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Bagaskoro Sabastian, Bayu Aji Wibisono, Ahmad Khotib, Dicky Haryanto, Kevin
Sunjaya, Rizky Akhbar Rahmatullah, Imam Rahmat Fauzan, Riyadi Saputra, Ario
Universitas Mercubuana Student, Jakarta Indonesia
Abstrack: electronic commerce or e-commerce) is the deployment, purchasing, sales,
marketing goods and services over electronic systems such as the Internet or television,
www, or computer network lainnya.pada this article will discuss about the
implementation of management information systems at lazada .co. id of the system sales
of goods, payment systems and delivery systems of goods
I. Introduction
The development of the Internet led to the formation of a new world called
cyberspace. In the virtual world, every individual has the right and ability to
interact with other individuals without any restriction that could prevent him.
Globalization was perfect actually running in a virtual world that connects all
digital community. From all aspects of human life affected by internet presence.
E-commerce sites are more and more in Indonesia, this is certainly good news for
nette everyday spend hours in front of computer screens because they do not need
to leave home to shop. E-commerce site is a site which is useful as a sale of goods
and services both physical and digital. E-commerce sites in Indonesia is predicted
by many observers that will progress rapidly. E-commerce is now a choice for the
people because of its convenience, which means no need to go out to the mall, the
goods can be purchased and delivered directly home
E-commerce sites selling goods assortment, ranging from electronic devices,
gadgets, books, fashion products, up to a discount voucher. In the e-commerce
site, you can shop online anytime and anywhere you want. If you want to shop
online, you must create an account normally used on e-commerce sites are
concerned. Because throughout the groceries in the cart must sign in first, and
subsequently paid for and delivered. If you're too lazy to leave the house or a
walk in the mall, better open e-commerce sites, without queuing, without getting
bogged down. Of several e-commerce sites above will be very useful for those of
you who want to do the activity of buying and selling online. Due to the use of
these sites, then for those of you who want to try to sell the goods do not need to
create their own sites, please take advantage of the e-commerce site.
With e-Commerce, the complexity of the bureaucracy adminiastrasi and payments
may be removed. The concept of e-commerce itself making the activity of
transactions can be run easily and quickly, and most importantly is to foster buyer
confidence to be able to conduct such transactions with the assurance keamaan
Internet network is completely safe, in addition to the problem of web design as
well as product offerings including company profile , so that consumers may be
interested to go to the company website and subsequently conducting online
II. Review of Literature
2.1. Management Information System
is an information system that takes an organization to support the processing of
all transaction management function in making a keputusan.Sistem Management
Information Includes methods and organized efforts in performing the function of
collecting data either from within or from outside the organization with and use
the computer in the process for can produce and present the information up to
date, accurate, precise, and fast for all interested parties in making a management
2.2. Stage Cycle Management information systems development
Here is a stage of development stage management information system
2.3 Planning phase
This stage is a series of activities since the first idea behind the implementation of
the system development thrown. In the planning stages of the development of the
system should get equal attention to planning large projects, such as procurement
planning network device information technology (IT), plans to build an office
building 15 floors. The benefits obtained if the information system development
project planned carefully,
2.4 Analysis Phase
There are two aspects that are the focus of this phase, namely the aspect of
business or management and technological aspects. Analysis of business aspects
of studying the characteristics of the organization concerned. The purpose of this
step is to determine the position or role of information technology is the most
appropriate and relevant in the organization and learn the functions of
management and business-related aspects that will affect or have a particular
impact on the process of design, construction, and implementation.
During the analysis phase, systems analysts continue to cooperate with the
manager, and SIM steering committee involved in important points include the
following activities:
a. Establish systems research plan
b. Organize the project team
c. Defining information needs
d. Define the criteria for system performance
e. Setting up the system design proposal
f. Approve or reject the project design
2.5. Physical development
Based on a design that has been made, construction or the real System
Development (physical) was built. The technical team is the backbone of the
implementation of this stage, given all the things that are conceptually should be
implemented in the construction of information technology in a more detailed
scale. Of all the existing phases, the construction phase is what usually most
melihatkan greatest resource, especially in terms of the use of human resources,
costs, and time. Control over the project management during the construction
phase should be tightened so that the use of resources can be effectively and
efficiently. However, this will impact on the success of information systems
projects are completed in a timely manner. The end of the construction phase is
usually a test of the information system
2.6. Implementation phase
The implementation phase is the most critical stage due to pertarna time
information system will be used in the organization. There are different
approaches to the implementation of the new system is designed.
