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Amadeus- Best
Practices for
MongoDB with
Ops Manager
_ We are the leading technology company dedicated to the global travel industry
_ We are present in 190+ countries and employ 14,000+ people worldwide
_ Our solutions enrich travel for billions of people every year
_ We work together with our customers, partners and other players in the industry to improve
business performance and shape the future of travel
595 million total bookings processed in 2016
using the Amadeus distribution platform
1.4 billion passengers boarded in 2016
with Amadeus and Navitaire solutions
1 of the world’s top 10 software companies
Forbes 2016 global rankings
Amadeus in a few words
5th consecutive year included in the DJSI
The only travel technology company in the
Dow Jones Sustainability Index in 2016
For 30 years, we have kept the travel sector moving.
Today, we help our customers all over the world improve
the travel experience for billions of people a year.
And we’re just getting started.
We’re committed to making the future of travel even better
– to connecting the industry, harnessing new technologies
and finding new ways to make travel more rewarding – for
30 years to come.
30 years is just the beginning
Collaboration. Innovation. Better Journeys.
Enriching every step of the traveller’s journey
Our customers
tour operatorscar rental
cruise and
ferry lines
rail operators insurance
provider groups
travel agencies and
corporations, online
and worldwide
90 233 16
110 100
{„Amadeus”: „Our motivaiton”}
{„Amadeus”: „Why we use Infrastructure as a code ?”}
Many IT teams still rely on manual configurations, shell scripts, images, outdated
tools or old procedures to manage infrastructure. This approach resulting in errors,
slow deployments and inconsistent environment.
{„Amadeus”: „Why we use Infrastructure as a code ?”}
Many IT teams still rely on manual configurations, shell scripts, images, outdated
tools or old procedures to manage infrastructure. This approach resulting in errors,
slow deployments and inconsistent environment.
Amadeus treat infrastructure like software: as code that can be managed with the
same tools and processes used by software developers. We are using version control,
continuous integration, code review and automated testing.
{„Amadeus”: „Why we use Infrastructure as a code ?”}
Many IT teams still rely on manual configurations, shell scripts, images, outdated
tools or old procedures to manage infrastructure. This approach resulting in errors,
slow deployments and inconsistent environment.
Amadeus treat infrastructure like software: as code that can be managed with the
same tools and processes used by software developers. We are using version control,
continuous integration, code review and automated testing.
We use code to describe the infrastructure. We have created model of our MongoDB
deployment - as a code with version control on it, so we can not only track who is
done what, we can also roll back to an earlier configuration.
Our MongoDB deployment is consistent
{„Amadeus”: „Infrastructure as a code”}
• Codify everything:
Whenever possible use code to describe the infrastructure. Amadeus use Ansible,
Puppet and Python scripts for physical or virtual servers management (patching,
configuration management, network management)
{„Amadeus”: „Infrastructure as a code”}
• Codify everything:
Whenever possible use code to describe the infrastructure. Amadeus use Ansible,
Puppet and Python scripts for physical or virtual servers management (patching,
configuration management, network management)
• Version everything:
Amadeus use Git to manage infrastructure as code repository. Git is an open-source
distributed version control system. Use an appropriate branching model according to
your business needs.
{„Amadeus”: „Infrastructure as a code”}
• Codify everything:
Whenever possible use code to describe the infrastructure. Amadeus use Ansible,
Puppet and Python scripts for physical or virtual servers management (patching,
configuration management, network management)
• Version everything:
Amadeus use Git to manage infrastructure as code repository. Git is an open-source
distributed version control system. Use an appropriate branching model according to
your business needs.
• One repository:
One infrastructure as code repository per organisation or company.
{„Amadeus”: „Why we use Infrastructure as a code ?”}
Manage your Mongo deployment with Git
{„Amadeus”: „how to operate distributed MongoDB cluster ?”}
• time and resorce consuming, human mistakes, overhead, inconsistency
{„Amadeus”: „how to operate distributed MongoDB cluster ?”}
• time and resorce consuming, human mistakes, overhead, inconsistency
how to scale cluster ?, How to upgrade multisharded cluster ?. How to keep
cluster consistent ?. How to secure cluster ?. How to manage multisharded
clausters ?. How to speed up deployment ?
{„Amadeus”: „how to operate distributed MongoDB cluster ?”}
• time and resorce consuming, human mistakes, overhead, inconsistency
how to scale cluster ?. How to upgrade multisharded cluster ?. How to keep
cluster consistent ?. How to secure cluster ?. How to manage multisharded
clausters ?. How to speed up deployment ?
• Reduce overhead, reduce human mistakes, speed-up processes, provide
{„Amadeus”: „how to operate distributed MongoDB cluster ?”}
• time and resorce consuming, human mistakes, overhead, inconsistency
how to scale cluster ?. How to upgrade multisharded cluster ?. How to keep
cluster consistent ?. How to secure cluster ?. How to manage multisharded
clausters ?. How to speed up deployment ?
• Reduce overhead, reduce human mistakes, speed-up processes, provide
• Let’s put logic on automation, let’s eliminate repetitive steps
{„Amadeus”: „automate and orchestrate”}
“automate” vs “orchestrate”:
Automation is concerned with a single
task – starting mongo service, configuring a
cluster, stopping mongo service.
Orchestration is concerned with
automating, the execution of a workflow
- of a process.
{„Amadeus”: „automate and orchestrate”}
• “automate” vs “orchestrate”:
difference between “automate” and “orchestrate” is like between “task” and
“process”. The goal of orchestration is not just to automatically execute a service,
which brings speed and gets applications into production faster. It also affords an
opportunity to streamline – to optimize – those processes for even greater gains in
deployment velocity. Optimize for eliminate repetitive steps.
Automation is about codifying tasks and orchestration is about
codifying processes. Orchestration takes advantage of automation by reusing these
basic building blocks (e.g. Mongo upgrade via Ops Manager, MongoDB cluster
deployment via Ops Manager).
_What :
• Cluster deployment.
• Upgrades.
• Scaling.
• Resilience.
• Monitoring.
• Alerting.
• Security.
• Backup & restore.
