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Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Lecturer of Dept. of CSE
April 19, 2019
1 Planning 1
1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 Analysis 2
2.1 Benchmark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.2 Feasibility Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3 Design 7
3.1 Data Flow Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.2 Activity Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.3 Use Case Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.3.1 Use Case Descriptive Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.4 Sequence Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.5 State Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.6 Class Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.7 Project Management Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.7.1 Gantt Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4 Implementation 17
4.1 Details Description with screenshot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5 Post Implementation 28
5.1 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Chapter 1
1.1 Motivation
When our campus is shifted from Dhanmondi to here, renting a house in this
area becomes a very big challenge. And for the bachelors, it becomes very
difficult to get home in this area. Because I myself encountered this problem.
Everyday i was walking on the street and looking for a home. When i saw
the home rental leaflet, I would call the owner of the house. The owner of the
house insulted me in a word and said that we did not rent the house to the
bachelors. Also said, How dare to call me as a bachelor ? I felt very insulted.
And thought that if there is a system from which bachelors would have been
getting home very easily then it would have been very good. That’s why we
are decided to build up a system which is called "Basha Chai" .
Chapter 2
2.1 Benchmark
After getting a defined problem we didn’t directly jump into the solution di-
rectly. We tried to analyze some existing solutions for. We couldn’t find any-
one solving directly our concerned problem. So we have chosen,, and as our benchmarks.
After analyzing their way of solving their concerned problem we have
got a proposed way of solving our concerned problem. At first, there will be
a search bar which will consist of location and number of days for staying
query. On the next page, results will be shown with some other filters like
number of homes, price range, number of beds and some other attributes.
After selecting a result it will show more details of that result. Descriptions
from owner, images, total price calculated for a number of days/months and
some other attributes mentioned by owner. After that, the system would ask
for some necessary details of the customer required for booking. Finally, the
customer had to pay in advance or can pay on arrival, but had to select one
of the methods so that the owners books the home/home for the customer.
Chapter 2. Analysis 3
If we look at the comparison table among our benchmarks we can see
that they have a lot of differences in fees and payment methods. They have
many more differences but we have focused these. Now, after analyzing
some of their features we have decided some of our features which will make
us unique from them. Like for example, location wise price comparison, in-
stallment payment system etc. If we look at the table it will be more clear.
So finally our full comparison table will look like this.
Chapter 2. Analysis 4
2.2 Feasibility Study
We have taken an initiative of an online portal to solve home renting prob-
lems. By which the bachelors are able to solve some problems. In this case
your comments are very desirable. Among the surveyors, the percentage of
male is 93.3% and female is 6.7%.
1.Different type of home for hiring:
Statement: We can state that most bachelors prefer full flat rather than sin-
gle seat and sublet home.
2.Facing the behavior to rent home:
Statement: We can state that, most bachelors faced humiliation while search-
ing for home.
3. Experience About Brokers while renting home:
Statement: We can state that, most bachelors don’t have any experience
dealing with brokers.
4. Comment about Smoking:
Statement: Most bachelors don’t prefer smoking.
5. Experience of using home rental portal:
Statement: Most bachelors haven’t used any yet, so they want a new portal.
Chapter 2. Analysis 5
6. At home rental portal, Different type of reasons need:
Statement: As we can see that, all the features has gotten vote above or equal
to 50%, so we can initiate to implement all the features we have suggested.
In case of priority, we can easily set them chronologically.
7. Convenient for you to deal with:
Statement: Most bachelors prefer face to face transaction. So we can state
that, we must have to implement Cash On Delivery feature in our system.
8. Can you save your money and time if you can rent a home through an
online portal:
Statement: Most of the bachelors believe that, by our proposed portal, their
money and time can be saved.
9. Do you like bachelor ‘s life?
Statement: Average number of the bachelors, enjoy their bachelor life, with
difficulties in it.
10. We are going to build a portal so that the bachelors can easily find a
home through online portal. What is your opinion about this?
Statement: We can state that, our proposed concept has been appreciated by
almost every bachelor.
