SlideShare a Scribd company logo

                                  Until recently, offline “channel media” such as TV, radio and newspapers were the main focus for
                                  marketing in the automotive industry. But times are changing. The last two years have seen
                                  major shifts in the way car consumers are behaving. Marketers are feeling the effects already;
                                  people are going online to research and discuss products and traditional brand messages are
                                  losing their grip.

                                  The figures speak for themselves:

                                  Who’s turning to the Internet?
                                     80% of consumers start their car-buying research on the Internet (J.D Power & Associates)
                                     70% of consumers base their buying decisions on the opinions and experiences of other
                                     vehicle owners (Cap Gemini Ernst & Young)

                                  With the opinions of other consumers so much easier to access, and so much better organised,
                                  marketers need to rethink their strategies and address the new, empowered communities online.

                                  WHAT IS NETWORKED MEDIA?
                                  iCrossing believes that we are now living in an age of networked media. There are millions of
THE LAST TWO YEARS HAVE           conversations happening within social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace and Bebo.
SEEN MAJOR SHIFTS IN THE WAY      These are just a few of the highly developed social media sites that are increasing in share value.
                                  It's not surprising, when they’re the most valuable source of up-to-the-minute brand intelligence.
                                  WANT TO BUY A CAR? YOUR FIRST STOP IS THE WEB.
                                  Developments in online social networking have meant that traditional marketing techniques have
                                  less impact on today’s consumer. People base decisions less on manufacturer marketing than
                                  they used to. Social networking means that the route to information is no longer linear, controlled
                                  by the manufacturers and dealers. There are now many other ways that consumers can find,
                                  evaluate and share the information they need.

                                  WHERE ARE CUSTOMERS GETTING THEIR INFORMATION?
                                  To connect with their customers, automotive brands can tap into the array of digital media that
                                  consumers use to research and influence their purchasing decisions:

                                  FIGURE 1: SOURCE: FORRESTER

                                  UNDERSTAND THE CUSTOMER JOURNEY AND PERSONA
                                  Customers use the web to research and gather information through a unique and often carefully-
                                  considered purchase cycle. Each customer will take a different path, but search engines
                                  consistently provide the “glue” that holds the journey together.

             E:         D          E           CUSTOMERS

                                                                           Engines                                     WO

                                                     Review sites

                                                     Forums                                                                              Specialist 
                                                     /Blogs                                                                                sites

                                                                   tives                                                     Dealer sites

                                                                                      Activity            OEM Sites


                              iCrossing ha developed uni
                                          as               ique quantitative and qualitative research method which aim to
                                                                           e                                 ds,           o
                              provide insig
                                          ghts into both a b
                                                           brand's custome and the way t
                                                                           ers                              might engage with
                                                                                             that the brand m
                              those custommers through the journey to pur
                                                           eir              rchase, and who the influencers are within the

                              TALK THEIR LANGUAGE
   U            D             When people search, they are expressing their wants and de
                                                                                       esires in the simp
                                                                                                        plest possible wa It
  NSUMERS’ ATTENTTION, YOU    is important to understand th language that your customers use when they search for your
                                                          he            t              s
   W            RS
                              Linguistic pr
                                          rofiling helps you to mine the uniq resource of consumer searc language, and to
                                                           u                que                        ch            d
   KING                       map the dem mand for your br rands and produc cts.

                              The analysis below shows ho the search te
                                         s                ow               erms targeted by a brand can dif from those th
                                                                                             y                ffer            hat
                              customers aactually use – and the potential tr
                                                          d                                   lable to those wh get their research
                                                                           raffic that is avail               ho
                              right. Adopti the correct la
                                          ing             anguage in your digital marketing campaign is crucial to its succe
                                                                                             g                                ess.