2.7. Stage Design / of planning
At this stage, the information technology team worked closely with the
management team of the business or designing the associated system components.
Information technology team will perform the technical design of information
technology to be built, such as the system databases, computer networks,
technical conversion of the data, system migration methods, and so on.
Meanwhile, in parallel and together business team or management, and
information technology team will perform the design of the components related
organizations, such as: will affect or have a particular impact on the process of
design, construction, and implementation. During the analysis phase, systems
analysts continue to cooperate with the manager, and SIM steering committee
involved in important points include the following activities:
a. Establish systems research plan
b. Organize the project team
c. Defining information needs
d. Define the criteria for system performance
e. Setting up the system design proposal
f. Approve or reject the project design development system
2.8. Post-Implementation Phase
Development of information systems usually ends after the implementation phase
is done. However, there is one more stage that must be maintained and cared for
by the management, the post-implementation phase. Activities undertaken in the
post-implementation stage is how the maintenance of the system will be managed.
As with other resources, information systems will develop in the future. Things
such as modifications to the system, to be guided to other systems, change the
permissions system, the handling of the facility on a broken system, are examples
of cases that typically arise in system maintenance. Here we need for adequate
documentation and transfer of knowledge on the part of the system compiler to
the user to ensure terkelolanya well system maintenance processes. From a
management perspective, the post-implementation phase is in the form of an
activity where there should be personnel or divisions can make changes or
modifications to the information systems in line with the changing needs of a
dynamic business.
This research method is a qualitative method of study literatul Scientists in the
field to the management information system (MIS) and information technology
(IT). Besides, based on empirical experience of 3 years. Last and direct
observation on the object of research .PT Main Pillars horizon and the unit of
analysis department / section MIS / EDP,
4.1. Gambaran Umum Sistem Penjualan Lazada
Sales in Lazada focus more on B2C (Business to Customer) where target
marketing companies is the individual buyer. Penjuallan system in Lazada want to
provide an experience to the buyer or customer experience that is different than if
a buyer purchases from physical stores
Lazada is more focused on sales of electronic products, books, software,
automotive supplies, and household appliances as well as small sejjumlah
accessories, health and beauty products. A number of well-known brands have
been registered in Lazada Indonesia.
One of the advantages provided Lazada is a free shuttle service in the Jakarta area
menggangdeng Go-Jek and Cash On Delivery system for the Jakarta area.
The company also provides customer service number 0812 8586 6825/021
46652854. consumer services take effect at 09:00 to 21:00 on Monday - Friday
and at 9:00 to 17:00 on Saturday.
Products In Lazada
Some of the premium products offered and available today in Lazada is:
 Electronic Computer.
 Equipment and Household appliances,
 Kids Equipment,
 Health and beauty product,
 Jewerly and watches,
 Automotive Equipment,
 Sport Equipment.
Purchasing system in Lazada
Payment Methods
The company implements online payment system in accordance with the
segment of the company is sales of e-commerce
Before the payments were made buyers must first fill out the identity of buyers
in the column of customer information. Column customer information contains
billing address, email, email password, first name, phone number, another
number, date of birth, Henis sex, type the address (whether the destination
address of the office or home), address, province, city, zip code, district or
Then the buyer that the transaction in Lazada can use e-credit cards as means of
payment. The first payment system via e-credit cards that can be made through
credit cards issued by Visa and Master Cards. The second payment system is
bank transfers, which the buyer can use the transfer system through two
accounts available, Bank BCA and Bank Mandiri.
Lazada also provide convenience to buyers from Jakarta Jabodetabek in general
and in particular can be served by the system Cash On Delivery.
