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Indian	Defense	Offset	Program	
Challenges	&	Opportuni9es	
December	2016	
•  This	document	is	presented	solely	for	the	internal	use	of	the	recipient	to	whom	it	is	marked	by	Aurum	Equity	
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to	in	this	document.	
Vikram	Bihani	
Vikram	 is	 an	 experienced	 investment	 banker	 with	 over	 18	 years	 and	 over	 50	
transacEons	under	his	belt.		
•  Vikram	excels	at	fostering	and	developing	relaEonships	to	enable	clients	to	
make	informed	decisions	through	trusted	advice	in	a	complex	internal	and	
external	environment.			
•  Deep	rooted	passion	in	fostering	the	start-up	eocsystem,	ability	to	connect	
with	 growth	 oriented	 entrepreneurs	 through	 their	 life	 cycle	 from	 capital	
raises,	acquisiEons	and	exits.		
•  Director	and	Investment	Commi@ee	Member	of	Triveda	Capital,	a	US$	500	
million	real	estate	fund	
•  Director,	Investor	and	Mentor	of	Tricog	Health	Services	Pvt	Ltd,	a	predicEve	
healthcare	analyEcs	firm,	funded	by	some	of	India’s	leading	venture	capital	
•  He	 is	 a	 member,	 and	 been	 a	 past	 president	 of	 the	 Entrepreneurs’	
OrganizaEon	Bangalore,	the	Bangalore	chapter	of	a	11,000	+	member	global	
organizaEon	comprising	some	of	leading	entrepreneurs	across	the	world.	
Work	Experience:		
•  Co-Founder	 and	 Director	 of	
Mosaic	 Capital	 Services	 Pvt	
•  Ambit	Corporate	Finance	Pte	
Speaker	Profiles	…
Strategic	Business	Advisor	–	Aerospace	and	Defense,	Automo9ve	and	General	Engineering	
V	Sunder	
He	has,	over	25	years,	held	several	posiEons	including	being	the	CEO	of	
Joint	 Ventures,	 Head	 Corporate	 Planning,	 Head	 Compliance,	 Legal	 and	
Company	 Secretary	 and	 Group	 CFO	 of	 a	 large	 and	 diverse	 Indian	
mulEnaEonal.	He	has	served	on	the	boards	of	many	companies	including	
Listed	companies	in	India	and	abroad.	
Exper9se	:	
•  He	is	an	Industry	veteran	and	an	InsEtuEon	Builder.	
•  He	has	over	25	years	of	rich	experience	in	areas	of	Banking,	Financial	
Services,	Manufacturing,	Design	and	Engineering	Service	
•  He	 has	 been	 closely	 involved	 in	 establishing	 and	 expanding	 many	
ventures	 across	 the	 Globe	 in	 diverse	 fields	 like	 Engineering,	
AutomoEve,	 Defense,	 Aerospace,	 Engineering	 Design	 Services,	
Biotechnology,	Homeland	Security	and	Trading	AcEviEes.	
•  Apart	 from	 his	 experience	 in	 establishing	 and	 growing	 businesses	
organically,	he	has	led	acquisiEons	of	businesses	across	the	Globe	and	
integraEng	them	with	the	exisEng	Indian	Ventures.	
•  His	 team	 building	 and	 natural	 leadership	 skills	 have	 enabled	 him	 to	
idenEfy,	lead	and	mentor	many	young	business	leaders	throughout	his	
professional	career.	
•  He	 is	 a	 Fellow	 Member	 of	 The	 InsEtute	 Of	 Company	 Secretaries	 of	
•  He	 is	 a	 long-standing	 member	 of	 the	 WPO	 (World	 Presidents	
OrganizaEon)-A	premier	Global	Leadership	OrganizaEon.	
Work	Experience:	
President	&	Group	CFO	-	
DynamaEc	Technologies	Ltd	
Co-founder	&	MD	of	Ma	Foi	
ConnecEng	Dots	Advisory	(P)	
Speaker	Profiles	…
Air	Marshal	M	Matheswaran	
Strategic	Consultancy	-	Defense	&	Aerospace	Business	
Air	Marshal	M	Matheswaran	is	the	former	Deputy	Chief	of	Integrated	Defence	
Staff	(‘DCIDS’),	responsible	for	Policy,	PerspecEve	Plans	and	Force	Development.	
He	reEred	ager	39	years	of	service	with	the	IAF.	Commissioned	as	a	fighter	pilot	
in	1975,	he	has	extensive	experience	in	important	projects	such	as	the	LCA	and	
He	was	Senior	Advisor	to	CMD,	HAL	at	Bangalore	from	May	2014	to	May	2015.		
He	was	"President,	Aerospace	Business"	of	Reliance	Defence	from	01	Nov	2015	
to	31	July	2016	at	Mumbai,	helping	the	industry	major	to	set	up	its	Aerospace	
He	is	acEve	in	academic	work	and	presents	papers	in	internaEonal	conferences.	
He	is	a	member	of	the	ExecuEve	Council,	the	governing	body	of	IDSA	(InsEtute	
of	Defence	Studies	and	Analysis),	New	Delhi	-	an	autonomous	think	tank	under	
MOD.	 	He	is	acEve	with	various	other	think-tanks	and	insEtuEons	such	as	ISA,	
Currently	 he	 is	 Strategic	 Advisor	 &	 Consultant	 for	 Defence	 &	 Aerospace	 to	
Cyient,	Reliance	Defence,	FICCI	and	Doctoral	Faculty,	PhD	program,	Naval	War	
College,	Goa	amongst	others.	
Amit	Cowshish	
Partner,	Dua	Associates	
Amit	 is	 a	 former	 Financial	 Advisor	 (AcquisiEon)	 and	 Member	 Defence	
Procurement	Board,	MoD.	During	his	career	with	the	Indian	Defence	Accounts	
Service,	 spanning	 35	 years,	 he	 worked	 in	 various	 capaciEes	 in	 the	 Defence	
Accounts	Department	and	on	deputaEon	with	the	CVC	and	the	MoD.		
