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Best practices for data analysis when using
UMI adapters to improve variant detection
Wendy Lee, PhD
Staff Scientist
• Overview of NGS workflow that includes sample multiplexing
• Overview of workflow with xGen® Dual Index UMI Adapters—Tech
• Discussion of data analysis steps:
– Extracting UMIs from sequencing reads
– Constructing consensus reads within UMI families
• Improving variant calling accuracy using consensus reads
UMI: unique molecular identifier
NGS workflow with xGen Dual Index UMI Adapters
xGen Universal
xGen Dual Index UMI Adapters—Tech Access
3-in-1 design
• Designed for Illumina sequencers
• Compatible with standard end-repair and A-tailing library
construction, including PCR-free library methods
• Dual unique sample indices reduce sample cross-talk
• Degenerate 9-base UMI is incorporated for error correction and/or
counting applications
xGen Dual Index UMI Adapters—Tech Access
3-in-1 design
Consensus calling reduces artifacts in sequencing data
Total readsDedup by start/stop positions
Total reads
Consensus reads
Dedup by start/stop positions
A UMI family
Consensus calling reduces artifacts in sequencing data
Consensus reads
Dedup by start/stop positions
Consensus calling reduces artifacts in sequencing data
Extracting UMIs within sample index reads during
Assumptions and requirements
• Sequencing data are generated from the Illumina platform
• The following tools are installed in a Linux environment:
– Picard, version 2.9.0
– Burrows-Wheeler Aligner (BWA), version 0.7.15-r1140
– Fgbio, version 0.5.0
– VarDict Java
• Access to the raw basecall data output from the sequencer
Data analysis guidelines on IDT website
Overall workflow
Sample Sheet
Steps D1–6: Converted base-calls to short
reads with UMI information during
demultiplexing NGS runs
Short reads files with UMI info
Illumina basecalls
Steps C1–4: Call consensus reads using UMI
Steps P1–4: Post-consensus calling analysis
Variant calls
Extract UMIs from sample index reads
through Illumina demultiplexing workflow
Step D1: Create the sample barcode input file
Step D2: Create output directory for storing
the extracted barcode from the
sample index reads
Step D3: Determine the read structure
Step D4: Run ExtractIlluminaBarcodes (Picard)
Extracted barcode files
Step D5: Create an input file to specify the
output BAM file associated with the sample
Step D6: Run IlluminaBasecallsToSam (Picard)
Unmapped BAM files
Sample sheet
Sample sheet example
Step D1: Create the sample barcode input file
Step D2: Create output directory for storing
the extracted barcode from the
sample index reads
Step D3: Determine the read structure
Step D4: Run ExtractIlluminaBarcodes (Picard)
Extracted barcode files
Step D5: Create an input file to specify the
output BAM file associated with the sample
Step D6: Run IlluminaBasecallsToSam (Picard)
Unmapped BAM files
Steps D1,2: Create a barcode file containing the sample barcode
information for each sample.
Steps 1 and 2 of 6 in demultiplexing
Steps D1,2: Create a barcode file containing the sample barcode
information for each sample.
• UMI bases are in Ns in the barcode sequence
• This is a tab-delimited file
• In this example, we saved this file in /mnt/demodata/barcode_file.txt
• In this example, we create an output directory in /mnt/demodata/barcodes
barcode_name library_name barcode_sequence_1 barcode_sequence_2
Steps 1 and 2 of 6 in demultiplexing
Step D1: Create the sample barcode input file
Step D4: Run ExtractIlluminaBarcodes (Picard)
Extracted barcode files
Step D5: Create an input file to specify the
output BAM file associated with the sample
Step D6: Run IlluminaBasecallsToSam (Picard)
Unmapped BAM files
Step D2: Create output directory for storing
the extracted barcode from the
sample index reads
Step D3: Determine the read structure
Step D3: Determine the read structure for running
Step 3 of 6 in demultiplexing
Step D3: Determine the read structure for running
Step 3 of 6 in demultiplexing
For xGen Dual Index UMI Adapters—Tech Access with DNA insert of 100 bp,
use the following corresponding read structure:
T – template (insert)
B – Sample barcode
M – Molecular index (UMI)
Step 4 of 6 in demultiplexing 20
Step D1: Create the sample barcode input file
Step D4: Run ExtractIlluminaBarcodes (Picard)
Extracted barcode files
Step D5: Create an input file to specify the
output BAM file associated with the sample
Step D6: Run IlluminaBasecallsToSam (Picard)
Unmapped BAM files
Step D2: Create output directory for storing
the extracted barcode from the
sample index reads
Step D3: Determine the read structure
Step D4: Run Picard ExtractIlluminaBarcodes to extract sample barcodes.