{„Amadeus”: „what should be automated ?”}
{„Amadeus”: „Ops Manager”}
• Shell scripts.
• Python scripts.
• Ansible.
• Puppet.
• Ops Manager: requirments are enforced by design
Ops Manager + Python scripts + Ansible
{„Amadeus”: „what are methods ?”}
{„Overview” : „What is Ops Manager ”}
We use Ops Manager as central point for orchestrating, automating, managing,
monitoring and backing up Amadeus MongoDB infrastructure.
Ops Manager is „brain” of our MongoDB deployment.
{„Amadeus”: „Ops Manager”}
{„Ops Manager”: „REST API”}
Ops Manager follows REST architectural style and provides internal
resources which enable programmatic access to Ops Manager
Call this HTTPS API with instructions for the MongoDB cluster!
{„Ops Manager”: „REST API”}
The API has the following features:
• JSON entities:
"monitoringVersions": [
"baseUrl": null,
"directoryUrl": null,
"hostname": "",
"name": ""
"baseUrl": null,
"directoryUrl": null,
"hostname": "",
"name": ""
"_id": "configRS",
"members": [
"_id": 0,
"arbiterOnly": false,
"hidden": false,
"host": "configRS_3",
"priority": 1.0,
"slaveDelay": 0,
"votes": 1
"_id": 1,
"arbiterOnly": false,
"hidden": false,
"host": "configRS_4",
"priority": 1.0,
"slaveDelay": 0,
"votes": 1
"_id": 2,
"arbiterOnly": false,
"hidden": false,
"host": "configRS_5",
"priority": 1.0,
"slaveDelay": 0,
"votes": 1
{„Ops Manager”: „REST API”}
Digest authentication - To ensure that your Public API key is never sent over the network.
def getJson():
r = requests.get(automation % getGroup(cluster), auth=requests.auth.HTTPDigestAuth('%s' % user, '%s' % key), verify=False)
j = r.json()
return j
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print e
def putJson(j):
r = requests.put(automation % getGroup(cluster), data=json.dumps(j), headers={'content-type':'application/json'},
auth=requests.auth.HTTPDigestAuth('%s' % user, '%s' % key), verify=False)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print e
{„Ops Manager”: „REST API”}
JSON Browsable interface; Using a consistent linking mechanism, you can browse the entire
API by starting at the root resource and following links to related resources.
[paboruck@bddv0000]$ curl -u "" --digest "https://bdtv0000:xxxx/api/public/v1.0" -k -s | python -m 'json.tool‚
"links": [
"href": "https://bdt0000:1111/api/public/v1.0",
"rel": "self"
"href": "https://bdt0000:1111/api/public/v1.0/users/5894d7e25859733e2d1945c2",
"rel": ""
"href": "https://bdt0000:1111/api/public/v1.0/groups",
"rel": ""
"throttling": false
{„Ansible”: „Mongo and Ansible”}
Mongo cluster deployment with Ansible
{„Ansible”: „Launch a MongoDB Cluster with Ansible”}
Ansible is a simple powerful tool for configuration management and
orchestration of your infrastructure.
{„Ansible”: „Launch a MongoDB Cluster with Ansible”}
Ansible is a simple powerful tool for configuration management and
orchestration of your infrastructure.
Ansible is agent-less and uses a push approach (SSH).
{„Ansible”: „Launch a MongoDB Cluster with Ansible”}
Ansible is a simple powerful tool for configuration management and
orchestration of your infrastructure.
Ansible is agent-less and uses a push approach (SSH).
By using Ansible you can go with IAC - Infrastructure As Code (we can
keep entire infrastructure in GIT repository, track changes and use all
goodies that comes with source version control).
{„Ansible”: „Launch a MongoDB Cluster with Ansible”}
Ansible is a simple powerful tool for configuration management and
orchestration of your infrastructure.
Ansible is agent-less and uses a push approach (SSH).
By using Ansible you can go with IAC - Infrastructure As Code (we can
keep entire infrastructure in GIT repository, track changes and use all
goodies that comes with source version control).
it reduces manual steps you need to make, to setup your server(s).
{„Ansible”: „Launch a MongoDB Cluster with Ansible”}
Ansible is a simple powerful tool for configuration management and
orchestration of your infrastructure.
Ansible is agent-less and uses a push approach (SSH).
By using Ansible you can go with IAC - Infrastructure As Code (we can
keep entire infrastructure in GIT repository, track changes and use all
goodies that comes with source version control).
it reduces manual steps you need to make, to setup your server(s).
Ansible is based on YAML files.
{„Ansible”: „Launch a MongoDB Cluster with Ansible”}
Ansible is a simple powerful tool for configuration management and
orchestration of your infrastructure.
Ansible is agent-less and uses a push approach (SSH).
By using Ansible you can go with IAC - Infrastructure As Code (we can
keep entire infrastructure in GIT repository, track changes and use all
goodies that comes with source version control).
it reduces manual steps you need to make, to setup your server(s).
Ansible is based on YAML files.
It is great alternative to Puppet and Chef
{„Ansible”: „What is special about Ansible?”}
• Your tasks can be pushed or pulled,
• It supports loops,
• It supports conditionals,
• It supports try/except,
• It supports jinja2 templates,
• It supports rolling upgrades,
• It supports dynamic inventories,
• It's Python-simple
• No need for any special infrastructure
• You can wait for your task to finish and then go on
{„Ansible”: „Mongo & Ansible live demo”}
Mongo & Ansible live demo:
• Mongo cluster deployment with Ansible – introduciton:
{„Deploy cluster”: „Manual approach”}
• Create users and groups.
{„Deploy cluster”: „Manual approach”}
• Create users and groups.
• Generate signed certificates.
{„Deploy cluster”: „Manual approach”}
• Create users and groups.
• Generate signed certificates.
• Add nodes to Centify zone.
{„Deploy cluster”: „Manual approach”}
• Create users and groups.
• Generate signed certificates.
• Add nodes to Centify zone.
• Set up Kerberos.
{„Deploy cluster”: „Manual approach”}
• Create users and groups.
• Generate signed certificates.
• Add nodes to Centify zone.
• Set up Kerberos.