                               Brand Lang
                                        guage          Search Volume
                                                            h                                                   Consu
                                                                                                                    umer Language                      Search Volu
                               roadster                                        6634                             convert
                                                                                                                      tible                                     104687
                               coupe cars                                      1147                             sports c
                                                                                                                       cars                                      87327

                               hatchback cars
                                            s                                   155                             small ca
                                                                                                                       ars                                        4929

                               performance ca
                                            ars                                2940                             fast car
                                                                                                                       rs                                       213180

                               saloon cars                                      124                             family c
                                                                                                                       cars                                       1147

                               motor vehicles                                   806                             cars                                           28

                               environmentallyy                                 124                             green c
                                                                                                                      cars                                        2728
                               friendly cars
                               biodiesel cars                                   186                             hybrid c
                                                                                                                       cars                                       3503

                               fuel efficient ca
                                               ars                             2000                             electric cars                                    42000

                               buy cars                                      39,552                             cars for sale
                                                                                                                       r                                       24

                               Total Volume                                  53,668                             Total Vo
                                                                                                                       olume                                  3,50

                              TABLE 1: LINGUISTIC PROFILE

                              WHAT DOES THIS MEAN T AUTOMOTIV BRANDS?
                                                  TO        VE
                              To understand and earn con nsumer attention, automotive braands need to reseearch and listen to
                              what their cu
                                          ustomers are talk
                                                          king about. Thes conversations are highly dyna
                                                                         se              s               amic and
                              widespread, and can occur i the least obvio places. iCros
                                          ,               in             ous              ssing provides th innovative too
                                                                                                          he              ols
                              and online experience that b
                                         e               brands need to re
                                                                         esearch, listen an respond.

                                       AT THE CUSTOMER ACQUISITION PHASE

                                          Be aware – understand your network, the influencers and find your place within it
                                          Be active – listen to your network and engage with relevant input

                                       AT THE CUSTOMER RETENTION PHASE

                                          Monitor – make changes based on feedback and the success of campaigns
                                          Respond – solve problems quickly and honestly
                                          Engage – interact with owners and influencers by providing useful content

                                       CONSTANT CHANNEL MANAGEMENT

                                          Collect data – refine the marketing process, target future programmes
                                          Connect – create seamless marketing, that links all media with relevant consumers
                                          Enable dealers – ensure that dealers can leverage manufacturer marketing activities

WE MONITOR AND ANALYSE                 Combine the above and you're on the right track to creating a trusted brand.
                                 The key is to build a connected strategy that pulls all your digital marketing efforts together. This
TARGET YOUR MARKETING WITH       should be informed by insight gathered from your online network – a true reflection of what
GREATER PRECISION.               consumers want and the issues they are discussing. This provides brands with an opportunity to
                                 engage with their customers in an authentic way.

                                 The same insight also informs digital marketing channels, including natural and paid search, as
                                 well as display advertising. A connected approach maximises the impact of your spend and
                                 creates the best possible return on investment.

                                 LISTEN TO AND UNDERSTAND WHAT PEOPLE WANT AND NEED 
                                 Are people interested in the environment? Who wants seduction? Who wants reliability? In a
                                 digital marketplace, marketers need a more nuanced appreciation of what individual consumers
                                 are searching for. We monitor and analyse customer journeys, tracking the key words they use
                                 to develop distinct user profiles that help you target your marketing with greater precision.

                                 HOW DO WE TRACK THEM DOWN?
                                 iCrossing’s tools enable us to perform in-depth analysis of your online communities. We identify
                                 the major influencers, analyse their effect on your online brand equity and identify strategies that
                                 you can employ to positively influence what is going on. To allow us to map these communities,
                                 iCrossing developed NetworkSense Mapping, a proprietary mapping tool which allows us to
                                 visualise networks and conversations taking place around brands, themes and sectors.

                                       FIGURE 3: NETWORKSENSE MAPPING

                                 This tool often reveals complex clusters of sites, which need to be deciphered carefully. Our
                                 analysts can help you to understand where people are spending their time online, and the
                                 conversations they're engaged in.


                                 Once relevant networks and influencers are identified, it's essential to use technology to “listen”
                                 and develop a framework of ongoing measurement. NetworkSense Monitoring processes such
                                 information to provide an overall 'brand score', as well as easy access to individual mentions,
                                 which can also be cut by sentiment, topic, site-type or credibility. Charting options allow for
                                 scores and topics to be viewed and compared over time, both within a brand and between
                                 various brands, enabling competitor analysis.

