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Astronomy Impact
Astronomical impact of the Moon on Earth
By: Peter Wehrfritz (500405367) CPCS 181
The moon has had a profound impact on the earth's evolution as well as life on Earth. Our moon is
believed to have been created about 4.5 billion years ago, when a large planetoid crashed into the
Earth, spraying space debris which was gradually captured by gravity 2. Eventually, this material
solidified into a body which we know as our moon. 3. This process is unique in our solar system as
the other planet's moons were formed by capturing free floating bodies with their gravity 3.
Physical Characteristics of the Moon
Earth's moon is the brightest object in our night sky. It has an elliptical orbit around the earth every
27.322 days and it also takes approximately ... Show more content on ...
The gravitational force of the moon is strong enough to exert a pulling force on the Earth, but the
Earth is able to hold on to everything except the water 7. As the water is in constant motion the
moon gravity is able to create a pull on the water, causing it to bulge resulting in high tide 7. As the
Moon and the earth are moving with respect to each other, the force creating high tide also moves
over different parts of the earth. Each day, there are two high tides and two low tides, with about 12
hours and 25 minutes between the two high tides 7. However, these periods do not happen at the
same time each day because the moon takes about 50 minutes more than earth's 24–hour day to
exactly align again with the same point on the Earth. Therefore, the timing of high tides is staggered
throughout the month, with each tide occurring approximately 24 hours and 50 minutes later than
the previous one 6. It is also observed that the water on the opposite side of Earth which faces away
from the Moon also experiences high tide 6. The reason is that the stronger centrifugal force pulls in
the opposite direction to negate the moon's gravitational pull on the earth to keep them apart and
thus causes the ocean water on the opposite side of the Earth to bulge and experience high tide
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Dwarf Planet Ceres Research Paper
Ceres Exploration This space–based planetary exploration mission targets the dwarf planet Ceres,
which is the mission subject, or more specifically, the surface of the dwarf planet is the subject. The
surface of "Ceres is covered in countless small, young craters (Davis, n.d.). "Within some of Ceres'
craters, there are regions that are always in shadow. It's possible that without direct sunlight, these
'cold traps' could have water ice in them for long periods of time" (Davis, n.d.). The sign of water on
the dwarf planet could mean big for the scientists in earth. It suggests a possible sign of life on the
dwarf planet. The mission's objectives are to study the surface of Ceres to find water or signs of
water and, if water is found, study the possibility of life on the dwarf planet. A rover will be the
payload of the mission, trying to carry out the mission's objectives. The mission duration will be an
unlimited amount of time or until total and permanent communication loss happens with the rover.
This mission will ultimately benefit NASA and humankind. These can also be called the mission
users. ... Show more content on ...
If water is found on the surface of Ceres, there is a possibility of life on the dwarf planet. The rover
will use the equipment and technology used on the Curiosity rover on mars to study the possibility
of life on the dwarf planet ("In–Situ," n.d.). One of the goals the Curiosity rover was to "determine if
life ever arose on Mars" ("Science Goal 1," n.d.). The technology used on the Curiosity rover had a
goal to find life, so why not use the same equipment to find life on another planet. Finding life on
other planets is a fundamental goal to humankind. Studying the life could help NASA and scientist
unlock more knowledge on how life began on Earth. That knowledge will benefit humankind to
better understand the universe and how it all began
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Pluto Or Dwarf Planet?
Pluto has been cool, cool as ice in fact, since it's discovery in 1930. It is like the little rebellious
youngster of the solar system family with its out there orbital path and the binary system it has with
its largest moon, Charon. Pluto got relatively quiet for a while until 2006 when the New Horizons
mission began to be under way. But the event in Pluto news that really stole the show was its
reclassification as a "Dwarf Planet", But let's go back to the beginning of this little planet's journey.
Clyde Tombaugh, the discoverer of pluto, studied for his degree in astronomy from the University of
Kansas while interning at Lowell Observatory during the summers. He built his own telescope in
1929 and the Observatory took notice of this and hired him on full time as a telescope operator. He
began the search for "Planet X" based on the research of Percival Lowell. a few months later on
February 18, 1930 saw exactly what he was looking for in photographs taken by the telescope, there
was movement across the backdrop of a thousand stars. Further studying confirmed that it was
indeed Planet X and the discovery was officially announced March 13th ... Show more content on ...
An astronomer noticed something out past pluto, but roughly the same size, bigger actually. Eris was
making waves. This new discovery was destined to change something, we would either have to add
another planet or make a new category for these smaller not–quite–planet–sized planets. only a year
after its discovery it was brought to the International Astronomical Union (IAU) to be considered as
a 10th planet. With consideration that there were probably many objects like Eris out there to
discover they realised that the definition for what made a planet wasn't very clear. To avoid having
to just keep adding planets to the list they voted on new guidelines and realised that neither Pluto
nor Eris met those guidelines. Pluto became a Dwarf Planet just a few months after the New
Horizons launch in
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Research Paper On Domes
In the beginning a lot of people thought they were going to die. Hi I'm Maddie Baker and I am a
survivor of a horrible event. In 2020 all the national newsgroups were afraid their systems were
picking up evidence of a 75 mile wide meteorite coming towards Earth. They said the meteorite
would not get to earth for another year or two. They also said it was possible for the meteorite to hit
Mars or another planet before it got to Earth. I was 16 years old at the time and I felt like my life
was over already. I was convinced the we were going to die until the news said, "A man named Jim
Wipan is trying to make domes for people to live at if the meteorite hits Earth. He is willing to pay
for them all to be built. The only downfall is he is saying that you will have to bring 20 gallons of
water and it cost 2500 dollars just as a tuition. Later you would have to pay up to 8000 dollars.
While I was listening to the news I was thinking what if my family and I could get a dome. Then the
TV said how much the domes cost. Also I have a family of four that means we would have to bring
80 gallons of water. Then I thought what if we make our one domes.
"We can make our own domes," my dad said.
"We don't have the money for that," my mom said with her voice of are you kidding me.
Finally I said. "We can still do it. If we charge less more ... Show more content on ...
The plan of the doms was for people to have a place to live if they survive. The domes were built to
keep toxic air out also. We didn't what would really happen if the meteorite hit Earth. We were
hoping the domes would stand through the hit. We weren't totally sure they would work. We got
people to save food and water. Mostly water because we found a way to get food by building some
domes for wild animals. Our domes didn't want to have to eat domesticated animals. Jim Wipan still
buits some domes for his family and they were going to eat domesticated if they had
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The World Of The Classical Solar System
Last July, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft flew by Pluto, the last unvisited world of the classical
solar system. As the largest known member of the Kuiper belt, Pluto is also the gateway to a new
frontier, a scarcely studied collection of primordial icy bodies far from the sun that constitutes the
"third zone" of the solar system after the realms of the inner rocky planets and the outer gas giants.
Like most first glimpses of new frontiers, Pluto held so many surprises for New Horizons that the
past eight months have seen a steady stream of discoveries coming from the mission, as the
spacecraft's small radio transmitter beams its gathered data back home. The biggest surprises have
been Pluto's surface and atmosphere, which are restlessly active and diverse despite average
temperatures of only tens of degrees above absolute zero. Some scientists expected New Horizons
would find Pluto to be little more than an inert, sunlight–starved orb. Instead, the spacecraft
encountered a world where nitrogen glaciers flow down into plains of frozen methane from towering
mountains of water ice. Sunless half–frozen oceans lurk deep beneath the surface, and multiple
moons tumble overhead through hydrocarbon–hazed red skies that tinge to blue at sunrise and
But beyond celebrating the visceral thrill of the Pluto flyby itself, or the intellectual frisson of
gazing on full–color close–ups of a place so alien and faraway, most of these discoveries from New
Horizons have so far found a
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Sam Bell Moon
In the beginning of the film The Moon, Sam Bell doesn't know yet that he is a clone and he does his
normal daily chores on the moon. Sam prepares the Helium3 and he listens to videos of his wife. He
sees that they are weirdly edited, and he spends time talking to GERTY who tells him that he only
has two weeks left on the moon. Sam Bell crashes his rover into harvester that makes the energy and
passes out. GERTY wakes up another Sam Bell thinking that the other Sam Bell died. in the rover
when it hit the harvester and turned over and the new clone keeps telling GERTY that he has to go
outside and when he does he finds the other clone. When the first clone wakes up he still thinks he's
the real Sam Bell and the clone # 2 tells him that they are ... Show more content on
Sam Bell #2 takes on Lunar and wreaks havoc on the company. He takes on the whole company by
himself and nothing is ever the same because of what just one man with courage was able to
accomplish. The writers were showing the cycle of death and living what people can do with just a
short amount of time on this planet. How just one thing like a lie can start a ripple effect. The
screenwriters and filmmakers were showing how a person lives and then dies and how hard it can be
to die during such a process of life. Furthermore, we got to see everything in the film start over
again. The same scene from the beginning happening close to the end of the film before Sam #2
escapes the planet heads towards earth GERTY wakes Sam #3 asks him the same questions, he
asked both Sam#1and#2. This film has a lot of humanity in it shows what the future could be for
people who might work on the moon one day harvesting energy from the sun. I like the Themes that
the screenwriters and filmmakers choose with this film how astronauts live in such a lonely secluded
environment for years at a
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Pluto: Pink Dwarf Planet
Pluto is the second closest planet to the Sun 1930 pluto was discovered, until 2006 it was also
considered the ninth planet of the solar system. Pluto's nickname was "pink dwarf planet".This
planet date of discovery is February 13, 1930. surrounding celestial objects is a dwarf planet in the
jupiter belt a ring of bodies beyond Neptune.This planet loca on tion is in lowell.
Pluto was visited on the new Horizons mission. Is to help us understand words at the edge on our
solar system. Research clone on this planet.caltech researchers have found evidence of a giant
planet.Life on his planet.
Pluto's combustion consists of a mixture of 70 percent rocks and 30 percent water ice. Pluto's
appearance is very icy and rocky. Changes in
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Asteroid Exploration And Utilization By George Botbyl
The Earth is nearing depletion of its natural resources at a time when human beings are rapidly
expanding the frontiers of space. The resources which may exist on asteroids could have enormous
potential for aiding and enhancing human space exploration as well as life on Earth. With the
possibly limitless opportunities that exist, it is clear that asteroids are the next step for human
existence in space. The resources of the Earth are not infinite, in fact, some are depletable within the
next several decades. Once high grade reserves are used up, low grades ores will have to be used.
These effects of using low grade ores on the environment and society were discussed in the article
"Asteroid Exploration and Utilization" by George Botbyl as a cycle of negative consequences which
build upon each other. In order to protect Earth, the next 25 years must bring a new era in space
development. Even presidential policy confirms that the United States of America is committed to
the establishment of a permanent human presence in space. The earliest studies of asteroid mining
proposed retrieving a main belt asteroid. Because of the very long travel times to the main asteroid
belt, attention has shifted to the asteroids whose orbits bring them fairly close to the Earth. In these
schemes, the asteroids would be bagged and then processed during the return trip, with the asteroid
itself providing the reaction mass to propel the mission homeward. A mission to one of these near–
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Space Exploration: Neil Degrasse Tyson
"Space exploration is a force of nature unto itself that no other force in society can rival." (Greene)
The famous astrophysicist and astronomer, Neil Degrasse Tyson, one said these powerful words. To
paraphrase, Neil Degrasse Tyson meant that space exploration is unlike anything else as it compels
people to explore... explore the unknown and themselves. (Greene) Ever since I was little, I have
always admired outer space with all of its stars and comets and wanted to learn more about it. Due
to this, I am very informed about this topic and have done more than sufficient research through
various websites and articles on the Internet. Essentially, space exploration is extremely worthy of
large investments due to the increase of technological ... Show more content on ...
For example, the amount of resources we consume each year is more than the earth can sustain. The
World Wildlife Fund estimates by 2030 we will be consuming two planets' worth of natural
resources. (Austen) At this rate, in the nearby future, we will run out of resources and energy,
however, through space travel, we can get these resources back. For instance, the moons of Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus and Neptune contain high quantities of water, carbon and nitrogen. (Austen) These
are simply a few areas where mining resources are possible. Another major issue currently facing
civilization is climate change. Eventually, in the future, Earth might not be able to sustain life due to
countless reasons, such as the growing population, natural disasters or even the aftermath of war.