•  While	serving	with	the	MoD	he	was	associated	with	financial	and	contractual	
ma@ers	related	to	procurement	of	goods	and	services	for	the	Indian	Navy,	
Coast	Guard,	Special	Forces	and	the	Army	Ordnance;	he	also	handled	defence	
plans	and	budget	from	2005	to	2011	
•  As	Financial	Advisor	(AcquisiEon),	he	handled	all	financial	ma@ers	related	to	
capital	procurements	for	the	services	and	the	Coast	Guard	
•  He	 has	 chaired	 the	 commi@ee	 that	 reviewed	 and	 draged	 the	 Defence	
Procurement	Manual,	2009	and	its	supplement	of	2010		
•  He	was	co-chair	of	the	forum	set	up	to	review	the	progress	of	all	procurement	
cases	 under	 the	 Foreign	 Military	 Sales	 (FMS)	 programme	 of	 the	 US	
Government	 and	 was	 a	 member	 of	 the	 IndoRussian	 working	 group	 on	
procurement	related	issues	
•  He	is	a	DisEnguished	Fellow	at	the	InsEtute	for	Defence	Studies	and	Analyses	
and	a	Senior	VisiEng	Fellow	at	the	Delhi	Policy	Group	
•  Presently,	he	is	also	a	member	of	the	commi@ee	set	up	by	the	Ministry	of	
Defence	to	recommend	seong	up	of	a	defence	procurement	organisaEon	
Speaker	Profiles
S.	No.	 Sec9on	 Page	
1.	 Indian	Defense	Industry	Overview	 8	
2.	 Indian	Defense	Offset	Program	 11	
3.	 Indian	Defense	Offset	Opportunity	 20	
4.	 Limited	impact	of	the	Offset	program	 23	
5.	 Key	Measures	Required	 28	
6.	 Annexures	 34	
Indian	Defense	Industry	Overview	
India	accounts	for	~2%	of	the	global	defense	spend…	
Source:	Ministry	of	Defence,	Govt.	of	India,	SIPRI	
*	Figures	may	not	be	compa@ble	with	each	other	due	to	differences	in	classifica@on	 *Others	include	OFs,	DGQA,	RR,	NCC,	MF,	ECHS,	etc	
§  India	 is	 the	 6th	 largest	 country	 in	 terms	 of	 defense	
spending,	 with	 the	 enEre	 defence	 sector,	 including	
defence	pensions,	accounEng	for	2.4%	of	India’s	GDP	in	
§  India’s	 Defence	 budget	 for	 2016-17:	 INR	 2,491	 bn	
(1.65%	of	GDP	in	16-17)	
§  Majority	of	the	defense	budget	is	allocated	for	revenue	
expenditure	(65%	for	the	year	2016-17)	and	the	Army	
receives	the	largest	allocaEon	
§  Outlay	on	capital	expenditure	as	per	budget	esEmates	
has	 decreased	 in	 2016-17	 budget	 for	 accommodaEng	
increases	 in	 pay	 (7thCPC	 recommendaEons)	 and	
pension	(OROP)	
	87		 	66		 	55		 	51		 	51		 	41		
USA	 China	 Saudi	
Russia	 UK	 India	 France	 Japan	
Military	Expenditure	by	Country	
Military	Expenditure	in	2015	(USD	bn)	 %	of	GDP	
113	 125	 134	 152	 163	
80	 78	
95	 86	
193	 203	
247	 249	
2012-13	 2013-14	 2014-15	 2015-16	 2016-17	
Indian	Defence	Budget	(INR	‘000	cr)	
Revenue	Expenditure	 Capital	Expenditure	 Total	
Breakup	of	2016-17	Defense	Budget	
Air	Force	
..but	is	the	largest	importer	of	arms	in	the	world	
Source:	SIPRI,	Dhirendra	Singh	CommiGee	Report	2015,	Ministry	of	Defense	
4.7%	 4.6%	
3.6%	 3.4%	 3.3%	 2.9%	 2.9%	 2.6%	
India	 Saudi	
China	 UAE	 Australia	 Turkey	 Pakistan	Vietnam	 US	 South	
Top	10	Arms	Importer,	2011-15	(%	of	Global	Share)	
§  Due	to	lack	of	indigenously	designed	weapons,	India	has	to	
primarily	 rely	 on	 imports	 for	 meeEng	 its	 defence	 capital	
acquisiEon	requirements	
§  Russia	is	the	biggest	supplier	of	arms	to	India,	though	US	
imports	in	India	have	started	growing	off	late	
§  Going	forward,	India’s	capex	spend	is	expected	to	go	up	as	
~50%	of	the	country’s	defence	equipments	are	obsolete	
Top	Suppliers	of	Arms	to	India	
Russia	 US	 Israel	 Others	
FY14	 FY15	 FY16	
Procurement	from	Foreign	Vendors	by	Indian	
Armed	Forces	(INR	bn)	
India	should	accelerate	its	efforts	to	manufacture	in	India,	which	will	lead	to	increased	self-reliance	in	arms	
procurement,	and	save	precious	foreign	exchange	–	hence	the	focus	on	“Offset	Program”
Indian	Defense	Offset	Program	
Defense	Offsets	
Source:	McKinsey,	Public	Sources	
What	are	
§  CompensaEon	arrangements	required	by	the	government	as	a	condiEon	of	the	purchase	of	goods	
and	services	from	non-domesEc	suppliers	
§  Offsets	can	take	either	of	two	forms:	direct	offsets	(agreements	which	are	directly	related	to	the	
defense	products	being	sold)	and	indirect	offsets	
§  Governments	typically	give	offset	packages	a	significant	weightage	when	evaluaEng	compeEng	
bids	from	various	foreign	suppliers	
§  Offset	obligaEons	are	mostly	fulfilled	through	award	of	“credits”.	Credits	may	be	earned	using	a	
“mulEplier,”	or	an	incenEve	that	reflects	the	country’s	desire	to	direct	funding	or	services	toward	
parEcular	sectors	or	iniEaEves.	
Benefits	of	
Offset	programs	
§  Governments	count	on	the	local	investments	and	technology	transfer	that	offsets	generate	to	
jusEfy	the	capital	expenditures	required	for	their	defense	upgrades	
§  For	global	defence	companies,	offsets	help	them	tap	difficult	to	access	markets	through	their	
industrial	relaEonships	with	local	partners	(for	joint	producEon	or	development)	
Risks	in	Offset	
§  Offsets	can	pose	legal	and	reputaEonal	risks	for	the	contractors	which	act	improperly	in	fulfilling	
their	offset	obligaEons		
§  Another	risk	over	the	long	term	is	increased	compeEEon	from	companies	that	have	gained	key	
capabiliEes	through	offsets
Indian	Defense	Offset	Policy	
Source:	Ministry	of	Defence	
*	No	revision	in	2013	but	changes	in	2012	were	incorporated	in	2013	
§  The	Defence	Offset	policy,	was	formally	announced	for	the	first	Eme	in	2005.	Over	the	period	2005-2016,	the	
Defence	Offset	Guidelines	have	been	revised	mulEple	Emes	based	on	feedback	from	various	stakeholders.	