Chapter 2. Analysis 6
Final Statements: After taking the survey, if we check at a glance
Question 1: 66.7% bachelors want full flat.
Question 2: 60% bachelors humiliated while going to rent home.
Question 3: 60% bachelors have no idea about brokers.
Question 4: 40% bachelors don’t prefer smoking.
Question 5: 73.3% bachelors want to prefer an online portal for renting
Question 6: In the portal they want some demand that is Home rent adver-
tisement, Online rental hiring, Comparisons of the rentals in area, Advantage
of finding homemates
Question 7: 86.7% bachelors prefer to face to face transition.
Question 8: 83.3% bachelors thought that through this portal, they can save
their money and time.
Question 9: 53.3% bachelors, enjoy their bachelor life.
Question 10: 90% bachelors, cherish our thought.
Conclusion : We can state that, our proposed concept has been appreciated
by almost every bachelor.
Chapter 3
3.1 Data Flow Diagram
A data-flow diagram is a way of representing a flow of a data of a process or
a system The DFD also provides information about the outputs and inputs of
each entity and the process itself. A data-flow diagram has no control flow,
there are no decision rules and no loops.
Here we are designing data flow diagram of our project. We are creating
Chapter 3. Design 8
eight processes, two entity. We do not consider any admin till now. We de-
sign a simple process where owners and bachelor could be registered your-
self , then can be create post. But without log in everybody can view the
post, comments, search for home, compare renting home of two different
places. But you can not create any post or comments without log in. After
log in you can take a appointment with owner. We did not keep any on-
line payments because from our survey we saw that almost everyone prefer
cash on delivery. Now what is the meaning of booked home process ? It is
a most important process in our system. It refers that when a home will be
selected for renting by bachelors and the advanced payment would be taken
by owner, owner should have declared that this home has been booked or
rented. Otherwise, another person make a appointment with this rent post.
It can be done by only owners. After this process finally a home is rented by
a bachelors.
Chapter 3. Design 9
3.2 Activity Diagram
Activity diagram is another important diagram in UML to describe the dy-
namic aspects of the system. Activity diagram is basically a flowchart to
represent the flow from one activity to another activity. The activity can be
described as an operation of the system.
The given diagram explain how a user can have access in the software.
Here the users are Bachelors. Initially the Bachelor can enter the site and
check for posts. But they can not interact with posts if they are not logged-
in. If they are already logged in they can comment or make an appointment
about the post. This will be the final stage for the Activity Diagram. But
if they are not logged-in, they’ll be asked to Log-in or Sign-up. If they have
already signed-up they’ll be asked to log-in . After logging-in, they can make
interaction with the posts.
Chapter 3. Design 10
3.3 Use Case Diagram
A use case diagram is a graphic depiction of the interactions among the ele-
ments of a system. A use case is a methodology used in system analysis to
identify, clarify, and organize system requirements.
There are 2 actors in this diagram, like "Owner" and "Bachelor". "Bach-
elor" who Wants to find a House. "Owner", Wants to show their house in
search result.There are 10 function in this diagram. like Login Registra-
tion includes Verification and extends Display error so both "Bachelor" and
"Owner" can Register and logs in the system.And it will also verify user and
show error if user name or password is not correct.And than we have Cre-
ate Post Which is Only for "Owner" So owner can create post about their
house.All post view is for both user.So that they can view all posts.Comments
is for both user.So that they can comment about any post.Get Appointment
is Only for "Bachelor" to contract with owner.Reservation Approval is used
to reserve the house finally.Generate Search Result is used to show house
in search result.Comparison from user Input is used to compare and show
relative results in search page.System is used to define the scope of the use
case and drawn as a rectangle. And lastly in this diagram we heave 1 system
"Basha Chai" which contains all functions we used.
Chapter 3. Design 11
3.3.1 Use Case Descriptive Form
Use Case 07: Generate Search Result
Primary Actor: Bachelor
Stakeholders and Interests:
1.Bachelor: Wants to search House.
2.Owner: Wants to show their house in search result.
Pre Condition:
1.Owner should be a authorized user, i.e. must have an account.