                                 FIGURE 4: NETWORKENSE MONITORING SCREEN SHOT

                                 Finding this information, and expertly interpreting it, enables a company to monitor buzz around
                                 brands, and develop their approach accordingly.

                                 As we’ve established, customers look in multiple places for the information they want. This is
                                 extremely healthy for your online brand. As different sites discuss your brand online, they feed
                                 your site with credibility through links. Google rates sites in line with how relevant they are to
                                 their online network – and the more links, the more powerful your online brand will be.
                                 If automotive brands are to remain at the vanguard of worldwide recognition, then they will have
                                 to engage intelligently with social media.

                                 TOP TIPS ON HOW TO TAP INTO YOUR BRAND'S POTENTIAL
                                    Map online consumer opinions and target campaigns accordingly
                                    Maintain awareness of a rapidly changing consumer demographic
                                    Find out who’s talking about your brand; where they are, what they’re saying and what they
                                    Pick up on conversations that mention interest in purchasing your products
                                    Monitor your brand for early warnings of brand damage, and act accordingly
                                    Engage with your network

                                 Can you really afford to miss the opportunity to engage with consumers in this way?

                                 DUNCAN WALTERS
                                 AUTOMOTIVE MANAGER
                                 +44 (0) 1273 828 140
                                 +44 (0) 7920 068 940

         E           D          E           CUSTOMERS


                          As part of ou ongoing indus analysis, we regularly conduc research into topical issues.
                                      ur            stry                          ct
                          Here's some recent research on some leadin automotive br
                                      e             h              ng             rands.


                          UNDERSTAND BRAND PER
                                   DING      RCEPTION WITHIN NETWORK MEDIA
                          iCrossing’s C Content & Media team analysed the conversation and networks around the laun
                                                       a                              ns            s               nch
                          of the new P Porsche Paname scheduled fo late 2009. Netw
                                                      era,            or             workSense Mapp  ping and Monitooring
                          identified live conversation within the follo
                                        ely           ns              owing categories mentions in social media, green
                          sites, blog cconversations and automotive sites.

                          NetworkSen Mapping reve
                                   nse          ealed conversations discussing t “Panamera”:

                            Social bo
                                    ookmarking (del.i               ommendation (Digg, Reddit) featu prominently in
                                           and reco                              ure
                            the netwo and indicate a great deal of in
                                    ork                              nterest
                            As expec
                                   cted, there is sign
                                                     nificant conversa
                                                                     ation around the car on automoti blogs and for
                                                                                                    ive           rums
                                     ngly, green sites are also discuss
                                                                      sing the new vehi
                                                                                      icle. Upon furthe investigation,
                            these connversations were seen to be focu
                                                      e               used on details o the Panamera’ hybrid drive.
                                                                                      of               ’s

                          THE PORSCH JUDICIAL REVIEW
                          Faced with a proposed incre
                                                    ease in congestio charges, Pors
                                                                    on            sche instigated a judicial review t
                          was covered by numerous s
                                     d              sites.

                                                ealed conversations discussing “
                          NetworkSen Mapping reve
                                   nse                                         “Porsche judicial review”:

                     DS     Numerou mentions within news sites, bu few linking to t Porsche site - indicating a la
                                   us                                 ut          the                            ack
                            of awaren
                                    ness of, or intera
                                                     action with, the site
         E:         D          E           CUSTOMERS

                          Many meentions within env
                                                  vironmental blog and forums, d
                                                                 gs            discussing issues around carbon
                          The Porsche site is linked to by bloggers, automotive foru
                                                    d                 ,            ums and several media centres,
                          indicating interaction with the official reso
                                   g                h                 ource
                          Ken Livin
                                  ngstone and Tran
                                                 nsport for London (TFL) were agg
                                                                                gregating news coverage to enha
                                                                                               c              ance
                          their mes
                          Further analysis of the co
                                                   overage within au
                                                                   utomotive and en
                                                                                  nvironmental blo revealed lively
                          but balan
                                  nced debate, with each 'side' sho
                                                    h              owing considerable understandin of the other's