§  Defence	 Offsets	 Management	 Wing	 (DOMW)	 under	 the	 Department	 of	 Defence	 ProducEon	 is	 responsible	 for	
formulaEon	of	Defence	Offset	Guidelines		
Revisions	in	Defense	Offset	Guidelines	over	the	years	
Current	Defense	Offset	Guidelines	(as	per	DPP	2016)	
§  The	current	DPP	2016	lays	down	various	categories	of	procurement	processes	namely,	in	priority,	Buy	Indian	–	
IDDM	(Indigenously	Designed,	Developed	&	Manufactured),	Buy	Indian,	Buy	&	Make	(Indian),	Buy	&	Make	(Global)	
and	Buy	Global*	
§  The	 Offset	 clause	 is	 applicable	 for	 ‘Buy	 (Global)’	 or	 ‘Buy	 and	 Make’	 categories	 of	 procurements	 where	 the	
indicaEve	cost	of	acquisiEon	is	INR	2,000	crores	or	more	
§  30%	 of	 the	 es9mated	 cost	 of	 the	 acquisi9on	 in	 ‘Buy	 (Global)’	 category	 acquisi9ons	 and	 30%	 of	 the	 foreign	
exchange	component	in	‘Buy	and	Make’	category	acquisi9ons	will	be	the	required	value	of	the	offset	obliga9ons	
§  The	offset	condiEon	forms	a	part	of	the	RFP	and	subsequently	of	the	main	contract.	A	separate	offset	contract	is	
executed	simultaneously	with	the	main	contract.	
2005	 2006	 2008	 2011	 2012	 2013	 2016	
*Details	of	categories	of	procurement	under	DPP	2016	provided	in	Annexure	I
Defense	Offset	Ecosystem	
Source:	DPP	2013	
Indian	Offset	
Partner	(IOP)	
Foreign	OEM/	
Avenues	for	Discharge	of	
Offset	Obliga9ons	
§  Direct	Purchase/	Exports	
§  FDI	
§  Investment	in	kind-	TOT	
§  Investment	in	kind-	Others	
§  Government	InsEtuEons	
§  DRDO	
§  Ministry	of	Defense	
§  DIPP	
§  Defense	PSUs	
§  Ordnance	Factories	
§  DRDO	
§  Private	Players	
Tier	I	sub-
Discharge	of	Offset	Obliga9ons	
§  Vendor	Responsibility	
§  Period	for	discharge	
§  Performance	bond	
§  Mandatory	Offsets	
§  Offset	credits	for	TOT	
§  Offset	Banking	
§  MulEpliers	
§  ValuaEon	of	Offsets	
Management	of	Offsets	
§  Acquisi9on	Wing	-	
Responsible	for	technical	and	
commercial	evaluaEon	of	
offset	proposals	
§  DOMW	-	FormulaEon	of	
Defence	Offset	Guidelines	
and	all	ma@ers	relaEng	to	
post	contract	management	
Requirement	from	IOP	
§  Include	Indian	enterprises	and	
insEtuEons	and	establishments	
engaged	in	manufacture	of	eligible	
products	and/or	provision	of	eligible	
services,	including	DRDO	
§  IOP	shall	comply	with	the	guidelines/	
licensing	requirements	sEpulated	by	
§  The	OEM/vendor/Tier-I	sub-vendor	is	
free	to	select	IOP	for	implemenEng	
the	offset	obligaEon,	provided	the	IOP	
has	not	been	barred	by	MOD
Avenues	for	discharge	of	offset	obliga9ons	
Source:	DPP	2013	
• Direct	purchase	of,	or	execuEng	export	orders	for,	eligible	products	manufactured	by,	or	services	provided	by	
Indian	enterprises,	i.e.	Defence	Public	Sector	Undertakings,	Ordnance	Factory	Board	and	private	and	public	
sector	Indian	enterprises.	
• Foreign	Direct	Investment	in	joint	ventures	with	Indian	enterprises	(equity	investment)	for	the	manufacture	
and/or	maintenance	of	eligible	products	and	provision	of	eligible	services	FDI	
• Investment	in	‘kind’	in	terms	of	transfer	of	technology	(TOT)	to	Indian	enterprises	for	the	manufacture	and/or	
maintenance	of	eligible	products	and	provision	of	eligible	services	
• This	could	be	through	joint	ventures	or	through	the	non-equity	route	for	co-producEon,	co-development	and	
producEon	or	licensed	producEon	of	eligible	products	and	eligible	services	
Investment	in	
kind-	TOT	
• Investment	in	‘kind’	in	Indian	enterprises	in	terms	of	provision	of	equipment	through	the	non-equity	route	for	
the	manufacture	and/or	maintenance	of	eligible	products	and	provision	of	eligible	services	(excluding	TOT,	
civil	infrastructure	and	second	hand	equipment)	
Investment	in	
kind-	Others	
• Provision	of	equipment	and/or	TOT	to	Government	insEtuEons	and	establishments	engaged	in	the	
manufacture	and/or	maintenance	of	eligible	products	and	provision	of	eligible	services,	including	DRDO	
• Technology	AcquisiEon	by	the	Defence	Research	and	Development	OrganizaEon	in	areas	of	high	technology	DRDO	
§  Mandatory	Offsets:	
Ø  A	minimum	70	percent	of	the	offset	obligaEon	must	be	discharged	by	any	one	or	a	combinaEon	of	Direct	Purchase/	Exports,	FDI,	
“Investment	in	Kind-	TOT”	or	“Investment	in	Kind-Others”	
Ø  Where	the	discharge	of	offset	obligaEons	is	proposed	in	terms	of	“Investment	in	Kind-Others”,	the	vendor	is	required	to	buyback	
a	minimum	40%	of	the	eligible	product	and/or	service	(by	value)	within	the	permissible	period	for	discharge	of	offset	obligaEons	
§  Offset	Credits	for	ToT:	Where	the	discharge	of	offset	obligaEons	is	proposed	in	terms	of	“Investment	in	Kind-	TOT”,	the	offset	credit	for	