2.Owner should post about their house.
Post Condition:
1.The post should remains even when user logs out.
2.The changes are made in database.
3.Bachelor can see the new posts
Main Success Scenario:
1.Bachelor goes to the website
2.User(Bachelor) Search’s into the system
3.User(Bachelor) navigates to the ”available house” from the ”search box”
User finds the desired house.
Alternate Scenario:
*a. The system may not respond
Solution: Wait for the system to respond
1a. User may not find the house in database.
Solution: User needs to contact the site owner
If search query is not correct error massage will be shown.
Chapter 3. Design 12
3.4 Sequence Diagram
A sequence diagram shows object interactions arranged in time sequence. It
depicts the objects and classes involved in the scenario and the sequence of
messages exchanged between the objects needed to carry out the functional-
ity of the scenario.
This sequence diagram refers how to create a post by owners. Firstly owners
have to visit our website. Then owners have to log in first. Owners have
to insert mobile number and password. By querying from database if infor-
mation are valid then redirect to owners to user profile. But information are
invalid then error message will be shown. Finally owners click on create post
button and provide necessary information about home and submit it.
This sequence diagram refers how to search a post by all users. Firstly users
have to visit our website. Then users have to enter search post page. Users
have to select a location and click on search button. By querying from database
if location is valid then the search result will be shown on search result web
page. Otherwise an error message will be shown which refers no post found
on that location.
Chapter 3. Design 13
3.5 State Diagram
A state diagram is a type of diagram used in computer science and related
fields to describe the behavior of systems. State diagrams require that the
system described is composed of a finite number of states; sometimes, this is
indeed the case, while at other times this is a reasonable abstraction.
In this state diagram there are 4 states.First one is "not booked" which is
our default case if user select home then it will go to the next state which is
"Pending approval of owner" if owner approved user for advanced booking
then it will go to the next state else it will be stuck in this state.The next state
is "payment on process" if amount of money is ok payment is ok then it will
go to next state which is Booked else it will go to state "not booked".Final
state is the "Booked" state which means house is booked now.
Chapter 3. Design 14
3.6 Class Diagram
In software engineering, a class diagram in the Unified Modeling Language
(UML) is a type of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a
system by showing the system’s classes, their attributes, operations (or meth-
ods), and the relationships among objects.
We worked with 5 classes in the diagram. Three of them were main
classes. Among them the most important class was the User class . The User
Class was divided into two more classes , the Bachelor class and the Owner
class . The other two main classes were Post class and Comment class. A
User needs to provide their information in order to proceed to the Post or
Comment class. When they give a Post their information (Name and id) are
required .An owner as a User can post via Post class , on the other hand the
bachelor also as an user can view the post and comment via Comment class.
The Comment class is an important class that creates an interaction between
the Bachelor Class and Owner class. In this way they can proceed to appoint-
ment phase.
Chapter 3. Design 15
3.7 Project Management Tools
Project management tools are aids to assist an individual or team to effec-
tively organize work and manage projects and tasks.
We analysis some project management tools that are trello, teamweak,
asna, teamwork, wrike, jira, confluence. They have lots of features but we
select some of the features among them for comparing each others. The fea-
tures are gantt chart, google drive, chrome extension, add ons, android app,
cost free, private message and kanban board. Jira and confluence have every
features expect they don’t have cost free. But Trello also have easy features
but expect send private message. That’s why we are interested to use trello
as our project management tool. It is very easy to work with trello.
Chapter 3. Design 16
3.7.1 Gantt Chart
A chart in which a series of horizontal lines shows the amount of work done
or production completed in certain periods of time in relation to the amount
planned for those periods.
This is our Gantt chart. We use Trello as our project management tool.
By helping with Trello, we automatically get a Gantt chart. We assign a task
and also assign their deadline. We put the start date and end date of that
task. For Trello easily generates a Gantt for us. If we put the correct date then
Trello generates a Gantt. It is Trello’s specialty feature which inspire us to
use Trello. We started our work in January and its end in April. 3months we
worked on this project.