Even the Justice League wouldn't be able to solve these major issues, however, through space travel,
we could. Stephen Hawking, renowned astrophysicist and one of the smartest men alive, said ""Our
only chance of long–term survival is not to remain lurking on planet Earth, but to spread out into
space." (Szklarski) Possible in the distant future if needed, we could expand colonies of society into
space, for example, Mars's atmosphere offers some protection from cosmic rays and has 40 percent
of Earth's gravity. (Austen) Similarly to solving enormous problems facing society, space
exploration further develops
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Analysis Of The Poem ' Ceres '
Two whole months; that was how long it had been since Ceres' had seen here daughter Proserpina
after she left to go spend some time by the seaside while her mother worked. Ceres was tanned with
gray hair and some wrinkles from working out in the sun, tending to crops. Proserpina had promised
to be home within a month and a half to spend some time with her mother but Ceres had not seen
nor heard from her. This causes Ceres worry that her daughter had not listened to her warnings and
wandered into the dangerous forest all alone; so Ceres sets out on a journey to find her. After her
journey to the seaside, Ceres finds the sea nymphs which her daughter had traveled with and ask
them, "My daughter, Proserpina, has not returned home to me would ... Show more content on ...
The sound is loud and wakes the mastiff up causing him to run towards it, away from Ceres. As
swiftly as she can, Ceres runs through the gates and away from where the mastiff stays. She quickly
runs past River Lethe and straight to King Pluto's Castle.
When she enters the castle she neither sees nor hears anyone so she decides to sneakily make her
way up the jeweled staircase. She reaches the hallway at the top of the stairs and instantly hears a
familiar voice singing in one of the rooms. She runs towards it, her heart beating as fast as it can
from joy. She opens the door to the room and gasp as she sees her Proserpina sitting in the window.
Proserpina stops singing and turns to see her mother; her heart instantly filling with happiness. She
runs towards her and hugs her while saying, "Oh mother, I'm so sorry I should have listened to you!"
"I am just so glad I found you, I don't know what I would've done if I couldn't find you," Ceres
chokes out through her sobbing.
Proserpina pulls away and looks her mother in the eyes, "Mother we have to get out of here; King
Pluto wants to keep me here forever."
"Okay, let's hurry down the staircase and get out of the castle."
They both run as fast as possible down the staircase and make it into King Pluto's garden when they
hear him say, "Where do you think you are going with my dear Proserpina!"
They look up to see him
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NASA Rover Ceres: A Popular Dwarf Planet
TEXAS– Ceres, the not so popular dwarf planet, grabs the attention of many when scientists find
bacteria on it. Yesterday the NASA rover Strawberry found bacteria on the planet's surface.
Scientists can now see if there is life that can grow and develop on another planet besides Earth.
Making this discovery lead many to think that sooner or later Ceres may become a habitable
environment with new species. NASA head, Erin Locus claimed, "This is a huge jump in human
history because we have found an actual possibility of life that can bloom into life like on our
planet." The reason scientists believe that Ceres may become habitable is that the bacteria found on
Ceres wasn't any random bacteria, it was cyanobacteria. A microbiologist Lauren
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Moon Informative Speech
Jackson Peelish
Mr. Musik
September 11, 2017
Our Moon
There are many things about the moon now I will tell you about some of the physical properties
such as the moon is 384,400 k or 238,000 miles from earth. It is so far in fact it would take a whole
2 seconds for a radio signal to get to the moon and back. And talking about distance the moon is
2162 miles long. Which is 1/4 the size of earth. It's density is 3340 kg/m. While still less dense than
the earth and being much smaller it's gravity which is only 1/6 as strong as earths still has an effect
on our Ivan's here on earth.(school–for–
Now I will talk about the moons importance in old civilizations ancient religions and mythology.
The Mayans use to believe the sun and moon were both terrestrial creatures. And thought that the
moon was a young lady and the sun was a brave hunter. They believed that the sun and moon had
fallen in love ... Show more content on ...
The moons gravity has a huge impact on our planets tides. Despite it being so far away from the
earth. The tides happen because the moons gravity which pull on the earth. This causes effects on
the earth such as when the moon is higher the oceans raise higher. Where the earth is closest to the
moon and on the opposite side of the earth. When the earth rotates the position in which the ocean
rises. In a whole 24 hours you would see 2 rises and falls of the ocean in total.(
I'll now talk about how the moon was formed. Scientist say that it was formed at least 4.5 billion
years ago. At least 30 or 50 after the solar system was formed. It was presumed to be formed after
proto–earth and another planetoid crashed into each other. At first the moon had spun extremely fast.
But eventually slowed enough to match the orbital rate. It it was eventually in line with earth. This is
the reason we only ever see one side of the moon.(
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Pluto Essay
Pluto was not on the radar in the early going to space exploration. Due to lack of resources and
funds scientist believed that going to Pluto will be hard to get to due to the lack of funding from the
government and due to the time consumed. This was not the first attempt to cover Pluto and find
data. In the 1960's and 70's space mission designers realized there was an opportunity to visit these
giant planets and Pluto (Voyager Cite). There were two Voyagers 1 and 2 which will fly by different
paths around the orbit of the sun. NASA built these twin Voyager space craft to take advantage of a
rare planetary alignment to visit planets such as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune within reach at
one (Betz,2015). In the 1970's there was plans to do more research on Charon, which is one of ...
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In the 1990s their NASA scientist proposed four different Pluto missions and some of these missions
included probes much larger than New Horizons. This was a failure due to NASA and Congress
ultimately failing to provide the amount of money needed to pursue these missions.
(Stromberg,2015). Also the lack of technology to support a light weigh spacecraft could lead to
greater problems. Due to peak of interest scientist did not want to miss the 2003–2007 window to
launch this mission. It was discussed that the weight of the spacecraft and not weighing over 40
Kilograms (NASA). The spacecraft Pluto Flyby project weight approximately 30–35 Kilograms and
with the lack of technology these probes could not be available at the time. The New Millennium
initiative, Pluto Fast Flyby became the Pluto–Kuiper–Express instead of launching two probes to
Pluto(New Horizons,2016). There was talks of building a one spacecraft in comparison of two to
help decrease cost. This new project would explore Pluto as long as the recent discovered Kuiper
Belt which is gaining more interest from scientist. In my eyes the name Pluto–Kuiper express was
named due to the planets and the path the spacecraft will
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The Importance Of Space Exploration
Studies show that space exploration also positively affects medical health and future technology, as
said by Elisabetta Intini. What if we find a way to heal or cure severe health problems such as
cancer or increased technology for the better? Many people say using the money for space is
impractical and we can use the money for reducing poverty and hunger, but many dangers are
roaming around the world and if we don't act now future occurrences will negatively affect our
lives. Space is vital to the human mind and body because of its many offerings. Three of those
offerings are, another place to live to escape the dangers on Earth, we may find new resources to
help mankind, and even be human to explore space our very best to find what's out there. Many
people ask, "What's the point of exploring space and why it's so important"?. They can argue most
of the money used in these space missions can be used for a better life on Earth, but there are
countless reasons on why space travel is important for mankind. NASA (National Aeronautics and
Space Administration) made a statement on why it's significantly important to explore what's
beyond. "Humans are driven to explore the unknown, discover new worlds, push boundaries out of
scientific reach and driven limits, curiosity and exploration are vital to the human spirit and
accepting the challenge of going deeper into space will invite the next generations of tomorrow."
Our genes have space exploration in it; we were born to find out what was beyond our reach and
accomplish goals no one has done before. Whether you're against the idea of going to space or not,
your mind still has the curiosity of "what else can we find", or even wonder "what does it feel like to
live on another planet". These questions might be basic, but how great of a feeling would it be to
finally experience or see what humans and technology have discovered and achieved? Additionally,
exploring space could essentially help out the human basics of life, such as "improving our health,
medicine, info tech, etc. (Adama 1). For example, "The precise images nailed from the moon during
the Apollo missions was used by digital image processing, which was used also for medication, it
was used to see human
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Pluto: A Dwarf Planet
Pluto is a dwarf planet and is the last planet. I did a little bit of research and it said Pluto orbit period
is 247.92065 earth years long. So if someone tried to live there they would would die before one
orbit. The temperature is –229c you would freeze to death if you did not have some type of suet that
could keep them warm–planets/ that is where I got all of my
information. I think that Pluto should be a planet and not a dwarf planet because they names it in
1930 and just recently said that it was a dwarf planet if it was a planet for that long then leave it a
planet. Scientists believe that Pluto is made up of 50–70% rock and 30–50% ice by mass. For a planet to be made
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Danger ! This Mission To Mars Could Bore You To Death !
Do you think we should spend our valuable resources on space exploration? In the articles "Leaving
Main Street" and "Danger! This Mission to Mars could Bore You to Death!" the authors discuss the
future of space exploration and how it is best and worst. Though many would like to spend valuable
resources on space exploration, it is better not to.
First and Foremost, In "Leaving Main Street" it discusses how we could= use our money on ending
hunger and poverty. This is important because it is explaining how we should not spend our valuable
money/resources on space exploration because there are better things out there to help. In addition,
in the article "Danger! This Mission to Mars could Bore You to Death!" it explains that if people get
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Pluto as a Dwarf Planet
By definition from a Merriam– Webster Dictionary a planet is "any of the large bodies that revolve
around the sun in the solar system which have a similar body to them". This is not a very specific
explanation and makes it hard to fully grasp what it means; at this you could easily say that in fact
Pluto a planet. However if you look at a scientific encyclopedia the definition is much different and
more specific. The Access Science Encyclopedia says a planet is "A) a celestial body that is in orbit
around the sun B) has sufficient mass for its self–gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it can
assume a hydrostatic equilibrium shape C) clears the neighborhood around its orbit". This
explanation is much different and clearer about ... Show more content on ...
The International Astronomical Union decided that Pluto was too small to be a planet and created a
new category to put it in, dwarf planets. Dwarf Planets are classified as "A) a celestial body that is in
orbit around the sun, B) has sufficient mass for it self– gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that
is assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, C) has not cleared the neighbourhood
around its orbit, and D) is not a satellite". The criteria for both planets and dwarf planets are very
similar, though planets must be able to clear the neighbourhood around its orbit. This basically
means that a planet must be able to complete a rotation around the sun without interfering with
another planets orbit. Pluto is very close to Neptune so they had a chance to collide into each other.
If you look at a visual it is clear that there orbital rotation paths intersect with each other at two
locations. This is another reason why Pluto is no longer considered a planet. As of 2006 dwarf
planet was a new category and a new thing for astronomers. By definition it is simply just a planet
except that it cannot complete a neighbourhood orbit around the sun. After planets were put into this
grouping was noticed that all of these planets were much smaller in size and significantly farther
away from the sun and the rest of the planets. All of the dwarf planets still orbit the sun however; it
is just at a further distance.
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Creative Writing: Proserpina's House
Once at the palace, King Pluto takes Proserpina up the large stairway to the entrance and enters the
great hall.
"This will be your new home with me," said Pluto.
Proserpina looks around and said nothing for her home was with her mother. She already vowed she
would not eat or drink anything while she was here. Her thoughts were to be focus on getting back
to her mother. As she was looking around the dark dreary hall a servant man came up to Pluto.
"Sir, welcome home," he said. "Can I get you something?"
"No, but you can show Proserpina, her quarters."
"Yes, sir."
Proserpina followed the elderly servant up a set of stair. The stairway was dark, but for the light
from the glow of the diamond in the walls. The glow made shadows that followed ... Show more
content on ...
"Did you eat anything while you were in the underground?"
"At first, I did not eat or drink anything..." said Proserpina, "but right before they came to tell me I
was coming back...I took a bite of a pomegranate. When I heard the door open I stopped, but six
seeds stayed in my mouth."
After hearing this her mother's look went sad.
"I have you back, but it will be for only half a year," said Mother Ceres.
Proserpina looked at her mother with a questionable look, for she did not understand. Her mother
"Since six seeds stayed in your mouth you will have to spend one month for each seed in the
underground with King Pluto," explained Mother Ceres. "Do you understand?"
"Yes, for six months of the year I will be with you and the other with King Pluto." Answered
Although, the Earth goes back to being full of plants and crops growing and people being happy.
Proserpine and her mother, Ceres are once happy again, even if it is just for six months out of the
year. The other six months the Earth with be baron and cold like Proserpina's feeling as she spends
time with King Pluto in the dark and gloomy underground
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Should United States Be Involved In Space Exploration?
"Observing earth has provided G.P.S, meteorological forecasts, predictions and management of
hurricanes and other natural disasters, and global monitoring of the environment, as well as
surveillance and intelligence. Satellite communications have changed life business practices with
computer operations, cell phones, global banking, and TV". Learning about planets and making new
discoveries possibly with NASA sounds real cool and fun, a plus, space exploration is a chance for
you to get creative and have fun while making our world better.
