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ATARI 2600
Use with Keyboard Controllers
An overview of the Atari 2600
architecture, covering everything
needed to create a “Hello,World!”
program that can run on emulators
or even on a real Atari
● Pure nostalgia
● Homebrew games
● Demoscene
● Appreciate masterworks such as
Enduro, Pitfall! or River Raid
● Feel better about today's tools
and hardware limitations :-)
Atari 2600
(Video Computer System)
Over 600 titles...imagem:
but why were they so...“Atari-ish”?
Let's look inside and find out!
(Atari 2600 Jr. printed circuit board)
CPU: 6507
CPU: 65076502
Everything else: RIOT (6532)
Look ma, no O.S.!
Atari programs talk directly to the
hardware – there is no middle man!
Its 6502 CPU only “understands”
memory reads and writes, so all the
other chips are hard-wired to act as
memory (even those who aren't)
Memory Map
(very, very, very simplified*)
0000-002C – TIA (write)
0030-003D – TIA (read)
0080-00FF – RIOT (RAM)
0280-0297 – RIOT (I/O,Timer)
F000-FFFF – Cartridge (ROM)
Memory Map
F000-FFFF – Cartridge (ROM)
(this is not your biggest problem...)
4 KBytes!
Memory Map
0080-00FF – RIOT (RAM)
(and still not your biggest problem)
128 BYTES!!!!!
(1/8 of a KB)
(frame buffer)
Typical video chips translate
bit patterns stored onVideo RAM
(VRAM) into pixels and colors
Screen resolution and color depth
are subject toVRAM size limits
Memory was expensive on the
70s/80s, leading to trade-offs
How muchVRAM does an Atari have?
Memory Map
0000-002C – TIA (write)
0030-003D – TIA (read)
0080-00FF – RIOT (RAM)
0280-0297 – RIOT (I/O,Timer)
F000-FFFF – Cartridge (ROM)
Memory Map
????-???? – VRAM
Memory Map
0 bytes !!!!
????-???? – VRAM
right, now you
got a problem...
Racing the Beam
Since we can't just write pixels to
someVRAM frame buffer, our code
will need to work a bit closer to
the TV hardware, with a little help
from a very unique chip...
(Television Interface Adaptor)
How a TV set works
Image: cc-by wikipedia user Grm_wnr
public domain illustration by Ian Harvey
60 frames
per second
TIA is scanline-oriented
As the beam draws each scanline, the
game program must set TIA registers
to configure the objects drawn on it
Most of this objects have only one
color, making multiple colors on the
same scanline theoretically impossible...
...which explains:
constraints ⇒ creativity
Screen Objects
● Playfield (PF)
● Players (P0, P1)
● Missiles/Ball (M0, M1, BL)
Scanlines will be rendered based on
how we configure TIA's screen objects:
Playfield (PF)
20-bit pattern with a foreground and
a background color, rendered
over the left side of the scanline
The right side will either repeat or
refect the same pattern (the later
generating a symmetrical image)
Playfield configuration
PF0 = 0000 ←← order
PF1 = 00000000 order →→
PF2 = 00000000 ←← order
resulting scanline
Playfield configuration
PF0 = 0001 ←← order
PF1 = 00000000 order →→
PF2 = 00000000 ←← order
resulting scanline
_ _
Playfield configuration
PF0 = 0011 ←← order
PF1 = 00000000 order →→
PF2 = 00000000 ←← order
resulting scanline
__ __
Playfield configuration
PF0 = 0111 ←← order
PF1 = 00000000 order →→
PF2 = 00000000 ←← order
resulting scanline
___ ___
Playfield configuration
PF0 = 1111 ←← order
PF1 = 11110000 order →→
PF2 = 00000000 ←← order
resulting scanline
________ _______
Playfield configuration
PF0 = 1111 ←← order
PF1 = 11111110 order →→
PF2 = 00010101 ←← order
resulting scanline
___________ _ _ _ ___________ _ _ _
Playfield configuration
PF0 = 1111 ←← order
PF1 = 11111110 order →→
PF2 = 00010101 ←← order
resulting scanline
___________ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________
___________ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________
Players (P0, P1)
Each one is an independent 8 bit pattern
(GRP0/GRP1) with a foreground color
(COLUP0 / COLUP1) that can be
positioned at any column of the scanline
e.g.: 10100001 → ████████
Each player can be horizontally
stretched, multiplied or inverted by
setting NUSIZn / REFPn (n=0/1)
(number/size and reflect player)
With REFP0 (or REFP1) on
Missiles/Ball (M0/M1/BL)
Can be positioned just like players, but
no bit pattern, just a pixel (although it
can be horizontally stretched 2/4/8x)
M0/M1 use P0/P1colors, while
BL uses the PF foreground color
Master Plan
For each scanline, configure the
options for each object before the
beam reaches its intended position
The time slot is very short, forcing
programmers to pick and choose what
to change, reusing as much as they can
How short?