• Install RPM packages.
{„Deploy cluster”: „Manual approach”}
• Create users and groups.
• Generate signed certificates.
• Add nodes to Centify zone.
• Set up Kerberos.
• Install RPM packages.
• Set kernel limits.
{„Deploy cluster”: „Manual approach”}
• Create users and groups.
• Generate signed certificates.
• Add nodes to Centify zone.
• Set up Kerberos.
• Install RPM packages.
• Set kernel limits.
• Add nodes to monitoring.
{„Deploy cluster”: „Manual approach”}
• Create users and groups.
• Generate signed certificates.
• Add nodes to Centify zone.
• Set up Kerberos.
• Install RPM packages.
• Set kernel limits.
• Add nodes to monitoring.
• Create new group in Ops Manager.
{„Deploy cluster”: „Manual approach”}
• Create users and groups.
• Generate signed certificates.
• Add nodes to Centify zone.
• Set up Kerberos.
• Install RPM packages.
• Set kernel limits.
• Add nodes to monitoring.
• Create new group in Ops Manager.
• Deploy Automation Agent on nodes.
{„Deploy cluster”: „Ansible & Python”}
Automate process!
• Create playbooks and roles file and folder structure.
├── deploy_mongodb.yml
├── group_vars -> ../../../environment-mongodb
├── inventory -> ../../../inventory-mongodb
└── crash.inv
├── postprov.yml
└── roles -> ../../roles
├── defaults
│ └── main.yml
├── files
│ ├── ca-chain.cert.pem
│ ├── mongodb-mms-automation-agent
│ └── munin-node-plugin
├── handlers
│ └── main.yml
├── tasks
│ ├── create_mms_group.yml
│ ├── create_signed_cert.yml
│ ├── main.yml
│ ├── modify_kerberos.yml
│ └── set_readahead.yml
├── templates
│ ├── 50-root_core.conf.j2
│ ├── 99-mongodb-mms-automation-
│ └── munin-node.conf.j2
└── vars
└── main.yml
{„Deploy cluster”: „Ansible & Python”}
• Create tasks related to roles:
cat main.yml
- include: create_mms_group.yml
- include: create_mms_user.yml
- include: enable_mms_verison.yml
- include: deploy_extra_packages.yml
- include: modify_kerberos.yml
- include: set_readahead.yml
- include: deploy_limits.yml
- include: deploy_mms_agent.yml
- include: get_json.yml
- include: deploy_helpers.yml
- include: deploy_munin.yml
- include: deploy_cleanup_cron.yml
├── create_mms_group.yml
├── create_mms_user.yml
├── create_signed_cert.yml
├── deploy_cleanup_cron.yml
├── deploy_helpers.yml
├── deploy_mms_agent.yml
├── deploy_mms_monitoring.yml
├── deploy_munin.yml
├── enable_mms_verison.yml
├── get_json.yml
├── main.yml
├── modify_kerberos.yml
└── set_readahead.yml
{„Ansible”: „Mongo & Ansible live demo”}
Mongo & Ansible live demo:
Mongo cluster deployment live presentaiton
{„Ops Manager”: „custom use case”}
51 – our tool for MongoDB maintenance.
{„Ops Manager”: „custom use case”}
52 – our tool for MongoDB maintenance.
We developed in house Python script for Mongo farm maintenance. Combomongo
contacting Ops Manager via REST API. Script is getting clusters metadata from Ops
Manager ( ip address, ports, user names, passwords ) and connecting dirlectly to Mongo
databases or executing commands via Ops Manager: we can save time, eliminate manual
operations (clicking) and involwe members of other teams in Mongo operations.
{„Ops Manager”: „custom use case”}
53 – our tool for MongoDB maintenance.
We developed in house Python script for Mongo farm maintenance. Combomongo
contacting Ops Manager via REST API. Script is getting clusters metadata from Ops
Manager ( ip address, ports, user names, passwords ) and connecting dirlectly to Mongo
databases or executing commands via Ops Manager: we can save time, eliminate manual
operations (clicking) and involwe members of other teams in Mongo operations.
• Get information about all groups in Ops Manger.
{„Ops Manager”: „custom use case”}
54 – our tool for MongoDB maintenance.
We developed in house Python script for Mongo farm maintenance. Combomongo
contacting Ops Manager via REST API. Script is getting clusters metadata from Ops
Manager ( ip address, ports, user names, passwords ) and connecting dirlectly to Mongo
databases or executing commands via Ops Manager: we can save time, eliminate manual
operations (clicking) and involwe members of other teams in Mongo operations.
• Get information about all groups in Ops Manger.
• Get information about all hosts connected to Ops Manager.
{„Ops Manager”: „custom use case”}
55 – our tool for MongoDB maintenance.
We developed in house Python script for Mongo farm maintenance. Combomongo
contacting Ops Manager via REST API. Script is getting clusters metadata from Ops
Manager ( ip address, ports, user names, passwords ) and connecting dirlectly to Mongo
databases or executing commands via Ops Manager: we can save time, eliminate manual
operations (clicking) and involwe members of other teams in Mongo operations.
• Get information about all groups in Ops Manger.
• Get information about all hosts connected to Ops Manager.
• Search group for host.
{„Ops Manager”: „custom use case”}
56 – our tool for MongoDB maintenance.
We developed in house Python script for Mongo farm maintenance. Combomongo
contacting Ops Manager via REST API. Script is getting clusters metadata from Ops
Manager ( ip address, ports, user names, passwords ) and connecting dirlectly to Mongo
databases or executing commands via Ops Manager: we can save time, eliminate manual
operations (clicking) and involwe members of other teams in Mongo operations.
• Get information about all groups in Ops Manger.
• Get information about all hosts connected to Ops Manager.
• Search group for host.
• Freeze automation on host.
{„Ops Manager”: „custom use case”}
57 – our tool for MongoDB maintenance.
We developed in house Python script for Mongo farm maintenance. Combomongo
contacting Ops Manager via REST API. Script is getting clusters metadata from Ops
Manager ( ip address, ports, user names, passwords ) and connecting dirlectly to Mongo
databases or executing commands via Ops Manager: we can save time, eliminate manual
operations (clicking) and involwe members of other teams in Mongo operations.
