected from comets
by the large outer planets
Solar Systems Fitness for
The Earth is protected from comets
by two large, gas planets: Saturn
Solar Systems Fitness for Life
Jupiter: Our Great
Solar Systems Fitness for Life
Jupiter and outer planets
Jupiter: just-right size and location:
“without a large planet positioned precisely where Jupiter is, the earth
would have been struck a thousand times more frequently in the past
by comets and meteors and other interplanetary debris.”
“…we wouldn’t be around to study the solar system.”
G. W. Wetherill, Nature 1995, 373: 470; Discover 1993, p 15.
However, if Jupiter were too large, or too close, it would perturb
Earth’s orbit.
Solar Systems Fitness for Life
• Collisions required early in the history of
the Solar System (provided needed
• Collisions must not occur at high
frequency after establishment of higher life
Not too big not too small (size)
Planets need to have sufficient size to
hold onto its atmosphere, Mars lost most
of its atmosphere.
If planet is too big, gravity
could limit the development of
What type of star is it?
zone you
need to
know total
radiation a
star emits.
Solar Systems Fitness for
• The size of the parent star is crucial for the ability of that
star to support life.
• Large stars undergo rapid and unstable burning (extreme
temperature variations over millions of years), which
cannot support life. Stars increase in luminosity as they
• Stars smaller than our Sun are not suitable to support life
on planets. Although these stars are able to undergo quite
stable burning for billions of years, their small mass
requires that life-containing planets be much closer to the
star. Resulting in extremes of temperatures on the surface
of these planets, which prohibits the survival of lifeforms.
OBAFGKM- Our star is G-class
Massive stars- hotter, blaze with
radiation, zone is further out.
Smaller stars- tighter belts than
our sun, closer to the star
Live for
longer time,
chance for
life to
Ex. Kepler-62f, takes 267 days to complete an
Best stars to search are F-M class,
O-A don’t live long enough
Is that star stable?
Solar eruption from a star could bathe
a planet in radiation.
New stars/old stars- variations
in radiation
Middle-aged star – radiation tends to be
Liquid water-
absorbs high
amount of
radiation, could
protect life
A planet’s chemistry?
A planet’s atmosphere will absorb a
certain amount of energy from starlight
and radiate the rest back out.
Atmosphere- Tends to trap heat,
more CO2 or methane can
increase the greenhouse effect
and extend the zone.
Energy that is trapped-
difference between
turquoise sea vs. erupting
Atmosphere - look for oxygen,
water, carbon dioxide and
methane (could indicate life).
Supernovae must occur during the
early evolution of our galaxy…
…but not now
Our Place in the Universe
and our Galaxy
Solar Systems Fitness for Life
• The amount of heavy elements formed during
the Big Bang was insufficient to allow for the
formation of rocky planets (like the Earth) at any
time during the history of the universe.
• However, the design of the laws of physics are
such that God provided a way for rocky planets
to be formed.
• Stars at least four times more massive than the
Sun undergo rapid burning, which culminates in
a spectacular explosion, called a supernova.
Solar Systems Fitness for Life
• At this time, the temperature of the star
becomes hot enough to support fusion of the
hydrogen and helium into heavier elements.
• Therefore, it is during these supernova events
that the vast majority of the heavy elements
necessary for rocky planet formation are
• Many of these supernova events are required
within a galaxy for enough heavy elements to
be produced.
Solar Systems Fitness for Life
• However, supernova must not occur in the vicinity of
life-containing planets, or else all life would be
extinguished as a result of the radiation produced,
which is enormous.
• Earlier a few years back, there was a gamma ray
burst from another galaxy that was powerful enough
to temporarily knock out satellites in orbit and give
each person on the surface of the Earth the
equivalent radiation of a chest X-ray.
• Obviously, any life present in that galaxy would have
been destroyed by radiation levels millions of time
higher than what we received at a great distance.
Solar Systems Fitness for Life
• Life requires that the planetary system be housed in a
spiral galaxy, such as that seen above. Not only must
the planetary system be located in a spiral galaxy, but it
must be located away from the center of that galaxy.
• Take a close look at the center of the galaxy. There are
some powerful forces acting in the center of this galaxy
that are spewing gases (the red "flames") well above the
galactic disk.
• A planetary system located near the center of the galaxy
would receive too much radiation for lifeforms to exist.
• In addition, stellar gravitational interactions would most
likely disrupt planetary orbits in such crowded conditions
before the planet was suitably prepared for life to exist.
Galactic Habitable Zone :
Area in a galaxy where life has
the best chance of occurring.
Too close to the center, star density
increases, greater chance of being
taken out by a supernova explosion.
Solar Systems Fitness for
Solar Systems Fitness for Life
Too far out, less stars to
generate the heavier elements
necessary for planets and life
to form.
1. Evidence for a
beginning of the
2. Evidence for fine
tuning in the Universe
3. Solar System’s
fitness for life
4. Earth’s fitness for life
5. The miracle of life
Formation of the Moon
Solar Systems Fitness for Life
Formation of the Moon
• Created through the collision of a Mars-
sized planet with the Earth
• The core of the Mars-sized object became
part of the Earth’s core
• Much of the Earth’s crust was ejected into
orbit and coalesced to form the moon
Solar Systems Fitness for
Formation of the Moon
Ejected Earth’s primordial atmosphere,
preventing runaway greenhouse effect
like that seen on Venus
Solar Systems Fitness for
Formation of the Moon
Established the Earth’s current axial
tilt of 23.5º, which is ideal for
maintaining optimal temperatures on
the Earth
Solar Systems Fitness for Life
Proximity of the Moon
• Slowed the Earth’s rotation
rate from 8 hours to 24 hours
• The original 8 hour rotational period
would have led to winds of 500+ mph
Solar Systems Fitness for Life
Earth’s tilt about spin axis
“Although our
viewpoint is
certainly biased,
our planet’s tilt
axis seems to be
“just right”.
Rare Earth, p 224.
larger tilt - temperature extremes
smaller tilt - rain not distributed
Privileged Planet, p 5.
+/- 1 deg for several thousand yrs
Earth’s tilt about spin axis
“Constancy of the tilt angle is a factor that provides long-term stability of
the Earth’s temperature. If the polar tilt axis had undergone wide
deviations from its present value, Earth’s climate would have been much
less hospitable…..
Rare Earth, p 224.
These results show that the situation of the Earth is very peculiar. The
common status for all the terrestrial planets is to have experienced very
large scale chaotic behavior for their obliquity, which in the case of the
Earth and in the absence of the Moon, may have prevented the
appearance of evoluted forms of life. We owe our exceptional climate
stability to an exceptional event - the presence of the moon.
Jacques Laskar, quoted in Rare Earth p 224.
The Moon
Just right size and distance from the Earth to
-stabilize tilt
-slow Earth’s rate of rotation
“our moon is somewhat of a freak because of its large size in
comparison to its parent planet.”
Rare Earth p 222.
“Without the moon it is … likely that no birds, redwoods, whales,
trilobites, or other advanced life would ever have graced Earth. …
Although there are dozens of moons in the solar system, the familiar
ghostly white moon that illuminates our night sky is highly unusual,
and its presence played a surprisingly important role …”
Rare Earth p 222.
The Moon
“We owe our present climate stability to an exceptional
event: the presence of the Moon.”
Jacques Laskar, quoted in Rare Earth p 224.
Produced by a “just right” collision?
“to produce such a massive moon, the impacting body had to
be the right size, it had to impact the right point on the
Earth, and the impact had to have occurred at just the right
time in the Earth’s growth process.”
Rare Earth p 231.
Established a unique continental crust, which allows
for recycling of minerals through tectonic activity
Normally, during planet formation, the crust
covers the entire planet.
Under these conditions, the crust cannot move,
since there is no free space for it to do so.
The Planet Sized Collision
that became our Core
• Normally, during planet formation, the crust covers
the entire planet.
• Under these conditions, the crust cannot move, since
there is no free space for it to do so.
• However, large amount of the earths primordial
crust was blasted into outer space by the
collision that formed the moon
• There was space for the original continent
(Pangea) to move and even break up into
additional land masses.