6502 ≈ 1,19Mhz (1.194.720 cycles/sec)
NTSC: 60 frames per second
1.194.720/60 ≅ 19.912 cycles per frame
How short?
CPU: 19.912 cyles per frame
NTSC: 262 scanlines per frame
19.912 / 262 = 76 cycles per scanline
How short?
CPU: 19.912 cyles per frame
NTSC: 262 scanlines per frame
19.912 / 262 = 76 cycles per scanline
and what can we do with 76 cycles?
(by the way:WTF is a “cycle”?)
Assembly 6502
6502 (Atari-wise)
Reads a program from the cartridge
(ROM) composed of operations that
manipulate and transfer bytes between
cartridge, RIOT (RAM, I/O, timers) and
TIA, keeping state on internal registers
Each operation that composes a 6502
program in memory is identified by a
1-byte opcode and can be followed
by up to 2 bytes of parameters
An instruction can take up to 6
cycles to be executed
A = Accumulator (8 bits)
X,Y= Indexes (8 bits)
S = Stack Pointer (8 bits)
P = Status (fags, 8 bits)
PC = Program Counter (16 bits)
Example program
“add 2 to a value stored at a
memory position; store the result
into another memory position”
● Read the byte stored on memory
position 0200 into register A
● Add 2 to register A's value
● Write register A's value into
memory position 0201
6502 Machine Code
AD Opcode (Memory → A)
00 Last part of “0200”
02 First part of “0200”
69 Opcode (value + A → A)
02 Value to add
8D Opcode (A → Memory)
01 Last part of “0201”
02 First part of “0201”
6502 Assembly Language
Associates the 151 opcodes
with 56 mnnemonic instructions
and a notation for their
parameters (access mode)
6502 Machine Code
AD Opcode (Memory → A)
00 Last part of “0200”
02 First part of “0200”
69 Opcode (value + A → A)
02 Value to add
8D Opcode (A → Memory)
01 Last part of “0201”
02 First part of “0201”
Assembly 6502
AD LDA $0200
69 ADC #02
8D STA $0201
Program that reads a text file
written in Assembly language and
assembles a binary file with the
corresponding machine code
LDA $0200
ADC #02
STA $0201
Macro Assembler
ORG $0100 ; Start @ memory 0100
LDX #$10 ; No idea where this
DEX ; will be in memory,
BNE SomeLabel ; and don't need to!
● 6502 Macro Assembler
● Includes Atari headers
● Multiplataform
● Free and open-source (GPLv2)
Notation (for today)
#... = decimal value
#$... = hex value
$... = hex address
$... , X = hex address + X
6502 Instruction Set
= most relevant for Atari 2600 programming
Data Transfer
LDA, LDX, LDY = Load
STA, STX, STY = Store
TYA,TSX,TXS = Transfer
LDA #$10 0x10→A
STY $0200 Y→m(0x0200)
ADC, SBC = +,- (w/ carry)
INC, INX, INY = ++
DEC, DEX, DEY = --
ADC $0100 m(0x100)+A→A
INC $0200 m(0x200)+1→
Bit Operations
AND, ORA, EOR = &, |, ^ (A)
ASL, LSR = Arithmetic shift
ROL, ROR = “Rotating” shift
AND #$11 A&0x11→A
LSR A>>1→A (A/2→A)
ROR A>>1 (bit 7=carry)
Comparing / Branching
CMP, CPX, CPY = compare A/X/Y (-)
BCS, BCC = ⇗ if carry set / clear
BEQ, BNE = ⇗ if equal / not equal
BVS, BVC = ⇗ if overfow set / clear
BMI, BPL = ⇗ if minus / plus
CPY $1234 if y=m(0x1234),
BEQ $0200 0x0200→PC
Stack and Subroutines
JSR, RTS = call/return subroutine
PHA, PLA = push / pull A
PHP, PLP = push / pull status (P)
JSR $1234 PC(+3)→stack,
RTS stack→PC
Everything else...