TOT	shall	be	10%	of	the	value	of	buyback	during	the	period	of	the	offset	contract,	to	the	extent	of	value	addiEon	in	India
Discharge	of	Offset	Obliga9ons	(1/2)	
Source:	DPP	2013	
§  The	Vendor	of	the	equipment	under	the	main	procurement	contract	responsible	for	the	fulfilment	
of	offset	obligaEons	
§  The	Vendor	can	allow	his	Tier-1	sub-vendors	under	the	main	procurement	contract	to	discharge	
offset	obligaEons,	to	the	extent	of	their	work	share	(by	value),	on	behalf	of	the	main	vendor	
§  But,	overall	responsibility	and	liability	for	the	full	discharge	of	offset	obligaEons	conEnue	to	
remain	with	the	main	vendor	
Period	for	Offset	
§  Offset	obligaEons	are	to	be	discharged	within	a	Eme	frame	that	can	extend	beyond	the	period	of	
the	main	procurement	contract	by	a	maximum	period	of	two	years	
§  The	period	of	the	main	contract	includes	the	period	of	warranty	of	the	equipment	being	procured	
under	the	main	contract	
§  When	the	period	for	discharge	of	offset	obligaEons	exceeds	the	period	of	the	main	procurement	
contract,	the	vendor	is	required	to	furnish	an	addiEonal	Performance	Bond	to	DOMW	in	the	form	
of	a	Bank	Guarantee	covering	the	full	value	of	the	un-discharged	offset	obligaEons	
§  This	Performance	Bond	shall	be	reduced	annually,	unEl	full	exEncEon,	based	on	the	pro	rata	value	
of	the	discharged	offset	obligaEon	accepted	by	the	DOMW.	The	addiEonal	Performance	Bond	
shall	be	submi@ed	six	months	prior	to	expiry	of	the	main	Performance-cum-Warranty	Bond
Discharge	of	Offset	Obliga9ons	(2/2)	
Source:	DPP	2013	
Offset	Banking	
§  Banking	of	offset	credits	is	permissible	in	respect	of	offsets	sEpulated	under	Direct	Purchase/	
Exports,	FDI,	“Investment	in	Kind-	TOT”	or	“Investment	in	Kind-Others”	
§  Pre-approved	banked	offset	credits	can	be	considered	for	discharge	of	offset	obligaEons	subject	
to	a	maximum	of	50%	of	the	total	offset	obligaEon	under	each	procurement	contract	
§  Banked	offset	credits	remain	valid	for	a	period	of	7	years	from	the	date	of	acceptance	by	DOMW	
§  Banked	offset	credits	are	not	transferable	except	between	the	main	vendor	and	his	Tier-1	sub-	
vendors	within	the	same	procurement	contract*	
§  In	the	discharge	of	offset	obligaEons	under	Direct	Purchase/	Exports,	FDI,	“Investment	in	Kind-	
TOT”	or	“Investment	in	Kind-Others”-		a	mulEplier	of	1.50	is	permi@ed	where	Micro,	Small	and	
Medium	Enterprises	(MSME)	are	IOPs	
§  In	the	discharge	of	offset	obligaEons	under	technology	acquisiEon	by	DRDO,	a	mulEplier	up	to	3	is	
Date	of	
Discharge	and	
Valua9on	of	
§  the	date	of	discharge	of	offset	obligaEons	under	Direct	Purchase/	Exports	is	reckoned	as	the	date	
of	invoice	or	the	date	of	final	payment	whichever	is	later.	In	case	of	equity	investment	under	any	
of	the	other	five	methods),	the	date	of	compleEon	of	the	transacEon,	based	on	documentary	
evidence,	is	reckoned	as	the	date	of	discharge	of	offset	obligaEon.		
§  The	value	of	the	offset	components	for	which	offset	credits	are	sought	have	to	be	supported	by	
documentary	evidence.	Only	transacEons	undertaken	ager	signing	of	the	offset	contract	are	
reckoned	for	discharging	offset	obligaEons	(excluding	Offset	Banking)	
*The	main	vendor	is	required	to	submit	a	list	of	such	Tier-1	sub-
vendors	along	with	the	technical	and	commercial	offset	proposals	
^	Details	of	mulEpliers	provided	in	Annexure	II
Recent	Amendments	in	Defense	Offset	Policy	(1/2)	
Key	Issue	 Recent	Amendment	in	Offset	Policy	
Unrealis9c	offset	offers	and	inflexibility	
for	suppliers	
§  Time	lag	between	submission	of	offset	offers,	
finalizaEon	and	implementaEon	of	the	offset	
§  Suppliers	face	difficulEes	in	providing	upfront	
specific	descripEon	of	products,	work	share,	
yearly	discharge	schedule	and	supporEng	
documents	to	establish	eligibility	of	IOPs	
§  Pre-Contract	Stage:	Vendors	now	have	the	opEon,	to	submit	
detailed	offset	proposals	at	a	later	stage.	The	vendor	can	
finalize	its	IOPs	and	offset	product	details	either	at	the	Eme	of	
seeking	offset	credits	or	1	year	prior	to	the	intended	offset	
discharge	through	the	IOP	
§  Post-Contract	Stage:	Enabling	provisions	have	also	been	
provided	at	the	post-contract	stage	for	change	in	IOP/	offset	
component	and	re-phasing	within	the	performance	period,	and	
a	provision	has	been	introduced	allowing	addressing	of	
supplier's	requests	to	change	the	IOP	or	their	offset	
component	as	per	requirement	during	the	period	of	the	
Exchange	rate	varia9on	during	course	of	
offset	discharge	
§  Exchange	Rate	VariaEon	(ERV)	has	been	made	applicable	for	
Rupee	contracts	with	Indian	vendors	based	on	RFPs	issued	
under	all	categories	of	capital	acquisiEons	where	there	is	an	
import	content.	