Input: BARCODE_FILE: Barcode file created in Step D1
BASECALLS_DIR: Directory with sequencing basecall files
READ_STRUCTURE: 100T8B9M8B100T from Step D3
LANE: ExtractIlluminaBarcodes process one lane at a time
Output: 1. A metrics file with the barcode extraction summary
2. Extracted barcodes in output directory created in Step D2.
java -Xmx4g -jar picard-2.9.0.jar ExtractIlluminaBarcodes 
Step 4 of 6 in demultiplexing
Step D4: Run Picard ExtractIlluminaBarcodes to extract sample barcodes.
Step D1: Create the sample barcode input file
Step D4: Run ExtractIlluminaBarcodes (Picard)
Extracted barcode files
Step D5: Create an input file to specify the
output BAM file associated with the sample
Step D6: Run IlluminaBasecallsToSam (Picard)
Unmapped BAM files
Step D2: Create output directory for storing
the extracted barcode from the
sample index reads
Step D3: Determine the read structure
Step D5: Create a tab-delimited file to specify the BAM file for each sample in
the sequencing run with the corresponding barcode sequence(s).
Step 5 of 6 in demultiplexing
In this example, we saved this file in
Be sure to create the output directory for the BAM file.
In this example, the output directory is /mnt/bam/L001
/mnt/bam/L001/BN573-S1_unmapped.bam 20180326-BN573-S1 Mix1_Rep1 CTGATCGTNNNNNNNNN GCGCATAT
/mnt/bam/L001/BN573-S2_unmapped.bam 20180326-BN573-S2 Mix1_Rep2 ACTCTCGANNNNNNNNN CTGTACCA
/mnt/bam/L001/BN573-S3_unmapped.bam 20180326-BN573-S3 Mix1_Rep3 TGAGCTAGNNNNNNNNN GAACGGTT
/mnt/bam/L001/Unmatched.bam Unmatched Unmatched N
Step D5: Create a tab-delimited file to specify the BAM file for each sample in
the sequencing run with the corresponding barcode sequence(s).
Step 5 of 6 in demultiplexing
Step D1: Create the sample barcode input file
Step D4: Run ExtractIlluminaBarcodes (Picard)
Extracted barcode files
Step D5: Create an input file to specify the
output BAM file associated with the sample
Step D6: Run IlluminaBasecallsToSam (Picard)
Unmapped BAM files
Step D2: Create output directory for storing
the extracted barcode from the
sample index reads
Step D3: Determine the read structure
Step D6: Run IlluminaBasecallsToSam to convert sequencing
base-calls to short reads in the BAM files.
Step 6 of 6 in demultiplexing
Step D6: Run IlluminaBasecallsToSam to convert sequencing
base-calls to short reads BAM files.
java -Xmx4g -jar picard-2.9.0.jar IlluminaBasecallsToSam 
BARCODES_DIR=/mnt/demodata/barcodes  # Step D4
LANE=1  # process by lane
READ_STRUCTURE=100T8B6M8B100T  # Step D3
RUN_BARCODE=180326_BN573  # prefixed to the read names in the output
LIBRARY_PARAMS= /mnt/demodata/library_param.txt  # Step D5
MOLECULAR_INDEX_TAG=RX  # BAM tag that stores UMI sequence
Step 6 of 6 in demultiplexing
BAM file created by IlluminaBasecallsToSam
• The reads in the BAM file generated by IlluminaBasecallsToSam are
not yet aligned to the reference genome.
• UMI sequence is in the RX tag.
• UMI sequence quality is in the QX tag.
• Sequencing adapter location is in the XT tag. Adapter sequence can
be trimmed using SamToFastq in Picard tools.