NOP = No Operation
JMP = Direct Jump (GOTO)
SEC, CLC = Set/Clear Carry
SEV, CLV = Set/Clear oVerfow
SEI, CLI = Set/Clear Interrupt-off
SED, CLD = Set/Clear Decimal
RTI = Return from Interrupt
BRK = Break
Neo:“I know kung fu.”
Morpheus:“Show me.”
© 1999 Warner Bros
Horizontal writing is hard
(too many pixels per scanline)
Vertical writing
is the way →
(less pixels/scanline)
We can use a player
or the playfield
Our display kernel will configure each
pair of visible scanlines with a byte
from a “hello world” bitmap (stored
on the card, just after the code)
Let's find which are visible, and how
we need to deal with TV timings
Source: Stella Programmers Guide, SteveWright, 1979
Program structure
Vertical Sync
Vertical Blank
X: count 0 to 191
(192 scanlines)
Program structure
Vertical Sync
Vertical Blank
11 chars *
8 bytes *
2 scanlines
per byte =
Program structure
Vertical Sync
Vertical Blank
Let's begin!
INCLUDE "vcs.h"
ORG $F000 ; Cart begins here
Vertical Sync
Vertical Blank
Frame (main loop) start
lda #%00000010 ; Signal VSYNC start by
sta VSYNC ; setting bit 1
REPEAT 3 ; lasts 3 scanlines
sta WSYNC ; (WSYNC = wait until
REPEND ; scanline is finished)
lda #0 ; Signal VSYNC end (and
sta VSYNC ; VBLANK start)
Vertical Sync
Vertical Blank
Vertical Blank
lda #$00
sta ENABL ; Disable ball
sta ENAM0 ; Disable missiles
sta ENAM1
sta GRP0 ; Disable players
sta GRP1 ; (with a 0s-only shape)
Vertical Sync
Vertical Blank
Vertical Blank
sta COLUBK ; Background (0=preto)
sta PF0 ; PF0 and PF2 stay off
sta PF2
lda #$FF ; Playfield color
sta COLUPF ; (yellow-ish)
lda #$00 ; Clear CTRLPF bit 0 to
sta CTRLPF ; repeat playfield
ldx #0 ; X: scanline counter
Vertical Sync
Vertical Blank
FinishVertical Blank
REPEAT 37 ; VBLANK lasts 37 scanlines
sta WSYNC ; (useful for game logic)
lda #0 ; Signals VBLANK end (will
sta VBLANK ; “turn on the beam”)
Vertical Sync
Vertical Blank
Scanline (inner loop)
cpx #174 ; Phrase over?
bcs ScanlineEnd; if so, skip
txa ; Y=X÷2 (logic shift →
lsr ; divides A by 2)
tay ;
lda Phrase,y ; label,Y = mem[label+Y]
sta PF1 ; PF1 = playfield (bits
; 4 to 11) Vertical Sync
Vertical Blank
Scanline (close inner loop)
sta WSYNC ; Finish current scanline
inx ; X=line counter
cpx #191 ; last visible scanline?
bne Scanline ; unless so, repeat!
Vertical Sync
Vertical Blank
Overscan (close main loop)
lda #%00000010 ; “turn off” beam again
sta VBLANK ; 30 scanlines of
REPEAT 30 ; overscan...
jmp StartFrame ; ...and start it over,
; forever and ever!
Vertical Sync
Vertical Blank
.BYTE %00000000 ; H
.BYTE %01000010
.BYTE %01111110
.BYTE %01000010
.BYTE %01000010
.BYTE %01000010
.BYTE %00000000
.BYTE %00000000 ; E
.BYTE %01111110
.BYTE %00000000 ; D
.BYTE %01111000
.BYTE %01000100
.BYTE %01000010
.BYTE %01000010
.BYTE %01000100
.BYTE %01111000
.BYTE %00000000 ; PF1 last value (!)
6502 configuration
ORG $FFFA ; Located at the end
; of ROM (cart)
.WORD FrameStart ; NMI address
.WORD FrameStart ; BOOT address
.WORD FrameStart ; BRK address
dasm source.asm -ocart.bin -f3
Advanced Tricks
Playfield-based score
Playfield-based score
The PF color can be replaced with
player colors (P0 = left side; P1 =
right side) by turning CTRLPF's
score mode bit on
(how could this improve our Hello World?)
(how could this improve our Hello World?)
Playfield-based score
Q: How can different patterns be
shown at each side of the playfield?
A: Change the pattern when the
beam is halfway through the scanline
(“race the beam”)
...and you have a different shape
at the other half!