The Planet Sized Collision
that became our Core
• This movement causes tectonic activity, continents
can exist on a planet that would normally be a water
• Without tectonic activity, the original continent would
have eroded into the large ocean, never to be seen
• In fact, planets with large amounts of water are
always water worlds because of erosion.
The Planet Sized Collision
that became our Core
Magnetic Field:
• if stronger: electromagnetic storms
would be too severe
• if weaker: ozone shield and life on land
would be inadequately protected from
stellar and solar radiation
Solar Systems Fitness for Life
( )x
100 ( )x
100 ( )x
100 ( )x
100 ( )x
100 ( )
~ 1011 planets in our galaxy
If 6 finely-tuned factors exist, then we have no right
to expect another earth-like planet in the entire
( ) x
200 ( ) x
in habitable zone
(Nature 470,
27-29, 2011)
( ) x
100 ( ) x
( ) x
100 ( ) x
t of
id iron
(Icarus 152
2001; the
arXiv blog)
( ) x
100 ( ) x
( ) x
What does it take to make a habitable
( ) x ….
and mars)
What does it take to make a habitable planet?
( )x
100 ( )x
100 ( )x
100 ( )x
100 ( )x
100 ( )x
100 ( )x
100 ( )x
100 ( )x
100 ( )x
100 ( ) =
~ 1022 planets in the observable universe
If 11 finely-tuned factors exist, then we have no right to expect
another earth -like planet in the entire observable universe!!
of such
Creation as Science, Hugh
Ross, p 179
See also Why The
Universe Is The Way It Is,
Hugh Ross, pg 122-123 Number has increased
as scientific knowledge
has progressed!
What does it take to make a habitable
For this is what the LORD says - he
who created the heavens, he is God; he
who fashioned and made the earth, he
founded it; he did not create it to be
empty, but formed it to be inhabited
- he says: I am the LORD and there is
no other.
Isaiah 45:18
1. Evidence for a
beginning of the
2. Evidence for fine
tuning in the Universe
3. Solar System’s
fitness for life
4. Earth’s fitness for life
5. The miracle of life
1. Evidence for a beginning of
the Universe
2. Evidence for fine tuning in the
3. Solar System’s fitness for life
4. Earth’s fitness for life
5. The miracle of life
The Miracle of Life
• For natural selection to work, you have
to have a self-reproducing entity.
• What is the simplest conceivable such
• It is incredibly complex and full of
• This whole functioning unit has to come
into being all at once, before Darwins'
mutations and natural selection can
The Miracle of
• Sir Fred Hoyle FRS (24
June 1915 – 20 August
2001) was an
English astronomer noted
primarily for his
contribution to the theory
of stellar
nucleosynthesis and his
often controversial stance
on other cosmological and
scientific matters.
The Miracle of
• In the 1950s, Hoyle was
the leader of a group of
very talented experimental
and theoretical physicists;
with William Alfred
Fowler, Margaret Burbidge,
and Geoffrey Burbidge.
• This group realized the
basic ideas of how all the
chemical elements in our
Universe were
manufactured, with this
now being a field called
The Miracle of Life
• Hoyle made a prediction of the energy
levels in the carbon nucleus that was
later borne out by experiment.
• These energy levels, while needed to
produce carbon in large quantities, were
statistically very unlikely. Hoyle later
• Would you not say to yourself, "Some
super-calculating intellect must have
designed the properties of the carbon
atom, otherwise the chance of my finding
such an atom through the blind forces of
nature would be utterly minuscule.
The Miracle of Life
What led him to faith:
• A common sense interpretation of the facts
suggests that a superintellect has monkeyed
with physics, as well as with chemistry and
biology, and that there are no blind forces worth
speaking about in nature.
• The numbers one calculates from the facts
seem to me so overwhelming as to put this
conclusion almost beyond question.“ —Fred
The Miracle of Life
• His co-worker William Alfred
Fowler eventually won the Nobel
Prize for Physics in 1983,
• but for some reason Hoyle’s
original contribution was
overlooked, and many were
surprised that such a notable
astronomer missed out.
• Fowler himself in an
autobiographical sketch affirmed
Hoyle’s pioneering efforts:
The Miracle of Life
• Sir Fred Hoyle did some calculations on the
likelihood of a hypothetical minimum self-
reproducing cell coming together, given all the
ingredients (this is impossible anyway, by
natural, non-enzymatic processes).
• Hoyle hypothesised a cell of only 400
enzymes/proteins; a real world bacterium has
about 2,000!
• For this hypothetical minimum cell, Hoyle
calculated a probability of it forming by natural
processes of 1 in 1040,000
The Miracle of Life
• To put this in context, there are about 1080 atomic particles in
the universe.
• If the universe actually were 15 billion years old, as Dawkins
believes, this would give about 1018 seconds.
• If every second and every atomic particle were an
experiment in a soup of all the ingredients necessary for the
cell to form, this would amount to 1098 experiments. This is a
long way short of any chance of getting our 'cell'.
• Let's make every microsecond an experiment. This gives
10104 experiments. This is not getting us anywhere.
• Let's make every atomic particle in our universe a
universe like our own with every atomic particle in those
universes and every microsecond an experiment. We now
have 10204 experiments.
• Hey, we're still a long way short of 1040,000 necessary for a
reasonable chance of succeeding.
• The chances of getting our cell are zero!
The Miracle of Life: Prt 2
Let’s assume a self-replicating molecule is possible
• How many amino acids would have to be strung together in the
proper sequence to this hypothetical replicator?
– There are few functional enzymes with less than 100 amino acids
most have hundreds – assume 100 amino acids and be kind.
– This protein must catalyse the joining together of the amino acids
in a copy of itself but has to make them line up in the correct
order as well.
– No such thing is known to exist – amino acids have no
affinity for other amino acids of the same type, nor is there
any complementary attraction like with the neucleotides of
– Functional Enzymes have a 3D structre, so this enzyme will have
to unravel itself to allow amino acids to line up along in the
correct order and at the same time act as a catalyst for their
The Miracle of Life: Prt 2
• Probability – since there are 20 different amino acids
involved is (1/20)^100 which is 10-130. In perspective
there are about 1080 Fundamental particles
(electrons etc..) in the universe.
• If every one of them were an experiment at getting
the right sequence with all the right amino acids
• And if every microsecond of 15 Billion Years
• This gives 4.7103 experiments, we are still 1027
experiments short of getting even a chance of this
The Miracle of Life: Part 2
• Its actually far worse than this…
• More than 20 amino acids found in living things
have been produced in ‘origin of life’
• It is impossible without enzymes to produce
them with the correct chirality – there are left –
and right - handed forms of amino acids,
typically only left-handed forms are used in living
• The non-enzymic processes available in the pre-
biotic soup (since only living things produce
enzymes) could only produce equal quantities of
both left and right. This makes the probability
(1/50)100 10-170
A Real Adam and Eve
• Almost every man alive can trace his origins to
one man who lived about 135,000 years ago, new
research suggests. And that ancient man likely
shared the planet with the mother of all women.
• The findings, detailed (Aug. 1 1995) in the journal
Science, come from the most complete analysis of
the male sex chromosome, or the Y chromosome,
to date.
• The results overturn earlier research, which
suggested that men's most recent common
ancestor lived just 50,000 to 60,000 years ago.
The Atheism Delusion
“Has anyone provided proof of God’s inexistence? Not even close. Has
quantum cosmology explained the emergence of the universe or why it
is here? Not even close. Have our sciences explained why our
universe seems to be fine-tuned to allow for the existence of life? Not
even close. Are physicists and biologists willing to believe in anything
so long as it is not religious thought? Close enough. Has rationalism
and moral thought provided us with an understanding of what is good,
what is right, and what is moral? Not close enough. Has secularism in
the terrible 20th century been a force for good? Not even close, to
being close. Is there a narrow and oppressive orthodoxy in the
sciences? Close enough. Does anything in the sciences or their
philosophy justify the claim that religious belief is irrational? Not even in
the ball park. Is scientific atheism a frivolous exercise in intellectual
contempt? Dead on.”