The United States should be involved in space exploration because there are so many possibilities
and so much to learn and discover. Some people ask "why is space exploration important"? Space
exploration ... Show more content on ...
"What's the hurry" is a question that is asked a lot. "Mars isn't going anywhere, so why should we
commit hard pressed budgets for space exploration"? Even though mars isn't going anywhere we
still need to take the time and explore it. Anything can happen to us or mars or any other planet. By
us waiting that's us learning less about our planets and outer space by the minute and risking
something happening. Another thing that people are saying is that space exploration is a waste of
money. People are saying that space exploration is a waste of money but, many discoveries have
been made with major space exploration. Something can always happen to earth, if we discover
another planet that we can live on we would have a backup plan thanks to space exploration. Even
though there are some downsides to major space exploration there are more good than bad reasons.
So overall the major space exploration is an important and cool program to
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Aliens Vs Dwarf Planets
A dwarf planet is a celestial body which orbits around the sun. The body has to be large enough to
have its own gravity pull itself into a nearly round shape. Usually, a dwarf planet is called a minor
planet. The difference between a dwarf planet and a planet is that a dwarf planet's path around the
sun is full of other objects, while a planet has a clear path when it orbits around the sun. The term
"dwarf planet" was coined in 1981 by Alan Stern, an American Planetary scientist, and have gone
through a process of multiple draft proposals. Conversely, the final definition was set on August
24th, 2006. The International Astronomical Union (IAU) settled that "planets and dwarf planets are
two distinct classes of objects", meaning that dwarf
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The Fission Theory: The Birth Of The Moon
One of theories proposed by Sir George Darwin about the birth of the moon was the fission theory.
The fission theory stated that the moon was originally part of Earth and disconnected during the
formation of the solar system. The moon was separated by the rapid spin of Earth. According to
Darwin, the evidence of the moon's separation is the Pacific Ocean, which is a hole in the Earth's
surface. The theory was respected because the Moon's composition is similar to portions of the
Earth's mantle. Unfortunately, the Moon doesn't include fossil evidence of rapid spin and doesn't
follow the equatorial plane of the Earth's orbit.
Another theory about the birth of the moon was the capture theory proposed by M. M. Woolfson in
1964. The capture theory
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Space Persuasive Essay
Does it feel like there are too many humans overpopulating the Earth? Cause eventually the Earth
will have no more space for humans and has exhausted its resources making life difficult to prosper.
Well fear not, there are space companies like the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration(NASA) and SpaceX trying to search throughout the universe for the possibilities of
human survival. One of Jupiter's four largest moon called Europa, discovered by the Galileo
spacecraft created from NASA, believed to contain water essential towards human life. The more
reasons on why humans all over Earth should consider space exploration as one of the top priority,
because Earth's resources would slowly be depleted as time goes on. Therefore, the use of space
instruments to analyze evidence, viewing Europa's surface on the possibilities of finding water, the
building of fuel depots in space to refuel spacecrafts, and information from spacecrafts are all
necessary for human life outside of ... Show more content on ...
These robots, created in NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, are required to handle Europa's rough
landscape on traveling and gathering evidence off of its surface. One cool gadget is the nuclear–
powered tunneling robot, it "melts chips of ice and spits them out of its rear end after sawing them
off" then also "take samples of the ice core to deliver back to the surface"(Kelly). The off–road
wheel robot is a type of robot has special wheels and suspension system to navigate the icy surface
of Europa against its moon's geysers that, "may shoot ice or gas, are likely to have very loose
sediment, or sand–like ice surrounding them"(Kelly) These robots are just select examples of how
NASA wants to ensure the protection of their robots and the evidence of Europa's ice surface. Other
than robots, the Clipper has space instruments that it will use as it takes multiple flybys of
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Have You Thought About Going To Mars?
Have you thought about going to Mars?
By : Brianna House , Trinity Cooper, Audrie Hardin , Trinidi Turner
Have you ever thought about going to Mars? Did you know going to Mars is a one way trip. Once
you get there you aren't coming back. It also takes seven months; 210 days just to get to Mars. I
don't think that going to Mars is something you want to lose many friends and your family over, Is
it? The two sides are arguing if people should take a mission to mars in 2026 and never be able to
come back to earth. The yes side is saying that it would be cool to go on a trip to mars, to leave there
forever and it would be a cool adventure. The no side is saying that it is not cool to go to mars
because you will never be able to come back to earth and there are risks of not surviving. If you
leave you might not be able to come back and if you are just wanting to go as an adventure you have
to think about the ups and downs. Would you ... Show more content on ...
No one should worry about going to mars, if you want to stay alive and keep the friends and family
you have. How long do you think you would live on Mars? Not very long, if you can't find food or
water. Those are the main supplies that you will need to survive on Mars if you plan on living. Plus,
i really don't think you want to lose everything that you have here. You can't even have technology
on mars because you won't have any signal or service to get ahold of anyone on Earth. To choose to
go live on mars is a very scary decision. You never know what could happen to you one Mars. There
will be no one to help you. You will also be lost and confused. Nowhere to go, no place to live.
Think about being lonely and how you will feel. According to Mars One "66% of the cost is
associated with the "Take Off" and "The Landing." Don't go if you aren't prepared and ready. When
you go to mars you might regret on going. If you think that you can't handle then you mise well not
even think about
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Pluto: A Dwarf Planet In Our Solar System
In 1930, Clyde Tombaugh, an astronomer from the United States, discover what was first believed
to be the ninth planet in our solar system, Pluto. For generations, people learned that the planets
orbiting the sun ended with the very small Pluto. Only half as wide as the United States, Pluto was
always an area of interest to astronomers but it became a major topic of discussion within the public
when, in August of 2006, Pluto was demoted from its status as the ninth planet in our solar system to
a dwarf planet. To be classified as a full–sized planet, the celestial body must orbit the sun, have a
round shape, and be gravitationally dominant. Pluto orbits the sun and is round, but Pluto shares an
orbital space with bodies of a similar size, so the planet is not considered gravitationally dominant.
Pluto isn't the only dwarf planet in our solar system, Eris and Ceres are both dwarf planets currently
recognized by the International Astronomical Union. ... Show more content on ...
Eris is farther from the sun than Pluto; at times in its orbit Eris is so far from the sun that its
atmosphere collapses and freezes over the planet in an icy glaze. Even though it was so far removed
from the sun, Eris was at first believed to be bigger than Pluto. The believed size difference along
with other questionable information discovered about Pluto and Eris lead to an in–depth study on
the two planets, and whether they could be considered a full–sized–planets. When astronomers
began seeing the differences between Pluto, Eris and the other planets in our solar system, the
concept of a dwarf planet was
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0109 Prewriting ProcessNarrative PlannerThe Pomegranate...
01.09 Pre–writing Process
Narrative Planner–"The Pomegranate Seeds"
Who? Describe the character whose story you plan to tell.
King Pluto seems like wealthy man, a man that doesn't seem to be happy because he doesn't have
the things that he wants.
Character Name: King Pluto How would you describe this character?
Physical Appearance I would describe King Pluto as a tall white guy with black hair and wearing a
Greek mythology robe Feelings King Pluto is a wealthy man that is looking for someone to someone
to take care of his needs. So every time a young lady passes by the seaside he comes from
underground to take the young lady to his home to meet his wants and needs. Attitude The
character's attitude is very determined. ... Show more content on ...
King Pluto begins to think Proserpina will try and run away.
King Pluto goes and tends his daily routine and when he leaves Proserpina starts plotting ways of
escaping while she's completes King Pluto's chores she scheming escape plans and the perfect times
to execute her escape.
Falling Action
King Pluto is preparing lunch for Proserpina. As he insists that Proserpina to eat and all of the
sudden King Pluto starts to notice his dog Cerberus barking. So he just tells him to quite down until
he hears Cerberus whine in the distance where he sees Ceres enter the front door.
Ceres yells at King Pluto with rage "What are you doing to my daughter?!" King Pluto puts on a
guilty face and says he just wanted to feed her and that he found her wandering in the woods so he
brought her back to his palace. So Ceres signals Proserpina to come to her but King Pluto grabs her
before she can go and with a grin he tries to negotiate a deal with Ceres for them to live with him
and be his maids but before he could finish what he was saying Ceres casts a spell that puts King
Pluto in a death hold of vines. King Pluto then starts to worry for his life and reconsiders his
negotiation and gives Proserpina to Ceres and promises never to mess with them again. Then Ceres
lets him go and is on her way with tears of joy with Proserpina. When they leave King Pluto then
fixes up his and sits
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How Does The Impact Theory Of The Moon
There are many theories about the creation of the moon. However the currently favored theory is
often called the impact theory. This theory states that a large, Mars–sized objects struck the Earth
with a glancing blow when it was young and molten. This impact caused matter to come off of the
Earth and get stuck in its orbit. The bits of Earth that blew off were pulled together into a stable orbit
and formed the Moon.
The Earth and Moon do have some similarities and differences that are explained by this theory. The
Moon, for example, does not have heavy materials like Earth does. One example of a heavy material
on Earth is the iron core. Earth has one, and the Moon does not. This is explained by the timing of
the impact. If the Moon hit the
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Vestal Virgins In The Roman Pageants
"It was a cold January night, a full moon hung in the night sky, uncovering what couldn't be hidden
in that illuminating light, shining so revealingly bright once a month. From the shadows came out 22
women, but when the moon captured them with its beams of light, their innocent faces now bore a
smile of vengeance. One by one, the moon revealed the fire in their eyes. All of them wore a white
woolen veil, and they walked as one. They circled two young men walking down the street, and
forced them to their knees. Two of the women glided towards the men, and each took out a blade
that they ignited using their eyes. They stabbed the two men with the burning blade, and sprinkled
unusual herbs on the wound. The other 20 creatures held hands completing the ritual, and
disappearing into the shadows; they all became stronger, as I felt a surge of weakness cover me, that
still isn't gone," said Vesta, the goddess of the hearth. "These women are the 22 Vestal Virgins that
were buried alive back in the Roman Empire, and now they have risen from the underworld, and
have murdered two innocent people."
"These people weren't just murdered," Minerva interjected, "The Vestals were wearing white woolen
veils, and they sprinkled the herbs used for sacrifices."
"This sacrifice happened on a full moon, which gave them power over the targeted victims."Diana
carefully thought, and said, "Since I can't control the moon fully, it is imperative that we get
someone who can. There is a girl doesn't
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Dark They Were And Golden Eyed Analysis
There are lots of very big issues in this day and age such as pollution, global warming, and gun
control so we are considering the solution to leave Earth and start over on Mars. We should not
explore Mars and make a home there because humans could develop chronic boredom during the
long trip to Mars, the journey to Mars could take longer than our lifetimes, and because other
planets were made for specific lifeforms, not humans. Some might think that space exploration can
be beneficial when it comes to the economy, creating jobs, improving national security, and adding
to our national prestige. They might think this because there are lots of instances where exploring
space has lead to helping the nation and it inspires young students. For ... Show more content on ...
Humans have a tendency of going places they don't belong but going to another planet is a whole
different story. Paragraph 15 from the short story, "Dark They Were, and Golden eyed" by Ray
Bradbury, states, "We don't belong here. We're Earth people. This is Mars. It was meant for
Martians." this evidence shows how Mars was not created for human life, it was created for
Martians only. Humans could mess everything up and possibly make the Martians (if there are any)
go extinct by polluting their land, or making their homes inhospitable. Also, humans could start to
change physically if they are somewhere they are not supposed to be. Paragraph 271 from the short
story "Dark They Were, and Golden eyed" by Ray Bradbury states, "Dark people. Yellow eyes.
Martians" This evidence is describing what has happened to the Earth people after a while of living
on Mars. They have changed from average people to yellow–eyed Martians. Furthermore, we should
not mess up a planet that was not made for us and just stay on Earth and try to fix what we have
already messed up
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What I Would Pluto For This Project?
I chose Pluto for this project because it seemed like an unpopular, but interesting subject. At first, I
wanted to do the whole solar system, but I figured the explanations of each planet wouldn't do them
justice, because there are so many things to say about them. Also, the paper would most likely end
up being fairly longer than necessary. After further thought, I figured Pluto would be the best subject
for me, considering I did not know much about the so called planet that was removed from our solar
system. I had a lot of research to do on the tiny dwarf.