§  However,	ERV	clause	will	not	be	applicable	to	contracts	where	
the	delivery	period	is	less	than	1	year	and	the	rate	of	exchange	
is	within	the	band	of	+/-	2.5%	
Recent	Amendments	in	Defense	Offset	Policy	(2/2)	
Key	Issue	 Recent	Amendment	in	Offset	Policy	
Non-availability	of	Services	as	an	eligible	
avenue	for	offset	discharge	
'Services'	(kept	in	abeyance	since	May	2013)	were	reinstated,	in	
December	2015,	as	an	eligible	avenue	for	offset	discharge:	
§  Maintenance,	repair	and	overhaul;	upgradaEon/life	extension;	
and	research	and	development	services	(from	government	
recognized	R	&	D	faciliEes)	have	been	reinstated.	
§  Engineering,	design	and	tesEng;	and	sogware	development	
services,	have	been	reinstated	with	capping	at	20%	of	the	total	
offset	obligaEon	and	prescribing	of	a	random	audit	
§  Quality	assurance;	and	training	services	sEll	conEnue	to	be	
under	abeyance.	
High	offset	trigger	for	Indian	companies	
par9cipa9ng	in	'Buy	(Global)'	Tenders	
§  Indian	vendors	parEcipaEng	in	'Buy	(Global)'	category	
procurements,	were	required	to	discharge	offset	obligaEon	on	
the	foreign	exchange	component	of	the	contract,	if	the	
indigenous	content	(by	value)	in	the	product	was	less	than	
§  This	threshold	has	now	been	reduced	to	30%.	Offset	
obligaEons	will	not	be	a@racted	if	the	indigenous	content	in	
the	product	is	30%	or	more.	If	it	is	less	than	30%,	then	the	
offset	obligaEons	are	to	be	fulfilled	to	the	tune	of	30%	less	the	
indigenous	content	percentage.	
Indian	Defense	Offset	
Opportunity	3SECTION
Current	Status	of	the	Offset	Program	
Source:	Ministry	of	Defence	
Number	of	
Offset	Value	
(USD	mn)	
%	of	
Air	Force	 16	 3,904	 79%	
Navy	 6	 886	 18%	
Army	 3	 180	 4%	
TOTAL	 25	 4,970	 100%	
Offset	Contracts	signed	by	MoD	9ll	October	2014	§  First	offset	contract	was	signed	in	2007	
§  As	per	Ministry	of	Defense,	it	has	overall	signed	29	
offset	contracts	worth	USD	6.13	bn	Ell	May	06,	2016	
which	have	to	be	discharged	Ell	2022	
§  Offset	 obligaEons	 to	 be	 discharged	 in	 respect	 of	
defence	contracts	signed	was	USD	~2.23	bn	by	31st	
December	2015	
§  Vendors	 have	 reported	 discharge	 claims	 worth	
USD~	1.78	bn*	through	their	quarterly	reports	
Offset	Breakup-	By	Geography	(Till	
October	2014)	
*Subject	to	audit	
Offset	Breakup-	By	Sector	(Till	October	
Defense	PSUs	
Large	Industries	
Es9mated	Defense	Offset	Opportunity	(FY17-	FY22)	
Par9culars	 FY17-	FY22	 Remarks	
Indian	Defence	Spend	(USD	bn)	 412	 Defense	budget	to	become	2.25%	of	India’s	GDP	
Capex	Spend	as	%	of	Defence	Spend	 49%	 Capex	to	Opex	mix	expected	to	improve	in	next	5	
years	from	the	current	level	
EsEmated	Capex	Spend	(USD	bn)	 201	
EsEmated	New	Armament	Spend	(USD	bn)	 171	 New	Armament	Spend	esEmated	at	85%	of	overall	
capex	spend	
Imports	as	%	of	New	Armament	Spend	 55%	 Import	part	of	capex	spend	is	expected	to	reduce	
over	next	5	years	with	India’s	focus	on	
indigenizaEon	“Make	in	India”	
Imported	Equipment	Spend	(USD	bn)	 94^	
Offset	as	%	of	Imports	 30%	
Addressable	Offset	Opportunity	(USD	bn)	 28	
Average	Offset	Opportunity	per	year	(USD	bn)*	 5.6	
Source:	FICCI	
Exchange	Rate:	USD	1=	INR	67	
*	Timing	uncertain	for	these	offsets	
^	As	per	DPP	2016,	only	acquisi@on	contracts	>INR	2000	crore	(USD	~300	mn)	eligible	for	offsets	
Based	on	simplis9c	assump9ons,	it	is	es9mated	that	USD	~6	bn	in	addi9onal	offset	opportuni9es	will	be	generated	
for	Indian	players	during	the	period	FY17-FY22;	however	a	more	realis9c	expecta9on	based	on	current	experience	
makes	us	believe	that	the	Es9mated	Capex	Spend	will	not	cross	USD	100	bn	over	the	next	5	years
Limited	Impact	of	the	Offset	
Program	4SECTION
There	has	been	growth	in	A&D	Exports	since	2007……	
Source:	Interna@onal	Trade	Centre	
*ITC	(HS)	Codes	are	broad-based	and	inclusive	of	few	non-defence	items	also	
Does	not	include	services,	inland	and	coastal	security	
	83		 	96		 	80		 	61		 	200		 	69		 	379		
	1,614			1,313		
	4,805		 	4,448		
2001	 2002	 2003	 2004	 2005	 2006	 2007	 2008	 2009	 2010	 2011	 2012	 2013	 2014	 2015	
India	Exports	of	A&D	Equipment	(USD	mn)*	
ITC-	93	
ITC-	8906	
ITC-	88	
ITC-	8710	
ITC	HS	Code	 Category	Descrip9on	
8710	 Tanks	and	other	armoured	fighEng	vehicles	
88	 Aircrag,	spacecrag,	and	parts	thereof	
8906	 Vessels,	incl.	warships	and	lifeboats		
93	 Arms	and	ammuniEon;	parts	and	
accessories	thereof	
§  Items	eligible	for	offset	discharge	broadly	fall	under	4	categories	
under	ITC	HS	classificaEon-	93,	8906,	88	and	8720	
§  Growth	in	exports	of	A&D	equipment	from	India	has	coincided	
with	the	promulga9on	of	offset	policy	since	2005	
§  Exports	under	ITC	HS	Code	88,	which	cater	to	‘aircrag,	spacecrag	
and	parts’,	account	for	85%	share	of	exports	in	2015	
§  However,	majority	of	exports	under	this	category	consEtutes	of	
civilian	aircrags	and	related	components	sent	abroad	for	MRO
but	mostly	aircrar	parts	are	being	exported….	