180326_BN573:1:1101:10008:4281 77 * 0 0 * * 0 0
An example record from the BAM file:
Calling consensus using UMIs
Workflow for consensus
Step C1: Align reads to reference genome
Mapped BAM
without UMI tags
Step C2: Include
UMI tags from
unmapped BAM in
the mapped BAM
Mapped BAM
with UMI tags
Mapped BAM
with UMI family tags
Step C3:
Group reads by UMIs
Unmapped BAM
with UMI tags
Extract UMIs from sample index during demultiplexing
Unmapped BAM
with consensus
Step C4: Call consensus
Step C1,2: Aligning reads from unmapped BAM files to reference
genome, and including the UMI tags
Step C1: Align reads to reference genome
Mapped BAM
without UMI tags
Unmapped BAM
with UMI tags
Extract UMIs from sample index
Step C2: Include
UMI tags from
unmapped BAM in
the mapped BAM
Mapped BAM
with UMI tags
Mapped BAM
with UMI family tags
Step C3:
Group reads by UMIs
Unmapped BAM
with consensus
Step C4: Call consensus
Steps 1 and 2 of 4 in consensus calling
Step C1,2: Aligning reads from unmapped BAM files to reference
genome, and including the UMI tags
The following command consists of three steps:
1. Convert BAM to FASTQ
2. Align reads using BWA-MEM
3. Include UMI tags from the unmapped BAM in the mapped BAM
Steps 1 and 2 of 4 in consensus calling
java -Xmx4g -jar picard-2.9.0.jar SamToFastq 
F=/dev/stdout INTERLEAVE=true 
| bwa mem –p –t 8 hg38.fa /dev/stdin 
| java –Xmx4g –jar picard.jar MergeBamAlignment 
UNMAPPED=BN573-S1_unmapped.bam ALIGNED=/dev/stdin 
O=BN573-S1_mapped.bam R=hg38.fa 
SORT_ORDER=coordinate MAX_GAPS=-1 
Step C3: Grouping reads by UMIs
Unmapped BAM
with UMI tags
Extract UMIs from sample index
Step C1: Align reads to reference genome
Mapped BAM
without UMI tags
Step C2: Include
UMI tags from
unmapped BAM in
the mapped BAM
Mapped BAM
with UMI tags
Mapped BAM
with UMI family tags
Step C3:
Group reads by UMIs
Unmapped BAM
with consensus
Step C4: Call consensus
Step 3 of 4 in consensus calling
Step C3: Grouping reads by UMIs
The reads are grouped into families that share the same UMI
Step 3 of 4 in consensus calling
java -Xmx4g -jar fgbio.jar GroupReadsByUmi 
--input=BN573-S1_mapped.bam --output=BN573-S1_grouped.bam 
--strategy=adjacency --edits=1 --min-map-q=20 
Step 4 of 4 in consensus calling
Step C1: Align reads to reference genome
Mapped BAM
without UMI tags
Unmapped BAM
with UMI tags
Extract UMIs from sample index
Step C4: Calling consensus
Step C2: Include
UMI tags from
unmapped BAM in
the mapped BAM
Mapped BAM
with UMI tags
Mapped BAM
with UMI family tags
Step C3:
Group reads by UMIs
Unmapped BAM
with consensus
Step C4: Call consensus
Step C4: Calling consensus
Consensus reads will be generated using fgbio’s
Step 4 of 4 in consensus calling
java -Xmx4g -jar fgbio.jar CallMolecularConsensusReads 
Workflow for post consensus-calling analysis
Step P2: Include UMI
tags from unmapped
BAM in the mapped
Mapped BAM
with UMI tags
Step P3: Filter consensus reads
Filtered consensus
Unmapped BAM
with consensus
Mapped BAM
without UMI tags
Step P1: Align reads to reference genome
Step P4: Variant calling
Steps 1 and 2 of 4 in post-consensus calling analysis
Step P2: Include UMI
tags from unmapped
BAM in the mapped
Mapped BAM
with UMI tags
Step P3: Filter consensus reads
Filtered consensus
Unmapped BAM
with single strand
consensus reads
Mapped BAM
without UMI tags
Step P1: Align reads to reference genome
Step P1,2: Aligning reads from unmapped BAM files to reference
genome and merging the UMI tags
Step P4: Variant calling
Step P1,2: Aligning reads from unmapped BAM files to reference
genome and merging the UMI tags
The following command consists of three steps:
1. Converting BAM to FASTQ
2. Aligning reads using bwa mem
3. Including UMI tags from the unmapped BAM in the mapped BAM
Steps 1 and 2 of 4 in post-consensus calling analysis 37
java -Xmx4g -jar picard-2.9.0.jar SamToFastq 
F=/dev/stdout INTERLEAVE=true 
| bwa mem –p –t 8 hg38.fa /dev/stdin 
| java –Xmx4g –jar picard.jar MergeBamAlignment 
O=BN573-S1_consensus_mapped.bam R=hg38.fa 
SORT_ORDER=coordinate MAX_GAPS=-1 