Large worlds
Screen configuration (logs, vines,
trees, stairs, crocs) was squeezed
into a single byte, but 255 screens
(bytes) are still a huge ROM table
(for Atari standards)
David Crane implemented a sequence
generator (LFSR), which, for a given
value, would give the previous/next
ones, replacing the 255-byte table
with a 50-byte piece of code
River Raid
River Raid
Carol Shaw had used a 16-bit generator,
resulting in thousands of non-repeating
river sectors (tweaking the interpreter
to make the first few ones easier)
When a player loses a life, rendering
restarts from the last generated number,
that is, back on the last bridge
Horizontal positioning
Horizontal positioning
The horizontal position of a player /
missile / ball is not a writable register
Games must sync to with the beam and
write to the appropriate strobe register
when it is on the desired location
(in theory)
You can calculate...
1 CPU cycle = 3 “color clocks” (pixels)
Horizontal Blank = 22.6 cycles
horiz. position ≈ (cycles – 22.6) * 3
...but it is an estimate, because TIA only
reads its registers every 5 CPU cycles
Smooth ↔ movement is also hard
A 4-bit register allows moving a player,
missile or ball relative to its previous
position (adding -7 to +8 pixels)
The missile can also be reset to the
middle of its player, making it easy to
“fire” it over and over
Just start on a different scanline at each frame
strobe registers HMP0/1 e HMM0/1
Multi-digit Score
Multi-digit score
The trick is the same of the playfield-
based score (change the registers while
the beam is drawing the scanline), but
timing is much more of an issue here
Let's say the score is 456789...
Multi-digit score
Begin the scanline with the bits for 4
on GRP0 and those for 5 on GRP1
Configure NUSIZ0 and NUSIZ1 for
a triple repetition:
4 4 4 5 5 5
Player 0 Player 1
Multi-digit score
Set player 1 position just to the right
of player 0, overlapping the triplets
Player 0
Player 1
Multi-digit score
Change the patterns (GRP0/GRP1)
syncing with the beam, like this:
Multi-digit score
When the beam is about to finish
player 1's 1st
copy, change player 0 to
6 and player 1 to 7:
Multi-digit score
Repeat the trick after the 2nd
player 2
copy, this time changing player 0 to 8
and player 1 to 9
Multi-digit score
Repeat it for each scanline.
Easy! #not
Multi-digit score
There are other hurdles: we can't load
replaced digits from memory, and we
only have 3 memory-writable registers
to store 6 bit patterns...
...and that is why it is fun!
Final Words
A new look to the old school
Knowing what the Atari 2600 was
designed to do, we can appreciate
games that push it beyond its limits
by identifying “impossible” things
It is just the beginning!
The Atari homebrew scene is alive and
kicking, and these are the basics you
need to create your own games/demos
There are several uncovered topics
(sound, timers, collision, I/O...), but with
time and dedication, you can do it!
To learn more
Hello, World:
Sorteio 2600
Racing The Beam (book):
David Crane's talk:
David Crane's iOS tutorials: and
Stella Programmer's Guide:
Classic games disassembled:
Atari 2600 specs:
6502 reference:
In-browser emulator:
Andrew Dave's tutorial: (the whole site is great)
Harmony (SD-reader cart):
BAtari (BASIC compiler):
TIA sound examples:
Bankswitching (more ROM/RAM):
Thank you!
Credits and License
This presentation is available under the
licença Creative Commons “by-nc” 3.0 l,
noticing the exceptions below
Images from third parties were included (with due credits) under
fair use assumption and/or under their respective licenses.
These are excluded from the license above.
Atari™,Adventure™, Donkey Kong™, Pitfall™, Super Mario™ and
likewise characters/games/systems are mentioned uniquely for
illustrative purposes, also under fair use assumption.They are property
of their rights holders, and are also excluded from the license above.

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Atari 2600 VCS Programming

  • 1. game program™ ATARI 2600 PROGRAMMING Use with Keyboard Controllers PROGRAM CONTENTS 2011-2013 CHESTER, INC. ©
  • 2. What An overview of the Atari 2600 architecture, covering everything needed to create a “Hello,World!” program that can run on emulators or even on a real Atari
  • 3. Why ● Pure nostalgia ● Homebrew games ● Demoscene ● Appreciate masterworks such as Enduro, Pitfall! or River Raid ● Feel better about today's tools and hardware limitations :-)
  • 6. Over 600 titles...imagem:
  • 7. but why were they so...“Atari-ish”?