4.2. Overview Purchasing and payment method in Lazada
1. Buyers are required to use the internet to access to the web
2. Buyers choose / click on the desired product in accordance with the
list of products that have been provided by with
the price and purchase pieces.
3. Buyers will be presented with information about the selected product
is on product specifications / content of products and product that
contains comments and ratings of other users.
4. It also provided information about the delivery period is different in
each province and the availability of stocks of the product.
5. If a certain stock of products available and in accordance with the
wishes of the buyer, the buyer can simply click the "Buy Now" and
click. If the product is not in accordance with her wishes then can
click on the "cap and continue shopping".
6. The next step is the buyer is required to fill a purchase form. Buyers
still choose the option "shoppers stay" by filling in the email data and
password that have been registered and buyers are still new and have
never done a transaction in lazada must input the buyer's email
address for confirmation of purchase.
7. Once complete email account entered / registered the next steps that
will automatically go to page Information Delivery, where buyers are
requested to fill in the desired delivery address, phone number,
province, city, district. To address the subject of postage, the next
column will appear subdistrict information "Worn postage", once
stated cost "Shipping". To continue the process, the buyer clicks the
"Continue" button.
8. Furthermore, the buyer chooses the preferred payment method. There
are three methods provided is paid in place, credit cards,
and bank transfers. The payment method "Pay in place" requires the
buyer to be in areas already covered by The payment
method "credit card" requires the buyer to fill out credit card
information required. Delivery method "bank transfer" requires the
buyer to transfer the product price to the bank that provided by the
seller. Buying with bank transfer method requires the buyer to confirm
the delivery of money to the menu at home lazada "payment
9. Once the chosen method of payment and fill in the necessary data then will provide booking code / order number and the amount
to be paid.
Delivery System
Lazada to ship goods to the rest of Indonesia through its business associates
GED. As for sending around Jakarta and surrounding areas, Lazada using his
business associates is the Go-Jek. At the time of specific events promo with
Lazada can eliminate the cost of shipping to all over Indonesia to attract more
consumers to shop at Lazada.
Terms and Conditions
Opening of Accounts
Terms and conditions applied by Lazada diberlaakukan to all users of the
site Lazada (, PT Main Pillars Lazada horizon as the
operator of the site, and all the divisions, subsidiaries, and affiliates
internet sites by reference to the terms and conditions apply.
Use of site
Users of this site diwajibkkan of at least 19 years old or access under the
supervision of a parent or legal guardian. Lazada provide context provided
only for information purposes, and is also mentioned in the site that the
products are represented on this site are the property of the vendor and not
made by lazadanya own. While opinions on the site Lazada are the
opinions of individuals who registered as a member Lazada superbly.
During the registration process Lazada require users to consent to receive
promotional emails from sites that are part of the advertising that is
permission marketing.
Drop Shipment
Drop shipment provisions apply to items of furniture and home appliances,
and customer services team on lazada will call the customer after the
transaction is authorized to confirm the time of delivery and receipt of
The products will only be handed over to those who make full payment or
a party appointed by the purchaser. If at the time of delivery of items of
furniture and home appliance categories, customers or those who have
been designated as the recipient of the goods is not in place, then
resending fee will be charged to the customer.
Prior to shipment, the customer will be reminded of this during initial
telephone confirmation.
When customers refer others as the consignee, designees are required to
show an identity card in the form of license, identification card, or
User submissions
Lazada has implemented regulations that contain that all users provide to
any Lazada sites, such as questions, reviews, comments and suggestions
will be the sole and exclusive property for lazada and will not be returned
to users.
Acceptance of Orders and Prices
In Lazada website mentioned that there are possible cases when the order
could not be processed due to various reasons. Site reserves the right to
refuse or cancel an order for any reason at any given time. Users may be
asked to provide additional verification or information.
Lazada determined to provide the most accurate pricing information on its
website, but Lazada also mentioned in its website that the error giving
accurate information could be wrong, such as when the price of the item is
not displayed correctly diwebsitenya. Thus Lazada party reserves the right
to refuse or cancel any order.
