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Topic 00
Basic Python Programming – Part 01
Fariz Darari, Ph.D.
Machine Learning Specialization for Geoscientists
In collaboration with FMIPA UI
print("Python" + " is " + "cool!")
"Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice
for beginners and experts alike." – Pluralsight Platform
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello world!");
print("Hello world!")
Hello world in Java vs. Python
print("Python" + " is " + "cool!")
Big names using Python
"Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice
for beginners and experts alike." – Pluralsight Platform
print("Python" + " is " + "cool!")
"Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice
for beginners and experts alike." – Pluralsight Platform
print("Python" + " is " + "cool!")
"Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice
for beginners and experts alike." – Pluralsight Platform
print("Python" + " is " + "cool!")
"Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice
for beginners and experts alike." – Pluralsight Platform
print("Python" + " is " + "cool!")
"Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice
for beginners and experts alike." – Pluralsight Platform
print("Python" + " is " + "cool!")
"Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice
for beginners and experts alike." – Pluralsight Platform
print("Python" + " is " + "cool!")
Top programming languages 2019 by IEEE Spectrum
Let's now explore the Python universe!
How to install Python the Anaconda way
1. Download Anaconda (which includes Python and
relevant libraries):
2. Run the installer and follow the instructions
3. Run the Spyder editor or Jupyter Notebook and create your first Python program ""
Python Setup
A more enhanced hello program
name = "Dunia" # can be replaced with another value
print("Halo, " + name + "!")
A more and more enhanced hello program
print("Halo, " + input() + "!")
Create a program to calculate the area of a circle!
Create a program to calculate the area of a circle!
Step 1: Minta nilai jari-jari.
Step 2: Hitung sesuai rumus luas lingkaran.
Step 3: Cetak hasil luasnya.
Create a program to calculate the area of a circle!
# Step 1: Minta nilai jari-jari.
jari2 = input("Jari-jari: ")
jari2_int = int(jari2)
# Step 2: Hitung sesuai rumus luas lingkaran.
luas = 3.14 * (jari2_int ** 2)
# Step 3: Cetak hasil luasnya.
Similar program, now with import math
import math
# Step 1: Minta nilai jari-jari.
jari2 = input("Jari-jari: ")
jari2_int = int(jari2)
# Step 2: Hitung sesuai rumus luas lingkaran.
luas = math.pi * (math.pow(jari2_int,2))
# Step 3: Cetak hasil luasnya.
Quiz: Create a program to calculate square areas!
Quiz: Create a program to calculate square areas!
# Step 1: Minta nilai panjang sisi.
# Step 2: Hitung sesuai rumus luas persegi.
# Step 3: Cetak hasil luasnya.
Quiz: Create a program to calculate square areas!
# Step 1: Minta nilai panjang sisi.
sisi = input("Sisi: ")
sisi_int = int(sisi)
# Step 2: Hitung sesuai rumus luas persegi.
luas = sisi_int * sisi_int
# Step 3: Cetak hasil luasnya.
input("some string")
It's a function to print "some string" and
simultaneously ask user for some input.
The function returns a string (sequence of characters).
PS: If not wanting to print anything, just type: input()
The = symbol is not for equality,
it is for assignment:
"Nilai di sebelah kanan diasosiasikan dengan
variabel di sebelah kiri"
Contohnya, x = 1.
PS: x = 1 berbeda dengan x == 1. More on this later.
my_var = 2 + 3 * 5
• evaluate expression (2+3*5): 17
• change the value of my_var to 17
Example (suppose my_int has value 2):
my_int = my_int + 3
• evaluate expression my_int on RHS to: 2
• evaluate expression 2 + 3: 5
• change the value of my_int to 5
Type conversion
The int() function as we saw before is for converting string to int.
Why? Because we want to do some math operations!
But what if the string value is not converted to int?
Well, try this out: "1" + "1"
Other type conversions: float() , str()
print(var, "some string")
Well, it prints.
It may take several elements separated by commas:
- If the element is a string, print as is.
- If variable, print the value of the variable.
Note that after printing, we move to a new line.
Save program as module
Program yang disimpan disebut dengan Python module,
dan menggunakan file extension .py
Jadi, module adalah sekumpulan instruksi Python.
Module dapat dieksekusi, atau diimpor dalam module
lain (ingat module math).
Memberi komentar pada program
Komentar atau comment adalah cara untuk semakin
memperjelas alur program kita.
Komentar tidak dapat dijadikan excuse untuk kode
program yang berupa spaghetti code (berantakan).
Komentar pada Python dimulai dengan # (hash),
atau diapit dengan petik tiga """ untuk komentar multibaris.
• Variables store and give names to data values
• Data values can be of various types:
• int : -5, 0, 1000000
• float : -2.0, 3.14159
• bool : True, False
• str : "Hello world!", "K3WL"
• list : [1, 2, 3, 4], ["Hello", "world!"], [1, 2, "Hello"], [ ]
• And many more!
• In Python, variables do not have types! This is called: Dynamic typing.
• A type defines two things:
• The internal structure of the type
• Operations you can perform on type
(for example, capitalize() is an operation over type string)
Variables and Data Types
Name convention
• Dimulai dengan huruf atau underscore _
• Ac_123 is OK, but 123_AB is not.
• Dapat mengandung letters, digits, and underscores
• this_is_an_identifier_123
• Panjang bebas
• Upper and lower case letters are different (case sensitive)
• Length_Of_Rope is not the same as length_of_rope
Namespace adalah tabel yang mengandung pemetaan antara variable
dan nilai datanya.