  • 8. Let's look inside and find out! (Atari 2600 Jr. printed circuit board)
  • 13. Look ma, no O.S.! Atari programs talk directly to the hardware – there is no middle man! Its 6502 CPU only “understands” memory reads and writes, so all the other chips are hard-wired to act as memory (even those who aren't)
  • 14. Memory Map (very, very, very simplified*) 0000-002C – TIA (write) 0030-003D – TIA (read) 0080-00FF – RIOT (RAM) 0280-0297 – RIOT (I/O,Timer) F000-FFFF – Cartridge (ROM) *
  • 15. Memory Map F000-FFFF – Cartridge (ROM) (this is not your biggest problem...) 4 KBytes!
  • 16. Memory Map 0080-00FF – RIOT (RAM) (and still not your biggest problem) 128 BYTES!!!!! (1/8 of a KB)
  • 17. VRAM (frame buffer) Typical video chips translate bit patterns stored onVideo RAM (VRAM) into pixels and colors
  • 19. VRAM Screen resolution and color depth are subject toVRAM size limits Memory was expensive on the 70s/80s, leading to trade-offs How muchVRAM does an Atari have?
  • 20. Memory Map 0000-002C – TIA (write) 0030-003D – TIA (read) 0080-00FF – RIOT (RAM) 0280-0297 – RIOT (I/O,Timer) F000-FFFF – Cartridge (ROM)
  • 22. Memory Map 0 bytes !!!! ????-???? – VRAM right, now you got a problem...
  • 23. Racing the Beam Since we can't just write pixels to someVRAM frame buffer, our code will need to work a bit closer to the TV hardware, with a little help from a very unique chip...
  • 25. How a TV set works Image: cc-by wikipedia user Grm_wnr
  • 26. Scanlines public domain illustration by Ian Harvey 60 frames per second (NTSC standard)
  • 27. TIA is scanline-oriented As the beam draws each scanline, the game program must set TIA registers to configure the objects drawn on it Most of this objects have only one color, making multiple colors on the same scanline theoretically impossible...
  • 30. Screen Objects ● Playfield (PF) ● Players (P0, P1) ● Missiles/Ball (M0, M1, BL) Scanlines will be rendered based on how we configure TIA's screen objects:
  • 31. Playfield (PF) 20-bit pattern with a foreground and a background color, rendered over the left side of the scanline The right side will either repeat or refect the same pattern (the later generating a symmetrical image)
  • 36. Playfield configuration PF0 = 0000 ←← order PF1 = 00000000 order →→ PF2 = 00000000 ←← order REFLECT = 0 resulting scanline
  • 37. Playfield configuration PF0 = 0001 ←← order PF1 = 00000000 order →→ PF2 = 00000000 ←← order REFLECT = 0 resulting scanline _ _
  • 38. Playfield configuration PF0 = 0011 ←← order PF1 = 00000000 order →→ PF2 = 00000000 ←← order REFLECT = 0 resulting scanline __ __
  • 39. Playfield configuration PF0 = 0111 ←← order PF1 = 00000000 order →→ PF2 = 00000000 ←← order REFLECT = 0 resulting scanline ___ ___
  • 40. Playfield configuration PF0 = 1111 ←← order PF1 = 11110000 order →→ PF2 = 00000000 ←← order REFLECT = 0 resulting scanline ________ _______
  • 41. Playfield configuration PF0 = 1111 ←← order PF1 = 11111110 order →→ PF2 = 00010101 ←← order REFLECT = 0 resulting scanline ___________ _ _ _ ___________ _ _ _
  • 42. Playfield configuration PF0 = 1111 ←← order PF1 = 11111110 order →→ PF2 = 00010101 ←← order REFLECT = 1 resulting scanline ___________ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________
  • 43. ___________ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________
  • 44. Players (P0, P1) Each one is an independent 8 bit pattern (GRP0/GRP1) with a foreground color (COLUP0 / COLUP1) that can be positioned at any column of the scanline e.g.: 10100001 → ████████
  • 47. Players Each player can be horizontally stretched, multiplied or inverted by setting NUSIZn / REFPn (n=0/1) (number/size and reflect player)
  • 49. With REFP0 (or REFP1) on 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 NUSIZn
  • 51.