Privacy and Confidentiality
Use of Data Provided by
Described in situss Lazada, that PT. Main Pillars horizon As the party that
runs the site www. greatly appreciate the privacy of the users
and will keep any personal information users concerned as possible.
Lazada parties to get information about users as part of the process of
buying and selling within the site. The information obtained is not only
limited to the username, password, name, title, gender, date of birth, email
address, home address, postal address, but also concerned with the
delivery address (if different from home address), phone number, mobile
phone number, fax number, credit card payment details and bank account
The name and address will also be provided to third parties as abgian of
delivery abrang have purchased. Not only a limited part of the delivery
process, tatapi Lazada can also provide users information to other
companies that are still in business group Lazada dibawha shade Rocket
Cookies are small text files that identify a computer user to go into the
server Lazada as unique users when users visit the site pages Lzada.
Cookies can identify the IP address of computer users.
In lazada sites, the operation of the site using Google Analytics is a web
analytics service provided by Google Inc. Google Analytics will analyze
cookies on computer users and data obtained will be transmitted to and
stored by Google on servers in the United States. The information
generated is about the use of the website (including the IP address of
computer users)
Lazada had anticipated the possibility of security issues relating to their
database stolen by using a firewall on the system. Then the lazada also
uses encryption using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) coding claimed by the
site operator that can guarantee 100% data safety from theft by crackers.
Therefore, users are advised not to submit full details of credit and debit
cards in electronic communication encryption.
Users Rights
If Users are worried about their personal data, users have the right to
request access to personal data store site manager. Users have the right to
ask the site administrator to correct errors in the data for free and ask
penglola sites to stop using users personal data for direct marketing
Conclusion: Lazada e-commerce is one of the well-known people, the sales
system lazada buyers given the ease of buying or selling, as buyers can
simply click on items to be purchased and the conduct of the registration system
and also pambayarnya do not make customers trouble, lazada have 3 payment
systems, namely: payment to bank transfer, payment on credit, and pay on the
spot and goods delivery system is set up in collaboration with a freight company
as gojek so as to increase customer confidence.
Suggestion: old goods in shipping, as a matter or national holidays there was no
announcement in the delivery so that buyers feel suspended in a matter of delivery
of goods

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Aticle management information system on Lazada, Imam Rahmat Fauzan, Mercu Buana University, Jakarta, Indonesia.

  • 1. 1 ANALYSIS INFORMATION SYSTEM ON LAZADA INDONESIA Bagaskoro Sabastian, Bayu Aji Wibisono, Ahmad Khotib, Dicky Haryanto, Kevin Sunjaya, Rizky Akhbar Rahmatullah, Imam Rahmat Fauzan, Riyadi Saputra, Ario Darmawan Universitas Mercubuana Student, Jakarta Indonesia Abstrack: electronic commerce or e-commerce) is the deployment, purchasing, sales, marketing goods and services over electronic systems such as the Internet or television, www, or computer network lainnya.pada this article will discuss about the implementation of management information systems at lazada .co. id of the system sales of goods, payment systems and delivery systems of goods I. Introduction The development of the Internet led to the formation of a new world called cyberspace. In the virtual world, every individual has the right and ability to interact with other individuals without any restriction that could prevent him. Globalization was perfect actually running in a virtual world that connects all digital community. From all aspects of human life affected by internet presence. E-commerce sites are more and more in Indonesia, this is certainly good news for nette everyday spend hours in front of computer screens because they do not need to leave home to shop. E-commerce site is a site which is useful as a sale of goods and services both physical and digital. E-commerce sites in Indonesia is predicted by many observers that will progress rapidly. E-commerce is now a choice for the people because of its convenience, which means no need to go out to the mall, the goods can be purchased and delivered directly home E-commerce sites selling goods assortment, ranging from electronic devices, gadgets, books, fashion products, up to a discount voucher. In the e-commerce site, you can shop online anytime and anywhere you want. If you want to shop online, you must create an account normally used on e-commerce sites are concerned. Because throughout the groceries in the cart must sign in first, and subsequently paid for and delivered. If you're too lazy to leave the house or a walk in the mall, better open e-commerce sites, without queuing, without getting bogged down. Of several e-commerce sites above will be very useful for those of you who want to do the activity of buying and selling online. Due to the use of these sites, then for those of you who want to try to sell the goods do not need to create their own sites, please take advantage of the e-commerce site.