                       JAGUAR - XF CAR

                                IONS AND BUZZ A
                                              AROUND THE XF CAR LAUNCH

                                   “...a beautifully                                                   “...the way the engine
                                   sculptured rear                                                     and
                                                                                                       a box co-operate ...   .is
                                   end...” The Sun                                                     one
                                                                                                       o of the car’s severa al
                                                                                                       dynamic standouts...”
                                                                                                       T Gear

                                                                                                      “...Those headlights
                                 Rid and
                                   de                                                                 lo like crap...”
                                  andling (5 stars                                                    peeewee
                                 out of 5)...What
                                   t                                                                  ja
                                 Ca Online

                       In the case of the Jaguar XF, research shows that the majority of the online activity is away fr
                                   o                              s                                 a                 rom
                       the brand's site.

                       The diagram below shows various sites disc
                                    m                           cussing the Jagua XF - the larger the circle, the m
                                                                                ar                                more
                       influential the site.

                    W                                       Jalopnik


                          Here we c see that WhatCar is receivin roughly double the attention of the Jaguar UK site
                                  can                          ng             e               o
                          Jalopnik is highly influential, as it often br
                                                                       reaks car spy sho and industry news
                          The relati
                                   ively new XF site has already gained half as much popularity with ‘social media as
                                                   e                                               hin           a’
                          the main Jaguar domain.

                                 ABOUT ICROSSING
                                 iCrossing, formerly known as Spannerworks in the UK, is a global digital marketing company
                                 that combines talent and technology to help world-class brands find and connect with their
                                 customers. The company blends best-in-class marketing services - including paid and natural
                                 search marketing, social media, content and media, display advertising, user experience, web
                                 development and analytics and insight - to create integrated digital marketing programs that
                                 engage consumers and drive ROI. iCrossing clients include world-class brands such as The
                                 Coca Cola Company, HBOS, TUI and Virgin. Headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona, the company
                                 has 620 employees in 15 offices in the US and Europe, including 110 employees in the UK.

                                 Find out more at or contact us on +44 (0)1273 828100 or

                                                                                                                      iCrossing Limited

                                                                                                                      22 Chapter Street
                                                                                                                             SW1P 4NP
                                                                                                                Tel: +44(0)1273 828100
                                                                                                               Fax:+ 44(0)20 8433 7055

                                                                                                                          1 Palace Place
                                                                                                                                BN1 1EF
                                                                                                                Tel: +44 (0)1273 828100
                                                                                                               Fax: +44 (0)1273 828101



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Automotive Understand And Engage With Your Customers Online I Crossing