  • 56. Missiles/Ball (M0/M1/BL) Can be positioned just like players, but no bit pattern, just a pixel (although it can be horizontally stretched 2/4/8x) M0/M1 use P0/P1colors, while BL uses the PF foreground color
  • 58. BALL
  • 59. BALL
  • 62. Master Plan For each scanline, configure the options for each object before the beam reaches its intended position The time slot is very short, forcing programmers to pick and choose what to change, reusing as much as they can
  • 63. How short? 6502 ≈ 1,19Mhz (1.194.720 cycles/sec) NTSC: 60 frames per second 1.194.720/60 ≅ 19.912 cycles per frame
  • 64. How short? CPU: 19.912 cyles per frame NTSC: 262 scanlines per frame 19.912 / 262 = 76 cycles per scanline
  • 65. How short? CPU: 19.912 cyles per frame NTSC: 262 scanlines per frame 19.912 / 262 = 76 cycles per scanline and what can we do with 76 cycles? (by the way:WTF is a “cycle”?)
  • 67.
  • 68. 6502
  • 69. 6502 (Atari-wise) Reads a program from the cartridge (ROM) composed of operations that manipulate and transfer bytes between cartridge, RIOT (RAM, I/O, timers) and TIA, keeping state on internal registers
  • 70. Operations Each operation that composes a 6502 program in memory is identified by a 1-byte opcode and can be followed by up to 2 bytes of parameters An instruction can take up to 6 cycles to be executed
  • 71. Registers A = Accumulator (8 bits) X,Y= Indexes (8 bits) S = Stack Pointer (8 bits) P = Status (fags, 8 bits) PC = Program Counter (16 bits)
  • 72. Example program “add 2 to a value stored at a memory position; store the result into another memory position”
  • 73. Implementation ● Read the byte stored on memory position 0200 into register A ● Add 2 to register A's value ● Write register A's value into memory position 0201
  • 74. 6502 Machine Code AD Opcode (Memory → A) 00 Last part of “0200” 02 First part of “0200” 69 Opcode (value + A → A) 02 Value to add 8D Opcode (A → Memory) 01 Last part of “0201” 02 First part of “0201”
  • 75.
  • 76. 6502 Assembly Language Associates the 151 opcodes with 56 mnnemonic instructions and a notation for their parameters (access mode)
  • 77. 6502 Machine Code AD Opcode (Memory → A) 00 Last part of “0200” 02 First part of “0200” 69 Opcode (value + A → A) 02 Value to add 8D Opcode (A → Memory) 01 Last part of “0201” 02 First part of “0201”
  • 78. Assembly 6502 AD LDA $0200 00 02 69 ADC #02 02 8D STA $0201 01 02
  • 79. Assembler Program that reads a text file written in Assembly language and assembles a binary file with the corresponding machine code foo.asm LDA $0200 ADC #02 STA $0201 ... foo.bin AD000269 028D0102 ... ASSEMBLER
  • 80. Macro Assembler ORG $0100 ; Start @ memory 0100 ... SomeLabel: LDX #$10 ; No idea where this DEX ; will be in memory, BNE SomeLabel ; and don't need to! ...
  • 81. DASM ● 6502 Macro Assembler ● Includes Atari headers ● Multiplataform ● Free and open-source (GPLv2)
  • 82. Notation (for today) #... = decimal value #$... = hex value $... = hex address $... , X = hex address + X
  • 83. 6502 Instruction Set = most relevant for Atari 2600 programming
  • 84. Data Transfer LDA, LDX, LDY = Load STA, STX, STY = Store TAX,TAY,TXA, TYA,TSX,TXS = Transfer LDA #$10 0x10→A STY $0200 Y→m(0x0200) TXA X→A
  • 85. Arithmetic ADC, SBC = +,- (w/ carry) INC, INX, INY = ++ DEC, DEX, DEY = -- ADC $0100 m(0x100)+A→A INC $0200 m(0x200)+1→ m(0x200) DEX X-1→X
  • 86. Bit Operations AND, ORA, EOR = &, |, ^ (A) ASL, LSR = Arithmetic shift ROL, ROR = “Rotating” shift AND #$11 A&0x11→A LSR A>>1→A (A/2→A) ROR A>>1 (bit 7=carry)
  • 87. Comparing / Branching CMP, CPX, CPY = compare A/X/Y (-) BCS, BCC = ⇗ if carry set / clear BEQ, BNE = ⇗ if equal / not equal BVS, BVC = ⇗ if overfow set / clear BMI, BPL = ⇗ if minus / plus CPY $1234 if y=m(0x1234), BEQ $0200 0x0200→PC
  • 88. Stack and Subroutines JSR, RTS = call/return subroutine PHA, PLA = push / pull A PHP, PLP = push / pull status (P) JSR $1234 PC(+3)→stack, 0x1234→PC RTS stack→PC
  • 89. Everything else... NOP = No Operation JMP = Direct Jump (GOTO) SEC, CLC = Set/Clear Carry SEV, CLV = Set/Clear oVerfow SEI, CLI = Set/Clear Interrupt-off SED, CLD = Set/Clear Decimal RTI = Return from Interrupt BRK = Break
  • 90. Neo:“I know kung fu.” Morpheus:“Show me.” © 1999 Warner Bros
  • 92. Hello,World! Horizontal writing is hard (too many pixels per scanline)
  • 93. Hello,World! Vertical writing is the way → (less pixels/scanline) We can use a player or the playfield
  • 94. Hello,World! Our display kernel will configure each pair of visible scanlines with a byte from a “hello world” bitmap (stored on the card, just after the code) Let's find which are visible, and how we need to deal with TV timings
  • 95. Source: Stella Programmers Guide, SteveWright, 1979 GAMELOGIC (3+37+30).76=5320cycles KERNEL
  • 96.