  • 2. 2 With e-Commerce, the complexity of the bureaucracy adminiastrasi and payments may be removed. The concept of e-commerce itself making the activity of transactions can be run easily and quickly, and most importantly is to foster buyer confidence to be able to conduct such transactions with the assurance keamaan Internet network is completely safe, in addition to the problem of web design as well as product offerings including company profile , so that consumers may be interested to go to the company website and subsequently conducting online transactions. II. Review of Literature 2.1. Management Information System is an information system that takes an organization to support the processing of all transaction management function in making a keputusan.Sistem Management Information Includes methods and organized efforts in performing the function of collecting data either from within or from outside the organization with and use the computer in the process for can produce and present the information up to date, accurate, precise, and fast for all interested parties in making a management decision. 2.2. Stage Cycle Management information systems development Here is a stage of development stage management information system 2.3 Planning phase This stage is a series of activities since the first idea behind the implementation of the system development thrown. In the planning stages of the development of the system should get equal attention to planning large projects, such as procurement planning network device information technology (IT), plans to build an office building 15 floors. The benefits obtained if the information system development project planned carefully, 2.4 Analysis Phase There are two aspects that are the focus of this phase, namely the aspect of business or management and technological aspects. Analysis of business aspects of studying the characteristics of the organization concerned. The purpose of this step is to determine the position or role of information technology is the most appropriate and relevant in the organization and learn the functions of management and business-related aspects that will affect or have a particular
  • 3. 3 impact on the process of design, construction, and implementation. During the analysis phase, systems analysts continue to cooperate with the manager, and SIM steering committee involved in important points include the following activities: a. Establish systems research plan b. Organize the project team c. Defining information needs d. Define the criteria for system performance e. Setting up the system design proposal f. Approve or reject the project design 2.5. Physical development Based on a design that has been made, construction or the real System Development (physical) was built. The technical team is the backbone of the implementation of this stage, given all the things that are conceptually should be implemented in the construction of information technology in a more detailed scale. Of all the existing phases, the construction phase is what usually most melihatkan greatest resource, especially in terms of the use of human resources, costs, and time. Control over the project management during the construction phase should be tightened so that the use of resources can be effectively and efficiently. However, this will impact on the success of information systems projects are completed in a timely manner. The end of the construction phase is usually a test of the information system barudikembangkan. 2.6. Implementation phase The implementation phase is the most critical stage due to pertarna time information system will be used in the organization. There are different approaches to the implementation of the new system is designed. 2.7. Stage Design / of planning At this stage, the information technology team worked closely with the management team of the business or designing the associated system components. Information technology team will perform the technical design of information technology to be built, such as the system databases, computer networks, technical conversion of the data, system migration methods, and so on. Meanwhile, in parallel and together business team or management, and information technology team will perform the design of the components related organizations, such as: will affect or have a particular impact on the process of design, construction, and implementation. During the analysis phase, systems
  • 4. 4 analysts continue to cooperate with the manager, and SIM steering committee involved in important points include the following activities: a. Establish systems research plan b. Organize the project team c. Defining information needs d. Define the criteria for system performance e. Setting up the system design proposal f. Approve or reject the project design development system 2.8. Post-Implementation Phase Development of information systems usually ends after the implementation phase is done. However, there is one more stage that must be maintained and cared for by the management, the post-implementation phase. Activities undertaken in the post-implementation stage is how the maintenance of the system will be managed. As with other resources, information systems will develop in the future. Things such as modifications to the system, to be guided to other systems, change the permissions system, the handling of the facility on a broken system, are examples of cases that typically arise in system maintenance. Here we need for adequate documentation and transfer of knowledge on the part of the system compiler to the user to ensure terkelolanya