Chapter 4
4.1 Details Description with screenshot
The name of our project is Basha chai. It is one kind of online portal. With
the help of this, the owner can share their home for renting for the bachelor
and the bachelor can get home easily on their ability. This is homepage of
our project.
If any users visits our homepage, they get few options.
Chapter 4. Implementation 18
Sign Up: If a user doesn’t have an account in our portal then she/he has
to first sign up. In this stage, she/he gives her/his username, mobile num-
ber, and password and also gives her/his role(Bachelor/owner). And then
she/he can easily use our service.
Sign In: If user already has an account in our portal, then she/he can
access our portal by signing in. In this stage, she/he has to give a mobile
number and password that has already given when she/he signed up.
Chapter 4. Implementation 19
All posts: In this stage, the bachelor can see the advertisement for those
homes which are ready for rent and that are provided by their owners. In the
advertisement, the picture, the rent price is also given.
Booked Post: In this stage, that will show you which homes are booked.
Chapter 4. Implementation 20
Comparison: In this stage, You have to give two locations that you want
to know the compare.
You can compare two locations home by the lowest price.
Chapter 4. Implementation 21
Search: In this stage, you can search home by location. On the based
of your search location, if any home is provided for rent then they will show
you the results, if not available no result will be shown. If you press the select
button then it will take you to the details of that home.
Chapter 4. Implementation 22
Home Details: In this stage, If bachelor presses the select button it will
take you to the details page. where you can know the status of that home.
You can know whether the home is booked or not. They will give you a sug-
gestion based on your choice. If not so you can press get appointment button
for getting an appointment for that home. Without login or register you can
not take a appointment.
It will also show the details of the home(a type of home, price, location,
address, created). You can also see how many homes are there and what are
they? You can also see the amenities, reviews of that home. If you like the
home then you also can write a comment for that home. but you have to be
signed in before.
Chapter 4. Implementation 23
Chapter 4. Implementation 24
Process of Booked a Home: For a bachelor, if you want to get an ap-
pointment for any home, your request show in this stage until the owner of
that home performs response of your request. For the owner, she/he will
get a notification that someone wants to meet with her/him for renting that
home. When the owner approved that request, the bachelor gets a notifica-
tion on the approved field and the request from the pending appointment
field will remove automatically. After that, bachelor and owner can meet
each other. After their conversation, if bachelor want to rent that owner
home, then owner should be declared that the home is booked.
Chapter 4. Implementation 25
Again, after some months if any bachelor leave the home, then owner will
not create a post another time. Owner just have to click not booked button,
then the post will appear in homepage and any bachelor can take get ap-
pointment again.
Chapter 4. Implementation 26
User Profile: In this stage, you can edit your profile. You can also know
about your booking history and personal information. You can add your pic-
ture as your profile picture.
We have two profiles. One is for Owner
and another is for Bachelor.
Chapter 4. Implementation 27
Navigation bar for Owner: In this stage, owner can access with some
options from bar. Here all posts indicates that all created posts from own-
ers. My post indicates that only that owner post who is logged in currently.
Owner can create a post from create post options.
Owner can see the pending approval request from pending request. Ap-
proved indicates which home approved by owner. And which home booked
by owner it will be shown in booked page. Owners also can search for a
home, comparison between two location and also can view his/her profile
from this bar.
Navigation bar for Bachelor: In this stage, owner can access with some
options from bar. Here all posts indicates that all created posts from owners.
Pending appointment indicates that which home I am requesting.
Approved page shows those home which I have requested and owners have
to accept my request. Bachelors also can search for a home, comparison be-
tween two location and also can view his/her profile from this bar.
Chapter 5
Post Implementation
5.1 Future Work
We will be implementing geo location from google maps. And managing the
whole data in a complete new dashboard. We might also add new platform,
as Android is our first preference. We have also started working on the user
experience section. These are our near future thoughts. Getting into business
is our next priority.