• Get information about all groups in Ops Manger.
• Get information about all hosts connected to Ops Manager.
• Search group for host.
• Freeze automation on host.
• Step down all primary’s from host (for cluster maintenance).
{„Ops Manager”: „custom use case”}
58 – our tool for MongoDB maintenance.
We developed in house Python script for Mongo farm maintenance. Combomongo
contacting Ops Manager via REST API. Script is getting clusters metadata from Ops
Manager ( ip address, ports, user names, passwords ) and connecting dirlectly to Mongo
databases or executing commands via Ops Manager: we can save time, eliminate manual
operations (clicking) and involwe members of other teams in Mongo operations.
• Get information about all groups in Ops Manger.
• Get information about all hosts connected to Ops Manager.
• Search group for host.
• Freeze automation on host.
• Step down all primary’s from host (for cluster maintenance).
• Shutdown all mongod’s on host (for cluster maintenance).
{„Ops Manager”: „custom use case”}
59 – live demo:
./ -U <user name> -K <API Key> -C <cluster> -H <host> -M <mode>
usage: [-h] -U USER -K KEY -C CLUSTER -H HOST
[-M {cluster_health, recovery_window, nodes, groups , all_nodes, freeze ,step_down, unfreeze, kill, move_back}]
Mongo cluster maintenance:
• Automation freeze.
• Step down primary.
• Shutdown mongod.
• Unfreeze automation.
• Move primary back.
• Print info
{„Ops Manager”: „custom use case”}
60 – live demo:
import requests
import json
def OpsClusters():
r = requests.get('https://'+ops+':'+port+'/api/public/v1.0/groups',auth=requests.auth.HTTPDigestAuth('%s'
% user, '%s' % key), verify=False)
j = r.json()
return j
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print e
{„Ansible”: „Mongo & Ansible live demo”}
Mongo & Ansible live demo:
Mongo database upgrade with Ansible
{„Ansible”: „Ansible live demo”}
- name: Get automation config
url: https://{{opsmgr}}/api/public/v1.0/groups/{{ mongo_api_group }}/automationConfig
user: "{{ mongo_api_user }}"
password: "{{ mongo_api_key }}"
method: GET
validate_certs: no
register: my_response.json
- copy: - replace:
content: "{{ my_response.json }}" dest: ./my_json.json
dest: "./my_json.json" regexp: '"version": "{{my_version}}"'
when: my_version != "{{mongo_version}}” replace: '"version": "{{mongo_version}}"'
when: my_version != "{{mongo_version}}"
{„Ansible”: „Ansible live demo”}
- name: "Post to Ops Manager "
url: https://{{opsmgr}}/api/public/v1.0/groups/{{ mongo_api_group }}/automationConfig
user: "{{ mongo_api_user }}"
password: "{{ mongo_api_key }}"
status_code: 201
method: PUT
HEADER_Content-Type: application/json
body_format: json
body: "{{ lookup('file','my_json.json') }}"
validate_certs: no
register: created
failed_when: False
changed_when: created.status == 201
when: my_version != "{{mongo_version}}"
Backup slides – Backup/Restore
{„Ops Manager”: „Architecture”}
Amadeus Ops Manager architecture rely on 4 Mongo databses:
INTERNALDB : Ops Manager application metadata database :
Monitoring data collected from Monitoring Agents.
Metadata for Ops Manager users, hosts, monitoring data, and
backup state.
BLOCKSTORE: Backup Blockstore Database.
Backup of Mongo databases captured at a specific interval and
stored as snapshots. Ops Manager creates snapshots from the
backups kept on the head databases. Snapshots can be also
stored in File System Stores, Object Storage and S3 snapshot
{„Ops Manager”: „Architecture”}
OPLOGSTORE: The database where Ops Manager stores oplog
before Backup Daemon applies to its local copies of backed-up
deployments. Block stores and Oplog stores are configured as
replica sets
HEAD DATABASE: The copy of a backed-up deployment
stored on the Backup Daemon’s server. Backup Deamon maintains
a head database for each shard or replica set it backs up and
creates periodic snapshots. The daemon does scheduled work
based on data coming into the HTTP Service from the Backup
Agents installed on backed-up deployment
{„Ops Manager”: „Architecture”}
Ops Manager backups, once started, are an ongoing and continuous process. Data is continually backed up
as long as the backup remains synchronized with the database. This process works like replica set
data synchronization
Backup slides – Ops Manager
{„Ops Manager”: „Architecture”}
Automation Agent
{„Ops Manager”: „Architecture”}
Monitoring Agent
{„Amadeus”: „Ops Manager”}
{„Amadeus”: „What we have in house ?”}
• 3 Mongo Ops Managers for orchestration and automation – PRD, DEV, TST.
• Over 70 MongoDB clusters deployed on phases: BTPRD, DEV, DR, FVT, MIG, PRD,
• Mongo versions: 3.2.12 – 3.4.4.
• MongoDB clusters size: from 100GB to 50TB.
• Sharding, Multisharding, Replication.
• Security: SSL/TLS, Encryption at Rest, Kerberos, LDAP, CA, Auditing.
• Automation: Puppet, Ansible, Python REST API scripts.
• Disaster Recovery site.
{„Ops Manager”: „Architecture”}
• Amadeus has 3 Ops Manager clusters.
• Eatch cluster has 3 physical nodes.
• Shared nothing architecture – just local disks.
• Manufacturer: HPE
• Product Name: Apollo 4200.
• Architecture: x86_64.
• CPU(s): 56.
• Mem: 504 GB per server.
• Local disks (HDD + Micron NVMe): 75TB per server.
You can follow us on:
Thank you!