  • 97.
  • 98. Program structure Vertical Sync Vertical Blank Overscan Playfield
  • 99. main loop (infinite) Kernel X: count 0 to 191 (192 scanlines) Program structure Vertical Sync Vertical Blank Overscan 11 chars * 8 bytes * 2 scanlines per byte = 176 scanlines
  • 101. Let's begin! PROCESSOR 6502 INCLUDE "vcs.h" ORG $F000 ; Cart begins here Vertical Sync Vertical Blank Kernel Overscan
  • 102. Frame (main loop) start StartFrame: lda #%00000010 ; Signal VSYNC start by sta VSYNC ; setting bit 1 REPEAT 3 ; lasts 3 scanlines sta WSYNC ; (WSYNC = wait until REPEND ; scanline is finished) lda #0 ; Signal VSYNC end (and sta VSYNC ; VBLANK start) Vertical Sync Vertical Blank Kernel Overscan
  • 103. Vertical Blank PreparePlayfield: lda #$00 sta ENABL ; Disable ball sta ENAM0 ; Disable missiles sta ENAM1 sta GRP0 ; Disable players sta GRP1 ; (with a 0s-only shape) Vertical Sync Vertical Blank Kernel Overscan
  • 104. Vertical Blank sta COLUBK ; Background (0=preto) sta PF0 ; PF0 and PF2 stay off sta PF2 lda #$FF ; Playfield color sta COLUPF ; (yellow-ish) lda #$00 ; Clear CTRLPF bit 0 to sta CTRLPF ; repeat playfield ldx #0 ; X: scanline counter Vertical Sync Vertical Blank Kernel Overscan
  • 105. FinishVertical Blank REPEAT 37 ; VBLANK lasts 37 scanlines sta WSYNC ; (useful for game logic) REPEND ; lda #0 ; Signals VBLANK end (will sta VBLANK ; “turn on the beam”) Vertical Sync Vertical Blank Kernel Overscan
  • 106. Scanline (inner loop) Scanline: cpx #174 ; Phrase over? bcs ScanlineEnd; if so, skip txa ; Y=X÷2 (logic shift → lsr ; divides A by 2) tay ; lda Phrase,y ; label,Y = mem[label+Y] sta PF1 ; PF1 = playfield (bits ; 4 to 11) Vertical Sync Vertical Blank Kernel Overscan
  • 107. Scanline (close inner loop) ScanlineEnd: sta WSYNC ; Finish current scanline inx ; X=line counter cpx #191 ; last visible scanline? bne Scanline ; unless so, repeat! Vertical Sync Vertical Blank Kernel Overscan
  • 108. Overscan (close main loop) Overscan: lda #%00000010 ; “turn off” beam again sta VBLANK ; 30 scanlines of REPEAT 30 ; overscan... sta WSYNC REPEND jmp StartFrame ; ...and start it over, ; forever and ever! Vertical Sync Vertical Blank Kernel Overscan
  • 109. Hello... Phrase: .BYTE %00000000 ; H .BYTE %01000010 .BYTE %01111110 .BYTE %01000010 .BYTE %01000010 .BYTE %01000010 .BYTE %00000000 .BYTE %00000000 ; E .BYTE %01111110 ...
  • 110. ... .BYTE %00000000 ; D .BYTE %01111000 .BYTE %01000100 .BYTE %01000010 .BYTE %01000010 .BYTE %01000100 .BYTE %01111000 .BYTE %00000000 ; PF1 last value (!)