In 1905, Percival Lowell (left) studied the orbits of Neptune and Uranus. After using mathematics,
he had proven a completely unknown planet, Planet X, must cause them to move oddly ... Show
more content on ...
Pluto was not named until March 24, 1930. Before this new planet's name was chosen, Constance,
Cronus, Lowell, Minerva, Percival, and Zeus were other suggested possibilities. These suggestions
came from a number of sources such as The New York Times and Percival Lowell's widow,
Constance Lowell. The name "Pluto" came from an eleven year old girl by the name of Venetia
Burney of Oxford, England, who was interested in both astronomy and ancient mythology. She
suggested it to her grandfather who forwarded the name to the Lowell Observatory. Pluto, in Roman
mythology, was the third son of Saturn, and the god of the underworld, and the brother of Jupiter,
Neptune, and Juno. Although, astronomers liked this name because of the Roman mythology behind
it, they also liked it due to the fact that it started with the letters "Pl" and they were the initials of the
original person who caused astronomers to look for Pluto, Percival Lowell. To the right is Pluto's
scientific symbol which also consists of Lowell's initials.
Pluto is a small planet that is very distant from the sun and extremely different from Earth. It is only
2,372 kilometers (1,474 miles) in diameter, has a retrograde (backwards/east to west) orbit, and has
about one fifteenth of the gravity of Earth. So, a person who weighs 100 pounds on Earth would
only weigh roughly 7 on Pluto. On Pluto, one day is about 6.39 days on Earth. Meaning within
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Who Is Pluto A Dwarf Planet?
For many years, Pluto was considered the ninth planet in the Solar System. Unfortunately, Pluto is
now labeled as a dwarf planet. Pluto was discovered on February 18, 1930. This planet was named
after the Roman god of the Underworld. Pluto was given some nicknames which are Xena and
Dwarf Planet. This planet was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh on February 18, 1930. " In January
2006 NASA launched the first mission to Pluto named New Horizons," New Horizons reached Pluto
in July 2015. People can live in Xena, but the oxygen will be frozen since Xena's air is extremely
cold. There is a lot more to still learn about The Dwarf Planet. Pluto was given some nicknames
which are Xena and Dwarf Planet. Pluto was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh on February
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In a Category All Their Own: Dwarf Planets Essay
Since ancient times, the universe had captivated people's imagination and curiosity. With the
limitation on technology, early sky watchers were only capable of classifying objects they observed
as either a star or a planet. During the twentieth century, with advancement in telescopes to see
further into space with more accurate details, scientists were able to find numerous stars and planet
like objects within the solar system. Scientists had no trouble classifying objects such as Uranus and
Neptune as planets. However, the real trouble came when they discovered a planetary object called
Ceres. Objects like Ceres and Pluto behaved similarly to regular planets. Because of the limitations
on the technology at the time, it was very difficult ... Show more content on ...
Dwarf planets are celestial bodies that are in direct orbit of the Sun.
In 2006, the IAU set a definition for a planet in the solar system as the following: is in orbit around
the Sun, has sufficient mass to assume a hydrostatic equilibrium (or a nearly spherical shape) and
has cleared the neighborhood around the object. Dwarf Planets passed two of the three necessary
requirements of the planet test. One is that they are always in orbit around the Sun and the other is
that they are nearly spherical in shape. However, they did not pass the test of clearing its
neighborhood of any debris. Planets are able to clear smaller bodies near its orbit such as small
asteroids through collision, capture or gravitational disturbance. Dwarf planets lack the mass to do
so. As a result, they have a weak gravitational force that is unable to keep its orbital influence
cleared from asteroids that float around in the Kuiper Belt territory.
Although the International Astronomical Union had given their guidelines for a planet they haven't
specified an upper and lower size and mass limits of dwarf planets. Many scientists assume the
upper mass of a dwarf planet is when the mass of the object is just below of what is necessary to
have a strong gravity to clear its orbiting neighborhood. Because once the object is large enough to
have a stronger gravitational field then it is not a dwarf planet anymore.
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Pluto: The Dwarf Planet In The Solar System
It is the largest and the second most massive so far discovered dwarf planet in the Solar System and
the ninth–largest and tenth most massive known object directly orbiting the Sun, as it clearly is, as it
once was included to be a planet in our solar system, the ninth planet. It orbits in the Kuiper belt, a
ring of bodies beyond Neptune. Pluto primarily consists of ice and rock like other objects in the
Kuiper belt. Its is only about one–sixth the mass of the Moon and one–third its volume, even though
it is not really much smaller compared to it. Pluto has five known moons: Charon, Styx, Nix,
Kerberos, and Hydra.
Pluto was discovered by a muggle sientist Clyde Tombaugh back in 1930. Up to year 2005 Pluto
was considered to be the ninth planet
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Pluto Is A Dwarf Planet
Pluto has been voted off the island.
The distant, ice–covered world is no longer a true planet, according to a new definition of the term
voted on by scientists today.
"Whoa! Pluto 's dead," said astronomer Mike Brown, of the California Institute of Technology in
Pasadena, as he watched a Webcast of the vote. "There are finally, officially, eight planets in the
solar system."
In a move that 's already generating controversy and will force textbooks to be rewritten, Pluto will
now be dubbed a dwarf planet.
But it 's no longer part of an exclusive club, since there are more than 40 of these dwarfs, including
the large asteroid Ceres and 2003 UB313, nicknamed Xena–a distant object slightly larger than
Pluto discovered by Brown last year.
"We know of 44" dwarf planets so far, Brown said. "We will find hundreds. It 's a very huge
A clear majority of researchers voted for the new definition at a meeting of the International
Astronomical Union (IAU) in Prague, in the Czech Republic. The IAU decides the official names of
all celestial bodies.
The tough decision comes after a multi year search for a scientific definition of the word "planet."
The term never had an official meaning before.
What Is a Planet Today?
According to the new definition, a full–fledged planet is an object that orbits the sun and is large
enough to have become round due to the force of its own gravity. In addition, a planet has to
dominate the neighborhood around its orbit.
Pluto has been demoted
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Proserpina And The Pomegranate Seedds Summary
Proserpina and the Pomegranate Seeds
Some time ago, magnificent goddess, Ceres, gave birth to a beautiful girl named Proserpina. One
morning, Ceres was instructed to leave. Being the goddess of agriculture, she was often busy
helping crops grow and prosper. Ceres promptly informed Proserpina that she would be leaving for a
short while, reminding her never to wander in the fields alone, and to stay with the sea nymphs
because they will always protect her. Regardless of her mother's warning, Proserpina was curious
and adventurous. Her mother instructing her to stay away from the fields only heightened her want
to explore. Shortly after Ceres leaves to tend to the crops, Proserpina brushes off her mother's rules.
She begins her walk ... Show more content on ...
Proserpina becomes frightened and faintly calls for her mother, Ceres, to no avail. The man
dismounts the chariot and quickly grasps Proserpina in his arms, capturing her and instructing the
horses to set off once again. While on the chariot, the man did what he could to soothe poor
Proserpina. Softening his harsh voice as best as he could, he told her words of reassurance.
"You are in no danger," he said, "for me and my people promise not to do you any harm. They call
me King Pluto. I am kind of diamonds and of all other precious stones."
Despite his attempt, Proserpina cried nothing but "Let me go home." to which Pluto responded, "My
palace is much better than that of your mothers. It is made of all pure gold and has beautiful crystal
windows. Due to the lack of sunshine there, the halls are illuminated with diamond lamps." Once
they finally have made it back to Pluto's palace, he turns to Proserpina and reveals his plan. He
explains to Proserpina that he wants her to be a servant in his palace; to keep the other workers
happy by sharing her radiant youthfulness. At the foot of the palace was a beautiful glowing river.
Pluto offers Proserpina a sip and tells that it will make her forget her worries and troubles.
Proserpina promptly refuses his offer and says to him that she will not eat or drink not even a morsel
of food given to her at the palace. Back in Proserpina's home, Vale
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New Horizon Research Paper
Adam Rockett
Research Paper Rough Draft
January 24, 2017 New Horizons Since the emergence of the space race, exploring our solar system
has been a top priority for many nations. Satellites have been sent out to orbit the earth, other
planets, as well as their moon. However, only recently has the mystery of the icy dwarf planet Pluto
been explored more in depth. New Horizons was a robotic mission launched from Cape Canaveral
on January 16, 2006. Its primary mission was to perform a flyby near Pluto and its largest moon,
Charon. Only in the summer of 2015 did New Horizons reach Pluto where it stayed for six months
studying the icy dwarf as well as its largest moon. New Horizons has since moved on from Pluto,
but its mission ... Show more content on ...
MU69 is an icy rock formation that scientists are hoping can be a time capsule into the early years
of our solar system. These large masses out in the Kuiper belt are special because they are unlike
anything else, they haven't been disturbed by the gravitational pull of the bigger planets of the solar
system. These rocks are some of the most primordial objects that we have ever discovered, and
could give us a glimpse into what the solar system was like at a very young age. The exploration of
MU69 is important because it is the last type of large objects that has yet to be researched in our
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Demotion of Pluto: Dwarf Planet Essays
From the time Clyde W. Tombaugh first discovered Pluto in 1930, it was viewed as an oddball
planet leading up to its reclassification in 2006. For decades, Pluto was once used as a benchmark
for the outer reach and size of our solar system. In recent years, new discoveries of celestial bodies
within the vicinity of Pluto's orbit have challenged its planetary status. The debate over Pluto's
classification was discussed throughout several media and news articles, leading to serious
controversy amongst astronomers and the decision as to whether or not Pluto should be categorized
as one of the planets in our solar system.
The articles used in this essay that will cover the debate over the classification of Pluto's planetary
status were ... Show more content on ...
Journalists were unhappy with this decision, as they believed that although Pluto's orbit passes
through the Kuiper Belt, it is not a considerable reason to revoke its planetary status, after all;
"Humans swim in the ocean; does that make them whales?"1. However, a conflicting source argues
from a scientific standpoint in favor of Pluto's demise. The articles entitled "Pluto's Plight" and
"Astronomers Find Another Planet in [Our] Solar System" was published in the New York Times on
July 29, 2005 and October 15, 2002 respectively, and announces the discovery of a new 'tenth
planet'. The new object, designated as 2003 UB313 discovered by Professor Michael E. Brown in
July 2005, is considerably larger than Pluto and located nine billion miles away from the sun, about
three times Pluto's current distance2. Prior to the discovery of 2003 UB313, later known as 'Eris',
Dr. Brown and his team found another distant body outside Pluto's orbit in 2004 that they named
Sedna. Eris and Sedna are not the only celestial bodies within the vicinity of Pluto, "Astronomers
predict that they will find up to 10 similar objects in the Kuiper Belt that are as large as or larger
than Pluto ... so we would be wise to
 downgrade Pluto to the distant ice ball it is"3. The notion that large objects such as Eris
and Sedna could be located vast distances in our solar system intensified the debate amongst
scientists and astronomers alike, as
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The Problem Of Water Conservation
Water is very important in everyone's daily lives. They need it to shower, brush their teeth, cook,
taking care of the landscapes, and most importantly to live. Water is everywhere but as some people
say it will soon become scarce due to the fact people are being very wasteful with it. Water
conservation is a big topic in the United States when it comes to California, a state known for their
droughts. It seems like every years there is always something on the news headlines talking about a
drought in California. Conserving water would obviously become an even bigger deal if we lived in
California instead of the Midwest. Obviously the topic of water conservation is still a big topic in
the Midwest because as a nation, people are wasteful and taking having water for granted in our
everyday lives. Although scientists and astronomers are learning how they can get water from
comets and asteroids if planet Earth were to run out of water one day it is still in the experimental
phase and is not a for sure thing on Earth. For the time being, instead of wasting the water, in
people's everyday life's they can help reduce the risk of water going completely extinct by
understanding how the water is going to waste, solutions to saving water, and being smart when
dealing with landscaping.
People say that the Earth is running short on water but never seem to point out that there are some
backup plans that are being put into action and tested out currently by scientist. When people think
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Pluto: Six Dwarf Planet
Pluto is one of six dwarf planets. There are nicknames for Pluto like dwarf planet or 134340. Pluto
was named after the roman god of the underworld. Pluto is also farthest planet from the sun.This
dwarf planet has a total of four moons,and thin envelope gasses.Pluto was discovered along time
ago,this planet was made with lots of materials,and takes along time to get there.