  • 2. AUTOMOTIVE: UNDERSTAND AND ENGAGE WITH YOUR CUSTOMERS CONNECTED DIGITAL THERE’S A WORLD OF PRICELESS BRAND INTELLIGENCE OUT THERE. LET’S FIND IT! Until recently, offline “channel media” such as TV, radio and newspapers were the main focus for marketing in the automotive industry. But times are changing. The last two years have seen major shifts in the way car consumers are behaving. Marketers are feeling the effects already; people are going online to research and discuss products and traditional brand messages are losing their grip. The figures speak for themselves: Who’s turning to the Internet? 80% of consumers start their car-buying research on the Internet (J.D Power & Associates) 70% of consumers base their buying decisions on the opinions and experiences of other vehicle owners (Cap Gemini Ernst & Young) With the opinions of other consumers so much easier to access, and so much better organised, marketers need to rethink their strategies and address the new, empowered communities online. WHAT IS NETWORKED MEDIA? iCrossing believes that we are now living in an age of networked media. There are millions of THE LAST TWO YEARS HAVE conversations happening within social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace and Bebo. SEEN MAJOR SHIFTS IN THE WAY These are just a few of the highly developed social media sites that are increasing in share value. It's not surprising, when they’re the most valuable source of up-to-the-minute brand intelligence. CAR CONSUMERS ARE BEHAVING. WANT TO BUY A CAR? YOUR FIRST STOP IS THE WEB. Developments in online social networking have meant that traditional marketing techniques have less impact on today’s consumer. People base decisions less on manufacturer marketing than they used to. Social networking means that the route to information is no longer linear, controlled by the manufacturers and dealers. There are now many other ways that consumers can find, evaluate and share the information they need. WHERE ARE CUSTOMERS GETTING THEIR INFORMATION? To connect with their customers, automotive brands can tap into the array of digital media that consumers use to research and influence their purchasing decisions: FIGURE 1: SOURCE: FORRESTER UNDERSTAND THE CUSTOMER JOURNEY AND PERSONA Customers use the web to research and gather information through a unique and often carefully- considered purchase cycle. Each customer will take a different path, but search engines consistently provide the “glue” that holds the journey together. © COPYRIGHT 2008 ICROSSING LTD 1
  • 3. AUTOMOTIVE UNDERSTAND AND ENGAGE WITH YOUR C E: D E CUSTOMERS Peers Search  Engines WO OM Social  Review sites Networks Forums Specialist  information  /Blogs sites Incent tives Dealer sites Marketing  Activity OEM Sites FIGURE 2: WHER ARE CUSTOMERS GETTING THEIR INFOMATION? RE iCrossing ha developed uni as ique quantitative and qualitative research method which aim to e ds, o provide insig ghts into both a b brand's custome and the way t ers might engage with that the brand m those custommers through the journey to pur eir rchase, and who the influencers are within the o sector. TALK THEIR LANGUAGE R TO UNDERSTAND AND WIN BACK U D When people search, they are expressing their wants and de esires in the simp plest possible wa It ay. CON NSUMERS’ ATTENTTION, YOU is important to understand th language that your customers use when they search for your he t s NEED TO RESEARCH AND LISTEN products. TO WHAT CONSUMER ARE W RS Linguistic pr rofiling helps you to mine the uniq resource of consumer searc language, and to u que ch d TALK ABOUT. KING map the dem mand for your br rands and produc cts. The analysis below shows ho the search te s ow erms targeted by a brand can dif from those th y ffer hat customers aactually use – and the potential tr d lable to those wh get their research raffic that is avail ho right. Adopti the correct la ing anguage in your digital marketing campaign is crucial to its succe g ess. Brand Lang guage Search Volume h Consu umer Language Search Volu ume roadster 6634 convert tible 104687 coupe cars 1147 sports c cars 87327 hatchback cars s 155 small ca ars 4929 performance ca ars 2940 fast car rs 213180 2 saloon cars 124 family c cars 1147 motor vehicles 806 cars 28 800000 environmentallyy 124 green c cars 2728 friendly cars biodiesel cars 186 hybrid c cars 3503 fuel efficient ca ars 2000 electric cars 42000 buy cars 39,552 cars for sale r 24 46,685 Total Volume 53,668 Total Vo olume 3,50 06,186 TABLE 1: LINGUISTIC PROFILE WHAT DOES THIS MEAN T AUTOMOTIV BRANDS? TO VE To understand and earn con nsumer attention, automotive braands need to reseearch and listen to what their cu ustomers are talk king about. Thes conversations are highly dyna se s amic and widespread, and can occur i the least obvio places. iCros , in ous ssing provides th innovative too he ols and online experience that b e brands need to re esearch, listen an respond. nd