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Basha Chai Report

  • 1. UNITED INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY LAB REPORT CSI 312 - SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN LABORATORY BASHA CHAI Group Members: A.K.M MAZHARUL HAQUE JOBEDA NUR 011 161 025 011 161 265 TANIV ASHRAF NOIBEDYA NARAYAN RAY 011 161 055 011 163 101 IFTEKHARUL ISLAM 011 151 052 Department of Computer Science and Engineering Supervisors: SHEIKH ADILINA Lecturer of Dept. of CSE April 19, 2019
  • 2. i Contents 1 Planning 1 1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 Analysis 2 2.1 Benchmark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.2 Feasibility Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 Design 7 3.1 Data Flow Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3.2 Activity Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3.3 Use Case Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.3.1 Use Case Descriptive Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3.4 Sequence Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3.5 State Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3.6 Class Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3.7 Project Management Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.7.1 Gantt Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 4 Implementation 17 4.1 Details Description with screenshot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 5 Post Implementation 28 5.1 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
  • 3. 1 Chapter 1 Planning 1.1 Motivation When our campus is shifted from Dhanmondi to here, renting a house in this area becomes a very big challenge. And for the bachelors, it becomes very difficult to get home in this area. Because I myself encountered this problem. Everyday i was walking on the street and looking for a home. When i saw the home rental leaflet, I would call the owner of the house. The owner of the house insulted me in a word and said that we did not rent the house to the bachelors. Also said, How dare to call me as a bachelor ? I felt very insulted. And thought that if there is a system from which bachelors would have been getting home very easily then it would have been very good. That’s why we are decided to build up a system which is called "Basha Chai" .
  • 4. 2 Chapter 2 Analysis 2.1 Benchmark After getting a defined problem we didn’t directly jump into the solution di- rectly. We tried to analyze some existing solutions for. We couldn’t find any- one solving directly our concerned problem. So we have chosen,, and as our benchmarks. After analyzing their way of solving their concerned problem we have got a proposed way of solving our concerned problem. At first, there will be a search bar which will consist of location and number of days for staying query. On the next page, results will be shown with some other filters like number of homes, price range, number of beds and some other attributes. After selecting a result it will show more details of that result. Descriptions from owner, images, total price calculated for a number of days/months and some other attributes mentioned by owner. After that, the system would ask for some necessary details of the customer required for booking. Finally, the customer had to pay in advance or can pay on arrival, but had to select one of the methods so that the owners books the home/home for the customer.
  • 5. Chapter 2. Analysis 3 If we look at the comparison table among our benchmarks we can see that they have a lot of differences in fees and payment methods. They have many more differences but we have focused these. Now, after analyzing some of their features we have decided some of our features which will make us unique from them. Like for example, location wise price comparison, in- stallment payment system etc. If we look at the table it will be more clear. So finally our full comparison table will look like this.
  • 6. Chapter 2. Analysis 4 2.2 Feasibility Study We have taken an initiative of an online portal to solve home renting prob- lems. By which the bachelors are able to solve some problems. In this case your comments are very desirable. Among the surveyors, the percentage of male is 93.3% and female is 6.7%. 1.Different type of home for hiring: Statement: We can state that most bachelors prefer full flat rather than sin- gle seat and sublet home. 2.Facing the behavior to rent home: Statement: We can state that, most bachelors faced humiliation while search- ing for home. 3. Experience About Brokers while renting home: Statement: We can state that, most bachelors don’t have any experience dealing with brokers. 4. Comment about Smoking: Statement: Most bachelors don’t prefer smoking. 5. Experience of using home rental portal: Statement: Most bachelors haven’t used any yet, so they want a new portal.
  • 7. Chapter 2. Analysis 5 6. At home rental portal, Different type of reasons need: Statement: As we can see that, all the features has gotten vote above or equal to 50%, so we can initiate to implement all the features we have suggested. In case of priority, we can easily set them chronologically. 7. Convenient for you to deal with: Statement: Most bachelors prefer face to face transaction. So we can state that, we must have to implement Cash On Delivery feature in our system. 8. Can you save your money and time if you can rent a home through an online portal: Statement: Most of the bachelors believe that, by our proposed portal, their money and time can be saved. 9. Do you like bachelor ‘s life? Statement: Average number of the bachelors, enjoy their bachelor life, with difficulties in it. 10. We are going to build a portal so that the bachelors can easily find a home through online portal. What is your opinion about this? Statement: We can state that, our proposed concept has been appreciated by almost every bachelor.