well system maintenance processes. From a management perspective, the post-implementation phase is in the form of an activity where there should be personnel or divisions can make changes or modifications to the information systems in line with the changing needs of a dynamic business. III. METODE PENELITIAN This research method is a qualitative method of study literatul Scientists in the field to the management information system (MIS) and information technology (IT). Besides, based on empirical experience of 3 years. Last and direct observation on the object of research .PT Main Pillars horizon and the unit of analysis department / section MIS / EDP, IV. PEMBAHASAN 4.1. Gambaran Umum Sistem Penjualan Lazada Sales in Lazada focus more on B2C (Business to Customer) where target marketing companies is the individual buyer. Penjuallan system in Lazada want to provide an experience to the buyer or customer experience that is different than if a buyer purchases from physical stores
  • 5. 5 Lazada is more focused on sales of electronic products, books, software, automotive supplies, and household appliances as well as small sejjumlah accessories, health and beauty products. A number of well-known brands have been registered in Lazada Indonesia. . One of the advantages provided Lazada is a free shuttle service in the Jakarta area menggangdeng Go-Jek and Cash On Delivery system for the Jakarta area. The company also provides customer service number 0812 8586 6825/021 46652854. consumer services take effect at 09:00 to 21:00 on Monday - Friday and at 9:00 to 17:00 on Saturday. Products In Lazada Some of the premium products offered and available today in Lazada is:  Electronic Computer.  Equipment and Household appliances,  Kids Equipment,  Health and beauty product,  Jewerly and watches,  Automotive Equipment,  Sport Equipment. Purchasing system in Lazada Payment Methods The company implements online payment system in accordance with the segment of the company is sales of e-commerce Before the payments were made buyers must first fill out the identity of buyers in the column of customer information. Column customer information contains billing address, email, email password, first name, phone number, another number, date of birth, Henis sex, type the address (whether the destination address of the office or home), address, province, city, zip code, district or wards. Then the buyer that the transaction in Lazada can use e-credit cards as means of payment. The first payment system via e-credit cards that can be made through
  • 6. 6 credit cards issued by Visa and Master Cards. The second payment system is bank transfers, which the buyer can use the transfer system through two accounts available, Bank BCA and Bank Mandiri. Lazada also provide convenience to buyers from Jakarta Jabodetabek in general and in particular can be served by the system Cash On Delivery. 4.2. Overview Purchasing and payment method in Lazada 1. Buyers are required to use the internet to access to the web 2. Buyers choose / click on the desired product in accordance with the list of products that have been provided by with the price and purchase pieces. 3. Buyers will be presented with information about the selected product is on product specifications / content of products and product that contains comments and ratings of other users. 4. It also provided information about the delivery period is different in each province and the availability of stocks of the product. 5. If a certain stock of products available and in accordance with the wishes of the buyer, the buyer can simply click the "Buy Now" and click. If the product is not in accordance with her wishes then can click on the "cap and continue shopping". 6. The next step is the buyer is required to fill a purchase form. Buyers still choose the option "shoppers stay" by filling in the email data and password that have been registered and buyers are still new and have never done a transaction in lazada must input the buyer's email address for confirmation of purchase. 7. Once complete email account entered / registered the next steps that will automatically go to page Information Delivery, where buyers are requested to fill in the desired delivery address, phone number, province, city, district. To address the subject of postage, the next column will appear subdistrict information "Worn postage", once stated cost "Shipping". To continue the process, the buyer clicks the "Continue" button. 8. Furthermore, the buyer chooses the preferred payment method. There are three methods provided is paid in place, credit cards, and bank transfers. The payment method "Pay in place" requires the buyer to be in areas already covered by The payment method "credit card" requires the buyer to fill out credit card