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Best Practices for Managing MongoDB with Ops Manager

  • 3. RESTRICTED Confidential ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries _ We are the leading technology company dedicated to the global travel industry _ We are present in 190+ countries and employ 14,000+ people worldwide _ Our solutions enrich travel for billions of people every year _ We work together with our customers, partners and other players in the industry to improve business performance and shape the future of travel 595 million total bookings processed in 2016 using the Amadeus distribution platform 1.4 billion passengers boarded in 2016 with Amadeus and Navitaire solutions 1 of the world’s top 10 software companies Forbes 2016 global rankings Amadeus in a few words 3 5th consecutive year included in the DJSI The only travel technology company in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index in 2016
  • 4. RESTRICTED Confidential For 30 years, we have kept the travel sector moving. Today, we help our customers all over the world improve the travel experience for billions of people a year. And we’re just getting started. We’re committed to making the future of travel even better – to connecting the industry, harnessing new technologies and finding new ways to make travel more rewarding – for 30 years to come. 4 ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 30 years is just the beginning Collaboration. Innovation. Better Journeys.
  • 5. RESTRICTED Confidential Inspire Shop Book On-trip Pre-trip Post-trip Enriching every step of the traveller’s journey ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 5
  • 6. RESTRICTED Confidential Our customers ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries tour operatorscar rental companies cruise and ferry lines rail operators insurance provider groups airport operators ground handlers 43 hospitality properties 580,000 travel agencies and corporations, online and worldwide 90 233 16 110 100 50 airlines 709 6
  • 8. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Amadeus”: „Why we use Infrastructure as a code ?”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 8 Many IT teams still rely on manual configurations, shell scripts, images, outdated tools or old procedures to manage infrastructure. This approach resulting in errors, slow deployments and inconsistent environment.
  • 9. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Amadeus”: „Why we use Infrastructure as a code ?”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 9 Many IT teams still rely on manual configurations, shell scripts, images, outdated tools or old procedures to manage infrastructure. This approach resulting in errors, slow deployments and inconsistent environment. Amadeus treat infrastructure like software: as code that can be managed with the same tools and processes used by software developers. We are using version control, continuous integration, code review and automated testing.
  • 10. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Amadeus”: „Why we use Infrastructure as a code ?”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 10 Many IT teams still rely on manual configurations, shell scripts, images, outdated tools or old procedures to manage infrastructure. This approach resulting in errors, slow deployments and inconsistent environment. Amadeus treat infrastructure like software: as code that can be managed with the same tools and processes used by software developers. We are using version control, continuous integration, code review and automated testing. We use code to describe the infrastructure. We have created model of our MongoDB deployment - as a code with version control on it, so we can not only track who is done what, we can also roll back to an earlier configuration. Our MongoDB deployment is consistent
  • 11. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Amadeus”: „Infrastructure as a code”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 11 • Codify everything: Whenever possible use code to describe the infrastructure. Amadeus use Ansible, Puppet and Python scripts for physical or virtual servers management (patching, configuration management, network management)
  • 12. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Amadeus”: „Infrastructure as a code”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 12 • Codify everything: Whenever possible use code to describe the infrastructure. Amadeus use Ansible, Puppet and Python scripts for physical or virtual servers management (patching, configuration management, network management) • Version everything: Amadeus use Git to manage infrastructure as code repository. Git is an open-source distributed version control system. Use an appropriate branching model according to your business needs.
  • 13. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Amadeus”: „Infrastructure as a code”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 13 • Codify everything: Whenever possible use code to describe the infrastructure. Amadeus use Ansible, Puppet and Python scripts for physical or virtual servers management (patching, configuration management, network management) • Version everything: Amadeus use Git to manage infrastructure as code repository. Git is an open-source distributed version control system. Use an appropriate branching model according to your business needs. • One repository: One infrastructure as code repository per organisation or company.
  • 14. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Amadeus”: „Why we use Infrastructure as a code ?”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 14 Manage your Mongo deployment with Git
  • 15. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Amadeus”: „how to operate distributed MongoDB cluster ?”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 15 Manually: • time and resorce consuming, human mistakes, overhead, inconsistency
  • 16. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Amadeus”: „how to operate distributed MongoDB cluster ?”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 16 Manually: • time and resorce consuming, human mistakes, overhead, inconsistency how to scale cluster ?, How to upgrade multisharded cluster ?. How to keep cluster consistent ?. How to secure cluster ?. How to manage multisharded clausters ?. How to speed up deployment ?
  • 17. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Amadeus”: „how to operate distributed MongoDB cluster ?”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 17 Manually: • time and resorce consuming, human mistakes, overhead, inconsistency how to scale cluster ?. How to upgrade multisharded cluster ?. How to keep cluster consistent ?. How to secure cluster ?. How to manage multisharded clausters ?. How to speed up deployment ? Automation: • Reduce overhead, reduce human mistakes, speed-up processes, provide consistency
  • 18. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Amadeus”: „how to operate distributed MongoDB cluster ?”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 18 Manually: • time and resorce consuming, human mistakes, overhead, inconsistency how to scale cluster ?. How to upgrade multisharded cluster ?. How to keep cluster consistent ?. How to secure cluster ?. How to manage multisharded clausters ?. How to speed up deployment ? Automation: • Reduce overhead, reduce human mistakes, speed-up processes, provide consistency Orchestration: • Let’s put logic on automation, let’s eliminate repetitive steps
  • 19. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Amadeus”: „automate and orchestrate”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 19 “automate” vs “orchestrate”: Automation is concerned with a single task – starting mongo service, configuring a cluster, stopping mongo service. Orchestration is concerned with automating, the execution of a workflow - of a process.
  • 20. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Amadeus”: „automate and orchestrate”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 20 • “automate” vs “orchestrate”: difference between “automate” and “orchestrate” is like between “task” and “process”. The goal of orchestration is not just to automatically execute a service, which brings speed and gets applications into production faster. It also affords an opportunity to streamline – to optimize – those processes for even greater gains in deployment velocity. Optimize for eliminate repetitive steps. Automation is about codifying tasks and orchestration is about codifying processes. Orchestration takes advantage of automation by reusing these basic building blocks (e.g. Mongo upgrade via Ops Manager, MongoDB cluster deployment via Ops Manager).