― David Berlinski, The Devil's Delusion: Atheism and Its
Scientific Pretensions
Everything from nothing
The Atheism Delusion
“If we present a man with a concept of man
which is not true, we may well corrupt him.
When we present man as an automaton of
reflexes, as a mind-machine, as a bundle of
instincts, as a pawn of drives and reactions, as
a mere product of instinct, heredity and
environment, we feed the nihilism to which
modern man is, in any case, prone.
I became acquainted with the last stage of that
corruption in my second concentration camp,
Auschwitz. The gas chambers of Auschwitz
were the ultimate consequence of the theory
that man is nothing but the product of heredity
and environment; or as the Nazi liked to say,
‘of Blood and Soil.’ I am absolutely convinced
that the gas chambers of Auschwitz, Treblinka,
and Maidanek were ultimately prepared not in
some Ministry or other in Berlin, but rather at
the desks and lecture halls of nihilistic
scientists and philosophers.”
― Viktor E. Frankl, The Doctor and the
Soul: From Psychotherapy to Logotherapy
Viktor Emil Frankl was an
Austrian neurologist and
psychiatrist as well as a
Holocaust survivor. Frankl was
the founder of logotherapy,
which is a form of existential
analysis, the "Third Viennese
School of Psychotherapy"
Atheists like to think that science supports their
worldview, but could the opposite be the case? The
astronomer Fred Hoyle, at that time atheist, said
scientific discoveries had "greatly shaken" his faith in
atheism. He reflected on the energy needed to produce
large quantities of carbon, and wrote this:
• Some supercalculating intellect must have designed
the properties of the carbon atom, otherwise the
chance of my finding such an atom through the blind
forces of nature would be utterly minuscule.… A
superintellect has monkeyed with physics, as well as
with chemistry and biology... The numbers one
calculates from the facts seem to me so overwhelming
as to put this conclusion almost beyond question.[71]
Does Science then prove the Existence of God
Does Science then prove the
Existence of God
The philosopher Antony Flew was Britain's
leading atheist before Richard Dawkins. But
by 2004 two scientific discoveries had
changed his mind.
• First, the Big Bang theory
showed the universe
began at a particular
point in time. This raises
the question, what
caused the universe to
• And second, the universe
appears to have been
fine-tuned for life.
• Flew wrote: “Not merely
are there regularities in
nature, but they are
mathematically precise,
universal and 'tied
together'. How did nature
come packaged in this
fashion? Scientists from
Newton to Einstein to
Heisenberg have
answered - the Mind of
Does Science then prove the
Existence of God
Roger Penrose, the leading
British mathematician,
• There is a certain sense
in which I would say the
universe has a purpose.
It's not there by chance.
Some people take the
view that we happen by
accident. I think that there
is something much
deeper, of which we have
very little inkling at the
• In addition, many of the pioneers of quantum physics
rejected atheism: Heisenberg, Schrödinger, Planck, de
Broglie, Jeans, Eddington, Pauli as well as Einstein. Ken
Wilber's book Quantum Questions explores their religious
• Wilber argues that all these groundbreaking physicists
believed that spirituality and physics were needed for a full
understanding of reality.
• Wilber poses this question to modern atheists and
• “To those who bow to physics as a religion, I ask, what
does it mean to you, that the founders of modern science,
the theorists who pioneered the very concepts you now
worship, were every one of them mystics.”[78]
Does Science then prove the Existence of God
Does Science then prove the
Existence of God
Let me give some examples. This
is Heisenberg:
• I have repeatedly pondered on
the relationship of science and
religion, for I have never been
able to deny the reality to which
they point.
And this:
• Kepler breaks into enthusiasm
at being the first to recognise the
beauty of God's works. Thus the
new way of thinking [science]
has nothing to do with any turn
away from religion.[79]
Does Science then prove
the Existence of God
Max Planck: "There can never be
any real opposition between
science and religion; for the one is
the complement of the other.
Every serious and reflective
person realizes, I think, that the
religious element in his nature
must be recognised and cultivated
if all the powers of the human soul
are to act together in perfect
harmony. And indeed it is not an
accident that the greatest thinkers
of all ages were also deeply
religious souls."[80]
Does Science then
prove the Existence of
Schroedinger: "Science is
reticent when it comes to
the question of the great
unity of which we
somehow form a part. The
popular name for it in our
time is God."[81]
And "We know when God
is experienced this is as
real an event as an
immediate sense
perception or as one's own
1. Evidence for a design to the
2. Evidence for fine tuning in the
3. Solar System’s fitness for life
4. The miracle of life
Does God exist?
And if life takes a miracle?
If our solar system is ideal for life?
And it is highly tuned?
If the universe had a beginning?

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The Existence of God

  • 2. Outline 1. Evidence for a beginning of the Universe 2. Evidence for fine tuning in the Universe 3. Solar System’s fitness for life 4. Earth’s fitness for life 5. The miracle of life
  • 3. Outline 1. Evidence for a beginning of the Universe 2. Evidence for fine tuning in the Universe 3. Solar System’s fitness for life 4. Earth’s fitness for life 5. The miracle of life
  • 4. What the Bible says on a design to the Universe The Bible begins with the statement that God created the heavens and the earth – Gen 1 Psalm 19 1 The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 2 Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. 3 They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. 4 Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun.
  • 5. What the Bible says on design to the Universe The Bible begins with the statement that God created the heavens and the earth – Gen 1 Psalm 19 1 The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 2 Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. 3 They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. 4 Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun.
  • 6. What the Bible says on a design to the Universe Romans 1:18-20 18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
  • 7. Romans 1:18-20 18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. What the Bible says on design to the Universe
  • 8. Early Scientists • “The ordinary course of nature in the whole of creation has certain natural laws” St. Augustine of Hippo 354AD - 430AD • This cosmic law on which the universe runs was investigated by early scientists Newton, Galileo and others as a religious quest • Newton, Galileo, Johannes Kepler and Galileo Galilei, gave birth to the modern scientific age.
  • 9. Early Scientists • 340 B.C Aristotle writes in his book “on the Heavens” that the earth was a round sphere rather than a flat plate – due to two oservations: – During an eclipse of the moon – the earths shadow is always round – The North star appeared to be lower in the sky in the south than in more northern regions • Isaiah 40:22 (~720 BC) reads, “It is he [i.e. God] who sits above the circle of the earth.” – There is good reason to believe that the word translated ‘circle’ might be better translated ‘sphere’. The Hebrew word in question is khûg (‫)חּוג‬
  • 10. Ptolemy – 150 AD Source - Aristotle and Ptolemy Model
  • 11. Copernicus, Galileo and Kepler – 1600s SN 1604 Phases of Venus 1610 Elliptical orbits
  • 12. Sir Isaac Newton (1642 – 1727) – Elliptical Orbits of Planets • Principia mathematica • Law of Universal Gravitation – Confirmed Kepler’s Laws of planetary motion Universal Gravitation
  • 13. Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955) • Accurate observations of the planet Mercury revealed a small difference between its motion and the predictions of Newton’s theory of gravity • Einstein’s general theory of relativity predicted a slightly different motion from Newton’s theory. • Einstein’s predictions matched what was seen, while Newton’s did not • This was one of the crucial confirmations of the new theory.
  • 14. Newton: •mass tells gravity how to exert a force, force tells mass how to accelerate •(F = m a) Einstein: •mass-energy (E=mc²) tells space time how to curve, curved space- time tells mass-energy how to move
  • 15. Did the Universe have a beginning? • Immanuel Kant in the 18th Century proposed the theory that the universe is an infinite expanse with no beginning and no end and no creator. • That led to several scientists from this period onwards believing that the Universe had always existed. • They believed that Mass, Space, Time and Energy that compose our universe had always existed
  • 16. Did the Universe have a beginning? • “Many scientists who are struggling to construct a fully comprehensible theory of the physical universe openly admit that part of the motivation is… • …to finally get rid of God, whom they view as a dangerous and infantile delusion.” Paul Davis – The Goldilocks Enigma
  • 17. Did the Universe have a beginning? • In1929, Edwin Hubble announced we were in a huge universe, so big it would take light billions of years to travel across it. Not only was it immense, but every part was moving away from every other part at incredible speeds, some receding at 100 million miles an hour!