Python Variables and Data Types in Real Life
• Integer
• addition and subtraction: +, -
• multiplication: *
• division: /
• integer division: //
• remainder: %
• Floating point
• add, subtract, multiply, divide: +, -, *, /
Boolean operators
Operator Precedence
Operator Precedence
Logical operators: and, or, not
Logical operators: and, or, not
Conditionals and Loops
Conditionals: Simple Form
if condition:
Conditionals: Generic Form
if boolean-expression-1:
elif boolean-expression-2:
(as many elif's as you want)
Conditionals: Usia SIM
age = 20
if age < 17:
print("Belum bisa punya SIM!")
print("OK, sudah bisa punya SIM.")
Conditionals: Usia SIM dengan Input
age = int(input("Usia: "))
if age < 17:
print("Belum bisa punya SIM!")
print("OK, sudah bisa punya SIM.")
Conditionals: Grading
grade = int(input("Numeric grade: "))
if grade >= 80:
elif grade >= 65:
elif grade >= 55:
• Useful for repeating code!
• Two variants:
while boolean-expression:
for element in collection:
While Loops
x = 5
while x > 0:
x -= 1
print("While loop is over now!")
while boolean-expression:
While Loops
while boolean-expression:
While Loops
while boolean-expression:
while input("Which is the best subject? ") != "Computer Science":
print("Try again!")
print("Of course it is!")
So far, we have seen (briefly) two kinds of collections:
string and list
For loops can be used to visit each collection's element:
For Loops
for element in collection:
for chr in "string":
for elem in [1,3,5]:
Range function
• range merepresentasikan urutan angka (integer)
• range memiliki 3 arguments:
– the beginning of the range. Assumed to be 0 if not provided.
– the end of the range, but not inclusive (up to but not including
the number). Required.
– the step of the range. Assumed to be 1 if not provided.
• if only one argument is provided, assumed to be the end value
Eksplorasi range
for i in range(10):
print(i, end=" ")
for i in range(1,7):
print(i, end=" ")
for i in range(0,30,5):
print(i, end=" ")
for i in range(5,-5,-1):
print(i, end=" ")
Lirik lagu menggunakan range
syg = "sayang"
for i in range(2):
print("aku", syg, "ibu")
for i in range(2):
print("juga", syg, "ayah")
for i in range(2):
print(syg, "adik", "kakak")
for i in range(1,4):
print(syg, "semuanya")
• Functions encapsulate (= membungkus) code blocks
• Why functions? Modularization and reuse!
• You actually have seen examples of functions:
• print()
• input()
• Generic form:
def function-name(parameters):
return value
• Functions encapsulate (= membungkus) code blocks
• Why functions? Modularization and reuse!
• You actually have seen examples of functions:
• print()
• input()
• Generic form:
def function-name(parameters):
return value
Functions: Celcius to Fahrenheit
def celsius_to_fahrenheit(celsius):
fahrenheit = celsius * 1.8 + 32.0
return fahrenheit
def function-name(parameters):
return value
Functions: Default and Named Parameters
def hello(name_man="Bro", name_woman="Sis"):
print("Hello, " + name_man + " & " + name_woman + "!")
>>> hello()
Hello, Bro & Sis!
>>> hello(name_woman="Lady")
Hello, Bro & Lady!
>>> hello(name_woman="Mbakyu",name_man="Mas")
Hello, Mas & Mbakyu!
Functions: Default and Named Parameters
def hello(name_man="Bro", name_woman="Sis"):
print("Hello, " + name_man + " & " + name_woman + "!")
>>> hello()
Hello, Bro & Sis!
>>> hello(name_woman="Lady")
Hello, Bro & Lady!
>>> hello(name_woman="Mbakyu",name_man="Mas")
Hello, Mas & Mbakyu!
Functions: Default and Named Parameters
def hello(name_man="Bro", name_woman="Sis"):
print("Hello, " + name_man + " & " + name_woman + "!")
>>> hello()
Hello, Bro & Sis!
>>> hello(name_woman="Lady")
Hello, Bro & Lady!
>>> hello(name_woman="Mbakyu",name_man="Mas")
Hello, Mas & Mbakyu!
• Code made by other people shall be reused!
• Two ways of importing modules (= Python files):
• Generic form: import module_name
import math
• Generic form: from module_name import function_name
from math import sqrt
Make your own module
def lame_flirt_generator(name):
print("A: Knock-knock!")
print("B: Who's there?")
print("A: Love.")
print("B: Love who?")
print("A: Love you, " + name + " <3")
import mymodule
• String is a sequence of characters, like "Python is cool"
• Each character has an index
• Accessing a character: string[index]
x = "Python is cool"
• Accessing a substring via slicing: string[start:finish]
P y t h o n i s c o o l
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
>>> x = "Python is cool"
>>> "cool" in x # membership
>>> len(x) # length of string x
>>> x + "?" # concatenation
>>> x.upper() # to upper case
>>> x.replace("c", "k") # replace characters in a string
String Operations
P y t h o n i s c o o l
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
>>> x = "Python is cool"
>>> x.split(" ") 62
String Operations: Split
P y t h o n i s c o o l
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
P y t h o n
0 1 2 3 4 5
i s
0 1
c o o l
0 1 2 3
x.split(" ")
>>> x = "Python is cool"
>>> y = x.split(" ")
>>> ",".join(y) 63
String Operations: Join
P y t h o n , i s , c o o l
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
P y t h o n
0 1 2 3 4 5
i s
0 1
c o o l
0 1 2 3
Quiz: Transform the following todo-list
"wake up,turn off alarm,sleep,repeat"
"wake up$turn off alarm$sleep$repeat"
Quiz: Transform the following todo-list
"wake up,turn off alarm,sleep,repeat"
"wake up$turn off alarm$sleep$repeat"
todo_list = "wake up,turn off alarm,sleep,repeat"
todo_list_split = todo_list.split(",")
todo_list_new = "$".join(todo_list_split)
Topic 00
Basic Python Programming – Part 02
Fariz Darari, Ph.D.