Pluto was discovered on February 18, 1930 which was over five decades ago. No one yet has visited
or explored this planet. Scientists have taken images on it's surface and remarkable colors it has. The
colors that they saw were rainbow of pale blues, yellows, oranges, and deep reds. Say people lived
on Pluto, and their family lived on earth, it would take about 4.5 hours
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How Has Space Exploration Changed Over The Years
Space exploration has changed drastically over the years. One of the main reasons for this is the
development of new technology. Scientists are constantly researching new topics and discussing
ways to improve spaceflight and space exploration. Not only has the design of various space crafts
changed, but the way space missions are carried out has changed. With new technology, scientists
back at NASA are able to take control of space missions to ensure the astronauts are safe.
Over the years NASA has launched multiple space crafts to Mars to gain information on the Red
Planet. Out of these voyages, only 1 out of 3 have been successful and have gotten to Mars safely.
One of the most famous explorations of Mars was back in 2004
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Astronomy Impact

  • 1. Astronomy Impact Astronomical impact of the Moon on Earth By: Peter Wehrfritz (500405367) CPCS 181 The moon has had a profound impact on the earth's evolution as well as life on Earth. Our moon is believed to have been created about 4.5 billion years ago, when a large planetoid crashed into the Earth, spraying space debris which was gradually captured by gravity 2. Eventually, this material solidified into a body which we know as our moon. 3. This process is unique in our solar system as the other planet's moons were formed by capturing free floating bodies with their gravity 3. Physical Characteristics of the Moon Earth's moon is the brightest object in our night sky. It has an elliptical orbit around the earth every 27.322 days and it also takes approximately ... Show more content on ... The gravitational force of the moon is strong enough to exert a pulling force on the Earth, but the Earth is able to hold on to everything except the water 7. As the water is in constant motion the moon gravity is able to create a pull on the water, causing it to bulge resulting in high tide 7. As the Moon and the earth are moving with respect to each other, the force creating high tide also moves over different parts of the earth. Each day, there are two high tides and two low tides, with about 12 hours and 25 minutes between the two high tides 7. However, these periods do not happen at the same time each day because the moon takes about 50 minutes more than earth's 24–hour day to exactly align again with the same point on the Earth. Therefore, the timing of high tides is staggered throughout the month, with each tide occurring approximately 24 hours and 50 minutes later than the previous one 6. It is also observed that the water on the opposite side of Earth which faces away from the Moon also experiences high tide 6. The reason is that the stronger centrifugal force pulls in the opposite direction to negate the moon's gravitational pull on the earth to keep them apart and thus causes the ocean water on the opposite side of the Earth to bulge and experience high tide ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Dwarf Planet Ceres Research Paper Ceres Exploration This space–based planetary exploration mission targets the dwarf planet Ceres, which is the mission subject, or more specifically, the surface of the dwarf planet is the subject. The surface of "Ceres is covered in countless small, young craters (Davis, n.d.). "Within some of Ceres' craters, there are regions that are always in shadow. It's possible that without direct sunlight, these 'cold traps' could have water ice in them for long periods of time" (Davis, n.d.). The sign of water on the dwarf planet could mean big for the scientists in earth. It suggests a possible sign of life on the dwarf planet. The mission's objectives are to study the surface of Ceres to find water or signs of water and, if water is found, study the possibility of life on the dwarf planet. A rover will be the payload of the mission, trying to carry out the mission's objectives. The mission duration will be an unlimited amount of time or until total and permanent communication loss happens with the rover. This mission will ultimately benefit NASA and humankind. These can also be called the mission users. ... Show more content on ... If water is found on the surface of Ceres, there is a possibility of life on the dwarf planet. The rover will use the equipment and technology used on the Curiosity rover on mars to study the possibility of life on the dwarf planet ("In–Situ," n.d.). One of the goals the Curiosity rover was to "determine if life ever arose on Mars" ("Science Goal 1," n.d.). The technology used on the Curiosity rover had a goal to find life, so why not use the same equipment to find life on another planet. Finding life on other planets is a fundamental goal to humankind. Studying the life could help NASA and scientist unlock more knowledge on how life began on Earth. That knowledge will benefit humankind to better understand the universe and how it all began ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Pluto Or Dwarf Planet? Pluto has been cool, cool as ice in fact, since it's discovery in 1930. It is like the little rebellious youngster of the solar system family with its out there orbital path and the binary system it has with its largest moon, Charon. Pluto got relatively quiet for a while until 2006 when the New Horizons mission began to be under way. But the event in Pluto news that really stole the show was its reclassification as a "Dwarf Planet", But let's go back to the beginning of this little planet's journey. Clyde Tombaugh, the discoverer of pluto, studied for his degree in astronomy from the University of Kansas while interning at Lowell Observatory during the summers. He built his own telescope in 1929 and the Observatory took notice of this and hired him on full time as a telescope operator. He began the search for "Planet X" based on the research of Percival Lowell. a few months later on February 18, 1930 saw exactly what he was looking for in photographs taken by the telescope, there was movement across the backdrop of a thousand stars. Further studying confirmed that it was indeed Planet X and the discovery was officially announced March 13th ... Show more content on ... An astronomer noticed something out past pluto, but roughly the same size, bigger actually. Eris was making waves. This new discovery was destined to change something, we would either have to add another planet or make a new category for these smaller not–quite–planet–sized planets. only a year after its discovery it was brought to the International Astronomical Union (IAU) to be considered as a 10th planet. With consideration that there were probably many objects like Eris out there to discover they realised that the definition for what made a planet wasn't very clear. To avoid having to just keep adding planets to the list they voted on new guidelines and realised that neither Pluto nor Eris met those guidelines. Pluto became a Dwarf Planet just a few months after the New Horizons launch in ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Research Paper On Domes In the beginning a lot of people thought they were going to die. Hi I'm Maddie Baker and I am a survivor of a horrible event. In 2020 all the national newsgroups were afraid their systems were picking up evidence of a 75 mile wide meteorite coming towards Earth. They said the meteorite would not get to earth for another year or two. They also said it was possible for the meteorite to hit Mars or another planet before it got to Earth. I was 16 years old at the time and I felt like my life was over already. I was convinced the we were going to die until the news said, "A man named Jim Wipan is trying to make domes for people to live at if the meteorite hits Earth. He is willing to pay for them all to be built. The only downfall is he is saying that you will have to bring 20 gallons of water and it cost 2500 dollars just as a tuition. Later you would have to pay up to 8000 dollars. While I was listening to the news I was thinking what if my family and I could get a dome. Then the TV said how much the domes cost. Also I have a family of four that means we would have to bring 80 gallons of water. Then I thought what if we make our one domes. "We can make our own domes," my dad said. "We don't have the money for that," my mom said with her voice of are you kidding me. Finally I said. "We can still do it. If we charge less more ... Show more content on ... The plan of the doms was for people to have a place to live if they survive. The domes were built to keep toxic air out also. We didn't what would really happen if the meteorite hit Earth. We were hoping the domes would stand through the hit. We weren't totally sure they would work. We got people to save food and water. Mostly water because we found a way to get food by building some domes for wild animals. Our domes didn't want to have to eat domesticated animals. Jim Wipan still buits some domes for his family and they were going to eat domesticated if they had ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. The World Of The Classical Solar System Last July, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft flew by Pluto, the last unvisited world of the classical solar system. As the largest known member of the Kuiper belt, Pluto is also the gateway to a new frontier, a scarcely studied collection of primordial icy bodies far from the sun that constitutes the "third zone" of the solar system after the realms of the inner rocky planets and the outer gas giants. Like most first glimpses of new frontiers, Pluto held so many surprises for New Horizons that the past eight months have seen a steady stream of discoveries coming from the mission, as the spacecraft's small radio transmitter beams its gathered data back home. The biggest surprises have been Pluto's surface and atmosphere, which are restlessly active and diverse despite average temperatures of only tens of degrees above absolute zero. Some scientists expected New Horizons would find Pluto to be little more than an inert, sunlight–starved orb. Instead, the spacecraft encountered a world where nitrogen glaciers flow down into plains of frozen methane from towering mountains of water ice. Sunless half–frozen oceans lurk deep beneath the surface, and multiple moons tumble overhead through hydrocarbon–hazed red skies that tinge to blue at sunrise and sunset. But beyond celebrating the visceral thrill of the Pluto flyby itself, or the intellectual frisson of gazing on full–color close–ups of a place so alien and faraway, most of these discoveries from New Horizons have so far found a ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Sam Bell Moon In the beginning of the film The Moon, Sam Bell doesn't know yet that he is a clone and he does his normal daily chores on the moon. Sam prepares the Helium3 and he listens to videos of his wife. He sees that they are weirdly edited, and he spends time talking to GERTY who tells him that he only has two weeks left on the moon. Sam Bell crashes his rover into harvester that makes the energy and passes out. GERTY wakes up another Sam Bell thinking that the other Sam Bell died. in the rover when it hit the harvester and turned over and the new clone keeps telling GERTY that he has to go outside and when he does he finds the other clone. When the first clone wakes up he still thinks he's the real Sam Bell and the clone # 2 tells him that they are ... Show more content on ... Sam Bell #2 takes on Lunar and wreaks havoc on the company. He takes on the whole company by himself and nothing is ever the same because of what just one man with courage was able to accomplish. The writers were showing the cycle of death and living what people can do with just a short amount of time on this planet. How just one thing like a lie can start a ripple effect. The screenwriters and filmmakers were showing how a person lives and then dies and how hard it can be to die during such a process of life. Furthermore, we got to see everything in the film start over again. The same scene from the beginning happening close to the end of the film before Sam #2 escapes the planet heads towards earth GERTY wakes Sam #3 asks him the same questions, he asked both Sam#1and#2. This film has a lot of humanity in it shows what the future could be for people who might work on the moon one day harvesting energy from the sun. I like the Themes that the screenwriters and filmmakers choose with this film how astronauts live in such a lonely secluded environment for years at a ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Pluto: Pink Dwarf Planet Pluto is the second closest planet to the Sun 1930 pluto was discovered, until 2006 it was also considered the ninth planet of the solar system. Pluto's nickname was "pink dwarf planet".This planet date of discovery is February 13, 1930. surrounding celestial objects is a dwarf planet in the jupiter belt a ring of bodies beyond Neptune.This planet loca on tion is in lowell. Pluto was visited on the new Horizons mission. Is to help us understand words at the edge on our solar system. Research clone on this planet.caltech researchers have found evidence of a giant planet.Life on his planet. Pluto's combustion consists of a mixture of 70 percent rocks and 30 percent water ice. Pluto's appearance is very icy and rocky. Changes in ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Asteroid Exploration And Utilization By George Botbyl The Earth is nearing depletion of its natural resources at a time when human beings are rapidly expanding the frontiers of space. The resources which may exist on asteroids could have enormous potential for aiding and enhancing human space exploration as well as life on Earth. With the possibly limitless opportunities that exist, it is clear that asteroids are the next step for human existence in space. The resources of the Earth are not infinite, in fact, some are depletable within the next several decades. Once high grade reserves are used up, low grades ores will have to be used. These effects of using low grade ores on the environment and society were discussed in the article "Asteroid Exploration and Utilization" by George Botbyl as a cycle of negative consequences which build upon each other. In order to protect Earth, the next 25 years must bring a new era in space development. Even presidential policy confirms that the United States of America is committed to the establishment of a permanent human presence in space. The earliest studies of asteroid mining proposed retrieving a main belt asteroid. Because of the very long travel times to the main asteroid belt, attention has shifted to the asteroids whose orbits bring them fairly close to the Earth. In these schemes, the asteroids would be bagged and then processed during the return trip, with the asteroid itself providing the reaction mass to propel the mission homeward. A mission to one of these near– Earth ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Space Exploration: Neil Degrasse Tyson "Space exploration is a force of nature unto itself that no other force in society can rival." (Greene) The famous astrophysicist and astronomer, Neil Degrasse Tyson, one said these powerful words. To paraphrase, Neil Degrasse Tyson meant that space exploration is unlike anything else as it compels people to explore... explore the unknown and themselves. (Greene) Ever since I was little, I have always admired outer space with all of its stars and comets and wanted to learn more about it. Due to this, I am very informed about this topic and have done more than sufficient research through various websites and articles on the Internet. Essentially, space exploration is extremely worthy of large investments due to the increase of technological ... Show more content on ... For example, the amount of resources we consume each year is more than the earth can sustain. The World Wildlife Fund estimates by 2030 we will be consuming two planets' worth of natural resources. (Austen) At this rate, in the nearby future, we will run out of resources and energy, however, through space travel, we can get these resources back. For instance, the moons of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune contain high quantities of water, carbon and nitrogen. (Austen) These are simply a few areas where mining resources are possible. Another major issue currently facing civilization is climate change. Eventually, in the future, Earth might not be able to sustain life due to countless reasons, such as the growing population, natural disasters or even the aftermath of war. Even the Justice League wouldn't be able to solve these major issues, however, through space travel, we could. Stephen Hawking, renowned astrophysicist and one of the smartest men alive, said ""Our only chance of long–term survival is not to remain lurking on planet Earth, but to spread out into space." (Szklarski) Possible in the