Step 3 of 4 in post-consensus calling analysis
Step P2: Include UMI
tags from unmapped
BAM in the mapped
Mapped BAM
with UMI tags
Step P3: Filter consensus reads
Filtered consensus
Unmapped BAM
with single strand
consensus reads
Mapped BAM
without UMI tags
Step P1: Align reads to reference genome
Step P3: Filtering consensus reads
Step P4: Variant calling
Step P3: Filtering consensus reads
There are two kinds of filtering of consensus reads:
1. Masking or filtering individual bases in reads
2. Filtering reads (i.e., not writing them to the output BAM file)
Step 3 of 4 in post-consensus calling analysis
java -Xmx4g -jar fgbio.jar FilterConsensusReads 
Step 4 of 4 in post-consensus calling analysis
Step P2: Include UMI
tags from unmapped
BAM in the mapped
Mapped BAM
with UMI tags
Step P3: Filter consensus reads
Filtered consensus
Unmapped BAM
with single strand
consensus reads
Mapped BAM
without UMI tags
Step P1: Align reads to reference genome
Step P4: Variant calling
Step P4: Variant calling
Step P4: Variant calling
Step 4 of 4 in post-consensus calling analysis
• Variant calling can be accomplished with the variant caller of your choice
• The following example shows how to use VarDictJava to generate a VCF file
–G hg38.fa 
-N tumor 
-f 0.01 
-b BN573-S1_ssConsensus_mapped_filtered.bam 
-z –c 1 –S 2 –E 3 –g 4 –th 4 target_regions.bed 
| VarDictJava/VarDict/teststrandbias.R 
| VarDictJava/VarDict/ –N tumor –E –f 0.01 
| awk ‘{if ($1 ~/^#/) print; else if ($4 != $5) print}’ 
> BN573-S1.ssConsensus.VarDict.vcf
Tumor model system for benchmarking
• 25 ng of a 1% mixture (0.5% minimum allelic frequency) was used to
assess sensitivity and positive predictive value (PPV)
• Libraries were captured with a set of custom xGen Lockdown Probes
covering a total target area of ~35 kb
• Variant calling was performed with VarDict
Consensus analysis increases variant calling accuracy
All expected variants
0.2% variant calling threshold Positive predictive value (PPV)
Take-home messages
• Building consensus sequences enables in silico error correction,
dramatically increasing variant calling specificity
• Due to the prevalence of artifacts arising from sample degradation,
PCR amplification and sequencing, consensus analysis is necessary
to accurately detect variants present below 1%
• xGen Dual Index UMI Adapters mitigate index switching and can
accurately assign rare variants in multiplexing studies
Sensitivity and specificity (PPV)
TP: True positive
FP: False positive
FN: False negative
PPV: Positive Predictive Value
Sensitivity =
Specificity (PPV) =

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Best practices for data analysis when using UMI adapters to improve variant detection

  • 1. Best practices for data analysis when using UMI adapters to improve variant detection 1 Wendy Lee, PhD Staff Scientist
  • 2. Outline • Overview of NGS workflow that includes sample multiplexing • Overview of workflow with xGen® Dual Index UMI Adapters—Tech Access • Discussion of data analysis steps: – Extracting UMIs from sequencing reads – Constructing consensus reads within UMI families • Improving variant calling accuracy using consensus reads 2 UMI: unique molecular identifier
  • 3. NGS workflow with xGen Dual Index UMI Adapters 3 xGen Universal Blockers xGen
  • 4. xGen Dual Index UMI Adapters—Tech Access 4 3-in-1 design • Designed for Illumina sequencers • Compatible with standard end-repair and A-tailing library construction, including PCR-free library methods • Dual unique sample indices reduce sample cross-talk • Degenerate 9-base UMI is incorporated for error correction and/or counting applications
  • 5. xGen Dual Index UMI Adapters—Tech Access 5 3-in-1 design
  • 6. Consensus calling reduces artifacts in sequencing data 6 TP Total readsDedup by start/stop positions
  • 7. 7 TP Total reads TP Consensus reads (Min3) Dedup by start/stop positions A UMI family Consensus calling reduces artifacts in sequencing data