  • 7. 7 information required. Delivery method "bank transfer" requires the buyer to transfer the product price to the bank that provided by the seller. Buying with bank transfer method requires the buyer to confirm the delivery of money to the menu at home lazada "payment confirmation". 9. Once the chosen method of payment and fill in the necessary data then will provide booking code / order number and the amount to be paid. Delivery System Lazada to ship goods to the rest of Indonesia through its business associates GED. As for sending around Jakarta and surrounding areas, Lazada using his business associates is the Go-Jek. At the time of specific events promo with Lazada can eliminate the cost of shipping to all over Indonesia to attract more consumers to shop at Lazada. Terms and Conditions Opening of Accounts Terms and conditions applied by Lazada diberlaakukan to all users of the site Lazada (, PT Main Pillars Lazada horizon as the operator of the site, and all the divisions, subsidiaries, and affiliates internet sites by reference to the terms and conditions apply. Use of site Users of this site diwajibkkan of at least 19 years old or access under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian. Lazada provide context provided only for information purposes, and is also mentioned in the site that the products are represented on this site are the property of the vendor and not made by lazadanya own. While opinions on the site Lazada are the opinions of individuals who registered as a member Lazada superbly. During the registration process Lazada require users to consent to receive promotional emails from sites that are part of the advertising that is permission marketing. Drop Shipment
  • 8. 8 Drop shipment provisions apply to items of furniture and home appliances, and customer services team on lazada will call the customer after the transaction is authorized to confirm the time of delivery and receipt of goods. The products will only be handed over to those who make full payment or a party appointed by the purchaser. If at the time of delivery of items of furniture and home appliance categories, customers or those who have been designated as the recipient of the goods is not in place, then resending fee will be charged to the customer. Prior to shipment, the customer will be reminded of this during initial telephone confirmation. When customers refer others as the consignee, designees are required to show an identity card in the form of license, identification card, or passport. User submissions Lazada has implemented regulations that contain that all users provide to any Lazada sites, such as questions, reviews, comments and suggestions will be the sole and exclusive property for lazada and will not be returned to users. Acceptance of Orders and Prices In Lazada website mentioned that there are possible cases when the order could not be processed due to various reasons. Site reserves the right to refuse or cancel an order for any reason at any given time. Users may be asked to provide additional verification or information. Lazada determined to provide the most accurate pricing information on its website, but Lazada also mentioned in its website that the error giving accurate information could be wrong, such as when the price of the item is not displayed correctly diwebsitenya. Thus Lazada party reserves the right to refuse or cancel any order. Privacy and Confidentiality Use of Data Provided by
  • 9. 9 Described in situss Lazada, that PT. Main Pillars horizon As the party that runs the site www. greatly appreciate the privacy of the users and will keep any personal information users concerned as possible. Lazada parties to get information about users as part of the process of buying and selling within the site. The information obtained is not only limited to the username, password, name, title, gender, date of birth, email address, home address, postal address, but also concerned with the delivery address (if different from home address), phone number, mobile phone number, fax number, credit card payment details and bank account details. The name and address will also be provided to third parties as abgian of delivery abrang have purchased. Not only a limited part of the delivery process, tatapi Lazada can also provide users information to other companies that are still in business group Lazada dibawha shade Rocket Internet. Cookies Cookies are small text files that identify a computer user to go into the server Lazada as unique users when users visit the site pages Lzada. Cookies can identify the IP address of computer users. In lazada sites, the operation of the site using Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. Google Analytics will analyze cookies on computer users and data obtained will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. The information generated is about the use of the website (including the IP address of computer users) Security Lazada had anticipated the possibility of security issues relating to their database stolen by using a firewall on the system. Then the lazada also uses encryption using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) coding claimed by the site operator that can guarantee 100% data safety from theft by crackers. Therefore, users are advised not to submit full details of credit and debit cards in electronic communication encryption. Users Rights If Users are worried about their personal data, users have the right to
  • 10. 10 request access to personal data store site manager. Users have the right to ask the site administrator to correct errors in the data for free and ask penglola sites to stop using users personal data for direct marketing purposes. V. CONCLUSION Conclusion: Lazada e-commerce is one of the well-known people, the sales system lazada buyers given the ease of buying or selling, as buyers can simply click on items to be purchased and the conduct of the registration system and also pambayarnya do not make customers trouble, lazada have 3 payment systems, namely: payment to bank transfer, payment on credit, and pay on the spot and goods delivery system is set up in collaboration with a freight company as gojek so as to increase customer confidence. Suggestion: old goods in shipping, as a matter or national holidays there was no announcement in the delivery so that buyers feel suspended in a matter of delivery of goods REFERENCE lazada-indonesia