  • 8. Chapter 2. Analysis 6 Final Statements: After taking the survey, if we check at a glance Question 1: 66.7% bachelors want full flat. Question 2: 60% bachelors humiliated while going to rent home. Question 3: 60% bachelors have no idea about brokers. Question 4: 40% bachelors don’t prefer smoking. Question 5: 73.3% bachelors want to prefer an online portal for renting home. Question 6: In the portal they want some demand that is Home rent adver- tisement, Online rental hiring, Comparisons of the rentals in area, Advantage of finding homemates Question 7: 86.7% bachelors prefer to face to face transition. Question 8: 83.3% bachelors thought that through this portal, they can save their money and time. Question 9: 53.3% bachelors, enjoy their bachelor life. Question 10: 90% bachelors, cherish our thought. Conclusion : We can state that, our proposed concept has been appreciated by almost every bachelor.
  • 9. 7 Chapter 3 Design 3.1 Data Flow Diagram A data-flow diagram is a way of representing a flow of a data of a process or a system The DFD also provides information about the outputs and inputs of each entity and the process itself. A data-flow diagram has no control flow, there are no decision rules and no loops. Here we are designing data flow diagram of our project. We are creating
  • 10. Chapter 3. Design 8 eight processes, two entity. We do not consider any admin till now. We de- sign a simple process where owners and bachelor could be registered your- self , then can be create post. But without log in everybody can view the post, comments, search for home, compare renting home of two different places. But you can not create any post or comments without log in. After log in you can take a appointment with owner. We did not keep any on- line payments because from our survey we saw that almost everyone prefer cash on delivery. Now what is the meaning of booked home process ? It is a most important process in our system. It refers that when a home will be selected for renting by bachelors and the advanced payment would be taken by owner, owner should have declared that this home has been booked or rented. Otherwise, another person make a appointment with this rent post. It can be done by only owners. After this process finally a home is rented by a bachelors.
  • 11. Chapter 3. Design 9 3.2 Activity Diagram Activity diagram is another important diagram in UML to describe the dy- namic aspects of the system. Activity diagram is basically a flowchart to represent the flow from one activity to another activity. The activity can be described as an operation of the system. The given diagram explain how a user can have access in the software. Here the users are Bachelors. Initially the Bachelor can enter the site and check for posts. But they can not interact with posts if they are not logged- in. If they are already logged in they can comment or make an appointment about the post. This will be the final stage for the Activity Diagram. But if they are not logged-in, they’ll be asked to Log-in or Sign-up. If they have already signed-up they’ll be asked to log-in . After logging-in, they can make interaction with the posts.
  • 12. Chapter 3. Design 10 3.3 Use Case Diagram A use case diagram is a graphic depiction of the interactions among the ele- ments of a system. A use case is a methodology used in system analysis to identify, clarify, and organize system requirements. There are 2 actors in this diagram, like "Owner" and "Bachelor". "Bach- elor" who Wants to find a House. "Owner", Wants to show their house in search result.There are 10 function in this diagram. like Login Registra- tion includes Verification and extends Display error so both "Bachelor" and "Owner" can Register and logs in the system.And it will also verify user and show error if user name or password is not correct.And than we have Cre- ate Post Which is Only for "Owner" So owner can create post about their house.All post view is for both user.So that they can view all posts.Comments is for both user.So that they can comment about any post.Get Appointment is Only for "Bachelor" to contract with owner.Reservation Approval is used to reserve the house finally.Generate Search Result is used to show house in search result.Comparison from user Input is used to compare and show relative results in search page.System is used to define the scope of the use case and drawn as a rectangle. And lastly in this diagram we heave 1 system "Basha Chai" which contains all functions we used.