  • 21. RESTRICTED Confidential _What : • Cluster deployment. • Upgrades. • Scaling. • Resilience. • Monitoring. • Alerting. • Security. • Backup & restore. 21 ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries {„Amadeus”: „what should be automated ?”}
  • 23. RESTRICTED Confidential _Methods: • Shell scripts. • Python scripts. • Ansible. • Puppet. • Ops Manager: requirments are enforced by design Ops Manager + Python scripts + Ansible 23 ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries {„Amadeus”: „what are methods ?”}
  • 24. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Overview” : „What is Ops Manager ”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 24 We use Ops Manager as central point for orchestrating, automating, managing, monitoring and backing up Amadeus MongoDB infrastructure. Ops Manager is „brain” of our MongoDB deployment.
  • 26. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Ops Manager”: „REST API”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 26 Ops Manager follows REST architectural style and provides internal resources which enable programmatic access to Ops Manager features. Call this HTTPS API with instructions for the MongoDB cluster!
  • 27. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Ops Manager”: „REST API”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 27 The API has the following features: • JSON entities: "monitoringVersions": [ { "baseUrl": null, "directoryUrl": null, "hostname": "", "name": "" }, { "baseUrl": null, "directoryUrl": null, "hostname": "", "name": "" } ], "_id": "configRS", "members": [ { "_id": 0, "arbiterOnly": false, "hidden": false, "host": "configRS_3", "priority": 1.0, "slaveDelay": 0, "votes": 1 }, { "_id": 1, "arbiterOnly": false, "hidden": false, "host": "configRS_4", "priority": 1.0, "slaveDelay": 0, "votes": 1 }, { "_id": 2, "arbiterOnly": false, "hidden": false, "host": "configRS_5", "priority": 1.0, "slaveDelay": 0, "votes": 1 }
  • 28. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Ops Manager”: „REST API”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 28 Digest authentication - To ensure that your Public API key is never sent over the network. def getJson(): try: r = requests.get(automation % getGroup(cluster), auth=requests.auth.HTTPDigestAuth('%s' % user, '%s' % key), verify=False) r.raise_for_status() j = r.json() return j except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: print e sys.exit(1) def putJson(j): try: r = requests.put(automation % getGroup(cluster), data=json.dumps(j), headers={'content-type':'application/json'}, auth=requests.auth.HTTPDigestAuth('%s' % user, '%s' % key), verify=False) r.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: print e sys.exit(1)
  • 29. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Ops Manager”: „REST API”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 29 JSON Browsable interface; Using a consistent linking mechanism, you can browse the entire API by starting at the root resource and following links to related resources. [paboruck@bddv0000]$ curl -u "" --digest "https://bdtv0000:xxxx/api/public/v1.0" -k -s | python -m 'json.tool‚ { "links": [ { "href": "https://bdt0000:1111/api/public/v1.0", "rel": "self" }, { "href": "https://bdt0000:1111/api/public/v1.0/users/5894d7e25859733e2d1945c2", "rel": "" }, { "href": "https://bdt0000:1111/api/public/v1.0/groups", "rel": "" } ], "throttling": false }
  • 30. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Ansible”: „Mongo and Ansible”} usITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 30 Mongo cluster deployment with Ansible
  • 31. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Ansible”: „Launch a MongoDB Cluster with Ansible”} usITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 31 Ansible is a simple powerful tool for configuration management and orchestration of your infrastructure.
  • 32. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Ansible”: „Launch a MongoDB Cluster with Ansible”} usITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 32 Ansible is a simple powerful tool for configuration management and orchestration of your infrastructure. Ansible is agent-less and uses a push approach (SSH).
  • 33. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Ansible”: „Launch a MongoDB Cluster with Ansible”} usITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 33 Ansible is a simple powerful tool for configuration management and orchestration of your infrastructure. Ansible is agent-less and uses a push approach (SSH). By using Ansible you can go with IAC - Infrastructure As Code (we can keep entire infrastructure in GIT repository, track changes and use all goodies that comes with source version control).
  • 34. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Ansible”: „Launch a MongoDB Cluster with Ansible”} usITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 34 Ansible is a simple powerful tool for configuration management and orchestration of your infrastructure. Ansible is agent-less and uses a push approach (SSH). By using Ansible you can go with IAC - Infrastructure As Code (we can keep entire infrastructure in GIT repository, track changes and use all goodies that comes with source version control). it reduces manual steps you need to make, to setup your server(s).
  • 35. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Ansible”: „Launch a MongoDB Cluster with Ansible”} usITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 35 Ansible is a simple powerful tool for configuration management and orchestration of your infrastructure. Ansible is agent-less and uses a push approach (SSH). By using Ansible you can go with IAC - Infrastructure As Code (we can keep entire infrastructure in GIT repository, track changes and use all goodies that comes with source version control). it reduces manual steps you need to make, to setup your server(s). Ansible is based on YAML files.
  • 36. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Ansible”: „Launch a MongoDB Cluster with Ansible”} usITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 36 Ansible is a simple powerful tool for configuration management and orchestration of your infrastructure. Ansible is agent-less and uses a push approach (SSH). By using Ansible you can go with IAC - Infrastructure As Code (we can keep entire infrastructure in GIT repository, track changes and use all goodies that comes with source version control). it reduces manual steps you need to make, to setup your server(s). Ansible is based on YAML files. It is great alternative to Puppet and Chef
  • 37. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Ansible”: „What is special about Ansible?”} usITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 37 • Your tasks can be pushed or pulled, • It supports loops, • It supports conditionals, • It supports try/except, • It supports jinja2 templates, • It supports rolling upgrades, • It supports dynamic inventories, • It's Python-simple • No need for any special infrastructure • You can wait for your task to finish and then go on
  • 38. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Ansible”: „Mongo & Ansible live demo”} usITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 38 Mongo & Ansible live demo: • Mongo cluster deployment with Ansible – introduciton:
  • 39. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Deploy cluster”: „Manual approach”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 39 • Create users and groups.
  • 40. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Deploy cluster”: „Manual approach”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 40 • Create users and groups. • Generate signed certificates.
  • 41. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Deploy cluster”: „Manual approach”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 41 • Create users and groups. • Generate signed certificates. • Add nodes to Centify zone.
  • 42. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Deploy cluster”: „Manual approach”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 42 • Create users and groups. • Generate signed certificates. • Add nodes to Centify zone. • Set up Kerberos.