  • 4. AUTOMOTIVE: UNDERSTAND AND ENGAGE WITH YOUR CUSTOMERS AT THE CUSTOMER ACQUISITION PHASE Be aware – understand your network, the influencers and find your place within it Be active – listen to your network and engage with relevant input AT THE CUSTOMER RETENTION PHASE Monitor – make changes based on feedback and the success of campaigns Respond – solve problems quickly and honestly Engage – interact with owners and influencers by providing useful content CONSTANT CHANNEL MANAGEMENT Collect data – refine the marketing process, target future programmes Connect – create seamless marketing, that links all media with relevant consumers Enable dealers – ensure that dealers can leverage manufacturer marketing activities WE MONITOR AND ANALYSE Combine the above and you're on the right track to creating a trusted brand. CUSTOMERS' UNIQUE JOURNEYS, TRACKING THE KEY HOW CAN YOU DEVELOP YOUR APPROACH? WORDS THEY USE TO HELP YOU The key is to build a connected strategy that pulls all your digital marketing efforts together. This TARGET YOUR MARKETING WITH should be informed by insight gathered from your online network – a true reflection of what GREATER PRECISION. consumers want and the issues they are discussing. This provides brands with an opportunity to engage with their customers in an authentic way. The same insight also informs digital marketing channels, including natural and paid search, as well as display advertising. A connected approach maximises the impact of your spend and creates the best possible return on investment. LISTEN TO AND UNDERSTAND WHAT PEOPLE WANT AND NEED  Are people interested in the environment? Who wants seduction? Who wants reliability? In a digital marketplace, marketers need a more nuanced appreciation of what individual consumers are searching for. We monitor and analyse customer journeys, tracking the key words they use to develop distinct user profiles that help you target your marketing with greater precision. HOW DO WE TRACK THEM DOWN? iCrossing’s tools enable us to perform in-depth analysis of your online communities. We identify the major influencers, analyse their effect on your online brand equity and identify strategies that you can employ to positively influence what is going on. To allow us to map these communities, iCrossing developed NetworkSense Mapping, a proprietary mapping tool which allows us to visualise networks and conversations taking place around brands, themes and sectors. FIGURE 3: NETWORKSENSE MAPPING This tool often reveals complex clusters of sites, which need to be deciphered carefully. Our analysts can help you to understand where people are spending their time online, and the conversations they're engaged in. © COPYRIGHT 2008 ICROSSING LTD 3
  • 5. AUTOMOTIVE: UNDERSTAND AND ENGAGE WITH YOUR CUSTOMERS Once relevant networks and influencers are identified, it's essential to use technology to “listen” and develop a framework of ongoing measurement. NetworkSense Monitoring processes such information to provide an overall 'brand score', as well as easy access to individual mentions, which can also be cut by sentiment, topic, site-type or credibility. Charting options allow for scores and topics to be viewed and compared over time, both within a brand and between various brands, enabling competitor analysis. FIGURE 4: NETWORKENSE MONITORING SCREEN SHOT Finding this information, and expertly interpreting it, enables a company to monitor buzz around brands, and develop their approach accordingly. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE MAJORITY OF ATTENTION IS ELSEWHERE? As we’ve established, customers look in multiple places for the information they want. This is extremely healthy for your online brand. As different sites discuss your brand online, they feed your site with credibility through links. Google rates sites in line with how relevant they are to their online network – and the more links, the more powerful your online brand will be.   If automotive brands are to remain at the vanguard of worldwide recognition, then they will have to engage intelligently with social media. TOP TIPS ON HOW TO TAP INTO YOUR BRAND'S POTENTIAL Map online consumer opinions and target campaigns accordingly Maintain awareness of a rapidly changing consumer demographic Find out who’s talking about your brand; where they are, what they’re saying and what they want Pick up on conversations that mention interest in purchasing your products Monitor your brand for early warnings of brand damage, and act accordingly Engage with your network Can you really afford to miss the opportunity to engage with consumers in this way? DUNCAN WALTERS AUTOMOTIVE MANAGER +44 (0) 1273 828 140 +44 (0) 7920 068 940 DUNCAN.WALTERS@ICROSSING.CO.UK © COPYRIGHT 2008 ICROSSING LTD 4
