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A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peace

Being and Bringing Together
                            Munas Kalden

Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding

A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peace

Being and Bringing Together

© Munas Kalden (2011), published by alyaklah, 51/2, Kumaradasa Place, Wellampitiya, Sri Lanka

Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding

Table of Contents
   1.1.       Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 6
   1.2.       Defining Sport in the Development Context: .......................................................................... 9
   1.3.       Adding Value by Including Peace into Development: ......................................................... 10
   References: ........................................................................................................................................... 18

Figure 1: Young Girls from Tamils and Sinhalese are interacting in Amparai, Sri Lanka. The project was
facilitated by UNDP ..................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 2: Tamil Students from Jaffna, Sri Lanka Empowered for Learning amidst War. The
project funded by UNICEF. ..................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 3: Development plus Sport and Sport plus Development ...................................................... 15

Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding

Being and Bringing Together
Sport and play are deeply-rooted human needs. Through sport, children are able to test
themselves in peaceful competition against opponents, to learn how to deal with victory
and defeat, to accept rules, to discover the limits of their bodies or to integrate as a
member of a team. Sport also lets children learn and practice fundamental social skills
combining fun and play – skills by the way which go far beyond sport in their
importance. They are crucial for peaceful co-existence in every society and for a life of
self-determination of every individual.

Therefore, sport is not a luxury in a society. On the contrary, sport is an important
investment in the present and the future – particularly in the countries that are
recovering from conflict. Sport has a proven positive impact on social cohesion,
reconciliation and community coexistence on the one hand, and on physical and mental
health on the other as well as a superlative ability to bring people together across
borders of all kinds.

These unique qualities make sport an ideal motor for peacebuilding and development
processes at the individual and social levels. Sport is not a new topic in development
cooperation, but after many years during which its potential was not specifically and
systematically used, there exists today a rapidly growing consensus that sport and play
can make an important contribution to recover from conflict, build peace and achieving

Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding

national development goals and peacebuilding objectives, including the Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs).

A symbol of this realisation is the resolution by the UN General Assembly making 2005
the International Year of Sport and Physical Education. It aims to make the benefits of
sport for peace, development, education and health available to all – in conflict and post
conflict countries.

Two things in particular are needed to make this succeed: one, a stronger awareness
by all actors – UN agencies, international organisations, governments, sports
associations, the private sector, aid groups, the peacebuilding practitioners and
development community and the media – of the considerable potential of sport, and
two, greater cooperation between all actors.

I have prepared this booklet during my work with UNDP, Sri Lanka in its transition
recovery programme. I have contributed, during 2009-2010, to sport for peace and
development initiatives. Primarily, it was prepared to build the capacity of staff,
implementing partners and sport coach. This is an updated version.

                                                                                               Munas Kalden


Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding

Sport for Development
and Peacebuilding

1.1.    Introduction

           What does sport have to do with peace and development? Only a few
           years ago this question would have had many experts scratching their
           heads in puzzlement. A lot has changed in the meantime. Sport now
           occupies a firm place on the development policy agenda and even
           skeptics admit that contribution of sport to peace and development has
           considerable potential.

           Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It
           has the power to unite the people in a way that little else does. It
           speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sport can create hope
           where once there was only despair. It is more powerful than
           governments. It brings down racial barriers.

           -Nelson Mandela (at the ‘Laureus World Sports Awards’ in Abu Dhabi
           on March 10, 2010)

People in every nation love sport. Its                        use their talents to the fullest, learn the
values are universal. And when young                          ideals of teamwork and tolerance, and
people participate in sports or have                          be drawn away from the dangers of
access to physical education, they can                        drugs       and       crime.     -Kofi   Annan
build up their health and self-esteem,                        (UNESCO, 2009, p. 22)

Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding

                                                              approaches, and stages needed to
Sport for Development and Peace refers                        transform         conflict         toward         more
to the intentional use of sport, physical                     sustainable, peaceful relationships. The
activity and play to attain specific                          term thus involves a wide range of
development         and     peace      objectives,            activities that both precede and follow
including, most notably, the Millennium                       formal peace accords. Metaphorically,
Development Goals (MDGs). United                              peace is seen not merely as a stage in
Nations General Assembly recalled its                         time or a condition. It is a dynamic social
decision to include sport for peace and                       construct." Lederach speaks of conflict
development (UN, 2003). It encourages                         transformation as a holistic and multi-
Governments          and      United       Nations            faceted approach to managing violent
System to seek new and innovative                             conflict in all its phases. The term
ways to use sport for communication                           signifies an ongoing process of change
and social mobilization, particularly at                      from negative to positive                   relations;
the national, regional and local levels,                      behavior,       attitudes        and     structures.
engaging civil society through active                         The         integrated            approach          to
participation and ensuring that target                        peacebuilding must take into account
audiences are reached. And, sport plays                       the     complex         and      multi-dimensional
a vital role in sustaining peaceful                           nature of the human experience and rely
relationship and changing from negative                       on     broad       social        participation.     "A
to positive relations, behavior, attitudes                    sustainable        transformative         approach
and structures. John Paul Lederach                            suggests that the key lies in the
(1997) refers this as peacebuilding.                          relationship of the involved parties, with
                                                              all that the term encompasses at the
Peacebuilding, according to him, "is                          psychological,              spiritual,        social,
more than post-accord reconstruction"                         economic, political and military levels."
and "is understood as a comprehensive                         Cultivating        an       "infrastructure        for
concept that encompasses, generates,                          peacebuilding" means that "we are not
and sustains the full array of processes,                     merely interested in 'ending' something

Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding

that is not desired. We are oriented                               -   including persons with disability
toward the building of relationships that                              and
in their totality form new patterns,
                                                                   -   preventing conflict and building
processes, and structures."
                                                                       peace (Sports for Development
                                                                       and Peace International Working
It has been recognized as the means to
                                                                       Group, 2008).
“bridge      social,     religious,   racial and
gender divides, hence contributing to
                                                              At the end of 2003, the UN General
lasting peace” (Beutler, 2008: 365).
                                                              Assembly adopted a resolution on the
While sport has already been fair-well
                                                              role of sport as a means to promote
established as a tool in development
                                                              health,     education,         development and
schemes, especially the “last decade
                                                              peace. It proclaimed 2005 as the
has seen a substantial increase in the
                                                              International Year for Sport and Physical
use     of     sport      to    assist      specific
                                                              Education,       stating       that    “the   United
development         programs”         (Levermore,
                                                              Nations is turning to the world of sport
2008: 56), resulting in an ongoing
                                                              for help in the work for peace and the
popping       up    of    sport-in-development
                                                              effort     to    achieve         the    Millennium
projects (Van Eekeren, 2006). National
                                                              Development Goals.” Since then, sport
governments,                          international
                                                              has also been reconfirmed as a tool to
organizations, NGOs and locally based
                                                              accelerate       the     achievement          of    the
community organizations (CBOs) put
                                                              Millennium Development Goals and to
great efforts on them and are convinced
                                                              promote         peace.     The        MDGs         were
of their benefits, in terms of
                                                              established       by     the     UN     and        were
    -   promoting health and preventing
                                                              originally supposed to be reached by the
                                                              end of 2015. Their major aim was to
    -   promoting          child      and     youth           focus world attention and resources on
        development,                                          the eradication of global poverty (cp.
                                                              Beutler,        2008;      UNOSDP,            2010a;
    -   promoting gender equality and
                                                              UNOSDP, 2010b).
        empowering girls and women,
Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding

                                                              paucity of evidence that justifies the use
Sport is increasingly recognized as an                        of sport in these roles” (Kay, 2009:
important tool in helping the United                          1177).         Theory-guided               research,
Nations      achieve        its   objectives,      in         evaluation       and     monitoring         are    still
particular the Millennium Development                         limited, and empirical evidence to test
Goals (MDGs). By including sport in                           the effects of interventions is rare
development and peace programmes in                           (Levermore         &    Beacom,         2009).       In
a more systematic way, the United                             addition, and in order to achieve the
Nations can make full use of this cost-                       objective of development and peace,
efficient tool to help us create a better                     there is a need to redesign the image,
world. Ban Ki-Moon (UNESCO, 2009:                             and understanding, of the term “sport”
22).                                                          (UNESCO, 2009: 7) in development
Sport is acknowledged as having the                           setting and peacebuilding context.
unique power to reach developmental
objectives      (Gschwend          &    Selvaraju,            1.2.     Defining Sport in the
2006) - but can sport really live up to its                            Development Context:
expectations? Does sport actually make
                                                              Definitions of the term “sport” vary. In a
a contribution to those people for whose
                                                              development context, the definition of
benefits        the      sport-in-development
                                                              sport usually includes a broad and
projects are set up? How much is truly
                                                              inclusive spectrum of activities suitable
known      about      the     effects    of    such
                                                              to people of all ages and abilities, with
projects? Do their claims endure in
                                                              an emphasis on the positive values of
                                                              sport. In 2003, the UN Inter-Agency
                                                              Task Force on Sport for Development
While many of the stakeholders take
                                                              and      Peace      defined       sport,    for    the
sport-in-development-projects outcomes
                                                              purposes of development, as “all forms
for granted, some project leaders and
                                                              of physical activity that contribute to
organizations have been more critical,
                                                              physical fitness, mental well-being and
“posing searching questions about the
                                                              social      interaction,         such      as     play,

Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding

recreation, organized or competitive                          as „ill-defined interventions with hard-to-
sport,       and      indigenous        sports        and     follow outcomes‟ (quoted in Coalter,
games” (UN, 2003). This definition has                        2007: 31), could be viewed as especially
been accepted by many proponents of                           relevant to much policy rhetoric in sport-
Sport for Development and Peace and                           for-development. Sport has consistently
is the working definition of sport for the                    been regarded as „character building‟ –
purposes of this study.                                       not only developing certain personal and
                                                              social skills, but also moral personality
                                                              traits     such     as    discipline,   honesty,
                                                              integrity, generosity and trustworthiness
                                                              (President‟s Council on Physical Fitness
                                                              and       Sports,      2006).      Further,   the
                                                              supposed efficacy of sport has been
                                                              strengthened by being regarded as a
                                                              „neutral‟ social space where all citizens,
Figure 1: Young Girls from Tamils and Sinhalese are           or so-called „sports people‟, met as
interacting in Amparai, Sri Lanka. The project was
facilitated by UNDP
                                                              equals in an environment regarded as
                                                              an       „unambiguously          wholesome    and
                                                              healthy activity in both a physical and
      In      the      case        of       „sport-for-       moral sense‟ (Smith and Waddington,
development‟, which Kruse (2006: 8)                           2004: 281).
refers to as „intriguingly vague and open
for        several     interpretations‟,          these       1.3.       Adding Value by Including
outcomes             range       from        changed                    Peace into Development:
individual           sexual       behaviour           via
                                                              In recent years, various organisations
community level social cohesion, to the
                                                              and coalitions have grown up around
achievement of „peace‟ at regional or
                                                              the use of sport and sport in particular
national level. Pawson‟s (2004) more
                                                              for        social        development          and
general comment that much social
                                                              peacebuilding – Homeless World Cup,
policy intervention can be characterized
Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding

streetfootballword,              Football         for         model of SDP project often uses sport
Development and Right to Play, as well                        for no other end than as a means of
as the International Platform for Sport                       getting people together to practise sport
and Development ( –                           and develop their skills; social cohesion
and Giulianotti (2009, 2010, 2011) has                        is built on the field of contest, or through
done extensive work to map out the rise                       interacting together as part of the
of the sector. Where the international                        procedures of a tournament.
platform – – terms the
sector S&D (Sport and Development),                           Some examples in the dialogical model
Giulianotti       calls     it    SDP        (Sport,          at least offer the possibility of changing
Development and Peace). The sector is                         the rules to facilitate the ends – e.g. a
in the process of gathering existing                          goal scored by a girl counts double or
information               and        establishing             no goals count until a girl scores would
communication and networks, at the                            be a rule-change that would facilitate
same time         as moving to              improve           equality of gender or offer a space for
monitoring and evaluation. It is young                        gender questions to be asked. Where
and vigorous, while appearing slightly                        the technical model might offer coaching
lightweight        in       academic          terms           in a sport sponsored by a global drinks
(Naughton, 2011: 17).                                         manufacturer, the dialogical model is
                                                              more likely to offer coaching to coaches,
Giulianotti (2011) defines three models                       who can cascade the learning into their
of SDP project: technical, dialogical and                     communities, along with any add-ons
critical. The first and second are the                        particular to the social issue being
most commonly found at the moment,                            addressed - eg gender imbalance, or
where they are largely directed from the                      ethnic or religious tension.
outside      by    international       NGOs        or
institutions or are even as part of                           The      critical     model      is    the   least
corporate social responsibility projects                      developed,          according     to   Giulianotti
of transnational giants. The technical                        (2011), but offers most transformational

Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding

possibilities, being based in and directed                         concern.         For         example,             the
from the grassroots, as well as having                             Norwegian Olympic Committee and
less emphasis on the sport‟s own ends                              Confederation of Sports (NIF) started
as an end of the project – i.e. merely                             supporting sport for-all projects in
creating a team so that it will win, or                            Tanzania in 1984; Olympic Solidarity
coaching players only so they will                                 distributes         resources           from      the
improve in that sport. However, the                                television     rights       of    the      Olympic
critical model seems to be vague in                                Games          to       national           Olympic
detail of real examples, and although                              Committees; the Dutch FA (KNVB)
written from the point of view of                                  supports the development of football
inclusion, seem to still be based on                               in countries with which it has historic
intervention by northern or at least                               links;       Commonwealth                   Games
external agencies.                                                 Canada        supports           the     Canadian
                                                                   Caribbean        Coaching              Certification
                                                                   Program. However, while all contain
                                                                   an       element      of     altruism,         such
                                                                   initiatives are often undertaken for
                                                                   clear diplomatic purposes (see Kidd,
                                                                  Humanitarian assistance in which
                                                                   fund-raising in sport is used to
Figure 2: Tamil Students from Jaffna, Sri Lanka                    provide forms of aid assistance,
Empowered for Learning amidst War. The project
funded by UNICEF.                                                  frequently      for     refugees.          This    is
Kidd (2008) suggests that there are                                exemplified by the early work of
three broad, overlapping, approaches:                              Olympic        Aid,         some          of      the
   Traditional sports development in                              subsequent work of Right to Play,
    which the provision of basic sports                            the work of the British charity Sport
    coaching,             equipment             and                Relief, and the partnership between
    infrastructure        are      the      central

Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding

    UNICEF        and      Barcelona       FC      to         Coalter (2007) suggests that another
    highlight issues and raise funds.                         approach to classification can be based
   The rather grandiosely named „sport-                      on the relative emphasis given to sport
    for-development-and-peace                                 to achieve certain objectives:
    movement‟, which covers a wide                                 Traditional forms of provision for
    variety of organizations and loose                              sport, with an implicit assumption or
    coalitions (Kidd, 2008). It is probably                         explicit affirmation that such sport
    the case that most organizations and                            has        inherent         developmental
    projects tend to be more concerned                              properties for participants.
    with     individual       and      community                   Sport plus, in which sports are
    development, rather than the rather                             adapted and often augmented with
    amorphous and ill-defined goal of                               parallel programmes in order to
    „peace‟.                                                        maximize their potential to achieve
                                                                    developmental objectives.
Levermore          (2008)        proposes         an               Plus      sport,     in    which   sport‟s
alternative classification based on a                               popularity is used as a type of „fly
more disaggregated approach to the                                  paper‟ to attract young people to
desired        outcomes          of      sport-for-                 programmes          of     education   and
development          organizations:         conflict                training (a widespread approach for
resolution            and             inter-cultural                HIV/AIDS prevention programmes),
understanding; building physical, social                            with the systematic development of
and community infrastructure; raising                               sport rarely a strategic aim.
awareness,            particularly         through
education; empowerment; direct impact
                                                              “Sport and Development” thus appears
on physical and psychological health
                                                              as a dynamic social sphere in which
and        general       welfare;        economic
                                                              different thrusts, actors and themes
development and poverty alleviation.
                                                              come together. So far there exist hardly
                                                              any models which have a conceptual
                                                              grasp of this fact. The graphic below

Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding

(SDC, 2005: 19) is an attempt at an                           development                      organisations,
integrated model which expresses this                         governments and NGOs. They use sport
multi-dimensionality. It is intended as a                     as an instrument to achieve specific
contribution to the formulation of an                         development goals such as the fight
analytical framework.                                         against HIV/AIDS and the reintegration
                                                              of street children. Ideally, these projects
                                                              are integrated into broader development
In reality the boundaries are frequently
fluid. Depending on the emphasis and
intensity of the development dimension,
                                                              Sport plus development: Typically, these
projects may shift left or right on the
                                                              projects are initiated by governments
continuum. Similar behavior can be
                                                              and actors from the world of sport. They
observed        regarding        themes:        The
                                                              aim     to    promote        sport   and   sport
overlapping nature of sport enables it to
                                                              education in schools and consider sport
be used as a cross-cutting instrument
                                                              as a value in itself. Deliberately or not
for several themes.
                                                              they can contribute to development
                                                              through the formation of community
The two thrusts can be characterised as
                                                              structures, the promotion of income and
                                                              the provision of infrastructures.
Development plus sport: The starting
point    for    these     projects     is    mostly

Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding

Figure 3: Development plus Sport and Sport plus Development

Of course, there is a continuum of sport                      for the achievement of certain outcomes
plus and plus sport programmes and                            (Coalter, 2007).
differences are not always clear-cut,
with    outcomes         being     pursued       via          However, some of the critics also
varying      mixtures       of     organizational             acknowledge that their analyses are
values, ethics and practices, symbolic                        complicated          by     the   longstanding
games       and      more        formal    didactic           presence of a number of indigenous
approaches.        In    such      circumstances              sport-for-development organizations that
sport is mostly a vitally important                           are based on the local identification of
necessary, but not sufficient condition                       needs, and act as vehicles for local
                                                              initiative and development. For example,

Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding

the sport plus Mathare Youth Sport                            consolidated via the first International
Association        (MYSA),        currently      the          Conference on Sport and Development
largest youth soccer programme in                             in Magglingen, Switzerland in 2003. The
Africa including 11 members of the                            scale       of    this      recently    emerged
Kenyan international football squad, was                      „movement‟ (Kidd, 2008) is indicated by
established in Nairobi in 1987 (Atkins,                       the fact that 166 organizations are listed
n.d.; Brady and Kahn, 2002; Coalter,                          in the International Platform on Sport
2007; Hognestad and Tollisen, 2004;                           and Development. Kidd (2008: 371)
Munro,      2005; Willis,        2000).      Sports           argues        that       this     „movement‟    is
Coaches‟        Outreach        (SCORE)         was           qualitatively and quantitatively different
established in South Africa in 1991, with                     from previous, rather fragmented and ad
its origins in foreign volunteers providing                   hoc interventions:
sports opportunities for disadvantaged
school children. Although volunteers                          The current manifestation is different in
remain        important,        SCORE           has           the rapid explosion of agencies and
increasingly emphasized the importance                        organisations that are involved, the
of local capacity building, community                         tremendous appeal that it has for youth
development and local sustainability                          volunteering, the financial support it
(Coalter, 2010).                                              enjoys from the powerful international
                                                              sports federations and the extent to
However, the rapid development of the                         which it has been championed by the
broad-based             sport-for-development                 United      Nations,        its   agencies     and
movement occurred in the late 1990s                           significant partners.
along      with     the     establishment          of
organizations         such       as      Edusport             In 2003, Olympic Aid re-branded itself
Foundation, Zambia (1999), Magic Bus,                         as Right to Play and extended its direct
Mumbai (1999) and EMIMA, Tanzania                             delivery remit (Darnell, 2007; Kidd,
(2001) and the Kicking Aids Out network                       2008), becoming more specifically a
in    2001.       These       initiatives      were           „sport-for-development-and-peace‟

Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding

organization and a major player in the                        by a gradual acceptance of sport as a
new burgeoning „movement‟.                  So the            human right, but by broader changes
question is, where did this „movement‟                        that enabled sport to argue for its
come from and why? (Coalter, 2010:                            utilitarian contributions to aspects of a
299).                                                         new aid paradigm (Renard, 2006).

The      sport-for-        development          and
peacebuilding        has     been      looked      at
through human right framework. Such a
broad     framework        of    human       rights‟
declarations and humanitarian actions
provided a legitimating framework for a
loose coalition of sporting organizations
to lobby for investment to widen sporting
opportunities (Coalter, 2010). It laid the
basis for a certain degree of influence in
the international organizations that had
issued these declarations, especially the
United Nations and its various agencies,
such as UNICEF and UNDP.

However, is seems undeniable that the
great step, if not leap, forward for sport-
for-development is to be explained not

Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding

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        2008. Accessed on 09.10.2010 from
    o UNOSDP (2010a). Factsheet. Contribution of sport to the millennium
        development goals. Retrieved on October 13,2010, from
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        10.12. 2010, from

Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding

    o Van Eekeren, F. 2006. Sport and Development: Challenges in a New Arena. In:
        Y. Vandenaauweele, C. Malcolm and B. Meulders (eds.),                                  Sport and
        development. Tielt: Lannoo.

    o Willis, O. 2000. Sport and development: The significance of Mathare Youth

Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding


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Being and bringing together:a brief introduction to sport for development and peace by munas kalden