  • 18. Monsignor Georges Lemaître & Albert Einstein, 1933 • Between the 20s and 30s this Belgian priest and mathematics teacher published a theory that changed the course of cosmology in the twentieth century. • Taking Hubble's observation that the galaxies were rapidly receding from one another, he ran the theory backwards to a time when all the matter in the universe was very close together.
  • 19. Did the Universe have a beginning? • He called this the "primordial atom" and imagined a beginning when the whole universe exploded like "fireworks of unimaginable beauty" with a "big noise."(3) • Thus was born the Big Bang theory. • In January 1933, the Belgian mathematician and Catholic priest Georges Lemaitre traveled with Albert Einstein to California for a series of seminars. • After the Belgian detailed his Big Bang theory, Einstein stood up applauded, and said, “This is the most beautiful and satisfactory explanation of creation to which I have ever listened.”
  • 21. • But while Einstein imagined an unknown force – a cosmological constant – which kept the world stable, Lemaitre decided that the universe was expanding. • He came to this conclusion after observing the reddish glow, known as a red shift, surrounding objects outside of our galaxy. If interpreted as a Doppler effect, this shift in color meant that the galaxies were moving away from us. • Most scientists who read Lemaitre's paper accepted that the universe was expanding, at least in the present era, but they resisted the implication that the universe had a beginning. Did the Universe have a beginning?
  • 22. • Remember Immanuel Kant in the 18th Century who proposed the theory that the universe is an infinite expanse with no beginning and no end and no creator. • Some scientists were used to the idea that time had gone on forever. It seemed illogical that infinite millions of years had passed before the universe came into existence. • Eddington, who was one of Lemaitre’s professors at Cambridge, himself wrote in the English journal Nature that the notion of a beginning of the world was "repugnant." Did the Universe have a beginning?
  • 23. The Big Bang – Evidence The COBE Telescope 1992 • COBE revolutionized our understanding of the early cosmos. • It precisely measured and mapped the oldest light in the universe -- the cosmic microwave background. • The cosmic microwave background spectrum was measured with a precision of 0.005%. • The results confirmed the Big Bang theory of the origin of the universe. • The very precise measurements helped eliminate a great many theories about the Big Bang.
  • 24. The Big Bang - Evidence The cosmic microwave background radiation is a remnant of the Big Bang. These minute temperature variations (depicted here as varying shades of blue and purple) are linked to slight density variations in the early universe. These variations are believed to have given rise to the structures that populate the universe today: clusters of galaxies, as well as vast, empty regions.
  • 25. Evidence for the beginning of the Universe
  • 26. The Big Bang - Evidence • Edwin Hubble (1889 – 1953) – Hooker telescope at Mount Wilson CA Discovered galaxies beyond the Milky Way • Measured distances by “brightness” • Light from distant galaxies is “red shifted”  Galaxies are all moving away • Hubble’s Law (1929) H = v/d
  • 27. The Big Bang - Red Shift
  • 28. The Big Bang - Evidence • Edwin Hubble (1929) – Assumes all galaxies emit similar light – Spectroscopically measured light from far off galaxies – Light from distant galaxies is “red shifted” , i.e. has longer wavelengths than light from nearby galaxies – Confirmation of Big bang theory. • Microwave Background Radiation (1964) – Princeton and Bell Labs (New Jersey) – New radio telescopes – Found microwave “noise” everywhere – Determined age of the universe (13.7 billion years) • Oldest galaxy – UDFy 38135539 (2011) – 13.07 billion light years away (600 MY after the big bang)
  • 29. 1981 Stephen Hawking at a Jesuit Conference In the Vatican “At the end of the conference the participants were granted an audience with the Pope. He told us that it was all right to study the evolution of the universe after the big bang, but we should not inquire into the big bang itself because that was the moment of Creation and therefore the work of God. I was glad then that he did not know the subject of the talk I had just given at the conference – the possibility that space-time was finite but had no boundary, which means that it had no beginning, no moment of Creation.” The Universe had a definite Beginning
  • 30. “The Idea that space and time may form a closed surface without boundary also has profound implications for the role of God in the affairs of the universe. … it would still be up to God to wind up the clockwork and choose how to start if off. So long as the universe had a beginning, we could suppose it had a creator.” A Brief History of Time: Stephen Hawking 1988. The Universe had a definite Beginning
  • 31. The Greatest Discovery (COBE, 1992) • COBE (Cosmic Background Explorer) was a satellite that measured the temperature of the radiation left over from the Big Bang. • This background heat was expected to be present from the tremendous energy released as a result of the Big Bang explosion. • The temperature had been measured many years before and was found to be ~3°K wherever anybody looked. The Universe had a definite Beginning
  • 32. The 2.75 ˚K background as seen by WMAP Credit: NASA/WMAP Science Team
  • 33. • However, in order for galaxies to have formed, it was required according to theory that there would be small variations of temperature on the order of one part in 10,000. • None of our previous instruments were sensitive enough to measure this small variation, until COBE. • The COBE satellite found the expected variation in temperature and mapped it, providing a startling confirmation of the Hot Big Bang model. • These results have largely silenced critics of the Big Bang, who were hoping to get rid of the “problem” of an initial beginning to the universe. The Universe had a definite Beginning
  • 34. • When word of the 1998 Berkeley discovery that the universe is expanding at an increasing rate first reached Stephen Hawking, he said it was too preliminary to be taken seriously. • Later, he changed his mind. "I have now had more time to consider the observations, and they look quite good," he told Astronomy magazine (October 1999). "This led me to reconsider my theoretical prejudices." The Universe had a definite Beginning
  • 35. The Greatest Discovery (COBE, 1992) l “unbelievably important... They have found the Holy Grail of cosmology” Michael Turner (University of Chicago) l “It is the discovery of the century, if not all time” Stephen Hawking (Cambridge University, UK) l “What we have found is evidence for the birth of the universe. It’s like looking at God.” George Smoot (UC Berkeley - COBE project leader) The Universe had a definite Beginning
  • 36.
  • 37.
  • 38. The Greatest Discovery (COBE, 1992) l “unbelievably important... They have found the Holy Grail of cosmology” Michael Turner (University of Chicago) l “It is the discovery of the century, if not all time” Stephen Hawking (Cambridge University, UK) l “What we have found is evidence for the birth of the universe. It’s like looking at God.” George Smoot (UC Berkeley - COBE project leader) The Universe had a definite Beginning
  • 39. The Universe had a definite Beginning The conclusion of this lecture is that the universe has not existed forever. Rather, the universe, and time itself, had a beginning in the Big Bang, about 15 billion years ago. The beginning of real time, would have been a singularity, at which the laws of physics would have broken down. [Brief History of Time]
  • 40. Outline 1. Evidence for a beginning of the Universe 2. Evidence for fine tuning in the Universe 3. Solar System’s fitness for life 4. Earth’s fitness for life 5. The miracle of life
  • 41. Evidence for a Design
  • 42.
  • 43.
  • 45. The Goldilocks Enigma Why is the universe “just right” for life? • Necessity • Random chance – We are winners of the cosmic lottery • Design
  • 46. The Laws of Nature • “The Laws of Nature” – mathematical relationships that describe what we observe. • The Law of Gravity • First and Second Law of Thermodynamics • Theory of Relativity ( E = mc2 ) • ….. • Each of these laws is defined by a constant which could (theoretically) have different values than what we observe.
  • 47. Evidence for fine tuning in the Universe • During the first few minutes after the creation event the basic elemental nature of the universe was fixed. • During these few minutes the universe was hot enough to support nuclear fusion. The amount of fusion and the kinds of elements formed was a function of the mass of the universe. • At this time 24% of the hydrogen was fused to form helium. In addition, very small amounts of heavier elements were formed. • Both of these facts are significant.
  • 48. Evidence for fine tuning in the Universe • The presence of helium in the cores of stars makes nuclear burning much more efficient than it would be without it. • If the universe were much smaller than it is, no helium would have been formed during the initial few minutes of the Big Bang. • As a result, the universe would have consisted solely of hydrogen, which would have prevented the formation of stars and galaxies capable of supporting life.