distant future if needed, we could expand colonies of society into space, for example, Mars's atmosphere offers some protection from cosmic rays and has 40 percent of Earth's gravity. (Austen) Similarly to solving enormous problems facing society, space exploration further develops ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Analysis Of The Poem ' Ceres ' Two whole months; that was how long it had been since Ceres' had seen here daughter Proserpina after she left to go spend some time by the seaside while her mother worked. Ceres was tanned with gray hair and some wrinkles from working out in the sun, tending to crops. Proserpina had promised to be home within a month and a half to spend some time with her mother but Ceres had not seen nor heard from her. This causes Ceres worry that her daughter had not listened to her warnings and wandered into the dangerous forest all alone; so Ceres sets out on a journey to find her. After her journey to the seaside, Ceres finds the sea nymphs which her daughter had traveled with and ask them, "My daughter, Proserpina, has not returned home to me would ... Show more content on ... The sound is loud and wakes the mastiff up causing him to run towards it, away from Ceres. As swiftly as she can, Ceres runs through the gates and away from where the mastiff stays. She quickly runs past River Lethe and straight to King Pluto's Castle. When she enters the castle she neither sees nor hears anyone so she decides to sneakily make her way up the jeweled staircase. She reaches the hallway at the top of the stairs and instantly hears a familiar voice singing in one of the rooms. She runs towards it, her heart beating as fast as it can from joy. She opens the door to the room and gasp as she sees her Proserpina sitting in the window. Proserpina stops singing and turns to see her mother; her heart instantly filling with happiness. She runs towards her and hugs her while saying, "Oh mother, I'm so sorry I should have listened to you!" "I am just so glad I found you, I don't know what I would've done if I couldn't find you," Ceres chokes out through her sobbing. Proserpina pulls away and looks her mother in the eyes, "Mother we have to get out of here; King Pluto wants to keep me here forever." "Okay, let's hurry down the staircase and get out of the castle." They both run as fast as possible down the staircase and make it into King Pluto's garden when they hear him say, "Where do you think you are going with my dear Proserpina!" They look up to see him ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. NASA Rover Ceres: A Popular Dwarf Planet TEXAS– Ceres, the not so popular dwarf planet, grabs the attention of many when scientists find bacteria on it. Yesterday the NASA rover Strawberry found bacteria on the planet's surface. Scientists can now see if there is life that can grow and develop on another planet besides Earth. Making this discovery lead many to think that sooner or later Ceres may become a habitable environment with new species. NASA head, Erin Locus claimed, "This is a huge jump in human history because we have found an actual possibility of life that can bloom into life like on our planet." The reason scientists believe that Ceres may become habitable is that the bacteria found on Ceres wasn't any random bacteria, it was cyanobacteria. A microbiologist Lauren ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Moon Informative Speech Jackson Peelish Mr. Musik ENG10 September 11, 2017 Our Moon There are many things about the moon now I will tell you about some of the physical properties such as the moon is 384,400 k or 238,000 miles from earth. It is so far in fact it would take a whole 2 seconds for a radio signal to get to the moon and back. And talking about distance the moon is 2162 miles long. Which is 1/4 the size of earth. It's density is 3340 kg/m. While still less dense than the earth and being much smaller it's gravity which is only 1/6 as strong as earths still has an effect on our Ivan's here on earth.(school–for– Now I will talk about the moons importance in old civilizations ancient religions and mythology. The Mayans use to believe the sun and moon were both terrestrial creatures. And thought that the moon was a young lady and the sun was a brave hunter. They believed that the sun and moon had fallen in love ... Show more content on ... The moons gravity has a huge impact on our planets tides. Despite it being so far away from the earth. The tides happen because the moons gravity which pull on the earth. This causes effects on the earth such as when the moon is higher the oceans raise higher. Where the earth is closest to the moon and on the opposite side of the earth. When the earth rotates the position in which the ocean rises. In a whole 24 hours you would see 2 rises and falls of the ocean in total.( I'll now talk about how the moon was formed. Scientist say that it was formed at least 4.5 billion years ago. At least 30 or 50 after the solar system was formed. It was presumed to be formed after proto–earth and another planetoid crashed into each other. At first the moon had spun extremely fast. But eventually slowed enough to match the orbital rate. It it was eventually in line with earth. This is the reason we only ever see one side of the moon.( ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Pluto Essay Pluto was not on the radar in the early going to space exploration. Due to lack of resources and funds scientist believed that going to Pluto will be hard to get to due to the lack of funding from the government and due to the time consumed. This was not the first attempt to cover Pluto and find data. In the 1960's and 70's space mission designers realized there was an opportunity to visit these giant planets and Pluto (Voyager Cite). There were two Voyagers 1 and 2 which will fly by different paths around the orbit of the sun. NASA built these twin Voyager space craft to take advantage of a rare planetary alignment to visit planets such as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune within reach at one (Betz,2015). In the 1970's there was plans to do more research on Charon, which is one of ... Show more content on ... In the 1990s their NASA scientist proposed four different Pluto missions and some of these missions included probes much larger than New Horizons. This was a failure due to NASA and Congress ultimately failing to provide the amount of money needed to pursue these missions. (Stromberg,2015). Also the lack of technology to support a light weigh spacecraft could lead to greater problems. Due to peak of interest scientist did not want to miss the 2003–2007 window to launch this mission. It was discussed that the weight of the spacecraft and not weighing over 40 Kilograms (NASA). The spacecraft Pluto Flyby project weight approximately 30–35 Kilograms and with the lack of technology these probes could not be available at the time. The New Millennium initiative, Pluto Fast Flyby became the Pluto–Kuiper–Express instead of launching two probes to Pluto(New Horizons,2016). There was talks of building a one spacecraft in comparison of two to help decrease cost. This new project would explore Pluto as long as the recent discovered Kuiper Belt which is gaining more interest from scientist. In my eyes the name Pluto–Kuiper express was named due to the planets and the path the spacecraft will ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. The Importance Of Space Exploration Studies show that space exploration also positively affects medical health and future technology, as said by Elisabetta Intini. What if we find a way to heal or cure severe health problems such as cancer or increased technology for the better? Many people say using the money for space is impractical and we can use the money for reducing poverty and hunger, but many dangers are roaming around the world and if we don't act now future occurrences will negatively affect our lives. Space is vital to the human mind and body because of its many offerings. Three of those offerings are, another place to live to escape the dangers on Earth, we may find new resources to help mankind, and even be human to explore space our very best to find what's out there. Many people ask, "What's the point of exploring space and why it's so important"?. They can argue most of the money used in these space missions can be used for a better life on Earth, but there are countless reasons on why space travel is important for mankind. NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) made a statement on why it's significantly important to explore what's beyond. "Humans are driven to explore the unknown, discover new worlds, push boundaries out of scientific reach and driven limits, curiosity and exploration are vital to the human spirit and accepting the challenge of going deeper into space will invite the next generations of tomorrow." Our genes have space exploration in it; we were born to find out what was beyond our reach and accomplish goals no one has done before. Whether you're against the idea of going to space or not, your mind still has the curiosity of "what else can we find", or even wonder "what does it feel like to live on another planet". These questions might be basic, but how great of a feeling would it be to finally experience or see what humans and technology have discovered and achieved? Additionally, exploring space could essentially help out the human basics of life, such as "improving our health, medicine, info tech, etc. (Adama 1). For example, "The precise images nailed from the moon during the Apollo missions was used by digital image processing, which was used also for medication, it was used to see human ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Pluto: A Dwarf Planet Pluto Pluto is a dwarf planet and is the last planet. I did a little bit of research and it said Pluto orbit period is 247.92065 earth years long. So if someone tried to live there they would would die before one orbit. The temperature is –229c you would freeze to death if you did not have some type of suet that could keep them warm–planets/ that is where I got all of my information. I think that Pluto should be a planet and not a dwarf planet because they names it in 1930 and just recently said that it was a dwarf planet if it was a planet for that long then leave it a planet. Scientists believe that Pluto is made up of 50–70% rock and 30–50% ice by mass. For a planet to be made ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Danger ! This Mission To Mars Could Bore You To Death ! Do you think we should spend our valuable resources on space exploration? In the articles "Leaving Main Street" and "Danger! This Mission to Mars could Bore You to Death!" the authors discuss the future of space exploration and how it is best and worst. Though many would like to spend valuable resources on space exploration, it is better not to. First and Foremost, In "Leaving Main Street" it discusses how we could= use our money on ending hunger and poverty. This is important because it is explaining how we should not spend our valuable money/resources on space exploration because there are better things out there to help. In addition, in the article "Danger! This Mission to Mars could Bore You to Death!" it explains that if people get bored ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Pluto as a Dwarf Planet By definition from a Merriam– Webster Dictionary a planet is "any of the large bodies that revolve around the sun in the solar system which have a similar body to them". This is not a very specific explanation and makes it hard to fully grasp what it means; at this you could easily say that in fact Pluto a planet. However if you look at a scientific encyclopedia the definition is much different and more specific. The Access Science Encyclopedia says a planet is "A) a celestial body that is in orbit around the sun B) has sufficient mass for its self–gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it can assume a hydrostatic equilibrium shape C) clears the neighborhood around its orbit". This explanation is much different and clearer about ... Show more content on ... The International Astronomical Union decided that Pluto was too small to be a planet and created a new category to put it in, dwarf planets. Dwarf Planets are classified as "A) a celestial body that is in orbit around the sun, B) has sufficient mass for it self– gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that is assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, C) has not cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit, and D) is not a satellite". The criteria for both planets and dwarf planets are very similar, though planets must be able to clear the neighbourhood around its orbit. This basically means that a planet must be able to complete a rotation around the sun without interfering with another planets orbit. Pluto is very close to Neptune so they had a chance to collide into each other. If you look at a visual it is clear that there orbital rotation paths intersect with each other at two locations. This is another reason why Pluto is no longer considered a planet. As of 2006 dwarf planet was a new category and a new thing for astronomers. By definition it is simply just a planet except that it cannot complete a neighbourhood orbit around the sun. After planets were put into this grouping was noticed that all of these planets were much smaller in size and significantly farther away from the sun and the rest of the planets. All of the dwarf planets still orbit the sun however; it is just at a further distance. ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Creative Writing: Proserpina's House Once at the palace, King Pluto takes Proserpina up the large stairway to the entrance and enters the great hall. "This will be your new home with me," said Pluto. Proserpina looks around and said nothing for her home was with her mother. She already vowed she would not eat or drink anything while she was here. Her thoughts were to be focus on getting back to her mother. As she was looking around the dark dreary hall a servant man came up to Pluto. "Sir, welcome home," he said. "Can I get you something?" "No, but you can show Proserpina, her quarters." "Yes, sir." Proserpina followed the elderly servant up a set of stair. The stairway was dark, but for the light from the glow of the diamond in the walls. The glow made shadows that followed ... Show more content on ... "Did you eat anything while you were in the underground?" "At first, I did not eat or drink anything..." said Proserpina, "but right before they came to tell me I was coming back...I took a bite of a pomegranate. When I heard the door open I stopped, but six seeds stayed in my mouth." After hearing this her mother's look went sad. "I have you back, but it will be for only half a year," said Mother Ceres. Proserpina looked at her mother with a questionable look, for she did not understand. Her mother explained. "Since six seeds stayed in your mouth you will have to spend one month for each seed in the underground with King Pluto," explained Mother Ceres. "Do you understand?" "Yes, for six months of the year I will be with you and the other with King Pluto." Answered Proserpina. Although, the Earth goes back to being full of plants and crops growing and people being happy. Proserpine and her mother, Ceres are once happy again, even if it is just for six months out of the year. The other six months the Earth with be baron and cold like Proserpina's feeling as she spends time with King Pluto in the dark and gloomy underground ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Should United States Be Involved In Space Exploration? "Observing earth has provided G.P.S, meteorological forecasts, predictions and management of hurricanes and other natural disasters, and global monitoring of the environment, as well as surveillance and intelligence. Satellite communications have changed life business practices with computer operations, cell phones, global banking, and TV". Learning about planets and making new discoveries possibly with NASA sounds real cool and fun, a plus, space exploration is a chance for you to get creative and have fun while making our world better. The United States should be involved in space exploration because there are so many possibilities and so much to learn and discover. Some people ask "why is space exploration important"? Space exploration ... Show more content on ... "What's the hurry" is a question that is asked a lot. "Mars isn't going anywhere, so why should we commit hard pressed budgets for space exploration"? Even though mars isn't going anywhere we still need to take the time and explore it. Anything can happen to us or mars or any other planet. By us waiting that's us learning less about our planets and outer space by the minute and risking something happening. Another thing that people are saying is that space exploration is a waste of money. People are saying that space exploration is a waste of money but, many discoveries have been made with major space exploration. Something can always happen to earth, if we discover another planet that we can live on we would have a backup plan thanks to space exploration. Even though there are some downsides to major