  • 8. 8 TP TP Consensus reads (Min3) Dedup by start/stop positions Consensus calling reduces artifacts in sequencing data
  • 9. Extracting UMIs within sample index reads during demultiplexing 9
  • 10. Assumptions and requirements • Sequencing data are generated from the Illumina platform • The following tools are installed in a Linux environment: – Picard, version 2.9.0 – Burrows-Wheeler Aligner (BWA), version 0.7.15-r1140 – Fgbio, version 0.5.0 – VarDict Java • Access to the raw basecall data output from the sequencer 10
  • 11. Data analysis guidelines on IDT website 11
  • 12. Overall workflow 12 Sample Sheet Steps D1–6: Converted base-calls to short reads with UMI information during demultiplexing NGS runs Short reads files with UMI info Illumina basecalls Steps C1–4: Call consensus reads using UMI Steps P1–4: Post-consensus calling analysis Variant calls
  • 13. Extract UMIs from sample index reads through Illumina demultiplexing workflow 13 Step D1: Create the sample barcode input file Barcode_file.txt Step D2: Create output directory for storing the extracted barcode from the sample index reads Step D3: Determine the read structure 100T8B9M8B100T Step D4: Run ExtractIlluminaBarcodes (Picard) Extracted barcode files Step D5: Create an input file to specify the output BAM file associated with the sample Library_param.txt Step D6: Run IlluminaBasecallsToSam (Picard) Unmapped BAM files Sample sheet
  • 15. 15
  • 16. 16 Step D1: Create the sample barcode input file Barcode_file.txt Step D2: Create output directory for storing the extracted barcode from the sample index reads Step D3: Determine the read structure 100T8B9M8B100T Step D4: Run ExtractIlluminaBarcodes (Picard) Extracted barcode files Step D5: Create an input file to specify the output BAM file associated with the sample Library_param.txt Step D6: Run IlluminaBasecallsToSam (Picard) Unmapped BAM files Steps D1,2: Create a barcode file containing the sample barcode information for each sample. Steps 1 and 2 of 6 in demultiplexing
  • 17. 17 Steps D1,2: Create a barcode file containing the sample barcode information for each sample. 17 • UMI bases are in Ns in the barcode sequence • This is a tab-delimited file • In this example, we saved this file in /mnt/demodata/barcode_file.txt • In this example, we create an output directory in /mnt/demodata/barcodes barcode_name library_name barcode_sequence_1 barcode_sequence_2 20180326-BN573-S1 Mix1_Rep1 CTGATCGTNNNNNNNNN GCGCATAT 20180326-BN573-S2 Mix1_Rep2 ACTCTCGANNNNNNNNN CTGTACCA 20180326-BN573-S3 Mix1_Rep3 TGAGCTAGNNNNNNNNN GAACGGTT Steps 1 and 2 of 6 in demultiplexing
  • 18. 18 Step D1: Create the sample barcode input file Barcode_file.txt Step D4: Run ExtractIlluminaBarcodes (Picard) Extracted barcode files Step D5: Create an input file to specify the output BAM file associated with the sample Library_param.txt Step D6: Run IlluminaBasecallsToSam (Picard) Unmapped BAM files Step D2: Create output directory for storing the extracted barcode from the sample index reads Step D3: Determine the read structure 100T8B9M8B100T Step D3: Determine the read structure for running ExtractIlluminaBarcodes. Step 3 of 6 in demultiplexing
  • 19. 19 Step D3: Determine the read structure for running ExtractIlluminaBarcodes. Step 3 of 6 in demultiplexing For xGen Dual Index UMI Adapters—Tech Access with DNA insert of 100 bp, use the following corresponding read structure: 100T8B9M8B100T T – template (insert) B – Sample barcode M – Molecular index (UMI) Read
  • 20. Step 4 of 6 in demultiplexing 20 Step D1: Create the sample barcode input file Barcode_file.txt Step D4: Run ExtractIlluminaBarcodes (Picard) Extracted barcode files Step D5: Create an input file to specify the output BAM file associated with the sample Library_param.txt Step D6: Run IlluminaBasecallsToSam (Picard) Unmapped BAM files Step D2: Create output directory for storing the extracted barcode from the sample index reads Step D3: Determine the read structure 100T8B9M8B100T Step D4: Run Picard ExtractIlluminaBarcodes to extract sample barcodes.