Source:	Interna@onal	Trade	Centre	
Country-wise	Exports	to	Countries	with	Offset	
Liabili9es	under	ITC	HS	Codes	8802	and	8803	in	2015	
Country	 Exports	under	
ITC	HS	8802	
Exports	under	
ITC	HS	8803	
USD	mn	 USD	mn	
USA	 101		 374		
UK	 6		 216		
France	 2		 130		
Russia	 -				 95		
Israel	 -				 55		
Switzerland	 -	 25	
Italy	 -	 11	
Others	 2,329	 326	
Total	 2,438		 1,299		
§  Value	of	exports	under	the	two	heads,	8802	and	8803,	accounted	for	~84%	of	the	total	A&D	exports	in	2015	
§  Category	8802	refers	to	“powered	aircrags	including	helicopters,	aeroplanes,	spacecrag	incl.	satellites	and	spacecrag	launch	vehicles”	
while	8803	refer	to	“parts	of	aircrag	and	spacecrag	“	
§  Majority	 of	 exports	 to	 the	 countries	 having	 offset	 discharge	 liabili9es	 are	 in	 the	 category	 8803,	 implying	 mostly	 parts	 and	
components	are	being	exported	to	these	countries	by	Indian	suppliers	
§  Substan9al	rise	in	exports	under	category	8803	to	countries	with	offset	liability	from	2007	onwards,	further	reinforces	that	offsets	
have	resulted	in	substan9al	increase	in	Indian	exports	of	aircrar	parts	to	these	countries	
	50		 	37		 	42		 	46		
	902			844			906		
2003	 2004	 2005	 2006	 2007	 2008	 2009	 2010	 2011	 2012	 2013	 2014	 2015	
India	Exports	under	ITC	HS	Code	8803	(USD	mn)	
USA	 UK	 France	 Russia	 Israel	 Switzerland	 Italy	 Total
…and	there	is	negligible	FDI	from	Offsets	so	far	
Source:	DIPP,	Ministry	of	Defense	
§  As	per	DIPP,	India	has	received	FDI	worth	only	USD	~5	mn	in	Defense	Industries	from	Apr-2000	to	Sep-2016.		
§  This	lack	of	interest	can	be	a@ributed	majorly	to	26%	limit	on	FDI	in	Defence	Industries	which	was	in	place	Ell	August	2014.	However,	
there	is	not	a	single	inflow	which	was	brought	in	by	companies	having	offset	liability	with	MoD	
§  The	Government	has	liberalized	FDI	policy	provisions	in	defence	sector	vide.	Press	Note.5	(2016	Series)	on	24th	June,	2016	
§  As	per	the	new	FDI	policy,	foreign	investment	upto	49%	is	permi@ed	under	automaEc	route	and	beyond	49%	through	Government	
approval	route	wherever	it	is	likely	to	result	in	access	to	modern	technology	or	for	other	reasons	to	be	recorded	
§  Since	opening	of	defence	sector	for	FDI,	36	FDI/	JV	proposals	have	been	approved	for	manufacture	of	various	licensable	defence	items	
Ell	date.	Ager	the	noEficaEon	of	revised	FDI	policy	in	June	2016,	6	proposals	have	been	received	by	the	FIPB	Ell	date.	
	24,250		 	22,050		 	21,169		
Services	 ConstrucEon	 IT	Sogware	&	
Telecom	 Automobile	 Defence	
Cumula9ve	FDI	Inflows	(USD	mn)	in	India	from	April	2000-	September	2016	
There	has	been	negligible	FDI	which	has	come	into	India	on	account	of	Offsets.	Impact	of	increase	in	FDI	cap	to	100%	
on	the	discharge	of	offset	obliga9ons	remain	to	be	seen.
Historical	Reasons	for	Limited	Impact	of	Offset	Program	
§  Rigidity	of	the	Offset	Policy	combined	with	a	weak	governance	structure	where	there	is	no	strategic	direcEon	and	
no	major	power	given	to	the	DOMW	is	a	major	hindrance	
§  Lack	of	a	mulE-Eer	ecosystem	like	in	the	automoEve	sector	has	reduced	the	scope	for	outsourcing	by	global	majors	
§  ExisEng	supply	chain	is	dominated	by	small	players	developed	by	the	PSUs	who	had	a	monopoly	in	this	market;	
small	players	suffer	from	lack	of	capital,	technology	and	process	capabiliEes	to	service	global	majors	
§  Lack	of	paEent	capital	to	support	the	long	gestaEon	periods	–	a	significant	feature	of	this	sector;	financial	sources	
of	capital	such	as	private	equity	and	venture	capital	do	not	enter	at	an	early	stage	due	to	long	gestaEon	period	of	
§  Lack	of	coordinated	efforts	amongst	mechanical	engineering,	electronics,	design	and	the	informaEon	technology	
sectors	so	as	to	offer	a	complete	soluEon	to	customers;	a	coordinated	approach	can	enable	building	of	enEre	
pla}orms	which	will,	apart	from	adding	value,	build	volume	in	this	sector	
§  Lack	of	Industrial	clusters	like	in	automoEve	and	other	sectors;	globally,	large	scale	industrial	growth	has	happened	
when	they	have	adopted	a	'cluster	approach’	
§  Non	availability	of	raw	material	sources	within	the	country	and	conEnued	reliance	on	imports
Opportunity	Ahead	
Opportuni9es	Ahead	… 	
Source:	SIPRI,	Indian	Budget	Documents,	FICCI	
§  As	per	a	report	by	FICCI,	a	combinaEon	of	factors	such	as	offsets,	outsourcing,	defense	capital	expenditure	spends,	
etc	could	drive	the	defense	spend	from	$6	billion	in	FY	14	to	an	esEmated	$41	billion	by	FY	22	as	below:
Opportuni9es	Ahead	… 	
Source:	KPMG	Report	2015	
§  Expenditure	on	capital	equipment	by	all	segments	of	the	armed	forces	to	gather	steam;	it	is	expected	that	capital	
expenditure	will	rise	to	50%	of	defense	expenditure	as	against	35%	currently	and	revenue	expenditure	will	decline	
correspondingly;	some	high	Ecket	items	of	immediate	priority	are	listed	below:	
Air	>	USD	30	
Naval	>	USD	22	billion	
Land	>	USD	16	
Rafale,	Avro	Replacement	
Program,	Pilatus	Trainer	
Aircrag,	Light	UElity	
Helicopter,	Sukhoi	Fighter	
Jet,	Tejas	LCA,	Kamov	
Soldier	as	a	System	
Program,	Infantry	Combat	
Vehicle,	M777	Ultra	Light	
Howitzers,	Light	Armored	
MulEpurpose	Vehicle,	
Thermal	Imaging	Sights	for	
T-72	tanks	
Submarines	(Project	75I),	Indigenous	Aircrag	Carrier	(INS	–	
Vishal),	MulE	Role	Frigates	(Project	17A),	Landing	Pla}orm	
Docks,	Corve@es	(Warships	–	Project	28A)
Opportuni9es	Ahead	… 	
§  A	strong	eco-system	is	being	created	for	aerospace	&	defense	in	India:	
§  Large	business	groups	such	as	Tata’s,	Aditya	Birla,	Reliance,	L&T,	etc	are	using	their	core	competencies	to	
enter	the	defense	industry	challenging	the	large	bureaucraEc	PSUs		
§  Companies	such	as	M&M	&	Bharat	Forge	that	have	been	in	auto	components	are	looking	to	move	up	the	
value	chain	in	aerospace	&	defense	and	this	trend	is	find	favor	with	mid	sized	auto	component	companies	
who	are	using	capabiliEes	such	as	Quality	(QS-ISO	cerEficaEon,	Product	CapabiliEes	(small	car	manufacturing	
in	India),	availability	of	skilled	manpower	and	proximity	to	key	markets	as	a	foundaEon	for	moving	into	the	
aerospace	&	defense	sector;		
§  Emergence	of	clusters	dedicated	to	aerospace	&	defense	as	shown	below.