space exploration there are more good than bad reasons. So overall the major space exploration is an important and cool program to ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Aliens Vs Dwarf Planets A dwarf planet is a celestial body which orbits around the sun. The body has to be large enough to have its own gravity pull itself into a nearly round shape. Usually, a dwarf planet is called a minor planet. The difference between a dwarf planet and a planet is that a dwarf planet's path around the sun is full of other objects, while a planet has a clear path when it orbits around the sun. The term "dwarf planet" was coined in 1981 by Alan Stern, an American Planetary scientist, and have gone through a process of multiple draft proposals. Conversely, the final definition was set on August 24th, 2006. The International Astronomical Union (IAU) settled that "planets and dwarf planets are two distinct classes of objects", meaning that dwarf ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Fission Theory: The Birth Of The Moon One of theories proposed by Sir George Darwin about the birth of the moon was the fission theory. The fission theory stated that the moon was originally part of Earth and disconnected during the formation of the solar system. The moon was separated by the rapid spin of Earth. According to Darwin, the evidence of the moon's separation is the Pacific Ocean, which is a hole in the Earth's surface. The theory was respected because the Moon's composition is similar to portions of the Earth's mantle. Unfortunately, the Moon doesn't include fossil evidence of rapid spin and doesn't follow the equatorial plane of the Earth's orbit. Another theory about the birth of the moon was the capture theory proposed by M. M. Woolfson in 1964. The capture theory ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Space Persuasive Essay Does it feel like there are too many humans overpopulating the Earth? Cause eventually the Earth will have no more space for humans and has exhausted its resources making life difficult to prosper. Well fear not, there are space companies like the National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA) and SpaceX trying to search throughout the universe for the possibilities of human survival. One of Jupiter's four largest moon called Europa, discovered by the Galileo spacecraft created from NASA, believed to contain water essential towards human life. The more reasons on why humans all over Earth should consider space exploration as one of the top priority, because Earth's resources would slowly be depleted as time goes on. Therefore, the use of space instruments to analyze evidence, viewing Europa's surface on the possibilities of finding water, the building of fuel depots in space to refuel spacecrafts, and information from spacecrafts are all necessary for human life outside of ... Show more content on ... These robots, created in NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, are required to handle Europa's rough landscape on traveling and gathering evidence off of its surface. One cool gadget is the nuclear– powered tunneling robot, it "melts chips of ice and spits them out of its rear end after sawing them off" then also "take samples of the ice core to deliver back to the surface"(Kelly). The off–road wheel robot is a type of robot has special wheels and suspension system to navigate the icy surface of Europa against its moon's geysers that, "may shoot ice or gas, are likely to have very loose sediment, or sand–like ice surrounding them"(Kelly) These robots are just select examples of how NASA wants to ensure the protection of their robots and the evidence of Europa's ice surface. Other than robots, the Clipper has space instruments that it will use as it takes multiple flybys of ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Have You Thought About Going To Mars? Have you thought about going to Mars? By : Brianna House , Trinity Cooper, Audrie Hardin , Trinidi Turner Have you ever thought about going to Mars? Did you know going to Mars is a one way trip. Once you get there you aren't coming back. It also takes seven months; 210 days just to get to Mars. I don't think that going to Mars is something you want to lose many friends and your family over, Is it? The two sides are arguing if people should take a mission to mars in 2026 and never be able to come back to earth. The yes side is saying that it would be cool to go on a trip to mars, to leave there forever and it would be a cool adventure. The no side is saying that it is not cool to go to mars because you will never be able to come back to earth and there are risks of not surviving. If you leave you might not be able to come back and if you are just wanting to go as an adventure you have to think about the ups and downs. Would you ... Show more content on ... No one should worry about going to mars, if you want to stay alive and keep the friends and family you have. How long do you think you would live on Mars? Not very long, if you can't find food or water. Those are the main supplies that you will need to survive on Mars if you plan on living. Plus, i really don't think you want to lose everything that you have here. You can't even have technology on mars because you won't have any signal or service to get ahold of anyone on Earth. To choose to go live on mars is a very scary decision. You never know what could happen to you one Mars. There will be no one to help you. You will also be lost and confused. Nowhere to go, no place to live. Think about being lonely and how you will feel. According to Mars One "66% of the cost is associated with the "Take Off" and "The Landing." Don't go if you aren't prepared and ready. When you go to mars you might regret on going. If you think that you can't handle then you mise well not even think about ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Pluto: A Dwarf Planet In Our Solar System In 1930, Clyde Tombaugh, an astronomer from the United States, discover what was first believed to be the ninth planet in our solar system, Pluto. For generations, people learned that the planets orbiting the sun ended with the very small Pluto. Only half as wide as the United States, Pluto was always an area of interest to astronomers but it became a major topic of discussion within the public when, in August of 2006, Pluto was demoted from its status as the ninth planet in our solar system to a dwarf planet. To be classified as a full–sized planet, the celestial body must orbit the sun, have a round shape, and be gravitationally dominant. Pluto orbits the sun and is round, but Pluto shares an orbital space with bodies of a similar size, so the planet is not considered gravitationally dominant. Pluto isn't the only dwarf planet in our solar system, Eris and Ceres are both dwarf planets currently recognized by the International Astronomical Union. ... Show more content on ... Eris is farther from the sun than Pluto; at times in its orbit Eris is so far from the sun that its atmosphere collapses and freezes over the planet in an icy glaze. Even though it was so far removed from the sun, Eris was at first believed to be bigger than Pluto. The believed size difference along with other questionable information discovered about Pluto and Eris lead to an in–depth study on the two planets, and whether they could be considered a full–sized–planets. When astronomers began seeing the differences between Pluto, Eris and the other planets in our solar system, the concept of a dwarf planet was ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. 0109 Prewriting ProcessNarrative PlannerThe Pomegranate... 01.09 Pre–writing Process Narrative Planner–"The Pomegranate Seeds" Who? Describe the character whose story you plan to tell. King Pluto seems like wealthy man, a man that doesn't seem to be happy because he doesn't have the things that he wants. Character Name: King Pluto How would you describe this character? Why? Physical Appearance I would describe King Pluto as a tall white guy with black hair and wearing a Greek mythology robe Feelings King Pluto is a wealthy man that is looking for someone to someone to take care of his needs. So every time a young lady passes by the seaside he comes from underground to take the young lady to his home to meet his wants and needs. Attitude The character's attitude is very determined. ... Show more content on ... King Pluto begins to think Proserpina will try and run away. Climax King Pluto goes and tends his daily routine and when he leaves Proserpina starts plotting ways of escaping while she's completes King Pluto's chores she scheming escape plans and the perfect times to execute her escape. Falling Action King Pluto is preparing lunch for Proserpina. As he insists that Proserpina to eat and all of the sudden King Pluto starts to notice his dog Cerberus barking. So he just tells him to quite down until he hears Cerberus whine in the distance where he sees Ceres enter the front door. Resolution Ceres yells at King Pluto with rage "What are you doing to my daughter?!" King Pluto puts on a guilty face and says he just wanted to feed her and that he found her wandering in the woods so he brought her back to his palace. So Ceres signals Proserpina to come to her but King Pluto grabs her
  • 50. before she can go and with a grin he tries to negotiate a deal with Ceres for them to live with him and be his maids but before he could finish what he was saying Ceres casts a spell that puts King Pluto in a death hold of vines. King Pluto then starts to worry for his life and reconsiders his negotiation and gives Proserpina to Ceres and promises never to mess with them again. Then Ceres lets him go and is on her way with tears of joy with Proserpina. When they leave King Pluto then fixes up his and sits ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. How Does The Impact Theory Of The Moon There are many theories about the creation of the moon. However the currently favored theory is often called the impact theory. This theory states that a large, Mars–sized objects struck the Earth with a glancing blow when it was young and molten. This impact caused matter to come off of the Earth and get stuck in its orbit. The bits of Earth that blew off were pulled together into a stable orbit and formed the Moon. The Earth and Moon do have some similarities and differences that are explained by this theory. The Moon, for example, does not have heavy materials like Earth does. One example of a heavy material on Earth is the iron core. Earth has one, and the Moon does not. This is explained by the timing of the impact. If the Moon hit the ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Vestal Virgins In The Roman Pageants "It was a cold January night, a full moon hung in the night sky, uncovering what couldn't be hidden in that illuminating light, shining so revealingly bright once a month. From the shadows came out 22 women, but when the moon captured them with its beams of light, their innocent faces now bore a smile of vengeance. One by one, the moon revealed the fire in their eyes. All of them wore a white woolen veil, and they walked as one. They circled two young men walking down the street, and forced them to their knees. Two of the women glided towards the men, and each took out a blade that they ignited using their eyes. They stabbed the two men with the burning blade, and sprinkled unusual herbs on the wound. The other 20 creatures held hands completing the ritual, and disappearing into the shadows; they all became stronger, as I felt a surge of weakness cover me, that still isn't gone," said Vesta, the goddess of the hearth. "These women are the 22 Vestal Virgins that were buried alive back in the Roman Empire, and now they have risen from the underworld, and have murdered two innocent people." "These people weren't just murdered," Minerva interjected, "The Vestals were wearing white woolen veils, and they sprinkled the herbs used for sacrifices." "This sacrifice happened on a full moon, which gave them power over the targeted victims."Diana carefully thought, and said, "Since I can't control the moon fully, it is imperative that we get someone who can. There is a girl doesn't ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Dark They Were And Golden Eyed Analysis There are lots of very big issues in this day and age such as pollution, global warming, and gun control so we are considering the solution to leave Earth and start over on Mars. We should not explore Mars and make a home there because humans could develop chronic boredom during the long trip to Mars, the journey to Mars could take longer than our lifetimes, and because other planets were made for specific lifeforms, not humans. Some might think that space exploration can be beneficial when it comes to the economy, creating jobs, improving national security, and adding to our national prestige. They might think this because there are lots of instances where exploring space has lead to helping the nation and it inspires young students. For ... Show more content on ... Humans have a tendency of going places they don't belong but going to another planet is a whole different story. Paragraph 15 from the short story, "Dark They Were, and Golden eyed" by Ray Bradbury, states, "We don't belong here. We're Earth people. This is Mars. It was meant for Martians." this evidence shows how Mars was not created for human life, it was created for Martians only. Humans could mess everything up and possibly make the Martians (if there are any) go extinct by polluting their land, or making their homes inhospitable. Also, humans could start to change physically if they are somewhere they are not supposed to be. Paragraph 271 from the short story "Dark They Were, and Golden eyed" by Ray Bradbury states, "Dark people. Yellow eyes. Martians" This evidence is describing what has happened to the Earth people after a while of living on Mars. They have changed from average people to yellow–eyed Martians. Furthermore, we should not mess up a planet that was not made for us and just stay on Earth and try to fix what we have already messed up ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. What I Would Pluto For This Project? I chose Pluto for this project because it seemed like an unpopular, but interesting subject. At first, I wanted to do the whole solar system, but I figured the explanations of each planet wouldn't do them justice, because there are so many things to say about them. Also, the paper would most likely end up being fairly longer than necessary. After further thought, I figured Pluto would be the best subject for me, considering I did not know much about the so called planet that was removed from our solar system. I had a lot of research to do on the tiny dwarf. In 1905, Percival Lowell (left) studied the orbits of Neptune and Uranus. After using mathematics, he had proven a completely unknown planet, Planet X, must cause them to move oddly ... Show more content on ... Pluto was not named until March 24, 1930. Before this new planet's name was chosen, Constance, Cronus, Lowell, Minerva, Percival, and Zeus were other suggested possibilities. These suggestions came from a number of sources such as The New York Times and Percival Lowell's widow, Constance Lowell. The name "Pluto" came from an eleven year old girl by the name of Venetia Burney of Oxford, England, who was interested in both astronomy and ancient mythology. She suggested it to her grandfather who forwarded the name to the Lowell Observatory. Pluto, in Roman mythology, was the third son of Saturn, and the god of the underworld, and the brother of Jupiter, Neptune, and Juno. Although, astronomers liked this name because of the Roman mythology behind it, they also liked it due to the fact that it started with the letters "Pl" and they were the initials of the original person who caused astronomers to look for Pluto, Percival Lowell. To the right is Pluto's scientific symbol which also consists of Lowell's initials. Pluto is a small planet that is very distant from the sun and extremely different from Earth. It is only 2,372 kilometers (1,474 miles) in diameter, has a retrograde (backwards/east to west) orbit, and has about one fifteenth of the gravity of Earth. So, a person who weighs 100 pounds on Earth would only weigh roughly 7 on Pluto. On Pluto, one day is about 6.39 days on Earth. Meaning within ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Who Is Pluto A Dwarf Planet? For many years, Pluto was considered the ninth planet in the Solar System. Unfortunately, Pluto is now labeled as a dwarf planet. Pluto was discovered on February 18, 1930. This planet was named after the Roman god of the Underworld. Pluto was given some nicknames which are Xena and Dwarf Planet. This planet was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh on February 18, 1930. " In January 2006 NASA launched the first mission to Pluto named New Horizons," New Horizons reached Pluto in July 2015. People can live in Xena, but the oxygen will be frozen since Xena's air is extremely cold. There is a lot more to still learn about The Dwarf Planet. Pluto was given some nicknames which are Xena and Dwarf Planet. Pluto was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh on February ... Get more on ...