Machine Learning Specialization for Geoscientists
In collaboration with FMIPA UI
A function where the solution to a problem depends on
solutions to smaller instances of the same problem
A function that calls itself
Mathematical definition:
n! = n x (n – 1) x (n – 2) x . . . . . . x 2 x 1
5! = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120
Recursive definition:
n! = n x (n – 1)!
5! = 5 x 4!
Recursive definition:
n! = n x (n – 1)!
5! = 5 x 4!
PS: Where 0! = 1 and 1! = 1
Factorial in Python
def faktorial(num): # function header
Factorial in Python
def faktorial(num): # function header
# 0! or 1! return 1
if (num == 0) or (num == 1):
return 1
Factorial in Python
def faktorial(num): # function header
# 0! or 1! return 1
if (num == 0) or (num == 1):
return 1
# do recursion for num > 1
return num * faktorial(num-1)
Main components of recursion
def faktorial(num):
if (num == 0) or (num == 1):
return 1
return num * faktorial(num-1)
• Base case
Stopping points for recursion
• Recursion case
Recursion points for smaller problems
• You've learned that a string is a sequence of characters.
A list is more generic: a sequence of items!
• List is usually enclosed by square brackets [ ]
• As opposed to strings where the object is fixed (= immutable),
we are free to modify lists (= mutable).
x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
x[0] = 4
print(x) # [4, 2, 3, 4, 5]
List Operations
>>> x = [ "Python", "is", "cool" ]
>>> x.sort() # sort elements in x
>>> x = x[0:2] # slicing
>>> len(x) # length of string x
>>> x = x + ["!"] # concatenation
>>> x[1] = "hot" # replace element at index 1 with "hot"
>>> x.remove("Python") # remove the first occurrence of "Python"
>>> x.pop() # remove the last element
It is basically a cool way of generating a list
List Comprehension
[expression for-clause condition]
["Aku tidak akan bolos lagi" for i in range(100)]
It is basically a cool way of generating a list
List Comprehension
[expression for-clause condition]
["Aku tidak akan bolos lagi" for i in range(100)]
[i*2 for i in [0,1,2,3,4] if i%2 == 0]
It is basically a cool way of generating a list
List Comprehension
[expression for-clause condition]
["Aku tidak akan bolos lagi" for i in range(100)]
[i*2 for i in [0,1,2,3,4] if i%2 == 0]
[i.replace("ai", "uy") for i in ["Santai", "kyk", "di", "pantai"] if len(i) > 3]
• Like a list, but you cannot modify/mutate it
• Tuple is usually (but not necessarily) enclosed by parentheses ()
• Everything that works with lists, works with tuples,
except functions modifying the content
• Example:
x = (0,1,2)
y = 0,1,2 # same as x
x[0] = 2 # this gives an error
• As opposed to lists, in sets duplicates are removed and
there is no order of elements!
• Set is of the form { e1, e2, e3, ... }
• Operations include: intersection, union, difference.
• Example:
x = [0,1,2,0,0,1,2,2] # list
y = {0,1,2,0,0,1,2,2} # set
print(y) # observe difference list vs set
print(y & {1,2,3}) # intersection
print(y | {1,2,3}) # union
print(y - {1,2,3}) # difference
• Dictionaries map from keys to values!
• Content in dictionaries is not ordered.
• Dictionary is of the form { k1:v1, k2:v2, k3:v3, ... }
• Example:
x = {"indonesia":"jakarta", "germany":"berlin","italy":"rome"}
print(x["indonesia"]) # get value from key
x["japan"] = "tokyo" # add a new key-value pair to dictionary
print(x) # {'italy': 'rome', 'indonesia': 'jakarta', 'germany': 'berlin', 'japan': 'tokyo'}
Quiz: What is the output?
x = {"a":3, "b":4}
y = {"b":5, "c":1}
Dictionary in Real Life
Lambda expression
Lambda expressions - also known as anonymous functions - allow you
to create and use a function in a single line. They are useful when
you need a short function that you will only use once.
>>> (lambda x: 3*x + 1)(3)
Quiz: What does this code do?
items = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
squared = []
for i in items:
map(function_to_apply, list_of_inputs)
Map applies function_to_apply to all the items in list_of_inputs
Using lambda+map, the squared code can be shortened
items = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
squared = list(map(lambda x: x**2, items))
Lambda expression
Sort a list of names based on the last name.
lst = ["Bob Wick", "John Doe", "Louise Bonn"]
lst.sort(key=lambda name:name.split(" ")[-1])
print(lst) # ['Louise Bonn', 'John Doe', 'Bob Wick']
• Working with data heavily involves reading and writing!
• Data comes in two types:
• Text: Human readable, encoded in ASCII/UTF-8,
example: .txt, .csv
• Binary: Machine readable, application-specific encoding,
example: .mp3, .mp4, .jpg
x = open("cool.txt", "r") # read mode
y = # read the whole content
x = open("cool.txt", "r")
# read line by line, printing if not containing "py"
for line in x:
if not ("py" in line):
print(line, end="")
# write mode
x = open("carpe-diem.txt", "w")
# append mode
x = open("carpe-diem.txt", "a")
Write mode overwrites files,
while append mode does not overwrite files but instead appends at the end of the files' content
Input and Output in Real Life
• Errors dapat muncul pada program:
syntax errors, runtime errors, logic/semantic errors
• Syntax errors: errors where the program does not follow the rules of Python.
For example: we forgot a colon, we did not provide an end parenthesis
• Runtime errors: errors during program execution.