  • 49. Evidence for fine tuning in the Universe • If the universe were more massive, too much of the hydrogen would have fused to form heavier elements, likewise preventing star formation, and resulting in a universe filled with black holes only. • We live in a just right sized universe for life to exist. • Atheists have often stated that the universe is too large if humans were the sole purpose for the existence of the universe. • However, science tells us that if the universe were any smaller, human life would not be possible.
  • 50. Evidence for fine tuning in the Universe • The constants of the laws of physics have been finely tuned to a degree not possible through human engineering. • These numbers represent the maximum deviation from the accepted values, that would either prevent the universe from existing now, not having matter, or be unsuitable for any form of life. Four of the more finely tuned numbers are:
  • 51. Very large and very small Numbers • One million 1,000,000 106 • One billion 1,000,000,000 109 • One trillion 1,000,000,000,000 1012 • One-millionth 1/1,000,000, 10-6 • One-billionth 1/1,000,000,000 10-9 • One-triillionth 1/1,000,000,000,000 10-12
  • 53. The Fundamental Constants (Forces) • Strong nuclear force – holds subatomic particles together • Weak nuclear force – Causes radioactive decay – Higgs boson is part of this • Gravitational force • Electromagnetic force – Combines electricity and magnetism • Matter/anti-matter ratio • Expansion rate of the universe – H in Hubble’s Law  If any of these were even slightly larger or smaller the universe as we know it would not exist!!!
  • 54. Evidence for fine tuning in the Universe • Ratio of Electrons:Protons to be within 1:1037 – if larger: electromagnetism would dominate gravity, preventing galaxy, star, and planet formation – if smaller: same as above • Ratio of Electromagnetic Force:Gravity to be within 1:1040 – if greater: chemical bonding would be disrupted; elements more massive than boron would be unstable to fusion – if lesser: chemical bonding would be insufficient for life chemistry • Maximum deviation allowed is 1:1037 * 1:1040 = 1:1077
  • 55. Evidence for fine tuning in the Universe • Expansion Rate of Universe to be within 1:1055 – if larger: no galaxies would form – if smaller: universe would collapse, even before stars formed • Mass of Universe to be within 1:1059 – if larger: overabundance of deuterium from big bang would cause stars to burn rapidly, too rapidly for life to form if smaller: insufficient helium from big bang would result in a shortage of heavy elements • Cosmological Constant to be within 1:10120 – if larger: universe would expand too quickly to form solar- type stars • Maximum deviation allowed is 1:1077 * 1:1055 * 1:1059 * 1:10120 = 1:10311
  • 56. The Fundamental Constants (Forces) • Strong nuclear force – holds subatomic particles together • Weak nuclear force – Causes radioactive decay – Higgs boson is part of this • Gravitational force must be within 1:1040 • Electromagnetic force must be within 1:1040 – Combines electricity and magnetism • Matter/anti-matter ratio must be within 1:1059 • Expansion rate of the universe must be within 1:1055 – H in Hubble’s Law  If any of these were even slightly larger or smaller the universe as we know it would not exist!!!  Maximum deviation allowed is 1:1077 + 1:1055 + 1:1059 + 1:10120 = 1:10311
  • 57. The Goldilocks Enigma Why is the universe “just right” for life? • Random chance – – We are winners of the cosmic lottery • Anthropic principle (AP) – Weak AP: universe must support our presence – Strong AP: “fine tuning” suggests there is an intentionality in universe’s creation • Multiverse hypothesis – There are many hostile universes, we just happen to be in one that isn’t hostile • Temporal Multiverse • Simultaneous Multiverses
  • 58. The Goldilocks Enigma Why is the universe “just right” for life? • I find it quite improbable that such order came out of chaos. There has to be some organizing principle. God to me is a mystery, but is the explanation for the miracle of existence, why there is something instead of nothing. Allan Sandage One of the most influential astronomers of the 20th century
  • 59. The Bootstrap Argument The universe started itself Stephen Hawking proposes M-theory, a variant of string theory, to explain the origins of the universe. The conclusion of his last book, The Grand Design, states: • “Because there is a law like gravity, the universe can and will create itself out of nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing. It is not necessary to invoke God.” Stephen Hawking, The Grand Design (London: Transworld Publishers, 2010), p.180 • He added: "According to M-theory ours is not the only universe. It predicts that a great many universes were created out of nothing.“ Hawking, Grand Design, pp.8-9 • Therefore, he claims, there is no need for God.
  • 60. The Oxford chemist and atheist Peter Atkins says something very similar to Hawking: • "Space-time generates its own dust in the process of its own self- assembly" and "Mathematics created the universe.“ Atkins, Creation Revisited (London: Penguin, 1994), p.143 • He calls it the 'Cosmic Bootstrap Principle' after the notion that you can pull yourself up with your own bootstraps. So he believes the universe created itself in exactly the same way. The Bootstrap Argument The universe started itself
  • 61. • Hawking's theory is self-contradictory. Hawking wrote: "Because there is a law like gravity, the universe can, and will, create itself out of nothing." • But his 'nothing' isn't nothing, rather it is something which contains the laws of gravity. • According to Hawking the laws are there already, before a material universe exists. But where did they come from? And how does he know? Can the laws of gravity exist in the absence of matter? • Other scientists maintain we can know nothing before the Big Bang. • Where does Hawking get his information from? • Also isn't Hawking confusing physical laws with agency. It is surely a mistake to think that the laws of physics are agents. Physical laws like gravity don't initiate actions and events. They merely describe the physical universe. • Physical laws cannot create anything. A theory can't bring anything into The Bootstrap Argument The universe started itself
  • 62. View of science greats Often misrepresented as atheists: Einstein • Dawkins cites as his authority in dealing with Einstein's religious views Max Jammer's book Einstein and Religion: "The extracts that follow are taken from Max Jammer's book (which is also the main source of quotations from Einstein himself on religious matters that follow)."[27]
  • 63. Listed below ten Einstein quotations from Max Jammer's book from which we can judge whether or not Einstein was an atheist. • "I am not an atheist, and I don't think I can call myself a pantheist."[28] • "In view of such harmony in the cosmos which I, with my limited human mind, am able to recognise, there are yet people who say there is no God. But what really makes me angry is that they quote me for support of such views."[29] View of science greats Often misrepresented as atheists: Einstein
  • 64. • "Every scientist becomes convinced that the laws of nature manifest the existence of a spirit vastly superior to that of men."[30] • "The divine reveals itself in the physical world."[31] • "My God created laws… His universe is not ruled by wishful thinking but by immutable laws."[32] • "I want to know how God created this world.… I want to know his thoughts."[33] View of science greats Often misrepresented as atheists: Einstein
  • 65. • "What I am really interested in is knowing whether God could have created the world in a different way."[34] • "This firm belief in a superior mind that reveals itself in the world of experience, represents my conception of God."[35] • "Behind all the discernible concatenations, there remains something subtle, intangible and inexplicable. Veneration for this force ... is my religion. To that extent I am, in point of fact, religious."[36] • "My religiosity consists of a humble admiration of the infinitely superior spirit… That superior reasoning power forms my idea of God."[37] View of science greats Often misrepresented as atheists: Einstein
  • 66. • So what does Dawkins conclude? Einstein was an atheist! But Einstein speaks of "a superior spirit", "a superior mind", "a spirit vastly superior to men", "a veneration for this force", etc. This is not atheism. • Now you may be thinking that we have carefully selected quotes that support me and left out ones that don't. But Max Jammer explained in his book: "Einstein was neither an atheist nor an agnostic." So this interpretation of what Einstein said, is the same as Max Jammer's. Is it not bizarre, that Dawkins cites in support of his claim that Einstein was an atheist, a book which proves the opposite? View of science greats Often misrepresented as atheists: Einstein
  • 67. Dawkins could also have consulted Lincoln Barnett's book The Universe and Dr. Einstein; Einstein wrote the foreword to it. This quotes Einstein saying: • My religion consists of a humble admiration of the superior spirit, who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble minds. That deeply emotional conviction of the presence of a superior reasoning power, which is revealed in this incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God.[38] • What's more, Einstein complained about atheists, saying: "Then there are the fanatical atheists whose intolerance is of the same kind as the intolerance of the religious fanatics and comes from the same source."[39] View of science greats Often misrepresented as atheists: Einstein
  • 68. View of science greats Often misrepresented as atheists: Darwin Richard Dawkins thinks you can't believe in evolution and God. Charles Darwin thought the exact opposite. In his autobiography Darwin wrote: • “Another source of conviction in the existence of God, connected with the reason and not with the feelings, impresses me as having much more weight. This follows from the extreme difficulty or rather impossibility of conceiving this immense and wonderful universe, including man with his capacity of looking far backwards and far into futurity, as the result of blind chance or necessity. When thus reflecting I feel compelled to look to a First Cause having an intelligent mind in some degree analogous to that of man; and I deserve to be called a Theist.”