  • 111. 6502 configuration ORG $FFFA ; Located at the end ; of ROM (cart) .WORD FrameStart ; NMI address .WORD FrameStart ; BOOT address .WORD FrameStart ; BRK address END
  • 112. Assemble! dasm source.asm -ocart.bin -f3
  • 115. Playfield-based score The PF color can be replaced with player colors (P0 = left side; P1 = right side) by turning CTRLPF's score mode bit on
  • 117. (how could this improve our Hello World?)
  • 118. (how could this improve our Hello World?)
  • 119. Playfield-based score Q: How can different patterns be shown at each side of the playfield? A: Change the pattern when the beam is halfway through the scanline (“race the beam”)
  • 120.
  • 121.
  • 122. beam ...and you have a different shape at the other half!
  • 126. Pitfall! Screen configuration (logs, vines, trees, stairs, crocs) was squeezed into a single byte, but 255 screens (bytes) are still a huge ROM table (for Atari standards)
  • 127. Pitfall! David Crane implemented a sequence generator (LFSR), which, for a given value, would give the previous/next ones, replacing the 255-byte table with a 50-byte piece of code
  • 129. River Raid Carol Shaw had used a 16-bit generator, resulting in thousands of non-repeating river sectors (tweaking the interpreter to make the first few ones easier) When a player loses a life, rendering restarts from the last generated number, that is, back on the last bridge
  • 131. Horizontal positioning The horizontal position of a player / missile / ball is not a writable register Games must sync to with the beam and write to the appropriate strobe register when it is on the desired location
  • 133. You can calculate... 1 CPU cycle = 3 “color clocks” (pixels) Horizontal Blank = 22.6 cycles horiz. position ≈ (cycles – 22.6) * 3 ...but it is an estimate, because TIA only reads its registers every 5 CPU cycles Smooth ↔ movement is also hard
  • 134. Alternatives A 4-bit register allows moving a player, missile or ball relative to its previous position (adding -7 to +8 pixels) The missile can also be reset to the middle of its player, making it easy to “fire” it over and over
  • 136. VERTICAL MOVEMENT Just start on a different scanline at each frame HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT strobe registers HMP0/1 e HMM0/1
  • 138. Multi-digit score The trick is the same of the playfield- based score (change the registers while the beam is drawing the scanline), but timing is much more of an issue here Let's say the score is 456789...
  • 139. Multi-digit score Begin the scanline with the bits for 4 on GRP0 and those for 5 on GRP1 Configure NUSIZ0 and NUSIZ1 for a triple repetition: 4 4 4 5 5 5 Player 0 Player 1
  • 140. Multi-digit score Set player 1 position just to the right of player 0, overlapping the triplets 454545 Player 0 Player 1
  • 141. Multi-digit score Change the patterns (GRP0/GRP1) syncing with the beam, like this: BEAM 454545
  • 142. Multi-digit score When the beam is about to finish player 1's 1st copy, change player 0 to 6 and player 1 to 7: BEAM 454545
  • 143. Multi-digit score Repeat the trick after the 2nd player 2 copy, this time changing player 0 to 8 and player 1 to 9 BEAM 456767
  • 144. Multi-digit score Repeat it for each scanline. Easy! #not BEAM 456789
  • 145. Multi-digit score There are other hurdles: we can't load replaced digits from memory, and we only have 3 memory-writable registers to store 6 bit patterns... ...and that is why it is fun!
  • 147. A new look to the old school Knowing what the Atari 2600 was designed to do, we can appreciate games that push it beyond its limits by identifying “impossible” things
  • 148. It is just the beginning! The Atari homebrew scene is alive and kicking, and these are the basics you need to create your own games/demos There are several uncovered topics (sound, timers, collision, I/O...), but with time and dedication, you can do it!
  • 149. To learn more Hello, World: Sorteio 2600 Racing The Beam (book): David Crane's talk: David Crane's iOS tutorials: and Stella Programmer's Guide: Classic games disassembled: Atari 2600 specs: 6502 reference: In-browser emulator: Andrew Dave's tutorial: (the whole site is great) Harmony (SD-reader cart): BAtari (BASIC compiler): TIA sound examples: Bankswitching (more ROM/RAM):
  • 151. Credits and License This presentation is available under the licença Creative Commons “by-nc” 3.0 l, noticing the exceptions below Images from third parties were included (with due credits) under fair use assumption and/or under their respective licenses. These are excluded from the license above. Atari™,Adventure™, Donkey Kong™, Pitfall™, Super Mario™ and likewise characters/games/systems are mentioned uniquely for illustrative purposes, also under fair use assumption.They are property of their rights holders, and are also excluded from the license above.