  • 1. A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peace Being and Bringing Together Munas Kalden 1
  • 2. Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peace Being and Bringing Together © Munas Kalden (2011), published by alyaklah, 51/2, Kumaradasa Place, Wellampitiya, Sri Lanka 2
  • 3. Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding Table of Contents 1.1. Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 6 1.2. Defining Sport in the Development Context: .......................................................................... 9 1.3. Adding Value by Including Peace into Development: ......................................................... 10 References: ........................................................................................................................................... 18 Figure 1: Young Girls from Tamils and Sinhalese are interacting in Amparai, Sri Lanka. The project was facilitated by UNDP ..................................................................................................................................... 10 Figure 2: Tamil Students from Jaffna, Sri Lanka Empowered for Learning amidst War. The project funded by UNICEF. ..................................................................................................................... 12 Figure 3: Development plus Sport and Sport plus Development ...................................................... 15 3
  • 4. Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding Being and Bringing Together Sport and play are deeply-rooted human needs. Through sport, children are able to test themselves in peaceful competition against opponents, to learn how to deal with victory and defeat, to accept rules, to discover the limits of their bodies or to integrate as a member of a team. Sport also lets children learn and practice fundamental social skills combining fun and play – skills by the way which go far beyond sport in their importance. They are crucial for peaceful co-existence in every society and for a life of self-determination of every individual. Therefore, sport is not a luxury in a society. On the contrary, sport is an important investment in the present and the future – particularly in the countries that are recovering from conflict. Sport has a proven positive impact on social cohesion, reconciliation and community coexistence on the one hand, and on physical and mental health on the other as well as a superlative ability to bring people together across borders of all kinds. These unique qualities make sport an ideal motor for peacebuilding and development processes at the individual and social levels. Sport is not a new topic in development cooperation, but after many years during which its potential was not specifically and systematically used, there exists today a rapidly growing consensus that sport and play can make an important contribution to recover from conflict, build peace and achieving 4
  • 5. Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding national development goals and peacebuilding objectives, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). A symbol of this realisation is the resolution by the UN General Assembly making 2005 the International Year of Sport and Physical Education. It aims to make the benefits of sport for peace, development, education and health available to all – in conflict and post conflict countries. Two things in particular are needed to make this succeed: one, a stronger awareness by all actors – UN agencies, international organisations, governments, sports associations, the private sector, aid groups, the peacebuilding practitioners and development community and the media – of the considerable potential of sport, and two, greater cooperation between all actors. I have prepared this booklet during my work with UNDP, Sri Lanka in its transition recovery programme. I have contributed, during 2009-2010, to sport for peace and development initiatives. Primarily, it was prepared to build the capacity of staff, implementing partners and sport coach. This is an updated version. Munas Kalden 5
  • 6. Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding Sport for Development and Peacebuilding 1.1. Introduction What does sport have to do with peace and development? Only a few years ago this question would have had many experts scratching their heads in puzzlement. A lot has changed in the meantime. Sport now occupies a firm place on the development policy agenda and even skeptics admit that contribution of sport to peace and development has considerable potential. Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite the people in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair. It is more powerful than governments. It brings down racial barriers. -Nelson Mandela (at the ‘Laureus World Sports Awards’ in Abu Dhabi on March 10, 2010) People in every nation love sport. Its use their talents to the fullest, learn the values are universal. And when young ideals of teamwork and tolerance, and people participate in sports or have be drawn away from the dangers of access to physical education, they can drugs and crime. -Kofi Annan build up their health and self-esteem, (UNESCO, 2009, p. 22) 6
  • 7. Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding approaches, and stages needed to Sport for Development and Peace refers transform conflict toward more to the intentional use of sport, physical sustainable, peaceful relationships. The activity and play to attain specific term thus involves a wide range of development and peace objectives, activities that both precede and follow including, most notably, the Millennium formal peace accords. Metaphorically, Development Goals (MDGs). United peace is seen not merely as a stage in Nations General Assembly recalled its time or a condition. It is a dynamic social decision to include sport for peace and construct." Lederach speaks of conflict development (UN, 2003). It encourages transformation as a holistic and multi- Governments and United Nations faceted approach to managing violent System to seek new and innovative conflict in all its phases. The term ways to use sport for communication signifies an ongoing process of change and social mobilization, particularly at from negative to positive relations; the national, regional and local levels, behavior, attitudes and structures. engaging civil society through active The integrated approach to participation and ensuring that target peacebuilding must take into account audiences are reached. And, sport plays the complex and multi-dimensional a vital role in sustaining peaceful nature of the human experience and rely relationship and changing from negative on broad social participation. "A to positive relations, behavior, attitudes sustainable transformative approach and structures. John Paul Lederach suggests that the key lies in the (1997) refers this as peacebuilding. relationship of the involved parties, with all that the term encompasses at the Peacebuilding, according to him, "is psychological, spiritual, social, more than post-accord reconstruction" economic, political and military levels." and "is understood as a comprehensive Cultivating an "infrastructure for concept that encompasses, generates, peacebuilding" means that "we are not and sustains the full array of processes, merely interested in 'ending' something 7