  • 13. Chapter 3. Design 11 3.3.1 Use Case Descriptive Form Use Case 07: Generate Search Result Primary Actor: Bachelor Stakeholders and Interests: 1.Bachelor: Wants to search House. 2.Owner: Wants to show their house in search result. Pre Condition: 1.Owner should be a authorized user, i.e. must have an account. 2.Owner should post about their house. Post Condition: 1.The post should remains even when user logs out. 2.The changes are made in database. 3.Bachelor can see the new posts Main Success Scenario: 1.Bachelor goes to the website 2.User(Bachelor) Search’s into the system 3.User(Bachelor) navigates to the ”available house” from the ”search box” User finds the desired house. Alternate Scenario: *a. The system may not respond Solution: Wait for the system to respond 1a. User may not find the house in database. Solution: User needs to contact the site owner Issues: If search query is not correct error massage will be shown.
  • 14. Chapter 3. Design 12 3.4 Sequence Diagram A sequence diagram shows object interactions arranged in time sequence. It depicts the objects and classes involved in the scenario and the sequence of messages exchanged between the objects needed to carry out the functional- ity of the scenario. This sequence diagram refers how to create a post by owners. Firstly owners have to visit our website. Then owners have to log in first. Owners have to insert mobile number and password. By querying from database if infor- mation are valid then redirect to owners to user profile. But information are invalid then error message will be shown. Finally owners click on create post button and provide necessary information about home and submit it. This sequence diagram refers how to search a post by all users. Firstly users have to visit our website. Then users have to enter search post page. Users have to select a location and click on search button. By querying from database if location is valid then the search result will be shown on search result web page. Otherwise an error message will be shown which refers no post found on that location.
  • 15. Chapter 3. Design 13 3.5 State Diagram A state diagram is a type of diagram used in computer science and related fields to describe the behavior of systems. State diagrams require that the system described is composed of a finite number of states; sometimes, this is indeed the case, while at other times this is a reasonable abstraction. In this state diagram there are 4 states.First one is "not booked" which is our default case if user select home then it will go to the next state which is "Pending approval of owner" if owner approved user for advanced booking then it will go to the next state else it will be stuck in this state.The next state is "payment on process" if amount of money is ok payment is ok then it will go to next state which is Booked else it will go to state "not booked".Final state is the "Booked" state which means house is booked now.
  • 16. Chapter 3. Design 14 3.6 Class Diagram In software engineering, a class diagram in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a type of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the system’s classes, their attributes, operations (or meth- ods), and the relationships among objects. We worked with 5 classes in the diagram. Three of them were main classes. Among them the most important class was the User class . The User Class was divided into two more classes , the Bachelor class and the Owner class . The other two main classes were Post class and Comment class. A User needs to provide their information in order to proceed to the Post or Comment class. When they give a Post their information (Name and id) are required .An owner as a User can post via Post class , on the other hand the bachelor also as an user can view the post and comment via Comment class. The Comment class is an important class that creates an interaction between the Bachelor Class and Owner class. In this way they can proceed to appoint- ment phase.
  • 17. Chapter 3. Design 15 3.7 Project Management Tools Project management tools are aids to assist an individual or team to effec- tively organize work and manage projects and tasks. We analysis some project management tools that are trello, teamweak, asna, teamwork, wrike, jira, confluence. They have lots of features but we select some of the features among them for comparing each others. The fea- tures are gantt chart, google drive, chrome extension, add ons, android app, cost free, private message and kanban board. Jira and confluence have every features expect they don’t have cost free. But Trello also have easy features but expect send private message. That’s why we are interested to use trello as our project management tool. It is very easy to work with trello.
  • 18. Chapter 3. Design 16 3.7.1 Gantt Chart A chart in which a series of horizontal lines shows the amount of work done or production completed in certain periods of time in relation to the amount planned for those periods. This is our Gantt chart. We use Trello as our project management tool. By helping with Trello, we automatically get a Gantt chart. We assign a task and also assign their deadline. We put the start date and end date of that task. For Trello easily generates a Gantt for us. If we put the correct date then Trello generates a Gantt. It is Trello’s specialty feature which inspire us to use Trello. We started our work in January and its end in April. 3months we worked on this project.