Opportuni9es	Ahead	… 	
§  Other	factors	contribuEng	to	large	anEcipated	growth	ahead	include:	
§  LiberalizaEon	of	the	offset	norms	and	procurement	processes	of	PSUs	driven	by	the	Government's	'Make	In	
India'	iniEaEve	has	enthused	larger	private	sector	players	to	enter	this	sector	
§  Large	global		companies	such	as	Thyssen	Krupp	seong	up	warehouses	in	India,	easing	the	supply	of	criEcal	
raw	material	
§  Skill	development	iniEaEves	have	started	building	human	resource	capacity	
§  The	global	socio-poliEcal	climate,	especially	with	China	and	Pakistan;	Donald	Trump’s	elecEon	to	the	
Presidency	of	USA	and	his	equaEon	with	PuEn	of	Russia	could	be	a	benefit	to	India	as	well	as	we	import	70%	
of	our	arms	from	Russia	
§  India’s	current	fiscal	posiEon	with	Public	Debt	to	GDP	raEo	seen	as	comfortable,	could	spur	defense	
spending	on	capital	expenditure
Thank	You	
Contact	Persons:	
Sanjay	Bansal	
Founder	&	Managing	Partner	
Aurum	Equity	Partners	LLP	
Tel:	+91	124	4424477	
Mob:	+91	98110	10810	
Vikram	Bihani	
Aurum	Equity	Partners	LLP	
Tel:	+91	80	67205598	
Mob:	+91	9886409387	
6A Annexure	I:	Impact	of	Recent	
Rafale	Deal	with	France	
Source:	Public	Sources	
Rafale	Deal	Par9culars	 Value	
Contract	Size	(INR	bn)	 590	
Offset	Clause	of	Rafale	Deal	 50%	
Offset	Opportunity	(INR	bn)	 295	
Offset	Discharge	Period	(years)	 7	
Annual	Offset	Opportunity	(INR	bn)	 42	
USD~630	mn	of	annual	offset	opportunity	available	to	Indian	Defense	industry	from	the	Rafale	deal	over	next	7	
§  India	signed	Euro	7.87	billion	(Rs	59,000	crore)	agreement	with	
France	for	purchase	of	36	Rafale	fighter	on	September	23,	2016	
§  The	offset	clause	of	Rafale	deal	is	a	50%	investment	commitment	
from	the	French	industry	in	India	
§  The	offsets	will	be	carried	out	by	French	company	Dassault	and	
its	 vendors-	 Safran,	 Thales	 and	 MBDA,	 all	 part	 of	 the	 Rafale	
§  As	per	the	contract,	Dassault	is	in	charge	of	meeEng	the	offset	
obligaEons	 and	 has	 to	 share	 details	 of	 all	 its	 partners	 and	
planned	work	within	one	year	of	signing	the	contract	
§  ~74%	of	the	50%	offset	value	should	be	exported	from	India	
§  Reliance	Defence	has	already	formed	a	JV	with	Dassault	Systems		
“Dassault	Reliance	Aerospace”	for	execuEon	of	offset	obligaEons	
Ø  Dassault	 expected	 to	 make	 aerostructures,	 engine	 parts	 and	
electronics	at	the	Reliance	facility	in	Nagpur	
Ø  Aim	to	make	50%	of	Rafale	parts	in	India	
§  Besides	the	investment	commitment,	there	is	a	6%	technology	
sharing	component	as	well	
Ø  France	 likely	 to	 help	 India	 revive	 the	 unsuccessful	 Kaveri	
engine	project	for	indigenous	Tejas	aircrag,	and		
Ø  Transfer	advanced	technology	to	DRDO
Increase	in	contract	cost	threshold	in	DPP	2016	
Source:	ASSOCHAM	India,	DPP	2016	
As	per	DPP	2016	
§  The	offset	clause	would	be	applicable	for	‘Buy	(Global)’	or	‘Buy	and	Make’	categories	of	procurements	where	the	
indicaEve	cost	of	acquisiEon	is	Rs.	2000	Crores	or	more,	as	on	the	date	of	accord	of	AoN.	
§  However,	DAC	may	consider	parEal	or	full	waiver	of	offset	clause.	