  • 8. Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding that is not desired. We are oriented - including persons with disability toward the building of relationships that and in their totality form new patterns, - preventing conflict and building processes, and structures." peace (Sports for Development and Peace International Working It has been recognized as the means to Group, 2008). “bridge social, religious, racial and gender divides, hence contributing to At the end of 2003, the UN General lasting peace” (Beutler, 2008: 365). Assembly adopted a resolution on the While sport has already been fair-well role of sport as a means to promote established as a tool in development health, education, development and schemes, especially the “last decade peace. It proclaimed 2005 as the has seen a substantial increase in the International Year for Sport and Physical use of sport to assist specific Education, stating that “the United development programs” (Levermore, Nations is turning to the world of sport 2008: 56), resulting in an ongoing for help in the work for peace and the popping up of sport-in-development effort to achieve the Millennium projects (Van Eekeren, 2006). National Development Goals.” Since then, sport governments, international has also been reconfirmed as a tool to organizations, NGOs and locally based accelerate the achievement of the community organizations (CBOs) put Millennium Development Goals and to great efforts on them and are convinced promote peace. The MDGs were of their benefits, in terms of established by the UN and were - promoting health and preventing originally supposed to be reached by the disease, end of 2015. Their major aim was to - promoting child and youth focus world attention and resources on development, the eradication of global poverty (cp. Beutler, 2008; UNOSDP, 2010a; - promoting gender equality and UNOSDP, 2010b). empowering girls and women, 8
  • 9. Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding paucity of evidence that justifies the use Sport is increasingly recognized as an of sport in these roles” (Kay, 2009: important tool in helping the United 1177). Theory-guided research, Nations achieve its objectives, in evaluation and monitoring are still particular the Millennium Development limited, and empirical evidence to test Goals (MDGs). By including sport in the effects of interventions is rare development and peace programmes in (Levermore & Beacom, 2009). In a more systematic way, the United addition, and in order to achieve the Nations can make full use of this cost- objective of development and peace, efficient tool to help us create a better there is a need to redesign the image, world. Ban Ki-Moon (UNESCO, 2009: and understanding, of the term “sport” 22). (UNESCO, 2009: 7) in development Sport is acknowledged as having the setting and peacebuilding context. unique power to reach developmental objectives (Gschwend & Selvaraju, 1.2. Defining Sport in the 2006) - but can sport really live up to its Development Context: expectations? Does sport actually make Definitions of the term “sport” vary. In a a contribution to those people for whose development context, the definition of benefits the sport-in-development sport usually includes a broad and projects are set up? How much is truly inclusive spectrum of activities suitable known about the effects of such to people of all ages and abilities, with projects? Do their claims endure in an emphasis on the positive values of reality? sport. In 2003, the UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Sport for Development While many of the stakeholders take and Peace defined sport, for the sport-in-development-projects outcomes purposes of development, as “all forms for granted, some project leaders and of physical activity that contribute to organizations have been more critical, physical fitness, mental well-being and “posing searching questions about the social interaction, such as play, 9
  • 10. Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding recreation, organized or competitive as „ill-defined interventions with hard-to- sport, and indigenous sports and follow outcomes‟ (quoted in Coalter, games” (UN, 2003). This definition has 2007: 31), could be viewed as especially been accepted by many proponents of relevant to much policy rhetoric in sport- Sport for Development and Peace and for-development. Sport has consistently is the working definition of sport for the been regarded as „character building‟ – purposes of this study. not only developing certain personal and social skills, but also moral personality traits such as discipline, honesty, integrity, generosity and trustworthiness (President‟s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, 2006). Further, the supposed efficacy of sport has been strengthened by being regarded as a „neutral‟ social space where all citizens, Figure 1: Young Girls from Tamils and Sinhalese are or so-called „sports people‟, met as interacting in Amparai, Sri Lanka. The project was facilitated by UNDP equals in an environment regarded as an „unambiguously wholesome and healthy activity in both a physical and In the case of „sport-for- moral sense‟ (Smith and Waddington, development‟, which Kruse (2006: 8) 2004: 281). refers to as „intriguingly vague and open for several interpretations‟, these 1.3. Adding Value by Including outcomes range from changed Peace into Development: individual sexual behaviour via In recent years, various organisations community level social cohesion, to the and coalitions have grown up around achievement of „peace‟ at regional or the use of sport and sport in particular national level. Pawson‟s (2004) more for social development and general comment that much social peacebuilding – Homeless World Cup, policy intervention can be characterized 10
  • 11. Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding streetfootballword, Football for model of SDP project often uses sport Development and Right to Play, as well for no other end than as a means of as the International Platform for Sport getting people together to practise sport and Development ( – and develop their skills; social cohesion and Giulianotti (2009, 2010, 2011) has is built on the field of contest, or through done extensive work to map out the rise interacting together as part of the of the sector. Where the international procedures of a tournament. platform – – terms the sector S&D (Sport and Development), Some examples in the dialogical model Giulianotti calls it SDP (Sport, at least offer the possibility of changing Development and Peace). The sector is the rules to facilitate the ends – e.g. a in the process of gathering existing goal scored by a girl counts double or information and establishing no goals count until a girl scores would communication and networks, at the be a rule-change that would facilitate same time as moving to improve equality of gender or offer a space for monitoring and evaluation. It is young gender questions to be asked. Where and vigorous, while appearing slightly the technical model might offer coaching lightweight in academic terms in a sport sponsored by a global drinks (Naughton, 2011: 17). manufacturer, the dialogical model is more likely to offer coaching to coaches, Giulianotti (2011) defines three models who can cascade the learning into their of SDP project: technical, dialogical and communities, along with any add-ons critical. The first and second are the particular to the social issue being most commonly found at the moment, addressed - eg gender imbalance, or where they are largely directed from the ethnic or religious tension. outside by international NGOs or institutions or are even as part of The critical model is the least corporate social responsibility projects developed, according to Giulianotti of transnational giants. The technical (2011), but offers most transformational 11
  • 12. Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding possibilities, being based in and directed concern. For example, the from the grassroots, as well as having Norwegian Olympic Committee and less emphasis on the sport‟s own ends Confederation of Sports (NIF) started as an end of the project – i.e. merely supporting sport for-all projects in creating a team so that it will win, or Tanzania in 1984; Olympic Solidarity coaching players only so they will distributes resources from the improve in that sport. However, the television rights of the Olympic critical model seems to be vague in Games to national Olympic detail of real examples, and although Committees; the Dutch FA (KNVB) written from the point of view of supports the development of football inclusion, seem to still be based on in countries with which it has historic intervention by northern or at least links; Commonwealth Games external agencies. Canada supports the Canadian Caribbean Coaching Certification Program. However, while all contain an element of altruism, such initiatives are often undertaken for clear diplomatic purposes (see Kidd, 2008).  Humanitarian assistance in which fund-raising in sport is used to Figure 2: Tamil Students from Jaffna, Sri Lanka provide forms of aid assistance, Empowered for Learning amidst War. The project funded by UNICEF. frequently for refugees. This is Kidd (2008) suggests that there are exemplified by the early work of three broad, overlapping, approaches: Olympic Aid, some of the  Traditional sports development in subsequent work of Right to Play, which the provision of basic sports the work of the British charity Sport coaching, equipment and Relief, and the partnership between infrastructure are the central 12