  • 69. In his autobiography Darwin wrote: • “Another source of conviction in the existence of God, connected with the reason and not with the feelings, impresses me as having much more weight. This follows from the extreme difficulty or rather impossibility of conceiving this immense and wonderful universe, including man with his capacity of looking far backwards and far into futurity, as the result of blind chance or necessity. When thus reflecting I feel compelled to look to a First Cause having an intelligent mind in some degree analogous to that of man; and I deserve to be called a Theist.” View of science greats Often misrepresented as atheists: Darwin
  • 70. This conclusion was strong in my mind about the time, as far as I can remember, when I wrote the Origin of Species; and it is since that time that it has very gradually with many fluctuations become weaker. But then arises the doubt—can the mind of man, which has, as I fully believe, been developed from a mind as low as that possessed by the lowest animal, be trusted when it draws such grand conclusions? ... I cannot pretend to throw the least light on such abstruse problems. The mystery of the beginning of all things is insoluble by us; and I for one must be content to remain an Agnostic.[47] View of science greats Often misrepresented as atheists: Darwin
  • 71. Outline 1. Evidence for a beginning of the Universe 2. Evidence for fine tuning in the Universe 3. Solar System’s fitness for life 4. Earth’s fitness for life 5. The miracle of life
  • 72. Solar System’s fitness for life • Amongst the Oldest • The right shape • Within the Galactic Habitable Zone • Number of earth-like planets in the Universe Evidence for fine tuning in the Universe
  • 74. Life Zone Solar Systems Fitness for Life • The distance between the planetary star and the planet containing life is crucial for life to be able to exist. • This "life zone" is a very small zone, in which water can exist in all three of its forms - gas, liquid, and solid (ice). • Without liquid water, any kind of life is not possible.
  • 75. Circumstellar Habitable Zone (CHZ) “Goldilocks Zone”– is the region…
  • 76. with sufficient atmospheric pressure can support liquid water at their surfaces. Too little, just right, too much!
  • 77. “Temperature” Not too hot, not too cold Liquid water is needed to exist on the surface of a planet.
  • 78. Too Close – Water boils off the surface. Too far – Water is frozen, not allowing for molecules to mix and interact
  • 79. Our solar system has one planet in the Goldilocks Zone (0.9-1.2 AU)
  • 80. Earth (But Mars had liquid water at one time) Tons of evidence of liquid water flowing on the surface of Mars.
  • 81. Larger Star: Rapid, unstable burning Smaller Star: Planet’s rotation period is too long Solar Systems Fitness for Life
  • 82. The Earth is protected from comets by the large outer planets Solar Systems Fitness for Life
  • 83. The Earth is protected from comets by two large, gas planets: Saturn and... Solar Systems Fitness for Life
  • 84. Jupiter: Our Great Protector Solar Systems Fitness for Life
  • 85. Jupiter and outer planets Jupiter: just-right size and location: “without a large planet positioned precisely where Jupiter is, the earth would have been struck a thousand times more frequently in the past by comets and meteors and other interplanetary debris.” “…we wouldn’t be around to study the solar system.” G. W. Wetherill, Nature 1995, 373: 470; Discover 1993, p 15. However, if Jupiter were too large, or too close, it would perturb Earth’s orbit.
  • 86. Solar Systems Fitness for Life Comets: • Collisions required early in the history of the Solar System (provided needed materials) • Collisions must not occur at high frequency after establishment of higher life forms
  • 87. Not too big not too small (size) Planets need to have sufficient size to hold onto its atmosphere, Mars lost most of its atmosphere.
  • 88. If planet is too big, gravity could limit the development of life.
  • 89. What type of star is it? To determine the habitable zone you need to know total radiation a star emits.
  • 90. Solar Systems Fitness for Life • The size of the parent star is crucial for the ability of that star to support life. • Large stars undergo rapid and unstable burning (extreme temperature variations over millions of years), which cannot support life. Stars increase in luminosity as they age. • Stars smaller than our Sun are not suitable to support life on planets. Although these stars are able to undergo quite stable burning for billions of years, their small mass requires that life-containing planets be much closer to the star. Resulting in extremes of temperatures on the surface of these planets, which prohibits the survival of lifeforms.
  • 91. OBAFGKM- Our star is G-class
  • 92.
  • 93. Massive stars- hotter, blaze with radiation, zone is further out.
  • 94. Smaller stars- tighter belts than our sun, closer to the star Live for longer time, more chance for life to evolve. Ex. Kepler-62f, takes 267 days to complete an orbit
  • 95. Best stars to search are F-M class, O-A don’t live long enough
  • 96. Is that star stable? Solar eruption from a star could bathe a planet in radiation.
  • 97. New stars/old stars- variations in radiation Middle-aged star – radiation tends to be constant
  • 98. Liquid water- absorbs high amount of radiation, could protect life underwater
  • 99. A planet’s chemistry? A planet’s atmosphere will absorb a certain amount of energy from starlight and radiate the rest back out.
  • 100. Atmosphere- Tends to trap heat, more CO2 or methane can increase the greenhouse effect and extend the zone.
  • 101. Energy that is trapped- difference between turquoise sea vs. erupting volcanoes
  • 102. Atmosphere - look for oxygen, water, carbon dioxide and methane (could indicate life).
  • 103. Supernovae must occur during the early evolution of our galaxy… …but not now Our Place in the Universe and our Galaxy
  • 104. Solar Systems Fitness for Life • The amount of heavy elements formed during the Big Bang was insufficient to allow for the formation of rocky planets (like the Earth) at any time during the history of the universe. • However, the design of the laws of physics are such that God provided a way for rocky planets to be formed. • Stars at least four times more massive than the Sun undergo rapid burning, which culminates in a spectacular explosion, called a supernova.
  • 105. Solar Systems Fitness for Life • At this time, the temperature of the star becomes hot enough to support fusion of the hydrogen and helium into heavier elements. • Therefore, it is during these supernova events that the vast majority of the heavy elements necessary for rocky planet formation are produced. • Many of these supernova events are required within a galaxy for enough heavy elements to be produced.
  • 106. Solar Systems Fitness for Life • However, supernova must not occur in the vicinity of life-containing planets, or else all life would be extinguished as a result of the radiation produced, which is enormous. • Earlier a few years back, there was a gamma ray burst from another galaxy that was powerful enough to temporarily knock out satellites in orbit and give each person on the surface of the Earth the equivalent radiation of a chest X-ray. • Obviously, any life present in that galaxy would have been destroyed by radiation levels millions of time higher than what we received at a great distance.
  • 107. Solar Systems Fitness for Life • Life requires that the planetary system be housed in a spiral galaxy, such as that seen above. Not only must the planetary system be located in a spiral galaxy, but it must be located away from the center of that galaxy. • Take a close look at the center of the galaxy. There are some powerful forces acting in the center of this galaxy that are spewing gases (the red "flames") well above the galactic disk. • A planetary system located near the center of the galaxy would receive too much radiation for lifeforms to exist. • In addition, stellar gravitational interactions would most likely disrupt planetary orbits in such crowded conditions before the planet was suitably prepared for life to exist.
  • 108. Galactic Habitable Zone : Area in a galaxy where life has the best chance of occurring.
  • 109. Too close to the center, star density increases, greater chance of being taken out by a supernova explosion.