  • 19. 17 Chapter 4 Implementation 4.1 Details Description with screenshot The name of our project is Basha chai. It is one kind of online portal. With the help of this, the owner can share their home for renting for the bachelor and the bachelor can get home easily on their ability. This is homepage of our project. If any users visits our homepage, they get few options.
  • 20. Chapter 4. Implementation 18 Sign Up: If a user doesn’t have an account in our portal then she/he has to first sign up. In this stage, she/he gives her/his username, mobile num- ber, and password and also gives her/his role(Bachelor/owner). And then she/he can easily use our service. Sign In: If user already has an account in our portal, then she/he can access our portal by signing in. In this stage, she/he has to give a mobile number and password that has already given when she/he signed up.
  • 21. Chapter 4. Implementation 19 All posts: In this stage, the bachelor can see the advertisement for those homes which are ready for rent and that are provided by their owners. In the advertisement, the picture, the rent price is also given. Booked Post: In this stage, that will show you which homes are booked.
  • 22. Chapter 4. Implementation 20 Comparison: In this stage, You have to give two locations that you want to know the compare. You can compare two locations home by the lowest price.
  • 23. Chapter 4. Implementation 21 Search: In this stage, you can search home by location. On the based of your search location, if any home is provided for rent then they will show you the results, if not available no result will be shown. If you press the select button then it will take you to the details of that home.
  • 24. Chapter 4. Implementation 22 Home Details: In this stage, If bachelor presses the select button it will take you to the details page. where you can know the status of that home. You can know whether the home is booked or not. They will give you a sug- gestion based on your choice. If not so you can press get appointment button for getting an appointment for that home. Without login or register you can not take a appointment. It will also show the details of the home(a type of home, price, location, address, created). You can also see how many homes are there and what are they? You can also see the amenities, reviews of that home. If you like the home then you also can write a comment for that home. but you have to be signed in before.
  • 26. Chapter 4. Implementation 24 Process of Booked a Home: For a bachelor, if you want to get an ap- pointment for any home, your request show in this stage until the owner of that home performs response of your request. For the owner, she/he will get a notification that someone wants to meet with her/him for renting that home. When the owner approved that request, the bachelor gets a notifica- tion on the approved field and the request from the pending appointment field will remove automatically. After that, bachelor and owner can meet each other. After their conversation, if bachelor want to rent that owner home, then owner should be declared that the home is booked.
  • 27. Chapter 4. Implementation 25 Again, after some months if any bachelor leave the home, then owner will not create a post another time. Owner just have to click not booked button, then the post will appear in homepage and any bachelor can take get ap- pointment again.
  • 28. Chapter 4. Implementation 26 User Profile: In this stage, you can edit your profile. You can also know about your booking history and personal information. You can add your pic- ture as your profile picture. We have two profiles. One is for Owner and another is for Bachelor.
  • 29. Chapter 4. Implementation 27 Navigation bar for Owner: In this stage, owner can access with some options from bar. Here all posts indicates that all created posts from own- ers. My post indicates that only that owner post who is logged in currently. Owner can create a post from create post options. Owner can see the pending approval request from pending request. Ap- proved indicates which home approved by owner. And which home booked by owner it will be shown in booked page. Owners also can search for a home, comparison between two location and also can view his/her profile from this bar. Navigation bar for Bachelor: In this stage, owner can access with some options from bar. Here all posts indicates that all created posts from owners. Pending appointment indicates that which home I am requesting. Approved page shows those home which I have requested and owners have to accept my request. Bachelors also can search for a home, comparison be- tween two location and also can view his/her profile from this bar.
  • 30. 28 Chapter 5 Post Implementation 5.1 Future Work We will be implementing geo location from google maps. And managing the whole data in a complete new dashboard. We might also add new platform, as Android is our first preference. We have also started working on the user experience section. These are our near future thoughts. Getting into business is our next priority. THE END