For example: dividing by 0, accessing a character past the end of a string,
a while loop that never ends.
• Semantic/logic errors: errors due to incorrect algorithms.
For example: Program that translates English to Indonesian,
even though the requirement was from English to Javanese.
Quiz: What type error is in this is_even function?
def is_even(n):
if n % 2 == 0:
return False
return True
Error handling in Python
Basic idea:
• keep watch on a particular section of code
• if we get an exception, raise/throw that exception
(let the exception be known)
• look for a catcher that can handle that kind of exception
• if found, handle it, otherwise let Python handle it (which
usually halts the program)
except NameError:
print("Terjadi error!")
Generic form
code block
except a_particular_error:
code block
Type conversion feat. exception handling
var_a = ["satu", 2, "3"]
for x in var_a:
b = int(x)
print("Berhasil memproses", x)
except ValueError:
print("ValueError saat memproses", x)
File accessing feat exception handling
# opening a file with exception handling
x = open("")
except FileNotFoundError:
print("Berkas tidak ditemukan!")
# vs.
# opening a file without exception handling
x = open("")
• While in functions we encapsulate a set of instructions,
in classes we encapsulate objects!
• A class is a blueprint for objects, specifying:
• Attributes for objects
• Methods for objects
• A class can use other classes as a base, thus inheriting the attributes
and methods of the base class
class class-name(base):
But why?
• Bundle data attributes and methods into packages (= classes),
hence more organized abstraction
• Divide-and-conquer
• Implement and test behavior of each class separately
• Increased modularity reduces complexity
• Classes make it easy to reuse code
• Class inheritance, for example, allows extending the behavior of (base) class
Object-oriented programming:
Classes as groups of similar objects
Object-oriented programming:
Classes as groups of similar objects
class Cat class Rabbit
class Person:
is_mortal = True
def __init__(self, first, last):
self.firstname = first
self.lastname = last
def describe(self):
return self.firstname + " " + self.lastname
def smiles(self):
return ":-)"
Classes: Person
class class-name(base):
# code continuation..
guido = Person("Guido","Van Rossum")
Classes: Person & Employee
class class-name(base):
# extending code for class Person
class Employee(Person):
def __init__(self, first, last, staffnum):
Person.__init__(self, first, last)
self.staffnum = staffnum
def describe(self):
return self.lastname + ", " + str(self.staffnum)
jg = Employee("James", "Gosling", 5991)
Quiz: What is the output?
class Student:
def __init__(self, name): = name
self.attend = 0
def says_hi(self):
print( + ": Hi!")
ali = Student("Ali")
ali.attend += 1
bob = Student("Bob")
Class in Real Life
What's next: Learning from books
What's next: Learning from community
What's next: Learning from community
What's next: Learning from academics
What's next: Learning from me :-)
What's next: Learning from me :-)
Food pack is ready,
enjoy your journey!

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Basic Python Programming: Part 01 and Part 02

  • 1. Topic 00 Basic Python Programming – Part 01 Fariz Darari, Ph.D. Machine Learning Specialization for Geoscientists In collaboration with FMIPA UI v04
  • 2. print("Python" + " is " + "cool!") "Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice for beginners and experts alike." – Pluralsight Platform 2 public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello world!"); } } print("Hello world!") Hello world in Java vs. Python
  • 3. print("Python" + " is " + "cool!") 3 Big names using Python "Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice for beginners and experts alike." – Pluralsight Platform
  • 4. print("Python" + " is " + "cool!") "Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice for beginners and experts alike." – Pluralsight Platform
  • 5. print("Python" + " is " + "cool!") "Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice for beginners and experts alike." – Pluralsight Platform
  • 6. print("Python" + " is " + "cool!") "Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice for beginners and experts alike." – Pluralsight Platform 6
  • 7. print("Python" + " is " + "cool!") "Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice for beginners and experts alike." – Pluralsight Platform 7
  • 8. print("Python" + " is " + "cool!") "Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice for beginners and experts alike." – Pluralsight Platform 8
  • 9. print("Python" + " is " + "cool!") 9 Top programming languages 2019 by IEEE Spectrum
  • 10. Let's now explore the Python universe!
  • 11. How to install Python the Anaconda way 1. Download Anaconda (which includes Python and relevant libraries): 2. Run the installer and follow the instructions 3. Run the Spyder editor or Jupyter Notebook and create your first Python program "" 11 Python Setup
  • 12. A more enhanced hello program 12 name = "Dunia" # can be replaced with another value print("Halo, " + name + "!")
  • 13. A more and more enhanced hello program 13 print("Halo, " + input() + "!")
  • 14. Create a program to calculate the area of a circle! 14
  • 15. Create a program to calculate the area of a circle! 15 Step 1: Minta nilai jari-jari. Step 2: Hitung sesuai rumus luas lingkaran. Step 3: Cetak hasil luasnya.