  • 21. Input: BARCODE_FILE: Barcode file created in Step D1 BASECALLS_DIR: Directory with sequencing basecall files READ_STRUCTURE: 100T8B9M8B100T from Step D3 LANE: ExtractIlluminaBarcodes process one lane at a time Output: 1. A metrics file with the barcode extraction summary 2. Extracted barcodes in output directory created in Step D2. 21 java -Xmx4g -jar picard-2.9.0.jar ExtractIlluminaBarcodes BARCODE_FILE=/mnt/demodata/barcode_file.txt BASECALLS_DIR=/mnt/runs/BN573/Data/Intensities/BaseCalls READ_STRUCTURE=100T8B9M8B100T LANE=1 OUTPUT_DIR=/mnt/demodata/barcodes METRICS_FILE=/mnt/demodata/barcode_metrics.txt Step 4 of 6 in demultiplexing Step D4: Run Picard ExtractIlluminaBarcodes to extract sample barcodes.
  • 22. 22 Step D1: Create the sample barcode input file Barcode_file.txt Step D4: Run ExtractIlluminaBarcodes (Picard) Extracted barcode files Step D5: Create an input file to specify the output BAM file associated with the sample Library_param.txt Step D6: Run IlluminaBasecallsToSam (Picard) Unmapped BAM files Step D2: Create output directory for storing the extracted barcode from the sample index reads Step D3: Determine the read structure 100T8B9M8B100T Step D5: Create a tab-delimited file to specify the BAM file for each sample in the sequencing run with the corresponding barcode sequence(s). Step 5 of 6 in demultiplexing
  • 23. 23 In this example, we saved this file in /mnt/demodata/library_param.txt. Be sure to create the output directory for the BAM file. In this example, the output directory is /mnt/bam/L001 OUTPUT SAMPLE_ALIAS LIBRARY_NAME BARCODE_1 BARCODE_2 /mnt/bam/L001/BN573-S1_unmapped.bam 20180326-BN573-S1 Mix1_Rep1 CTGATCGTNNNNNNNNN GCGCATAT /mnt/bam/L001/BN573-S2_unmapped.bam 20180326-BN573-S2 Mix1_Rep2 ACTCTCGANNNNNNNNN CTGTACCA /mnt/bam/L001/BN573-S3_unmapped.bam 20180326-BN573-S3 Mix1_Rep3 TGAGCTAGNNNNNNNNN GAACGGTT /mnt/bam/L001/Unmatched.bam Unmatched Unmatched N Step D5: Create a tab-delimited file to specify the BAM file for each sample in the sequencing run with the corresponding barcode sequence(s). Step 5 of 6 in demultiplexing
  • 24. 24 Step D1: Create the sample barcode input file Barcode_file.txt Step D4: Run ExtractIlluminaBarcodes (Picard) Extracted barcode files Step D5: Create an input file to specify the output BAM file associated with the sample Library_param.txt Step D6: Run IlluminaBasecallsToSam (Picard) Unmapped BAM files Step D2: Create output directory for storing the extracted barcode from the sample index reads Step D3: Determine the read structure 100T8B9M8B100T Step D6: Run IlluminaBasecallsToSam to convert sequencing base-calls to short reads in the BAM files. Step 6 of 6 in demultiplexing
  • 25. 25 Step D6: Run IlluminaBasecallsToSam to convert sequencing base-calls to short reads BAM files. java -Xmx4g -jar picard-2.9.0.jar IlluminaBasecallsToSam BASECALLS_DIR=/mnt/runs/BN573/Data/Intensities/BaseCalls BARCODES_DIR=/mnt/demodata/barcodes # Step D4 LANE=1 # process by lane READ_STRUCTURE=100T8B6M8B100T # Step D3 RUN_BARCODE=180326_BN573 # prefixed to the read names in the output LIBRARY_PARAMS= /mnt/demodata/library_param.txt # Step D5 TMP_DIR=/mnt/tmp MOLECULAR_INDEX_TAG=RX # BAM tag that stores UMI sequence ADAPTERS_TO_CHECK=INDEXED READ_GROUP_ID=BN573-S1 NUM_PROCESSORS=8 Step 6 of 6 in demultiplexing
  • 26. BAM file created by IlluminaBasecallsToSam • The reads in the BAM file generated by IlluminaBasecallsToSam are not yet aligned to the reference genome. • UMI sequence is in the RX tag. • UMI sequence quality is in the QX tag. • Sequencing adapter location is in the XT tag. Adapter sequence can be trimmed using SamToFastq in Picard tools. 26 180326_BN573:1:1101:10008:4281 77 * 0 0 * * 0 0 ACAACGCTCCACGGGAGACCCACCCATCCCTGCCAGGTGAGCCAGACAGTGGCCAAGGGTCTCTAGGTCGAGGCAG CDDDDCCCDDFFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHGHHHHHHHHGHHHHHGHHHHGGHHHHHHHHHHGEFGGGG RG:Z:BN573-S1 XT:i:114 QX:Z:FFFFGGGG RX:Z:GGTAAAATG An example record from the BAM file:
  • 28. Workflow for consensus calling 28 Step C1: Align reads to reference genome Mapped BAM without UMI tags Step C2: Include UMI tags from unmapped BAM in the mapped BAM Mapped BAM with UMI tags Mapped BAM with UMI family tags Step C3: Group reads by UMIs Unmapped BAM with UMI tags Extract UMIs from sample index during demultiplexing Unmapped BAM with consensus reads Step C4: Call consensus
  • 29. Step C1,2: Aligning reads from unmapped BAM files to reference genome, and including the UMI tags 29 Step C1: Align reads to reference genome Mapped BAM without UMI tags Unmapped BAM with UMI tags Extract UMIs from sample index Step C2: Include UMI tags from unmapped BAM in the mapped BAM Mapped BAM with UMI tags Mapped BAM with UMI family tags Step C3: Group reads by UMIs Unmapped BAM with consensus reads Step C4: Call consensus Steps 1 and 2 of 4 in consensus calling
  • 30. Step C1,2: Aligning reads from unmapped BAM files to reference genome, and including the UMI tags The following command consists of three steps: 1. Convert BAM to FASTQ 2. Align reads using BWA-MEM 3. Include UMI tags from the unmapped BAM in the mapped BAM Steps 1 and 2 of 4 in consensus calling 30 java -Xmx4g -jar picard-2.9.0.jar SamToFastq I=BN573-S1_unmapped.bam F=/dev/stdout INTERLEAVE=true | bwa mem –p –t 8 hg38.fa /dev/stdin | java –Xmx4g –jar picard.jar MergeBamAlignment UNMAPPED=BN573-S1_unmapped.bam ALIGNED=/dev/stdin O=BN573-S1_mapped.bam R=hg38.fa SORT_ORDER=coordinate MAX_GAPS=-1 ORIENTATIONS=FR
  • 31. 31 Step C3: Grouping reads by UMIs Unmapped BAM with UMI tags Extract UMIs from sample index Step C1: Align reads to reference genome Mapped BAM without UMI tags Step C2: Include UMI tags from unmapped BAM in the mapped BAM Mapped BAM with UMI tags Mapped BAM with UMI family tags Step C3: Group reads by UMIs Unmapped BAM with consensus reads Step C4: Call consensus Step 3 of 4 in consensus calling
  • 32. Step C3: Grouping reads by UMIs The reads are grouped into families that share the same UMI Step 3 of 4 in consensus calling 32 java -Xmx4g -jar fgbio.jar GroupReadsByUmi --input=BN573-S1_mapped.bam --output=BN573-S1_grouped.bam --strategy=adjacency --edits=1 --min-map-q=20 -–assign-tag=MI
  • 33. Step 4 of 4 in consensus calling 33 Step C1: Align reads to reference genome Mapped BAM without UMI tags Unmapped BAM with UMI tags Extract UMIs from sample index Step C4: Calling consensus Step C2: Include UMI tags from unmapped BAM in the mapped BAM Mapped BAM with UMI tags Mapped BAM with UMI family tags Step C3: Group reads by UMIs Unmapped BAM with consensus reads Step C4: Call consensus
  • 34. Step C4: Calling consensus Consensus reads will be generated using fgbio’s CallMolecularConsensusReads Step 4 of 4 in consensus calling 34 java -Xmx4g -jar fgbio.jar CallMolecularConsensusReads --input=BN573-S1_grouped.bam --output=BN573-S1_ssConsensus_unmapped.bam --min-reads=1 --rejects=BN573-S1_ssConsensus_rejected.bam --min-input-base-quality=30 --read-group-id=BN573-S1
  • 35. Workflow for post consensus-calling analysis 35 Step P2: Include UMI tags from unmapped BAM in the mapped BAM Mapped BAM with UMI tags Step P3: Filter consensus reads Filtered consensus BAM Unmapped BAM with consensus reads Mapped BAM without UMI tags Step P1: Align reads to reference genome VCF Step P4: Variant calling
  • 36. Steps 1 and 2 of 4 in post-consensus calling analysis 36 Step P2: Include UMI tags from unmapped BAM in the mapped BAM Mapped BAM with UMI tags Step P3: Filter consensus reads Filtered consensus BAM Unmapped BAM with single strand consensus reads Mapped BAM without UMI tags Step P1: Align reads to reference genome Step P1,2: Aligning reads from unmapped BAM files to reference genome and merging the UMI tags VCF Step P4: Variant calling