  • 43. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Deploy cluster”: „Manual approach”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 43 • Create users and groups. • Generate signed certificates. • Add nodes to Centify zone. • Set up Kerberos. • Install RPM packages.
  • 44. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Deploy cluster”: „Manual approach”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 44 • Create users and groups. • Generate signed certificates. • Add nodes to Centify zone. • Set up Kerberos. • Install RPM packages. • Set kernel limits.
  • 45. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Deploy cluster”: „Manual approach”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 45 • Create users and groups. • Generate signed certificates. • Add nodes to Centify zone. • Set up Kerberos. • Install RPM packages. • Set kernel limits. • Add nodes to monitoring.
  • 46. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Deploy cluster”: „Manual approach”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 46 • Create users and groups. • Generate signed certificates. • Add nodes to Centify zone. • Set up Kerberos. • Install RPM packages. • Set kernel limits. • Add nodes to monitoring. • Create new group in Ops Manager.
  • 47. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Deploy cluster”: „Manual approach”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 47 • Create users and groups. • Generate signed certificates. • Add nodes to Centify zone. • Set up Kerberos. • Install RPM packages. • Set kernel limits. • Add nodes to monitoring. • Create new group in Ops Manager. • Deploy Automation Agent on nodes.
  • 48. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Deploy cluster”: „Ansible & Python”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 48 Automate process! • Create playbooks and roles file and folder structure. ├── deploy_mongodb.yml ├── group_vars -> ../../../environment-mongodb ├── inventory -> ../../../inventory-mongodb └── crash.inv ├── postprov.yml └── roles -> ../../roles ├── defaults │ └── main.yml ├── files │ ├── ca-chain.cert.pem │ ├── mongodb-mms-automation-agent │ └── munin-node-plugin ├── handlers │ └── main.yml ├── tasks │ ├── create_mms_group.yml │ ├── create_signed_cert.yml │ ├── main.yml │ ├── modify_kerberos.yml │ └── set_readahead.yml ├── templates │ ├── 50-root_core.conf.j2 │ ├── 99-mongodb-mms-automation- agent.conf.j2 │ └── munin-node.conf.j2 └── vars └── main.yml
  • 49. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Deploy cluster”: „Ansible & Python”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 49 • Create tasks related to roles: cat main.yml --- - include: create_mms_group.yml - include: create_mms_user.yml - include: enable_mms_verison.yml - include: deploy_extra_packages.yml - include: modify_kerberos.yml - include: set_readahead.yml - include: deploy_limits.yml - include: deploy_mms_agent.yml - include: get_json.yml - include: deploy_helpers.yml - include: deploy_munin.yml - include: deploy_cleanup_cron.yml ├── create_mms_group.yml ├── create_mms_user.yml ├── create_signed_cert.yml ├── deploy_cleanup_cron.yml ├── deploy_helpers.yml ├── deploy_mms_agent.yml ├── deploy_mms_monitoring.yml ├── deploy_munin.yml ├── enable_mms_verison.yml ├── get_json.yml ├── main.yml ├── modify_kerberos.yml └── set_readahead.yml
  • 50. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Ansible”: „Mongo & Ansible live demo”} usITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 50 Mongo & Ansible live demo: Mongo cluster deployment live presentaiton
  • 51. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Ops Manager”: „custom use case”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 51 – our tool for MongoDB maintenance.
  • 52. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Ops Manager”: „custom use case”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 52 – our tool for MongoDB maintenance. We developed in house Python script for Mongo farm maintenance. Combomongo contacting Ops Manager via REST API. Script is getting clusters metadata from Ops Manager ( ip address, ports, user names, passwords ) and connecting dirlectly to Mongo databases or executing commands via Ops Manager: we can save time, eliminate manual operations (clicking) and involwe members of other teams in Mongo operations.
  • 53. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Ops Manager”: „custom use case”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 53 – our tool for MongoDB maintenance. We developed in house Python script for Mongo farm maintenance. Combomongo contacting Ops Manager via REST API. Script is getting clusters metadata from Ops Manager ( ip address, ports, user names, passwords ) and connecting dirlectly to Mongo databases or executing commands via Ops Manager: we can save time, eliminate manual operations (clicking) and involwe members of other teams in Mongo operations. • Get information about all groups in Ops Manger.
  • 54. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Ops Manager”: „custom use case”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 54 – our tool for MongoDB maintenance. We developed in house Python script for Mongo farm maintenance. Combomongo contacting Ops Manager via REST API. Script is getting clusters metadata from Ops Manager ( ip address, ports, user names, passwords ) and connecting dirlectly to Mongo databases or executing commands via Ops Manager: we can save time, eliminate manual operations (clicking) and involwe members of other teams in Mongo operations. • Get information about all groups in Ops Manger. • Get information about all hosts connected to Ops Manager.
  • 55. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Ops Manager”: „custom use case”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 55 – our tool for MongoDB maintenance. We developed in house Python script for Mongo farm maintenance. Combomongo contacting Ops Manager via REST API. Script is getting clusters metadata from Ops Manager ( ip address, ports, user names, passwords ) and connecting dirlectly to Mongo databases or executing commands via Ops Manager: we can save time, eliminate manual operations (clicking) and involwe members of other teams in Mongo operations. • Get information about all groups in Ops Manger. • Get information about all hosts connected to Ops Manager. • Search group for host.
  • 56. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Ops Manager”: „custom use case”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 56 – our tool for MongoDB maintenance. We developed in house Python script for Mongo farm maintenance. Combomongo contacting Ops Manager via REST API. Script is getting clusters metadata from Ops Manager ( ip address, ports, user names, passwords ) and connecting dirlectly to Mongo databases or executing commands via Ops Manager: we can save time, eliminate manual operations (clicking) and involwe members of other teams in Mongo operations. • Get information about all groups in Ops Manger. • Get information about all hosts connected to Ops Manager. • Search group for host. • Freeze automation on host.