  • 16. Create a program to calculate the area of a circle! 16 # Step 1: Minta nilai jari-jari. jari2 = input("Jari-jari: ") jari2_int = int(jari2) # Step 2: Hitung sesuai rumus luas lingkaran. luas = 3.14 * (jari2_int ** 2) # Step 3: Cetak hasil luasnya. print(luas)
  • 17. Similar program, now with import math 17 import math # Step 1: Minta nilai jari-jari. jari2 = input("Jari-jari: ") jari2_int = int(jari2) # Step 2: Hitung sesuai rumus luas lingkaran. luas = math.pi * (math.pow(jari2_int,2)) # Step 3: Cetak hasil luasnya. print(luas)
  • 18. Quiz: Create a program to calculate square areas! 18
  • 19. Quiz: Create a program to calculate square areas! 19 # Step 1: Minta nilai panjang sisi. # Step 2: Hitung sesuai rumus luas persegi. # Step 3: Cetak hasil luasnya. print(luas)
  • 20. Quiz: Create a program to calculate square areas! 20 # Step 1: Minta nilai panjang sisi. sisi = input("Sisi: ") sisi_int = int(sisi) # Step 2: Hitung sesuai rumus luas persegi. luas = sisi_int * sisi_int # Step 3: Cetak hasil luasnya. print(luas)
  • 21. input("some string") 21 It's a function to print "some string" and simultaneously ask user for some input. The function returns a string (sequence of characters). PS: If not wanting to print anything, just type: input()
  • 22. Assignment 22 The = symbol is not for equality, it is for assignment: "Nilai di sebelah kanan diasosiasikan dengan variabel di sebelah kiri" Contohnya, x = 1. PS: x = 1 berbeda dengan x == 1. More on this later.
  • 23. Assignment 23 Example: my_var = 2 + 3 * 5 • evaluate expression (2+3*5): 17 • change the value of my_var to 17 Example (suppose my_int has value 2): my_int = my_int + 3 • evaluate expression my_int on RHS to: 2 • evaluate expression 2 + 3: 5 • change the value of my_int to 5
  • 24. Type conversion 24 The int() function as we saw before is for converting string to int. Why? Because we want to do some math operations! But what if the string value is not converted to int? Well, try this out: "1" + "1" Other type conversions: float() , str()
  • 25. print(var, "some string") 25 Well, it prints. It may take several elements separated by commas: - If the element is a string, print as is. - If variable, print the value of the variable. Note that after printing, we move to a new line.
  • 26. Save program as module 26 Program yang disimpan disebut dengan Python module, dan menggunakan file extension .py Jadi, module adalah sekumpulan instruksi Python. Module dapat dieksekusi, atau diimpor dalam module lain (ingat module math).
  • 27. Memberi komentar pada program 27 Komentar atau comment adalah cara untuk semakin memperjelas alur program kita. Komentar tidak dapat dijadikan excuse untuk kode program yang berupa spaghetti code (berantakan). Komentar pada Python dimulai dengan # (hash), atau diapit dengan petik tiga """ untuk komentar multibaris.
  • 28. • Variables store and give names to data values • Data values can be of various types: • int : -5, 0, 1000000 • float : -2.0, 3.14159 • bool : True, False • str : "Hello world!", "K3WL" • list : [1, 2, 3, 4], ["Hello", "world!"], [1, 2, "Hello"], [ ] • And many more! • In Python, variables do not have types! This is called: Dynamic typing. • A type defines two things: • The internal structure of the type • Operations you can perform on type (for example, capitalize() is an operation over type string) 28 Variables and Data Types
  • 29. Name convention • Dimulai dengan huruf atau underscore _ • Ac_123 is OK, but 123_AB is not. • Dapat mengandung letters, digits, and underscores • this_is_an_identifier_123 • Panjang bebas • Upper and lower case letters are different (case sensitive) • Length_Of_Rope is not the same as length_of_rope 29
  • 30. Namespace Namespace adalah tabel yang mengandung pemetaan antara variable dan nilai datanya. 30
  • 31. 31 Python Variables and Data Types in Real Life
  • 32. Operators 32 • Integer • addition and subtraction: +, - • multiplication: * • division: / • integer division: // • remainder: % • Floating point • add, subtract, multiply, divide: +, -, *, /
  • 39. 39 Conditionals: Simple Form if condition: if-code else: else-code
  • 40. 40 Conditionals: Generic Form if boolean-expression-1: code-block-1 elif boolean-expression-2: code-block-2 (as many elif's as you want) else: code-block-last
  • 41. 41 Conditionals: Usia SIM age = 20 if age < 17: print("Belum bisa punya SIM!") else: print("OK, sudah bisa punya SIM.")
  • 42. 42 Conditionals: Usia SIM dengan Input age = int(input("Usia: ")) if age < 17: print("Belum bisa punya SIM!") else: print("OK, sudah bisa punya SIM.")
  • 43. 43 Conditionals: Grading grade = int(input("Numeric grade: ")) if grade >= 80: print("A") elif grade >= 65: print("B") elif grade >= 55: print("C") else: print("E")
  • 44. • Useful for repeating code! • Two variants: 44 Loops while boolean-expression: code-block for element in collection: code-block
  • 45. 45 While Loops x = 5 while x > 0: print(x) x -= 1 print("While loop is over now!") while boolean-expression: code-block
  • 47. 47 While Loops while boolean-expression: code-block while input("Which is the best subject? ") != "Computer Science": print("Try again!") print("Of course it is!")