  • 6. AUTOMOTIVE: UNDERSTAND AND ENGAGE WITH YOUR C E D E CUSTOMERS APPENDICE ES As part of ou ongoing indus analysis, we regularly conduc research into topical issues. ur stry ct Here's some recent research on some leadin automotive br e h ng rands. PORSCHE UNDERSTAND BRAND PER DING RCEPTION WITHIN NETWORK MEDIA N iCrossing’s C Content & Media team analysed the conversation and networks around the laun a ns s nch of the new P Porsche Paname scheduled fo late 2009. Netw era, or workSense Mapp ping and Monitooring identified live conversation within the follo ely ns owing categories mentions in social media, green s; sites, blog cconversations and automotive sites. d NetworkSen Mapping reve nse ealed conversations discussing t “Panamera”: the Social bo ookmarking (del.i ommendation (Digg, Reddit) featu prominently in and reco ure the netwo and indicate a great deal of in ork nterest As expec cted, there is sign nificant conversa ation around the car on automoti blogs and for ive rums Interestin ngly, green sites are also discuss sing the new vehi icle. Upon furthe investigation, er these connversations were seen to be focu e used on details o the Panamera’ hybrid drive. of ’s THE PORSCH JUDICIAL REVIEW HE Faced with a proposed incre ease in congestio charges, Pors on sche instigated a judicial review t that was covered by numerous s d sites. ealed conversations discussing “ NetworkSen Mapping reve nse “Porsche judicial review”: SSD DS Numerou mentions within news sites, bu few linking to t Porsche site - indicating a la us ut the ack of awaren ness of, or intera action with, the site s
  • 7. AUTOMOTIVE UNDERSTAND AND ENGAGE WITH YOUR C E: D E CUSTOMERS Many meentions within env vironmental blog and forums, d gs discussing issues around carbon s emissions s The Porsche site is linked to by bloggers, automotive foru d , ums and several media centres, indicating interaction with the official reso g h ource Ken Livin ngstone and Tran nsport for London (TFL) were agg gregating news coverage to enha c ance their mes ssage Further analysis of the co overage within au utomotive and en nvironmental blo revealed lively ogs but balan nced debate, with each 'side' sho h owing considerable understandin of the other's ng views JAGUAR - XF CAR X CONVERSATI IONS AND BUZZ A AROUND THE XF CAR LAUNCH C “...a beautifully “...the way the engine “ sculptured rear and a box co-operate ... .is end...” The Sun one o of the car’s severa al dynamic standouts...” d Top T Gear “...Those headlights Rid and de lo like crap...” ook Ha andling (5 stars peeewee out of 5)...What t ja Ca Online ar In the case of the Jaguar XF, research shows that the majority of the online activity is away fr o s a rom the brand's site. The diagram below shows various sites disc m cussing the Jagua XF - the larger the circle, the m ar more influential the site. WhatCar W Jalopnik k JaguarX Jaguarforums Here we c see that WhatCar is receivin roughly double the attention of the Jaguar UK site can ng e o Jalopnik is highly influential, as it often br reaks car spy sho and industry news ots The relati ively new XF site has already gained half as much popularity with ‘social media as e hin a’ the main Jaguar domain.
  • 8. AUTOMOTIVE: UNDERSTAND AND ENGAGE WITH YOUR CUSTOMERS ABOUT ICROSSING iCrossing, formerly known as Spannerworks in the UK, is a global digital marketing company that combines talent and technology to help world-class brands find and connect with their customers. The company blends best-in-class marketing services - including paid and natural search marketing, social media, content and media, display advertising, user experience, web development and analytics and insight - to create integrated digital marketing programs that engage consumers and drive ROI. iCrossing clients include world-class brands such as The Coca Cola Company, HBOS, TUI and Virgin. Headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona, the company has 620 employees in 15 offices in the US and Europe, including 110 employees in the UK. Find out more at or contact us on +44 (0)1273 828100 or iCrossing Limited 22 Chapter Street London SW1P 4NP Tel: +44(0)1273 828100 Fax:+ 44(0)20 8433 7055 1 Palace Place Brighton BN1 1EF Tel: +44 (0)1273 828100 Fax: +44 (0)1273 828101 © COPYRIGHT 2008 ICROSSING LTD 7