  • 13. Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding UNICEF and Barcelona FC to Coalter (2007) suggests that another highlight issues and raise funds. approach to classification can be based  The rather grandiosely named „sport- on the relative emphasis given to sport for-development-and-peace to achieve certain objectives: movement‟, which covers a wide  Traditional forms of provision for variety of organizations and loose sport, with an implicit assumption or coalitions (Kidd, 2008). It is probably explicit affirmation that such sport the case that most organizations and has inherent developmental projects tend to be more concerned properties for participants. with individual and community  Sport plus, in which sports are development, rather than the rather adapted and often augmented with amorphous and ill-defined goal of parallel programmes in order to „peace‟. maximize their potential to achieve developmental objectives. Levermore (2008) proposes an  Plus sport, in which sport‟s alternative classification based on a popularity is used as a type of „fly more disaggregated approach to the paper‟ to attract young people to desired outcomes of sport-for- programmes of education and development organizations: conflict training (a widespread approach for resolution and inter-cultural HIV/AIDS prevention programmes), understanding; building physical, social with the systematic development of and community infrastructure; raising sport rarely a strategic aim. awareness, particularly through education; empowerment; direct impact “Sport and Development” thus appears on physical and psychological health as a dynamic social sphere in which and general welfare; economic different thrusts, actors and themes development and poverty alleviation. come together. So far there exist hardly any models which have a conceptual grasp of this fact. The graphic below 13
  • 14. Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding (SDC, 2005: 19) is an attempt at an development organisations, integrated model which expresses this governments and NGOs. They use sport multi-dimensionality. It is intended as a as an instrument to achieve specific contribution to the formulation of an development goals such as the fight analytical framework. against HIV/AIDS and the reintegration of street children. Ideally, these projects are integrated into broader development In reality the boundaries are frequently programmes. fluid. Depending on the emphasis and intensity of the development dimension, Sport plus development: Typically, these projects may shift left or right on the projects are initiated by governments continuum. Similar behavior can be and actors from the world of sport. They observed regarding themes: The aim to promote sport and sport overlapping nature of sport enables it to education in schools and consider sport be used as a cross-cutting instrument as a value in itself. Deliberately or not for several themes. they can contribute to development through the formation of community The two thrusts can be characterised as structures, the promotion of income and follows: the provision of infrastructures. Development plus sport: The starting point for these projects is mostly 14
  • 15. Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding Figure 3: Development plus Sport and Sport plus Development Of course, there is a continuum of sport for the achievement of certain outcomes plus and plus sport programmes and (Coalter, 2007). differences are not always clear-cut, with outcomes being pursued via However, some of the critics also varying mixtures of organizational acknowledge that their analyses are values, ethics and practices, symbolic complicated by the longstanding games and more formal didactic presence of a number of indigenous approaches. In such circumstances sport-for-development organizations that sport is mostly a vitally important are based on the local identification of necessary, but not sufficient condition needs, and act as vehicles for local initiative and development. For example, 15
  • 16. Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding the sport plus Mathare Youth Sport consolidated via the first International Association (MYSA), currently the Conference on Sport and Development largest youth soccer programme in in Magglingen, Switzerland in 2003. The Africa including 11 members of the scale of this recently emerged Kenyan international football squad, was „movement‟ (Kidd, 2008) is indicated by established in Nairobi in 1987 (Atkins, the fact that 166 organizations are listed n.d.; Brady and Kahn, 2002; Coalter, in the International Platform on Sport 2007; Hognestad and Tollisen, 2004; and Development. Kidd (2008: 371) Munro, 2005; Willis, 2000). Sports argues that this „movement‟ is Coaches‟ Outreach (SCORE) was qualitatively and quantitatively different established in South Africa in 1991, with from previous, rather fragmented and ad its origins in foreign volunteers providing hoc interventions: sports opportunities for disadvantaged school children. Although volunteers The current manifestation is different in remain important, SCORE has the rapid explosion of agencies and increasingly emphasized the importance organisations that are involved, the of local capacity building, community tremendous appeal that it has for youth development and local sustainability volunteering, the financial support it (Coalter, 2010). enjoys from the powerful international sports federations and the extent to However, the rapid development of the which it has been championed by the broad-based sport-for-development United Nations, its agencies and movement occurred in the late 1990s significant partners. along with the establishment of organizations such as Edusport In 2003, Olympic Aid re-branded itself Foundation, Zambia (1999), Magic Bus, as Right to Play and extended its direct Mumbai (1999) and EMIMA, Tanzania delivery remit (Darnell, 2007; Kidd, (2001) and the Kicking Aids Out network 2008), becoming more specifically a in 2001. These initiatives were „sport-for-development-and-peace‟ 16
  • 17. Being and Bringing Together: A Brief Introduction to Sport for Development and Peacebuilding organization and a major player in the by a gradual acceptance of sport as a new burgeoning „movement‟. So the human right, but by broader changes question is, where did this „movement‟ that enabled sport to argue for its come from and why? (Coalter, 2010: utilitarian contributions to aspects of a 299). new aid paradigm (Renard, 2006). The sport-for- development and peacebuilding has been looked at through human right framework. Such a broad framework of human rights‟ declarations and humanitarian actions provided a legitimating framework for a loose coalition of sporting organizations to lobby for investment to widen sporting opportunities (Coalter, 2010). It laid the basis for a certain degree of influence in the international organizations that had issued these declarations, especially the United Nations and its various agencies, such as UNICEF and UNDP. However, is seems undeniable that the great step, if not leap, forward for sport- for-development is to be explained not 17
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