  • 48. So far, we have seen (briefly) two kinds of collections: string and list For loops can be used to visit each collection's element: 48 For Loops for element in collection: code-block for chr in "string": print(chr) for elem in [1,3,5]: print(elem)
  • 49. Range function 49 • range merepresentasikan urutan angka (integer) • range memiliki 3 arguments: – the beginning of the range. Assumed to be 0 if not provided. – the end of the range, but not inclusive (up to but not including the number). Required. – the step of the range. Assumed to be 1 if not provided. • if only one argument is provided, assumed to be the end value
  • 50. Eksplorasi range 50 for i in range(10): print(i, end=" ") print() for i in range(1,7): print(i, end=" ") print() for i in range(0,30,5): print(i, end=" ") print() for i in range(5,-5,-1): print(i, end=" ")
  • 51. Lirik lagu menggunakan range 51 syg = "sayang" for i in range(2): print("satu") print("aku", syg, "ibu") print() for i in range(2): print("dua") print("juga", syg, "ayah") print() for i in range(2): print("tiga") print(syg, "adik", "kakak") print() for i in range(1,4): print(i) print(syg, "semuanya")
  • 52. • Functions encapsulate (= membungkus) code blocks • Why functions? Modularization and reuse! • You actually have seen examples of functions: • print() • input() • Generic form: 52 Functions def function-name(parameters): code-block return value
  • 53. • Functions encapsulate (= membungkus) code blocks • Why functions? Modularization and reuse! • You actually have seen examples of functions: • print() • input() • Generic form: 53 Functions def function-name(parameters): code-block return value
  • 54. 54 Functions: Celcius to Fahrenheit def celsius_to_fahrenheit(celsius): fahrenheit = celsius * 1.8 + 32.0 return fahrenheit def function-name(parameters): code-block return value
  • 55. 55 Functions: Default and Named Parameters def hello(name_man="Bro", name_woman="Sis"): print("Hello, " + name_man + " & " + name_woman + "!") >>> hello() Hello, Bro & Sis! >>> hello(name_woman="Lady") Hello, Bro & Lady! >>> hello(name_woman="Mbakyu",name_man="Mas") Hello, Mas & Mbakyu!
  • 56. 56 Functions: Default and Named Parameters def hello(name_man="Bro", name_woman="Sis"): print("Hello, " + name_man + " & " + name_woman + "!") >>> hello() Hello, Bro & Sis! >>> hello(name_woman="Lady") Hello, Bro & Lady! >>> hello(name_woman="Mbakyu",name_man="Mas") Hello, Mas & Mbakyu!
  • 57. 57 Functions: Default and Named Parameters def hello(name_man="Bro", name_woman="Sis"): print("Hello, " + name_man + " & " + name_woman + "!") >>> hello() Hello, Bro & Sis! >>> hello(name_woman="Lady") Hello, Bro & Lady! >>> hello(name_woman="Mbakyu",name_man="Mas") Hello, Mas & Mbakyu!
  • 58. • Code made by other people shall be reused! • Two ways of importing modules (= Python files): • Generic form: import module_name import math print(math.sqrt(4)) • Generic form: from module_name import function_name from math import sqrt print(sqrt(4)) 58 Imports
  • 59. Make your own module 59 def lame_flirt_generator(name): print("A: Knock-knock!") print("B: Who's there?") print("A: Love.") print("B: Love who?") print("A: Love you, " + name + " <3") import mymodule mymodule.lame_flirt_generator("Fayriza")
  • 60. • String is a sequence of characters, like "Python is cool" • Each character has an index • Accessing a character: string[index] x = "Python is cool" print(x[10]) • Accessing a substring via slicing: string[start:finish] print(x[2:6]) 60 String P y t h o n i s c o o l 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
  • 61. >>> x = "Python is cool" >>> "cool" in x # membership >>> len(x) # length of string x >>> x + "?" # concatenation >>> x.upper() # to upper case >>> x.replace("c", "k") # replace characters in a string 61 String Operations P y t h o n i s c o o l 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
  • 62. >>> x = "Python is cool" >>> x.split(" ") 62 String Operations: Split P y t h o n i s c o o l 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 P y t h o n 0 1 2 3 4 5 i s 0 1 c o o l 0 1 2 3 x.split(" ")
  • 63. >>> x = "Python is cool" >>> y = x.split(" ") >>> ",".join(y) 63 String Operations: Join P y t h o n , i s , c o o l 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 P y t h o n 0 1 2 3 4 5 i s 0 1 c o o l 0 1 2 3 ",".join(y)
  • 64. Quiz: Transform the following todo-list "wake up,turn off alarm,sleep,repeat" into "wake up$turn off alarm$sleep$repeat" 64
  • 65. Quiz: Transform the following todo-list "wake up,turn off alarm,sleep,repeat" into "wake up$turn off alarm$sleep$repeat" 65 todo_list = "wake up,turn off alarm,sleep,repeat" todo_list_split = todo_list.split(",") todo_list_new = "$".join(todo_list_split) print(todo_list_new)
  • 66. Topic 00 Basic Python Programming – Part 02 Fariz Darari, Ph.D. Machine Learning Specialization for Geoscientists In collaboration with FMIPA UI v04
  • 67. Recursion WIKIPEDIA A function where the solution to a problem depends on solutions to smaller instances of the same problem THINK PYTHON BOOK A function that calls itself
  • 68. Factorial Mathematical definition: n! = n x (n – 1) x (n – 2) x . . . . . . x 2 x 1 Example: 5! = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120
  • 69. Factorial Recursive definition: n! = n x (n – 1)! Example: 5! = 5 x 4!