  • 112. Too far out, less stars to generate the heavier elements necessary for planets and life to form.
  • 113. Outline 1. Evidence for a beginning of the Universe 2. Evidence for fine tuning in the Universe 3. Solar System’s fitness for life 4. Earth’s fitness for life 5. The miracle of life
  • 114. Formation of the Moon Solar Systems Fitness for Life
  • 115. Formation of the Moon • Created through the collision of a Mars- sized planet with the Earth • The core of the Mars-sized object became part of the Earth’s core • Much of the Earth’s crust was ejected into orbit and coalesced to form the moon Solar Systems Fitness for Life
  • 116. Formation of the Moon Ejected Earth’s primordial atmosphere, preventing runaway greenhouse effect like that seen on Venus Solar Systems Fitness for Life
  • 117. Formation of the Moon Established the Earth’s current axial tilt of 23.5º, which is ideal for maintaining optimal temperatures on the Earth Solar Systems Fitness for Life
  • 118. Proximity of the Moon • Slowed the Earth’s rotation rate from 8 hours to 24 hours • The original 8 hour rotational period would have led to winds of 500+ mph Solar Systems Fitness for Life
  • 119. Earth’s tilt about spin axis “Although our viewpoint is certainly biased, our planet’s tilt axis seems to be “just right”. Rare Earth, p 224. larger tilt - temperature extremes smaller tilt - rain not distributed Privileged Planet, p 5. +/- 1 deg for several thousand yrs
  • 120. Earth’s tilt about spin axis “Constancy of the tilt angle is a factor that provides long-term stability of the Earth’s temperature. If the polar tilt axis had undergone wide deviations from its present value, Earth’s climate would have been much less hospitable….. Rare Earth, p 224. These results show that the situation of the Earth is very peculiar. The common status for all the terrestrial planets is to have experienced very large scale chaotic behavior for their obliquity, which in the case of the Earth and in the absence of the Moon, may have prevented the appearance of evoluted forms of life. We owe our exceptional climate stability to an exceptional event - the presence of the moon. Jacques Laskar, quoted in Rare Earth p 224.
  • 121. The Moon Just right size and distance from the Earth to -stabilize tilt -slow Earth’s rate of rotation “our moon is somewhat of a freak because of its large size in comparison to its parent planet.” Rare Earth p 222. “Without the moon it is … likely that no birds, redwoods, whales, trilobites, or other advanced life would ever have graced Earth. … Although there are dozens of moons in the solar system, the familiar ghostly white moon that illuminates our night sky is highly unusual, and its presence played a surprisingly important role …” Rare Earth p 222.
  • 122. The Moon “We owe our present climate stability to an exceptional event: the presence of the Moon.” Jacques Laskar, quoted in Rare Earth p 224. Produced by a “just right” collision? “to produce such a massive moon, the impacting body had to be the right size, it had to impact the right point on the Earth, and the impact had to have occurred at just the right time in the Earth’s growth process.” Rare Earth p 231.
  • 123. Established a unique continental crust, which allows for recycling of minerals through tectonic activity Normally, during planet formation, the crust covers the entire planet. Under these conditions, the crust cannot move, since there is no free space for it to do so. The Planet Sized Collision that became our Core
  • 124. • Normally, during planet formation, the crust covers the entire planet. • Under these conditions, the crust cannot move, since there is no free space for it to do so. • However, large amount of the earths primordial crust was blasted into outer space by the collision that formed the moon • There was space for the original continent (Pangea) to move and even break up into additional land masses. The Planet Sized Collision that became our Core
  • 125. • This movement causes tectonic activity, continents can exist on a planet that would normally be a water world. • Without tectonic activity, the original continent would have eroded into the large ocean, never to be seen again. • In fact, planets with large amounts of water are always water worlds because of erosion. The Planet Sized Collision that became our Core
  • 126. Magnetic Field: • if stronger: electromagnetic storms would be too severe • if weaker: ozone shield and life on land would be inadequately protected from stellar and solar radiation Solar Systems Fitness for Life
  • 127. ( )x 1 100 ( )x 1 100 ( )x 1 100 ( )x 1 100 ( )x 1 100 ( ) 1 100 1 1012 ~ 1011 planets in our galaxy If 6 finely-tuned factors exist, then we have no right to expect another earth-like planet in the entire galaxy!! = ( ) x 1 200 ( ) x 4 100 earth-sized, in habitable zone (Nature 470, 27-29, 2011) G-type, main sequence star large moon, close ( ) x 1 100 ( ) x 1 10 circular orbit ( ) x 1 100 ( ) x 1 100 right amoun t of water magnetic field(liqu id iron core) plate tectonics galactic habitable zone (Icarus 152 185-200, 2001; the physics arXiv blog) ( ) x 1 100 ( ) x 1 100 ( ) x 1 2 rocky What does it take to make a habitable planet? ( ) x …. 1 100 right atmosphe re (venus and mars)
  • 128. What does it take to make a habitable planet? ( )x 1 100 ( )x 1 100 ( )x 1 100 ( )x 1 100 ( )x 1 100 ( )x 1 100 ( )x 1 100 ( )x 1 100 ( )x 1 100 ( )x 1 100 ( ) = 1 100 1 1022 ~ 1022 planets in the observable universe If 11 finely-tuned factors exist, then we have no right to expect another earth -like planet in the entire observable universe!! hundreds of such factors exist! Creation as Science, Hugh Ross, p 179 See also Why The Universe Is The Way It Is, Hugh Ross, pg 122-123 Number has increased as scientific knowledge has progressed!
  • 129. What does it take to make a habitable planet? For this is what the LORD says - he who created the heavens, he is God; he who fashioned and made the earth, he founded it; he did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited - he says: I am the LORD and there is no other. Isaiah 45:18
  • 130. Outline 1. Evidence for a beginning of the Universe 2. Evidence for fine tuning in the Universe 3. Solar System’s fitness for life 4. Earth’s fitness for life 5. The miracle of life
  • 131. Outline 1. Evidence for a beginning of the Universe 2. Evidence for fine tuning in the Universe 3. Solar System’s fitness for life 4. Earth’s fitness for life 5. The miracle of life
  • 132. The Miracle of Life • For natural selection to work, you have to have a self-reproducing entity. • What is the simplest conceivable such unit? • It is incredibly complex and full of information. • This whole functioning unit has to come into being all at once, before Darwins' mutations and natural selection can function
  • 133. The Miracle of life • Sir Fred Hoyle FRS (24 June 1915 – 20 August 2001) was an English astronomer noted primarily for his contribution to the theory of stellar nucleosynthesis and his often controversial stance on other cosmological and scientific matters.
  • 134. The Miracle of life • In the 1950s, Hoyle was the leader of a group of very talented experimental and theoretical physicists; with William Alfred Fowler, Margaret Burbidge, and Geoffrey Burbidge. • This group realized the basic ideas of how all the chemical elements in our Universe were manufactured, with this now being a field called nucleosynthesis.
  • 135. The Miracle of Life • Hoyle made a prediction of the energy levels in the carbon nucleus that was later borne out by experiment. • These energy levels, while needed to produce carbon in large quantities, were statistically very unlikely. Hoyle later wrote: • Would you not say to yourself, "Some super-calculating intellect must have designed the properties of the carbon atom, otherwise the chance of my finding such an atom through the blind forces of nature would be utterly minuscule.