  • 57. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Ops Manager”: „custom use case”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 57 – our tool for MongoDB maintenance. We developed in house Python script for Mongo farm maintenance. Combomongo contacting Ops Manager via REST API. Script is getting clusters metadata from Ops Manager ( ip address, ports, user names, passwords ) and connecting dirlectly to Mongo databases or executing commands via Ops Manager: we can save time, eliminate manual operations (clicking) and involwe members of other teams in Mongo operations. • Get information about all groups in Ops Manger. • Get information about all hosts connected to Ops Manager. • Search group for host. • Freeze automation on host. • Step down all primary’s from host (for cluster maintenance).
  • 58. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Ops Manager”: „custom use case”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 58 – our tool for MongoDB maintenance. We developed in house Python script for Mongo farm maintenance. Combomongo contacting Ops Manager via REST API. Script is getting clusters metadata from Ops Manager ( ip address, ports, user names, passwords ) and connecting dirlectly to Mongo databases or executing commands via Ops Manager: we can save time, eliminate manual operations (clicking) and involwe members of other teams in Mongo operations. • Get information about all groups in Ops Manger. • Get information about all hosts connected to Ops Manager. • Search group for host. • Freeze automation on host. • Step down all primary’s from host (for cluster maintenance). • Shutdown all mongod’s on host (for cluster maintenance).
  • 59. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Ops Manager”: „custom use case”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 59 – live demo: ./ -U <user name> -K <API Key> -C <cluster> -H <host> -M <mode> usage: [-h] -U USER -K KEY -C CLUSTER -H HOST [-M {cluster_health, recovery_window, nodes, groups , all_nodes, freeze ,step_down, unfreeze, kill, move_back}] Mongo cluster maintenance: • Automation freeze. • Step down primary. • Shutdown mongod. • Unfreeze automation. • Move primary back. • Print info
  • 60. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Ops Manager”: „custom use case”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 60 – live demo: import requests import json def OpsClusters(): try: r = requests.get('https://'+ops+':'+port+'/api/public/v1.0/groups',auth=requests.auth.HTTPDigestAuth('%s' % user, '%s' % key), verify=False) r.raise_for_status() j = r.json() return j except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: print e sys.exit(1)
  • 61. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Ansible”: „Mongo & Ansible live demo”} usITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 61 Mongo & Ansible live demo: Mongo database upgrade with Ansible
  • 62. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Ansible”: „Ansible live demo”} usITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 62 tasks: - name: Get automation config uri: url: https://{{opsmgr}}/api/public/v1.0/groups/{{ mongo_api_group }}/automationConfig user: "{{ mongo_api_user }}" password: "{{ mongo_api_key }}" method: GET validate_certs: no register: my_response.json - copy: - replace: content: "{{ my_response.json }}" dest: ./my_json.json dest: "./my_json.json" regexp: '"version": "{{my_version}}"' when: my_version != "{{mongo_version}}” replace: '"version": "{{mongo_version}}"' when: my_version != "{{mongo_version}}"
  • 63. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Ansible”: „Ansible live demo”} usITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 63 - name: "Post to Ops Manager " uri: url: https://{{opsmgr}}/api/public/v1.0/groups/{{ mongo_api_group }}/automationConfig user: "{{ mongo_api_user }}" password: "{{ mongo_api_key }}" status_code: 201 method: PUT HEADER_Content-Type: application/json body_format: json body: "{{ lookup('file','my_json.json') }}" validate_certs: no register: created failed_when: False changed_when: created.status == 201 when: my_version != "{{mongo_version}}"
  • 64. RESTRICTED Confidential RESTRICTED Confidential Backup slides – Backup/Restore ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 4.
  • 65. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Ops Manager”: „Architecture”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 65 Amadeus Ops Manager architecture rely on 4 Mongo databses: INTERNALDB : Ops Manager application metadata database : Monitoring data collected from Monitoring Agents. Metadata for Ops Manager users, hosts, monitoring data, and backup state. BLOCKSTORE: Backup Blockstore Database. Backup of Mongo databases captured at a specific interval and stored as snapshots. Ops Manager creates snapshots from the backups kept on the head databases. Snapshots can be also stored in File System Stores, Object Storage and S3 snapshot stores.
  • 66. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Ops Manager”: „Architecture”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 66 OPLOGSTORE: The database where Ops Manager stores oplog before Backup Daemon applies to its local copies of backed-up deployments. Block stores and Oplog stores are configured as replica sets HEAD DATABASE: The copy of a backed-up deployment stored on the Backup Daemon’s server. Backup Deamon maintains a head database for each shard or replica set it backs up and creates periodic snapshots. The daemon does scheduled work based on data coming into the HTTP Service from the Backup Agents installed on backed-up deployment
  • 67. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Ops Manager”: „Architecture”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 67 Ops Manager backups, once started, are an ongoing and continuous process. Data is continually backed up as long as the backup remains synchronized with the database. This process works like replica set data synchronization
  • 68. RESTRICTED Confidential RESTRICTED Confidential Backup slides – Ops Manager ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 5.
  • 72. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Amadeus”: „What we have in house ?”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 72 • 3 Mongo Ops Managers for orchestration and automation – PRD, DEV, TST. • Over 70 MongoDB clusters deployed on phases: BTPRD, DEV, DR, FVT, MIG, PRD, PDT, PPT, SKL, STG, TST, UAT, USG. • Mongo versions: 3.2.12 – 3.4.4. • MongoDB clusters size: from 100GB to 50TB. • Sharding, Multisharding, Replication. • Security: SSL/TLS, Encryption at Rest, Kerberos, LDAP, CA, Auditing. • Automation: Puppet, Ansible, Python REST API scripts. • Disaster Recovery site.
  • 73. RESTRICTED Confidential {„Ops Manager”: „Architecture”} ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 73 • Amadeus has 3 Ops Manager clusters. • Eatch cluster has 3 physical nodes. • Shared nothing architecture – just local disks. • Manufacturer: HPE • Product Name: Apollo 4200. • Architecture: x86_64. • CPU(s): 56. • Mem: 504 GB per server. • Local disks (HDD + Micron NVMe): 75TB per server.
  • 74. RESTRICTED Confidential ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries You can follow us on: AmadeusITgroup Thank you!