  • 70. Factorial Recursive definition: n! = n x (n – 1)! Example: 5! = 5 x 4! PS: Where 0! = 1 and 1! = 1
  • 71. Factorial in Python def faktorial(num): # function header
  • 72. Factorial in Python def faktorial(num): # function header # 0! or 1! return 1 if (num == 0) or (num == 1): return 1
  • 73. Factorial in Python def faktorial(num): # function header # 0! or 1! return 1 if (num == 0) or (num == 1): return 1 # do recursion for num > 1 return num * faktorial(num-1)
  • 74. Main components of recursion def faktorial(num): # BASE CASE if (num == 0) or (num == 1): return 1 # RECURSION CASE return num * faktorial(num-1) • Base case Stopping points for recursion • Recursion case Recursion points for smaller problems
  • 75. 75
  • 76. • You've learned that a string is a sequence of characters. A list is more generic: a sequence of items! • List is usually enclosed by square brackets [ ] • As opposed to strings where the object is fixed (= immutable), we are free to modify lists (= mutable). 76 Lists x = [1, 2, 3, 4] x[0] = 4 x.append(5) print(x) # [4, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  • 77. 77 List Operations >>> x = [ "Python", "is", "cool" ] >>> x.sort() # sort elements in x >>> x = x[0:2] # slicing >>> len(x) # length of string x >>> x = x + ["!"] # concatenation >>> x[1] = "hot" # replace element at index 1 with "hot" >>> x.remove("Python") # remove the first occurrence of "Python" >>> x.pop() # remove the last element
  • 78. It is basically a cool way of generating a list 78 List Comprehension [expression for-clause condition] Example: ["Aku tidak akan bolos lagi" for i in range(100)]
  • 79. It is basically a cool way of generating a list 79 List Comprehension [expression for-clause condition] Example: ["Aku tidak akan bolos lagi" for i in range(100)] [i*2 for i in [0,1,2,3,4] if i%2 == 0]
  • 80. It is basically a cool way of generating a list 80 List Comprehension [expression for-clause condition] Example: ["Aku tidak akan bolos lagi" for i in range(100)] [i*2 for i in [0,1,2,3,4] if i%2 == 0] [i.replace("ai", "uy") for i in ["Santai", "kyk", "di", "pantai"] if len(i) > 3]
  • 81. • Like a list, but you cannot modify/mutate it • Tuple is usually (but not necessarily) enclosed by parentheses () • Everything that works with lists, works with tuples, except functions modifying the content • Example: 81 Tuples x = (0,1,2) y = 0,1,2 # same as x x[0] = 2 # this gives an error
  • 82. 82
  • 83. • As opposed to lists, in sets duplicates are removed and there is no order of elements! • Set is of the form { e1, e2, e3, ... } • Operations include: intersection, union, difference. • Example: 83 Sets x = [0,1,2,0,0,1,2,2] # list y = {0,1,2,0,0,1,2,2} # set print(x) print(y) # observe difference list vs set print(y & {1,2,3}) # intersection print(y | {1,2,3}) # union print(y - {1,2,3}) # difference
  • 84. 84 Dictionaries • Dictionaries map from keys to values! • Content in dictionaries is not ordered. • Dictionary is of the form { k1:v1, k2:v2, k3:v3, ... } • Example: x = {"indonesia":"jakarta", "germany":"berlin","italy":"rome"} print(x["indonesia"]) # get value from key x["japan"] = "tokyo" # add a new key-value pair to dictionary print(x) # {'italy': 'rome', 'indonesia': 'jakarta', 'germany': 'berlin', 'japan': 'tokyo'}
  • 85. 85
  • 86. Quiz: What is the output? Hint: x = {"a":3, "b":4} y = {"b":5, "c":1} print(x) x.update(y) print(x) print(x.keys()) print(x.values()) 86
  • 88. Lambda expression Lambda expressions - also known as anonymous functions - allow you to create and use a function in a single line. They are useful when you need a short function that you will only use once. >>> (lambda x: 3*x + 1)(3) 10 88
  • 89. Quiz: What does this code do? items = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] squared = [] for i in items: squared.append(i**2) 89
  • 90. Map map(function_to_apply, list_of_inputs) 90 Map applies function_to_apply to all the items in list_of_inputs
  • 91. Using lambda+map, the squared code can be shortened items = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] squared = list(map(lambda x: x**2, items)) 91
  • 92. Lambda expression Sort a list of names based on the last name. lst = ["Bob Wick", "John Doe", "Louise Bonn"] lst.sort(key=lambda name:name.split(" ")[-1]) print(lst) # ['Louise Bonn', 'John Doe', 'Bob Wick'] 92
  • 93. 93
  • 94. • Working with data heavily involves reading and writing! • Data comes in two types: • Text: Human readable, encoded in ASCII/UTF-8, example: .txt, .csv • Binary: Machine readable, application-specific encoding, example: .mp3, .mp4, .jpg 94 Input/Output
  • 95. python is cool 95 Input cool.txt x = open("cool.txt", "r") # read mode y = # read the whole content print(y) x.close()
  • 96. python is cool 96 Input cool.txt x = open("cool.txt", "r") # read line by line, printing if not containing "py" for line in x: if not ("py" in line): print(line, end="") x.close()
  • 97. 97 Output # write mode x = open("carpe-diem.txt", "w") x.write("carpendiemn") x.close() # append mode x = open("carpe-diem.txt", "a") x.write("carpendiemn") x.close() Write mode overwrites files, while append mode does not overwrite files but instead appends at the end of the files' content
  • 98. Input and Output in Real Life 98
  • 99. 99 Errors • Errors dapat muncul pada program: syntax errors, runtime errors, logic/semantic errors • Syntax errors: errors where the program does not follow the rules of Python. For example: we forgot a colon, we did not provide an end parenthesis • Runtime errors: errors during program execution. For example: dividing by 0, accessing a character past the end of a string, a while loop that never ends. • Semantic/logic errors: errors due to incorrect algorithms. For example: Program that translates English to Indonesian, even though the requirement was from English to Javanese.