  • 37. Step P1,2: Aligning reads from unmapped BAM files to reference genome and merging the UMI tags The following command consists of three steps: 1. Converting BAM to FASTQ 2. Aligning reads using bwa mem 3. Including UMI tags from the unmapped BAM in the mapped BAM Steps 1 and 2 of 4 in post-consensus calling analysis 37 java -Xmx4g -jar picard-2.9.0.jar SamToFastq I=BN573-S1_consensus_unmapped.bam F=/dev/stdout INTERLEAVE=true | bwa mem –p –t 8 hg38.fa /dev/stdin | java –Xmx4g –jar picard.jar MergeBamAlignment UNMAPPED=BN573-S1_dsConsensus_unmapped.bam ALIGNED=/dev/stdin O=BN573-S1_consensus_mapped.bam R=hg38.fa SORT_ORDER=coordinate MAX_GAPS=-1 ORIENTATIONS=FR
  • 38. Step 3 of 4 in post-consensus calling analysis 38 Step P2: Include UMI tags from unmapped BAM in the mapped BAM Mapped BAM with UMI tags Step P3: Filter consensus reads Filtered consensus BAM VCF Unmapped BAM with single strand consensus reads Mapped BAM without UMI tags Step P1: Align reads to reference genome Step P3: Filtering consensus reads Step P4: Variant calling
  • 39. Step P3: Filtering consensus reads There are two kinds of filtering of consensus reads: 1. Masking or filtering individual bases in reads 2. Filtering reads (i.e., not writing them to the output BAM file) Step 3 of 4 in post-consensus calling analysis 39 java -Xmx4g -jar fgbio.jar FilterConsensusReads --input=BN573-S1_ssConsensus_mapped.bam --output=BN573-S1_ssConsensus_mapped_filtered.bam --min-reads=3 --min-base-quality=50 --max-no-call-fraction=0.05
  • 40. Step 4 of 4 in post-consensus calling analysis 40 Step P2: Include UMI tags from unmapped BAM in the mapped BAM Mapped BAM with UMI tags Step P3: Filter consensus reads Filtered consensus BAM VCF Unmapped BAM with single strand consensus reads Mapped BAM without UMI tags Step P1: Align reads to reference genome Step P4: Variant calling Step P4: Variant calling
  • 41. Step P4: Variant calling Step 4 of 4 in post-consensus calling analysis 41 • Variant calling can be accomplished with the variant caller of your choice • The following example shows how to use VarDictJava to generate a VCF file VarDictJava/bin/VarDict –G hg38.fa -N tumor -f 0.01 -b BN573-S1_ssConsensus_mapped_filtered.bam -z –c 1 –S 2 –E 3 –g 4 –th 4 target_regions.bed | VarDictJava/VarDict/teststrandbias.R | VarDictJava/VarDict/ –N tumor –E –f 0.01 | awk ‘{if ($1 ~/^#/) print; else if ($4 != $5) print}’ > BN573-S1.ssConsensus.VarDict.vcf
  • 42. Tumor model system for benchmarking • 25 ng of a 1% mixture (0.5% minimum allelic frequency) was used to assess sensitivity and positive predictive value (PPV) • Libraries were captured with a set of custom xGen Lockdown Probes covering a total target area of ~35 kb • Variant calling was performed with VarDict 42
  • 43. Consensus analysis increases variant calling accuracy 43 All expected variants 0.2% variant calling threshold Positive predictive value (PPV)
  • 45. Take-home messages • Building consensus sequences enables in silico error correction, dramatically increasing variant calling specificity • Due to the prevalence of artifacts arising from sample degradation, PCR amplification and sequencing, consensus analysis is necessary to accurately detect variants present below 1% • xGen Dual Index UMI Adapters mitigate index switching and can accurately assign rare variants in multiplexing studies 45
  • 46. Sensitivity and specificity (PPV) 46 TP: True positive FP: False positive FN: False negative PPV: Positive Predictive Value Sensitivity = TP TP+FN Specificity (PPV) = TP TP+FP