  • 61.
  • 62. In a Category All Their Own: Dwarf Planets Essay Since ancient times, the universe had captivated people's imagination and curiosity. With the limitation on technology, early sky watchers were only capable of classifying objects they observed as either a star or a planet. During the twentieth century, with advancement in telescopes to see further into space with more accurate details, scientists were able to find numerous stars and planet like objects within the solar system. Scientists had no trouble classifying objects such as Uranus and Neptune as planets. However, the real trouble came when they discovered a planetary object called Ceres. Objects like Ceres and Pluto behaved similarly to regular planets. Because of the limitations on the technology at the time, it was very difficult ... Show more content on ... Dwarf planets are celestial bodies that are in direct orbit of the Sun. In 2006, the IAU set a definition for a planet in the solar system as the following: is in orbit around the Sun, has sufficient mass to assume a hydrostatic equilibrium (or a nearly spherical shape) and has cleared the neighborhood around the object. Dwarf Planets passed two of the three necessary requirements of the planet test. One is that they are always in orbit around the Sun and the other is that they are nearly spherical in shape. However, they did not pass the test of clearing its neighborhood of any debris. Planets are able to clear smaller bodies near its orbit such as small asteroids through collision, capture or gravitational disturbance. Dwarf planets lack the mass to do so. As a result, they have a weak gravitational force that is unable to keep its orbital influence cleared from asteroids that float around in the Kuiper Belt territory. Although the International Astronomical Union had given their guidelines for a planet they haven't specified an upper and lower size and mass limits of dwarf planets. Many scientists assume the upper mass of a dwarf planet is when the mass of the object is just below of what is necessary to have a strong gravity to clear its orbiting neighborhood. Because once the object is large enough to have a stronger gravitational field then it is not a dwarf planet anymore. ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Pluto: The Dwarf Planet In The Solar System It is the largest and the second most massive so far discovered dwarf planet in the Solar System and the ninth–largest and tenth most massive known object directly orbiting the Sun, as it clearly is, as it once was included to be a planet in our solar system, the ninth planet. It orbits in the Kuiper belt, a ring of bodies beyond Neptune. Pluto primarily consists of ice and rock like other objects in the Kuiper belt. Its is only about one–sixth the mass of the Moon and one–third its volume, even though it is not really much smaller compared to it. Pluto has five known moons: Charon, Styx, Nix, Kerberos, and Hydra. Pluto was discovered by a muggle sientist Clyde Tombaugh back in 1930. Up to year 2005 Pluto was considered to be the ninth planet ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Pluto Is A Dwarf Planet Pluto has been voted off the island. The distant, ice–covered world is no longer a true planet, according to a new definition of the term voted on by scientists today. "Whoa! Pluto 's dead," said astronomer Mike Brown, of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, as he watched a Webcast of the vote. "There are finally, officially, eight planets in the solar system." In a move that 's already generating controversy and will force textbooks to be rewritten, Pluto will now be dubbed a dwarf planet. But it 's no longer part of an exclusive club, since there are more than 40 of these dwarfs, including the large asteroid Ceres and 2003 UB313, nicknamed Xena–a distant object slightly larger than Pluto discovered by Brown last year. "We know of 44" dwarf planets so far, Brown said. "We will find hundreds. It 's a very huge category." A clear majority of researchers voted for the new definition at a meeting of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in Prague, in the Czech Republic. The IAU decides the official names of all celestial bodies. The tough decision comes after a multi year search for a scientific definition of the word "planet." The term never had an official meaning before. What Is a Planet Today? According to the new definition, a full–fledged planet is an object that orbits the sun and is large enough to have become round due to the force of its own gravity. In addition, a planet has to dominate the neighborhood around its orbit. Pluto has been demoted ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Proserpina And The Pomegranate Seedds Summary Proserpina and the Pomegranate Seeds Some time ago, magnificent goddess, Ceres, gave birth to a beautiful girl named Proserpina. One morning, Ceres was instructed to leave. Being the goddess of agriculture, she was often busy helping crops grow and prosper. Ceres promptly informed Proserpina that she would be leaving for a short while, reminding her never to wander in the fields alone, and to stay with the sea nymphs because they will always protect her. Regardless of her mother's warning, Proserpina was curious and adventurous. Her mother instructing her to stay away from the fields only heightened her want to explore. Shortly after Ceres leaves to tend to the crops, Proserpina brushes off her mother's rules. She begins her walk ... Show more content on ... Proserpina becomes frightened and faintly calls for her mother, Ceres, to no avail. The man dismounts the chariot and quickly grasps Proserpina in his arms, capturing her and instructing the horses to set off once again. While on the chariot, the man did what he could to soothe poor Proserpina. Softening his harsh voice as best as he could, he told her words of reassurance. "You are in no danger," he said, "for me and my people promise not to do you any harm. They call me King Pluto. I am kind of diamonds and of all other precious stones." Despite his attempt, Proserpina cried nothing but "Let me go home." to which Pluto responded, "My palace is much better than that of your mothers. It is made of all pure gold and has beautiful crystal windows. Due to the lack of sunshine there, the halls are illuminated with diamond lamps." Once they finally have made it back to Pluto's palace, he turns to Proserpina and reveals his plan. He explains to Proserpina that he wants her to be a servant in his palace; to keep the other workers happy by sharing her radiant youthfulness. At the foot of the palace was a beautiful glowing river. Pluto offers Proserpina a sip and tells that it will make her forget her worries and troubles. Proserpina promptly refuses his offer and says to him that she will not eat or drink not even a morsel of food given to her at the palace. Back in Proserpina's home, Vale ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. New Horizon Research Paper Adam Rockett 1532109 Research Paper Rough Draft January 24, 2017 New Horizons Since the emergence of the space race, exploring our solar system has been a top priority for many nations. Satellites have been sent out to orbit the earth, other planets, as well as their moon. However, only recently has the mystery of the icy dwarf planet Pluto been explored more in depth. New Horizons was a robotic mission launched from Cape Canaveral on January 16, 2006. Its primary mission was to perform a flyby near Pluto and its largest moon, Charon. Only in the summer of 2015 did New Horizons reach Pluto where it stayed for six months studying the icy dwarf as well as its largest moon. New Horizons has since moved on from Pluto, but its mission ... Show more content on ... MU69 is an icy rock formation that scientists are hoping can be a time capsule into the early years of our solar system. These large masses out in the Kuiper belt are special because they are unlike anything else, they haven't been disturbed by the gravitational pull of the bigger planets of the solar system. These rocks are some of the most primordial objects that we have ever discovered, and could give us a glimpse into what the solar system was like at a very young age. The exploration of MU69 is important because it is the last type of large objects that has yet to be researched in our solar ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Demotion of Pluto: Dwarf Planet Essays From the time Clyde W. Tombaugh first discovered Pluto in 1930, it was viewed as an oddball planet leading up to its reclassification in 2006. For decades, Pluto was once used as a benchmark for the outer reach and size of our solar system. In recent years, new discoveries of celestial bodies within the vicinity of Pluto's orbit have challenged its planetary status. The debate over Pluto's classification was discussed throughout several media and news articles, leading to serious controversy amongst astronomers and the decision as to whether or not Pluto should be categorized as one of the planets in our solar system. The articles used in this essay that will cover the debate over the classification of Pluto's planetary status were ... Show more content on ... Journalists were unhappy with this decision, as they believed that although Pluto's orbit passes through the Kuiper Belt, it is not a considerable reason to revoke its planetary status, after all; "Humans swim in the ocean; does that make them whales?"1. However, a conflicting source argues from a scientific standpoint in favor of Pluto's demise. The articles entitled "Pluto's Plight" and "Astronomers Find Another Planet in [Our] Solar System" was published in the New York Times on July 29, 2005 and October 15, 2002 respectively, and announces the discovery of a new 'tenth planet'. The new object, designated as 2003 UB313 discovered by Professor Michael E. Brown in July 2005, is considerably larger than Pluto and located nine billion miles away from the sun, about three times Pluto's current distance2. Prior to the discovery of 2003 UB313, later known as 'Eris', Dr. Brown and his team found another distant body outside Pluto's orbit in 2004 that they named Sedna. Eris and Sedna are not the only celestial bodies within the vicinity of Pluto, "Astronomers predict that they will find up to 10 similar objects in the Kuiper Belt that are as large as or larger than Pluto ... so we would be wise to  downgrade Pluto to the distant ice ball it is"3. The notion that large objects such as Eris and Sedna could be located vast distances in our solar system intensified the debate amongst scientists and astronomers alike, as ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. The Problem Of Water Conservation Water is very important in everyone's daily lives. They need it to shower, brush their teeth, cook, taking care of the landscapes, and most importantly to live. Water is everywhere but as some people say it will soon become scarce due to the fact people are being very wasteful with it. Water conservation is a big topic in the United States when it comes to California, a state known for their droughts. It seems like every years there is always something on the news headlines talking about a drought in California. Conserving water would obviously become an even bigger deal if we lived in California instead of the Midwest. Obviously the topic of water conservation is still a big topic in the Midwest because as a nation, people are wasteful and taking having water for granted in our everyday lives. Although scientists and astronomers are learning how they can get water from comets and asteroids if planet Earth were to run out of water one day it is still in the experimental phase and is not a for sure thing on Earth. For the time being, instead of wasting the water, in people's everyday life's they can help reduce the risk of water going completely extinct by understanding how the water is going to waste, solutions to saving water, and being smart when dealing with landscaping. People say that the Earth is running short on water but never seem to point out that there are some backup plans that are being put into action and tested out currently by scientist. When people think ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Pluto: Six Dwarf Planet Pluto is one of six dwarf planets. There are nicknames for Pluto like dwarf planet or 134340. Pluto was named after the roman god of the underworld. Pluto is also farthest planet from the sun.This dwarf planet has a total of four moons,and thin envelope gasses.Pluto was discovered along time ago,this planet was made with lots of materials,and takes along time to get there. Pluto was discovered on February 18, 1930 which was over five decades ago. No one yet has visited or explored this planet. Scientists have taken images on it's surface and remarkable colors it has. The colors that they saw were rainbow of pale blues, yellows, oranges, and deep reds. Say people lived on Pluto, and their family lived on earth, it would take about 4.5 hours ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. How Has Space Exploration Changed Over The Years Space exploration has changed drastically over the years. One of the main reasons for this is the development of new technology. Scientists are constantly researching new topics and discussing ways to improve spaceflight and space exploration. Not only has the design of various space crafts changed, but the way space missions are carried out has changed. With new technology, scientists back at NASA are able to take control of space missions to ensure the astronauts are safe. MARS EXPLORATION: Over the years NASA has launched multiple space crafts to Mars to gain information on the Red Planet. Out of these voyages, only 1 out of 3 have been successful and have gotten to Mars safely. One of the most famous explorations of Mars was back in 2004 ... Get more on ...