  • 100. Quiz: What type error is in this is_even function? 100 def is_even(n): if n % 2 == 0: return False else: return True
  • 101. 101 Error handling in Python Basic idea: • keep watch on a particular section of code • if we get an exception, raise/throw that exception (let the exception be known) • look for a catcher that can handle that kind of exception • if found, handle it, otherwise let Python handle it (which usually halts the program)
  • 103. Generic form 103 try: code block except a_particular_error: code block
  • 104. Type conversion feat. exception handling 104 var_a = ["satu", 2, "3"] for x in var_a: try: b = int(x) print("Berhasil memproses", x) except ValueError: print("ValueError saat memproses", x)
  • 105. File accessing feat exception handling 105 # opening a file with exception handling try: x = open("") x.close() except FileNotFoundError: print("Berkas tidak ditemukan!") # vs. # opening a file without exception handling x = open("") x.close()
  • 106. 106
  • 107. • While in functions we encapsulate a set of instructions, in classes we encapsulate objects! • A class is a blueprint for objects, specifying: • Attributes for objects • Methods for objects • A class can use other classes as a base, thus inheriting the attributes and methods of the base class 107 Classes class class-name(base): attribute-code-block method-code-block
  • 108. But why? • Bundle data attributes and methods into packages (= classes), hence more organized abstraction • Divide-and-conquer • Implement and test behavior of each class separately • Increased modularity reduces complexity • Classes make it easy to reuse code • Class inheritance, for example, allows extending the behavior of (base) class 108 Classes
  • 109. 109 Object-oriented programming: Classes as groups of similar objects
  • 110. 110 Object-oriented programming: Classes as groups of similar objects class Cat class Rabbit
  • 111. class Person: is_mortal = True def __init__(self, first, last): self.firstname = first self.lastname = last def describe(self): return self.firstname + " " + self.lastname def smiles(self): return ":-)" 111 Classes: Person class class-name(base): attribute-code-block method-code-block # code continuation.. guido = Person("Guido","Van Rossum") print(guido.describe()) print(guido.smiles()) print(guido.is_mortal)
  • 112. 112 Classes: Person & Employee class class-name(base): attribute-code-block method-code-block # extending code for class Person class Employee(Person): def __init__(self, first, last, staffnum): Person.__init__(self, first, last) self.staffnum = staffnum def describe(self): return self.lastname + ", " + str(self.staffnum) jg = Employee("James", "Gosling", 5991) print(jg.describe()) print(jg.smiles()) print(jg.is_mortal)
  • 113. 113 Quiz: What is the output? class Student: def __init__(self, name): = name self.attend = 0 def says_hi(self): print( + ": Hi!") ali = Student("Ali") ali.says_hi() ali.attend += 1 print(ali.attend) bob = Student("Bob") bob.says_hi() print(bob.attend)
  • 114. Class in Real Life 114
  • 115. What's next: Learning from books 115
  • 116. What's next: Learning from community 116
  • 117. What's next: Learning from community 117
  • 118. What's next: Learning from academics 118
  • 119. What's next: Learning from me :-) 119
  • 120. What's next: Learning from me :-) 120
  • 121. 121 Food pack is ready, enjoy your journey!

Editor's Notes

  2. Color Quantization is the process of reducing number of colors in an image. One reason to do so is to reduce the memory. Sometimes, some devices may have limitation such that it can produce only limited number of colors. In those cases also, color quantization is performed. Here we use k-means clustering for color quantization.
  4. Monumental Java by J. F. Scheltema (1912)
  5. web, enterprise/desktop, embedded
  6. Credits:
  7. Ask for input name first
  8. more precise, reuse functions
  9. RHS = Right Hand Side
  10. named parameter end= may alter the new line behavior
  13. Multiple assignment = first on right is associated to first on left, second on right to second on left, etc
  14. Multiple assignment = first on right is associated to first on left, second on right to second on left, etc
  15. Shapes' meaning: Sumber:
  17. .lower() for case-insensitive
  18. Collection: Store many elements
  19. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 5 10 15 20 25 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4
  20. Modularization: So that your code can be better managed, unlike one huge program -> small functions, glued into one
  21. Modularization: So that your code can be better managed, unlike one huge program -> small functions, glued into one
  22. Have to be in same folder
  23. start: where we start taking the substring finish: the index one after we end the substring
  24. or with replace: todo_list.replace(',','$')
  26. Some issue, this goes infinitely!
  27. It's defined that 0! = 1
  28. Dengan definisi fungsi ini, maka sudah dapat handle kasus faktorial(0) dan faktorial(1) Bagaimana dengan faktorial(num) dimana num > 1?
  29. Coba base casenya dihilangkan! - Base case, sesuai dengan namanya, tidak ada pemanggilan fungsi ke dirinya sendiri (= tanpa rekursi). - Recursion case memanggil dirinya sendiri tapi harus melakukan reduksi masalah ke yang lebih simpel dan mengarah ke base case!
  31. Items can be anything!
  32. Final result: ['hot']
  33. [0, 4, 8] ['Santuy', 'pantuy']
  34. [0, 4, 8] ['Santuy', 'pantuy']
  35. [0, 4, 8] ['Santuy', 'pantuy']
  37. [0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2] {0, 1, 2} {1, 2} {0, 1, 2, 3} {0}
  39. {'a': 3, 'b': 4} {'a': 3, 'b': 5, 'c': 1} dict_keys(['a', 'b', 'c']) dict_values([3, 5, 1])
  40. Map from word to (= key) meaning (= value)
  45. unicode hex value
  46. is cool
  47. Carpe Diem = Take the opportunity and do not think too much about tomorrow! used to urge someone to make the most of the present time and give little thought to the future
  49. Semantic error
  50. ValueError saat memproses satu Berhasil memproses 2 Berhasil memproses 3
  51. Berkas tidak ditemukan! Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Users/Fariz/Downloads/", line 9, in <module> x = open("") FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''
  53. undescribed rabbit: 2 years old, grey
  54. undescribed rabbit: 2 years old, grey
  55. Guido Van Rossum :-) True
  56. Gosling, 5991 :-) True
  57. Ali: Hi! 1 Bob: Hi! 0
  58. 1923 blueprint for shophouse with bakery Ronhaar at the Hammerweg in Ommen, demolished in 2007; the almost flat upper part of the mansard roof is found in the central and eastern Netherlands, but is virtually unknown in the river area and in the southern part of the Netherlands.
  59. and other books
  61. Code practice