  • 136. The Miracle of Life What led him to faith: • A common sense interpretation of the facts suggests that a superintellect has monkeyed with physics, as well as with chemistry and biology, and that there are no blind forces worth speaking about in nature. • The numbers one calculates from the facts seem to me so overwhelming as to put this conclusion almost beyond question.“ —Fred Hoyle
  • 137. The Miracle of Life • His co-worker William Alfred Fowler eventually won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1983, • but for some reason Hoyle’s original contribution was overlooked, and many were surprised that such a notable astronomer missed out. • Fowler himself in an autobiographical sketch affirmed Hoyle’s pioneering efforts:
  • 138. The Miracle of Life • Sir Fred Hoyle did some calculations on the likelihood of a hypothetical minimum self- reproducing cell coming together, given all the ingredients (this is impossible anyway, by natural, non-enzymatic processes). • Hoyle hypothesised a cell of only 400 enzymes/proteins; a real world bacterium has about 2,000! • For this hypothetical minimum cell, Hoyle calculated a probability of it forming by natural processes of 1 in 1040,000
  • 139. The Miracle of Life • To put this in context, there are about 1080 atomic particles in the universe. • If the universe actually were 15 billion years old, as Dawkins believes, this would give about 1018 seconds. • If every second and every atomic particle were an experiment in a soup of all the ingredients necessary for the cell to form, this would amount to 1098 experiments. This is a long way short of any chance of getting our 'cell'. • Let's make every microsecond an experiment. This gives 10104 experiments. This is not getting us anywhere. • Let's make every atomic particle in our universe a universe like our own with every atomic particle in those universes and every microsecond an experiment. We now have 10204 experiments. • Hey, we're still a long way short of 1040,000 necessary for a reasonable chance of succeeding. • The chances of getting our cell are zero!
  • 140. The Miracle of Life: Prt 2 Let’s assume a self-replicating molecule is possible • How many amino acids would have to be strung together in the proper sequence to this hypothetical replicator? – There are few functional enzymes with less than 100 amino acids most have hundreds – assume 100 amino acids and be kind. – This protein must catalyse the joining together of the amino acids in a copy of itself but has to make them line up in the correct order as well. – No such thing is known to exist – amino acids have no affinity for other amino acids of the same type, nor is there any complementary attraction like with the neucleotides of DNA/ RNA – Functional Enzymes have a 3D structre, so this enzyme will have to unravel itself to allow amino acids to line up along in the correct order and at the same time act as a catalyst for their polymerisation!!
  • 141. The Miracle of Life: Prt 2 • Probability – since there are 20 different amino acids involved is (1/20)^100 which is 10-130. In perspective there are about 1080 Fundamental particles (electrons etc..) in the universe. • If every one of them were an experiment at getting the right sequence with all the right amino acids present • And if every microsecond of 15 Billion Years • This gives 4.7103 experiments, we are still 1027 experiments short of getting even a chance of this happening.
  • 142. The Miracle of Life: Part 2 • Its actually far worse than this… • More than 20 amino acids found in living things have been produced in ‘origin of life’ experiments • It is impossible without enzymes to produce them with the correct chirality – there are left – and right - handed forms of amino acids, typically only left-handed forms are used in living things. • The non-enzymic processes available in the pre- biotic soup (since only living things produce enzymes) could only produce equal quantities of both left and right. This makes the probability (1/50)100 10-170
  • 143. A Real Adam and Eve • Almost every man alive can trace his origins to one man who lived about 135,000 years ago, new research suggests. And that ancient man likely shared the planet with the mother of all women. • The findings, detailed (Aug. 1 1995) in the journal Science, come from the most complete analysis of the male sex chromosome, or the Y chromosome, to date. • The results overturn earlier research, which suggested that men's most recent common ancestor lived just 50,000 to 60,000 years ago.
  • 144. The Atheism Delusion “Has anyone provided proof of God’s inexistence? Not even close. Has quantum cosmology explained the emergence of the universe or why it is here? Not even close. Have our sciences explained why our universe seems to be fine-tuned to allow for the existence of life? Not even close. Are physicists and biologists willing to believe in anything so long as it is not religious thought? Close enough. Has rationalism and moral thought provided us with an understanding of what is good, what is right, and what is moral? Not close enough. Has secularism in the terrible 20th century been a force for good? Not even close, to being close. Is there a narrow and oppressive orthodoxy in the sciences? Close enough. Does anything in the sciences or their philosophy justify the claim that religious belief is irrational? Not even in the ball park. Is scientific atheism a frivolous exercise in intellectual contempt? Dead on.” ― David Berlinski, The Devil's Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions
  • 146. The Atheism Delusion “If we present a man with a concept of man which is not true, we may well corrupt him. When we present man as an automaton of reflexes, as a mind-machine, as a bundle of instincts, as a pawn of drives and reactions, as a mere product of instinct, heredity and environment, we feed the nihilism to which modern man is, in any case, prone. I became acquainted with the last stage of that corruption in my second concentration camp, Auschwitz. The gas chambers of Auschwitz were the ultimate consequence of the theory that man is nothing but the product of heredity and environment; or as the Nazi liked to say, ‘of Blood and Soil.’ I am absolutely convinced that the gas chambers of Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Maidanek were ultimately prepared not in some Ministry or other in Berlin, but rather at the desks and lecture halls of nihilistic scientists and philosophers.” ― Viktor E. Frankl, The Doctor and the Soul: From Psychotherapy to Logotherapy Viktor Emil Frankl was an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist as well as a Holocaust survivor. Frankl was the founder of logotherapy, which is a form of existential analysis, the "Third Viennese School of Psychotherapy"
  • 147. Atheists like to think that science supports their worldview, but could the opposite be the case? The astronomer Fred Hoyle, at that time atheist, said scientific discoveries had "greatly shaken" his faith in atheism. He reflected on the energy needed to produce large quantities of carbon, and wrote this: • Some supercalculating intellect must have designed the properties of the carbon atom, otherwise the chance of my finding such an atom through the blind forces of nature would be utterly minuscule.… A superintellect has monkeyed with physics, as well as with chemistry and biology... The numbers one calculates from the facts seem to me so overwhelming as to put this conclusion almost beyond question.[71] Does Science then prove the Existence of God
  • 148. Does Science then prove the Existence of God The philosopher Antony Flew was Britain's leading atheist before Richard Dawkins. But by 2004 two scientific discoveries had changed his mind. • First, the Big Bang theory showed the universe began at a particular point in time. This raises the question, what caused the universe to begin? • And second, the universe appears to have been fine-tuned for life. • Flew wrote: “Not merely are there regularities in nature, but they are mathematically precise, universal and 'tied together'. How did nature come packaged in this fashion? Scientists from Newton to Einstein to Heisenberg have answered - the Mind of God.”[72]
  • 149. Does Science then prove the Existence of God Roger Penrose, the leading British mathematician, stated: • There is a certain sense in which I would say the universe has a purpose. It's not there by chance. Some people take the view that we happen by accident. I think that there is something much deeper, of which we have very little inkling at the moment.[77]
  • 150. • In addition, many of the pioneers of quantum physics rejected atheism: Heisenberg, Schrödinger, Planck, de Broglie, Jeans, Eddington, Pauli as well as Einstein. Ken Wilber's book Quantum Questions explores their religious writings. • Wilber argues that all these groundbreaking physicists believed that spirituality and physics were needed for a full understanding of reality. • Wilber poses this question to modern atheists and scientists: • “To those who bow to physics as a religion, I ask, what does it mean to you, that the founders of modern science, the theorists who pioneered the very concepts you now worship, were every one of them mystics.”[78] Does Science then prove the Existence of God
  • 151. Does Science then prove the Existence of God Let me give some examples. This is Heisenberg: • I have repeatedly pondered on the relationship of science and religion, for I have never been able to deny the reality to which they point. And this: • Kepler breaks into enthusiasm at being the first to recognise the beauty of God's works. Thus the new way of thinking [science] has nothing to do with any turn away from religion.[79]
  • 152. Does Science then prove the Existence of God Max Planck: "There can never be any real opposition between science and religion; for the one is the complement of the other. Every serious and reflective person realizes, I think, that the religious element in his nature must be recognised and cultivated if all the powers of the human soul are to act together in perfect harmony. And indeed it is not an accident that the greatest thinkers of all ages were also deeply religious souls."[80]
  • 153. Does Science then prove the Existence of God Schroedinger: "Science is reticent when it comes to the question of the great unity of which we somehow form a part. The popular name for it in our time is God."[81] And "We know when God is experienced this is as real an event as an immediate sense perception or as one's own personality."[82]
  • 154. Outline 1. Evidence for a design to the Universe 2. Evidence for fine tuning in the Universe 3. Solar System’s fitness for life 4. The miracle of life
  • 155. In Summary Does God exist? And if life takes a miracle? If our solar system is ideal for life? And it is highly tuned? If the universe had a beginning?