§  In	case	of	a	waiver	for	a	parEcular	acquisiEon	case,	eligible/selected	Indian	vendors	need	to	be	exempted	from	the	
corresponding	IC	sEpulaEons	
Likely	Posi9ve	Impact	
§  Management	and	monitoring	by	the	MoD	will	
become	more	efficient	as	the	number	of	
programmes	decreases	
§  PosiEve	from	foreign	OEMs	perspecEve	looking	to	
invest	in	Indian	defense	opportuniEes	
Likely	Nega9ve	Impact	
§  Increase	in	threshold	will	reduce	the	number	of	
projects	eligible	for	offsets	and	hence	quantum	of	
offsets	flowing	into	the	country	
§  Detrimental	to	the	Make	in	India	narraEve	which	
promotes	development	of	local	industry	and	
ploughing	back	of	capital	into	the	country
6B Annexure	II:	Categories	under	
DPP	2016
Categories	of	Procurement	under	DPP	2016	
Source:	DPP-	2016	
In	decreasing	order	of	priority	the	procurement	of	defence	equipment,	under	DPP	2016	are	categorized	as	follows:	
• ‘Buy	(Indian-IDDM)’	category	refers	to	the	procurement	of	products	from	an	Indian	vendor	meeEng	one	of	the	two	condiEons:	
products	that	have	been	indigenously	designed,	developed	and	manufactured	with	a	minimum	of	40%	Indigenous	Content	(IC)	on	
cost	basis	of	the	total	contract	value;	or,	products	having	60%	IC	on	cost	basis	of	the	total	contract	value,	which	may	not	have	
been	designed	and	developed	indigenously	
Buy	(Indian-	IDDM)	
• ‘Buy	(Indian)’	category	refers	to	procurement	of	products	having	a	minimum	of	40%	IC	on	cost	basis	of	the	total	contract	value,	
from	an	Indian	vendor	
Buy	(Indian)	
• ‘Buy	&	Make	(Indian)’	category	refers	to	an	iniEal	procurement	of	equipment	in	Fully	Formed	(FF)	state	in	quanEEes	as	
considered	necessary,	from	an	Indian	vendor	engaged	in	a	Ee-up	with	a	foreign	OEM,	followed	by	indigenous	producEon	in	a	
phased	manner	involving	ToT	of	criEcal	technologies	as	per	specified	range,	depth	and	scope	from	the	foreign	OEM.	Under	this	
category	of	procurement,	a	minimum	of	50%	IC	is	required	on	cost	basis	of	the	‘Make’	porEon	of	the	contract.	
Buy	and	Make	(Indian)	
• ‘Buy	&	Make’	category	refers	to	an	iniEal	procurement	of	equipment	in	Fully	Formed	(FF)	state	from	a	foreign	vendor,	in	
quanEEes	as	considered	necessary,	followed	by	indigenous	producEon	through	an	Indian	ProducEon	Agency	(PA),	in	a	phased	
manner	involving	ToT	of	criEcal	technologies	as	per	specified	range,	depth	and	scope,	to	the	PA	
Buy	and	Make	
• ‘Buy	(Global)’	categorizaEon	refers	to	outright	purchase	of	equipment	from	foreign	or	Indian	vendors.	In	case	of	foreign	vendors,	
Government	to	Government	route	may	be	adopted,	for	equipment	meeEng	strategic/long	term	requirements.	
Buy	(Global)
6C Annexure	III:	Mul9pliers
Annexure	II:	Mul9pliers	
Source:	DPP-	2013	
Defini9on	of	Micro,	Small	and	Medium	Enterprises	
§  In	the	case	of	enterprises	engaged	in	manufacture	of	goods:	
Ø  A	micro	enterprise	is	that	where	investment	in	plant	and	machinery	does	not	exceed	INR	2.5	million;	
Ø  A	small	enterprise	is	that	where	investment	in	plant	and	machinery	is	more	than	INR	2.5	million	but	does	not	
exceed	INR	50	million;	and	
Ø  A	medium	enterprise	is	that	where	investment	in	plant	and	machinery	is	more	than	INR	50	million	but	does	
not	exceed	INR	100	million	
§  In	the	case	of	enterprises	engaged	in	providing	services:	
Ø  A	micro	enterprise	is	that	where	investment	in	equipment	does	not	exceed	INR	1	million;	
Ø  A	small	enterprise	is	that	where	investment	in	equipment	is	more	than	INR	1	million	but	does	not	exceed	
INR	20	million;	and	
Ø  A	medium	enterprise	is	that	where	investment	in	equipment	is	more	than	INR	20	million	but	does	not	
exceed	INR	50	million	
Mul9plier	for	Technology	Acquisi9on	by	DRDO	
§  MulEplier	of	2.0	is	applicable	when	the	technology	is	offered	for	use	by	Indian	Armed	Forces	only	but	without	any	
restricEon	on	the	numbers	that	can	be	produced	
§  MulEplier	of	2.5	is	applicable	when	the	technology	is	offered	for	use	only	in	Indian	Market	but	for	both	military	
and	civil	applicaEons	and	without	any	restricEon	on	the	numbers	that	can	be	produced	
§  MulEplier	of	3.0	is	applicable	when	the	technology	is	offered	without	any	restricEon	and	with	full	and	unfe@ered	
rights,	including	right	to	export
6D Annexure	IV:	Abbrevia9ons
bn	 Billion	 MF	 Military	Farms	
CPC	 Central	Pay	Commission	 mn	 Million	
DGQA	 Directorate	General	Quality	Assurance	 MOD	 Ministry	of	Defence	
DIPP	 Department	Of	Industrial	Policy	&	PromoEon	 NCC	 NaEonal	Cadet	Corps	
DOMW	 Defence	Offsets	Management	Wing	 OEM	 Original	Equipment	Manufacturer	
DPP	 Defence	Procurement	Procedure	 OF	 Ordnance	Factory	
DRDO	 Defence	Research	and	Development	OrganisaEon	 OROP	 One	Rank	One	Pension	
ECHS	 Ex-Servicemen	Contributory	Health	Scheme	 PA	 ProducEon	Agency	
FDI	 Foreign	Direct	Investment	 RFP	 Request	for	Proposal	
FF	 Fully	Formed	 RR	 Rashtriya	Rifles	
GDP	 Gross	DomesEc	Product	 SIPRI	 Stockholm	InternaEonal	Peace	Research	InsEtute	
IC	 Indigenous	Content	 TOT	 Transfer	of	Technology	
IDDM	 Indigenously	Designed	Developed	and	Manufactured	 UK	 The	United	Kingdom	
INR	 Indian	Rupee	 USA	 United	States	of	America	
IOP	 Indian	Offset	Partner	 USD	 United	States	Dollar

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